n v. MoinnniKR, EDITOH LKUIOI1TON. PA.I EXTOUt)AY, JANUARY li, 1881. Editorial Mention. . It li now stated that mntnlstlontr Ttudlejr'basoYerestluiated tha Amounts of money necessary to pay tho annual peu itgpi byevtrl millions of dollars, and -thM, with ttis unexpended balance now on hand, only $15,000,000 will be neces. : . -earj jcr ids usoai'jear 01 iboj. Szxn midnight 8Mnrdiy, the convent of tbo Itomacnhte Coaosptlon, at lielle villa, III., near St. Louis, was totally do troed by. fire. Tncnty-fiva or thirty o: the SUUrs and pupils were burned to death or Willed by Jnmplna from tbe up fier atory windows or are till nnaeeonnt. ed fori Mil IUlfDAlA and bis Committee on Appropriation! bave begun tbclr work of retrenchment by cutting down Com. rnUslonerDudlev's estimate for pensions twenty-Ore million dollars. Last year the expenditures on the pension account amounted to nbont $CG.O0O.O0O.and llirre ts now said to bn ftTallnble- for pensions nearly $o0 000 000 In unexpen'ded ap proprlMlons. In tbo face nf these fact" Mr; Dudley had tho nmnr.ince to ask for $90,000,000 for the coming flf eal vear. CoMoms MAH Stcbm, of this District, lias Introduced several hill, ns follows' "To provide fnrllio.lsine nf circulation t taational banks; to repenl llm Internal rsvenne laws of the United Slalfs. and to Abolish Alt-taxes andoffics created 1,v t'oem; to repeal chanter 10. title 33. He. vised 8lalntes of 1878.rel.itlnK loleencifs and snccesilons; for the retirement of Trade dollars from circulation; for the relief of Henry II. Wrnd; for the rellf of Charles Edwards; ami craniing a pen Ion to Mrs. Cornelln J. Soboonnver. The narribbnrg Path' t makes the following sensible comments on an old subject: Wo presume that some people think newspaper men are pen-Lieut duns; let a farmer place himself in h similar position and see If he would not do tbe same. Suppose tbat bo raise, ope thousand bubbels of corn and his neighbor sbonld come and bay n bushel, aud tbe price wrs only tbe small cum of one dollar, or less, and the neighbor bhjk I will pay you tba amount in a few days.' As tbe farmer does not nant to be small about tbe matter be gars', "all tight." Another comes in the Mime ny until the whole of one thousand bushels Are trusted to one thousand different per sons, and uot one of tbe purchasers con. cerns himself about it, for It Is a unall amount they owo the farmer, nud ol course that will not help him any. Hi dots not rraliza that the farmer has frit teied away bin large crop of corn, nud that its value is due iu a thousand little driblets, nnd that he Is seriously embar rasjed in bis business because hit dtbt crs treat it rts a little matUr. Tue ALunUTrAN Hagazise, of tbe cur rent month, contains beveral articles ol mora .than ordinary interest and impor tanoe. Tbe number opens with an ac count, magnlCceutly illustrated, of the Luther Monument at Worms. There are soma fine portraits of Luther, John Huts, John De Wycliffe, I'uillp MeluncMhon, SaToncnroU and Peter Waldo. No con temporary journal, within such compact pages, offers so many iudnsements to nil who .regard tbe period of the Reforms tion as an epoch inferior in interest only to tbat which saw tbe foundation ol Christianity itself. Tbcro is also a pow. erfully written article upon "Woman in Modern Civilization." Mr. George Tioknor Curtis enters the lists witb Mr. Darwin and contributes tbe introductory portion of a .philosophical inquiry upon "Oregon or Evolution?'' na promises to show tbat the systems of Darwin and Herbert Spencer result in negatives itthich put an end to the idea of immor 'tality and "that the weight of evidence is apatnst both of them." We can cord! ally recommend this magazine to our traders. Tub late peculiar appearance of the sky after sunset has attracted much at tention in tho Antipodes. The Mel bourne Anous mentions a peculiarly rich fclow which has .appeared in the western sky for a. considerable time after sunset, and has 'been popularly ascribed to the ionoiu i-OSTBAMi. Tbe Government As tronomer, Mr. Ellery.bowever, attributes tbe phenomenon to n different cause. Tbe speotrum. be prints out. exhibits breadth iu the telluric or ntuinspln ric lines, nud (specially of those shown by It. Janssen to be due to nqiieons vapors in certain conditions in the liinlici strata o'tlbe atmosphere. He is sati-tied that tbe cause of the gorgeous sunsets in sim ply a peculias bygrouietrio condition ol those regious. Uj predicted wet and broken weather; and as a matter of fact the paouliar sunsets have been followed by copious ruios all over the Australian tjoutioeut.. The season, iu fact, iu tlo colony- has. been almost as tho smisets, i)"tbluf like it having beeu experienced ipr. many yenm. Another and more nn comfortable solution of tbe great "sunret toyHery'U given by a Ptrsiun astrologer, Who predicts that the blood-red appear, anee of the sky is a forewarning or a war auolr as tbe world has never yet beheld. There is to be bloodshed on an nntx amrded scale iu all quarters of the globe. W. U. Hen-el, Chairman of tbe Deiu ocwtlc Btato Committee, was in Harris srg.laBt Saturday and mads srranRe xnenta for tho meeting of the committee on-Wedntaday, the 23d init, Tbe com Wlttee will elect a Chairman for tbe osm ing year and Ax the.tlme for holding tbe Slate Convention to "nominate a candi date 'Mr 'Congressman at large. Mr. lleustl will, in obedience to a general demand, accept a reelection. It is nn. derstuod that State Senator Homer J. Homes will also be a candidate fur tbe plaor, and will be supported by tbat por tion of tbe party which is more friendly to tbe State Administration thau to Mr. Htnsel's mamiEenieiit. Tho Bepublican Slate Committee will meet in Philadel phia, on the same day for (be same pur fete. Cbairmtu Cooper will also be n candidate for retlrftlon, tbongb it is uu del stood tbat he will haT considerable cpposiliou. He claimed tbe plaue list Tear in order tbat ba might vlndic-tte himself irora the defeat of the year prey- iuu. uu iuv m,riy luaupgers reiuoiantiy Sfqulcsced. This year the ludepeudeula r HUM WAS H N GTON . Z1 mi jmmuu . , . - ' " - I, .VWV&ALOO. Special to tbe.CiBB.tr Advccate. ' ... ' ( AsniNOToy, Jan 0, 168ir ' Jiinmry 1st, 1S34. has pitied iutohe history otfme. and with it the atmsU of another New Year Day festivities iu Washlugtou life. With the exception or Inauguration Day every four years, the first of January is ths most brilliant day in Washington social and political circles and, although the inclemency or tbe weather this year detraoted from the usual exhibltlons.or street gaiety, tbe In door receptions in offloiil and private residencta were on a scale of lavish ex penditure and display. the rns-icsNi's ntctpiton. . of course, was the center of attraction, to fully describe whloh would require too much of your valuable space, but a synopsis of the event may not bs unin teresting to lh) readers t f tho advocate. The Interior of tbe Executive MaLslou was elaborately decorated witb floral de signs at an expense of nearly $10,000. At eleven o'clock as the first notes of "mil to the Chief," were played by the Marine Hand, statlonod iu tho vestibule, Prosident Arthur, accompanied by Mrs. Carlisle, entered tho corridor followed by the members of, his cabinet with their wlvei and some twenty-fjva promlneut ladies without escort who were to assist Iu the reception. The pnrty proceeded to the "111110 Kooin" iu tbo middle of which tbe President took up his position witb Ibe UdltK on bis right mid the Sec retary ol Slate on bin Jelt, the othtr cah inet uilnistera being iu tbu rear. iue JJipImn.ilio G"rni were the first received, Stcretnry Preilnylinysen prt seining ll di In the Pr.sideul. niter which Mlnwed the Jii-tices of the U. S hupr.nie Court and their wives. Co'. I'ackwell and Marshall M.:Miobal then to k Ibe Secretary of States position aim presented the Seiistoig and representa tives. Tbis cousiiined one hour when the army and navy weio received, fol lowed by department oilloers, Mtxicau Soldier, the Grand Army. Oldest In babiNufa Afsoulalion. and (Leu the pub lio in general. The President shook the bauds of ovm rive 7moAicD rnt.ns. and afterwards, in answer tu an ii.nnlrv whether hij arm was fatigued, be re plied. "Not at all. I have learned the science of spending a d.iy In shaking hanils without becoming tired. I In- variibly manage to grasp the hand nnd do the shaking myself before my visitor bn thu (ipiMirtunity to collect his thuugbts." Tho residences of the Cihinet, Minis-. ters, Supreme Judges, Senators, Con gressmen and the lesser officials of note were "open" during the alteruoou, nn 1 tstimated that over 100,000 calls wero made iu the city Iroui 11 u. in. to G p. in. TUE NKW COKOBEftlOKAL DIISECTOM has just been completed by tbe Public fruiter and it reveals some curious per sonal statistics. Of the 2C senators who wero sworu iu nt the bigiuuiug of tbe present session only twelve are new to tbat body. Mr. Morrill of Vermont is tbe oldest, hems 71. while Mr. Keuua ol W. Va , U tbo youngest seuatur, bo be ing only 33 yeara of age. The longest senatorial biography in tho directory is that ol Mr. Urowu of Georgia, who ad mits that because he favored reconstruc tion measures he "became very unpopu Lir," but salves his vanity by asserting that "iu every instance when ho tins been n candidate before the people be has bceu successful.'' Tbo briefest sketch is that of Senator Call , of Florida, who occupiee four lines. The richest souator is Mr, Pair, of Neyada, reputed to be worth forty millions, though Mr. Bowen, of Colorado, is sala to possess nearly as much as Fair. The poorest are about a dozen of tbo Southern sen ators whose riches are on an even plane, being confined to their sennlorial salaries! Browu of Georgii, and M.ihone ol Vir ginia, are tho only two from tbe South wbe nro wealthy. Senator Butler, of 8. 0., is pronounced tbo handsomest man In the Semite, though Mr. Riddleberger of Va., disputes the palm iu this respect. Senator lugalls Is considered thi best debater and Senator Morgan the best lo gician. Messrs. Edmunds nnd Garland are tue ablest lawyers, while Seuator Vance is the finest rhetoritician ami best story-teller, lint to ri.turu to the ilircctory: Iioth Mahono nnd Kiddle- berger make their confederate records n conspicuous portion of their personal ke'clies. b-imtiir A'lthouy i the old si iu seuati-rial services, ami Edmunds ext. nd as the. colonel is- bachelor he omitted to. say when he was- born, Lot gives bis afle awy when be slates that at the age of sixteen bvWIijt'Cln the In dian campaign: of Joq'f 5'he 1 then foro forty-six or thereabouts, KATVnT or TUB MEittW, The only nallvo of Washington in Congress Is Gilbert JL Woodward, of Wlsoonslo. whose birth In ibis city was brought their danghters. accidental. New York leads in the U different slate-of affairs. VAte atMiut BepreentatVe,Eencriiny from tbe 8omjj who hired bouse here and entertatueB hospitably during' the 'stealon. Occas ionally a wealthy Bostoulm or New' Yorker would keep Lonse, but they gen erally rt aided with their families at it hotel. Altogether there -were net fifty Senators and Representatives acoompau- led by their wives, and nol over a dozen Now tbere is Of the seven House with 33 native sons; Pdcnsyl. ty-atx Senators; twenty-one aro aocom. vauia, 33; Ohio. 31; .Kenlupky.and Vir. pamed by their wires, seventeen bave ginia, 17 each; Massachusetts' and Ten- each a wife and daughter, one has' A uessee, 13 each; North Carolina, 13.' Of daughter und one & mother-in-law. Of the entire Arkansas delegation (7) in the 330 Representatives And Uelecafuj. both boues, but a elude member was I nlnety.flvo are acnomnnnlm! l, n,.i. born in tbo State. Ooly two of the wives, flftj-three bave cacH a wife arid Mississippi delegation (0) are natives of daughter, nnd nine Have' only their the State, but she-gets even by bavlug daughters. Inabort, tbere are 198 agree- sons iu tbe Arkansas, Missouri and able latllci in tbe Congressional jo', and o.uiiormn deiegattom, or the 401 Sen- aiier uongress reassembles tbere will t ators and Congressmen Z07 are lawyers, at least Hve and twenty more. A number while the remaluing number represent the Congressmen live in their own ovor forty different trades and profes- bouses, others' hire elegaut residences slous. ' paying more than their salaries for tho ACMtx AT wotjo lent. The nresence of these 1 idles has Nine tenths of the Senators and Con- aQ excellent effeot on the morals of Con gressmen have returned from their boll. B"smen generally, and it is n notable day vacation nnd onco more Congress Is t tbat there is uot an open gambling In session. During tbo reccs Randall's house in this city where thera imed ir, twecty-five- -SenaTorS- 'anattbTMlUueTwitU an ordinary aller. lid summoned a rnaKer oi alleys, ten-pins; and balls,' and soberly asked hint wheth er he could not build an alley of white marble, and mike the balls and pins of ebony. Tbe manufacturer could hardly repress a smile, "Why," said he, ' the marble will c6lp, and ebony of the size necessary for a set of balls and pins is nam to gel.' He suggested a floor of etnerete, but this was too oommon for the mlllloilalre, who dismissed blm with me remans that lie would oonslder tbe mauer. ine manuraolurer his not yet got his order. Mr. Vauderbilt ha an. pureutly not yet made up his mind uhat uiutofiai iu select, ,. (J. Additional Locah. IKiffMis Oflt. . Committee on Appropriations remained iu tbe city nud accomplished n great deal of bnsiutss, while none of the other com mlltees had suflleientii'jonims to formn l.ito nud measures for introduction iuthe House this week. JU5.DAII8 p-xtoT is to get the appropriation bills in shape h Honn as possible nnd push tbtm through in order tbat Cougre-s may ad. j lurn at nn cnrly date. He believes that Ibis ought to iitt a short aud busy sesiou and many members teem to coincide with that view. Thu House Ways aud Means and Com- merce Committees will meet to-day aud they ixpcct in a short time to submit n number of measures lor action. On tbe whola this- month will record some lively unies iu both bruuchtK. be so many. Our Now York Letter. Reicutar oorrepondenoe of Advooatx. New YonK, Jau. 8. 1881 A no com wave with which Naw York bis beeu visited since New Year's D.iv. N the severest prolonged spell we bave nan iu Ulteeu years, and yet strauge to say tooro is apparently iesa suffering among me poor thau iu tornier ynrs wneu i lie weather was muoh milder. Eyeu the tramp seems to be lessabundant. nod one rarely boars orasssults upon belated people at night by these Islimnels. A luliue Justice with whom 1 am acnunint ed. said to me in reference tothesenrcity or these modern nomads; "I think that the prompt nc'ion of n maioritv of Dm tue fnE,iOENmr. SUCCESSION Police Justice! has much to do with keen- qnesuon win probalily b settled this 1Ha lD0 cy clear of these gentry. They winter by the pas.ige of a bill providing "dually come to town, aller their sum that the Hue of succession troin the mer expiditions. about the mil nf ninl.. Vice-Prisidency shall bo tbe President of the Senate tbo tem, next the Speaker of Ibe House, and filially the Chief Jus- lice nl thu U S. Snpretuo Court, with one to fill tbe office until another election has bei n ordered and taken place. Ex-Seu- ator Eaton, now a representative iu the following rairniug. It they were er. They then IiiIVhi lh M,.,b. ...i. - !'"" uiu- er similir places and publiio biiildliiH, as well as wngom and cellars. Should sudden cold spells arise they will hasten t tbe nearest pnlioa elation where tbev would remain over night, and let go..the liiU-ii NATIVI1Y i r THE tZXKT US. Keuluely leads the States In furnish- ng the prisenl Seuate with eight native horn euitnrs; Ouin cniuis u.xl with seven; New 1 ira. six: Guoruia .Tenum. see. Vnuinii mid l'ennsvlvHiiiii ..u,,!. tour; Irdi'.d, three; (Junes of Florida. F.iir and Small ; Euglind, cue. (Jones of Ntvadn; and Sooll.ind, one (Reek). uaui lurnishcs two stLiiturs lor Iudiaua. ud two for Iowa, the four gentlemen representing these Stales haling been ooru iu tbe lluckeye State. TUE lIJUsE IS THE CIllECTOrtT. Thero are tweuty foreign boru mem bers of tho House. The oldest is Mr. Kelley aud thu youugtst Mr. l ost. Gen era! Kostcraus has the longest bio graphy, uaarly a page, while Missis. Kkiuuer, of N. C, and Housemau. of Mich,, give simply their names aud post office address. Alter Roseclam, ex Speaker Keiier indulges in the loncest sketch. A grnndsou o. Ueurv Cl.iv. wlm now sits in the House employes less than three lines. TUE MIMBEBS WEtTETUEIE OWS BKETcnXS, and a great diversity of tasto is manifest- das to what is worth telling of them, selves. For instance, John 8. Wise of Virginia, considers it an bono? tbat he was Captain of tbe R-chmond Lluht ulantry Eluos for several years." L. II. Weller, of Iowa, known iu his State us Calamity Weller," iuforms the country that though born aud reared a Democrat, Ue voted for Fremout, Liucolu, Grant. Greehy, aud iben naudwlcbtd Tilden iu. nud utxt voted for Weaver, tbe Greeu- backer. Alter moving to Iowa be "tilled the soil iu tbe day, aud stu led law, olillos and theology nt night; was ad. milled to polities at once, subsequently to the courts-, and Anally to tbe cburph." Mr. WelUr then details a number of de feats while runulug for office, while most House, from Conui client, will champion such n bill uud it baa a Urge uumber of advocates. Roulai'to the Caiibjn Advccate. Washington D. C Jan. C, '83 The d iwn of New Year's day bronabt only leaden skies and a persistent rnin as attendiug features. As tho social ob seryauce or New Yearday iu Washington uas nn otlicial basis whloh mikes it unique aud lends to -give it n permanent character. Hence, the customs of tbe ilny will bo apt to survive iu this city eveii it nuiuiioued iu others. Iu general the celebration was marked by good sense aud taste. Tho annual pageant at the White House was all that could be wished. At the hour grew near for tho President's reception, not a gleam of comfort over tbo probabilities of a cle.ir-up conld be indulged iu even by tho most sanguine. All such considt ra tions were banished, however, onco tho visitor stepped over the threshold of tbe White House. The quiet hum of voices and the fragrant perlume of flowery, amid a scene of brilliant expcclation.told its own story. Tho Diplomatic corps were prompt to the hour named on their cards of invitation, and n-sembled in tbe Red parlor, where mutual congratula tions were passed. Among the striking figures in the Eist room dnring she re ception were tbe arouus about n tiry lllaine, ex-Secretary Relknap and iUg tU8 lise,lssion whether tbo Bartholdi vi. junrj (miser, wno enjoyed tuo sen- uu opened sation she caused with great interest. 0 E,au"y t a reduced price to nccom Tbe pnblio reception becau a little in n1"."-'" people who canuotgive ten thou advance of the stated hour, and in the snU " do"M reception, or even set up hour set apart tbe President shook bands cn""Be- Abe sublime loftiness with steadily and. let it be added, verv emnt. w"toh some of the desceudeuts of pcdlers. fully. Tbe publio debarred or Ibis Driv. raoDSa aud old clothes dealers. ilege last year stood patiently in the rain speak or "'"ese people, iu the inter- yesterday, so ns to get a f.ivmed place in views wblcb the HrniLD gathered was tne line. Tbe lady assistants withdrew nongu to arouse n seuse of iudlgnatiou to their bonus when the public levee be- 'ery mainy reader, nud irtbis Bel gan. Altogether the reception was per- feeling is uot rudely knocked out of tho feet in every detail. Tho dressing was aJdled pates of the snobs, itwillcreat the talk everywhere during the afternoon troubles. Wealth is gradually H it is unusnilto see si) many artistic accumulating in a few bands, and while npicinieim or modiste's art grouped even n limited class is gettiug richer from day at Ibe While House. Tbe President was to ''"fi "'u larger uumber ure cettint t ) a police c urt at ail, they, generally bad only a teu day sentence imposed upon them, nud as the teu day huuses iu tbe Tombs nnd ou the Island nro nt wujs overcrowded the Commissioners ol Charities were always glad to let them goafurndayor so. This year, how ever, I and several other justices m ide il a rule to send every tramp to Blackwell'H Islaud lor six mouths. You would have l.ughed to see tbe astonished loolg on most or the degraded specimens of hu mauity when consigned to "the couut)" fir such a period. All they care for is to obtain temporary lodgiug as they pra ter their liberty to anything. Thus in stead of idling about for a few dys until llit-y were thoroughly thawed out. thev uave now to work for treir support uu lit the bummer. I should judge Jtbat over two or three tbonsiud men and womeu have bceu 'sent up,' aud no wouder therefore tbat you see the struts' so free of that class of people. The fight now being waged by certain jonrnals against tbe disgusting airs and assumptions of our plutocracy, or rath er snobocracy, is a good one, nnd likely 10 act, as a severe check upon the licenses which the parvenus nllow themselves iu their conduct towards what they call "the working classes." Tbe intense and diagustiug feeling of superiority in which these peoplo regard themselves has never showed itself plaiuerthau dm- Mahoning' iqafbi- ' Ltittbturdsv theBchoM RoaM h.J meeting for the third tima of ilil. rm,i term, the Directors were all iirnwnt ,si on. ahd alan the leielittri. all It la realised at Ibe hunt important day of I uo trim uu ,i,D pun oi me iracueri. . Silveiter Fenner of Woiiiport, who hi been in Minnesota fir the past four yeail, spent seversl days with D. A. Kijller, n otherlnlki ol the community. )( oir; uayni n. uainei jen 0n Men- usy mnrninjr lor Kulitown where he it t tendiDs.the Normal lor I Ida part of the yetr. ualliet, who it a member or the sophomore chut at the Franklin and Mar tliall College, has now gone back to college, o.,, v.,jirjiU n ,iuve hccki vacation. I ' Lartflundty Frank O. Btelgerwslt wat married (o Mm Mary Delp, both of this 1'iace. i On Tuesday there wt a coasting pariy I under the command of II, A. Kouer, at ..ovr uianuning. n proven a era mi sue- ccjj. Mr. Kei.cr ts liable to be cliarml I rent fur Koine Inloanothcr nian'a fiol.l wn'i,. I out having arked. However we hope there! io uu iisuirur 1,11 inn iiari UI Air. Hi-isnr l.u. cause he hat tho ladles all in hit layor. A literary society will he organized at the Huh School House at Pin ihl. IB l .- : . .. .'""'I v... , rvrnillg. All are lliVlt- el tube pretent and take part in tho exer- uuea. Dash. Lower Towameniing Items- What haahec-tonn nl lit niftn ....... time apiwent about telling lattery tickets ...I .ue iiouurcr sin en erprixe. im,u wlm hlye drawn prliea did not nl Ih-ir i-...l. yet aruj probably will not, ai wj ueiieye uej- are swinineil. Jacob Snsrlx has nnl.i.,l 1,1. .1,.. maker'a shop and is now engaged in making boots and (lines. nowiuan's Cirnpt nnrt w. ........ j . Ing through Bowmanson New Year't Bay. Jacob btraiii ami wife from Hunting ilon cotinly, I'm., have come lo Turi..., county to take up their abode again. hewn Troxell while hauling lumber from 8mith'a saw mill last H. turds v brole his sled and tho I I it t,i, ,,1,1.1' ! ,i.. roj.i ami iin-relore ha hail lo leuvo it l,l,ln,l mm m noine wiui a broken sled. ine election for nn nr..,,; in c .loll it's conerevalii lit TAjillllnil In II... .1........ oi air iiatisnuo hy a maioritv of an v,.i.. Last Similar a wepU no, rn-..... from India, exhibltit in th R, T.I.... church tome idols which the natives wowh p. II. ..,.1 n . l.t.. it . . I ... B .,un i,reiiii wun annnapi, aoni. m injii ip, nn o Hiiri h inn aim. .vn I. u -.. uescnoeii ineir inmleiir dress, a peculiar shoe of which he lurAialm.l r.m ln.,..i,n.. A ilow he shewed wherewith the peoplo ,.f ..... uiu,ry mi mo son, ami various other iiiiks wiiriiiy oi insieclion. lie thro.igii hese tliiucs exnlaineil how ih nn,,t .fir. fer in oanner, ciittom, ami religion Ir.mi ur i7iiiiury. uu w (lienil a niitu u .,1 jairs in America ami prepare himeir as uiiuiiiiiary lo mat country. Hia desire h that the Gopel be prraehnl to his fellow counirymeii that they may worship the "iuii. UosrniKNcii. Kaffio no nore a Myitery Seen from v 'Aoroti ths'Eea. "Htronn of Ateppo," aald etr Philip ner val, "hd mattered every too rot In nature which the nobler msRto toeki to, fathom, ite dlsooverod. that tbe art of heatlag ti.taaiiltt Nature to ttrow off the d'lteate to turnuon, atttwere, tbo whole tyttem to elect tha' enemy that has fattened on a par L Ills pro ceiiet all relnvlgoratlon of the prlnclplo of I11U. In this the Eatternlauemerelj-antlolpated the praotlce of the belt phrtlolant of to.duv. What life lUetr It, nobody Irnew tben-no. body knowt now. Hut wo havo learned something of why ths mjtterlous tide rlaet and falls. Provided tho great organs of the body are not Irreparably destroyed, medloal sotenco can always relievo, nnd ofton tave, xetnoreputablophrttclan now adheres ... , i , , , uilO uu uuiunmui 011.1 nupm procettes of de. "unareu (aji) Keet, and numVero SHERIFF'S SALH OF VALUABLE PROPERTY I nr virtue of a writ of r. Etpdnm, tuned out or Ilia Court of CummoQ 1'leaa of Carton eounty, Btato of Ponn-jlvanls, and to me dlr ff,,l,re ,,e 'sppwd to publlo tale, at the Court Uouio, in tbo Uerough or niauoh Caunc, on SATURDAY. JANUARY 10lb, 1881, vwnf wlFi0" thlol"" Itt'HN.u,,ltu'''8'ntho"l'roUk;horWeath. erlr, i.artton County, I'ennaclvanla, and do torlhod as followi. to wit: lleKlnnlna; at a eo.'nef on Kline Street and a Twenty rest Sw? f5;,Tta.llI mnnlns; alona: ld '1 wenty Feet wide Street wraiwahiiv .ita,an.. .r ; one hundred (loo) feet to a corner, and ex. "ou"iir uoiween parallel lines I oi mat Bwin and at right ani(let with said to miw-: .T"? .7. "u"u.i Lt- uroii iiuui or rwo pletton, tuch at bleodlnc, by which It wat attempted to cure dlteaso by roduclng tbe nauonvt anility to realit It. Now.a-davt we do not loar down tho fort to holp tho garrlton woiircnKlhenlt. ln.thtt lutelllxcnt and beneficent work. It ItoonocdciUhat.PAKKIIlfS JON1D loadt all other medlclnet. At an Invlgorant It aott Immediately and powerfully upon tho circu lation and tho orKant ol dliretllon. thus irlv. Inu: Nature tho aisittauoo f ho calls lor. It followe that all allinentaiirtho theatomach. kldneyt and liver ore nt once relieved o cured. No other prenarallon embodies the tame niisllilea or produces the tamo results. II a delicious to use, nnd tho best-known MiU-liitoxtcant. Frlco too. and $1. lllecox A PDT7P Send 8eT for potlaga. ami re. il 1 iUillj. e'y"f"0.'lci.slly box or goods whloh w help )ou to iniro money rlaht away than anything olae In (hit world. All, ol either lex, snreeeit Irom first hour. Th hroid mad to fortune oiieus be. fore the wurkeia, absolutely euro, Atoitco address Tuu nit Co., A guttn, fllo. ij In Plot Of lluls (t Kilns aa l.nli N,,l... o . The Imnrovoments thereon It a TwcStorv filtffi? U0USB' Selto.1 and taken Into execution as the pro ? "! AKn.i tllco1 !1 William SJIIoox, AflH in rtP inld Kta 1 OIIIS. W. LENTZ, Sheriff. MoLnranw and ItKBTOLBTTB, Attorney!. Sheriffs Olfice, Mauch Chunk. Pa., i December X8, 1S83 wS ( Dividend Notice. Ala icgular mtetlng nftho Directors of Ik. v:.. v..,t..K-i t. i ...... - usi. .inimii.i iiaiiK oi jjcnigiiinn, a 8iinl-Annual Dividend ofTilltKE percent, on the Capital Stuck was declared, payable on and alter Januarv I5tli. 1SKI. W. W."BOWMAN,Caahler. January 12, l8S4.-w3. Fall and Winter Stock ! Tha un Icrslgnod calls tho attention or his nianyrrlendt and patrona to his Largo and Jr'nlhlonnblo Stock or Fall and Winter Goofls, Consisting or BOOTS AND SHOES Ofevery description and Ftylo In the Market, including a tpeclal line of Lady's Fine Shoes Alto, a full line of Umbrellas, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, n"i" .(,ur,Y,,unKV""l"l,n,'Uen"en,cnwl11 find It lo their advantage lo irlre him Town AT Utirxoii Wt'lOliS."0' " 'eV W'" flnJ th0 1,K;iT SKLEUTKD STOCK in OH M Office Bnildiiie, BAM Street, LEHI&HTON Arm 4, uii-iy 6EHDFOIT . New Advertisements. very eff.ible nud held many a familinr visitor to chat much louip-rtbnu the con ventional exohaiine of jjrretiimi. lie re lumed calls during the nlleruoou. me ouiir ouiciai recepiious were sue- cesi-rnl in brilliance or display and iu popularity. The runny private receptions f""'"' uniurniiy ueoeis n sense or discontent, aud ir in addition to that. the roitunate oues taunt their nnsuccess tut brethren with their ill luck, the con sequences are apt to ba serious. The fashion of usiiij crests nnd arms wbicl n uow so cummon ntnoiiR peoplo w o will demaud recoguttlvu ut the head ef Couemsmeu conceal the defeats aud Ui ori-ftultatlou. Jjatke tha noci promloeut. ca wire ell attended nud rolled up an mt "M lo 1,8 somebodies, la particular- minmis apRrecale of reciprocated com- '' ' "'u''Te oue. Of course most of them pumenis auit (joo.l wishes Tbe rarity nro 'icnueratily stolen from books cf of spirituous or viuoiiH sideboard-! was heraldry and belong to old established noliceillc, and the cood results weri. Euulish families. We oncht to imimM iju my noticeable. Tbe seiisntiou ol "0m8 a'arqilH or tjueeiisliury to oners tl e the wiuter promises tu be tho iuvestlna- e'e8 of l,lt!e Parvenus. There is a store Hon of the Department of Justice. l"J r -his eccentrio uobleman him nf lime is no other department of the I prizti ring reuown-lh.tt oucj when uoverameut wnicli li the ml ject of so U1 lie noticed carrtaga driving mucu eomnn-ut ami critlci.m, nnd its J ou lue pmiH of which were emhl miuagemeiil was tever more uupopular. 0Be'' al'n", f his family. lis rtishid tue bonthern aud Western numbers nP- f'0l'led tbe vehicle, nulled tha were disgusted from the first with tbo fluukiia off tbe box, pummelled the.m. iujijiisu mspiay aim the billy expeudi-aaa lufn Kicking iu the panels of the turts iu tho Attoruey.Griif ral's own pl llof f 'be trap, made the occupant get uie planers, ami as tue mauagement of 0Ql B'U walk. At tbe same time he tbe department has been virtually passed threatened to whip him within nu inch over 10 urewsier Cameron, who wields a P' u" '"i' be ever canght him flaunt. lyranulcal authority over bis subordln- '"B stolen properly in publlo acaln. Ii ates as illegal as it has been annoying, 8ome ot our suohs received a similar mey are eager to see the Investigation lesson, it would,, awaken a wonderful oegiu. amount of oommou sense and nut an and Alter the 7th of January Gov. Butler. 10 n muh greater quantity of Inane af. who has served a notice to quit' en bis ftotatioo. tenant, Senator Jouea of Nevada, will Boullng at prtsent ts all the rage, and Uke possession of the gray house ou tbe even luprivite bouses of snfflcieut sin bill, tbat la perched almost uudsr tbe Ibe bowling alley la becoming as much eavos of ihe Capitol. It is a very uraud. au establish.! r..i n. i.n... , snbstantUlgrnulte bouse, and ha, thirty pool table. A cert.iiu phisiclau who or forty rooms iu it. Mr. GeorKe Frisbie makes a specially r treallug dyspepsia Iloar assures people wiih scUm.i em- says that it is as good a remedy for this pbasis tbat be has uo acquaiutaueo with maladv aa he Mn fln.l . 3 the-a-persouwho wa elected Governor all his patienU to resort to tenpina in of Massachusetts n 1882 And theii he preference to pepsin. Another one nays rowus and pulls dow.i. bis vest and pulls that It is every i.it as good as horse'.,! k up hi. oo lar. aud has an air of defying riding fo, the purpose of bringing , anyholy to prove ,t tbat is quit, lofty pla, evy mniele iu the hodv. Th '! uowtlug, whloh a few years ago was con i.ud Uostou-lilo, It I. noticeable what a number of Con- fined to Uger Z aloo Is Sow cZ gressmen go to housekeeping of late me fashionable. William II V.ud years U,.e.4 of living lu ,Li BoUl ana m Try Pine Remedies. SfuAifQPFTlieSalFaforiii all - Cnlmnni'nTnnnMr.n I f tiiiiuimuuuuiro V4v For the Cure ot Consumption. A ithma, Horn. 0 orrIiiiKr. IMphiherla. tiroun. Vlm,.l I V l!lilllll. In-llt,,nl., l- . P 1 1 it, wiih u 115, i .(nil f, .bore rbru.it and all Hrimrlil.it Tr,ii,i.. It Is a wonilerlul preparation nr Pino and Honey, and Iswnrklna- n r.aitti-ni pvni.,fi.n the treatment and cure of all onuses or tho il V '""""y IkURAKOFF Hives Instaiii .cut, leimiui on, anil Willi III 11 II lu I USO will eireclnriiDld anil ucrlect i-uro. It nl,,,l,n.H- dopi not contain cither opiate, narcotlo or any lnurloua druir, and Is a runsLr vsuet. AULK l-UEI-ARATION. A TI1IAI. Hill convince you or lis merits. ITjou would aiwaia Icel sure of the sarmy of your children durlnit In. w,iiviii. ,o .iiicruiiu hi uu nines. Keep a hot tie In your inedinlne chest, riend lor nnmi.h. let to i) A. LEWIS & CO.. Soto Proprietors. 10S fhai.el Street, New Haven, Ot. PiM: HlTTKRS. PlMK KlDNKT AMD LlVKK PlLI-S. PlKK PLASTS11S ANll PNS lUl.M. " "ss""- jamv-uisnr Applicants for License, I.lst or Applicants for Tavern, Restaurant and Lilriuor Mure Llcontet at January Term V t UVHIti 1SJ t TAVCIINS. Lewis Arrabrutler, 1st ward Mauch Chunk iiiKinunii r. xciir, " . .Ivseph Siulilt, " ' .1. il. Kelser. " Ucorfe Woodrlnir, 2d ward " " A. 1. Clauts, L.eht)htun liornoh Catharine hsuli, Iboiuaa Mantz. " Ilia liailer. Uatt Mauch Chi. 'i tiin.i, John F. liyan, Kait Alauch Chi nr. Borough ,.,, ...vv.cauj, .i.iiuvii vjrinu'. Ileary TiuiHi, Welsspori liorougn Praiieis luiili-y, Lausford liorouirb Fruncis J. Slilotdt, " " Jamos AUUiiuy, " ' lis. HI St. Wllnaut, " " (Vila JlnUlnty, " Josti Ycrzl, Weatherly llorough I'as.wr Metier, " -laiues It, Puree!), " " Levi llarti. ' " .lurlah tliotBett IMIdtno Siny.ler, Pirryvllle Iloromth J. T. Mcll.tiitei Muhouinx Townhlp Prank Moe.er, Mahuoiai; Towntliln Leopold Mryer. Paekeriun Dislilct Patrick llerujott, Metqachoulnir JJIttrlct .tames Staiih, Jacoh Itusi, Patrick .Mecban, I-ehlarh Township Ullat Frliz, .Mauch Chunk lowi ship TliLoihy Uagtn, .lames bweeney, i Aiuandut liaclnnan. if h P. J. Uo).ic. I.iusaiinaTownihln Aaron Mrulii, Low.r rowamanslna Twp Fred. Wlssler, Wallace Khoadi. u . II. Anll'uny, " i. naiuan r-icuirr, lowame nuns; Township Thomaa A. cjnyder, TowamenalngTownihlpI xatiu ukiis, rrniiniin luwuiiup. KESTAUKANT8. John J. MtKllnley, 1st ward Manch Chunk John 1). Miller, Lchlxtuoa llorough . l. niuiir, lilch II. Wlddon, wiliun A. Petert, " ' Fred. K. Miller. dsr.aret .Mulhearn, Lnnsford Dorouah Pairtck .McKenna. Jacob Slruusibi-rner, Welsiport HorouEh Ibumas Waiklns, Ni-'quelumliiK lllllrkt John F. Ulockivy. LehUli Tuwntlilp ltobt. A. McUeo, Mauch Chunk Tuwnshln I.1QUOK STOHES. Catharine Sharkey, Manch Chunk Borou I Tr iiiniBcr. , cnincriy uorousn JotmI.lnaenU.Tptr. Weatherly UoionKh Jin. Mary Camubell, l.amford Uoruuiih Jamcl ','anpon, LeLlxli Townihtu ADlhony Cull. llllih Townahli, Marv llroiran. Itanka Townahli, Catharine Malloy, Mauch Chunk Township UUI1U1E w. ESS Kit, Dec. 71, UU. Pruthonotary. No Patent No Pay.- PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tho United Statet Canada and Euruin.at rMueedratet. With our irlnclial office located In Waiblnu-ton. dlrectjy opiiuslte tbe United Slatea Patent Offlec, we are utile to attend to alt patent liuiineli with urcakr promptaers and dr. listen ami at led eoit than other patent at. toroeya who are at a dlitnnco from U'nih. Inuion, and who hovo, ihcrclorr, to employ asochiteattorDevs." We tonka iirii,n in... Mnmln&tluiia and lurnllh 0-lnlona as to pa tentability, free of charge, and all who are Interested in new Invention! and ratenla ar invited tuiaod f-ir a cntv el our fiui,u r. i obtaining Patents," which it sent tree lo any n-ldreis. and contains com leio inttrue! iioiia uow to ooiain patent! ami oihrr alua-l ble rustler. Worclarto tha llirmihi.,.,. lean National liank Washliintnn, 11, Crib Koyal SnaJIih. Norwegian and UaidahLeira tlnnt.at Waibington 1 Hon. Joi. ('axy, late Chief Jmtlee U. S. Court of Clalmi; to tba Ulttclali or the U. S patent OIHce, and to Senators and M toilers of Congress from vtry 8tato. Addrertt 1.01113 DAQ3ER h CO., Ho Helton or i'stenll and Atto.-nert at Law.L DrUt Uolldlog WAtatsexo.--, 1). 0, mssBB C5i Read What a Patient says of it: '"CMrr.0".., circular" CAKJf4' tjiint TRIAL BOX j...... ..1 uitiiiiB, v.ic,aiiu,,iur i crruumj mi not cjipcct that a habit of FOUItTEE.M VEA1U DUuATION could ba rnmnli-tclvffntr.ii unrf.. Ann. trot In tho cxceodlnirly short tlnioortwnrnonlha iw ,ui-u Tim mac no raise moncaiy win Keep mo from doing nil that 1 can In U'ldlny to tho success which will aurely crown ao beucrlclal a remedy.1 AbOToaTtractfraaalstterdated W.Va Doo S3, 1S31 iao raiuuai ara preps red and sold only by thn HARRIS REMEDY CO.MPQ CHEMISTS. 306HN.I0th.St. ST. LOUIS, r.vo. Bint FREE L1' "iJ 'lt-1-' w. iwo cauu jsuies acttii 7 James Walp, Successor to A. I). MOSSEK, Manufacturer ofand Dealer in all kinds or Stoves Ranges, Heaters, Tin anil Sheet Iron fare, House FnrnisliIniT Goods, k, k. Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! lie la tho only Agent intown lor the tale or tho Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo itanges ; Montour, JLigntnouso, Hxcclslor Penn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; the Princeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, 11 i 1 i 1 er -r r -w , - aii oi which no is now ottering at uio very Lowest i'necs Also, on hand evcrr kind ol STOVE URATE and FIRE IlltlUKS. best makes of PU.MP3. Dealer In all ths Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTFI Street, a few doors above Bank Street. Patronage Invited) satisfaction icnaranleed. June to, lts j-yl Ho! For Holiday Goods! 0. M. SWEENY & SON Have received an enormous sfock of HOLIDAY GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. The -Press! Tho Forcmoit Bepublican Noirspaport Fop the Presidential Year, 1584 Wocklrl'rctj . . . 1 (4 a Year. Dallr Prcit , t 00 Tear. TttAPai MARK. MOTHER WOBLS HEALINCJ- SYRCTP. 20 Millioa Bottles sold in 10 years. A certain Cure for Dyspepsia, all Diseases of the Sidnevs. Liver, Stomach, Blood, Skin and Bowels. Can Produce Thousands of Letters proving Us Curative Powers. AN OLD AND JJOKO TBIED REMEDY. LADoruTonr 77 Aioty Srnrrr, hew ioiik city. FOR SALE BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. -The King of Corn Killers. The most desperate Corns, isunions, Wabis &o., Bpeedili cured. Price 25 Cents. -An Unfailing flemetfy for Hot, Swollen ami Tender Foct.ChllblrJnB.Ac. Price 25 Cents. iCornease Manuf 'g Co., 23Q, 6th Ave. Place, N. Y, City. xor cviic oy Agcnu, vrupguu ana Shoe veaUrt. Carbon Advocate $1 oiily4,4 ornease Footease KQ to uaka up a to niwiDflmr. Tna i teroral tpeclal leatnrat hiTm.W." Tear wilt 1 notable. Oonjrretr, ii.i?.blw.e.en '1'uUtloan aanate and a. namocrjtlo llonso.wlll ha tu.r 1'reildent. !mi H!inni7rwi" ""t" thoOapltol: in hi M,.UCi7,- r.k." JysUentral carailKn S iiiP V',Mi ,ouRnt """ olltni:. t? ."'I',19 ,rr 1rttr of a otnturrl irSmW.'?-1.' 0 Pnl"n r tho beit Inforuad,. "SI!1.. J" "".""""'oofanreatwar. Vlth audi nn outlook a lire newinaoar truth about It la mure' than ever nacetiarr- E .J. . ln,1"nl,l"eouco'nraunlcatlon with: ?u.V,?, 0.1 VV,n"' h"lrcd newt Rallierert,. HaiiViSM11 " ."r l!'e "ori- Taa tpeelafi "allocable terv c oh nh n .,... -lA. tiJiViS'S.'.'1. .n.vr' Hr Ph" of. I,.. K.h. "!. "oisuer exoeit il ... . ..... v.v.Mcuta nuicn EO brpnd. full, complete journal. HeMilet belnit a ooinpleto ne w kukly l'niraa liat teroral in nnton nut tu ih. i.n . .: . I,?oi5,.art,nn'en'che,l oyconitant eontribn. tlont from the f iremoti writer! In Tarloue brflnchct. elvos tho practical thlngi that peoplo nam to know on the farrr, and In Xbl . Tho ll.lplnjc Hand for Women! Homo Department, edited by Mrt..Kate Up fiani'V.1'' lnrormiilo" binti iml mpi.y thouKhta for every wile, mother and: head of houtehold iimait aa n,i .i'?Ve"uir9r,he!omln''TWlII b U BKUon Wane; and Workmen, tho rreneX M? wVetJ'-h 0,"f" th America. I,, ii.'??' "no bmi eharnool Ihlitubject ii.,.u,,.e.n.,u" Sr ," '" ' ltaJili. .i. k ,uia l'tn "''road thl year con. iWI2f.;Wc'a'n"'lon. lib letter ? l,".r".c" B' 10 c""nKt In all tha waS a HkiV' Jf'i"" '""""It lerot wonca, ttrlkct, Iradet-nnlonlim, arbitration ..TS" WTf Lv PnK8s fall or choice hem in i' ii n ' "".""'! nd patitmeafuradallr and children. rMihlun note... recli.ea. -leanl rir from current literature, a cb refit turn. i,rL",f.u'J",0'".", nil'"relKn newt, and an thiiiai "Sn"Ilon"f ,"'0 Kt queittont ot tlioday. bcmitecopUimaittdfrct Now Terms oftho Press. Uy mall, poataso freo in the U. H. 4. Canada-. Ilaliy, except Sunday, tyi. a mo , t.03 a year Dally, includ. SundnyJo. amo.,; 60 a year Sunday Viti, J2.00.a year. Weekly I'reis, . . . Il.ooayear. Draflt. I!lif..1ra r..l P..I nut . Tho Press Co., Limited, Deo. l.tr PHILADELPHIA, Pa. AGENTS oVSirfi.'&r1 vtr uuuai J. IV rir,,t hiin.ltiimol k..l l..... ever told for left than twice our prioe. The Inttcn telllnK book In America, lmarnte lirotttalonKcnts. All Intelllxfnt people want It. Any ono can become a ruccetirul aatnt. 1 erma troo. Uallktt Dook Co.. lNirtlind. aialno. ilacis-.i. m ill ci a. Il o b 09 "3 J; a ? m 2' III;4 a Call early for Good Seleotlont and arold the Ituih oflloIUnri, nor.Stlr. 3 fiQ d.V'ltTAIUM. niTorsIdo, Cal. Tbo dry t lima to ear lIoaoThmnt.T.ronr iiiinir1. Hft r. . mnt mk fu. AND HEALTH UUIUfct xui I II 1 1 .. (All t hat tho doabtfal carious or thoushtf nl want to! trim. Cloth nnd nlltbindln t Cil ct. miip Mm rlatis OntdOflU p lSt),seatcoiled, nionr or tps,bi Iodlifitcf ofthi mofttt.MiM sad UtuN-Xmni DcUUtr. Itt.Ml'MXT, Orrmnle UetakoMM. 0iorrivTia, SypkUtti rind Btrfirlal A ffer (!. deotifle trritmenlt ifit and rar nmrdln. PcformKItt Treitrd. Oil or writ forllit cC ountiunf to be amwered hj IhoM detirliir tumnt br mn. TFcnfli nVcrimttnm nnptnr lbeB14 Marl IWIrA-aUrvM, Qind leira Mnctfelirt to tbrlr ulTMUf. UU mitrmjF Uirr PT.ff, t. LinxnC.T., pr mi raystcUa rbr Irnrral Meet, Jb ftrf. laatltat, 9S0 Lor it t, St. lml. M tSucccuor to Dr. ISatti Vitvvattrj, "'TrflrH SO TMra PHOF. HARRIS' ASiiicilCuro FOB . SPERMATORRHEA IMPOTENCY. mrToBtod fororerfl yoara tj uso la thou- muxus of ctuiea. TRIAL Tha Mtlraal taaBBBaWibr f nl aal SEND ADDRESS W'""? HARRIS REMEDY COMM'tV Chcmtstt. SOOUITorth 10th HU StLoBlt A.. OUC UCXTrf'5 Tr.UTUWT, $3 1 2 UCRTKS.tS 8 UOkTHi, $t 3TERTOCS OIMtXTC ortuta waakarui mmA cor aimNi, ftafflar kiUftl nbrrtldlftat, male ft Ota joaLbfet tBlUcra tiou. frwc Indaifne, utl arer brain work. D not trmporlii waUa tacla vbcbiicb isia la ar pj tea. Arold bflsf impt on If rrcietatloaa -lalaj At thr rtmedltt lot tkt traubka, Oit r ttt ctrti u and trial aaekaia aat kara lapoTUat (atU balbrai taklns treatatol tlwwbart TL a rcmcdj thtt bJ cvV thounnJ. abH dMi not U tcrrcrt with attcatloa to batt lfm or caait pto or lMta rntfoco. Fannloil aa tgU eatlCo medkat pri pipit Crowint la favar aad revf l tioa. DlrtarplicitliMiwU teat trdleua make 111 ipa riBc laannwe nit viibit tflr. TnBHarMPiaa u trl 'U amnauna rncmcQvi mi W S A ur "wblca ear f 3 V watd ar cItm back. aBoaaa HEALTH IS WEALTH I IHL C. t. U K4T ft AMtTU At It 11 It UK Tmffifawr Hrartr I pttnef.trH' t-tU.D aitnrM OtRTaktutin, Flia, rvua Nrarall-fa. lUadarh. Nrrvntia Pnaaraallara f.tuii r Hit uaa of alroh"! tr lnttra Wakofulnua. Malal Taw pr.c rm.Ho'Ualitr at tha Urala r-utlnff H nalif aad lOtdfnxiainlavDt 1"r 4 daatb( rrmUr Old Utrnnnoa. lnao ol p ar In attbrax. InTalat.iary Lntaa tad tpaiaitl'-rrliu-: caaat-d by OTr-xoiila f tba tralat Mtu ertrHniu canro. KaHi bnx ranliltiMi pjmmU' tratiMFUt II l lana. or ri Lax a a Lip as. a.m mall p.U-arrralHKM. ' VE GUARANTEE CIX DOXCS Tt fir mf . T l arh onlar rarrrd bf Tf ttx anaaa, KHirnpini. no , w Win MM in pnMMf V riiie-n rarBn( f (iigiil JI prtaoa J U lt iraalnaat in-ti a rnr. naarauirra aaii4 aalv by TTTTtTTA n ft Tha raUbraterl f tlbi IMaad I'arllrr Illr)ir)rtatalf ram IUdaab. raaailpailaa, faridt laa tkla. M1U4 nb.r ufMin rrcri.r tl rvata. Untarpaaaad for UUIdiao. EI9NER l MENDlTlfnM- 320 naoo Ctreet, Philadelphia, Pa VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale r iii.uwisi.iiii.h uiivii ni riii.L. nie, bliTaluafle r'orin, tltuate In F1IANKL1N lOWNSlltl. Carbon Uonnty, Ha., aboat one ami oocliairmllet trom the lloroaxbor ,. ci,turi, uu iuv pnuuo reaa itaaiDg to KretKerillc, contalnlnic 46 ACRES, SJ Aerri of which are cleared and under a aijO'Kl tato oronltlvatlon, the balance he Intr In YoUt.tr C'hrttLttt Tlmtier. bounded bv landiorAiuoa Suit, Jacob ttpohn und Tboa. AU"II. Tho Imnrorementa thereon eoniltt of a wo-and.a.half ttorr Plank Dwelling1 House, ill feet, wl h Two Stnrv Wlnir 11 ill Icel. and Kitchen UxlO tct. Han. Hum. 30 I .a real. Waion llimtc, lli'l leal, Uorn rlti. riii' koii iinuio. Hug Matiie and other certiarr outlmllillnua. There it a tine . I,11L',II,.I A i, i...r,,k..i ..-... W i,ii. unvimiiuui iiuiw unit i reel. raue anil oilier rloea on the nroiMrtv. and Hoe Well of Never Ir'alllou- water alma In tho Houto. Tin. prtiptrtrotiert a One a chance to a andeil ring to teeure a com for table hoaia n eat icrmt, Arnly on Hie Prenliet to IM.I.UU'.EIIllll.b, Welwrort P. O. Jc'ranklln twn..la.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers