Written for Tnt Cahtiox' Autocall. To the Memory of Albert Baumaa. 117 KKDLMV. Lovort'riond, like tomu bright streamlet la its, course, Thy life llowoil on to.mcct the sea of death, Whose clillllngwavcsbroughtthocnokccn Temorjo, ,Jfo cry for morcy with thy latest breath. For thou wcrt itruo and steadfast to thy creed O lioblq heart at peace with all mankind; Exemplified through 1 lie in every need, No heavy claims of guilt thy soul c6uld hind. Death claimed thco when thy star of life grew bright With radiant liopo,.wlillo o'er tho cloud less sky No shadow eame, foretelling that tho night Qfloug and undisturbed repose was nigh- A last farewell. 0: sympathetic bouI Kro yet tho eternal God proclnlm'd thco free j Thy never swerving faith discerned tho goal,, Throned on tho shores of lmmortalllty. O rest In pcacel and as tho years roll on, Thy incm'ry still within the grieving heart, i With latent power and prophetio tono, Will to tho mourners llfo a hopo Impart. A hope of llfo beyonrf the. waves of time, The never-dying spiendor of whoso light Shall guide us on towhero thy virtues shine, Like some bright 'star triumphant o'er the night. St. Nicholas for September opens very seasonably with'' "The Gentle Ang ler," a paper on Isaac Walton, and wo soon come upon a story about hunting antelopes In1 the West. .Among other seasonable things Is a very funny, Illus trated poem, calied "Tho. Cheated Mos- Friends," by J. T Troworld'ge, and "What, Might Havo .Been Expected," by Frank 'It. Stockton, draw near their conclusions, and tho Interest of both stories naturally Increases. "The Pony Express" Is a well-written article, hand somely Illustrated, showing how mess ages and letters wprc carried before rail roads and steamboats monopolized the business. Cella Thaxter comes to the defense of the birds in a poem calied "The Klltlwakes," and Mrs. Dodge, in some lively verses, tells how Mother Pussy taught her children. There Is a handsome Illustrated article on "Old Dutch Times In New York," by Col. T. W. Illgglnson, and a loving account of the author of "Robinson Crusoe," by Donald G. Mitchell. Lccretla P. Ilale has one of her quaint "Peterkln" conceits, In which that Inimitable family have soino of their queer experiences. There Is a lavishly Illustrated account of tho adventures of a certain "Jim Crow," and a poem, curiously Illustrat ed by James C. Heard, In which the verses and a lot of fishes, In company with a little boy and a mermaid, swim bravely about, all ovcrtwo pages. Sarah O. Jewejt contributes a capital story for girls, and there Is a romantic tale, "Little Ben and tho Sunshloo," by Kalo Blocdo. The departments at the end of the numbers aro crammed as usual with wise bits of fun and funny bits of wisdom. Address. Scr!uncr& Co., New York. Paragraphic. Vanderbllt says he'd give $10,000, OOO to be seet back to thirty years of age again. In Turkey, when a man tells no. torlous lies, they blacken tho front of his houso. Where Is George Francis Train? He ought to be in the ZJcecIicr-Tilton Scandal. Get In, George, there Is room for one more. A young woman In Manchester, Iowa, the fourth day after marriage, met an old lover, who pursuaded her to elopo with him, and tho couple have not been heard from since. 4 Chap whotpend $1,500 to grad uate from Harvard, Is, postmaster In Iowa nt 121 per year. Where would ho have been but for his Latin and Gieek. Frederick the Great kept an aid de-camp who had a foot tho same size as his own, to wear the royal boots un til they wore "broke In." Sometimes, when ho woro them too long, ho got kicked for his puins. A Navada paper says; "There was no regular trial In the case of John Danders yesterday. lie had an Inter- velw In the woods with a few friends, however, and It Is perfectly certain that John won't burgle any moro." "How Is business now?" Inquired one Nashville merchant of another. "Dull, fearful dull," was the reply. "The fact Is, nobody buys anvthlne uvu, uU)3 nuywiDg just now but provisions and whiskey the bare necessities of life, as It were.' "Quite a hill-storm last night, remarked a guest to a California land lord, as he came down stairs the other morning. "No. Only a few of the boys shooting at a Chlneman, and the balls rattllug against the house." A little boy being asked "What Is tho chief end of roan?" replied -a ue ena wtiavs got me head on." As twice Hevcn Is twenty-two, D. CZ.AIISS, merchant Tailor, And Dcalor In Gent's FtirulHliln? Goods, LEUIGIITON, PA. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of NEW GOODS, Consisting of Plain and Fancy Cloths, Casslmeres and Vestlngs.for Men's and Boys' Wear, which I am propaied to Make up to Order In the most Fashion ablo Styles, at short notice. Ladies', Misses and Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Qlovo Kid, Lasting, Kid, l'ebble and Grain Leather Boots and Shoes on hand, or fllatlo to Order. Mats Caps, Of the Latest Styles always oj hand, at the Lowest l'rlce. Also, Agent for tho American & G rover & Baker ScwjM Machines. ' Only One Price for Everybody. January 11, 1873-yl clssport Ahead I The underslcned would respectfully Inform builders.contractors and the pub Ho In general, that they have opened a Lioiiibei' STai'd In connection with their Kear tho L. As S. Depot, WEISSPORT, Penna., and that they have now on hand an Inv mense stock of Miuroughly Seasoned Lumber, such as liough Pino Boards, surfaced fine boards, Flooring, Hemlock and Pine, Sidings,, of all kinds, Shingles, an Immense stock, Hoofing and Ceiling Lath, Scantling, and, In fact, 'Lumber of every descrip tion at tui very lowest market prices. We are also prepared to furnish Build ers and others 'With a very fine artlclo of 8 u ii d , suitable for masonry Work, I'lastcrliis, &c, at lie markably Low Figures. We havo constantly on hand a large lot of Wood suitable for Firewood, which we will sell, In large or small quantities, at Prices to suit your Pockets Our Motro HONEST COUNT LOW flUCiS. Yeakel & Albright, Weisspprt, aug 23-yl Carbon county, Paj Tuns' BUILDER & CONTRACTOR BANK STKEET, LKUIGIITON, l'A. Respectfully announces to tho citizens of Lehihton and vicinity that ho is now prepared to contract for the erec tion of dwellings, churches, school- houses, and other buildings. Also, that he keeps constantly on hand a full as sortment of every description of consisting of flooring, siding, doors, sasli, blinds, snutters, mornings, sc., which lie is prepared to lurnisn at inu very lowest maiket rates. Patronage rospectruuy solicited. W. It. HEX. Lehlghton, May 17, 1373. ly JpLOUK AND FEED, Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs tho people of Le hlghton that he has most Excellent Flour for Sale : Also, good FEED of all kinds, and STBAW In the ihiudle. He is also prepared to do any kind of Hauling and Plowing at short notice. LEEIGII (2d) STHEET, Lehlghton, Ta. March 28-ly E. H. SNYDER LEIIIGIITON, PENN'A., DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Tiii3sa:2wri3sr ca-s , Dress Goods, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, Glassware, Hardware, &c. May 31, 1873. "SAAC MOYER, Practical, Slater, LEIIIUUTON, Ia., announces to tho c It tens of K-h ehton and vicinity that he Is prepared to fill all orders for Rooting State and do all kinds of Iioonng and Slate work on short notice and reasonable terms. tarlUpalrlug neatly apd expeditious ly done. June 13-tt WITT HIM f NO I That Electrio TJnlmpnr.. lllrn T trnt nt T)iirlliiott mug Store, will cure him or any other man ot RHEUMATISM and all other Pains. may 0 "WUV IT I TRY IT I The India Rubber Plastpra for n WaiV HaMt A TP COST! In order to closo out present stock, the undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens 6f Lehlghton and vicini ty that ho has Marked Down Prices of all kinds of Goods to' about cost, and will Sell Vor Cash Only lie has in stock a largo assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, QuecnNvrarc, Hardware, and a variety of other artlclos too num erous to enumerate. If you desire to secure BJLRCtAIHTS Now Is your Time A Small Sum of Money will Buy a Large Quantity of Goods I Store Opposlto L. & S. Depot, BANK-streot, Lehighton, Fenna. Z. II. LONG, .dgent. Tilqiijian Aiineii, Assignee. March 28, 1874. Tf It. RICKKRT, Opposite L. & S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Bank, Respectfully, Informs tho citizens of this vicinity that ho keeps constantly on and, and Is selling at tho very lowest Market Prices, the very brst brands of ALSO, DEALER IK For Zhilldlng and other purposes, which ho guarantees to, be Thoroughly Seasoned And to Sell at tho VERY LOWEST RATES. Coal ! "Coal 1 I Wholesale and Retail at the very Low est Cash Prices. lie has also o number of very eligibly located In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp., which ho will sell on very Easy Terms, aug. 0, '73-yl J. K. RICKEUT. KTILLIAM KEMERER, " Corner of Bank & South 8ts.,.Lehightftn, Pa., Keeps a full lino of Dry tOo1s9 Comprising Ladies' Dress Goods, Black and colored Alpacas, uingnams, Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c. of every grade and price. CARPETS AI u CLOTHS, In grei y n- ty. Provision Teas, 00(100!", Sugars, Spices, Fruits, Hams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, &c. Country Produce Bought, Sold or Exchanged HARDWAR E For Building and other purposes In great variety of the best quality. All goods warranted as represented and prices fully as low as elsewhere. April 5, 1873-yl Ii. F. KXHIU'INGCn. Would respectful ly announce to his friends and tho public In general, that he has open ed a first-class Livery & Sale Stable, and that ho can furnish Horses, Buggies and Carriages of tho best description, lor 1'ieasurc, uusiness or t unerai pur poses, at very neasonaoie unarges, and on short notice. HAULING done at short notice and on short notlco. In connection be will also continue his Carriage Manufactory whero tho peoplecan get their Carriages Uuggles, Wagons, etc., maae to order, or REPAIUED on short notice and at reasonable prices. The undersigned respectfully an nounces that he lias been appointed Agent for the Universal Wringer AND Doty'sOlothesWasher. These are undoubtedly the best Wash era and Wringers In the market, and our ladles are invited to call and tee them. L. P. Kleppinger, Cor. BANK and IRON Streets, A New Idea! WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Maine DEHOR. 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned inn I THE BEST IN THE WORLD! tSTho Highest Premium was awarded to it at Ohio State Fair Northern Ohio Fair; Amcr. Institute N. Y. Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition) St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi Stato Fair; and Georgia Stnto Falrj FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing1 the largest and best, rango of work. All other Machines in tho Market wcro In direct COMPETITION ! ! tWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Whore wo havo no Agents wo will deliver a Machine for tho price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken In Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &o., and Copy of tho "Wilson Reflootor, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma chinos, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents Wanted ADD11E8B, Wilson Sewing Machine Co.; CLEVELAND, 01II0. . gunaoiunn: fob The Carben Advocate, The Chwpeit riper In' th Leblgh Mtj Only One Dollar a Yr. I- 'li ' 0 J I ,i Sayeh2(l Fer.'Ceni;.. , .1 I. V . ll! I'll . 4, .. ' I.. , , ' ,' i By1 getting j our i' ; ' JOB PRINT'ING, 'Done at tho Office of (ho " Carbon Advocate, IN riEINTZELMAN'S BUILDINOf. Bat. the, P. 0. and L, V. R.U. Cepot, f.clilglifbn,' Carbon cfb., Pa I.'. .1 We havo just received a' large and ele gant assortment ot ,. Of tho latest styles ; together with a" snpeilor' stock of' CARDS, billheads; " ' ENVEL0PE8f NOTE PAPEB, And a variety of other PRINTING MATERIAL, A nd can-now give, our patrons first' class work at prices, ut least 20 Per Cent Lower y i ;! ii I : ' .In'!'. . ' ' t , -H ( I . Than any other Office , in UiIb section. Give Us a Trial,' and be Convinced. i i.' t '.i; . v . ';(! t ' ; . . ' ' 11,1 i', ' .' ' . "i . :y ta'-The patronage of.the.publlo is respectfully solicited, i4, r . , I-. l--il, '..'hi -T TIIElCAnnOIV ' ADVOCATE, i ...i .i ,t .. n'.i A 21-colunih'Local Taper, and the only 1 newspaper , Entirely trlnteii in the Coii i-y, la published eyery Katurday 'morDln.n $1 a Year in Advance, Oril.BO lf riot paid In advance ' The auyouatb, wun lis large niiu. in creasing circulation, Isono of fije yb'ry Beit fiiedlnmi for AdrertUtng i In this Section. Rates furnished, on application. , ; n. v. iibn'TiijjrKi?', OV CAN j-EnOIIAKT tAXIiORiltO ' When In the course of wear and tear Ofovervdav llfe.lt becomes necessarv to dissolve our connection with the suits mat nave done us, so mucn services la keeping us ,wrm and free . from expo-.. sure, there Is one place where we can And consolation and a friend, Indeed in , our distress. Yea, a place Where .Vre can safely put onr trust where ithero Is no need of fear that we shall be cheat ed, unsulted or unsatisfied whore the fabric Is strong and the manufacture. shperb where tho prices are lust and and the stylo, all that can bo desired.; Them. Is o charm, about an easy, glove fitting, .elastic' suit, that Is seen andob served by all men. "Where did you. get that superb sultof olothes?" "Where; a did you secure such a splendid fitting garment?" is oiten, asked. There are many tailors, and. a number of ttem are undoubtly fair sampleaof the genus homo and also a credit to the craft; but how. generally tailors falllln the fitting, of garments to the human form; how often a good pleco of goods' Is spoiled In tho fit; bow sadly and dejectedly manya man -wanders about the' streets, feel ing the shatnothe tailor has caused him, In allowing a poor Job to go but' "of his ibopK and he.tho"jYearer.of Itl .Perhaps, his lady love has even Jilted ,hlm In con-, sequence of his forlorn, appearance. ,fl Tlnifla tn.tliaYVa m&n Tho want of it tho follow.' ' Not that a man la less a man far mir. Inn nlaln Inflin. Ii.. . l 1. . I .1.1 . "o i 1 " ' " wuwisd. uui nucu UU13 od up" heBbouldlndeedbe,dresfc4fOpt,T having hlsr0lbthsJhafe iltVbags around him, and wrinkled and dlstored in all sorts of shapes, but that hri should be, clad In fitting garments. Taste should ' utj siiuyvn uoiu m ino colors ana maK6 up of his stilt. Many high prlced goods are of such ohtlahdlsb colors and styles that a man's character Is Judged by hla, foolishly selecting those odd goods; ' A man Is known by the company he keeps, and If ha Insists iupon fratprnizlngwith Ill-looking and Ill-fitting clothes; ho will not make his "mark," as a man of taste, that's pbsltlve. To be looked un- on as possessing the requisite attaint raents or a tasty gentleman, he must select cloths of snltahln1 nnlnrn far hla clothing and have them made up In first class style by Laury. & Peters, (post office' building), Lehlghton, Pa., .who nave a epionum stock to select from, and wueroyou win ooutin mat symmetry or fit so necessary, to the, adornment of the person. Call and , examine the most beautiful assortment of cloths, casslmers and ve'stings, ever brought Into' Lehlgh ton, andleave your measure with Laury & Peters. jdarcluM,' 1874.' $1000 iREWARDforan Inuurablo cue of Onltrrh. . tfter.. harlng ffnoffereil. deluded, earclad. hawk. ed, iplt and gngsfd t) your entire utltbotlon la your melem endeaTora to get relief from catarrh.. ..... II-I . . .... ii ., I ubo ui igK- ..wr.ccv.uiiig to uiroctione. xne filth? mats of inurous will U) Immedlatelr iiin.ll. ed' and the Inflamed' turfaee loothed, the eree iparaiewun dcugnt, the Head feeli natural agiln; bope rofltes, for a cure la aure to follow the use ot tun agrenaoie, aciennue ana reiuoie remedy. Aiirrltb T MUCH haa been said 71 medlet have Iwen OfT-rH tnw the relief ami care of throat and lung dlmsMj but nothing bat been ao eminently auecessful. or obw tafoed aucfa n wide eslabrltr. aa Rtlrrcru ThM.f and Lunffllealer. lltSt P"061 bT corns., the unceaa- plercinft.dlatiwdng pain from Inftrowlnff Nalla. lnp there:. ! por. Drigfra corn and IJ union Kemedlea are no acid or potaah fompoun but ard reliable, soothing, and effectual, and Juitlr merit the aucwsa they hare ,erned frotn an ap- ii ovi.nn iyuuaiU. a un vurs-ir aneaiipg oini mnnt ImniAfllatat rtiMat la nkialai V. I ie L. ti tloB,.ndl(wlll poiitli.lj.care thevorat caiea of festered rorns, Inflamed and ulcerated bunions, the most exteoilie callotlilcaon thsoletorbeelai of the feet; unequalled In tbeeufe of chlldblllaa' rtr frnfctivt fun,. Th. lltvl.i and preventing their formation Is absolutely un MualedbyaaytblDgeferktioira. Aak forlJrltga' Itemedlet. Take no other. ' SIS I AO T IJ'a AU VERY WELL,- lit unfortunate luffcrar fetl very IMI4 lympalhy, Ihl agony nTcrphetUiVtl or oannol (x'mikA worte IhanUtttirturccHduridbyrtaiumixoioirtti'mMtd Kith internal lUeditig, tzttrAal 'and itching rOei. Glad Tulingiforiujtrertr.' KriggttPtttRmtdia art mild, tan and tun. . riAnnci I ARE THE MOST PLEN- jlir IIS 'iH' "Strain in Ihtnarkd. . ' . .nxvry ,vnt nat a nppty , jrom Vie thru year eld child ta tte granitirt vtrging m a hvndttdt ttylilh. handtane vouno ladlet wAo dailv promenade faiMantihletruQrUi middle ajed matrrmt; ihu tiiuum, urtuea up 10 appear young ana gayjoan diet, wUh thtirpaUntieatlterl, and invenxiabu toaUc ing ttkl! the clergyman, merchant, clerk, artitan and mechanic, of all ages and ttatumt'.havta full' tupply of comti buniont. ltd tfcnlt, ana other bother' atlontof the" fat,' ali ofuthich are banithed and cured iy the mm af hriggr't Corn and Bunion Bemtdtct, ' -A.-J."DURLlNO,'Druggist. Leblgbton, Fa; May 0; 1874 ly; "U' A'tarer ppmlmakan o Hit REA SWAN QV1LI than JnyHhfng Ilitherio Jniented." The ccuTAKur mntima sale of the SEEtildERIAN ' DOUPLH ILA8TIO I I Steel IPeits I It owing their tuperior iariting quatittel, aa U tested by the editorial esdorwment tff orer 1000 papers, and It Merchants, lawyers! and.Rsnkers without number. They are alrmade9f' th.'iie.t fiVeet, 'In ilt beat manners by the b.it workmen le Jlarope.', For Site by all Dealer i.r ' To'ubcomrnodaU Ate vhi'may with' to try thete pent, uieutitt lend a Oirdcontaining one each aftht IS Number., by mall, on receipt of tic. . Ivison, Blakemari, Taylor & Co, i lMSDdltOOKAND 8TRiVr,N. Y. April 25, 1871. JAVID' EBBERT'8 Livery 5s Sale Staibles; sK nANIC fTKKBT.IiKHIGHITQZr, PtU FAST TROTTllffJlibRSfiS, ELEaXXT'OARRiA&Egi And positively LOWER TRipES than any other Livery In the County. ' enlarge and. handsome' Carriages foriJTuneral purposes ADdiWeddlogs. ' 0T. 22, irp. PAVID BBBBBT. how, can twice ten bo twenty.too' UUULING has them may 9 tea. xoa.j .ueiiiguton, ra Lehlghton, Carbon C6dn'ty,'pi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers