'h. r. MontniMEit, LEIIiailTOM, TA.l SATURDAY M0RN1NO, JULY 2t, 1S7T. ''Governor Ilartrauft and a party of twelve friends loft Ilarrlsbnrg Monday for a trip to California, 'fhoy will be absent month or six weeks. Tlio contested election cas6 of tlio Third legislative district ot Schuylkill county has Deen decided In favor of W. 0. Felthoff, democrat, and against M. B. Fowler, tho republican cotitest ant. Tho TittsbUrg Sunday Leader says : " The friends of Uon. Win. F. Schell, of Bedford, claim that he has now ono hun dred and twenty-six delegates for tho democratic nomination for auditor gen eral outside -of Philadelphia and Alle gheny. Thero nro two hundred and lllty.ono delegates In a full convention, bo that ff tho calculations of Schell's iriends are correct ho 1ms already suffi cient to secure him tho nomination." The funeral of llackett, killed in tho recent riot, took placo in Montreal Monday, with Orango honors. All tho Protestant societies wero represented In the procession, and tho military wero out in force Thero wero soino slight "demonstrations," bu. nothing serious occurred until evening, when a puity of Orangemen, on their way home, In ono of the suburbs, were attacked by a mob, and a young man wasmortally wounded. A correspondent, writing to tho Miners' Journal (Pottsvllle), takes occasion to comment severely upon tho low standard Of commercial honor pre vailing among the business men of that section of country. Iicferrlng to tho fact that n large number of affidavits of defence, averring usury, havo been filed In suits brought by banks upon promis sory notes, he says that for business concerns, who have been kept afloat for tho past thrco or four years by aid ex tended to them by tho local bunks, to attempt, now that tho financial institu tions themselves havo in many cases gone Into tho hands of receivers, to shirk their liability by putting In pleas cf usurious interest charged, may bo legal, but It Is scarcely honorable. This Is particularly true, ho says, when It Is considered that tho rates of interest de manded by tho banks wero neither ob jected to by nor compulsory upon tho borrowers when tho money was loaned. Thero Is an extraordinary demand Just now In tho markets of New York for our now crop of wheat. Within two or threo days past cable dispatches havo been received ordering purchases for all that cau be had at current fig ures, and tho transactions last week amounted to tho unwonted aggregate of two millions bushels. One steam ship line has let all its nvailablo grain room for two months ahead, and other lines decline to enter Into similar con tracts except at an advance on current rates. The reason of this special de mand Is a subject of much speculation among thoso Interested. As there can not be any apprehension In regard to our Western crops, tho prospects for these being fully up to tho avcrago, it Is believed that tho foreign purchasers have some Information tending to con vince them that he war Is going to bo protracted, -and that England will not long bo able to keep out of it. This demand for our grain will greatly stlm ulato business throughout tho country, The war In part of the grain-growing region of the lllaek Sea and the block ado of Russian ports there may partly account for It. Dun, Barlow & Co's Business Cir cular gives tho failures in tlio United Slates for the first halt of 1877 as com pared with tho same months of two previous years, from which It will bo seen that hard times havo continued till now. This, however, Is only a very imperfect Index ot tho business of tho country, seeing that tho failures were the result ot past losses, whereas thero may havo been good business going on among thoso who did not fall, which wo believe was pretty geaerally tlio caso. Tho comparison stauds as under: JVo. ofl'altvrti. J.talUltttt riart half of 1S77 ..,...,i:,VJ iw.coi.W lint Imlfol IdTQ . ......4.W0 101-1,5.0.0 1-lr.t hull ot IS7S 3,W3 76,7 J !,':' The great burden under which tlio country Is laboring Is shown to be debt. Tho circular say; The ftaurot must accessible bhow 'that tho uauon&l ileljt, an comirut with lit mlirtouain Juki, amountato 2:10 million la i77i that tho Matea debt amounts to 376 mliliuus, i je muui filial debt to iwi inil.loiu. tlio railway debt to ul all ? other babtt to luiotlibr 1 .Wj lniltioua. uud i,uW million: iuu ui&couuihuqu kkiuu ui nation. tuoioan.o) lu.ur.nceauu oiiifruioiTsaseiuu c tun rv may be eufely t.timatM at auotbor a-0 iiiiiiiuus. uniiuijUK ail uicmj luu-uiy luieuipr, the ilslblo tudcbleduenj. ot Wdloh eomeUoau. clul cooucptiou may 00 fomuHl, amouiii-j toili vaituin.ol$:,3i&M.i4v, Tuo ouuoua caucal eulate bow lar ibo lutureat on thia sum, 11 rottu. larly paid, would abrorb the yeany piodwet ot the uatural aud other ic&oiuoea ot the Country- The Interest ou this vast amouut of debt Is estimated at 3430,000,000, or inoro than our surplus cotton and grain crops combined There aro tome consideration, says tho New York Witness, concerning this debt which are worthy of consideration, to So far as tho money borrowed is so In vested In profitable Industry as to yield Interest nftar paying all expenses, It Is no burden at all. Tho money earns Its own Interest, besides giving work and wagi-3 to many employees. So far as tho money borrowed is sunk In unro muneratlvo enterprises, It pays no In terest. Lenders tako their risk just ns merchant docs, and In somo cases loso Just as ho docs. Tho debts of tho na tion mid of tho various States and municipalities stand on a different, and yet not very different, footing from those of railroads, fuctories, mines, furnaces, buildlngs.ships, &c.,tc. Tho money In every caso was considered worth tho Interest when It was borrow ed, rtnd In most cases turned out to bo so. One other thought concerning debt Is Hint tho Interest on our various debts Is largely payable to ourselves, and so far as this Is the case, it only changes from ono national pocket to another, so that tho country docs not feel tho burden. Tho Interest that goes abroad Is paid for by our breadstuff-i, provisions, pe troleum, cotton, gold and silver, all of which havo been, raoro or less, produc ed nnd brought to market by means of tlio money borrowed abroad. Tho amount of Interest paid for capit al Used Is appalling, but the amount of wages paid to our Working population would bo still more appalling. Yet tho combination of tlio capital and the la bor produces tho results which remuner ate both nnd enrich tho country, and thoso results could not bo produced without that combination. Tlio prospects for thofutiiro nro what chiefly concern us, and theso tho cir cular represents as very fair In view of tho excellent prospects of tho crops througheut the country. A curious but Important caso, ono Involving a question of ciins'.derablo In terest to makers of promissory nofs, was recently decided by the Supremo Judical Court of Massachusetts. A man who had mndo a noto for two thousand dollars, secured by a mortgago of the samo amount, was notified by a Boston bank that this latter Institution held his obligation nnd accompanying collateral,, and wanted a settlement. This request was acceded to, and the noto was taken up by its maker. Somo days later this latter discovered that tho noto ho had paid had been forged by tlio real estate agent ho had given tho original obliga tion to, and that his own gcnulno noto and accompanying mortgago wero In another financial institution, and were still unpaid. Thereupon ho brought suit against tho Eliot National Bank, tho former holder of tho forged note, to recover back tho nuiount ho had paid. The defence was that tho plaintiff, hav ing paid tho note, was estopped from denying tho genuineness of his own elg naturo to it ; nud, furthermore, that ho was bound by the net of his ngent, who had fraudulently negotiated two obliga tions of the samo amount nnd with pre cisely similar collatcial. Tho Supremo Court overrules the defence, and, hold ing that tho agent of nn undisclosed principal may ba treated as tho prlucl pal, decides further that an Individual is not estopped in law to deny tho gen uineness of a noto Which ho has paid by a mlst.iko ot fact In supposing It to be his genuine signature. Washington Letter. From our bpecial Correspondent. WashliiKlon. D. c, Inly IS, IS77. Tho city of Washington has hitherto been exclusively a political capital, and not, llko the European seats of govern ment, the centre of tho nation's Intel lect and culture. This Is hardly ns It should be, aud thero Is really no good reason why our city should not bo tho New York of America. Indeed, steps havo been taken of lato for tho accom plishment of such results, and ns tho patriotic sentiment of tho country grows nnd lucrcases, tlio movement Is belDg talked up by prominent autl thinking men ; so, without doubt, the future cap ital of our Bepubllc will be its intellec tual as well as political centre. Tho Congressional Library, which grows with Mieh amazing rapidity, is already 01m ot tlio largest nud most comprehensive In the world , the Smith sonian Institute, which contains valua ble scientific and artistie specimens ; tho Art Gallery, with Its Invaluable halls ot modern nud ancient statuary, its Una collection ot bronzes nnd Its beautiful paintings ; tlio Army Medical Mumiuiu, nud various other similarly attractive institutions aio drawing the attention ot cultuied persons to our city as a mojt desirable place ot permanent residence. Because tlio business of tlio placo Is mostly governmental, and tlio changes continually going ou make constant changes in tlio olucrrs employed, it Is truo that wo hnvo hero no "abiding city," as iar as us personnel is con cerneil, but vu are seeking " one to comu ;" and among other helps wo havo tne proposed civil service reform, which. If carried out, caiiuot fall to exrrcie u favorablu lutluence In that direction. I cau do no better than to quote from a He 1 sou of noto In tho Intellectual nud scleutlfio world, who says upon this same subject : " If tho Government adopts tho policy of appointing its ser vants in tne civil service for Hie, oruiir lug gold huhavior, with promotions for merit, the wliolo character of (ifllelsl ' life In Washington will bo changed for tho better. It will present attractions for quiet men of letters, which It did not possess uuder tho wretched system which has hitherto prevailed. If tho civil scrvlco of tho nation Is truly re formed nnd placed upon a footing Of fidelity and Integrity, situations In It will be particularly desirable for lltera ry men on account of the fact that they can thereby secure Incomes which will bo certain if not large, and at tho samo tlmo steure a reasonable amount of lets nro for fiterary work. But tho eucour- arccment of literature should by no means end with opening Its civil service to scholars. Tho duty which tiro Uov eminent owes to learning in America can never bo fully and properly (lis charged except by establishing a great national university nt nslilngton." Just nt picscnt tho Mexican question Is paramount In political circles heio partly for want of a subject of moro moment nnd partly from tho presence 111 our inlijst ot senor .umn, insistlnc upon being recognized by tho United States ns tho lawful represontlvo of tho Mexican Ilepubllc. Tho matters re quiring special attention nru not so much regarding the annexation of Mex lean territory to our domain ns tho stop ping of the border troubles?, against wnicn tlio present Adminutraslou lias taken a bold stand. They havo done It none too soon, for tho patience of tho bravo lexans Is well-nigh gone, ana the marauding brigands of Northern Slexi co have carried on their thieving and pillaging so long that they ale getting to bo a "time honored custom." President Ilayes has ns yet passed but little, time In tho Wliito House since tho removal of his family to ther sum mer home. For a brief season, at least, tho executive family aro enjoying A se clusion that to them must bo tho great est of luxuries. Strango to say, the people had consideration enough to allow a few days to elapso after tho President's return from tho cast, before crowding Into his presenco nt all times and In nil places. Ono thing it would bo well If olHce-seokcrs could under stand, that by currying their grievan ces, complaints, and petitions into the sanctity of the retreat at Soldiers' Homo (where President Ilayes has enconsed himself purposely to bo free from them) they accrue to themselves no benefit, hut, on tho contrary, doom their causes. It' presented nt the White House they aront least noticed and filed and secure a baro possibility, in all cases, of atten tion and success. "All quiet along tho Potomac," anil tho weather is hot, hotter, hottest. Mahtha M. Whitney. Clear thought nnd vigorous action depend upon that perfect condition of system resulting from puio blood. When symptoms provocative of dullness aud Inactivity present themselves, tnfcii use nt once Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Now Advertisements. -rou Health. Comfort 1 Economy. Cork Sbnvinca aro nn.urmesi-il nj nu artlclo rot JlotU, Mut're o., Ac Tlicy arr ten tlicra as durable a 11 111.3 or -t raw. only Ucentttpr pound, l'oity li. uuM will 1111 tho lain-st bed. I'or H.ile ny AH.USiltoxo, 11110 till-. U S Co., II and 40 nisi Aveuuo l'lttaonru, l'a IJI rno ViiWil IT HAY COXCEltX. All pronq nro hereby forbid meridlinc with 01'0 HOltSU and MMUMI WAOON. now ill pn-f-eiitott ofUKOlttlM J.IN'CY.of Panyvillo C.ubouCounty,l'a.,iiH the .amu U our propi-ity. IlOMl'l i HOi-FlUUl July 21, 1S77-3W" jA-hithion. l'n. ANTUU, OtifrMalo nml Two TYmaln TnAOTTKHS far rackmui liKtrpoudout J-'Ciioot Disk Sc.iool Tuna. N'iim Minnie. hnlniiLS. $3), U5 ami ii KinmiiKition will tio on tlio uiui tUr ul August, tit rai'ktrtnn tjen- ol ilutiso. Jty older ul tlio Himrd. A. H UOW&TAK Prost Jou T. snMMhL, hco July 1&77 CENTRAL CARRIAGE S SLEIGH WORKS, Opposim T. D. Clauss", lianlc St., Loliiglilon, Pa, 1b prepared to mnnnfacluro any deecrip. uoii ot Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended to- C?AI1 work done st this wUbluthiaent la CuarnntMdtquoo: tlio Terr boat material and workmau&hlp, aud tho prlee Jullv aa low r-s the fanio artlotfs can bo purchasod tleenhere. Special Inducement offered to etrlctlr csaU coetoinen. M. C. TlinXT.lMl, II. It. KIIHIDLKU, 1". U. JlAtlr!, JnlySI. U77. rjO Whom It 3Iay Concern. Altprriom aro hereby forbid moddlinewlto tbuUrowuiv Crops, Firming Implement, ooa llorb. ouu Cow,, two Uojrii.t4o wt Uaruwa. ono bprtog Wagon, one Truo Waon, one Islrlph. ono Ilujrav, ten UtrMor lira.. Ao now la noMiMi ou (t Jamea r. Hmttu. ot I rau-Iui towiichip, Curhuu countr, ra., iheium being rur proiMitr. Hiii.INDA aniTii, 1'iauiUiu iwp Juljr II, l77-wa D IVIULSI) NOTICE. TDK PIItBT KATIOSAt. BA.V1C nv I J. IIIcutTlKM lua ciMl4ieu a Ureii Annan Ulvt- lMid et Tltfoe (I) per cent., i) utile ou aud alter Jiujr itiu, 19T7, uu aa original .UMk. 'JlAb IIAI.1R1. OLKWlSll, PreaulMt. W.A. I10WJSAN, Cashier. Lehiffhton, July i, 19VU Novr Advertisements. ' TlTOm B'BP.inWllB EI3. SXYIJim, U11AI.GU is Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods Dry Goods, Grooorios, &o., Bank Stheet, Lehigiiton, Pa. rrlcei r.s low ns elsewhere, nnd good war rnnted as represented. Jolv 21, lS77-Cm FRED. KELLEY Announces to thn peoplo of I.ehtehtnn and Viclri- ij iim, nu in fiii-i'imi iu Huppiy lUtlU with every article ot Ilouscriiriilslilns Tinware, At very lowest prices i nlso, Roofing and Spouting, In all its branches, proraptlv attended to nt prices lully as low ns tho lowest. Otvo ino a call. STOnHs Onnnlte the I'ubllO Bnlinro. HANK STItliUT, LlblllQHTOK, I' A. Jnly21,'?;.y SS1XE'4S SALE. 1!y Tlrlne n an alias older ot tho Ornrtol uommnn rienBoi vaioon Limnty. I tin tollowuiu ltl-'AT. r.-TATU. oe!onolll(t to WILLIAM A. ZUIlllFUM nt tho date ol ills nMi'nment, will bo offered for mtlo on tho vrimleoMn tl.o TOWNyllU' ot 1'llAA'KLIK, IU tlio said county, ou Monday, August Gtli, 1S77, At 2 o'clock F. il. All that certain m suunce, or Threo Tracts of Lund, kltuaio in tho lOWNMllIl- of FltAl- 1C LIN. In said County ot Carbon, ra., as foiluwtt, FlUST. All that celtnln Lot or Pieeo of T.nmt. bounded by laiid of i:dwaid Uels?, Thomas Dorwoit, IHnlel -eninger nnd Daniel Kolt coutalntug 3 Acres uud I2tl l'cichcs, moro or 1US3. Srcoxn. All thit certain Tract of Land. Ivlnp; nloiut tin- rublior.o.id leading from Weissport i mo x mo i-wuuip. auu couiuiuiu-r is tnuaro J'erches, moro or loss. TI'in.-AH tint Tract of Land, bounded by land- of Hanihriltziuger ami a public road, conmiuinguj reiciio-., nioioorlcs9. Tho Imiirovcments thereon aio n DWDIL IIOUU, tcetj. a bTAHLE, lOrJO icec nun oilier outuuiiuiucs. TEKMS i-Ono-thlnl ot tho pnrrhn.omonor to be tmid down at s ilo ono third In o months tioni conllrinntlon uf b.iIo. and ouo-thlid In a yoai from said conaunatloii, with Interest on tho unpaid bamnco from said conllrmnrion. II. ! LKVAX, , Assisnoo, o:c. By tlio Court t TIIOS. KUJIEREIl, Prothonotarv. Jnly 11, 3t. 1ST OUCH IN DIVOKCU. limclIuonciirJ.Tjr hrncst) Xn.ir, April iiiluu. J.. . OlUHJCl WItlU. 1 Iliim, 1177 t. fSurl.tuui lord- Allrod ltoliriff, J vorco. Pint Von will Tilpiwn tr.tcn rxntion tlint. thn nn iiorsiKiieil lins bt-t'ii npnolnletl 'omiUHaionor liy tlio C"Uit ot Common i'icaa Uaruoi. Countr, titiko U'sllmonj- In Hiir nbuvo Jibcl cusn Tur Utvorco, tl will aitend to t-axi riutlpfl, nt his cfllco m Nmicn Cliuoicon VIlIUAV, tlio 3rd rtav ot Aucunt. 1S77 nt lo o'clock A. f.f. Tx.n aud where ou ana nil other iidons lutoiCbtcU i". -J. :ij;ujla', com. Juno 3Mw. sill TO IIATIONAI IaVaLIDS In filcfcnra everr iHrtlon ottho hort BvuiriJthlzos with tho seat of tlio tli-o atcr. Wtieu tho Homaoii f nils to pertt-im 1U fmictloui. tho liver, bowols iifrvcs, liiu&cfos. viius, Diteno, ito. nro all moio or less cffVctcd. Thto dcitiqirnts 10 iiuiron iiifnlicmo ccmbimmr tlio proi crtles ol a i-nMu.ivuio nu nio'auvti n puiLaiivo, a ionic, nn 1 ho 1iovuto tirmjr ihom baoic tn llu-lr duty tun! nil tiCH? elomonts, iu thnr purest aud uiout tffccuvo lonm, nro uinieU In Tarrast's Efforve:ccnt Coltrsr ipsrfeat, thopimt Snlin Kcmt'dv for Indigo t ion, nml 1H vi ii com. taut coudcqueiices. buhl hv nil drupMi.u. Juuoo. 18.7. Ciit'X 0 CtHH awroktoapent-. $i0Outtlt Augusta, Maluo. 1 ndayathomc. Agi'iiti wanted. Outfit J. ond terms fxco. TIIIE& Co.. AupusUi, t f; Kxtra VisK Mixed Cards vnta name, lCc. d post paid, I, JONHd & CO., Nafsau, K.V. AC c (fr)f per day nt homo. Bamplea woitU $0 wOflW fjeentlrce, ETlN60.Vt&Co.,rort. land Mai iw , . ISjJ YounirMon nnd Ladles, nud earn jy. frutu $1) to i'J per mouth. (ood 9taatlnua cuarant-eti. Hnail salary whilo loaiuluir. Addiow, with stump, Ml. HAY WAltP. Oberlln. O. A CAItl) from i:. L. PltUSSlNG Ac CO. Wo hog IcaTo to nntltr the public that, n nuuv dnnriuclnled peito'n 10 nicubitlnir the Btury Uidt thfiVlneKaneeeutlyconuemned by the Unardot lleauhot Wnitlilucton, U. C.wa ot our mn-iufdcture, we are obi pea to pubUsh tho to'lowing correnpondeace, which exp.alna ltelt t DJt. T. S. VKRIil President Hoard of Health, Valrlnrtou, D. O. Him Han any Vinegar mauufactuied by us been tonil'catoil or eou itPmoed by your lioirdi An oarly leniy will Krmtty obliso K L. IMtU.rilNU s CO. 110Al!Li OK HCAtTII. WAtHIINOTON. Jnue 9, lt77. ii. L. 1'UUbS NU A Co , Onlcapo Geutlo. mwu Iu ipU t'tyuui tcmmunltwil of this date. 1 u ui niiructtU to iiifoim voti that I lie Itoaid of lloaita has rover condemned Any Vm. erar of your uiauchteture, nor l ai rompla.ut ever been aiali of tiiu tmpui ity f ih Miaro, Very re?vctfuliy, c. O. COX. M. U.. bee i eta ry. VCe wonM alio tubmrt the folio wtuti liotu Dr. AUeu of Mdrylani, int He, 11 eh la vt Cluoto: UMVr.BJfiTV of sum lank, June 0, 1S77. t nsvM lint i-ai" maiiM ii (MiGJitcal Auali'slii of uti dveratfu Htmple of ViiiMiue'H Vlneff&r. auu flud ltfrwtroui all trace ot uiiucral m id aad me talllo Impurities, ttud theretoie fUUR. l'lee mltihuilo ueid, a try injurious ndulteiatlon ot leu louud iu the comuitrcial artlch , U not 4 WILLIAM F. A. AIKEN, 1'iuL Lhein. uiKi i'lur. neouefted bv Mr. rruslnjf I BUDjoclod a mpio his Viin'fr to Chc-mieal Aiulvtiis. uii'i iotuid it perHctly trie from uiiuetnl anus and metallic ubtauo nlh tilth com iner tia viuegariiMi fmiuon ly a .mteruietl. I cau rewuimtuid It tltwifoie, q an eutlrly pure auu wtwtine oaiwe. jr. ra. ur. in iviiiiiimiui n-A will atUl that our wll knowu brand ot Vluemr havo stoml the tml of pub lo opluioa tar twwuymne )ojra. ixMidv hHviue tuceheil llrt pieuiiunisut the World's lalr, (he Unlid hUtw Fair, tbo Illiuoia biute raix. lue cuieojfv viij xmr, txv. n. ii. I'UUssi.Na & co , ciucacjo T01J VlilJfTINa.ttt the very lowet price it Another Large ihvoico of Specialties I Summer Weal Such as Suifcingsi ' , . Liuons, , Lawns, . ; Crotonnes, iSJ - Chintzes, - . Percales, Grenadines, Wliito Goods, Embroideries, &c. " Special line o BLACK ALPACAS; uso, anocuer joc or ijaaies READY-MADE LINEN SUITS. Wo will rush off tho above at 'very Low Prices. Call early and be convinced of tho Bargains we have in store. Respectfully, -J. T. KUSBAUai & SON, Original Cheap Cash Store,' LiNDEitMAN's Block, opposite Ttibllc Square, LEHIQHTOH, PA. Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, Mado up from the Rest Jtatorlnl, in tlio ntueeu, at liuiviisi i-iiiuiia jfuit uabu , ALSO, TltEAIENDOUS SLAUQIITEIl IN TUB TRICES OF ' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Goods. C7"Ca:i ana oxamluo Goods and Trices beforo miking your purchasos elsewhere. T. D. CLAUSS', Merchant Tailor, 2nd tloor above the Tublle Square, BANK STttE&T, Lehfghton. JUST RECEIVED St"ro in Semmel's New Block, opposite Lehigiitou, l'a. wae oi mm miw x Successor to D. At tine 66 Mammoth. Stored5" Opposite tho L. & S. Respectfully announces to his ho is daily receiving additions LADIES' DRESS and DRY GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, OUEENSWARE. &c. &c. &o Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT which I am selling at Bottom Prices. SALT FISH a Specialty. tf If vou really desire of Goods vou can cot for a you should not fail to give mo purchases elsewhere Don't forget the Mammoth May C, 1878-yl Wclssport Flailing Hill k Lumber CoM tia.mam fnllc Minminrn (a rrnrrwrntpr. Itnliriert? Contractor, and otliera. tntt harlnr eomDleied tbeir NEW MITAM, u.-y are now prevarod,to every do.crlptiou ol Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut' tors, Moldings, Brackots, Cabinet Ware, &c, &o.y On ttie Hbortrat Notice. Oar Mcbl,ery 1, all New and ot tbs Moat Approved Kind, ,o that h tve uo liraitatlun In Ouarantcine rertcot Hatulactlun to all wbo may laror ua vith thr lr order,. ltT""l"Tnotlnoetocallaul select what J on want. eod yoororderi and uey will b, flllad lirnniully. and at a low ijrice. aa tliounU rou were preaent. Give us a Trial, aud you will be convinced of what we gay. SOLOMON TEAKEV Ii: B. 'ALBRIGHT, WM. BIEBY. OUN-BIERY. Offleo'and Mill, ndrly orpoano'llio Fort Allen Utme, W21SSP0RT, Carbon' l'uiity("reuha', ." June.10, 1870-gfc STYXJBS. Business Suits, Boys' Suits. Latest Styles, and Ferfect Fits Guar- Caps, and Gents furnishing-- AT GERMAN'S ! AN IlillENSE STOCK 07 FOR Ladies, Gents,. Misses, Touths ana Children. Manufactured expressly for him, and to cult the near of this section: All warranted to be as represented' and sold at Bottom Prices ! P. A. GERMAN, the Fabltc Square, BANK STREET; mnr.ll-yl Book & Co., Depot, BANE Street, customers and friends that" to his stock of GOODS, to know how large an amount small sum of Ready Money, a call beforo making your1 Store, opp. L.&.S.Denot,' LEHIGHTON, FENN'A. ,u)ply tbtm.itt V12UV LOWEST 1'1U0E8, wlm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers