THE COLUMBIAN. . rvill pUMOCRAT.flTAROI'TlH NnHTIl ANDCOI.Utl. Usuod weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at iittm'tSllUHIt. roLOMItIA COUNTY. PA. 'HATES of advertising, I tPACI. IX. IK. iM. 611. Onelncti ....ln.uo H.60 3.ou tio TWOlDheS . . .... I.0 4.U0 ' three Inches .'i 4.MI I tJ rourlncheii J.oo ono tn.'si uuartcr column...... a.uo .io le.ti in."! IV... ... n.i la.... II Ihi A IHt I8.U' i.u K'.'JI . ,.n iinti.Ain por far, Meant discount allowed ? ,'n niiH'i Uvi'KP. Toiub-ctlbcnout orthe, i t iiictTininri'tlP'" 'eir.-trlctly In aivnnioj L S n "t t illwonliiiiii (I) oxcaot ill lin! uptlon or the! K..U HifK 11 ii'rti II I'M all urr llll-- urn, paid, out. long n icdlli after tin oxplraltun ot the Mrst i n il m 'Iven , mont out of the stale ortodhtatil pent mist i nidi f'lrtn advance, unless a respnn. mn duuni'ila county assumes top. the nptlmi dii" on ilemanil. jog P,3ai3srr-riasrc4. r ,,i.iru n.nirtment of the roi.PMnUN ll Very .One column IIHII t'OlUIIIU ..... ll'."" in.'V " ' .'.viu.'iio J.i.'io tn.'no ee.wi 1f.'j I Yearly aili ertlseme ctn payable quarterly. Trat ,lent advert Iscmentainutd bepaia tor tictorelrmerioii eitepi where partlea bate account. UitalailtsrtlneirienliiHiodoiaraperliielitortbfet mserltons, and at lhat rate tor addttlonalinstriloi-i without reference to length. BiKcutor'n.Amlnlstrator'n and Auditcr'e notice ithree dollars. Wut to paid tor when InM rud. - Traimlent or Local notices, twenty centaalirn rc(rularadertlseinentshalt rates. VIV SO 111 cards in the "lluslnesk Iilreclorj" eclumn, CM MtU.A IJ.IVUUI 1 , ni ir.l t rrlhMiiT !llriniiiaic huor.i- icinii line niton-' i. an v 1 ..... iuvurk dune on J, , ITTSK321iD!S, I ?"?'' ,t l)t II 111-' "IT It S i m ni' a'ul tit rtvi-liTitP nrl' BLOOMSBUKG, PA.,F1UDAT, APIUL Ki 1S80. THE COMJMIltAN. VOL COl.t'.MIIIA DKMtlCllAT, VOL XLV. SO REWARD?',' rornny eati MrMMrrl lMtCNtliat lleltlnft1 I'ilo . Kritii'ilr fmlsiocuro. liireti ItmtitiliKtn ti hiif. nun cumit of loll: MfltidinK tit 1 Wok, And f ntinnrp ra-.M ln2(lirs, CAUTION ' -A.,, f.r,rt(.i "l M.l'll l, SI. ft'oll., Itti'l jta. is ni i j iii.i.i .'7 .... 1 1 ' n, .1.1' tOr. ltUu "11 1 U'lMk.l ft. 1. r v THE ULA.TCHLSY f .r Cl-i' rm nr 1 1. ilii, Ir 1,. "i I. lands . i . II, till, II V ' t Mile. "in U- tli. 1' the pump ,111 MiiliilliiLMiier 'is Hi I I any (Viili. I I. III! IM ( II pi 1 ."l. l 1. ci, 11 Mi, i. 1 Pur PJ the tins. Piui.p tiiiik"r lui lMli'liell"d C. u. M .ik"t af 1 1. 1 lilll- V,' 11 1 III '11 cVl'll'.llllT I'lp .iriiu Nlini-s, T 111- T mn I I 5 I rh- s In hill-mid tul-ued ni inrl. of till di'M't M)ll 'in mnlo to uidoi4. iiin a s LI. to u m ' j (iV )i t 1 1 ,ui unit iiittir know 1 lociurrc urir uiidll Ion, -eii'l tir n cuny of il i' ,t iitiI Loin It mtal s "iintl'le hj ,o iii't 'tic iiti l nior.ip hi it iiitttrmMkin 'Hat n iiitc .un otiM tn toil in tut tr Hi' ti iriorpul nt ,N,r u It It -m itl.tU'd 11 is writ h'li tti a clem tin HfiiHivf tU' uti'i its nti'"t t Inn- v m in J, (I I.-.I ((l ItsllOlltil tu' MM(1 h t I) fut (II i rs in, .Vint fur lrn t iri't f-'Ul islatnpi. NAN 1 ,v 1 0 .vn im St , .' Yuik. Vpitl'AOtn at.Ao V il per Hanging. WM. F. I3CJ)1NE, III' A' '., illll.OW Si: ONI), IlLOOMxiil'ItO, PA Is pivpJKd to do nil Mlld-l of HOUSE PAIMTJMO I'l.iln and oinaniL'iital PAPER HANGING, 1IOT1I DPCUIlATIVi: AND PLAIN. .Ill Mini ni" ruriitliiri Iti jinli l. situ! iiimli! ;is K! 11 s ' " NONE HlTFtltST-CI.ASS W OllKMKN t.VPLOEl) Estimates IVXadc on all Work, WM. K IIODINK. Oct. 1, ll?s G1LM0RE& CO., Pensions, IntTCic of Pciipions, nml all uthtT elusM's or CUlmi fur hulilltrs utnJ s-ul-UltT tu Irs, pr st cut I'll. AdJr i,a with ttainp, (.H.MtHIF a: (., dec c-ir UiLsliliintt-n, It. C. W. H. MOUSE, DLOOMSIJUUG.C'OL. 00. PA. Ail -i les or work ilone In n supcrtnr maiirii-r, xoii V ill Illllt (I US ll-ITI SHllti (1 'IKHII I MKI11- Kiiu-iiuuLt I'iiv i.notsi-ts r r f'u iijllri' torn r Main and Iron stni-l. T f't iFn tit all Imui dm mi tin1 iuv WW he .it th" otllcp of Or I II. Ullno In Cat,i I-.i on U c-ducsd ty of each w i-.-H. Nn !s-IJ- ill.OO.MIU'IKi HIIIKlTDliy. PIllU-pssliiNAl. ('Altl)S. (,. HAIiKI.EV. ti(irni'V-!il-!..iw, Dili, in UrowH-'K liulldlnK, 2nd h'.on, lioomt. 4 , ). !) Mil, l. J. D' li KOIIISON, In U.11 tin m's biilldliiu, Main blrt-et. Ollii A M M i;i-:i!l".i;,Siiti!in -and I'liv-i in ull'.ci- Malkel int. .toiu6lh 6ast KVANh, M. I)., Surgeon and I'liyi-i 11, vOlllei) and liesldencu on Third strecl. I! MeKKI.VY, M. I).,SurKion anil I'liy -lcun, north hide Main btieet, below Market .1. C. ItUTTKll, I'll YSIt'IAN ASl'lKI EON, onice, North -Market strut, '7'J. I. I 1.AI5IJ, lllO'imstiurs, Pa. I)" IMtACTIOAI. DENTIST, Main Mitet, opposite Pplscopal uhuich, Ulooras tti , IM. " 'reeth extraeled without pain, nrl 1 IsTU MlbCElXANKOUS J M. UJllNKKIl, GUN nml LOCKSMITH t'rtlng .Machines and Machinery of all kinds re cUiivu. urhKA IIousb luilldln, llloomsbure, Pa. DVV1I) l.OWENliEUfi, Mercliant Tailor Main St., abote 1 mtral Hotel. l.S Kl'llN. dealer iti Jk-iit, Tallow, tit.. cenirn street, oetwitn Mi-ona ana -mini. nUOSEXSTDCK, J'liotoraiilur, , 1 'lark 4 Wolf's store, Main sti eet. A I'lll'Sll'S I-'IiKl'NI), Practical lumien oallilc Horse aud con Doctor, Jlloninsbtirf, Pa 0. it, '79 tf W Y. KESTEI 1 1 , MEHC HAN'T TAILOlt. ItiaimSO. 15, OI'KKA llOUsB llCII.DIKU, UlOOIDSbUrg. aprina,i67s, OATAWIf-'riA. rM. I.. KYEHI.Y, Al-roHNKY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. ' Ollections promptly made and remitted, ofllci ypoMie ratamssa ueposn tiauK. viu-o II. K1IAWN, A T T 0 11 N B Y-A T-h A W , cataM Isaa, Pa. Ill e eornerof Third and Main streets. PARPFT-ku'ivrKU' W.Muih, Avuvusters, Vt'lrt. IdMv uml '! Id W , l,uwtst Pi Ices, nieui-s, '1 tll'ChllJ h, threo I'ljwnml lni'iilu Cirptts ulihhor- ' " IIIAICU), Ull-LIUlUa All WHilll-i), '"'"'b' i , K il HTiN. ner pair, to Hie- ilncst lh.L L.MKlinpoitfil SHEPPARD KNAPP, , is3 A; 131 sixth Ate., cor. litth st., N. "i . Mar li an, abtcu. B.1 1IAUT.MAN UEPKLSEhTS TUB F0L10WINQ , AMI-UK AN INKL'llANCE COMPANIES: 'coining or -Muncy Peunslvahta. N 'rtli Mnc-leanor PhUadclphla, Pa ranklin, of " I'etinitaniaot " f armers of York, Pa. iiaaoverot New York. Unhattaaof " 'Mi e on Market street No. 8, UlootnaDurg, Pa, eer , to-iv, ' and how to obtain thorn. Pampnlot free, upon receipt of Stump for post age, Addrosa- OILMOBE, SMITH & CO. bollctlort 9 I'atnttt, AVor Palrnl Oflct, H'aiMnffu, U. a iWr.t " I-AWYI.IK. c. !!, IllKKKWAY, A"VToUNi;Y-AT-!,A W, CoiiMiitts IM I1 WWI, lili-uinsbiirit, Pa ni'i I ot 1," 1 hlli.,1 Xliids t.,nv Msn'iailati. il ni - m Klc in ..ny purl of Ain.'rua or Pur ii-. I, I -In 1 II. J li. W.M.l.KU. Attii'ttc -at-1 .11 u. ulllce. SeUotid doer fioui 1st tlotml 1ml k, H'.'niH'l.i-Pd, I'A. juti. 11, s; V '' 1't'N'K. t. Aiinin(jyntI nvv. nernifo n' tVtl-lctt (Jlilllioml, Uiil!(s.'lioh .MaiJei. mnoMSBt'P.ti, pa, "meelh Ent's llrii.mxn. p 1' iV W..l.t;l!cKAI.EV, AWOUNISYS-AT-UW, P.Iootptb'trir, Pa, fifi't-e on Main .-trectlrsl door bi'loM court Houm1 JOHN M. Cl.AliK, ATTOP.NEY.AT-LAW , ItlootTiBtmrir, Pa. flico over Schuylrr'i Hardware store. P I'. IlILlj.MEYEK, ATTOIINKV AT LAW. liitii-!n llannan's liulltllriir, .Main street, mi loomsbiirt:, Pa. F. II. MTTt.K. KOH'T. K. I.ITTI E. JV II. A K. 11. LITTLE, J' ATTOP.NKYS-AT-LAW, lUooiQiiburc, Pa. Q W.MILI.EI!, atto! ofllceln llrower'sbulUtlncpecond Rnot.roora No. I. IUuonisburff, Pa. J KltANK z.vni:. Attovnev-nt-T HLOOMSIlUlifi, I'A onice eoi tier ot Ci ntre unil Main Mneis, ilirk liiiUiUlit;. (!,m l'e enii-uut'il lit Cictman. J m. 111, 's -tt 1 EO. E. ELWELL, J A T TO II N E Y-A T-L A co-.t'MbiAK, Ulooinsbunj', Pi. Mci'tier ot the Pnlted Mali"! Law Association. Collections mado In any pint of Aim ilia u Europe oct. 1, ls7'J. . K0Kll. KNOIIII I S.wlMt-llMEFS-, VINTEltS 1 EEN. A Morneys-nl.-l j.iw. onice Id Hurtiaan s Itloek, corner Main und Mar t streets!, lil'KHiishurir. Pa. rr8I'ixins and lluuntie OtUaUtt. 11. r. Nil D. I.i:C()CK. 3STEW FURavr. SHARPLESS & LEACOCK, or. Ci ntiu and li.dl IM.11I Ms., near L. ,v 11. Depot. Lowest Price: will net be undersold. .tniifai tun rs of MINE CAIIWIIEEl s, Coal Ureok and lli-ld'e 1 listings, Water Plpis, Motes, Tin ware, Plows, IIioN KCNCE, and all klmli of lion and llrass Castings. The orUlaal -Montrose, Iron beam, light hand, left hand, and side Mil Plows, the best In the mark- t, and all Muds of plow ropalrs. Cook stoves, l'.ootn stoves, and stows for hcatluir stores, 't-liool hoimw, churcUes, ic. Uso Hie larg est stock of repairs for city stotes wholesale and retail, such as Plro ISrlck.C, rates, Cross Pieces, l.ldt c. Are., stoto Pipe, cool; Pollers, skllllls, c.ike lates, laiv Iruu Kettles, tsu gallons to l'a t ant Is) Kami llolls, MM soles, as;on Dotes, '"Allontown Bono Manure" I'l.AS I EI!, sai.T, ,tc , ac. y, sii 1 THE DAVIS. THE LATEST IS THE BEST. The Greatest jsewinn; Macliiue of tlie Aoe Diiu't fail tu see lliis ttiiinierliil pioie ol per- feclinii, llie .New l..ti erlnal pud sliutlp Setting Mueliine Mi.nuluc tureil at W'ate'lown, New York. All art cordially intiltd tuc.ill .in.l in sju'Ct tho New Maeliine and ohtnln samiilfs of work, more lieaiiiilul uml ile-irnlile than ever before ntcnntililieil ami utterly impo-siblr for any other ti Jiiilicate. Tlidiisani s HitmssiliK llie iinineiiM- rant;. uf Hiirk. ami iliscanliiij their nlii inncliiiies tor the M.iV MAI him:, is -uiiitieni nun in iis siinenurily iiml liriuu lur the D.ttls ,i iraile llnit runs llie latlury In lis lullist ca paeiiv. The Iferiioal Fetid. H'hlell superceihs llie umli i let. I, is tin licpe upon tt hli li sw nijs ll.e iM'tn.tll.l ED sfCt I .s, Comiiosed of only 13 Working Parts, while oilier- hate l"iii I'irly to setriity the, iiiiikini; the lutst i'i inilitiileil, li e iul dur able ami niut reliable iiiaehine in ujp, It insiiively leads till "tb,r, imisi. AWAY with all bati'tj.', "ml ii ill" i.iuirriwr iiun .vi.Nti blip iTi.i: MAciusi; is uu: woiu.p ! anil (lives neutral sail.tni'tiun, Will be snhl at the, ricent ioiular UEtiLcp.D .sc.u.i; or raiCEri. Samtili' "f work Itep. J. riALTIU!. aen'l Aircnt. iilnoiniliiirg, l'a, oct, 3, 70-ly. . pilin INSL'JtANCK. CIIIIISTIW P. l.XAI'P, Pl.OtitlSlll PO.I'A, llllltlsll AMEII1CA ASsfHAM P tlitlPA.S't. IIPIIMAN PIIIKl.S'I'PANCP t ntll tN NATION M. H.IK INst IIAM K c ttll'ANY. I'MllS I Nsl'ltrtM'K COMPANY 'lln-e'iu n i oKi'oiiATior.1. uie will si-anna d tij nt-e nndiiKk i isl l p ulid huvt la ti l til htiil a losssil- tied bt ant i null in law 'I l.elr 111 Is uie all Inn sl ed In -01 in sit t KiTiisiind ure liable lo lui- ha'urd or Mint milt Losses I'uotin n 111 d iioMsi. y iiiljasti J anj paid as sunn as ct tciuilra .1 1'.t ( iikii-has P Ksti e, si fcc Ai AdlNTASlt Al'Jl.llK llleowshi la,, Pa. 'the iH'opIO"! 1 oliiniblu c unit slaaiiil patrotde the Hire e. win re U ses Hany ale ' ttlid and psld OJ one 01 ' 11 ir "it u 1 11 i.-ii, PUDMi'TNKSS, Ktit'It'Y l-AUt DEAUNK Nov, U.'si. O. S3. SAVACrE, Wr'jf ' TOT a All kinds of ... l-epalri'i' .0,-' f-iey I,, ir . 1 .1, ii Lnt' I II! 1 lie Pl'l'l 1,. I ' 1 1 11 0 , 1, l'i iiulllu' : il I'.llll L'loW'll N.l.tli - 11. 'it' I1I1 1 n , !l . f r ' . 111 ' Vi'ii'tii lil 'V ill, PHI ( M l'i I'lM il , - ni.. -1, 1. 1 1 , 1 ' ar aii.l II hs 1 r 1 I il 11." .1 lltvi. 11 1 lui i hi ."I mi Mil ' 'h Mee. 1 1 tti'up, lion t .u, a fo , ') Vau'li vd, dm. 11 --aim YF M(, or in .' 11 iv li, vi 1,1 ,t, 11 1 1 tun v. Noil-1, ' in- ti do as in II i' 11, on Mill .. 1 lk" llli'l'1 I'-ii, tin .mn out m ,i. ,1 ,10 ,vi-. so., 11 tall .1 liaise lot, I, f.ll All I" I'lll lit llll- W'nik. u 1 m i,k lrmn f- ci'iitsti $ ' no ) our l'i ilt-t nt li,u" ,oir 1 ' i'iiiiiks and sji 1,0 1 1 n.i- to Hi- litiil. I e-s. I 1 osis iiollip if In t' ill.' liietnes SKlh'ni; like It fur laiitiov maklnceter ofTi'ied bifoi... Iltisl liess pie '-lint mi'l-lrl' lit- hoiiorilM". it-ail.r.'f ' oil want to know nil iil,oni 1 in I est p i,t! to rore ile'p iiilte, si nil us your adiir ss mil tu- .iw Sfi.d ton tun puili mats and pntat.' ti-ini friel sninpii s woiii, , -.11 ir,. ' o'i e 11. li.itt nt" up t oui mil (iti- iwir diii-i ss i.Pdi.i.r -.-j rius A. I'll., I iilllal.d, ti 01 1 1 '! . ;.i j w& 1 - SWr.. In-rei.-. th- tvoriil ii'iiovtn Wliito iScwiuu- Miichiiii.' li. il lees in.i(i iinsninuloii' r.iinp' tl. irsto i sort to II kiinK t if nit', in rrn k, tu ii iin, t t pUl lllli uei; tu luutl'ju all IntciuUiiic mih imis nul tu btii a Whitk Machine I'.tei'pi lrmn lis leirular ainie'ri lie stistalntti li tin-tollov.lnt,' w .1. r-, who 111 WAItll.tNTTIlE NAT I'll M. Yt PAP. AN I) TEAII OP THE White Shuttle Mm filacMae, "i xti: ni'miiki,' io:t:ian imp pamii.y pritpo ss. u iiKiiipiv AiiiiKE to K' ep tiii: su: IN ItPPAIlt Poll T E TlP'M OP PIM- tr.VI! Hid ii Tills n ,'IK, viiek OF l ll-ilitlh. 'Mils tijiiuuty i ipts the lifikui," tt nrcdKs liotililt s a', tl slnulli . 'I his w t'rratif.i will not 1 e suslaliii-il unit ss the l.ii" tiiiiuii"! I'loto t-'itcn t nrit'-pioiiils tttili the HUH i i on Hi" Minnie riiteslkle. Pi' of delated r alinttl luimt'i'is IIITE sr.wINC MACHINE 0 1. The "WHITE" Srutt o Sewing Mr.ohir.c lias iiiiKtTEK cti'teirv lhananv eilu rfanillv sett Ins tlaehlne for tlolntf etert vurli ty if tvoi k. .1. s U.TZEU, Oeni nil ker.t, IJloomslmr', Pa. mi. a, :u-iy. KSPY PLANING MILL. The 'ir.urMj,'W'i irwrr the Kspv Placing ML1J, Is prepared to do a,i kinds cr mill wi rk. Boors, FrafflGs, M, Blicfls, etc. made toordi r on idiort rotlce. f'titiffactlop guar. auteea t'HAK'Kfl ICHfll, Itloi k sbnri, t'l KKK In our own rown, and nocniv ttnliMed, You can giw tin- PuMneso a trl il without expense. The het opportu ne i-ii i uat'ifii iur uiii-e i 1 1 1 1 1 io VM-Ik. nil .shOUhl tr TiollslliielM' Until Oil vi'i' fur Olliselr H hilt nil inn iln nt tie- 1iuiliies we olTer. No room to explain h"t.' Van hi 'h-Mitc all jour tlirtn or onl cair sntre i niii tn tlu'lm-ine-s, and make gn at pn fur eer li mi , on ink, Vt mi n ni.ike a-, iiiui'h as men send 1H -petkilpih ite t ) Ills and p'lt I letil'll i, v hleh we in, ill fn M) Mill fiee Duli'l i .iij.lalu t ' urd time-hi. tl i ill have such a ehanee. AddusH II. il 1 lLi'r.vco(Puril-iiidMulne. TIIH ONLY CI' l ur Ditilii-ii h, l.rarl, 1m)ih, Hii-dii !( riii , 1'tiio in Ihe lint U, linihnilt tu Ut loin 01 i:jn I llie I 1 tut', ( Mini rli nt the 111 ml tit r, lui 11 iiiu or I'ninliii l i liMttinu, lliitl. Iln-I leinli. Alfii'liotiH f llie phie. Nil wm Ihlnlih, I't 1111111' ciiitiio., ami all iMi uei ol the Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Organs It avoids liiii'i mil iiiedu'lm fn coinfurt ible t the j at lent. Ceitaln In ltsi-flu t.and ( lil- when not hlujr else tan. Avohl nil oiht i Ivliliiev Pud.. a inau orlhlei-s indiat mis a'e li'linr haeed until tie- inaiktl. W e will si in! 1 1 ri 111-. ii . . r run y, ,utd our Nick, "How a I ire Has S.iud," tlee upon the ni eipv i jour iiuih -si-. IIU' I'll) Ksuldhv Plilg3l-t-, 01 M!,t Ii mill on reieipi ot j ru t , h.imi, Distributiug Agency at tho PJ!:ol,L:, uuu(r stoiuc, lUoonis'.im j;, Jill '13, SO -U PLASTER 8! VKll TON' 1 or ail 1 Ltater oldt led In I t pi r "in ',u ira lilt-Ill Mil It ed tu he liu Ut I ri.Ni. Al.l'Ji I'l'.li liViaiUI.. ot visa pounls. v Suit (or stort. 3; o (ui). SF.Sn 1'0I!SMI'I.IS XD l'llll'Ksi.K Fortilizors, Plaster, Suit, die. II W. AIM,. april a. 'i).3ia I M't IH.P, il' IX) CONSUMPTIVE The edVfilh' r, I nimz tie uu n, hm ui i iiu-i 111 it dretid 1IN1 "'' 1 'ii-uint'it. n h u sin i . i i . dy, I atuh'tis. lu ui.ike ko w n i hi-f, .1 .u -uiPiei the meaiio "f eiiii . 'I t all wIi-mI--h. u, I,, uiiimu 11 film Of Uie pn -i (iptl'.li 1W .1 fli iif i lii' ,e.) w 111 lli" dlie.'Mniir I'T I'lepurhii.' and iistm' Uie sine Hhteh tlie will Hi d ii -uie Clin' f r i oi -.itiupUui AMhlil'i, hn-mliillti, ai. l'.itlli - wiMl'i Uie I M Ml l t Ion, will tl.'.iM' oi ait-H.Kv l.. A. wu.u, .tn l'Uiti si MHatU' burj;h . PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS t'ruitei at tiny Wc9 the wRiy w, mmi u Neitinluln Cnreil lit in' l:iiri'sN"iiriiliriii nnd Hi k Hendiiehi' Pills A iiii'iii. t r Voiuiiiiii. siefc lli'iiilii'ie, Nei "siii'iit ihi- 'Hs"i'il, c it mipition, 1'arnlisls. sinpii.sMss ' a'pntnlnai f 11 e Id nil. end Iliad mil" aii-l'ir lim c.-r -tl'ii'iLiitii'i ililur I10111 tip 11 in '! diiioii M'm'il.'Ms 1 " 1 1 Is ire ' -..Ti Pti r 11 tti-.ilon on - for Hi" 'in "fp 'I I ,.- a,.s 1,111 il ntid lort'l " ills,'iu Hi t i" "iili. f ,1 tr' il In nil I t, ill ei.l iiit.'Mrr, III ,1 pi.'i Ted . t r s-n 10 'in,' Si.tirolitll, -a '.. II" id 1 1," it, 1. in. ilii-h ,11 -tiii'Ii. t'nli. illul" li. I'n.i t I- , 1 pI's.iii-H'. R'nl Itss of Ner-t"'i'l"'i'- loo I'" tdeiS'inl t like 'net- dl i.'t. In 1 i" 1 i 11 lo li en I"... i rti'.'liliillt i' ire nil hi. 1 , ... rllmrti"'"t t il, ryw 11 , r i-is som, lie t ' " 1 1 n ii" 1 1 tin, 1 r 01I1 r iiai.s tie. ) 1 on ! 1 v a K I ti-r t) t .(..,ntiiii, pa. 1 li '' 1 'l' ,t 10, I'hlliila , 11 .-.oils III 111,111 in li'Oelpt of pi I e, eetda l.m it Urate li, Dec d, ls'n. Dr. P. Iiu.r, li'iirMri.Xnur Setrclut Pills cured ni". 1 d I v us Hi" oti'iiesi 1 f Miffpfi'is 1 h.tvn sincB im'ii'iit tie 111 inr inj lier nnd Minis and they cure tt i.v e ie. 1 a tcriintv. 11, Lopi; lifjiieh Plr. I'Hi-iiin, Ph., I'l-imth, H-0. P. 11 in .r- MiiM,- tl'e IukI ill" ritrril(ilt 1 ,1 its in,, I In 1 ihttl'-tin f-'nv,. her no relief. I 'ni" K.a p uii'i set a iHi'tle of tour Neural 1 . 1! 1 net fi'lletwi htr In tl few houra. Tlioiiia 1 nrd. Airt I'tiponl PotvdcrCo, ii If. 1: nrnis' 111 u- Hits! I bate Bold lh()i "in ii'iil ll.ej- give (to il sHllsfnttlon and 5.1 2 I li i-! 0. A, . lota, l::.T.s!;5rj drusei-t' '-' 's i . in t'i'i roll's Kowti. F-irxji' Of ijnu .K Mill : imcRWKtt. I iif imitiT'-lcnrd nudMnr npfiinttd tv (In tti lin., ..i!jf nT r.iumltia cntitirv, to mikn ttlMM. u'l'ic t t It.- tunn In MtMi)(ti or the ovft'titcfs r-T ' 1 ' Hit" ci ti, in nittl Miifintf tin pirttt's iii 'in n.i ih, wmmi m ill's uui'j' Ml iiu iifi'Ui ir, Ml Ht'l -.1 AptflftDll. HMt. ftt U'll U!iH?k 111 till r ii . ti. mend to tin rt'ttlfs (if hli appointment AltMt ;i; vii- v nil peisoiis Imvtn cliilms ftn(&Jt -hits itc win npnfir mid provi tun same orlt'ile 1 n'i ti tiLi.inn, t-lmrt' uf MHlilttiiid. ,t , . . AtlUUcr. M.l !i i M. i.rii oP nu. . tjricK ikckat. i."tti !; AiiiuiiiiMriioii ci the enUtV of Win. t; '."il !,.!it" cr Moi.tniir tow 1 snip, rmumbta cti. mi i-pi.1'" i"!i iffnuiHMl h Hit i srlM'-rutmiltJ 'fiii ii. Hi'lfC-tjfni'.l AumliilMiutiirs. Ml pr-o.i m 'i r i't ,i .-.litt 1 he cl n 1 lire requeste! c " .tit ii.-M rnr ieit,finetit Htitl tliose tii'ibttfi 10 rn.t ir I v ttniii pftjmcni itufti n. on k, JAMKS tnt'K. 1., -it i 'i': -0 cw Atltiilhhtfalors. I'. ('. pox ttupert CuhmitiU cuunlj, V,u A 1:1 1 loirs xtiTicn ' 01 l-MIIM I'PL'NTV. RS ! .. a -1I1 1 rds mid nroeeitli'-irs of iho Court 1.11.1 in 1 1 1 aald county In'er alia It Is thus I" in llll t ' iti- 1 1 the ast(rm-it oMttto (f ll'izli'tltti1 -1 I' I, p 1, t. on m ill n of V ! i'v. Court 'i 1. wirt. .tu.iiKir t.i ihtii"i)ui.' the iiviii i iN "I W t. uLn-tt iiss'iru' n pr Ki Klltut In said intuit', to ,iiiU uimuivr the i at- tH . i Mill J !h( IftU. In ) nrs'i' 1 1 th nuovf onh r th MUtUtor 111 i pat i ii i iniriTBie'i i ii s i ui i uri' i ai us (niK-e In Itlo lush ir? upon -hoiinti i1jj if rrl pwt, at io in the f'lH'tiuon. vh?n ilMilmuhri 111 l an! .ti: piirtlus lnletettsl urn IhmHiv nollllfd to mi, ar ni the ah .ve given itn.e ah'l iio or he tuieM'V ui'i uircl troirt a haio In saM runt. V.WL n Wirt, Auditor. Man h art, w N (inci:. .Notice Is hetehy viti to the rndlton rfthe t:n- OelsitK'd i nd to all ptihuhj w la mil tuny louci I n, I 11 II III' U 111 UJ'PIJ IO llll f Mil I OI t t lUIllUJl I'JI-.tS Ml t iiiiiiiii. cuiiiii, lur He iiem m nr w insoneiu hurts orihls itihimohweiHh on Mhik'.iv. tif thlld d i nr Mir . lsu, nt uhlehtlne niiy pt imhis havltic ati ni't e ims to his ilniil dlsdurMe an un lnsolciii dehti'i fan appearand luakc the wttiu known, uprllS, i-P-tc WILLIAM JIOl.DlillN. orici;. (.Null ts in'r'ii jrUen thnr the f.-iinwiiii.' accoint$ ii tiled In Lie Prothonulim otll -e of Co- intl'ltt eutiut, atitl s UI be pris nt.'il tu Wvt CO'iU of ituni1 n Hens or paid county on the 4th d w or Mar, and uller the foiii Ih du ot sildtcini iinli s t vt pi ions in- JiUd ulthln that tini". . 'Ill- Hist and partlalnt count of Maitln (Jai',ass- mu o of .1. ,1 Uoyljiid. . T h i ond and tlnid account or M. (i. Jluglie, ,ilt;nti 't wesi'i Pt-rrj. , jce tint of Herman rahrlnjrer. nsij,'noe ct Lit 1-ahilnst.roI Locust township. WILLIAM UniCKliAlM, PnJthy. Itlocms'.urg, Apitl 1, p-mi. A. li.MlNISTISATOll'S XOl'lt'I-; hsTATE or SEl-SON l:l.S, nKtEtsKll. L'tti r ,r .idm'nNtratlnn on h estite of NVNon IP n, lite oi tin1 luwuf-hlpof tu" i co deceased, haw heeii ffiant d tr the l.'rL'Islcr f f fcald eount to the u- d"t'Myiied dml litiatur. ll per sons havlni,' clttms ittfa'nst tin' eMate im requested to ptiiit Hiemfor seitipuient und Ihuse ludehU-U (o inak" patacuL without delij. 11 F I-1MTZ. aprll 'i. '-w tiw Administrator. I I DITOU'S NOTU'K. K'l atk or ntNiri. I'KAI eii, iikceiskd. Notice Is horeiiy clYvin Hut the undersiirned ap- noinied it ihi- orp ,uns Court or Columitla countt io iltsitibiiti- tlif t md tn Pie hand, of illraiu t'ealor ii'liiilnl-iraiorcl Danlil PeiUer )r. deceasea to and nmoiii; tu.' inn-ties entltlMl thert'to! will atii'tidat. his oniu- In llloomsluiri;. on -aiurdiy, tinj 1st. Issii ai In o clot K In 111'' foienoon : ttln-ii atnl w lion ail poisons hat Hit cla ins ujiou ih" suid fuinl are re jllll i ll I o i ri m'iii ii.t'in or ntt loieter iiooani-u Hunt iniuu- in 101 a siiaiu oi sum Hutu, JOHN (I.PIiEKE opill k, lsii iv. Auditor. "jXlXX'TOIl'S NOTR'K. Kri 111 I ur Jl AH il.-, ir-t,r.r.i', Letters Testamentary on the esuto tf FlUaitn d.iini late of tl township t Madison, coluinMii coipiH, PeniM, deceased, hao ueeti i;ranieil t il.e iteirlsterorsiuu coumj io.ino k. ijuu;. .mi peisous tmUnf elalms nalnst mu ehUite or the dectdtnt are n qitesteil to preen' them for settlement and those Indebted to tlw citato to make pajinentui Uie undersigned j;ccutnr witliout dlav. llll IV (. .1111 '! '.Jersev'tow n, aprll 2,'Mi-iiw, llxtcitujr A liMINlsTItATOK'S NUTH U F.-TATK OK HANNAH I .All ON thCK4SH. Ltitei'Roffldmlnlstratlononlhee-t.iti' or ILuinAli .anion, lute ut IhUrem 1; tn.. (olundiU co., t a. di ceased have ln-ui irranted by the lieifWer ot eakt counts T Uie undetsl'.'ned Vdiii'r. Ml ptroriH ln tnir eiuiins aKidt'bt tue e-.tnte or tne ueeeoeni .tie reipiested tu jirw nt them lor etlleuient, und thm-o Indebted to Uie i 'ate to noike pu.smenl tu the un dernlgued Admlnlstiator wlihout ddiy. K. IL L'TTLK, nprll2, i"-' cw AdmluMrutur, FOH SALE" V VM.LAlll.K MILL FilOrKRTY, CON 'I IN1N', 28 Agprs of Iiand thil In i,'ooii , i.ndliloii 'I line rim of si oues. outto u 1 1 i: Puu Eli. I , i a, s lea-onithle. lor furttur ptitli 'll .r q , ' I i .IliIIN IlEAt.I E, Moril ui -villi'. Col.i'o f. i ir I'trr mid tune i. is i i , ,, tjun HI' l 111, llll Oil l ui' illi -, or a-i ace 'I In ir . ii li loll i so 111 ii ii Iti 'ui.l (ii, pill n piolu a l a i v l-' l vile levi i ,". 'l i A till. i,--l ill ,r 1 1-. flo-- m one i f t r siii'ei'.stul 1 and is in in,,,,, ,., ,i, ""'liii in f't.'r .n,i xl-tj. i 11"' llinisuiliv t- ,i h,,t ' "ii uiuierii a ni,-ii'i'im in- 1 I' i ata iti 3vl id ll '" liter, u. ,t iu.i, irutln j. ir uu h u'l Prut; ,hn and lit - -l generally. Oct 8, ly. Poetical. 'UU) MAIZK. fir Iti the furtwt Ih" rude cat Ins rise, And s -ni ii j their pllLirs of clnok". And Ih- tups of their cjlumm aru liMln tho nkles, O'i r thelMMdsof the (loud klslboak; Near the cklitf f the gro e nhcie the t-turdyoak it win if. The n till th Klatit Mvn), Ahd th t eho repeats every b'ow as tttlnps Miuols Ihi gicen Htul the g'otloua hialc. Tluro hitdsof llie buckejeltinprlnnre the Wvnl, And tnt willow U folden lmlr then appears A tid ftiowy the eupsof the ilusiwixi'I that ouiL !) the led laid, wllh plnkdliikd tours; AndMrlpcdlhehxhs whirlt tli-i puppj holds im, For the dew and the villi's Jelluw my, And the ! the paw pa v'rt shade hlossotn lug cup, In the uuods near Uie Mjndislnt; tnalr. Wlvm tliroujih th? dirk hull tic; bright .stetl ot tho I'low, Turns the mole from Us unbroken bed, Th" pluwm.ui li chterci by the llneli on the bouh, And Hit llarkblrd doth fallow hutrea I, Aul ld'c, aLir on the Limlse ipes di-crled, The d"ep low im; kl:io slow 1 graze. Ahd nlbbllnj the grows on tin sunnv ldlM l Ate the ?l.eep hedeil awaj frum the mal.e. Willi spring llTa" nnd cuUure lu tnirtlal nrray, ll waves its gteen broadivvord-i on hlih; AlhI II -fills with Ihegale In a Iluttt rlngiray, And the Btihbeams wh'ch fall tram the iskj. H stakes Its t reeu I'ladeH at the "pbjis at huuii Ahd at night at the swift ilj lug rajs, ho rids1 throutru tliHdllkhHss the t tains cf the til oti, Tliruugh the frpoer-sand (he ct the m ile. Whcu tli'Miuahier 's Ihicc Mill Its lunncrs arc g i cell Kith wattloi'n latu beiilvl groWiitli red; lllsi iiieraUl-UrljihT. iwuld li Mi up-polntcd and keen And golden hi-, taiscllid plunud head. As u lio-t of ar.ned kulhti eT't a nunarclt nt naught, They d-fy tin d.n-gu 1 to LU gaze, And, U'lvedttiy liiurn frjm the b i.t le t hat'.s tufgid, 1'reili ttarid thegucn ranks ot the male. AN I.NVITATHiN. l c mie into Ue garden sweet, et t daw n ot da , el daw n ( r das ; n r I ie has the k r thepestcrn gate; Makcnodtli) : Mak'iioileli : l!eiu"a beds of ros-s while at.d led, U hoie f-tfU shall ou fare, 1 lei escrow its of ellow inarlgolis To deck) our shining hair. Here's meadow- law us and e,rasy plots, w lice di nis ftet mtj Mi ay, Ih te's does toe to, nd birds to ting Lose s tender luiindelaj. Heie's peaches truin the f-ouihcm wall, O sweet he.irt, taMe and try, Here's . rbors get en and lrcll!es To kls and nu one by. And all these things await jou, lue, At daw not dij. at dawn ot diy; 101 lo.e Is le re wllh sonjand lute, Make no deiaj : Make, no dtkij ! Scribner fur April. Select Story. IIKiKil.llllN'.S si'iimn,. W liy It Had Heeii a Oi-kimi-o to the Villagi' 1I(S Jil.rOlIM.VI ION IIY A N011I.E YOl'SO WOMAN. i'he; villiige "chiiol ni Hed;erotv had limp been a displace ami a jiaiii to liie place. One i.r two bad bujs in it had dciutiralized itlo such it decree thai tho eh()()l conimil tee bad set over it a hard-handed teacher, win) was iiiio."d to he strotineiioii'.'h pht--ioally, Mid ul -tillicieiitly iml'iiiiit.ible tt ill tu reduce tlio buys In urdi r, but the plan had failed. His llii-.viiii:ilh:iiii' and harsh inca-ures only intensified the bid spirit that hud taken pos.c .mil of the school, and master alter mnter had cninei and (".tine away dicourai;eil. It had never occurred tn the ehoil ciiiiunittee In nppno tills evil by uthtf than harh measures, uml tte may suppn-e, without beinp told, that there was no ;rreat elevation id' ii'eas in the place, since there was not -iili'icient nnnl inllueiice in tliehoiuts in send belter subjects tn the sthnol. At any rate, tho kind of runners thai had been set over tneiu to tulu tliein, had only made them wnr-e. Miss Helen, was the daughter of a fanner of tho place, -she had been -cut away when quite a child, on the, dealh of her mother, to the cure of nil aunt, who was kill I and tt ie, and ent her to a uood .chuni, and sup plemented llie school vv ill. the mo-t belli)'!! of home influences. When Mi-s Helen came home at IS tn keep her father's home, she was as lovely a thill) tn look tipnu as thi world could shott, and the outward ttas but a transcript of the inner woman. She found two brothers, somen bat younger than her self, one of whom was still at school. She heanl Ihn whole hi-tory from him of the I. final manner of most of the hnys anil ol tinj v-iiious von men who had tried in vain tn harmoni.! and to teach them. He; father was a unml man but had not much ed ucaiioti. lie hail kept tho bujii by him and done the bet lia could fjr them, w ith the help nt an old family servant, who had been in ihe family ever since his nuurisge, and loved the children of her mistress Tn his astonishment, una day, Miss Helen told her lather that she wanted to keep the village1 school, il she could get s iuie hnys as well as liirlstn o.) to il, for she had learned that all the girls bad dropped out ol it, anil walked qinie a ditain-H In attend an old academy Her lather assured her that it was an i.n p.i.situliij , hut Miss Helen had been pre paring ber-elf for two or three years to keep school, anil she was nnt easily bent from her purpose, which was a very ilefliiiionne, and no! taken up lightly or lur Minn. Tliencinh hors were vi ry ind in their welcome ol her, lor ihey isieeined her mother and then it would have hen inipo-lble not lo admire such n lovely .specimen of womanhood. Mss Helen as as modest us she was beautiful, but she immediately mentioned her wish lit htr i cw Iriend", and, alt!ioui;li they di cntiriiiieil her at fnsi from what tbey thought would be so hopeless a tnsk, the yutiuj; t!ir!s were all raeled nlnl hct-'i il lo ba allowed to t; i to her i-chuol. It was not lot.i; heforo she earned her point with her father, ami the s I I eniniiiittee wis (jlad enough to have any iMieriiuent tried, haiie,!. ic had not much hiitli in her nuvcs. Ilnl;erutt wi(s iii a luw I'uiiiiiry, The h'mlnst bill in the nelflihorhooi was only eiilhd a hill lieeui.e tho rest of the country tvussn very ll.i'. A pretty little river wound I through ii , nml many heiiiitiful dm, re' in uie minnow land, ami womn emit! v,ry nenr ihe village on one side. It was a very Mrem place, nml Mo Helen ttlm had lot k ! vttl in the py wt s del ghieil wjih i'. H ttas named, dnuhtle.s; (roni 'he bulge.! Ititerlwlnctl clcmalu aim glycine, that icpa rated llie ll 'Ids nod ni"ai1iin , and wer often Ir.iii.plaiited In the lields and Ennlen., One nl these hfdie fieparatej her fatiier'fi gtrden from the .iitadnve, and she in ly, perhaps, have ctrried ihe ni-'ni irv uf It In her hiart, although It "eel mod near to he.; but child hood rd' Mint the Ir tcxinc" of such natural Ixauties in its heart, and probably her's did; for oie of her peculiar lastis was for the cor-nery uf the world, and her nilnt had pre seiiltil her w lib a sterenption tt hen she re turned home, 1 now Ing that hiilbiiii" won Id gitc ) ninth pleosiire tn Mis Helen as a filthy whnsjuse slis, ciiuld give pleisiire to otliit". Mis llflin's fe.tile brain and kind hi nrl the latter, linleeil, was the in.pirer o her ferlile brain tery sunn lotlnd a plan by which she thotiifht she could lauie the bad hoys of the pi ice. Her brother, who he lop m il tu the school, felt qui'e ntiNinus on the iiinriiiin! when she first presented herself with the prudential c irainitteeman who was to introduce her, but she bej;ieil him not to ay one word about her, and lie had kept out of llie way of the boys .ince the acieptance of her position w as known, as far as he could do 'o. She had not told r ven him what she was gniiii; to do, so he (tvas quite n-loni-h(il w hen he t lit red the schoolroom to find his sister's. sii reo tii'oii there. Mis Helen was alieady known by sight to many of the hot s, (he girls who on one side of the room were quite enthui is'ie ah tut her I'liey had b't'oine a goo) deal in qu litited will) her, and h.' had told them Iroin the bpgliiniii., that if they ttuiild do lis she wished them to do she was not alraid of hav ing any trouble with the boy., Indeed, sle had said a good deal tn them cf hotv much the hehavior of tlie hpy.s depended upon the hi'hntkr nf the girls thev knew and went lo school with lu llie talks thty had had vtith -Mi-s Helen thote girls gaintd many new ide.i", and looked upon their duties in life with very dill'erent e.tes Ironi tho-ewi'li which tiny had had hitherto looked forward. I'liey had lived in the pietly valley without thinking much about It, but Miss Helen since her r 'luru bad visit, il every oilier ol it and had pointed nut tn them alliou-aml beauiiHs thst had n 't'er attracted their at tei.titii. To.j lollt wtd hi r t viywhere, and wire wholly alliaetid and waktd up by her. rhfie wis one boy uf whom Miss Helen had fnqiienilt' hi en warned, and when she sat down in her chair on the platform, she was very sure tnat he must be llie one, for .1 more lowering, brutal fice she had never yet seen. lie evulcirlv ha I c line tn c lool that day with the intention nf unking trouble, if one could juJH of intention by the expres sion nf aboy's taee. The school committee man had motionul tn the to pupils rise when he brought in Miss Helen, and as soon as he had iulroiluced her, he motioned to them to sit when she did, and, without uiakiu any remark, bowed tn lit rand lift the room. A ite-ith-like silence prevailed, broken at last by Miss. Helen's pleasant voice, whose cheerlul tones could hardly fail to put ev ery one at ease. "The iir-t thing I must do," -lie said, "and to do that we will have a little talk, and then decide what to do in thev way of study. I do not know what vou have been study ing. I thought I Jiould prefer to have ton tell me yourselves. When I left Ito.tan, a kind friend gave me a fine -le.eopticon, for be know I had collect! il a great many photographs nf the scenery ol dill'erent parts nl the world, and thought I hould like to show them to my friends. I hate brought a favorite set of them with mo this uiiirning Is there any one here who has beard of the Yo-cmite valley?" teveral hands went up. Miss Helen sked one ot the girls who held up her hand, and who looked very intelligent, to point out on the wall map the location of the Yose mite Valley." "Did any one ever sec a very high muun Hill?" No one had, "Neither have I, but I have thought so much about thtin that I fancy I can imagine one. Nu I I do not believe 1 can, either, but these photographs, tt hen thrown upon liu- sterK'plicon, must give a pretty good idea of one. "Willie," she said to her brother, "will vou take thesheet that isfold- ed there and stretch it aeros, that side of the room?" pointing to the side opposite the windows behind the platfirin on which she at. "You will Iiml nails all ready I ir Ihe ru gs. And 1 you are tne tanesi young man here," she said lo the dark-b'-oweil voinh Unit sat on Ihe front seat, "w ill you be good enough to help my lirotbei?" file boy stnrtdl tn bis fiet, evidently he ing astonished at being u courteously called upon, a'ld stammerid out "Yes, ma'am A le,v giggles from the other hoys ran the risk of disconcerting him, bu', when Miss Helen luokeil at them w ith surprise, they were inirtiedialely hushed. When I tin "but was hung aod properly stretched, ami Listened by ills. Helen's direction, she drew t small lantern Iron, her satchel and u-kid th buys to please to cloe the shutters ul the room, w bile she went behind the cur tain and lighted the lamp. The children began to stir and to talk a little. Mi-s Helen said: "I will tell you the height of each ol the rocks and clilfs I am going to show you, and if you have slates an I iteijcils in your desks, please take them out, so thit you can put down the figures, fur you will be puz.led to remember them, alter you have seen two or three of them, aud I hope there will be no talking while 1 show- them, for some of you might be pre vented from hearing what I shiol have to say nbout ihtm" When the slates were all taken nu', she sudd leiily threw the Captaiu upun the aheel, at which t'nrJ was an involuniarv and an irrepressible exclamation from all pr'sent combined. The next moment the silence was quite as -Hiking. "Thank you, ' sbesaid, "I do not wonder you were startled. I never saw it so well displayed nitstll." She then told them how many feet high the Cap'ain was, and cumpaied it with the stee ple of tha village chur'li, which was cer tainly a very tall oue. The Captain was live limes as high, and the steeple was 400 feet. Next eune the waterfall ol two thou linl feet, then tho bridal veil, the ii cathedral spires, and whole succession wonderful heights, Two hours passed away l'elore tbey realized the flight of time. Then MiBiikyoti! thank you !" whs echoed from uJl sides. 1 hu lamp was extinguished and the shutters opened, and Mi.s Helen pro I uietl a rtee-s lor all, that the room might hi. Hired and ihe luncliuun eaten. ' i will walk out with you, girls," shf said "We will go lo tho woods ami eat our lunch of eons under the tree., and the boys can a gnod icaniptr to refresh theinselve., have The ints will pleaso to pass out lirst, quietly. They did so, and nflcr recess they came m k asqiiletty to the sound of Mis. Helen's bell. When all were In their seat again, she asked tliein to write each a desc.lptlon nf the Yusemlle valley a, they had seen it and heard it de-crlbed, by which she should know how well they could spell and write and expr-'s. themselves In Knglish, ' Then," she ed ImI, "e shall b ive had a gei graphy lesson, a .pelting lesson, a w ritlng lesson and a lesson In composition." All went happily to work, and, when the hnurol citne, she nqiKsted them tn leave their slates upon their d-sks, each with their name written in full. It was a woliderful morninj for the llediri'- row tillage school. In the alteruoon they found a pretty innnu-cript book on cich desk, into which they were requested to copy their coirecied composition.. Some had written a good deal, some very little, hut those who had written little bail not in'er- rilpted the others, and all were astonished al their own good behavior, hut It had seemed to them that they could not help it in the pieet ceof Ihe bsailtif ll M'-s Helen, win ni tht-y, wit'i one acctid, adinir) so much. I'he curtain was left stispened IT either lays, and Mi Helen had many similar les sons upon it, and strange to say, she had so iniiiy jen'ertaiuiug lesson., upon so inaot lilleient subj-ct", that the rehtilari eiill.l not find any lim I for bad behavior. Kven the "bad hov," as he had been ttajs behaved we 1 to Mis Helen and would have knocked down any other boy who did not. It was a new kind ot -chool keeping , such a they bad niter imagined, etui, though Miss Helen knew hotv to give hari tasks when such were necessary furtheii im provement, she hal to have no pen-titles for neglected lessons, for none were neghe'ed Among other things, she gave bison- about ll liters, of which she was very fond, and vthic'i -he sought in tho hedges ami meadows. S ton he fnurd the school room charmingly decorate 1 with vines and tv'bl tl iwer, and when P win seen that she cart lully planted and tended every root of Oli vine or 11 iwer that she found among their lecoration, making a pretty border round the house and training the vines over the windows, hi r scholars begin lo seek the hedges and meadow for them, and to bring not only ihe plants, but the very soil they grew in into the hitherto bare school yaid. I!ef ire the summer was over it was trans formed into a lovely school garden in which everything that grew in the neighborl.od was represented. One day she exclaimed at home: "If I only had a piano at the school room, 1 would ttach llietu all to sing!'' A week from th it day she entered the school room a little before the hour, and there stood a piano, with a note upon it ti ' .Mis Helen I.oring, the gift nf the village of Hciigi row." Her wish had been repeated by one of the friends who had heard it, and w ho had immediately drawn up a paper witl that remark for a beading, anil canvassed the village with it. Kvery one who was asked subscribed something, and now M'ss Helm who was a rare singer, taught beautiful hymns and -sings to her pupils, and trained them carefully besides in the elements ol music, so that, in the course of time, the liurcli music showed the itlecis of it, aud Miss Helen was asked tn bead the choir on undays, and all the anuntryside cauie to listen to her glorious voice. It was at tl is period that I lir-t saw Miss Helen and learned her history. When I bad visited it, previ ously to my taking up my residence in il Miss Helen was olteli spoken nf, and I thin learned that she was the villain -ehunlniis iress, but now, being part and parcel nf the place, and in a responsible po-ition, I mad it a point in learn all that was known about her. She n now Mrs. Helen , for I thought i was time frr her school labors to cease, after she bsd transformed a whole village. It was some time before I could persuade her she could do as lunch good in another sphere; indeed, I had tu wait two years, for 1 Could not tear her lrom the ichool till she left it providiil with rood globes and apparatus forinsinictiou in pby ic, which interestid her so much that she was sure the tudy would interest other young people The universe was so gloriou- and beaulilul in I er that she wanted a'l her scholars to ei j y it us shedid, and lhat they could not do without knowing a much as she did about it. If It were not fur my care she would have as much tod) now us when she kept llte Hedgerow school, for ull the inhabitants think she knowi bt about everything, and wish to consult her about a'l their all'tits, great and sinal'. I in.i-t upon Mime of tho-e requisitions being turned over lu me, al though I know thai 'he anxious inquirers would be tar from sali-lied if thev did in t know she ttas in all my counsels, and thst I think as much of her opinion about et erytliing a- il.ey do. The school is still her pet care. It is now kept by another young lady carefully trai.ud by her. I'mlil. 1,200. "To sum it up, six lung years of bed-ridden sickness, costing $200 per year, total VI, 200 all nl this expense was stopped by three botll s nf Hup Hitters taken bv my wife. She lu.s done h'r own housework fur a year, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their ben efit. The A lined Konea of Europe. Ic lieruuny, Austria, l'rance, llussia and Italy every male adult capable uf beariiij arms is liable to military service. In tier many the liability extends over twenty five years, from seventeen to forty-two, aud in eludes three years' active service ill the standtngnr nr, four years in the first reserve, live years in the second reserve, and thirteen years in the third reserve. In Trance and Hussia the liability extends over twenty years, m uaiy uver nineteen, and 111 Aus tria over twelve years, Hussia exacts six years active service from her recruits, Italy eight jeais and Austria three. The follow ing Is a statement nf the standing armies e; of the several countries at the close of 1879, exclusive of the lust classes of reserve (lermany l'eace fooling, -120 ,000 men war f'oolii g. 1,300,000 men. l'rance Peace footing, 502,000 men; footing, 1 ,3in,li(H men. Htis.ia l'eace footing, 502 000 men; footing, 2.190,000 men. Italy-l Vncfl footliiej, Istt (Kit) men; footing, 333,000 men, Austria l'eace footing, 207,000 men; footiug, 773,000 men, Kiriecn. position t. l.o 3 4 This Is the solved pisUlon. (i 7-8-Movu (1) 12 down, (2) 910-1 1.!ht,(3) 13 tip,(4) 12-10'H tell, 13-14 15 (A) 11 down, (0) 13-il 10 right. (7) 13 left. The board now stands thus : POSITION ll. 1-2 3-1 This i the solvable position. G-7 8 There nre six pofslhle orders 13 i lu of the thr. e numbers 13, 14, 1I1i--I2-I1 15, viz: (a) 13-1 1-15, solved. (b) 13-1,1 1 1, insolvable. (c) 1 1-I3.1.'i, Insolvable. (dt 1 1-I.V13, solvable, (e) l.")13l I, solvabl. 1,1) 15-11-13, insolvable. The lir-t is -nhTd: the fourth and fifth are solvable, beciu-e they can etch be reduced tn pnsilinu ii: the other three are mioivauiH becaue Ihey cannot n v nl litem be reduced In position ii : (a) is thus reducible as we ate ""ei ; (!. Is lu irj anil tn i ij: (c ' t" ihi slid In ( 1 1; id) to lal and to e; (e) to (a) and In idi; (f) to (b all I to (c). I. el tl' Iske ) lor example. PO-IIION 1ft sol.flloN. 3.4,,ve (1) 12 down, (21 11-10 11 right. li --.s-iajlo up, t4) 12-14 13 it-It, (0) 11 llott II, 10 11.12-Ot) 15 '.HO right, (7) 13 up, (Si 1 I lei', l'.l lu dintll. 15-13-14. The board is now ;ll position ii, the suit able position. Tin succeeding inovrs are htlills enoili!l : (l 'i l' r.gni, tl') n "P. (Ill) 11 1215 lelt, 117) down, (IN K'13 0 nght (111) 15 up, (20) 10-11-12 lelt, (21) ll down. (22) 1511-13 right. 23 1 12 up. (21) l'-10-ll lelt, fii) I.. mn, (2il) 12 15 11 right, (-. ) 'i up, t-iN i'.llll let'. (20) 14 ilo ti, (311)1112-15 iithi, (31 1 10 up, (32) 11 13 Oleii, i33) lu inn, (31)10 11-12 right, (d )i '' up, i.,oj i-l 4-13 lett. The board is now in positiun 1. Tne pro cess mat- be shortened, but only at the ex pense of nbscuriiiL' llie principle. The quet- tion of solvability or iti-nlvahility n con fined to the lower left hal il corner nf four squares. Ut conr-e llie principle I hate en- leavornl In lllii'trale appliei equally lo combinations ol any ulhtr three consecu tively numbered blocks, a 1-2-3, 1-3-2, &c. I have not seen the authentic puzz e, but un- leritand that the problem requires the solu tion to be in position i, POSITION IV. 0-5-1 If the problem allows the solu- 13- 10-0 2 to be in the following form, 14- 11-7 3 then it is solvable (to position i 15 12 S-l or position iv) for any of the six orders. Take (b) for eximple. Move 11 4-8-12. lotto, 2 1-2 3 right, 3 3y5up.4) 12 14-15 lelt, 5 34-Sdn'vn, til 1 2 riahi. 7l 1 1 10 ll up, S S-12 left, 9 23-1 dot. n. 110 5 0-1 rk-nt, 111 13-0 up, 1 12', 11-14 lelt. 13li7 down, 14 0-5 right, l'lie board is mm in position iv. To get back to position i, move 1 5-'.i lelt. 2 7 li up, 3 14-11 right, 141 9 13 down, fj 1 li ft tell, (tij 4 3 2 11(1, ij 12-N ritih'. N ti I.) 14 down, il M leti. I llll 8 4-3 up, 11 15-14 12 right,l2 5913 lowu. 13 3 -1-1 lelt. 14 1: vi up. mere are uther ways also. iVtrain take (f.) Move 111 12 down, f2 9-10 11 righ', 3 15 up. 1 1 121314 lef ,5 11 down, tu 1 o!'tti mint, 1)11 up, 15 down, ll I 11 right, 10 13 up, lll 15 lett, 12 14 down. This results in order b, whence the motes are the fourteen given above. Obviously, the process might be much abbreviated by an independent solu tion, but I preler to convert convertible terms rather than to multiply differences. S. N. Walkkh, A. M l!loom-burg, l'a. OUR PUZZLE CORNER. CONIlCCri.D IIY V. II P.Asr.tlAN. Contributions ol otiginal puzzles are so licited fitnn every r-ader.. Addre-s all com mtinieations relating to this department.!) W. 11. Ka-tiiuui, Auburn, Me -NftlP.ltlCAI, P.MIIMA. I Hin I'limpo-id of twenty-seven letters. My H, 10. 21 is an enemy. My li. 15, 5 is an intoxicant. My 9, 20, 1, 10, 2 is an animal. My 21, 10, 17, 27 's terror. My 11,3 1-an exclamation, My IS, 7, lli- del ght. My 10, 25, III, 21 is eternity. -My 20. 22 12 is yours-'lf. My 4, 13 is a tiling or iuauin a't! id ject. My whule is an oft quoted dec'arutiou. Use 1.1: ('I.ADDK. tviip.D puz.i.i: Whole, I am an article of commerce; take away one tilih, and I am a period of time; tianspose me, omitting one letter, and I am part nf a building; transpose 1111 again, untitling my second letter, and I am an en tire huililint; take two fifths nf uie away, and I am to cea-e tub.; aain take away two-filths and I siguity concealed. DI.CAPII't'MONS. 1. llehead a uoie and leave a disease ; again and leave a tree. I'.eheai tn lucre ie ami leave a spring ; again, and leave a measure. 1. ISehead value and leave a grain; again, and leave a concealed li id. 4. llehead to se zi and leave a tile; again, and leave a serpeut. .IAMF.S CIIAKADP. My first you'll very nften meet In every town md ti'lige street; My sec mil, to , on "very band; My whole's a fruit from foreign land. ct p.taii.ments. 1. Curtail an Knglish noblemau and leave a part ot the head, 2. Curtail a storehouse fr grain and leave a rod. 3. Curtail to r.itd asunder and leave a Chitiese plant. 4. Curtail a mineral ami leave a mytho logical bird, 5. Curtail a lorlified plaea ani leavt lu place of. Melancihon. ANVP.n TO LAST 1TZ.I.P.S Kumcncal JMjma,The l'riife of 1'lat- bush. Cro-n-tcon Enigma.- Ossification, IhcojtilatiuM. 1. Tabard, a bard. 2. Sturk.'l'urk. 3. Sewer, ewer. 4. Swindle, nindle. 5. Meriir, Oibu, Detjriet uf (Viwmn'sori 1. Sauce, saucer, sorceress. 2. 1'ea, pier, peerless, 3, Ou, honor, limit st. 4. Mo.e. molar, mnlest. f. Seal.Belah, Celestie. 0. l!u l, lluddha, Ilttdd. hiit. Il'orti Siuiirt. ll i) I) U OHIO O I I S 1) O S K neioi ISis Ir Washington, war war war war ft
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