SHERIFFS SAXE Of VALUABLE PROPERTY. Hr ttrtaaofa wrltot r. Fro. Issued at of lb Court or Common Plea or oaulT, lnnsylvanla, end to mo directed, there will be esposed topabllo salo,atlha ejljtiRT UOL'SC, la the Borough of Maoh UknBK,oa MONDAY, JANOAIIT Utb. 188. at IrW o'eloek p. m., thi Mtowlcg described kreperty.tewlit HO, 1. All thtt eerUln, Let or rice of UKHunUfiiinut oa me norinwruir r Ballroed Strewl, In Ilia Village or.Suramlt Hill. County of Uarhon. and State or ivnn. sylraula. Numbered Three In the Flu or s'lnt thereof, containing; In rrontor breadth a laid Kallroid street thirty ;10) feet, and Inlenclhor depth at right ana; ei from laid Italtroad itreet. ooe hundred and twenty five JISS) feels bounded northwardly by a certain wenty feel wide alley or slreet.e aitwardly by Xot Number Four, routhwardly by Itallroad atroet aforoiald, and weilnardly by Lot Number Two. The Improvement! thereon consist .of a Two-Hlorr Frame Ilulldlna; (House and Store), JT by reet, with Kitchen, II by IS root, ana oiuor uuiounainK. BO. 2. All that certain Lot or Piece or Ot'ND. situate on the northwardly tide rtho aloretald twenty (20) reet wide alley or treet. In he VI1Ik of Satnmtt Hill. I 'entity r Uarbtrt, and Slate r Pennsylvania, belnir tfao haitrrn one-hairof Lot Number Two (a) In the Plan or l'lot thereof, remaining In front or breadth on aald twinty (fl) leet wide alley fotty-flve (41) reet, and In length or dtuih, northward at rlxht auxlei rroin told twenty (ie) feet wide alley, inlrly-nve mo) feet) bounded on the north by I,ul No. Four (II, on the rait by Lol No. Elitht () or the original plot.onlheiouth by raid twenty (SO) feet wide alley, and on the welt by tho oilier half ol raid Lot No. lwo.(S). The Improvement! thoreon consist of a Two-Story Double Frame lliuse.31 by SO leet. HO. 3 All three Two certain Tract! or riecel or LAND, sllnate partly In Mation. Inn and partly In Mauch Ohunk Townshl., In Iboiald County of arbon. and State ot, 1'enniylranla. hounded and ilcrcrlbeil ai fob low i. to wit: The one of them boiflnulnif. at a itone, thence by land of tlenrae Ketnercr aouth slxty-ona and ono hair(ei!4) ilcnrcc, eait twenty-nine (VS) perchia to a none; thence br land or Daniel Miller north twen ty.two (21) degree, writ one hundred and eighteen (118) perches to a ttime i thence by land or Uurnellus llirnra north eventy-twn (13) degree!, eait twenly-nlne (29) perches to a lionet thence by Innd of J,nti Murphy aouth twenty.two (12) ileirree. eait ono tiun. dred and elihtecn (111; perchei to tho place of beginning, containing 21 Acres and 62 Perches, atrlct tneaiure. And the other of them be. ginning at a Hone, tbence by lend nriiurnel. tui Darnel aonlh irvenly-lour (.4) dcKieei, writ twtnty.lour ami um.halt CIS) perehc U a none i thence byllierame south teen (II) deal., eait iwenty.fiiur (II) perches to a none thrnce by laml or Jai. Murphy north Beven'y.fiiur('i) degree, eait twenty, atx (lie) perchei to a ilune i thence by In ml u( Jobn Mcl aughlln north twenty-two (K) de tree, writ twenly.fnur perchei to tha puce of beginning, cuntatnluK 3 Aorcs and 120 Porches, atrlct measure. belted and taken Intoexecullon aithe pro perty of Uuian Mcllugh, and to bo rold by OHAS. W. LENTZ, Sheriff. Sheriffs Omce. Mauch Chunk, l'a., ) December 14th, lSU-nl ( SHERIFF'S SALE Of Tittle REAL ESTATE! Ily rlrtue of. a writ of I'm. Expontt, Irrued But of the Court of Common J'lea of Carbon county, Tenmylranla, and to toe directed, there will be exposed to public rale, Ht tho COURT llOUUt', in the Borough ol .Mauch Chock, l'a., ua MONDAY. JANUARY Htb, 1884, at 1:00 o'clock p m tLe following deicrlbed property, to wit: All thoie Two enntlguoui Tract or l'lecei of I, AN I), iltuate In the Townihlp of Ma. honing. In Ihe County ul UnrlKin, and State vf Pennsylvania, bounded and deicrlbed si fellowr, lowlt: HO. 1. Deglnnlnxat ft itnn corner at the inneilon or land! ol John Cunlrr and K, 1. mroel(now Wallace tlivell),thencealoiig landi of John Uunfer and othera routh cl(jh. ty-elght and one-halt (kH) degrees, weft one bun.ired (ICO) perchei to a nono corner t thence along )andi of Wilson Hough ami tleorge Hellmnnsoulli thtee (a)degrevs.enst oho hundred and eleven ami one-lialr(Ul!4) perches to a Kono on a public road lending ..from Itcltlghton to I'leaiant Cornert thence in ana aiong ram roiu norm oiittily-nvo anil one.bair (!() degs-, east eighty (SO) perchei tn a poll on aabl roid: tlience along the hereinafter detcrlhed premliei mulhieren. teen and three-quarter 0'i) degrcei, eait forty-two and a hall (I2) prrchri toaitone; thence along Ihe lame wilt flfiren(U)crrhei to a linnet thence along the inrnesoutti lllly-eeYen(67)degrrei,ilxty-elght (ei)nerrhritou rtonr; thence along land! of I). C. M ont l lort y. two and a quarter degree! eait, thirty 130) perchei to a itone t fitnce ah ng laild ol lleury'Lauge norlhelghty and one-hall (i0') degree, cast ninety three an. I rtttn-tenlh, (S3 7-P') perchei to a white oak i thence two and one-half (,J)drgreei welt, ninety (Ml fiercliritn a rtoi along line nl I . I'.Hcminel now WallaceSlewell):lbenre along the atne north elgbty.ieren and one-hair (I7!) degi., eait nine and leren tenth! (9 71 ) peichia to a stone tbeno along the same north three (l)ilrgrici, west one hundred and ten (110) perchei to tho place of beginning, containing 107 Aoros and 02 Porohes. HO. 2. Heglnnlng alrtitnne In Ihe road leading from Ihlghton to I'leaunt Corner, thence north eighty-eight (18) degrees, eait eighty (tw) perchei to a atone i along aald road louth ilitecn (II) degree!, eau forty-two (41) perchei lo a none on the tint eleicrlbed tract) thence along the lame welt Ally (10) perches to a stone: thence along same routh sixty (CO) degree, west lllly (60) perches lo a itone, and along tho lame wel twenty-live perches to a stone: thence north along the line of 1). U. Mont! aid More Ilex rlxty-elght and three-iuarters (ISM) drgrcu. west ilny ill (ID perchei to the piaco ul be ginning, containing 30 Aorcs and 120 Porohes, strict meature. The Improvement! eonilit of a Two and a Half Mory Stone Hnuie.30 by M tret i aim, a Una Story Frame House, VU by feet, and other Uutbulldlngi. Selted and taken Into execution ae Ihe pro. vi riuuii oauuei, knu 10 ue luill UJ CUAS. W. LENTZ, Hherlff. Bhtrlll'i Omce, Mauch Chunk, l'a., I Decenibir lttb, 1S83-WJ SHERIFF'S SALE Of VALUABLE PROPERTY. lit virtue of a writ of Flirt rscimi. limed out of the Court of Common l'leaiol Uarbon county," l'a., and to tnrillrrctmt, ibero will be expoicd to puldlj rale, at the Court iiouic, tn inn uorougu ot iuaucn cuunn, on MONDAY. JANUARY Utb, 1881. at 1 o'clock p. n., the following deicrlbed property, to wit : . All that certain Lot or I'lece erOROUNII. altnate on the routh ildear llroad Htreet. In the Village or Deaver Meadow, County of vjarouii.auuoietDui I cnnpyirania,co!liaiulug In front or breadthon raid itreetloriy reiand llx Inches (I0U leet). and extending llitiica aouth, lo parallel llnei at right anglti with laid itreet. nlnely.three (03) leet to a twenly feet wide alley! bounded on lbs north br lattt llroad itreet t eait by Lot No. .now or late EE ropeny or mia xetiowi society: west by AlUi "M um imam rt ur I 1LI.L Dl UHUUnu. iltuate onine aoutn SMeor raid Twenty Foot Wide Alley.ln the laid Village of Dearer Meadow, Uvunty of Uarlxm, and Htale Fennivlranla, oontalnlng In front or brevdthon the laid alley rorty (40) feel, and extending Ihenoe loulhofthat width nlnelv, Ave (M) leet. to grouudi now or late of L.e- lzn vaxey nauroaa uoropany: boundeu north by laid alley I call by ground! now o, late or E. It. Klv it Uo.l south be u rourul nnw or late of Lehigh Valley Itallroad Company, nd well by Lot or part or Lot No. . netted and taken Into execution ai the property oi it. it. i-anjoa, ana to bo sold by OHAH. W. LENTZ. aherllf. BherlfTi omce, Mauoh Chunk, l'a., 1 December Hth, 1183 wl j STOCK MARKETS. Beported up to 12 o'clock, by De Haven A TownMnd,Uanker,No. 3S S Third Street, I'biiaaeipnia. btocai bought aud sold either lorcainoron marsm. JPIiiladdiAta, Jan. 8, IbBl, bid asked U Sl'l. Ext 100 V 8 Currency t'l -132 US 4), new IH1 1141 US 4 s U'M i:a) Fenniylvania It It ., - IH 4S I'lilliilclplila & IttNidlug It It 291 2V1 LehUh Vallev R It 07J ID Lehigh Coal ,V Navigation C, 41 411 Unitut N J It it A-Canal Co IVll 111 Northern Central It It Co 57J in Ieitonville Var. It R Co 10 171 BulT.N.Y.A It Co 11 11 New Jersey Onlrol 87 71 Northern faclfiO Com 21 I", ' Prvfil JJ North FenniThanla R R t$ 69 Phl)aelephla A Erie R R ;.. 17) 1 rJUvaf, (TrdM).- 88 tO "Original Ohoap Oooh Storo." At we sUnd upon tha threshold of a otvr Jat Thrco Things We want fiu to remember I Fuw-We will allow KO MAN to sell Cmtiria tban no dot SwoND-Wo vrlll allow NO MAN to. roll Dime Goods than wa dot Tntoo-Wo will allow NO MAN to treat jrou BETTER than we will t Como and Soo ua Whether you wlili to buy or not. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. F&blloSiiuare, Uank Street, Lehigh, ten, Fa. June b, ll$3-ly. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1884. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persona inaklnj! payments to this office by money orders or iostal notea wilt please make tbem payable at tbe WxtssroRT Post Orrtci, as (be Lo blghton office is not a money or.ler oOSco (J25r SrcciAL. Commencing to-day wc will solid our Collectors W. Vf. Morlhimcr and Geo. Vf. Mortltimcr, with IjitU to those who ivrc indebted to ua for Subscription, Advertising or Job Work, residing in this vicinity, and trust that they will meet with a prompt res ponse to their demands. To those rc-X siding ut a distance wcwill mail bills, B and expect immediate rcturns.SS3 Our Neighborhood in Brief. Have you paid jour subscription 7 Our merchants ha vecuttimeuced filliug tbelr ice homes. J.C. Haydn A Co., are sinkings new ibaft at Jeamvillc. A new breaker is about tn be built by tho Frctiklm Coal Co., at Wllkesbarre. CB.00 TO ItOSEBEUY'S, IN OUERT'S DUILDINO Full AN EASY 81IAVK. The January Willi r ( Coutt convenes on Monday next, the 14tb mst., to continue two weeks. Dr. John Romig, the oldest phyiioian In Lehigh county, celebrated his 80th birthday recently. .pSrLailira and Rents gold and lilyer watchei a ipeciulty, at Deult A Co's. P. 0. building, Weispioil. Slightly wct-Our "devil" had the misfortune to break through tbe ice on the Lehigh last Saturday. Hungarians at Scranton are raid to be manufacturing whiskey and retailing it at three cents a glass. Use ackxk's E.nuusii Rkuedt for Con sumption. Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn,Lo higlitou, and E. A. Horn, Weirspurt. Our cslcenicd friend, Mr. P. T. Brady, of Red Hank, N. J., will please accept our tliauVi (or cnpit'i of late pa peri. - -Rev. A. P. Horn, preached to a large audieuco in the Reformed church last Sun dayevening. - I E. Tilluny, late Superintendent of the L. A W. D. C.i.'a collieries at Plymouth' haj removed to Wllkesbarre. .piJ-Don't buy jewelry till you have seen thu elegant itocK at Doe Is A Co's, P.O. building, Weirspurt. The First National Bank, of Mouth Chunk, bus declared a semi-annual dividend of per cent, payable on aud after tbe litli ins'.. JSTA new lot ol CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY just icceived ut S. HAOA MAfi a otoro, L.eiiiguioii, l'a. Win. II. Ileichard, fireman of the Hazard Wire Mill, nl Wllkesbarre, had the miilorlune lo briak ono ol his fingers re cently. Lewis' Best White Lead nt $7.01) ii hundred at J. L. Gahel's, for cash. Luke Clark, a wleran Fenian, at ono time sentenced to ileutli by Ihe British Government, died at Scrautou last week ag.-d b2yeun. By an cxplonon ol fire damp in the Oxford colliery, at Hyde Park, Scrauton, on tbe 3rd Intl., three men were eevciely burned and oue latally. lteadv mixed paints at J. L. Gaud's ibr $1.25 per gallon. We have oflen heard Ihe expression "cold enough lo Irceze a cat," but wo tcr Ululy thiuk it has been cold enough, dur lug Ihe pot week, tulrcexe two catil The oliieo of the Lenigli A Wllkesbarre Compjny al Plymouth Is loon In be closed, and ail the busnieis ul the company iu the luture will be tramacted al Wllkesbane. It is rejiorted that the Aileu lion nurki, al TarrMiua, haye been purchused by the Commander Gorringe Shipbuilding Co. Our young friend Alyin J. Marsh, of Slroudibtirg,ijeiit a rtlou ollhe holiday with 1m I'dreuti, who rendu Iu Weitttiort. Al. look well and II doing well. We Uutice that our lelluw tnwnsmau, Mr. Win. 11. Monti, uuJer date of January Ul, lias been grauted a paleul lor a new car truck. Tbe patent Is number 2'Jltl2, 10d. to 4()d. nails ot J. L. Gnbcl'ts l'or only $3.00 per keg. Locks $2.75 per doz. The Reading Co., has rcuvweil Hi con tract wilb tbe Lehigh Valley for coal treaties at Bullalo, aud is lo have them on IheTIQl lorru, with a capacity of 175,000 loos. The coming bolldsyi will be mire generally observed than any for many yean, aud we would remind our readers that a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will prove a most acceptable holiday present. LADIES SHOULD tEMEMUEItai oeau. Iltul complexion result iron, uiiug Acker's uioou bluer, doiu oy nr. Horn, iMlugb, ton, and E. A. Horn, Weiiswrt- The Sencer Coal Compauy, of Dun more, Lackawanna county, says the Scran ton Jteputlitan, caniuminated a lease re cenlly with Mr. Jobn Jcnnyn for tbelr coal works, formerly Ihe Roaring Brook, John Wert, merchant tailor of Slating ton, was In town a few days since, and called in to see ui. If you are In Slating. ton and desire anything in bis liue glye him a cull, oo lower Malu street. &-CiTlirre reisoui why you buy watche of E, II, llohl. The largvat asaorliucut lo select from. His latest reduced nnoea will pay you a handsome profit. He carries Ilia liueal American luutriueiil rilu(x,i .u liu world. Lurge sale givtsuiui luevuulnd oi iue wairii. Oaryuuug Iriend Charlre Olaun, im ol I'.iaou ulauas, lesidiumi UaKkay,ieft on Monday in take up ibeaiuly ul the uiinisiry. He bad b-r a long time Qllnl the posillun ol ferrtlary in the Lutheran S. 8 We wish Charley luoeeis. Tbe First Nalwual Bank olthisbor ougn, his declared a semi-annual dividend of i per payable on and fur tha Utb lost. Lchlghton.bai avpUlaUori' ZlOOi and six churches. - . ft a good Tile to cWn the croisingi af ter e mow fill. Jeff. M. Rehrlg, will please accept lhanka for py of paper of lbs date 1784. ' A severe storm parsed, 'over tats place Tuesday tilght. SStfF. II. Hoi Hrll thll Tesr with a larger aud finer stock tbanhoeror carried before. A grand, ball w III be glyen at the Car- bop House, on January 24. Oet your tickets early. 3X.Ifyou want nlccjrooolh.easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go' to Frana Roederer'a Saloon, under the Exchange Ho ts). He wilt fix you right, and dou'tyou lorzet It, The Lawn Tennis Club gave a Mas querade Sociable, at the American House, on Wednesday of last week, about 140 of the elite of Mauch Chunk and vicinity were present on tLe occassion, which was one of much pleasure and enjoyment. Best make Of Horso a Shoe Nails fbr 20cts a pound by the box at J. L. Gabel's. -Tho Mine Inspector for the middle dis trict of Luterne county, report! that during tho past year there were 483 accidents In the mines, eighty-eight terminating fatally. Thirty-six women were widowed and 95 children made orphans. fetLA Farm of 118 acres with a house on it, und about R acres cleared, fur lale cheap or In exchange for town properly. Three miles from Mauch Chunk. Addresi W. M. Harsher, Leliigliton, Pa. -Take little atinoyuncii out of tbe way. If you nro euffering with a cough or cold, use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at ouce. This old and reliable remedy will never disap point you. All druggists sell It for 25 cents a bottle. Pure Linseed Oil, at J. L. Gabel's, G8 cents per gal lon lor cash. Corning out even: I beard of a young cnuplo who mlde each other Christmas presents. The wife gave her husband a tb bill, and tho husband gave his wife uolhcr$5 bill, then they spliced and hired one of David EbbcrlV handsome "cullers" and took a sleigh ride up the Mahoning Valley. fflffWhen you come to court slop in E. H. Hold's, and see bis elceant assortment. It will cot I you nothing. The eclipses for 1834 ore a partial eclipse of the sun March 27, invisible in tho United Slates; a total of the moon April 10, visible; a partial eclipse ol the sun April 25, visible in the southern part-of South America; a total eclipse of the moon Oc tober 4, not visible In this country; a par tial eclipse ofthesuu October 18, visible on tbe Pacific coast. ffir-Do you want lo see eome handsome Cold watches and the largest assortment with the finest American movements nra- duced in the world und sold at Prices that will pay you a good profit to buy of E. H. Hulil, Mauch Chunk. Sadie Maraden, aged sixteen, and Ollie Major, oged eighteen years, of Forty Fori, Luzirno county, while skating In company with Mr. Ciaik, a school teacher, un tho Susquehanna river, on Saturday, glided in to an unseen opening in the ico and were drowned. They wero ornoug tho brightest and most promising girls in the neighbor hood. We arc sorry to learn that our old com rade, George Manypenny, at ono llrno.resi lent of this borough, was so unfortunate Thursday morning of last week as to get his hand under the suws at thVKindling Wood Factory, White Haven, ond as a con sequence his right hand is minus the first two fingers. Dr. Amdt carefully dressid ond treated Ihe injured hand, and Mr. M. is goiting along as well as can be expected. We are indebted to Mr. John W. M. Lee, of Baltimore, Md., nr a copy of the Committees report on the Archives of that 8lato from 1037 to 1770; it is an elaborate report ond reliecls credit upon the gentle men who found the Committee to which the custody of the Archives of the Stale bad been confided. Last week, one day, two young genii, of Ihil place, met with a disagreeable acci dent while on their way home from a ruffle which was held near Trachsville. They weregningot a pretty lively rate, when the sleigh iiet spilling its contents, geere included, nround pmmicuously; tho horse s'.ortcd niT leaving Ihe former occupants of the sleigli tn get home as best they could. After a weary wolk of three ra lies through feu and mow they reached home. Next da tbey hired another team and went to find the runaway. After a search ofabout five hours Ikey found the team at a farm lioufe. Moral Don't raffle for gese. For tho week ending on tho 29th ult. there were 7(5,251 tons of cnal trans pirte.l over Ihe Lehigh Valley railroad, nuking a total to date of 413,104 tons, a decrease of 110,705 Ions as compared with same time last yeir. Indications are that the Penmylvnnia will extend its Schuylkill Vulley branch In Pollsville and connect at that place with Ihe Lehigh Volley Railroad, both companies occupying Hie lame de)mt, which will be erected on Coal and Norweg ian streets, on the property recently pur- rbaied by Ihe Potlsvllle and Mahanoy Road. This is almost directly npjwsite a tract purchased by tbe Philadelphia and Reading several years ago and whereon President Goweu promhed to build a com modious drwi. tsUi-OALLERY FOR SALE Tho un lenlgucd has for.ale a portable Photoeranh Gallery, with nr without apparatus. Tho caller Is in excellent condition and will be dupned of at a sacrifice. Apply to Wm. ju. rncKingcr, neairieriy, ra. Suffocated by Furnace Oas. Ou Thursday night of last week a Ger men nsmed John Bower, 35 years of age, wii lurTneated by inhaling the sulphurous fuineo issuing from one of tbe furnaces of Ihe Lehigh Iron Company, near Allentnwn. Bower, with a coriiianlnn, on that evening entered the furnate to get a night's lodging and lay down In front of tbe hot blast After midnight an employe camo along and tried to rouse the men, but Bower was be yond relief. His companion escaped in- Jury. This ii the fifth death of tbe kind in that vicinity In a few weeki. Parryvllle Itemi. Jamei Dunbar bai moved to town and nevupiei the house Jobn Gaumer sola to blm,ou tbe Fire Line. .John rick lord writes that be is getting along finely, having bought SO acres of land and some stock. No. 2 will shortly be blowu in, an it ii rumored. -lv Is being rul from tho darn In Isrge rpiaii'lties Rev. Kin. Ills holding large and inter rt(lm pr.rfra.-ted mrrlings al ! Th". Stiaup is said Hi be very buiy up and down Ibr valley dnrturing tbe luedl real aaiUll rwlwithaiainllilg. ! DildiueSuyder'a birthday party was a auiai ai. Tbe aged father of Jacob Peters Is seri ously III. The birthday surprise party ofTheo. PatUl but Saturday evening wis a success, J ICO scr. faH2SSSSS2HESSH!S!E!!sS!? . ' li. 'j '-- l-i' '.. -- . rarrTTllla tetteh" pAEBTTl'tttJsrt. lb 1 BSC To tho Editor of the CjUbox Anrociui W. W. Reber, In rrporloj( - the minstrel exhibition in your last week'a oJifion, wrote a vo;v leogthy preamble )o the regu? tar report, which,. S T ." r-fi,unuitloal errors, disconnected aen.Ujuoci .and misi placed "twenty-five cent" words are oan corned, is not likely oyer tube equalled.. As It wss Intended for a slur on tbe man agement el tbe entertainment", we think that we are justifiable In trying to reply to It, and see what it all amounts lo. In tbe first place, he wants the stern bounJiries of Parryyllle Society banished. He evidently realizes tbst be Is not reoognlte'iTby (he society. He, therefore, waubytlm'stsndard, of admission reduced lo"w enough' to ollow him to Join in. and lie one of them.. Then' be says, "tbey are to be commended." What he means by "they" Is too difficult for us to understand. Then he wants "each person to try and iensibly weigh luch tea' son before they condemn 'anything that ouch effort may be." What the fellow tried lo get off here, the good Lord only knows, we don't. He atso wsnts us .to serlc; uty regard the Influences of a lulnglliiRtrf the people upon society. Here, he evidently got a Utile too deep Into Ihe mire al be fails to explain what the Influences would be; very likely he will take this as a subject for futuro consideration. Further, ho wauls us to produce facts to provo a thing to be' iugenlous and detrimental at the same time, as llils would require the inlud of a phil osopher, we give it up. Then he says the Saturday night's exhibition was a failure because persons! feelings controlled the selection of material, or .iu other words le cause he wai.nnt invited to take pari in tho exercises. Had Wtllio been oue of the dark les, Ihe exhibition would havo been k most glorious achievement Poor 'fellow, bow bad he must have felll And now be tells us Ihat ho dou't s.iv tht! to vent any per sonal feelings. If this was not his object, why was it necessary losay anything about" It. Why didn't he give a report of Satur day nigiii s entertainment the same way as he did of the Christmas night's cnterfalh meut. This is rather loo tbin to stand washing. Ho continues, and say, it seems to be a chronioslsto of mind of some of the the participants, that yindiollveness is our sole trait. Here be lias the cart beforo tbe horse. Why shou'd he be vindictive to parlies thatneyer injured him in auy woy or form. The parties that lie deliberately injured, and continues to injure ought to be vindictive tn him. Tlniu he soys, "we are n citizen of Parryvllle," this isa lacl. But if ho were a man of his word, he wouldu'i bo a citizen of Parryvllle, at least ho would not practice bis profession here. Then, he' don't want to be considered a mocker or cynic in connection with any effort the people may attempt. By this no doubt be means, that if the peopleof Parry vilfe want to get up anything, ho ought lo assist. He must have a very good opinion of himself. Ho s.iys he will sacrifice anything tolielp them along, be will even go so far as to givo a large amount of money towards buy ing a parsonage lor the German minister. Tbe performance, he considers to haye been loo heavy nu undertaking to bo successful. Welt, if he wants to lake flairds troop as a comparison, wo were a grand failure; but we didu't expect to bo compared with anything of the kind. We claim, considering tho limited opportunities for practice, iuexptri enceoftlio pcrlormers, smiill stage, etc., Uiul.llie enlertaiuiuent was. u success. An'4 i xi r .L. ... .. - ' uiuuuut i, crcr icu inut saw , wero pleased, nnd perfectly satisfied. To sum up W. W. Reber's"efforls,it amounts to this; he was very much offended bocause ho was not invited lo lake part In tho entertain ment, and In givo vent to his exasperated feelings he wrote that monumental piece of litoraturo. Mixstril. WEISSP0RT LETTER. An infant child of Mr. Charles Hobn died suddenly on last Tuesday. It was buried ou Sunday aflernoon. Conttoblo Hiram P. Levan was on an official trip to Scranton on Monday. He returned on Tuesday forenoon. W. II. Oswald will open a new store In Last Weissport shortly. His place ol busi ness will be in the shop room formerly oc cupied by Oweri Buyer. Tho Iriends of W ill wish him much luccess. Ho is de serving ol patronage. Thomas Koons has put the painters to work upon his Franklin hotel properly in Last Weiesport. Ho proposes to givo Ibo Hotel a general overhauling. Mr. Henry Enis returned from a two weeks trip to Philadelphia on Monday. M iner Bros., are again running tbelr foundry on full time. This is a good aug. uring for WeissjKirt. Mr. Weaver's Gem Gallery situated in this place is doing a good businefo. Sinre Ihe campaign of 1884 Is opening In dead earnest, and candidates are b'oi mining all over Ihe county, it might be well for JVeisr-iir.rt to trot out its reserve candidate. It has such a citizen and a very good man at that nr County Commiisioner, in the penon of Mr. John Arner, sr. He would make u good and unexceptional of ficial. Mr A. Miner and wile, of 6ernnton,are visiting Weissrl friends during the week. Joseph Strnbl is busily filling a num ber of ire houses in town. He does tbe work by contract. Court convenes on Monday. Weissport has a few cases on the criminal docket. The Eeadincr R. R., Exhibit. The official statement of the business of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and Coal and Iron Companies for the month of November and Ihe fiscal year ending Nov. 30 shows: Total gross receipts of the rail road company for Nov. $3,051,910.21; total exNjmes, excluding rentals and interest, $1.58l;435; profit for tbe month, $2,073,4S0; profit for the year lodate, $14,547,479jprofit for the same month ol I8E2, $1,104,504; for tbe year, f 9,859,004. The gross receipts of the Coal and Iron Company for tbe month were f 1,750,5b); expenses, excluding Inter est, $1,303,379; profit lor tbe month, $393. 204; profit for tbe year to date, $921,771; profit lor tbe esrae month of 1882, $303, 121.24; for the year 1882, $1,200,173.91. Deducting for the railroad company, debit balanco renewal fund, $27,499; State lax on capital stock, $55,909; all rentals and full Interest oo all outstanding obligations in eluding fiosling debt, $12,101,606; and for the coal and iron compjny, full Interest on all outstanding obligati.ins other tban those held by the railroad company, $1,120,942, A PiUl of $13,312,017 leavei a surplus Irum both cnrnpanld nl $2,157,233. A divld-lid nf7 V "n the preferred Hock, $108,- 020, and 0 fj rout, on Ihe common r-tnek, t.990,972, requires a total ol 4.',099,598 Balance applicable lo interest ou deferred income Iwnds, 57,034. Thli itslement include! the operation! of the Centra! Kail- 1 . V- , , roau .in, oersey aim orancnes for six months, from Juna 1 to Noy. SO, viz Pro fit for tbe month, 12L07.51 for six. months Soport of thp IrjlOcbtan roiJlo8thol-, ivi iue muniu exMiingari.z, .trot I niaaacncu. M F T WTioleNo. lnaltenilsnee"..,lw,JO If ?7 Averago attendance..,;, ;...I0' 10 20' Per oent. or attendance ...;,iA.9 94 95 ,Nameaof, lobulars who attended every day during the month x. Charles Hauk, William Horn, Horace.Raudcnbush, Elmer Scbmale, Chsrlei Weland, -Webster Noth- sltin, Ira 8eldle,auilo CI suss, Floy Clauti, Mia Oraver,Einma Hartung, Emma. Koons, Alice Miulx, Amis Mants, Sophie Rauden bush. , CllVXaJI SCHOOL, . . MPT Whole Nu.lnallendance .,.,..23 23 4a Average attendance ?il 97 a- .Per cent of attendance. b9 87 88 Names of pupils tbat attended every doy during the montht Mary Ureiblebles,' Ella Iteberljug, Mamlo Oabel, Alice Newhart, Ella Retchard, Mary Albright, Irene Fenstermaker, Alice Ueggus, Amanda Kooni, Edward ICuntx, Abraham Wolfe, EJger Noll, Willie Clsusi, Atvln Koons. IKLKBUEDUTK SCHOOL. M F T Whole No. In allenilanc 33 22 55 Average attendance 30 1!) 49 Per cent, of attendance u9l 83 90 Names or pupils present everyday dur ing Ihe monili! Edgar Xauder, Alvtn Noil, Robbie Hollehbach, Mittou Hauk, Oscar Shuitz, Elmer Reed, Harry Oabel, Willie fleck, Frank Schnch, John Heberlltig, Dayld McCormlck, Willie Rapshcr.Clemect Brelncy, Ojcar Helliusn, Willie Irwin, Sallie Oabel, Ella Drissell, Maud Wheatley, Mamie Fortwangler, Emma Fueher. stoo.NDinr so. I. M F T Wlmle No In attendance .25 20 51 Average attendance 21 25 4fl Per cant, of attendance 90 b2 80 Names of pupils that attended every day during the mouth: Ella Trainer, Susan Knecht, Mary Walck, Ida Wert, Ann's Raudcnbusb, Willie Kr idler, Howcrd Acker, Richard Furren, Harry Gegbs, George Slrobrn, Willie Koons, Willie Bellt, Harry Blauk, Charles Iiieiutop, Cilvin Klinger, Lester Smith. SJfCOXUAKY mi. 2, M F 37 32 97 Whole No. In altendance , ,2(1 Avcruga altendauce ,..23 Per cent, of attcnilonoo 88 Names ot pupils that attended cyery day during the montht Ira Notbstein, Hairy Woire, Allen Oreenwald, Edgar Seiler, Ed die Peters, Frauk Semmel, Alice Gilbert, Lizzie Scboch, Ricca Longcomer, Annie Brocady, Bella Honlz, liable Wheatley, Ella Seaboldt, Emma German, Jennie Trsiner, Ella Welck, Emma Fortwangler, Lizzie Beck, Gertie Petees, Bertba Hollen baok, Hattle Wieand, Gertie Wcidsw, raiiURT :io. 1. M FT whole No. in attendance 32 42 74 Average attendance 20 33 59 Per cent, of attendance ,..,,83 81 84 Names of pupils tbat attended eveiy day during tho month: Mattio Horn, Hatlie Geggui, Lily Froelich, Minervia Heidi, Alice McConnlck, Anzlo Trainer, Mary Fanetermacher, Hattie Trexler, Fred Rex, diaries Hartman, Willie Wlesnd, Harvey Gumbert, James Watt, Willie Notbstein, Eddie Gilbert, Jacob Hebcrling, Cyril Rehrig. raiuinr so. 2. M F T Whole.No. In attendanoe 42 49 91 Average altendance 30 42 78 Per pent, of attendance 87 E8 88 Nemos of pupils present every day during month; Minnie JCeuierer, Alice Honta, Liz zie Geggus, Emma Schmalo, Nettie Geggus, Sallib Krum. Lena Longcomer, Ella Furrer, Emma Peters, Emma Acker, Hatlie Rex Cnrneda Hlskey, Allie Reichard, Arthur Hold .Charles Sunders, Frank Drehcr, James Walter. Charles Sanders, Walter Weiss, Horry Trainer. Foot-Haco Notwithstanding the heavy snowstorm the one hundred yard race between William J. Miley, ol Summit Hill, Carbon county, and-Patrick J. Cannon, of Drifton, Luzerne county, was run al tbe former place Tues day In Ihe prosence of a large crowd of sporting men from all parts ot the Stale. George Tumor, ol Philadelphia, was the pislol-firer and Patrick McDormotl, of Lahsford, Ihe roleree. Several yards from tho starting point Miley slipped and fell On the ire, but recovered quickly and made a vain effort to overtake hia opponent, who broke tho string four feel to the good. On account of the condition of the track no time was given. Over 910,000 changed hands. Preliminaries for snnlher race between the same parlies have already been discussed. A Fool With Pistol. A P.illsvlllo despatch of the 3rd Inst., says: Dennis Pike, of Minersville, has been paying attention to Susie Bradley, also of Mineraville, living with the fiimily of John Weist, Pike was received as an accepted lover, and everything went smoothly until a few weeks ago, when Tike wss informed by the young lady that his company woa no longer desired, and Miss Bradley began bi receive attention from another young man. Late Thursday evoning Piko ap pearod at the Weist residmire and asked In see Susie, who toon came to tho door and went outside lo see what be wanted. She had scarcely rinsed the dnnr when Pike struck her a terrible blow with the butt of a revolver and fiie.l several shots at ber Fortunately his aim was unsteady, owing lo his intoxicated condition, and the shot look no effect. He ran hurriedly Into the darkness, brandishing his revolver. Friday morning he wss arrested and lodged in I'otlsville Prison in default ot $3,000 bail Miss Bradley's injuries are very serious.but not considered fatal. Miss Bradley lias so lor recovered as lo leave home, and it is thought to be ber intention not to prosecute l'lke. Fackerton Locals. -The hillsnf Packerton are good for one Ihlng even.lfit ii only for tbe young people to do their coasting." There are Tew towns of the site of Packerlon where this spirt, is more enjoyed and more engaged in than here.. -George W. Sawyer, electrician ol Hud- son, N. Y.,is visiting friendi fore few'dsys at this place. Lsst winter he put up the electric lights in tbe yard here. Owen Frilz, ol Leblghton, wss struck by passenger train No. 15, on Tuesdiy morning. It seems after bo got off tbe got a little bewildered through tbe shouting of his fellow workmen and a number of other trains going through the yard tbat be ran the wrong way and was struck as slated above.' Miss Slam ..f th. Packerloi Primary School. istiok atCherryville, Nnrthomplnn Co., Ii,, and her school U closed for the present. Her many friendi here wish btr a speedy recovery, -Wednesday morning a freight train ran into me rear ol a coal train at East Mauch Chunk, blocking the track for some time. As far ar we could ascertain, no one iMn. Joseph Seaboldt was on a visit to friends and rslstives In Eaitou during lbs veil, Ifnttiel tUt), Feet 0ffiA4 Aidrwij 1. c U)P 7MC&tic;Cnrb6n County. .. 'BANK, John li-cvfJ!M,-lVRCer MVodaff, v. a wvutejv msuyiiiieu, James povSn;4ire'scI;ow, T, Mi Iferbort, JtncsrtD Nophle irresllu, Tresckow, Alloc T, Malion, Beaycr McruUiw,. MattleArAllcu, V . Sarah J. Wnrtl. "' Annlo L. Bhorinim, AOdMirbj ..inij n, ixi)ic, ' Minnie Spencer, Trwckow Mary Brady, Jconesytllr. Hollo roung, " Anula C. ScJiaffcr, Hnzleton, Ltuctaoco,. rnavsrarxnr, . J. J.Markloy, Mary Hnyder, " ' U. F. refers, " A. A. Delt7, " Sy lrestor Snyder, " Stephen Soit " A. M. Straup. Stenilersvlllc, lienry Lntohtvrd, Leblghtan,. KIEDFJX Fnnnlo TpRrrsolI, Hickory Ran, jriunle llughes, WhlU) ILttcn. lulua Uuithes, " " Mcll99a ltortroe, Lohlgh TannerT. . H. Mmchlltz. Aoitnlilooia. Corn S. Vundjko, Mod Ron. LANeTOHD. Maggie Pnttcjcaon, LanstortL. 1). P. Smith, " Mary J. lleeso, " W. D. Spencer, " Esther tlriullhs, -Lettte Jones, Kmina K. Hone, " Adclliio Foley, " laCsan.vh kkd LEinan, Mary B. Sliovellu. Buck Mouutain, Ida Weaver, liockport. Maggie A. Coll, I'cun Haren. r.Kiuoirro.f, T. A Snyder, Lehightou, Hattle Koons, Myra.M.Oood, SiQIle Hofford, " Annie Sewell, " Agnes llauk " Cora 51. L. Uhoads, l.eblgbton, - Uahoniko. Jostah Musclman, New Mabonlne, It. A. Kclscr " " Mary Stewart, " " A. J: Balllct, " " J, A. Loitgitcre, " " lirauvHle l'revman, " U. Myra Uchrlg, l'ackcrton. Mary 11, Baunuin, Lehlglitoit. Llzzto l Backle, " siAUCit ouu.s'ic nonoDOB. i John T. White, Mauch Chunk, O. W. McBrlde, " i Lizzie Flstcr. " " C.trrle Leonard, " " .-Mrs w i! Leonard, " " H ittlo Baldwin, " " nu,lo u. liuotl, jury HniUmank " Kato McAllister, " " Julia Wcyhenntcycr, Mauch Chunk, EAST MAUCH CHUNK. II. A. risenhart, East Mauch Chunk, Helen Merrick, " " " Abblo Leonard, " lun nut Dennett, " Annie E. Barret, " " Jennie ltchrlg, " " Lizzie llulliearn " " ' ilary Whitehead, Weissport. siauch; Towusnir, Wm, Mefiiigliilu, Summit Hill, 1. II. McCube, " Samuel Alotzcr, " " J. s. Fisher, ' Mattle A. lioss, ' " lr.itn Tlii.n,... II Kato McQuilid, Ellen Uallajiher. lien Gallagher, " " ociuiie umu, " " Maria Fisher, " " D. O. y'atkli)s, Ncsquehonlug, Nora Clark, Julia Coylc, W, X, Holmes, PACKER, J. W. Clirlstman, Hudsondalo. . H. miner, Beaver Meadow, H, A. Gerbcr, " " rACKF.ItTOJf, C. A. ltittcr. Lehlchton. Iivlo &ttumn, Packerton. Laura M. Yuudt, Weissport. rAitnvviLi-K, n. J. Rcinhart, parrmille, Ella l'liircr, .Nellie Ulakslce, " east rnxx, Ambrose Stelcerwalt, East Penn. Nancy C. B. liledy, " John II. Hell. " William T. Moscr. " " James Stelgerwalt, sutler's. Eugene Zlegenfus, Aqunshlccda. Alary Rapp, l'arrj- illc. l"KSX FOXIEST, John II. Mtnstluuin, Weissport, Uwls O. lladellne. " Joanna E. Cotter, Mauch Chunk, TOWAMENSIXQ. M. II. Clirlstman, Carbon P. O, James lloyer, Weissport. David Smith, Btcmlersvllle. Frank Micliacls, Little Gap. V. y. Hutli, PetcrsWIIe. Northampton oo, Joslah Miller, Carbon p. O. Sylvauus Peter. Carbon P. O. Lownn lowAJiENsisa, Kltner Rlraup, Stcinlerstlllo, W. II. Hilllman, Aquaslncola. W. 11. ZleKentus, T. L. WVntz, . " Elmlra llarleman, " Mary A. Smith, slatlnglon, Lehigh county. Mary M. Ltttz, " " " Lllly Bauman, Trlncc. Mario E. Sentl, " Thomas A. Kocher, Little Gap. 1). S. Mehrkam. " James Roth, Krcsgeville, Monroe county. WEATIIKnLV. Macgio Klshbach, Weatherly. W. H. Ranch, " J. O. I.tudaman, " Annie T. Steele, " Bessie W. Evans, " Emma J. Andreas, " Ella Verger, " N'clllo Beers. TTElssronT. J. F. Snyder, Weissport. Amanda Albright, Weissport. Ta Anthracite Coal Monoply. New York rimes, January Jlh t The anthracite coal companies of Pennsylvania are resorting tn their usual lacties for keep ing down Ihe wages of the miners and keeping up the price of coal. Orders have been iutied for hall time work during the first three months of this year. This is calculated to givo the ininera the linpres sion that the maiket is overstocked, which is not true, and that the companies cannot allonl lo consider ony question of ou ad yance in wage, and also lo shorten the supply so as to bold up prices. It is said ly those who are familiar with the romliti.ns of the business that coil might be profitably retailed In this city at $3 a ton if mining were conducted under the operation nflezl timate busineii inlluf nrei Imlrad of bring controlled by a inonniailliing combination Important to Storekeepers. The law lusted at the last session at Ihe Legislature and approved June 20lh, 18S3, requiring ail articles manufactured by the employment of convict labor to ba branded with the word! "Convict Made." with the year and plaoe, wben and where made, ia now m lorce. fames Interested In the com petition ot prison labor are sending out cir cular! embodying the law'and its penalties In full. The netlect to eomrilr with tha new regulation makes lbs offender.whetber manufacturer or seller, liable to a fine of $500 or imprisonment for six months, or both, at tbe discretion ol the court. Tbe law is very stringent and Innocent dealer, baying such coodi In nosseision. not nroc erly msrael, might be very eailly caught lor tbe penalty. A Lnnatio Commits ftaleiie. On Tuesday ol last week Owen Con!., jn inmate ol the Lehigh County Almshouse tailed In an attempt to commit suicide. H renewed tbe effort on Ihe following Thuri- day ntgnt and enweeded. He waa found banging In bii cell hilfin hour iHerbli attendant had taken him his nipper In Ilia eyening. He hfid taken off his drawer and slipped on his psclsljons again. Then lie fastened oue lee o the drawers In she shutter and, tuiug the other as a mane, he rarrieil out his purpose. He wss nearly sixty years of oge. The Coroner bald an inquetl rnday. Some of the big iron and wire work at Easlon and Cataiaurjua are again resuming wora. The dayi are about two m inutas lonesr man mey were a week ago. Sleighing parties wer Bumirtms th ratt literal weeks. 5EJ BYTOpnONDItlA TW HyrtWlout Elctneat La ibo Mini Loot . Arouses VaTu Afrcfccwtons-'Wfliit actually valuta lb Tbe narratlvo below by a prominent scientist touches a subject pi universal Im porlance. Few people are free from the distressing evils which hypochondria bring:. Tbey ooine at all times qnd. era fed by tbe very flame which tbey tbemselyes start. They are a dread of coinlugderaogoi ment caused by present disorder and briqc about more suicides tbau any other one thing. Their &rst approach should be car o- fully guarded. Eiitori aVcruMi It is seldom I appear In print and (. should not do so now did I net believe ray self In possession of truths, the revelation Of which will prove of Inestimable value lo many who may sea these lines. Mine bis been a trying experience. Fur miny yours I wai conscious of a want of nerve tone. My mind seemed sluggish aod I felt a cer tain falling off my natural cv. Jltlon of in lellcctual ecutenrt. activity and visor. I presume Ibis ii the istne way iu which an innumerable number of oilier people feel, wuo line myseii ere piiyucany below par, but like, thousands of others I piid no at tention tu these annoying troubles, atlrlbul ing them to overwork, and resorting to a glass of beer or a milk punch, which would lor the time Invigorate and reBeve my er luess. Alter awhllo the stimulants commenced lo disagree witli my stomach, my weariness increased, and I wus compelled to resort tn other means lo find relict. Ii a, physician ia sullrriug he iuyaiiably rails another physician lo prescribe for him, as he cannot see himself as he sees other; so I called a physician and he advised me to try a little chemical foid.ora bottle of bypophospbstes I look two or three bottles of the chemical food wilb no apparent benefit. My laisi tude and iudUpnsition seemed tn fucrrasc, my IckkI distressed me. I suffer! Irnru neuralgic pains In 'lill'erent pans of my body, my muscles became sore, my boweis were constipated, aud my prospects for re covery were not yery Haltering. I elated my case to auother phiiclan,aud he kdvii ed mo to taku five to tenilropanl Mogeude' lolutlnn of morphine, two or three limes a day, for the weakuess and diltreas in my stomach, aud a blue Pill every other niliI to relieve the constipation, The morphine produced such a deathly nausea tbat I could not take it, nud the blue pill failed to reiieye my constitution. In this condition ( passed nearly a year, wholly unfit for business, while tbeefiott to think was irksome and painful. My blood became impoverished, and I suffered (rom incapacity with an appalling seuio of mil ery und general apprehounon of coming evil, I passed sleepless nights and was troubled with irregular action of tbe heart, a constantly feverish coiidltiou and the must excruciating tortures in my ito.nacli, living for days on ricewatcracd gruel, nud, indeed, the digestive functions seemed to be entirely destroyed. It was natuialthat while in this rondi lion I should become hypecbondrical and fearful suggestions ul self-destruction oo cssionally presented themselves. I expert enccd an insatiable, desire lor alcop, bul on retiring would lio awake for a long time tormented with troubled rcllectious, and when at last ( did fall into an uueasy slum berofshort duration, it was disturbed by horrid dreams. In this condition I deter mined lo take a trip to Europe, but in spite of all the altcutions ol physicians and change of scene and climate, 1 did not im prove and so returned home with no earthly hope ol ever again being able tu leave the house. Among the numerous friends that called on me was one who bad been afUictcd some what similarly tu myself, but whu had been restored to perlect health. Upon his earnest recommendation I began Ihe tame treatment he bad employed but with littlu hope of beiugbeuelited. At first I cxperU enced little, If any, relief, except that itdd not distress my stomach as other remedies or.eveu loud had done, I continued its use, huwcver,aiid after the the third botllo could see a marked change for the belter, and now after the Glteenth bottle 1 am happy lo stale that 1 am again able to attend lo my professional duties. I sleep well, nolh ing distresses me that I cat, I go Irom day today without o feeling of weariness or pain, indeed I am a well man, and wholly through Ihe influence of H. 11. Warner k Co.'s Tippecanoe. I consider this remedy ss taking tho highest possible rank in the treatment of all diseases marked by debility, loss ol appetite, aud all other symptoms ol stomach and digestive disorders, U is overwhelmingly superior to the tonics, bit ters, and dy8iepsla cures of the day, and is certain to be so acknowledged by tho public universally. Thousands of people are going to premature grayes with these serious diseases, that I haye above describ ed, and to all such I would say; "Do not let your good judgment bo gwyerneri by your prejudices, but givo tho abuvo named remedy u fairaud patient trial, and I be lioyo you will not ouly be rewarded by a perfect restoration to heal'.h, but you will also be convinced that the medical profess ion dues not jiossess all the knowledge there is embraced iu medical science," A. G. Richards, M. D.. 40S Tremonl street, Boston, Man. An Episcopal Church for Laneford. Tho Episcopalians of Lansford have at last decided to build n church in that towr, Tbey are about tired of walking up the mountain to Summit Hill to worship in St, Philip's church, and at a meeting of tbe members ol the Vestry of St. Philip's held at Summit Hill nn Munduy evening, 31st ult., the consent and cooperation of that body was granted snd promised to the en terprise. It is quite probable that with the opening of Spring wtrk will bo commenced at the irection of a handsome edifice on Ridge street, Lansford, tbat will cost wben completed not lets than fifteen thousand dollars Tamaqua Courier. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Post Of rice at thu place, Ja.n 9, 1 884 1 Arnold, -1.F-, lleer, fsathan, Fritz, Hiram, (illbort. Kate, tireen, Salde, L., Hellman. U. W, llaney, Ainoi, Kunlolir, .las. Krura, Llla. J., Kaubenolt, Nathan, ileus, iiavm Cunler, Jos. ah, Hellman. George, Ui.nis, Win., Ketnercr. Mary, A., Mover, Ben). 11., R. x. Alvln, Ilex, Nathan, Itemalv. Hannah. 'ehrlir, Jonai, nchwarls J. F Snyder, A. T , Warner, Oeorjre, Weaver. Hon. jr., Weiss, Wm. lll O Jil,, Reader, W. t, , nare. Maria, Davidson, olc mon, U Inner. James. Warner. J. M.. Persons calling lor any of the strove lit ten will plesse lay "advertised." T. J. Siiksut, AsVt P. M. Duo NoUca- Aftrr January 16 our new Snrine Slvlea of Wall Paper Borders and Decora I ioni will be coining In and aiwe b'aye too many goodi from fall purchases in order to hurry tbem off and make room for the NEW we offer the publioat 15 er cent, discount FOR lAoit purcnases, aon i miss mis np;or lunlty of caving money E. F. Lccztw isob, 01 Broadway Mauch Cbuok. ObsiUt DltooTory la Bam. What ii known as the Mile House, situ ated between Tremont and Branchdale, Eebnylkill county, was tbe scene of a sen sational discovery Monday morning. An unknown man, badly mutilated and wilb a bullet bole In bis Jet ft breast, wss found in the stable at the rear of tbe hotel. The persons who first undo the disc. very at ffm first believed that he had been frot'n to death, but an exsmlnitlon or the body revealul tbe foot that rail had feasted on Im brad and face. A rovolver, with an empty barrel, wn found In lhabarn, and a verdict of luielde was rendered by the Coro ner's jury. There is no duo to ike identity of tbe man. HAiiiiii:i. HOBN CARPENTER. At Bsrnesville. teouyiani ia, ra., January Sir., at 10 oVInrk a. in., I.y the Iter. A. M- Wiaals, Rv. Alfred P. Horn, lo JJisf Kstia P. Carpenter, only dstighter of tht Jt N. h. OarpsoUr, Z. ggJ-"A'CLa!L- ai.,,,,.,.,.1. ., , , ( II aH,' BROWN'S, BITTERS lllcurc dyjpepslajhrartbnra, ma ria, kidney disease, livcf romrJslrJF, and other wasting diseasfi,, BROWN'S IROM BITTERS enriches the blood and pttjifret tbA system; cures weakness, lack cjaj energy, etc. XY tt l BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation thai, docs not color the teeth, and will not, cause headache or constipation,' Other Iron preparations will, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Indies and all sufferers from nea ralgia, hysteria, and kinjred coins plaints, will Cud it without on, euil, .FALia: & Winter! H. JEL, Peters' Merchant - Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT, Post Office Building, opp, rubllo Sqatro Bank Street, LehJghtonr A full line of OENTS' VURNISHINU) (JOUDS, at Lorrcst I'rloti, tnsr.fjj THE Carbon Advocate IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR Local Advertising IN CARBON COUNTT. Send for Rates, which will be round very moderate. Job Printing of every description, Illustrated Sale Bills A 6PICIALTY. At Low Prices! Q II u W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers