Society Meetings. ImMlTO CHILE. NO. 78. A. o. K. or THE It. o. 2nd and 4tb Monday of each month; m IXo- B6f 1III. WniKLlOn, at 730 O'CIOCK P. si. W. K. Bennlnger, 8. K. C. 8. lUitJUlwa, g. K. n. a. aiiADiK nurnts Lobas. N0.C8O. I.O. O. F., meets every Tuesday, evening, at 8 o'clock, la lienor's Hall. Alfred Deck, iV.G. M, B. Iteber, Secretary. MBTUCHKN TB1DE. No. S32. Imt). O. Of It. M.. meet la Kebers II nil every Bstnnlav. II. it. uaegus, sachem i u. w, ueini, u. oi it. roHO rot TttlBI, No. 171, Imp. O. It. Mm meet on Wednesday evening of each week, at 7:30 eciocic. in mono Brnooi nan, weissport, Pa. C. W. Schwab, 8, Jao. Brong, c. of It. LtBIOrtTON Lodge, No. 231., K. of P., meet on Friday evenings. In Usher's Hall, at 7;M o'clock. J, w. llaudonbnsb, O. C. T. It. . Batcllff. K. of It. and 8. Advertising Hates. Wedettrelt to be distinctly understood that na advertisements will b Inserted In the col umns of THE Gabdoh Advocate that may be "eielved from unknown parties or firms, unjess teompanled with the CASU. The following are a OSLT terms. Advettlsements for 1 year, per Inch caoh InscrUen 10 Cts. six Months, per Inch each Insertion 11 1'ts. A' Three Months. 20Cts. " Ijess than three months, first inner ,.tion Ik each, subsequent Insertion 23 Cts. Jcal notloes 10 cents per line. II. V. MORTJIIME It, Publisher. Jp R. S1EWEUS, ISTIUOr ATTOIINEV & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OrncE, Mo. 2, Mansion Home, MATJOHOIIUNK, PA. BattllHR Estates, Filing Accounts and Orphans Court Praoaoa a specialty. Trial 01 Causes carelullv attended to. Legal transactions In English and German. Jan V. Uu (Mum ilwmU. SATURDAY MORNINd, JULY 21, 1877. Local and Personal. Farmers are preparing to harvest th'6 cats. New potatoos ore quoted at eighty cents a bushel. . "Dachmau's family 'soap, sold by E. H. Rhodes, Is a reliable article. Try it. , T-Tlie Al lento wn gas works are to bo sold by the sheriff on tho 17th of Aug ust next. For the five weeks ending Juno 30, No. 5 furnace at Glendon made 1,503 tons cf Iron. Cork Sbavlnga for Beds, IJealth and Comfort. A reduction In price, dec advertisement. , Lehigh Valley It. It. stock Is stead lly .creeping up. Day by day a fraction is added to Its, value. On. Monday afteVnoo'n, a man namt$d Sidney Grace, was killed by a fall oi "coal In No. 2 Slopo, at Upper Lehigh. . The. fall session of the Keystone Normal School at Kutztoivn will nnpti 'on the last Monday of tho present monui. . The thirteenth annual exhibition o the .Dovlestowii Agricultural Stolen. will take place on October 2d, 8rd,"4th and 0th. A ladles jet ear 'drop found a fow days ago can be had by th'A owner, oti cnltlrig at this office, and paying for this notice. . -Work has again been stopped In. the i Allentown ltolllng Mill, and as result oVer 300 people have been thrown into Idleness. Hats and cap3 Irj ctery vatlety of stVle and quality, at T. D. Clauss' mer- Chant tailoring establishment, at prices to suit everybody. tone night last week the residence bfXlcut. Deff. Slatlhgton, was broken Into and robbed or four valuable pieces of f jlver ware. Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Ilazleton, was In town Monday and Tuesday, looking up his Interests and visiting his old friends In this locality. A Lahoe Yield. Out f . M Mr. . H. Peters, due un a Dotatb vine, n. dajr or two ago, and realized from It 52 well developed potatoes. Our friend P. T. Brady was made very happy, Tuesday rnornihg, on as count of the arrival, per Reber cjtprcsj, ot a bran new daughter. - T. t). Clauss, the tailor, has just re. turned from the city, and Is uow open lng an entirely new stock of sprlnjr goods. Call and seo thciri. The Good "Vfll Firo Company of Harrlsburg will visit Allentown during lair week, aud be tho guests of the Good Will boya of that city. 137 If you owe for this, paper, we would bo pleased It you would remit the amount now. We need money "mufchly" at this tlme.a Beautiful i When you go to Mauch Chunk, "oH't fall to call at E. F. Luck enbach's near Broadway House, and eeo his beautiful wall paper, &c. If you need anything In tho print Jpg line, It will pay you to call at this office before ordering" elsewhere. Plain find fancy job printing at low prices. Tremendous slaughter ri ladles, rants, youths' and childfens' boots, hoes and gaiters, at T. D. Clauss Bank street, Lehlghton. Call now I . Kx-SupervlsorShultz was out riding ltH Dr. Derharaer, on Thursday, for o u.di. tiiuo nuer conuneiueut from an illness of several weeks' duration. i""2r?. .E .' yUDS. of Kutztowlfl normal dcuooi, is in town on a visit to Prof. Berndt. Durli.g bis stay he pro. posea vislilffg Glen Onuko and taking a trip around the Switch-hack. The Thomaa Iron Company light ed another furnace at the llokendau 5(ua' Works on Thursday last, and are repairing others for use. Four are now in blast at that place. One of the larce plate glasses In lr. Kemerer's storo wludow was bto Ven, on Sunday last, by a stone being thrown against It by some person, either accidentally or maliciously. I1 rknee Department, Washington. D. 0., is: at home'AnYurlbuch until jni "iii. Mr. U. F, J. Brown, of thn On ?e ,'1$&vtyl'tn. Monday, and dropped in'Jeo up. Gent's .furbishing goods, compris eg white afidttcotorcd shirts, under wear, collars, Uetijttles, ic, In Immense quantities, and -at prices' lower than ever before, offered,' at T. D. Clauss' merchant tailoring establishment, BlnU otreer, LehlgWon. c Mr.,Abraha,m Tost has exchanged ins opera house ana other properties In South Bethlehem, estimated to bo worth 874,000, for 2.7G0 ncres of land In Southern Now Jersey. . :Tho honorary degree of A. M. was conrenea upon A. b . K. Krout.of Cop. lay, uy the uoard or trustees of Frank 1 In and Marshall collego at tho com. meucpmcqt held recently. Rev. A. It, Bartholomew, now s: t onedat lltimme Istnwn. llnunli In cnfln ty, Pa., Is homo on n visit to his old friends hereabouts. He expresses him self as highly pleased with, his charge. If ycu tickle a mule's hind leg ho will laugh until he shakes your sides. If you need .teams for business or pleas, uro, go to David Hubert's popular llv. ery, whero you can get Cno teams at low prices, t J. K. RIckcrthas still afewof those eligible lots In Rlckertstown to dispose or. ii you teei iiko securing a good homo call and see him He is also sup plying flour.feed, lumber and coal at tho lowest rates. Sermon to children In tho M. E. Church, of this place, to-morrow (Sun dav) evening at 7.30. Responsive ready I .. , ! . 1 1 . I , rr. , .'' J 1UK UI.U siiihih uy U.U fiCIIOUl. JLl public flrd cordially Invited to worlhH God with us. T. P.. Clauss, tho merchant tailor is now receiving an Immense stock of spring and summer styles of cloths, cas slmeres and. vesting, which he is pre pared to make up in the latest fashion at very popular prices for cash. Mr. Samuel II. Anthony, propriet or of tho well known Craig's Hotel at Lehigh Gap. received last week nine Summer borders from Philadelphia. Mr. Anthonv exnects about fortv mora In the course of a month or sd. Catasauqua Is highly elated over tho prospect of having a regimental drill In that borough on the 4th of Aug. Eight companies are expected to appear In line, to be reviewed by .Generals Bolton and Reeder, with their respec tive staffs. The Centennial Slate Comnanv has now on hand 1,000 squares of their cel ebrated Guarantee Bluo ltoollng Slate, which they will sell at lowest market prices. For further particulars address F. P. Semmel, Sec'y, Lehlghton, Pa. Jow Is a good tlmo to put In your winter coal, the price now belntr fullv as low as It will be. Semmel & Gribel havo just received 200 tons, which thev are selling very low. Call aud leave your order and learn prices. Trexler, Kreldler and Maus havo commenced the carrlago manufacturing business at A. Buckman's old stand, and invlte patronage. Seo their adver tisement In another column, and then chfe them a share of your orders. fV On WeilnPSiltiv nvpnlnir nf lncf ,veek, Mr. Win. Horn, of Malmnlnr? Valley, killed a porcupine. It was one or.tho largest ever caught In this neigh borhood, and can now bo 6een at J. T. McUanl'el's hotel, having been btuffed aud put in a case. One day last week a fourteen-year-old son of Mr. Daniel Shaffe.r, residlnc In Mahoning Valley, fell Irom a cherry t a dlstanco of about 25 feet, strik ing with his forehead on a fence, 'can's lng a very ugly scalp wound. Dr. .Is nttcndlng him, and wo aro pleased to say that tho boy Is rapid ly recovering, Daniel Graver, of the Beo Hive Store, having just returned from New York, Is now opening a how and ele gant stock of IadlfS' dr-ss goods, dry goods, groceries, &c, which ho is offer Inir at unprecedently low prices. Ho invites the ladles to call and examine goods before making their purchases elsewhere Jacob A. Treasur er ot Allepto.wn, was arrested Wednes day on tho charge of embezzling $13. 000 of tho clly's funds, and was held in J15.00Q ball. Blumer was cashier of the First National Bank of Allentown, of vvhlch his fattier was President, auU which recently went Into liquidation. Long's Sunday School, of North Whitehall, will visit Gleu Onoko, above Mauch Chunk, to-day (Saturday). Tho excurslnulsts havo chartered a passenger car of (ho regular up morning traln.and the regular down evening train will bring them back. Laury's Sunday School will also Join tho parly If ar rangements can bo made In tlmo. Wednesday.thb sheriff of Columbia county seized the Continental colliery, owned by Robert Gorrel & Co., at Cen ttnlla, for a clajm of $00,000 In favor J. T. .Aqdenrlcd, of Philadelphia. The Sheriff has also levied on the Union colliery, of John Anderson & Co., for a claim of $0,000 in favor R. J. Ryou, a former partner in tho concern. The new quarry of tho Eaglo Slc'tp Company, at Cherryvllle. caved In in Thursday of last week, doing damage i" wu i;uiiiHiuy to me amount ot $ 7010. Tho engine, derricks and other ma chinery were all smashed and broken. Thoso working wero warned Just la time, and ordered to suspend operations, thus avoiding loss of loss of life. Heavy On W( nJ wl iiuus weru tue cause. edncsday of Inst week, Just ' I i 1 1 0 Mrs. Aarnn It. k'l pf Millport, was passing- through tho house, sho stumbled over some small children who were playing on tho lloor, and unobserved bv her until t,he had almost trod upon them. In her efforts to clear them, she fell breaking her left arm between the wrist and elbow. Dr. J. I,. Kreainer, of Millport, reduced tho fiacture..-Slatlngton News. A row occurred In Justice Schut ter's ofllce Tuesday forenoon, when hat worthy Ollclal had his clothing badly torn by a man named Win. Fieby. It appears that Freliy flnancUl trouble, t.nd went to the,Jutlce's office to seo after his rights, when ho got In. to an altercation. Freby Is a powerful man, and It took about tliree or four ordinary chaps like tho . 'Squlro to squelch him. He was put otit, how ever, but not until ho bad done some little damsge to the magisterial robes, which he tore Into tatters. He Is cred Ited with having almost completely ills otbed tho Justice, who will doubtless have film arrested for conteim t of the "coort." Ilazleton Dally Sentinel. It is said tho Pennsylvania Coal uompany win sen luu.uuutons of ntts ton coal at auction on tho 2Qth Inst., nnd that tho Delawaro, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company will sell 150,000 tons of Scrnntoh ccal on tho 27th, James E., an lcht-vcar-o!d son of Charles Ycnser, of this place, was play fhg on tho porch In front of Fred. Brlnkman's residenco, on Wednesday last, when by some unfortunatn acci dent ho fell to tho pavement, and broke mi, arm. Dr. Reber reduced tho frac- turo ana the Jittlo fellow is doing well. A fire broke out In tho Roaring Brook Colliery, at DunmoVo, near Scran ton, on Monday night,, nnd It was thought that the mine would havo to be flooded. Tlio flro started In tho stable, In tho lower vein, 300 feet below tho surface, nnd was discovered at 0 o'clock Tuesday morning by the watchman, who found all tho mules, ten In num ber, burned to death. Workmen wero busy all day trying to extinguish tho flames, but It was feared their efforts would prove useless. is An intense excitement was created ong the women of the brick row. at Pnckerton, on Monday last, by a cat which snowed evident signs of madness. barking like, a dog, frothing at the mouth nnd scratching nnd tearing up the ground. Every house was ransack- ii for "a man," but none being found, ono of tho women nrmed herself with a revolver, and, after discharging the contents of blx barrels iito tho head aud body ot tho cat, had tho satisfac tion of seeing it stretch out and dlo. Tho residenco of Joseph Rucli( of West Penn township, was entcicd on Monday of last woek by a couple of tramps, and two suits of clothing and other articles, with a sum of money, carried off, tho lascals escaping with their booty. Some time ngo the same premises wero robbed ot all the provis ions in the house, leaving barely enough for tho breakfast of tho family, upon which occasion Joseph was heard to re mark : "Ich bet nilch shainme fur mein lcbcrzelt wen so nix gafunno hutte." A meeting to take into considera tion tho question of organizing a new Building and Loan Association was held in Rebcr's Hall, on Monday even ing, (July 10). R. F. Hofford, Esq., was chosen Chairman of tho meeting j W. M. Rapsher, Secretary, and Thos. Kemerer, Treasurer. Tho following gentlemen wero appointed a committee to. solicit subsprlptlpns to stock and col lect nrst installment, and report on Monday evening, .August 20th, 1877 : Messrs, Philip Miller. John Peter. T. S. Buck, Frank Laurv and A. J. Dur- ling, together with tho officers ot the meeting. , Tho brother of Laros, the North ampton county poisoner, has been. In terviewed, and to questions ho red ed that he did not sign the petition for par don, ' because ho Is not Insano nnd never was. When he killed, father, mother and Moses Schugt wo buried him from our thoughts forever, anil to us he is n9ono dead. I would notllku to seo nun hanged, Decause wo deslro to escape, tliu terrible dlsjtrnco. We suffer more man ho does. Wo havo it upon our minds, not only tho death of father nnd mother, but that ho too must die, nnd that upon tho gallows. Wo all nope nnu pray that he will mnko a cm Won and die a sincere christian : that Is all wo can do." Itnllcr Kxiiloalou unit Loss of Life. A terrible boiler evnlninn nwntm.l Saturday mnrniiig.nt thooru mino some nine ml es from Mnpniu-it. ,- cd loss of life. Tho ml no is operated bv Mr. Josimh ICIufi'r fnr n... r Iron Company, at Allentown, and nt tho lime of tho exnloslnn lutniui. hands were employed in tho works. Tho explosion took place nt a few miuutes ueloro six. Throo nernn were instant I v L-111,.1 fun rn!ii.. three seriously Injured. Tho names of the killed and lujuie'd ns follows: Aaron Miller, the engineer, aged 08, Instantly killed; Owen Lamb, laborer, aged 25, Instantly killed; Wilson An drews, aged 12, instantly killed; Llew ellyu Rupp, laborer, fatally Injured; Hnrrv 1 f pltilmi,i ri , It-it. . ..-I,., i.. --j ;,. , '.."'j i-uuiiy in jured; Charles Wohx, laborer, fatally injured; i nomas Kelim, fatally Injured: Victor and Oliver Miller, sous of the engineer, acid resnpe Mv,.i,. in n.i ii years, were also injured, Victor fatally nnd Oliver seriously; Morris Schmeyer. aged 14, badly bruised by flying biicks about the face nml lei,-.- umi,,i,i. Stephens, aged 80, Injured iu the huau" mm ns; uu!im iiouuway, aged 00, slightly wounded In the right left leg. All those killed havo families. Anron Miller was thrown a dlstanco of thirty feet, and his body shockingly bruised and maiuled. Rupp, who with Helnbach and Mohr was sitting leilr the wall which.enclosed, tho boiler, was terribly burned nnd scalded, nnd was found lying In the hot coal under tho boiler. He cannot survive. Tho boiler was 85 feet long by a feet In diameter, and was broktti Into three pieces. One piece consisting of three sections, was thrown fully it hundred yards to tho west, bur) lng Itself iu a mud bank. Another portion, consisting of one sec. tion, was throw eastward about fifty yards, and thn ihlnl ,,i ong, flow In a wetterly direction nnd landed Iu n bank of earth, which it penetrated to tho depth of eight feet. The englno housn was completely dp niolUhed, the horse thtd. distant about eighty feet badly wrecked, and the wushery el.lghtly damaged. Several horses nnd mules wero Killed The boiler hud beeu in position over four yeais and iu steady operation for the past six months. It was examlued last January and pronounced by the Initpector to bo In sound condition. i'hoiuas Kthm, Henry Helusba;h and Victor Miller-.tho luttor a boy of teu Jm1"?-;1"0'8 slDnu llt'(l of ft"'"' injuries 1 heir deaths make the number of killed seven. The Coroner's Jury In tho case of the explosion of the boiler have returned a verdict which after stating the cause of the great loss of fe, concludes as follows: "We, tho said Jury, .find that on divers occasions before the explru Ion the boiler in. ri,.r..i .. i.i. . beyond its capacity, thertby weakening Letter from Maadi crnmlf Mauch ciiuxk. .lmvia ict? There Is, .really, nothttig now under the sun. There may bo'ln other places, but here In Chunk there Is absolutely nothing scarcely enougli to causo a rlpplo on the smooth surface. Fashion able Mauch Chunk is loitering at tho eca-sido, nnu if tilings wero dull beforo tney went, they are much more so now Indeed,, we're rapidly assuming the character of men of lolsure, for tho sim ple reason that wo can't Dpd anything to do, at least nothing, that'll pay. Everything is stagnant dead. Our hotels aro empty nnd the streets almost deserted. Even tho boisterous, frollck some schoolboy Is no longer visible, ns tho schools aro closed and the watchful eyo of ma Is keeping tho mischievous pet nt homo. If ho sallies forth ht nil. It Is niter dusk, when ho Joins tho ui jJcuusiiiiuiB on mo smcwaiKS Or WntnllPQ 111 frnllf tt lna..t.nm cnlnnn.-. ..U.,WUL ltU'LIVUIIIOUUUi3 to seo what girls bigger boys of his uitjuuiiuuiitu uiu - loung around, which knowledge furnishes him tho material for next day's gossip. "Mur- pny meetings" also have their charms fnr Mm nml If la ttrlnnlnll.. n. --" f.iii.,imi,jr b UI13U gatherings that tho gamin must bo sought should ho bo misSIng on tho j ... ii.vj .Ul.lJ. 1,1,1, VJIWI1&U tlieso meetings, In consequenca of which iiiiimiiy ui iL'eui uavo nssumeu the blun bnill'P. in Imllntln,, nf lil.,r,r boys, no doubt, for tho gamin is always uuuim iu uo iu lusilioil,, uo it ai, taiKlUg slang, "bladnlnc" Atnmliv. or itlnn cream nt mil's or pa's expense. Atn'l wnai airs ue, puts on while ho Is bond ling the snoon 1 and how nllhlvlin tnllii about "thAt 'ero girl and her fellow I" And What a trvlnir limn llU mmt Imlr, rt j i iiuiuij uaiu .uiivu.u out for fear of being beset oy a number iicijuuimaucqs wno never llO.Sit.ltH tO jiniTUPbl n nlnln , t nrnnnt HT hate to go out nights," I heard ouo of uicui oijr u iuw eveuinc;s ago ; "it costs iikn hlazes. Ttnw lean vcar. then Hm n,m,i,l In.nin unjf hid uivmu. mow i can sympa thize with Slid, foil rva oonnrtlnlltf IP . V ) V U(JV.WI "I j . they chance to bo forty dollar clerks vu iiuuuiuu uojmr pretentions can't you? Now that tho ice-cream trade nnd Murphylsm are flourishing, tho swill (yclept beer trade Is suffer ing accordingly, which Is sufficiently plain from the fact lliat most of the taluons aro, in a manner, deserted o' nights. Whether the world will event, ually bo the better on that account re mains to be seen. Somo Individual or individuals per haps with a view of starting a sausage factory on last Tuesday night caused sad havoo among tho canines In town, as on Wednesday morning quite a num ber of tho genus wero found dead. Sundry pieces of bologno that wero sub sequenlly discovered scattered along the sidewalks indicated that they had been poisoned. That thero was some wearing amongtho owners of the curs, you may Knngiiio. "The man that hath no music In his soull' will henceforth havo to bo sought outside of East Mauch Chunk, ns they set up In the musical lino independently ; tho first step In furtherance of the, project having, been taken on Wednesday, when tho picnic of the embryo baud was well patron ised. "Tho vilest sinner may return." Now that -Monkey's joined the Murphyltes and Packer's cadets, tho couutry'stafo. Who'll be tho next 1 tbafa the ques tion. Who'll bp postmaster? continues to ngltato tbo mind of IhrTaverage denizen of East Mauch Chunk. After thu up pointment's.mado we shall know. The "four for a quarter dollijr" artist Is still doing tho best business in town, ids peripatetic gallery being crowded from mom' till eve,'., . . Mr. Milton Dlmmlck Is about lo evacuate his fine Broadway residence and getting his traps in order for an ex tended trip to more congenial climes. Jocko will nccompany him Iu tho capa city of body servant and general lacto tum. Under tho now arrangement Mount Plsgah 1s tapldly becoming a favorite resort and Doctor Brighton's business Increasing. Ills ten-pin alley being fluished, what a lino chance our young sters will have for buuiiLlui; "above the clouds" unseen I Harper's Ferry John Is still about aud maklug the most of his short-lived- vncntinn Vf n rn, .Int.., n...l ,1... ........ w .4 . W ,V,, MUM .III smiling countenance .of Mr. .11. F.J 1,.- ill , r . . jjiu.Yu ,vui vtiuisu iroui our btreets. itnvn will vanish irom our fctreets. The chief men.of the irrecnncllnblo Cameron wing of tho Itepubllcan irty havo concluded not to make any 1110nitrnHnn mi nrrlunl nt thu ,v- or party demonidrnH nn fill nrrluAl nf ttru n v pected members 6C Hayes' Cabinet. Right so, gentleman ; nuue but a fool would exchange principal for Interest. Mr. Jas. S. Loose's name Is promi nently mentioned Iu cmnectlon with the District Attorncysb'p, knowing ones assert'iug that Mr. L. will be a can didate for nomination beforo tlio Re publican County Convention. Night excursions to other people's potato patches nre much In voguo along tllri liflM ,lf fliu nttial 1 ...., M pastime principally Indulged In nt these gutbetlngs is called "help yourself," 1TKJIS. supeilmeDdent l'ncker, of tho naatoa ami AmiHiy Division u V. 11 It , i abseut ou u llmuijicnuibiju ut tbo Tuousauil JJi-a Mr. sua Mmc. O. Kkcer nut uaaclner Fan nloaiont Anuuryl'ark. w -A iiew wolgb soslo for tho wclgUInc of cool from Kcmiia'ier & Co -a uuw brtukcr at I'uud VM.o h,u?.t'ctu"y bS?n Put "' "10 central lUllioail Ci.mtauy. .Mr, mm-Us". latooinmior ut U'd.e'a ltuu, wiilt iko ibaigo o(,tho MiKs. -i hatlts O. Zlenoufus. cf tho Ueiliiehcio Uai ly Time, was lu town our Huu-lay. -Mr. Jaincs Qoruiley, a woll-Known cltlif n of Asiit,ui. aii-it ut that no iunihiy, it niinins. thoiiayarul thou. It. It. to. of N. J. uuiJe lis vwicuuie a jpoaruiioo ou Thiubaay afitru'iou, bruiKluu Ji.y io uiuuy a tiuiui-h'jiu. . ,JW"'- buu-In law of David neeae. ,;.fr,''"lui'1'0u",8'.w1 hum-.l ti i;,.iKr Nouch Ctiuuk cu euiurJjy. 'fUo WashluMou SSi-,i.. 1;a'rtc-i.' uursivt Hauu.ol the tormw olv.hlcliiltceu-iHl had htu a u.euior, will dlia euiuilm funeral pi ikiiou. A laiKoeuu sinn uariy. liilucipallr coiU' iS.m'E"'"!1'1'1 I'omiiaiiv, vl.lted Mauili i0.n,;u,Buu1"' Iffton Mo..ilaviiioiii. Utt6(r Ihr foWlLCh lues. r ,mL-Vlcul" ',u.r t"? oonent of tti 1-oat IT am U Chunk toruet HiijiJ hhjisi about i(j. They alaevcm j "vu' "U0"1" "lioii" ihis p. m. ntMMMUMJuwsmmai -.i u irauivm .xiiiiiiuauitii ior I'.nst .MffUCII Chunk horonith vfas helil on Wtslnesilay, with BnrntT Mcllnch. well known nhnntsnm itt inn if,. tiint nirtAA r. . ..v ...... .ulv iu., jjmtu iui- viiKmiauiiy on . M r.jiw. H. Looso Is absent visiting friends Sir. Hnboiliam, tlio croon croccr, hsvltic cyncimtoil Monro's stum loom on Kumirlianuu slroct, now holds forth at I'oglcy's ou Itaoo st. - Hnrah.n tliroovonrolil daughter of Dennis Al nlliftiril ill CI I Alt 1lfnisin . .iinti n vFiM t in uiu coicoraina i ar rnii-Do'on vaso, covltIikc nonrlr 40j pages vt Tim Knllft- M..I..I.V. ... j.....uvuj.igiio4tij ivuuy luiduuiaissiuu loiue Uoart rr'h'iTw. ri rr-- ...... cfnl trmn will bo run ou tho Ccncuil Kullrona ot IJarlc, Lentil Owp to ntlchrt tho'Mimlay Kchool . imatto, Ml ilUV. 1. V. rVnKCl, John Kilpler. l'ronk Pay and John Kniirftrrm.1 nfl,i,.1i fl, i. Mollies Itclcnscd. , . Oil Monday .morning last, ntrotts vlllo Judge Green discharged Mull T,wlnr..Tftlin Rlnlfnrt, n.l m.n.inn nr.. I v t,t.vv.j ,nu uuiit;o 1UU1- hearti, threo of tho Molllo Mngulics wiiu milieu otate s eviuence uuring tho late trials, Thonbovo tlio .have been patiently Trnltl.trf t, ,1,7. ... .v.... :,., 5 iu, .uy jiasbsi iiiuiuns iur tueir frerdnni. nml ipfl-. tnwn rill tiin fircf I en In In very jublllant spirits. vKach ono As.n.i I.. 1 nrr . i t t uuivivu in i.uuy uu uis own recogni- 7flllPn. T.ntvlnr- (una ncra.lmt nr.. I fn.i,1 "g umoiVU UUII 1UUI1U culltynsan accessory after-tlio fact to tUn l.ltil... -e ty i xr w uiuiui ui o.imklt nnu urcn. no turned btute's -evldonco and corroborat -MW uubVIWhS I V I UI J OllUII' lv. ncainst Thninna Arnnloir mm r.rti V..r,lV.U ItlJ blllllU UIUU tho uallows on the 21st of last month. iiuwiern anu oiaucry wero arrested and tried for conspiring to kill William uiu .JtHMj uujur. oi inananoy t;ity. Slullicru nlnni1i1 nitlt In Imfli ti.f.1D1 j. . w. uiivj III UJ 1 1 1 1 tUI IHtt Stlt(' HVlrlotlPfi ivlllnti nnnnlnfu.l ATfnl, ael Doolau of tho same charge. Doolan wns senienceu io-uay to ono yeftr Im nrluntmintlf Hnn1nn tin. Immi InAar.. r.,UUi...lw,w "uunui litis uiuu lUUUfcUCl ated for the past ten months nwallln'g Duuieucu. Mtilhern in I1I3 evidenco gave infor- mntlm, tulilnl, In1 In id. . ......, tiv... .- iu hid bllCSI UI i Cl- low Jack" Donohue, for the murder of Morgan X'owell, a boss at Summit Hill, for which crime lie waa Uuug at Mauch Chunk on tlio 21st. Mulhern una nnn nf llin mnef Imnnrl. ant witnesses, tbo commonwealth had during tho progrcss'ot the Molllo Ma- tHI,u mala, IU Jjavu lUlUrilHUIUUl which led to tho conviction of several murderers. nig Creek Hems. Rvo nn.t whpnf. lma loan ornT. stored away without nhy harm from rain, and th,o former Is a cood crop this year, but wheat has suffered from an insect. Tim IlllMrlnhnrriT nrnnjn Pnnn 1?. cst township Is eald to bo very largo again this year. The barn of J. J. KernerQr, of this tilacc. lias undenmnH ROInr. rimnlra (n. side. ' So fnr TOft lmvn tinf Itonn nnnnvaA with organ-giluders, ns In former years, Tho grapo crop will be larrre this year. T.oensts linun nil ,11ml nfT nnr iUa song I'haroah has ceased. If llllQ flrir WAfll lioi- frnnl Iiiiidd n fnttt days longer, tho oats will bo lit to cut by the latter part of next week. Mr. Wm. Tfictmnn thn .Qn,lnt, School worker of Mauch Chunk, was at tins piaco on n visit on Tuesday. lie nrotnl&eil "ltnvprft" In nnv nnr Knlihotl, School a visit Iu a few weeks. Messrs. Levan & Seidle are doing a large custom trade at tholr grist mill. Of Intn A linlctnrntta caf ft itnnnn pen from Lehlghton and vicinity havo iuiiuu ii practise to urivo tnrougli place ou tho Sabbath with a huckster wagon crowded with light brain, nnd iwnnln r-ntnltiiv frnm plturol, nnd Ul.l.nft, Schools are Insulted by them. Havo they no regard for the Sabbath? If not, tui-iu ,a it wily iu ilil u eioi) 10 It. UOW- ever, I hopo a word to thu wise, &e. Kev. J. L. Werner, ot Tarryvllle, preached to n well-fllled house at Soil's on Sunday evening last. KEVEHE. UIOCEELK, July SO, 1S77. ReiKlhln Alll'lnn Vn nrn nelro.l cveiy day through tho columns of news' raiu'r and bv vour Driiirrlst In nsn tomethlug for "Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint that you know nothing mum, Jim get, uiscourageu spenuing llUHie.V with lint. IIIMn l.iinnca TCnw In give you satlstactoiy proof thatGreen's A ...-, ...Ill 1 ."i,uai A'iui:i wm euro you ot dys pepsia and Liver Complaint with all Its effects, such ns Sonr, Stomach, Sick Ifl'ilrinMiH nnftllnl nnjll.,a,,,.oU n-l.t tatlnil of thn Hpnrr 1fnrt.hiir,i Wn. ter-brash, coining up of food after eating, low spirits sc., we ask you to B ' J'our Druggist, A. J. Durling, and get a Sample liottlo of Green's August Flower for 10 cents aud try It, Or n llefflllar Sir.H fnr 7r; rolltn tivn.lnpa eating, low spirits &c, we ask you to or a Itegular Size for 75 cents, two doses will reliovo you. I.Ut ofl.ettcra ncuialnma utcallod for In tho Lchlirhtnn P. 0 up to July 19th, 18771 IlennlociiiiS' John ltafier. PhUIn livens, Hamuol Her, Tllhiuan fcvintt. Dauh l .shsier. Joint aullr, Win. If. burairue. Mrs. A'. A. llaupl, V. (I. ahaicr. Alei. Ivues.r. Aur.olpli snuos.chrisiophec lul. Uwu Tho p. Mis. u'li Nossicy. i.otlelb (5) Vrrkivu, J. JI. Iji l'uii to t lub WlKKins, U. W. l'uicell, Ura, Mtry l'orsons calUng for any of tho nbova lot'tcra will pltaso iwy " AUvertuod." 11. It. 1U1'SU9, Postmaster. Xo Opium I No Morphia or other dangerous drug Is contained In Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup, fcr tho relief of Colic, Teething, etc. Trice 23 cents. There aro IJ.OOO houses lo let In 1'hlladclplils. Therg are lOff prisoners m the tschuylklll couuiy Jail. Tho I,itioater banks hohl about J2.5M.050 subject to chMSs ana time cortlhcates. Sir rcnnsrivanla nintresaoien nrr actlncas Jarorsiu Uio Uultwt btates uourtut eo.luu at -Chief Ju'tlco Agnow, of tbostalii nprfuie court, was urrtuieu a few daa ai-u in Heaver couuiy lor shimilnE pheasants oat oi seasou, J ihIrs Lmllow, of 1'hlladeJphU. has dcollnod to be a iar.dn.uto lor supreme Juitge on thedem-oc-allu tiekt-t. T?n0 nioilierhooa of Locnmotlvo Ewlnecrj in lUMUini; riml ve.1 a part of tbo uiouey oktij tu uopanl lu tiiem br tho o iler to which they DjNoutr. They uptt lo bo paid promptly here, after, mcludlua an arrearage. WlitMmsrmt. Jnlv iP.-Vcf'IoSrv ANtw- 5?,','l;,,w.Iu.".l,t,ln"0?- with about Ai'.iw leet of luwbnr lu tun yard was lOiiimuiM gy lire at noon w-aiv The Iom is )e( n feu t-oiOianavO'. litnur.iiice ngui. The Canl Trnile. Tho anthracite ioal trailo contlnnos vrtthout special featrtf. Tliomot nottceablovonVtfi tho tiailo durlnff tho past woolt Is theinnouncd. ment that 550.000 tons of ol njra' to be sola at auction on the Snth ami frt'h pt jtis month, nt Now York, ot which tho Delaware tactawnnna nnd Western will offer iso.OMnndlhoreiinjyt. vanla Company loo,oro. This Is a laigoqoautl tytobethronn on tho market In Its present condition! but then, the oaejtlonlsriertlnenUr neked wnat is coal ininert fof It it is nut to he pronoht to market I Noiwithstannioir tho voir laree uuctlou rales announced it Is a lact Hist the roal tonnoRB Is slncklDS nn n little. Tho rtoudlnr ltailroait earned for the vrooifendiiiir Un tho nth Instant only some 15o.ono tons. The movcmi-ut at I'ortltionraona. howevor. IS near. IV rteadr, the receipts and enipments amouuc Inff to about tho same flsnres. Whether tlio re. oeiptsarj' fallinR off for the want otordors.or because of lntenuptlon by reason ot the cole bratlon of tlio Pouitb, or because Individual .eBtratnr are stopping their mines, weoannot say. Tho last named causo Is probably tho main reason of the lossenod supply, opeiatorj cannot nflord to sell coil at loss than cost, as somo or the CHrrvlna: rompjn es whieh aro at coal producers are SHid to be doluK, tholnitit trnnportitlon a. to llshlcn tho los thnt won',1 ocncrwuo rntail on producuou alone. Uuu waatover the causo of a lesscuinR euppiyot cimi uuY uuiiiiiiu lorwiiru, ono thing is patent lo thn commonest observer, nanielv. lhat coal IshoiV , J. . "t! ""I'm-wnir, inero can Doni iiettit time to lav lti the next winter's sudpu. opeiotors and Coal companies do not lollow the busluo.s with tho view of all tho time ethlnir It Rt or bciow cost. '1 heio ore or. casions when the necessities of tho f Ituitloa nianolt tomporaiiiv boainblo. bnt when such Masons corao around they arb niado as short by producers es possible, and aro usuiilly followed by fbcli an advance lu pnecs as will recorer ,..u,,v9 iu,m,f iiinn wno upys nts coal at prosent pricon has a poxlion of tho notiial producer, this lsn kin. I of tradlo thatennnnt ,iJ ft. . ,?co fu,08B. y110 a1laY t"clr DUfchnsea do it "t tho risk of hot onlv pavinjt the entire oi an additional charge to make up tbo opera- legitluiaio business pursuits ot life thoio must lio a fair and oquitablo compensation all round. " u. i,iu ui-t-es-ity. n noorcepi. tlou to the rule, fruclent peiiplathcrcfore. will . ., II wisaoai of laying lu thtilr coal promptly. Ail thecontlnBonclus of theBoason and of tho trade such us suspensions, corahiuaiiiiiis. strikes, and nccldoius aro ou the sido of higher and Hon Company havo not stopped any of their mlnos, but a number of lnoividnalopoiai :l : " v'" ouviitiii region nave stopped theirs, and woaiulnloruied thai the Lehlirh aud i vr , "'.'.V,,1-""1'1"" ""T0 temporarily slop p. . i1r wllkoal'iuio mines. It is also stated ,uu. iuu nueiiucuuunu vjooi uompanv havo adopted a elmllar courso of actlDu. Ledger. ' ho loliowlng table shows tho quantity ot coal ..fiu.w wDwuii;!! vnuer i wiiiroaa ror tue weea ending July Hth, 1877 nnd torths'yoarn V.IU1UR.U1) iuu, iu, nnuioripe'y. compared tno sauio time lant year i ltcgloua From. Week. Y. Wyoming...., , 3I,7HJ '724. HllZletOll St "Q lUl . ..n Year. 6t.'3 00'ni is DlltlPr I.i.litfrli 615 111 10.305 12 331.30 0) 7,104 00 3:3,112 1)1 S,80tl 1J 1U0.1M 12 2,511,5411 107,711100 2,i77.l3 If iicuver Mtaaow Mahiiiioy t Maucauiiuutc. Tntnl r.flaf. Vnnr.-. . Decrease rs Sdi.KIU 10 IlPOUT OF COAL tronsportoaover tshlch tv, Htiafll1.n'lnn,. H.....I n . Nw Jersey week ending July 13. 1877. .,.., Total week. To date: Shipped from tons. owt. tons. owt. Wvninin'T 11,47s 02 802,018 02 147 741 II 224,iOO 03 134,745 15 3107 Or 292.7U 02 139 14 upper xingn 6,701 02 8 734 14 O.tVS OS I CO 17 17,203 12 Sandy Run Brau'oh Ilazleton ilazardvllle, ..!'."! SnutUand Judd.,.. To'"! 3.535 1! 1,0C0,53S 08 . Irortouslyieporiedl,60o,io2 iij Total to dato 1.0 0M8 (8 '" Same time last year 1,231,713 07 Increase 377,825 01 Decrease... PRODUCE MARKETS ' nV-pMORE. July 19. Flour fluterltflnn: nio brands, ti.60iwl.73: oilier grades unchanged. ,,uui, nmoi, .-iiiiurrHiuuiom reu, primf. 81 Oil amber, tl.033l.07t do. Hhlns, SI.55ai.C3: . t'liiiayiiuiun rcu, ti.&oai.tut JNO. 2 wostcrn winter rod, July delivery, ti.Mj do, Augnst, tl43: do. Bepteiubcr,1.41!&1.42. , Cora southern nominal: western' oaslr: 03!oi August, C2o; September, eaijfcmHc: uiuaiuer, ai4C. u, At.c,i iur uiiiue Bainpms,vaicn are' flimeri soutlicru prime, new, 4S44oi-wcslonf vanla old, 431 Uc. s""ji .muiururuu.duir i. x lour quiet! Minne sota luiuily S7 7539, rcnusyivania do. tsr 50. ni-ellour, tiai.;.',. Wheat sto.nvj I'ennsvlvaniS rea, 81.03K2.05: amber. 2.05,2.15: white, tlioBlSJ. Oats steady, at 30Si3c, fJuiCAOo, July 19. Flour quiet and weak. eepiemherilso. 2no. sua. lorn steady and arm; 43i lor cash: 4Sa)4 for August. , uaw urmcr; 320 ror cash: 28So for August. cbslng Prices of DeIIavich &,Town-' sknd, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Julv 10th. 1877. 1 ' tr. s.o'i. itti IT. K. 5-20's, 15 J. t J .111 V bid li:i, asked .loot,- old KflH asken ,1WH bid 109 asked .1114 bid 111 H asked ..112 bid 1121, asked ,12S!i bid 1259, asked .Hid bid ins asked ..H8H bid 1081. askeit . 2', bid Silt askc4 . 12H bid nn asked . 83d bid 3SH asked II. B. O-WS, 1857 T. S. S."!!'. IRrtH U. 10-41a IT. H. I'nr, piiiw ,ta. u. 8. t's 1881. now u. . 4K's. new I'Aimflvlrunta 11 1, l'hila. & 1 leading It, it'.. I iieuiKU vuey u. it , I ht, h I'tu, .4. uniinicoinpanlesnf N. J.isait bid 131 ' asteci L1.t,a',Tt,Vv-.11.llIf' " 'U 'At asked l'hila. & una lu It 8 Bid 10 asked lnoithern Central u. It.... n , bid I!H asked HetonvlIlo 1'oss. Uo. Ill bi 11 asiea Isoithl'naa. It. It 40 bid t)1t uM Uo'u II 5 M bid lOSIj asked . " -- . u. ..B. iti... .oa uiu ,om io uiu is asked At Malianoy Plane last evening Jeromlah O'Connor waa bitten In the calf of uio leg by a dog helonglna-to John naaley. It was at first ststcd that tbo nog had hydrophobia but this' wsa not, so. After considerable deliberatlnar over tho-matier by tho authorities tho cog w.s hot by the .rblet of police .Mahasov Plane la lufested wllb. a largo number of lure which' need tho same attention bestowed upon this ouo. jnititiEi), K0PNJ5AWl-TM0YCU-dnll'"i"it-. vJwT' u.r W'eabiTger.Uenty Kostenoader and Miss ltebecca Jtoyer. iiolh of lhlkhton." Special Notices. 1I.I3MIhIlB3 VPQN T1IU FI!SII.VINB COUNT KNANCU, If of a compleiloual na ture, speedllv vonlsn when CJI.llNJfs bill.. 1'llUJt bOAP Is used to obUterate them. Plm. pies, liloiches, lt.iughnoss, Iteduesa and Tun aro Unvsnaolv banished by 'this icconiparabio cUruymg ageut. JimoUve-aUmentt, aorea. cuts, bruises, mm Ids, tn4 other. allecUons and lujunos of the cuticle aro lutenlse removed by iu bUIfHUIt nATlia nave long beeu roV newardasthe best remedy for akin diseases, rheumatism and gout. OLtlNH's hUH'UUIt iOAl l In iweav tespect a efflcaclonj, and far cri-aper. Itr opeun.g tho purrs, aud promoting a vla-orous aupciiloial circalauon.thiaejcelleni" aruue conirlbuies to too health of the cm Ire system a. well as to tnat or tho cuticle, blnee lis luti'Odueilou to pubUo notice It hasrepeateo-1 Ir been commended by themedioal profession and press, and tew external specifics have won such ''geldeu oplnioua" among all classes. It' pi events pouoxious diseases as well as remedies them, and disinfects clothing and linen lmpreg- nntod with Ulseaao. UaDdrulT la entirely eradi. call d by It, ana its u.o u. ou that account.' itreaily to be desiderated by persons whose baiK Is inimnng oat In consequeoce of-drynea of1 the scalp. Those who have use oiu'tmecta and llqulda without avail for the cure to erupuoiis or an olmtinate charaner. will rind, it tniv txv It. that OkLXN'o ho LP11U 11 i-llAP leuiove wirbutio cumplalnu trreinedlable by less era uclousoeans, and proven u the recurrence of sutsti ilLordirs. told br rHirgurs, arocers anil l'sncv Ooodt llfulsi s. riltf 23o. per cake. 1 Hot (1 cakes) .itji .sot biniall. propaiLon receipt of pries. sew $infns" v'r 7 B,x inS;: ,11!'.L' . 11x18 A-SB WH18REU Cie. Waekor Brown, i'c. juij
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers