n. V. MORTIIIMKn, EDITOR. I,ElliailTO.V, PA.l SATURDAY MORNINII AUGUST 29, 1874. The Secretary of tho New York Hoard of emigration estimates that tho total number ot Immigrants to tills country during Ihe present year Mil be about lM.OOO, This Is 183,000 less than Id, 1873. There ts'nbthlng taking place In ref erence to tho. Row case at present, ox oept tho mailing Of' ,ai pottal card to, postmaster; aud.others having upon It, a likeness of the stolen .boy, and an an nouncement.ot a reward of, $20,000 for Ms recovery, with a full description of the child. The Pittsburg .Commercial says that n largo amount of money has been bor rowed In oxd around the. city during the last thirty or sixty days upon col lateral of pig Iron. This: Is n , usual thing nt this ttmoot the year, but the Ftitl fostered hope of rapid Improvement in the prices of Iron has had a tendency to Increase (he. volume of transactions of this, description considerable beyond, the habitual limits this summer. Hold ers of Iron and its, products express themselves as full.of confidence in a rapid and considerable rise tj take place early In the fall, consequent.upon the demand from jobbers and others who require to lay in full stocks, orp the colder weather sets la. A Washington dispatch of the- 24th, cays it 1ms been ossertaincd from a re liable source that Spain, Instead ot car rying Into effect the understanding of the Fish-Polo protocol, namely, to in vestigate the conduct of thoso of Its au thorities who havo infringed on the Spanish laws or treaty obligations, and to punish those who may have offended' have made a demand of Indemnity in the affair of Virgtnius, and for other alleged wrongs suffered by Spain owing to tho filibustering expeditions fitted out in this country, and landing, or at tempting to land man and munitions ot war on the Spanlih-Ameiican coast. To this demand our Government has replied In firm but courteous, terms, as serung tne untenabiencss of ,the, , po sition of the Spanish Government, and reminding it ot Jhe , remissness or the inexcusable delay In making reparation for the wrongs suffered by. American citizens in person and property. The latest information from Minister Cusblngistha,tiells8tfll pressing pur demands on Spain. It seems, certain that the clau Be In the protocol provi ding that reciprocal reclamations thall be the subject-'of- reconsideration be tween the. two governments will not end satisfactorily, in which case.itiwlll, be come tho subject. of arbitration as per agreements, providing the. constitution al aisent ot the Senate of the United States shall be gYvon to t. Politics and the election canvasses are beginning to get lively agalri. Num erous States conventions are now being held, and with next week1 will open tho usual Tound of 'antuinri elections. Owing to tte fact that the Fortytfourth Congress Is chiefly chosen this fall, the approaching elections will, be animated, and In roost ot the States an exciting canvass' Isanttcipatod. Vermont, opens the series next Tuesday, Septemper 1st, a Governor Ming chosen there as well as Congressman. On September 2d, Wyoming, and on the 8th, Cdlorodo lect delegate to Congress. On the 14th, Milne choses n. Governor. On' en October IS th elections are held In Ohio, Indiana, Iowa arid Nebraska, the latter Bttto electing a Governor. that is the day an which our Pennsyl vanla election would have been held had notthe new-Constitution postponed It until November. Georgia votes Oc tober 14th, for' a Legislature; South Carolina the' 21st, and West, Virginia the 22d, LoultaBna holds her election November 2. On, November 3,, which Is the "Tuesday after the first Monday lo November," the series closes, but on that day the bulk of the autumn election aro held the, commonwealths that -rota being I Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida. Georgia, Illinois Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Ma&sa chusctts; Michigan, .Minnesota,, Mis souro, Nevada.New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,, .South' Caiollna, Ten nesee, Texas, Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, and Washington. In twelve ot the above States Governors aro to be chos en. Prof. E. D. Elliot.of Washington, has prepared some curious statistics of tho cost of "the" National Government per capita, uniltt different administrations The statlbtlcs aro not strictly speaking for administration periods, but for four fiscal 'yetrs approximating tho different President 111 udmlnlstruUouj. Except In consequence of wars, the cost ot the. Gover nment pejLcaiJta does, not appear to vary grcatlycven dyrTngextejided, period, of. years. 'Thus, tb'e cost per head from 1701 to 1702 was 38, from 1702 to 1700 $1.20, for tho four years ending In 1800 $1 -CO, nnd for tho four years ending In 1804, $1.47. Tho four years ending in 1810, Including the war, period, raised the cost to $3.05, but tho cot was soon reduced again, nnd did riot during anyone period exceed 81 87, until the .Mexican war period, when it readied $2,05. In the two terms Im mediately prececdlng tho rebellion, tho cost Increased tn $2 33 nnd $2.23, nnd In the first four years of tho war they mounted to 425.10 In currency, or $10.70 In gold. In tho four years of tho Lincoln nnd Johnson administra tions, tho cost was $10.83 In currency, or $7.70 In gold per head. During the first term of President Grant, tho' 'cost was reduced to $7.37 In currency, or$0. 37 In gold. If the expenses growing out of the rebellion be deducted from this whole cot. the expenditure per capita was only $1.00 in cilrreney, or 51.UU in gold, being no greater in fact than tho cost per capita during extend ed periods of peace In the first half cen tury of tho nation's existence. The Pelinej'lvnnlix Democratic Con-' -vtiitlon. Pittsburg, 4ug.!20. Tho Democrat ic State Convention was called to or der at 11,89 a. m. to dny ,n Library Hall, by,Dr,,Xeblngcr, chnfrman ot the State Committee. He said it devolved upon the delegates to put,- before thb people, a, platform of principles of the Democratic faith, and it remained, with the Couvent'on o decide whether the old Keystone Slato would bo wheeled into tho Democratic lino or remain with tho Republican party, Applause; The calling of the roll showed that there was a very full representation of chosen delegates, but in some instances substitutes were announced, while there were a number, of contested seits. i-The Hons. Vftn. A. Wallace and J. Ellis' wero nominated lor tomporary Chairman, Mr. Wallace representing Mr. Boss, nnd Mr. Ellis representing Mr. Dnllis for Supremo Judge. A viva vnqe vote resulted In tho choice of Mr. Wnllace, by 739 to 03, which was af terward made unanimous. M. Wallace was conducted to the Chair by Mr. Ellas and returned thanks for the honor conferred upon him. lie said he would not speak upon tho Issues of tlio day, but would ask tho aid of tho convention In tho enforcement of tho rules that may bo adopted. He Invok ed a spirit of harmony, and also the, outspoken utterances of tho principles of iho great party. William H. Wltto presented a rotolu lion that a committee of one from each Senatorial District bo ap.mluted to which 'all-resolutions hhali' b6 referred without debate Carried. Committees on .permanent organiza tion and on resolutions wore, then se lected and the Convention took a recess until 4 f. m. The Convention reassembled shortly after 4 o'clock this aflernooa, when the Committee on Permanent Organization presented, their report recommending tlio lion. WllllamiA. Wallace lor per manent Chairman with .a I.-urj number v(0 -Presidents and aeoretarlef, which was adopted. The report'of tne Committee on Re solutions was railed fori but It' was an nounced that they would not-bo able to report until to morrow, morning. rno convention men procccaeu io ballot for candidate for Supremo Judge.. l'lve, ballots were taKen. On the fifth ballot the voto for Ross was bue-thlid of tho total vote, cast. During the ballottlng considerable ex citement prevailed. After the announce ment of the null ballot a motion was made to adjourn: until 0 o'clock to-mor row morning. This was reilsted by the Ross element, but was carried Dy a vote of 133 against 100, and the Con venlion adjourned until ttiat time: Among tho Important features of the platform which it is believed will be adopted are tho demanding ot restric tions upon, national!. banks nnd the de nouncing of tlio attempt to procure de cisions from the Supremo Court ad verso to tho new Constitution, atii determi nedly opposing mixed schools, believ ing that the co-education of whites "and oibcks would be detrimental to bptii.ra. ces. Pittsburg. 37th At 9. o'clock this morning, and upon'belng' called to order tho plan of operations was at onco pro mulgated, John R. Reed, (of Phlladel phta, withdrew tlie name of Mr. Dallas., Mr, nictormicK, or Indiana, withdrew the natno of Mr. Clarke. Mr'. Jiinei. of Erie, withdrew the name of Mr. Turk ey. Colonel Dechart, in withdrawing tbe uamo of. Judge, Ludlow, said that tne mends or tins gentleman oui not en ter into contest for delegates anywhere except in Philadelphia, oud dwelt upon tlie magnanimity ot a great pirty to wards one wno nau borne tnouuraen or tlie champaign. Rut ho now, on behalf or nis menus, witnarew mar. genne man's name. Upon this withdrawal there was great opplause. The fight was now squarely between J. yt. Wood ward and Henry r. koss. XSallotlng was at once proceeded wltn The 'result was as follows: Woodward 128: Ross. 108. The next .business In order, being tlio nomination tor lieutenant uuveruur. tho names Of fifteen gentlemen were presented. Win. H. bowdert, on the ftrst.ballot received 30; II. M, North Lancaster, 80; James II. Stewart, Allegheny, 27;' Jacob Zelgler, of liutler, 27; John S. Morton, ofPhlldelphla, 80 tue oiuers ubiuk scauereu. J-'IFTU BALLOT., Latta 145 Sorvden -. Kane 52 8 The nomination ot Mr. Latta was then made unanimous. On the re-assombllng nt 3,10 i ji, Jubtlco J. Teninlo, of Gieeu county' was nominated for Auditor General and General Win, .McC'audless, Philadelphia, for Secretary ot Internal liuaito. The report of tlie committee on ' plat form was aduptuiU: and conventional! Journed sine die. Wtit nrnncli Campmeelliig. To the Kdltor of TncOiRpoi Anrocarit Dkah Sin, It haj been my good for tune since, I left Catbon County tn meet' Sorao fino people,' and see n great many; flnq sights. But I' must Say that never, have I had a finer time limn I had on Thursday last, on tho Camp grounds of tlie West U rancli camp meeting nsso elation, now being used by the Metho dlsts of Clinton County. I took the 0 o'clock train for Wayne Station and after a 11 vo mile ride along tho banks of Pennsylvania's, gran.de.-t stream, viz: Susquehanna river, we1 ar rived at Way no. Tho villago is by no means largo or eveii attractive, but to have seon tho twenty-fdur' licensed hack standing in rotation: one would have thought a great city lay In tlie distance. A wall: was proposed, In pre ference to a ride. After wo had walked a mllo In the dust my companion called my attention to a large frame structure a quarter of a mllo distant which he In formed me was tho Tabernacle and that our journey was nearly at an end. Very soon three or four'snuglookfig'cottage? half hidden among tho Pine met our gazo, in a few moments rtore wo wero on tho grounds. Tho Tabernaclo was Visited, a, frame building furnished with a gallery all around; it.ls.usod when (he1 weather will not, penult religions ser vices to bo held out of doors. Passing up West Branch Avenue wo come 'to the restaurent, the telegraph and news of fice, tho baggagq rooms; arid then, to tho Circle, a largo, open s,quro where services are held; along the outside of the circle two-story tenis, (wooden) with sheots hung up in plard of doors, some finely carpeted, with -Brussels, (reminding one of tho manner In which their occupants llvo wheu at. home.) from the little avenues of MeElhutter., Susquehanna, Vest Branch, and an other one (unknown to me) the circle has a capnclty'of holding a thousand or more people; mo Aumtoriuruai onoenu is n frame structure two-stories nign, the first floor la oren and H furnished ittlfl. n ipAtlliir. ducli'. rtr.inii nnfn. anil chairs. .The beCond story is the, sleep- ing npartmeuta of ministers not occupy- inn tents. Walklnu out McElliatten nvennp to Ctlntnn nlnen wp visited the nvenne to unnton piaee v.e yisitea i gai house, a small frame building res-1 einhllng a witelllnan's Shanty .on, a rnllrnirl. n-.oQlni. ,l..vvn Purest nvenun ,rauroau, passing u.myn forest, nveiiue wu came to tho butcher Shnrl; and the btOI'O Where can 111) found bread, pota- toes, apples aud everything neearui tor niau's substinance; the inner mau can bo satlstted without nnydllllculty. Twoi noardlng tents ami a restaurant mien 1th every thluir found In ait rate eating saloons, so .tempting-it looked tnat 1 Had to ,go In. The afternoon was spent in the woods. In tho evo- nnlng tlie circle remli.ded one of a park was lit up wltt; cas all around. Tlie rldu home was a lovely one, Ihe moon , wan at its. height of brightness; the river was calm; the cars 'sped on; and before we were nwaro of It, Lock 'Ha- ' veil was reached, our homes sotmht, and then wo lay down to a peaceful slumber. Tho recollections of n day spent nt Wayne will always Jin t a placo In our memory. SlONOIt lA'.E Lock Haven, Ph., Aug. 24, 1874. Havana, Aucust 20. Advices from Porto Ulco of to-day report that there was a terrioio earinnunKo on mat is land thls'.morning. Tlie housesrocked frightfully to and. fro for two minutes and people rushed from houses In the, wildest alarm. New Advertisements. .22(1 Annual Exhibition OP THE " (. a. State Agricultural Sojtfy, FOR 1874, will bo held 'at! e;aston, penn'a, Commencing September '28tk, ; 18,74, -Books of'Entryciuse.SFPTESiBEHia. Competition is co-extensive 'with" the United States, ana tlie citizens of that several States aro cordially Invjted to coropeto ror our prrzes. ,or fremium Lists nnd otlier information apply' t6 clther.of the undersigned.' '' J, It. KBY, President. D. W. teller. Itec. Secretary. Eltrl'ige McconKey, yor. secretary. A. IK Graver9 BANKtStreet, LEHIGHTON', are now offerlnc Fall and Winter comprising DeLalnes, jlpacasj Satlnes, Empress yioths, &ct, ana a.ruii line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ' CARPETS, ' OILCLOTHS, 4c, at roirjiiAit trice:' ' They also cal particular attention to their Imnieiiso.sfock ot Ladles', Cjent's,, Misses' nnd Uniiareirs Gaiters & JlnoTbers, manufactured especially for the. trade of this 8ectlou,at')Low Price Our stock.of GrocorlcjSi flour.. li'uvUloii8,Quveiib-arJiual U'ooil auil iyu'v Vitro,,&c,i Is full and compjefe in, oyery depat.fr; meut, and gpud. find prices aro sure ffi putt, A trial, ls-respecttuily .svllcited. nog 23 mq 3 UST-look 'ntj her Hair I Why I thoushtlt was turning' Grey?' SO it until illo got 'a Uottle of tilat now Ualr.Uentorr, a( Durllg'eDrug Stote. The moit Wonderful Dlecnvery of the 101 h Century. 3D 33.. S. p. HOTATE'S Arabia I.Millc .Cure 1 ,(,', FOR'CbNStf'MlVTlON,' " An all TjlHitiii' or th TIinOAT, UIIKST 'an MINUS. (Tbe only Meillclfle ot ID. kind In the wnrM.) A SU:isTiTUfn roil Cod Liter Oil. Permanent!; cures Atthma, EronchUK Inrlpl ent Consumption, Lcim ut Voire. fttiurtneM of HrfAlli, UaUrIL Croup, Coujh!, Co di, 4c, Ian few day. 1)11. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian Tonio Blood Purifier, Which niFPUltj rrgm Wl other praparittluni In ItnlMMiDHTR Aciira upon Ihe M hll,KIDNKT8 nd IIIaIOU. It la purely lewtahle, and etoanMa the KJitem efall tinpu idea. Iullda up, and inakea Pure, Illea lllooiL. IfcuroiScrnfulou.i DIiwki of nil kinds, Mioieii'CuniitlpaHon.nnd ft'SulIe the llawell. For"UBSKKAL JttmilUTV." "1.0 VIl'ALITV," and 'I1U0KBN.UOWN CONSTITU TIONS," 1 "challenge tho 19th peutury" to find lt equal. Eery tio'.tle Is worth Its wergbtln gold. lfct,tl.0 per bottle., S. 1). HOWE'S Arabian Liyer Pills. They cleanse the Utor and Strtm-ich'lhorousblyi remote Conitlpitlont contain no raloinel nor auy other Injurious Ingredient, and act quickly upon these organs', without proiluclng'any piluop wek nessi Price 2S rents per hox. CO.NSUMPTIVUS Ebould nseatl three nf Ih" aboTe Mcdlclnea. ,bld by'AjJ. DUIlLINaUrutfjUt, sol Agent for I.ohuUton, P, Dr. S. D. IIOWB, Solo Proprietor, lot Chambers Street, New York. apr. lt,1873.ylf 51ns. LANE'S Cfrtaln Care, for Ingrowing Nalla Tho Acme Shirt. This is to certl y, that Messrs. Laury,& Peters Imvi! taken lniriictloiia in theuo of the ,Acino Slilrl System, add aro' fully quail, fledland nuthnrlzod to. uUjnufnoturo tlio Geomo'rlcally-Balanced Shirt in the Borough of Lelilghton, Signet!, l'rof. W, M. Dij.dine. Qcntlemen desiring a handsome tilting Shirt should leave their measure at the post oflice uullillnif. LAimy,& TETKBS. June 20, 1874-m3 ' Piles ! Piles ! ! Piles ! ! ! Pllos. Tntern.l. F.xte nat. lllecdlnz or Itrblnc, rM n,V whu are' uirrtui.to ennugb to bo aiutcted 1 with IU The a!plfs nights, the uncomroflablo ly"J tlie Jiti.vrrt ! "f the sulTrer Iwar wit- njt,ottnBl,lleI1Uy()fBrip!ii1,OT,1eri,nceiiwha trnut,ied.wiih (hi preT.iiiiiig divam., Tbepuc- . ce of Brta" Pile llemedy as a p-sltlve cure its unequalled In, the annuls or nfrdlcliw llelllls, mm'llu WJW1 avli u, directed. ti Immense dra.md tor thls'great rmedi Is uuparMld. I'TIi1 nsauds are usInaU wltn thy most .KuUUrlory rHSulU. 2old hv A. DUUL1NU, drullt, he "bUbtoli. may v iy AT PRIVATE 'SALE. Tho Lehlghton School Board riow offer, nt-Prlvote Sale, the following do scribed valuable B13AL ESTATE, bo Ing it portloi) of, tlie Public .School Pro perty of the Borough of Lehlghton', to ult : One Lot and Building, situntt'd on the corner of iron nnd Pino btreets, and bounded alid described ns follows :' On thu north by Iron street ; west by a common alley ;' south byn, lot owned by Jowpli Oburt, nnd mat by Pino btreet. Tlie lot U 00 feet front by 180 feet I) Inches In depth. Also, TWO LOTS, Numbered 153 and 151, situated on Pine street, In said borough, bounded and described its' follows': On tlio west by Pino street; south by lot No. loo; pas', by Wrfst alley, audi north by Cedar al ley. , aid lots, being each 00 feeUro,-t by IB!) feet 0 Inches in depth. 4'so, One Lpt ana, jBuiiamg, Situated on Northampton street, and Known as tuo, ooutu .ieuigjiiuii, ouuoui Property.' Alto, t2T Vor terms and further partlcu lars,; apply to either of the under-daned.-' .JOHN S.tiLEN.TZ, President, t A J, i)UULlNG. Socretary. Dit. NTH. ItEBEIt, Treasurer. Lehlghton, May 2, 1874. UUlEiMA & CO.; , BANK STREET. Lehighton,' Pa MILLARS and Dealers'ln" All kinds of GRliN Uouglit, and Sold a'tf Regular Market Rates. Wo would, also, respectfully Inform our citizen, that wo aro now fully pre pared to supply them witu tuo Froth any Mine desired n't the, VEUV LOWEST rUICUS. 'm. UEILMAN & CO. July1 25th, lt74. IIY, OII..W11X will yousuuer with tliAt Counlior Cold? when relief niit'y bliad lnmedlately by nlng 'DURLING'S'CompOund Syrup'of Tar illld Cherry arid lloretioutul. TB71ST.4TE NOTICE, Estate bt Rqbert Pliifer, !te Qf -Piirryvllle. CarhAh Coiinty, Pa., dee'd, (all peisons indebted tp aid estata are rcaueoted to make Immediate payment,' and thoe .liavlug claims will, present them without dloy III proper order for ..ii ii, i ' ' iMARY A. HlHKEU.i'arryvme, . sJ, G, 5$EltN,fVetport, Angj 22, m- 0 Adinrs rvro wIkiiii It may concern -- All nersons are herebv forbid meddling w(h q.'WO GREY MULES now in possess-ton of George Freeby, as itney aro ray property. ieldglttpn, Ag., 1874fw3 WUE Pe6ple df Lehlghiin and Vlcln iWnll'unlto'ln testlfyluctnat at A. J, DUItLlNG'SDruirandFriinlly Med lclne Store. PuitE. c'ltEsu and. UtfADUL- TEjtATsp -slKUiciNEa can always bn found, . may Q -ET QpK BEAUTIFUL L.0,0 K JM ROSY! A Hottlo of'DURtlNGIS ROSE GLYCEU1NE for Roughness of the Skin; Ifupped' Hands, Ac.only 25 cents a bottle may 0. -Now Advertisements. POSTPONEMENT I ! ! FIFTII'AND LAST GIF, c6n(?eKtx Piib. Library of Hj . dayTIxed AND A FULL DRAWING ASSURED ON Monday,Nov. 30,1874. ' -tat - for AN EASYOJlTtTNE A postponement of the Fifth t'onc?rt of the Publio Library of Kentucky has been so generally anticipated, arid Is so manifestly for tho Interest of all con cerned, that Jt must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed and there will be no variation from the programme now announced. A. suffici ent number of tlokots had been sold to have enabled us to , have had a large drawing on the 81st of i July,, bul a short postponement was considered urefer- able to ,a partial drawing. ' Let'lt be uome in minti mat Tho Fifth Girt Concert is tiik i.Asr wtnoii wiiX'KVKit ni? givrn UMJKIl Tlllm HAItTElt AND1JV THE PRE6 fc.NT MANAOUMhNT. That It will positively and'unequlvocally take take placa as announced on - MONDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, that tbe Musle will be tho best the country af fords, and that 30,000 CASH GlFTS.'ag greeting v s,eoo,ooo i .will be distributed by lot .among ticket holders. LIST OK GIFTS. OSR nitAND CASII OUT . . , . '$250,000 UXK nitAND CA!"II GIFT . . 100,000 ON IS OltAND CASII (HIT . . . 75,0011 ONU OltAND CASH OIFT ' . . 60,noU ONK (HtANU HASU QIKT . . . 55,000 5 GASilOIPTS, J2U.0O0 KACII, 100,000 10 CA."IIOlFTS, H.MO KACII,' 140,000 J6 CASII 1IIKIS, 10,000 K.IC1I, 15J.OO0 20 CASH GIFTS, fi.OuO KACII, IUO.000 29 CASH OIF'IB, 4,000 feAOlI, 100,000 3) CASH GIFTS, 3,000 KACII, "('0.UJ0 CO CASH OIFrS, 2U00 KACI1, 100,000 100 CASII GIFT , 1,000 KACII, 100,000 ill) CASH GIFTS, 600 EACH, 120.000 60J CASII GlF'ftj, 100 KACII, 50,000 180V0 OAall GIFTS, 60 l.'AOII,' 950,000 Orand total 20,000 Qlftis all cosh . Price of Ticket. Whole Tlckita Halves Tenths, or each Coupou . . II Whole Tickets for . . . ' , , (2,200,000 50 00 25 00 . 5 00 .601 00 1000 00 2VA Ticket; for Persons wishing to lurest should order prompt ly, either of the home offl e or our local Agents. ' Liberal commissions jrlll ba allowed to saUsfac tory agents. Clrculsra containing full particulars furnished on application. TUO. K. llItAMI.KTTK, AotKT and SlANiaiG, l'ul.llc Library Building, Louisville, Ky., or iiiun ii iiaia i., r.asiern Agents, COO Broad way, New' York $5 5 fJJOA per day' nt h.ime. Terms free V&U Address Uccroi hTi.ssos i Co. iur.Iand, .uuiuo. AI) VICIITISKIIS send 25 eta. to Gto. 1 ItuHELL It Co.. 41 I'ark ltow, N. 'u fur their Etyhty-isigc lUmphhl, shouingrptt of advorthlnj. AdnilnlNtrafors Sale, ' l:i'Of Valuable " Personal Property. Will be sold at; Public Salo. at. the mouth of Mud Run Creek, iCorbon-Oo.,. Pa., a nuantltv of Personal ProDertv of ELIASSinyE, deceased, Tato of Sli-- nulling iu,Yiiauij, uii SATURDAY. SET.Bth, 1874., at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, compris ing, "i.u r , . Portaole Saw Mill, with fixtures complete, due 2-blory Dwelling nouse, Tract of Timber, 1. loVot Henilobkluniber, of all sties, oiie lot nf pallinss. lot of loss, pair of Boh Sleds, three mules, pair ot oxen, loir and coupling chalnq, lot ,,of ;Iro!V. rail-.' Ins. and otuer articles too numerous to mention. Terms will be made known on day of sale.or intending purchasers can call at Mml'Runjexamlne prqpertyjAtfOsV certain terms, ive., inrni vim auuiiiiis- trators, j ... AAKUN SlUVK, HENRY TUCKER,- AugustO. tt374. . UDITOK'S NOTICE. In tht On iani Court fur tht Qiunty of Carbon. Eitate IF IT Kit VII J. Jr. Ml lAK iA. JflM. The Auditor appointed by the Court Jn the nbove matter of tho first and Dttal account of C. R. Kberle, Administrator of W. II. Kberle, .who w.aj.the AnVujCr htrator of Sarah A. Eberledeccased, aud to make distribution of the moneys In Ihn hands of tlul Adiulnlatrntnrtn Ilia parties eptitled thereto, will meet tiia parties- Interested 'for th6 'purposes df Ids appointment. 90 .Jbuday, August illst. 1874. at 1:30 P. II.. at the OlUce of Albright; Freyman', In WaucU" Chunk. W. M. KAPSIIEH, Aug. 8, 1874-wd. Auditor, j5jrOTIEilSl, took at that Ublldj It lias Worms. Go or send at once to DURLINU'S Drug Store, and get a bottle nf his WORM. SYUUP, so plea tant and:yet so sate. mayui - Pi w 3 g: u fe1 I r S s a , W 5 M s , , Q P 3 2 M W n g a. ,m "jUpEW STORE, Ne Goods and Mj'f New Prices!! onnounces to bis friends and tho citi zens of,Lehlghton ond vicinity In geoeJ Ml, that he has Leased the Store form erly occupied by II. A-. IIelti, on Bank St Lehihton: and furnished It with a very larce and elcgaMfifc 8 r STAM,E. AKf VJLKGY, Dry Goods, 1 '" til. I' '' Groceries, Provisions, vv ,oii.cioiS; Notions, Queonswnroy &o.',i&a, ' t of the very Best Quality, which be Is ' now prepared to offer at Unprecedently Low1 Prices ! 1ST A liberal share, of the public patronage is respectfully 'solicited, ond ' entire satisfaction Is guaranteed. July 18 P. Y. LEKTZ. WTILOUU A.U FEED. -- Sill'. 1w t The undersigned Is now soiling to the" citizens of .WelssportiBndVrielnTty, ihh TOE: GUCICESTi fAv Family Flow $$S 2ml tirade? - 3.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed! TTy lff ; BT HilULINQ of everv descriDtloii' nt Keasohaolo Rat.es. Bflggago taken to and from the Railroad Depots at thei snorcest notice. , W.P,. KLOTZr ; Near the Canal JJrldgo, EAST WEISS ruilT, l'a. apr ll-m3 tfNADEN HUTTEKTAHNERY LEniGHTON, PA., j O r i t Trrriunr"7. 1 tpWitiV Respectfully nnnounce's to Ine' pnb'lio; "' that, ho has Just rebuilt the Tannery. formerly of Daniel Olewlno, arid put in an tuo uest aua , most. npprovedjma clilntry for Iho Manijfacture of Leather, such as ileirifock and Oak Sole, 'Harness ,Upper,a Kip, Oalt' jthdSh'eyp, which e- wiu buppiy at inefv(ery, lowest prico. Plasterinc Hale supplied. 16 Jarie or-. small quantities very'lqw. IIluESand, SKINS bought "at ilRueat cash pWes. , . ' Patrouage solicited 'Augt'8-yl' - W. EACkES, Oontractorsfi5fBuiIdr;jrriX LKUIOUTON, PENN'A. -1- I'ians andrSnociacatlou8 For all klnda,6f.,BulldIrifij 'maaVat thb' "jL shortest notice . ' r ' . . ,sNO' C'HA'll.tfES J 1 adeVo'rknaa'ndgpecIflca'tlopsJ ( tuo' i:umra.ct i3 awaruea 10 tne unaer '' slgnddi" ' " Xi W"EA0nJES'.i Junel4, l$78-jt. BUCKMAN, , winvTljifciilroH 1 '.c n ) Carriages, SKlKr3s: Uugglcc, and aiery deeerlf tleasf SPRING NS. NirlT oppotlU 8ac!4 Jlot.l, Bah; Strati, 1 , . 1 1 iWft,V" if,, itEAirtua tq5rpit7TrA'ri!DKD to At reaiorjiMe charm. eatUfacllon Vab; 7, 1871, A.BtJOKMAN. fTHE T 1 , Respectfully! aMnquneea to thd cltliens NewPhotograj)hQallery,' t : on BANkWA.-iVneaftWLobl'gU.Yali '-' , latF iroll Tfm rl llottAtl- I AhlMhtnn reasonable1 rates'."1 ' " 1 1 Particular attention paid to Ukiiwi:!)) - Children's Lneweso n,Af) Trial t fa- yiiPeitg; JMfclfcrt . J.J MTpuie ndULr9fefar:8ale, Bltuato oa Baak. straet; lrilhe JSorough of, LebigUiopy and numbered 1 34'on tbpiplan.or plot. of Mid-borough. , The Lot is 83 x 189 feet ; tho. Hour IsAjire etortea with basement,- 2-story' Kitchen .and, tjecessary outbuilding, a - , , nover-f alllpg; WeJ; 6r Svalar, p. t Is nicely (lo;ated for almost' any ,$lpd of business, -being situate o'n'tbp principal busiuess thoroughfare. 'For price and further particulars apply aV this Office, , or on the premises to, ' ; S..A. or'Pfll8dlM)ABEBRS. . July 18,1874-tt " )cofc. filVW W, iL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers