THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU EGr, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. raavT "NJ tSSV ti) 7k yI , Kfcrt Z 7 M I A biirnitefcwlilo .... "r'r yjY ? i lj.jlp I "J h10 luB wmwr very uaeij ineir nvrvous uis ns lOVMHraBCfflBSSHB t v .J .'.), positlotiil()miu(l(i somewhat more Mlmului llnj'aoqrct "fiverJVct health 1 Invariably I fouiul by tlioio who lake "Sellers' Liver tho Oxf ird l'riiltyterlan church, tho iin ot Kllfieo of that denomination In Phila delphia, wm burncil list week Wednesday. A cnurJi fair was being held to ralso money to pay fur rt nnyr.orgaii, and tho stoves ued to rottRMeWffn bUitftoo'neir ihenwood Work ct lire In It. Loss nhout $100,000. fiic IvMiawhn valley, West Virginia, has ti'.ll HI iifrJtiiiKlfropiJtho now of tho' Knights por- Molll He h Macmrea. T ioitraan.7tioiisrcRembIo each n n other uiid mntt of the labor trouhlcs in the iouI hi named are traceahlo to the secret In lliienceof Ihli nsociatlQii. It first appeared in IsT'.l, mid gaining st'ejgth utiildrtpok to dlilato who should ior'shonld notfbe'emp1oy ri, causing, Ipiig fiad hitter controversy , he twer n oper.itfirs and miners. ' A Democrat Cnreil. V leading democrat of Uurllngtou, Sir. F M Sutton, Bpeaks In the highest terms f lU ' curatiro power of the celebrated Kl.bioVlWoftllilt'nritcuredlhlinbf n dls t' -il . - KUney disease, and he now uses It winn V"r he has any symptoms of blllotts- or nc 'ds timing up. It acts efflclently t ii i a bjwuls, and cures tho worst cases of rrr I iv r i . UA Chlefi Jifstioa if as interest- ini n qui-itfoti iu South Carolina" as who tuall ho President is to' fither pars or tht c iiintry. Chief Justice WlllarJ, who ' now trrdsAdgWllfarM Claims hi-vfyer, thiit lie iMptitled, tohold office for ii 4(lfrrnif f'fV'yafs. JswfA the present IKl.l.(u di'a5ree withhlmasit probably wIll.aelect'.His'.WeW.rVJmlge, WlllaW will lorce inorfe tiro Jti3Re-eiect To 6btan the office u by quo warranto. This would be done through the Supreme Court, but Judge Willard is an interesteyl, party and his Asso ciate Justice, Mclver, is a candidate for the Chief Justiceship. Therefore the Governor would have to appoint Judges for this par ticylar ;as?, and to cap tho climax Governor Simpson is himself a candidate for the Su preaie liincb, to. fill theracancyitobe caused by Judge Mclver's promotion. It is a strange muddle. Tue clinntcf.oE.l?hnsylVania is. so ex ceedingly changeable aud uncertain that. tho most prudent cannot guard against ta king cold. ,To all such ,weewould, adyise L-ZiZS'l'nVjL.. f' fninl tho use or.iir. Urow i.i.i, i,w.Cjf.rf.lfa:Viy5r).mnt It should always be kept on hand and used as soon m tho cold makes Iu appearance, Tt u. n . v nu.m. .. . ot m.n.j.i-1-t. u ai, u,uuiwt 's September SQ,1hy'relle,erj.,IQl Indigent wayfarers of all nations, among whom they have distributed 45,900 rations. They have rnfoantedjljoiultottjiav lerfng troat the effect o expolure, arffimMle SlKSf tl' .sn f r . m - . !8MWotWproTeitepoa.effe live euro for Piles and Constipation-be sure to tjf Jt.'joiO ) I UOiJ I) , Another attempt was made on the 1st inst. to kill the Czar of Itussia by blowing up a I train of cars On jivhichhe was to loacow. There was a eepla'id plot, bai .theipewonj engaged in it made a mistake and blew up the baggage train instead of the passenger. inojvss hurt. isv r rl liiiuitEvnTi Tin rtrt ri T7H. ?..T .1.. T,., UUHD, -1,., U W.O .V., , . old sores, and all cutaneous eruptions disap- near like raagio when "Llndsey'n Blood Searcher" is used. The :he hairt(rapM(leiit3 fro'm Valbin- ton tolercAisi)iTf4o'filybeJpatint,)fllM and fiue in texture, Jefferson's is a mixture I . . . . i . , w I oiuiiMwuawmuu also is the hair of "Old Hickory." 1 hocus- WmLpre.vtnBe.PaesidejitiaUqckswas. m '"y"TO'f nrose, anuv i.y too x icpu.uu, j f, '',fS to know-: J " ' n-avv Fjr .alUycO.-A. Kleiiu.rUloomshurg, J"."-.' Tbe reason' ivby txpreia search 'has .been of till tartan. ' Thcraiwauda papers announce that on accountrjf the ground beingrozenrso hard, I rozenrso uaru, the billldiug o: IbelrvTatcr. wOrtfUasajti to a stuhdill, Thei itai and thiAWSlMi , ji r iu.jj. f .. lawyuiariiii. lucuivuiumuj couutypuax, . point kV3tnln)es xRiiW fiUtUiriiaKjlhtlSSS. Ilendrick In, 11. Vrigticptn?s nexifaving been adrnllte'31 1831 "wild man" of Wvomine county. Haaa DciTrwum sysujirim tor. ly ignorant of all the usages of tn . f Labor 16 ft iVliii ftfwiiifar ni did i hi of lW-vIvJifl.? .frOmlMrTd U ro.L,?Xoa.n?. ItUenuiatisiiJ fof thS.biJysnow" tlieituation UrupMcil.jjudJlheurnatip jeraoTwrl 6freVeryftn1he'citr.AVlarge map of HODT the usegt peer'e fi!aBe V,nf oe'eityTAVerore rUll I Kew Jttr3dy,.aud (he. WiieJliUers,,of incaK i,viVt.'V,nn'.! ht 'wWfinnf (Vieir cuhble Siiefit, jTheir,p.urilj and valuable " .jsiS TM.iVi;i3y.j,'!j1T,i;irr.r,. Csedlatna properties buyer fiiventberAa.wide.reputa- .rAi,'M, hT?.&5i n&'Z&inmrKA to tiua ninons. iihvician,-thrp.ugliout. fhte .....iSLrasTn .T,rtf'Iilrnr,fir.liov ' countrud.-Kuroce vThia.wWSrlqok,t,hS 1 morfemiilettigtaMiWledKo of l,Inl,.LlT"'nl-titii,i ..I. iha lata fluntprin 9 . : ..M . U ".'Jal orderetuj Tie -made in 'Airuland-lor the company uses, nnd:thebfav$Wght-'10Wi Prince Iji pffll'? watch is" tha't-'altaehed to send "and reeeire 'nfessa'i'tttSa. Thenj T Ihechtm Ifiyiilghnfjss1 wo're'thafifelie thdreis P'toW(atur''baiikIwl,ejg'j they arej Iragineilf ocWerue'fctlb93)'w,n6&"ib'elbnfi6d' taught hbotkheuseebecVsSrl there iJ to Ohnhf uogne. came 5'nlolh'e'na'n'ds drthb 'kui(l,bY'ffi'alf'e-beT5CTe1brokcr' rMe, wherd first Nlepyip,J'wa? al 'Hfe&'i Wgil 'Hoto dellVej iitock, etc ' lale Kpppror,. who TegaVde'tf' spfc'es- JlfiiirSVteFfiuh'ls'kivedbHhtfiristruction in OttY clcty. When first take 1!.W,. nn it,. flnnrnilkClit,'iTiiV'PWuViuroiisiioui.wioi;uy.uuuBvT.;ul, nnd.-no ono knew whaLsangjctloit memm5 AlVaulty JilM&Et SOm&' WViihufiMfMi thfieptitSueBerlf thfs'.siranirB. nrtlo4 jiuui siicniiis ui 'uuuie3rU iin bcT'eateraaT .omXlol . Xr.'iTJ: learned to drink from a bis keeper gave him i lsturhthltn how to ueel them. TTe aGTtiTel WUWWrz" uevuureii uie 011118, tue mu, Ho had'ariintipathy to muih, having bur- !,ea-nls'Wouth while eating if TvhllsV too' l.t Parti, will nrnlintilv h nf Tn. i)iivillp. .and the iTr. JJistrlct olWyoming county, xwUenca die' xauuijiieinada to pay for his keeping, AbUrcwTracy was banged at Sraethport' Pa. Jaat Thursday or the murder orhi rKSmfAto'ilfv: rbS3n!ernlVrT878. ".ffni!fl "l'flZTOir-ci w inwt-rniny.van ja u'.n'ou-r?,.Ss5a?cTd?d'hat the u YbmiBnahlyoUr.jhch as'beujInii.'iri clean - iniiiaatfliiu'er WsuchdahtltleS as 'trfily needed froinjimc to, time, dasi not Jjyal- Mm rtf, wW!r Prides ttat clioUhaU uoWLeWpt upon tbe ifTimises, Jf -. Jt 1 - - Nlirk -nr-nnstrd at thS''ddo"r"wavs jotict pre nostra at, tna aoor ways the .Milton .car. r. wonts, luat-aiier iim iuui lust, an increase or ten jier veau win Inst, an In . . l . ...III l. I aid on prcrvent'Wfgea to all employees TrnKf.YH.-lt docs not cot ny more, or muc' ""' to rlse pound of turkey than rr hnti fl.nh Th (ha mitntn.. I theiitmn nccount, while Ibati olhcr ibtvla. If well fed, tliry uo not require nearly a CMeful bouilog m the ncn, nitiiotigii it is good policy 10 mace them roost In-doora : but left to themselves, they prefer to weather out tho wildest storm In tho tree-tops. Finally, when brought to market, their llesh Is worth much more than that of tho hen, so that, other things being equal, .it Is economy to keep them instead. Abo, that (t Is worth considering, allowing that the percentage of loss of yenng turkey chlcks-unJcr tho most perfect management is greater thin the loss of .the common fowl, still turkeys that survive reach ftuch a ureal i y. , r , . , , . . , " ... mm h'H'ntf nav no Mi Atia la rnlapd With fabor thnn the same ijunnUy of ilenh of tho common fowls. i A statisllolau computes that 2,000,000 iWatchcs" and, 4,000,600 docks, are annually turned out iu dilrerent parts of tue world. NOT A HEVEHAOK. 'They are not n beverage, but a medicine, with curative propertleVof. theVbighest de gree, contalnlnjf no poor whiskey or poison ous drugs. They do not tear down an' aU ready .debilitated system, mt biflld' It vif. One bottles contains more hops, that is, more real hop'strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells n.nn. r.-..fl.rt ,.n fin.. in, , nN Hero is the latest outrage from the solid I south. Emile Detiegc, the republican can didate for sheriff in St. Martinsville parish, Louisiana, .fitiot and killed the two Dela ti i . i r t, Tl t , " ?" " anothfr Polnt for the 8(bot oUc- . . ' Jersey Butter., , WButter is afi the fasn.on, and it ha. 'beCm,e 8l0''malnly ibecaU8e, th "g up . . 0 . year, using artificial color when necessary. Dairymen vlo wish to be in the fashion must use the Perfect Butter color made by Wells, RichardsonA Co.t Burlington, Vt. Hon. B. D. Mason, l'res. Diary Assoc. says: 'It gives tho brightest and most perfect color to butter of any substance I have ever used. I know it to be, as you say; as harm less as salt, and it adds several ceuls per pound to tbe value or butter. , a, i ' ' "District" Telegraph-Boys. The telegraph is nowrnado to do a great many services in tho largo cities. Instead of Bu.uulBS xnesagc8 .rum ooU pwvu o another, instruments ' aro placed jo private rilMf.-Lh?tK!and thopccupants, by merely' press- BS atnob, can summon a policfniari, orgivo an alarm in case of fire, or call a messenger to do auy service that may .bo required. The trols such a telcirraphio system, is the Amen- ,. afj,- .tchwdi. urn .not nnnlred of the .y -. -T.: . . l ; . . Western have a great many thiogs to learn before they I the'" - know 4at may be wanted for. Ho may be told to hurry for . phycVarJ, he may bJriy WW delivery, or a bill to collect, or he may be sent by" a brokerito .deliver rtijck ortpjiycacheclc ceitified, in fiuo, his "duties 'aro too varied for me to name them all. When it is remcm- bered.that about. 4,500 District instruments arenrjw ip "pse'jn Nevf Yf rk, and tliat 1,513,205 messages were delivered by tho District boys ia tho year ended September 3" 1877. some notion of the manifold jer- Trr ?p?r-re'si,a i. mr ,ii vicennaire oranero can DejormeiL.;- J ..J " "V seo Uh an incxpcncncou .u would only provo himself a nuisance to tho I Every the Amer- put into a training school, and this school is a very rs,-t,: ' interesting ono.r Thehbolmproviued with wooden bcnch ,ike ,hogo founj in .fashioned dis(rict but tll0 instruction Of aif citiaidati fcir?a place m,,riknn lirrar fnW.iirt.nrl in & Wforo he CG-fl-Zt ,Sr.V "TmTLv jWlaiima.v an old resident 'can boftnoKrt of the I'roOM'nro telegrapliir'rtiffli?ftaii as thell tlfo'tanK anil inKflA'Olter'rfoffiqe, ,a3 banW --7-T.-V ItT" f crajind.brokers usentlirj'tu'esScrlgpoys conJ stanuy. . . the boys to learn abouttne cot stantly. . I j criatl deal for learn abouniie company'aiuethj di3f' 'hnHinrWa.tWhifti T nied no't einlrfin In detail. Thev must make themselves familiar 5wrthe "tariff book," which tells them ho much a boy must charge for goinir Ifrora ant tine-phieMrr-tlie-oity-to iny other. I hey imist learn the use or tho 'diiTerenl kinds of I tickets, on which tho temporary record ol their service is kept. They must know wbeh to caUaaXt -ibtjaniwr EtutiwgAod when it nTbrftlrtltOJUcrtr no Stktf&3?nBXil& DUttm Company mi an average C50 boys, who are Each offiea ha9 from five to - i3Il altenaapcCj, jcrorumg 10 n yery boyT5tl,6cteil t0 servo fi.ccted qffoaaaaflitiio offices, llienLfobat Vffound for all Tr0."a fte fr&fi"og "lia tune, and one form ofpro- P? l 8e'Bj 8 .to t0tan, :clSyfrllii,r.Ict-' JlWlicn a boy arrives at hm office iu tbe porniDit, ligWjo,(lflefaBt, who notes I ., . ... . - v, ' m ; ,w,,tj nn 1,:. " ."J ? '? "T- '7 3tol? BPWW- H JtMAii!&T?w ?H 1 wwvuw HKi'ttrTZT If he passes tils exmtnaT?i(i41W. tVo takes a teat "mtv i- ,uT-irViITaSr i . ii ready for' uilty. " Ilii1 boys reajiond to calls If) tTio'trrder of their' numbets early in tbo pwiyitrjuveflirjuargeflroccausoi ihtvdall.(ttuflqreiucimiwUJ oi uuya wno rdollithflnretfiaiaiWfcvaot noys o7hMWBlitt tafrilttiatler causes, and j'Hieilifmiisalfct - 'iliiyi ltf.ta.0ujjatlaetory, 'j'apWIy decreicln-tlie'foretv.Mheii additions aro not made. It has required no littles etill - - WKted n iis ma been accomplUhed ty Bystcm of recotds.'and disolpli: an fn arraniro the service that inelhcient men- i . . i . . i .. . an aduiiraniu me is eulorced of by means 01 anm auu piia iiuurs, wii ci on , . ,M or proi0DK tije cr od - ,. . i . i i .,. d y KIVVXt 0t those ijoys wbo prove in (it. A'icAoai ue i-rcuiias. r. si, ni - I . ' - .'. W T. ' . 1 . - ' Jkcewltr. public and an the, company boy, thcrefbrt), who iiemployefJ'bV iciu Disttict.Tolegrapli Company is CatarrH Or Ten Years' Durallon. Tho Dis charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smoll and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirely Cured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, Me mm Wpttta A Potter i fle ntlrmt n t fM fomoM.M to tcknowjfftlKB to von the wrt toneitt tUroiti.' IUDioal Curb hut fen o tnf. For ten jreim I ImM been Afflicted with this lotthaomo ilMir nnd enpf. eUlljrln tha winter time lu It been uiotTere, The (.ennrgt1 rnw nrm iiiivk huh ihul'uj. rniiiunH a i-mi odor ao bart that mjr presence In a room wMli ottirri wm verj oITenslre to them. One week niter coftniueno In the Die of Bahtoh!. i.apical Ct nil 1 wo not troubled with It At Ml. Mr i-iitei of tnatn An it f mell, which whotiy Ron, hire now Tolly retnrned, and mr genertl hf Mth I much tmprored. Youri, JIKLDOUUVE II. Fonn, snoit-Jtimt Writer. Qsakd Rapids, Mien., Kot.8,1378. LATER. firm tti-titiilii Rll rlirlit. Idon't know whtt 1 .liotild hum done if It and not bctn forthlft remfdf. I hnretrlet been abl4 10 .top Uio oiren.lfo dWhftrKO.I I'.tb not been nblelo rccotermt eenneiof Uate and imcll nntll 1 tried SANronn-a cons Yon ran refer anr ona yon cnoo.e lt me, ami I win rnerriuu iniorm inem la detail at to tbe benellt tho remedy lia lcen 10 me. Teori. MKLDOVnUR H. IOIID. I l'lasnnirini,llicu-,or.l3,lS;c, SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE notonlr promptly nrrt-Bti tho corrodlnir d!ichri In lint arrh. lint, liv ivmnntlictle action. It rcttorci to tonntl bftUh nil tiin. orenn ot the head thtt htre become nectei vj u, ana exniDin anj ox iae louowinti mec tlonii I)pffcflvo Eyfilglit, Inflftmrd nnH Mattery Djen, I'n I n nil una Wntory Kyrn, ioti of llrarlnc lrncliOf lieumlffln or tue Knr, DtntliAreo from the Eur. Klnfflnff Nolsce athe lleivt. DUaineit.zTerroua ileadAchQ, lHln In tho Temn!e. Xh of the 8tiMe ot Taste nml Smell. Elongation of the Urata, Inflammation of the Tonnlls,,rutrlil Sore Throat, Tlckllnff or ItncklnK Cough, Bron cliltU. nnd ItU'i-dlnc of tho Lunc. rrfi nitftrkffA tfontalm Trr. Riiriford'i Tmnrared Ini ttlinirTab.wlth foil andctrefullr treparnl dlrectlont roru8elnUcMe. iTlce.fl. torlaiyHwholetlo nnd ret nil drnjrirlltd nnd rtenlpmthroiijriiotH the United fetitcl and Canarta. WKUKB A l'oTTF.R, General Ai.'1'nti and "Wholeiale Itrnirglsti, Uoiton.Mau. a COLLINS i VOLTAIC PLASTER AN riertro-OalTunlc IUiterr, combined with n highly Medicated I'liulcr, forailirtr the irrnndrtit euratlre p if out in tna world f i nt calcine, ana uttcrlj surpnulna nil utttor riKtti'rA.MnTtafur Ih live. .Ther ftrmmnllavh mora in i)Qa.,week thnn i lie old 11 as ten in a wnolo ,ycar. They doiiut fialliatu.they cube. They TlcUevf ASecttont of tht Cheit, Rolled o Affections of tho Lungs Ilalieve Affections or tho Ilcrt. litUete Affcctloim of tho Liver. I'.ellcve Affcctlont of t lie Spleen. Kflleyo AtTccttoni of the Kldneyg. JEelleve Affcctloni of the Bplne. iCelleve AfTeetloai of the Nerrett IUIleYe Affectlous of the Muiclei. nellove Affcctloni of tin Joint. Itclicve Affection of the Ddnei. Itelleve Affectloni'of tbe Sinews. No matter what mir he the extent of your Mfferlnjr. try onu of thi-ee lMaBferi.1 ltellef t tnttatitaneout, ft fact annorted hv hundred! of teatlmoDlali In our rotuiL!iion. Itlnatloim of frump And ewAncca of plants andahruh ara hfireln united ulth Rleetrlcltv to form a curatiro Plat. ien jenrn, una in i of nlnnts &nrl Hhi hsreln united lth Electricity to form h curatiro Pliv . tcr. loaoothlnfr, healtnff, t.d ftrciifthenlnir properties ai lar sonerinr to an oincr nafliers nerrioinro in use k vao icwbiiho pnysician u o ine norae-iewcn. Irioo 23 Conts. Tin rarefnl Ia rati far mt.T.rSR TOLTAIC PLABTKR leit you uet anme worlrilcn- Imitation. Bold by all Wiifil..rt1n nnrl I tall liriiirir fata Ihrouchnnt the Ifnlterl I EUteannd CnnadHP.and liy.WKLKS i, l'ro- pricton, upston. -uii, 'The Only Remedy I THAT ACTS AT IIIK SAIUI IUI1S OKI JTHE LIVER.- THE BOWELS. and tho KIDNEYS.! dcrful'pottcr to cure all diseatfs'. I Why Are We Sick? I Because w allow thai great organ I ilo Iccomt clogged or torpid,, - and poitemoUthuinortari thtrefori foreed inta tht blood that ihouUX It cqie&xl f ncuurauy. . KIDNKT COStlI,lU'TS, 11I11NAUK I " -BESSES, ASD NKKTOL'i " DISOUUBUS, I hi cautinn free action cf tfiaa crnam I and rc'ttJhiig tht(f 'power 1a fhnni hff ducase. 1 ,;T,I I WliT Snffrr Itlllem TXlInn n.l nelira 1 Wn7 tnrm.nttd Ul Tllra. tanallnallOB I riir f,1htenvdoTcrdIi,uriIprc4 ltiilnrra 11 uj ennara neriuu r aits firauscnrci Mliy liar, slerplfhs nights t TTU IUHNEV V.'OHT and X'iotU in I htalih. J tit a r,Vi, vcqUoZiI compound and EM Om r,ui.aeoi.Ul nakOMi 4tariL:c01tlae. lis y.Ui onlr U J 'or 'you. yuu. j it ti.w. SPEEB'S GRAPE WINE prtnclrftl'Churches !or Communien purposes. EXCELLENT 70 LADIES AND WEAKLY PEESONa AUD THE AQLD. Speer's Port Grape Wine ! FOUR YEARS OLD. rpnls Celebrated NaUso wine Is made from tue I X juice. ot tue oporto urape, raised ia inis uounty Its Invaluable , Tonio and Strengthening Properties are tinsurnassed by any other Native Wine. Heine tuo pure Juice of tbe drape, produced under Mr. I eenulaenebs are guaranteed. Tbo youngest child I lnnv nnljilrArir ItM tmnprnnanuilllllpa. and the weak. est Invalid use It to advantage, it Is particularly beneneial to the aged ana aeouitateu, ana suuea 10 tbe various ailments that affett the weaker bex. It Is lu every respoct A wink jo uk iicucii u. SPEER'S P. JT. Sherry K and partakes ot the golden qualities of rom Iwblch It is made. ForTurlty, Klcbr andMedicluall'ropcrtleH.uwiiibefouLd SPEER'S I. J. ItrsiiMly 1 beiutf rar superior lor meuicinai purposea. Juffle'rneT.K it has a delicate flavor.. similar to that of tbe grapes from which It Is distilled, and Is In great favor among nrat-clasa I amUles. r0 that the signature of ALFRED 81'KEIt, I'assslo il, d., 1. uvcr U1U Wl . Ul wvuv, SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. Juno SI, H7-U nits rariK is on riLE vrira ROW ELL A, HUMAN . Advertlilng V Aintt, t-nita 4 chuthut an.! T. lsW,.ia or I II SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP 50 Tears Before the Public. rrouoiiricdl by all to bo the most We naniu and rnirnrlona reiriody In use, for tho ritre of roititlin, eotrii, rroiiii, tionrar neaa, tickling sensitlon of tho throat, whooplnit couuli, cte. OVIiR A .111 i.l.HIN IIIITTI.KH HM.1I WITHIN Till! LAST l'MV Y1IA11M. It clvr relief wherever used, ahit has llio rwwer to Impart benefit that cannot bo hail from tho cough inlsmrr now la use. Sold by all DrurglsU at 8.1 cents per bottle, Klil.l.ltllM- I.IVlMt I'll.l.s aro also blfftily re commended for curing; liver complaint, constipation, sick-headaches, feierand arruo, and all diseases of the stomach nnd liver. Sold by all Druggists at is cents for box. It, E, Sollors ti Co., Pittsburgh, Fa. oct n, ';-iy. Weaver & Go's. Ads. A LIVE PAPER. ind in cts. to II. L. llftsllnea.41 Cornhlll. Tloston. I lor 8 months subscription, for tho best paper In 'Jio country is large p.ties;tourillstlnct papers; nnuytarlin. antl.lnlfdel.. anti-rum. and antl- deTll J s f uil-pngo pictures; no puffs i r ndTcrtlso- IfOCnTS. -Mr. rursvuu Willi "lupuvatliai"' ooincs to mo." U. U .Moody snldt ('About tho lest pnner In tho country,'rt per year. Agents Wanted i food pny for minister. workerH,can tnsst rs nnd aitents. Aeo net 31-1 m Wa lrtnU it to trr mm. tlri not f lei lUDtl' IIdk or bnw deeply- moled. It ftltfi lniUot relief, indeuree the noetehrvntorate!. In frera to to 1krM weeti, If tiled . direct ed, l'n limited nunibtr of teillmniilalt een be Riven If tie tired, tMtk)l hmt le a trle.1, to rni.l ie Ibat H fill eu re when oil tMber Bieiii bftTA failed Sold bj ell dralrt la nediclaee, 60 mi Mttr. ivetit rre rriipii fnee, dj JA( Oil WALTZ.tif neriUgroi and I'ana'as 130 rrankiiu St., Jiaitimorr, nu. rAtltcMaloebtTtradtnuk and elioaMre of Dr. J. W. D wmea t vrappor. sept. 19; 79-iy. J W k CO. ZtZZZ NSTITUTE. EstabUshedlalB72fortheonr Nrxnrula. &nd Hkln Disease.. -without tho use of knife or los s of blood and UtUe pain, i'or information, circulars and references, address Dr. if. JU l'ONU, Aurora, Kane Co., IU. sept. l,'-ly- J w & CO. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Hai a SlfWajr t al I wlm, la, vttb S.lf.A4JuUBf Ball la Naur, aaaaai lu.lft.aU mW.H T U. koar, .all. Ik. llfla Ika WITH Ii. Berala lakud anirtl. la. aaa miftu aa4 . raltoal tar. air Ula. lliflaMr, iarakl.atfckaaa, Mlk Clnnlar. tyyictioa Tints Co., Chlcaflo, III., sept. n. 'JWy, J w & co. Hon sump tion I can be cured by the continued use ot Osioud's cod uviyuuuaiiuicui i uuspiiau, Ul Lame, u uutu iui Consumption, coughs. Colds, .AsUuua, liroachltls, and all scrofulous UHcnses. Ask your druggist for Osmun's and tako no other; If lie has not got It, I will send &U bottles, anywhere on receipt ot V. kend for Circular. CHAS. A. OSMUN. is Bevcntn Avenue, new tors. Nov. ai, 'is.-em J w e co. P A T C H I rJX For mendinir tin., brass couDer. lead or ni.' Anv1 I iron wltliuut acid or solderla Iron.' I fid la'V or cbltd can meni ultb It. WJU scad pH TliatYai.euLlWifliichsquuro patches oa tiffo fitampa i erclved oa cash).-Atiii.NTS y Art i ii.iJf vim i;u,rry uuu un ' much, iu jour pocket. Hales will yield 3 to $15 per day. our.Tate IUaslrated Catalogue of clirom oi curomus, jewelry, noveiues, siauo Jewelry, Novelties, station. cryi c., KHIIK. Address. in. jtinrt'H, NOVELTY CO.. O No 119 South' Bth St., rWladelrjhla, l'a. Mention tnls paper. . accs-iui wco IH1 ODKlnth world ior tbt nonr. WavrTatnita ft ulmTwlit. with IVttmtr, Itftt, Hux Wild, Jlor niitX I Ii ii k'liitrltt vtr i.-ii-iraioi JtfiirHrivu JfiJrif'Tjttt, n'arrantilortiomile, bn4 tor li,utr.iUi. l ttlaliv'uo aii'l i nco LUla It) JAWCO BOWfl & SONS, tutti-rilf CuuTTorti, 13 f I & I3B lratxtfit., irAULisn i.d ins. rii j an vita it, va dec 53 ni 1 v co Hi llAwil liusiNESH 150 to $2t)U ) month for Aeotsreacbersand Ladles, Helling ourNKW 1 ituOK. Its unrivalled contents of Prose find t'ootrvbv 800 eminent authors, fie tram Illustrations I and artistic binding1 mnke it a welcome guest In every I hnmfi. Intrnducttun bv Theo. L. Curler. I). D. 1TI10 new editions and reduced prices ot our beau Ulully Illustrated works with best terras andqulclc Bales, are reasons why live agents coin money in meir &aie. a siogm uifunv una uoiu uvur 1 ,wu uupicB. TJtKAT, duo uroaaway. new xvm uiiy. Nov. 14 7lm all AGENTS WANTED For tbe handsomest and CHEAPEST BIBLES Ever furnished Agents. Extra terms and Largo CASH PREMIUMS. .F01I8HKB McMAKIN. Clnclnnatf, Ov Nov.14-lm. aid ICURKI) Promptly and Termancntly. 1 send a bottle of my celebrated rem .- iyr wiin a vaiuauiu ireause on iui I disease, free-to all BUffercra wbaseni Qieineirr. u. ana Kipress aaaresa. Dr. Ii. O. HOof, No. 163 1'carl Kt. New Uork. Vlck'. Ill.atratcd .iloiilUly .Unmiilue Si najjes, a I Colored 1'late In every number and many line fcn- Icmvlnirs. l'rlcell.Sia year; Five I'opicsrorts.oo. Bpotlmen numbers sent for 10 cents; S trial copies BDotlmen numbers sent for 10 cents: S trial conies for cents. - VlL'h'H 1L1UH1I1A1.1J riAJlIAL, UUll'iS A beauUfnt work of loo I'aks, Oae Colored Flower Mate, and u Illustration, wltli Descriptions of tbe besr Flowers una vegeiauies wiui price 01 seeus.uuu bow to trow them All for a flva cent htamp, Issuo Nov. will In Kngllsli or Herman, JAMKs VICK. Itocnester, K. v. aid hoy i-im CATARRH AtU.m umd UroBohlU cored kt your on horn br I)ONEM IH1IALKNE, itnt Ait trttvl. ta ha returned kbJ tnonef Ttfunded If iiotlttUf Xmrjt For full aDfonnKt.oB a4 3.W ,tJor.lJ & ACClt, fllU'.!'. Nov.ll.lMy MOLLER'S woiane' COD-LIVER OIL aaal,',rlMfW fmm lat Hill Ha Ii part tcUy jure. Pronotneid tht but kr tbt Wb Btdlcal aofhorltlfj In Iha world. Glvan b's)1"' I.w.raa ai iw uriu . uv, num. uu ....,,... Md by ProttlaU. W. urnchl.nVUp 4 Co.. M.T. Thla .old jirid wtill- iria K.meajr a proven In all i '..a... from fal. pTtrlnp9viritkitBl9a4 fleeroiii Borti. Whllt Swtllliial. Syphllltlt Ktxltl, Boot DUealtl, tte. Ijl bablllly of tht agtd. A rlek tr u.inn.lnrr.dlariU. riootbtr Hi inTaiaaoia in ueoarai irapcontalnlnsno in Kemtdy bat rtctlvtd aubtaccmlssi. 0(11 by all Dri nov il.lm aid A0KNT8 WANTED17I to IIIO Par Month. Th9 ffPfflPUBTE H9!V.i rau tirHAyrivAu iioa.iij, 0 The EiKtUana Il.aakt.a.r'arBIEm "A book of mora .racUoal uUUty will aaldon, If avar, bfl found out.ld.of luaplraUOD," Carl.lMniiaoaf .. flUUlJlllJ Mat! rl..lrv knmn O I fovmg Hd Old, Via. Paptr. Trr. h.aaiiral Bladibr,Spl.i.dtd Ilia.. IraUoal. .vl, SO Pnftl. Ltn Mr., . . Hill rapidiy, , "ta ""r' mtMaafii .aldKiaa JJ It-, r.i ii . - ;'' n.i..r..i f i'o. UUAKfclt ,lllf OiLVAJIIttCl) I Maitlf ,., fn Lovsi-wi aid 5 j waruitiiv FT J. M. J. U mrm. art BLOOM SB URC STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL D1STK10T. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIIISH01IOOL aaat present constituted, oners tliovcrrbest facilities tor Professional and ClasslcaUearnlnij. UulldlriKS spacious, induing and comtnoalous j completely heated by steam, w clUentllated, lighted by gas, and furnlsliod with a bountiful supply of jnire.soft ?Loc5tlon'!icaltliful. anu easy of access. Tuachers experienced, cnielent, and alive to their work, lilsclpllno, firm but kind, uniform and thoroiii'ii. Kipenscs loderate. Fifty rents a week deduction to all cxpoctlng to teach. Students admlttod at any time. Ilootns reserved when desired. Courses of study prescribed by tho State 1 I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Cla!cal. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial, III. Course In Music. IV. Course 1n Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. The Elementary Rclcntino and Classical Courses aro ri!01'USllONAL,nnd students graduatng therein, receive statu Diplomas, conferring tho followln corresponding Deirrecs : Master of tho Ucmentsj Master or the sciences i .Master ot tuo Classics, uraduatcs their nttnlhinenti,, signed bv tho onieers ot tho Hoard of Tuitoi . n-. .... .. ,.,, ? Mr..arn.rrl lv ih. Mirtlo la l!lKrnt. nml tlip ? slenflMo and Cliwslcru coursns am nut. inferior ti, u,m r,.n.i'ir(.n hirjiuT order of eitliensiun. Tho ent and efficient Teachers for her schools. Tothlscndlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire tolmprovo their time nd their talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, andabundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leutlng School. For catalogue, address the Principal, iio.S. wii.i.ia.ii I'realilent Itonril sept, s, '?e.- XDOIsT'T DELAY But conic at once and look through the largest stock f Mmdj-MMe latMmg IN THE COUNTY. IF Ve cannot suit in READY-MADE, WE CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OR TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKE YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE BETTER AND THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN. CLOTHS, 0ASMMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. Now Belling at the RELIABLE STORES OF BAYED LOWEIMM. 'H ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS T THE coH? EXPOSITION IN1VERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA. 1876. At balng" Very STRONG, SMOOTH, and , EXCiLLLENT THREAD. April 18, 18-ly El at home made by thu industrious. Capital not required ; uo will btart you. Men, women, boys and girls make money luster at work ror us tlinn of. nnthtnf clsn 'l"h wnrk l-t light and pleasant, and Buch as anyono can go rlglitat. TliObo wno aro wise wbo bee this not leu will Bend us their addresses at once and seo for tbemsei ves. Costly Untut and terms free. Now is tbe ume. rnoscu.rcttujr ul wofk utc jawing up largw sums o I money. Address Tit UK A Autrusto, juume. oct u, )-iy .Winer's Safe Kidney and Urer Cure. ' tlbrmm-lu OfllVt JTLbuw Aim A vegetable preparation and the only euro remvdy In tbe world ft.i- UHc hl'a 1Utmm, VTesUmoalali of the hi bet t order la proof Of theaeetetemeDt. M"For the cure of DlabeUe, call for Wr erl Male DlbtM Cure. 'IrYir Ihn (nn rtf Urlarlaf a and lhanhaa diseases, call for Warucr'a ftUtfe Hlduey smd Zalver Cire. WARNER'S 8APE BITTERS. 1 1 fj Lbfi bMt HlfMxrl Parlllr. Kndit.mulatim ever function to more healthful action, aud U tboa a benefit In ail dlsewes. U enres IteronUoue and other RklnErap Uom and Uiseaiei. Including Caueere, HJI ers, and other Nor. D7appel. Woaitneaflortbe StomMh, Couellpatlon, IllulncM, Ucnrral Jrtll lt7 etc., are cured by the Mr Ulttera. Ids uurauuw m u pp uier mua regular ionic, lloltlea of two tl ws i prlcea. ooc. and tl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly elTea Kent and Metft to the suflerlnr. rurss ilcsMlaciae and Neurala-la, prevenn Eptleptlfl rid, and relieves Nervous lro IratloB brought on br drink, over work, mental hocks, and other causes. Powerful as li le to stop pain and soothe dis turbed .Nerves. It never Injures tbe system, whether taken in small or larire doses. jiotues or iwo sites ; prices, ouc and fl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimulus for a Tarpia ti w. and cure CoiUf DriptptU, Bit tOftlDtd. BU10US uur laos, HsUrU, fitt aad Afnt. and should be used whenever tbv bowels do not operate freely arid regularly, ft vltar K1U nn ivth Mkll 4mm fr ihMvaas Nk. rrlM tfi t?U- hvu Wtrmair lufa liaaoSiM tn kr ItrBcttoU A DmIm ilU-Vtrrkf. H. H, Warner &. Co., Ieoohestee, n. y. i4TwUMMUIt. iKi. Hit imv.iy KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. la sure to euro tpaUos, SpUnU, Curb, so. Hreuiovra all unnatural I'Dlarco. meum. iota kct bu.tib. lias no equal lor any lameut'sa cn U-a&t or inun. It lias cured nip-Joint laraeurm in a person wbo liad bunercd It yeain. Alao cured rheumatism, corca. fru,t.blrpB or any trulseB. cut or lamenets. It lias no equal for any blemish on liorsca. send for Illustrated circular civ. IngrOJiTiviirRooi'. Price ('.. ALL UltUdUIBTS baro it or can get it for you of Kendall Co., proprietors, Enoabvrgu Falls, Vermont. MOYKK UHOTHEliB, Agents, Bloomsbure.Pa. 117 89, 'li.-ly aw rrTTTT TvX I Lni,uurvHlrL -ay. aa. aw .HOME INDUSTRYmZN I . BY .USING- SwKaT3 WVaCC Y0RK B0STOM' aafaMBa5Kf I 7 W' M M t M Sl Mini .J times del land It, It is one of tho prlmo oblects of I of Truatcea. NOVELTIES, Hats, Caps, &c, For Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing, Pretty suits for little boys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels, Hags, &c i Gum Clothing, &c. ' THIRTY SEWIN S.F.T. ! m MANUFACTURED at : MOUNT H0LLV, N.J. mRTiBROtimiTCD)AGurs.mrtt ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. SUITABLE FOR YARDS, CEMETERY LOTS, and Public Grounds. The followln tr shows the Picket (lothlc. ono of the several beautiful styles of Fence manufactured by uio unaerbigucu. For Btauty and l)uraiillty they are unsurpassed Put up by experienced hands, and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and Specimens of other Designs sent to any address. ADDliESS, HESS, Bloomsburg, Fa. July 18. 79 6m Farm Accounts!! Kery Farmer nhould know how toVfj. tlictn. An cinttirly new and coinplctoBysU'in Juxt (1cv1mi1, pena pfaptal forfroClrciiUrHttliallnVANT Istiuitok lJC6iMh4 CuLLtuic. lWj ti. TuiiUi ht,, X'UliaUtli'hU. OCt.lT.-13w a&8 THE JOIINSOX RCVOU'INO HOOlt-CASn. Made ot iron, beautifully orna mented. Adjustable shelves. Cheap and atronff. Cannot get out of order. Four sizes. Bend for comply to circular and prica list. K?ml SS cents for our new Illustrated Catalogue of School Merchandise. Kvery Parent r 'Slacker thoutd have it, BAKER, PRATT & CO., Headquarter! for all School Supplies, IIS A Hi tlUAMi STltKKT, NEW 10 UK. Bept W. ly - M. C. SLOAN & BRO. ItI.UO.MSIIIJIlG. PA, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, riATFOUM WAGONS, to. First-lass worklalwaji oniband. ltEPAIlllNQ NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit tbe tunes. JOB PRINTttiO Neatly and che.plj eiecutal at tht Cot-DiniAM Offioe, in tho other courses receive Kormal Certificates in lhoqn of our ber. Hntteirps. his School to heln to secure It. by furnishing Inlelll- P. V. lil'AMYnrt, secretary. C. ZE2 S-VA.GKE3, DEAI.EIl IK Silvorwaro. Watchcs,Jewolry.Clocks.&c, fir Tlemovpd to tlio rnst Office biilldlno. flrsx d03r above the KxbonBo Hotel. All kinds of Watches, Cloeks and Jewelry neat- icpuircu uuu wurmuieu. limy ii, HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drluk,) COXTAINS HOPS, IirciIlT, MANOKAKE DAXDELfnV. IAsd tub rrnasT ad Kebt Medioal Quxunzfii or ALL OTIIER HITTERS. HAH Dtftcasci of tho Stomach. Dowels. Ttlood. Llntr. tuanoya, ana Lrlnary Orcans. KervomacB. BleervJ miUBBncaa D ea?cciauf cmaio i onipiainu rwoBencBi. Rvmbei Ufor anyt 81000 IS OOI.I). be paid for a case thev will not euro or help, on anytmnj; impure or mjunoiia t oond la them. Afit rourdrurslstfor Hop imtera and trrthemJ ocioro rou eiccp. xaun no otber. aopCouonCunElflthowrclcst. Bafcrt and bestJ The nor Tad for rtonmr!u Llvrr nnd Rldnen id jD. I. C. Is an ftbnointe and tn-Pftatlble enre for jDrunkencss, ubo of opium, tobacco ami SiroXlJ Send for circular. HMH May 2, TMf. rpTTTQ T 71?T rnny lie fotiml on file nt Okl lillO J i I iIi. V. fUwi'llCoVNpwi.iiH'r Advertising nunvm im Kpruee Strict) ivti-rA n.hvr tialns contrati s may bo niadu for It IN M1V VfllCK. fob. H, 17-lt r Feb.7, 'iO-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM, TP. BODINEi I HON ST., BELOW SECOND, BLOOM3UU11U, l'A la prepared to do all kinds ol HOTJSH FAIKTSXItra rialu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, 1IOTI1 DECOIIAT1VE AND 1'LAIN, All hlmlN orFiirnlliirc Rciialrcd anil innilo an good as new. NONE BUT FIKST-CI.ASS WOI1KJIEN FMI'IAVEIl Estimates WCado on all Work, WM. F. liODlNE. Oct. 1,1878. S150Q TO tCOOfl A YEAli, or $5 to t'20 a clftv In vourowh lacalltw NorlTk Women do ts well at; men. Many make inert, ihan the arncuntbtat ed iiuovo, no ono can Mil ro make money fast. Anyono can do tbe work. You can make from cents to Ji an Jiour hy devotlnc Your evening and &nire time to thn huil nfs. itcoMSDOtblniftotry l lie buMness. Nothing like It for money making ever offered before. Ituai neas pleasant and strictly honorable, lu'ader.lf ou want lo know all about the befet paying bu&lnpsa be fore the public, bend utt j'our addrrni nnd wo will bend ou full particulars and rrlvato terms free: Brtmples worth $5 also tree ; joucan then trake up ourmlnd foryournclt Addrebs OKOUGE tsTIKhUX s. tu., 1'ortianu, Mau-e. oct. s, '.y-iy ESPY PLANING MILL Tho underslpnca lessco rt thoKspy rjanlnp MlUj Doors, Frames, Sash, Blinfls, etc, made to order on abort notice, anteod. Satisfaction guar. Charles Krco, Bloomsburg, Pa. THE 0UANCI5VILLH A0AUEMY You can get a Tborougu Education vtlth tho LKABT OUTLAY OF MONEY. For Catalogue, address tbe.Prlnclpal, ItEV, O K. CANPIELD. AprlHS, 187-M Public sale hand bills Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AM) AT TUE MOST REASONABLE TEEMS i OLD AND RELIABLE, : JI)n. SAsrono's Iitvnn iNnuonATonJ S ia n Btanitnnl family Itemed v for Jdlsensosof llio Liver, Stomach .A"? SandJlowplg. It is l'uroly "sl LL JVogotablo. It Tcrfca SDebllltatcB Ilia j O.ttlinrtio and H ?Tonlo. jf InTigoratxirJ fir UM oecn used in my praotieoS ' id by tho publlc.2 more tlian 85 years 2 unprecedented results. ! ?U SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Ss.T.W.SAIirOHD,H.D.,tfWKilSEiSS niDRrccisr mLLTrLtroeiT. niriTiTlm, J RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES JkTOIiTHEKN CENTKAL. BAIWAY WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after' Sunday, Juno 187V, tbo trains in the Philadelphia Ki ln Ua lroad Division will run WESTWARD. Erie -Mall leaves Philadelphia " H llarrlsbnrfr " " Wllllam.port " " Jersey shore " " Lock Haven " ' llenovo " arrlvo at Erie Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia " Harrtsburg " arr. at Wllllarasport Ixck Haven Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia " . Hftrrlsburir " arrlvo at Wllllnmsport " " Lock Haven EASTWARD. Pacific Express leaves Lock Haven " Jersey Shoro ' " w llllamsport 11 6 pra 4 25 am 8 35am 9 07 a is 0 40 am lloiam 1 55 p m sooum 11 s.i am 11 ss p m o 60 p m 11 50 a in s 85 p in 7 ss p m 8 40 p m T fo am T 33 a m 8 in a in lies p m 840pm 11 so nm 12 40 p ni 4 1opm 7 20 p in 8 40pm 0 50 pm 11 10 p m 2 45 am 7ooara li a m jNiam 7 40 a in amvo ai, inuTisourrr l'hlladelphh ihla Day Express leaves Ixclc Haven " " V llllamsport M arrlvo at llarrlsburir ' ' Philadelphia Erie Mall leaves llenovo " " Lock Haven " " Wllllamsport " arrives at Harrlsburg " " Pblladelphla Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport arrlvcsatllarrlsbure Philadelphia Erie Mall west and Day Express East mako cIoa connections at Northumberland with L. U. li, H, trains tor WUkesbarro and Scronton, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make closo connection at Wllllomsuort with N. C. 11. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Host maKe close couneciiun aii.ocKuacn vutu.u. js. v li. It. trains. Erlo Mall east and West connect at Erlo with trains on l S. & M. 8. It. H. i at corrv with o. C. S V. It. It. : at Emnorlum w 1 1 D. N. Y. p. It. li. and at Drtttwood with A. V. K. 11, Parlor cars will run between PhlladelDhta and Wlllamsnort on Nlarrara Kxnress west, and Day Ex press East. Bleeping cars on all night trains. General Burt. Nc ORTIIEKN CENTKAL KAILWAY COMI'ANY. On and afu.r November 20lh. 18T3. trains will lea 4 Sunbury as tollows : nuitiuwAiiiJ. Erlo Mall 0.20 a. in., arrive Klmlra 11 ,e " Canandalgua... 3.3&p.m ltocbestr 6.16 " Niagara. II 40 " Hcdoto accommodatloall.lo a. in. arrlvo V Ullain port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. DuUalo Express 7.16 a. m. arrive liuflolo 8.60 a. a SOUTIIWAltl). Buffalo Eipress .60 a. m. arrlvo Itarrlsburg " lialtlinoro.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo llarrlsburg 1.60 " Woblilngton ' Baltimore 0.30 " WasUlnt'tou narrlsburg accommodation burifls.Mp. m. arrlvo Baltimore . Washington 8.13 Erlo Mall 1 3.63 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg a.06 a. m, " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D, M. BOYD, Jr., General rassenger Ageo A. J. CASSATT, General Manajer piIILADELPHA AKD READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1S79. TB11N3 LRaVB HUPKRT 18 fOLLOW8(8IJNDlVEXCErTID For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, potisvuie Tamaqua, to., 11,45 a. ra For Catawlssa, 11,49 u. in. 7,21 and 7,35 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,28 0,05 a, m. and 4,05 p. m. TRAINS FOR BCHRT LX1TX IS FOLLOWS, (SCKBAT 11 csnsn.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. in. Leavo Reading, ll.ta a. m., Pottsvlllo, 1!,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,95 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, c,so 8,50 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leavo Wllllainspon,9,45a.m,2,15p. tn. and4,50 p.ta passengers to and from New York and Pliiuultl- phla go throug.i without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager O. O. HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent, Jan. li, 1170 tt. ELAWARE. LACKAWANNA ANi WEUTEHN UAILIIOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Ttme-Table No. 89, Takes effect at 4:30 A, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1879. NOItTH STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.rn V3U l'a 9 46i 9 37 9 SO Scran ton ...... Ilellevuo ....Taylorvillo.,.. ..Lackawanna... Plttston , West Plttston... 9 55 9 iu o 9 10 t 9 45 9 11 t 9 80 0 9 23 V 17 V) 8 58 S 61 8 51 8 43 8 46 3 41 13 41 II 86 8 S3 8 80 8 13 8 10 9 1 9 68 9 J? 6 40 9 19 9 14 111 Wyoming Maltby. 10 07 2 41) I" 11 OS b 2 67 111 ...liennetu ,.. Kingston ....Kingston 10 18 S 16 7 1 10 S3 S 10 i i 3 10 7 1 10 S j 3 15 7 V6 ..I'll mouth June. 8 SJ 8 SO 8 65 .,1'iymouiu ....Avondale ...Nuntlcoke am , S 20 7 i 8 35 S 14 8 50 S 93 4 03 8 45 4 10 8 (5 4 IS 9 05 4 as 7 16 111 7 2J 4 S3 7 8'! 4 41 7 41 8 11 8 01 7 61 7 SS 8 IS 3 04 1 51 2 20 8 47 10 84 10 42 10 65 11 07 11 13 8 89 8 98 .llunlockut reek. ...hhlckshinny..., ...Hick's Ferry.... ....lieach Haven... -llerwlck .... 8 17 7 19 i 84 8 13 8 00 ns isi 11 tl 7 Is 7 14 7 10 7 09 3 04 0 60 1 67 6 60 1 61 6 45 1 45 6 87 1 97 linar crick ...willow urove.... Lime lildge Espy..... ...Ltloomsburg llunert 7 44 11 39 T 88 7 S3 7 99 U 45 4 49 8 111 116' 4 65 8 .4 U 67 6 00 3 tO 12 IS 6 18 S 21 9 IS 9 61 u 80 9 65 12 45 6 45 9 60 Catawlssa Urldge. 7 11 ....iianviuu........ ....Cbulasky.. Cameron t 15 6 00 1 00 p.m. 6 45 .Northumberland. p.m. p.m. o-m W. F. nAUTJCAB, fcUPt. BuperlntendenVs omce, Bcranton, Juno 10, a.m. TTTAIN WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GHOCERS, PniLADiLrnUi Dealers In TEAS, HYI1DPS, COFFEE, SDOAlt, MOLASSES, bici, sricifi!, BiciiB sodi, ic, ic. N. E. Corner Bocond and Arch streets, UrBrdert wtu receive prompt attention. Aim -dim m SC-iU .a.- IB a , n . w. a. au nai rai , i it i r- a B tm n n k " Jf?e"M K vb r,oo S il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers