aa. cdxmcu ynoi rust paoeI. hr, ThopvrrcfillcH with curiosity, but notft spark of pity. "She reached tlio .street. The wind was howling pileously, as though it mourned the'nhumanitv of man. The snow was stlll'fallliijr, In even largir flakes, nnn an irrcMiar, enow-coverej mass upon the sidewalk sadly sliowed the whereabouts of hct household coods. Bho saw it not. The cold snow cooled her revered brow, but could not tothe her frantic brain. It crazed it even more. It WASlikccastingicc upon burning coals. She turned towards the liver. "I sav. Bill, whatever becomo of that wo man we disjKusessed about two weeks ngo? They do say she never moved that furnltuio from tho sidewalk, and tho con had to tnl.o It to the station-house. That is, all ofit that the neighbors Uirfnt steal, and that was prc cious little. I tell vou." "I'll tell you, Tummy. Sco what they've got hero In to-day's p:iier!" Tho body of an unknown woman was found, yesterday, llouting in tiro water at tho foot of Chambers street. A summons for non-payment of rent, in the suit of Tomp kins against Livingston, was found in the noeuct oi ncr areas. I no coroner was notl tied. "They can't say we chucked her In the river. Can thev, Hill?" "No, sir 1 Wo was only carrying out boo manaaics 01 "Tho Law," RELIGIOUS (JOSSIP. Dr. Gibson,of Erie, this State, has given $80,000 in buildings nud lauds to the Board of Foreign Missions of tho United Presbyterian Church. This donation is to be devoted to the publication and freo tliS' tribution of the Scriptures in Palestine and and Egypt. In nine years tho Presbyterians have organized a hundred churches, on tho Pa cific coast, all but five of which huvo regu lar preaching. The New Jersey Sabbath Union has presented a memorial to tho Governor of tho State, in relation to the illegal Sunday railroad traffic Tho Union maintains that, according to the statute, no road has a right to run more than one passenger train each way on Sundays. Tho American Bible Society announces that thus far during tho current year the expenditures have exceeded tho donation by $50,000. Tho society has made grants of 200,000 copies 'of tho Scriptures during tlio year, and has appropriated $110,000 to tho foreign field. Professor Dana rays of the first chapter of Genesis: Examining it as a geologist, I find it to be in perfect accord with known scienco; therefore, as a Christian, I assert that tLsBiblo narrative must bo inspired.'' No one should leave a church, and es pecially while a minister is delivcnnghisser mon, unless the person has very 'good reasons for doing so. This is something whicli seems to have become a general practice with some people. The habit does not show good manners. It is disrespectful to- a minister to leavo a church while ho is speaking. Rhetoric sometimes flaps its gorgeous wings In our faces m a very unpleasant fashion. It is almost as serious a matter to chooso words as to choose ideas. Dr. Tal mage recently sjioko of tho Lord as "thodarl ing of heaven." Tho expression was intense ly pre-Itaphaelito and disagrceabb. Theol ogy ought to be popularized, but let there be some intellectual decorum in the choicoboth of conceptions and of lauguage. -Y. 1". Her ald. Charity, administered judiciously and in moderate doses, will do a great deal to relievo tho poverty-stricken jwrtion of humanity found in nearly every community- Few people recognize the moral grand curol the digestive apparatus. When Hux ley talks about the "physical basis" of life ho has reference to tlio ralation between roast beef and a good character, and the im portance of tills relation cannot bo exag gerated. You may talk about your influen tial and automatic nerves, but they are all powerless except through tho regenerating power of "four-and-twenty blackbirds baked in a pie." Eating is a kind of natural religion. The baby begins with it and the old man dies when ho looses his appetite. Tho want of dinner opens tho door for tho entrance of every undcsirablo quality, and if this want continues the man becomes cross, sour tempered ami given to the use of tho strong est adjectives which dcador living languages afford, Tiio fifteen minutes before tho gong sounds is tho one supremo ioriod when beggars are turned from tho door without ihc conventional cold iiolato.wlienn missionary should not ntkforn contribution, and when religion itself almost ceases to have any ef fect or any consolation. After the dessert, however, tho curtain rises on a very differ ent scene. A filled man is sercno and even temjtfred. He is ready to givo money to the heathen and jierfcctly willing tj sign a subscription paper of any kind, whether he p.iysornot. Ho is revengeful before dinner and forgiving after. Faith, hope and charity ore all ufter dinner virtues. Wo agree,thcre fore, with Byron, who sings of That all-softening, ovcrjiowcring knell, The tocsin of the soul tho dinner bell. Shaving, Shampooing, Oyli.no, lUlll Unctsi.NO, aud Hair Cutting Saloon. IlIfOtlTED AND llOUESTIO Key West & Havana Cigars. All the New York and Philadelphia MORNING, EVENING, WEEKLY AND SUNDAY (German & English) PAPERS. A'so. the Letflng Kentpaprrs of KrlBhbortng Cities L'nen uud taper lollaia ami Cults. Cswitcb-Ii e anil O eu Onko coo en. rout, iri) ami lloreuue btuups. Itcwtpsper Wrsiniers nnd i'oitrai raids elunv on hsud. Aeenttor iho EtiKinhcndOer insn A'Uian&cs : Weekly and Month ly Doom nud Periodicals, ic. dto. F. INKMANN, Junr., Susquohauna Street, MAUca cnuxi:. Pj. sec. is, 1977.17 5000 ArtnU WanteJ to subscribe for the AKfnuJouroa', a handsomely lound pu JaoiDtl. Ur:ajuli ol in iciest to Agents. LSMeUatm ropr vm trta agist' Jouuul, Tnn BEST and MosiP opclar Pulmonic is It invariable Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup and other A tied ions of the Breathing Organs. Jti arothlajr lcfluenio upon the Irritated lin ing n( tho im-piMngtH, In dun to tlio fact that tin lain cttientAiiro tlio trost elUciicoinpnlnnon ienmnlo kiitrtvn 'o uiniitcnltmtanv.thu bawls of ilwnrtM'leban tlio II027UY of ttioirouii. HOUND TLAT, cheniio.lly 1111 tet with the mi m cnta piluclpn or the Allies UAJ AMKA or llaltiiof Giloid. Ttieio 010 huntuMt. tivtsutlcr bntamo ociueuti winch iUc uiltii tin n n t f Gjney to tliO drat tin nud tw 'llnwe wlm Uno 118M t ay tint HALE- nONUYOF 1IOIIIS WUNIJ ADTAUltnot only wtmileirullyrcinilicii in nil Li.-imvliPie theorpaoMof refill miun oro cftoccetl but tt I so Hint lln nct'.on 11 unusually Mp.U. A tow tli 01 firqucip.ty nervfl to riviiYO vert obstititito couirh. it com am s nnlliinj; tint 1 an (lUmripr tt o Rtom'l n fact unit can ho aicctd will truth of out lew enn h remedies 1 it hai nt ox. truiiielv nfibjnb otlivrtr uudis o'(. at nflu 0 wlilcii cmitile t ho of the mom l.mtteil uu-aoi tonvull tlifmso.veir.fit vlmon ItiHMmpU mnoup'-s to ttiUj with n Ornish. Irrltntioti if tbo Tliront Chosi hiu! Luiivh tinVcininpnltv, n a whit's ntiltlinira ul cmmiv contiucialilo difflcultv Hi ti-ne nrcritm to-ntir. may tu a few wi eB nuvelooo into Ilrourh'lM 1 r Consumption two diBafo- wlii'-h t-nuviii'ie v'cttms to onrlv irrnvct, thai miy other In tho lonp-lfltof limll'vl'Mlri'efs. A Co a ir li may bo lltlv termed in Pro'lmlnon Ruto ot Ctu iiiripilon, milndv f which ITAUVS I10X15Y OV IOtKIlOUD AND TAIL lstho8urot known proventlvt'. Tiinco thfeoi, who would m rest the urmfrn's of the Oentiorer xuouhl delay not u moment loiaio this CF.nTAiN - neclllc. CHli.DuKN dorivb ixrpat h"nrtlt fhra it sootiuno prj?rtip, when nuflfi rlinr with tho t nviixvpiHf "f t'rotip and Whooptuff co-i.iii. Hit llrt nam d ilismibti Ih oai t'tiallx doiii-tio Ivo ainoncr vounc chllfroti and tins rellnblo icmecr huU b 'kept o-i Ii-tnd in nti hr'iM nlJ. lity the i.augic pack aos s And L'conoi izt. 1MUci:s. 10 ceuu- and 61. per liott.c; &oM by all DrugeUtd. C. N.CRITTENTON. Prop'r, Ko. 7 Sixth Avcmu, Now Tbrli. Have You a " RAGING TOOTH" Reader? IP vou haVe. buy Pike's Tooth: che Drops nnrt Cnro Hio anor.v In OiiB Minute. This von HinfoforTwontr-l'lveConU. llio "rtiole will do tao nnslue&R brown, drpcnil uirnn it ; mnrovpr it rontnli.s ntf laitrciUcut vrli.ca can IKJOBK your Teeth. PRICE M CENTS. Sold by all Drugfflsts. C. N. Crittcnton, Prop'r, No. 7 SIXTH Avcnuo, XliW YORK. suLPiauit mkf, The Leading Kxtcrnal Specific for DISEASES OF THE SKIN and Bcautifier of the Conrj'cx'on. It renders tho Cuticlo Healthfully Clear and Smooth, and is the Best I'osiblc Substi tute for Expensive Sulphur Batln. It Is on incomparable Hemcilv for nrules. Ulier, o l. ami cverv IriiUbto or unhraithr coiiitlitou of tlio rkin. nn1 1) u lontit kciv rcabio rciiinllal nci'nl nl miurco nr t.peedr reliellu ctiKemt Goal sml JtlieuihalUm. Itmil Iii04t iliMirabtu DI-'INFI'.CrATJT OP CI.OTllINO (lit lli:i) I.I.snM. wornnml hsikI bv per.oiifAuir.'iliiir Uoui nbunxl, uor coniuc. Ion. iliscn ei. nnrt is n I aultal Itemed and ito vcntiiiwnrilirm, wbeu mod as uu lni xtlnn. t'ers us cnipleviui H Unvn no npetl xt take Kul liluir imiI'h. or In rojou to uu nh.ir oi1ul-91 r UJunuiriiurpo.H'S. , .'sun .Jumtrft o TOILET. It lit fnrraoro datir.ib e man miy Ciwm '.1,-. nc.i It dm not i.kuHit'oO'Oi tUi. naluro.ronro'ti CVmiilexiuu oi lUimi lie butiemuto. ih"ni. TAN I'lti:i'KI.KH.-M('LK4 IILOTIIE". midiholitr, soei-iillr vioid l" lis tliiilv.in; in 11.14-ucu . ami U Is tlio veiv Itai to 10 tu li ive itli.bi-cau.il It Ifsvi it tlio nklu ani..otli uud ir,o from tbo Irrltanua iiroduo il nu nucng.thncttti. elp, bi tlo .Mil.i-atloii of tho iniior. it clj compieMv lailU.t 11 .M)itU I'K llu.t OW V .twlit.. If t.l In ..vnullA... jra.liinu WOOLEN. LI.NUN. LAOIMmd other r..irk' nniiladiu v.sk m ibobiix eirciNof inetioiioiuaii nnl rutui nocictv uoik i,u; m tli fiiBlio.t term Te.tiiuo:ijs..mirlnfrnni nil qnortfis of Ibo union umin it r, nu n i ir. mam oi which liovo do ii pub !!ie.l lu tho lor.n of lb a nem n nun i .rtpriieuiubioiii Lrufiiu -n.l I'ji.ey omTl's : "u" s. " I" ,u imu'lcl withc.uttho-iiulio.t frncimi ot roamul i-fti. c;y ba e Mm n, are 01,tea upon tbe iin-uj. poMiuirand utninL'rtonl, rei.mar buipbur .;p?.u'!w""t bronfiuo. Ileuiicnl w.tli or equil iu tho urtat Mrratto wMcn tho r vwidoM JnAlVi"',? .1T,,""Vr,ll'," competliloii. is" Aiinni-t btol) ii'iiuin, 1'ono (lool. n-m siia llrucrn Leon ui.KNN'U bULl'HUit OAl. mni win m dansia font uuulv inn K.NlKTiilxotoii.rircutloicr'. rit I H K-, :j cf nt ocr nke 1 Iloi. ,S cikeii ut bv m.m, prcpaU, lor 7J cenu. " c C N. Crittcnton, Prop'r, Xo. SF.VEX SIXTH AVENUE If Y. BLACKS and BltOWKS As Xatcrai. as Xatcre' StLr, Aro communicated to Gray and Flame Col ored locks almut instantaneously by Hill's Hair & Whisker Dvc, '"Psrillon abs-ilntely free from tmrlfol In r.B.,.-u, uiiu luuuueiy iuprior. brrfshon r tlio edecu prodiiTO.1. to nuv arile Vf it cii., Prrmunro aumm snd Iialusem 7u Ti'Ji vented. and thu .iivrrr bolri 'oi .ci lioaiin ih trueyoutblul tlut fioia tbii mitcuie" uyi bold dy all Dnuaaisis. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r, J'71 KTXTIIAw.N. y. f,,.ii in. iitlMllSAl. n AUF.IIUUKi: Nn.7 t-rcill AVEM'B, .NW OIUC. 'I ho ultlrlu la iiniriniviriudorll.vibo Xw'icalfraiern tv. o.V. ".''""''.'o'herKjiiiiiuslieii.e io Ht.KXs'x MUl.l ll.lIlt SflA I l,n. ln.Mti . Drugs ttnd iNl'c'dicincs. Wonderful, but True ! A. J. DURtlNG, raorniKTon or thu peopled Dlnig and Family Medicine BTOIin, makes tho following ANNOUNCEMENT. OWlnertothn pctiernl dcnio'fdrn in bnslnfsd, l ho pi cut rcduvti'Mi of wti"OHf(ir lubor, &c. 1 duco. It mi flat' At 11.1 liiiiPti oirn ihn ninn1n f i chi union ni d vicinity thc Lion's hhauk or ur 1:0 fits i in'ou ntui reneuntpr 1110 ioiiivt. luc Vi icui or a tow ot tho many articles eold at my Diug stole t IA.Tr3NT MEDICINHS-ill tt rrcparntlnns PoOotita bucii an Vtuoinr llittrrs. Iloa'rttir'e, DinHu'd IVinxtion, Mlhlci'i Herb, Oer i uu Bitters mid nil oilier Icrmcilr 1 1 now 85 ct, Vc preparntlots 4(Jc. Him 200. repfratlous?oc Ct)lD. COUOII nnU LVVa ItKMKDins. n Jftvnt'rf Kxooo orant. lin Va m.d Ai en's linl. Mm. Atois iJieKr I'octornl, Milk Ohio Cod Llr Oil. t.'ctl I-ivcr on aud Lluio did o.ht r forfnci iV tl now 8. cents. IIAIIt VULlMIurXONS-llnli Ila'r Hp newor, lMoiituomeiV'w. AycrtV lln'r Viit, on I Mm LruM, lo.motly it now83ct. Atl Wo pit'par .tlousorntiov. chir.ibn-r nrnv oc. LIMMKrs LanhncI.N. Jx hep etic, )uniifllvV 1 lcrtiiu ttauiaon mi, ifi.w.v" Kt'l.u. MotncOiliUQ cllii" Oil. U'l'dflie Mm. incut, and nil iiihtiiHlmnK'ily rs).i, iuw tec. Iiorec, Cfltllo nud 'lit Ken I'owdcr fnrmerlv 2Tc, now it'c DltIiiu- cdoartitrd Ctmdit on 1'owdcis impiovtd a3c. jir i-tmud, Kasaln'rtirr.tnhiTrjiUrops 4"c per bottle Breast Tril.ClC.ll rmcKucci VI Is uf all ktucH tonocilv 50. now iOc. per box, I'JjATKU roroun, Arn'cn. Poor Man's and ail dtht r fotnierly '.be. now 10-3. WnitAI ltEMKUIliS Worm Srrnpn. Vcrml. fu vf, A mm iifzonecs uud ConfecltOJS luim i-r.y lite, now 'Ac Rout. IlHrl.s Jioib, Mcdioul Tea. Ac. &c. lormerly from to 16c. pcrcz. iil7 2o. to Co. per ur,. Castor OH Hilstm do Ualto, Escncoof Trp no niiut, Jiaenco ot Li'inon. Go.dm'liuctnio V;itf!;'oric,iiiid Olrccrlno formerly too to lac. miw to tu iCo pui Uott 0 K.crjtliliiff DortnS DiMii! Down!! Cnulicfcodi, for Making Sorp. from 0 cents to l'jfcniRoerp'Miad. CflHtor on. sti icily pure, iCc. 5 cr quart, tho gailtni leaj. LOOK A O A I N."W ALL FAItt, Gold OUt rat rr lOc.i O a.zd I'apeis foriuctlv iSc. to i5o. nowOc Wmto lilnnksnnd Tints fnni erlv ISi'. to2Cc now i2r. to JS't., nud XSrowu Bacxsform oi ly U'u to ICc. uow 7j. to 9c. lhy'c ans I'JCfCrtpt'onsnnd Fnmily Itcclpea" compnunded fitdiimt.y Ucdacod ilutus. Uuor hemJtbUUltLINO'tJ iiavii't; una in txpctlcncoof almost Twenty Year in llo Dixie It 11 'I tics mnro thin Ten id wli.ch h ivo boon Ih Lclili'litm-, 1 w a m thu fu tut 0 nI linvnui tho vast. Oii.iiiinleo to nil tlio very liot and ruiesrUrutr.', MedtcUio-.&p.. tn bofimudin tbo American iMarkftri. I BUY FOIt UAyil 1 icc lr-nov3 HENRY A. PETER, (Succcs-or to C. W. Ixxtz), Bank Strset, Lehtghton, Penn'a, Offers tb tbo public a fu:l lino of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, 7 Horso and Cattle Medicines A Complete Assortment ti Wall S'apems, From tho Cnoopoat Broin to tho finest ailt. Fancy Toilet Articles, spoxges, chamoise skins, Flain & Fancy Statioxeuy, And n Tirlo'v of lIOUSn.'IOLI) AnrtdLES tjouamcrouitoo inootinii. all ot which I10I1 oakling at VERY UEAS0XA15LE PItlCES ! rurtn wixc'siina uaudna fcriicdicioai ana tfucrameut&t purposoi. riiysiuiANb'i'ituscr.ir'iioxsi orc'ni y ami accur-tely coiiiponmled, bv MY3h'I.F. at all bum n ut iiioilny auduiKlit. l'Jtrona'e lavitcd. H. A. PETER, Lcucscl's Slock. Marcb.14, 1S77. $2500 A Year! Active, Energetic Agents Wanted, ON OUR Qombinatio Prospcctu'5 J OF 150 Distinct Publications AND 100 Styles of Illbles niui TostniunitK, ll.l.VllltUIL, UlUlil ilUAilUlU. I lilt 101101I, Keliinnus and Ml ceduncoui Works of A NUVCL KJ:ATDRfS IN CANVA-iINOI! Rflll it.n.lu frnn. I.t. . ... . f'n ItnoLo t II T mml .Tt.u a ...1. iivery tuiio and fancy. Vo aiu aUo cfienuts Premium Family Bibles, KXOIiT'-II and OEItAfAK. nnnruuTivn mid I AT110LIC. Awnido.l buuotlonlr over an (them, for tlirir Invaluable Alii, mil Hui.erli lS,Wifi?,'W!I,AND Also. General nnd Local Accnts Wanlo.l on our GREAT AVAR BOOK, thonmt Ccmi-chcnlTp,I!fllaoleanaAccur.ito 1 1 Uliirv f tlio l rat Comest Oct ecu l lni It UH. MAN anil THU TUltK. W Itli Its a clicaut Jioiir.TiugH. Ma onj H.ais tho mnat siiowy. Iwir.blo and uselul UoDi now iiubltshtd. 1. beial Trnn. 1'aitlculsr.frec. Addrcrs JOIl.V. PWiTEIt&CO, I'ubllallers, 83t.I. 1577 rillLADFLriHA E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doors Below tho' " Broadway IIone," MAUCII CHUNK, VA. Doalcr in all rotterns of riain td rancy Wall JPapeffj, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASII TMCES. M IH.cntrt t'nrril.- nut III tli-ir nl Ix 11. n..,w , .. . , ollillUOllkk " I'lHD ..... i.L. .uu ufxiirai L'omoion BeDiJ SwJ WiJ'.'f':' ' .'"u;'r"".n'i oviir. i:Jn. riV'.Sf-1 Iur '"J ktiaid caitlou. or ll sljtiir :rX,.rr. " "". wuicn couta im al ibe . taujtitAY UILl. 1'uiiLisnrvn i Kcpt-Umf lK.ait6Ht. M. V vvdniTE ruBucATioss. F l'dAXKLEaLlE'tJ CltVMwrv cnnwirn Ililsiicuillui icrloiici.ii:obct Amrncmi lamilv J unuil. s.ory tiapcr,and home fncr.il. lias pern tna .urcoi.fnl nrnliif nil tho weekir J )on.ol lor too puat thuteen.vcarf. It rainocl .. p r.co in tlio iniiiils uud henna of onr people an 1 now tho ramo of in patrons is Lcsiuii. -Ilns yeai tn tinilSEi i ouneii Brums lo hp bi'lterilianoTcr. Its serial itoil.s mo of iho imwt iiiinrhlnv and llvoly chsrattor. of arcat power 1 110 to lito ami lull of incut, tatlne a wide nngs ii tnbjrtts lo please evcrr lnemoor ol a 110 i.eholfl mo dotiicsilo mory toe the tmiitor. tlio clinriiiina' loTotnlotor tlioasnKh lcr the iiinroilramstlo lor the tonne men, tho Hilhl novel lor the o nor rcsders. and then wo h.ivf .tilling nUvciiiuro Iur the boys aud fairy tiilFsfiirlhochimen. Knlibcrtouv Itiiwnrd. TtoWnwn. 1)6 Forest. Benedict. H AunleFiost. Annlo Thomas. IStta W. ricrie, aid oiher eminent writcti., are Its regular cnninbuiors. Tno Suhlccts treated ol oreverv raricd Tholllu.triliuiisaio prolu.o. m.d thoy art all beautilnl. htmit stones ex. tnmeiy in.ciestlnjr nrccunjolctod In ci.cli num. ber. whl eu.szuipaies, adreiituit s os-nvs. luu, ll-avos. natsial hirtnry le.iendt. anecdoios, Science, etc.. mslio Ihls pabllcntlon one of the lunxt ciiteriuinliiR In exittonco. j:xqulile s'ccl cnirinviuira aro frequently r.vru swuir to 'i subncilbers. 'I he ClIIJIxhT CoiLMtn. sittecn naccs. with clsht nnci I rla tratlous. punted on tiuo pit Der, Is pin I shed every Jloud-y price only 10 ci nls, uimuiil subo !plliilis,H. p ii,.imd. Ad. itinyoiiroracr to l-iiiinj.esi.o'a ruuhsMui! Jlone,ftl7 t'rnil stieet Nowloik. F1IANK LKsLIU'H LAD'- JOUnffA. 10 jnnei. Imncil wcoKly. p.niuim excllciit ilciuics mil full ilcMi1;tiniis of tho veiy lntu..t stylus of lauino nud hl.dren'H weart use lul taioimatiuiioii family top est select stono i Di'UJtilnl ida tintiniiHof homo aim lole cumin' letl i poet yt lusliiounb iiiteirKeiicD. per. Hiinlih t clistt urn i-iiiircirtw.iisi'ii Hie foi lis iiml Kmlif. b' the dny i hj utsoi Hutu. A:u 1'IIAiK 1 ESUK S 1IV' JCUIiNALIS lie mM l eauilinl ui u.l thu liiots pager.. It bLojui be lou ul on the t ill cut cv.-ry .oilrin li.n land, t'r co in coats tier copy; a-uua aubscrliiltoii. U. po'taald ' ' FltANK MiSUM I'ori'I.Ait MONTH. IA has made rapid strides ns thu rival u many aliruun to pa .iiofnvor. I.s con.rHmtois me cine I ti.e best livui" writeis. Ji.vervilcn.iit roelii of IPernturc Is icpicscnttd in itico umi s Tu eiiuaint ol innrajiioii. mrrtnluiueiit and nnillMini'lil tffoldid ly tho mtlcle', esmvs. stmiCHand ccucrul mUtclliny contauuQin tho :3 q j.ii u prfC'iur ich number ut diispubU. c n hii been Well apuricloti'd. Ktelv cunv uf the l'opu'nr Munlii y is ciubolli-uci wiih over IMi bi'iui'iiul Hluilrail ui'. Ueirla thu cheapest pi-no Ileal ol tao k:iu1 In cxisicnce, mid nt tlio tame time ono of ihomn.ffee coi ana uovoiMiliv wilcomo It inant contlnuo to in ( lease ta pub Ic f vor.nud inukwiih tho piu. Iislmt's u.ndav J. aoazim'. Ii . i irhcss nni inc al nir Aiiicr.cniiii.un.ulle.. It U published on iholilhof each mnitli. l'rliu. .5ceuti iiuuni. Inn eiiMcTipiinn.O. hk( p ti, ior yen . Ad. dies, vour niders lo Fruuk L0.10, '.37 roatl s.itvt, .New York. IUANIC WSSLIU'S SUNDAY MAOAZINE Isaienutliul irk It will In clo t cduujiol ni'il cult.valKl mln.l. m well 11s iliumoit oidU nair reailor. It is thu only mncuv mneraziuo publ.licd 111 I hi i ciiulitiy Kveiy numb.llins 11S P.WS tilled null 1 10 most seloci nnd Insci nnfiui l.tciuturo, raimrc irumiaoro mrn by llic eillinr (Dr. O. F. Ueoais o.istor f thu Cu.ircu i f tuo stranp tji to ilniiiir inlcs, ren eiU topics and imoj. w.ctry. ruaalo. mil scl. ecce, lilstoiy. eto , lu cirat vniloti . J'.acj copy ol this ui-rnzino lim ijo exquisite cnantvlnEs uf 1 tie most iiitcte.ln cnarnctor. It has icne.nd 11 c.rcnlatiini nud iiiiwpiilty sncli as make Honour the icatveii- 01 nerlodicil l.teru. lute., Jt is Inueeil n bonit fu wurs. Uuy It and pec lor your o.tcs., Hiu.-ioojplo are only acriiw. nnd nuniial nibfbnplloa ir ceonli 13. iivtilil. Aildiessonleis In FI'AA'KI.RHLIIi'fJ l'UilI.ISlIl0 IIOUSK, loWihi w, rcallottect.isow Yolk, HULL & SCOTKEY, CEMERAL MERCHANTS, No. 340 North Water Street, Mlir.ADELPHIA, ond Wholesale Dealers In Batter. Cheese. Lnrd, T.llow, i:es. Tonltry. Oatno. Blocs, Totatocs, Rl ITTPO APPlf Oroln, Moar. Fur, Wool. DU 1 I CM Pullin llln ii - Broom dun. Dilcd Fruit, iloy, Hops Foreign nun uoiiiioni 1 runs nnd 111 ruct itoc.in .c.l any uud cverv.hlairat tho iiifhr. mnrii.i make prompt retuins. and LIDF.KAL CA81I au..i.n.i,3 ""ii'iiinuccori'ii sil shlii. nicuts, except per. UnLCOLlsluhle Krtl. ClCS. 70 1 1 OW that Wfidnnn eTten.tvn hmtii... any Oamo Bailor In I'hl.nCcluhla will tell vou wu iiuuuieu muro uanio list ecason than all Iho other Kouses In J'hilai!o:ph:a nni 11 Tnw put toircth'er. t-end lor 1'nco I U U L I H I List, Sterct:, AC. Ac. IIEFEBKKCE CASH. or wo rcier you to Ant llEsroxsmLE Hoien In uya tiir. EGGS. GAME (Oct. 0, 1577-yll obtained for Inventors in tlio United States, Canada aljd Eurojic, at reduced rates. With our principal olTico located in Washington, directly ojiposito tho United States 1'atcnt Office, wo nro nblo to attend to all patent utiaiiicbs wiui greaier iiromiuness aim lies- iatcn anil at loss cost than other patent at torncys who nro nt a distance) from Wash. ington,and who have, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." Wcmak-dnrcliminnrv examinations and furnish opinions as to patentability, frco of charge, nnd all who nro interested in now inventions ami' patents nro invited to send for a copy of our "Guido for obtaining r .items,- winch is tent frco to nny addiess, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. v c rcier to tiierucrman-American National Banlt, Washineton.D.C.i tho Itoval Swedish. Norwegian anil D.inisli Lefmiln,,. at WiishinRloiij 11011. Jos. Casey, late Chief T....I T ci r. i-i.rti .. . . uiiMiru i. . o. wuri 01 V lanns; to 1110 UlllCiaiS of tho V. S. I'atent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from even- State. Address: LOUIS 1IAGGEII i- CO.. Solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LcDroi t liullding, Washington, JJ.C. dec22 )rats Around windows and doors In winter x:Tllti:i.v xcLDni:n.iui. Inz h&lf vour fuel, also fll'NT In I summer, savlne furniture, curtains !nuu carpets. aAi iiiisu Basnea stopped, windows raised nnd lowered as usual, bv lllimiNK'S l'alent i.iAiji.iii ana uuuuuu weainer hlrlns. Ktnnn Ihn tet lYir 13 YUAHM on JMbllc Buildings, Dwellinss.Drawlntr Boom and Sleep ing Cars, In the united Stales and Europe. Windows and Doors Mea sured r It Eli Of CIIAIIUE. tiend your address, and let us do one or two on trial. FOR SALE BY BANK ST.. LEU GUI O.N TTrnlnr1 locurdacasootCatanblneao TV dlibCU nelnhhorhood, with Dr. Ksrn. ser'n iiruiH.iv. to lntroiliicelt. Sample free. J O tlltiin.Putsbarch. Pa. uov24.uj3 Qrypjiy Is nut esilly earned In these time. 7k but it cmbenisle in three months W hynnyoneof ellhersoi.inuypsrt . .. ,of .ln? "un'ry. won Is will ng to "Mr s'ead ly at ths rmpliivrasnt that we lurn. ith. a wrek In vour omt Jown. Yon need uu be uitsy ironi home over nljlit. You can Klve your who e time to the work or only voni "are moments. It costs nothing to try the Dullness. Terms and Is ootat fie. Address. ,6W rortlaud, Mstue. rpHE SLATINdirON PLANING- MILI AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT0N. jdHN BALLIET, Propr., Deals In all kinds and sizes ol Wno, Hemlock Oak snd Hard Wood Lumber,and its now pie pared to exocuto any amount of orders for BresseB LiiinboR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Saslics, BlljillsJ Shnttciv, Moiildlligs, Cabinet M'arc, &c, With froinptncss. BracEts Mad to Order. The Machinery Is nil new nnd pf the best nnd most Improved kinds. I employ none but tho best wcrKmen, upo well nrnaonott and pool ma t ei I11, nnd am Ihet cfore able to guai nutee en tiro saii'lactluu tn all who mavlnvor niewlth a call. Orrters dv mail piomptly attended to; Mv chsrecs are modrrutoi terms cash, or lntcrost charged alter thirty days. OIVE MEA CALl. nr Those cnnged In nnildlng will find It t their advantage to hive aiding, Floor Hoards Doors,-pasiics, bhuttcis, Ac. Ac mode at thti raitnrv. ilny lnyl JOHN HA IXIKT. Jit. KICKF.nT, (I Opfi'oslte L. & St Depot, On the East Weissport fcanal Bank l.yf , ( 1 Hcspectrdllv lnfotms the oltlIrl nt this vlelnj. ty that fie keeps constnntlv oil hrnd nndSKLLH ALSO DEAI.EIt IN ror. BUILDING AND OTIIEn PUItPOoES which ho guarantees lobo Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH HE IS NO WIS ELLIN Q AT THE VEftY LOWEST RATES. WHOLESALE nnd RETAIL, at tho LOWEST CASII PBlCEj. II e has a a number ot very lcib!y located I1.1,fK,1Ts.T0WN' Franklin Township which he wlh Hell on very Easy Terms. J.K. IttOKEltT. C AnilON ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PlilNTHG tiFFICE, LE0IQHTO,PA. ItTery description of rnntlng", from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, BILL nEADS, LETTER JIEAD1, NOTE HEADS', BrATEMENTa. rosTERs. ritooitAM'jkEs. HANDDILis. DODO ens, CIRCULARS, 8HIITINO TAOJ BNVELOPFu; PAUrULET8, I1T.LAWS.,AC..AC.. Doc'i Id the boat mannerat very Lowest rrtrrs. WeVe nre'pared to do work at as eheanVitea aa nur offlce in the fiute taat deals hifltstly With lL. I'll .IAI11..1. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Relia'olo. ty Orders y'nall receive prompt atterHW JAVIU EUIJCUT'S Livery & Sale Stables nANICSTUEIi'T.liliHIGirTO.V, P FAST TROTTIXG 1101133, ELEQAT CAliniAGES. And poslUvely LOWER PJ1IUES than my Large and handMtnn r1. rri. .... . . dTptwand Wrtdlnga, DAVID EOUKtif. CENTRAL CARRIAGE S SLEIGFl WORKS, Opposlto T. D. Clauss', Bank St., Lehightoii, Pa.,' 1 prepared tomanofacttire tnr flescrJ. tlon ot Carriages, Buggies; t Sleighs, Spring Wagons, t&fc. Repairing rromptlv Attended ie C7-AI1 work done at this establishment ta" guaranteed to bo of the very best material sua workmanship, and the ptlccs Inlly as low as tki same articles can bo pnrchsscd Isewhere. Spciol inducements cfTcred to strictly esse' cualomers. M. C: TltELER & cS'. JnlySl.nn Jy, IIEIL9IAIV & CO., BAHK STEKET. lehigt'ton, Pt' MILLERS and Deolera In AUK,nilE-iraA Sest.of ostl From nny Mine desired at VERT tOWFST JU. litHlL.il AN & CO. Jnly Now Advertisements., Awsrdcl ll'jhest prize At Centennlsl Expoltlen' for' Ms dieting qjilittn rTid ezerHenn and luMiff.iciar aster eiKctfeiinfi aid favoring. Tbo best' toUeeft' fff .c- A ?"r w" Mr0 'e-nisik Is riOJ.lit Imltateit on lafjtlor pwd.. m Hint J.trtm'sBt,(te free, to Cf. A. Jacuoji Co., Vfrt., F.ttreborg, Vi; . jr. WAiiDi.K. rhiln.. Pa.. Oeneral Agent. - BEAiTr. Washington. N.J.' 4.ft extra Fixe allied caid, wit.i unme, 110. WORK FOR Ar.T, In their own locaitiios, canvnssInrfoi thoFiRI!. stun Msitok, (enlnrited r Weekly am) Month y. Lorirest Pjpdf in the World, w.lh Mammnth Chroraos Frco. Big- Commissions to Agi-nta lerms and Ontflt Free. Address IO. VICKER.Y. Augusta. Maine, Of) .Mixed Cauls. Snowflilieitastk,o;c..no' w W 2 olike. with namo 10c. J. Mtnk.cr & Co..' I.qsyqu, N. Y. Q.EO. 1 ROWELL & C&$ NewspaperavcrtisingBureait 10 Spruce St., N: Y. OEO. p. HOWELL & CO. conduct an aconeri fortliorccojtlnnol ndveituouien.s for Amen. cinncKKpnoeis. . Tlio must, complete establishment of the kind Inthewoild. A 8101 new .papers nro kept rcnlnrly on file open tn the lusiuvtlon uf cus ouiers,. Every oilvcrtlsemcnt is tsken nj the homo price of tho pnoo', wlthunt any addltlou.il chare nr conuulnsiou. An advenlserlnncallni; with ll.e Atency. is saved trouble and correspondence, tasking one contract Insiond ot a doien. a hnnired ir a thousaid. A book of IM paBcs coDtalnlnar Iftts of best' papers, lnrce.tciiiulutlons, religious, aailenl. tuinl.flass. iMlitifal. (Uiiiy and couniiy papers, and all nnb.icatmns wTilch are specially valm ab'.o toailverti.ers.withaimoinformationabout prices Is scut to anyoddresi on receipt often centa Peisonaatn distance wlshlnsr to make con. iractsjornovcrtlslnffdn any town, cny.coumr , Male or territory ..f mo tinned Mates, or anf poriion of Hie Do-nlnlon ot Cnnads. mar seuda coiicIe aiaiomrut of what the want, together jlth a coiiy i,t the ADVEItriBKMENT they dosiro lii.t rted. an 1 w 11 leceive Information br rriurn malt wh eb will en.iln tbem to decide whether lo Icui eu e or 1 e Inl i I ho order. For such lulormnilon th.ro Is no choree. Orrera are taken for a .little paper aawe'l as IBrCr rarniu Geo. r. Rowell 4 Co.. also puullsh the' American Newsnaoer Dirrctorr (price br ecnui a cpmpieio IUt of all Amencan NewsOTner. nnda oatctterol Iho towns lu which Ky are VALUABLE FARl At Private Sale. .ww,m.ui,ii nuch aiHiui a arret Ol wftirh' ore cleared aud nailer a hlch state of rnJIiva. .ion. the balance b lint Timber I and. The im. pr.iven.rnta thereon are a 2 stury Frame Dwe.il inc llwu-e Km feet, with Kitchen attii-w on. Btabie. and other neeSr OMbuJSlm.'f I ViOliHi OrchaiO ror.taiulni snout imciiolea Frutt Treea comprlt lr(r Apple, Fesr.Kach.nS Cherry Trees of srlotf. kinds ""r'na I his Property, belnf situated near March' Chnuk and LehlAl tonrwmild make It de,ii.' ble place for any cue wuhinc 10 enrape In i h. ijdlt business, the demi.d lor tiS'k In hS' abovi- .places heln always od and rVaHilnr TeVro? UM"r K Cr"k th'rouSg ..'fi.!.'!v lon wl'hlna to Invest in Real Ea. tate thl. offers an opportunity seldom to be met IWii -lc.r .'"htT lrtlcul.ra a.oly at Sti omce, or to the owner on the premises. B.pt..;T-tr..s. "K-NnV MUCKER, Gold, ilines & iand. Coal'.' """-' ao aiijj ItA ri u .1 COAL, .firi rftM ni vt Piiniin 1 Oil' IRON -WMIN NT, A.Vl"vrcS??S MAltRLE 3 B. SEVK.VTj L Sr.. QUil& MAUL Aji.vtl'A"ico. nv.V? TTAW To J3uya Farm f I WHEN WHERE ("Send for Our Catalogue. A. H. WYlUWtf m ., THE. Tj.VnERSHINKD rCara ,t PrtMl.. Balk a Valn.hleFarminK Hroperlv .ui. all in BKAVEll UU.N VAtLKY US ' houinaTuirn.hlp.CarDoiiCou ty. i'ajk mi! ironi jd.ncn Chunk, and 2 miles from CeXeh ' Jfo. 200 SOVTVfBEVESTU W -V.I.W. SJUIULBKITBHZ'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers