COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBURG, COLUMBIA V'WTY, PA. STUE COLUMBIAN. j iii.oomwmih, rmiUT, aimui, o, tso How do jron llkcyour new liomoV ' Work on llio water woikf 1ms begun, j A stylMi hl for girls Is cillcil llie "lioom." j Mr. I'- S. Hunt of Ilcrwlck spent Tuesday : In town. Ocorgo : Hotel. ' Tim town council wai sworn In last Mon i day. Deputy SlicrilT 1'rli. has inivfd into llio ; house! of Mr, I'urscll on Market street. llrown his leased llio Central Wc'l tgton UeUwlck, of Kanticoke, wiis In town on Monday. We nre informed that there are thirty faml lien without liouei In lierwick. An umi'tial amount of advertising crowded our roiding mitter tlii. week. has Grant Herring, sluduit of I.afnyetto College has hcen spending n short vacation at home. The I'.pi"CC pat Sunday school has recently putiha'ed about three hundred new hooks for its library. The citching of b.ia. between tho first of Jan uary and the lirtt of June is prohibited by the Act of 1878. GeorKO M. Ke-ter, of lierwick, made us a friendly call on Saturday Kst. Call again George. William Millet, ofCanby, has been a subscri ber of the Colombian and its predecessors for forty years. The new terra of the Xorunl School com menced on Monday of this week with a full at-tmdance. "Scoop in" ynur bivalves now. 'Tis your last (-banco as this is the list month of the oyster season. Some one savs that cremation is a recently adopted method of firing people out of this world. George Derr and wife, of Limestoneville, wore guests of Wm, H. Jacoby one day last week. Joseph Lehr, of Heaver township, died on Sunday night last, after an illness of severnl months. He wns about sixty-fire years of age. J. I). Wilson has removed his leather and shoefiniling store to Shive's block Main Street lloomhurg Shirples-i se.dling Strawberry plmt, 80cts. per 100, $5. per 1,000 .at .1. Garrison's Blooms-burg. Judgo r.lwell held a special session of court this wick, for Judge Ingham, in Sullivan county. Matthew Quick baa moved to town from Ru pert, and is occupying one of Mr. Wynkoop's houses on Third Street. Photographers SnyiUr and Koenstock have exchanged location. Snyder occupies rooms jin Clark's building, nnd Iloscnstock in Shive's . building. The new li.vtrd of Ilirectcrs of Woom Poor district was organized lastweek. J B Hohi-on p&rp was appointed solicitor, J. K. Grotz, treasurer, and L. 11. Rupert, secretary. The superintendents of countv, city nnd Iboroujh chonls will hold a convention at Hai frisburg beginning pril 20th and continuing three days. Applications for positions on the police force (to be appointed by the new council are by no means scarce. Tlierj is little money, in it but tplenly of honor. Through the courtesy of Hon. 1'nhert KlnU, Inn finlrniwtnil(rt tlii. rpcplnt nf the Cnmnend innl u' - ' bf the Ninth Census frum the Department r.i jtof tho Interior. There were more movings in town this Ap'il Bthan there have been for year. Quito a num Iber of new families have taken up their abode llie re. Ilueheaville has no licen'cd hotels. All ap plications were refused by the Court in accord anco with remonstrances filed by a large num Iber of its citizens. What will they do for liquor now? A little daughter of Wellington Risewick, of KNan'ic ike. was interred here on Tuesday of ibis wiek. Tho causa of her death was inlln Imatii n of the bowels, Charles Hseonbucli was In town hU week vlsltltii; his parents and many friends. Ite Is about opening up a drug store In Shenandoah. Charles Is a steady, Indubious young man and a good druggist and we w, him success. An exchange says ir itis impossible to please every one whllo thousands nro now chanting the beauties of spring, hundreds of young men, who hive to appear In half soled panls because they liave en't the cjsh to rcplenl-h ihelr wardrobes aro growling becnue the warm weather compels tnem to slie.l their overcoats. (Iwlng to the lirgn number of nrtlclf s to bo s-!d, I am still not done soiling the goods at my store in Itu:khorn at auction, There yet remnins a lot of dry goods, notion", hardware, a pair of largo platform Fairbanks rcilos,a(nr ly new, Sale will be continued on Saturday ipril 10th o'clock p, in. at which time a g .o I work horse 7 years old will be offered for sale. A. II. Hartman. COUNX'lL l'HOCKBDIMlit. neguiar monthly meeting ol Uuuncil was held at usual phce on Wednesday evening, President O. A, Herring and nil the members prcenl. Minutes of lat meeting read and an proved. An application was presented by members of F nendelilp l'ire company aking tor I lie purchase ot new hose fir fire purpose". and nlo the council asslt In the purchase of a new hose carriage for parade". Petition was received and ordered filed. On motion, the President, Mr. IIasert nnd Mr. Evans were appointed a cunmltleee to lo cate fire plugs. The following bills were ordered imid. r. jacoby, Street Commissioner, 0.S0 Gas Company for March. 72.00 M. Hew, oo Kent ltescuo II. & L. Co, room, 12.50 U. haycock, Chief of Police, 8.00 1'. J'.. lrl, Secretary, 15.00 On motion of Sharpies and ltibb. the salnrv 01 llio becrctary was fixed at S1S0 for the year, tho same as list vear. An application was presented bv the Rescue Hook & Ladder Company, asking that if the lown shall purchase a hose carriage. It lin placed under their management. Election of Secretary being next In order.Mr. Holmes nominated Paul K. Wirt, Mr. Rabb nominated C R. Houel, Mr Sharpies noiiii- lateil J K. Urotz. A ballot being taken the result was as follows: Mes-r". Holmes, Has- ert and Thomas volid for Wirt, and Kvaus. Sharpies, Ribb and Herring for Grotz. Salary of Treasurer was fixed at the same as lat year, viz: one per cent on money collected, ind one-half per cent, on money raised on sale of honds. Mr. Kvans nominated P. P. llillmyer for ireas'irer, Mr. llabb nominated J. !) Wihoti V ballot was taken with the fo lowing result: Messrs. Kvans, Holmes, Sharpless, 'Ilioinas and Hassert voted for P. P. llillmyer, and Mr Kabh voted for J. D. Wilson. Salary of solicitor was fixed at $o0. Mr. Holme" nominated C. G. Iiarkley. Mr. Kvans nominated J. B. Rohisou for solicitor. A bal lot resulted as follows: Messrs. Evans, Rabb, Sharpless and Herring voted for Robion, and Holmes, Thomas and Haaaert for Barkley. bilary of Street Commissioner was fixed at $1.50 a day. Mr. Thomns nominated Jacob Wanich, Mr. b,v.ins nominated h. 1! Ilidleman, Mr. Rabli nominated Michael Walter. A ballot resulted as follows: Messrs. Thomas, Evans, and Sharp less, Holmes and Hissert for volcd Bidleman and Mr. Rabb for Walter. Salary of High constable was fixed at $100 a year. Mr. Holmes named M, C. Woodward, Mr. Evans named It. Harris. A ballot was 'aken us follows: Messrs. Thomas, Evans and Shirpless voted' for Harris, and Messrs. Holmes, Rabb, Has-crt and Herring for Wood ward. R. Harris was appointed Chief of Police by a vote of 4 to 3, I). haycock was appointed Lieuteninl. The bond of town treasurer was fixed at 315,000. The following persons were appointed police' men: Elijah Strohm, H, G. Ort, B. Preis, S W. Shult, W. Dietrich, 11 Laycock, X, Pur ael, J. C. Sterner, h. Fuller, Samuel Jacoby. ir. iauu gave notice that lie would propose 8 nulls as the ui rate at the next meeting. Chief of Police was instructed to collect I censes from 6hows. Rates of wages were fixed the same as last year. Notice was directed to be given the Columbia County Saving Fund and Loan Association to repiir pavement along DiefiVubach property on Pifih street. Mr. Shirpless presented an ordinance to rt' peal Ordinance No, 21, relating to cattle rum ning at large. Passed. Room in Broker's Block was rented for an other yoar ns council room. Permit to build was grunted S. M. lle-s Adjourned, Last Notick All persons indebted to Ihe estate of Peter Knl, doccn"cd, nnd to Kit Brothers nro hereby notll'ud that there account must bo paid by May 1st or costs will be in curred, t all at my ollice at Uloonvbtlig. sMaich U. It Est, Adm, April 2 1830, Mr, Editor. Permit Miinjlniour Inleicst. Ingand valuable paper for the Insertion nfn tew lines relative to the last Triennial iiiscrstnent of Columbia conniy. Before entering upon their oflical duties tho Assesstrs are sworn lo place n cash valuation on nil realesln'c proper l'hcy did so list fall nnd undo their re turns according to law. (Jii ixaiuining llie Assess hook this spring we find tlmt the Com missioners hnve made, In many Instances, marked changes;. Now we wish t know whether these changes aro leg-d or whether icy havelieen undo Ik the nssiimnt'nii of iinnuiunriz'il iioucr. If I in Ir inmlss oners avo a lawful right to make some change we presumo Ihcy have the name tight to liltir ll.n cessment. And If they have a rlrrlit to do Ids then tho Affcb'inenl niRile by the Assu rors is useless anil should be dispensed with ns it would save tho county s-vcnl hundred dnl lars nnd a great dei.1 of unnecessary 1 ,bor. An Assessor who bus n personal knowledge of neaily nil ihe p'opirty he ha" to i-mueli letter preiured to fit n lust vnlue unou il than the Cnmuis.siui ers are who have ho p.rrunal knowledge of tho incut of ihe land propeity of the coun'y, And we think there is a great in justice done many of the land owners by ihe changes made m thu viln.itioi after it ins been made by those who have an opportunity to Know. e belicvo Hint a just valuation should bo pliccd on nil properly a' it then make the rate higli enough to givo tho lequind tax then inch lax payer would share) his in.t iinri tion of Ihebuiden. Tax Pavkh. It is rather late for publication of the above llio assessments have all been made, the books fixed up, and duplicites sent out, but it may be of some pood as a reminder to those making future assessment'. Ed. O. P. Fowler, who left here sonic weeks ago cs Advance Agent of the O-borne Comedy Co., has returned home, ihe troupe ha ing disband ed ami went to New York, where it will be re organized and put under new management. Mr. Fowler will resume his po-ition alter the re-or-ginizilion of tho company. On Tlmrsdiy night last, the ''cooler" as S decorated with a boisterous, drunken, one leggod tramp. He apparently did not appre ciable llio kindness of Mr. Woodward in accom modating him with lodgings of that kind, fir we understand he Indignantly refused to pay his fine next morning. The c'uizen of Hazleton aro -alking id' call- ling a public meeting to tale measures to eetotl tthe udvan ages of the locality ns a manufac turing eeinre. This coiio is beini; pursued b towns ihroughnut tho Lehigh and Wyoming valhys, and in seveial instances bids fair to be Ifiuitful in goi d n tults. J. P. and T. If. Shoemaker, of Lycoming Icounty, were arrested by Deputy U. S. Marshal Geddis, of this lire, for sellinL' liquor Uh nit paying ihe special tax required by law. On Sun Iclay last, they were given a hearing before lU. S Commissioner Smith, and 'jound over to the U.S. Circuit Cnuri. II. P. Appl-man, a widely-known and well-to do farmer ol Hemlock township, d-part-d this Clifo on 1'iiesdav last He had been sulK-ring Eall winter wl ha c mi lici'ion of disenbcs, bo was no con-idere I in nny iuinied'nte danger iOn Tue-dav morning be was out dunrs, an I in the altcrn"On sudd niy became worso and die I tllewasabou fifty seats of age. 1 he funeral I , ... ..i Iservices tako p uc,- ai iu ociock, rnu, morning. ANCJTHEK CIIAPTEU OF HAbUALlTY. To keep your family healthy and save doctor bills, nsu the great .Mexican remedy, Herbnline Billers the best Blood Purifier in the world. It is tstiinate-el that eiur next census n ill how a populallim of 17.000.000. Jnv Cooke's b.inkru nt estatei was sold realizing 5107,147. The Juniata nail factory at Hcillidavs- burg, has been idle fur seven' ears, but will soon start up. -The Bethlehem Iron comnanv tmid one $12,000 in gold ou Saturday out iif a total pay oi is,wu A vein iif nincuetic ore ten feet in thickness ha" li;en cliscuvered in Spring township Berks county. Last year twelve persons in thu United 'tate-s and Europe L-ave an ainrreirate ol s3- 000,000 to llie cause of tureigu mi-.. ions. Seventy-six towns in Connecticut about one-half of the state have voted against iiceiisiuu mo alu oi ncjuur. Stale treasurer-elect Butler has annoin- ted William Levise, of Pittsburg tax ollice, cashier ot tho treasury. -Hon. J. P. Wickcrsham. Supfrinteii- lentnf Public Instructions ol our State. sug gests to school boards the propriety of pas sing resolutions requiring all teachers in their employ to hold, near the close of the chnol term, a public examination or review ot the work gone over during the term, THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., MAIisllALL, MICH. Will send their celebrrtled Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afilicled upon HO tlays trial. Speedy cures guaranteed, ilieymem what they siy rite to Itieui wiihout delay. ruiv. 21-ly. nTA'I'I'.MIA- I' 1STO. Miowintr Inlrbteclii'-ss tU. ot llie town if lilooins- luiri, tor tlx jt'iir ciicUtiK Marcii tho al, lst-, mul" In lurunl.iiicc with tli- Act (if Atwiubty ct April Will liS. i nt Lt If tl "A Mirt'l' liiriit cr mi Art to leirti atr tln tiMiitur or liMcbUMiHss of luniitcljjilltii'a, to pronio lor iniMvu' inpnuu or iiil h)iin, nu io lin rose penalties fur iIil' UlCffal tin'ryu" tlioreof. PrctKiit'fl nmi LiiulMiL-a Dv tho enrnurale nuthoiU tles ct s.iM town. H'MEH tFHT. ItntwU iliK AlisniJvt ' . ClOOil Intel rsr on s.iiu frum February 1, Homutuc .i:uinar ioj.ii Intpn-pt on sum frum Peuruary 1, no iotnn tnio F.Mjni.iry i, 'ri tm w Interest on muw ftom I-Vbnury 1, SO ;oiidi duo Aiwu-t l. a i stwir-u Ituorcst on s-nm-' from Ktbruary 1, so lioml due ti.itni.m l. ' bH)0) Interei-t on siitne from I'obruary 1, S1) Hoiuls tluo February 1, Si! tod 00 Intcrr't, uo nmo from Feiinnry 1, liontH due August i, , tuooo Intert-Fton Httne from Bebmary 1, So nouas cunt fruruary i, m iu Intel est on same fiom February 1, Sn HoikU dun August sao (o Interet'- on s ime from February 1, so ijunu iiuo i, umwi inttrest on s.ini" from February 1, Sn UotuU due February 1, S4 TOO to Interest oa Hame from February 1, So F.onth duo August l, M iftimo Interest on amw trom February I, 0 It'ind-rj due .lanu irv 1. S" ii0) 00 Intel est on sunerroiii February I, ItoniW duo February I, '"" "00 00 Interest on same from February 1, Si) Honds due MhiUt t, M suo 00 imeie&t on same irom 1 1 oruary i, &u Honda due .lanuirv i. SO 30O00 interest on sime from Kebruary 1, SO HotnH due Februarv 1, Sti w uo Interest on same from I-euruirv 1. so Honds dun Au,Mi-.t 1, Chijoo inifresi on simeriorn i ewruary t, ;u Hond1 due .lami.irv 1. t7 TuO fni intrrcsT on same from Fel-ruaiw 1. m jiuiiu-s uue i rot inn i, wiuuu iiiterest on sum ' fiom 1-ibnury ! so Hnndidue August l, SI r00 00 Interest on saute from 1 ebrturv 1. SO llondsnuo .lanuiry l.M WOOO Intel est on .siinw from February 1. -0 HoihH dut' February 1, Suo oo interest on bame fiom February i, so Business .Notices Little Onions wanted by Bilas Young, for which he will pay a good price. upr2 2w The siew Spring liutterick it Co's Fashion Hooks nnd Patttriis at -Marr s. Now is paper and buy. the time tn U. A. Clark's buy your wall is thu place to Lots of Good Clover-eed 'and Timothy seed lor ale by bilas lining, Light street. npnl ' ley Choice X O. at MarrV. paper at all prices at G. A Wall Clark's, McKinneys Ilnui-e. f-hoe Store below Court Iteineinber the plaee to buy cheap Sewing -Machines is at u. U .Marr-, fi. A. Clark w.urauts all spring curtain fixtures he sills. Hoots and Shoes chi-up at McKini.eV;, Lulz A' Sloan nre -e lling llie bet Calicos yet at .Sets, a urd Clark'i tain-'. for wall paper mid window cur Advice to Tiiosk is Debt. Mae a full ; es'iinaie of nit you owe, and of nil hit is ow- Itojou. Ileduce the fame to a note. Ailast P as you cull ct, pay over lo those )ou owe If ;youcannoi pay renew your notes evrvyear, giving the h. si security you can. Gotobusi- (ness ddUeully and bo industrious. Wn-lo no f Id o moment; bo v- ry ecoiioinlcil m v thlng-i 'discard all pride; bo faithful iujourduiy to iOd.hy regular mid luartv praier, inoniitg La d uighij aitei d chorcli every Sunday, and do junto all men as you would they should do unto you. If you are too needy In circumstances lo give to the poor, do whatever else in ye ur power I cheerfully ; hul, if you can do o,help the poor ' and iinfoituiiaie. Pursue ibis course diligently for seven years I and if you are not happy, couifjrtable at d in JUrp idi.t hi yoir circuiusiances, c ine to (UJ9 aud 1 will pay yuur debta, l''tuM UK, The recent arrest, preliminary hoiring am cot. mituient for forgery of a man named Ir Coui'lock aro still fioh in the minds of our reader-. Yesterday developed another chapter of raecality in Cotnstocks cireer. It seem linn his motherand si-ter live in lpy, Cohunbi county, ami that last Summer Comsicck s hrotl er came there from Newark, . .J ., bringin wi li him a wife and two children. This broil er was in the lal stage oi consumption, and in Ihecoireof a few mouths he died, A wet after his death a child was horn to hiJ widow who was thus left with three helple-s childrer to suppirt. Her husband had an itieuririce. of four hundrid doll us on his 1 ife, and this sum he went to lllcooishurg to receive. As sli could neiilier read tnr write, Ira Conntock wuui with her, an 1 mule irri igeiu nits with tl cishier of the First Xit'u-nl Illo im burg to draw the money lor her as he mighl need it. After d rawing what was needed to pav the f ineral exenes and fir the wii'ow's reiur to Newark, there was lefi in the bank $JS0, and a check fir that amount wis tilled out an 1 certified by the cashier, and given lo Ira Coinstock for Ihe widow. She w givtn ly him, h twever, another check on the Hlooms hurg llankini Co. for $1C0, ami at the same time was toll by Coiustock that If she drew the money inside ol nil mouths il would cause her to lose i'Jo discount. Tlia ignorant woman sua peeled nothing wrong, and held the check until lilely, when on premutation il was pronounced orlhl"-s. In the meantime the amount of iheuenuine ch ck his been drawn outof the lank upon the endorsement of Ira Coimtock, who has thus robbed his deid brother's wile and children of the little money left them, f..r he has nut prete,.ded lo spend liny of that money for thei- benelii, and as he was lei to commit Ihe forgeries hero for want of money ibere can be no doubt of his having spent all the little heard of the poor widow, to whom he is ot conro unible t niikonuy rei-Muiion. Coui'-ock's mother and sl.ter till live in K-M'v. anil are resitectable worlhv women ho deserve heller luck than to hay to woilhltss a camp as Xrn eema lo be I ir a relative. FrUnda id ihe oefraudel woman will see lo it Ira, ftr our own courts are through with him shall nwer for his wrongs to her. S.ntulon Republican, of full uteb lltibbfr Coats while mid black, Hlankels Leggings (lloves, Caps at ihu low i it pr'fe- at 1). LoKenberg's, Have you boiiglit your wall paper? If lint call at Clark's paper Mnru ucioie you uuy. '(y Guods at .Mair's Call at Jlclvlnticy's lor Shoes. I W. Harlinaii keeps n li-tter calico than you will liiid III all Mores, b, 'J una 1U cenis (iofiel Ilutter 30 eeliu Young's, Li ght Street. per pound at Silu uiarcli ;u iw iff era -1 V W rn it 'm Y DJI.f VEGETABLE A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Intornnl nnd External Usoi It a SURE CURE for I (' H r. f r w!'i it h ti commended, flfifj I) ALWAYS Piatt' TLY ML i.i t!a hands cf even llii rr( ,t Ini xperif nrt d persons. tt ! ft num nml ti)elc f r rHIS SOIIF TltltttATt 'lll f !w and r-niuinr tnmi N uffunlri inttnt ntf In fAs tol mat'ffnnnl j ir- i,f IIH'tlTlIKIMAt nlul In llif blt Idionn rrmrdy fcr IEUi:tMIATlM.1I end MU'KAUJI , THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It lint lirrn wnvtl hiicIi itndrrfnl turret' mi all jnr 4 f th. ,ttl f .r ( It .UI, (IIOI.FIt 1M 1 1 1 1 1 1 F., IVKi:NTi;it uu.l il IKIWI I, -IMIPI,AI.T8, tint U 4 rontiilf-ttl an nija uj r r. for fAc- intr, HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It H ltE('OMMl:Mi:t h ?'I?-I(lnn, 3iI!niiarltN, IMlnUli'rf :U ti miner r Vork-li.ti ami I'liriDi Niire In HnMiimU k-i, ly Icrjbnity cwrjvlifru vlio 1i.m t i r c .tiitntrml IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It hmiM elwftyfl ti uct.l ft 1'nin In llie llnck nml Uv, nn.l Irn i- 't"'i I tu,f m iiM ta'ci of lIriiiiHt t'n! si-inlii f-eere Iltirnf Wch!1- it .NO PAIIIV CAN S UTJiY W, WITIIOI'T IT. It will nnnuallv tap Inniy t mn Hi cnf in ilottfirn' Itilln, mul Hn vrit-o lHmrn It within tho r- n li ct all It ii cold ot K.jc. oOt'.aud yl.OO a IrutUc.Aiul enn lw i ibtatut'-l from all ilniiylsts. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. April i y- Fui'l .luiuiM 1 hdiiiiis bilatict for ser H'l'8 IIS ('(II Kf ilh.l' 111 .M 111 L"t Fald stTlCfa uf ecrttnry ot council lo oj t'AH ItKNT". I'oimfii room, .1 .). urnwer ))io Hri'i'n r nml, win. t.Umoro mint DDK A' I.flrielt T I'll. Iftfllii 94 IM) Lot-k-up, it. Mohnor vomi f.nk'Uie luuiii. i. n. Kimu usnii 1'juiitl to so $149 60 FaM tor eon dm mx year, Uloomftbuitf lUsOumiitiiiy dl 4 I'.ii tt. A. uurk, MaHnnary 4 83 i'liMU. V. Corri'I'. m rlnir notlpes 10 oo IhM ibui, ViimiulticI?utiiiigWL'll at FaM itoliiuH.l'nimeji Acimjlerrur cIhIhat vr, A. C. ittibtj for conl oil 8 ir MurplesM tt Son repiir lo stove at lock-up flint Mnrpleaa.t Layox.-k forltiwppot1 1ft' Nejnaj.1 rorstuelntf it mi l'urafi x lilfllum Hi for nre liooks fi no liluonirtbuitf ua-i Co. tor kc. lainp 41 an . " ' lamp tlpn 1 o .1 J, Urouer.T. 1 oatlii, ,tc, arm im-kley wnlcnas soltdtii' f.ono Town auaitorH for Ws V wo Lock to poutiil 80 Total atu't current exponas for yoar $28'j si mtlEU I'lSUUKSKUEMrj. onlfisof '7T paltl $ u&ko ucucra oi .s nam ty vz mo u 't-xtt' ta on bonded debt nald 4; iia TO All bfOldS D.ll-t ''tMlll oi It.tcrebt iMl'i with luiirta ii ts Coupons paid un bur.dcd debt iiuiiiini-sMnu oi nousurer U.daueo In irta.sureis lunda y.t ca Total exnendlttirs tv.:-i " I)-?Unct unpaid orders ot '73 "mw Amount oquallns receipts 'T2 2 0 lilt! lindcivlni'd nit.1lt.ir4 nf 1 in tfmn nf l;;uuiiisljir' ii i iifivut ii-tiirv tlmt m vs. hi a tued llie foretfolitif account and -t.ilemcrits and nml incmk;unc(;t anu uo apprui mo sane). F. I kum;, ) 11. W. lltrt KINtlUAM.V tho-. uxun. April y, it. Total funded debt $2CD0 00 VAIHTION OP TAXABLE PHOrEIlTV TlIhKElS. ftii4rt'.iioo Ileal property Fersonal Trades and occupations Total valuation 'i per cent, of ubuc valuation Halance tax on dupllcato vt 'TS w.uioi yjj3 O) $TH'yl4iio ium-i oo 7 K Due nun sundry prsons on account CONTHIBUTIOM UUK OV HllIhRf OI'EMMH, Centre sheet, Klljih Mmtt, a 5'j .1UI hl'L alii "i 1. IVOOllS (Jll I U ,i. (j. Hotter 13 w " " Mhs l'hllllps iiiih) " " Win. Webii a.' in " Mr-. Wilson Fourth fttreel, Iiradley and Ooulun nun &irtei, u. u. t'eon. o un wm :iiiuy esiaie iuro second btroet, Clinton liobblns, judjt. iiaiauce in i ifusuverb nanu-i I oo 00 30 oo 4 l") 1'JIIO Fxco-aof aset1 oet tloatlnsdebt I lAlilLITIE, Orders ot 175 outsUndlni; " 1S70 Add Interest unpaid coupons not presented $53 rc2 SiU 27 y oi fl'J'.'J 5'1 io.ri II.U W. COHHKU.. 1'Ot.l.pPTOH 0PTVNE8 t Oil H, tf AC COUNT WlTimiKTOWN Or JU-UUMsULHU, Mt. To balance of taf-s uncollected on durllcato of lsTi as per l.ut annual statement $3li t8 en. Dec. 24, '73 by nm't paid V, 1!IU- nie,ur ire.isuier as iier lucein'u o oy fAoncraiiou- ajigwen H3 S- 11 0) $4H65 fit OS Match Vi). uy uouucu IiaLince on duplicate of .SBWTO-V 11O0.NK tOI.LFCTOU OV T S fOH lTtf, IN AC COL'NT ITU niB 1 Oviji Or UI.OO.MffBl.'KO, 1'U July'Ty, to amoantof dupllcato of 7'J fit. March 31, bv ant paid ticasurer as per"pi5, "uu ire.iMirer a ue U Ml 111 uy f SI'S timr pvnneralloiib nlovpii iiv Town L'utllllU I'tb, 4, tuul Mulfli i!tJ, '.. JIC31 SI S3 hij 1I4T I'ncol'KU'il"cu ou ilupilmiv ot 'TJ tv.l 1 T.J. SUflIUC TOWN TltnUHKI'. KOK IN' AC COUNT VMTIl Til li TOWN Of IIIXO JSIil'IW. lot, To In trwismy a" per aimual fctiiteuitnt tor lit CK. March 3 , by aiat paM over to r. 1'. lllllmi'jtr tnusurcr rur IsT'J lis (10 8' 'Auditors. SJIEULFF'a SALE. llnnilrnU III lielililn lll Vl.-lt I. lLiriinaii'i. O iinbliiiitiiin tlni ami iicM week Will jou Cb? C.ili (uiiil InrgiMi Hum i at rjilao VoiiiigV, I.itil Ciirtel, luroix vucks. .M.ircn 1'J.Ow Cm ami ben I. W. llarmuiiU l.aniii, UuutillU, A:c., lur tlt!t. Uubbers at McKiuuey'n. Lutz & riloau cl.iuu tu lime the ucst 5'Jot. curcel in tuivii. Ua.h paid lor 4000 biHielnii giiit While Velluw U.ils al Pllai Vi.UUijV, llgbl Sired. Alaivil iu ou' The uo of Si. JicoV Oil U itnleed fullowfd bf the moat wonderful remit. More than a J. ten ciuea have come tu my knowledge. where Si, Jacob's Oil efl'eclej ppeeily cureJ hoi I will only mention onx iiuiuuce. A nun i.lTerii e lor tvieniy-four yearn fiom Illinium tUui aa Induced t try the St, Jacub'n Oil lie ii'eJ a lew botllra of lliU truly wonderful remedy, and u now entirely well onto more. W, Keiuharl, Klmore, WU TKKACH.iI ACCOCNT. r. i', niii.MKvfii TiiuM'Hi'.ii ioa 1S79. isr Aitour.vr ttnil THE TUBS UK VLOQUSUl'lia, b't. Match 2H. '.tn .immint iwHeiinom T. .1 Vainit'iKiicii b iiauu rrom Juno lSTit. in amouii' asstbiinc'iit tin t it r 'II nt ," Die 4 lo amount rcwlved from (I. V. i ol l el c.i lector Mr T as JKr e 'Oiuil ot - il'l il W. t: irri'll 0"t.l, toainnuiii teci'lv. it tnun New ton tum'ie colli'Ot t tnr 'Tu tKt.ll.t .luio.iut lecttL. fr IflNtft ton 'foniiM cull Tlor lur 'Til Oct. lo ni.ioii'it irulicUfromXcw I n liooiiHciillec'iurror'TJ 'ov, t.toaiiiuiiiii ivL'i-lv. u irom "ew. Ion lioone coll"ctortor'T'J Nov. .'i.toamuuiitnwloirromN'i'W ion ll.june onll. clor for 'TU lec. is.t.i uuvmnt rtivl. tirremNew ton Iinoite c ilecior tnr 'Ty Dec. aiuiuint receded fromN'ew- lon II inn,. C,'1K' tor for "U Jan. to imijiuit iccelvctl fioin Newton looiio coin-cior lur iv 1'eb St to amount lecelvna Irum NOV. ton U'joiio coiiwior lor -,a I'.-b ui, to iiiiiuiiiii rtei'iteU from N'HWti n tKinccoiH'ciori')r -,y March 3. to unwuiit nceHcl Irom purrin llnniio po'lel lor lor 7' Man U is, tnainiunt leci'lted Irom Don't lort'et I. V. llui tiiiau'a Orocerj Ucpartuieiil is nuw lirt cin't. I Ofiil nimiiili ol'iiu-H dried at. pies w.iulid at &iiu youngs store Lint Ciirctt fur hlcu 1 will pay the lilgnesi uiarsei pticcs. lictemuer, jo. t ui. Liulit elotlt for ladlta jackets at I.ilU & .'loan's, Hfiut heaihjuururs at .McKliinoy's. 1U0 pieces ut l)rcs i ils ul 1. W. Harl- nun s. !i cenis to i- per juiu. Don't fall tu tee the Atneriuan !feiiig ui.icliitie, beloie jo.i buy tueiuieru .it Mdir'a, .New ton liooue collecior lor ';v To nmount suto tax co'.leLted daring- ear March HI, to amount received; Irom I s Kutlli, I'rehldetit 'lown UolluclU collections as tn,e.,llceris.e&, f, l pllt.Ml.f.llTKElS.CUF.K Of li'). July 15T9, by amount durlliwtd f. Newton iloone collei'tor t r HTV, belutrtlioaiiioiint iiiicolleclnl by tieiiuier on tin lull ft llio ear ly bonds paid durhii,' sear: .No. tit! tluu I'eii'iiary I, tsTJ " V Auiriitt 1, " " 63 ' " t, " .. .. .i . .. 12 ' tietober 1, Id Jaii'uiry t, lh0 sea " feoruary i, i. ao " t, llr liiterekt ilurlni: loar : Amount paid lih bunw $j ts lUQUUl coupons paid T013 llv o-dcrs p dd during voir 75" 9i liyuiiinuntMnto'lajt on oondet debt paid JSV) llyamuunt Treasurers coir.nilxlou ' H'i'l - i' li) 60 Haul UAI'fi, L Uest styles, lur (Jloilniig llaihl! Mats 111 CAl's, t-'Al'a I.uwesi I'lkes nt Hie 1'npu. ;torenf 1). l.uHenbcrK. Marr will take all kinds of produce lor sewing machiiits. Admission fiee at McKinuey's. For Tciwelt, lublo linens, nuU napkins go to Luu Aj SIuuu'b. Neatufoot Oil and Vacuum Oil fur liur nes ureoke fur fale ly SilaH Ynl'ig, Lliibt fitrtet; also lllatk Oil, V li Oil. l.ii.ud Oil, Whale Oil and Caslur Oil March 19-2m Halation la 'i'roiksuter's Junds Amount iccclud fiom T. .1. Vuuderhllce Hit " (I. iv. I'utrelt collce- torrorisis Amount received Irum Newton Uoono collet lor lor IsT'J Amount iucUed fiom 1. f, Kiilm, I'usinldeDt on lines. Itet'iiMM, .Vo , Amount xuuo lax on boiideil debt coll tried ' Oollucled by Tow n 'l're.cttrer u u tax loll ol Tsi Kxi'KNr.n cans, I1I01IWAS. Paldlor labor, teaiab, mateital, re puli-s to toiiU, o., during) ear IhiOT JT ruin r, auuoo.v eiiiuniinioiier Ol lilgu waaIorheilcos la IsTy Paid aiuuel xiaiUer balaiu.0 as com- niiosioiier or hlKliwuis In ts I'ald (or I'nniliu: uuuual iuteinent, town oidlnuuces. A-1., Paid fur (oihe htivms to bundry neuns paid M. t Woodward senlcesa-ihlsli constable, and faerilui; and pot luir notices, .c, UK mi to 6100 11CT5 Uy Mrlue of sundry wills Issued out ot the Court of common Pleas of Columbia county and to me dllected, will bo exposed to public sale at tho Couit House In llloomsburg ou Monthly, May Ud, 1SS0; at n o'clock p. m., Hie lollowlrg described real estate All that undivided halt of tho following d teilbcd tract of land situate In Hemlock townaUlp.coluiu'.la counti, l'ermsjlva' la, bounded aud descilbi-d follows. Mr.: Ileijlmitun at a unite oak, thence by land oniodi'rey .Mellck. south ceventeen and a half deyrei'8 eoFt one hundred anil illieen and four tenth pel dies to u post, thence b., land of tho suuie south one-half decrees west, slxtj-nlne and ihree-Ienlh perches to a stone, thence by Hul of tlio heirs cf Samuel Wanleh, aud Albert soinmLi'Sso'itlititij-Toui and a.lmf degiees west nineteen peif lies to a post thence by a public load and land cf Jucoh llarrl north eihtdeyrees west elgUtj -seven ferehes to a suar tiee. thence noith one decree-east thirty-lour peithes, north twelve degrets west, ten torches, north elshteen deif i ees west twenty pereheH, iiorth niteeudepiteswest tlilrty-ftnir, north sl. anda hslf degreeswest eliflit perelies, to a button- wood, noilh alxlj-slx and ene-rourlh degreos east llllcen and fotn.tenlh perchea to the plaee of begin ning, eonta nln;r twenty-Hunt acies and tvvenl eight it relies, strict measure, w hereon are elected a tin ee story grist and llourlng mid Willi a go.n' water lower and wad r uiehi, a two stor dwellm, house, large ho' pen a d oilier uut-buildlims. se zi'd, taki n lu exe. u'lou id the suit if edition Mellck executor of lloilfiey M'll k, dic'il, ugalusl John Beagle Willi notl'e to James Iv. Kierulid Motes (teller, terre-ieeants, and to be suld as the propirtj of John lieiigle. IkKLEii, Attorney I ev Kl Fa ALSO, All thai undivided one-half part t.t all ihil ceria n tn-loi situate In the borough of Ilerwlek mid bound ed un Ui north by si eond hi reel o tie. east by an all"', on the aoulli h u lot ot Joseph VxK s heirs, andou the west bv a lot of i-uw m c, .la.vne containing one fourth of an a ru more or less whereon are u-tcied a framo dwelling house. utranir stable, a frame wagon hous , and other out-tmlld Injs with Un' nppiiftei.aiiei.a i 'Ued, tukeu In eXeeullun as Ih" pi inert s of lieu b "n VII er at Hie suit ot Hie First Nalion.l Hank ct Ul.junsiiuig now tur Ihe use of Heury Doak, and to bj suld as ihe pn n rly ot Kuuuuu .Mllhr. I'ueiub, Attorney Alias I"a AL.-0, 1 He undivided on-half part of nil lint cortaln tract or piece of lurid sltuuie In l.wu-t township, colum- Mat'ouniy Male atoresel.I bounded on llie wet oj Pii'ds of 'Ilmnias lllillngton, on llie south b laud ol Thumaa aud Mary lli'Sliton, on the east and noith b. lauds of Lew is Lee, Isaac Lewis, Ilelijamln Cum .laeub K'lsliner, aud others, eoi ialumg tour hun tired and HUiij-nlne acred mid fuur percle s Also, line .ithfreeibiln Iraet sll II ire (is af uesild. .'WJ 8T . ....nrt,.., ., ...... hv 1 mil of Mlehael hltno llie ! o lierw l-se bounoed b ion Is of Lewis, ,u lin 1-3SS I liuiig uudoiliers, and by the utoreauld tract, on ' UinU'g one bundled mid ilihts-nlne acies and six- t)-three peieh"s. , Al'n, ull i hul certain lot or piece of ground situate , In the liurough of Ccntrallu, county and Hale afore aald, on t' o west side cf lAieut aenue. bi lug iweu I t)-dve feet In wldlli on kulduteuiio and extending at rl lit angles therewith westwar Is une huuai i and forty teet In Ui piti to uu alley aud kuown ou Un msnof sa'd Horougli as ot o. i. In 1 ek 1 IT, Bald lot being bound! il i s lo lows to.wll; on Hi i ast bj I Ius avenue, on tue nui Ih by lot el lane il Turrev on the wet by an id'ej, ami ou llie south by lot oi i lsrldiut Fainll, ou wlilih Is erecud a two sturj ' f ruuio dwelling house. stable, and other out-bulldlugs ! Seized, tnki u lu execution at the suit cf 'I he Mc le nndooh Valley Hans to use ice., against J Millci itaub, llav Id Keller, uud IMwuril s-h liter, terre let, ants, and to bo sold us Hi prupert of J.MUb'r Itaub iiavid Keller ami Ldwurd Miarfer, tcrro tenants, l utczt, Attorney Lev t'a ALSO, The following nul estate sllualed In J'.adlson tow nship, Columbia county, Pennsylsanla, bounded on the north by land of Adam Hoat, on tho oast by lands ot Henry Eveu tt and William Masteller south by land of Henry Miller, wo t ny lands ui jostaii Muustttiid William Masteller, contaliilngabout Kt eight acres, mure or less, on which are a two sun- frame dm I tug hoii'e, forme lank barn, and oilier out.tmlldiiigs A good apple orchard, a' d a good spring ol water and spring hous neur tho dwelling. This propertv la situated ou tho public road leading trout Ulooinsburg to Jerseytoivn, ubout three miles from Jerne) lown. SeUed, taken in execution at the s '-lt of Con m l Krenmer agilnst Lllas liogar, uud tube sold as the piopertyot l.llos llogar. IltUKUCv, Attorney. nr ALSO, All tlint eirtuln lot or of land situate In Mlllltn township, Columbia cuuuty, 1'enusylvunla, bounded aud dt si rtbeU as follow to-wit: (Ju the north by Abraham souweppeutic laer, uu the eusi bj JVter Mleluvl, ou the suulU and west by Horace Sehwcppculn Iscr, containing i IgUty aeros, mule or loss, on wululi are erected a two story frame House bulk t arn, a large Ir uue grist UlUI, mill Uuuse aud nil muessiirj oui-iiullilliigs. seined, takeu lu exi'i iuUui at Ihe suit ot J. , llet ler assigned to r. Jordin ,v Hons ugaiu.t (ievrge Nui.gesier, and to be sold as il.e property if Ueorgc uugesser. JU)CXV4V 4 KI.WKI n, Attyit Al FI I'ft ALiO. AH Uut certain tract, messuage or piece cf land slluale la Mount PI "asaut iowi.huiii, Coluuiblaooun ti', and state of Peuusyltauui, buuuded aud descnb udasfullows, to-wll: uu the noith by lands ot ! Vester Klleheu, uu ihe easi by lands nt Julin llus grae, uu the souih by lands ot Jacob Juuustou, olid on the by 1 mils ot sj ivtster KlU'liui and Jaiob KUlier, cuuuiuln,' stii -six acres more or loss, on whli here netted u l"g dwelling huuse, a good bam und wagon slud, nnd nal-bulMliigs, s u. d, takiiuniA" 'u ion at me in uf Torlndi llag"nburu, 'Im lutenuurrl d with ll'.j d Id' hie, n:alnt Henry KIMien, wllh notion to If rre tenants nml 1 1 be suit as Ihi properly of Henry Kltchon w li li not lee to rerr I snants. Lith n, Atlorneys. Vend Ex A ,.-'(), All ihi mung' aril tract if Und slluito In lie T tnelldllp, C. lUtlielll colli, l a' d slate of 1 1 a nu,s ! aiil i, biiundi d and din rmetl as fillows, 'mill' norih bv 1 1 tu t tn Wmranlee name; ot a' I'iriii" lirigeiibprger, nml land ut Columbia Coil unit lion 1 1 uipariy, on the wtuth by public road u a ling fiom lleaer Valley ui 51 neauley Coal Mined, , on uie east b la-id ot Cliailutt F, Maiiii, defeastd, nlul (in I h" went by land cf John lliker,H- oontaln Ing "v Md.s-tlie acies more or less ierl. takon In execution at the milt ot Joshitt I iiei'iniiri and Aaron Ororer Adinrs. of Michael iimver. ilecesied, aijiiliml John Hlrdeillur Sarah Ami lliidetllter and Jacob lllntirllter, and to bo sold natherrnnettrof John lllnlcriltcr, s.rah Ann Illuli rlllcr and Jaeob lllnlerlllcr. KKKhzs, Attorney. lev Fa ALSO. All four separate i ml distinct pieces or par cels of Kiel situate tn Locust township, (,'olumoU count , Penn'a, bounded and described as follow, hat U to say No I, known as Ihe Tavern stand In the town ot Numedia, In-glnnlng at a sUme In tho public road Ifiiilng from Mimedla to Kernlown thence iy land of Horuinn Kahrlnirer south nlno and ono quartori dgreeswest twenty-one and eight-tenth perch'Sj 1 1 a stone lle'iiee by land ot (leorgo A. snjder south clglitj-flieaiid iluee-quarter dtgrecs west twenty- one andlhree-teiith pel dies to a stone In the center ot tin1 public road lending from Afldand to Catawlss.t tie lieu In said road und by land ot Peter Swauk and Ueubeii Kaliilnger norm eighteen degrees east tweuti-two and Ilve-tentli perches to a stone, thence In said road and by land of the samo und Margaret lads not Ih twodJgrets west ten und secn-tenth pi rthes to a stanc thence by land of Mary Teits- T,oith norih elghtj-slv- degrees east fourteen and tiiree.tctitli peiehesto a stone, thence by a ten foot alley south Ihreo degreescist eleven and trro-tenlh perches to as one lu the public road, thence In said public road nnd by land ol Herman t'alirtnger, north eighty-five and three-dusiitei decrees east ten and sevendenlb perches to the place of beginning, con- tateliig Ihreo acres, aud elghtj-eUht ptrches strict me, sure. No 3, Mum!'' In locust township, county and state aforesaid hounded and described tn follows: llegln- nlng ul u stone a corner of land ot Mtas 11. Johnson and rtinnlug from tlcnco by land ot Wtliltni Bollck uorihlllly degiees east eljhtecn and tour-tenths pen hes lu a stune thence by thu situe north bio. and a hall di grees east fourteen peichcs to a stone and tsist, tnence by land of sustn Klln?Borththlrt- seveu an1 a half degrees west flttj-slx perelies to a post, thence bj land tt Ihe same south fitty degrees west thlrtj and nltie-tenlh perches to a stone thence by land of Mlas II Johnson south Ihlrtv-nlns snd three-ipiarter iei;ref s east vuty.four perches to the plaeool beginning, containing eleven acres and one bundled and twenty-eight perch.s strict measure, containing timber. No 8, situate In the township of Locust, county and state aforesaid Iwin led and described as fol lows beginning at a stone a corner of land of Jacob II Vaitlne and the Numldl.t school lot and runnlns; thence by said sch iol lot and land belonging to the Lutheran and Herman liefurmed Church south one degree west sixteen icrches to a stone thence by land ot neorge Hetty north eighty-nine degrees east thirty-ore perches to a stone, thence by the same north sK.oen ant one-quarter degrees east forty- ono and nine-tenth perches to a stone, Ihence by Hie stme north tlfti-four degiees east live and fiTe- tentli perches to a stone thence by land of John A. miner south eights -idn decrees west ten and eight tenth p. relies to a sluse. Hi 'tiea by Und ot Jacob II Vastlne snuih nfiy-tour degrees west forty-four and one-tenth tierehes to i He) plaeo ot beginning, containing se n aeres and six an t one-half perches strict measure, whereou Is erecte I a one-halt story frame house aud kitchen. No t, beini lu Locust township county and state aforesaid bounded as follows: tin the east by land of Jolin llelnbold and un the southbylind of Herman Kahringer aud on the west by land of John A Ultner and on the noith by land of John lllnbold containing about seventeen acres be ths stino more or lens. Seled, taken In execution at the suit ot l.idwig Thiers Admlulsirators and M. (.. H'lgnoi against Daniel Mori Is, uud to be sold as tho property of Daniel Morris. KvKHI.Y it I'llKl.K, AUib. Lev ra Terms, cash on day of sale. April 9, 'sii-ts V. 11. r.NT, sherirf. nxr.trAriTIlJTH AT crJCU OUIVI1D II IT BENSON'S APCXNtf POUOUrf PLASTEFS. IP IS TUT OM.T IIXOW'X K..1IIOV Til IT M2 It I'tll;'. Over 2000 Druggists hau signed a paper slalmg ixvi'in BwVry way Superior to tho Ordinary. Sluw-acting' 3?orous Tlastor. .siarcu mi, s iv WI0LBUL1 TheunCe-' call the Corner Main nml .Market Strtet3 BLOOMSBUJiG, PA. enrd biAlnirl'Ci " In the MI(II.I I. i: Httfli Ii! sin, forthepat ele.en jeorswould itituuon T oi Hi.' publli geiiera'i,. and i UN 1.1 liKALbdS l particular, to till irllTe .ill'l alt d l'l, k. M coiisjsis oi P.vints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent knlicincs, Spices. &e. PPKAL NOTICK April 19th- ' will be licld on the assessment nf lsso, bo- twt't'jj tlie hours cl s u. tn., and 4 p. in., ul eveh day us follow t: For Ueinlook. Montour nad Mt. l'lasant ii our ufiit-f In Itloomsburff. AptUMtU 1'ur (irceinvood. Mauison ami riDoniiiio llO'ISf Ul tlUimillirj I ui net, 111 .itiiinuv. pr121-t Kuroniiiuo unlin huusool JieubunUa- Apiil22nd Kor 0entR'Otit tuo election house In LVnlre. nrll 23rd l'or It rwlck und Hrlrtrrreek at Ihu lumsi1 1( i. . Mauser, tn lierw lei;. mll 'Jllh Fnr MUtltu at thu House oi Anion lleM tn MinilnWhV. pill wtu l'or liL'u''r und Main at the house ot .ro-cp'i II huiiun. lu Uimut. .Mini 2UU 1'ur LoeiM. and liourlngcrt'ck nt ihe hems' of Danli-l n Kf hres In NuinedU. prll 1Mb Fur tvnti.dui and t'on nuliam ut tU Anrll S'JlU Ki r CataMv and Franklin at the house of. 1 1 cub KMler in l'arvN-a X Rata For Fi-hlmrcrifk jtt the ei'Clloii houie Ma'. 1st or Utiiton lueK'm and Mi rloalattU" Il itMi' ' I uus-,'l ivtii ii. if liiuit. ' M.iv sih-Fur l'l -in aid M'ott at our omce m 1 Up oh svir an- I'-ijulrtd to (jlto okIi tcxat-'a ni-itffoT hlfior li'r vaiu.iuon stiays wiiro in a ot Appeal. sTi:Pin; VOVi:, 1 commHsnmeri (IMS. liFK'HAUT, or A. Ih "FltltlMI. ) ColUintU f o. Oominlssloiiers' oniet- Ap: U fi, it apro w VfOTICK Tt) TUKSPASSKUS. Vittfi-o 's herfhv trll'' 'hit nil prisons ur- fnrhit) dTi truin trthpi-sliic on th" irciiiN'11 iT lust pi i ' Ohi' HI i ''l''r.Mmii'iui, - uj'iru i u,. - u (IwiskHH-d f -r it)f puriM-u of hootlric" r htni'n " n uitil nP Ktiids i f yoiiip I'orson ho are P unK hoirtp ssit-ir wiiib irosecutedaminlltujtn l w upru i-i u, i"u- oi iwnti " . BROWER'S BLOCK. IN IT MAY BE F0U1M) A LARGE STOCK OF Sl'KNllRH. CiilAMUIS CdLOONC, rciiruMKitv, ciHAlts, TANCY AllTICLia, TOILKT .SOAI', TOdllt UUUallSs, iiaiii liiiusiiEs. i-AMif, tir.oiir.,s nnd in ftict every thing that should he kept in a complete mid well regulated Drug Store. They are tho sole MiiUiifuciures of the OoMmited rsanr, SarxL- !1 & " V, R P?? (S? Also tho Manuiiicturers and Solo Proprietors Oil. W. iM. BICKLICY'S Celebrated and LNVALUABLE PRliiPAJtA'CLONS. Compouncl Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron. Improved Cream Camphor. Worm Kil ling Agent, Improved llos: Pectoral. The Beset Remedies Made. Highly Recoramsndedi by Physicians. MOUSE IBBOTILIEMS, w w 5Jf.ll 91 SI 91 00 2)1 lit 111 133 DO U0S3 'M5 113 M 131 ii 11'9 Si J031 91 t-ilMiX 13 Oj tlT5 tili't is $!II.HV) MXI R.1 ill 10') 0J s m l.) 0J ' 0 r.iniw 'iJW .'! 01 rTlTP op .innv M'HEWOil s. li!rAi.Fn. t,.(t,,r. ti-Ht mi.ntnrv rn th l'Int of .Ti lin , Mrlli'vnnliifi, lull' "I tin' l"'n lllorinitlmrjr. I'nln ii- pii'iiir' rt'iiri' . (ii'ii'iii'ii. luifi'i-imiii i-.t I.i ll.r. P. irUI,.i-nf UMLIt'Olll'tv 10 Hllirll V. Ml' n- kIiIii rihi' innn ii' in-! nre, nDi i Mtil. All pi-r-t.i)UHhi'lnirillrq asiiliih' ilifHiicnt Hil ilf'i- ,,.,, .1,1 ri.i,nvinn in I rpv. ill I m'ln inr M'tiii'iui'i" 'lllfl ll.USli IllliPlltf'fl lOlllI1 "FIll'll TO IPHKf l.l.Ultl l lo lin' univr.ti.-niM I xiouior, ''iiwmi iwi'i. ,1 W VnlH''llfU i ini , is-o-r.iv ' r.Nfcu'cr. "XTOTICE. ......... v... ..l. lin fro.lll.iv; r f tliO lin. il V i' I ili"l '! il i piT'-nl.l. Vl! IIil It 111 'V Piini'i'l n tlmt Ii will iini'h in Hi" C'i nrt nt Cntnniivi I' fin tl ililnli' i rn-rf J " 111' in ri'iu (! in' 'i",'i.'-ii I II M 'if ! Ill- t i 'tlllll H'tV i 'I I'll ' II MOtiHll. Ml" n.irii i i I ! -". n' Il'l il Mill" H'n i-'r'H'-, iii'.iiiv.- iii i i'iiii tn Iin il I'll ill -' imrir" ii-i ft' la'.iiivi nt (l,iilnr i .in unv ar nml m 1K,' I HI" Knoli nnrll i. 'v II" -ii-iir ii.-,i-i. ,rmovs aiti: mskmknts. l Til" (iillmilnv unnrnl-i'inonta of riMl anrl ncroniil iirniM'ilx wf nMirt to widows of il.'i'i'ili'tits lime lii'cn nli"l In 111" oflln- of llio lil'L'Kti'l' of I'ol ili' lil i I'liniilv. iinilt-r til' Willi's ot Coiirl. n nrt will li" nri st-nloil tor nttsoliit" "imtlrmutloit to tin' lirplililis' I'niiri to Ihi lii'l'l In liloninshuri.'.lii nl fortal.l i'onn- iv, on Mwiiliw, ni'iril nvnni'ti' "v, in mu ovlni'k p. in., of "ivl'l iln un w exnptlonotn snrii iT.iirirmiitlnn nro pri'Mon-lv tllorl. of whldi nil pi-r-sons InU'rosli'it In talil fluto will take notice : 1. vvil iwof niijiii I'-ullmor, lati ot rinatownsnip. 1 -ft'O't. a. Wiriow nf mi'iiicl c. Mclloiry, Wo of lienton townslilp, iliTi'iisort. 3. Wlilii v of William A. ''.tie, lilo of siult town- hlllp, d-c 'U-iI'll. 4. .l iw ot Martin W Num, litoot thoTownot lllii'iiuJiiirkr, nwiViMt 5 w l'l iw of emirge llollenbacli, Into ot Main town- UIP, (ll t'rllllP'lL 0 Wlilow ot Uitorvo Lelby, lite ot Locust township, cli't eavcii. 7. Wlilow of vplwin lless. latoof Mijarloaf town- rllijl, llfl' widow nf finlli'lil llarrlaou, lato ot ihe Town ot lll'iouiitjuiir. a'-ri'iisi'it, 9. Wlilow rf Joseph Lllli'y, Lite ot Scoll township, lll'io wi tl. lie 'IsliT'BOftli'e. 1 W. II. I X Oct 17 Ty ' I- VMS WCF f'JWtwtrtfjr ) iWJJt. Li' rit ?s Out of town peoplo wlio can not conveniently travel, mnyhavo fcum- plta sent them of Dry Goods nnd all other goods thntwa eeil, if they will write No chnrgo, nnd no need to order If not feuited. Wo make It tx buslnesato nttondlosuch letters quickly; nd whon orders come we bend, tho exact artlclo wanted, mid nt exactly tnmo price ns enter cu .tomera pay when hero buying in person. vvnen goocln lira not its ordered, wa take them back. Havlnj trained and responbible clerks, who nro able to use discretion in filllncj orders, fjr wq nro enabled to tjlvo great satisfaction to tho mnny customers xvno ttuva trio cwit-a io us. vviiu n ropuiuwuu twenty years at retniling, we cannot nfford to lose our good namo by lank of proper service to absent customers. Write plainly, and describe fully whnt Is wanted, nnd about tho price desired. Address, John Wanamaker, Largest Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. i ', ' . twr ,a if. , ' .'n---, ' . IHllmfVlVIMr ''a? 1 .m. . I. . K ' H .1.. i . - I i l'Olt ltrunrlilllftf lluurrnr4 t TickllnKor Drucsiuf tUo Throut, Sore Tliruut Cold lu tho Ilrad, Croup i Jllflut'lKH, 1 ultl la llut ltimiNt Atlinialln ( outim, y oJ rrlU-fof ('otiiiiiuiptlitH. Iter 1 a cii L lis"i' fii ' , .li 8. KoU) t'ortUpl U iMt tho n f tcf mcroiUnnre.b'.ttf long Bt . 'Utlfto r? ari.hiurl u --try il in- ilciuo, ati i laia'y (k. lyi'ierui u.t)u(l'4iuuiua 1 tu worarall ' 1 c"u.-. . TU c iluf a 1 1 lU fc-iuiuf iw t nre U at lij t iin-mtrroatftat 'tt y ct'i r un U. We ti; 04 t 1 Liarti-t.ana y. tit Urn J a 'id ti , o Urs'y luv yrU p cf .', V, C " t) 4 i f r a Ehoii Um i '; j 1 1 lroprl-litr, ill ArHi Strrrt, PMlaiU'lphln, I'o. a BREECH-LOADING REPEATING RIFLE FOR S6.50. THE IMPROVED "CHICHESTER." Weight from 5 to G Pounds. Length of Barrel 22 inches. fl)3W f 13 2-1 IC'il 91 ins urn wan ri& A hi it ' inn lin ii 1 tn Hit If t maimia I Mi t I' r i..- .s'.msgy-- vi j . -mvx sii i ? t t ti in rt Krrtlietn mi a t i ' iii mi. n i ii- 'i n . i i i IMtH r-nUllii -U 1 i It r I .It ( T r I Hum m r II it 111 b n i ( i i 'i , nii i tlirri 1 -I. ' t iv I III. M ,l iltllill I I U ' I t ! 1 - 'w II , 1 i .HI) .i i UMIUHLSTtR i'11 I I 1 1 i . ( i i i i tna in -ti i i i i . i n in i iiiluu mat i -i ' 1 e uyinin Ubiin CHICM EbTtK 10 ! f ii t i m ' i'i t mr i . m 1 i, n . i i i V i i ' , n I rltl4 In I'm town crltil uttnurr 1h t j i t ' W i i ai T,r J-- u lin i, i Mt-bMen4 hmmr n4lri)r(r nKe ( DEAR IN MIND' i . n umi-i W .l Iturk II U ft IIUAN SbW RPPCATFR. - ir.i r M . i trill . i, i i.hlr I h ' ( t n tfr i H I 1 ff i i t.iwl ' " It -n ttc i t . n. , m ! .ri I - 1U h ihol kti I V ' x If i u IraTir i l fri n ki,rv w . h t. 1 mu I i H lUltlNT It -ii ,n I fnff 11 ft l ti n il I r. i ti r n i ti i rrwr t t.ruc Hi a ' u i nil r 1 mi I ill uil tuii. ut t , , i r 1j uiiU tu c v u in nt t nil lr ' r Hfl RO.t rti nun? rvlnniof thU rrr tin rloul t Mint mU-r, dndoc th pt r i tut. tn i il i n ' la tb. h9W V"rH lu A tin,' n t 1 1 I to uiii ul y I i i our rltl, in I il hi W i Tr 1 It U Uf i it , i unirliu Ir in J tit wtrtriy at aitadtl &tlrt n, Nl-itha( .ti I i - f n . mmi ii i i-iril tiinttUiUKOCK rk. h u'o K l'KPY n'HH i i ira't! t nVn a l ta in In rlrt-rin. av r rrfjnl t Ii A iw.rrui. n. i--i,Mnuti,ii:a. CHICHESTER RIFUE3 t.i thati-wcirbmf i CHICMCSTCR RIFLCi'' lire ui . ii r 'if t . Ui 'i. i - I ii a ! i li"i i ail Hi . at Intr lu tl iH pan of d "fl? l,l o"" '"'"s ftniitfff ACVTIU1 K an L i j i Uftlliillalm-ttletrW I it if. , riviim.j(ihi CHICHESTER "ii" I mm ftiit ul iimpaalta tuj MU fuaraDUa fiat lha Kxprri i'tiJt;. WE WILL SEND ONE CHICHESTER SEVEN SHOT REPEATING RIFLE mJw, iilaiii a ot ur, ili ifio lilt t u i ' n.' tait rtua Uctaili iiinu'ii 1 iiHln t HiOUhtoTklt Klfl k I UulltlftU'-ra III bw)' Itfatnoiit- lil.xk "1 Hia Ptni' i n uilTiutaa' U irutu Ntw tK Im 1 TH KlPi K an I TanrU rualo un fin at I tie and b ri ra' at) I raa I t i i ur ruai nalbi Uf w r-(t l I a l'l IH.I-.1I EH THIS VkVi U u4 t i i ' til UmiUiuI IhmiC nipmim Mnuay llr (nr. lffl "U N' w V i ' ci eraferrvd fonrarJ tu an Knrvaa AK' ut in Jrr U w I intra, i n vcitit f-a)tu u CHICHESTER RIFLE CO., w n riiniKn ri-Mu-., ai un.if.wrrr ir. (. mmmmmmm U(tfawlal4 Wti( Lawf vi tba bUW v( A JatMJ I'.UU'l V. aujk mm ' I i pl I " ' I v l mauufa turr ' an KbaarMl wm. m i .i ' m Har-L Tlw ban- I nt VrfUMUrlp. A un t ti liortd an 1 C 1 F1RE6SEVEM c-tt tu ta xnia if i rvltillr lwa"t au ' " ujifiiviiu S J t un una ol m I'wima i . ulli , Mk VniM tu tuu uui MlaruCM aJ 1-llloU J arynt- ! ur I 1 in 1 M-l I 1 f'-l-" Iti Ill ) ut U 'ti i if ul I i..- i. Ua. . i I l tf N-wJ lacj.U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers