PAKAGRAPniC. For "acting In 'h susplclous'tunn ber" a Reading dbg Yra9 shot 'tuo 'other May. Savs 'a TVest virgltila rJxcrm'nrio. '"The Falrmdnnt steamboat Is wo iked by haOil," With each glass 6f soda water sold Boston dealer gives liU customor a Iresh poni Illy. A manuscript antoernpli volume of 'Johh Locke broogbt Si'i -at a recent London auction. , Fifty thousand acres of land In Ar kansas have been purchased by a colony of Poles. Xbey are welt fixed to raldu beans. Said a freshman to a senior tlio other day, "Well, what do you think 'of tho College President's bacchanalian sermon ?" If you aro stunc by a wasp while plc-nlckltig, apply the end of tho cigar which has been chewed for a fow mo ments to the wound. Tom Thumb's houseat Bridgeport, Conn., was recently entered and robbed tot nearly all the lead pipe and gas fix tures It contained. Owing to a conflict with the local bas company, Easton is about to return to the primitive plan of lighting her streets with oil lamps. Reports from Indianapolis speak of h revival of business In that section of Hit country, and of a general hopeful ness foi tho future. Judge Moore, of Cblcneo, called the general docket of the Superior Court one day last week, and dismissed 2400 cases for want of prosecution. In water. drawn from a Reading (Pa.) hydrant tho other day a snako 2 1-2 Inches long was found. There is a deiband for water filters there now. A French notary, Eugeno Gullhot, of Ah'goulerae.madcaway with $200,000 of his Clients' funds. Ha was prosecut ed on an Indictment with 100 counts. Prince Blsmark has said that one of tbo great obstacles to the consolida tion of the Empire is tho excessive In dividuality which marks his country men, Miss Kato Kelley, of Decatur, III., was stung In the mouth by a beo re cently, and so rapidly did tho poison take effect that sho was dead in eight minutes. The moral Lesson. Mother: "If Mrs. Johnson comes, Jemmy, say I'm not at home.'' Jemmy: "Oh, I dare say I And then you'll give mo a whack ing for telling u story." The other day, when Admiral Rous was taken fatally III, the doctor coming fo attend him said, "Well, Admiral, what's the matter?" "Elghty-two," said Rous. "That's what the mattter." The fact that the largest class 118 students at the University of Virginia this season was In Latin, demonstrates pretty clearly that tho lova of classical lore and a classical education has not quite died out yet In this country. There has been secured for tho coming exposition In Pittsburg the first train ever run In the State of Pennsyl vania. It comprises an engine and two passenger coaches and was built by John Stevenson In 1813 for the Iludson River Railroad. A correspondent furnishes the fol lowing: Rudolpbo Hoch, being the first Hoch who emigrated to America, fath er of Johannes Iloch, who died July 11th, 1777, one hundred years ago, was burled on the old burying ground on tbe farm of Gideon W. Iloch, In Oley township, Berks county. Only three persons have life passes on the Hudson Klver Railroad. Ono Is John B. Jervls, the first engineer of the road, another Is his wife; and tho third Is Governor Kimball, of West Point; the passes are made of solid bllver, on which Is 'engraved the name of the bolder, datewhen given, and occupation. "During tho recent hot spell In Cali fornia, growing corn made rapid pro gress. In Fresno county, tho growth Of the cereal was almost visible to tho naked eye, one small patch showing a galu In height of an inch nnd three eights betneen six o'clock on Sunday evening and tbo corresponding hour on Monday following. It Is a strange provision of nature that deaf mute always hear the sound of a drum. Drum taps are used In all their schools tu rail them to order, and they understand the sound as readily as other children understand that of n bell. When asked If they bear a sound they say no; they feet It in the pit of the stomach. The oldest person In tho vicinity of Frltztown, Berks county, is John Sny der, a rail splitter nnd fence maker, 80 years of age, who is still engaged for many days of the year In making post's and rails for the farmers of Lower Heidelberg township. The next oldest man lu the same neighborhood Is Geo. Ilain, aged 80 years a blacksmith by trade, who Is In the enjoyment of vigor ous health, and Is capable of walking twenty miles In one day. A Virginia newspaper thus rejoices: "Danville lias built fifty large factories and warehouses since tho war. Her population has doubled, and except lethaps Norfolk, hers Is the must active and prosperous population ia America. In Petersburg scores of tobacco factories and nine cotton factories have been renovated or started since the war. Lynchburg, Staunton, Salem, Ablng ton and IlarrUburg, all havu vattly grown and prospered, while all olong' the railroads villages have sprung up and are rapidly growing. A curious scene occurred in the General Sessions Court of New York on Wednesday. District Attorney Russell accused Colonel S., a well-known 'ow York practloner, of pettifogging: "I don't want my learned friend to apply that word to me," said Mr. S. "I said pettlfoggiug,'' said Mr. ltus sell. "I won't allow any ono to use that term when I am discharging a simple duty to my.cllent." "When I tald pettifogging I meant pettifogging," Mr. Rubsel explained, and tbe Colonel accepted tbe explana tton. Now Advertisements. -gTlNAKCLU, STATEMENT or TUB SCHOOL BOARD or TUB Borough of Lcliighton, year endmi tho First MON. D A Y of J U K E, A. D. I f 77. 8 regain d by tuo 6tli Section ot an Act of Assetn lily, approved April Jiitu. 1871. FUNDED DEBT. Tho following Is thoFandod Debt consisting ot bebool JJonds i No. 4-..-P. J. Klstlcr ( r,oo oo 11 47. Thomas Kemerer IS.V) on " SS. Tborua Kemerer 1U00I0 " 60. Davm D. Kistier 6 o ou " 31,-Davld D. Klstlcr h iO CO " 62 B. A. Bauer 500 co " 63. K. A. Haoor 600 0 J " 51. llenrv Kolll 5'J 00 " 61 Lobijhtou Lodge. .No. 234, K. 0(1' 675 0 " 67. O. U. A M.. No. 219 COO 00 " 53. A. F. Peters 100U 10 59. , I0J0 CJ " do. ' " io jo oo " in " " looooo " 1,2. " " W 0 00 ' C3 llenben Kolb 10J 00 " 01 Patrick Mochan.. 4'JO 00 " 65 John Wynn looo o " cc Manns Mc.ilntv....,, iik oa " 07. Jo-eoh McOrnarty inoo 00 " t. James SicQluty souuoi " 10. oeurgollartcr 337) oo " 70. Mary J. ctauss gxo 00 " 71 Wm Mulbcrn 10M to " 7i David D. Klstlcr soo co " 73. Patrick O'lonnoil...,.v 2100 09 71. Dennis Miovolin... ll'lOUO " 75. David Moutz KOJ 00 ru. . luo.i oo " 7c Kcabcn Stclgerwald 200 00 Tho following Is tho Funded Debt In Certifi cate ot Inaoutodncss t No. I.-A, W. Baches t 53 12 ' 2. " " lbO 15 " 8 ' 41 7i ' 4. " ' );6 iki " 5. ' ' si 2) " 0. ' ' 28 00 s. Samuel Graver 17s 35 " 10. A. W . Euchos 44 8. '11 " " IS 70 ' 12 ' .-. 31 01 " W.-- " " 43 24 " 16.- " " to) 00 " 17 ' M4l " 19 Samnel Graver....!., zai isa " 20. A. W. Baches 3j 48 " 21. " 3 1 70 CA .. J4, 65 " 23. Samael Graver 2 5 is " 21. A. W. lOachcs.. 1 77J CO " 15. HaniuelUrimr 203 03 ' 10. A. v. Ibomas r,3 u " 27. A. W. Thomas si oo Funded Debt at 7 per cent 1IJ223 00 Fanned Debt nt 9 pcrooni 1C55J oo CertUlcatesoI Indebtedness, spercent 2893 43 IS.7J 48 Ealanco In Treasury i30 23 Total amount ot Indebtedness... (31313 23 The assots ot School Board consist Ot Twolotson Plnestroct..i...t 8 S'O 00 Throe story School Building and lot... 4HKU CO Uouso and lot lorjaultor 12X) oo llimey lu Treasuiv isjo 23 ftlouey Due Hoard as collected Mr i From J. s. Wcuo in.... 220 10 ITomJ. 1". smith ,. 20 6 Money due fruniSamuel UraYer. ..... 78 45 Hi.Oi) 43 Tho undersigned, having been Instructed to prepare the lo.eiro.nK statement by ald schoul uoud dooi hereby c-rtlfir llut the same iscor rrctandlnaccoiiluucowith tuldAcio! As-em. bly, to the hosiol my knowledo oud b.'luf, nu,l was, on motion, ordered to hare the abuvo Financial Htatcment prlntod. iVum the minutes A. O. DOLLCNS1AYEK. June 30 3w Beaetaiy. NNUAL STATEMENT or TUB Receipts and Disbursements or Franklin Twp. School District ROBERT ANTIIONV, Treasurer, In account with Franklin Township School Dhtfict, Carbon County, l'a. , for the Year ending (Bounty Ac count) Juno 4th, 1877. John Schwab, collector, on ia plicate lS7.l.. (120I ro Slav 7 Ilec'a ui tlio Doiough ot Welsspirt 3:0 CO Julya .ills. Uoyer boriovrcd.. 500 oo ilalance 2' SI Treasurer's balance 8 (j wt June! 21-Juogiunt ol a. Zim merman t S3 97 Aug. If D. lltltz. Int on bond. 2, s7 ' 17 Naltiau .iivilfr, " 42 12 " 1711. V. Moiihnnor, nd-' vcrllsinir 19 00 " 17 C. a. liichenbi rg, In. teiest on bond J5 53 Oct. 2 Lewis Horn, mtoi est ou bond ig ;j " 2 lteuben droit, interest on bond j? og M 2 Natnun Mil dor. Interest on bond 27 55 " 20. 11. Limlerman fc Co.-, llau tiers, uilerest ou bond 703 20 judo 4 Ot 11. Liuilcrmau & Co., llauKcrs, interest ou houit sy 00 " 4 Damol Wrnia, interest on bond S07 CO " 4 Win. Behoih. interest ou bond 74 50 " 4-GcoieeUmery, interest on bono "'..... 9 qq " 4 lleubeu Andreas. Inter. utt 011 boud 5s 13 " 4-Ex-obeiltt Ureuhelscr, cost. 2 f3 Commlssran 59 25 (204) to KoiTio Tpessnry talaticr'. 8 27 so Olltsuindlug bouds ;3 Illll lu l.QU.ty ;3n at Court com 203 03 Due to Albright Green 152 43 Awk) uted Auditors to audit nud ie.i.U'ilt tbe Dountv uccount ct 1'r nklm tuwcship ZH) 00 Huseurci due tioru Weissio t. iMis 71 John behwuo coilictOT. ou da. plicato IC70 20! S3 11. Wi uti, collector ot the Uor. ouaboi Wrryvlde. on oupll. CatOlB.ll 461 c- U'-ce 60-" il IIW74 41 I1C771 41 To balance ss 83 73 We, the nndortlgned Auditors of Ftinklln' Township, have ex-imioeti the above account M touud the same U be correct. bTI'U'llEN BOLT, D. BOY Kit, T , W. O. WIS IKS. July 7-Sw Auditors. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. The undcrstgoed Auditor, nppctn1d bv the Coui t vt Oaminou Fleas ol Carbon County to make d!trlbutlon ot the luuds uruing from the Hbrlrrssae ol the Item talate uf OLIVBll Hi OUT, will ntt n1 to the duties ot his appoint' mentou TllUll-DAV. August nd. is 7, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at his oftlee lu Afauoh Cbuulr. wheu and where aU paiilOS tntelotedmuyat. tend. i; x, MliEUAl.. JuneSO-tw Auditor. l-co Reduced.- Entire Cost $55. rstent omce Fee f i In advance, balst ce'i29 within o months alter l'a lent allowed. Ad vice and examination tree. IMteuts Hold. J. VAXCIS LEWIS CO., Mr 5-m VTt iltt tes, c; c. Now Advertisements. SVLPDIIR SOAP. Patented Jialr lltli, 1871. THE MOST WONDERFULLY . Effective External Remedy EVEB, DISCOVERED! A Skin like Monumental Al abaster may be attained by using Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Try it, ladies. It is a genuine beau tifier, and very economical. This Soap safely and cer tainly removes cutaneous eruptions by opening the pores whose obstruction was the cause of tbe difficulty. Test and you will endorse it-. . Heine a powertnl deodorizer. rJist'FF.crAsT and iduitast, yet entirely harm ies it po-itively cuif s all local DISUAbEd OF THE BKINaglt bymagio. It thoroughly bleaches therutlclbondPER. JIANKNTL1 liliAUTIFIEU Tllli COM' PtliXION wiMi a certalaty unkhown to any aiticle ever inveutcd tor that puipose. It la emohatlcally the remei'v for SCALDS and UUHN3, Instantly remnvlnir all soreness without pain, and effecting a cure In every In stauce. As a t'roventlvo nnd remedy for QOUT and RUEUMATIbM, Its ettecls mo rcaliy wonder. luL It Is a sum preventive of nil diseases that aro comti-unicatedby commg In contact with the penon such as Itch. etc. BPRA1NS, BnUI-KSand CUTS aro cured with unlainhg certaluty. It removes DANDUUFF, and prevents tho 1ml r from falling iff ot tuinlUK prematurely Riny. It completely DISINFECTS CLOTTIItfO, Irnmitho rlek.ionm r porsuu, that has become Imoresuated with disease. Glenn's Sulphtir Soap Is a SPECIFIC In thoso OBNOXIOUS DI9 HASH-), which huvo bei-n treated herctuforo with "Julphnr Olnlnieuui" hvlnu thn mlvuu. tnee of iieniK CLEAN, iNOFl'UKSIVIl and U.NOJURIUUBto OLOTU1HO. SULPHUR BATHS. Tho beneflc'M resnlts of Sulphnr Baths are too well known to lenuiro counneiit. The fffectaorGLl.NN'-j SULPUUU BOAl' lu ihe batu ai truly elcctr.cai, comuieteli' deodor. mne i Ironslvo accumulation, and thoroughlr purlfvlug tbncullro surface of the body, lu fact it is the King of Soays tor uataing ami Toi let purposes. DIRECTIONS. For Diseases o" tht Skin' athlck laiher betoro to Urn R.alinwluir it to n main over ingot. For folds oud Barns applr the .attitr freely to the cflec cd U'lrts. andtheftrenud pain wi'l beie. moved lumi-iiluielv. Fur tiout, llheomutisni, Htiralna Brul'O. and f'uts apply ciolhs well Biturjted with a (.trouc soiiitlou. Fur OM Bores and Ulcus it is luvaluabie. Use Ire-ly asa lotlo.i. Fur a p.evonlive In Oi'ttixluns Diseases uso a Krooir seds n u wash, eitercal. ly uaa by ln)ectlou. IT E VEa FA1 LS. Glenns Sulphur Soap ItfOIIEERFUtLYENDOrtSED irVTIIE ilEDICAL FltATliRMTy. Beware of Imitations ! , ASK FOR Glenn's Sulphur Soap I TAKE NO OTIIKR. Price 25 cts. per Cake One Box (3 Cakes), GO Cts. For Solo Everywhere, by Druggists, (Jrocers, mid Taney Goods' Dealers Sent by mall, prep ild. oa receipt of price and 3 .vuwG.u.iw uuui tune. C. N. CRITTENTON. PropV, No. 7 SI xth A xen u a, New York. JlAltt AB HED AB T11E FLAHH OP a Vninvn or while as tbe dead moss on a Florida hua. lock, can becUHDxetl to a alo lout brown or lostroas Hack by a elagie application ot HILL'S INSTANTANEOUS ' Hair and Whisker Dye. Bold by Srofglsti at M Ctoti per Box. JulyT, IS77-M New Advertisements. THE LUNGS! This dlstrcastnirand danirerous romnlnlnt and Its premonitory sympioms, nealected conah. liljlit sweats, hoarseness, wastlnx flesh, fever ltermnneni ly curai oy -or, Bwayno scomponnd Hvrnn nf Wild flierrr BRONCHITIS A premonltor ot I'ulmonary Consnptpllon. is chsracterlt ed by catarrh, or lu. llammauon of themucous membrsne of the air paspacs, wiiu cotutu anu eznectoratioo, short breath, hoarsoncsa pains In the chest. For all tironcmal aOectioua, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND Syrup o Wild Cherry 13 A SOVEnCIQN ItKMEDY. Utmorrhaat, or wilting blootU may proceed from the larynx, trachm bronchia or lunge, s,m anao from vnrlotfa ceases, as undue physical exeTilon, pltthorj, or fullness ot ihe vessels. floaklutiffr.,overntrnlninpol the voice suppress. ederecuatlou, obstruction oi the spkca or liv er, etc. Dr. Swayno's Compound Syrup ol' Wild Cherry strikes at tho root of disease by purlfylnor tho blood, rfetonntr tho liver and kidneys to healthy anion, Invlfioratlnctbe nervous system. The only standard lemedy for heiaorrnfre, bronchial and all pulmouaiy comp aintrj. . con fcumptivce ortboso predisposed to weuk lungs. 6ould not fall to use this great yegetable rem edv. Its marvelous power, not inlv oVer consump tion but over every chronic dleaso wreroa rradutil alterative octlon is neclcii. Under Its usotliecouah Is loosened, the nlnbt sweats di ininiHh. toe pain eiibshit'S, the pulo returns to its iiatnml utandaid, the stomach la improved m U power todlpi-st and assimilate thelnod, end every organ lias a purer nun bcttei Quality blooU snpp Ud tit it. out of which now iecieu lire and plastic mateual is mace. SAVED HIS LIFE-. A REMARKABLE CUKE! Was that of Edward II, Hamson, Engineer at Oeoreo Hweonv'a Totteiy, 1331 Uidao Avenne, Philadelphia. Ho hud a violent cuizli. night sweats, sore thioat. creat weakness, snit nr. Iif. ferent time., a pint of t lood, novo up all hope of recovery. Hirmurh the uso ot " J)r. tiwavne't Wilactierrysiirutt" became nsonntlond healthy man, and renufns so to this day, although over twenty years havo elapsen since hti was cured. I'M OH ONE DUI.LAU. six bottles 15. If vour drupclst or stoi elceeper does not eell It, wo will forward nail dozen, freight paid, to any ad. dross, ou receipt ot pneo. PltErAItED ONLY nr DR. SWAY&li & SOX, 330 91. Slxtli Street, Plillailelphta. Sold by ul I'romlncnt Druggists. Itching Piles! TILES, PILES, 1TCIIING PILES, Positively Cured by tho uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony: I was sorely afllicled with one of tho most dls tiesshutot hi! diseases I'rurltus or I runco or morecommeulvuown as llclilnir Files the ltciiluu at times was almost intolerable. Increas. id ny scratching, anu not nnfrenueully bocomo quitu soi e. .. ...,,,ius IMUIUlOntt" IIS nee cjivo qnlce roller, and In a short ttmo mado n ItPl-Tt'Cf. I'tlin I r.fiti nmir nlunn ...t.t. anal woiud afJvlse all who ore sufifcrinj; with Olntmenfnt odco. I had tned proserin tons nlmnkf. nr.hnn 4ii..n K . .....wv.v., u.tMuuuniuillK liny lief III aueat relief, jcm W. CllltfoV. Boot and Shoe House, 344 Noih becond-street, u.istucipuiu. SKIN DISEASES, , SWAYJJE'S ALL1IHAMNO OINTMKNT l?Ao.,tt..8P0CIno.lor '''F.TT1S11, ITl lI. MALT SV;JW!.olbS.'?4;l, 11KAD. JlllYSlPlSLAB, DAUBER'S ITCH. Hull HLOTOULIS, Al,lj WfVi'i' TVllUB.'f'v- OUTANUOUS iillUl-' 110x. I'eiloctlv .afo and harmless, even ou tho most ten Jer infant. I'nco 60 cents. 3 boxes for i.23. bent ov in.U to any oddn as on receipt of price. Sold by ail the leodlmr Druurfsts. Frepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SOST, 830 North Sixth-St., Philadelphia. " : use jADORN: LONDON iHairColor Restorer HAIR. ron nnaiomsa ! "' ; GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality nnd Color. HERE IS "THE PROOF Or Its Superior Excellence. Ilcad this Uodjo' Certificate testified to bv Ldwyrd 11. Gatrmuis. oue of the most, comec. teut Diugs sis ami Chemist. In Philadelphia, a man w Iiiio veracity uoiio can doobt t I am lioppy to add my testimony to tho great vnlrtMif the " Iji.ii'on llalr Co or Itestorcr." which i csiorod my ha.r to llsoflglnal darkiol. or. nd the huo appears to bo peiraaiicnt. I am tatistled that thn preparatioi Is nothing lUoa die. but opetatos upou the secretions. It Is also a beuntlful hole rtiesBluc. nun orotuotes tho f.." I Purchased th llrt bott.irom lio. II. Uarrlffues. Uiuirgist, Tcuih and Coattw-sls who ciu alro testliv my hair was voiy gray when I commenced Its use. ' Mils: WILLKH, No. 731 N. Wlnth-st, 1'hliadMphla. DK. Swatmi it HO.V.-ltospected Fileiid. i I havo tae ulessnie to Inform ou that a lady of my acqualniance, Mrs Ml lor, Isdellghied ltu ,n?"? roor "Iionrlou color Hair ltestoi. er.M Iter hair was tailing rapidly and uiu. giay. The color had be-n lestored, and ilio fall, uig out entirely slopped by its lue. . K. D.' UtAltltlOUES. Druggist Cor, Tenth unit Coates 41s.. Phlla. All that art con accouipiish In bmuilfylng. jtrengihenlns-.ihlckenlneand .homing tho oalr la i (reeled ov uin "London Hair Color Jtestor. er." It stimulates and forces a new growth If giav restores its nnlural color, ami lenders It tuny ana beautltui i curt s oandrutr i keep, the "alii ilenn. cool and hea thy. all drujgUts s-illt. bent by rxtires. to any address. SWAYNE iSt SON, 310 N. sixth (t., Fhilad'a. MlLlS ntOl'ItlETOllS. For Snlo by all Druggists. Juiyia. 187CTI E. F. LUCKENBACH, FRESCO, HOUSE AJSD SIGX PAINTER, Anil Doalor in all rattcrns ot Plato 4 Fanoy WaS! l?apeis And Window Bunds,- Tvrb'Doora Delow the "Broadway Ilouia," J MAuen cnuNK, p'a.. fin. I7y ' QUAULES i'llOEULICH, Cor. of f UO.V and LEniaTtStrrets. LEnian. TON, Fa., dealer in Choice Brands ot Family FLOUR, FEED,- APPLES, POTATOES, Ac, ItesprctruUv announces to h't Cnstomets snd thepub ic nenerally that on aud alter JAMJ. Am i.i 1877, he will sell for casn oulr or on THIIVl'V D.I VS tuetpouslble u.rtiej. and In. trreit will lio chsraed on a 1 bit a not settled at the expiratlfiu of sndilua.a. t5T All attic ea warranted' to be as represent' ed. Fatrouage solicited. - . CALE8 TROEULICn. December n,l!7. TT K. RICKKRT, tf . Opposito L. & S. Depot, On tho East Weissport Canal Bank Itepectfn!lr Infotms the cltltens of this vlrlnl. tvllinr. tin L'nmio nnstsni1it ti. A cn.-r i ci at tho LO WHHT JI AKK1ST TBICES. tho'very Also dealehin Foil BOIIiDINO AND OTHEll PUBPOuES which he guarantees to be Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH HE 18 NOWtSELI.INO AT THE VEIIY LOWEST RATES. WHOLESALE end DETAIL, at tho LOWF.3T CASH riUCES. Ho bo's a a nnmbcr of very eligibly located In i niCKEItTSTOWN, Franklin Township whlPM ha urlli Call nn n. VT" - . Aug. 0. j.k. HICKEUT. Is nut eatlly earned In these times, fffQ I 0 bvnnj It cm be msdo in three months nnvono of elliier SRT.m nnv nurl. worl- steadily et the cmplnyranut that wo turn. Ish. SUS a week in vour own town. You need not bo away from homo over night. You can give your who.o time to tho work or only vour spare moments. It cots nothlngito trv the ...pun. ..ima .a uiiiui iree. Auuress, 'cbl'.'yl l'ortland. Maine. StAo QiK adayStltEmadebyAirenta V," H J-0 soliingourChroinoscrayons, i I'ieture and chromi Catds. liu samples worth et sent postpaid for 75 cts. JllU'trntfd Cfitalniruea ICFltii. J. JI. IlUrFOllD'S SONS, BOSTON. Established ls;.o.) feb3-y T flOillAS KOOXS Itcpectfolly announces to tho citizens of Car. bou and atllolninir Counliei, that he has pur chft.ed Iho entiro laterest nnd stock of II. O. LEVAIS WAY lu Ihe LE11IOHTON Corn Broom Manufactory, located In the ftorongh of Lehighton. Carbon County, I'ti , and th t tie is prepared to fill all entru.ted to him with tbo Ycry Host Quality of Brooms at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE LIVINO I'lUCE. A irlol is rorpectlnlly eollclte l and entire saf Isructlon guarortoeil. Msuuf ctory lu the lla.ement of the ''Valley House," opposite the Lettish Valley HH. deoot, Feb. M, l7d. THOMAS KOONS. IIEIE.3IAIV & CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In All Kind, of O RAIN BOUGHT and SOLD at UIIUULAlt MA11KET 11ATUS. . Wo would, also, lesoecttuilv Inform onrcltf. lens that wnnre now fully prepared to bUF I'LY tuem With From any Mine desired at VEtlY LOWEST PRICES. 3f. nElLMA'N & CO'. JulyU. -EUIGHT0N 1IAKEUY. The nnderslgned annonbees to the citizens of Lehlelitou, Welsiiport apd the suiroundnig ueishboihooo. that uu Is now fully prepared to suppiythem with 1'llIllK FltUSH Bread, Calico & Pretzels Everr Morulur at Whatesalo and F.etal!, at tho lowest prices. He maxe a specialty of Wedilliig and Fancy Cakes.- Tic-Nlcs and all otbo Fartle. supplied wlln &S Choicest Made Icq Cream, la'larte or smalt rrusntlilet. on s'horl notice and &i reasonable hguiea. Also; always on hsndTa large stock ot ail klnils ot CANDIES, Nt)T8, FilOITS, 4a. at Wholes no and Betalt solicited. aprlUrl Bm't pf eet. Lehighton Pa. Munbattan OIL Cblnpany, OF NEV YORK; Lubrlcatlnt; and' Illuminating' Oils. WM. N M AnCDS, Itoom S7, ferehants' Ex change, THIltD and WALNUT Streets, I't l. delihn Fa. f'ov. zj. urTS. WAITrKD ths business men to know that they can get JOI1 PJtlNTINO done cheaper at CAanox asvocati Office thaq at any otasr rUcc Id the county, Tryos. J J 2 i C5 cS LU g O to CD I. .C ra lgaSo cd re LU o -O .g J Hi .a, g e ph iD& b S LU ' rS 43 .S g S & CO s f! a-s -; an tflSrjH TO W q i .rj a s i 5 H 1 -a 2 t ot i-a C3 cs u rpiiE sUtigtok PLANING MILL. AND Cabinet Ware Factory) AT SLATlNaTOH. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, pared to execute any amount of orden far DresseD LumbeR OF AU KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shnttory, Mouldlntrs, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With Frooiptneaa. Brackets Made to .Order, Tn e Machinery li All new and of the beat and moat improved kinds. X employ none but1 th best workmen, uae well aea&oneu and tool ma terlal, ond am therefore able to ftaat autre entire eaimfactlon to all wbo may taror me with a call Orders bv mail piomptly attenaod to. Jdy chnrp:ea are moderate j terms cash, or laterest charged otter tblrty ciars. GIVK MA CALL. tST Thoso ensogedln Bolldlng will flnaitti llieir advAntase to hare Bldlns. Floor Uoarflu, Fflctorr- AJuwi b, tjwsuuo, oumierB, ceo., isr., usao at uua May lOyl JOHN BaLLIKT. as O CR GO i r O ' CO Lelllfrhfnn. Kcbcr's Bloiiiij Bank-st Notice, To thn Tilhlln A T ?, ? UN?'8 Fllm"jr Dr8 "hUMedlclne store; (in Dr. lieber's l. nr. ..-..V!f fr,.m 8 to 10 o'clock A. M.. l to 2H A S to 7,P. M. ..v.uto-st ooor aoore It. B. Church. A.J. Durllne. our nnnnl.r Ti.'..-. et. "havlnK dispensed with the services of a .... .uv vmuuioi uoaunatiiirand CompouncUngNlce, Pure, Freh. UnsdulteratedT IfAll llniu fn. tT.. 61.1. ... ... . uUAIaiClea- atlleduo- cd I'riccs. At A. J. Durllnn'a Tim 'xji,,' a - e, uivio. you can pet your Prescriptions and Family Iteclpescompoundedftccurately&actentlfically; At A. J. Durllng's old established DRtJOand FIH5SCBIFTION STOKK.youcan iciy on Retting a Strictly Pure Article. No mlstatea from incompetent osslstante. aa he" dl penses and prepares with bis own hands. ii is just, bjnunuia i vynat7 Way. that New Perfume I gut at DUBLINO;!? Drn um uwu maae up ne caila 11 ' ity OWN." !3o. ondtOc'Derbbtae. ...t 1000 Ilia. Tro fo.ll C.J. iw't1 " . v.UMIU OliUK, UC baited Pntanh.fnr noiv r . rr.v.r. . . . . - - - MAam it, justrecoiv ed at A.J, DUItLINa'8 Drag Store, snd selling Wall Panor 1 Wnll P..nav i txt-ii raoerl At a. j. TinntrvntB t. ' f - v4jiu a vili QlOrO NEW 6TVLE8 Jnst received at Greatly BE. DUCED P UIOE3. Call and Examine A. J. Durl.tlfy. nnr nnnnloii T.,.' gist, bavlne an experience of 17 yeara, knows WhprAflf lias, unnat-u . - ... sve, nucu uu saya do guarantee- that EVnnv A Of THT tr kw . . .....wiu uuujtub m ma it 11 u U STORE li ot thoFUItKSTand BEST that can uc wuuu tu uie ju arse is. A. J. DnrliniT. thn n O I vi usLbp UU9 Just received a Fresh Involceof Fine FBKKCH' and CALIFORNIA .Tin A WTlTtPQ nVnrnr I JhASJ?iS,,Ni 9ld, l.nYB WnilKlESImDort.. f.'! ffJSir.,1"1"?"!"' WINES. IJoraeithT 1. "uu o'er uiiahk WINES for Jledlciual and SscramenUl Furpoaeo. . l.i u I . ItfiTABLISnED 1C8R GILMORB&CO.jAttysatLaTv-,: uacessors to cmmix, aoguzB & Co., 629 F St., Wasbington.D.C. AUEB1C1N AND FOREIGN PATENTS, Patents urocnroil in nil IN ADVANCB. No CharffB tlnlAM thM nntAtit la granted. No fees for making preliminary ex-5 an lnations. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearmir. special attention Civen to InterierencA Cmmnm tl. Tn ...... Offlce, Kxtensions before Congress, Intrinne-i ment Salts lu different titatee. and all lltlxatlon, appertaining to InvenUona or PaUsnU. HiHD- blAUP KOlt PAHfHLliT OF SIXTT PAQE8. U. S. COOUTS AJID DETABTVEHW. Claims nrosecnted In thA HnnnimHfi.nrfhr ,1.. u.i.v.u ...Bia, ,uuiv Ul V.101IIIB, LOUTS OT U)S1 mluionei a of Alabama Claims. Southern Claim. uuu, .. , u.'.i'u. run s 1 1 vioto-'T-l V( tf mf VlsuIUS UOIUIO tho Executive Depattmenta, abbeabs or Pat axd Iiodktt. war. or their heirs, are lu many cases entitled to nionev lrora the Government, of which thsy. haye no Knowledge. Write full history ol ser. vice, aod state amountot pay and bouotv re. celved. Enclose sumo and a full reply, after' examination, will bo given you free., PE-NBIONa. Alt Officers. Soldiers and Ballon, wounded' rnpmredor Injured In the late war, however sllirhtlv. can obtain a nensioo. man- nnwrfieelv. ln penslous are entitled to an Jnereatt. Bend suiiup ana inioruisuon win oe rurnisnea ireo. United bTATxa amtkBiL Land Ontict .Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims, Minli g Pre-emption and Homestead Cases pros ecuted betore tbe QanerAl Land offlnAanff iia. parinient of the Interior. old Eouxtt Land Wabbants. The last TTennrt nf thn nnnimliSnna, r.t Ik General Land Oftloe shows I.97.5iO acres of Jlounir Land Warrant ontsimnilini,. Thru. Issued under act ot I8U and prior sou. 1'r pay cash tor them, hend by registered letter where assignments are Imperfect we aire to smicticBs to perfect them. Each department of our business la conducted, ' In a semiraTe bnrosn. tinder ed lawreta aud chirks. ily reanon of erjur or f raod many attomeya are suspstrded from' practice belore the Pension and other, offices each year. Claimants whosu attoi noysj ha i e been thus a'aspended will b. gi atoltopsly f urnlihed with, foil Information and proper papers op application to us. As wb chsrge no,ree unless raocesafal stamp for return postago should l e. sent ns. Liberal srran iemSou made with attomeya In u liaise, ol uu.iucss, Address, GltMOitE & CO., IFinViljn, D. C r.O.Boxlt. WASHiNaTbx, D.O., November M, u:t dince la I hi rjx)rui6Ilily and ncUtily of the Law, Patent anu Colleotloa iloase of GllitOBE & Co., of tola city. ., UC.UMUIS il. U. WlltlH, . . tti.Kttlnn.1 UiImmIII.." DeoXlKdtf 1IU8INE8S MRN AND OTHBR8 IN WANT OF JOB PBINTINO OF ANVrDE80HlPTION, WILL FINDTUKOAltBON ADVOOATK OFFIC1S THE UtMT and CHEAP. EST PLACE IN TUB COUNTY. OtVE OS A. THIAJ, ANp. iiu CONYtNOKD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers