m T. . . ' ".-., -,i - y INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. H. V. Mouthimeb, Proprietor. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. VOL. VI., No. 15. Railroad Guide. JQ-OK.TIIPENNA.UA1I.UOAD. Passonncrs tot rhlladolplila will lcavo Lehlffh t m?! vTL V. arrive at rhlla. .IM t. m. 11:07 p. m. via L. V. " t.Vir. !H 2:21 p!m. via I.. A 8. Sljopm plUU, & KEAUINQ UA1L.UOAD. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. NOVHiltlEU. 5T1I, 1ST7. Trains leave AU ENTO WN as i follows 1 - (VIA rJiKKlOMCN 11BANCII.) 5?or Philadelphia, at C.5D, 11.05. a.m..0.1 anil ""V-m- SUNDAYS. For PhllaJrtphli nt a.25 n. ra. (VlAKASl'l'KNXA.BltANCU.) tor noiaina, t .3J. S.50. . a m ia.io. Po HafrKrff. MIMO. 9.05 a. id.. ItW. 4.30 rorL?ucastcr and Columbia, S 53. a.m. and , 4 33 p.m. tlloes uot ran on JtnnOnys. BUNPAiH, For ncaillnT, 2 30 a.m. ami D OA I) m. 'For ll'trrlHlmrt. 2.:i a. in. ana n Oj t). m. Trains FOit Iallu .sTOWN leave as follows: I VI A l'KBKIOMIIM HIIASCll.) Kayo Philadelphia, 7.30 a.m., 1.00, M.30 and p. in. Leave rhllKlelphta. 8." i n. m. Leave RCiiiius. 7.". J.. 10.35 a in., 4 00.0.10 rad Lcavo Harilalmrir, 5.00, 7.3) a. ra., ana 1.40. 3.30 Lcavo Lancaster, 7.30 n. m aid 3.55 p. in. Lcavo Columbia, !. ia. m . and 3.15 p. in. WUMIAYa. Leave Beadinc. 7.20 a.m. t.eavallarriimi(r,5.2in.ni. Trains maikod thus r) run to and from depot 5th and Oroen streets, Philadelphia, other trains to and trom llront street dep it. Too n..'i a. m nnd 0,5.1 p. m. trains from Allen Invn, and tho7.30 a.m. and Ml p.m. trams from Philadelphia, liavo through cars to and irom Philadelphia. J R WOOTrTO, C a HANCOCK, STVaVft Agent. pr.NNSYLVAX) A RAILKOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND United States Mail Route. Tho attention of tho travi'llnc public Is res pectfullv Invited to some of tho mcrlisot this Kreat hlghwav. In the couttil'Mit nsserttonnnd fieliet that no other lino can offer equal Induco taenia as a routo ol through travel. In Construction & Equipment Trin Pennsylvania Railroad oli'iiils cenfessedly r.t tho liondof American rail ways Tho tracK Is double tho citiro Ungih ot the lino, otstosl rails laid on hoivy oak uos, which arRemteldi'rtinu foundallnnof rnrtc bil ls rirhtecu li.chos. In depth. All urldscs aio ot Iron or stone, ana bm t upo i tho mo-t no proved plans. Its i-as-umer lair, wlulo emiu. futlv xato mid nubstantial.nre at tho sauio time tnodc.s ot coinfott and elegance. The Safety Appliances in nso on this Mno well llln'trate tho tar-seeini; jmd lihernl nolicy ol its luannieinciit. in nceonl unco with wli.th the i tllltv only of nn lrap ov. -mcnt and not its o it liasboen tho question ot '. dciatlim. Amour many may bo noticed tlu Itlock System of Snfely Signals, Jnnney Coupler, Biift'er & Platform, Tim wuaiuox r 4TUN r switch, ad run "Wostingliouso Air-Brake, fo'ttitnc In conjunction wlllia nerfect ttoublo iraeK roan uoau cotnuinaiMm m HaiuHuniusa. fralnut accidents which havo icudered them liractloally ituposslblo. Fulliiuin Palace Cars Aro tun on nil Express Trains 'FH05I NEW VOnlC. PllILAllA.. BALTI- jioitnaud WAsuiNurox, To CIIIOAUO, CINCIN'NATr. I.OUIRVILLi3 WITHOUT OHANGM, Ami to nil nrincitiil iiolntvln tho fjr West ntrt foutliwitli UJtn3crmiiweof wire. Connections nrommio lu Unlou Depot?, ana uro aasurcUto an imiort4)i.i pom in. THE SCENERY Of tlio Pennsj-lvania Routo la admitted to bo unsurpassed In tho wcrld f or grandeur, boHuty and vnnety. feupcrinr Ho resbniont facilities are provided. Kmployces Are courteous and attentive, and It is an tnevit- nolo result mat a inp uy iun reiiuayivuiuu ltauruaa muitt iorin a l'lsasliiy and jrcmorablo Ivxiicrlcnco Tickets for sale at the lowest rates at Ihe Ticket Unices ot the Company iu all Important cities and lowns. FltAXK THOMPSON. L. P. 1'ARU.En, (leu. Manager. Oen. Pass. Arciit. J. K. SUOCMAKEll. Pass.Aoent Middle Dlst. 12 Kortu Tlmu St., llarrisburi;, l'.i. TDrlmo Homo Mailo Bread I JL "WHY GO HUNOItYl WienyoncinlluyCH vouuds U Flmt Class llicad FOUR LOAVES FOK 25 CEN'TS 1 J. W. O'NKAL, tho popular llread nnd Cats Jtauer, of LehiAhtnn. m order to meet ihe wants ot tho times, has Uedueed the Pnca of his ccio urattd Uonio Mado lltlKAl) to Four Loaves forTwenty-fivo Cts. Cash. fiuRar. Raisin. Cocoinut Scotch, Drop, Cruiui and other CAK11, only Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Out for tho Wagon! At MAUCII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday MuiiunfEs. LEIIJUIITON and WfclSjPOllT.overy After noon except Friday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH ! ratronacn solicited. I. V. O'NEAL, is 1 o UK : Oppostto First National llauc. aprlleyl llanXhtrect. I.elitchtuu.rn. Gold.! droit cbanco to mako mon oy. It you can't pet cold yon enn get cenbuclts. Wo I uceu it oerbun mvcrv iuwii in tnlfH hm rtepr.tttuinti for t ho tartrost, cheapest ami Leu Iliustiatetl famlij' publlcatiou In tho word. Any cno cit become succesatul agent Ihe most elocunt works ot art Kiren free to subscribers, Tho niico U so low that almoat evervbiMly mubscribe, ouo a irect re;orta makluc oyer llsVt in a week. A lady a cent roports takltiff over 4)0 subscribers In tpn iiftva. All who fituace ma to money fust. You can oeyote all your lime to tho buitnt'. or only your spare tlmo. You neo.1 not bi ftfli from homo oyer night. You ran do It as well as others, full larticalsrs. dlrccttoni ami terms free. Klpirani ami cxneusiyo Outfit tree II you wfcnt irofl table work etnd us your sddresa M oncd. It costs nothing to try tbo busiuetu. S'a one who eugw lalU to make great vay. Addrm Tks People's JodrnsL' l'ortlanj, IfHMr, Aug. 18 lTT-lT CARDS. Puriiltiiro Varllouse. v. a.tivsrti.liank street. draterfii att efnoi V Furniture, CoJJlntmadeto nrder. . Slinn ITnlCf!rS. Clinton Ilretney, in Ltran't building. Hank street. Attorneys. f V. LOSKSTRKKT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next door to the " Carbon House HANK STREET. LEIIIOIITON. PA. December lC-Om. w, 31. UAPS1I15U, iVTTOHNF.Y AND COVJNSRT.IOR IT LAW, llASItSTRKT.LSHIontOM.PA. n-.m.i.i i iio-iin.. i..fv. WillHnynna Sell Ittnl Kstate. Conveyances nestly done Col leetloDs promptly nude. Settling .states or uo codentsa specialty. May be consulted In I n'lfh ..rfll.rm.li. NCT.fc. JAS. U. STltuTiiKissi ATTOUXSY AT JiAn , ,, 43- Offlce : 2d floor of Khosd's Hall, Jlnucli Chunk. Pa. All liuslness entrusted to Mm will be promptly ott8n'le'lt0- !y27,ly. p J. 2IIF.I3I1AX. Attohney at law, Next Door to First Nallo'iV. Bank, HATJCII CHUNK, rA. JO-Cm b consulted In Oorman. TJanO. wtiggTwiwj'julf.siil'.-i'ii'i'M-1 mu s '-L 1 Justices and Insurance: rr a. JUS,. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, Oborfs Bulldlns, BANK-St., LPHIOHTON. Conveynnclntr, Colleotinc nnd nil other busl ess connected with tho office promptly attend i Annr fni- ein lipsr. l.'iri end Llfo Insur once Companlos : Rents collected at rttasouablo charocs. &c. At'IUMtI IJ1SIOM AS S. Ill'.CIi, JU8TICI! OF TIIU TRACn, HANK Street, LIIHICITTON, Pa. ConreysncloK, CollcctlnB nnd all business con nected with the odlce promptly attended to. jfS-Atre-nt for first-class Insurance Companies, md KIsUs of all kinds taken on the niot liberal terms Jan. 0,1878. T1 CONVEYAUCKIi, .NU GF.NSRAL INBUSASCE AGENT The r.dloMli Compsnlc are Itepresented! LEHA.V )N MO lUAI.FUSH, RUAIlINtl MHTIIAt i'll'.C, VOMINO 1'IltK' . roiTsvii.f.i; riUK. LEHIOII rillKnnilthoinAV-E1.ER- ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Also Penusvlvnni'i nod Mutnil Horso Thief Detective and Iuuramo t'l.nipanv. Mnicn 'J9. lH7a. TJKIS. KCSIERER. Physicians and Dentists. w. A. HliltllA.UKIt, M.D., PllV?lCIAN AND SUUgWh Spoe'tl attention paid to Chronic Diseases. OfP.ce: South Iiait corner Iron am! 2nd t.. Lc hUhlOD. Pa. AprI' . 1873. D ii. s. u. itmiKii, I'P.ACTICIXO PHYSICIAN AND SUP.0K0.V, Offlre, Hank Street, next door above the PostofRce, uohlghton. rs. utnee Hours ('arryvnioeacn usy rom into 12o'clock; ronialuderofdsy atonleein Leulzhton. Not-23,'72. yrr . M SPlll'I.l;, PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Next to E. II.Miyder's etoro, DAiKST., I.EHIOHTON, PESN'A. N.n.-Spoclal attention mveuto tho Cureot bait Ithcuni. &c. Jun. 13) PIIYSICIAN AND bTJ 110 EON, Late llttident IViyifefan of lUrrithurg Hospital). Office i Next door to the Union Chnrch, WEISPORT, PA. tt fecial attention clvcn to tho Diseases of Women, consultiitlon in EuulUthand Herman. Aug. is, 18J7-0ra D It. EDWAUD HltOWK, SUP.OEON DENTIST, Of tho Pennsylvania Dental College. Philadel phia, hasonencdau ofUretn l.miltlllTON, nu 11R0AD STREET, next door to W.yder'8 .toro, All work warranted satisfactory. I.AUUIIING OAS used for tho painless cs traction ot Teeth. Aug. II. lS77-yl At ills SAI-OON. next to Clans ' Tailoring t h :ubli isstuuiisnmeut, keeps me i-cicuiaicu Philadelphia Lager Beer Constantly ou Ton - ho aUo keeps a full fnpuly of luro (JiUtM A v WIM2-, choice I'ltlAlta. i'rime Tiosh OYrtTnitH, und other Katubio-. TbepitnouaKO at tho public u viry rosuett fully invited. NATHAN KItUM. Pon't forget t tie place: Ncxu.oor above. T. D. ClausaMIANKbticct, l.chlgliioa. Oct3 FRED. KELLEY Announces Io Iho people of Lchlffhton and vlcln ity that no In prepared to supply thtui with every article ot SSouscriirnlsIilnr; Tinware, At very lowest prices i alo, Roofing and Spouting, In all its uranches, piomptlr attended to at prices fully as low aa tho lowest. Otve mo a call. Rrotlllt Opposite the Public Square. RANK STRKKT LlblUailTON.PA. JulySt, '!My GIVEN AWAYpapnrMi stj:isl KNOitAViNti, entitle! ThenndlntTof the Saviour In the, Tem- pie." null i no wuukiau ujiuuL'ii.asi p-ge ltellfclonsifainllv riew8papcf,deoUd toHouie. hold, thn Hunt! a v fcboo', Mus'o and eencral Church Work-, uu 3 montlm, trial for 26 cents. Agent Warned, Addre.J. It. BUKWER. HOTlu-lm 7 A? Watren 81. N. SSIGNEE'S SALE OF Valuable Real Estate! mi .1 . 1 A.Dtnnn nt T nautili Tt. 8M- del, will i-ell nt public Hh?. nt tho Frn)tHn u.1.1 t- ..i.ii. ipnn-i.i.lmi Pnrhrin ('OllCty. ItULCI, 111 XiiliJIviiU l""" v... - Pa.. OU Wednesday, March 13. 78, at 2 o'clock p. m., tho followlnK property, to wit t boven lowu or btilldinR lots. Billlato in lraiiKiin -lownsnip oioicsmu, ,-ii.;i. ;;"- -front or to Teet and a noptli ot IM feet, anil nunibercd respectively No. !2. 2.1, 24. 3J, 3. u. and 53. A Iso.one out lot contaiuJiiR nbout S ' acre, l.cinff the liropeitv ot Josepli II. Beldcl, nnd to bo sold for tho benefit ot creditors Tcinis and conditions will 1)0 loado known at tho tlmo and plaeo or pule hv UJ.tai IIUiJjiiHwa'S"' Fob 14, IS73. SSIGXEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE EealSstateofJ.B.Seidel Thcrowlll liosoldnt pnblto ailc, on tl opiej mtsesm Towauicuslutr Township, Carbou Co., l'a . on Monday, March 11, 1878, nt 1 o'clock n. in., tho tollowlns real ostnte, nit into in 'lownmtiislng Towiwilp. to wit: All thnt certim iract or picco or inuu uounooa un1 deaciloed nsfnllows: Heplniiintr nt h On-st-nut eriiner. tbeiu o bv la id of Joseph Koch mm Joainu Hoipol noith 4 ncRiTCM, west SUi pCItjnt'H lO 11 PIOIH)" IHL'UUU UUH nt iin. iii.u 1'nco. ir Ilia Crrek. 17: perches to a tnuo cor. ncr thencf south - detfrces wp 50 peici'fi. io a stnno; tnciico soul" u3 ucprcet. i peichps tonbtonoi thenco in liiutlcf UUllim liniTor couth "1 rifprco1-, i!i-t V7 porclu s. to n fioiio , theticfi hvlimd now or Into ot Dai)IAi hteiiiler. foath Ti dearre. west (M perches to u fitonoand fiiakr. theaco bv tho stmo south 5V4 di-eiees. west Si pcrcaos to a pot ; thenco b nnu 01 Jacob acmu foum liusreoH, iu-sl m iiei chfs to .1 clone- thenco by 1I10 Kinio novih ri dcRrecs. t-ast U3 peichi-s to n stone 1 thenco by tho sanio Pouih 10 decrees rnt as nerchca to it pft i thence ov laud of John II. Vci,h noith 73h (lesitf"1, iftiVJp".ch0, ton Btnno ; thenoo by hind of William ScuaffT noith 'J desreea. wet 2 porchci to nftniio . thenco by tho mmiio north 7 decrees, ea-t 47 'j-l't perches to tho p'ecoot bcamniug, co.iiauuuK 224 ACRES AlfD 49 PERCHES, strict measure, upon which Is erected A TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. 24bv20teet,wlthn kitchen lUbrUfcetnttached 'i Kwi-s naiiiuU Ly O'lietr, 1111.1 o.tier uuiuunu Iiikh. About tco acres of tho land nro under a good stato of cultivation. Terms lulu eiiliillLiuus mil uuimiuuiiuunii Ufa tbo iimi, and plnce ol salo by HENRY IKIYUR, Feb H, 1878. Assignee ot Josepli 11 sculel. Of Valuable Heal Estate. Ily vlrtaoof nn Ordoi l,fjue,lont oi the Court of LOiuiuou rtcuttof C'irlion Couuty, the uudor Blpnuj will sell at 1'ubllo Kdlo, on ThursdaJ-, March 14 th, 1878, nt TWO o'clocic P. M.. upon ttio premises lu i:AHT WUlSPOUT, Frunktui tnwiishtp Cr--bou county, Leunti., thofollowic? Ileal Uatut'1, to wh t Ko. t. A11 tliflt certain Mecsnage, Lot or PECE 01' LAND, Bituato In Knt Welsspott Frani'ln township, nnd county i.forcs-iiit, bamided nnd decilbedas Inilitws, t wit: JJeprinmt? lit n post, tnencn ftloiii; n pul)!Ic road loat-luf trom Kipsffovlllo to AWIss'Hirt. numb tortr-one mid one qajiter .1c KrcOri, wesc iunL,ty-nmoto'itti n potsf thenco by lan.l proposed lor nn nnoy, south to:t -tureo deg'cea cr4t tmo hunoroit mid tbit-i-yono if et ton post thence by nnd nlonjr snui alloy, north foily-oiiM und nQUiiter dt'frrcu-, t-a-t ninety, nlnoteettoaro-it: it.euro b linn of .north foi ty tlueo demev'tf. wwt ono hundred and lhlr. ty-ciietoet to tho p'acaol bet; nulnir, containing 12,900 Square Feet, and embraces Three Lota, tIz : Kos 7, 8 and 0. &aWL Tho Iniproyements theieon consist of H!"4 n Frniuo DWlLING HOUteF, 20 by CBii 2S.feet, Two Mono lliph. wah Two lN.iem'sattactitd and other Outbultdiiii?. A Well of pood Water, nnd o laro uud good Yard o. i, ah that cm mi IjOt or Piece of Ground, eituat o In nast Wclssport. In tho Town6hlp nnd County atoicsnld, bounded tint) dencrlb'-d us tol lows, to wif Kcifiunlugnt a public load leading trom WVla-sUort to btrou.'sburtr, thence hv ot Lewis Horn north fio degices eist tou poicnts to un alley along tbecrnveyard' tfcenco hIoiij; naut alley, south eichty poven deirce-1! enBt foui perches to n bujuoi thenco by land lato of U. W. Klotr. south live dcHrces. west ten poiciies to itnld public roid; thence i.Ioug tho cume, north eiAhty-teycn deareos. west four perches to tho piuco of Dcglnulng. containing 10 Perches, Strict Pleasure. Ti e ImorovemontA theroon roimiat of n BLACKSMITH'S MIOl. .0 by ic t. Two Slone HlRh uilli W.ii;o.i Slino overhead. UK nnd WIKJ;. of sabl Fianklin Township, Caroou ouuty, ami to bo Bold by tho AMiULC for tbo Iteuetltof Crt'dUord. 1 n fi terms nnd conditions will he inn do known on tho day of Mile, ami dne attcud-tneo tdven by UKXJAMIN IlCULtN, A5i.iguee. I'ETCa J. Mkeuak, Attorney. robrunry 9, 1878. LOYEftSS BOOK OF KKOWt J : Dtil3. or Sccrrta of Love, Courtvhlp & Mar nice Sbowlua' low to get married, llvohnpplly-obtum heulilL, wealth unddif-tmuttou, and appear to ndvuntat:e iu w ckty 2oo pages-aoo 0 i) wold. Mailed lor w el?. In poHiaeo tttuipsor currency. AdaieistThn U11IUI1 1 UUIH-UIUK - iiVHVOi t.Jt t"'" Shaving, Shampooing, Dyeing, hair Uuc&imi, and Hair Cutting Saloon. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Key West & Havana Cigars. All the New Yurk anil Philadelphia OltXINO, KVESIXO. AVKiiKJ.Y AND 6L'XI)AY(lieriiian A Knglith; l'APlUlS. Also, tho Leading Newpaper of Nelshhorlng Cities I.tnen uud Paper Collars ana Onflj. switch.lljoit and Glen Unnlto cajes. Pont airo aud Rcveuuo Htaups. Newspaper Wrffpiiers. and Postal Calds plwavs ou hand. Agent tor the Uuirlifch and (ier lusn Almanacs ; Weeklv and Month lr Hoojs nud Periodicals, &c .to. P. INKMANN, Junr., Susquohanua Street, MAUCII CHUNK. Pa. Deo. 15. 187T-ly nAA A cents Wanted to eubscribo far tho O'lvll Agents Journal. n Imndsomely found tt paxo Joarnal. brUnfuU of interest to Agents, specimen copy tent free, agksts jocrnal, N. Y. fb. Ifl ul IIEIUtT'S SALE. By Virtue of a writ of Von. Ex. Is'ued ont of tho Court or Common Tlern of Cnrbon County nnrtto mo directed, thero will bo exposed nc Public Bale, at tho Court Iloueo, in the ISoroucIi of Mnuchchuuk.Carbou County, btatoof 1'cju sylvan, a, ou MOXDAV, MARCH 11 f A, 1878, at 1 o'clock r. , tho followlntr Ilea Ilfitato, described as fiTlawi, to wit : Alt that certain Messiugo or Tenement and T II ACT OP LAND. sltnnto In Mahoning Township. Carbon County, rcmievhntii-i, bounded nnd deficibed ns tot lows, that Is to say, two adjoining tincts of Land : No. 1, Urginnlng nt n etono. thenco by land of Jon ns Fritz smith seventy thrto nndnhaUde. fnees wet-t twen v-Qyoporchea ton rot, thence y land of samo somli lorty-Mx nnd tlu'ee-qnar-ter octree -i cast seventy-four nci dies ton sione; thenco by la id of Jonas llacumau north twenij. s.t nnd three'ourth tlepreof, weet aaty-six perches to tho place of beginning, containing FIVE ACRES AND FITT-CEN rEKCIIE3, strict roeanro. Nu 2, ncRlnnlnffnt a atone, tbonco l.y laud of Jacob itiicbnian north eighty dcircoi, eat eovcntv.two and a half peienes to a stone; thenco by tho r-iuio not tli tuclve and a half de piefi, wvM nlnetv.two nnd n half peiches to a btono : thenco by the ilrst described tract south fony six nnd three-fouith icgre"a, ent eeven-tv-tour pcrcbe t' a post; thenco by Inuu of Joiia' Filtz nfirth loitv-BK nnd tbrco fourth tic grucs. wect ouo hundred nnd tweuty-rdx tiejchos tonntoiiC thence by vacant land south i?ecn ty elffht perches wet twelve and two-tenth percheiioa stonoi thenco by i.md of Joseph JlDlicrts noith twenty tbreo nnd thice-foiuth rti'giTCS west two hundred nnd eleven pcichea to n Moiif ; thenco north twelve cegrces. west titty perches to the pinco or hepinning contain. inr (INK HUNDUKI) AND TWO ACUKS aud FOUTY FIVK l'KUCIIKS.Htilct measure. Tho Itnpiovcuieuts tbereou aro a Two-story FIIA3IE DWELLINO HOUSE, elahteen by twenty-els feet j Kitchen, thirteen hv sixteen feet ; Swiss Barn, thirty-llvo by six ty.flvo feet, und other outbuilnlugs. ftetzed nnd taken In execution as tho proporty of John Ebbei t. aud to be Sold by J. W. IlAUDENllUSir. Sheriff, sheriffs Office Mnucli Chunk, Feb. 21, 1S75, s IlEKIFl-'S SALE. By vlrtuoof a writ ol I.cv. Tn. ormortgatro M mumI out ol the Cotut of Comninu Plena of Car bou County, and to tiio du-ected. tbro will bo exposed at Public halo, nt the Court IToue, iu tho Jioroush ol Munch Chunk, Laibon Couuty, Mato tf PcnusvU aula, on MONDAY, MAUCII U, 1878, pt 1 o'plock r. Jr., tie following Ileal Estate, dcpcilbed a f(d!owsft to wit t All that certain TnACr on riiccE of land, sltnatom Franklin Township. Carom Conntv, and ftlato of Peimsvivunia bounded uud ao. fcilbed an follows, to wit- Begin inn? nt a chrst nut oik.tlicnce by viicaut land nuith fifteen devrceH wed forty iierchpjt to u stono by a pine; thenco south ovniity-tlvo dcrrces, wetseen tr purhcH to a post i thenco by land of Peter MrotU a. nth slxiy three degree, west flftj' eluat peiches Io ustouo ; lucnco by land laio ot John Ddlo now peter itemer f outh ilurty-nme dcrei-h, east sevent' pucbos to u pott thcuco I17 vacant lnd north sixty donecs, cait ono huutlred ar.d two perches t t!io jdaco of bn'-hi. mng, tnntiiinintr 1-OHTY-TWO AcittS, FOlt 'IY PEHUilES, aud Allowance, c. The Improvements thereon aro a Two-Story FJIAME BWELLi;;0 HOUSE, twenty by tventv-four Teet t Burn, twenty ciaiit by thaty ltet, ami oiber outbuildings. Helr.rd and taken in execution as tho property ot William Ixluhiid, and to bo told by J. W. ItAUDENBUtell. Sheriff. Sheriff's Offlce. Mauch Chuuk, Fob. 21. 1879. s HEKIFFS SALE. By vlrluo of n writ of Ven. El. Iancd out of luouoiucci uommon A'lcasoi unroou uouuiy and to mo titieclid. tlmr.1 will be exposed at Puiiuc sale.nt tlio couit IIoui, In the ilorough of Mauco Chunk, Caibou Couuty, Stato of 1'euu. sylvama, on MOXVAl', MARCH lUh, 1ST8, at l o'clock P. M , tho following Real Etate. uescriuou ai loiixwtj, io wu t All that ceitatu TRACT Oil PIECE Or LAND, Bltnato In Towamerislnir Townshln. Carliort county, Penubylvauu, hounded ami described as bd iow: Bfjjiunlng at n Htonn.tUeuce by land of Biobrt and Ueailug south seventy-seven und three quirtt-r degrees, west uightv-sovennuila hall perched to, a htouc; thenco hv land of Jacob Unto north toveiuv.two nud a lialf ilo.rprM. west ouo imndred nnu seventy-four peicbej to a post: thenco by laudof Corruliasuydcr noith lliij.tluvo degiees, Wit eiuhtj'-oiio andnhuif piTCiifHKi a sione: uit'iico uy mnu oi uuviU LOTctt sonrn iwcuty-iivo decrees, tuat two hun. died and twelve pi-ivbos to iho nlacoof t'ezrin. mug, coninuil ng N1NI2 r Y-N I N H ACUES aim i Jiubiyu Aitri;i;, more or less. ALSO, All that certain Til ACT Oil PIECE OF LAND, situate, lying and beine lnTownmensIatr Town a.iip. caibou County, PcniHylvautu, boundi-d niiii mimuou us ioiikws i ueKiunim: ai a po-t, tuuuco by Uud now or luio ot itrobkt nnd (ieui- uitrnoitn (wo deprre?, vt one bundled und litty perches to a siouo ; thenco by Inml of J,ov ott and bnyder nouh cmbty-two degioen, uat iwtuty-four porches to astuno; thpnco by tho samo toiitli cighty oight deciees, oust sixty, nine perches to a ctono : thence partly by laud oi Davit's H. i ovtut aud partly by bud of josoph Klbleraud otuera soul a two degrees, uuHcme bundled und lurt-eipht pt-rchea to a ttono ; thence by land late of Urobst nndCl earing north elphty-feveu una one bait ilegieos west. ei?lny. oigiu jKiLiioa or iuputuuuui.it iu iuu pmco o liv- giuning, contain tug SEVENTY-NINE ACHE3. liA tlm Bnnin mnrn or Irai. 'iho linprutemonts thereon are a one-and a'. nan uioiy Fit AM. E DWELLING HOUSE, sixteen bv twenty-six ft; wlss Baru, tlilrly. in ov fnrtV'Six feet i ll-ame Wniron ilon-o fourteen pv thirty three: lig My. twelvo by Bixieeu. ami naw jjuj, lourieen uy loiiy.nvc. Heizcd and taich lu ox ecu 1 1 on as tho propet ty ot Jotm C. Uisiler, aud to bo sold by J. W. nAUDLNBU-sII, Sher.lT. feherlff'B nlQcc, Mauch Clidok. Feb. 21. is?i All abDUt its Soil. Chnnte, P.esoarces. Proinct J.awa, nnu us I'onpio mo nveu in mo KANSAH FAltMElt, a lu paso Wiklv, in its 15th year. Pout nntd S mo. STc. Address, J. K. HUDSON, 'lopeka. Kansas. Has quickly taken a lilch placo among agrl- culturai Journals. N. Y. Tilbuue Wo huvo considered it among tbo best of our exchanges, end a worthy i eprientative ot t bf West. Frac itcal Farmer. Fhtlad'a. ...Our Knni-as frieuds siouldfeel much pride lu the birh cimracler and steibug worth of tbeirMate agticuliural paper. National Live btock Journal ....We iletrfully trfslilit with being one of the l.rt fdttrd of onr Western arricuituia? exrlmige. - bpilt (f the Tliuts, N. Y. ileclj-wsl s Drugs and Medicines. Wonderful, but True ! A. J. DUELING, pitopniKTon or the teoplk's Drug and Family Medicinoj STORE, makes tho followinc ANNOUNCEMENT. Owinirtothn cenernl dcnroslcn In business. thocieat reductl'in of wacesfor labor. &C..I deem It ra duty at this time to give tho people of I.ehiahton and vicinity thr Lion's Huaiik of MY fnoFiTftl Head and remember tho follow ing Prices of a few of tlio many articles sold at my Drug Store i PATIENT MEDICINES nil U Preparations 8-t cents such ns vmeirar imterp. iioaieuers, Drnkc's Pi'intntlon, Jli-shlei's Herb, German Hitters nnd nil others formerly t?l, now 85 et-. 30c. preparations 40c and 25c preparations 20c. COM), COUOH nnd LUNG REMEDIES, ns jayne's jxpecioraut, uairflnmi vuen s Jtai sam. Avers' cherry Pectoral, Milk Curo. Cod Liver OH, Cod Ltvcr Oil and LI mo and othtrs formerly 1 now 85 cents. IIAllt PltEPAllATlbNS"-nail's Hair no- newer, Montcomery's, Ayers' Hnfr Viiror, and Mrs. Alien's, lormerlyl now S3 cts. All SOc. ptcparatlouB of above character now 40c LTNTMENT.S Laubach's, Low's Magnetic, iJOiinuiy s j'.iecinu, cam son uu j.-.uwnya ltelief. Maeto Oil, Garglinir Oil. Wildfire Lini ment, mul all others formerly 50c. now 40c, Horse, Cattlo and Chicken Powders formerly :we. now tJvc.i iJiirnnirsi ceiooraiea uonu.t.ou Powders. Improved, 33c. per pound. Ktoalg's Hamburg Drops, 40c per bottle I3renst Tea. -i'c, n pacKacc; nus oi an ainos lormcriy 25c. now'siOc. per box. PLASTEHS Porous, Arnica. Toor Man's ami an otm rs tormcriy -sc. now ltjc WORM REMEDIES Worm Syrups, Vermt. iusch, oim Xiozcuvcs aiKiuouiccuoaaioim ehy ESC. now 20c. Roots, Darks, Herbs', Medical Teas c. Ac, lormcriy rrom iuo. to i&c. per 07 now c. to co. per oz. CantorOll. Cnlsam do Malta F.ssenco of Pep- pcimim, xjsscucooi juioii, uoiacu'imoiuro, P.iregoilc, nnd Glrcerino formerly 10c. to 16c. now to. to 10c. per bottle. Eerytlilii Down J Dotrn I Down 1 1 Caustic Soda. forMnklno Soar, from 0 cents to 10 cents per pound. Castor oil, Btrktly pure, tOc. per quart, by tho gallon less. LOOK AGAIN. WALL PAPER, Gold Gilt PunerrlQc: O'aized Paners formerly ilc to 35c. now 20c, Wbiteninuks nnd Tints formerly 18c. iiik;. uuw uk, in iou,t nun xirowu xiacus iorm. eily 10c. to 12c. now 7c. tope Pbvilclans Prcscnntlona nnd Family Itpoinos componuded nt tlrently Reduced Rates. Go or fccndtoDURLINO'S . Having had an expeilenco of almost Twenty Years in the Drug Dullness, uioro than Ten of which hive been in Lchltrhtnn, I will in the fit tmo, ns I havem tho past. Guarantco to all tho very Rest nnd Purest Drucs, m ediciues.itxc., to noinunuin mo imericau iuarKeis. n jtux r OK CASH i Dec lr-uov3 HENRY A. PETER, (Successor to C. iV. I.exti), Bank Street, Lehighton, Pcnn'n, OSTcrs to tho public a full lino of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, Horso and Cattle Medicines A Complete Asssortmcnt ot Trom tho Chcopost Brown to tho finest a lit. Fancy Toilet Articles, SPOKGES, CIIAMOISE SKINS, Plain & Fancy Stationery, And n variety of HOUSIiUOI.l) ARTICf.EH too numerous too mention, ou ot which ho Is ottering at VEUY 11EAS0XA15LE l'KICES ! tU nC wisfis anil HQUOKS for Medicinal anti Kucraiocutai puriwses. l'liySIOIANS'l'UK'sCItlPrlONSrereful'y and accurately compounded bjr aiYSELP, ut uu nuurs hi tnu tiuy auii uinut. Tatronago Invited. II. A. FETEU, Lenctel's Illock. Starch 14, 1877. fk9Rfin I Activ. o, Jinorgetic T ,1 Apronts Wanted, A Year! I onouu Q ombinatiojJ pvospcctu I OP 150 Distinct Publications AND 100 Styles of Iiibles ami Testaments, ltcprosoiiUnc Airrlculturo, lllopranlilcal, Ills, loncal, lliltcious und lll.cellautous Works of universal inieresi. A NOVUb FIIATDIin IN CANVArjINOII Nnlf4 made from this nro.rtei.tus svhen alt sin ele llooWs fall. It contains soniethlufs to suit every tasto and fancy. vVe aio alsu oOerms fpcciai inducements on our Premium Family Uiblcs, r!rnT.l!.II and OKIIMAN. l'HOTKSTANT and CATHOLIC. Awarded buuerlonty over nil ethers, fur their invaluable Aid. ami nuneru llimllinrs, St Iho UllAND C'KNTlCNNIAL KX1'OSITION, 1870. Also. Oeueral and Local Asents Wante.1 on our GREAT WAR ROOK, the most Coniprehenf lye, rti llanlo and Accurate History of tho tlreat Contest between Ihe HUM HI AN and TUB Tl'lIIC. till Hs30i rlepnut l-uar.viugs. juaus i,uu ria'is iuh ihihi snowy, ueimuio uuu udtum uuu uuw uuoiisneu.. L lieial Teiws. I'aitlculnfsfree. Addrees JOII.. I'OTTEIl Si CO, PulilUhcrs, Bspt.l. 1577 I'lIILADL-LlMlIA IllsenHes Ciirpd. puns luarfccu 7 that dUIu.sl eflill books' t'lalu Home Talk and Medical Common Hense," nearly 1 ooo paee.. VO0 illustrations, by Iir. 1".. 1). rooTE. of IU Ixuinoton Avo., N. V. I'Urchas era of this 1'ooU are at libert'- to consult its autaorln nerson or by mail raKE. l'nee, by mall, H.m for the Hr ir-CAiui rdltiuu. or i u tor tlm lniirt ,1! .ulttlnn. wlurh utnta'n. nil Ihs ssniemstterand illustratiooH. Contents tahlea Ire. AtiKN 1 n w.sreii. ...,... ... uuiti.Al lliuu i-u- iuu. in.-.,. . .... Bert.m l.Dl..SHbM.N. V Wsull llbMOROUS. A cultivated car an car of corn. How lo mako a Jlaltcso cross tread ou licr tail. "Mart vVants but little hero below," and ho generally gets it, too. Tho croat difficulty in ekatinK is to Maintain unanimity among your feet. Collectors report that a great many peo ple sworo oiron tho first of tbo year from paying bills. A man in tho south recently ate, for a wager, a pound of sawdust. This is a new way of taking board. A man who was fooled into buying a pinchbeck watch called it Faith, because it was without works and therefore dead. Whv is n doctor better taken caro of than his patients? Because, when ho goej to bed, somebody is sure to rap him up. Little irirt (who loves to drivo horses and play hall) I Wish God would smash mo all to pieces arid mako mo into a boy." Sunday school teacher Who was tho strongest man? Hoy Jonah; because tho whale couldn't hold him after ho gut him down. -When a man snealt3 of ft very pretty girl ho says Bho is a duck. But a, woman is apt to say ol a very pretty girl : "one is no chicken." -"Free Chop?," is a sisn hunff out by a Chicago restaurant; and when tlio custom ers apply they aro shown to a woodpile aud lianuca uu ax. A nitack doctor advertised that ho would "undcrtako" to ro-hcarso moro cursi for consumptive: patients than any other -It is wicked to catch fish on Sunday, which nobody will deny, how does the law affect a person who fishes all day and doesn't even get n nibble? "John," said 4 master to his apprentice, "you must occupy my placo while I am absent." "Thank you, sir," replied John, "but I'd rather sleep with tho boys." A httlo boy was asked, tho other day. if ho knew whero tho Wicked finally went to. Ho answered, "They practico law heio a spell, and then go- to tho legislature." Said a friend to A bookseller, "Tho book trade is affected, I suppose, by tho general uei'11'.oiv.Ji. I. lull, nimi ut uuuna leel lb most?" "rocket-books," was tho laconic reply. Tlio other day a little eirl of threo and a. half, whilo playing witli Aunt Alice's ring, lost it. Both looked for it sohio time, without finding it, when, in despair, tho little one said: "Come, auntie, let's cry." When a man marricsa wife for tho sako of her father's money nnd returns from his honeymoon to find that the old gentleman has just paid thirty pents on tho dollar, he is apt to feel that Slrv.Bcechcr and Colonel In gersoll are misleading guides. Snook's bov heard htm Bav that thero Was money in hens, and ho proceeded to in vestigate tho old man's poultry yard. Ho had gono through a dozen fitio specimens when tho old gent descended upon him, and tlio boy now wonders if thero is a balm in Oilcad. So Ions as the lees of the small boy do hot extend higher than his breathing ap paratus it will Lw imiwssiblo to get him into n pair oi ruuucr uoots so lar mat no win not go straightway out and stand in a puddlo whero the water will just run in oyer tho tops of the same. Two high-society little maidens were contending us to tho highest respectability of standing of their separato papas, when ouo sought to cap tho climax by tho state ment: "I'd havo you know that my pa is a president of a savings bank, and thero a been a receiver npixjinted. So tlicrol" A Montreal paper announces tho arriv al of a new "Siamese twins" curiosity. Tho wife of a French Canadian laborer in tho village of St. Benoit, county of Two Moun tains, about thirty miles west of Montreal, has beconio tho mothcrof a pair of children united as wero tho Siamese twins, aud aro doing well. "No, Charles," sho said, firmly, "tho present you gave me don't como up to cx Hctations at all, and I have concluded that your love must bo ofthesamochcapnuality. Wo will part good friends, nnd I will con sent to keep the present only to remember tho happ Iiappy " nnd then 6ho broko into tears, aud the servant showed Charles to tho door. "Is this the place," sho asked, ns sho wandered down on tlio barren sands,"whero a young lady a beautiful young lady fell into tho water last season (md was ieseued by a gallant young man, whom the nfter ward married ?" Ho looked at her care fully, estimated her at a squaro 47, with falso teeth, and said : "Yes, ma'am j but I don't know how to swim." Ho went to church nnd tho contribution box was jiasscd. Ho had ono ccut. Ho dropxil it on tho floor. Kvcrybody saw tho snpjiosed unintentional occurrence. Whcn tho folks get down to pray, mean mangels down for penny penny hived, When folks get up to sing, m. in. (mean man) joins in loudly, "A chargo to keep I have," evidently referring to the penny, A good story is told of a deacon in Ten nossee, who was iu tho habit of riding a bucking mulo that is, a inulo that fan mako a camel's back of its straight one, mid, by a spasmodie movement of its four legs ami hump, dischargo its rider like a cannon ball. Ileceutly he camo to the edge of tho worst mud hole iu tho state, and the mule pjavo strong signs of bucking. The good deacon kucw that ho was abouttobethrown and his mind hurried almut for a prayer. His table grace camo easiest; "Lord, fur what wo aro about to receive make us hum bly thankful," ho exclaimed, and the inula hud bucked and ho was iii. Pr. Mary Walker has been mysteriously missing ever since her snub by tho uu-al Jant senate, but heio sho comes aeain. Tlio If'iicli-lfye man has found hen "Dr. Mary Walker selected n piece of black ami gruv stripest gjuods for her new pantaloons, tuid her stupid tailor made them up so that tho stripes ran round and round, and before (lie fair doctor had gone two squares with her new raiment on, her lorn looked so like twin rattlesnake that sho Tiad frightened fio men into delirium trainenij. and was tin ally arrested as an aMgipmt convict. Bho is practicing her right leg on a sand hag, and is calmly waiting tor, the tailor to coni4 to the front door with MS bill."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers