jjj n. SIEWEUS, DISTRICT ATTOBNEY A COUKSELlOIl , AT I.A.W. , Office, Kloti'o pniwlng Btoaaway, MAOlin CHUNK, PA. Settling Estates. Flung Accounts and Orphans Court rractico a Bpecialty. ... , Trial ot oansoa carelttlrv attended to. Lega rai tactions In Kngliah and German. Jiup. to toluw ftwmtt. SATURDAY, MAKOU 2, 1678. Local and 'PSrsonal. There are 97 prisoners lu tho Wilkes Urrojall. Basincu at Summit Hill is said to bo Try dull. This it the proper ecason for trimming grape Tine If you warittho oddrtss of your paper changed this spring plcaso notify usin time. James McflorrHottwas killed by falling under a loaded car at Coaldale, Fa., Mon day. Solomon Ycakcl desires lo return Ills thanks to Hon. VT. M. Rapshor for favors rendered. . , Many cinstimptivcs arc rtoVf using Dr Trailer's Hoot Bitters and Cough Syrup with remarkable success. Pleasant as honey, the old folks like It,tho young people like it and the babies cry for it we mean Dr Frazicr's Cough Syrup. Tho Danville, Hazlcton and Wilkes Carre Railroad is advertised to bo sold at bubllc tale at Bloomsburg, ou the 20th of March. Helnr'eli Wahlen.convictolofthe mur 'der of Max Hugo Hochne, committed stii 'elde in his cell, at Norristown, on Saturday evening. Read and remember tho wonderful, but true announcement A. J. Darling, proprie tor of the Feorjle'a Drug stdre, makes in kmotker column. Since the discovery of Dr. Williams's Imdiau Ointment there is certainly no ex cuse for any ono to 'suffer with the Piles. See Advertisement. No pen however. talented, can do justico 'to Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Scneka. It tares coughs,colds,and croup as if by magic. Price 25 add 50 cents. Dados will be tho stylo of wall mper this year,and a callatLuckcnbach's, Mvuch Chunk, will convince you that ho 1 as duo Styles and knows how to put them up. We ire authorized to state that every incrchantin tho land keeps Dr. Coxo'a Wild Cherry and Scneka and Santonino Worm Syrup. 25 and 60 cents per bottle. Attention Housekeepers I As the sow ing season has advanced, you will find it to yoflr advantage to call at tho Original Cheap Cash Store of J. Ti Nusbaum Ic San, and cx 'smine prices. J. K. Rickcrt has still a few of those eli gible lots in Rickcrtstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good home call and aea him. lie it also supplying Hour, feed, lumber and coal at the lowest rates. Do you love your children? Then do not ollow them to suffer with coughs and colds. Get a bottle of Dr. Haas Expectorant, and thus have tho means at hand to avert a Vital termination. 25 and 50 cents a bottle. New building enterprises, say3 tho Philadelphia Ledger, are in prostresi in Brooklyn to an extent people little dream of. Houses in rows of a dozen aro going up in leading aVenucsi and moro contracts arc pending. t If the Burmcs husband and wifo grow 'tired of each other they imtne'diatcly dissolvo partnership. Reader" don't wait until you grow tired and ioro of tho cough. Dr. tjoxe's Wild Cherry and Scneka ileVer fails to cure. 25 and 60 cents per bdttlc. VJust JteceiVed a large fetock of fhiriily dry goods, at Very attractive prices, at the Original Chedjl Cash Store. A Cro on Wednesday morning destroy ed the head house and machinery at No." 2 riope of the Susquehanna Coal Company at Nantieoke. Loss, $12,000; probably in sured. The mcu tit work in tho Elope all Escaped through a new outlet which was completed last week. FOR CASH. M. Florey, having adop led the casli Bystem in his business, an nounces to tho public that ho is selling liar lies?, collars, Ac, at very reduced prices for ready monoy. Call, examine arid bo con yinced. Manufactory ilear tho Canal Bridge, Eatt Wcissport, Pa. Isaac Miller, express dgent of tho Read ing Railroad at Ashland Pai, disappeared on Friday of last week and ills frieiids fear that he has committed suicide. Ill 1870 he lost several hundred dollars which ho had collected for a church, and had been trving to pay it back, and the matter is said to havo preyed'on his mind. The keys of his tafo are missing. Martin Bergan, arrested near St. Cath arine, Canada, charged with tho murder of ratWck Burns, at Tusoaroru, Pa., April 15, 18tu, will be extradited by order oftho Cana dian Court, in a few days, and brought to PotUville for trial. He was arrested on tho 8th instant, and the extradition lias been brought about In a remarkably short epaco of time. The sheriff of Westmoreland county, in this State, lias unearthed n gang of ttrelve or fifteen Molly Maguircs who havei for three years, operated in tho vicinity of Ir win's Station, on tho Pennsylvania Rail road. Two of tho gait have been arrested) ndonoof them, named Parfit) has confes sed various acts of fildrder, incendiarism and riot in which Hid gail; Were cntrajed. They stirred up strikes, and then committed acts of Violence to prevent them from com ing to d termination. The Reading Savings Bank ease cams up In the United States Court at Philadelphia, Wednesday, tm an application from tho as-' tigneo in bankruptcy for a modification of the order-of February 8, 1878, which was that the assignees under the voluntary as signment, convey to tho aasigneo in bank ruptcy, all the real estate, Ac., in their pis tession. Upon this application tho counsel agreed with the Court that the original order ought to stand, as tho modifications asked for would probably not work well. Tho Court repeated tho order made on the 8th of February, without any qualification. A OES.TLE HIXT.-'IK our style of climate, with its sudden changes of ten'iiera Itire, rain, wind and sunshine often inter Mingled ir a tingle day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and lelativos aie to frequently taken from us by neglected coldjhnlf the deaths resulting directly from thlt cause. A bottlo of Boschec's Herman Bynip kept about your homo for immediate, use will prevent serious sickness, a, largo doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing consump tion, hemorrhages, pneumnnlacvere coughs, croup or any diseaso of tho throat or lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as yourdrug gltt will tell you. German Syrup is now jold in every town and village on this con tinent Sample bottle for' trial, 1 Oc,: regular ris, It. Tor It by ju3 Purling. Barnum now has brought together n herd of eighteen elephants, nil of which will visit Allcntown with his big show early in May. A farmer told us that ho would not bo without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup if it cost fivo dollars n bottlo. it must bo a wonucr. ful remedy. Rev. J. C. Bliom, of this b.orough, and Rev. J. K. Kncrr,ol Wcissport, iciton Mon day last to attend tho conferenoo of tho Evangelical Association nt Reading. Governor Hartraft on Friday lastgrant cd a resnitoto TomasP. Fisher, now confin ed in our county jail uiidcrscntcnco of death, lor ou unya uauug lrom iui'ou.ij iasu Rev. Dr. Sadtler. of Muhlcnsuiirc Col lege, will preach in the Lutheran church, of tins plaee,to-mairow (biinuay; in tuo morn ing at 10 o'clock, and in the evening at 7. Tho Ilokendanqiia church has grown from sixteen to one hundred and seventy enrolled members since tho Rev. James A. Little came from New Yolk citv, nine years ago, lo begin his ministerial labors in that pUIC'. Prince GorlchokofTwas seized with a violent attack of cramp in tho stomach Fri day night of last week. Whether you havo the cramp so badly that you cannot walk, or not, go to Davi'd Ebbert's livery when you want to hire a horse and buggy. On Mondav inornins of last week Messrs. Frank Bastian and Edwin Roth, of East Texas, narrowly escaped a sudden death by the caving in of an embankment at the ore mine on the premises of Amandas Romig, near East Texas. Information has been received to tho effect that tho firo in No. 4 Mine, which threatened so much damage a few weeks ago, has been entirely extinguished, and the Company propose at once to commence pumping out tho water and to open up tho mine. An exchange copies the following: "Fry your cold meat with unions and grarcg, and put ill a little vinegar, that is if you have any to fry." The paper then adds: "Bosh, Tell vo'.ir readers to least on hash and bo dono'with It." That's talking lightlv of u grave (y) subject. It would bo harder for us to find tho imtotis than vinegar. At the vendue salo of Georgo Loibon gutli, in Mooro township, Northampton Co. on Friday List, Daniel Steinmetz, aged about fifty-four years while ascending the elevated passage at tho rear nf tho bai-li, fell over the wall and brolco his neck. Tho un fortunate mail died instantly, Ho was in toxicated at tho time oftho accident. Tlie retail co.ll dealers in th5 neighbor hood of Eiston havo received llotico from the mining companies that they must ad vance the prico of coal to a certain figure or they will not bo furnished with any more coal from them, and they have in conse quence advanced its prico about fifty cents on the ton. Tho community consider it a great outrage. The annual meeting df the stockholders of tho Lehigh Navigation Company was held in Philadelphia Tuesday morning. The report of the Board of Managers makes the total revenue for 187" $0'JJ,iu;5 08, and total disburWments $1,180,331 29 leaving a deficit nf 5.101,055 41. Tho unsatisfactory result of the year's business is attributed to the low prico' of coal and to tho ctrikes among the miners. A young nun named Alen McClain, re siding In East Manrh Chunk-, and nn em ployee ou tho Lehigh Valley 11. R., met with an accident at Ooxtoii; on Wodnc'sdav morning last by which ho lost his life. Ilfs foot caught in the guard rail, and tho li uck nnd eight cars passgd'ovorhin mangling him in a most sliu.'king in inner. His remains were taken to his friends on No. 3 train. A lump of coal from Indian Ridge Col liery for the French Exposition at Paris, was shipped last week. It weiihed 7 tons 0 cwt., or 10,352 pounds. Tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company intend to build an ciigiiu at their simp in Reading, also for exhibition at Paris which is to be loaded on board by April 17. As tho boiler iron was not received at Reading up to Mon day, it is not cxjiected to waste a grc.it deal of timo building it, and that it will be a good ono there is no room to doubt. Hazlc ton ScntSnal. A watch-box on t'io Lehigh Valley Rail road, a few miles cast of Bethlehem, was broken open bv unknown paitics on Sunday night. Theyflemolished the widows, anil then placed three heavy stills across tho rail road track, evidently for tho puroso of wrecking a train. Tlio obstiuctions, how ever, were discovered in Units to prevent a disaster. Moilday uiornii'g Clias. Wo.ivcr nnd Edward Dncsbach were nrre3tcd at Froeinansburg, nnd they confessed them selves implicated in a plot to wreck trains, Revengo is supposed to have bccii tho mo tive, ono oftho villains having been recent ly put off a coal trainon which he was steal ing a ride. Attnllier Utntll Stnn iice. Despatches from Harrisburg announce that Governor Hartranlt Fiiday issued tho death warrant of Dennis Donnelly, fixing April 18 as the day of tho execution. This action on tho pal t of tho Executive is rather unaccountable from tho fact that a writ of error was taken out on January 20 last, re moving tho caso to tho Supremo Court, where an argument will bo had on tho 18th of march, tho easo being nt tho lic.nl of tho Schuykill county list. Tho case being ttill landing, it is rather surprising that n day should be fixed lor tho execution of tho sen tence of tho Court below. Tho iiajior book is now being prepared, tho evidence being printed in Puiladelphia at the expense, of tlio Reading Railroad Company, and tho points, history oftho caso and arguments in u Pottsvillo printing establishment. If after argument tlio Supremo Judges slncild lake half as much timotj deliberate Over Donnelly's case as tliey did ill Keiioo's caso tlio day fixed for tlio hanging of Donnelly will havo come and passed, and unless the Governor reconsiders his action Djiinelly will bo dead belorc his case is discussed. licamUlt' Pnriloii. Tho recommendation of ths BesjJ o.Er dons in tlio case of Frank A. Burnish has been approved by Governor Hartranft, and tbe papers were mailed Friday oftcrnuon. Tho recommendation for tho pardon was signed by Lieutenant Governor LitUT, Secre tary of Internal Alf.iirs McCandless and Se cretary oftho Cjmmenwe.illh Quay,1 Attor ney General L.'ar, wh" as not iiillucnccd by any such reasons as tan others, but look ed at the caso from the cold stand plint of law nnd factb, declined toagren mthc'ieoom mendation. Among; thcs who petitioned for tlio pankni tire Hon. Charles it. Bucka lew, Hon, Stanley Woodward, Hon. Hend rickB. Wright. Hon. Samuel S. Jones, Hon. 1). M. Jonos.llon. William N. Monies, Hon. George Judge and twenty clergymen of tho Catholic Church, as welf as a number who vigorously urged his prosecution. Tho case has been beforo the board for six months, anil the ostensible ground for granting tho jvirdnn is tho condition of Beamish' wife, who. suffers great mental anguish and with six ehildren, Isdostitutc. His also contended that Daamish wot punished for a graver crime than contemplated in tbe indictment agdnst him. Reorganization Planned Tlio Cen tral lilt, of N. J. A joint commlttco representing the con Eolidatcd bondholders oftho Central Rail road of New Jersey, tho cohsolidatcd bond holders of tlio Lehigh and Wllkesbarro Coal Company, and the secured creditors and tho stockholders oftho Central Railroad of New Jersey have submitted a plan for tlio reor ganization of that road; It provides that tho holders of tho consolidated and converti ble bonds shall cancel their coupons for two nnd a half years, receiving n new twenty-fivc-year seven per cent, mot tgago bond, tho morlgago to form a second 1 icn ou cer tain property of tlio company. The puar nnteoof the Central of New Jcrecy of $11. 500,000 of tho bondi of tho Xichigh and Wilkesbarro Coal Company is also touccon celled, the said company to issue ten year bonds at six or seven er cc.it, for the amount of tho coupons concellcd. Tho holders oftho American Dock and Improve ment bonds are not to prosecute tl o Central Railroad of New Jersey beforo July I, IM.'I, provided a deiiosit of $700,000 of tho com pany's bondi is made prior to May 1, 1878, to securo tlio payment of any interest duo July 1, 18S3. Stockholders ore to bo ass sscd ten per cent, on their holding;, receiving mortgage bonds for tho amount paid in, and are to surrendcrono tenth of their stock in re turn for income bonds. Tho amount to bo thus raised is $2,03fi,00, but if by April 15, 1878, $1,020,000 shall have been rait oil, tho agreement shall tako effect on that date, and tho issues of bonds provided for sh ill bo made. Tho statement of tho condition of t ho rj.ul shows that $022, 1)10 is to bo paid a. lit o, tl e income. Tlio total nctearuiiigs oft lac road, with its branches and leased lines, for the year ending Dec. 31, lS77,wcro $2, JSI,SI0,10 from which is to bo deducted tho rental of tlio Lehigh and Susquehmnin division, $040,511.31, leaving an actual net income of $1,S.'W,335,12. Tho plan of settlement relieves tho road from the paytnontof Interest on consolidated and convertible bonds for two and a half years, nt $j,35S,000, and tho interest on American 1'oels anil improvement bonus two and a half years, at$210,000 per annum total relief amounting to $3, 020 000. To pay oil' the tecurcd debt of $1,500,000, $J, 007,250 will bo lequired. Under the plan there is to bo paid annual interest as first stated ... $022,018 Int't upon $5,500,000 new mort gage bonds 385,000 Interest upon $2,500,000 new in cam: bauds :.: 171,500 Tiio annual interest account dur ing 21 years is, 5I,i70,llS The annual net Income is., Leaving balance of net incomo $C5S,8S7 Making in 2iycarsabalanco appli cable to payment of debt of $1,017,217 Amount lo bo received from stock- Holders under plan 2,030,800 Total to bo received on basis of lS77for2J years :i...3,0S4,017 Leaving a balance of $1,313,232 to pay tho secured debt nnd interest! ; $1,007,250 Tile supplementary report, after explain ing tho dullness ol tho coal trado in lbi7, forecasts tho prospects of the rhad in tho event ot a revival oi business, nnu sets uown the probablo net incomo oftho company at $3,038,335, which, after the payment of in terest, should leavo an annual surplus of $1,007,387. This surplus would givo n dividend on tho stock (reduced under the plan to $18,331,200) of nearly six per cent. For every $100 paid in casli "and every $100 of stock surrendered stockholders aro to re ceive $100 of tho new mortgage bonds and $100 of new incomo bonds. Tho report says that the company will dliubtless continue in tho hands of the re ceiver until tho $1,500,030 ofdcbtthall have been paid, which will probably bo in 1SS0. Than lit. Mb. Eonoa: I desire to express, through your paper, my sincere thanks to the friends who havo contributed si nobly toward the support of inyself and family. By their generosity ire havo been lifted above want, and tho wolf has been driven from tho doer. For years to come, wherever in tlio provi dence of God I may bo called to labor, it will bo with great pleasure that I shall look back to tha time and character of tho friends that I made while serving tho P.ick crton M. E. church, ami their kindness will coino to memory while reviewing tlio eighteen months tpent nt rackerton as n Christian minister. Their kindness to mo will be ns a green spot in my history. It will bo with great reluctanro that I will say good bye. And here I wish to say to the public, that great credit is duo Mrs. Hatch and Mrs. Uabcock for their untiring efforts in causing my wants to bo made known, and to thoso who contributed towards tlio donation that was given mo 6n Tuesday evening, Februiry 12tli. Tho following persons were present on the occasion: Mr. ami Mrs. Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. Babeock, Mrs. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Mullin, Mr. Win. llarleinan, Mrs. Mertz, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Wcisj, Mrs. J. Vouug, Miss Hattio Williams, Miss Bertie Stiles. The names of thoso who contributed, but were not present: Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Harleman, Mr. and Mrs, Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Davis and Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Long, Mr. Laiigkammercr, Mr. Treth away, Mr. Lelllsr, Mr. J. E. Dolan, Mr.and Mrs: Broadhoad; .Mr. W. Trainer, Mr. Shuck, Mr. Helker, Mr. Wcidow, Mrs. J. Stucker, Mrs. Wiles, Mr. Fatzinger, Mr. Win. Kcmercr, Mr. J. T. Nusbatlm.Mr. and Mrs. Vansootcr; Mr. Kroon, L. Biylcr, Mr. and Mrs. Hontz, Mr. Andrews, Mrs. Book men; J. G. Zern, W. Anthony, Mrs. Barton, and several others whose names I did not learn. Respectfully, J.B.W. JlicSEETOX, Tob. 25, 1S78, Wclsajiort Ileitis. Mr. llagaman will occupy tho storcform crly owned by Mr. Lswis Ivciss, I picsamo Mr. II. is not aware that there is panic in Wclas)ort. Last week Mr. Mosser, of L?highton, while skating, broke in, which frightened a young lady so badly that she fell, ttrikinj her hoad on tho ice. She is ever since com plaining of sick head-ache. Mr. M. will please se to tlio above. Thopxiplo in town wcro' somewhat ex erted on hearing that about twelve hard looking trauiH, woro stopping in Lehighton. The majority of them had lights burningall light, and Mr. Rueli had store boxes piled up against his store door, so that if taken away, tho noiso might awaken him; but, as yet, they havo not made thoir npiwarauco. On Thursday nf last week Mr. Slieka meyer got to drinking very freely, at the Franklin Hotel, and the result was iutox ieationi to Joe, the negro, oaino in, and was about in the tame condition as Mr. S. and as a nutter of course, an intoxicated iwrson feels like fighllng, Mr. 6. somewhat abusfd Joey, when Mr. Smith of L-high- ton, made his appearance, nnd claimed Joty as a near anil near lncnu oi ins, nnu wouia not allow anyone to abuso him. This at last caused n bull-dog fight. It was a hor riblo sight, to see them roll around In tho mud. If Mr. Smith wants lo fight ho should do so when a man is sober. Mr. ICistlcr conplains very much about business, and tiunits, it it noes nop improvo shortly, it will comiiel them to livo on mo lasses brcau. nut 1 una mat no uas pur chased a brackct-saw nnd Is trying his licit to keep from living on tho aforesaid 'lasses ureau. r its ess, Mntioliliifi Itema. Showstorm on Monday. Defeated candidates are quiet. When will our Jalionlng boys go West? or did tliey only mean West Pcnii? Washington's birthday passed almost without notice, no schools tnrougnout mo district being closed. On Tuesday, tho 20th ult., Jr. R. F. Hof- ford was around visiting our schools for the last lime during this term. Our Spring weather comes iri Iho place of Winter, nnd'mir Winter, wo suppose, will como when we should havo Spring. Jr. J. II. Notlistcin, of PleasantCorncr, has of late started up in the Bracket manu facturing business, and is turning out somo fine work'. Jr. Edwards is still crossing tho Dela ware to route his enemy, whether ho will bo as successful ns Washington was during tho Winter of 1775-0 time will show. Wo aro informed that Rev. W. H. Strauss, of this place, has discontinued ono of his West Ponn charges, for tho reason tiiat tlio old "Westers" hold loo fast to tho "sugar," another step towards "reform." When n preacher gets in the pulpit and denounces his followers for selling, swoping and doing any kind of business on Sunday, and then turns around, alter his sermon lias ended nnd sells almuuacs, our schoolboys call it "reform." Jr. J. H. Jillef, teacher of Beaver Run school, for two successive terms, the latter of which will expire next April, has then traveled over fifteen hundred miles coinu ami coming, in attending to his duties. Such is tho reward of thoso who teach the "young twigs how to shoot." Yours, Respectfully, Ridimtii. The Coal Trmlc. As wo said last week, there is no probabil ity of any activity ill tho anthracito coal ti ado bclore tho first of April next. One purpose of the parties to tiio coal combina tion is to reduce the surplus stock of coal on tho market, lo allow of a full and continued supply of coal fresh mined lo the end oftho seat mi. To this cud tho several coal region aro raying how littlo they can do in the way of production, and tonnage all around is ncirlyatastandstill. Of the littlo report ed las', week by the Reading Railroad Com pany nearly or quite all was anthracite front the Lehigh nnd Wyoming coal legions and bitumi nous coal Irem west of llarrisburg. Not a tun was sent to Tort Richmond dur ing tho week, but tho shipments of old stock thenco l cached 23,500 tons and was princi pally carried by tho company's steam col liers. On the 27th inst., shipments of coal from, tho iniues will bo commenced in mode rate union nts in the Schuylkill region. The stock of coal ou hand, "however, will bo closely watched, and Iho supply not bo al lowed" to run ahead of tho current demand. Although last week was what is known in the trade ns a working week by tho Lehigh Valley Raili oad, very littlo coal was brought to tidu at An, boy, and of the amount reach ing that point, a considerable portion of it remains in tho cars for want of ahinnhiz orders. It is so much more satisfactory to unload directly into vessels than to dumti tlio coal and load from tho wharves that tho loaded cars are permitted to stand Ukii the tracks nnd sidings. Tlio Lehigh Navigation Company ttopjied work at all their collieries but ono last week, and except at that ono work will bo tusiended for tho remainder of tho month. The only encouraging feature oftho trado at this, the gloomistjiait of the year'sbusiness, is the strengthened assuraneo that the conditions nf tho combination will b adhered to. This is tlio season of tho year when tho coal trado is dullest and tlio particular timo when casli income Is small est. It is true tho expenditures aro corres pondingly lessened, but it universally results in moro or less of financial inconvenience, and tlio present is no exception to tho rule, though there is no reason to doubt that all tho parties in interest will pass safely through to the time for active business. Tlio report mado current last week, on tlio strength of n newspaper paragraph that tho Reading Railroad Company had borrowed in London a million of dollars at 00 cents on tho dollar, is incorrect, no such loan having been made, all the temporary loans required by the company having been secured at 6 wr cent irom capitalists in our own market. Lalgci; Monday. Tuttollo vine talilo sliowa tao quantity oi coal ftaliue 1 over inoLehiiili Vll'jy Kulroautot the week cu Iuk Yeo. utiiil, ,s;i iiiiu for lUe j ear us cmiuaml lue uuio uuit, lut year. 11 .(tIouh l'fom i Weelc. Year JC9.1S2 0.1 M.i.i tl 11" Oi 111 021 ta tuais 14 BUOJ 2.WI Is Wyoming liuiuiou Unprr iiehiitti lluivor Minaavv Muhuuov Mauo l.Chuulc 1'ort Ie.'aware caou is lit) ui 10 V..1 14 13 01 la 3.7 12 Total II7.V3I 01 tdl.'Sd i Msi Youi ;s.i'7is ti.o.n 17 lacicuao aa.vjTCl I'cj, lis L)UU!Luo KUl'OltT or OOAl, transported nv-r Lettish AbusqU lialinaU. vision. Central 11 U. oi Nor jito, , ht v liars vnmiiff ri'U..z ttiHt tstnpi cil fioiu i Total wt ex. V viiliuna; ;j,0.7 I I'lijie: Leiilgh : 1 241 oa " .l.v.K.iL'o. 1.LL5 12 To date, U,0 ki 13 27.114 0: U.H7J II 30.113 12 fill IS 24 114 17 '-0.7-3 IS 11,340 II llazletou. nenyer jieauuw 'Jaw ll 29 la 5.267 04 1 ViS II loo7 11 .Muucli i'Luiik Ciostt'ieex j ; Coaucil ittilKO Uuzjiilvllle Total l'rcvlously i epoi tie.. . Total to ilnio ssmolime ta-l reui... Inrreaio Pucrcaco 60 72 I H722S14 217.0)3 17 217 K'5 17 :r:r,3 it $1,317 19 Industrial Items. Nebraska raised this year 25,000,000 bush els of corn and 175,500 hogs. Tho Colorado mines produced $7,870,132 worth of gold and silver ore in 1877. Tlio Jackson & Woodin manufacturing company, of Berwick, are running on full time. The ship-yards of Maine have turned out a tonnage of 7(5,303 tons for tho year 1877, which is an increase of 2,731 ions over IsIO. -i-On tho 22nd ultimo the employees of tho Lehigh Valloy machine shops, at South Kuion, commenced working ten hours per day. Th3 Jiroposod construction of tho Waller railnxul, says the Mountain Echo, kindles many bright hopes in tho breasts of tho wpul.ije. Lat week 550,760 bushels of corn, 30,000 pounds of butter, and 210,000 pounds of frcshlbef, were exported from PniUdol. pan to foroigu ports. Lehlghtan Lyceum. Tho Lyceum was called to order by T. A, Snyder. Tho President and Vico President beingabscnt. Roll called. Several absent, Minutes ol previous meeting rcal and an nroved. Tho President for ensufnir Jnonth. Mr. 0. A. Clauss, took (ho chair making a lew remarks. Jimic, " fbea you'll rcincin' ber me." by Jiss Emmallault, JVrs. Lonir street and Jlfiss Emilia Burnstelri, organist, Two of tlio referred questions wcro answer ed, tho third rofcreo absent. Essay, Miss Clara Hiblcr; subject, hard timc3: well ro, ceived. Music, a solo by Emma Dollcri' mayor, "Tho Littlo Ones at Home." Tho debate, resolved "That Cuba should bo an liexed lo tho United States." was oncned on tho affirmntivo by T. A. Snyder. Tho ciuci disputant, Mr. iioirn, being absent, louowcu pn tlio negative by ti. u. liiinam. Tho general debato was participated in by tho members. Music, a solo by Clara Hib- lor. "Benullfiil Drcnms." Tlio dicision nf tho chair was in favor of tlio affirmative, Tho following report of curators was adopt ed: Referred nuestions: first. What is tho cause oftho hard limes? A. W. Horn. Sec ond, Give a description of tlio U. S. Capital T. A. Seifcrt. Third, Who laid tlio first pavement? R. Sweeney. Fourth, Who is the oldest man living at present ? Frank Rabcr. Ess.iv. two weeks hence, Ella Clauss. Subject for debate, Resolved, "That anticiintlon gives more pleasure than reali zation;" nll'rmitive disputant, Mr. Brown ossistcd by Tllos. Soifertj negative, M. A. Brctney, assisted by It. V. Morthimcr, Jr. Our Paper" was rbad by tho editor, T. A. Snyder, nnd listened to very attentively. After taking up tlio collection, the piece of music, entitled "Mooiuigni on the .Lake, was sung by E. Hauk, Jrs'. Longstrcct and u. A. uiauss. society aiiiourneu. Sr.cnr.TARr. Feb. 23d, 1878. Public Sales. The followinc is a list of public sales ad' "ertiscd in this paper.or for wiiich bills havo uecu iiruucu ui mis oiucu : Jarch 9, ot 2 p. m. At Horlaehcr's Hotel, in lorry vine, lour nouses anil lots, by too Ironin Loan nnd Builtlinrr Asstvintion. March 11, at ,1 p. m. Assignee's salo of iu.ii isuiie, Ui UU9. 1J.CI.1U1I.-, Ill 1UWUI11CI1' Kino, tvn. .VarcB.ll, at 1 K in. Sheriffs sale nt tho uourt House, oi rem csiaio oi donn iibbcrt, id jVfuhouinz Valley. -uarcii li, ai i p. m. siiorurs salo at tlio Court House, tho real estate of John Dist lcr, iii Towamciisinc twn. Jarch 11, at 1 p. in. At Sheriff's sale, nt thb Court House, tlio real cstato of Win. Leihliard, In Towainensing twp. Jarch 13, at 10 n. m. Farming stock of win. Jiauy, uec u, in uxst ram twn., u. C. and Rosa Bally, administrators: . Jareh 13, nt 2 p. in. Assignee' salo of lown-iois oues.ii. seuio, in I'ranuiin township. March 11 at 2 p'. in. Assignee's sale of real estate jOi iienry t. iiernn anil wile, in. WilRf. Wioaaivwl Frnnl;lin IrMi'tial.ln Jareh 23, at 10 a. m. Public salo of farm ing stock, on tho farm known n3 the De Long place in East Pcnu twp., by John Balliet. f.lUbf Lettera Rcmaininc uncalled for in the Lehighton post office, Feb. 28; 1878. Balliet, Anna, Mrs. Haunt, Alfred Burner, Ellen, Mrs. Hartline, Henry Confer, Jacob, 2 Krani, Nathan Cliristman, J. Kistle, Eld Fauber, H. G. Poirce, I rani: 4 Fritz, William Iieinhcinicr. Joseph Flickinger, William Rex, Georgo W. Guinbcrt, Mary Smith, Nicholas Gesinnn, Georgo Scliafer, Levi Hcllelfinger; Mr. Weit, J. W. Heiltnan, George W. Wcrtman, William Hollcnbrect, James Persons cdllmc for any of tho abovo let ters, will pleas'o sav advertised. H. H. PETERS, P. M. DentlTiii His Favorite Kobe. the mortuary statistics of the whole civil ized world show that about one-fifth of all mankind dioof consumption alone, and tho number of deaths duo to consumption bears a greater ratio to the whole number than that of any other three diseases to gether. Moreover, investigation proves that this ratio Is steadily increasing. Its increas ing prevalence has led to Iho popular belief that consumption is incurable. Every year hundreds of theso sullcrers seek, in tlio sun ny retreats of Florida or tho dry atmosphere of Colorado; for health and find only ft grave. The ihfluertec of tlio ntmospliere tho only remedial ngent that cither Florida or Coloradocnu nll'onl tho consumptive is at best only pallmtnc Tho cure of con sumption dcjieuds upon two essential condi tion; 1st the arrest of the abnormal break ing down of tho tissues, wiiich jirevents emaciation, ami Id. tho restoration of healthy nutrition; in order to (top tlio for mation of tuberculous matter. Fulfill these conditions, and consumption II as curablo as fever. To fulfill theso conditions tlio re quired remedy must Increase tho appetite, favor the assimilation1 of food, and enrich tho blood, thus retarding tlio development of tubercles. To accomplish this, a moro powerful alterative than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has lievcr been discover ed. At tlio samo'tlmc, it soothes the irrita tion of tho nervous system produced by vio lent coughing, which in its turn so often leads to moro serious results. Tho uso of "expectorants" in consumption is absolutely suicidal. For whilo removing iho tubercles already formed, they produce yet moro seri ous results by iullaiuing and destroying the sound arid healthy tisirfes. Consumption requires a remedy that will sootho while it relieves,' harsh rncdicincs, but add fuel to tho lla'rne that riheady threatens to consumo the ayitcm. The (iofden Medical Discovery fulfills these conditions, and has been pro nounced tho best remedy yet discovered tj allay and arrest consumption A valuable deposit of iron ore was re cently develoiicd on lands of Mr. Daniel German, in Upicr Millford. Wo request all mothers to stop using laudanum for their bablcs.butuso Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, a good medicine. It contains nothing injurious. 25 cents. M.tltUIKI): SroNTM'iiKiK HiUK. On tlio lCtli of Feb ruary, by itov. A. Bartholomew, W. A. Btoneburncrif Danlelsville, Northampton county, and Sarali Hauk, of Krcsgovillc, Afbiiroo county. , Evf.ut NrstKY. On February Id, by Rev. J. K. Freeman, William O. Kvert and Kmma S. Ncslcy.tho fonfier of Packerton, rind tho latter of Heaver Hun. DIED, Biioads. On tlio IRIh ult., in nickertsvllle, of pneumonia, Charles P.hoads, aged CO years, 7 mouths, and U days. Uadesmak. On the 4th day of January, in East Ponn, Elmira, daughter of Jellerson and Larina llabcrman, aged 11 months and 20 days. Uitu On tho 15th day of January In Wost Penn, Alavester, daughter of Aaron and Alice Hill, aged 3 months, and 11 days. Zusr.B. pa the 19th day of January in Bowmanrvllle, Harriet, wifo of Lorenr Zeiser, aged 25 years, 11 months, 1 days. Closing Trices of Dtnivit & TottjijitS, Stock, Government and Gold, 40 Bout! Third Street, Philadelphia, Mar. 1, 167S: tr. H.t'K.ifii ircn on! irtv ii It. P. 5.2f.V. l"CS-J..t J....ICII, Dhl IHt,J(kM t. s.c-io's.im; 1H ll) ! if. M. Mt),lM 108 kj Ind lft. tlkpa V. . Jo-io'k t(OH bin nH eikr ir. h. norrcncv.O's its bin i ioh V. u.k'n 1531. now 10,1 blrt iom utM IT. H.lVs. new 103 Md I03H m! TJ.H.4'new ......1014 Mlioj aiknl 1'ennaylvanlaH.H SI Ma ilk ak Plnla. ifcJteaiMnK It. It..... 14 bid IIW atkee LehlRh tailor 11. 11 M.K W? tt aakH IcnlcriC'tiali f.'nv. Co.... I0H bid IIH nc nnltfil Cempanit'i nf N.J.1I4. bid IIIH Mri Pllts.,Tltinv..&lii;ir. ll.n. S bid diiitcl Phlla. & KHe It. R.. Bid IS asf Moitliern Central it. It.... tl. Mil I4H aaurt JtetonvllIo roaa. It. It. Co OU but 7 etf Oold KIN bid 1C1 ake Special Notices. A TOUCIIIXO Dtiln.BED iCESX. "Oh, If I had only received It before, I am confident It wou'd linvo cured me." Thrsitm rrcssivo words wero spoken by a gentleman in Iho last atasrea of consnmntlon, who.-on bis loaih-bo'l. rind recelycJ a bottle cf Ila'e'a nosey of IlorcliguaS and lor, and h.il liken only a part of it, when bo found he coald brcHbo with almost perfect oaao; .ht. couah had left lilm, but, not bavins: commenced lb article la time, his constitution was broken, and ho bad not sufficient ftrongth left to over come lbs ulicaso. Therefore, tho public will see tho r.ccessltr ct keeping tula article la the bouse, rendy tar Iramtdiato use, as It Is a ccr. (am care tor oil coughs, colds, hoarseness, diffi cult breathing;, nnd ell affections of tho throat, tronchtnl lubos and lnnuo. leaning to connuip. ttoD. Sold by all druzglsto, and ot Crlttcndrn'i I'ontrnl Moiiclno Wnreliousc, t rilxlli arenno. New Voik City, at 53 cents and tl. Oroat aar lng by purchasing lnrco slio. riKr.'a Tooinaciic Ditors care In ono cilnilU If lXdico would 1'oxslxt ArrnAnAxcEb' thev would never uso any other than Qlcnu'a sulphur soup, which sttmnlntea tho hoallhr uo: tlonof tho skin without lit rltatine It. and lm. parts n slow to the cu'cVks no known cosmcllo cm liuitate. tslnce Us adoption theic'a a niaiked lmprorcmcnt In tho cuniplexton of younaSa lies wl o had inilnlzea In Ito cnyctloi of fashion un til the ro-o Is their clicoU had been aupplantod by tlio lily. 601.1 everywhere Olvo it atrial. Bold by druggists. Prico 25c. porcoto. 1 bot (3 colics) "5 cents, scntlby mall, prepaid, oa re. ccipt or puce. 4 c. is. crlttcnton. I'loprletor. 1 ElSth avenue, Now Yorls. IIILL'3 IIA13 axd MuisnCH DVH, black or brown. 53 ctnts. foU23 Ini Jlysprpsia I Dyspepsia I Dysjicptda ! Drspepsla Is tho most porolosins of nil human a'lracca ltsnviuptuuis areulmost Intlhitoiu lueir VJiicty, ami me torioin and fli sponUcnt vice mnol Iho tilsonHO olten faney tht-msetvei iboorev. lu turn, cf cverv known mnntilir Tid. is due, nipait toibecio-oavrupjlbv which ex. uri between the ataim eti unil thu bi am, ouit lu paif also to tlio fact thai any disturbance ot Ihs (llfteatlvo fm.ction ttcccsaunlv Llsoido's tiio liver, tbo buwets and the nervous system, nnd affect, tosoinoi'xtei.t, Ihe quality of tho blood. 11. l' KunuelM Ulltor WiLoot Iron is a aura cure. Tins ia tiota uewpieparitlon tubetned nun tound wantlnir, It bat been ptcneribed dully, lor manv yea8 in tho practice of eminent pliy." Blclaua with uniiaratelledBUCccia. It ii tint ,r. pectedorluteiiiud to cure all the disoanen to .1...VU iuw uuuum i imii, ,s BUUJT-I.-1, UUI 19 War rautuil tocuio liysuensia In itn moat nbstlnatn form Kuukrl'a liitter w Incol Iioa uever fails HtM'jtoni'i of Iiyepepsia ord loss cf ni'petito, wluit una ilniiff of tuoloat. dryness of the moutli, beaitouruatlst.iiMiau ot tho ttomach una Dowels, couotiimllon, headache, dft:lnoa, bloeplu-anesa anil low a;!rus. Trv tuo grunt leiueilv ami uocomlurea of us merits del the ceimiue. Tako oniy Kuiikel'a. which ia tut only In ono dollar butlc. Depot, MONoith Mn h btieet, l'lul.idoiplili, I"a. It never lulli; l'nrmilo by ull Dru'l'ta and dealers everr. wheie. Ask for E. F. Iiunkel a Bitter Wine cf Iron ana tiio na other Mxbotli!i foi fiv. .infi.i.- or oho doilir per botll -. . Warms ! Worms J Worim ! I-'. P. KlinLn.U Wnrm Hvrnn nm.. foil. I.' destiof I'm. Kent noil Suiioach U or ins. pr, Kunkcl Is ibo nnlv .iicccit!ifiil nhvH piim wtm leiuuvoa Tape Worm in tuo bourn ailvewitn ouiu. uiiiuio leouniiuemovoo. i-ommoa eeuse teacaes if Tapo worm be reroovid, all other normOin liuremllli. ilA.trnrntl h.n.l tnr-i! culiir to H. F. Kaake', eaaKortli MuthBtrect. x-ui,uuuipuii, i-a . or can on 3 our urnsfrl-t lot b"ttlail Kun set's Worm Srrun. unci it: r ovcr lai:a. reb. it Health ami Ilappincss. Health urti Ilarnlnpfl.i arts nrtaplpan wmih X tlieirpofpcsortt, unl yot tbpy aro rllUln ih reuch otorcry one wbo will uao AVrifflit's Liver Pills. T5o Onlv sine UUH lor Torpid Liver. Dyspeo. Ij. Iloadacho Hour Moiuncn, Coubtl nation, ve. i.i '.' 'iii jiuiiuua uoujpiaiuta aaa lllooil fl finrilf.,'n. Nmm r..,i,n,i,n nni.a "IVm WriRht riula." lIyourl)ruKcitwUlnot upnly eenu 21 ccnia for ono box lo Iliu-rlck. itollei.- it Co , 70 N. 4ta fat . 1'hUn. Bee. s i! DON'T NEGLECT A COUGH orrnld, whenM cents will buy a bottle of I)r. 1- toiler a C'ouirh Syrup n any drug more. It baa wruudM n complete nungo id ihnCongh .Medl. clnea, is plrnsam as Ipney anil nlwtya cures. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. I-rarlcr'a.Cough Syrup uaed la connection MJiirnox 8 Blttero will cuck cos blnnd'iiUM'mLoundry,c:cveland.O. Oct.S5 Ur. PiutiEiL Ileal Mrilfeeinaduty low tp suffer UBliumnnitv to write you Foreoma tlmei van aorcly , filleted wnb acoagh.ralUna hod atuff, with every f ymptom ot, belmr a coiS Uimed consumptive. 1 trl".iiliirdfoniroedlclnea aid cures wltbont darting rollcii I aUocontult. ca tlirco nt our most frouilm.nt Cleveland ihr Biclius. tbe lost ono oi nl.tcli pronoqncid n'y c iso tcnoin. and Informeii ma that I coma not ivo more than n few iim-jtha Aoout this tune, uerniiz of loui wonjeifui mcceas. I com: minced taking vour 'jjrup In couuectlou wlta your out 11 Iter, and wasnt ono benrfl'o'. nnd niter using toiuodiclnoBomo two uioutha I Und myaelf en'Jrcly cureii; ur, i., . .. TOItnsCE DUNN. ,.Jjr. uunp again wrltea. undcrdateof Aua i. 16, j ur. Trailer, Dor Bin I can endorie yonr me jicluo luoreatrougly thau ever from the Ihci tnr.t it ia now neany ono voar alneo I waa carec. Mvlnntta are to Car tiionz nud sound, hav.nituo return ot tho iliscaae. .'he nbove I1 clniw apaii for theroaelvea. Uii O. w. I'HAZIi;n,lT"piletor.c(cvoland,0. For ante by all Uriicclata. Deo. iMy, Pricbless Discovery. A Sure Cure for Piles. A aurocuro forthobhed b'eedtn.ltchioand ulceia.od pil"8 lias boon ilinoovi-rea dv Dr. Wil. linn, tn luaian rcmu'T) called Ur. Wlbtam'a linliau Olutmrut. AhIukI box baa cnrid Ihe uorat o il chrou'o omea oi tweulr.nve and tlur. tyyeaif'niauding. NonuoneeilMUjtirflvem n nil's titer iipn'yiog thla wouderful aooibing mi-dlonn. Ijtlo, instruments and eiectuui lea do iloio barm than goo.1. Wnliam Oiutnient snppurta tbo tuuora. allsya the Intense itching (particularly r.l nl'ht after gettlifr vomi m bed I cei tt-- a pou.tice, gives iutnut endpuln Itts ribet and Is l'rei'arco only for I'll, a and uolblnu elso. Toot bunds nf cored patteulaau ton Ha vutnea. a .d pbvtlciaiia of all achoou pTouuiii'Ce It tho cTi-ati-at contilout'ou to mecu cim of tl o ase. Unialtcrn not how long or 8p vorclv you have boeu Buffering, you cub 1)o 'i'l. JoaeohM.Mraer O'oveiaM, 01iM,Wr'lte i I uttTeU tor yeara w.Ih ltcJilcj,- and Uleeiattd rileH, trio! lemedratterrvmidi advefilieil.Bnd c iiuiiltwl phi alo cat in 1'tnl'jili lphia,1.ouTille, I'lneiiuuti. Xuibanapulia .anil thla cltri and spout I nnilmls tf dollaia, but loaod no ichrf unlii InbtoiooU ttbnx ol nr. wtlunnVa Indian utntment aimo Iinr rnnntba ago. and It han ruie.1 me cmulelo'y. I ban a part of tba box. lift which I gave lo n fileud of uilne wto had docion d with many iibya'olana ann aa a ant ro. fort wont lo too noted Hot fprimrn, Arkantaa for Ireatinent. Ileli.lo'ma sie that I lie Indian Ointment baa man cuied hliu nt tho 1'i1p. It is eerUiuiy u woumrfol oicorary, and.ahonld be n.til br tliemaiv Uioiiw.nl who aro now sul. t onug wlt.i that Ore&d diiojaa. tvlll oio Tteward wli be paid for a more tea lain remedy. Ko.it by all Drujrgitta. Ull. O. tf. ntAZtBK. aola tinp:lirr, iHrHM'l. O. MU,lf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers