EDITOR LKU1QUTON, PA.l SATOaDAT MORNING, JOLT 14, 1877. --The first balo of Teiij cotton rais ed this season was received In New Or leans Wednesday. It weighed 47 0 pounds. In tlio U. S. District Court at Chi rago, Tuesday, a verdict for $10,000 damages was awarded. to the Kbv. J. A, Kay, of Buffalo, against the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, for Injuries sus tained about a year ago In a sleeping car on the Pittsourg and Fort Wayne 'road. Sz.Gov. Curtln and Col. and Jamus A. and Matthew Gamole had a confer ence at Lock; Haven Uio other day, on a proposition to build a branch of the Bald Eagle Valley railroad from Belle fonte to connect with the Lewlsburg, Centre and Spruce Creekroad at Le wont. The matter will he submitted to a meeting of the stockholders. Another Spanish cruiser Is report ed to have Insulted the American flag by overhauling the American whaling schooner Illslng Sun off the South Keys of Cuba on the SOtu of May, and de taining the chief mate for Ave days, un til a Spanish gunboat arrived and her commander examined tho schooner's papers. The coal mining case of Prevost vs. Gorrell, which has been pending several weeks In the United States Court at Pittsburg, was concluded last week. They are lessees of coal mines on different sides of the Centralla Basin, In Columbia county, and Prevost sued Gorrell for damages In flooding his mine. The Jury found a verdict for Frevost,nwardlng $128,803 41 damages, the full amount claimed. The Inter-Ocean, of Chicago, pub lishes a report that, during the last fort night, secret agents of the French Gov ernment liavo arrived In that city, and "secretly contracted" with a few largo firms for Immense quantities of army supplies. Similar agents, Bays the Inter-Ocean, havo been in a few other large cities in this country and In Can ada, and "enough food has beeu order ed to sustain a large ariuy during a long campaign." The presence of these agents In this country, which Is "known to but few in France and to fewer here," Is considered "significant, In view of the condition of affairs In Western Eu rope." Married Women In Building Societies IMrOnTAKT LEQAL DECISION. Below will be found a Btatement of a case Involving tho contract-making capacity and liability of a married wo man, and as the case bad Us origin in a loan made by a Building aud Loan Association to a married woman, It In volved also questlous of special Interest to such societies. The decision of the Supreme Court is to tho effect that tho common law disability of a married woman to make a valid contract was only removed to a limited extent by the Married Woman's Act of 1849; that she now has no powers to make con tracts and Incur liabilities, except such as are expressly conferred by statute ; that tho decisions of the court limit the exceptions to common law disabilities ttrlclly to the purposes of her protec tion, and sot loosely so as to expand her contract capacity and liability, aud that the contract to pay premiums, In terest and fines, which a borrower makes with a building aud lean associ ation is not such an exception. The conclusion is, therefore, that a married woman Is Incapable of entering into a contract with a building and loan asso ciation to pay premiums, interest and fines Is Incapable during marriage of assuming the obligations Incident to her becoming a borrowing member of a building and loan association. The court further decides that the act which declares that premiums, fines and In terest ta loans shall not be deemed usurious, refers only to those, paid or to be paid by members of the association ; that It was Intended only to regulate the dealings between them and the as sociation and not between Itandthose who ara not members, or who aro In capable of acquiring, membership. The decision will probably affect only a limited number of loans madi by build ing and loan associations, and those cot seriously, but It will serve as a useful guide to bulMIng society managers In their future dealings with married wo men who desire to borrow money. It should bo remembered that the- soolety can recover under this decision tbo amount actually loaned, with six per cent. Interest, so that the loss, If any, will simply be of profit, which It might have obtained pver and above six per cent. Interest, Tho decision does not touch upon nor affect the question of the right of. married women, conferred Vpon tuera In. 1871, to hold the stock of' fhe afioelttloM as lnreitcis; it deals II. T. MORTUISIKO, only with the question of the contract making powor of married women who deslro to borrow money under tlio rules of tho association as to premiums, Cries, to. It declaies that married women do not possess this powor : Peter Wo) bach mm Catherine. Ms wife, ktiii uhlan Huiluing- Association. Error to Com. mon.rleaor Hortnawpton coontv. lira. H'ol. baen, who wan owner ol a lot ot land in liaitoD. execute' Jointly witD. ner Husband a Dona end uioitxajre 10 tho Bui. mn Association torlltoo, sue lecelvinu: tneretur but tbo Bum oi i.&u. ami auusorlbiuic at tno game timo lor nmo snares ot the stoca oc lite association, upou wnicli sho agreed lo masa certain niontjiy paruienia. IJuvjuic lalied in her pavweu a, suit wsi bro't on the iniTUtatie, aim to it Mrs. Woiboca put in bii aUliikYit ot ue.euce. MPuinir that sue bail oulv reotrlvnrilAMBi a loan, t31Sof which the bad pitmoff 'luisafucaTlt the Court below ruled in-nfflcl-cut. homing that tiieie was no fotceiu tbo uio poelhouot llio defendants below, to the effect mat u tuuriled Yroiiimi couiu uot niase a tout! act with u building ossoct ittou to pay uues uud Uuoa, but was only ihtbio for too amount loaned, witn Interest. Tola ruling was aisigu. ctl as erroi, aud so tao case has beon oiougnt ui the Mupi-eme Com t, I'lalnliff t la error toutoud that toe subscription by aiuarrica wooisu lor stock lu a ouiioiua: association, aud her rgrce. nient to pav the uues aud lines ou tho satuo. is a contract ou her pal t. It is, however, a coutrsct wLloa sue cannot oe liod liable to pel tot ui, be cause the law wulch lorolds a married wuntss Ironi KiriuK a valid note or boud to te:me the piiyraeut oi necessaries for her f amliy. or lor re. pairs to ber real estate, from givmir a died uu. lege her husband J jius tlieieih, or from coulees. iuk a Judgment, unios it ho for purchase mon ey, win but allow hor lo pai ilclpj t tu the nasi, hesa of a buiiolutt ussuciutlou uud pay usurious rate ot luieiest as penalty for uou.peitorm autoot her contract, 'the detendunus lu error (the Lieblh bunding Association, uu the other anud, contend that a married woman, uudertho actot lals, basa right to uontract lor tuj liu. piuvemeut of her uwu aepai nte eaiate. aud may execute a mortgage fir that puivose. This huvluK beeu uoue, she is liable lor pi iiicipalimd mieiest, and. by law of April lu. is y, premium putt to a building association uio o-peo.any ao clareu not lo be usuiious. Judgo Btenelt. ot the Supremo Court. In do llvcriuir tue opinion of thuc Court in Mayicl. lowlutf. suidi " llegaidiuu: tho lnor.gsge as a security lot tho uudtilukiuff ot tho who us a euarcuuiuer uuu ueutor ot tuu MlllluluK anil 1,-jiin Association, how tar basic ibe iigut to en. loice meseoirliy uirulust her separate pioier ty I It wtii not be questioned thut it niuy oo ao to the lull extent ot i.or liaol.itv, legal or eeiuit ubio. bUw bevoud tins it ausuu right to go, ruo question then arises what wus tho exieut of ino wile's ludebteuuess t llow lar was it competent lor nortoolnd herseii auu to what extent did she tnako herselt iisble by assuming to uecouio a member of tho Association, and uiteiwurd u borrower ou the terms anJ cinjitious auove lu oicateul 'the pnucipleeol luw lu relation to tho power ot a ttme covert imairied woman) to muku coiitrautsaud mcur liubiutios must lur. uuh the anstter tu I huso luquirles." Juuge Mteirett tueu quotes opiuious showing tnat u mairiod woman Is geuem.ly incapubiuof con tracilUKdeiiisuud lucuir.UK liabilities, uuu in. atunciuir exceptions nnuer the act of 184s, tno buipoao ol wmou wus to sevure the wire m tho use ud oojuviuent of her scpaf.it J piopertv, ui aiisiua by ueoessary mipilcution from uer rii;ht to own, use uud enjoy hor eciurato pioperty. '1 ue opiuiou bits "lucre is uotuinrf in it (the uet ofi&4ji,Mmca expreesiy lemuves nercommou law uisabinty to coutiact. uultss it bo lu tho piovisiou wmca autuotizea tier to paichuse uecessanea lur tho use oi herself auu lauuiy, uuu iLusiondt-r her eepaiaiu estatu liable lur the ciuim. lu caso it cauuot oo co.iectud ttoui her uusuaud t out her sepata.e esuto cauuot bochurxeufor necessailoa lurnisbed uiivn tho Jomt eoutruct ot heiselt and husoaml. it iu puiulijaiuKlaiiu Bhe cireia I luitnieut bouu, or amoitgaiso executeu by htii-eu to secure iho purcuuio money, the lund uloitu is bound, nhl.o uo herself lucui a no persou.il liability. lumen cases the aecui.tie uguiust tue luud uto upheld auu euiorceu upon .quajblj grounds, wpte veut tuo gtoss uJu-.Uoo of peimitting ber lu withhold uio price uuu retain tue lauu. When 11 1 accessary lor the presoivutieu audei.loy mout el her scpruio cstuto, eao muy. Hum tno yeiy imiure aud exigency of tbo casccoutiact for ita iepair nu iini.roTemoui, outther boia Klteu lot such u lieuns void.uor is sbelUjo fur money bonowed.or auojt couuacuufor thoavoned vuipoaeof nnnrovmrhcr seaiato estate, unless it ie ahuwu that tue mouey or maieiialhas becnaouiinlied." la luttipte.ius tho sptci.i claUaes lelailua- to tho douts lor wmcu sao aoy on neia uiiu.o. "tuo casus show that they uavoboju so ouustlu.d us to limit tuum sltlctlv to the purpose of pruleutiou. uud Lot loube.y, so as to u.paud her couttactcaim tltl undliabiil.y." Mrs. Wo bath's coutiact engagements wllh tbo association lo Which we have alicady lotcircl a.o eutuely uuidiueul tuo pilucipies ou w.iichuuv ol ihoex (.epuui ill cases rest. Tohoid olhentlse, wuu.d be to Kiuutly expand tho toutracl capacity aud habil.ty tt me wile uud. l.isteu iot boiu, upiu tcciou tn her interests would uiuvo lo o a enie. The present cuso is an lilustiution of he uisastrous con-equeucos to wuicii it would lead, in less than ihieoyeats utter she became a me moor, we Und tho association ice-iug to ontoice iiKalnst her separato estate u cauu for over tjuoo tfu.w. tho net couruiciuuo.i lor wutch wsa but little over hull mat um, rrt.ni wnut l,us been bald, wo aro Jastui-'il iu euuo uu. 1 lug thut Mis. to.oach wiw incapable of incur ling tho liabilities she undertook, to assume oy becoming a member ot tho ussuoiatioui but it docs uot ioIIow that sho m wholly etcmpt lrom all reiKnioiliiy under the morigage. itiiviun ricoivrd lot tho purpoto of impiuv.ug her sep arate estate, tue sum of S13ju. wu cu wasappl.o.l to lhat oijv'cc. her sepaiute propeity is iiuaie, outliepiiucipleeaboo Btaioa. ljr tins ainouut uud luiuiest tliereon, less tho payments made by he.-. It may bo claime I that Inasmuch as tho pre miums, hues und interest ou pietuiuuis are, ot tue act of 1&69. uot deemed usurtuui, aae is ulao liable lor these. Tnls woaiil be so. peihaps. if bhe wero, tuf gentru. capablo or ucquiiiug lLembershlpanda-sumlngtiio obllgattuusiuci. oeut loeieto. It bbe was luoaouule. u wh 111,1.1 sue was, by reatou of covouute, sue could uot i uo aauie. -x.ie pruviaious oi tue law uuuer mch iho tieleuu.utlu erior (the building us Bociallou) ias liico.poralud, snow uiat sacit associations aro nor chaitcrcd for thoparposo of loauiug mouev generally, It is a uns.ake to suppose luat lueyhavo unyauch power, Tho louitu sei'tiouottheuctot ioj'J makes It their duty tooh'or at BUted iloiea toe money In the ticuauryaud loau it In open meeting to the stocahoideia whoauali bid tho higuestpremi urn, una in ib?ciariug that premiums auu Hues shall uot bo deemed usurious, tue act evUeut.y lefeia t thoueitaid by roeiuboia ouly. IvWta Intended to rexu.aie tliedesliugs between them aud tt.e ussouiatioa aud not between it und those wao ale i.ot uicmoors or incapuuio of uo quiriuic uteui'iershlp. Tuo Juuitmeui is, therefore, rcvenoJ and a procetUiHtv uwuided lhoeheot ol ih,sdeck.lon 11 to hold the afflda. vlt ot defence filed bvMr. anu Mm. VVoloach good in law. Tae cuso will now go beloro a Jury: nbicu will, unuor Instructions as to the taw. reudei a verdict ua to how inuchisiiuelo and to bo paid to the Du.IJ.bg Association. It abould bo uo.ed that iho appatentiv exaorbitaut chum of the society tor tjjiu hi sui.Jeci under the law to a couutei claim lur iciuiiiuule pre miums and ihevulaoot aliaies aaiouutlug p-o. bsbiv iu this caso to SJiu. IIow can I have a clear and brilli ant complexion 1 Slu ply by using Dr. iiull'a i! I ooi I Mixture aud observing tho ru les of health. XJIE KEiYS. An old lady, 60 t ears ef age, visited a grata Hold iu t aautu.Tlou lOWuenip, lteiks iouutvr auu desired to aauw tue huves.cra huw .ho ou! tocutgiaiu wheuu girl. A gram crad.o wus glveu lur uud s'le urn lady wtuu luw tue wheat in Hue sljlo. b lo crudi-Ht u . a.tu wim thegreutost ease, atd i'ld tno work, in capital s.yle. A new reservoir, at Athoi, Mass, .ltnate ou ahnl&uieet ubato the mat v!uage,Kuve wayouuuduv bfieruoou, uudci tliepresdate ol a voiuiuv ot water wh.ch had Just beeu euii1 tiedluioit. 'lue toireut lushed Uuw'i 'J the village, halt a intui dlsiaut. uud luto Jltaiei' UitKis:, which it sae.iod. sjcvo.kI tuiilUtms weiecairitdawuy,the toids were bauiy wash ed', und consiaerao.e ilamage was doue to p.ub ettr along the aiream 'lue reservoir was built b, coumct. uud atcvpted by lue town authoti tiaaou uaturdiy. .it t'eltolia. Venango county, the people on Friday uishttteie tlLiuibtd by Uerepoitola plstul anu sere. his by a wuuan. It was a ou ufierdlscureieU tuat alia "004a" lull el. while drunk, u.tleoot ugallnher earn or tun Wuuua wl her soterely 'Ibe uaejtiaut suu.equeutiy demaudwl a uriuk ot whiskey at a hu.ej, kud ue.ng rums, d sue broke a wiudow ana ueaioi. UUeil ft siuvo. afir wh 011 ahesx.ppetl tae iowu, I'li.Jah Kiuain, a Wayne oouuty laimer.ou Tbursuay n sou his lauiUy and said tu.t ue wuuiu 00 uead ma.t oe'uie ulgut. A luuudcr storm was coming up. Kiiiutn ciitout tu luui hay. Jtbegau to raiu. lie went iu the p g pau neiroyuuu looksheiier. Jlispt.chfui-a waou pis sauuidor. a ihut-dei bu.t oeseudjd aud struck the lluea of the loia. moltiuir tiara aud paaslur tnrough thsfsrmer'a bony. kUUughltu uislanily ana uiso a dog that was near him. A spirituous liquors will Injure men, so npluui or luorphla will harm, fully effect the hatiy. JJr. Hull's Uaby Syrup I tue remedy for the baby. It la free from opium, Piles 23 cents. AYii.sliiugton Letter. From onr Special Correspondent. Wasalnglon, D. C, Jn'y II, ;7. This year Is one of great changes at tho capital. Politics appear to be changing; newspapers face about with out n moment's warning ; society un dergoes continual changes, nnd even foreign affairs evince n whiffling dispos ition. Sir Edward Thornton and his family went to England several months since, and It Is quite doubtful If ho re turns here as British Minister, as he Is entitled to promotion In his, profession, nnd will probably be sent to a European court before fall. Lady Thornton Is a benevolent lady, very highly esteemed by thoso who know her on this side of tho water. Here is an Instance ot her genuine kind-heartedness and thought ful consideration : near by the British legation Is n small Episcopal church, blinrt of funds nnd far lrom rich, and to It Lady Thornton always sent flowers for iU decoration on festivals, and last Christmas week she sent rcfieshments to the Indies who were engaged In trim mlLg tho church with evergreens f,ir the holidays. During the nbsenco of tho English Minister, the lion, F. R. Plunkett, secretary of the llrlllsh lega tion, takes rhnrgo of Its affairs. IIo has been promoted to the DiltWi lega tion at St. Petersburg, and will ball with his wife (a Philadelphia lady) next week. Mrs. Plunkett is strikingly lmndfome, of tho sparkling brunette style of beauty. She was very notice able In the Diplomatic, gallery during the counting of the Electoral vote in Iho House of Representatives last winter, iiecause sue wore a lint trimmed with a bright cardinal red veil, which sho wound about her throat nnd allowed to float over her shoulders. Mrs. Fassett, the popular artist, who Is engaged at present upon the painting of the Elec toral Commission, will introduce tills lady conspicuously. The scene of the picture Is taken while Mr. Evarts Is speuKitig, muaing mm, ot course, ii. central figure. This picture will doubt less go into hlstoly occupyini: nn Im portant position, and will probably make thu artist's fortuno as it is of an enormous size, and will be purchased by the Government at her own figure. A paragraph that has lately gone the rounds ot the press concerning Scc'y Scliurz, ought to tecelve souio modifica tion, if not absolute denial. It was to tho effect that he Is hostile to the em ployment of women In his depattment. On the contrary, Mr. Scliurz lias given directions to tho heads of bureaus and chiefs cf divisions iu the Interior De partment, to pay tho clerks according to the quality of the work they have performedwlth no distinction on account of sex the character of I he work to be taken Into consideration rather than the fact that It is done by males or fe males. Probably the repoit blurted from tho fact that a recent dismissal from the Pension olllce comprised 10 women and one man, and that men were appointed to fill fhe vacant places ot the nineteen women clerks. This was done, however, because the sub ject matter of tho letters to be examin ed in that particular division were un lit fur ladies perusal, and the Commis sioner of Pensions himself re'omnieiid ed that no women should be employed upon the work. The douuiuR'its to be read and copied consisted of physicians certlliefiles regarding wounds, diseases, &c. This reason is not a sulllcient oiih to satisfy several of t lie discharged, who talk about false delicacy, straining at a gnat, &c., but It goes to show that in reality Mr Scliurz exhibited his respect fur the sex by his courau During the absence of tho President and family ou their eastern trip their servants, horses, and necessary effects were removed to their summer residence at Soldiers' Home, wjieru they went dl reclly upcu their arrival here. A large delegation of colored men visited the President last week, for the purposo of Insisting upon further recog nition of their race in the dUtrlbutlon of Federal appointments of South Car olina. They argued that appointment) made heretofore have bee.i of malattoes and not of the genuine representative ot the African race. Mahtiia. If. Wiiitney. If you need anything in tho print ing line, it will pay you to call at this office before ordering elsewliero. Plain. and fancy job printing at low prices. New Advertisements. aVIUEXD NOTICE. Tnn FinsT national. bank op le. IUiiiiTOn has necl.t ed a fceisl Annual Dlvi dend of '1 hren (3) per cent., payable ou aud alter July Kill, Iter, ou original rtiielr. DAMU of.KWI.fE, President. W. w. UOtvx&N. Csehier. LchlpMor.i July U. 1SJ7. "OEPORT (IF THE CONMTIOX or" JLTV the FIItST NATIONAL BANK, at LoMgtiton. in tho State of I'ennsrlvama, at tbociosoot Dullness. mud or June, 137; i nrsouacEs. Loan and PI -counts.. $73,319 7 U. ti. HouCa to secure lieu ot uu. ... fiOuoj oo Hue from annroved Iteserve Aeuta.. n.3',1 71 Duo from otuer National Uanks 2,3 U 81 lne l loin stale Uauuaanit llankcis... ta 55 Ileal Estate, l uintlnre, ani Fixture 9.117 7i Current ICxpeuseaauci Tuxes I'ald... l.nis 07 1'remluins I'aalr.r.n 8 430 41 I'becia and other Cash Items btt 21 Jiula of ether Dsnta 4 31 01 'r:ctlonitlcurroncy,!nc'ud,j?Maivea fill 31 hps. 'o lli cluil'ir cold Tieasury ceru'a 171 43 Legil 3 VnuerNotea..... 5,4,4 11 ltedeiup.'on Fund with U. H. Ttaisur. er (3 per lint, of Oireulutiou....,. 2 2M 05 Total ..lt9, Z.U1J1UT1ES. Capital 3fcl- rsld in ' 173, buralua luud Ui divided Fronts 3, National Unult Notes Outstanding,.., 43, Dividends untiiid. .5) 71 ,Cnn oo .131 Ol s;s is 000 to 1 &43 49 8'J jumviunai uopo'iis suujectto c'gvjs. , lime I'eiuucauBni usjhisu trashier1 L'hcclE Oat.lundinr ,VJO 01 ,0 .9 Duo io other Jfatloual Uanta ,. 3. .013 13 liuetotstaie Laukssnd liaakers Notes aud 1)1 1 ro-dUcoiuued 37S 2S M 00 Total aiin.tl.i II Matt of rtnntilianta. County ol Carton, n t 1, W, V, lloirraan. Cashier of the aborivnaro. ed Ilaulf, do scemuly swear lhat the abovo Btatsaiouili truoto tue best of my knowledge awl belief. Wl W. BOWMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and swera to before me, tula Mb day ofj u.y, 18T7. TU08. H. DECK. Noi'y Public, Correct-Attest i X J. Dulling. J. K. Blokert, H, Uottat, Directors. Jnly It, nn. New Advertisements. rpo Vliom It Mny Concern. AH persons nro hcrebv forbid meddllnctwlth thoOrowlnir Crops, rnrmlnir Imrlemrnta. one Horse, one Cow. tno lloira. to erts llarness ono bprtng Wegon, one Trnctc Wft'on, one Hlelrn. one Bujtar.tcn lilvesor noes, 4o., now In possession ot James p. Smith, ol Franklin township. Carbon county. Pn the asm boms myproperty. BELINDA SMITH, Fianklln twp., July 14, 1S77-W3 IB. WIDDOSS, PRACTICAL BARBER, Opposlto tho First National Bank, Bank Stbeet, Lehiqiiton, Pa. If AIR CUTTING, SltAVlNQ. SHAMPOO. INU and IiYEINU piomntly and artistically attended to. , Patronage solicited nnd satisfaction ens run. teed. July 14, 1877. SSIUXEE'S SAIiE. By virtue of nn atlas order ot tho Cenrtof Common Picas ot Cat bon County, tho following KEAL KiTATli. Delonninc to WILLIAM A. ZEIUENFUH at the date of his aesirnment, will be offered for nnlo nn the primiso. lu the TOWNSHIP of Fit AN KLIN, lu the Bala County, on Monday, August 6th. 1877, At 2 o'clock P, 11. AU lhat certain tneasuafir. or Three Tracts of Lund, Bituate in 1I10 TOWN8UIF of FKAI-K. LIN. In Bald County of carbon, Pa., aa follows, lo wit I FIEST. All that cettaln Lot or Pieco of Land, bnuuned by lauds of Edward Uelsi, '1 nomas uomoii. xiuiei densinirer anu uaniei noil conlalnlufr 3 Acres aud 120 Poichea. more or less. SECOND. All that certain Tract nf Ijind. lrlnir nlonit Hi . Public l'.ouit leading lrom Weiasport to the Ilne swamp, aud contuuilug 13&qauro II'IRD. Al thlt Trnr.t. nl T.nnil finnniVwl hv lands of Surah FrllsiDger aud a publlo loau, luuiuiuiuk irci uuu", more or less. The Imnrorement thereon urn n TlWP.r.T. INO HOUSE. 11x24 leet! n bTAULK, lira 1K1. UUU UOIUI UUIUUIIU1UKS. TEItMH i-One-thlrd ot the purchase tnoner to be iaid down at a ile t one third lu 6 months from confirmation ot sale, aud one-third In a yeai from said confirmation, with Interest on the unpaid balance from sakl confirmation. II. P LhVAN, Assignee, sc By tho Court i TIIOS. KEMEBEIl, Prothonotary. July 14, 3t. 0T1CE IN 1J1V0UCE. EmellneTlenrlf.br hrneit1 No. 15, April friend, T. W. Stelgecwald, ( Toim, 1877 . J',; v.. Sur Libel lor Dl. Alrrldj lletirlg, J Tores. IBi-You will please take notice that tho un det sifrned has been apDoluted i 'oinmrssioner by the Oouit of Commou Pleas ot Csroon Count r. 1 1 tike testimony In aur above libel caae for liiiorce, and will aitend lo raid duties, at his office in Mnnctt chnnk. ou FRIUAx". the 3rd day of Augnst. 1677 at lu o'clock A. M.. when and where you and all other bersons Interested may attend. P. J, MEEHAN, Cora. June 351w, TO RATIONAL INVALIDS In sickness evert- pm tron of the bod avmpathixa with the Beat of the di'ordor. Wliea the slomucii laiis to perform lis functions, the liver, bowels nerve, muaees. veins, artene, 4c. aro all more or less aff.'cteii. Tltee dediaienta 10 qntre a racd i-ino (trmhlninc? the proi ertles of n si., miiouiu uu a le-aiivir a pnrvuiive, a ionic, an I bo lativeto lirinfr ihom baca to their duty t nnd all ticss elomeiita, in their purr st and most eBjouve lorm a-e united In Tr;i-.fi Iffor?n:ttt Ciltttr Apirle:t, theproit falin- Itemed.' for Indige ttou, and Its concomitant cocseqoences. etnhr by all druggists. Juno . 1877. eftTft O Gr,7 a week t.i anenf. $10 Outfit tt H O FREE. P. O. V1CKERY. AttgMsta, Maine. n ndayatbnme. Agents wanted. Ontfit iL am) lermsfreo. TltUEA Co.. Augusta, 1 uHine f) extba Fixe Mixed Cards, witu name, ice, "I) plet paid. L. Jones & Co., Nsraau, N,V, ttC - COO Pcrdiy nt home Bamplea worth psV tpaw 15-scat tree. . 6TU60N t Co., Port- laud Maine. Younir MeB'and Ladles, and earn JtL iroiuMAieivi per mouiu. uwu a'tuatlona miaranttcu. bum I salary while learnlnir. AddrcasvwiihBtimD. II. V. HAYtAllD,Oberlin.O. A CAHI) from E. L. PltUSSIXG & 0. Wo beg leave to notltv the public lhat, as msnr uuiirinclplod peiaons ieuculatinir the Btorytb.t the viueaar teceutly couoomiied by the Uoard of Health of Washington, 1. C, was ot ourmaiufiiciuie, we are obrgco to publish tno following correspondence, which exp.alns it.elt i Ult. T. S. VEItDI Psldent Board of nraltb, Wa.liluHou. D. O. SBti lias any Vinegar manufactured by us been iond"Cated or oon demoed by your liosrdl An cany reply will rrealiy oblue K I.. P11U.-H1NO x CO. ltoaito of IlitLTii. wash xoTO.t. Juae 9, 1877. E. L. Pltvss utCo, I'uluago Oontle. it'll In npU t your communion il.u of l his iite. I ant lustructel lo mfurm vou that the Board or HeuitU has "ever condemned any Vin eirarot vour manolaclure, nor tan i-ompluut ever beeu made of the impui ity cf lha same. Very respvctf ally, u. c. COX. M. U.. fcecretaiy. We wonld also submit the follofflur frum Dr. Aisen ot Mityiaau. su I Br. Mahla. of Chio igo; UMVGitsirr or siiiitlasd. June 9, 1177. I havo this cay made n Chemical Aualyslaof an avrazu sample of Pi us sine's Vinegar, aud find II Tree lrom all trace ot mineral arldsajiltne tiillio luiuuriiles. aud therefore peas. Fiee tuliihnrlo scid, a vtry injurious i dultei at'otr; olion luunu iu mo cuiumLrviai artici. la not present tu this sin-ear. WILLIAM E. A. AIKEN, Prot Cbem. hiici 'hur, lUQUfited by Mr. Prusing I auDjected a ssrsoloot his Vmecrir to Chemical Aiiaivsls. am loat.dlt peiffctlf frie from imneisi anda and metallio substances with which eommer. eta, viuegarissefttquen lya ntoraiedt ISD recommend It. theiefore, aa an euttiefy para uha esnninaitlLle. F. MA4IL V. Pa. Df. ji couciuNiou, we will add that our- well' hnueiu uraniti ot viooxau.ivo su oa tue &ost ui pub lo opinion for twenty uiue years beside having lecelied first premiums at the WoilJ'a Fair, me Hulled Males tair.tho Itlinouts.ate Fair, the Chicago Cliy Fair, lc B, I.. PHUSS1NG CO, CdlOAGO. too rniNTINO at the very lowest prlca at ' Tfir! CA HBMTjAIJvpCAT vmvK, a t, a Ij H iJ '3 a -a I S3 SWT EEC1IVBB, Another Large Invoice of Specialties Summer Wear Such as Suitings, Linens, ' A Lawns, ' ' Cretonnes, An Chintzes, , -; - ir Percales, ' ' Grenadines, White Goods, Embroideries, &a. Special lino o BLACK ALPACAS; , Also, another lot of Ladies' READY-MADE LINEN SUITS. "We will rush off the above at verv Low Prices. Onllt early and be convinced of tho Respectfully, J. T. KVSIf&vit LiNDEitaAN'B Block, opposlto Tubllo Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, Made up from the Best Material, In the Latest Styles, and Perfect Fit Guar-' anteed, at LOWEST PRICES.FOK CASH 1 also, TrtEiiEir&otr'g'SLA'uanTEn in- tits rmcss or Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gents' FurnishingT Goods. CSTCaU ana examine Goods and Prices before mtilnr your parchsata elaewtitre. - T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, Snd door abovo the Publlo Square. BANK STRggT, Lehifthto&v JUST RECEIVED St"re In 3ernmel's New Block, opposite the Pnblle Square, BANK STREET, LetifghtoD, Pa. rnar.ll-yl WAR 01 HIGH PAIGES t TIXCJIIMAai' Altai MR, Successor to D. Book & Co., At the 66 Maisiiiiotli IStore99 Opposite tho L. & S. Depot,- BANE Street, Respectfully announces to his customers and1 friends that he1 is daily receiving additions to his stock- of LADIES' DRESS and' DRY GOODSy GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &c, ko.y &o' Also, Just received a car load' of LIVERPOOL. SALT,. which I am selling'at Bottom Prices. SALT FISir a Specialty. Igf If you really desire to knbw how large an amount' of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Moneys you should not fail to give me a call before making your" purchases elsewhere. Don't forget the MammotlD Store, opp. L.& S. D'ecot May 0, 1870 yl LEHKHITON, PENN'A. Weissport Plauiug Mill to Ranker Co.v 'Refpectfnllr snnonnoe to Carpentera.Iiotfriers. Contractora'aTid othera. that batlrv eoraplacad' their NEW Hir,LH.tafj are now preiid.to supply tliemv.aSVKBV &OWEST PRICES, wlla v ererj decrlptioo'dt DKSKtl' LUMBX1II, Such as Siding, Floor Board's, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Ware, &c, &c.t Ctette Koortest Kotle, OorMicWaery 1 nil New alM cf tna'Uoet Aaprored Kmd. iothkt w h ive no liesilalloo In Ooatuieinir Perfeet Bailstactliit) to all wbo"ma laror us witti tnrlr ordeia. It toii bsyo not lime to pall and se.ectwbat ron wKmt send roar orders and tbeywlll OS flllftd pronDilr ana at as lew prtoes as tboox li roa were present Qlve us a TrlalJ-ecd yoa'wlll-lwcanTlDcedof wb'afwe sar. SOliOSfOl'PBAEU, D. Dl AUDiUOHT, WM. BlSltY. .JOHN' DlEUTf. Office'aDd Mill, nearly oppcalU'the Fort' Ailed VLoi, Wl5SP0RT, Carbos Bnty,P.nna, . Jnit 10,.187e.gV Bargains we have in Btore. Original Cheap Caab Store,- Square, LKIlIOnTON, PA. Business Suits, Boys' Suits. AT GERMAN'S! AN IMM1NBK STOCK OT BOOTS, SHOES,, A'tfri' ron Ladies, Gents, Misses, x ouths and Children. Mnnufnctdrt'd Mprejs'y for him,' . and to suit the wear of this apcllon. All warranted to be as iVpiesented' and sold at Bottom Prices ! P. A. GERMAN. ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers