THE COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE 00LUM.B1AN. iluiomnuirti. FmoAT,iF.CKJiim it, is:o ;-" nail Konit Time Table. UiVK AW ANNA DLOOMSllUIin HAIL IIOAD riontn. lotJtn. Accommodation Train T.SWA.M. Mall Train US A.M rast Train M- .A.M Kjprcss Train M V. M. OATAW1SSA KAIL KOAl). NORTH, SOOTH Accommodation Train ,!3 A. M. T,8 p. M. Ucsular Eapres '. M. Tnronghraraon Express train cither to New York or rnlladelphte. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa anil Wllllamsport. STAGE LINKS. riMBK Asn liiflosnariio. Leave' Camtira Monday, wpiinciday and Friday at :3da. rn arrlvoat i fl18,,0" Men's Christian Awoctitlon will hold tlielr anniversary at the Ltiiheran church I next Tuesday evening. Music will be furn'shed hy l'rof. Nlles, and will of course bo good, Appropriate anil Interesting exercises will be on the prolamine, Danvillo posl, Grand Armyof the Itepubllc bail a meeting at Danville, last Monday even- in Tl. .!.. . n' uii'uiuig was nuenueil by qullo a niiniler from lliti, county. It wa ryolved that the body attend the reecn lion of flr-nonl (Irani In I'hlladnlphla, free transportation being IIUITCU. COUHT ri!VC'KEI)IN(13. December 4th, Sherman A Co- Marshall. Mich, want an .N.KI It. . V. !. ....... . . - . I . ..!.. . I 1 fVt Commonweallh vs. J Fred-1 mii, ,,i ..., ,,i!i p- fii .,,(. iiuk, jury mneu, vcruici not guilty, oui 10 i mars autircss as above, jxov.himt ay costs, Commonweallh va 7, T. lltagl, assault and battery! lory called. Venllcl, l.ot eiilltv. tiros- eculor, Abner Kvans lo pay coils, I on,T by family dinners; as there was no service Same day prosecutor sentenced to pay costs 'n the church es, or give ball tor saino to sheriff, The poiple of Jackson arc rejoicing In pro- Tho Christmas Cataloguo issued by George i-'arK has been presented, lo us, It Is a complete; guide to persons wishing lo make le leitions for Christmas books, is beautifully lb msiraieu wmi cuts Irom the books named, and iveiinrulav and Friday at:3na. m., arnvoai I: . ... , , . - Woomxburir by I-ava Wonmsburir on "ui Dny n mnusonie advertisement but n iamn diva alter arrival of Philadelphia mat! 1 iitooMSBOBii Am t.Attinsvii.i.K, tavo Lalrdsvlllo Tui'sd'iy. Thursday and Saturday at 1:30 a. m ..Hdnv At iiinomsburi? bv t3 m. Leave blooms- burn on same dais after arrival ot I'lirladelplila mall Tlio Biage lino icrminmcs ui.,iiiiiiiic. book worlh preserving fur future roicrencc. Wllliim Gilmoro has received a fine assort. i . .. . memo! toys for the Holidays. Alio a full llrnton and liloorasburg.-A dally stace lino leaving line of fino candies. Go there for your Christ '' iAtnn in Mm inornlne and returninir In the eve- . u Juur vur,sl nlng or the aamo day. mas presents. MAIL 110UTES. mm! llALt, and M.O0MrR0.-Leave White Hall Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:3ii a. in., arrlvlnn at llloomsbur!! bv in a. m. U-ave Illooms. uutg on samo dajs titer arrival ot rulladclphla malL niNTOV Ann ni.ooMSBriw). Leaves Ilenton Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. m., arriving at liloomsourc at 8 p. m. leaves Hlooiniburir Tues. day. Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a. m arriving til Hamuli nv v. ... dec 12 2w. rUBLIO SALES. E. M.TewkBbury, Committee, will sell vnl uablo real estate on tho premises in Catawisa, on Wednesday, December 31, 1879. gSlfSeo Advertisement in another column. J. T. Heailley's "Life and Travelsof Genera Oram" Is the only genuine work Id the market Ilewnro of counterfeits that sell for a trifle leas Rev. IlMion Gilmour of Cleveland. Ohio has ucd the Great German Hemedy, Si. Jacob's Uil, and endorses It highly. He writes abou 1. r . , ... . ... iio iohows; i am pteascu lo say mat the use of St. Jacob's Oil lias benifittd mo greatly, and I have no hesitation to recommend it to all asan excellent curative. The Berwick mlf;)en7cnl Is now printed entirely at home, the patent outside having been discarded. The present proprietor seems determined to make of it what never has been KOlinsilUW! NEWS. Thanksgiving i!y wns not observed hero, MUST EDITION, 10J.OOO. Fa ratmltv are orders Inrroaalne for the De cember Scribner Ihat It Is thought the first edition of 103,000 will hoi supply the demand. One cause of the recent increase In circulation. by which one hundred thousand November numbers were soiu in two weem , is unuounicuiy due to Ihe growing tnlerct In Ihe two serials, Henry Jamo, Jr. 'a 'Confidence,' which li one nl his most lascinaung cnaracier siuaits, ana Ueorge YV, Cable s novel ir JNew Orleans life, 'The Grandlsslmes.' This latter, begun in November, will lie the leading serial story of the year. Mr, Cable's 'Old Creole Days' has attracted wide attention, ami this, his first novel promises lo be among the strongest and most rorka of ticiion mat have ret an Halslns, prunes, currants, pearlies Ac., I chrap, at llartman llros, jnov. zatu sir, McKlnneys II6iiso. Shoe Store below Conr X LO It Ilnneles4 rod Finest market. Also X I, 0 II Mackerel In pound tin caos at Uarlraan llros. Dec. 5, 2-w. Id JO tfT-mtllal miiiimiiiiiitin Safeguard oil waa used In the same lamp one pint 01 which burned lu) hours. A Consumer. Kovnl Safeguard Oil Sold only by D. A. urcasy. Commonweaflh vs IlloomsburgTownCounell traded meeting conllnuel since the dedication, not repairing street. A true bill. ltelurntng from meeting there last Thursday Grand July mado their final report and were cvcnlni. Elmer Heece met with a mtsfortune discharged with the thanks of the couit for and brought his buggy home on three wheels. their promptness, T. t ,, ,. .1.1, i. i, . .1 ,., nr.pmiT. n.. .. l . 1 11 u... 1 neared In American llleraluie, A now serial Tn Ihe tlnnnr.U.. il,n t.U. nf it,. ,.m 1 ..... ..... . ,. ... , . slorv by Jlrs. Hurnctl, author or 'aflat Urn ' ' uruay anil nuer auenuing 10 ncr amirs ncre if, rv. h.. . n h.,.n umm. m w 111 rilinrteran.lnna r.f Ilia nfll.a nnnnltt nl I ,., . , t.i ...... -I." - , .. ' win leave ior iioca iiaveu 10 speiui wiu wiiiu-t ofoin m n eartynumoer, (ne special aurac- ,r,. niKin. PnlUrs rniT. Pin Columbia, at December session,, A. D. 1879. Lid, her son Charles 8. Long, formerly of lion, of the December number Include twenty LoaMon iri..n....i,. ... ........ . vw.m.lx Amer ran women, eomnrls nr ,m. Voamoni, ijacea. etc., auiiaoie ior presents, ine .jriiiiu innuesi 01 me ommonwraiin or r isningcreeK. i ' " ..liL.:. " .!.... at Clark & Bon. low brlces l) , , . , . , . . ., I I DV many oi our rooi proiuincoi women writers: l'ennsv van a. Ir.nti r nir for Urn IhkIt of l ie i t r.. .(11.111..1 -.i t,...i.,.. .A 1.. . ,, t n..n it n .' ' o - -4 1 .inn, j cpbc .uu.a, u. nuv.iaiiu uvi dibiii orn vi.iirui v icuir iiiidu. r 11. li. utiieneD I . ... ... ... county of Columbia, respectfully report": That Miss Anna Keller, have been visiting their with a larco portrait engraved by Cole an . A"'0KrPll.,a'!1d WWgifJ1 lDUm,orlne we havo pursuant to our reipilrcd duties, calmly mother for a few days- Illustrated description 01 tne jonns uopains an,, deliberately inve.iiga.ed all the Bill, of vn .n,lp,,.ln n AnA mnW of nI. !7,'w: "Columbia Yarn." will weigh full 16 oz., ptcsenled forourconslderatlon.and w , 110. .h. N0,ih Csnltol at Albany' Is critically described In ,n pound, will knit farther, sold at Clark 1 . . ........ -..I. ., rn.,ni.l. article 01 eignieen pages, wmi me aiu 01 . . I IweniV'turen urnwinir", iiuu mere are iiiusirnitj Mr. Lorento Mcndenhall of Iowa Is Tisiting I payers on 'Coflea Culture In Braill.' j'Success his friends anil relatives here, witn small a runs, etc. eic, The schools are 111 full blast now and are rpilto a success. Several of the young people hero are avail1 HimilllMIMK THE ONLY MKDALS EVKB AWAKDED FOB POROUS PLASTERS WERE GIVEN FAIR TKdT. I fnis.w,.r,,,fi,,.r.nni!Bn'aniH-lH wirinlTap.ASTKnHtUiCenteanUlanararlsBirx)IU)tna. One pint of the bead light oil burned In I my lamp 11 hours. Afterwards the Royal OVER 0,000 rHYSICIAN8 & URUOQISTH HAVE VOLUH1AKIL.X iwilllhu : Porons Plasters by reason of Uielr prpmrt f hf lhAV if, tmiit lmT.ryimnf nn II.A Mmmnn. Iilnw H'tJnir PnroilS PM action and the absolute certalaty ot uielr quickly rclfovlng pain, and cffoctlcg a poaltlve cure.' dec M ritlt'II S CKNTH. The Old ICstablishcd Irng Store. have passed upon Ihetn according lo their merits. That we have examined Ihe public build Ings and find the plastering in the rear of the hail I (Court House) on fi 1 st floor lo bo in a bad condl- tior, ind recommend that It be repaired at once. The lock on ihe vault, in ihe Sheriff's office, 'The Reian of Peter the Great,' by Eugene Roliuylcr, will begin In Ihe February number. is considerably out of repair, and not sife for ing themselves of Ihe benefits of Orangevllle the safe keeping of the Sherlfl'a pacers, and we I Academy; four are now attending and several do recommend I hat it bo repaired at once. I attended during the summer that now are The'safe In the Treasurer s office, we find loo attending our publio schools. small, and deficient for the safe keeping of the I Perry, youngest son of Thos. and Harriet The Illustrations for the first of this splendid series of Historical Papers aro now almost completed, and include reproductions of famous Jtuss an rami ncs. cut on tne wooa ov Ameri can engravers, who are pronounced by the Ixmdav Saturday lUviae 'the best In tho world.' Sold, and subscriptions received, by book-sellers anil news-dealers, nt M.uu a year, ao cents a number. 'A Portfolio of Proof Impressions' & Son. On and see I. W. Hartman'a table of I fancy books for Christmas presents. Clark k Son's stock of Jewelrr Is com plete, prices the lowest, goods warranted as represented. One price to all at I. YV. Hartman'a your neighbor gets goods at your price, can you ast less. Hats I Hats II Hats 1 1 1 CAPS, CAPS, CAPS. Lowest Prices at the Popu- Store of D. Lowenberg. We were unable to make the malison Thurs. . .. r !..,. ,.,,,,, 1 r ii ,t. vertlsing coming in unexpectedly so late that ',lone wlth a ""wspaper in Berwick before, that . ,!.! not rret tho form, ready at the usual a.'ucces9'"nu we "l,e "e V accomplish time, Frank Wilson has been added to tho force at I. W, Hattman's store. from tho old jail building, If tho same can be s)ld advantageously, If not wo recommend that the whole properly known as Ihe old jail, be , uu we uuiie ne may acrompusu 11.. . . , , , ri ,, , rp, , . , , i "uiu m buuii ns a enusiaciory price can ue 00 his desire. Tho paper Is very much mnroved . . , . . . ,.,. ; tainea. we recommenu mat window ngnis be uuuci ia ujaiiiieuieiii tuus iar. money and valuables of the county, and we do Heece, returned from school Tuesday, 18lh of 0f the best engravings from Ihe pages ofScrlb- Latest styles, recommend that a new and sufficiently large I last monlh feeling slightly 111 but did not com- ner and St. Nicholas (edition limited to 1,000) I lar Clothing safe be purchased at once. plain much, The family physician was soon w"',e m"T "ecemper isi inci w . - We recommend Ihat .he In the wall called, but the best medical aid and careful cw,rJL N w Tn.C y'.'LT "U"" SS" , 7r.V" surrounding the old jail ya'd, be sold separate I nursing was of no avail and on Friday mem- I I BHIWL Go to Clark &Son for your holiday goods j MIM WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Corner Muin nnd Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned hkvlng been in the WIIOI.r.sAI.K iinvtl baslncsa for the paat eleven yean woKl call Uio attenuon ot tho publio generally, and coUNritv OEALKK3 In particular, to their large and varied stock, ' It mm$mt of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, &c. bought and put in the several ligh indows in 'the The hotels havo all been full to overflowing this week. Tho Tenchera' Institute was well attended' C. R. Woodln nt IWM, (, . jail, wherever found to bo broken out llin nnlnmhli, Ti-nn r.n,,a.....t These recommendations we make for tho . .... ...,..,, tlu.,,,6 ,ujjuiir, sold some receiver's certificates of the Oawego & Midland Rallraad in the New York Stock Exchange and as no one bid higher than 26 hp hnilirht iTipm In .1 397 TTa nriu-.n..l. i . 1,1 - . ..vuiiunutusruiu full proceedings will no puoiisneu next wee them a( ?M anJ ,urned Ra creditors instead of pocketing it himself as he We will give our readers next week so much of the proceedings of the State Grnnge as tho Secretaries will permit us to publish. J, L. Glrlon cut a pumpkin last week that weighed 142 pounds, and meaured 7 ieet in circumference. Who can beat that ? Captain Ent'a commission as Sheriff of Columbia county was recoived on Wednesday morning. In his remarks at tho Opera Houso lat Wednesday night.Col. V. E. Piolett paii a high compliment to tho Exchange Hotel and its proprietors. I. W. McKclvy's new grocery department will Bonn be ready for oceupuncy. Charles Krug is doing the work. Plenty of rain has fallen during the past few days, and, thero will probably be no more com plaint of tho scarcity of water this winter. Charlei Funslon has recovered from his ro cent illness, and has resumed his position be' hind tho counter of Clark ii Son. B. Stoliner offers a raro opportunity to any ono desiring to purchase a fino farm. It is convenient to town and in good condition. Seo advertisement,- had a clear right lo do. This profit amounted lo S1107 which has just been dlslribulcd among Ihe creditors hy an audiior. There are not many assignees who do business in that manner. It should be the aim of every owner of Horses, Cows, lo make them as handsome and uselul a' ponible. Tho German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of Ihe animal. It improves its beauty and increase lis usefulness It makes milk, muscle and fat. By using it a horse will do more work and a cow give more milk and be in better con dition with less leeil. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C. A. Klelm, Bloomburg Deo li!, '79-ly We announce wilh sorrow Ihe death of Mrs Leckler of New Castle. Delaware, mother nf Mrs. L. Zahner. Mr. and Mrs. Zahner were summoned on Thursday of last week logo down ns Mrs. Lecker was very ill, and on Sunday the painful news came back that she was no more. She had spent considerable time here with her daughter and made many warm friends, who will mourn with the family in their great bereavement, good of Ihe buildings, and safety of the county's interests. We call attention to these matters. and most respectfully submit this our report. I . S. Hunt, foreman of the Grand Jury, Sheriff's deeds were acknowledged in open court. Commonwealth vs W W Clayton, Recog. nizance forfeited to be respited at next sessions on appearance of defendant. Report of viewers of road In Pine township conGrmed absolutely. Report of viewers of a road in Scott township conbrmtd nut. AnnUil report of the Law 'Library commit. tee presented and directed to be entered of record in ihe common picas docket. Commonwealth vs William Baumcistcr. Charge, desertiun. Opinion of court filed On petition J. R. Evans appointed guardian of Wallace anil Ether Evans, Report of yiewcrsof road in Madison town. ship confirmed nisi. Court adjourned Thursday aflernoon-until Saturday morning, when the argument list was lakeu up and the entire list disprMtd of. Bl'CONU WEEK, tng he breathed his last. Perry was a bright, attractive little boy of n genial disposition. Ho is gone, the fondly cherished Gone to taste eternal joy; , Like a frail flower he perished, Death has claimed their little boy. Poor Pen. berwick letter. Eds, Columbian : Am almost at a loss what to say this week, so little having occurred In our town, that might bo of inlercst to your readers, since my last appearance in Ihe columns of The Colum BIAS. Alexander & Wcodhonse opened their new tobacco and cigar store In the Opera House block on Thursday of last week. On that night Ihe glass In the front door waa broken, the door opened, and about $75 worlh of goods stolen. The thieves have not yet boen arrested. Ooe of tho moat attractivo sights In town is the fino di"play of Watches, Clocks, Brontes, and Silver-ware iuL. Bernhard's show window FASUIONS IN FURS. Sealskin remains the most popular of furs. Probably the most marked fealure of Sealskin dolmana are the latest novelty, but the week's occurrences was the meeting of our literary society last Friday evening, where was discu-sed the Influence of Fate on humanity in the form, "Is man the architect ol his own Fortune." Dr. Freas persuasively argued in the affirmative, aided by Mr, Stiles; while L. Thompson with the assistance of Rev. Caltell convinced the judges that the fickle goddess fortune alike smiles and frowns upon the efforts of man, who must needs obey her will, Luck is what Bret Harte calls that strange influence that seems to exert itself over the destinies of men; good and bad luck alternately falls to the seem only suitable for long and severe winters. They are very handsome and costly, and are generally trimmed with sea-otter. Sealsacquea are more desirable this season in being adapted to the figure, and are made from 38 to 40 inches long, with the addition of a shawl collar, also a collar and lapel and extra cuffs. Seal buttons and pendants are used. The price of fur o' all kinds will depend upon the weather. So far there Is no advance, owing to the mildness cf the season. Sealskin Bonnets are made In the Derby, helmet, cottage and Devonshire shapes. Their rich beauty requires very little they have lota of them and at low prices. Books of poetry and Prose by the latest authors at Clark'a In Exchange Hotel building. Did you ace that Black Cashmere all wool at Clark & sons for 80 cts a yard 7 It Is very cheap. The ladies go. The men go. The chil dren go. The rich go, The poor go. The weak go. The strong go. And I go to I. W. uartman s to bur Uhristmaa goods. O. A. Clark baa beautiful Christmas cards for sale. Clark & Son are displaying over 150 dif ferent varieties of Silk and Linen Handker-1 chiefs lrom 5 cts. to Hi Youths, Boys and Chlldrens' Hats and Caps for winter wear at D. Lowenberg't. G. A. Clark sells large family Biblea. BROWER'S BLOCK. Cannot be surpassed anywhere. IN ITMAY BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF "sponges, chamois, colognes, perfumery, cioars, fawcy art1clbs, toilet boaps, TOOT II UHUSIIES, OLOBK4, lot of man, and it is the knowing when a man trimming; a Utile sealskin bird; ostrich plumes has a streak of good luck that is Ihe making 1 dyed to match, a squirrel or plain satin lining of him, The other exercises of the evening wero a declamation by Q. Kesler and a reading by Mr. Stiles. Revivals are in progress in Ihe M. E. and Evangelical churches, the latter apparently taking the lead because more successful; this Clark k Son are offering some bargains in Ladies Coata, at popular prices; also Furs. LutzcV Sloan have the largest stock of I Fura In the county and their prices are the I lowest. and strings are all that is needed. They are . Ru.bber oata white and black, Blankets, mine of seal without tr mm D!r! when made to . tf"Vb'' "V"" ",u t"'0 at u. ijowennero k. uiaicu n urcBB ur luc'iuujiui-u itiblj ,ugt mu then trimmed to correspond. For obvious reasons, meaning comfort and the use of one's hands without exposing the Decembers. Auditor's report in cstale of clmrch has by no means an inferior pator in person to cold drafts, the fur lined dolman and We received n pleusant call from R. H. Thomas Jr. of the Fanners Friend, published at Mechanicsburg, on Tue'day. Ho is here attending the Grange meeting. The SusquciiANA to be Surveyed. Sur veys are being made to ascertain whether Ihe Susquehanna river cannot be made navigabb Engineer-Alncks, of Harrisburg, has been miking soundings and says the river can be made to render pos!ble the passage of steam boats. From 15 to 25 feet of water has been found in long slrctclici, during the present low The hunting and killing of partridges, phens-1 stage of water, and Ihe small bars connecting ants, wild turkeys, squirrels, rabbits nnd deer, i?,only permitted by law to tho 31st of ihis month. these thinnels can be cut through and dredged, The facia will be reported to Congress for action. ML Joy Star, Whilo John Dodson was on an extension ladder painting the house of O. T. Wilson the ropo broke and he was caught between tho two sections of tho ladder. Ho might havo been seriously injured.- WANTED DRIED APPLES, by P. BHlmeyer. A gas post lias been erected at the D. L. & W. depot, and a handsome lamp placed thereon. This was a much needed improvement, ORANUEVILLE ITEMS. Most of the public schools in this vicinity are closed in order that the teachers' may have an oppoitunity of attending the Institute now in session. The number of pupils at the Academy is still Increasing. Monday evening two new ones from Pittsburgh. Col. Rickotts of Wilkes Barre spent the Sibbath with his mother in this dace. Jacob Bomboy, confirmed nisi' Auditor's report In matter of distribution of money in hands of assignee of Columbia Iron Manufacturing Company confirmed nisi Auditor's report in estate of Benjamin Miller deceased, confirmed nm. Partition awarded in estate of Harriet Reifmyder, deceased. E. Shuttand C. K, Hughes appointed tip' staves. In the matter of road in Beaver and Roar ingcreek townships, court direct a new order lo be issued bearing date of original and to be marked continued, tho process to be as iu original o.nie'r. In the matter of the division line between Fishingcreek and briarcreek townships refered back to the Commissioners with instructions and confirmation nisi stricken off. Report of road in Centralia borough referred back to viewers. Opinion filed in the matter of the application of the Presbyterian church of Bioomsburg for amendment of charter. Bogart vs Bogart. Divorce. Opinion filed granting an l'sue. Ellas Miller vsP&RRCo. Rule to show cause why li. fa. for costs should not be stayed Rule made absolute. Estato of Geo.' Longenberger deceased the person of Rev. Ettinger. His thanksgiving I sacqnes are more popular than the circular, which sermon marks him as a man familiar wilh what waa originally intended only for carriage and is going on in Ihis lower, world of ours, and evening wear, but, like many other garments, accomplished In a literary sense. is thoughtlessly purchased and worn upon all The school boys and girls this week are occasions with utter disregard to adaptability holding high carnival, there being no school. I Some of the most elegantof the circulars are Their teachers are enjoying the pleasures of lined wilh whole Siberian Squirrel and trimmed a crowded town in your place, and no doubt I with beautiful silver fox, a costly fur with receiving valuable ideas on school methods at finest points glistening like frost or thistledown. Rent Seal Skin Caps just received at David Lowenberg's. Holiday goods at Clark & Son, . Cheap toy books for children at Clark's book store. Those 40 ct all wool Cashmeres are De nounced by the ladles to bo cheap at Clark a Hon. tho annual county Institute. Berwick, Pa., Dec. 9, '79. Reporter. WHO PAYS TIIJS COSTS? In digging out the ground for the foundation of Moyer Bros' oil hotue near the depot, the I humiliating to hear people say that Orangevllle Tl.a mn.l In tl.a ,nl tl.m.,1, n-nrravllln la a little less than a foot deep. It is rather ul"mu" u,u" "' . charged according to law, the costs not being cloth paletots or cloaks of mastic, fawn orlight These circulars are made of heavy gros grain or Sicilliene. Some of the silk dolmans are lined with ermine an d have a chinchilla trim" ming. Fur trimmings are exceedingly fash- At every terra of Court, speculation is I lonable. Boaa have long Blnce disappeared! indulged in as to "who pays the cosfs," in collars taking their place on jackets and cloakB actions at law. The following will give the of cloth. The Russian sable, the most costly desired information, of all furs is rarely seen here, but the Hudson In the following cases the county is not I Bsy sable is equally fine and aoft. Its too liable to costs. I light color has to be dyed to rank equally with 1. If the grand jury return a bill "ignora-1 other furs, or to imitate the magnificent Rus mus" in a case other than felony, and order the I sian fur. Sea-otter and fisher tail trimmings prosecutor to pay the costs, and the prosecutor are fashionable, because expensive as well as having been sentenced to pay them, is com- handsome. Next rank Ihe less costly black mitted, and then discharged according to law, marten, brook otter, blue fox and beaver. ithout having paid them, the county is not Many cling to mink as an old favorite,but it does llahle to costs. . I not rank among desirable furs. The Africa chin- 2. Nor is the county liable if a bill be fourd I chilla is now fashionable again. This variety a "true bill," and the defendant having been possesses the most valvety softness and clearest tried and acquitted, and ordered by Ihe petit gray color; the Bolivia of the same fur is less jury to pay them, and is coin milled and die-1 btautlful, having a tint of brown. Handsome Lutz fi Sloan sell ladles coats for (2,75 and upward. Still abead.the Nobby Over Coats, Ulsters and suits at I). Lowenberg's. It is said by good judges that J. B Scott sells the best cigars at 2 for 6 cents which can be found in tdwn. Alphabet and building blocks at O. A. Clark's. Oo to Clark & Son fo;Furs. Pocket books and Card casta at Clark's. O. A. nAlR BRUSHES. ' IMfS, and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and well regulated Drug btoi e. They arc the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. Also the Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors DR. W. M. BICKLEY'S Celebrated and INVALUABLE PREPARATIONS. Compound Aromatic Wine of Gentian and Iron. Improved Cream Camphor, Worm Kil ling Agent, Improved Rose Pectoral. The Best Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Physicians. Clark & Son still offer a full line of Do-1 mestic goods at old prices. Frames for hand and tablet photographs I at uiaric s dooe store. Holiday goods at Clark &'Son, all invited to call. If you want to save money Dry goods of Lutz & Sloan. buy your, Blooinslmrg, Pa. main gas pipe waa uncarlheu, probably have lo beremovid. The pipe will In Ihe report of Shf rill's sales last week the price paid by Mrs. l'elrlkin for lumber yard of K. Mcndenhall should have read 55.00 instead of $500. The boys ihus far have had no use for kkales and sleds, and Ihe dealers in those articles aro beginning to think that the clerk of iho weath er is nit doing just Ihe right thing. Isaac C. Fosler was run over and killed by the cars in Williamsport last Friday evening The train was switching back and forth, and he attempted to cross tho track after being warned by the employees. Williamsport is lo have a soldiers' mono mcnt, lllooinsbiirg came mar havingone some years ago, but (he eubject has been dropped Why not revive il? The Plymouth Rtcord says that tho republi cans of Columbia county talk of starting a new paper. Wo suppose thiy want something which they can rtly on. P. H. Smith, E-q., of Plymouth, Wis., a son-in-law of Juilgo Klwell, has been elected member of the Senate nf that Stale by the Dtiuocrats. has the worst roads in Columbia county. Why can't we have a road like Lighlstrcel? James L. Williams has left school and clerking for Low & Son. A protracted meeting is holding at Ihe M E. Church. Tha pastor, liev. Mr. Cleei, con' ducts the meetings. Betsy Tkotwood. Our Itohrsbiire corscpondenc came last week loo laic fur insertion, but as It is interest ing wo print it now. All coinmunb alions Bhould bo sent in not later than Wednisday noon, The remains of Mrs. Caroline McDowell, wife of Albert McDowell, late of LlghMnet, were brought from Philadelphia and taken lo Lightstrcct for interment on Tuesday, The sale of (ho personal property of Ihe eilate of John Liycock, deceised, advertised for last Monday, was postponed until Saturday the 13th at 1 o'clock p. m, KU1TJNG A NKWSPAt'Elt. There are people who Ihiuk it an eay matter to edit a newspaper ; there are those who think nny man of education can succeed in tho pro tession. Hut the truth is, there are compara' lively few men who succeed in it, and for the reason that theyjdo not regard it as aprol'e.-sion, reTiiring study nnd preparation. It is also a laborious profession when pursued with indu try sufficient to insure success. The Uoston Post furnishes a paragraph which gives a great deal Of truth in n lew lines : A good editor, a competent newspaper conductor, is, like a gen eral or a lioet, born not made. On tho London daily papers, all tho great historians, novelists poets, tssayists, and writers of travels hive been tried, and nearly all have failed. We might say all, for, alter a uleplay of brilliancy, brief, but grand, they died out, liter ally. Their rcourcei were exhaust' od, 'I can,' said a lale editor oflhe2Vme to Moore, find any number of men of genius lo write fur me, but very seldom ono of common sense ' The 'Thunderers' in ihe 2 lines, therefore, hare, so far as we know, been men uf common sense, Niaily all successful editors have been men uf th s description Campbell, Carlyle, l!ulw r, and Disraeli fuilidj liarnes, Sterling, ant Phillips succeeded A good editor seldom writes for his papir ! he leads, judges, selects, dictates, alters, and com bines ; nnd to do all this will, he has hut little time for composition. To wiilo fur a piper is u-.b thing, to idit a piper is I'mdert Circulars, Itev. B. Mitchell, D. D, will deliver a lecture at the Opera Hou'O Ibis Friday evening, De1 ceniber llilh, for the beiufit of Ihe Presbyterian parsonage fund. The subject is "From (ieneva to the Glaciers," nnd will no doubt be a highly iiiitructive and entertaining discourse, and Bhould ho liberallr patronized TukiU for sale at (i. A. Clark's, Admission "5 Lints, Applelou's seriis ol Headers havo been Introduced Into Ihe formal School This action has been tiken after a careful cxuminnliou of the books and satisfactory evident e ti nt fheyare tha boil publi-hed, S. J. Drinlwjtei of Will iamsport is the general agent for Appletona' publication!. Mr, Samuel Hagenbuch of Llghlslreet will please accept our thanks for a basket of Ihe finest apples we have seen for a long time, They are large and luscious, pleating lo tho eye ijs well as lo Ihe lasle. We appreciate his gift, as well as his promptness in always paying com in advance for his subscription. On Wednesday of lut week Miss Amelia A. lioono of this cily died of congesllve chills, an illnesi of only Ihrre ilays. Dtceased was a sister of Mrs. A. II. Parry and had resided in Ibis Cily abuit twinly-live yiars Keligious services were cjiuliuted ai ihe house by Itev. A. Ilushnell, and the n mains tiken by carriigoti Viola, Mercer tounly, in ihnrgeof Col, All Perry where they wera inierre I in the family burying grouul. lltpublic, Gcncaeo, III. Xuv.SS. The above men tinned hvly was a daughter of he late James Uiur.c whu previous lo his removal to UllnoN ownod and residid upon ono of the river firms below loiin. I)fceaed and her sitter Ellen were beru on a visit a Utile over a year ago spending several wicks among her numerous relitlves. Her mother was a llartou. Journal- to reporfof auditor (osecond and third accounts of eiccutor. Ou petition of William Mart: he was dis charged as administrator of Ludwig Thiele, deceased. Citation to James McAlarney, executor, &c Opinion filed. Conrad Hredbender vs John Iloofnacle. Jury callel, verdict for plaitilT. Exceptions filed to Auditor's report in estate of B Miller, deceased. Exceptions filed lo auditors' report in estate of Jacob lijmboy, deceased Auditor's repurt in estate of Samuel Mears deceased, confirmed nisi. The following orders were made by the court on Tuesday, And now, December 9, 1879 ordered that ihe number of persons lo be silected and placed in the jury whel lo serve as jurors for ihe ensuing yeir be and the samo Is hereby fixed at live hundred. Ordered, that venires be issued for a grand jury in (lie Oyer and Terminer for February scssi ns 1SS0, and also for thirly-six traverse jurors in ihe Oyer and Terminer and quarter sessions of the first week o f raid sessions, also for a like number in the common pleas for Ihe i-econd week of siid term. Kobert Buckingham, Esq, was appointed auditor of the accounts of ihe Prolhonotary Clerk of the courts, and Register and Kecarder of Columbia county, as required by Act of Assembly, Samuel Knorr, E. H, Ikcler and C. G. Bark lev, Esqs. wero appointed committee of th Uoliiiulna county law library lor the ensuing year. ,Vlgnits nccounls confirmed ab-oluulv. Commonwealth vs John iltllneraud William Manslield. ThebO prisontrs wero brought in coin t on Tuesday morning, having helicon victid of assanll and btltiry last eek. The court xenlciicrd them inch In pay a fine of f 15 :ind costs of pr secuii n and uudeigu iiupri ouuient in Ihe tnuiuy jn for io c.ilfiular mj'illn Coiiutionwojlih vsj Freiluriiks, Exception filed to Cuiiiinouwt-allli's bill of cats. Kule on heirs to act ept or refuse real i state at apprabed value in eetale of Nancy Linden deceu siil. Sale ordered lu estate of Jatob Bower, deceased J. A. Whiting vs W. M lines' evecutors, ca-o Irlel, verdict for defendant. Iteporl of viewein of road in Fishingcreek townshti', oonfinuod JiW Iteuheu Cibboiis, X. A. Tubbs and S ' Krickbium nppolntfd viewers lo vacate real In Fishlngcrtek township. paid. 3. Xor if the defendant is acquitted and ihe prosecutor is ordered by the petit jury to pay the costs, who, after being sentenced by the court to piy them, is committed and discharged according to law, the costs being unpaid. 4. Where a defendant indicted for a misde meanor is acquitted by the petit jury, and the jury does not determine whether the county tne prosecutor or the defendant shall pay the costs of prosecution, as they are required lo do by the act of 8th of December, 1804, the costs are not to belaid by the county. 5. Where an indictment has been returned "a true bill," Ihe prosecuting attorney cannot enler nolle prosequi without the consent of the court, and charge the county with the costs of the prosecution. In the following cases the county is liable to pav the costs. 1. Where a defendant is convrtled by a jury and is legally discharged without having; paid the costs, when in cases of surely of the peace the court dlrecta the tounty to pay the oosts, 3. When the grand Jury ignore a bill and direct the county to pay the costs, and. when Ihe petit jury acquit the defendant and direct the county to pay the costs i. In cases of felony, when the grand jury Ignore tho bill, and when the defendant acquitted by the petit jury. 5, In all cases where the def. ndant 'is found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine and' costs of prosecution, or give security to pay Ihe same within ten days or go to jail, and defendant goes to jail and comes out under the bond aot, the county is liable. ' i TUB YVONDmtKUL ClIIilSTllAS SUMUEltOl' ST. NICHOLAS. This monthly magazine for girls anil 'boys edited by Mrs. Mary Mapett Dodge, has grown in oircuiiilou bo rnpiqiy as to wurranl a per lujueut increase iu iUr. begiuuiug with So vcuiuer the Llinstmis number,- now rea ly, lias a special holiday cover, nnd Is lljo lurgest anil most beautitul issue of any iniigi tma lor gins uuu uoys ever puoiisneu comma ing moru than one hundred pages and tiinelv live picuires. It lontiins twelve short stories by J, T, Trowbridge, Washington Gladden, J. V. I)e Forest. Muniico Thomnson Sarah Winter Kel long, and others ; also the first chapters of a r-cnal story by Irfmifa M. Adcotl, writfen in I ho a.ituor a best vein, ana the second ,instel went ot a capital serial fur tho boys, by Wil liam 0, Studdaid, lo run some monthb. A long story, also for boys, by Nosh Urobks, au thor of rhu Hoy Emigrants,1 will bejin'soon I John Greenleaf Whuiier contributes a long poem, wuiio wicy .arconi ana lary7jiiapc cream arc very elegant, with a broad fur collar and cuffs. Many fashionable women prefer these to sealskin sacques for the Bake of ovelty. Shoes about cost, to close out, at Clark 1 ftoon. Mrs. Lavina Beach, wile of m Gl years, 7 months slid 25 dsys. Deaths. IIkach In Locust township on lhe4tb lns; ife of W ii Alexander k Woodhouse Wholesale and Retail Tobaconiats, No 2. Opera House block llloonibburg have the choicest line of tobacco and cigars, in the country, and sell at factory prices, you will do well to call and see them. December, 12, 2-w, Beach, aged Hoods, Leggius, Mittens, Clouds. Nubias. at Clark & Sou. Business Notices Rubbers at McKinney's. Highest cash market price paid for 200 good veal calves that weigh from 125 lbs. 140, 150, 1G0 and upwards Prices gone up at Llgutstreet. bilas louDg. Nov. 21, 2-m. Did vou see those handsome Rings, Neck laces aud Charms at Clark k Sou and sal cheap, they waerant them too. Buy your figs ot llartman Bros, for IScts, per pound. iov. zo o-w. L. Bernhard has a very largo assortment of gold wedding riogs and other styles of the best quality at low prices. O. A. Clark will order any book you may desire at catalogue prices. Dress Goods very cheap at Clark & Son. Gold Pencils and Pencil Coses for sale by u. a, uiaric. Pocket Books and Velvet Photograph frames from Sets up at Clark & Sou. Music Rolls and Folios for sale at Clark's book store. The Eighraie Shirt, a bosom you can muss, at. Uiaric cz son's. Uall ana see it. not 200 nico thrifty white shotes that weigh 35, 40, 50, CO and 70 lbs; wanted at Light Street by Silas Young. jMOv.zi.a-m. 2 gents all linen collars for 25 cts at Clark Ai Son. W'autcd 2000 lba of uica dried Raspber rle, at 25 cents per pound. And 2000 lbs of nice dried pitted cherries for which 1 will pay the very highest market price. SlLAHiYOUKb. July 18-flm. Admltsiou free at McKinney's. A pair of those elegant wool blankets at Ulart & eon will make a nice present. Cash down lor Christmas iroods. no trust. no drawer accounts, nothing bat cash ar.d produce at I, w. Hartmaa a. Towels and Napkins, Table Linen, etc., at uiarKK son. Country dealers will find J. B Scott's the piaco to buy Holiday toys at wholesale, Statuary panel pictures .of boautiful di igiib on bale at Clark's bonk btore. Shell Boxes. Fancy Paiier Boxes, id- m Clatk k Sou. Suiting llauiiels 1 yds wide all wooll cts! atClaik & Son. 90 Executors' Administrators' Guardians' and Trusties' Receipt Books bound in Rcyuoll's covers, just printed at this otllce, Books wilh 100 receipts only 40 ttuts. Books tontaiuiog smaller numbers bound in a few inomtnla, tf, See a woman on horseback in another col limn, riding near Spier's Vineyards, wilh i hunch cf Grapes from which Speer's I'ortOrape Wine is made, that is so highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use ot invalids weakly persons and the aged, Sold by Druggists. June 27 1-y Vendue notes waiving slay of execution and exemption, with slubs; just printtd at this office. Books containing any number of notes desired can be bound in a few moments, tf. Dodge are also represeuledjn verje. TberWis a (Jnrlsimaa Play tor Festivals, by Edward g eleston i an illustrated nrt'naiier on Tlmrv.Id. son, in nn lucuuui, yin uveivo pictures, ol me iiiu uuu uuii'ija u( .wf orx iciegrapn Boys. Gustavo Dore, Knnus, Mary Hollock Foc'te. Kelly, Dielman, Beusell, Sbeppard, Eytiuge, Jessie Curtis and Addie Ledyard are among luo tuiiBu, reprereiiieu. Your newsdealor wilHupply It and lake ypur subscription for the year, or the money may be sent iu check, P. O. order or reirihtered leltor to the publishers. Price, $3.00 a year, 35 cents a' numten SciusMtn A Co., m Broadway, Niw- Yo Boots nnd Shoes cheap at McKlnney'c 'Wanted, 200 tons of good Rock Oai Bark at 5 per ton by Silas Young, L; l street, . sept. IU, 3m. We are still oelliug cotton flannels at lam, year lowest prices, Ironi o cts up, Clatk k sou. Root headquarters ul McKinney's. Finest Shaker dried corn In raarkei. alb , ail kluus ill ciuinejl uooda at ilnrttnuii (Ires ov, wain il-w. Try our 50 i ct Hvrun Coffee, Clark k Sotij aud our Roatted Want good live calves that weigh 120 lbs, io im, juu, j-io, isu too ana upward Light Street by ' Silas Youko, Sept. 1? 3-m. wSflSm, Out of town peopla who cn ot conveniently trvel,myhvmm plea aent tham of Dry Oooda and all othar gooda at -we eell, If they -will -writs lo charge, and no need to order If not aulted. Wo mako It a bualneaa to attend to aueh letter quickly; and vhen ordera corns wo tend the exact article wanted, and at exactly aame price a other ouetomera pay when here buying In person. When gooda aro not aa ordered, we take them back. Having trained and reeponelble clerk, who are able to uae discretion tn filling ordera, we are enabled to give great aatUfacllon to the many cuatomera etna teate tht ehetM te ut. With n reputation of twenty year at retailing, wo eannot afford to lose our good name by lank of proper aervloe to absent cuetornere. Write plainly, and describe fully what la wanted, and about tho price desired... Address, John Wanamaker, LarfjestlDry Goods House, phUadelphia. iiUILdhmiilillih Octobers, If, PEOIAL OPPKIL-To M on who aubaarlbsa now, and ua ll.TS, we arm eons fYOUTH'S tho Oamswnlon free to January lit,, la, Brut alts a full s.r ubaarlotton from that ) Call at McKinney's for Shoes. Clark & Son's Cornet 6qc!? t complete kt lowest prices, Away uWi town vou will flml the aril. cle at 1. V, llartman s wbcru hundiuds lo to do their buying, Silk llauiieretts at G. A. Clark's. Silk Handkerchiefs, larire line, tit (Mnrl- & Son, very low. Tho (lranirrs. the lustllutA m-onli. ihi. Couit people learned that I. W. ilarlman'r storei was aud is the nla;o to buv L-ood goods, cheap. Scrap plcturcb for sale by U. A. Clark, Suprisiiiir. sunrkiua. stmrlsirii? in whui tho people &Ay alter a visit to I. W. Hail- Wi" aMi-i cwuigiiiiiiniri (.lore, Tidies, finir-hed aiid'unfiuUhed, for pre' ents, AtClaikit Son, It is only uecr.sary lo cost tho eye In the vyitiuouj ou. ii, Si-otfs tiakiry ami con iccuonery aljrc lo b reminded that the itoiiuay are drawing nt.r. There u profusion nf dolls, and handsome toys ol l! uescriiiiion iur tne cuuuren, aud line vw uetuuuui uuina cuns aud saucers, lnustach cups, auu oilier minga. lo children of larKtr urn win. uo ear v anu make vnu selection lor Christmas presents beforo the cnoicesi articles aro all solil. A fine aaao.t- Wept ol canules are always on baud,, Fancy ink stands and paper weights for as m vi 4i uiars. lOMPAMOiT A WEEKLY PAPER I nmOffiNTG PEOPLES AND THE Vol. 83.' . Elegantly . Illuatrmtd.' .;.jv Increased In SU. It alma to tie m favorite In ererr famllr looked for eagerly by the young f olts. and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to Interest while it amuses; to be Judicious, practical, sensible, and to have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the aour. It is handsomely illustrated by the best artists, and has for its contributor some of the most attractive writers In the country. Among these are K-fcKMaVl FAMILY lIoUrlt Bwhr Htow. w an saatl.l m J.T.Tro-brldl.. ltsh Malort. Craw. .v. toBlletXanalHoalton. " Ir. faenrj i. Bowdltch. C. A. atepheas. Tho variety and worth of its contents will make it a repository of the choicest literature i a library of tales, travels, adventure, history and biography a " Companion " for the school, the study and the fireside. It will give atrial Stories). Sterlet for Girls, Editorials on Current Event. -tlrrlna Tale of Adventuro Two Hundred Short Stories, tetters of Foreign Travel, Valuable Papers on Health, Brilliant, Poems, Anecdotes and Incidents. SuWcriptloB Price, tl 7. 8penerplMiBtfr. Please mention la what paper yoa. ... oast BiesBia at a A-, (war, a us; AU H..e.Bi QST akeBBB to4Vd tblr MTtltatnitn.. Jl flqrm luu iu o tuarAnivni nwwat JXJST BEOEIVBD., r Neatest Job Work at lowest rates, uCfsAl and eee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers