THE COLUMBIAN. COLCMII DSXOCRAT.ST R OF Til BOmn AND COLOM 1 BUN CONSOLIDATIID.) Issued wookly.ovory Friday morning, at nM)uonuito, uot.UMniA. countt, pa, .. .wnnoLLABS por rear, so cents discount attn,r,il RATES OF ADVERTISING. arict. Onelncb...... Twolnekes Three Inches 111. . . . tM. . . . . nn linn tt .... w MV ....... w 4.00 (.00 8.00 ll.W tim tnrms rfrp. il tw-r Innr.iitrlMlv In n.ii..,. i a.-' c ..... 4,10 4.S0 7.00 1.W 1.00 T.00 1.0" IS.W No piper discontinued, except at tlio option ol tin! rourmencs, .,. ouarter column t.on . jf ;... mnn l.nn 1.AA IB. 00, 60 Of OlllllllSU(.TB, mi iiuii tuu iaiu, OUl )l SoatintrM credits after tlio expiration ol tho I ..... win tint, hn trlrcn. on. column.. so.oo is.ou ,"v. lll.ll UUlUlllll, .. .......v.u z. I. ... 4nAH. All papers sent out of the Mate or to distant pot jfr.coa must ho paid for In Advance, unless n rcspon itnio person In Columbia county assumes to pay the . i ......i......i ...,, 1 - nn.rtprlr. TrBB V slcnt adrertlsemenu mustTbe pidd for beforo inaertoo except wnero aru narc cwuiiu. tnnscripiiu" 'uu " viiim. piimtaiik Is no longer ctactcd from subscrlbcrnin Insertions, and at that ralo lor additional ibkiuuu tho county. witnout rererencs to itcgui. Kxecntor's.Amlnlstrator's and Auditor's notloi three dollars. Most be paid for when Inserted. Transient or lyocal notices, twenty cents a line regular adrerttsemenle half rates. cards in the "Business Directory" column, one JOB 0r?K,I3STTiasrC3-. Tno JohblcB liepartment of tho Untoxit an Is very .fitntiifttn. nnil our .1 b I'llnllntrwltlrritntinrnfavnpn. I. E.EtWEMi. . . . hie with ! "It. or thn laree Cities. All wnrlr rinnnntj BLOOMSBTTRG, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1879. THE COLUMBIAN. VOL. XIII. N0.61 Hnminn.ncallv and ar moderate prices. COLUMHtA DEMOCRAT. VOL. XLtV, NO, 41 dollar per year ror eacn line Columbia County Official Directory. I'reslrtentJudiro William Elwcll. Associate Judges I. K Krlckbaum, P. T Bhuman. Vrotlionotary, Ac William Krlckbaum. Court tuenourapher N. Walker. Itcrister lloaordor Williamson II. Jacohy, nistrlctAllorney-llobcrtlt. Little. stierirfJoim w. Ilorrmau. H,imi-oi- svriiiel Neviurd. TrVtsurcr -II A swppjienbclser. C i nmisstonors atoplien l'olio, Charles Rlchart. A. II. Ilurr'nir. C l.iimmlouari' cucrk-f. 11. Casey. Amiilors M. II. Smith, W. Manning, C. 11. See sholtz. lur Commissioners Kll llobhlns, Thcodoro W. Smith. Co ititv superintendent William II, Hnvder. IllooinPoor District 'Directors II. H. Knt, scolt, Wm. Kramer, lltoomsburir and Thomas Kcece, rfcoi t, Bloomsburg Official Directory. President of Town Council-!, S. KUI1N. Clerk l'aul II. Wirt. Chief ol Police D.I,a.vcock. President of das Company S. Knorr. Hecrctary C. V. Miller. lUuo'iH'jurg- Hanking company John A. Funston, President, II. Il.Urniz, Cashier, John l'encock. Tel ler. Kirn Nailonal nank-Charlcsll. I'ailon.rresldent J. 1. Tustln, Cashier. Columbia county Mii'uat Saving Fund and Loan Aswlailon-K.'ll. Lltile, l'resldenl, C. W. Miller, becreuiry. Illoiimslmrg Ilulldlng and Saving Fund Association Win. Peacock, President,.!, II. Uolilson, secretary. nioomsburg Muiual Saving Fund Association J, I Urower, President, 1 K. Wirt, Secretary. CIIUUCH DIKECTOUY. baptist ciinncn. llev. J. P. Tuslln, (Supply.) Sunday Services liif a, m.' and 0f p. m. Sunday School 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at etf clock. Sj;us free. Tho public are Invll ed 1 o al tend. ST. MATTHKW'S I.UT11KRAN CnCRCH. Minister llov. o. I). S. Marclay. Sunday Services 10 a. m. and IMp. m. Sunday School 9 a. in. Praver Meollng Every A'cdnesday evening at clock. Seats free. No pews rented. . All are welcome. PKESBTTEKIAN CIII'KCII. Minister I(ev. stunrt Mitchell. Sunday Services I0K a. m. and C p. m. bunday School 9 a. m. praver Mooting Every Wednesday evening at t clock. Seats free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MKTHODIST KrlSCOrALCUBKClt. Presiding Elder l!ov. W. Evans. Minister ltev. E. II. Yocum. Sunday Servlces-lUtf and i p. ra. Mnnrlnu Mihnnl 9 n. m. lllblo Class-Hverv Monday evening at OJtf o-cloek. Voung .Men's rraver aieeiing avery -luesuuy nwenltii nl a u o'clock. (Icneral Prayer ilcctlng-Every Thursday evening 1 O'CIOCK. HRTOBSitncncHcn. Corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor-Ilcv. W. K. Krebs. Corner 4th and Catharine sjrecU. Sunday Services 10 a. m. and 1 p. tn. Sunaav school 9 n. m. 1'rajer .Nieetlng Saturday, T p. m. All aro Invited Thero is always room. ST. PAUL'S CIIUKCI1. Itector llev I Zahncr. Sunday Seriees lox a. m., 7tf p. in. Kunrlay School 9 a. m. First Sunday In the month, Holy communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Fri evening beforo tho st sundiv In each month, l'ews-rcntfdi but evcYyboilv welcome. BVANIIKLn'AL CHURCH. Presiding Elder llev. A. I., lleeser uiniiiiu- ll.iv flnnrtrn Hunter. sunilay Service! p. m., In the Iron Street Church. Pra er Meet Ing Every sabbatn at t p. m All are luilted. All oro welcome. TIIK LHLHCIl II. I MetB In "tlio little llrlclc church on the hill," known is tho Welsh Uaptlst Church-on nock street l1egularmcelng for worehlp, every Lord's day af-"rrco3andtlie' public aro cordially Invited to attend OCIIOOL ORDKHH, lilank, iust prlnteil ami ncatlv bound In small books, on hand and for silo at 'tho Columbian onice. VM'ANK DKKDS, on Parchm-Mit anil Linen LAWYERS. Q lln 11H0CKWAY, ATT011NE Y-A M A W, Columbian TjcuniNn, Ulcomsbuig, Pa. Vembrr of tho United states Law Atscclatlon, Collect Ions mado In my part of America or Europe! oct.J, 1T9. ' THE WHITE S1WIE MACHINE- T K. WAl.I.EH, Attoi'noj'-nt-Tuw. Inereaso.ef Pcsslcns cMalaeJ, Cclloetlecs mado. I'liicc, Second door from 1st National Dank. ULOOMsnUllO, PA. Jan. II, Attoi ncy-nt-l..nv. Incrcao of l'en'ions Obtained, Collections iUauo. iiLooMsnnito, pa. onice In Knt's UciLniNO. Q B & W.J.IIUCKALEW, ATTOHNEYS-AT-IAW, Dloorasbnrg, Pa. Office on Main Street, Bret door below Court Houso JOHN M. CLAKK Attoknkv-at-law,- IlIoomsburg,Pa. omce over Schuyler's nardwaro store. ? p. BILLMEYER, ATTOIINET at law. Orricx-In Ilarman's Building, Main street, iiloomsburg, Pa., II, IJTTLK. BOBT. B, LITTM. II. & K. K. LITTLE, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. E. G.w MILLER, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW onicelnllrowcr'sbulldlng.fecond iloor,room No. 1. Bloomsburg, Pa. B. FRANK ZAKK, . Attonie'-nt-Tuw. BL00J1S1IUIIO, I'A. Olllcc In Unanost's 'Irn.niNO, on Main street second uuor auove i enire. (!iiii be consulted in Gorman. "Jan. 10, '85-tf QEO. E. ELWELL, A T TO It N E Y-A T-L A W, Columbian Euilhiko, Iilcomtburf, Pa, Meieber of tho United Stales Law Association, Collections made In any part of America or Europe Whereas, tho world renowned reputation of the White Sewing Machine Induces manv unscrupulous competitors to resort to Dll kinds ft TilPAn tr.(A ti. Ininrt. Ha runntntlnn. n beff to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will i w nusLuiuvu uju tuu iuiiuwiu warranty. WEWAIUIANTTIIE NATUHAL WEAK AND TEAR OF THE White Shuttle Sewing; Machine, PLATE NUMBER lO.TfWil mil FAMtr.V I'ltllPO. , Hts, Anil IIKI11IIIY AIIIIKGTO KKK1" THE SAME IN ICKI'MIl Kill T"K TEI.M OF PIV1'. YI.KS ruun this uatk, FiiKsgFCiiAiuiE. This warrantr exeenta tlift breaknera nf nrenlea bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho lato number above cttcn corresponds with tho umber on the shuttle race slide. Beware of defaced r oiiercu numoets. wiiitr SEWivn machine c.n Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sewing Machine lifts CiltEATKH TAPiriTT than nnv Pthprfmnllv Rwtnf i ia.uiiiu lur uuiiiK every uni'ij ui worK. J. SALTZElt, General Aitent, llloomsbiiri?. Pa. Oct, 3, ' A WXKK In vour own town, and no cap-; italrlfekdl. You can pi vo the business a trial without expensu. Tho befit opportu nity ever offered for tboie willing to work. You should trv nothlmr elo until ouseo for ourelf what au can do at the buslnets wo oner. ?o room to explain here. You can devoUj ail jour tlmo or only jour spare tlinotothohiislne.nndmnKe great pny for'oery hourtlmtjou ork. Wunifn mnkH as nnichas men. ieud for private uriasaiul particul irs, which woniallfu'f $-iOutlltfrcc. Don't complain of hard tlmra whllf jou have such a chance. Address II, iiAi.i.ivi i Acu , roriunuMaino. octa, o ty THE SUN FOIL 1880. Poetical. ASTItAY. t traveled a forbidden road. Which first appeared so flow ery fair Tlut onward eagerly I strode Till to my Imrror and dcspalrl All buds and blotsoms bliomlng there, All tender boughs and twigs of green fito Hi changed toberrs and nettles keen, Whoso angry points my garments tore. And pricked my hands till they wcrosore, newlldered at tho wondrous change, That shoutd havo warned me from tho place, 1 kept my courso with swirter pace, And saw a marvel still moro strange; For cruel Hints sprang through the ground To meet my feet at every bound, " With gash on gash they made them bleed, Then tlmo It was that 1 should heed I dust at tho moment of my need, A shining man stood at my side Whojo lustre fell on all around, And spread a glory far and wide I "And who art thou 1" I trembling cried, "(live cor," said he, "to what I saj : lam theguldoof all who stray, To point them back to virtue's path, Tho guardian of thy erring wayt An I step by step In lovo not wralh These angry flints and briars I strew, To warn thy feet Iroin wandering so. I kneltandklssedlila garment's hem,' , And cried: "Oh, Angel, sent fiom Heaven I Make sharper yeteach thorny stml Increoso the flints to seven times seven I Fulfill thy purpose In my pain I will endure and not complain 1" llo fled, and I with deep remorso Turned back from my forbidden course But, o, how many weary hours I traveled o'er thoso blighted bowers, ltebloomcd with all their former flowers I 'lheodort Titton. . A. II.. Alter a iiiuo wie, uio former sahl : 'I had a letler yesterday from Sue Carle- ton, who went out to linii Francisco and married there, find sho mentioned a certain somebody,' llettlia's face fldshed and then paled. 'Let me see Iho letter, Jane !' Without a word,.Jane nave It to her. It was mainly a glowing description of a arRo party tho writer had attended, and where, as was alleged, she had seen Thlllp J by J, t. TnowBtiiDan, After all, wo way-station opera' When Iho Spaniards, under tho famous (0r8 t0 not without our little bit of romanco Cottes, came to Mexico In 1619, they found occasionally, nnd I think I can show that wo the country Inhabited by people already ,ro not entirely without a certain amount of civilized, responsibility; but It is oldom if over rccog About a hundred years before, the Tezcu- iZ(Mi. unless one of our number by carclcsa- cai', th most enlightened of tbv' native ncsa suddenly plunges a train into destruction tribes, had a prince whose history has a fnllmw in deliver nr nnilerstnnd orders. rvlng, accompanied by a dark-eyed beauty, sttlkine rcsemblanco to that of tho Hebrew ti, .i. r.e l,iM, T rii nnn with whom he seemed greatly smitten." King David. His name la a hard one, W afternoon in early autumn, tho twenty- lierlha returued It as silently a3 It had by dividing Into double syllables wo may I ., r ,, nlir i7ft nd . thn uocn given. master It, Neza-bual-coyoll. In his youth, nconrrence has mado a ilcen and vivid im- il l was in your place 1 wouldn't wear like David, ho was obliged to flee for his UrM,in mind. T rannot fnriret the uie wiiiuw any longer lor a man hko mat. me irom inn wratu oi a morose monarcu who Bertha started as if sho had been stung. ocquplcd the Ihronc, and he met with many 'Whosays I wear tho willow V romantic adventures and hair-breadth es- 'Everyhody. You haven't been to a pleas- capes. ure party all summer. I don't suppose you'll Once, when somo soldiers came to take go to the hop next Thursday, which I would him In his own house,ho vanished In a cloud not miss for a good deal. There's plenty of laconic, such as attendants burned before Select Story. ItUTIIA'S WKDMNU DAY. A C1IIU3TMAS STOUY. Ann v w w . Oct. 1, 1879. ' OATAWISSA. Paper, common nnd tor Aaminisi raiors, aaku- u.j i i trusted, for sale cheap at tho Columbian on e. "V7 ENDUE NOTKS just printed and for sale ) cheap at I tho Columbian omce. HLOOMSBUUO DIKEOTOKY. PHOFKSSIONAL CAH1)3. I). HAltlCLEY', Ollia' In Kroner's building, 2nd story, llooms & 0 II. UOIHSON, Attorney-: il . In lUrtman'a building, Alain s bide. at-Law. street. Office AMU EL KXOKK. Alloriieynt-Ljiv,01bce In llartmun ii iiuiuing, .Main su ecu hT'iV.M. M. ItEIlEIVSurgcon and Physi cian, omce Market iiiect. adovotoi nasi It. EVAXS, M. D, Surgeon and Pliysi clan, (Onlco and llebldcnco on Third street, J M.2 utaeases II. McKELVY, M. 0., Surgeon and Phy sician, north side .Main street, below Market. and Pliy- MnllKXUY. XI. 1) . SurL'con -sieian- omen N. W. C. Market and Fifth M, IiUeases ot tho eyo a specialty. aug. S3, cm. TTvIt. J. CKUTTEK, rnYsiciAN&smtaEON, orucc, North Market street, lilooinsburg, Pa. D U. I. L. KAItB, I'llACTIOAL DENTIST, Main street, opposlto Episcopal Church, lllooms, burg, Pa, nr-Teeth extracted without pain. Oct, 1 18-0 W. H. HOUSE, 6LOOMSI3URG, COL. 00. PA. AU stjles of work dono In a superior manner, work wurranu'Q as repre&eimu i.biu civi eo wiTiiot'T Pain. Uoo lsets lur Jio. Olllco Coru"r Main and Iron streets. To be open nt all hours during the da;. Will bo at tho odlco of Dr. I.. It. Ullno In Oatawlss.1 EYEKLY, ATT011NEY-AT-LAW, Catawlasa, Pa. The Sun win ileal with ta events ot tlio vear 1RS0 I In Its own fashion, now pretty w ell understood by everybody. From January 1 iftittl December 31 It wlllbeiondticteii ns a newspapor. written In tho Kngusn language, nnu pnnien lor inc people. r ine pun oeiieves in get'ing As a newjipsj.1 i get'ing nil the collections rroniPtly made and remitted, onice ooposlle Catawlssa Deposit Bank. em-ss VU- II. KIIAWN, A T T 0 It N E Y-A T-L A W , Catawlssa, Pa. onlcc, corner of Third and Main Streets. THE DAVIS. on Wednesday ot each week. Nov. any "MISCUXLANEOtltC p M. DKINKEK, GUN and LOCKSMITH. "'iwlog Machines and Machlncrj'ot all kinds re dalred. Ockka Hocsb Building, llloonuburg, l'a. .AVID LOWENIIEI'-O, Merchant Tailor Main St., above central uoici. 16. KUHK, dealer in Meat, Tallow,, etc., , Oentro street, between Second and Third. Dm ItO.SE.NSTOCK, I'liotogmplier, , Clark Wolf'SStore, Main stieet. II A UOUSlUrf r nathlo Horbe ieb. 11, 'ie-lf EHI'-UND, Practical linmeo and cow Ductor, liloombburg, int. V. KESTEIt, JIEUCflANT TAILOR. KuomNo. 15, OrKKA IIocsn Uciuiinq, lnoorjuburg. aprllie.isis AGEN- Pa. capital. . e,&oo,oM . IMlJHHJ.OIlO . 13 soo.oou . no ,. 8,1U0,WHI ,, 1,0I,000 15,000 .. 5,110,0110 THE LATEST IS THE BEST, The Greatest ewinc Maeiiiiis of tlie Aae Don't fail to ne ibis wonderful piece (it per feitlon, th New D.ivis Vertical Feed rihuttie Sewing Muclilne, JMHiiufac tured at-Wate'town, New York, Will be on exhibition at tho Iiloomsburg fair ground during tho fair. All are cordially invited to cal) and in spect the. New Machine and obtain samples of work, more beautiful and desirable than ever before accomplished and .utterly impossible for any other . to duplicate. Tlmuanda witnessing the immense rang' nf work, and discarding Iheir old machines ior tho ni:w machine, is sufficient proof of its superiority anil bring lor me liavis a trade that runs the factory to Its luliest ca pacity. The Vertical Feed, Which supercedes the under feed, is the ingn upon wnicti swings uie u.m-aiiai.i.c- D bUCChs-l, Composed of only 12 Wmg Parts, hile others have I r . i.tvlhe, inak iil' the least oi i, i .1, i u.iiftilur aide and most reliable, machine in use. It positively leads all ollieis, jioixciAWAY itli all hasting, end Is tho l.lnilTKST lll'S iko shuttu: maciiini: IN Tin; woiu.ul nil iilves general satisfaction. Will he sold at the recent popular ueduced bCALK OF 'Iiicks. cample ot workiree. J, riALT.lilt, Gen'l Agent. llluomsbtirg, l'a, opl. 3, '70-ly. r-ewsof the world promptly. andnresentli,L-ltinthn most Intolltirtblo sh.ftw tho shapo that w ill enable us reaners to Keep wen at reaL i,i mo ago wiin rno least unproductive expeiHlliuro ol time. 'Ihegrcat est lnten st to tlmgreatest uumber that Is, tho law controlling Its dallj make-up. It n"w has a clrculn tlon verv much lirger than mat of any other Ameri can newspaper, and enJos an Income which It Is at au limes piepartu 10 spenu nurany ior llieis'neni of its readers. Pcoplu or all condllt ins of lireand all wavs of thinking buy and ri ad the sun; nnd they all tlerhe satisfaction of some soi t from its columns, for they keep on bin lug and reading It. In lu. comments on men and arfalrs. The sun b' lleves that tlia only rutde of policy should be com mon fense, lnspirediy genuine American principles nnd backed by honesty of purpose. For this reason It Is, and w til conttnuo to be, absolutely Independent ot party, class, organization, or Interest. It Is for all, but of none. It will continue to praise what Is good mid reprobate what Is evil, taking care ibatlts language Is to the point and plain bejoua the possibility of being mlsunderst id. It Is unin fluenced by motives that do not oppeur on the sur face; It has no opinions to sell, sat o those which may be had by any puicliaser with two centa. It hares Injustice and rnscallt even mom thsn It hates un necessary words. It abhors frauds pities fools, and deplores nlucompoops of every snocies. It will con- tlnuo throughout tho yeirtKso to chastise the first eias lnsiruccinoseconii ami tiiscountenaneo uie in ru. All nonesi men. wun uonesi. conviction. w nether sonnd'or mNtaken. are In Us friends, a nd 1 lie suu makes no bones ol telling the truth to Its menus wucneer occasion unat-s ior puuispouK- Theso nre tho prlncltles upon which tho Sun will bo conducted durlnir tho 3 ear v come. I no 3 ear iwu win uo ouu hi which no patriotic American can oIToid to close his e3'es in public of- falis. it Is liiiposlblo tx) exacsrerate the Importance of tho polltlcalevenls which ii ha- in store orthe uecessuy or us'iiuie viguanco on uio pan or every citizen w nu uesirea 10 present1 iiioi.uvernineni, mat 1 no rounuers gavo us i ne ceouies arm acis oi con- trress. I he lit erauwsot Uie press, the oxcltll c con. tests ot the Htpubllcin nnd Democratic parlles,now neatly eipial In b'rrengtli throughout the country, the varjlng drift of public sentiment, 1'1 all bear dPect ly and elfectivily upon tho twenn fourth Presidential election, to bo held in November. Four 3 ears a"oi.ot November the will of the nation as expit'hseu ai, uie puiL-., h umuneu uy an auomi- nauin conspiracy, uio promowrs una uenenciaries or wh chstli n lu iho .nices iney stole, win the cilme of ls70 bo repeated In 1W r The of jearsopemd with-a corrupt, extrmagant. and insolent AiimiDisiniuuu lu'rencneu at asitini-ion. The sun dlt something toward dl-lodglng the gang anu nreiiKiiiff it juer. iiiu suiue men nronow liitrtguliig to re-sloro their leader and themselves to le inuigna 1 he coin- "!?REAS HHuWN'S 1NSUKANCE , X CV, Eichn'nge note' Iiloomsburg, Etna, inaCo., of Hartford, Connecticut. uverpool, Lonaon anu t.iouo - itoj.i'ot LUerpool. Laucanshlre Fire Association, Philadelphia Farmers Mutual ot Danville IHuvllle Mutual , Home, New York ti,c 11,000 As tho agencies are direct, policies aro rllten for the Insured without any delay In tho onlco at Dlooms- uurg. March ikVo-y J F. IIAIITMAN UKrKtSENTS TnK FOIXOWINO AMERICAN INSUBANCE COMPANIES: Lycoming of Muncy Pennsylvania, horlh Ainclcan of PhUadelphla, l'a 1 ranklln, of ' " Pennsylvania of " t armors ot York, Pa. lianoverot New York. Manhattan of " onice on Market Street No. 6, HloomsbUTB, Pa, oct, tt, T-ly, jpiHE INSURANCE. C11HISTIAN P. KNAPP, llLOOMSHUHO, PA, IlKITmil AMBI1ICA AHIlIHANCB COMPANY'. (1EHMAN FlltE INhl'KANCK COMPANY. NATION All FI UK INsUllAN CK COMPANY, UNION INSIlllANCK COMPANY. T he.e oi.u loiu-oiuTioss aro w ell seasoned by airo and nun tcbthi una nave never jtliiau a loss set' tleil livnuv ennrt. nf Inw 1 heir HkM-trf UN) AlllnVeSt. edlnsotiusbccuiTibsand aio liable to thu hazard of t tuu finlt. Ixjstea ruojimv ard uonkstlv adjusted and paid as boon as dc tii mined by ciihistian f, KMrr, si'to AL AllKNT 1K1I AlUt'STUK. llLOOUSUL'Ka. I'A. The people of Columbia ccuntv should patronize the Agei cy where losses if any aro bellied and paid i it br one of their own clt lzens. PHOMI'TNlibS, EQUITY, Nor. WW,! FA1H DEAUKU Eclectic Magazine OF J'orciynJ.iterature, Science, anil Art. 1880--36th YEAR. Thn reieeihi MsL-azlne reproduces from forehzn I pertoillcals all those articles xliich are valuable lo American renders. Iti Held of belectlou embraces all the leadiug Foreign lteUes. Magazl-es, and Journals, and eo: suits the uwes of all classesof readers. Its plan inciuiies Science, iraieis. i,,.il..i.'u Novels. sketches, thort Stories, r.te.. etc. Thn tniinutni' ltstR cnmnriso iho principal perlodl- ..ijfrnm uhifii M-h lions are mado uii.l ill - nanus I or some of tho leading wrliera wuo contribute to I them : rsmopicAts. Quarterly ltevlew, lirit. Quartet ly neview, l.llnliurt'li llevlew. Westminister llev lew, Contemporary ltevlew, I.Yirliih' lilt lietiuw. The nlneteeiuu .renjury, popular science neiien, iiiackuood's Masazlne, cornhill Magazine, .MUCinuianTf nuium-u, Fraser's Magazine, Now ouart. Magazine, Temple liar, llelgruwa, (looil Wold J, i .ondon soelety. Saturday llev lew The spectator, etc, lie sieeiaior, eiv., cw.. iw...,,.v. 1,v,...,. ejriho Eclectla vagazlno la a library inmlnla- H.'r'111 ire Tho best writings of Iho bcsimmg authors - bhouia subscribe ior TH13 EniJOATOR, A Live Educational Monthly, published at OHANGEVILLE, I'A., for 50 cents per ear, bend Elx cents for specimen AITIIOHS, lit. lion. W. Il Gladstone. AlireuTenn)son, Professor Huxley. . piofessor T3'ndall, Hleb. A. Proctor. II. A.- .1, Norman Lcckjer F.K.S. nr. vv . ii. t arpeutor. K. II THor, Prof. Jlax Muller, i'ror Owen. l.ittliew Arnold. . A. Fret man. 11. 1', u lames Anthony Froude. nomas iiugnes. Anthony Trollope. Ullllain mack. Mrs. ollphaut. rurLTcnlelT. MlssT'baikeray.eto. Philip Irving put his fingers beneath tho dimpled chin of tho lovely girl at his side. Bertha, darling, look up I Next Christ mas day, remember 1' 'Uemember what. Philip V That shy, swiftly averted glance, the con scious blushes that stained cheek anu lore- bead, belied the innocent coquetry of these words. Uemember what ? Why.that I am conr ing back then, to claim you as my own; nev' er to part from you again. It is hard to leave you, darling, I never thought it would bo half so'hard as it U. But !t Is for your sake that I go; that 1 may make the happy home that you and I aro going to share, worthy of you. You will be true to mu ueriha I' 'I will be true to you, Philip.' And there tinder the whispering liudens, beneath the cloudless moon of that beautiful Juno evening, the lovers part ; the passion ate fervor of the farewell kiss, the lingering pressure of the last embrace, bringing al most as much rapture as pain. Now that he was really gone, and there was nothing else to think of and to do Bertha began to count the slow weeks that must intervene before her lover would re turn to claim the fulfillment of the pledge she had given to him. 'Christmas iiu December, I wish It came earlier.' Philip's place of destination was San Francisco, whither he had gone on business that promised tnbo very remunera live, but which has nothing to do with our storv. He had promised to write to Bertha Im mediately on his arrival, but she called sev eral times al the post office before the wel come missive arrived. Her cousin, Benja min Ripley, was (Mist master, as well as pro prietor of tho village store. She had never had a letter from Philip before, but she knew it was from hiin by the postmark, and her face flushed beneath the keen glance h gave her as he handed it to her, Her cousin Jane, a sister of Benjamin : was standing beside her, as slipping the let tcr into her pocket, Bertha turned towards tho door. M, Hastening after her, Jane linked her arm into her cousins, sayinr, with a laugh that sounded rather forced and unnatural Are you engaged to Phil Irving i Don answer, now, if you don't want to.' Bertha had a half suspicion that Jane had a more than friendly feeling for Philip and her tone was a little sharp, as she said : I am engaged to Philip Irving. And I don't know why I should be reluctant to tell of it, either 1' Well, I hadn't the, least idea be was seri ous, l knew lie was pretty attentive ueiore he went away, but I thought it was all a flirtation.' 'Philip never flirts.' 'Don't he.!' Bertha was not a little irrlta'ed by that toss of hiad and tone of incredulity, but they had now reached the gate of her fath er's house. tager to learn tho contents of her letter, he snatched her arm from her companion's and ran in, going directly to her own room. Blushing, and halfasbamed of her im patience. Bertha toro open tho letter. It did not tako her long to read it, being very brief, containing Uttlle more than the announcement of his sate arrival, Thero were none of the protestations, the tender assurance that she expected and so thirsted to hear, and sho read itwitha feeling of dhv appointment that was akin to pain. It don't sound one hit like Philip,' she said to herself after the third perusal T-iien her heart began to reproach her for this momentary doubt, and tomakg excuses for him. He was tired f-oni his lone jour ney, too busy to tell her more than of his safe arrival ; his next letter would make up for all that this larked In her reply, Bertha poured out all the tenderness of her young and loving heart, playfully alluding to the brevity and unsat isfactnry character of his letter, and for which she expected him to make due amends. Two, three, four weeks passed, and no A stout backbone Is as rbsentlal topt3 steal health I answer came I and at last, unable to bear KaaSSera m longer the torturing suspend and cruel and mtKir-raus dietetic action ortU IHtiew isUieone A.vt. tilftt af,Baled her. Bertha wrote airaln plaeen rrinn wtilcli they wern driven by the Indiana ilon of tlio neoDle. Will they bueeoed? Iho mm. Intf year will hrliiff the answers to these momentous nuehtlons. tug bun wm ve on nana to chronicle l ut Thus wltli a haWt of philosophical tfood humor In rUugat tno minor a mure or me, and in great e facta us ther are de eloped, and to exhibit them riessiy mtncirrei clearly and fearlessly in the! anu rism. relations to eipedlency looktiifffl thlnKsatteadfait purpose 'o maintain (he rights of tno tteopie am nu pnnupicH oi me Lonsiuution against uu urt'bsurbt iuu nun ia piuareti 10 v.nw u iruimm, man uuim-, uuu iu me same iime enter talnliiir history of 1880. uur raies or. buonpuon remain uncnanceu. t or the lljilv Sun. a four-nairo tdieet or tvventv-elyht col'iniDH. the price by mall, post-paid. Is 55 cents a month, or io.w a ytar : or. including the bun day na- pr r; an elght-pao sheet of ntty-slx columns, the prtftUsCScentsa month, or fl'70 a year, postage paid. iho Sunday edition of Tho Hun is also furnished separately at si.vj a ) ear, postage pauu Iho nileo ot tho Weekly Hun. elsrht nacret. flftv. six columns, u $t a year. poMago paid. Vor cluba of ten senuir.ff iiu wo wuiseua an cxim cqpv iree. Publisher of The sln. New York cuV Nov. 14-w THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FIIX AT THE OFFICE OF AN AMEKIOAN KINO DAVID. Wrecking an Engine. A TEhr.or.Arn ornruton's sronY. day. which was Friday At that time I had been an agent and op erator on the It. tt. a little while over two months. Tho line was dircctlf through parts of Indiana and Illinois, and some of tho stations had no telegraph office, consequently the order distance was somewhat lengthy "Items. If miu whistles In the street as If be wcro calling a dog, from three to seven men will atop suddenly aud look about them la Darwin rlfihtf Tho young gentlemen and ladles of ths New York 7th Keplmcnt have mado about t200,000 by their three weck'a fair ; lotteries Included. An Ohto doctor has Inaugurated an In novation, lie has bought a lot of about 400 acres of land to bo used as a private Cemetry. It Is only the wealthy phyU clans who can thus provide for their patlenU. Intelligent servant, Bridget, to caller : "Will ve kane still a minute while I look at ye ? No, Missis baint at home. She told me if A woman camo with a wart on the end of a red nose to say that she want at home and there's no mistaking about that wart." How Irish Itnlns Preserved Are. The Irish remains known as Con O'Nell'a Castle, Castlereagb, was ordered by their proprietor ;to be closed with a wall built around the ruins. If ever thero was a real Hibernian bull, the agent of the estate rer uns been a better friend to you.' the peril of their own lives. Once, when callct tho train dispatcher, and said an engine petrated ono on this occaslon.for he actually Bertha went to the .hop on Thursday, closely pursued,passlng a girl who was reap-1 .ftj .nrnncr hpr thrnttln with onn hundred I pulled dow,i the ruins themselves to ootaln though if she had consulted her own feel- ing in a field, he begged her to cover him and forty pounds of steam, and gone oast, stone for a wall to inclose them, ings she would have remained at homo. She from sight with the stalks of grain she was while the fireman had gono to lunch, and the, "I was ouco very shy," said Sydney went In company with Jane and her owrf cutting ; she did s, and when his enemies engineer, who Was oiling around, had no timo 8m(th, "but It was not long before I made brother, which was, not exactly tho pro- came up, directed the pursuit Into a false to get on. two very usotul discoveries: First, that all gramme that had been laid out, but she went path. At another time, he took refuge with All was still as death for n minute, when mankind was not solelv employed In watch- home with Benjamin, which he considered some Boldicts who were friendly to him, and .1., rli.n.f-w Wan to call O.. tho onlv office In mi-fa hnllnf that all voune tieonle havel: the next best Ihlng. who covered him with a war-drum, about between mine and Cowans: for fully five the next, that shamlne was of no use : that It is threo weeks beforo Christmas, the which thev were danclur. No bribe could I ,:-,. i, i,:, il, .;! 03 I ,v, .t,i . !,,,.. ti,i,t n,l .n tl. Christmas-day that Bertha had looked fori induce his faithful people to betray him. which means death, but till no answer, and mated a man at his just value. Thiscured wardto.with so many glad anticipations! 'Would you not deliver up your prince if 6tin tho monotonous click of the armature; me, and I determined to benatural, and let aim uam iue-ii loYen. iuoj utu uu n0 came in your way i ne once asxea a presently ho answered in a daied, hurried the world And me out." . .umj ,-eucatu luo i J0Ung couniry-ieiiow, to wnom nis person manner, and when asked about tho cogine, DurlnK his triumphant progress to EJin- wlinaA earn anil UAllmo lnanoa a ra Iiiirtir if I..... ... - I 1 ro tiuviv avtu wut4 J viium ivnrva uiw lyiug their feet. It is Bertha and Benjamin Ripley, 'I do not love you, Benjamin,' said the, former, looking past her companion into the moonlight, as if she saw another laco than his; 'not in the way you love me. ,1 don't that would be glad of your company that princes, and concealed himself In a sewer (,ndcrowas but one office between mine are as good as l'hii Irving any day.' until his enemies were gone. He fled to arij Cowans, twelve miles" west. 'YoUr brother, Benjamin, for instance.' tho mountains, where he slept In caves and Qn this day 1 was quietly puffing my Jane colored and tossed her head. thickets, and lived on wild fruits, occasion- mrcrsrhaum in tho lareo bav window of mv 'Well, yes lien thinks h good deal more I ally showing himself In tho cottages of the I oiEee and wishing for somethioir to relieve of you than somebody I could name, aud poor people, who befriended their prince at ,b monotony, when tiie operator at Cowans was unknown. 'Never I' replied the peasant, 'Not for a fair lady's hand and a great for tune ?' said the prince. 'Not for all the world I' was the answer. The prince, who was rightful heir to the throne, grew eyery day in the favor, said it had passed thero at a fearful rato of h,urg in his speeches there, Mr. Gladstone speed at fourteen minutes past four, with no person visible. it was only six miles more to me; and an excursion was on its way west with a heavy' load of tired picnicers, and had. actually left1 a station only oieht miles cast of mo, the' has proved that though his age be 70 by tho almanac, it is not more than CO in vigor and endurance, and he has abundant of mental and physical ability to enter on a fresh campaign as Premier of a Liberal party. At the end of two speeches of three of subjects, his voice betrayed no tone faintness, and his nervous frame was full of life and fire, as strong nnd bright as when he first stood up, Sbant 1 Take a Dine I'll!. think I shall ever love any one In that way 0f the people, and at last he found him- (,,,. teWrnnr, nff.rn. at twn minutes nasi i. .1 i ,in 't .t ;.., again. But If you think you can be content self at the head of an army( whllo the bad four. I . ... . .',,, j,j . !nf,'it i i. : 11... .t ,U!l. i. n , , , , . . , ... . . b w,.u .uo ...cuu.j, wu.w. . .. K,ng was more anu more ueiesteu. a Dame Tho dispatcher called mo furiously, and of subjects, his voice betrayed no tone of mat l navo to eive. l win DO vour wne was it. the usumpr's Inrpps wprn rniitii. i..: .1 i j ..... . r j t,i,i . - , a - i 1-7 - --ii uumu ul ii.uu iuu luucuiuui. A ausnciuu uiui XT.. Ot.. !.Im....1.i. T nHnn Jmn... I I L. r. 1 .1.1.. ml.. I. ... . .. I ugi vuiiiii.ia'ii.j, uiuuijii, i u.uui muj uu ui su uiierwuru siaiu. i no linnce, immpili.ite . When he Ra il. Tul'n vour. you on that day." who so lately fled for his life, was now pro- sw:,cb-and wreck cmrine No. 11. eoine cast1 'When will you then?' pleaded the eager, claimed king. w:u . t TCni,d. nu;,kW. 'I cannot without man nt ber side. 'Ininlc bow long I have He at once set about reforming abuses, :n indemnity order:' and after a hastv con- waited.' and making wise laws for his kingdom. He ,li,,, itl. thn snnprintpndpnt. as I nftpr- I No, don't take it and run the risk of mer- ' Any day alter; it does not matter when.'- established a society devoted to the encour- warj learned he went ahead with an order, I ourial poison, but when bilious and constl Bertha yielded passively to the warm emJ agement of scienco and art. Ho gave priies ,, i,n1K,i rn.m nA wnrdim? rmisfd I pated get a box of tho celebrated Kidney- brace to which Bhe was folded, iihiverlng a! for the best literary compositions (for these i... i,Tc, umnder' frnm a dosp It I Wort, and it will speedily cure you. It is little as she felt the ardent pressure of thq people had a sort ot picture-writing), and wa9 jfce this : nature's great remedy for constipation, and lip that touched ber own. bo was himself a King David. Hi jj Operator: Wreck wild enzine No. 11 for all kidney diseases. It acts promptly Ah I how uuliko another betrothal which poems, some of which have becu preserved I ,t vmlr KW;,ri, ,n pnlHsinn on these great organs and so restores strength seemed so far away from her now. and translated, were generally of a religious It is the day before that time-honored, character. His favorite themes were the, festival, which annually brings together so) vanity of human greatness, praise of the many separated families, and the cars ard I Unknown God, and the blessings of the, full of happy people, "going home fori future life for such as do good in this. The Christmas." Tezcucans, like the Aztecs, were ldolators, lilm.,l. il. pnnvprsniinn l-twppn mvailf men marched nast the doorkeeper, however Among thoe who stopped at Glenvlllo who indulged in the horrid rites of human' ,, ,t,. j;,natrh.r ha(i consumed hut four notwithstanding a demand for pay. Tho was a bronzed and bearded man, who looked, sacrifice to their awful deities; but thiswise, mjnutcgilsaw her coming at tlie grandest manager went before the curtain, and said aiii iw uu mum wui nuu Buuu iuB ucitsicu u lumga, iuu cu . gnee(i r ever witnessed, and. snatch-1 that it tue live ueaaneatis lnsistea on ie- Company will defend and uphold you. D. K. B.' I immediately-returned my '13,'or 'under standing,' received my 'correel at 4.18 p. m.,' and turned to look for tho engine, when, and vigor. McKee Rankin's dramatic company was compelled to pay a heavy license fee at Savannah, and Mr. Rankin retaliated by is suing no freo tickets to officals. Five police- It is Philip Irving, who must have been a deavored to wean bis people from them, de- great favorite with his townspeople, to judge! claring, like David, that, above all hJols,and by the numerous hand shakings he received over all men, ruled an unseen Spirit, who on his way to his father s houso. was the one God. News in a village flies quickly, and Bertha' The king used to disguise himself, and go was not long in learning of her recreaut' about among bis people, lu order to learn, lover's return. I who were happy, bow his laws were admin- 'Ile has come, as he said he would,' was istfrcd, and what was thought of his govern- her inward refiection,.as she sought the sol-1 nient. On. ope such occasion, he fell in Itude of her own room. with a boy 'gathering sticks in a field. The only pleasant thing among the bitter I 'Why don't you go iuto yonder forest, recollections that surged over her was the thought that he would learn of her engage meut to her cousin, and not' think she was piiiing on account of his cruel and unmanly deception. Enclosing the ono leter she had received from him in an envelope, together with a brief line, requesting the return of the two sho had written him, Bertha gave it to her youngest brother, bidding him give it to Philip with his own hand. where you will find plenty of wood V asked the disguised monarch. 'Ah 1' cried the hoy, 'that forest belongs to the king, and he would have me killed if I1 should tako his wood ; for that is the law.' 'Is he so hard a man as that V 'Aye, that he is, a very hard man, in deed, who denies his people what God has given them I' , 'It is n had law,' said tho king ; 'and I ad1 viso you not to mind it. Come, there is no mat evening as liertba was sitting beside nnB hfi ,OBPe Tfm Into thB w, ami I . . 1 JV . I , . , . . I ' lo uenjauiiu, m uer laiuer panur, irymg Uelp yourself lo sticka.' bJiTOo phi Mr PHILADELPHIA Cor. ( In. unit ami KlLlith Hit. Who ri'cclto Ad crtieeinenu i"r tills Taper. COTIMATXO utltilCMIlltaU4 Col llllftl to fro. rnrXeiTHupfrAdrfrlMitc. . fur A YliK b bUM'S 9IA3UAJ- STETTEfcv CELEBRATED school ber aching heart to the task that grew more irksome every hour that was spent in his society, the door was thrown open- and Philip Irving stroled in. 'One moment, Bertha,' he cried, as, rising to her feet, the indignant and astonished girl turned her flashing eyes upon him. 'I have only one question to ask, and then, if you desire it, I will never speak to you again, Is this letter here he held it up bofore her 'the only genuine part of which is the en- elope, the only one you have received dur- ng my absence t" les.' I have written you half a dozen 1 Receiv ing in reply only this, which I now believe s a forgery.' Bertha glanced at the letter that was handed her. 'It is a forgery I I don't understand 'I think I dot' interrupted Philip, turning towards tho conscience-stricken man or rather where he bad been, for he had noy slunk from the room. Hearing the clang of the closing gate', Philip only waited to hold the blushing and happy girl to bis heart, in a brief, rapturous embrace, and then sprang after him. As Benjamin mounted the steps of his store, a heavy hand was laid on his shoulder, and a stern voice whispered in his ear: 'Benjamin Ripley, if you hope to receive any mercy lrom me, return those letters you intercepted 1 Without uttering a word, but with hand rffERS llitntf needful. Itein.inber that Ihe stoiaaclv. Is Die uiaiusiay in eirrj uiiutuikiui. .uu-uui utlnfr Uio digt'sttoii Willi this preparation, the spinal column and nil Its depenilem lt-a ure BtrrDirUieuwl. For llostetterv ALM4NK,' Cor l-so api'ly to Drug- flats ana dealers gtiierauy. ifi.t a, i jr. nrni-ar tu It and many costly olumes are made from .1 1 I.l.h nnn AW fPAl.ll In 1 1 U mit'Oa t.'l KKt-KMWAViNUS. Kacli nuuiUer contalnsa viniihil-KiiKraln-uually a purtralt-fxecuted ill lUo best manner. Hiebo engruUnirs are of per manent alue, and add much tu Uio attractUeutss nr ,hH Magazine. i r liMS I-Mnele copies, 45 centa one copy, one Tear 5 i me copies tio. Trial suurcrlptlon for truce loontus. tl. llieEciECll''aud any tt marailne to one address. 3 iosi"o uwwiw .uiw.i,ucio. loUondbu-cet,.New York, D1UECTOU. TKACI1KR AND HTUDKNT copy, April 18, "-U C. K. CANKLKLD. Kdltor, stating how long it was since she bad heard from him. and that she was troubled, fear ing that tome misfortune had befallen him There was no respruee to this ; and indig nation and wounded pride began to mlugle with the grief and disappointment, which robbed hi r cheek of its bloom and her eye of its brightness as the weary weeks passed Qne day Bertha was sitting alone in ber room when her Cousin Jane camo in, as she was very apt to do of lat, more often than was agrceable,in fact, us she liked best to be alone. 'Not 1 1' exclaimed the'boy. 'You-are afraid some one will come and find you? But I will keep watch for you,' urged the king. 'Will you take the punishment la my place, If I chance to get caught ? No, no 1' cried the boy, shrewdly shaking his head, 'I should risk ray life if I took the king's wood.' . 'But I tell you it will be no risk,' said the king. wood, ing my order, I ran to the switch gate, about one hundred and fifty feet, and when I had unlokccd and thrown the rail, tho roaring monster was only about ono hundred feet away. I had my watch in my hand, and stepped quickly back out of harm's way, when at exactly twenty micutcs past four she went over, and such an unearthly crash I hopo I may never sec, or hear again 1 Tho dirt and stones flew fifty feet in the air; the engine turned clear over, and stopped ou her side, pushing a splinter of the cab on the whistlo valve, and there she lay a seeth ing, hissing, screeching mass of rubbish. But above the din and rattle I heard one wild, despairing shriek for help, and when 1 could get close enough to see any thing, I found what, bad it not been for the face, would never have been recognized a i a man iu the crushed and bleeding mass of flesh that lay'under one huge driver; but the face was without a scar, and by that was recogniz ed as an escaped madman, who, it seems, .had climbed on tho eugino at Cowans unobscrvd and, pulling the throttle open, had started on a wild, awful ride to tho gate of death. When the .excursion train came up, ten minntcs later, they said, they found uo stand ing by the engine gazing alternately at the bloody driver and at my written order, still tightly clasped in my hand. mainlng, no f-erformance would be given, and the money would be returned to the rest of tho audience. Groans and hisses for the policemen finally drove them out. When You Feel Mean. Take Kidney-Wort, advertised in another column. It acts energetically on the bowels and Kidneys at Ihe same time, and cures a host of diseases caused by the ioacton of these organs. If you are out of fix, buy it at your druggists and save a doctor bill. Van Dufly is tho name of a California man who has invented a new method for amusing babies which has a startling orig inality about it. Van Duffy is a bacheier who has never given any attention to the human jiatureof a baby, and when a lady friend left her 2-year-old child with him while she went to ride, he made such amus ments to amuse it as occurred to bim as proper. Van Duffy lied the small one to a long pole and held it up where it could suck the plums growing on the trees grow ing iu the. orchard. It took at least two hours '.for the baby to get all the plums it wanted. The fact the baby died the very next day didn't seem to Van Duffy to have any thing to do with the tett of plums ; but the baby's mother had an entirely different view of it, and Van Duffy has been arrested.for malicious mischief. Whether his invention T tens iinpnncpiniis nf p.vftrv lliinir aivn thn I fact that I had obeyed orders, and had there- 8hR" become PPuUr ""Ipwbably depend by taken a life. They say I fainted, but I "Pon the action of jury. I will protect you; go and get some krjow nothing from the instant I discovered Reward. We will pay a reward of one that whito, bloodies face, until four days thousand dollars lor any certificate publish- . . . . ii rx ti o Upon that the boy turned and looked him when I awakened apparently out of a eu X us regaruing vr. uuu s uougn. oyrup I . .... I . 1 . I n, f-.i.ln.l ....... I . . V..l.. T ...... Ar urniim. aiv nrsr niipsrmn u. -i,hi tim v.mui kvuuiub, iukcki, wojw, boldly in the face, 'I believe you are a traitor,' ho cried, 'an enemy of the king I or else you want to get me into trouble. But you can't. I know how to take care of myself; and I shall thaw respect to tho laws, though they are bad.' The boy went on gathering sticks, and in the evening went home with his load of fuel. The next day, his parents were astonished to receive a summons to appear with their son before the king. As tbey went tremb- lingly.into his presence, the boy recognized the man with whom he had talked the day before, and he turned deadly pale. 'If that be the king,' he said, 'then we are no better than dead folks, all 1' But the king,' descended rom his throne, and smilingly said ; 'Come here, my son 1 Come here, good people hotbl Fear nothing. I met this lad cursion get lu safely?" Tho coroner held an inquest as soon as I; could be examined, and tho verdict was: 'We, the jury Cud that Albert Long came to his death by being crushed beneath a locomotive which was wrecked by J. L. B., an operator on the 11. R., according to the order of D. R. H., his superintendent and superior officer. And we find further, that no blame can he attached to said J. L. D., D. It. B., or the Faid railroad company, as the engine was wrecked to savo a beavily-loaded excursion, and said Albert Iw, being a madman, was on tbo en mr in direct opposition to the company's wid'T ' I have that order and a copy of tho verdict side by side in my diary, where they thall always remain. Often iu my droims I seo an unrecogniza ble mass of quivering flesh and broken shakiug lite one in an ague fit, the guilty j tbe fields yesterday, and tried to persuade 1,01103 n Wr driver, and a white, man uniockeu a private oessr, ana nauaeti blm to disobey the law. But I found him Philip a package or letters, wbo, turning l)roof SE,in8t aU temptation. So I seut for towards the door, said : y0Ui g00(j peoplei ,0 ,cU yuu what fc true and 'You are Bertha's cousin who will be my honest son you have, and that vhe law is to wife to-morrow evening, in spite of all your be changed, so that poor people can go any- and your Bister's plottlngs and for her sake where into the king's forests, and gather the unscarred lr presents itsell to my gaze, A sudden fliriek will almost craza me, and I am often tempted to go where railroads aro unknown, where tlie hissing and screeching cannot reach urn. I spare you. But only on condition that you resign the office whose trust you have abused within twenty-four hours." It was a great wonder to the'good people of Glenville why their postmaster so sud denly resigned his office, but Philip and Bertha kept their own counsel, not caring to add any further punishment to tbe dis corafited man, who, soon after sold out and moved away. The sun never shone more brightly than on the happy Christmas morn that ushered in Bertha's wedding-day; for Philip thought that to he the most fitting season to claim wood they find on the ground.' He then dismissed the lad and his parents with handsome presents, which made them rich for tlie remainder of their lives. While our boys and girls are taught to read the histories of mauy an Old-World prince and monarch far more barbarous than he, they need not ueglect the story of the Indian king Ne za-hual coyotl, ourAmerlcuu King David, St, jricholai. Truth and' Honor. OiniTual fur Fovtls. An old ti.ikry ralicr gives the following experiment : fmr turkeys were fed on meal, boiled potatois and oats. Four others of the same brood weiealso, at the lime, con fined in another pen and fed daily on the same article, Iuu with one pint of very fine ly )uver!zr ilisrroal mixed with their food mixed imal and boiled potatoes. Tbey had also a pliiitllul supply of charcoal ih their pen, The eight were killed on the same day, and I lu rd was a dfferenco of one and one-hall pounds each In favor of tho fowls which had been supplied with tbe charcoal, they being much tbe fattest, and the meat being greatly superior in point ot Query : What Is tbe best family medi- her, whose love and companionship was to I clue in the world to regulate the bowels, make his whole aftct-life one long day of I purify the blood, remove costiveness and thanksgiving. biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the tenderness and flavor. whole system? Truth and honor compels Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, us to answer, Hop Bitters, being pure, per- scrofula, and general diblllty cured by "Dr. I feci and harmless. Ed. See another col. Lindseys Blood Searcher." I umn. "Sellers' Liver PHU" are working more real good in one year than all other propri etary medicines. 25c per box. Co., Baltimore, December 1. 1676. Select la j llriilts far an Indian Chief. Tbe recently-elected Govonor of the In dians at Pete Dana's Point, near Calis Me., is, or was, unmarried. Tbe Indians allow no such misconduct, so steps were taken to marry him, Tbe process is unique. Two of the tribe were constituted as a committee. They went to Plesaut Point, and assembled the squaws in their hall in a circle. One of tbe committee marched around the circle, shaking a horn full of shot, while the oth er carried the braided straw and sang a sol emn song or chant. After several times marching around, tbe braid was presented to the maiden selectedfor the Govonor's wife. The first choice refused to marry by throwing the braid on the floor. So the ceremony was repeated, and the second choice was made, and this time tho fair ono was willing, and retained the braid. Then the committee sent for the Govoror tu meet tbe destined bride at Calais, lie came ou the train, "Is there a mau with toul so dead," wl o bath suffered tho miseries of cough or cold yet neglected to try "Sellers Cough Syrup?" Duv Cows, It is a common practice am'oug some dairymen to give their cows, while dry, but scanty living. When a cow ceases to give milk, or is dried up, any food is considered good enough for her. I think Ibis is a great mutaae, auu lue result Is a diminished product of milk, both in quanity and quality, when she does como iu. There is a large draft on the system to sustain the calf while tbe cow is carrying i, and to keep Iho cow iu good condition good feed la us important as when the Is giving milk. It is my opinion that H worth of food when the cow is diy Is worth fl,C0 worth after she Is in. An animal In a poor condition cannot digest as much food as an animal in good condition, If the cow is poor when she comes in, the will not digest enough food to support the system and, at tbe same time, to make a large quanity of milk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers