-, v. '- ? wo tur ri'.- J . ' " ' ' H. V. MouxniMEE, Proprietor INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live.' $1.00 a.Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. 'No, 33; LEniGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY i4, 1877. Subscribers out of Couuty, $1.3 OARS. Vnrnltiiri. Vamtiauae. fk. T. gskwarti, Bank etrset,fcairfn all kindz cf furnasrt. vojflntnaatio oratr. t Boot and Shoe- Makers. u , Ollaton Britney, in Levari' t tuitdinj. Bank, strut. Jkuoratrx pronpuyjiueawofK toarramta, v p. long street, Next door to ttto " Carton Qoaaa.' , DANK. STREET, LEniOHTON. FA. DMmbr ft m K. HlPiHERj AXToturar and cooNs'taLon. .at law, i .BAxBuaaT,Li.Eipxro(,1Pi I .i Best BiUta ana Collection A?eney: WlllOuyand Aell Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly door Col Jeitlena promptly mad. Battling KiUlea of Dt sedanta a specialty. May ba eoaiultad la Knllih n Carman. i .. . I iTiIttaiXJ. jAi.ii.inoiiKris, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3-.0Bta: 2dtflooj of HhoadRall, ' JlttfJhChnnU'.tf f. iilltfsisSuUastSi to him lllbVroi SuMslnsuV .romptly attsnded to. May 27, lr. -)ANIKL KALUPOS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, H Kiirti CtllirAlc. lk. . aia.,aboTpji)nVJaVairi ttiire.BroailwaT 7X0. D. SXIIOLKTTE, , . WOK gKBTOLETTE b LOOSE, , ATT0RNRY8 AND 'COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Of rici Corner of 8qsquehanna,and Broadway. 4 llIAIJOII CHVNKPistKi.. , 'ba eon'sulta'd la'Oorniia. " f Jo.1t1 it Can 1 187 jr. ueeiian; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Malt Door, to First, National Dank, 1, MAT7CII CUCNK', PA. - 49r-Gan ba roniultad In Carman. fjan9. 5 JU8TICE"0F"''THti PBACE. Obert's Bolldlai;, BANX-si.LsTliouTQ!! r,ConTeranclnvCcJlecUoic alia all other bijsl pass, connected with the ofilco promptly attend ed to.. Alia, A tent tor the Purchase and Sole of BaalEjtate, April 15.yl I rr ' n ; tpiIOMAS .8. BF.CIL, JUSTICE pt.TlIB PEOE, f x, '.BANK. mrMrJ LKIIiailTON.'Pa.,, r CanfayanelnftOolleeUD.and all busloets eon Bactad vwlth tha offlca prom (illy attended to. t . 49-Afant for first-class Iniuranea Companies tnj RUki of all kinds tskep. on the moat liberal tarma Jan. 9,1679. Ty a. DEUiiXsiKii, m.d., . , ,( PHYSICIAN ANDSORGEpN fpe,tl attention paid to Chrodc'Dlsejiol. I, Office: Soutb.'Kast' corner Irpnaol&nd etji.. Lo blghton, Ta. ' April 3, 1873. fiu h! b. riEBEn, t 1 1 w i PRACTICING PIIY81CIAN AND &VRQK0N, Offlca, BiMk Stract, naxt door abora tb.a.PpatoSlca, Lahlf hton, Pa. Offlca Iloufn P.rryillle each day tarn 10 to 18 o'clock) remainder of ilayatolBceln L.olghtou. . - ,Nov3.'7il T G.M.KB1PLE, rHYBICIAN ANb SCROEON, J., ,1 1 Hart to E. 11. anyder'a atore. Base St., i LEUIQnTON, PENN'A. i N.B.CspKiil attention kitcu to the Care ol fealt llbeuni, 4o. f H-t an. I3y; TIfOMAS ICEltlEUEU, ' P.ONVKYANCER, OkneAl instteakoe Agent . Tha followloft Companlea ara Ilepresanted: tcnAN JW MU rUAL FIBB. KKAIUhO MUTUAL tflBB, PQTTHVJLL13 PIItE. LEU I Oil FJIIE. and the TIIAV JILERa ACqiDEMT INBajfANOK, iAIaa PennarlTanle and Mniqal itorao Thief oteeUre and Inanrance Companr. in OAU.UI BUI TUX' LXIIlaU VilUCT UOU4E, BankWay, Lenightotf, Pa;, i t4r ' t i la nirpaxed to make UHt till PORTRA ITS Of l'EUMONb FROM I'llOTUQUAlMLH In the moat artleuo manner, rqnal to all retpetta toHteelSncrsTlora. lie makeaa apeclauyof fNLAUUIKa PUimiAlTB UF DbCKAHKD ERisONr) from typeaoi air kinds. Chare Ttxy moderate aufl patronage aoci ted, mar U , JAYID EBBEUT'S Livqyy 6? SMfi Stables BANK STlllCICT.KJIUmif ON, Fa AOL 'HIUHXWU 1IUKSE3, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. nA aaaltluil. Vaivnla nt.na.n .1 ' T- " ' r-' eawwu i auttii aaUJ otber Livery In the foanty. uii.uuuugHmi tvriaaea for Ronerai OT. ZZ. 1873. . IIUBINESa MEN AND OTIIHna, IN WANT OF JOll PIUNTINO OF ANY DESCRIPTION. WILL FIND THE CARBON A DVOCArS OFFICM TUB BtST and CUHAP. KT PLACE IN 'THE COUNTY. OIVE .08 A TRIAL A1D BIS CONVINCED. OB rBlNTINO.atUe.wyloweatrrite at i New Advertisements. THE LIJNG! t30NSU3IPTIOM I ThU distressing and dangcrou complaint and Its pTRUiotiltory yrapioms. ueirleclwl coueh, night sweat r, bnnrenesit, ivastlnp 11 stt, fever--wrmane ntly cured by "Dr. Qw ayne'sConipountt Byrnp of Wild Cherrr " BBOMCUITIB A. prcmotiltor ot rulmonaiy CoDBompttpu. le cbnractt'iizca by catarth or in J3ammauon of the mucons meniurne of tlio air 'ta fifties, 'With congll and expectoration, short tireatii, DOarsenew pains in tho'clipet. For all Jtrononlalaffectioiia.'iore throat, loaa ofToicet conglis, Ult. SWAiTK'Si COMPOtJND Syrup Wild Cherry 1 AOYElitVtGN ItEMEDY. k. . iirmorrhage. or tpxttlng fcloorf. may proceed from theilnrrnx, traclua bronchia or lunes, and anso from varlouB causes, as undno physical exertion, plctbord, or fullness of the vessels, f oak lunch, overstraining of the voice suppres., ed evacuation, obatiuctlon of tbe epleoj or liv er, etc. Dr. Swayne's Compound , Syrup of Willi Cherry strikes at tbe root of disease by purify lnp the blood, restoring tbe liver ant) kidneys to healthy action, Invigorattac tbe m rvous syitcni. Tbo only standard remedy for hemorrnitr?e, bronchial and'all jmlnionaiy comp ainta. Con sumptlvts ortbose predisposed to we ik lungs, ebould ii ot fall to use this creat vegetable rein tdv. Its marvftJoTis power, not onlr over consump tion but over every chronlo di-easo wrcrea gradual alterative action is nee-led. Under its use. tbe couch la too&eued, th,o night sweatu dir unnisb tbe pain snbsldbs, tbo pnl-o returns to its natural uiandnrd, tbe stomach "Is ;mproved in Us power to digest and afsnullate thelood, ana every organ nas a purer Aim uettct quality blood snppikdto it, out of which now iccrea tiro and imstio material Is made, SAVED HIS LIFE. A REHIARKAUffiE CURE ! Wai that o Edward II. Hamaon. Engineer at Ocorge wwiny'a l'otteiy. 1311 Ridge Avenue. Plil,aleipl)ia. tie had a violent ciiVili, mght Hwents. uolo thlOat, great weaknCRa, epn at aif. ferent tluic a ytlut of i lood. gave un ail hopo f.f . rrcOTfry. 1 trough the uao of Dr. Sxeaune't ttUQCAtrrySumij" became a aoundand henttliy man, ami xomiilna an to this day, although over twenty yeure tiavo elaiisen since he wancuieii. . 1'lUOU.ONJt; DUI.LAK. Klx bottles 5. If yonr druriristor atoiokccper does not aeU It, we nill forwaitl nail duzen, fititrht paid, to any ad drcaa, uu receipt ot pneo. rrhrAKKD oxlt di ., DK. SWAYXU & SOS. 330 N. Slitli Street, Pl'illadiinhla. olilbyai l'ronjluent X)ruirgli. WW 's Itchirif g Piles! PILES, piles', itching piles, Positively Cared jy the nse of SWATNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony: I was aorelv afflicted with one of Uie ronat dis tressing or all aieasM Prurltaa or I rnngo. or morecommi'Dlynown aa lichlnir Plica ihe ltchlna' t times was almost intolerable, tncroa.. ea. Dy.acralchlns, ana uolnnfrcqneully.become quite Bote. . -. I bouBht n bor of " Hwntne'a Ointment !"'lls use cave qulcK relief, and In a short time maile a perfect cure I can now sleep undisturbed, ana r would aJvlse nil who are snfrennK with this Ulsiroslnecotnplalnt lopiocure' hwavno'a Ointmeni"ot once. I bad tried prcscrmilons almost Innumerable, without llndinir any nerm. aueutrellol. Jos w. CHRIST. . . . firm of Rocilel & Christ. Boot and shoe House, su North sccona.streot, , Philadelphia.- SKIN tflSBASES. SWAYNE8 ALL II K A LING OINTMENT la also a apeclflo lor TKTTKIt. Ill ill. SALT eiMvi' ,VU,US.Fy CUTANEOUS EllUP 1IO.NK. l'eilectly a(e oun harmless, even on 1 JT. .mm"w vi ico w ceius. a uoxes for tl.Q. KPIlt It m .11 In n.iu . i... of pneo. Doin uy an the leaaine Druiifflsts. Prepared only by DR. SWAYJIE & SOX, 830 Nor,tb Sixth-St., Philadelphia. USE jADORNI IiONDOTST I jHairColorRestoreV : nnlrti j roitBEsiouixa ; v-j gray hair to lts'iiatural Vitality and Color. HERE IS "THE PROOF Or its Superior Excellence. T? ro .hi. M n..ti. 1 . : .... . . raward II. O atria aea. one of the iuum compe. teut DlUITinAiN hthI I'ntntul. ti. iihn.i..h..K . man Wtinsa VArnltc ..n . v 1 u I n happy ti, add mr testimony to tbe jrreot iTri l"u J'air en or itesfirer," '!,'wFei m I'a.rjo Its orlslnol dark i ok f,.??U.u.Vl""'",0 Bu Krmanent. I am W. but opeiates upon the secreilonif It I SlJi'J'.i'"?""" f alr Jielna. and ororaotes tho growth. I purchased tb- tlrt bolt.-jrom Uo, li.uarrtaTiM. aruM.at Tenth and OoatiwTis who cnu slfo testily my hair wa vo.y kt when I oomuieuced Its use. MRS. UILLKIt, No. ,780 N, Nlntht., Philadelphia. i,.1,?'.i?,v1r,,B .ok- ReepMted Friend, rl Have the measure to Inform ou thstaiooy of my acquaintance, Mra Ml ler. Is delighted w ith ln?."'wc,,!.0, oor "Lonoon Color llair lteatoi. . 'My.11!1 '""falling rapidly and qtu.e pray. The oolor baa burn leatored. and ihe fall. tuB out entirely .topped by ita u.e. . E. B. OAllRIGUES. ??'?J!'?st .Oor' Te,1,n na Coatessts.. Phlla. All tztat art ran accomplish la besnilfylns yuenRihenlnr, ihlckeulnirond.doinlnB thenalr iaeffeoled or nsiua- iaindon Hair Color Itestor- stlmulstej and forces a new irrowth i If ?.,L'0'," '.V """-rol color, and ifoderalt silky ana beanlliui i cures oandrutri keep, the ali cljan. oiiol and hea thy. All ilrusclst o'lllt. Price 75 centsi all bottles, W. bent by eipres. to any address, ' BWAYNE 4 SON,S30 N. Slitflst-. Philad'a. HOLE PBOPRir,fORS. For Sale ly art HJrugglsln. RaDroad Guide. N ORTH PKNN A. RAILROAD. Passenirers for Phllodelohla will lenvn r.eblrh. ion usiuiiuwst 3:t7a. m., via. L. v. arrlvo at Phlla. at 6:15 a in, 7112 a. in. via L. V. " 11:' 5 a.m. ll:'J7p. m. vlaL. V. " 2-iop.m. .."P. in. via u. z. a. " " 0:41 0. m. 6:'29 D. m.' via Lu V. " ' lj;sn ti. m. iloturntnit, leavo depot at rerks and A inert- "11 oh, i-nua., st sua nnn uita a m.t z:ir, p, m. Jan. 1, 187. ELLIS CLARK, Agent. plIILA. ti READING RAILROAD Arrangement of PdsscDger Trains. MAY JIST, IST7. Trains leave ALLEN TOWN as follows: (via PkliKimiRV nnivrit.i For Philadelphia, at 0.50, 11.0, a.m., J.15 and SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 3.21 0. m. 1 IV11 RiKi'P.uv, noiwntl For Re idlna, 1 2.30. 5.CU, 8.54 a m 12,'lS, 2.10, 4.30 For llniilsDurg, f2 30, 5.60, 8.55 a. m 12.15) t ami 9 U5 v.m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 50, 8.55 a.m. and tDoes not ran on Mondays. SUNDAYS. For Roadlnx, 2.30 a ra. and 9 04 11 ra. For llurrlsbure. 2.30 o-m. nnd urji n.m. Trains FOR ALLHM'l O WN leavo as follows! . (VIA rKUKIOMES BRANCH.) Leave Philadelphia. 7.30 a. m., 1.0J, 1.30 and 5.15 SUNDAYS. Loavo Philadelphia. 8.mn. m. (VIA BAST pltJTNA. nnAKrir. Leavo Reaalng-, 7.41. 7.43, 1 J.35 am., 4.00, 6.10 pnrt 10.30 n m Leave IlarilsbnrR, 5 2), 8.10 a. m., 2.00, 3.57 and 1.11 Vt in. t Leave Lancaster, 8.10 a.m., 12.53 and 3.13 p.m. Leave Columbia. 8.no a. m . 1.00 and 3.35 p.m. . SUNDAYS. Leave RDDdlnir. 7.85 n.m. Leave liairuimrir. s.?o n.m. Trains maikod thus t) run to ond from depot 9th and Green streets, Philadelphia, other .....ua.un ,, iiuui jjivuu rLrvvii Ileum. TOO B.H) u. Ill and S.55 n. m. tralna fr,im Allen torn, and the 7.30 a. m. and n.15 p. ra. trams from Philadelphia, havo through cars to and trniii Phllndnlnnln . J. E. WOOTl'EN. General Manager. C. O. HANCOCK, Oen'l Ticket Agent. HENRY A. PETER, (Successor to C. W. LexTz), Bank Street, lehighton, Penn'a, Offers to tho publio a full lino of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete Asssortment ot Wall! Sapa's,' From the Cheapest Brown to the finest Qiltr Fancy Toilet Articles, sponges, cuamoise skins, Plain & Fancy Stationery, And n variety of HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES' too numerous too mention, all ot which he is ottering at VEItY REASONABLE PRICES 1 PURE' WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal and feacramcutal purposes. PHYSIO IAN6' PRESCRIPTIONS rsrefal y and acoumtely compounded by MYSELF, at all hours ot 1 lie day and night. Patronage lnviud. H. A. PETEIt, March U. 1877. Leackel's Block. c ARB0N ADYOCATE JOB PRINTIIVG OFEICE, LEiriaiiT6'N, pa. JCvery description of f ruling, from tl Visiting Card to a Foster CARDS, "BILL nCADsV LETTER IIIADS, NOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS. POSTERS. PROGRAMMES; 1 HANDBILLS. DODGERS, CIRCULARS, BniPPlNG TAGS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, BY.LAWS.'ctC., AC,, 1,1. 1 Done in the best manner, at very Lowest Prices. We are prepared to do work at na cheap rates asi.ny office lu Iho Htote toat deal, twoestly with lis customers. 1 OUR MOTTO 18 Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. Reorders by mail receive pronpt attention. Washington Notes. Our Government la fepllng rt new dli; nlty from the courtesies and honors, Justly Its due, that merrlo old England Is paying It through Its ex-Presldent, General Grant, It seemed, somo yecki ago, that no higher compliment. could bo paid than the gift presented by tho city of London. I refer to tile golden casket, containing tho freedom of the city, nnd ornamented .with our coat of. arms, supported by American eagles and resting, on the Uaeof our Itepubllo ; but late despatches contain accounts of Hotter still than that. A special per. fiirmance was given at the Royal Italian Opera, ond when General Grant and party entered, the assembly arose with the curtain nnd Mile. Albatil sang "The btarSpangled Banner," with full chorus. The stage was decorated with the Stars and Sttlpes, and General Grant appear ed, for the first time since lie has been in Eurcpe, lu the full uniform of a Ma jor General, He was vociferously ap plauded nnd bowed n gracious respimso. The party then left the Opera llouse to attend the Queen's ball at Buckingham Palace, President Hayes having appointed Miss Ada Sweet pension agent at Chi cago, politicians are greatly .disappoint ed. They havo fought hard.agaliibt her, but their opposition lias seemed but to strengthen her cause In the mind of the President. Indeed, ho has openly ex pressed himself as being li favor ot giving women tho preference In all niatters of appointment to olllce, other things being eiu;al. , The wlfo of General Sherman Is, and always has been, a very devoted Catho lic ; and when she left thli city a few months since, everybody thought she had Joined In the Itomish pilgrimage and was going to hold personal counsel with t,he Holy Pope. She was, In fact, only visiting in St. Louis, and was ab sent but a few weeks. Now, however, it is currently repurted that tho lady is to receive fiom the Pope, in testimony ot hlsilgh appreciation of her zeal for the Catholic lalth and her friendship for himself, the "Golden Rose," which honor Is one of tho greatest, only lieing given to "Princes, Potentates, aud Pow ers" n$ a pledge of tho paternal allec Hon of tho Pope. Pius IX. has bestowed the "Golden Itoo " but three times oue he gave to Maria Teresa, Queen of Naples, to thank her fur tho kiuduess and affection with which she and her royal consort, Ferdinand, received and protected him when he fled from Rome in 1848 ; one to the Empress Eugenie, and one to Elizabeth, Empress ot Aus tria. It was said of Minnie Sherman (now Mrs. Pitch) that tliu declined to dance with Queen Victoria's sou. Tho sub. Ject was revived recently by the an nouncement 01 llm coming marriage of Mfss Nellie Cox (a great Washington belle of a few jeais ngo), who was, In reality, the ynung lady who declined the honor of dancing with Pi luce Arthur. Jt was in this wise Miss Cox's society llffc wns attended by two unrelentiimlv discreet maternal edicts. One was that she should dance uo round dances with gentlemen, and tho other that fjie should not remain at entertainments later than midnight. Accordingly, When the young Prince nsked her fot a round dar.co, i)ho declined, stating her reason. The Pi luce was.oply the morn eager for a dance with her, and asked for .the first vacant square dance on' his card of engagement,';, but it was so far down on the list that she was obliged to decliuu ngain, ai that dance would not occur again till the " wee sma' hours." , A mad doi! caused culto n corauiofi'ou on Pennsylvania avenue the other day. it was "taken sudui-ut" while playing with a sound ot children : lowered his bead, foamed at the mouth, and began $napp;ng in all directions. He scatter ed people In. the street, ran Intua house, Jumped f 1 0111 it through a window lut,Q another aud into the, street agaiii, bit one girl, aud was killed by a boy with a hatchet. . . Martha M. Whitney. Washington, I). C, July 4, 1877. Stroiis Uig Hen ot" California. John W. Sutton, a MOer. lectured b. foro the Manhattan Liberal Club, lust evening, about California when In the delirium of the gold f eyer. Among the uucuuiu niiiiers about mm, bo said, were " lilir Hen " and " Llttlo Dick." mates. "l)lg lien" was tar abovu anv man In the minim: reciun lu stature. burly, and of wouderiul strength, hM favorite pastime being bedding crow, bars. "Llttlo Dick" was n cutloslty for the ttalttart miners 011 account of his stuallntB; ai.d u meaner soul was never lu a man weighing eighty pounds, "Little Dick" was uuarrelsoiut;. but cowardly, mid "llig lien" had ,tp do me nuiing lor mm. So, although In' otfeiiMve and kindly naturally, "IIIp Ueu " got the reputation pf a desperaiii). In the mining boulders too heavy to be handled by a few men were ofteu encouutered, and vrheii they were the proprietors 01 adjacent planus were In vited to assist In reiuovlm: them, "llie Ben" .was uever forgotten, aud he did the work of half a dozen sturdy men. But niter tho boulder haij. been moved nearly far enough, ho commonly thrust the crowbar well under the boulder, and, presbiug his shoulder agalust tbe crowbar, bent It nearly double. Final ly Ihu Cook, tlit blacksmith, vowed that he would weld n ciowbar that "Ulg Ben" could not bend. Ho got up u ponderous bar of cast steel from 'Fris co, and welded It into a crowbar that, sure enough, "Big Den" could not bend. The latter remembered this, his uibi uciem, to 111s aying moment. , There camo from the States, to reau perato, the Doctor's wife nnd tiny daughter, "Birdie." fcho becamn verv fond of "Dig Pen," nnd he worshiped ner. Auougn ne was paucing or orad. ling, with a glimmer of the yellow specks at tho bottom brightening, his eyes, he would go when "Birdie" cald, "Come, Ben, I want some flowers, or pretty 3iones. por years afterward the miners used to say, between tho puns or their evening pipes, that "lHg Henv never "weakened" but once. It was in front of a saloon. "Little Dick" was tho aggressor, and pistols aud bowie-knives glentned. "Dlrdle" said, "Corne, Ben, with mo." and catching her up in his arms, "Big Ben" walked away, Tho mining camp was by tho side of tho bed of n drled-up stream. Across its high banks a elnnle fallen tree ex t' nded j tho only connection between the camp and the llowery slope beyond the river. One afternoon, as suddenly streams In that region, do return to their beds, a mighty flood poured down tho bed. The miners saw "Birdie" gathering flowers on the opposite slope. "Big Ben," returning with ."Little Dick,." saw her peril, ne shouted, "Dlc.lt, go across and get the child, and I'll hold the bridge " ne put his craw, bar Into a crevice beneath the tree and braced his massive sholilders against It, "Llttlo Dick" darted across the tree, abou,t which the waters wpro rising fast, snatched up "Birdie'' nnd ran ; and as he darted across It nnd sprang to tho shore, tho tree whirled down the cur rent, and "Big Ben" fell prostrate. Booily foam was on his lips. He had ruptured a blood-vessel. "Birdie's" mother wiped nway the foam, and look ing up, "BlgBen" whispered, "I saved '.Birdie,' and bent the bar," and died. He had bent tho crowbar tlmr. .Tim Cook had forged to overtax his strength. That Banana Peel. John Gonnerman waited a dav or two longer, to have his decoration day. ne was coming down Monroe avenue, when he suddenly decorated tho side walk. A lonesome-looking banana- peel brought him down. Ho was only three minutes passing a given point af ter he had started to fall, and when he hit the wall: he struck for all he was worth. After untangling his feet from his ears, and his ribs from Ills elbows, he rose up In awful wrath and ruado for the keeperof the nearest fruit-staud. If there were no sellers of bananas tliero would bo 110 bnnaha-neclsun the walks. and m,en weighing two hundred pounds wiiuiu not sit uown except, with grace ful hesitation. John Gounerman call ed the fiuiterer a hyena, a buzzard, a Mexican, a uiicnigan avenue street-car. and various other .vile names, ami would. havo battered Ills head but for the arrival of an ofllcer. "All this fuss about. falling down once poou i" sneered the Court. " But it hurt like duuder." protested toe prisoner. " If you had been one the other s d6 or tlio street you wouldn't have fallen." " 1 never links of dot nefore."uiused Johntns ho rubbed his left ear. " It's the plainest case in tho world. ray man , If a .banana-ueel is on thu east side of the street, and you taku the west side, now aro you colnc to fall down ?" ' Dot's vhat I doan't know any morBu" .' Well, sir, the banana Is an article of coinmerce. It contains eighty-four per cent, ot susar, nnd fifty or sixty per cent, or something else,, and niu5t bo protected. Thu banana has Just as much, right In this country as you or Joe Guss, or Sam,, Bowles, or myself. The Ope Is fivo dollars." " Dot's awful, SLudge. Blcase con sider dot it vims 1110 who fell down not dat baqana-peel. It vlus 1110 who proke his back und knocked der hide off mlim elbows not der peeling." " But. tho fuss the rfct the hard words tho oaths the qttompted ns sasjliiattpn is what the law looks at, Mr. Gounerman. Plcasa fork over aud dou't delay the wheels of Justice." " I shall sell oudt all, my broperty nnd moof to der Plack Hills," growled, John as he paid and walked away. Perhaps ho will. If some Indian cap tures tils scalp and hangs It up In n lit-, t,lu wigwam Mils Court cannot be held responsible. , An Awrul Story. Thero was once an awful llttlo girl, who iad an awful way of saying 'awful' to everything. She lived lu an awful house In an awful street, In an awful village, which was an awful distance from every other, awful place. She went to(an awful school, where she had an awful teacher, who gave her awful lessons out of awful hooks. Every day that she, was awful hungry, she ale au awful .amount of food, so that sho looked awful healthy. Her hat was awful small, and her feet were awful, large. She went to an nwful church, nnd her minister wns. an awful preach er. When she took nn awful walk, sho cllaibed awful hills, nnd when she got awful tired, she sal under an, awful tree to rest herself. In summer ,she found tho weather nwful hot, and In winter awful cold. W hen it didn't rain, thero wns nu awful drouth, nnd when nn nw ful drouth was over there was an awful rain. So that this awful girl wan nil the time In au awful state.and If she does not get over saying awful about eerythln, she will, by nod bv, ojmo to au awlul end. And this awful glrl'liyeo lu thl awful town. ,. PARAORAVRIp; . From all parts of the ouutry come reports of a very mild celebration on tho Fourth. The, Governor, of Kentucky would not accept a specimen of handicraft sent to him by a convict. A,llttleNew Hampshire girl ponred ammonia over her cloth9,t and her lungs woro so affected by Inhaling the fume3 (.hat she died. , Sportsmen may,,llke to know that deer are so numerous at the, lit ad of Allgator river, In North Corollna, that they destroy tho crops. , Two little boys quarrelled over n game of marbles in Welden, N. ('., and one drew a pistol and killed tho other. The oldest was only nine. , . , Chicago's,, Aldermen are agitated! by a resolution, odercd'by one of them and promptly tabled,,, that they refuse to be deadheads.on thfs city ral.lro.iids. A Nevada Indian, discouraged by' the loss of hU horses at -Hie hands ot' thieve, declared that ho had, nothing left to llvo for but six sijuaws and re venge. ! "I llAVft fmind If a.elnr H n.M Senator Dawes, at tho tledlcatlon of. a fountain In Pittsfleld, "not to drink liquor at all, than to drink moderately, however innocent ind harmless that might bo to others," , A Chinese murderer in the jail ab Austin, Nev.. falls, on His linens nnrl begins to repeat the .Lord's 1 Prayer whenever ho hears nnvbodv near his! cell. He hopes In that way to enlist sympathy, It Is supposed. A member of tha Snlrionn bouffe company, resentful of criticism as to Sara, their crotcFoua dancer. writes as follows to the Dramatic News: "Mile. Sara, , the 'Kicker,' Is a plain Mrs. Jarvls. nnd is never vulthnnthpr husband, while she herself . Is as good a little woman as you can flud in a day's search." Pat Curren was in Shawnea. Ohio' nnd wanted to co to Logan.. He de clared that ho was the p'eipetrator of a recent muruer in Logan, and wn8 sent there by tho .authorities. Havlnir se. cured a free passage,. ho quickly proved his innocence. , Then came tho failure, of his trick, for tho authorities sent him uacu to isbawneq before releasing him.,. The railroad, car of the Hmnernr Alexander can bo run on anv tracks In Europe, whatever, the ounce mav bn- owing to a peculiar .arrangement of the wheels. It contains a oarlor. a bed. room, nod dining robin, all magnificent ly furnlshsd. Tho Emperor sends ahead a pilot locomotve. Half an hour after the Impetlal train starts a wreck, Ing train follows, to bo on hand In caso of accident. Twenty minutes behind this is a train with the-Imperial suite, and lastly an escort of (J00 soldiers. , Tho .natives of Samoan Islands iro represented by a recent visitor as being still heathen of heart, although nom inally Christians. They aro very fond; of alngfng and praying. They will sit up halt the night singing hymns.iand the after part will bo spent in drinking kava and making themselves merry antL uolsy. Yet tho Influence of Christian, teaching Is seen among them, and the, evidence of their being benefited by tbe exa,nple of really good men are ap parent. An Iowa clergyman and his wifa quarrelled and parted. Somebody ad vised them to read "Betsy and I are Out." They did so, and at once be, enmo reconciled t,o each other. Here nfter Cnrleton may append to his poem, after the mannerof the patent medicine' makers, the, following "certificate"! from the clergyman! "My Dear Sir: I,, can never bo sufficiently grateful to .yon for your kindly advice lu relation to my domestic affliction. I acted upon your. suggestlon,and it had the desired effect, Wo are reunited, never again, I trust, 1 to part until the angel ot death shall visit one of us." i , The murderer, of, W. B. nickok, knovJn at WlldBllla frontiersman, whose fearlessness, skllf.and roanlv beautv Gen. Custer had praised In n magazine article, attracted wide attention abonta year ago. A Cheyenne cofresnondent of tlio World gives this new( account of thu killing: "Fate brought, him to tba. same card table with Jack McCall. a gambllna sharper. Oa the last hand, McCall bet J10 nnd lost, and when ho- eamo to settle. found that he bad only 7..10. Bill, remarking, 'You oughtn't, to over bet your pile; that's no way to play .cards,' handed htm back $3 to pay for his lodging, and breakfast. Next morning Bill was In the saloon, when fr.H nlnu t,ul.l.l t 1 ' ... u,, wu,,,u ....iim iiiui iiuiouieasiy placed the muzzle ot his revolver to tho, back of Ids head, nnd killed him " Tho, same writer sketches the widow of Wild, Bill. Sho has had two husbandi, both publlq characters, and both 'doomed to 0 violent death. In 1847, at tbe.age of fifteen, sho married William Lake, a clowni of hoe circus she becamn financial manager. In 18G9. while the circus was at Gramby, Mo., a loafer immeii jack Klllian slipped In without paying. Lake ejected .the deadhead, who armed himself, returned to tho. tent, inld his way lu, and, eeeklhg outf Lake, shot him dead. After her, huabAiid's death Mrs Lake took the , management of the circus, which she. conducted for thren seasons, visiting all parts of tho Union. She then sold off her menaeerio, apparatus, and "stud, and Jn 1875 went to San Francisco.' There she remained but a few. weeks, going to Cheyenne a year ago last Apili, where a little whlleafterward tUo' married Wild Bill. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers