THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEGr, COLUMBIA COL NT X, PA. Agricultural. WHAT SKI.IIS TO I'liANT. Asparagus cotno first of nil. TI1I1 Mioul I liave a place in every gniileii j it it early, nml tlio system necili it in early spring. K tlio ganlucr Jois not liko it, litis flinuld be no bar to its cultivation, as Mi family and visiting frlcntls probably wcu'J. Conovcr'r 11 tlio most c-teaueil. 'Ilio l!mal Itefiiilcr for the iar 1S78 tolls bow to pio dueo it or superior quality, l'o tint fail t plant a bed. OnrjcaruM rcots will save timo and cotuo itilo eiittiii: quicker. Iteans are all important arid everybody plants tlietn, but lliero aio to many kind lliat tlio nnvico is puzzled to cboose, l'or map or busb bean, tlio vnriciic of Wax beans are best ; fny the Oeimaii Wax at.d the Yoik Dwarf Wax. l'or polo beans ehooie tlio Mottled Cranberry, the Coneoul, and Drecr's Improve! Litm. Tlioo will pioic eminently satiffaetory. I! ts that aro best for eaily rummer use. nro I. upturn or mrly Jlasssno. l or winter uo take, iho Iiir Htnnd. Cahlases aro all pond tit all seasons of the yei r. There aro a great number of varieties, Mini1 of which are bet in particular localities, lint fur wieial purposes and most plucis Hi full 'Wins will I o found all liitlit : l'or cnrly Jci.-ev Wakffiold i a standard sort ; l'ot 11 r's Diuii'wiek a little later, i a bmmhead and elves picat satisfaction wherever idantid. ami wo must not forget the improved Amci icjn S-'avny, a very tweet and tender fort for family use. Carrots aro good as a vegetable, and mot excellent pics and puddings aic made of them Tho Early Short Horn is a good variety. t aulifloner is a delicious esculent, and is not raised as often as it ought to bo ; pro bably from a notion that it is haul to raic The improved Karly I'm is i an excellent va ncty. Henderson s l.arly snowball is ntw and greatly extolled. I.cnoruiand's Short Stem is one of tho most reliabb kinds in cul tivation. Celery is a most healthful and troth some morsel, and should never bo omitted ; it has nare itie properties which aro valuable in rcg. ulating somo disorders of the system. Tin lioston Market variety will not disappoint the gardener. It is short ami solid, and vciy popular. I'lant plculy in older to ho able to store a lot for winter use when tho heads mo very expensive. Corn is always planted as a matter of course. Karly Minnesota is ono of tbc bet early kindi. Moore's Karly Concord is n handsome and popular kind, recommended by tho Massachusetts Horticultural Society Stowell's Kvcrgrceu is a standard lato varie ty ; it keeps green very late. Cucumber Karly France and WliitoSpino are booth fine. Long Green is best for pick ling. Kgg I'lant. ISuy New York purple. Jjottucc Hanon is sweet, tender and cri p all tho year round ; it may bo sown at any timo for a succession, but tor tho heat of sum mer some of tho Cos varieties aro better, be ing cooler and uioro ciisp. Melons aio cooling and delicious. Skill man's Fine .Netted is early and of dcliciou flavor. Cassaba is larger, green llcshed.mell ing and delicious. For watermelons YicL's Karly is the best early sort. Mountain Sprout, au old standard sort, is good. Onions Danvers' Yellow is 0119 of the best ; a good cropper, lied Wethcrsficld i an old standard soit. Parsnips The Hollow C is considered su perior in quality to most others. There aro a great many varieties, new nnc being sent out every year ; some good and somo so much liko old ones that the diffei enco is hardly perceptible ; but no ono can go amiss who takes Tom Thumb for extra early. For second early choose Kentish In victa.or McLean's Advancer; for lato the old favorite Champion England. Uadishes Carter's Long Scarlet and lied Turnip Hooted are good sorts. Sow every two weeks for a suecs-ion. Squa'h Karly l!ush or Summer Crool -neck is good for summer use. Amcriciu Turban is tho best of all squ-hes, and Hub bard is tho standard winter variety, although tho liutmau ana tho Maihlehead aro fu.-t paowing iu popularity. Tomatoes should bo in every garden iu profusion. The Canada A'ictor is very early, full mealed and rich j altogether a first rate variety. Trophy is a very popular soit, and latr. lie suro and havo plenty. Turnips Yellow Globo is a good sort for family uso or uiaiktt. White Dutch is a good nhito tie-bed sort, and Ameiieau Kuta lioga for a swede. Plants of cabbage, celery, egg plant aud tomatoes can bo had of seedsmen at tho prop er season, thus saving time aud trouble. For Potatoes, both sweet ami vthito the lo cality must bo euti.-idered, and those varie ties planted that do best in the vicinity. J. it. D. MUldtescx, County, Man, 1'AliM HINTS. Guinea fowls will keep off bugs and in sects cf every description from all garden vines, 1 bey will not sciatcli like other town, or hatui the mot delicate plants. Tho average butter yield of the Ayrshire cow is one pound from twenty to twenty-five pounds of milk ; fmuj tho Jersey it is one pound of butter from eighteen pounds of Milk. Turnips are healthful for horses. They should bo cut in slices, or what is better pul ped finely aud mixed with a littlo meal and salt. Rutbagas aro better than white Hu mps. A cellar that is cool, dry and dark, and yet well ventilated, is the best place for preserv ing potatoes, if large quantities are to bo pre served lucre is nothing liko dry sand. Tho samo may bo said of fruits and roots of all sorts. Plant tany at tho roots of your pluui trees, or hang branches of the plant 011 the limbs of tho trees, and you will not bo an noyed with eurculio. An old aucecs-ful fiuit grower furnishes the above, and says it is tlio most successful eurculio preventative he ever tried. Wiirkinsiiicii. lteforeyou begin your heavy spring wmk nfter a inters rotaqation,yc.ur sytem needs cleaning and strengthening to prevent an attack of Ague, Itilliouaties or Spring Ve ver, or some other Spring sickness that will unfit you far a season's work. You will save time, much sicknon and great cxpenso il you will uso ono bottle of Hop Hitters in your family this month. Don't wait. See another column. Plowing laud when it is neatly dry is near ly as hurtful as when it is wet. In plowing, tlio soil should havo enough moist uro to came the fuirows to fall loosely from tho plow with no appeatauco of Packing and no lumps, To enumerate tho miraculous cures wrought by "Dr. Seller's Cough Syrup" would fill a volume. Its cures are marvelous. Price 25 cents. Charcoal pulvciizcU and mixed with water ishiitlily rccoiDtuciidcJ for relieving cattlo rtifl'enng from any deratigcinent of tho ftouocb, tucli as bloat, lioven, etc. CatarrH A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. 30 Years a Physlolan. 12 Yoars a Sufferer. Tried Regular Romodles. Triod Palont Modiclnos. Perma nently curod by SANFORD'S HADIGAL CURE. ME3Sn3. TVKEK roTTEtl.-Simt I have prac tised itinllcltio Inf t 1 1 1 1 1 v iir,KiM lima tiecn latfcrrr mjucli for thp yctm Mlth nurrh In tlio nnnal f im-Mnmr I havo used every thlmr In tlm t tttrnt t u- wii'imit wiy permanent rcllef.nittll flnnll) I iv 'ntlm-M to try n imrnt medlclno (somcttiliuf tlintv,o nili'pittiii-'s mo viyl'.tli to do). I tried and direr tli-ta it It irot rmM of joiim. 1 followed tlio dir.-tlv 4 tJ tlio Ifttcr.and nm linppy MMVltmo had pi rmnn m t cim. Your liAIUfJAii criln l pprtalnlf rt tuppy c miMnaHifi fnr thn corn of that muit unnk'iUAUt und da.iyeruui of dleoaes, 1). W. Uli.w'M.T)., Of Dr. I). (lrav & sm I'hyilcla nnd l)rutfi'iHt, Muscatine, Iowa. MtBCATtxa, Iowa, March V7, 13T7. The alno of this rcroody must not bo overlooked la the ruru of thoee SYFflPATHETIO DISEASES, Affertlon. or thrt J'yn, Hnr, Thront. Ltinei nn-l ltron rhlallulipi wlilcli lit niHuvcmti HrrnmpAry r oovera cic or Culnrrli. 1 h mnl lleiiMf condition vt the rauiom mcnibiiwo H tlia cmita ot all theso tronblf. i nn.l n, 1.1 tin- fj.t i.i Iv . hi-tn lirniiKlit properly und r 11 Ina u-r r thi nvluCAt. CUKE, eerrert rriisdom rroui t!. .i t iauot hi ruiuoiiab ex. iirptfd. u i hut iiirpo yr-ir. rirn r.wronn'a riADtcAt, CUUK wnfl vliccf lii'fon lh t-nbllf , l.llt In Hint Rliort timo It tin found I'swny trvm Maine lo C allfurnli. and ii pvervwheru ndvitiuli-di 1 hv t nitretBt nnd nlirsl itrjrtBH mid pnysl tuirutloii fir tha cla-iB to bo tlio in out MU'nanfiil prrtmrtitiou fir tlio tliorouKh treat mrnt uCCatnrrli t vrr compounded. Tho fwt Mill lo deemed t f rmre liiipnrtanoo vhen It la riipli-fi wttti tho pfnti'i "-,t that within flvo years over MO illlfiTPnt r'Mnilti tur irrli 1 an bern placed on tlr, mil to-dij, with or t n rvrfptionB, tlirlr n-imcfl rnnnot tu fee tllnl hv lh bH I donned drujr f'WI. Advertlstnp mnv " it 'c -'I In f rl itr n fcwuile. nit, tinteM tin- rcrmv'j itifi'n ur dont.ti. 1 upcoll'c nioMledl 1j af.stilut:ly cirtalu tufall Into merited obituritj. Kach pacltaro nf Wri;j's T.ADlCAL Ct'IiH rn. talna Dr. banford's ltn!in d It Tub'-, with lull tllrcctlona fur 1 n-t I i I ( i I'uuM ol. Sol.lbj all v hob stile nnd ri t.ill I'ruKnit- a'i I d'-at n throiuh out th I nlteit K t a-id t iniii! VI KKS A I'ur-Tt-il, Uencrul ulu and iu tnK Vruxgltit, Host on, f-ii G0LUN8' m PLASTER IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. Kimistoy, Strvv.,) Aptil JM-H. ( I conshUr (. m.' hli wet I'lastch tiif uit pi ifttr lev. r p iw, and am rcconia ending them to alt. C. McMoncow. IICMT, lLt ) April 13, 1STT. t I I has done my 'jt y more gootl than all other medicine. Hit now jroe to ftoh.rd, lor liio tint timo In tlirt-e it-'ni. llUZ V JANU DCFFIELH. KltMV.Itl.., April , ISh B.Mo., i Accept my uiinh.8 lor mo (ooil dirlvrd from the two CoL n8' 1'LAbTnus m-nt no ioni4 timo atro. AV. C. Mootik. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER fnr local tin in i. Ininrnete. sorene". weakness, nnmb- nes?, and tnUtimmution of tho lunir. Hmt, kidneys. ppicen, D0WC18, niautier, iifnri, nnn nmci' p, m t-iuiAi ig an army of dot tor aud acrca id pUnlii and eiirubn, Jr 1 o. Si iff ntw. hrtld hv all Wholcnato and Ibtnll DniiTL'lst" thrnuirh. out the United Maun mid Catiudas and ly W LLKb & l'UTii.K, iTopn. ior, i i i, mih, Juno 13, 'to ly. KISLV'S PURE IJTILL3D 05c Extract 2 WITCH HAZEL, OA', JIAMAMEUS VIRGLXICA. rftual'ln quality tn any mide, and; only halt the puce, i, oz ootiiys ;c. r uns duo. llpllfves lli-ailarhp.Tonthnolid. Earache. Sore Ejes Nose Weed, lllet itlnrj I.ungs, Painful Menses, XChlles Astnnia. Heducea swelllnus, I lies, etc. uures nruis- iw. Si-alds. Iluros. snrnlns. Wounds, ltheumntlsm. lirysipelas, unuoiaius, vaucose veins.ieuraisia.Au NATUHE S U.NIVBll-JALIir.MKOY FOIt IN I J.ltNAL AN1I UX.I LliNAL IMi It your tlruffclst has not cot It have htm order It of tho proprietor. CI1AKLES r. ltlSLEY, Wholesale DruBglst 04 L'ourtlandt St., New York. Jan 23, 'so, 3m NEW FI KM! WHITE, Proprietor ot tho OIIANQDVILLI AdHICULTUItAL WOHKS, lia.s soM a lialf Interest In the same to J. V. Conner, Thn rnmn.inv hnvn rpnnlrcd tho works, ana tiro pre- inrt'ii in iiL-cum o uu iiu ttauL uui tut it i; iu tuu inn nf ArlcnlMirnl lmD'ements. Hiev hiu lust completed anew lert nana nue niow.wnienit po sluK will beat the rlclit Hand. Also Kurrace plows or Jointers fori ho same. A new Thresher and Clean er with centre tdiako of rldalo thoe, called tho IViilto Tlircslier anil Cleaner with -both !ecr and railway powers on a urcatlv lmnrmrii nbin. AVo mnnuf.icture L.VNI) KOlLKKK witli Iron heads. Corn plows, double ami sinulu Cultivators side hill Plows. Mill Castlmrs. Tuiulntr ot eery description done vim promptness. Wo kee i constantly on hand a lariro assortment ot Plow shares for our own nntl many other Plows that are uju mine country. e wmnot. no unuerioiu in work or material of the Fame quality. Ul our work wnrrnnipn n snip-ricimn. or inn inonev re tuudeil. i:i)EPV COMI'EHTIoN. I'urmers, awt the Diibllc in ceneral (tro renueMedto call and ex mnmo ueiore purcuasing eiscw htv. WHITE & CONNER, 'tC-ly OltANOEVILLE, l'A. Jan. 1C, OOLDIIEDAL, l'AUIS, 1810. , rtUTTEit maao m nrocoss awarded hiwi:isTAKi:s at International Dairy Fair. IsTs.nnd ;!. i .111:11- Ai.nna 1 llivi il 1 11.11 at same Fair, 1ST9. F1HST l'lli;. at ltoyal Agri cultural ixblbltlon, Lon- rtnn. 1R7(t. rrJ 1 It require no milk. It riil.. nil ofrrenm beltteen nillklDK.. It iitt'orcl. butler entllutlon. It require. Ie. 1'lDor. It 1. more tnoroushly made. It I. chrnoer, and Kile, tetter teH.rc.Inn than ... ntb.r tr.V OI .ettlOff TllUk. THE 11HT1FK MADE BY THIS ST8TEM IS UN. EXC'ELLLD IN IIS KKKrUNU lUAl-lllts. ii-'itii.v'p V-ahm M.tellln tl.. Uelio s r ails Vt. .teU Id, itw BEST m THE WORLD ! SALER ATUS Wlilch U tho eamo thin. ImpTiro Pulrrnlu orlti-Cailt 4oda itvJiH ii Utbeuume lliliiK.Uotii alight y ttlrty vhlle toloi , It nm y ii.eur Mliltc, (xnmliii-tl by lUfli', liut u COMI'AUISON "Willi CHiritCll tSi CU'S "A ll.H AMII' lilt AM) Will Shuiv tliu tllll'tltfiitt. Sie tliut your Salei utitv n?ul ltali Intr Minla I tthltn iitid IM'iir., n ahuuld lie Al.l. SI Mil All SI UbTA.N CKS mill fur ittiml. A Bimrlabutsovcro tost of Vo C'miparaiiva voJua ot diflereut LraiKU cf Uudu or uhTatim U to diMohe ft deader t tipoouiul ol tali bind w nh aboutapitit of H4tt-r (hot prolmM) iu rleur plashes, itlrrlug until al l is tlioruupUly dlHolveil 'Ibo dvli'tcriuuinii(jlullti mattt-r in the mu rlor bod 1 Mill toabowu afttr fcttliu Bomti twtuty iDlnutes or Burner, by tho jullky appfuraiiro of thaiolutiou and the quantity of fiuauuij UuLky matter accordion to quality. lia aura aud wkfur Church k ro.'aftodianl Saleratua and boo that tbtir umuo n uu tU-i rackage and youill tt tho purest and hlttit made, ihouueot thi preltr ence to Halting 1'owdtr, tiavcn twenty timw 1U cost, teo one pound pactago Jor valuablo inform on and rtaa carefully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR QROCER. Januaii to, on. M. C. SLOAN & BRO. iii.oo.ii.suiruc.. im, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs l'LATFOKM WAGONS, tC. Flrst-claaa work always on band. ItEl'AIKINa NEATLY CONK, l'rloca reduced to suit the times. OB I'HINTIjnQ I Neatly and cheaply executed at the Colcmbun Office. jOTtCK IN 1'AKTITION. ntiiKAs at an orplmtis' Court lieM tt Wooms tmrir In and for tl.o county ot Columbia, tlio 4tli it.ij cf l'obi uary, A . 1). lsso, in-toro tho Honorable William r.lvull anil lili Acsoclates, Jtttes ot tho saUc inn. thn petition ot ch-.rlcs flew t II, a ion 0 .T.teubtlowoll. late of ('ot.xwtHi toiwislitp, lulum bUe'iiinO, fVnn iv.uil.i, iticcost-il, wji m srnteJ setting furin tint the mid .lacob t'li'ell illeil In April, 1W, Ink'stato icljed In hM ilcm-Mno ai ot fee ot nnlln entata rent estate situate In suld county, In said potltlon fully described, That the unlit Jar .li ClMiell h ft lowrMro htm n widow and six children all ot Hlioni rello In suld county except Ji r -mt.iti Clow ell who reMilt'9 In tho Unto ot New York, but In what plaeo Is unknown to the petltlonrr. You, thi-silil .tcnmlali Clcwell ate le r-by notlll -d t' at I will bold on Inquest on tho said pi'oml-ii'x, on Stituvtliiy, April 10, 18H0, nt lilno o'clock In tho Icrenoon, there to make parti. tlon ot the Hild I mrta to and smuni? tin parties la inten-st. When and whera J oil liny attend if sou thlr.k proper. Mir 12 'so tw. u. il. i;st, m rur. OUWIAK8' COURT SALE OF VAI.UADI.K REAL ESTATE! runuant to nn ordor ut tuo oil hanV ( oitrt r Co- lmWa coanty, Vvuux, L-c mail ut puidtr '-ulo on tlie premises, In tho town of Illoimnburn', In ald county, on Moinlny, April 12th, 1880, ator.c o'clock p. m., the following ik-acitbcu real estate, lute ot Martin VV. Nusi, dwuscd, to-wlti All tlinT lioic and OF GROU3HD itiute la vatil town ut llloo n. bun:, on the i-t sldoct east sirect ot said town, bounded on the norih b) lm ( I William Kili'kbaum, on 111- c.v.t by ,.ild Cast slrfi-t. on tnu south by lot ot U. IiuiiK Zarraodonlho w-st by nn alley, beliitf about a root In uldth nnd I mi teut d-ep, on whiuli uro ci-iit- ed a two slory brick DWELLING- HOUS3 and out-binldlngs, with a well ot water on the lino it said lot and that ot in Krlckb.umi, Hit- follow luif are the terms and cjmlltlons upon which s dd proportv n III bo sUd, u : Ton per rt-nt. ot tho one touith of Ibo purclnsij inaneyto bo paid nt the slrlklai- down of the properly i lln-ohc-fourth m Ibo ten per cent, at tbc confirmation of sale.and the ri-nifllntog three-fourths In one yeir tbticitter wltUlntorest from coi.llrmatlon nll. The unimld purchaso money to bo secured by bond and incut- Kayo (wllh foreclosure c-uuse) on tho prc-mees, Di-cd lobe muto and on confirmation uf salo nnd nijment of one-fourth purchase money and execution ot bond and mortgage. It. TltANK ZAIttt, AdmlnKtrator. Jlarch 12, ts. SP13E1VS PORT GRAPE WIN 1 Ch I'-ii-d iu tlio principal cnurcho for Communion pui poses. i:s:ellek7foi laeiesaud weasly p2es0k3 aud the a2-d. Speer's Port Grape Wino FOUR YEARS OLD. f Phis Cellinited Native Wine 1 madt from the i. juiueoc mo uporto iirnpe, rJi'ifnin lUHouiuy Its Invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Poperties aie miiurri.-!ic(l by nny other XotHc Ine. Helni tlitMiurti lulco of ihi (tUiD. nrortuci'd undt r Mr. Sixer's own puiM-nul supt-nlalou, Its purity and p-iiuliif-nc-s nit jjua rant fed. 'I ho souhecst child nny ii-r 'Kp or iik irent'rousn'ia:infu. auu ine rak- est linniid iiM it tu advnntnir. It u rurtunilirlv nnt nriai tu tm nj:pd anani't lutau'd, a d uttuii to thiv il. tin nilinfiiH that affect the upaVi rt-ev. It Is in i-vcry itEp"0t .y wink hi iik iii;uu) u . e0 SBai'S'D'v Tier .1 sim:im:y Is.i Wlnorf Snnctinr f'luractcr. iiiki p.inHM .s ur inHpiiiucn (iummih in mc KTiipc from which li l1- tatH.' v -r I'urllv. i:!clnu"-. 1 hivi and Medicinal I'ropi rlj"h. It will be louud unexci'Ied Sl'KKIi'.S JP 13. Tills 111! NnY sriirtU iiiiitvalfil In thia Cotintrv dl'ih s'lpt'iior mr hp tucnu1 put ihn's IV W ri'IilWlMlllatl'm ip in t c trtaueandcon It his a di'M'MU II .vnr. slmllir to thnt or iho gra pi s rru'ii wUlMi It IsdKiihtd.aLd lslnjiat favor union i; nrta-cia"" uinmes. Sto tint tho f-Unaturf of AIXliEU M'KKU, Passaic ;.. .i., isour inu curu ui uacn uniuc. sorr by r judo 'ii, is;s-tf A.KLEIM. r n I IT " T Moiphtne HabH curctl In M to tfO V l 1U1H dajh. .Nop.ii tt l cined. nr. i.Mt-, LLtMniu, (, tipitiu, 'u-iy 151 V VMi: I5iHoftiHi -Ail strictly ilrat-c 1 L2Vj LONJId at v hok'" Facujry pr -clu.s, n rices. lit lieal i Uhuis lit ( tlileiitilul t.A' III.mi. Mttthu. tttuK' bcalu (ur Piiuaie (iniiids. l'lmnt iprlKhuln Aineile.i Pi.wi) in u--e. ( atalotrue of i niires rrce. Jl lUi.rcrc uin:sf-,tho iw in tliu wn d. Auast'in oi-L'auuiiii ftv: iistup. $JT circular tu v. All sent onia tiiysiiidi-iiewiarieuii uiKjiUatictory. victo ry rdUi htuvt aud tuth Avenue. hHCKr ML'MC at 'j pi tee. CaUiluue of V"" (Wif V TU chnli'u pieces s n t lor3chtunp.l r IV,rVX O .um es-i .i ciinurouiit i -j iu., iua xwl, aiillt.X.'hJ-Ulil WJCCO A VALUABLE HOOK. FREE. "A treatise on ChrordJ IMsoased. ' i rnbraclnir r.v tarrh, huiiL't. lleait. Muiaach, Mi r. Kid neys. tiluan and Feuntii DKenses ; aNu Piles; m at lieu tu an) address. Lver buffer -r irum tiuse ills easoscau ue cured. Seudfur t 111 book tuiheuuder- hlued, a plnslclaiiof lari) experience, en lorsed by ntibureu- ui (eumnL' cuueiiH uno teniin iu inn skill UmXi'v puperiuraircci, luieAio, imu. uprlla, ' THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY, Tlnnand'i Riifferlnz fnun Dvunensla. llabltiifll CuMlieiiesw, Liver and Kllney t'urnplalnts, seruiula umi Miiureu ureases, h iu hhii wiinueilLflil this new aim wunuerrui discos erj ,w hicu it dtse.wi comiuer or aud heultli lesturer, liai inen'ial in liuil-rn met, kin" ' Mexican lleineilv wns IhsL imrn. duced itiin calitornU la isiy. where in u fmv(montus ItclTtcttdBu many woodeirulcurLs us to create a demand fur tho iiiedleiue truniMalntMo Horldi It is i no only ineiucine iu tno uriii ruinimui.di a from h n.ii Ivu plants, ruulu and hcitis ur .ilexlcu It cures HllllumiTh, fruin the worbt scrurulado ivcom uiun blott h, pimple, or eiuplljn. while It clears aud ucauiiiit'o uiu (juinjuf ahhi. muiv iua m uiy "iuiu ach. ltloud. LUer iinil Kldnes it h.n iterni iiu-niiv cuied IhuufiindLf hopelesi cases whiro ull other fciiun ii lemeu'es ua-i taiu'u. uue uuu win euio any cast) of M k lloid.iche. 'I wo i loses wld hreak un aiii uidtnaiy euiiuh ur culd. IVrMtmi feiiirerlni; wllh iifai luui ii, i a'i5t uf i.iu mr muiuaril,lilluuUslieaS, fuslhenevs, I'lles, I'alpltutluu nf the Heart, Low Splrlia, and kindred alTeettuus, will Ilnd tho Mexican remedy a mull au I sur rellui. 'ine irenuluo u placed beljru tin nuuu i, under tlw lo llowlng uainu- Herbaline Bitters the Great Mex ican Itomedy. Call on jour dru,'(tt and fct a bottle cf the Mextcau licmtdy.and cunMnco joui&tlf lUav ltl the Uebt Medlclno lntliu World, Thotrada bupplledby John Keeshan, Wholesale Drutft'lst. N, W. corner cth and Walnut btreetb, ciu cluuatl, o. (iencral At;ent for the United Mates. aprll 2, tea My wico tii:3 rAPca is kept on file AT THE OrFICK OV r.Tio PHILADELPHIA It) til .(Hi't unit Illltll St.. ' -j til Taper, rcTUIATTP t Lout.t Halt bbl IMA I tblm. nr.ei..filr t'lrrlklni. bcml Kit. fur AVKll ii SO.VS MAM.A1- tonsil DR. CLARK. liAUOltATOrtY, 77 W.3d St., New York City tmADn MAnit.i Tmncnila Lira' Ulficasrs, tri lattc. illietima- tlstn, I'ois. Ifrarl lilitcttsr. I2llioustUhii,Vervous Iitbllili,;ctc, ThoBostEBULDT KNOWN to Man I 70,000 AOEXTS HATE SOLD SINCE 1910 9.000,00 Bottles. This Syrup Possesses Varied Properties. It ftlmnlntrn tho IytTnllno In thn Hnllvn, Vrhirh convert tlio ntnrrh und Biicnr of tlio food Intn elitcrne. A rfpficlPncv In l?tynllnn cnurn Wind mid Hourlni; of th" food Initio Atomnrh II l!m mrillcltiP 1 4 ttiUrit ImincdU nlrly nfter rntluf tho letuicutullou uTluud la UrcTrntod. It net upnnilio I.trcr. Itnctn upon tlio Kidneys It Itrfiiilutri tho llniiLdti It l'lirlflrs tho llloodt Jt lulpt tlio ,i,rouSj,ctcni. It I'roinnlM UiRrniIftn. It NnurNliP. Nirriu'tlipn- nnd TnTlsorntrn It cnrrle nil tho Old Ulootl nnd rtinkr neT It oppn Iho pnrm rf tho Rklit und Inilucru Healthy rcmplrntlon. It nculrilizcs thd hrrcditary talrtt, cr polion In thn Hood, which rcnorntcs ScrotidaJ-rystpths, and all dinner of Bkln disc aaca end In'cmal humors. Tlicroara no ppbrlts employed in its manufacture, and It can bo taken Ly tho moat dellcato babe, or by tha aged and feeble, tare only letn repaired in at' Untion to directions raiCS OF LXQ2 rOXTLE3, - $1.00 niiUE OP S1TALL E3TILZ3, - - 50 Radtho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons do have been CURE.D by the uso of tha BLOOD PURIFIER. Ilet Medicine Kver Ued. Hilton, Wjoinlnecourtv, Va. Dour Sir t I had been trouble il for a loner time with u I'.Un In my stomal li, nnd found no relief until 1 began uslrgyour Imtlati Ulood Sirup. I Hurl It thf best medicine in use, and I can reecinmotid It to nil. oil and vounir It s.ivts manv dol ars in doctors' bllU.andone lirjf buttle did me more good in in ug aoiiais worm 01 ouier inemcnie. siariam Lao.irr. An Astonithint; Cure. Monrop. Wynmlntr county, l'a, Dear Sir: I had bfon iilllleted with a Couirli. l.os ot Arpttlte and Djspepsla for ten jrars. 1 could nut piii'riy iHiemi iu uiy uiftiiiLi. uuu iii'uinii? oi our Justly celebrated Indian lllood syrup, I resoUed 10 try ir, which i nut, nu in n snoit nine was inucn lmproed. I now huvo a good Appetite, nnd hatu cnjojtu good health etr binee I commenced its use. J. lAbarr, riick Headache Cured, llnw mnn's PrnpU-. rimltic pniintr. I'.l. Dear Sir : I had lek Head iciio and bytlipusoof jwii iiiumu m uuu -j run i wiii creaiiy reuyL'u. recotLinend nil to try lt aluaulo pi opertlt s. ,, V. ltumett. The Kemedy did more than she Expected, Newberry. I. coining county, l'a. Dear Sir: Tho lilmni si nn dui moii! I expected It uuiild and It has cuied me ot Liver Complaint, 1 use it as a. Mudltlne and would nor bo wunoui it. Mrs. Mary Channan Headache and Diziiifcy. Wtlllimsputt, Incoming county, l'a. Dear sir : Your Inol m It loud s rup has cuied mo of Headache. Dizziness and los.sot Appetite, so that l am nort able to woik In my fjptory. My wife de rived more bemllt Hem lta than Horn uny other medicine. Henry Uusscl. Would not be Without il. Wllllarnport, incoming ounty, l'a. lVarsir:-Thf Indun Itloodsvrup H tho lifht I eer used and I would not be without It, It Is good for all complaints. Juhn Durkhart, DNeat-e of the Stmunch. Luton, Wjnmlmj rouuty, IM. Dear Mr: This H to ceitlfy that l had a Weak stomach and coul 1 eat no int'tt or any hfatty fuud w-hateer. lly 11 rilf-nd's u.iv co I lotnincnced the ue 'd yuur Dull tu lilotui prup, which ulur n shoit, eirectuallv ulleed inu and I can tuex eat titMthliig I choose. Your sjiup ghos ui.lerhal satlbfactiuu. nUabctli Hadil. All tl'at it is rccniiiint tided to li. op-'ru llo'iM', cobtmt 1 1, Pa. Jiftr -lr:-I tme nd utir i celiei t Dull ui IHuod r i't tn.d It has proven jus1 as lepiesented. lean reui linn nd It tu ul!. Wm. Koch'iw. Whoh sale Meit haut, rth street. Unaniuious Ueconinu miation. 'Pi e following add Ihtlr tistlmony for (ho Indian DlooJ svnip: II. I;. (irefT,em;ln.'rr 1 U If. -I. (I. smith, nt It ltdvvlm Mi-t 1 Woiks. Mis. Niwb'r. of Cnlumhl i. . lireruT, of Wa--hliigtoDtiUi'gh. .lohn Kens, of sate Harbor, Would not he Without it. Henton. Columbia co inly, 1M. Dear sir: 1 have used vo'ir excellent In'pun Ui.'iou SMvt'i' and have iv. 'Hed mneU henellt theie trum. I ouuM not gtt along w Ithout it. Mrs. llaiber. Ntver Fui's to Cure, Hast U'inon Wjnming Co. Pi. Dear sir I tor three eats, and under prifesMuiinl treatmejit most f the time without be. lug tern tiled, At last I was lnductd to tty otir Imjuv ItLoon sviiueaiid altera felmit ttlal. 1 found in self In belter health than l hid hteti rur si;s. .Mis, Theron Hall Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. Ilohrsburg. Columbia Co. l'a Dear Mr: ThU Is to eettli tliur jour Imhan PnooiiSyHrr lias been used hv ine, for Llvercom pU nt, which had been troubling mo for a long timo 1 derived moio henellt fiom the use of tho sjrup than rrom any other medicine. I heartily leeom meudtt, and advUo all bulTerers to give it u Dial. h v smith Lo-s of Appetite. Kohrsburg Columbia county l'a. Doir sir: I have used your excellent Indian i;ixioiSMtrt'forI.ossor pp"tlte and Weakness r,f the S'oinacli, with verj betullcliliesutts. I brlteve vour medicine to bo tho greatest blood purifier known, and a'lvleall who maj besulTtilugas 1 was lo glv o H u tpiedy ti Ul. Mrs. E Aery Tains in Sliouldt rs. Htlirsburg, co'umbla county, Pa. Dear sir i This is to ceitlfy that jour Indian IU.001I yure Insgteitly relieved me or I'.ilns la tie snouldt-T and CheM, whUh I had bt'i n unikted with foriears. 1 rLCommendU very highly. Mis. Mniy Welsh. IC'dney Complaint, Urjir (Jap, Columbia t ountv. Pa, Deir Mr 'My rather has been muffling with Kidney I'omplafnl f r a longPme and hud been un dtrdfK tors' tri"itineijt, bui the doctors euuhl not t ffft I a euro I hive It't-n suhjeit to a Numbness and Weakness In mv I-efr Arm. We obtained snm if your luv t'uablo Indian Hujou sykl1' uom our Agent, Win. II. Potter, and (t has curd mv father ("iinpleti'ly, un 1 my iimUm tLh fK'tter. D d-xsnot trouble mo half &o much. our mtdldno la ixcil lent. .lostah John, i'Vtinle Compltiints. Hoar (lap Columbia rouniv, l'a, DirSlr: This W to certify that I pulnwd seme of jour Indian Hnonn hitw for my wife fur Intla-m-itlou uul Ktmale Complaint, and It has given her ulhf. J K Hcrner itet Medicine Kver INeil, lienrdap, Columbia eountj, Pa. Dear Mr: My 111 t 1m son was Doubled with his water pacing from him constant, dj ami night, 1 coi suited two duct ors and gave him medicine, hut without effect. 1 bought borne or ourcelebuited Indian 1H.oud si bit, u short Dial of which, cured him. Ijunueri Camp. Dyspepsia nnd Indigestion, Numlda, Columbia County. l'a, DearSlr l'or iiiiinv lenrs my wtfj wiis aflllctfd with nysrieii-U, and we snenr eon-llerable mono wlihout ruvlvlng bi'iiftlt. We pr"Ciirrd some or our Indian Kuhui sviu r and she U-tran to improve In hoillh rrom the time she comem d hs uv, belomon D snider Liyer Cmiphdnt, cent r.illa, Columbia Co. l'a, Denr Mr : 'I hi U lu entity that l was unwell and could hcuaely attend to mv work 1 think my Liver whs atfeited. I piocund some if your Im ian Hi hod KvittT and now, alter a shoit tital, leet liko u i.ew mau. 1 recommuid Its ute lo all, Daniel Goodman. Oy.pepaia and Neuralgia. Hjdo Park, I.uerno Co., Pa. Iear Sir: Your valuable Indian luooiibvuLT has etfi-cled a permai nt euro In mv ca-e. 1 had bei'ii atuicted with tho Dyspepsia and euralglal but am now entirely well, Mra, John Thornton, , Ililious Stomach Cured, Hide Park, UuernoCo., Pi. Dear Kir: I have been troubled with Hlllous Complaint and by the use of our Indian Hm)oi nvKLf li iios eueuiuauy vuieu juu. John N Williams, 1 yBpepida Cured, Ilvdo Park. Luzerne Co . Pa. Dear sir :YouMuiuaUe Indian iino)DbKUiha3 cmedinoof inspep&ia. Mrs. SliAdklns. Liver Complaint. Hyde Park, Luzerne Ca, Pa. Dear sir i.-1 have been troubled with Liver Com plaint, but 1 was permanently cured by using jour vumauie ihvian vluvu oinir. Wra.G r lisrllDgame, Deo 13, iST9ly w&co him ilii Imi a i 0 BL00MS8UHG STATE WOK M AL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DloTltlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIII1M.-IKIOI, nsnt rrownt ronstllutcrt. oticrslliovcn-tiostfadllllC'ifor )'ror(-sloniil nnd clnsslcniloarnlne. i.. f r.. f,tt limi.lliiHpactoiis, lii ltlnsr nud commodious -, t-omplcti-lj U.-atcd by tu-i.m, M ull u-WlljU-d, lighted by gas, and tumtihed with a boautlf ut sup-ill of pure.son rilS5tlonttip!iltMiil. nna e.nv of iccc. Tuncliers pxiwrltfncoil, emdent, nnd allvo to thi-lr ork. Dlwlpltno, nrm liul kind, uniform nud tlioi on.'it. lispensCT h....i.p.iin l-tfiv r-ititA . Model School. II. 1'repar.itory. IU. v.linni-t CnimM : I Academic. II, Commercial. Ill The ripmontnrv Sclentlllc nn.l cuiilcd courses nro I'lMlflWtimi, und students Kraduatnir therein, leeelve state Diplomas conferrlnR the totlowli eorreinK li Lk-im-nts: Master of tliu solenced ! Mister of the classics. (Ir.iduates In tho other Courses receUo .Normal Lertltlc.Ucs i leiruiiui uieiu-.,. f-iMi" u . .... vi.w . . .... ........... ..... The course of Mud nrescrlbi-d b.v I lie si.ite Is liberal, and tin- f .-lentinc and Classical courses are not Interior to those of our best Colletres. . . ... im state r"iulresa niifln-r order of eitlensiilp. Tin- times del land It. II H one of the prime objects ot I his School to help to sec ire It, by rurnWitnir Inteltl-pntanU-mclei tTeaenrn for her Schools. Tothtsendlt solicits youmrpersunsof food abilities and (,-ood purpos. s.-those tthciduslre tolmproe their tlmi unil their talents, as Mudents. loan stun it promises caialo-jue.address the i-nncinai. iion. wii.i.iaii iiiavi.'i.i. 1're.ldenl Hoard uept. s, '!.- But come at onto und look lltrough the largest stock of M Qlotliiiig IN THE IF NT. CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, W'Vj can SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OH TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE 11ETTKR AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. OLOTIIS, OASklMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Xow fcelliiit; at the R23IilBXEi HI MX M Apt 11 13, 'Ir-y V MONTH truarontocd. fl2 a day I atliomo matlo tj tlio lnilustiloui CajiUiii noi ri'(iilreU j u Mart, .on Men, women, hojs nntl irlils' make money IasUr at woik ror us at. niiMhlriL' Tint UfiikU1 Ilsnt nil pleasant, ami such as nnjone can 1 rttrht t. TIiomi who aro Mm who scu this noi ten , wlllt-cnil us their ndtlrcsM-s at onco and m fori tlH-m&HieH, C'o-.tlyoutlltnii(ttinnstrie. MiwNthP tliiu. Those aluady at work nit1 lajlng up large, sums or money Addrtss 'lilt li (o.. Amjusta, Malta1, otts, 'ty-ly Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. A VPgetable preparntiun nnd tliouilt Hiiro rciii-l.v m the world for itrluiii nk IUlMle. mill A 11 lildiu-j. tli'r, and Lrlniirj i)iratci. Of these Btatementa. nTZr krVuiiu . nr """''. call for M ar Kjrvor tho cure r.i in Uin'm nnd tha nthf r . . rSf iiui uit PIHIC 111 It 4't I iUtl Llit'rt'uio WAHNtK 5 SAFE BITTERS. 1M3 the best Itloofll'ui-Jfler, and etlruulatei .ry function to wore healtUful ftctluu, uud is thus a betieHt in all diseases. It cures SerofiiluM and otber Skin Im. fliiim and Disen-tea, tucludlug Cuuccrv. i l. fer, and other Soi vu. lljilM'Pftlu, Ut iii.iK wioriheStoiun. h, lly, etc., aru cured by tbe Mtft Itliu i. a is Jioltles of two slitia i prices, aoc. and bl.oo. Quickly ' Klvei iut and Mei-p to ihotuirerlnir, .lltilliI ll,and relievesft'iu iu I nil ion brought on by exefasivu drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes, turbed Nerves, it never Injures the kjbtiiu, llottles of two sizes; jirkes, aut. and 81.00. UADNPD'Q CAcr nn o Are an Immediate and actlvo stimuli. i for a lemli fill. Uhoui Dlir- rh.vl Milirli Ftver I bowels do not tierato I iietiy unci retruiariy. wall fur lburuult 1 Wararr'. bifr Kt wnlict r I oll b ltruVKI.UA llrBlt-n 3t In flvalrlntr vrrj brrr. h.h. warners, co., EOOHESTEB, h. y, nl Tr.llmi.nlal.. Oct. il, lSiV.-l)' ThU remarViblo mulU ctn Mill cur mllli) hpllnt, Curb, t I ui, . j or any ttt ury until, and Kill rriwiT mo UUIUIl u Uhout biutcr Ui2 m -u. lug tore. o n i ii iy ccrtaiotutkclli u iuit i itlnir thftlainrnril and rt. inin.tnrf lh l.utir-1. 1'rli Il Ut. IM-Ii.t fill ill HI. tlrrulr ifiitiK jiuUHt rrof. and ) uf i.rri iKtui ituurtii, itrnuuuinitn 'In C.'urti la aolil by llriiuii Ula, Kit ituTj- Jl, J, Keudall k Cw. Looaburg 1 alia, truout. MOYEU 11HOTUERS, Mo melurg, Pa. p J EHD0R5CD BY OVER THIRTY SEV1NQ JfSEr X J jr MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE CVs m ? 0 EXPOSITION UNIYERSELLE, v 1 Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, A.SmT PHILADELPHIA, 1876, KfcTSQ TH m : A. bolng "Very STRONG, SMOOTH, and sjKSfmr .JH AL. " EXCELLENT THREAD." jy rHmTro ,17c. ' a nnur wn stry jmzx'w i , BY USING- Jg&StJ? 1Ci, lrfx3toSPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. CJl& KrlWrafO I NEW YORK U BOSTON 1 waSSSW Kli - mcnlnry. IV, Classical. Course, in Jlii.ic. IV. Course in niuin uuveiopiub' ineir powers, anoaouuuaai opporiuuuies ior eu i-.iu, uiuu. ....... - nf Trit.leri,. COUNTY. NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, &c, For Men und Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing, Pretty suits for little hoys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, liags, &c Gum Clothinjr, &c. STORE OF MANUFACTURED at : MnlltJT Hfll IY.M..I. TiA,irj;BM(M:iTo).ie)irs.iirtmt l lWirH ) Mill II III Ml I lilt Highest Jledal at Vienna ani Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York. Miinuf.iclurcrs, Importers & Dealers lu Velvet Frames, Albums,GraphoscopeSi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Enaravings. Chromos, Photographs, And kindred good-i Celebrities, Actresies, etc., PhotographMaterials Wo aio Iltadiiuarteiarorcvfrj thing In tho way of Stcrc:pticons and Magic Lanterns, Eat-hstjlolinlm? tho host outsells In tho markeN lU'iufirul rhotopranhlo TraiiMurench b ot Mutu ary and Ditfruv n- ror the window, C'ornox (ilas-j. Manufacturers of Velvet rrumes fur MlalatuK's and Con exiiUss riciurcs. ratnlopruos of I.nntfins and slides, with direc tions ror u-U)s, tent on rtcelpt ot ten cents. a I J.ui 9,'so-iy 'Tin: .ioiinov iir.voiA'ixti I Mado of Irnn. lf-nutifully orn.i nu'iiteil. Adjustable hhulven Cheap and btrnni. Cannot c I out of cmler. l'uiir eUf ren I 1 for complete circular und jirleo I hist. Send C' ci'iiia for inn m-w I Illustrated Cat;i lut'ilo of tictiotl i Men hiiudlst i'fti-y 1'annt ur 'Auifur shoulil hate tt. EAICEn, TRATT & CO., 1 Headquarters for all School Supplies, 112 A Ul (JltlM) STIICI.T, WAY 10UK. S'pl U, ly 1'itovr.itiiH. rjtovr.nns. Torn 'nffr-nellP, 73 "fVO v,U lo vr fltR.dlrru.i o. ndnliA. U for n rfi.t Hi t 11 tlou autt h Y ci'lrlu, lill t rj will J.ut uiu rtlyvju Jloi iMtuu." U or help ," "Ueail r.f, rrofaro J 'Ito(i TMttfrs builds find llml 1! n illttura, fll, t cuj hchh und iicdyouv tininron fieure tntu nuniiy heallliy und hpi'j ." ( Iruii tliu tr k uu. ." 'Ladles, do yon want tu no etrnn. lnalthyaiid tniiifid,J '1 btu uo Hop ttiLlura, 'Tlia preatcet r tizrr. u tu mac it , blood itrtd llrcr r' u laur IWp i.iuer&." i "IvMn.-y n'ld Vrl irtai i .u.jlnli unf ui) , k 1 ii rl H 1 1 riuiiTf til y JOUUdbf Jiull J.llltU,' Hoi' Cormr Cri.Pli tim stti t t t-t, i r -t VTho Hop pn fnr hPtoninrh, I.h , r nn 1 MUit ; I- i M-eilor 1" W I ('I.1U . & J-n.K0It.ta, "Clemvmcn, ) era. r.dltoi-t. T ii. (li tin t 1 .till' 4 li i d It l.r fnaTH "Hap nitterali 1 '.r.igi III ILlEll. Ii rii ( t fruuiiutciunuiuuL- 'l r'- I ! III) ll 1 'd! H nc., ll'.pltli'. rit.i , p tJ-' I 5-- wpsrma&zztiiitii May!, 79-tf, NEW OTJHE KonsumpMon i Abthma. xiaju vuiviv. Never vet fa lm . drtr wlUiutamp 'IlOME.'Trobtburir.iaa. V lIOim-CAKlT, jp Art, V. Course in I'liymcal Culturp. 1'. 1'. lllt.L.MVnii, secietary. Weaver & Co's Ads. V, t cuamiitee It Id every cue, nmttcn not of how V-riff tani ItiRrr tin rfcrrl? rnft1. ft aie Imfiiitt relleT nndcurr-i the finiM l.rn ilc tnr In fn tt tue (o (lirre nk if wf a dlrfl id, I ulimiKif rui ml rr ol ("(itnntiith run lp chfti IT ili-ftrel, I ui ul) e null Ii r ir 11 (n lit lu i tlmt ft will curt- hrn ell clip m-m ha fnlleil Snld ly all iltat in uuill Ine 0 wm i t Inittl? -nitfrf- nn rt- (lt ur nt-lrp tr J U (ill tt UT,Cf ncral apent far I . S aart ( aiut.'r.s i:rt I'ritiiklln St., ititltltiiote, Mil. ilgnatare cf lr J 0 SCpt. '.9, '! ly. J W & CO. 1 INSTITUTE. rstnblishpJIn 1R72 for tho cure cf CaniiT, 'Illinium, HIicim, without tho UBO(f'kutfo or loss of Lloud nnd littlo pain. Kir xururniation. circuinm nna i eiereiieea, uddrcsci Ir. J'. J. llO.M, Aurora, Kauo Co , 111, wpt. l'J,'7ii-ly. sAaiSELASTIC TRUSS -CiA 3i - ' i -sisvF- 1 Hu ft Vni ditTnlas from all oilipn t.-:.y;V f:-a'CrUr..h1J with h.lf-A(Iju-lluK I lluif (.all fttUpte fUclftO all tHMitlom brulr, wb!U tha pAll In tha A PlRnM iv n ti t d iiTkJ IHQEfl. Ultb lltt-tt intuura thf Hernia ti held Mccarelr dar anu mitit. n t a rnrlicatrurocfr tftlu. Il it ear. durnbltt n f clicip, hi-ut t mull. C inuUn Eggleston Truss Co., Chlcaao, III., sept. 19. "9-ly, QON SUMPTION can bo cured by the contlnupd use ut IKmun'sCotl Mver oil una Ijk-io riiosiiliniu ot t.lino, u cuie !ur coiisuinptldn. rouchs ColUs, Ahtliii.ii, lironeliUK .mil nil scroruloiH ilHeuses. Ask sour dniet'l-t tur o-simm's nnd i.ike no oilier lr Iih luis not got II, I will M-rnl I uoltlo iintliere on lecelpt t il. -end tor Circular. CM i. . osMfN. i:i seu'nth Aenuo, New orb. Nov si, '79.-6m J w co. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. The incdh Ino wild for a small marcln above tho cor or foinpounnmir- .n fitit's uvhhmi oy hpfciui prr-nttnoii. Fur tul' jurMcul.trs addruhsthu JH - cottier, DU S. li. COLLINS, or Mis. s, ll, i-olllus I.a rot to !ud ftbC-tim wiuu $55.66s Atil-STS 1'KOriT I'FIt WEKh 11 prntt? Ror miMLf' u. outfit tivf. i:, (.. h'lDi.ot' r ,t co., b ultuu Mitu.Nuw oik, N. V, Jv co fob a'Mm o .Muvi'ltrn.iryts Ijirije, Illuslrnled pa- ,11-1 l l ' l MU. v. j-r.ui 1.1., A jear. AdKNl s. tt'ANTCn. il. l. liAs-riM,,. 47 Cornlill' liosion, ji.iss, ttbia, lm. wic WANTllll. Immediately, a tow Youn'j Men nnd Ladles lo inrn i eiei;rapiiy, u good s'teai ion guaranteed, ad dress with (.lamp. DllKllLIN TtLEClllAI'll I'll., OlXTllu, Ohio. .March 19, im. w ablid In II. s. .erl(.e rrom any causo ; also, ror heirs or deceased hOldlurs All pensions dale back today ot dlscliarce, nnd to date ot the death of tho soldier. Tensions increas ed i Iiounly and new discharges procuied. Address Uh stamp, hTODliAUT & CD., lioom No. s t-t, Cloud llulldlns, Washlnstoa, I), c. w March 19, lm. rHi "BfH" BT 7r ll II IB. IU iS LU'lttnliitr, Wind nud Ituln, you will nefr havo hUfll it L-Il.l fUUKUHl. H t' llUttl 1110 DCS! 1 luiprott'd Itutibi-r Itoll Clothes W rlntrert"i tlmwoihl. sflllni; at los than huf price, (iood lefm-tice truarniitfoa i:vtTbodv "tod hoi" to tjtd one ! No L'umpctltlou ; 'ihe ut chancy ttf jour liro thno to Make Mont'V. S.linnIt'S. i.'VI. CiriMilnr nml full P miiruidiH irt'f, Adonis HHiiutr to ihj t'onMncftl. iiddrt'M. PAUAUON WltlMlKU Co.. Ntw Ued- loru, .Mas. w March 19, 3m. obtained tor dlsibled boldleri, from dito of dls. rli.iri.-e, If aprbcillnn Is tiled betoiu July 1st, lssil. Tensions meieased s.'nd imstaeu for new laws, -...uiv, mm lllsn mi 1UUS. llUlt'SS, w. ( in:iiiN(iFlt: Co., riltsburt', l'a., or Wnshlni-loii, Ii. c. rr-oidest Claim -tgency in tlio Culled Mates. ' Mailing, tin our address on a I'ostal card ror n 6ntnni w Jlaichltf, lm. THE HARPETTE ! (Turn i I . ' . V'l . . '"-'"s musie Ol me rlltlll I'IPIl III.,,! h ol.lll. l.r l.mnrni.l ... ...... ... .... ' sl ring's me iiiiinln-ied fiom one to len, and the inu- in like m inner Insieail of beliif trlnled lu noes. Men t.udyapiiriUate.s the music, of ihe U-rp; lus .... , i,,.,-,.,!.,,! uuu ma, u-.ii ims is a per il it Harp In Inlliatllle the same delicious tnies and should hp In t-.i-rv r.imllvi.. tt,., i...,.i . ... . iw iw II 11 t ' ' 1 0IiC0 .. .. . . . . .wi.-.tiinisnttii iiiusii.1 in. Kjiutll llnlshed. und an ornament to unj ivom, We . ..... Ik ...... ,ub u. nuiuuereti as -spl.ilnedaboii.. 'I lm list 1-eludes Home, sweet Home;' i st Hose of Mumner;" "w et ie and ll'o j" ''"M t'olt-silt Home Hold the Kiuf j" lill 11 falorile melodies ot thu da. l'elfect sails taction euarunleed. i:icry u. o- who puichuses en-doiseslbi-mnnd icconuneud themio t lit-ir nelt-h. bora, Ihlnk of tt no more ledums mom ha of study o master mu-le. Jlciolsn bupeib miisleul lnslru. inenl, uil ready for usu u ij ivihUniil' no pracllcu lo sluv peitecllv. send at once, and lu iho IIAIII-EITK jouwll lino a II ii f or beauty and a luv foieicr. Sent tin paid In a refisien-d packaire(whlcheiisuris absuluio saru ileliurj) on receljit of price, ri.w, lie. lull by post otllco oide- o- ri-L-lsleied letter, Ad. Mass L'" m i'n"lUln n- I'oston. Inrilii PLtnt.H-lin.l nnn-n .. l.A. ...... . un.iuestloni-d.' N. v. World. " ""O0U MU""J 13 w March 19, lm. PENSIONS, K1- Tjlu. 1'linnwnnil. nf unl.n.-u n.i i.... tltlea ri'nstorisdalu back to ilUi-uariro or death. Ilinu 1 inlu-il. Any dlsalilltiy now t-xlttng contract. i;i iu lino ot duty, wlien proicd, (rlvis pensions, 'I housunils uro still cntitli-d to bounty, 'fliousaudj ...u,,,f. rl,.WUoum fuuin-uio incruaso. scud tno fctoiuiia ror nummary ot ivnsloni. and Ink' parties in lnolanarollH,asto rursiundlni;: it. 1'. Kinnedy. t'ri-s. Central lianH.j w. 1c. Hot. loway, t'oslinasur; lion. J. ll. Julian, t-x.ludio cir cuit court; l'ri-d. IIUBBS, L-ol. int. Hev.s lion. J. o Uvuuey, cx.Alt'y, Ucu, Indiana lianklns Co. T...i ,. ... ' fl'iZQEItALUCO., ilther llox C, WosUlnston, u. a, or maiunapolu, OLD AND titLIAuLhi 5 Da SAnrottti's Ijtvnn iNVtdotiATonjI is ft BUinilnra l-amiiy liomciiy lor i i 4Tn iHH rn . . - . a. " uai im li8 rd. 1 I -A It nl K.8BA-lo,.8''n0li S . .0" . P v - sl I STiie 'tS T.t-ITO. a. .s. u n il ill. i - . . . in m? practice and by tho public, for more than 35 years. JJ with unprecedented results. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. o t uj omirnnn n n los THIOAUWav JOi UlliOHIUUnUi KltUii NEWTOItKcitTYl 5 11T I)RV0(.HT WILL TBI L TOU ITS IIEI'I T IlllS. I RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE OKTJiKliN CKNTltAL KAILW WINTERTIME TABLE. On nnd after Sunday. Juno 29, 1S79, tho tr on tho Philadelphia & trio lta lroad DU lslon will as lollows : WCSTWAHl). rile Mall leaca IMUladelph) i 11 C p in " " llarrl&huip JiiSain " " William jturt 8 an u m " " .Tetsey hare ini"an " " Lock IIatn -iu a tit " He nova . ii (' a tu ' at tho at Krlt) 7 55 p m Niagara CxnreSs leat' Philadelphia tio a in lhtrtHbum llifini! " air. at Willlflinsport aici p m " Lock Hau'n a fn p n, Fa&t Line leaes Phll.iflilihla 11 mi a m " ii.ttrlsuuitf a 85 p in ' arrlo nt wiiiiatnaport 7 as p u " " Luckllnu'ii 8 40 p iu KASTWAHI). Paclflc Express lenves Lock llaen 7 fn a n " " .Jersey shore 7 33 ntu " " w llllam,'nort ifta m " arrive at llarrKUttrf lanipr.) I'UUUUl'ipUlIl O -W p III Day Express leaves " " Lock Haven 11 2iain " ' V llllatnsport 12 40 pit, " arrive nt Ilartl-biirjr 4 lu p in " Philadelphia 7 2iiptij Kile Mall leaves lenoo a to pin ' ' IiOck Haven D M p ta " " Mlllamsport 11 in p n " arrlvesnt llartlshuig 2 4iati " " Philadelphia Tuoati Fast Lino leaves lillamspoit la sa a v 1 arrives at Harrlshur afiiati " " Philadelphia 7 4iiam Erlo Mall west and Day Kipreas East tntke connections ntN'orthuinbcriand with L. & 11. li trains ror Wllkebbari u ami Scranlon, Etle Mall West. Nlatrara Exnrt'ss West nnd Lino West make close connection at Wlllluti. vv lth N. C, K, W. trains norlh. N'lagara Express Wvbt and Day E.pic-H L niuku Liuw uunnetiiuu ui, luck iiuvcn vviinu.t. u, it. trains. Erlo Mall east nnd West connect at Erie trains on L. S. .CM. s, li. K. ; nt Coiry with i A. V. It. K. ; at Einpoilum with ll.N. V. A. P and at Drirtvvood vvtth A. V. H. li. Parlor cars will rim between Phil.t ipiniim tt llhimport on Niagara Kxpress west, and Da1 E pit-as AiiM, oiLTpiug cars on an nigni irams. WM, A. HALDttiN uencral s . ATOHTIIKIiX CEXTJIAL JtAUAVA XI UUJII-AM. on nnd nrier Norembcr 20tii, 1S73, trains w U buubury aitonois : NOKTUWAltD. Erlo .Mall 6.20 a. in., an iv f Klinlra r - " Ciiiiandalgun n..i.-i , ltocliustor 6.1.1 N'Uirata 9 in ItvnoTO accominodatlonll.loa.ui.airlio umu portl!.65 p. m. Elmlra .Mall 4.16 a. m., arrivo larnlra 10.20 a m UuiTalo Kxprcsa T.16 a. m. arrivo llullalo s.6o .i c hOUTHWAHl). Buffalo Ksprcos 2.60 a. m. arrlio llarrisburg " llaltlmoiu Elmlra Mall 11.13 a. in., arrlio llanlsburt-1 -" Wa-shluslon nu " llaltlluorc ti.Ji' " Washington Uarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p. m. arrivo lialtlmoru " Washington 0.1.1 Erie Mall 12.65 a. m. arrlie Ilarrlsburg 3 05 a, m " Haltimore " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. 110 YD, Jr., (iencral Passenger A," A. J. CAbSATT, General .Much "nUILADELl'HA AND HEADING I!0t AHHANGEMENT OF PASSENCE TItAINS. Jlayll, lSTO, TRAINS I.S1VK KrFEKT is fOU.OW slsrNniT EXlir" For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pouf-l xamaqua, sc., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. in. For Wllllamsport,c,2s 0,05 a. in. and 4,is r. m, TKilKSrOH HCrEBT l.KATK A8 FOLLOWS, (SI M'H CkfTKD.) LeaTo New Vork, 8,45 a. ru, Lfavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Lcaic Heading, u,65a. m., Poitsvtlle, and Tamaqua, 1,35 p, m, Leal 0 Catau Issa, 0,20 s,5o a. m. and 4,00 p. m Leavo llllamsport ,9.45 a.m,2,15 p. m. and t Passengers to and Mom New York and 1'ln.o. phla go througa n Uhout change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEX. General Manag"! . ll, 11.1.1-llUll, General Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, isiotr. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WESTEHN ItAlLllOAU. BL001ISHUIU1 DIVISION. Tlme-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:3u A. MONDAY, Jl'NK 10, 1STS. NOHTII, bTATlO.NS. bOt 1 11 p.m. p.m. 11. m a.m. V 35 p.lll 9 30 9 23 9 17 11 M S 5S 8 61 S 40 4 11 9 40 scranton llellevuo Ta lorillle.. .Lackan anna..... I'lttston . West I'lttston... Wyoming Mallby Ileunett i III 2 10 ' 2 2 ' U 2 411 I f-' 51 ' 3 3 3 11 . 3 3 2 3 20 9 37 9 3D, 3 51 3 41! 3 41 12 41 12 :t S 30 3 10 9 21 9 la 9 14, 10 07 Kingston 110 is Kingston -lo S3 ..Plymouth. I uuc, ....Plymouth,... Ho 20 Aiondalo I Nanticoko 10 34 .tlunloek's 1 reck lo 42 8 23 3 20 S 65 S 12 5 01 7 61 7 33 7 2 7 25 7 IS 7 14 7 10 7 02 ti r.o c 6(1 6 45 6 27 6 15 6 (JO 3 12 3 114 2 51 2 39 1 34 2 ti 8 47' 8 3d 8 2ll 3 ..hhlckshlnny lu 66 3 ....lllck's Kerry. ..Ill 07 4 ' ....Uearhllaien. 11 13 4 8 17 8 12 8 01) iierincK ,...11 ) llrlar creek 4 .5 4 w 4 iJ 4 il ...Willow Grove....' I. lino ltldge I 2 ('4 1 67 1 61 1 43 1 27 7 441 Ksnv. 7 3si...liioomsburg 7 83 liupert 7 29iC'ata Issa Hrtdge, 7 Ul Danilllo........ C'hutasky Cameron .Northumberland, 11 45 4 49 ll 5 !' 11 67 6 IW 12 IS 6 1 D l b 311 12 45 6 45 1 00 ii.ui. a.m, 1 n m. n.m. " W. P. nALbTEAD, Mr1; Huperlntendsnt's omce, Scranton, June 10, "yAlNWKIOIIT & CO., WHOLESALE GHOUEHS, PUILADBLrillii Dealers In TEA 8, SYllUPS, COFFEE, BCOAlt, JlOLASaE Kit 8, SriCIS, BICADB SODA, tC, &C N E. Corner Second and Arch streets, borders will receive prompt attontlon. 5 diseases o( tho Liver, Stomach nl ! j find Bowels. It is 1'itroly-1? g ! J Vegetable. It noTer K flj JDobllltates-Itls J Ij G;! SOathiirtloanil Ws ! IF II. BURS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers