FuftllWoTi-yuffri 1 wil"aiiliiyeil wlllisa-T-'f (kiln In lifiiil auil illtuharw Into mr iiimai fpiin fntirrh, My sctuo of nn. JI vhs niiih Inip.iiru l. 11 th u'o of E.' Cream C.i I m I linvo iiv.'iiMina thesa troubles. J, U. CW. SU D.-uls Hotel, New York. Fur sovyill years I liavo bron troubled with CiUrrli Elv'a Cream B,lm lias linmnl In liu iho urlllo ilesirct. I bnllevu it is (ha only cure. L. U. Ooburn, Hard war Merchant, 'ftiwati'la, l'a. Insanity Is bcconiliiit prevalent amen tho flJor altn3lM of Boston. Too much ovor'cultif'e and Iti'cr marriage. Id paying a dollar lor a bottlo of Jad' wlti'Tnr Syrupj vou receive a bo of Jad rHn'e Qui VivaStuniah Pills, making It Mity oust yon 75 cen's for your Syrup. T. Thomas sells llV. x ' Tbo name i'r,,ow.o',l" Isderlvol from .the strong to jo like frogrance uf Ibe trcs wuen cut. - AN Old) KURSE SAY8 1 Acker's Log. tlih Rerrrcdy ts hkst fur coughs, croups, diphtheria, or broucbltis. Sold by Dr. C.T. Horn, Lelilghlon, 13. A. Horn, Welssporl. A Georgia tram cut olTtlio heels of a drunken man's buots ami left hlai un harmed. dpen yaur eyes and Dot your mouth when making up your, mind what kind of cough Ine-licine you aro going to Uko if you don't wish t'o niako opium esters of your wives aud cblldien.- Stop pourirg dowiiitlt kinds oiuiugli rumedies, and uio Jadwiu' 1'iue Tsr Syrup.. For sale at Thomas'-drug store. 1 Vox cr'.y may excuse a shabby coat, but It is no excuse lor shabby morals. Invisible blew tlio wind. What Witt, Stop Mt Cocarmo At NiamJ (iuaruniee Ackrr'n I3iiqIU ltomedy Wilt. I'rfAi 10c. 50V. A- $1 Bold by Or. U. T Horn, Lehlghlini, Jc 13 A. ll.ir.., WVi.s porti Many a man's vices bayo been at first nothipg worse thau good qualities run wild:. The Good Dfo Young, was once an ac cepted poetic sentiment, but leccnt discov eries show the author of it to be in error. Tlio good, for they aro the wise, livo to a good otd age, and use. Jadvviu's Tar Syrup whenever troubled with culds or cough. Ifur Sale at Thomas' drug store. No in li run bu h.ippy without, friend, or burn iifii friend until bo is unfortunate. " I DO N'T F EE fj W K Mi" The stom aeh l-rtotof ii'derj neglects I, that mean chronic dyspepsia. You should lako Acker's Cyspc'psin Tiiblclsimd nvind this i.iriblo disease.. -Sold by 0. T. Ilurn, Leblglilmi, and R A llmi. WInml Any truth faithfully faced, is strength Id Itseir. Eycry fanner should at least have ore county paper, uud that paper sliuuld bo tbe Advooatk, which contains all tbo latest lo cal news. Only $1.(1(1 a jenr. BWr3 mm ' FOB ZiAIT &D Tor ir.cm tbaa a ihiicloJa ccntnrvtlio WJ lrr.orm to r.iUlion.i'ii:i over tho world as .nu uuy oaio raii.incc ior uio xtmcr or rjji uboro prico una pmico the bent or Ms Lt. l. . " JMS THE BBB OF ALL 1 MijEtniiff Wuluicnt is wltl:o!-.t an eoual. vzi-y uonc lsaang Wo contain,-r t 2 ' jiuocQ ct 11.-111 nn.i inarnnur.tto'1 lmpoi- 'S Lrlr' :a rntctstipca i:umt.ii I'lert cnlb (Sfi i'''.1 JU.!"Jtp yrc.i; Ion r.ro c,:.si:y 1 ' MWSTSWffi s ywwi mii'irj Lcaltlov Iunpi of s!ie.;:i:;j matiyrs lo-M r ft valurJno ixoren cr o X 1 infill iAtininf.litKt. fk.vj.Tll..M nittvi iSnml ycal;'.?, C!i, ISr-.it.iorj and sajlWiPtaoaou !: r.ml "If.li,,;"i St!flVle, r.unrnren, Old !,auorc,tnciit.s,roiro:ici:.c;il!li!l:te. BW f.iili CaKcil ISrertct. mut i,5jmieea every forsn of ci'ernai Uis-H tutrnst ItIiealxvit!toutrcui. (t yl Vor tlio IIeum CitSATtOK St cures c. 1 V? if '' 10,, J'01' Worm, f?cn:i.t; H-x'-'w.r iKiniciirs, ltt;iu-.i fijMl1. Oimvin, Tlim'h, I:tnci,r,nc,ii JOId finrcs. 1'olJ I!vll. Viim ,ytlio f'irtlit ami tvery tUi.v r.lla.rnt ill tintrn fiiM nni-t.ni. a . Sat.ifclo m! C.locti Viuil ni-ei lini.lo. nlwav3 carou nnd nuvcr Uiiamjolstn: aicUsl3,iic::ti.-e:y1 iipiP4PlfS (HO IS UNAeCUHt ITIO VOtHlHC ClOUKAPHV C' THl COON Tny WILL SCC BV CXAMINIKQ THIS MAP THAT THC TESTE CBICAQaROCKISL&HDAPACIFICR'Y 7..ti;5,.h,rv!rt',i"0? ort'u llnu. oonnecti the ut and Iho tt by ih nhgrlct rotc, ad cur tm ptaenger, wltnont chiraa ct oar; ticlwjin worm. AlchUon. I!mu.jpo:i ami tx VkU. It cooivcoU tttUulcn IKi'Ms Willi Ul the truclsal Ime ct rod batwa ttu i tlmtio iud ll' l-aelfie Ooinj. lu euulpment 1 uarnOed aad nmnill. eem. beloz oompotcd of Moj Oo.afoitibl j od ?.flt!"liuijr 0,cuy- Maentcoasit KorloTi lie. cllulnB Chair Cars. Julim.u'a fr.tiitl IVolj llepln Can. nd vto 1 it Una or li.i'lrc Car" In tha World, l trea Tr-Uu I bclwtea Chu'aCj V.-. cUnouri Hlvr I'oluta. Two Tram j Lm rcn thi. Of9 ad Minneapolis and tt, Vaul.vla luo j'ujiuu: - "ALBERT LEA POUTE Nrrollc.IewrortNw,01iulaoooj.jUaj1ia.Au. fa; .MajhTiIle.ulivltl,LiirW?oiVCiM.ual. Vila and 61. Taul andlalarmsmala iTiNT. p All Tliranvh fsv-sn.. n. ... trr.Tni " ' tha Uottad &tataa and Caoada. alaszajia checked through and raloa cr rcra U. vara as low as ojmpolllor ttas cCir teaa wlvu. raoj'thlo1,'i ,uforul,,co W 5P 4 'oW- CREAT HOCii ISLAKO ROUTS, At your aeartac Tlaitt OOljs, or nuanaa V. .R. OABLB, L. or. JjHH. i a i r Iicm CHICAGO. IIIDCELLANEOUS. 4 , "Your vfoiidnrfiil remedy ICoBAKnrr lib ciril Inv AflhinH. Alltber teuiril.. fA.-i,Dr. 1. V. Lyoii', 47 Barclay stYttl, Niw York. Tbo youngest grandljtlier on record lives in Tr.nldad, Ttxus. His namo is Reese Duller aim liu is llilrly years old. Nervousness, ilebllllv and rxhautid vi tality cured by uiiig Uruwn's Iron Hitters. Fifteen 'nillinns of horses are owned In Ameiica, and mora than a million must breed annually to keep up the supply. 5O.FIttcd out !or tbo eearon. Drcists, cboika, ; lata, htockiugs nn.l all garments can be colored sueceSffully with the Dia mond Dyes. Fashionabla Ojlora. Only ltic. at tliUijeUta. Wolls. Rlcbardsou i Co'., Burlington, Vt. The legitimate aim of crittrism Is to direct attcntLn to tho excellent. Tlio bud will surely dig its own grave, anil the im pelled may bo safely left to that final ueg lect from which no annual of present un deserved popularity will resiue it. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Aro you" disturbed ut night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aud cr, ins with palu of culling teeth t If so, eel d at once and get a bottlo of Mus. Wi.tsLoir'a .Sooiitixo Srncr ran Ciiit-unitM Tf.i.hiiso. Its valuo is Incalculable. It will relieve the uoor littlo sufferers immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no inlslako about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhc.ea,regu latcs the stomach and bond;, cures wlud colics incus the gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone aud energy to the whnlo sys tem. Mas. WissLovr'a Sootui.o Svhup run CniLDntH Ttunixo is pleasant to the tntle. and is tbo pnscriptiou of uuo ut the cl lost and beet fcmalu physicians nird nurses in the Un'.lcd States, aud is for sale by alt druggists throughout tin) wuild. 1'iice 2i cents a bottle. David Icokel stunning when he knocked Goliath oil" bis pins. ELECTRICITY. 01 all tho known Electro-Galvanic Appliances at the present day It is now conceded by the Medical Fiu Icrnity and Electricians generally, that the American Galvanic Co 'a Ilavr.iiiii Sn I r.i.is aro the best, possessing inlrintie Elcttric.il merits, as ono shield or appliance run be lilted to any part of Iho body, which is not truoof any other. See advertisement in mother column of this paper.- Hcclm Ga uttt. About Hi e only troubles that come single arc fussy old maids. Samson'a Leg and Lacks. When Delilah clipped olT Samson's locks that mighty atheleto ut once became (as otbermen." If it could be proved that tho Ki;scteion of luxuriant hair woulrt enable men to tear ojien liDn'ejiws, IIUcox .t Co. would be driven wild in tbecHoit tofcup'.ily enough of Parker's Hair Bulcam to meet thedemand. Asitislhe Ilalsirn prryents your hair Irom falling out, und l est ores Iho original color if faded or gray, lleeldea it Is a great addition to tho toilet table, simply as a dicssinr. Nobody denies that Santa Claus Is a 'bigger man than old Grant." Caocr, Wuoopisa Couan, and even Asthma immediately relieved by Acker's English Remedy. Sold under guarantee by Dr. Horn, Lchightou, and K. A Horn, Vi'eissport. Wealth is constantly fluctuating but poverty steadily holds its own. A Thorough Courso of Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all taint from tha blood. It cures Scrofula, Ulcers. Bila nnd Pimples Bold by C. T. Horn, Lehiglitun, uud E. A. Horn, Weisspurt. A Madison aveuuo wo.nai kee, a conch dog to match her freckles. Sho cilia hi 3;ot." B ) lugrsoll, tbo uoto.l infidel, snya there is no hell, which, no doubt, glycs corn lull to a great number of people, but if vou want to defer realizing the. Irulh or f.ilsity of this belief.uso Jnd'.vin'a Tar By run ulien troubled with colds or coughs. T. Dio Thomus sells it. Nowadays, when little children srea'c Int) the pastry-closets, th y becomo luiuio spies. Theuniyereal yerdi:!, "Tho I.'op P'a-tev is tho best porous plaster ever made." Ouly 25 cts. Bachelors' haul An heiress. A variable damsel Miss L. Aneous. No sufferer from any scrofulous disease, who will fairly try Aycr's Saisaparillaj need despir of a euro. It will purge the blood of all impurities, thereby destrovine tbo germs frum whieii 6crofula is developed, and will infuse new life ami vigor through out the whnlo physical oigmlzitlon. A reliied piper manufacturer expects to a-quiro some literary notoriety by writ- I .g Ins renin inijcences. A regular topjr is a very Irregular citi o n. Go 1 blen Iho good wnnvn. To t'ic r Jolt bands and pitying hearts wo must all con e at last. i I 1M M llPli t II lAcrcc'if ic ttSx i tins I' t r. 9 r.j .' t. iron tub Tosiuvo vurq MEUHATISBL TJoaralfjla, rrr Anlnf.illIbloTcmcdi''for on uitcnscs or tno tjiiui imai.i.'CU,cucuu Tcrtrf," lUtipvrorm, bcrofitln, ;rTalieln9. rimnln fj lllntclit'e r.nU Ii tho. Ixtt dteracd) irr an icmnlo uom iiliilnto and V.'aoli. fmsvfi. It hrj cured uisca"'! cr tlio liver ami li.ltinerhc!i a r(l cr to t.iil3. haM 0 not let your rru";L-t f c'rauda you to take something ci:,but if la r.otrotlt, and will not send cr lt.7iU3 to V3 t:;d wovrillccnJ It to you by crprccs, rrcpdd, on 1 scc'pt cf pries. -Onolnniroolnttlc3of Ithcumnttorvrunvfin clear ino aystci ci lino, nam uru i:iiy((asooiin ijniniiiiniirjf nr muiU V t A.UU1 .Thnvito vo bot'dca vSJl euro Err:.'?la3 It uswuni Iu.-lj, .ronrto sir hotilcsoro vrarristcd to cure corrupt aud ru-uluj uucn. Tour Ii r!t bottlts aro wirrialcd to care auy cue c: La.. i.r.euLi. Five to cl.rht Lotties Trill euro-tho wots icaso ct croiu::. Vrom two to four r..Clr.tl, l-o ct r.hrumatlrl vrun will cu-'o anr ensu or Lurou. i:ucumatun.j ejr twcui cura l:iluuiii. Ifyouhavobccnr.cuflcrer for yean, and hav used ell tho icmcdle3 you could hear of, with nt ivall, do not bo discouraged, tz: r.hcumatli yiupv ill euro you. t'ricc, SI. 00 per lioltle) 0 bottlca for C3.00, Ccnl I or our pamphlet of Tcctlmonlals, etc, r.IIEUMATICF.YRCP CO . Kochcftcr. N. Y. wtwhuiB and Vigor E3 f &2 mm m mm Ha vv a OF THE lt!lEanaitl9 Thls cut chowa tho Howard Electric AKO notic Shield as applied over tho Kid ncj t. and Ncrvo-vltal centers. Tno only np. plianeo mado that ilts every part ol the body, and the only ono needed to rosiiivELT evils !iliicyOiscao I) y u i o i b 1 1 , the worst crses oi Kcmiiinl Weak ness, Kxliatia lion, Iinnotca cy, and all His ciiHcs and Weak-ncisfeortlicUrliiu SaPBllCnl Iftl-f.-sita. Patented Feb. SS, 1ET3. .jra YOUNO MEN, from early lmliscrctlori, lac!: nerve forco snl fail to ntlaln strength. MIDDlE-AGED JIE:i often lack vigor, attribut ing It to tho progress of years. The MOTIIHn, WtFK and HAITI, snffcrlngfroT Female Wcaknoes, Nervous Debility and other oil ncnts, will Cud U the only cure. To one and all wc tay that the Shield gives a nat ural aid In a natural r.av WITHOUT DltUCO'INO THE STOMACH. Warranted Ono ITcar, and tlio licot cpplianco made. Illustrated Pamphlet, THREE TYPES OF MEN, rdso Pamphlet for Ladles only, scut on receipt of Cc, scaled; unsealed, l'ltKE. American OslyanSc Go,, MADgm PURPOSE Ono' of Thosp .Mistake's H) Which aro Horo Frequent than Profltablo. '.'Why, my child, thltls not HKNSUN'S OAPlirm: I'OllOUsVLASTlJK.y'sald a father to his little rtariRhler.a'ttcViCxornlnlpff n piekage sho fiad Just brought him from tho 'dru store. "Isnllt, pnpaT 'I'm sort'y, but I asked the man for'lJ.t'nson's 1 Know Idld, and he took the twcnty-Qve cents you gave mo to pay for It with," exclaimed tho child, positively. "Maybo the drug man mado a mistake,!' ' "I'll co 'round myself and see." was tho lontlcman's comment, us he donned Ids coal . and hat. "Why illon't vou send me Benson's pla'ster; Instead of this chc.iD and tiashv thlnal". - "Why, 1,-1, thought that would.sult, you just as won anu f "You thouuhtl. jou thought! What busi ness bnd'you to'thihkT 1 don't pay ynu Tor thlriklnxvbut fur Iilllng mr order',' said the Indignant caller, contemptuously, "There, take tho thing hack and glvo mo my money, I'll get what I want clfcnhere," 2 S . 2-3 i." d B 6 u a." -A . -.a fc E." V 4JH OJMSITBV lil ,f1 7 f7rSl3MNTOr llRETMiY.nashlnnaMe -U Hoot nml Huok IMakek, Hank St., l.chlgliton. All work warranted. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepireil to tin nil kinds of Plasteriua .& OrnamBiital Work, at shortest notice. Orders by iniill will re ceive prompt Httentlon, Tellus mo.lerale for good work. seplalf A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. roularlty at homo Is not always the best test of merit, but we point pioudly to tho fact th.it no other m&dlciiio has won fur iUelf such untvurfiail opprobatton la its own city. ate, ana country, ana among an peopic, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. RHEUMATISM. ifiSi'EEPTQs 131 Madison Ct., tltlrno, GIVEN WITH THE mus's tmnm smmi, "Hi tifniM To 6T0 determined to U. T,0fch ctrc.ilirn 11 up larboynHiiHityiitlnccvi r Wffntliuwii In Ilia iii'w- iiptr bnImm- I'll tliHiiiblti i lit . lc w wo miik I'iIh t)iiiiMiiliur. )i' we ii-t.ras Cento wi nia ttlKl 'l ll.O Wfli BIUIWll Ul.l iM'pntHi Paoul" f-'.iopivt.t Jpurn&l.pf Mow VorU iiio iiit-ii. iittrit.'ii i, rrsi.liilo Utl'll. Bllll tint Mil.! ll.tl. an... On Trlel for Thlrlaeii Waaka mm! lu di..ltt..i. win POSITIVcLV Or X 1 nn Tniirrl.nlinrnpnlrfri-tiiriitRiirnii.n- Kin Illinois te,! .rihat,iM, i..l,ltmiititiji,tfw .i.', tll AMYLOID. 1I.I.H ...ar...-si.l,.?.. JairU Poopls'o Pirealuo Ocu.nt!. t.'-v Vcri Tlio following letter from one of our best known .Massachusetts Druggists should be of Interest to every surlerer: " Eight years ago I had an attack of Itlieiimrttinin. so se- verothat I could not move troni tlio bed, or dress, without help. 1 tried several reme dies without much If any relief, until I took Avr.it's SAKSAi-AUILLA, by tho use of two bottles of which 1 was completely cured. Have sold largo quantities of your Sakia l'.uuu. , and It still retains Its wonderful popularity. Tho many notable euros It has cllcctod In this vicinity convince ino that It Is the best blood lnedlclno ever olTered to tho nubile. 1 1'. UAltuis." liiver St., Bucldaad, Mass., May 13, ltsa. T RHFIItVr overseer In Uielxwcli OrlLI ICliL-Ulfll carpet Corporation, was for over twenty years before his removal to Lowell afflicted with Suit llheum In Its worst form. Its ulcerations actually covered more than half the surface of his body mid limbs. Ho was cntiiely cured by AvEH's SAioAPAiiitXA. Seo certificate la Ayer's Almanac for ISM. rilEl'ATtED BY Dr.J.C.Aycr&CoLowoli.Mass. Sold by all Drngsists; 51, six bottles for S3. LADIES! Send us )our addrtss and we will mall you Fltlii: OF C1IAROF. Samilcsnnd Descriptive lllustrallors of KTJBSHBEDT'3 Fashionable Epccialtita! l.aces, ltuclilims. llnilds. Kinbroiilerlesand other Stamuaud Akticlls. Address Tho Kurshecdt M'f'g Co., New York (Jlty. Mention this papir. dcc:t.wl 3 I I iciuu ObtatosUico nu Oliicof:i IowVcrli luriLoCcroot EPILCPTtO FIT G- 'ioc: Am Journal cfUc&Zcizs. X)e. Ah. llfiorola fists ft Ijnrlnni.whf. tTifttfi a ptio elilty cf Epilepsy, bts without doubt trp&tod iJ ctiut njurajcjaicj (tiidi ttnjDitivrtiriiiK iiiijniciitii. juia succKrn rw iiu lie Las 1.1 to ply boon niiAnUhins; vro i heard of rasas f o.cr 0 ean' ttandlni; tuit fufnliy cuint br him. lis Ji: nubhibed a verb on this dftea, nleh La twntll vr.ti al.irgo bowo vt las wonuuriul cura irro in nn (if. t -rrr win. inty cnd Ihulr express and 1. O. AddfCJ A. 4 vJvlAO miv lino wtihlntr a cure to ivldreai Ur. iiLUaiOlX, J vba St, Kcr Twt, -5 I OS ... K3l5?e2 r s -i sum Sic. I fjggp $1 will pay a year's subscvipti in m advance ior tho Caiiijo.v Advocate. respectfully announces that he has boiiffht out MRS. RUPERT'S NEWS DEPOT, together with good-will, &c, and will immediately Remove his entire business to the premises formerly occupied by her, where he hopes for a continuance of past patronage, pledgino himself to do the utmost in his power to serve the wants of the people conscientiously and punctually.- vujibLanuy on nana an assortment of aiBSBc, AmaBSie ooiat39 jdojbb. Tata t3 fl III. v, T"ft f. Basil jaJBRjH aaa-UTL"9 imc3Saai.MaQ5!.) BBafily bb1 'Weekly lDsBiieias9 -W A SB aTl . - ... -uai Mus.jn u fip la, liVlUiHU llTKo ... .Tt i A n m J jSTflBoioH-aiBBi AaRnffoAs. IBIiglLED Ilyeaasa FIT . IT .-j 7 v iiiail.HUPBBeB'y, J. !1. HALBAOH, Banli Streets XeMghton. Pa, r FARMERS' COLUMN.1 in A'Nerf Ecquiremont in Modern Farming. A K'wU larnier nlrravs neeiled skill, tut u tlio chatigej cotnlltlons of nmilem farm 'ni a-iHHcrent kind of skill is ncnled from tliat rrquired by our latlifrs and f;raodrath ers. This is mors largely (ha caso West than East, but truo in both. Formerly was, mostly m aniial (kill In tlio use sitnplis liii.lemtntj, surli as the siiklr, th serine, and the cummnn waUiiiR liluw, iiuiT tlio farmer needs to know lion to ail Just, run, and care lor machinery. Mncl lues proj'erly handled call for little Inanua espertness to run them. But to manage th present implements requires a decree mechanical skill that a large proportion of our farmers do not possess. To comprehen tne full extent of this change, compare th modern threshing-machine, with the old fashhined flail, or its successor tho grsln cradle. Every careful observer must re cognize tbe fact that the lack of skill using and caring fur his machinery, Is one i f the most potent sources of loss to tho lar mcr. We have known one man to uss n mowc mr icu yeirs, wiinniil expelnllni; over t lirly dollars la renalrs or thrio dollars annually -while his neighbor, in cuttiu a smaller quantity ol grass used up Ihiee equally cood machines in the sair.o time, Compare Iho expense of this nne item: First fafoior expended one hundred and thirty dollars, plus, say seventy dollars for Inter est or two hundred dollars in 'all for ten yo-T-s. This is Just twi-niy dollars per an humj quite mi item, you will say, (or iiiiid in -t 'ols ulone, hut still much cheape th 111 mowing with tho scytho. The othe word out Ihreo machines, three hundred dollars, to which udd repairs, say same mo ui..ie.r, iniriy miliars, una luiereht on on 1 hun Ircd dollars fur ten years, seventy dollar.-; on one hundred dolluis(tno second miuhine, forsix years), forty two dollars and on another one hundred dullnrs (the third machine, for three years), twenty one dollars, and you have a (jrand total of fnu hundred uud sixty threo dollars or forty six dollars und thirty cents per auiium un annual expense ut moro than twice much us the other. The sumo calcilutiocs concerning the harvester, the sulkv nlow, tho liny rake, and other farm implements. make nn enormous diU'erciiio in the cL t bito iiiau who is uiukiiiiui lu Usiu am cjrinu lor them. An imiiortaiit Innuirv is how the preseut ililliculiy can bo reiuedio..' An. Agricaltuiitt. The Chotokee Koso. A pleasing feature of Florida is the beau tifol uud Iragrulit Clurokee rose that abound in the wbolu peninsula. The Chciokee tribuoriii.liunsdweli from 500 to 1,0110 lulled lurther north, in whut is now North Ueorgu, and lli udjucent regions, now coin prired iu Tennessee and North Carolina How camo tho Florida rose to bear th namo ol Cherokee? The legend is that th oeiiiunocs, UVII12 III IIIO low country, mm 1' lorida, went mi tho war .iitli ugaiott the Cher.dieea, entered thiir country uud f. tight ouiu. i young seiiiinoio urave war taken prisoner ami carried to the w gwam of ii Cherokee duel. He vv.is doomed tj be pul to It ui Ii. But the custom of tbe trite was not to execute captives when sick. Tin yoiinf warrior, being sick, was spared till he should recover, when death would bi inflicted on him. Tho chief had a da ugh ler wno auemiel mm In his illue.-s, anrl the two fell in love. When convolciCcn .m l able to iruvel, the young bruvu deter oiiued, with lieriniiviuano'-, n umke hi, .scape, und return to his own people. Sin .Miisented to elope with him. Quo dail night they sturted from her father's ubodo After they had gone some distuueo tin young woiniiii stopped anil expies.-ed ai iirnest tiesiro to go back to her home uud u ar away some memento of I lie pluco It. I icing tln.tr steps, sho plucked a small rosebus'i that sho brought away. Tlim ujiried it to the Sjuiiiiolo country, when being plained, it grew and Uoirislied From this root the vuriely was prp.igile.l and, in course ot lime, it spreud ihrough iho peninsula, wh'iro it tluives an.) bl ion,, ut th present djy. It is universally styl.o the Ctierokee rose. Lessons From the Animals. Man may le.irn some uselul leins from he loer animals, which instinctively un derstand how to treat themselves in illnei. Animals get rid oflhelr parasites by usinj; mud, du.t, cl.y, etc. Thoss suirering from lever restrict their diet, keep quie:, seek rtarknuss and airy places, driuk water anu SMinetiiiies even plunge into it. When a dog has lost his appetite he eats that spfciis ofg .iss known us dngV grass MevJent,) wliieli acts as an emetic aud purgative. Caia ulso eut gruss. Sheep and cows, wl.eu II , sielt out certuin herbs. When dogs an c iiisllpjled they eat fatty sulistances, n ch as oil and butler, with avidity, until they are purged. The same thing is oom ryed in iior-es. An animal suirering from chronic rheumatism always leeps ill the sun it pos. siiilo. Tho warrior aula have regularly organlz-d ambulances. Lal.aille cut the .iiiteiiua) ol un ant uud other ants came and coveted the wounded part with a transpar 'lit fluid secreted in their luouths. If a i-himpiiiiee be wounded it slops toe bleed ing by placing ils hand on the wound or dre.siug It with leaves and grass. When an annual has a wounded lei: or arm hang ing on, it completes he amputation by nsansuf Its teeth. Cat, when hurt, treat themselves by a simple method of conlln unus irrigation; while animals suirering from Iraumautin fever endeavor to cure themselves by tbe continual application ol cold water. Frequent changes of food for lowls are indispensable to success. Potash salts are most valuable if applied to grass lands which haye previously beta nell drains I. Baltimore, Md. Dr. Irwin II. Elderldge says: "I would recommend a trial nf Brown's Iron Bitters in all cases of aunemic debility, or when a tonic or appetizer is Indicated." NewHirt is descending to a common, vulgar plane. Oue or the swell ladies resident Iber gave birth to twiui not very long ugo. My wifii used Dr Gravea' Heart Regu lator with greut relief, It is Iho only rellel from Heart Disease I cheerfully lecom. mend it. J. B. Miller. V. M , Mulberry Grove, ill. $1 per bottle. It is very bad taste for a wile to growl st her husband lor tracking mud Into the bouse, for "what in home without its mud-, der." When you have given ananjmal a divo of sulnber bo careful (a keen it Rami aftr . w rd. Bulpbur cpets t'i pores aud "llsejr take cold easily, - i Business is still booming at the STAR. Our many customers will kindly accept our, thanks for the liberal mnnncr in which they have patronized us. To those who do not patronize, ua yd. but have such an objectin vfc we, here, publicly proclaim that they will be treated litir und honorably, that we will not overcharge them in n single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bargains ir mnny things without employing theso-cajled Lkadeu System, where a certain line of good arc sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO all we would say that wo arc holding our trade with our customers and are constantly adding new ones, but still wc have room for moro and cordially invite you to try 113. Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c We lead the county in Sugar. Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled. No trouble to show goods. Very respectfully,. K you are looking for a place to purchase FUEI DEUGrS AID M1BICINES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationery, Cigars, or TSae Ffintest 1" WalE Paper and Ifiorder Remember, that place is at the POPULAR DRUG STORE of DEL (S tf DQliM Opposite Carbon House, BANK Street. :o: A full supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi cinal Purposes. Picsctiptions very carelully compounded, day or night. Remember, Dr. C. T. HORN'S Popular Drug Store. We desire to say to our friends and tho public in general, that i have on hand the Largest and most Complete Stock of Goods -OF ANY- Tailoring EstaMisbmenT in this section of the County, comprising Cloths, Casshneres, OVERCOATINGS, Plain and Fancy Suiting's, Which we will put up for vou in our usual FIRST-CLASS STYLE, Tlieroliy giving jou, as we always, do Best HttlniL Best Triuimeil ai Best Made CLOTHING IN LEHIGHTON. Y e hare also just rectlTcIfrom the Manufacturers a Large Stock ol Newest Styles of Ladles, Gems anil Children's 1 HATS ASl CAPS, Gem is Iswaa isls lag Gooiis9 4e9 All of whtch wc arc now oiTering a Unprecedently Low Prices ! jF$ Very Respectfully, MERCHANT TAILORS, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa, Marcb 31, 1833-jt We Know what we are Saying When we state that wc arc Sellinc Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest, nnd, therefore, invite special attention to the following urticlcs suitable ior Holiday Presents : iinriina Frlnra Xmai and New Year Cards Albums. Toilette Sets. La.llfs Ham1 Satchels an Pirses, OlaarCases. Ladtas Werst IiSA'hSJ SRXSSZm"&i mlVhV.VAVor Parlor U.meV ll..ee..d VJ studying tleoxraphy. to leam tho boundaries of the country with ease ami pleasure), Chlliirens' A U O ami Tey Hooks, ray Fapeierlee, UUililrcns' School liaisr, lalistands, fce 4te, A fine Assortment of Lami and Lamn Fixtures, varyin in price from $1.25 to $10.00, together with a largu variety of Fancy and Useful Articles suitable for HOLIDAY ar BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. "We have also, always on hand a full assortment of Pure Drug's, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper and .Bord ers. Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all of which v will be sold at the very lowest cash price. Call and see goods and learn prices before ranking purchases elsewhere. Prescriptions very carelully compounded, duy or night. Patronage invited. HEIIEMBER THE PXiACEj . . ' , A. JtLUltiN, w eissporc, .ra. M;.y Jth,HSl,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers