Aclvertising Rates. ' We desire t to. be distinctly understood that rto advertisements will be Inserted In lae columns of The Carbox Aotocatk tliot nisy be received from unknown tiartlcs or firmi unless aocompanled by the cui, Tho following ore our oxlt terms) one squari (10 List;, One year, ech Insertion - J?0' Blr months, each Insertion cU. Xhroo months, each Insortlon - 20 cts. Loss than throe months, first Insertion $1 1 each subsequent insertion eta. , Local notices lo cents ler line. II. V. MOHT1I1MEU, Publisher. Attorneye fc Counsellors. T. A. SSYDHB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OrrtoE-Oorner of Bank Street St Bankway, ' soil building above tUt Carbon Advocate Printing Office: May 19, Wib1 ItElUQUTOW. TXT M. lursiiEit, vv ATTORNEY AND COtlNSSlLOIt AT LAW, nBtSTlIII,LlBI"''lP'"andCnlleetlio Agenev Will Buysnjt I.llR.itE.Lta. Ooovayaoclng .ifatlj done Col atlona ntomrdlv made. Settling hstates of l'e- deute spatially. May ba consulted In r.ngpitn d lierulau. NCV.K Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W. a. M. Sciple, PUysiciau & Sursecn, lias Removed Ills omce and Residence from Second St.lnSOUTHStteot.ln tho building lorraerly occupied 1-7 A J IIoi.i.knmaykii, where bo will bit p cas-d to too bis friends Jnd patrons. JS-'oFt'lUE H"1 S 1 fr...ii 0 to 0 o'clock P. M. March 31, 1883. T-yt. XV. W. IlEUE tt PHYSIUIAN AND SUKOEON, MAIN STREET. PARRYVILLE, Pa, May be consulto in tho English or Oorman Language. March 21. U83. -vy" A. DEUIIAMF.R, M ., " PHYSICIAN AND SCItUKON Spedal sttentlon paid to Chronic tIosies. omo: South Hast cutr.r Iron and Sua U..le lljUon.IM. AprP3.I875. D. UKKEU, M. I). V. S ICmmliilng Snrgton, ' rnAoricisa rnYsioiAN andsutianot.-, 'Onricit: Hauls Btrcet, ItEUEtt'a ULOCK, Lehigh. "u'aybe consulted In tho Orm m Language. Nov. s X)K C. W. BOWKK, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. May be consulted lathe Herman or Eoallsh '..oiguiigo. nrrtrii 'ppoiito Uurllng's Drug store, -IlANJCSt., Lehighton. I'a. Jan.ll-yt Brs. Ban anil Eistap, Have determined tn remain in LEUIGI1 .TOM all Wtnt.T, and will ountiuuo to pay spcoial atttntion lo Chronic Affections , AND Suhgioal Diseases. Offieo Hours from 9 a. m. to 0 r. u. 'Bank Stroot, Lehighton, Pa. ' October 13, W. A. Gort right, D.D.S., OFFICII : Opposite the "jiroadway House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. iau-ii h.ivis tha hencflt of tho lstcst Im. nfuv.mHnt, in ma hanl-ial appliances nn1 fha iint mntlm Is of treatment In all surglc-il casoi. AKXSTIllirn' administered II Onilred. If pos.lolo, poraons rostdlng outsido of Maucb Chunk, should make entailments byinall. JSvi QARBON HOUSE, j. ny. BAunnrfnusii, proprietor, Hank Sr., LuntouTOK, Pa. Tki riA no7 If neau offers Arscelais aeenm medatlons to the Traveling public. lion rd In g br the Hay or Week on Reasonable Torinf. llhotco Ulsjarf, wiroi na Liouors anvayv un band. uohu nnotis ami aiuuici. mm alien tlr HojtUri, nttacbeJ. April lO.j'l. p.VCKEItTOS HOTEL. Ullway between Mauch Chunk & Lehlghton LEOPUM) MEYCR, PttOeBtHTOB, Packerton, Penn'a. This well known hotel Is ndmlrablr rcfltted apd baa the beitaooominodationa lor iirrman cut and transient boirder. EXL'ellf'Ut tabloi mnd the very best llquurj. Also ttno stables attaolicd. seiitMO-yl 'Mauch Chunk House, B ut (juehanna Street, Manch (Jhnnk, 1'enna. T, F. FEU It, Proprietor. When rldtlnic at the County Seat this Hotel will found to bo tlrst-clais In every res pect. Wines. Uquore, I.aner lleer. Cigars and other Kclresbinruts of purest quality at the liar. Terms very moderate. t'utrunai;e solicited. .-, 103 1 q.iviu uunenx's Ijivery & Sale Stables UAHK STIlBtfiT.LilSlliailTON, P FAST TROTfINQ HORSES, ELEUAT OAURIAOES, Ana PQStttrelT LOWCn PIUOES tba any other Livery in tbe Coantr, I.arxeand handsome Carriages for Funeral tarposM and Weddlnxs. DAVID EUBERT Nov. M. UTS. J. W. RAUDENBUSH Respectfully annuunoi f the pnhllo that h lias ojieneo a r,tv iiiu I AIfLK eounretlon with bis ho el, esd Is prepared furnish Teams for Funerals, Wings or Business Trips on shortest notlceand most llberalierms. All orders lell at tne "Carbon House" will receive prompt attention. Stable on North K'reet next tne notei, Lionighton, anzs-yl ATJDT7D Hend ee. for postaite, and re. rnliH. eel re free, u rostlv bur of irondi tX A AllUU.heh w he)p Joa in mnr. money riant mnn anyininir in in'i world. All, ol either sex, lumeed from flrsi liour. The bro-td rnad l loitune opens l. fure the workers. ebnta e y sure. Atone dvrert Tavs;uc., Aigutta, jje, 1) i V ' s i. mi ii rawal ii iT A H. V. Mobtiiimeb, Proprietor. VOL. XII., No 8. Railroad Guide. & Arrangement of Pas:enger Trains. OOTOBEK Kith, 188J. Trains leave Allentown as follows : (Via I'SnKIOMISN IlAtLROAt.) For Philadelphia at t.lO, O.tO, 11.40 a. m and 3.I0 p. in. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 8.31p.m. (Via East Penh Bkakch.) For Iteadlnic and Harrlsburtf, 0.00, t.40 a. m.., 4.3", and 0.0 p. m. For I.anenster and Columbia. O.tO. 8.(0 a. in., and 43J p. m. SUNDAYS. For Hurrlsburg, and vtaypolnts, o.ri p. m. Trains for Allentown leavo as follows : (Via I'KKKIOUCN ItAltHOAD.) Leave Plillad'a. 4 3.1. 7.40 a. in. and 1.00. 1.31, ojSO, and 6.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8,0) a.m., M.M p.m. (Via East 1'kkn. UnAACit.) Leave Heading. 7.30. 10.15 R. m and I..10 p. in. Leave llarrlsburir. ez T.50. 9.00 a. m . and 4.IKI t. in. Iivavo l.iu, caster, 17.00 a. m., 1.0 J and 13.40 p. in. i. cave uoiumbia, a. m , l.w ana 5.iu in. trroiu KlnK Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave Headlni:, 7 3 a. ni. l.cnvo lliinliburic, 8 20 a, m. Tralrs via "Pcrklorafn Hallroad" marked bus (M run to nnd Irom Depot, Muth and (rcon ftn els, Philadelphia, other trains to nnd from llrnnd strt-el Depot i no -a.iu nnu o.jd tt. in. trains irom anen own, nnd the 1 35 nnd A.16 p.m. train from Philadelphia, via Perklon en Knllrnad. have through cars to and Irom Philadelphia. J. E. WOOTTHN, tleneral Manager. .O. HANCOCK. tlcn'l Pas'r fc Ticket Agent May 27th, liS3. ALLEN LINE of STEAMEF.S TO AND FKOM Prepaid Pnsenccrs from Enirlsnd. Ireland. and rc!latid. can einParK at. elthfr l.lver tioul. tllasarow. Uuevustowii. Londonderryjur Uulway. FARE AS LOW AS HY ROUTE! ANY OTHER Drafts en England, Ireland, and Scotland. II. V. MORTIIIMER, Agt GAnnoK AnrocATV Offlce, LEHIOHTON, PA. yj- IICIUJASl &. CO., BANK STEKET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLEItH and Dealers In 111 Kind of 0 RAIN BOUGHT and SOLD a ni;aui..u market uatks. We would, also, icsprctlully lnlorm ourcit z?.nt that wo mo now fully prepared to hUl' PLY tcm with IBcst of Coal ProuenyMIn doelicd at V'Ett LOWEST I'UICES. if. IIEILMAN & CO. Juiit: Central Carriage Works Bank St., Lcliigliton, Fa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, tn the most eubstantlf manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices. Uejmlrlugr Promptly Attended to, TREXLER & KREIDLER, April 39, 1682 yl Proprietors. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &c At CHAS. B. EHUD'S, AG'T, NEW STOKE, nearly opposite the NEW ROUND HOUSE, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa. Everything of the very best quality and at E. F. LUCKENBACU, Two Doors Uelow the "Broadway House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of Plain and Fancy Wall Papers. Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies LOtVUHT CASH riJOES. a i iihiiiiib ei i .ii. i t. m i m mi. i ii .iiwe. laiweg , ...,r..-" gggftg Thomas' Drug Store. THE SUN. NEW YORK, 1884 About sMy million copies uf ThkSun have gone mt or our estiiDlisurnem uuriiiir tho pdst twelvo months. Ifynu where to paste end to end all tho columns nf nil Tub mcns printed and sold last year you uouiii irci a coniiiious strip 01 ItiierfStini; Information cinmoii senie, wis dom, sound doctrine, niid s.ino Hit luna enough 111 reach from Printing Houso square to 1110 top hi .uouiii i.opernicus ill tne moon then hark to Printing Iluu'o ayunrc, nnd then three iiu.irtert efttie way back to the moon aanln. HutTiiKSuM Is written Torino nhali tints oftho earih, this same eirlp ol Intclllifcnce wouiu kimio 1110 kiodo twcnty.scvcn or twentt'Cliht I lilies. If cvoiy huyvr of 11 copy nfTilKSUN during the pimt yi-ar has spent only one huurover ii, and II his wife or h-s urandf ilhcr bnasiient annthei h ur, this newspaper In 1683 has af- toriieM tne Human raco, iniricuu years uj steady rc.tillti. nihi and day. 11 Is only by II Ho caliulailons like these that you can term any Idea of 1 lie circulailou ortho most iiopularoi Aiuerlcnn newspapers, or of Its Influence 11 the opinions and ucilons ot American men and women. Thk mjn Is. nnd will continue to be. a ewsnuner which tells thetrulhwltliout fear of consequences, which gets at the lads no matter how much tho prucess costs, which presents the news uf the world without waste 01 worus nni in 1110 must reaoio sn.ipc, h iiicu Is woiklng wlih all Its heart for thociu u ol honest uovurnment, ano wnicn tncr. lore no lleves that the Republican party must go. and must go lu this coming year uf our L.ord 1811 If you know Til K Sum, ynu Hue It already, and you will read It with nccustomod dlii- iri-nce and uront durinir what la ,ure to he the mos; Interesting yeirln Us history. If you do not know 1 iik .SUN, It Is high lltuo to get intotuo euusnine. Terms to MatlSabsmbers. Tho several editions nf Thk SUM are sent br mail, nostnald. as follows: iiaai.x r.u eenis a munin, $0 a year; witn Sundav edition. 17 SUNDAY Eight pillar. This edition furnishes tho current news of tho world, sueclal articles of eicentlounl Interest 1 rvcryboily. mid literary reviews of new nooks ortho hlahest merit. 41 a vear. WEEKLY tla scar. Kluhl pages ofthe best matter ot the dally Issues: nn Agrirut tural department or unequillcd alue, special maiket reports, ami literary, sclen. uric, and domestic Intelligence mxkoTiiK vi kkki.v -sun toe newspaper lor tne rnrui er's household. To clubs often nitu tlO an extra copy rree Aituress I. W. ENOLAND, Publisher, TimS us, N. Y., Oily. ffJ-VP A F-? E? M Causes no t7taafr a Ar U t B H M rain or Dreai, Gives Relief ai HWFEVERMg &Mvm- JLul a ll' Quid orsnnff, " pplf ed witn luer. 'Itoro' CURE. Priea M enti. hv mnl or nt ilruoNliti. TIf OHAS KRMCRi'.R, JL CONVEYAHCRR, AND QKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The foUolna Companies are Represented; LElSAN N MUrUALFinE. rtEAuiNo MuruALFine, WYOMING PltlE. POTTSVILLE FIRE, LEHIOIl FIRE, and the TRAV Ef.ER's ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also Ponnavlranli and Mutual Horse Thlel etee'lve ann in-uranie cnmiaur.;i rnos. ugmerer. nrtT t IyI 1 1 11 1 fur postage, and we will mall you " jrtt. a royai, vaiuauie pos 01 sampii goods that will nut you In the wavof maklni more money In a fow days than you ever uiouKiib pu.iiuiv ni any uusiness. capita nut renulred. We will start ruu. You ea work all the time or in spare time onlv. The work Is universally adapted to both a xea young and old. You can easily earn from 60 cents to A5.10 every evening, That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled niter t to nil who nro not well satisfied we will send 1 to 1 ay for the trouhln ot writing ua Fuli particulars, ill. recilons, etc., t nl free. Furtunes will bo made by those who give their whole time to work, tlreatruceess absolutely rure. Don't delay, Start now. Address Stikhon k Co , Partland, Maine. declS-ly Exooutor's No'tioo. Estate of t'ouixioN Steioeiiwalt, Deceased, Letters Testamontary on the estate ofSol. nmon, Lite of liilt renn Town, ship. Carbon 4'ouniy, Pennn., deceased, havo been granted t" Muses Stelgerwali, residing In West Penn Township, r-clmylklll County, Penna.. to whom all persons Ihdebted lo said estate are requested to make piyment, and thus having claims or demands will make the sanm known without del.y, lo MUSKS STEIOERWALT, Executor, or to FncTMAN Av l.'irrrg, bis Alt'ys. Dccembsr r, llr0 ' - (fcl p o S p 5 I 8.-S o g S Q 7 S- g S s- g 01 I re H H C0 3 r- n h B ?L W ' en 2 Hi 3 g?J g g8 I1 SSI ?! if? I8lsi fo g W 2. rr 3-. 3 s rt KjJ u? H rs S C & Q. 3 i w" CD ft I tT" 8 c (0 re 2 o rt o P w is ii - . i? o ls Q ? -a ? bras P - P O 15 rire J B fC ?7 i a? " SUMS 1 1 r'T?IMAvo usa. HDEPENDET J1 LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY; Hon. Wra, II. Morrison, Chairman Ways & Means Com. Tho subject pf, ot;r )ortruit iitid skctcli thin week places before our readers the likeness and life of Wni, It. Morrison, who, as Chairman of tho Ways and Menus Committee, w.ill..figtiro more- crr.&picuously in the policy of tlip present Congress on the tariirtind revenue questions'thaii any other member of tliut body, lie was Mr. Carlisle's manntrer durina thuiute Sucalccrdhiu eonlest. and litis been roeojrnte- ed by his successful protege, as' has bceli predieteu, in euic of tho letter's elevation to the Speakership. ' ' ' . William I?. Morrison, of Waterloo, ill.,-was born in Monroe county, that State, September 14th,' 1823, and consequently ii in his 09th vcar. lie was educated in the common schools', and Rraduoted at McKcndreo Colfegc, Illinois. lie adopted tho law lis tt profession, and'Voolt after lie bechme a member of the bar was elertal Cierk oftlio Circuit Court', from tliis position lie was next advanced a a mem ber of tli'e' Illinou House of Jtcpr'cscnUitives, scrvint; four terms, the hit-t of wliidi lie was Speaker of tho Ilontc. Jlo.wushen clecleilto rqjrcbent the 17th District of his Stuto in the 33th CpuRrcss, was again returned to tho dlJrd, 'Mtli, doth, 40th, 47th and 4St!i Congresses, by an .uvcrugo majority of about 1000. In the 4Clli Congress Mr. Morrison served as .Chairman of tho Ways and Means Committee, and Wits succeeded ;n, Jhat po.sitionIn. fIio 47th Congress by Judge Kellcy, of Pu. again the comnnjt'qc wheel revolves, nnd Mr. Morrison once more becomes head 0 the most important IIouso Committee, having in charge the regulation of tho reve nues, and tho manner and mcans-of raising a sufficient amount to cover tho ex penses of the Government. Tho ways and means adopted to collect this revenue ell'ects largely, for good or evil, tho entire business interests of the country. Mr. Morrison is of largo, manly proportions, nearly six feet tall, and invariably attracts more than ordir.:1"' nntr in any assembly, however largo. He is favor ably mentioned 1 j many Democrats a growing candidate for the Presidency. Ai'XER THE HARVEST, sy o. r.. AruiN-OKa. The scytlio Is rusting in the Uoe, rho rake lies broken in thuqiaJoj The muwer In a revery, Is stretched at eu&e within the shade. A goodly lh mower ir, Willi slnt'Ws tcugli us twisted rods; A forn ifiiuiily grace is his, A lielid us trenchant as a god ., A man nf thought; the harvest oVr, Its lieut and triumphs left behind, IIj tests, ami gives lilmsilf oi,ce moro Tn pleasure uf the heart und mind. Sui'h plrasuri-sl All llie glorious skies Their happy deeps, llieir lines, their forms That Ujal aro wonders tn his eyes: lie glories in their fires and storms. The sweet green earth lie deems most fair; llo knows her mo 'ds of ease and lil lie walks abroad uinl everywhere Sees blessings epriuglm; from the soil. The woods and pastures near and far. Tn Ii i mi their secrets yield; he knows, The shy spots win-to the berries are, llie corner where the sweet mini grows. His friendships lie on every hand, In man ami rattle, bird and hoc;-. And be is wiso lu uudersland The lunguoge uf the flower and tree. The froe air nnd tho light ho quads Are turned to sunshine in his veinr His speech is cheer und when he laughs Great nature's joy is in the strums. For him tliecloinl shall break and pass, And show behind the sheltered bars The splendor nf its gelds and grass, The glory nf the sky and stars. A WIFE'S MISTAKE. Ererynnosaid that Clara Job usun u as foolishly loud of her husbaud. A iialitru ai trco from suspicion us Lit Vh proved nu uncorrnpttfd anil incnrrnptililo heart. It ln-r cuiti m in tliti luug winter evonius, when bir busbaml, deeply eu gaged in bis business nfftirs, was absent, lo prcptm for his return delioiuUH lit. tie supper, and tbeu, quielly nuuiting bis return, to tlrcatu over bis last worth of love; for Clara was n loolUh little blomle, nud oertuiiily loved well, if not wisely. Ouo rveniug she was surprised by a visit from a maiden aunt, who was noted for gossip, and b id liertuforo been very sparing of her visits to Ibis bullae id wedded bliss, Alan! what untold miner ies have mulled from tbe venom of ll.e human tongue. Clara's aunt on this oc enslou looked disaial, nun after a few coiuuioupl ice remarks she Uunobod nl onoo into the auljoct-milttr of her discourse. "My dear," eaid sbe, "I suppose you are totally unaware of what is going on in tbe theatrioal world? You have not heard of tbe extraordinary beauty of Mademoiselle Vera, the leading star at tbe theutrt?" "Annt, jou know ray husband's time is so occupied. I dearly love tbe thealir, rbut I lovo bitn betti-r, and I can't enjoy myself when be is toiling fur tne." "But did yon never tbiuk it strange," said Aunt Liz 1. "that Mr. Jobusoo, ft bo h so immensely rich, bhonld be forced to work so bard? Why, another woman would ba mad with suspicion." "Ob, Annl Llzat" said the sensitive girl, bet eyes filled with tearx, "X oould ust suspect the bnsband 1 bare married and loved." "Well, there are women and women, aud yon aro one of the most trusting lit tle dears I ever met, I trust yon will never have any cause to repent of your Ulolily." Clam sat by the window at her house lu Windsor, gating at tbe slar-embossed heaven, with a vagne feeling of uueuki. ness which sbe found it impossible to reason away. There bad btin oucw where loving end faltbfiil wives were do ceiyed by those whom tbey cberWbed as the inc.iru-itlon of gooduess. tibe bad read many a navel, with tearful eyes, wherein those who seemed best and no blest proved base and vile, bibe kuew, it) her short experience of 11 , that men were hired away by influences that tbey alrived in vain to resist. All these thoughts ouue to ber, and with them a (""ij Live and: Let Jjive." PA., .SATURDAY JANUARY, 12. 1884. firm resolve to qutstiou her tnsbandtbut Very Oveuing. Tbe hours passed awuy, seeming cen turies to tht poor young ifo who was thus riliUly awakened from ber ilrcjmof hlUs by the vcrom of n wouinu's tongue. At Ust, as the clock struck eltveti, Cl.ra lititr 1 the welcoruo step on the footpath and was soon in ber hnsbnuu's arms Ft r mi ii.Bt.iiit doubtnuil suspense were ut 1 n uud. Q.iziug into that uoble face, rend iug truth and loye 111 those proud black oyi-s, it seemed impossible that such 11 one could harbor iHreit or cr.a'e misery Mr. Joliusoti consumed his supper with great relixh. He uas hatihiled uith tbe loving gaze ot bis wife, nnd spoke but li.tle; bulutlouishmeut was in store for him, "Herbert," said Clara suddenly n rv. ously tviiuiug her banns, "what is this business that detains oil iu tbu evetiiug? Oil, do' tell nit! Let (here be no more si cr'rts between u4, or I shall d. " Mr. 'Jul lnon pushed bis plate from him and rig.irded her Attentively. "My darlinsr,'' ha asked, simply, "who bus been ben?'1 "No oue-.tliat is, Aunt Liz.)," replied Clara, wondering, "Aid'' said Mr. Johnson, "Hut, Ileibert, you have not answered me; yon treat me with contempt." Ob, no, my deal!' said Mr. Johnson, quietly; "not yon. Come, love, ) on are overoiimo by nervousness and grnuudhss suipicinut. I promise ymi I will I m 're at home bcrealter. and give to nij little rosebud of a wife Hint Iovh which her ntiKtlio disposition so justly d ssrves." There was something in his quiet, self. possessed uiauuer that set Clara's tor lured mind rompletily at e.o-e. She kissHil her br.sband IVrveutly, and said, t'l'iirgiV" me fur doubting you Herbert. It was my love caused my fear." "There is nnlhirg to be forgiven, my sweet wile, Heaveu bless and keep you always!" Clirn's eyes filled with tears, and the reconciliation whs complete. A few days nfter this, Clara was at ber favorite wiudow, gazing out with rare pleasure nt thu bandsomo tquiptge which das'ied past. It was 11 splendid winter day.aud tber was suow on tbe ground. Since the night uf Aunt Llzt's vUi Clint bad bien supremely happy; her husbiin 1 bail spent bis weuings regular ly in her compauy, and bad once even tiketi ber lo tbu very theatre spnl el o by her annt. True, she had nniicod the lovely MadelunUtllfa Vera, and bad liu ngiucd her attentions were rather plainly addressed to her busb.tuil, but she had determined to banish suspicion for ever It wa an easy task, for fr.inkuess was one of the chief virtues iu her lovely character. Absorbed in her pleasant reverie, sne had not noticed tbe approach of n mud who banded her a letter. A vngne pre sentiment ol evil came over ber as sh opened it. It wa3 from Aunt Liza, an no as follows; "Mr deab Niece I reo-rel rT'Pf.rilnj. ly tbe position I am nl.iceil In. bnt feel lound nuderthn oircutnstarices tn expose jo-4 iiusiiaiiiiHdiipiiciiy. isawnim.nn niisjrved. tills forenoon, cnnversiiiir I tho lobby of tbe theatre with Midemnls eiie vera. I overheard enough lo pon vince me mat be i going to attend th perfnrmance to-niebt. Ho la crni-llv .U odving yon, and 1 strongly advise yrn tn unmask bis villainy and separate Irom uim. AUtotlouaUly yours, Adst Lizt." Clara ornsbed the letter iu ber hands. and sat there looking at tbe fast-falling snow. It was growing darker, and b wonld soon be here. And then? would she show bim tbe letter nnd demand an rxulauallnt? No. It would be met by replies. He wag a master in tbe art ofdeceptiou, bnt that night would end It for ever. As sbe thought this.sba felt a dnll pal at her heart and the evening gre deeper. "Why, little wife, aro you sitting alone in tbe gloaming!" It was Herbert's cherry voloe; be bad entered unpercelved, "Heibert!-' tbe tone was forced an hollow "are you (joiug out to-night?" "Wby. jti, my desr-I might 1t $1.00 a If told you this morning. , I have au impor tant engagement. It will nut be long now, pet wife!" What did hv menu' He could not see the weird beauty of that dta, 1 paleface us she ba Je hint farewell. (t was a gala night nt the theatre. Tho bent fit of Mademoiselle Vera, the fume of whose beauty uud talent was whisperud. bad drawn a crowded audience; uud boxes, orchestra aud galltiy presented an nuimated scene. There way one there, however, whose heart was aching with pain. Yes, Made moiselle Vera Was beatilllul; and there wui no mistaking tbe fervent adiuiialiou with which sbe was regarded by nil, but more erpecially by (bo solitary nccupatd ot 0110 of the boxis; und this person CI ir.t recognized as ber husband. How changed he looked! Tbe contamination of that woman's pressuce seemed tqiul'ect bim with fever; there was au brilliancy iu bis splendid cys, notwith standing nhiuh his I'ucj looked worn and iggnrd. He was never so at hoiuo. Tbe curtain fell at last.and tumultuous ppl iiisb brought Mademoiselle Vera be fore It, Bbe was greeted witbflj eis and outers, wbiuli were treated by tbe r.uiu- cred beauly with proud inilif)'erencil,H ut last it hi quet more tlegutit tbnu tbe rest fell ut hr leut. S'.ie g.iye u gtanitt ut one of the boxts, kissed ber band lo tbu occupant, aud withdrew. Clara tilt the building swim round before ber, but, iy a strong etl'ort she controlled berselt, and reached the eutiuuce in eufety. Shutting herself iu her carriage, i-be waited piitieatly, much to (he astotiUhi men(of beroo.icbinuu an unusually stolid iiiilli(liul, ipiito nversu to adveiiturcr. IIill'uu hour alter words tu received tbe welcome order to drive borne. Clara bd1 setn hit husband emerge from tbe s'.ngo eutrance with Mademuls- llo Vera. A deadly pulor passed over her ouuutenancj, mil she fainted. Ou airiyltig ut home Clara pneeeded to tbe lira win ; room As sbe opened tbu door a cry of astonishment burst Irom her lips. M" Johnson was seated tn u easy chair, reading. He looked up good-hnmoredly, aud said, "Turn about is fair play; wbeie has my pet wife been?" 01 ira sat down wearily, "Herbert, ynu pju deceive nie no lot gs er. I was nt tb.e tbentre to.uight. I saw yon, aud know all. ' I was not ut the theatre l-nigbt Clira, I do not like Annt L zi; sl.e baa boon hero agalu," "Herbert, am I mad? I ain you, and and that wiimau; Mr John-ou ndvaucsd, nnd took bis wif0' band in Ids. "My pet wife," ho said, rj'iielly, "the rxou toil saw to.uight at thu Ibeatro is my twin brother. Years ago bo obliged lo leave the ooantry on acoount ot bis parlicipaliou in it etoapadr. Notwithstanding 11 loug oarr of pfvil-g ncy, I loved tins erring brother of miui I accumulated mono by uddllluunl laoor without impairing that forttiue which iu tbe event jf my dtnilse, of right belougs touill I have finally paid bis debis, and summoned bun hick to his native laud. He has Improved hut little, I am .orry to suy, but his dtstiuv is iu bis own hands, aud be cm 111 ike or mar it 1 be chooses. And now, uiy dear, aro yuu lti..iled?" "Ob, Herbert, darling! can you for- givo me, wretob that I have been? ' On one condition. Clara," sai.l Mr. John. 011, smiling; "Unit ynu will nevr lis cu to Aunt Liz 1 uuaiii," DULWIR'B FIRST LOVE. Before luaviug Ciiuliridge, be bad eu riobed bis experience with some vauitiun adventures. Including uu inoounler uilb it blgbu'tiyuMU, 11 night iu a lonely col lage where au attempt was made lo uiur der 1 Im, and a heart with a pretty yonug gypsy, iu whose camp he spent five or ix oaya, O iu lunruiug she was uuusti illy sil-tit aud reserve J. I asked h.-r, reproachlul ly, why she whs so cold. "Tell uic," hbo Haid abruptly, "leilme truly, do jou luve m? ' "I do indeed." Aud so I thought. "Will you mirry me, tnoi,?" "ilarry you?" I cried, aghast. Marrj? alas! I wuuld uut deooivu you that is impossible," "I don't mean," cried sbe impetuous, ly, bnt not seeming hurt at uij rel'UM,!, "I duii't menu ns you mean marriage according to your fasbiou; I never thought of that; but marry mo us we marry." 'How is thai?'' "You will break a pleoo of burnt earth uith me n tile for instance into twe halvis. " "Well?" "Iu grandmother's presence. That will ho marriage. It lasts only five years. "It is hut loog,'' she said plead. iugly. "And If yon want to leave me before, how conld I stay yon." Poor dear ckild for child, nftir all, sbe was in years and in mind bow charming sbe looked tbeu! Alas! I wtnt further for a wife aud fared worse. CAIS0 BY WOtlT. At every fitly yards or SJ bltz) bnge bonfires of sulphur and tar, one instant lighting up the street clear as day, as a mass of nime shoots into tbe air, and leaving it dark as pitch lu tbe next, as fresh fuel is thrown on and volumes of sulphurous smoke roll forth. Tbe loan has a deserted look, aud few people 111 e seen about tbe streets. Here n conple of Arabs with their long falling lobes move silently nloug, there a patrol of E'iglish police mounted ou their b g EuglUh horses, clank down tbe centre of tbe road. At tbe door of 11 Drasserla or oafe sils one of tbe waitresses, exchang ing a few words with soma Frtnoh or Italians. When tbe tt pes are made (o say lb it an hone.t man is the nobbiest work of Oor,ltU time to throw Bk iuto the ej imposing roctn. Year iE Paid in Advance. n,ot paid in advance, $1.2a woajm jaw a.aii m umarxwyagaaccrKty. THE PIirLAIJEWillA TIMES. 18(4. Tug Tints will enter iiiwu the new year stri nxer slid mure prosperous then ever before lu its bislury more widely read and quoted, more heartily commended and more fiercely criticized, with a more complete, sud au abler staff of contributors end with llie same indepen lence aud fearlessness that has mode it succssful and powerful iu the past. Til A Tiues hi 1 uu parly to follow, nn candidates to advance, but will meet eyeiy Issue, as it bus ever done, wiib cunsi.lem devotion tu the rijht,lo honest govern irirul ond the public nellarc. And, whih nalntalniiig lis position us the Ii-mIIiil' journal nf Philadelphia, it will aiin tu b continually 111 uiivunce iu cu that can uau Vd'uo to a cewspsper. The value of a uew.pjper it r.nt in lis sits or display, but in tho intelligence and 'are. the conciseness and Imshness with which it Is edited. Tut 'f lilt a spends luv isblv fur news fioiii all pails nf the wnrld but ad its despatches nro carefully cilitid aud islnilcn.eil, In urder to give the mm Hide news of the day 111 the most conrise and attractive shape, and with it 11 lare yurirly or cnteilaluing and iuslriutive reading. The best writers at home ami broad are employed tueurlch Us c.iliiinni. and to make it a journal ulaptel both tu tho busy man and to the Uiiure of the Inline circle, a welcome, visitor to iiitrliiceiil and honest citizens uf every political, re liginus 11ml social tafte. Tits WRKKtV Hats isaltnjelher iliflir out Iruin the weekly uewsp.ipcia of twenty years az',. The day nl those papers Is guiie by. The telegraph and better local nen- papereeveryivhere, especially in the thriv ing ceniics nf rural nuiiliitloi, luva muile the old weekly inelroniliiiui newrpapcr 011- satisly iug. Those that cling In their uiiririit UMigos have lost lueir hold uu our luiivlng people: tbey are but shadows nl ir loriuiT greatness, and thev have hut u shadow ol llieir fpruier power. Those paper huvu had tue'r iiseliilnes.. but tt is goni; and, with it, they are going, loo. It war nut ll.e fault uf llie pa;a;r.; it was the Im provciuent ol the cnttulry that brought uhout thechnnc. Men and woiuen, wher oier they live, now require Ircsher news; ami thev require more liiau news i i!K WrKiiLV I IMS' K liners nil tlio tvp.-s of every pussiiig week whatever has lanting interi-attn ln'ople ut lar.e, ami Sets it belorr t Ii e ill 111 such generosity ot piper and priir as W1114I.I hayo astonished us ull tvvelll yeHrs ago, Daily Twelve conls 11 week, liny cenls & month, iff, a ycHT, two cents a copy. 5-CSIiAY r ur cenis u isqiv.SJ a year. copy, i2 a year; tire copies, $8 a yenij ten isqnes, Jli a yeai; twenty nipies, 125 n yeur, with ono copy frio to the getter up 01 every eiuo. THE TIM Ei, riULAiiKIUtA Tholr Harao Iz Legion. Leginns uf people havo had their livrs iiiinlo miserable by piles. This painful dUhVultyis oicii induced and always nggra. voted by C.'iisnpjlniu, Kinney Wort is the great remedy for all affections uf this kind. It acts as a gentle calli.irli-:, pin nmtcs a healthy action "f tho bowels, and mollies 1111,1 heals the i is 11 lined surfaci's. It bus enrol hundreds ol eases where nil other remedies ami applications have tailed, ooui at an uriiists. Music and BlographTi Ye Ohhle l'olkcs eoiig book. A choice C'-lleotion uf songs aud choruses for "Ohlde I-'nlkes" concerts, ta which is udded bl.i sketches. Leu & Walker, 1113 Chestnut St., Pliiln, Tills look conleir.s the words and music nf 18 nines "Brattle Stnot," "Dost thou love me, sinter Ruth,' "From Obernti, in Fairyland," "Hark the Curfew's solemn sound," "Hark, the Lark," "In vilati'in," Mount Zion," "New Jerusalem," '-Noiv, 0 nnw I needs inns'," "Ode an Eeienee," "Old Hun dred," "IMgriiii's Farewell," "Pretty Mocking Bird," "llus.ia," "Since first law yur Faco," Strike the Cymbal," To all jou Ladies now on Laud," "Y Anlicnl Malilcnms," which will make all excellent programme for a good eicniog'i entertainment, rollowm the tunis ore sliorl sketches nf Za eiiiine inuipoiiers, iiichiding such as Beeth oven, Mozirl, llHiiilel,llHVilu,Mi'iiili'li.sohii I'leyel, Calisitt, Lulher, Parry, Farmer, and others ill celebrity. 1'rire 'ii ecu Is. A good staple patent medicine like Jad win's Tr Syrup inav bo trusted with !a iiioro saiety than 11 ductnr's pns nptioii the loriner has been tesle.1 uver a hunilrit Ihousainl times, while tho latter may elrar and 111:1 v not For sale at Thomas' dru, store, Hank street, A woman who attracted attention A Kentucky wotntti sat down ou u bee hive to wuloh a fire. Iu about two mil nles the fire was playing siound fiddle ti the worn iu, About twio as tnuoli of Jadivlu's Pine Tar Syiup lor your money us that nf un other, and every oun admits it a liumlre tunes butler iir"oods,iir.iup. Am. It is aim tile nnly cough remedy 111 ule uu scieiitifi prinuipli'S. Thomas, the driini.t, sells I1 A host, ludeed; -S:rg-.ail, bow mauy men havj Jon now? W u ll have to b 1 moving mjoii." '0,1'vigota host A host how is thai?" "Why, l'vo con scripted uiy landlord. NO A QUESTIONof rpinlnn we guarantee, every box of Acker's lrwp sia Tablets. Price 25c. and ille. Suld by Dr. Hum, Lehl iilon. aud K. A. Horn, Wcis(-oit. A recipe for ge'.tiug rich: At U Stock Excjango "Huaiutss is very bad stocks are always falling uud yet you ways seem lo have money. -H.i do ou do 11?' ' It is very simple. I uevtr 1a, any of my old debts ' "Aud tbu uov ones?' "I li-t Unmeet nlilj O .veil ton. Kv. Dr. I. F.Munily.says: have found iirnwu'a Iron Hitters one nl th' heat l.mics and pretrnbe 11 Irequenlly Gjod pblloaophy, with pussible wn lacked ou: Biys G o'-bj; "A large par' of all tbe mUohief in the world arhe Irom tbe tact that men do uot sufficient nidersttud llieir own aims." Can Goetb bave bad in bis mind tbe amateur sporK men who at tbis season slays the farm sr p t steer? "I am using Dr Graves' llrsrt ltegu'a'.o with great results, nan Heart jin-uso 1 r vears. su bad could lint Ha i?ovn. Job. AIcGuir. Pike Station, O. Th- Heart U) dilator cures all lonns of Heart Disie nervousness and sleeplessness. Warmed tbe oor thing. "Ilellr E-ibruiui, did )ou have u good 1 1 ner for Christmas? " Dted I did. himbo 1 uiwcumiu' home night bcfo'Cbriatmaa inJusoui uold, you know ud I sic some chickens ou it roost uud dcy was 1110s Irozaauil I look 'em widmeand doue wirmnd Vui! Ou, J''S, I bad a berry gmoi Christmas dinner chicken pot-liio and fixiua. y. r knows. Ki. y,l Go w'ay boj ! Wnt yer kuow uoul Uelo.ophy ob ds wedder?" ) ' Some say "Consumption can't Iw cured ' I . a rrt Plnlmsa specially, and WAR. Ayer't Cherry I'eelorsl, as proved by fnrly I A lJ I I Him lb. A D 1) IT IONaIi yearsexierieiice,willi'Utelhiailisiwlieii ' -'ihiMBiTKAD i'KU riFIOAT advanrwl beyond ill- reach el ES and nil kinds .if LANIi SlUtlPT Umght ineiioalanl Ewu Ihei. iu u- atr.i.l. j y..,v freU ..urf, snd lucres rol.chipg tep. Tho Carbon A(J Qcats, An Independent Fmllv Nwnpt, I'ublisliei every ATbltDAi, Itj, Ljblijbton, Carbou Co., Pa., by IIAISUV V. .UOItXniyTEft., jra'o-fAfKTr'AV, A shwt CU:rtic( sjtoe ll.e Lehigh Valley B . te: $1,00 perMiLEi.iii Mam J ob 3?iintintf AT VI.H LOW PKlyUi-1 For tl:i Hoarcciics, Bronchi Asthma, Vhoopii pient Con:timption relief ci consumptr .tlt'anc Soldb; Vu'QriDSRFfJLV CIJE?ES OP CIDMEY0SSEASE8 ' Q) AND ' Ci LIVER fiOMPLAIHTS, o liecaiiii!! It sets ou the LIVEII, DOtTEL v& KlDMIVS et tho sarns time, CacAuta It eloanaes tho BTatetil or thaoolaon- ous hamora tliat darolopo la Kidney anil Vrtt nary Diseases, Uiausnoai, Jaundise, Conatlp. tlon, Znc3, or la ltneumatlam, Keuialgda, XTari voua tzcrdera and all Fc-nala Complalitta IT Wlli ETOELT ctmn CONSTIPATION, PILES, r.ncl RHEUMATISM. ZSt causes filial ACTION of aU th rstna ana xunctions, ucrcDy- CLEANSING tho BLOOD rcstcrlujUiononaiLl power to throw o H (Unufi TtlCUSAKOS OP CASE8 of the vront forms of thsa terrible dlMUMa Lao bcoa ti' rcliovod, and In a t&ort tima PZnFCOTLY CURED, ruics, (1. 1 tquio uu ij:r, solo by ducwuts, Ur? can bo coat by mail. T7ELL3,UICiIAliD30ir A; Co,, Burlington, yt, 3 btiua fr Viry AliatiiM I-r ISM, C3 1 -r 3 i 1 1 3 2-5 ?S3tfS 1 M l tk . Urn a i - i t .- c 3 o 3J!" O H 'I'C'r,5' !3 b oSI -S i item ui & S . 3 0 03- V I AYER'S Olisrry Pectoral. No nthcr complaints are so Iqsldlooslu thett it.ick as tlmsonuVctlpg tlio throat and lunp) .mo i trilled with by the majority of suiter, r.i. 1 ho ordinary cough or cold, resulting v.:i;i,'s from a trilling or unconscious ex. is.iio, is of leu hut tho Welruiiusot fatal .ekucsa. AVEK's Clll.l'.l'.v rxCTOMb ha . -II iiovin Its efficacy In a forty years' tight lh tliroal and l.iug diseases, and should bs ikcu in a.l cases without delay, A Terrible Cough Cnred, In I.-.7 1 took aseveiocoM.whlchaffeetwt v iioss, I had n teriible cough, and passed 1, .In alter lilit ullliont sleep. Thedoctors .uinio nr. t li'i.d AVKli's ClIEimv PC utab, ulilcli relic led my luucs, induced iiji, and nllordid mo the rest necessary ! lini recovery of iny strength. Dy the uiiii.iud use of the Pi noiiAi. a peyrn.' nl cuio una tllcctcd, 1 am now Ci years il, halo and hearty, nnd am satisfied yeur n.iiliv i'l.cTun.w. saved me. Hoiiaci: FAinnnornzn," Uoculiijlmiii, VI., July 15, UK. Croup. A Mother's Tribute. Wh'lo In the country last winter my little y. three wars old, wr.s taken 111 with croup; . fjeuiod a.s If hovioiilil die from atniagu One of tho fnmlly sufgestefl tho use .Wen's Uiimmv Pi.iToiiAis a Vott'e ol 1 c!i was aiu.-ivs ktpl lu the house. This a tried 111 siiiall and frequent dosra, nit mr delight lu Icfs than half an hour the .L.e iiatieui was brcrdlilng easily. The doo- s.i.d that tho CIU.I111V Pxtobal had iv I in v darling's life. Can ou wonder at 4. grntliude'.' Wneeioly ynuts, Mits. Fmsia Geovet," li.i West KSth St., :eiv York, Way 10, UtJ, " I havo ii-cd At r.u's Curnnr Pectoeai. 1 inv family for fcvcnil enrs, and do not ea tale 10 piniioituco It tho most effectual mcdy for coushs aud colds we have rvc iied. A. J.Cjuuti." lt!,e Crystal, Minn., March IS, IMS. I utrred for eight years from Droriehltla, 111 1 alter try lug inauv remedies with no too. eis I m cuivd by the nse of Arr.n'a Cnrn . Pi'iTniiAU .loarru Waue.", Mies., April 0, Mi. I c.nuiot any enouch In praise of AYT' ii- itnv PrcTiuiAL, liellovlng as J do that M Mr Ita us- I should long since tT tuea o o lung troubles F, Bbaodo. I'.i.CMiiic, 'lexns, April 2, Ubi, No case nf an nffectlnu of the throat mgs exists which cannot be greatly relleree iv the uso of Avr.n's Ciieubv rECioEAl, ml it will alirwjt curt when the disease If ,ot already beyoud the coutiol of modiclu) Dr. J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, MaMa Sold by all Drocjlus. i & 5C I 1 "0 s arm .-r.ii.lU 3 Eft 950 m PK! df-hlfsHitt w rrp-- -wie.B it week at home. HOOeuint frse. Pay- ah.nlutelv sure. No risk. Capital in rrnnlrail lfeaoae. ir Ton Vint 1 tnilnes- at wliloh persons uf either sex. old young, can make grs aiitffi Maine. , vmi mil., niru. I'nj ii lim iiiu. n-oluie certainly, wnte wr IUllxtt iOo Portland, aeeyi' .""; jl'"' V " rTT1 Va. TI.umS Z. MtJcVn i;sgrua. l. O. fia-9ifv. lis, Croup,! Cough, Inci-3 ai.d for the! e perrons, mi of Ihc liiscase.-! ruggkts. Price 25cJ I :: fell I iS H.S.SI -1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers