ArtvorllslasRatcBi tv .tent It to t dlatlnctlr understood that no A?eVileemeats will be ldsirUd In the cfclutAni' of TaiCiiiiort -Vjit'tbt riay'be rseelr'ed from unknown pariies'or B'rm',iit'mpe.ole4 with the Clin. .TttfollowlbfcejetmftjVlttetiW 1 i, Insertion i . i.'. .'lOCants; - Tjm lfcanthree'months,'Srellber itloA41, subsequent lasertlon 2& Cents. n. WMoitTimiEn, ruuiih.r. JfJ . jl, lBWKtlS,, ATTORrlKT'itt! LkW, OFVICE tl Oroarfa 'Floor In (ha new addition of the Manriotfitiouse, attack 'Chunk, Pf Busl'neia (rantac'led In English VriVfctrmah. lCWIrtlk promply pia'de and OonVejtnclb'g 'm-ttly done. JHf Settlement' of f-ttitri, tf rtrlbg Willi, oo UkilnIitlenofAdtnlnlntMtlon.Flllni Awuntf, and On"' Court PAttlce'earef ully attended to Licensee, Charter add Ineornoraaooa procured,' jsnd Criminal CaWmtie. especially. Eackard Orchestral Or gans, and illaipes Brothers Pianos, X ,5P.;jjflsfc Agent, Ijeliighton, Pa,1;';' 3ui.i.1874-m3 SATURDAY MORNING, 'AOUD8T IS, 16M. Local and, personal, SrgciAl; ;tfoTic-Tiiqse of oursub Bcrlbe'fs 'receiving thelif paper, with a cross1 'upoktfyftcorner near their .name, will "?ftv6,'ufty cen(s ndyarijpe In price Ify, remitting dollar subscription at once." .OuriainsareflJn.aa.vaqce, suoo, if sot so paid. . , Our.old frlepdiDanlelJlex f$. be will bq in tatvn oa, Tuesday next' with a fino drove of1 wtille Jersey ehcata! Look out fot him' ' , ( F,',P, Lqntz baa got 'em I Calicos from 0 cents .per yard upwards. Try them. ii. ' Mr. Henry Torpp,;' of'Welssport. Is enlarging bis ,hOB9e, by putting' an Uier,8tory.pon . ' The" "heavy' tombet man,'" of Welssport, has. .wonderfully changed his appearanco during the. lust week, by taking off his hugh beard ;:hls near est friends' hardly knew him. The change '.makes., no Improveirient, Ho now looks', very much like a celebrated preacher we wot of. The rolling, mill at FuIIerton, be low CatasauqUa, wlilcli had been tdle ior some time, was re-started last week. The Bethlehem trozress says the omployees1.of (the Bethlehem, Irtjn. Co., liave received the depressing, flntelli gencQ.tlitl on the first proxlmp there will bo' another reduction of 10 per cent. In their wages brfojiag them down to $1 a day.; .n i Fujler Tosti ,No., '74..G., 'Ai P.'., Catasauqua, ptogase- the proper dedica tion Of the. tombstones placed upon the soldier's gTayea, Jh'ere Jiot jong",8thce,( and designate ,tho 10th of nest month as the day , upon ".whicliUie ceremonies aro to take ,pUce. The, day .chosen, is the anolvecsary.'of the battle of Opequan Creek, n'ekr. JVItish'ester, Ya., In which battle some oftiiote now, burled In Fair view Cemelary, at-that place, particlpa cd. ' -TheTL, &M Itf lf.J U. are'ldylng a double tracWrom Mauch Chunk to Lehlghton, ani, have nearly completed' the second track from Kimmet' Lock ts, Auentown.; i i At Bangor, NorthamplonCo., a village up-oQig theBlub Wountaluon Sunday evening a week, while the fami ly of Mr. J. Long were absent to church, their house was broken Into. and robbed of $1500 In cash, which 'had been kept. In a bureau drawer, The Allentown' Rolling illl is In full operation again, the helpers having given In to tfje, .wages as before their strike. I Two coal tralnsoa the Lehigh Val ley Railroad, collided at Mooslc station, aDove aiaucu ununit ;uesqay. yortu natcly no one was lnjaredr -The LehlghCoaJ .aiyi, Ifayigatlpa Company hak'iledaVed anDtherquaiier- ly dividend of one dollar' per .share, free of State tax, payable on the jOtli of September L JBL i-". We noticed that rur friend' Christ an, b'$ ajady ln .company from Uauch Chunk on Sunday tast. "lie looked wery happy. Goodlucfc to him. AcBrloadof ilce wa4"8hlped from this place to 4. P. Allentown, during the past week. 1 Assessors are rutredtp e present At the election iioiise of'thelr respective1 election districts, on the first and sec ond days of SeptemjuriiGrpja, 10u.: u. to 3 p. u., and from 6 i. m. to 0 r, m. of each, of. talddays, tolwarnnd act up.i on applications" relative to" names to be Added lo, or stricken from Jthe Registry by adding names of persooa claiming the right to vote, and by striking there from fictitious came, of powrms wko way have tiled or tetuovl (ra the" dlsUkt., They Ae Also reqilrfid. on oeiivcmvci uiu, m ubkd' return 10 toe County -CommUsloAer'al'bffioe, of the istered ou and fer AugusrtM- Tljeothlhe'iiV ipjn. ilia otner day received 12 car loads of Iron pre dug In far be 'AfrTea! Fisher Hazard, brick manufacturer at Slegfrl4'.UrldgebJUAtock of over 800,000 bricks on "balid.i r Remember you must bq assessod on or beforo September Urd, In order to! vote at the pen oral State election this fall, which occur November 8rd. The How Coji8tltutlpn does., awa with the did tendayassesin3ent'rule;and requires .alxty days Instead. t . The debt of tho city of Wilkes Barre, as reported by, tlioFlnapco Com mittee amounts to 187,00O. ' lion. S. B. Chase dt Great Bend, peremptorily declines the nomination for Jndse.of the SupremorCourt tend-. redhim by the Prohibition State Con- Vcntlon. Ilosiys the party (Republican) with which he Is Indentlfied in Susque hanna County is upon the right plat form. Counterfeits of ten and fifty scrips are already In circulation. Tuey aro paler than the cenulne. and the paper and engraving' 4aro poorer- than, the real. Tho next session of Muhlenburg Colfege will commence- on Tuesday next, September. 1st. Tho seventh annual session of the Allentown 'Female College will com mence, Monday, August 31. The farmers are repairing and re novating their elder-presses. Tho ap ple crop Uils year being generally good. Nat. M'Cloy was before Ebq. Sny- ner, on .Tuesday last, charged with In sulting Mr. Kreiderwetss of thts bovo- ugh. He was committed to "Hotel De B'repciser," at Jiiuch Chunk. correspondent Informs us that K. 0 Strolil, of Lower 73 years of age, and the father of 30 children, 23 of whomare living, theSchall, O Frank' Acker and Jerry youngest befog only four months oidN'hoads. Carbon Is only'a small county, but wo doubt If thero Is any other county that can' equal (Ills production. -j.v uwnij nan imiiiihv 1 1 into 1 1JB-. i 11 It IJHf s' onurm nf AVltlfA I Ir.n on Saturday of last wfek,- 500fuilroad ties wero saweo In four ltfmrs and n quarter. The laying of the comer stone of tho new Presbyterian Church of Slatlngton will take place on Sunday, September 0th,- with appropriate ceremonies. -1-We observe that our Jolly friend P. S.'Ke!ser, of Slatlngton, formerly sher- . iffof this counly,lsoutln:a card offering filmclf lnttioi4miu.pirti. r.9 Tt.i.k a hlmself to the democracy of Lehigh a candldato for Sheriff. -iBring along your orders for job printing. and advertising) j School "slates" very cheap at tho Ad vocate office. All the early fruits and vegetables at'H. E. Fatzlnger'a., For a nobby'sultand a perfect fit go to Laury & Peters, merchant tailors. Neat carriages and good horses nl ways ready at L. F- Kleppinger's livery, also a few lots for building purposes on reasonable terms. Watermelons, cantelopesand peach. 03. wholesale atid'iretatl at'H. E. Fatz' Ingor's, neartiio Post-offlcei la Wash popllrs 12H cents per yard 'at . &. D. Graver's, previously sold at 1 to 20 cts. per yard. -jTheLehlghJon ScliooO?oard deslrd to state that they Inadvertaatly omitted to mention the kindly services of Prof. A. P. Horn, who furnished tho Pack ard Orchestral organ' and presided1 at tliatjlnstrumeutHt the recent opening of the new School house, In their card of thanks published last. week. Messrs. Fawcett," of Lehlghton, and DeZfelly, of Mauch Chunk, repre sented this county In the Equal Rights vouveunon wmcu assernbleU, Jn Read ing last week. The Lehigh Tannery will not be rebuilt. Parties are negotiating for the pnrchase of the site for the purpose of erecUnga cotton mil. .Tho plc-nlo of tho M. E. Sun day School) on Siturday artcrnoon i'asb, was a most delightful affair. Families desiring to secure a good woman for washing or house cleaning, can apply to Mrs. Sugden, in rear of C. n.. Bower's, .Zknk street,-this, borough. Foe family flour, of the very best qual(ty go to J. K. Rlckert, East Weiss port. Lumber and coal In large or small quantities at lowest market rates. A faw lots In Kicker town still unsold buy at bnce. , ' Laury & Peters have just received a large and elegant stock of new goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres and vest logs, which they arq prepared Jq make., 'up'Jn ttitf latest fashion at the lowest prices. Account and memorandum .books i and a general assortment of stationery at the Advocate office at low figures tor cash. 25 nice envelope and 24 Sbec good, ipotq japer fofJ25: (cental Try It, Bon Ton envelopes 13 cents per package, XX superfine quality. Theflwt annual pip nip" of the Fort Alien Coruut Band, 'belt on, Sat. urdsy aftcrrioon and evening of last week, proved' 'a most aggrea'lile one to A)L concerned. The party ljdld not break up until a lato hour In the eve' nlng.'aud the band neetted quite a"file" Loo: the occasion'. " " ' For sale a five octava Parlor Oigan (new) at a great reduction -ipply at this office. - Charles Trainer, Lettgh street, will supply you with flour and feed, plow your gardens br do your hauling treasonabje rates. Fire Company Organized. Fifty Memliers Enrolled! - -y, " , . T"f ,' ' .f Pursuant to notlco"tho meeting toor ganlze a lire compapy was held In Dr. Reber'sHall", in Lib la borough, oh Mon day evening, August 24, 1874. Tlje mating. was. organized -by, ap pointing Mr, W. A.,Qraver,jphalrman, and Mr. O.-T; Horn,-Secretary. It was on motion, Hesolved, That this organization bd known under the name and Hjlo of Hook ami Ladder KCo., No. 1, of the Borough ol "thlgijion. . On motion, Resolved, TI'Aft the5 meet ing now proceed to the nomination and election of permanent officers. Whorcupon the following' persons wcro noiulimted and declared duly elected:- , President, n,V Morthlmer. Vice-President, A Buckman. Secretary, 0 T norn. Treasurer, Frcilk Leuckei. --' The company was then fully organ ized by the election and-appointmeiit of tho following officers: , . Chief, P T-flraaKj v Foreman, A W Horn. Asst. Foreman,,. V, Il:Rexf ', rl Axe men, J P Smith," Joseph R'egel,' R J Yp.ungklti,- Pilghr RrRer, ,Gi"E Schwartzaud Gp'o-Ulehi. " Hook men.- -t'lirlstiau .Hacedorn. II Tongue men, E B Albright and M Welds. v . ' On motion, the following named gen tlemen jwere1; appointed a. committee' to draft n'fcons-tltuttoh a"iid i?y Laws:'W A Graver, J P Smith,, A W Horn, O. A. Clauss, Clir Hagedorn. On motion, Resolved, That a commit tee bo' .anpofnarfo'-waitiupbiieltl; zens ofjjeblgnUifur: Ih'e'.'pUrpose of so liciting subscriptions for the purchase of truck, ladders, hooks, 'axes, buckets, &o.ff tthojeffltlent WpfKIa;?bf ;the-coiri-' pany.! VJ.l . ft t-,.-. Tho fnllnwlntr nitmod irinllnmen Wflro appointed: 'A Buclcmaii, Ciias KGre'en- awald, W A Graver.'O A Clauss, W P Loni? and f! T TTnrn. On JjiqUo(i4 ReSQivedfirimt the-Vegu lar meetings ot Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, bo held every Monday ovcuing', until furlhenptlqe. ,4i al , Ou motion adjourned, , '"il V MoitTnrftEn, President, C T nonu. Secretary. ' . The follonlng U a list of membersas entered upon the' company roll: II V Jbrthlmer, C T Horn. (7 EGreenaWald, W R Rex, Jos Ripgelr .Godfrey Erautz, 'J ft Web))! L H, Nothsteln, Edw'ard Paetzoi, W M DuFour; J P Smith, R J Youngkln, Chns Yeiiser: Enos B Al bright, Frank Debordc, G E Schwartz, C T na"ge;dprii;:A"VV' IfpriijaaSMcYer;; ;2Jd wlrl ITseilhower John 's'Ventz, LF Kleppjnger ,P 1 Brady, P Semmel, A Graver,. I;Peters,(iiaron Ixjrum, Tllg'hman It Rex,' J ,F Moultrop,, J H Steers, Jerry'Rhoa3s, A'lJJuckraari,"0 A Olauss, W P Longi'Gf W Dlehl, M A Weiss,, A i,, A J Hurling, iHoward-Schall. kHnt,1 iF'rtdlkl, T D Warner, Francis Stockar, Jr., Gideon Rex, Mb Denhard, H W "Ebberts'ond Orlando Kemerer. '- The members of nook. ami Ladder Co. No. 1, will meet' In Ruber's nail'; on Monday1 evening, at 8 o'clock, ,at which time It-Js deblrablu that all be In attendancp('as business of much Impor tance will be' transacted tlio adoption ol uniforms, &c. C. T. noim, Secretary. I' ' TTT- Jff,! AJljpf ijie 'coal .companies, doing business, .jrvho; )Vyp.mIng and, Lacka wanna vajlpy 'stropped workM'onday, oti aceouilt'ot tha marlcet being overstock ed' They expect' to resume on1 the 1st of Sentember. Twenlv thousand men nnd bays)wlll,ilkvruioomplbymen' ilurt. ing tne suspension. j-IAta is In'JeopardyJas long -as n vio lent cough or cold riW n unehepked, Rcmeiiiberihls.andioio no tlme'lu resort Ing to Jit. Sr O. nowojs. Arabian JIlk, Curo. See Advertisement'. ' "Pd'i'dto to-'fbe' In-your shoes," said aDank'SUeet jvouiah, as aha' was quarreHng with- n neighbor., "You couldtiH cet n them." -sarcastically ra. markedj.thej.oljher, ondj. then, hired onp ot David Hubert's .handspmo carriages aiul (ook a rfde rip" tliS'WdUtltul' Valley of 'Mahoning. -IfJj-otCAplJtfjVlceLflUljigJhlrt.' leave your measure at Laury & Peters., Tdit office, Sail LBkevCtty.rAugusf CO. tltlou 9 .Jinn EluyrwirB bt Srlgham Young forau allowance'of $20,1)00 for lawyers l'ee9,lii, ier suit ayast Young, ami allowance or a tlioujand dollars per month for the supiort ot herself "and children, was heard In Probate Court. The answer, of the defendant. cou fosses to a celestial marriage, but denies that the plautlff Is his actual wife,, and that she knewattho time hf said celestial marriage that he was a married man, He also, denies the cru el y charged, aud admits to b-lnn worth lfiuo,000, and an.lncome ot SO.COO per month. Sqnlblsta fMarputlo." ,,- , Has thls.story reaelied Packcrton' p. O. yet ? I understand It has been loco ted at many pfflccs'ln the' land, 'it may therefqro to' ) b'dkeu pb 'it's, ',A "V6-. teran,1' an ox. P. Mi tills us thusi "Aheml At ono.tmqrdiirlng rpy-Rdi ministration, a "leftb'r came to this .office; with this -novel -superscription. "Tomj'Son ''' 1 1 .America.". . It remained In the office for quite n while,' when one day, a'n'lrlsh lad' came olonc, and asked, If there -was 'n letter from his mother In Ireland;' the '.letter "To my Son," wos' hhtided 'out, and sure enough' It-waiWhlm." A tnerchatit being anxious to sol) souio goods, but not being ' sdro as to to the standing of tho-buyer. 'S6nt a' telegraph to.a friend, niaklng. tho In quiry tho .responsildllty ot riio party. 1 he.reply'-.wa3, 1'Note good foe any amount." tho goods were sold and so was Jim Merchant; for1 thd, answer should liavd read ''kot" good for 'any amount." Tho Courts will now de cide the! question. 1 ' Our Swack, says thorronson ho. sings' falsetto so nicely, is.Jjeeauso he has a false sst o' teeh. Thpipunucr In which .this gentleman sings "01 let us bo Jawi'ul," Is perfectly sublime it clears.the jnuse eVe'rytlme. ' ' , I think of wrlllllgt6a'R: R. friend In Minnesota, with a,vJey,'JoJthe,.utl.U.. zatlon of grasshoppers as a lubricant, I shall suggest that 'he'havp the boxes of the cars well packed 'with tlie Insects, and that ho send mp aeport as, tp - the number u-ed per mile. I reason thus, If they make th'o . rails '' slippery,.- why not the journals. (Mr. Editor, If you "exchange," with papers In the "far west," Pleasejorget to mall this Usue, for. 'I fear tho ; grass-hoppers might skedaddle.) The man1 who sang, i' "I 'would not live always," was cracked' dn the head, and put out of tli6 ,way,- - , it is' a pity that the folks of Ply mouth church,, should ply, their mouths so much. Has It cometo'thls I "It Is human to lie, hut It (is divine to spealf tlia truth.'.' "In full, feather, 'i-blncei his, state ment, yet ho .Is B(11I moultou, . Maiicutio. Phlla., Aug. 24. Full and Winter Faalilona. T. D. Clauss the.,merchaittator, on 'LIarik'6('reet, thts borough, Is' now open ing onu of the largest-ami,' best selected stocks of Cloths, ca3slmeres'aiHl vestlngs sultablo for the fall 'and winter trade, over brought to town, together with the latest faslilon' plates. Ho1 'respectfully asks those desiring a'n easy and fash;jadejipTfrom'!thfeJbest mat terlal and by the. betj ,of workjnau to give him a call. Also, a largo stock of hats, cajis, 'bootf; ..shpijs,' galers",'iand gent's furnishing goods, always on hand; at' low prices. .. ' '. 1 14.". t I - Rcllgloui. i Methodist Episcopal church Rev. Wllmer Coffman, pastor' Preaclilng 10:30 a. m. aud 7:30 r. Si. 'Sunday School 2 r. m. Re. J! J. Carrol.'.4 'Of ;,Easton. I.. 41.1 Tl " -! .will icuua in mo x icauyirt ihii cuurcn to-umrro(undayJi Serjlof In clhe jnornlnKaU0;30 niii inllie evening at" l. nn t- . ..... . .du..,ii3ununy ociiooi-in urn morning at ,0 o'clock, Player meeting every W.edt .nesday evening nt 7.30. A cordial in vitation Is extendedto all), rltuy. Dr. Belvllle, will preach on Friday evening, 'Aue.,2lst. ( RcV.'D. IKiJltepder,! pastor, will preach In tho Trinity Eyqngellcal Luth eran church corner of Iron and North, ainptoti-sts. Sefvlcestornorrow (Sun, day) at 10 a. m. in Getraanj at 7.30 r. 'm. English. SUuday ' fechbo'l at 2. s;, m. Player meethlg Wednesday" evening at 7.30 o'clock", and 'Teachers' meeting'' Thursday evening. ' , ' 1 , Agricultural .Exhibition!. .1 'i The Luhlgh County Fair held on tlie Society's groundsj in' Alleiltowp Sep tember' SOUi'aud SOthond'Oct. lst'niid Und. State Fair, on the grounds of tho Farmer's and Mechanics' Institute, at JJaston, sarnofohysaj'aWeV' v ' ' " , Fair of the NbrtlianiptoiA'gricuUu ral Society, at.'Nazareth,, bet.. Cth, 7lh, 8th and Oth.- r ' ', Carbon county ''Pair, at!' Ecliighon, Oct. 0th('7th, 8th and'oUj',' Berks County Falr.atJleaJIni:. Sept. 8th, .DtbplOllha".(nA, . J'p.S.'T'l Berks County Falrat Reading, Sept. 8th, Otb, 10th and' 11th. ' ' Fair of the Klstori'e" ig'ricpltural Society, on the Society's grounds, at Kutztown; Oct. Otb,- ?tli,'8tli and Oth. 1 , Fair bf the Montgohiery County Ac rlcultural Society, on. the, Society' GrounUWai ALitlea ParV.on thoNorili- Penn R. R., Sept. 22nd, 03rd. 24th and 25th.. . W:. ,' i Schuylkll) PpuntyFalpfiltlngtown, 5ep. 22ud, 23rd, 24.h!and25th.,, ' Monroet tounty Fair,- at 6tr6udsbiirg, same as last above. Fair ofthe;DtryJettonuAgrIcultural and Mechanics,' Iiistlluta,' at Ddylcs town, Oct. 6tb',' 7th,-8th and Oth. nirtlulny Party. On tho 20th Inst., the friends of Mrs. Lena Ruch, of Dowmnnsvllle, had a most delightful time, nt tho rrsldcnco oflho latter, celebrating her fiftieth birthday. A targe n'nnibqr of friends and relatives sbmo from, this and our sister "parish," collected and were elo gantly entertained by their' hosts, Hit, nnd Mrsi.Ruch.; The tables we're load ed with, good things, and as tho ther mometer pointed to 0G, ice creams, water, inellons.&c.cume In very accept ably; add to thht the spirit of friend' ship and fellow feeling' prevailing on such occasions, tho affair must be re membered as a very pleasant one. i, ii. ' f . Hnrongli Iuatltute, , Lehbjhton, Aug. 15', 1874. The leacli ers of the Borough of Lehlghton met at 0 a. M., In tho High School room, tb or ganize themselves into a District Insti tute. Tho meeting was called to order and .openea' witli reading a portion of scrip-, ,ture, and prayer by Mr. Barnctt; after which, on motion of Mr, Allera, Mr. Harnett wan eloctid President, and Hat tie M. ilellman Secretary.' This Velng.the first meeting and. bar ing no regular programme, the time va occupied In general discussions on the subjects of devotional exercises In tho schools, organization of schools, school discipline etc., etc. Each subject elicit King a lively discussion from nil the teachers. Adjourned to meet Saturday Aug. 20th. Hattie M. Heilmak, Sec't. Important to Parenta. The following rules nnd regulations wero'unanlmously adopted by tho XiO hlghton School Board. 1st, School hours shali,bo from 0 to 12 o'clock A. M. and from.lH to 454 o' clock v. it. 2nd. The bell will be ruug20 minutes beforo school houis, when the gates and doors will be opeped, and will re main open until 10 minutes after that time, whe'n'lhey will bo.clQsed. - 3rd. Pupils will bd. admitted ,pniy on Mondays, when they will present them selves to the Principal, , In the High School rqom, tpt, classlfica'tlop. . 4tli. Pupils must take, the studies be longing tb their respective grades. Cth; .Pupils must not scratch or othr crwiso deface tho School building .or furniture under penalty of expulsion, Oth. Teachers may suspend pupils for unruly conduct, nnd after twosus pensions nn additional ofTenco will ren der him or her llablotn expulsion. 7th. Pupils from outside districts will be admitted on certificate from Secretary of tho Board, when presenting them selves in accordance with Rule, 3rd. . 8th. All teachers will be expectedto be In the School rooms In the morning SO minutes and nt noon 10 minutes be fore opening of Schools. Oth. Teachers' Institute will. be held eveiy alternate, Saturday. -1oriilng ees plon from 9 till' 11H, and afternoon ses sion Hi till 3 o'clock. A. J. DuitLiNa, Secretary .-O . Onr PiUtlie-SoliooIa. The publlo schools of Lehlghton have now been In operation three weeks. We opened August "lOth, with about '150 pupils, which number was augmented during the week to 243, and to 270 the week following. The number In attend ance the present week Is 282; classified ns follows.: High school 10, grammar 30, Intermediate 43, secondary 00, 2nd primary 04', 1st primary 08. A( few, more pupils; hayo entered .their names,, and then left school. Much attention .has been given to the grading ot the schools, nnd no pupil has been promot ed or demoted without a sufficient rea son. We try to make a pupil's position depend upon his merit. .Vany of the scholars manifest a dis position to study, and Ithlnk we can safely count on them Initiating tha new building hoqorably. Besides the new building tho Directors have wisely given us a'now- nnd. excellent series ot Read ers. A chango was demanded because the old Readers are behind the'ilmes; and besides, the pt'.plls know them al most by heart, I purpose. Informing our patrons. from, time to time, through the columns of the Advocate, concerning the condition and prosvicrity ot the schools. I also earnestly 'solicit the hearty co-operation of nil persons interested In the success of our Schools, S. A. BAnNETT Principal. PannaylTKiila State Fair. One of the notable events of'the year Is to take place nt Easton. At the most 'propitious season of our'usually bright Autumns the Pennsylvania State Agri cultural Society will hold .Its twenty second annual exhibition. The display civonfrultful promise that it w'11 bo-one of the very'best ever held under .the." auspices ot the Society. The entries' are free to all, The Society has wUely determined that the books bt en tries siall close, a week before the open ing, so that complete arrangements may be made ot the entries offered for prizes, The tlmo Is at that period lu which clear, 'good weather.may almost bacoouted'a .certainty, -The1 premiums upon many articles have beeh considerably enlarged. The arrangements for meetings each evening ot the Fair are n now and'ox cellent feature, In these meetings farmers may learn from one another, to the benefit of tho great economical In terests which tho, Soelelyjs so 'anxious to foster. A large display' ot improved farm stock will be on exhibition of fine: ihorses ni d nil tho best breeds' df horned cattle. Tho exhibition of manufactured .articles, useful ns machinery, or as aids to tho fanner, is certain to bo worthy ot attention. So many assurances In tlieso respects have been given, that wo feel confident In stating that the dis play In all departments will' bo entirety satisfactory. Tho officers nto now at Easton, tho books of entry open, and all applications for,8paco,ln person or by leiter will receive the most prompt attention. from them. Tha Coal Trailc u .The following table shows the quan tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for ,tho week ending August 22d, 1874, and for the year as compared with the same time la.t year; l'rom Week. Year. Wyoming.... 10,131 03 704,393 03 Unzteton 37,447 05 1,330,852 12 Up. Lehigh.. 190 17 8J81 08 ' Bea.Meadow.. 10,504 11 452,712 07 Mahunoy 0,838 15 300,219 03 Mauch Chunk 118 19 2,053 04 ' Total 74,31 12, 2,880,018 15 Last Year,.., 90,030 04 2,920,559 10 Increase Decrease 22,344 12 46,541 01 Lcliigliton tlctall Prices. Carofully corrected each week expressr. ly for "The Carbon Advocate-."" , Apples, per bushel (00? " dried, per lb' '12 to 15 ' Butter; roll, per lb .- 80-' Cabbago, per head i8 to 12 Cheese, factory, per lb 20. 28 10' 20 20- . . 12 1 00 1 00 1 1 40-) 2 10- 2 OOr 7 50'"- 3 25 i-ggs, per aozen Fish, Inackerel, No', i... Ham, per lb Lard, pure, per lb...... Pork, prlmo mess, per lb Potatoes, perbushel Corn, per bushel. . . . .TC Chop,. Corn, per.100 lbs. '" Bran " Rye, " ." Mixed " Flour, 'Wheat, perbbl.. ' Rye, per 100 lbs.... Oats, White per bushel. . 751-.. " mack, per Dushel Hay,, per ton ,. 20,00 Straw; per bundle ,., 30, Coal, chestnut, per ton ; . 4 00'' " stove, per ton 4 50' Hides, green, per lb.. ....... ...5 to 7c Calf Skins, each 1 25 to 1 GO.-, Sheep Skins, killed this mo., ea.50to75 - Closing Prices of DkIIavbn & Towns-.-end40 South Third Street,, Phlladelf -4 plila, Aug. Iba: U. 8. n. 1881 V. B. 5.20, 180 . U. 8.6-20, 1804 . U. 8. 5 20,1805 . U. 8.6 20,1805 J. it J. U. 8.5 30,1807 . U.S. 6-20, 1808 , . V. 8. 10-40 V. . Carrehcr.'Ca . . 12V? blJ. . 13j2 Ud. . lejjbid. . . 17)iMd. . I4V2 Ml. . 17K bid. U. S.,J', 1881, new new , . iz'A. um. aiked) t'enneviraoia K. Phlla. t Uaadln; It. It. . . 6lU bid. nit B. n. bid.' aikad. Uhljh Vallejr lUllroad ., til bid. bid. bid. Nar. Co." . 45 UultoCoropanleeofN. J. 125M bid. 120: atked. OoUl ..... lUil.V bid. lOOuked, Sllrer . . .'105 bid. 10T ekedi Special Notices. A 18U liked. 12VJaiked. -IS aiked. ., 17J4 anked.' r 17?? ailced, -lStlailtiHl. . HJi aiked, i i . aiaeu. !0IIATcIREl Mlshler'sHjrb' - lllttera Is no t a bererage; bqt a (trlctlr medicinal ' preparation, more tljorouj(h,ljr adapted, to (befao)?) . of thu general public than any other lo the mar-, r. ket. 'Unlike all other olle'd,ltemeafij,lrtt're:,'U paiyd under the direct personal tupinliloa cT-na" i eminent rhjilclnn.-8. II. HsrtmuD, M. IT.theieu. lor proprietor,ls.ajragular.graditataprjbe Jelter aon College of Philadelphia, and a prattle log phyflclau of lr;o experience and extensile" practice. In inch haojl tha public ma; teit'ai- ) aured that Mlshler'a Herb lUtte'i Ii compound-id l In strict accordance with correct Pharmaceutical principle!, and that none but tbecholceit Ingred Unti enter Into Its composition. Its Immeose aale alone Is coocluslre proof that It DOfisessBS merit of a hlirh order. alAn-hAni. bankersgdergjinen, lawjern, clerks and others en gaged la sedentary occupations, eiperleucTtltf"'1 wusuer.m euecia in reiierag,ineaepresslon cans rl ed bj aerare mental labor; rhllo the' mechaulc, farrnvr and laborer, find their bodll Tljor restor ed tike' magic by Its useL At this aoaHoa of the year when .Diaaaaou.- 1 Csahps, Coucsaud kindred disorders, caused by eatlog' nnrlpe fruits, Imprudent Indulgence In i cold drinks, (-, are preralent, a certain, tpedy and; effect oal remedy will be tound la Mlshler'a Herb Ulttere. 'The depressing feeling of Languori or Debility. Incident to the '-heated term," Is at once remoTd the energies restored, and tew llle'and rigor Im parted to the prostrated system, by Its use, In Urircrtu, Hiib CONruiNTand Arrxctiotii or jut KioMtii It Inrarlahly norks like a charm,, It Is not a' drastic purge lior beady sttmulaot, Itoleot In ItsoperatkMss bnt .t Is almplyauatural i remedy, thoronghly adapted tcw.ojiiit iiatare. It supplies tone to the atoauacis,'retailgoniea tlie 'dl gestire organa, stimulates the secretions, and pre- looting a regular action of the bowrls, enaolea O'ury f man of the body .f perform Ita aUoUed srork regularly and without Interruption, It la the unerring certainty of desired resuKfat." tendiut on Us use, coupled with tbs fact that his profeulott, that his reudered Mlshler'a Kerb UIU tersao popular, aud at familiar as 'a-bousebold word. TuoustNcs 0r JloiutRa all orer the, land hare found It to be the safest aud best remedy for use In their families; they not only gtrett with , perfect saMy to eten the youngest chUJ, but when used with caution and It the aalect meanaof eesonngictr owh health and freedoq fium. the weary aches and pains Incident lo their sex. ' Per fectly harmless, It Is Just, tha raoxedy needed by theu toeuable Nature to perform her tuucUoua naro(,rtyii!rijoadw'fteu tnoenrenMnor. Na uor suoc-ld e wiiaotit it It she would poateaa ;-- -t uius auucueeriui spirits Inseparat, from sound health, jit It aoid, & tu f.rusii and ueoerai iiealera; It Is naaUr put UD la sqiiaro UUu UaiUea,euc(osl In yVaw wraiC pr. Ills not sold on Draught, belnir itrtidw not sold on Draught, being, HrfcOy a maiscaf 'fffpurailoii.and .asaucb is endorsed by ifthemoi-teinlaetptiyalcUnaaftheeouD.. x mauy ol try. 'Aug.s.'Wt 4m. Tnpo Worm;. Tario lyorm! Tape Worm remored'la from 2 to 3 hours with haraifeu Vegetable Medietas. The worm pasilng from the sraiem allre. Mo fee asked until the en eutlre worm, with bead, pataes. Medicine harm- iei, can raier inoasiamtciea to tne resioenu or this clty.whom J hevecured. Atmyomoeoan be seen hunuredl of speolowas, measurlog fromt'a to lU) feet la length, Viny per cent, er cases of Dyspepsia and disorganisations of the IJrerara caused Pj atoniacUtaad etker worms existing In the allmeatary canal. Worms, a alseams at (h mont dangerous character, are so little underlined, by the medioAl men of tha laent day, OaJ) and. see the original aud only worm destroyer, or senrl for a circular which .will, cite a! full nVairlatl, and tmatment of all kind, of worms, eneloae I ct. stamp for retara of the aame; Vtt K. Kviu. tM North Math Btieet, fhlladelphla. Pa. .,Affi..n.k. n.l(fu.l ati-SKar, PIN and STOUAUU woaua alu . lmoTe4. 6pt.,UTlj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers