EDITOR I.KIIiailTON, I'A.I 6.YTDRDAY, MARCH 2, 1878, Tho Slhcr Hill. The Mitfijwn dent of tho JV. 1. JTcrald, writ from Washington umlcr tho dato of Feb. 27, xjit Tho veto message will pro bably be tent In early on Friday. Report my i that It will bo brief and strong. There l. no inch division in tho Cabinet on the abject as rumors from hero pretend. Of tne nevon members five at leatt hold that the Pretidentoughtto veto the bill namely, Jivart", Snermau, Key, Schurz and Davens. Bjcretary Thompson is befieved to bo tho only member of the Cabinet who is decidrd ly against a veto, Secretary McCrary not be ing urgent either way. There islittlo doubt that the bill will pass over the veto. Its pimgo in the House will bo by a large vote, u most of tho republican and anti-sUvcriien lire anxious that it shall becomo u law, and many of them have made up their minds to Tote for It and against tho veto. In the Sen ate tho vote is so close that e, slight change would defeat tho bill j but t'je thrco Senators Who It was thought probablo would chango Paddock, Wimlom and Cameron, of Wis consin have all it is said, told their friends that they will Vote to pass tho bill over the Teto. Tho following h tho bill as it passed the Scuato j jBc it tnactdd, That there shall be coined at tfa several Mints of the United States silver dollars of the weight of -1121 grains Troy of Man 18, 1837, on which shall be the devices ana superscriptions prodded by said act, vhich coins, together Kith all silccr dollars htretoftre coined by the United States of like vcight and fineness, shall be a legal tender at thttr nominal value for all debts aud dues public and private, except where otherwise cr pressls stipulated in the contract. Anil the Secretary of tho Treasury is authorized and directed to purchase, from time to time, sil ver bullion at the market prieo thereof, nor leij than $2,000,000 worth per mouth not more Utait $1,000,000 worth per month, and causa the same to be coined monthly ns fast as so purchased into such dollars. And a sum sufficient to carry out tho foregoing pro vision of this act is hereby appropriated out of any money in tho Treasury not other wise appropriated. And any gain or seign iorage arising from the coinage shall bo ac counted for and paiil into the Treasury as provided under existing laws rclativo to tho subsidiary coinage, provided that tho amount of money at any ono time invested in such silver bullion, exclusive of such resulting coin, thall not exceed $5,000,000, and pro vide.! futlierthat nothing in this act shall bo construed to authorize the payment in 6ilvcr of certificates of deposit issued under the pro visions of Section 2 ii of tho Revised Statu tes. Sec 2. All acts and parts of acts incon sistent with tho provisions of this act uro hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That immediately after the passage of this act the President shall invite the governments of the countries composing the Latin Union, so called, and of such other Euorpean nations as ho may deem advisable, to ioin tho United States in a conferenco to adopt a current ratio between gold and sil ver, for tho purpose of establishing interna tionally tho uso of bi-metallio money, aud securing fixity of relative valuo between those metals: such conferenco to bo held at such place in Europe or in the United States, at such time within six months as may bo mutually agreed upon by tho Executives of the governments joining in tho same, when over tho governments so invited or any thrco ol them sliall have siguilled their willingness to unito in the same. The President shall, by and with tho advice and consent of the Benate, appoint tlireo Commissioners, who hall attend such conference on behalf of the United States, and shall repoit the doingj thereof to tho President, who shall transmit tho same to Congress. Tho said Commis sioners shall each receive tho sum of $2500 and their reasonable expenses, to bo niiproy cd by the Secretary of State, and the amount necessary 10 pay sucu compensation uuu ex penses is hereby appropriated out of any money in tho Treatury uot otherwise appro priated. Sec. 4. That any holder of tho coin au thorized by the act may deposit tho satno with the Treasurer or any Assistant Tiou urcr of the united States in sums not less than $10, and receive therefor certificates of not less than I0 cacli, corresponiling Willi the denominations of the United States note, The coin deposited for or representing tho certincates snail ue retained in ino treasury for the payment of tho same on demand. Bald certificates shall bo rcccivablo for cus toms, taxes ami all public dues, and when so received my bo reissued. (Jrccnhnck Labor l'lnlform. Below will be found the platform adopted .I the national convention of tho Grecnlack Labor Tarty, held at Toledo, Ohio, on Fcb- runry 22 i Whereas, Throughout ourcntiro country tho value of real csiato is depressed, business. incomes and wages reduced, unparalleled distress inflicted upon tho poorer and mid dle ranks of our people, tho land filled with fraud, embezzlement, bankiuptcv, crime, suffering, pauperism and starvation; and Whereas, This state of things lias been brought about by legislation in the interest of and dictated by money lenders, bankiro ord bondholders j ami Whereas, While wo recognizothe fact that men in Congress connected with both tho old poiitcal panics nave sioou up maniuuy for the ric'ils of tho people, nnd met the nn.l met tlm aim met ti 0 threats of tho money power and the ridicule of an ignorant and subsidized press, yet neither ino itepuuiican nor ino ucmocrauc parties in their national julicies propose re medies for the existing evils; and Whereas, The Independent Greenback party and other associations more or less cl tectivo have been uuablo hitherto to inako a formidable opposition to old party organ izations i and Whereas, The limiting of tho legal tender quality of greenbacks, tho changing of cur rency bonds into coin bonds, the demonetiz ing of tho silVer dollar, tho excepting of bonds front (AXlion, tho contraction of tho circulating medium, tho proposed forced re sumption of eitecic payments and tho prodi gal waste of the nubile lands, wero crimes againtt tho people, and as far as iiblo tho results of these criminal acts must bo coun taractcd by judicious legislation i therefore, we assemble in National Convention and make a dschu-atlon of our principles, and invite all patriotic citizens to unite in an ef fort to secure financial reform aud industrial emancipation. The organization shall bfl known as tho "National Tarty," and under this namo wo will perfect without delay National, State and local" associations, to socuro th election to office of sudi men only u will pledge II. 7. MOKTIIIMER, themselves to do all in their power to es tablish these principles; Pint, It is Ilia cxclusivo function of tho General Government to coin niid croato money and regulate it3 value j nil bank Is sues designed to virculalo as money should ho suppressed. Tho ciiculaling medium, whether of meUil or papcr,shall bo issued by tho Government, unci inado full legal tender for all debts, lutlvsnml taxes in tho United Stales nt its stamped value. Second, There shall bo no privileged clas3 of creditors ; o.licial salaries, pensions, bonds, aud all other debts and obligations, public and privpte, shall bo discharged in tho legal tender uio'jey of tho United States strictly according to ktipulationsoflav.-a under which they wero contracted. Tlilni. That coinage of Bilver bo placed on tho s-iuie footing as that of gold. Fourth, Congress shall providosaid money adr rjuato to tho full employment of labor, equitable distribution of its products and re quirements of business, fixing a minimum amount per capita to population as near as iniy be, otherwiso regulating its valuo by wisoand equitable provisions by law; so that tho rato of interest will secure to labor its just reward. Filth. It is inconsistent witli tho genius and spirit of pular government that any species of private property should bo exempt Irom bearing its just share of public burdens; government bonds mid money should bo taxed precisely as other property and a graduated income tax should bo levied for support of government aud payment of its debts. Sixth. Public lands aro tho common pro pel ty of tho whole people, and should not bo sold to speculators nor granted to rail roads or other corporations, but should bo donated to actual settlers in limited quan tities. Seventh. Government should by general enactments encourage tho development of our agricultural, mineral , mechanical, manu facturing and commercial resources, to tho end that labor may bo fully and profitably employed, but uo monopolies should ho le galized. Eighth. All useless offices should be abol ished, tho most rigid economy favored in every branch of public service, and severe punishment indicted upon public olfieers who betray trusts reposed in lliem. Ninth. As educated labor has devised means for multiplying production, by in ventions and discoveries, and ns their uso rcjuires cxerciso of mind as well as body, such legislation should bo had, that tho number of hours of daily toil will be reduced, giving to working classes more leisure for mental improvement, and social enjoyment, and saving them from premature decay and death. Tenth. Adoption of an American mone tary system, ns proposed heroin, will liar mouizo all diilcrcnces in regard to Tariff and Federal taxtion, rcdueo und equalize the cost of transportation by land and water, distributooquitaUy joint earnings of capital and labor, secure to producers ot wealth the results of their labor und skill, muster out of service n vast army of idlers who under tho existing system grow rich upon tho earn ings of others, that every man and woman may by their own eil'orts cceuro a compe tence, so that overgrown fortunes and ex treme Kverty will ho seldom found within tho limits of our republic. i.tevcnin. iiotu national anil atato uo vcrninents should establish Bureaus of La bor and Industrial Statistic;, clothed with power of gathering and publishing the same. nveiun. mat ino cuiurac". system oi cm ploying labor in our prisons niid reforma tory institutions works great injustice to our mechanics aim artisans, and should bo pro hibited. Thirteenth. Tho importation of scrrilo labor into tho United States from China is n problem of most serious importance, and we lecuiinucmi leis.auuu iuui.ui LU us sup pression. The resolutions wero unanimously adort cd. After apjwintment of Exeoutivo Com mittee the Convention adjourned sine die. New Advertisements. hum it May Concern. All reraons ora lioehr forbid meddline wlt'i the aitlcleiot Itoue'iold and Kitchen Ftiin: ture now id po.gctiMion ot i.tiwict tnM'ann.en v 011 Lolnph stri'ot, in tho 1 nroogh r Lelmrhti d, Caibon Co., Pp.. as the sriup mo my pioucitj, und loanod to him dniin n v p ca-nro Fnivlvirg ooitncr ot C suss Brathor. Muchs, isn-wj rjo Wliom it May Concern, Alt persons aro hereby foihld msO'dl'nr with the followlnz at ticles loautd hv too ani:cisiiri. ed in Itvubou l.eorce nl 'l'owumiitlnir iwd.. caibon, countv. Pa. Ono Stud Uortto. 1 Bi-nvvn Mure, I t ellow Mule. 2 vca old 1 .-tio ho W c- ou. 1 Plon. 101 ot iinv nud straw la 11p d and ujm, 1 nrcop ow, 1 larirnna low. ana 1 Trrebh in,; Mach'iio, the same ocinu mrinnicriv. Ul.Mi.Y GlvtruOE. Towanieiisingtwn., March "J, Isw wl EKC.VN11LE Al'i'lSAISEMKXr, Modo by ANlincW QltAVCtl, Jr., tor tho County ol Caibon, tjr tlio Voir 133. An Appeal Day will bo held cn the ' Mi day ot MAUCli, 1878, at the COUItT UOUSi:, la tbo Boroucu ot Maueh Chuut, at TEN o'clock In tbo Forenoon. liAbT MAiicn cilusK Eonouan. Lin, a. Etwln Boner, dry goods anil croc 13 11" 0) H. Konned)', drv goons nut irio) 1 : 12 o) u. rcckbaidt, notion stntc 14 7 ui c. bwjuz. Hour aud fi cd 14 lu i hunt!, tout iteoicr 14 701 John I) citiiun, gioeerles 14 7 00 It. lietZLT, grocetms 14 I to It W Hoot t n. drv goods aud drugs .. il 7 0i Phfuii It dor, luiu.iaio 14 7 10 fil .uu Mcuce gioetiit-H 14 710 Aiiennei uju, caiiai sti ro 14 7 M. llouer, not on. 14 700 William Mllur, laualsturo 1 1 7 10 I. Millet, cauii ttoie 14 71,0 Julio ts.it er liuekKtormid lullunoi .... 11 7 00 I), w. lienuliipiuit', iinwaio 11 7 0 C Kuue. huckster 14 7 00 F. Kii'ssley huck.tcr 14 7 uj MAUC'H CHUNK EOliUUUII. Mi. C s.bMrke, drv goods and groc. It John Deal biter mil conlectloiiery.. 14 IS 10 : co 7 in 7oi 7'0 701 7 10 7 0J 7 ot 7 01 714 701 7t0 701 7 01 IS tO IS 00 7C 710 7 01 7 CO SI 01 1OI0 1000 10 CO III Ml 7U 7 0 7 00 700 I 10 7141 1'JO) 701 10 0, 7 01 7 01 7 00 7C) 70i :co 710 ?0J Jiillll It liter, uieiruaiil iilllnr ( Vi v M,may n01)ts ui,ahocs 14 1 1 Beckhurdt it Bush tio.ioui, 11 r.i, i no eic, couTeclloncf 14 It c'iBiit K1-1I01. nucleus 14 A. J. bimtli, uiinler u Jonas -omliieim clotiiiic w I'huR, fcht onei, bakd v and tourcct'. , 1 1 Jltriv bLndhcun (lot.uuv 11 Kiiit'i L3'uu, tiibiivo uud cfLtirs 14 tl liuiikoiouicvv. .ifivcsand tniwar- . 14 V. U. Kline, au't. boots nnj sin e 14 .Mm. Jl. lli.naf... litiDii'i., urntu 11 j Ij. Tit'haui. dri itiojHLnlgr errici..ll j. v. iieueriuicix ' O..U1V gocds aaj hatdwaiu 11 C. M. l.btHii.dru:tiuri. 14 1. U'O'f, lifi't, t3bUCC'J ktoiv 14 I!clet& llaiutieiBii, c.oiiuoc 11 J C Dolou, Jene.r 11 c. A. ltoz o IJ.o.. diy goodtiu gioc ,, 10 A. lleribcli, notioDS u 11. U. 11" -ticli uivichaut tailor li Jus. llellmu lu s uud lurs 11 JOM'tih Incur. iliui moio 13 A. It. It, eis drv KJoasnudgnc 13 Ml. . II. lluiti.ou iiiihlner 14 John Itlelil, 11 -i 1 liajit tuiloi 14 J. I., birdniau. Jtiu'eiry 14 I. V. I.ue.enljaili pjer hjuglugt ... It c. Alii tr g.iTii gruoer 13 Mis H iieneiliuo unll ner 14 Mr. Keller, noiitut 13 Michael McCJecd,.ootiJcctiu!!0 y 14 Mos.er Itfuitu 1 drv rood 1 & groc. 13 J. P. Iiuthers. comectioncry It Muik llviidaiau. Liocc.y 14 J Ituikeuoucu. srocury 14 Jni.u Kidler Kroci'tr 14 II. 1.olcIu. grncciy , 14 Hush Mooro ct.oceiy 14 V u king, dir goods auu groo 14 &ojy Boso, millluer , 14 New Advertisements. Munch Cliun't continue-.) Clias. Iqzu. irr voods end noo C.'as. 11 10 no no'iy nnif, urv pioan nnu groc..... 1:1 JUmv Dean, giocerr M"ro 14 R&liinil Fitg:i, moo unci 11 jur 14 .'tin t, boot mid shoe 14 rrtd. KOTClionse, eioic 14 Orort'n Medio, boots ana rhofs 14 John Unas grocery 14 wajuglT & Ksicr, aLnTcn mid tinwaru M A. ltutilniiiii. ite't, Hoar aril Iced 14 1). A. fc'cudder H'lurriiid nod 14 '.. It. Cootcn A Co., co.il yard M Urn. U. Wcei. coulee 14 1. Yeagtr, luimluro Vi V. II. enroll, stiooitoro IS M. Hoi man, huckster 14 r. Munilr, liuetater 14 I'. Krone, tmrlcaier 14 Chailci licdiug. Huckster it Win. ilanii, huckster 14 Join. Uo-.lroo.icr, huckster 14 TENN FOltFST TOWNSHIP. Tanl Danncr. dry coouU and tree H J. F. Christmas, grocerv c 14 WBATUEKLV BOUOUOH. W. W. ltiakstce, dry goods nnd &roc. 13 Joseph Vera), uiorciiant tailor 14 A. J. Luudcrbtiru bou, dry poods firiciilej 13 ( Ca-Bicr, coljnnl 14 II. Cli'cll. stoves and tumaro..... 14 U ininni'ltnilor, irrroytv 14 A. Ill twig, stoves cn I tinworo 14 J. II, lwudio. trug store 14 P. r. Iloutor-, eto.u 14 Mover e'ouuhf-im, clcthtng 14 J. O. Kiti.13 ilivgooitsnsufioc 12 Hoiommi Mewiut, fiioceiv 14 J, 1. llouck, div pood snd gicc 14 W. L. Htiir. nry coods mid 91 oc 14 Wllsou & llailcman. Cry poutfs and pxocciy 1ft rcjTaou & llio.. stoves and tlawaie. 14 II. h. Heck Iniiltuio 14 J. 1. Jill 1 1. grocery 11 FUANKLJK TOWNSHIP. Jnslah Itucii. dry "oods nnd g 03 14 rath-n MiyiK-i.Ciy goods, giocenes and hnriiwaiu t 1.1 Nathiin Mvdcr, co-11 vaid 14 J. F. Itcx. Uonr and fcid ...... 1 1 JI. O impb?ii. ilrc gooas aud gioo 14 J.J. Kcineicr. llojr. feed and coal.... 13 W. 11. hlicacud, cau.il store 14 Chniles lluelk gincerv 14 win nearer, stovci nnd lluwaro 14 D. o'lirian, tnnal itoio 14 V. 1.. KeU'Cici-. Urv good and gtoe.... 11 l).ivld iiedz. itiy noodiniid gioo 14 A. ridfer. (itoeery and noiti M W. a. lCulius -lutt'sami tinware 14 T.cvuii & M'tdle. II ur mid fcid 14 l'uliu Poeo. Hour end fi ed.. 14 ltobeit Aiuhoiiv. lmctgirr II Win. hclmtluirz huckster 14 Mis i:. i-oU. hack tor 14 in i. 11 llrrinaii, nui.ki.ter II icvl Lclder, Iiuckh cr 11 . tlAWalu, a1!, c lUlcetloniiy 14 l'et-'i UioLSj. hucicster 14 WKissrortTiionouau. larti 701 710 701 7 00 70O 7 TO 7dO 7 til 71W 1000 701 M'O It! tO 7111 700 7 0J 7l 700 710 7 CO 700 19 CO 7 00 1000 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7011 710 7IO 12 tO 7'0 700 7 CO 10 01 7 01 1 00 7C0 7 CO 10 03 700 7 CO 1 10 10 no 70i 700 7 10 7 CO 70O 710 70. 7 CO 7(0 710 700 7 00 710 700 700 7 (l 7 10 Mrs. M. Outti, iiiilllncr J. Snausbeiirci , g.oe ni.d coutcc'y. Ficd. bcliui.i'.t.ineich nt taiiur 11. J. Kitltr, drvgi'ou and grcc Wi-ls-rooit l'limmg Mill & I,U!m. Co. T, It. w ll.lr.iun. coul II. V071, dry gooasi nd ginceilos J. . .Miller lljur mid Ued.. Mr-, c lliccr, milliner ALilionv ii Aluilgnt.lljiir and feed . A. W. Mt 11, coi.lo'iii.ucry Uih n liocr. huesto M. liogmiati, dry gn(d) and grocery. 14 Ci. li. i.uvr.v, luiotsaiidihous 11 Jotin llchht, cry goo 'r and groc 13 ltoueit unl,i. li veiwdi and utic 14 1. h conl -Vnv. Co., coal vaid Itl Jo 111 Ilngciiuueli. canal stoio....-.,.. 14 10 03 7 OO I0OO 7 OO 7 O', 7 00 7 10 7 03 1000 7 OO 7 to 7oo 7 00 7 on 7oo 7 00 Wilson Jiuschiltz, caii.uuioro 14 a . urtiig, 1 ry cmiHiii u oe.... 14 ' coal and luue 14 C. fatrohl. cnnnl stove 14 lvl-ller A Hitter. 111 v iot and lmuu . 13 bumui I'Ziccontni. dry goodn & gioo . 1 1 ilium jv'ki er Htovca anil tu.w. re.... 11 1.0 1 1 feL nun drv 1 o nl umi i,ii.ii rii.H. 14 J. Kosteabndt-r. di v goiln nail uri c .. II ii 11 ni mciiiuni. uiy gonus uuu gloc.. 14 I. Kern MicUhtcr 14 1'.. U?UJCl!ltl 111 llocktCl' .4 CI ua, ItLdelz. liuok ter 14 TOWAMENSISO rOWNSHll'. Paul KroiTc, dry goods and croo 14 7oo 7 OO U.U11131U iiuuKic, uiy cocuiaiiu gro.. 11 MAIIONINO TOWHIUP. Aroon Armcr. dry gcoiin and croc 13 1. A Am'rews.di v cnaiU umi uioi!... 14 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 IO00 7 00 7javid Killing, bono mill 14 J.1I OumbLi t. Iim 0 aril 14 J F111 guinii, 11 urnud leed 14 ii 11. tciuie, dr. gciuls niid giocPiies. 13 II, KotHor, crccui v 14 J. ltueh drv gtoilHimd giocuila.4 14 7 to 7 00 10 on 7 00 Koo 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 rtaiuati i.iiuei. iiucsttcr is I,ioino II lO.V IiotiuiKiir. TllgJimnn Ainrr. diy LOOonatHlgioc. 13 T It. Kemeier. cai'lnci vaiu , 14 Itoiitlg & lloUoin coLCtl Iaet(y .. . 13 . 13 .11 . !4 '1'. I), emu 1111 iciuiut tulioi ....... li, II, Mij iter dry goods awlrjri'C. II. A. Pefl. tltus J M. Vrdziniri-r b o:snudstioe.. . 14 . 14 reii k-i 11 tinwiiiu 7oo 1) iVlo Kblicit. 11 mi' and lecd 14 7 00 7 00 1" 00 1' 1 B.'udv iiKiiis miUht.itionen'.... 14 J 'V. l iisontini t hen dry gojjs & g. 1 1 J it Uibel. niiidwii-o m J K iiido', coai and luniMr 14 10 00 Too 7 OO IS UO li. w. ctauH. biovcH tutu tinwiire .... 11 Win. Kuinerer, diy gooiUiu.d gioe... 1 Koen & Hi o., toi.iiCto sloio 14 1). tirnv -r ngt. dr goimn and gioc... 13 7io 10 00 7 00 to Ol j. w. U'jiiol. bakeiy aiuicoutccy.. Joe. Ubeit pork mid laid llillniau (&C11, ll'iurat.dlced lleilintiu Co , coal yam . 14 . 13 . Vi . II 12 CO 7 00 7 00 7 oj 7(0 7 00 7 on 7 00 7(0 7 00 VnhuniiH ftehwaitz cabinet wnte... , 14 K 1''. Fatzlinrer. clojerv k lulllmer . II Cho. ..(lii'cuawalt. hlosj ii tallow. A J. Iioiliiii.', drugs 11. lltiui r, cral denier 11 mel Wiani). coach Liitmy.. C. I''luelich. Itour una Ccd.... 1 ' Tr. Incr. flnir nnd lecd K. l)oll"liinuyei, Jswelry , 14 I. I.eioengutli gioceiy..... 14 M. c Trexlet- & Co . eoaeli lactorv 14 7oa 700 7 00 A. 11 llos-e.-. stov.sniiil tuiwate 14 Jidiu llnuck CMikeir nndeoupy II Win Worn. -r, hue, ster 14 K (iraTor. hueic nr. it It. Fcantermucner. dry good una t'lo. 13 BsNKS TOWNSHIP. I:. I.sziiuhiI: Co. itiy gocduind gio.. 7 A. 1 SIiiroiiarS:Co.,(.ryoods&Lto. 7 'r. it. PaiteMoiii'o dr." cooa,izzro. 8 II. T Hoovrn. drv good and gioc... 14 T. It. Williums dry good- a-iu jriuc... 14 J. P. ltie.H, dry goo isandgnc 14 t", F. 1.oc;ut. div FooiiMniid groc... 7 Jauien McUttii-kev. C y gonda uud gio. 14 M s. 1'. Iliogau. llmraiid icoi 11 John Mcltiide, floiiriuo foeil II 'Iniima- lionouihuo Ujiirnnil lo.d.... it s. 1; l-'jrnnv. t-leccry 14 lticn, Bougl.ony, Boar nnd tenl 14 MAUCli CHUNK TOWNSHIP. John Jli'tnv tlrvcoodiiiii.iluroe vy.. 14 H r All mich, drv goodiauil giocery, 11 II. Will aunt, 11, dry noiUunu citic... 14 J 1'auniT drv good utidgroorios... u Uo lany & Hro., drv goons aud itoc. 13 lieo Me 11, dry floods uud gioceitcs... 13 1' Mellugli, dr grcdsutd vruco y. 14 I's-pirTcliler coul'v 14 T. 1. JJ vIk. ilruia it Jobn Ilanii eom'y .'. 14 Jim lticbaidA Co.. dry poods & aro . 14 7oo 7 00 7oo 7 0J 10 00 4100 40io UOe.0 7 00 7 7 00 4100 700 7 oil 700 7oo 7 00 7 0i 7 00 10 00 7 f o l'too 10 00 lino 7 00 7 00 710 7 00 13 5J 700 10 ro 1 no 7 00 j . eruuo tier. 1 rv gcoiis nnd gi oi-ei lee. 1 4 m.i: Hiiivrnd, urv lo-jdjaiiu groc. .. 13 W. Uwuuk, lurndure 14 Mis Id. JJ.iu. mlllliier II Joteph Nevn. uiy good aud RiOi',... 14 T. v, Kelisbuw, dta s 14 litlgin tt 1111.1111 d,y eood & iiioc .. II 11. Hanim . btotiuiidshms 14 fti. II. Jones, drv pcods ut.d ri or '4 M. i-toui Jewclrv 14 J E. liig.iiin.JuwOrvaud coui'y 14 Ii,.J. II llilfiiau uotioui 14 II. U'lluiuiMii, drv i-iiotts LLdfioc 14 700 700 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7iKi ..itiuuu ui iuilli, rivti IV 14 7 no V. . llLbutt.iirt ,'ood and gioceiy. 1, .UO;) 100 tl. L. Whim 11. dry coodinud gnc 10 1'ali'c.t Lawnr, drv load and groe., 14 M.A. ttobu bou tour 11 d tied 14 buuiuel It.cer tin aim stoves 14 Johu Bcile, canal .tore 14 i.ANsroitD iioitouan. D, it. Iltiglis, c!rj goi d and groc 14 J . C, ? tl m ui (1a & 1 11. u,.y gotUs & gro. VI i-rice, ll'dl ,3c co , tuiiiittira 14 Mr. tt. Btnnu, uttlnus 14 ti. Wulkiiii. boots mid Lo.s 14 Auua lMwuiilf. notion 4 li. It. i:aw. rd(. mil intraadionl'y... 11 1. It. liavia crocs it w. Puco,Hovo t.ud t.Lwaro 4 vi . U Umi, mug. ,, 14 A. hi. Ntuuillicr, drv crods aud pro... 14 11 McI.-iUjcidiii. gioceiy 14 11 v. uavl. tout' 14 J. MeOi'iowjy, ciccciv 11 Nv.tl. Evttti. boots i,ud shoe 4 C-1' Kline, drv good tUaidwie ., . 13 II. Walk ui, ary goodi it 11, Kvaus, notion and coiu'y it 11. Mhthewt tic 8ou, diy goods it gro.. 11 LAUSANNE TOWNSHIP. Prcvcst&Bruclciiujll cr.drvgoods.eio 7 LEIIiaUTOWNSIIIP. Ctas. Meant, dry goods, &e II PACKElt TOWNSHIP. W. She'.ltielrosr, store 14 K1DIH!.11T0V.NSI1IP. Isaac Dutz, dry goodsand crooerv ... 14 A.J. Brouueo. dry good snd ffioe... 14 U U. HUnson. dry goods and grocery. 14 700 7 on 7 00 7 00 7 no 1SW 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7oo 7 ot 7 00 7 00 11 UO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7oo IO00 7 00 7to 7 CO 40 00 700 7 00 7 00 700 700 Novr Advertisements. PAimYvii.Ln nonoTJon. Jcccb rclcrs.cir coeds ntdgncery. 13' Woo KAVT I'KNN TOWKMUIP. 1 enioR" ocorgo dry goods and croo... 14 Damn Balhy. hucrster ., 14 U. . llelaizelman, LucUster 14 7oo 7 00 700 A. OTlAVKIt .Iff Mrrcanmo Apprnier. T'!;;'eti,xwlll1io duo nnd pivobli tnT, ?.xf'.yP, ' ,at,1y TiCEurcr, on tfi FRii HAY OF MAY. H71, nl (I. B. LINDF.ll.MAN & Co:n 1IAKI0 HOUSU, Wauch Chunk. Wnissroni, March?, 1873. Hotel, Kcstaurnnt niid Liquor Store Appraisements. rtST ltiocrt cacm sosocaif. C. Carrnn. hotel C. A. (letrlnwr. hotel Peter llu.b. lintel 50 00 (0 00 toco' tow to 00 to 00 20 oc CI. 0 loner, hotel Owen Unllieher, liquor stors ,ionn llnrhlnn, Hotel Michael Oals, restaurant PAnRYVILLE BORCCOir. Fred, Ilorlacber, hotel CO 00 to 00 fiooo 20 00 20 00 rainiux loivusnlr; Pivld Tieltz, hotel Wm IleMer, hotel II itld 0"Drlan. restaurant Henry Stiltr, restaurant TTtissroar rosocou. .I.Foljt.hifel 60 00 CO CO (0 00 20 00 SO Oft 10 00 60 00 60 CO' 60 00' 60 OCT 60 00 60 00" 20 no rooo 6n oo' 10 00 60 00 60 00 SO 10 60 00' 20 CO' 60(0 60 00 60 00 60 00 20 00' CO 00 no oo' 60 00 60 CKl 20 00 20 Off 61 00 60 00 tv. Marsh, hotel II. Tntpp, hotel Oscar Arner, resfsOrant UACCU rjoiotos, ,T. Kaser, I10M Peter Pfhweiblnl, hotel l'lm PilntplMni, hf.tcl lolin nrlchloir, hotel .1.11. McOlnlev. hotel I,enl Armbrusler. hotel John Ilehtei. hotel Leopold Kel.4, holel Hnniuel llelder. restaursut narnrv MrOrS, hotel II.J. Woodrlnu. hotel J.S. Kel.er, lifttel Catharine J Sharkey, liquor ators' M. Martin, ll'iubr store Thotms Carr. hotel Mrs. F. SrhOISubiirg. hotel Wm. Thnmpon, rertauraaf hrea. uein, nitei Win. Clehrlntr. hotel MeKlioy, Ihuorslors Uerald Woodring, hole! it. McGrady, tesiaursnt uminrr.tT Aoltocan. W. d Knmmerrd, hotel O. Y. Keher, hotel .(Tl Ilarlz. holel John nines, liquor Flora W. Kline, reatauranC ,1. J. Deltr. restaurant .Marr I. Ilelker lintel. Charlm Ilrlttaln, hotel Chas. Uoxmoter, realaursnt li 20 04' rAcita lon.ismr. Peter Ilartz, hotel S 6100 60 00 6)00 Wm. kraDD. hotel 6 W.Victor, hotel S disk j tow ssnir, J. Cole, hotel ' 6 60 00 60 00 6000 60 00 60 00 I'eter Schwab, hotel 5 Mrs. Jese lleaaon, hotel fi J. J. Gallacliar, hotel 6 Mrs. Mary llroD'an, liquor store t LACSAX.tt Tow.unir. James McGloty, hotel C (0 00 Liniou Toir.isnir. Chat. Mcnill, hotel S 6001 to 00 J. t Bleckly, hotel fi irnioaTos rozocan. Kdirard Enber, hotel S 60 00 2000 60 00 20 01) 20 OO (0 00 20 00 60 00 60 00 60 OO 20 00 (0 00 COOU (0 00 (0 00 20 01 toco 2011(1 (0 00 F. II. Sillier, rertaursnt 10 M"m, Strawu Intel fi N'nlhan K. Krutn. reataurant 10 IV. A. Peters. reatHUrant 10 'I hos Slants, hotel S W. A.Smivrler, reatnuraat 10 1're l. Miller, hotel S F hletmlnser. hotel 6 Mrs. Catlurtue Ash 6 LowEii lowiiiixnto Towxsoir. Herman Kellman, restaurant 10 ... II. I IIUITI w CUoriie Kraua. hotel fi r.. frhlve, hotel fi 1.eirlH OralT. hotel S Anrmi Minhl, rciilaurant 10 Daniel SertA, hotel fi Fred . ViIer, restaurant 10 ti.iiuuel Anthony, hotel fi irria totcamzmsixo jenrjmr. Nathan Slender, holel John II. Wels. hotel W. Snvdcr, hotel Puter Jouis, hotel uaccif cattxx TOTSsmr. Kalhan Klotx, hotel Kill. Fritz, holel Jncoli llns, hotel Anne Owen, hotel Mary 1'iMier, hotel 11. F. Klepnlneer, hotel .lame Mrtlltiley. hotel Francis McKellliA. hotel Ilitid M. Jonea, hotel Patrick tlcKenna, rest. (Lanarord) Il.ivld Codrlngtnn, restauraot J. II. Watklns. restaurant Slary Campbell, liquor sfors Midi let u'Djiinell, hotel Cleorire Kvana, hotel Frank SlcCann, hotel Ptinlel Cnrrl'igtou, hotel JalueH Sweeney, hotel Shuou An leaner, restauraat Tlmolhv l)u,'an. hotel Franlt Malloy, liquor store F. McCtun, holel Mrs, P. McKenun, hotel Pat. SlcKeuna, sr., hotel(I.SDsford) ltauosiso. J. T. MrPardol, holel John Noth.trlu, hotil Stephen eotteruiacher, hotel llll'li McClean, hutel II eor;e listen, hotel ztsr rzxx, W. C. FrcJerlcl, hotel SICPZS ISITXSHir, Cbrlst. Fulmer. holel J.Cbihtuian. hotel rcsx rszn. Knot Koeh. hotel hmauu.l Kuebler, hotel nsctviaizs. Mrs. II. Gelel, Frwnkllil towi ihlp Mri M.lleraler, K. MnnrbChuLk blmon Slellter, Slttueh Chunk SIUIIBDS. J. Taper. Mauch Chuuk, 4 tables II. J. Wuulrlv. " 3lHet 60 m co oo fiovi (0 00 s 6 6 6 S a 6 6 70 10 10 10 6 6 6 S S 6 10 5 6 i A fi S 6 5 fi 4 to 00 to 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 (ooa 60 01 tow 2100 Si) to 20 fO 60 00 60 00 60 00) 60 09 60 ro 6100 20 00 60 110 60 0(1 6010 0 00 60 00 60 00 10 to 60 OU 60 00 6000 60 00 (0 00 60 01 60 OJ 25 00 2S0I 13 00 CO 01 6J00 30 00 60 00 P. T. llndy, Lehlihton, 1 til.lj 8 BASxrns. 0.0, Llnccrinan t Co, Miu.b Cbuok, 0 AaBitnt tlstvts, Js., Anirilaer. otlco for Charier. Nctlco In lirrebr enven tliafi on RrDi:cat on foi n Chnriei lor a uroDof&l Cornorfltmii to flVlU'lbo Uvanpfticul MiriUGl MA Society I'nrryTHio. I niiflu co. rn.r to do ik.'uiu bi I'm ry vine, Pa wlil ue inatle to Ills Honor Juitgo Difiit-r ct lb luxtdnrllTertu ol Gnirt. Tibolj8i t if llio ( id (.oiiHiratuni li tor tenet. be. V. 1'. I.ONUbTlllCET, AttoiLoy toe Aviuicants orcliJ, 1878-3W 1ST OTICK TO ALL i'EKSONS. Xnticnfahprcbr clven that alter the lit ot Maich. MS. any person or pore on a ot eittier iz or co r itui uk or iucruiiii our ui our Tuoptrtr m Kianklln Tuwnsbip. Carbon Co., Va. will bo mrvaied ra trcpaacr9. and dealt vruu ua inn law uiroo a. HUH. UATH AllINE PNYDEIt, and CUAHH W. hKHTZ. teb.Jw .aiit WrUtjKn t. Carbon Co Pa. A UDITOlt'S 0TICE. 'I ho nndcrMcniMl. hivinc bren annolntpd lueionmi Lcraroon i'lewi oi i aruon uoumy in tiUtrluu.o rlie luudt uil'ltm from tf8arnlTa a:in i la itt-al Katnte fi IAIA1I 1I.MIL, Li:il. will ntie'dlothe d at lea oi tna auuoiut lupnt. at tno Ofllteot Aloilffjf A Pretirao.tQ MAIti'll, Mi at NINi; o'oloca: A. M , wheu aua TDf ro All nartifa interpieu tna appear. K 1. L03U8TUKKT. Auditor. Fab. UlfC-v4 SPECIAIi WFEBIHr- Ibi ordei t rcetac stck and cjiascs5 we will offer to-day UniexaMiiiled Haiwams in winterllpy oods Woolens Respectful y, tF c To Musb Amu fe Sour, Ijeliigliton Fae F A Ii Ii Dress Suits, Youtils' Suits, Mntle up from the Uest Mnterinl, lit nntwn, ni L,utv3i ritiuiis run uasu ALSO, TREMENDOUS SI.AUOirrEH IN THE PUICES OP Boots Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furni'shing: Goods. CTTCslTand examino Obodi and Prices bctoro maklnr yohr ptftcbatcs elacwhcre. T. D. CLAUSy, Merchant Tailof, 2nd dior above tho Public Square, BANK STREET, LetilRhton. WA1 01 HICS-I PIIC1S TILCiHUADT AISISEB, Successor to D. Book & Co., At tin G6 Msammotfiii ttoFe,95'' Opposite tho L. & S Respectfully announces to his customers and' frieilds that' ho is daily receiving additions t'o his stock of LADIES' DRESS and DRY GOODS, Also, just received a car load of LITERPOOL SAL1V which I am selling at Bottom Prices. SALT FISH a Specialty. I3?D If vou reallv desire of Goods you can get for you should not fail to give purchases elsewhere. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.& S. De'rot, May 0, 1870-yl Weissport Planing Mill k Lwmbcr Co. TteduectfullT' intinnrco to Carriten, DnlMera. Crntrnctora nrd nlhcrs, th-t haTlnr comnlet fl- their NKW MILLS.tacy are1 now preparcd.to ovory uo:cnpiion oi Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet On the r-Uorlest Nollcf. Out Machinery I' Iew ami oi the Moat Avprored Kind, o thit w riiveno heaiinilon In On.rawtrlnff Perfect Bamlttctlnii tu nil who may lavor ua with thrlr .rdert It vnn hnr not time to call nnd Heloctvhat .ton wntit. enil joar cider, and tbeywUrjeflUe nmotlr. and at a loir prices as tlioatti vou were present Ulvo us a Trial, and jou win ire convinced oi wuni wo sy. SOLOMON TEAKEL, Tl it Al.TiTiTmi'r Office nnd Mil), nearly opposite the Outity, Tenna. New Advertisements. PIMPLES. I will mat! (Frre) the rcclnn for ft simple VhOKTABLK 13 ALU tllxt Will remoTO 'IAN, FltKUKLitds, iUMi'ii!-aano jilotcues, leaving ihtkiiiBott. clear am) beaattdtli auo intt'ue tlonn fortircdaomor n lumrlaut month nlhalr on a LalJ bead or mctn face, AdJreHS, in closing set. mauip, ntu. vaaoc.i z uo.t w t.. N. Y. Ann To Consumptives. The alvcrtlae-. Imvlcff been pemancntlr cured ol tb it dread diapnae. Co(isutnptit.n. by a sttuplf rnmedv, Is anxious lo inviko known to bla ft low-aufferera tbo means ot ture, 'io all who Ueiro t lie will nonrt a copv of tae preccnp tlunaied. (free of charge), with the directions for piepanua: and unrig the namo, wlum they will fliid a both Cube tor CYitsUMrTiON Atmuu, lluOCHIi w. Ac. Tarites wUhlug ibe presitfp Hon. wiilileaBBaddies-, IZ. A. WllON, lul i'ennbt , wiillamibmBU, N. Y. T2i.lC?ASIlITTEiC3lH3 CiSDS- In-tniction acd Aiuuemej comUtnt, 1 in fuitnnt to parents and lejcueia. 1,8 iiitteient anlsilo oesltm. 'ibe entire puc ernt fiee tor i5 cts. cdrrfney or atatnps. Van Do. f it Co,: Ann tie rS. V. $57.60 IS AGEMT8 nrofiti ner wbpIc. Wi l provo it or forfeit 45uo. How ait e'er) 1nt njentpd. hn -anip!ea tent free to all. Andres W. II. CUX L). ICa 1 lilt, 218 Fu WUtil,,Wev VciW. ERRORS OF YOUTH. 4 QEN TLEMaN who eufToreJ for years from Nervous Debi'itv.Permalure Decay, nnd all thevnVctanironthfal inducretlcn, will for Iho ftake of auff ring buiuanlty. aml fiee to all who need 1U the feet ye and iMreclionaforiuaklns the Bimo.e reuiedr uy which be was cure'. Hufl"r. oB e' Hlslilncjto rioflt by tue advoiticer. expert. ecce can (in ho mi wn vy unnreBiuir in lnrci JOHN U 00UEN.IICiM.ar8t 6&T dence. pEUSOSAL. (COPT 1 N KIT MillOil.so, rx., Feb. CtU. 1(JJ. II A. nrtTI Ktq.i Deab tflitlneioseil find rrote atralnst Aran. Milit-r Inrt'.O. ellb interet from Maicli 53, Ie74. Yo wi 1 .aeolm in uiy name, and immediately without notice. Itotp'l7 roars. J. 11. AUNEIl. Tho abore H a entree: copr o( u trt el a letter nrltti n uy J. U, Aruer. Vet. I.w8 II. A.B1.LTZ. Cifkefkn2" 33 ""weet and mit popular juetr'urjt&. long, w.lti wr.uugit ot m. jtiuctlon amd amnwm'nt; alan, it Hit or all tHe battlea. when and wbere foarM, dnrtn? tbo "ITi""1' niP. AddreM.BtSMOND a, tX.,U Ilea at, J-tUadeloni. lebHtr ' br October 0, 1877-71 STYIiES.- Business Suits Boys' Suits. tho latest Styles, and Perfect Fill Goaf" Depot, BANK Street, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, &c to knw ho-fr lartrc an amou'nl' a small sum of Rea'dy xpnejy mo a call before making; your IKHlGnTOK, PENN'A. Bapply theui, at ViiUV LOWEST rniC8, wliu ash, Blinds, Shut--are, &c, &c, WM. BIERY. JonN BiEur. Fort Allen Ilouse, WEISSPORT. Carbon' June 10,'1870-gl (i5 5 73 M3'S I. fil o t"ji?r:. Soi.3pl FOU SALE OR TO RENT. A de elrnliln HlOKE.nOOM. with WAUK. Kill nuueit aim uwiusu attacned,. t-iiuuied in tlio lloroagh o(- wdlssnoit. 1'a.i and knuwn nt tlie Lewie Welaa I'rnnertv. Itatelv decupled by CuinelttriBnyderJiailr'redfoi Paf. or tu lleut. Ternte reuAnnable. Apply to the uniieralcned at ma residence in Lemgnton, or tilnreai l'ackeitou. Jan. Km: LEWIS WEISS. rUL FOR SALE or TO LET, A Double n-'i'il Frame Dwelling llouia, altuate aoont VJ-1' one lialf mile enit ol- W i turort. on the mail lundlnir to liana Faruaea:aailable Ibr two families, lhere are about 6H acies o.aIld In conned ion nh tho buildlusvand tor all. with' It, Terms moderate, Appl) to h. T. KLBlTINOElti. Jan II). Lehlgnton. ra. TO' LET, a comfortatlo Direllinr r,eu noini uuu iui nt croanaiu toe Doronga JUX nf 1'nMv.lll. ltnnt . ...T tu u KLEl'HNOElt, Agent. LeulghtoD.i'a. Jun.18. tl. tor Sale. A few abates of the Fret Katlonal nanli.r I.i-nlvhlon atocu. Avply i.t the elHce oi the L'AUDO.N ADVOCAl'li Jon.lS.im.lt, pXECUXOIt'S NOTICE. Estate of Solomon Soil, Deceased. Letter Testementarr on Ibe Estate ofso'o mon bolt, late of Franklin Tnwnstilp, Carbon Couutr. I'cnn'e. decM haTe been KiMnteit to llioa. J. Bo.t and Kiln Bolt, ot trankllu Iwp In id Countr, to wbom all persona lnieeted to lue naiu r.niaiv aro l.quosteil to male partueni. and tnoe baying c'altua or demands will xnak. jtuunu iwHuu whuuul ueiar THOS.JiSOLT.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers