THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM SB U11G , COLUMBIA COLNTY, PA. 1 1 Mill I 1 ! ).' I. , -', ," n.," ' 0. El'tiWWL, niltsr. J. g.,BIIiaUP3tJDSB, rttbllthar. BLOOMSBUIIG, PA. FrMny, J)oo.ia, 1870. IMllMDELl-IIIA UMIfill'S. The rtftli (lelfgafo convention of detn ocra(s"ln Philadelphia nt week Tuesday wa entered liy it crowd of rough, with the Intention of breaking up the convention ami this Hitiio Mils' fully Accomplished, The fjatig was led by Ihe iiotnrlous Wllliauj McMuliin. A frity oimtcd In which n mail lin'm'ed Lyoni vvtii shot in the hand by 'McMiilllii. Lyons " appeared before Magistrate List nnd testified as follows; AViodt twenty minutes ufter ten o'olock- cm-Tuesday morning William McMuliin, preceJIn' large ntimbarof other men( en tered the enloon' 70t South Second street, vni toftk deals in tile second-story front room, tn which room it was the intention of llid llelegnlcs fo meet. Apprehending the pufpdso"of 'McMuliin' and his men to take teats In' the Convention, it was agreed toholdtho Convention in the back room cm the flint floor. Tho meeting bad hardly b?ou culled to order before there was a loud Mpplng at tho door, followed by a poun ding as If the parties on the outside were bursting tliolrnvay In. In a few minutes tie-door began to givoway,and many of the delegates started to lcavo the thi baOk 'ddjr. They had not departed, how' ever, baforo the doJr fell from Its hinges and McMuliin, with draws pistol, entered tho room, followed' by several others, who were nlso armed. The delegates jumped to their teet,1 anil, ns they did so, three or four1 shots1 wore lirwl by tho. intruders, Great confttsio'a 'followed) and some of the. delegates jumped through the windows in to .Tnido alley. I liurrled out of a door in therroir into ilho.same alley, and, as I rea' chsd-the steps, Iaw McMuliin como out of nn other door at the other' end of the rortini When he! saw me he walked to ward 'nie. I retreated down the alley, aa 1 saw he had his pistol in his hand. He fol lowed me with his pistol levelled first at my heat) and then at 'my body. I moved my hkiids from, side to side, in the hope of receiving the shot in my hands when he fired rather than in my body. Ai an iter section of an otber .small alley, which runs out on Sbippcn street, McMuliin fired at me, but the ball passed .over my head. lie continued1 to follw me, however, and worked'my hands over my breast. Just as I reached the corner of the alley and the street, arid was about, to turn, he .fired an other shot, 'which took effect in my hand." McMuliin atterward' appeared, and waived a hearing and entered bail in the Buln of $2,000 for1 his appearance at court The sooner' the Democrats, of Philadelphia can set' rid of this shoulder bitten the better it wilUbe for them.' WASHINGTON LETTER. ' Washington, I), C. Dee. 9th 1879. Wasbington U feeling the effects of the "exodus" of negroes from the South. Those from North' Carollna'pass through this city They arc without money or comfortable cldtKinen There are about 'one hundred of them liere now living upon 'charity;1 and wait) tng until they, shall bo furnished free trans portation" to Indiana. 1 One'oannot helpiYron denng at thoir undertaking.iBuch a journey ut'thLSseasdrfli 'Indeed,'! thai movement' is doubtless apolitical one, managed in tho eup- uAsed 'iulerest of' the' radical party inTndiana, If 'its effect there l3"nb exactly 'contranrto: whaUits .promoters anticipate I -am mnch mUtakedj ' ' ' Tho holiday adjournment will probably be rs' early ns Monday tho 15th, which will givo fh'o nlcrabcrs a'chanco to meet Qeneral.Qrant at Philadelphia on tho; 16th. This ia the wish 6f Senator Cameron.' and his winning ways havo often secured Ian i adjournment, whether for the pfomotiou of his own matri uioriiarHohemo'or for'the'ibeuefif 'of la horse raco; This'timb,.however, no serious damage will bo done,' for, 'uespito reports to the con- trary, tho (Joiiifnittoo on Appropriations it)f tho House willbaVe no bilk fully prepared buibrouhe'liaJiday-iecasi. It was ' believed, iq'tlie-itorblIlastiovening .that the Pension aud line o'tlier appropriation' .bill -.would ,bo. reaUyftbis wboVbbl; the report' ofthe O'om-. inissiouer of iPeusiona is still in the hands of tlio-printer. m il ' -The aunualiproposali to. reduce govern mentczpcnses'sccmssto be more earnestly discussed than, usual, among loombcrti,. and tha delay importing the bills ia one 'result df that l'aot.-.,lt is still doubtful jf & majority of. melubers.of' either' House can bo held together) rn an 'effort to eavo.from twenty to forly-niillibus: during the next fiscal year. But the attempt will be made. , Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committeo re"Wrt'ed,uuanuuously.iu, favor of confirming the nomination of Sucietary' McCrary, as Judge of U. S. Court. It bi a gratifying fact that noisy opposition to Mr. McCrary did not causQ domocratia Senators to tako a partisan view of , tho aituatiap... They voted. s.pno;lwouId expect sngltwUipa as Thurraao,- ,Bayard( McDouald, Qatlaad and Lamar to ,X9tq,,with regard oulyjto, the. personal and. ptolsiionatitnetst, the. nominee, l jClu say-i ma this i,lo p,ot, Ipse Bight ol the fact any ,inpre thaujthesa Senators djd, that tho poliw Ileal course, of JlcCrary, has b9cq such as al ,patriotw4ei) hoiKj.willUayfclt hereafter tq JtHVQ beqn roprobepsiblo. His conflrmatiqq fby tha Senate iiccttajn, s yesterday, tho .New York 7W4une,gavo up two columns or no to a discussion of Majo political Affairs. Such words as "fraud," ''(heft,;; a,,wro,priukcd through tho arti cle Hbcwlly,,- ,Tp judge ,1'ioiu ,radical politi , elans Jiero. au)l i tbp,'f press elaewber9, one -would believe, tbat.Gov. Oarcelon was tarn' - pcriug wjtU thij oflicial rctqrns and preparing to certify to a lie. Tho design,, of course, is to uigbten.tbe uovcrnor And Council, and create, a feeling to affect next years election, UlLTOK. THE LOUISIANA ELEUT10N'. The election In Louisiana last week re, suited In the success of the Democratic tick et, by a large majority. Everything passed off very quiefly and thej negroes are report ed as generally voting the democratic tick' eC. It is time now for a little more "bloody shirt" music from 'the Republican organ. At New 'Haven, Conn., last week the Democrats elected a full ticket at the town election. The Common Council is demo cratic for the first time in three years. The greeubaeker rau no ticket and, voted with the Democrats, - - Secretary McCrary'a appointment aaUnit cd States Judge of the eighth circuit will probably be confirmed by theSenate, DEATH OK JUDGE KETCIIUM. JudgoW. W. Ketclicui, ot llio United Stntcs District Court of western Pennsylvania died at Pittsburg last Sunday morning sud denly. He occupied the bench Saturday and at thrco o'clock proceeded to his room at his hotok - While reading ho complained to his wife of a Bcvcro headache Ho aroso to ap proach the lounge and sank to tho floor. Dr. Hcnham was summoned, pronounced apo plexy the aliment and assisted llio Judgo to bed. Whilo walking across the room tho Tudgo remarked l "In fivo or six hours it will all bo over with mo," At 7 o'clock he was unconscious nnd at 11:50 be expired. I he remains wero taken to Wilkes Harro Monday for interment. Wlntbrop W. Ketchum was a native ol Wilkes Barre, whero he was born Juno 29, 1S20. He was educated at Dana Academy and at tho Wyoming Seminary, and taught school from 1813 to 1817, when ho began tho study of law, and was admitted to tho bar in Wilkes Barre three years later. Except when filling public offico ho continued tho practiccof his profession., Ho was a Whig until tho orgnnizatibn of tho Republican party, when ho becatno an active member of that, and held several honorable positions. In 185o ho was olected l'rothonotary of Luzerne county, serving throe years, and then occu pying a seat in the lower bouso of tho Legis lature for a year. In 1859 ho was chosen to tho State Senato for threo years. President Lincoln, in February, 18G1, appointed Mr. Ketchum solicitor for tho United States Court of Claims, which position he occupied till September, 1806, when ho resigned and ro- sumcd his practice nt Wilkes liarre; In 1874 ha was elected to Congress from tho Twelfth district, now represented by Hcndrick U. Wright, beating Mr. Wright by 7C7 votes, and no bettor evidenca of his popularity among those who knew him could bo needed. Tho district was undeniably Democratic, and has twice since been carried by Mr. Wright, although Mr. Ketchum was not a candidato for re election. In 1860 Mr.Ketchum went to the1 Chicago Convention as a district delegate, assisting in tho nomination of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency; in 1804 he was "a delcgate-at-large to tho convention at Baltimore, which renominated Lincoln, and ho was a Grant Elector in 1868. no was ap pointed United States District Judgo for the Western district of Pennsylvania by Presi dent Grant in 1876, and filled tho position with decided credit. llow Miss Sickles Is Said to Have Learn ed Her Mather's Story. A writer, in speaking of the published ru mors that General Sickles' daughter had eloped from Paris says : The writer of this while in Baltimore sev eral years ago was told a story about Miss Sickles by a school friend of hers which is full of pathetic interest just now. A little party had been given at the house of a lady in Baltimore where the writer met Miss pickles and was struck by her quick witted repartees and her readiness to chat about current topics of interest. Meeting a schoolmate of hers the next day the writer alluded to this. "Oh, yes," was tho reply she was gay enough then, poor child, but she is almost broken hearted, notwithstand ing her vivacity," A few questions brought out the whole .sad scory. General Sickles first wife, the, mother of his daughter, as remembered, was connected with the famous scandal with Philip Barton Key, the District Attorney at Washington D. C, Sickles, shot Key in 1859, and killed him. and was, tried for bis murder and was acquit ted. His wife died shortly after, and before her daughter was old enough to understand tho, disgrace, of it all. .General Sickles, with jealouiwatchfulness, kepi the facts connec ted with her mother's.share in the tragedy a secret ,lrom his daughter, and she knew nothing pboutjt,, until she "was nearly nine teen. She was a sensitive, loving girl, aud f Worshiped the memory of her mother,whom he had been taught to' love, and she 'fre quently spoke of her to her friends. Miss Sickles Vent to school in Baltimore, and one day while reciting in class'' Bhe had a slight quarrel with a girl front Washington. After school a number of girls were seated together and among them Miss Sickles and the girl With whom she had the quare). Mies Sickles apologized for what she had said, bat the other girl refused to be comforted, 'and finally grew .very angry and began to tauntMiss 'Sickles' about 'the terrible story n'f.her mollicr'a wrong doing. "Miss Sickles demanded an explanation, which was given 'add the'' poor young lady almost lost her 'leaiori in' the attack of Illness 'which follow' ed. She.left the school when she recover ed her health and soon afterward joined her father. It Was said she' acted 'very wildly foward h'ini rfor 'keeping thV'story hidden from 'her, aud1' Teproachedu-hlm' bitterly The effect of the revelation' 'was that Mies Sickles manner and actions-.changed from what she had been before, and she began to worry hen father by her apparent heart lessneas and fondness far the excitement connected "with the life of a bello In an American city Hk Washington. . V j.TUE UUANGEKS. . The meeting'of the Slate Grange which commenced on' Tuesday ,was largely attended, ihVeneiotf between 3b0 and '400 members present from 'different portions of the State, LAmong'lhe most prominent members are rtt i i. i ,i , i i . . . e tj - .1 -.1 ., ,1 ltef.'Dr.'Calder; of tho Pennsylvania 'State AcrlcUltural College. This' organization as r'epreaenfed b'ereis'a very'substantial uttd, respectable '!odg, belbg composed of well-to do and educated fanners. The1 female mem bers all appear like cultivated and refined ladies. The' 'Session vai secret' with the' excep tion of Wednesday-'night; when a public meeting was held. Mr. Holstein of Mont gomery county presided, and K. 3. Searle n ' . . . IT. IT TT L ot cusquenanna county auu iv. . bury of Columbia were appointed secretar ies. Remarks 'were' made by Dr. Oalder Col. Piollet, Mrs. Holstein and others, and readings and selections were given by Mist Brewer and Mrs. Diehl. The latter lady on being introduced said she was not a Granger though she considered herself eligible, tor abe was the daughter of a farmer.and in her youth had learned to spin, to make butter, cheese and soft-soap. The large audience was entertained until ten o'clock, when the meeting adjourned. The Court of Wayno county sentenced a number of saloon keepers to pay fines of $200 for violations of the liquor law, and some of them went to jail because they could not pay it. The Law Library Asso ciation of that county geU the fines, for the purchase of books for the public library, They compromised with the offenders by taking from them foO apiece, and gave re ceipts for $200, and released the prisoners This was in effect a pardon to the extent of $150, and was not creditable to the assocla tion, nor conduclve'to' the proper admlnli (ration of Justice. The law of tha State des ignates the only pardoning power, and it does not seem aa though criminals ought (o be released thiough a pardon from any oth. er source until the sentence of the court has been complied with. News from all Around. hx-Empresa Eugenie will go direct from Spain to Zuinlaml to pray on the spot where the Prince Imperial met his death. The heaviest cotton crop gathered in Texas in one year, before the war, was 200,000 bales. The crop this year will reach 1,000,000 bales. Jay Gould tells a St. Louis reporter that he has just ended a trip on 2,000 miles of railroads controled by himself. Tho whole run was made in eight days. Kudford Waters, a colored boy, was hanged at Elkton, Md., last Friday for the murder of Jenkins Wbaley also colored, In November 1878. The Bradford Era reports that salt water In large quantities has been found in the Southern part of McKean county. Its presence indicates bad territory for the oil operator, and has condemned thousands of a -ires that were hitherto regarded as good. Tho correspondent of the Shenandoah Herald claims to have been Informed by re liable parties that Messrs. Charles Parish & Co. have agents in New- York sending men to their mines to be used In mining coal. There is a scarcity of miners in the anthracite field. It is said that in order to meet tho in creased demands of the cattle trade, which is anticipated in the near future, upward of seventy steamers are now on the stocks in the shipyards of England and Scotland being built expressly for this interest. The California prejudice against Ori entals docs not extend to the Japanese, ap parently, for the San Francisco Chronicle says : "Yesterday was the 2,540th vear of the, Japanese dynasty. This nation, which traces its history further back into the slum- berlug past than any other nation on the face of the globe, is ono of tho foremost of modern countries, its inhabitants intel- Igent and progressive, and advancing rapid ly in art, science, commerce, and lltera- tire. The members of the Japanese Con sulate in our own city, thoughtful, earnest men, with bright, intellectual faces, are re garded with the highest esteem by our people, The Irish agitation still continues. Thomas Brennan was. arrested last week charged with using seditious language and with endeavoring to reduce the pblice from their allegiance to the government. On the night of his removal from the Court House to prison great crowds, with blazing tar barrels, followed the car in which he was conveyed, cheering the prisoner and hoot ing the police.- The crowd stopped the car, but, as it was well guarded, no rescue was attempted. Subsequently the police by order of a magistrate, seized a tar bar rel when tho crowd dispersed precipitately. there is a great excitement at Castlebar aud in its neighborhood. Geo, go W, Chatterton, a respected citl zen of Springfield, Illinois was sued for a divorce a few Weeks ago by a woman who calls herself Mrs Cornelia Chatterton. The defendant proves that he never was married to the woman by a declaration in the hand writing ot Abraham Lincoln, who, when he penned the declaration in 1844, was a law yer In Springfield. The manuscript is neat with all tho "i's" dotted and every"t" crossed. It shows tbat in 1844 Chatterton sued one Cornelia Wilcox for defamation of character. Lincoln trained his case and relieved Chatterton of any responsibility to the State on account of Miss Wilcox. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian says : "Mr. Thomas Bayley Porter, member of parliament f?r ltochdale, who recently visited tho United States, on bis reappearance in Loudon has been warmly greeted, by his friends. The people of the United States, Mr. Potter thinks, differ in some important points from our own. They do not, ha says, make for tunes there in order to found landed fam ilies, and the consequence is that possessors of large, fortunes more often devote them to the public welfare. The mass of the people are sober, and therefore able to work more continuously, if not harder, than our people. Mr. Potter speaks enthusiastically ofthe progress and prospects of the United States and of the solidity of the republican insti tutions of that country. Fourteen human' skulls, ranged around in a circle, were touml on un island in Tulare late, California, a few weeks ago. The mysterious reminders ot some mance were In' the middle of tho island, a small patch ofgrass,Hhick .brush nnd pig my cottonwood trees. No otber bones could be foubd uearthein. Near by on the shore of the Island were two'huts of basket work bu.both wefe, untenanted. Tulare laliuis probably one of the most myttorioiiH. spots on ilho continent. It is 8U0 miles south of San' Francisco, on a great plain. As the traveler approaches the water seems to be higher tbau the land. Tho dry laud ot fbe plain gives place to the damp boil a mile or so before water is reached. When the' margin is found at least ouo may wade out, for inoro than & mile and not' get in abovo the knee. The lake ruus forty uillns one way and has a breadth' Ol about thirty miles The bottom is formed of powdered clam shells.and there are hundreds of small inlands and bunches of tules. Millions of white birds ol the gun mod tenant lue ls land's, flock hiirh lu the air or skim tha still water, In tbe'Indian summer just pass .t 1 I C V . ' ' r-. tne wnoie laae was vcueu in misc. luounuj hap been found along the shore, and be fore many months the" whole bottom will be inspected, in the belief that it will show traces, of a submerged city. Ai the OolleeurS Variety1 Theatre, id Kansas City, recently, Herr Guise, a mag. iclan, strode along the stage and made his low salaam to the dancing girls. Around the neck, In tbepockets and under the fantus' tic cap of the magician were seven snakes a tree snake, a hoop snak, a boa and various kinds of rattle snakes. Tho boys in the gallery shouted, whistled and screamed. Herr Guise did several tricks with his peti. The dancing girls were persuaded to let the constrictor coil about their ankles.binding as with a chain a dozen pairs together. It was a wonderful performance the magician showing trick after trick, with clever sallies now and then. At one point a boy in the audience called out that the snakes were without fangs, and therefore were harmless, "Come up to do stage, mine poy," said the. performer. The boy leaped over the footlights and stood at the performers side. Herr Guise threw a confident "now see"' at the lad aud taking a toothpick press d open the mouth of one of the reptiles that the fangs might be shown. Tho rep' tile's mouth opened, but in an instant its fangs were buried to the roots ill the ma' gleian's hand, Herr Guise at once ran from the stage and drank seven large tumblers of whiskey. Before stupor fell upon him he sucked the venom from the wounds, Ncv erthcless his hand aud arm bocaine fright fully swollou aud he was put to bed more dead than alive. The Kansas City Timet, of Wednesday, says that the man's recovery Is not eipected. Small llmlncm for n Judge. Jucgo Orvls of Ilellfouto is acknowledged as an accomplished lawyer aud n man nf learning. In cues' similar to that which follows, If this most wise Judgo continues the course which ho has marked out, he will gain a reputation for tho exercise of arbi trary power, not to say meanness, that will at least or if it does tot it should de prive him of nil prospects of proferment hereafter, besides disgusting thinking peo ple wllli the Judgo as n Judge. Old Jef freys was 'probably never moro conteuipt tlbly ntbltrary. Tho llcllfonto "Watchman" savsi A strange nnd to many a startling exhibition of power occurred in the Court House In this nlace on- Wednesday last. The regular quarter session term was belpg proccded with, and two prisoners, mcro boys, who had pleaded guilty to breaking Into tho rail road ticket office nt I'll I lips- burg and robbing of it some $14, wero railed up fur sentenso. After a short lecture by Judge Orvls ho pronounced the sentence of three years nnd eleven mouths solitary confinement in tho Western penitentiary on each, and as they turned to go with tho Sheritfone of them pelulnully remarked to the Judge ; 'I wish I had n chance to sen tence you for 3 years.' Ho was immediately called back, and for this 'contempt, of court had an additional three years added to his sentence, making in all six years and eleven months. Whether this exhibition of power in the hands of the court will de ter other criminals from speaking disres pectfully to it or not only time will teach, but such an exhibiton of feoliug on the part of n Judge is not calculated to increase the respect that the people, who nie not crimin als, generally try to entertain for courts of justice" The Census. 'Iho question of the appointment of the supervisors of the next census Is among the prominent topics of discussion In Congres Bional circles. Tho law provides for the selection of 1150 of these officials, and although tho salary attached to the position is but $600 a year, and the duties are ar duous, there are many considerations which render tho oillce very desirable. The su pervisors havo the power of selecting all the enumerators in their respectve dlstrlc s, and the opportunity (or the exerciso of Idea patronage could hardly be surpassed. The Democrats claim a voice in naming the su pervisors , and as the senate must confirm the nomlncqs, all who are not satisfactory to tho Democrats will be rejected. General Walker, the superintendent of census, says that in the selection of supervisors he will be guided solely by the qualifications of the candidates, irrespective of their po litical that tho Democrats will not be afforded the pretext of preventing tho taking of the next census, by rejecting the President's nominations for supervisors, upon tho ground that they are Republican partisans, This is the opinion of William Almon Wheeler, the fraudulent vice president, as given to a reporter for the Washington Pott, anent the approaching presidential con test : "You sec, the- grand battle will be fought In New Y'ork next year,, and the democrats have the advantage of us in being able to concentrate their forces. Starting with their 133 Southern electoral vote solid, they have but to gain the two states ot New York and Indiana, in the north, and their victory is complete. The Republicans, on the other band, must struggle to keep intact what they havo already gained. Besides combating the democrats in the two states I havo mentioned, they must make n sharp campaign in Ohio, Now Jersey, Connecticut and New Hampshire. Wo have, in fact, to fight all over the country." Judge Pearson filed his opinion on- Mon day in tho bribery cases. It favors the de fendant. Evidence will be beard by the Court on the points raised, but as it will be tho same ns in the Salter case there is not much doubt but that the indictments will be quashed. Now that the bard time are nearly over Congressman Ilendrick B.Wright'a.committ- ee on tho causes of the depression is about ready to make its report. A stout bickbone la as esdtinll il to nhrslcal hnalth as to iol!Ucal consistency. For weakness ot the k una UHorucra or me uver aau Kiunevs. lue v .ad moderate dietetic actum or tho Hitters is I no on irdnjj needful, llememlier mat tuo slomacu is tuo mainstay or every other orcan, and tDat tv UivlKoratln? tho digestion by tills pro- pmaiiuut uw spiuiu tuiuum uuu us uuiicuu JkticB uru SLrt'neuicnt'u- For llouutter's almanac lor isso applj to Drug gists umi ui'aii'rs mineral!) ' At Brockton Mass. last Friday three men were sutlocated by being buried un der three thousand bushels of corn. They were shoveling the corn in tho second story of a mill, when the Hour gave way and pre ticipatco them in the cellar. When found they wero dead. Although persons, of alien antecedents are seldom raised to the British bench, it Is said that .Tudah P. Benjamin, the famous Ex-Uonfederate lawyer in London, is very likely to bs appointed to a vacancy ou the bench of the Court of Exchequer. WetiavoasDecdvacu nosillve cure, rorratarrh. dlptheria, eankur moulu, aud head ache, In Milluli s eatarrri remedy. A nasid Injector, free with each bottle. Ufco It It you desire ht-altti. utid sweet breath. lTice so cenui. now uy j. 11. Kiaports. A Strange l'eop e. Do you know that there are strange people In our community, we say strange because they seem to preivr insuuur anupasa uiutr nays miserauiy, mauo so by dls i tpsla. una Uver Complaint. Indigestion. coastlpatloa, and general debility, when Milton's vitauzer is guaraateeu to cure mum. hoia by J, u, liiupuns. Five Hundred Thousand Strong, In the past tow months there lias been more than bottles nt button's oure sold. Out t the vast number ot people who have used It, more than 2,oH caaes ot consumption bare been cured. All coughs, croup, aathma, uud bronchitis, y leld at once hence It Is that every body speaks In lis praLso. To those who havo not used It, let us say, It j ou have a cough or your child tho croup and you value liro don't tall to trv it. For lame back, side or chest. use ,sd lion's porous piaster. Sold by J. II. Kin- pons. MAUKE'IMIEPOUTS. BLOOMSBURQ MARKET. Wheat per bushel., I.S3 .40 .40 7.00 corn, new, " , cats, " " v Flour per barrel ,, cloverseed , Flaxseed .. . Iiutur , Eggs Tallow , , l'otatoos .- , IJU: J!5 SO .or Dried Apples 04 Hams m Hides 4 Hhouldera i Lard per oouud s .ot Uaypcrton 18.00 Ueeawax , , , .2& Timothy beea QUOTATIONS FOK COAL. No. 4 on Whirl , f 3.(0 per Ttr. NO. " t I 1,73 blacksmith's Lump ou Wharf...... ...... $ Hltnnifnoiis ' ........$ 4.60 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. yVholaale prlext at the dote of tradt on Tuu day. Uucku heat Hour p;r cut Wheat Hour " " "'-hi perbushel ,,,, corn " ; IM ' ' Kyu ' ,, lurley " " 1 misted hogs, per pound nutter " " ucooidlngto quality lfg per dozen ,,, l'oultry, live chickens t ducks Chickens dressed Turkeia U Mtoti 05 I 00 " 7 so J so " 1 03 47 no to 1 S 70 ' ',' " 1 17 ' J3 7 " 7 " S3 IS 8 10 I Turkey dressed NEW ADVET1SEMENTS "sUJSllIljTS SALE- lly Mrttio of sundry writs Issued out ot tho Court ot Common Pleas ot t'oluratla county, nnd to ma directed, will bo exposed to public salo at the Court House In thoTown of llloornsburg, Columbia County, fa., at 1 o'clock, p. m., on. Snttinlny, Jnminry 3rd, 1880, All that certain real estato situate la the town ot Ksnr, township ot fcott, Columbia colinty, bound ed on tho norih by Third Street, on tho east by lot ot Harriet .Mtigmic,ontlio south by an alloy, on tho west by lot ot Oeorgo, ltartman being eighty- two and a half feet In width, ant one hundred nnd soventy.thre and one fourth feet In depth. Mrcd, taken Into execution at tho suit ot fntnucl Conner, stinh lug administrator of (I. II. l'owlcr, deceased, against William II. ltowcr, and to bo sold as the property ot William E. Honer. Howell, Attorney, Vend, Ex, ALSO, All lliat certain tract ot land situate in lioarlng- creek township, Columbia county and stnto of Term sylianta, bounded and described na follows, to-nlt I on tho north by land of l'eter K, Mensch, on tlio cast by land ot l'rederlck llullard, on tho south by land et Elizabeth Llnvlllo and on tho west byland of Hen ry Hoofnagle, containing sixty acres inoro or less, on which aro elected a dwelling house, barn and out buildings. Melzed taken into execution at the suit ot John C, Myers, nsslguco to Henry Pfaliler, against Jonathan V, .M; era, and to bo sold as the property ot Jonathan V. .Mjcrs. Ithawn, Attorney, Vend, Bx, ALSO, All that certain lot ( r pleco ot land sltnnto In Franklin township, Columbia county, nnd state of 'ennsjlvanla, biunded and described as follows to wn i on tho north by land of Andrew Lohrman, on tho cast by land ot Thomas Ashwo'rth, on the south by land of John Ktmblo nnd on tho west by land of Andrew Lolirnian, containing twelve acres inoro or less on w hlch aro erected a dwelling houso and out buildings. seized taken Into execution nt tho suit ot B. frank Zarr, Executor ot (leorgo Zarr, deceased, against Susan Farley, and to be sold as tho property of Su san Farley. Zarr, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot or plcco of land situate In Scott tow nsnip, Columbia county and stato of j'cnnsylva- nia, nouniieu ana described as follows to-wlt : on tho north by tho fubllc road, leading from lloyt farm to Light Street, on tho east by land ot Daniel Snyder, on the south by tho Public road leading from luoomsourg to llerwlck and on tho west by land of I. s. Kuhn, containing twenty acres moro or less, on which Is erectd a frnmofitnble. Seized taken Into execution at tho suit ot Daniel Snjder, for use ot Charles It. I'axton, against Har mon Q. Crcvellng and to bo sold ns tho property of Harmon u. crevellng. Duckalcw, Attorney. Vend, Ex. All that certain lot or ploco ot land situate In Lo cust township, Columbia county and statoof fei sylvanla, bounded and described as foUows to-wlt : on tho north by land of A. D. Fisher, and Daniel Zimmerman, on the east and south by Isaac Fisher. and on Uie west by Abraham stlne.contalnlng twcHo acres mora or less on which Is erected a dnclllng nouse, Darn ana outbuuamgs. selzea taken Into execution attho suit of Andrew liupp, administrator of .Mary Mensch, deceased, against Ueorgo Hupp, and to bo sold as tho proper ty oi ueorgo ltupp. Duckalcw, Attorney. Vend. Ex. AlySU, All thoso certain lots pieces or parcels of land sit uate In Main township, In the County of Columbia and state of I'ennsylvanla, bounded and described ns follows-; viz: 1st. Beginning at a post In public road a corner of a lot sold Henry Kostenbauder, now owned by Arias o. uerninger, tnence by saw lot north forty-two de, grees cast, twenty perches to stones, thenco north eighteen degrees west elghty-llvo perches to lino of tract or lana ownea by Jacob Shuinan's heirs know n as tho Geo. Espy tract, thenco by tho samo south eighty degrees cast perches to a corner ot Abra ham Knight's land thenco by Abraham Knights lino south B eighteen degrees east nlne-ty-two perches to stones thence north elghty-nvo ana a nan aegrces west so en and nve-tcnth nerch os to stone, thence south forty-eight end a half de, grceswcbt. eighteen perches, tlienco north slxtv degrees west threo and one-tenth perches, thenco south eighty degrees wost twenty perches to tho pubUc road thenco along said road north forty-eight degrees w est twel e and so ven-tenths perches to tho place of beginning, containing thirty acres moro or less, on which Is erected a dwelling houso and out buuamgs. sad, Beginning at a post at the Catawlssa Creeks thenco north thirty-six degrees cast eight pcrche thenco by lands ot Francis Flemmlngs north seventy degrees cast fourteen and eight tenths perches to a stone thence by lands ofAaronliernlnger north slity degrees west threo and one-tenth perches to a stone thence by tho samo south eighty and a half degrees west twenty perches to a stono In tho middle of the public road thence along tho samo north forty-eight dsgrces west twelvo ana seven-tenths perches to a stono In tho middle of tho public ro id thence south thlrty-slx degrees est ntteen and nve-tcnth nerch cs to a stone theoce south thirty-eight degrees east three perches to an elm tree thenco up tho creek, south eighty and a hall degrees cast twenty-one and nine-tenth perches to a stcroe the place ot beginning containing two acres strict measure, on which la erected a fulling mill, dwelling house and out- buudlngs. lsttractaoacres on assess book. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of Colum- blaCountyMutual Saving Fund and Loan Associa tion assigned to Franklin bhumau ugalnst Francis Flemmlngs and to be sold us tho property of Francis Flemmlng. n. Fa. Zarr, Attorney. Terms Cash. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, dcc lJj-ts She! Iff, pOMMISIONEKS' NOTIUE. Ve hanllxn.1 unnn 11m 9i'.tli. 2Tth. nml 90th i.w ol this month aa tlie ttmo to finally ( lose out tUu bu&lut1! ot Uio onioo fur this 5 ear. Wo lu u mart) a calculation of tho amount that each collector Mi nil pay by tuosoth Inst, to meet Uie entlro oblations iluo by tho county, ami directed Un Tiensuicr to notify t hem of tho same, ami wo want them to com ply with said notice, a wo now mean lliat all ac counts bhall bo p,iid as aforesaid. All perbons luv lng any bills duo them will pUuso present them on Claims for road (Uniarri's nob Included In this mil. The hnldersof coupons on County llo.ids will pleaso prebeut them for uavment. and- nerbunu holdlm? over-due County lioncfs shall present them on the oth Inst. All collectors are also notified tli-t re turns of seated lands as well as unseat ed lands must bo made on or before the flrst day of February, isso. Laud upon which no property can bo found from which to make taxes must bo returned, ami thoso who fail to make return by bald day win bo held for nutu ju!. remons luueuiea to uie county 10 maKO juijujuubuj max time, bTKitHHtf Tom, 1 Commlbslouers CHAKIEtf KlCIUKT, Of, Hkk iNu. J Columbia Co. Cojnmiihloners' unice, uluomsburff, Dec, 10, '19 2w A FARM FOR SALE," The ttndeisfgncd oilers to sell ou moderate terms at private sale, a valuable FAUM situate In Mount l'lea.sant Uiwnslilp.L'olumtila county.ubout two and a halt miles west of Uloomsburg, tho county beat of salu Columbia county. Said Farm contains 124 acres of Land with Uie necessary Improvements thereon erected and Is In a good statu ot Cultivation. There Is on said premises A NkVkB FlIUNd BtbeIii or Wateh wlththo right for a' .1111.1, orntlirrpnriioimnad afalr supply of timber adjacent. It is a ueslrable propei ty, and will bo sold at a bargain to tho pur chaser. tf"Kor terms and prrtlculars address by mailer apply to B. Stohnkk, Uloomsburg, Columbia County, l'enna. dec la-lin 1T O c Per copy, w hen sent In ciubs rf so, Is the pu..asj pri.uui tho l'tilladelphla Weekly I lines one year, to any addrets. djl tzn Per copy, when sent In clubs of 10. Is tho tfJX.UVJ price oftho Philadelphia Weekly Times, one year to any uddress. ctjo flfl Per oony, to single subscribers Is the H.VIW price ot tho Philadelphia Weekly Tlmos, ono ear, tq any uddress, nn,)rli, dollars wo will send threo copies SJJO.UW onhe Philadelphia Weekly Tlniesono ear, to any address, pontage free and glvn tho por. snn sending us tho money a copy of tho aNNaI.S OF THE W'Alt, a beautifully UluslraU'd volume, of sou pages, lln retail price of which U four doluus, Wk UNIIKSITATiNOIA' CLAIM port the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES that KM tlio Lariitst. the Cheapest and tho Hest family Journal published, wine to us tor a specimen copy and Judse lor jourbelf. lulls columns the read, tr will Hud an the news, ample variety of editorial, poetry, literary articles, stories and sketches, talta ot mill, fathlontrosslp.lntervlewg v. I in prominent men, llnanctal rt ports, dramatic crltltlein, niitious ucmi's, agricultural and domestic artlcles.anu eiery other fiaturo that can make a paper valuable. The miscellany ot spirited urinous, covering every varli ty and ranto of subject and thought Mill bo maintained as of old by contributors v ho stand at Ihu head of their specialties. A sptclal feature win bo Uie continuation of the "Annals ot the War,"(iraphlcally written by scldkro north and south, descriptive cr scenes and events In uhlejj they took an acme parr,oue thapter ot which will aupear In each number. 'Iheso ANN AL8 havo proved so valuable tint tho bound volume contain. ins their llrel serlt s haa fuuud un immense sale. TEHMS ONE YEAH : One copy J oo Ten Copies iis.oo Mvo ( boo Twelve cooiea, Au curatory free to the getter up ot a club. THE TIMES. deo 18. TIMES BUILDING, I'HILADEU'UIA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, 1880. Harper's Magazine, Illustrated. "Mtidvlnu the subloct obiecttvely nnd from the educational polntotvlcw seeking to provide that which, taken altogether, will be of tho mot service o me largest number i long ago conritiucu mat, u ortnlil Imen huf. nnn wnrb fnr n lillhlln llhrnrv. 1 would select Rcomplcto set of "Harper's Monthly." t nas rrancis Aoann, ir, lin enntrntsaro contributed lir tho meat eminent authors and artists of Kuropo nnd America, whllo no long pxperienco or puomners nus mano incm horouglily conversant with tho desires ot tho put- He, which they will sparo no etlort to gratify. Tim rnlnmrq of tlin "MflirAzlnri" boirtn wlththo Numbers for .lune and December of each J ear. hen bo ttmo Is specined, II wilt be underttood that the subscriber vvlslics to begin with tho current Num ber. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, HAItPEIfS MAOAZINfi, One Year J-l CO HAHPUIfS WIIEKLY, " 4 00 ltAIlPr.rt'Sl!AZAIt, " " 4 00 The TIIHKi: above-named publications, One Year lo 00 Any TWO above named, One Year 7 00 HAllPr.H S YOUNG PKOPLK, Ono Year 1 60 'nstairo Krco to all subscribers In tho united States or Canada, A comDle'o Sot ot "Harper's Mairazlne.'. contorts. lngna Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, freight nt expense of purchaser, on re ceipt of $2 23 per volume, stogie volumes, by mall, I lost paiu, j inf. wiuiu eases, lur uiuuiug, as cents, iy mall postpatd, Itemlttauci's should be made by I'ost-omco Money Order or Draft, to at old chanco of loss. Newspatiera oro not to copy this advertisement w Ithout tho oxpress order of Harper & llrothers. Address HAitPElt HISOTHEttS, New York, dec IS 1880. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. This periodical has fllwavs-bv Its able and scholarly dl cusslonsof tbequestlousof tho day, as wellnt by Its illustrations which are prepired by tho best artists exerted a most powerful and beneiloial In fluence upon the public mind. The weight of Us Inlluence will always be found on the side of morality, enlightenment, and retlne mcnt. ' Tho volumes of the Weekly begn with tho first Number In January of each year. When no tlmo la mentioned. It will bo understood that tlio subscriber wisiies to commence wlththo number next after the receiptor order HARPER'S PERIODICALS HAUPEUVS MAGAZINE, One Year fft 00 IlAKPEIt'S WHEKLY, " 4 00 nAKPEIi'S BAZAK, 4 00 Tho TI1KLK aboe-named publications, Ono lear ttio oo Any TWO abovo named, One Year i to HAHPEliVS YOUNG PEOPLE. Ono Year 1 60 1'ostago Free to all subscribers in tho United Mates or Canada. Tho Annual Vnlumps nf ITnrnnr'H U'jvktv In nnnt. cloth blndlnjr, will bo Rent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided tho freight does not exceed ono dollar per volnrne), for if 10 eirh. A complete Set, comprising Twentv-threo Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at tho rate of $3 25 per volume, freight ntexpenso of purchaser; uiomi-ases rorcacn volume, suiianio ror binding will bo sent br mall, nostmtd. on roerint r.f t oo each. itemlttnnces should bo made by Post-Oillce Money uiur ur uruiL, u uyuiu cuauce ui loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertisement wiiuuui mo espruan oruer oi uarper a iiroiucrs. Address HAitPElt & BllOTIIEltS, New York, dec 12 1880: HARPERS BAZAR ILLUSTRATED. This popular periodical Is' pre-eminently a Journal for the household. Kvery Number rurnlshro tho latest Information lu regard to Fashions In dress and ornament, the cew estaud moit approved patterns, with descriptive artlclesderlvedfiomauthenttcand original Rnurcpci: while Us Morles, Poems, and Essays on social and uuiucsuu i upics, givo vai icty to its columns. The Volumes of the ' Ila7ar;bcgln: with tho nret Number for January of each year. When no tlmo Is mentioned. It will be understood that tno subscriber vv lshes to commence 1th tho Number next after the receipt ui oruer. HARPER'S PERIODICALS HAUPKIf!) MAGAZINE, Ono Year H 00 llAIII'EH'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HAlU'Eirs BAZAH, " " 4 00 Tho tiihee above-named publications, ono lear io 00 Any TWO abovo named, Ono Year 7 00 HAUI'EliS YOUNU PEOPLE, Ono Year 1 CO l'nstaifo free to all subscribers In the United Mates or Canuda, The Annual olumes of Harper's Barar. In neat rtoth binding, will bo sent by mill, postara pall, or by express, free ot exnenso (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar por volum). torn oo each. A complete set, comprising Twelvo Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at tho rato of J5 23 per volume, frelKlit at expense of purchasr. i loth Cases for each volume, sultablo for binding, each '" y ma"- PostPald, on receipt of tl oo Ilemtttances should bo mado br I'ost-omco Money Order or Drart, to avoid chanco of loss. Newspapers aro not io copy tun advertisement without the express order of llarper Brothers, Address HAliPEIt BltOTUKItS. New York. Rowell & Co's. Advc'a. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS! ! ! lianos s Organs, at Extraordinary Low prices for cash. InstalrmentH received. . Splendid Oigans $35, f?.5:...5"1 " lw)- 1 Octavo ltosEWUDU l'lAN(Mti30,iig. 7i-3dol4o,ti5o, upwards. Not Vl??, .5..:M.uuth3- IUustraUd Catalogues .Mailed. llottACE WATEIlt, Manufacturer and dealer, szo Broadway, N. Y I O. Box, SS30. r deo I J-4W TiT?F.W consultation by letter; Diseases of Uver, Kidney and Bladder permanently cured; Hix'dal remedies prepared lor each case. Particular attention to diseases of a private nature and nervous weakness. Address, with symptom, Ur. St. John. P. o. Box two, N. V. City, r deo 18-4W JlONEV MAKINo"WAY8 OP V ALLSTHEKT. A .VUKt'lL 1011 iNVISTOUa. Shows how Jay (iould, i underbill and other millionaires make money In stocks, Copy sent free, with omclal reports of tbo market. Address T. I'OTTEU vWQU'r & CO., 35 wall st ,New Yerk. r deo 12-4W RFtTR VSV ,IO,v 10 became lilch and watch sent OUUXbU 1 tree. U. 8. Agency, Slount Wlnans, 40 Elegant Chromo Cards, with name, post-paid locenta. L. JONES & CO., Nassau, N.Y. r dec 12-4w $77 a Month and expenses guaranteed to Agents Outfit free. buAw & Co. ArniTHT.. i decn-tw r f&'7,7'7A VEAH ana expense to agent. .Outfit .? ' ''ree. Address . o. VICKEHY, Augusta, Maine. r deo Vl-iw, rpo ABVEUTISEHS-Send is cents, forourluo page pamphlet, all about Newspaper Advertising. Address UEO.ilt0WELL CO., 10 Spruce St., N. r decu-4w UMTOIVS NOTICE. COLCMBIXCOUHTr SS. Among the Itecordaof tho Orphans' Court of Co luinbla county, Inter alia Ills thus contained : In the matter ot the estate et Levi Creasy, de ceased. ' And now December 6, 1679, on motion of 8. Knorr. tlio court appoint Uobert Buckingham, auditor to distribute tho luuda In tho hands of tho administra tor. BY Till COl'RT. Certified from tho llecords this loth day ot De cember A, 1). l7. Wm, Kaicsiuin, Clerk o. 0. Tho Auditor In the above easo will meet tho par ties Interested at theonice of C. U. Barkley, Ksii. on Vitday thevth, dayof January A U lss, at which lime tho heirs and paitlea Interested must present their claim or claims against the above estate, or be lorever barred from retelling lhe same. KOBEltT BUCKINGHAM, deotJ-4w Auditor. 4mkni).mi:nt ok ohaktkh of "first I'rcsb) terlan Church of Uloomsburg." utlco Is hertby given that application lias been mado to tbo Court ot common I'leaa of ColumbU County, for leaie Ui amend tho Chauer of above named corporation, under the Act of Assembly of April WMST4.8Q that the board on rustics ol bald Cor poration shall consist of live members, also that llireo Trustees shall constitute a quorum lo trans act business, and that tho '1 rustees shall b3 elected annually to;serve for the term of one scar. CUABLES U. BAltKLEY, President, CUARLES A. MOYKIt, tleo H-sw becretary. NEW AVDERTISEMENTS. DR. CLARK JOHNSON'S MIAN BLOOD SYRUP Labcralvrj, 77 V. 3 J St., Sew Ycrk City, UTtcr JEiisrr an. THADK MAt.K.J Kho Best Eoincdy Known -to Man 1 l)r. Cbrk .Tr-tirifon li miner aoclntoil htmnelf I'M Mr. lMw Iti IaMnian, nn ccupfflrftptlvt'.lonn tt l no to V1lialctklo, tlio tin Ulclim ttian of the mi inchci, la rtow (inpnrcl tti Icndlih altt In th i. t ottacdonof thfwonderfulrcmpdyof lliat tribe. 'i'lio cxjifrlenre ot Mr. JhMman bring similar to i' it of Mra. Chft,.Toocr'a!)drjn,nf Wanhlneton i,IoM'n,r.n nfconnt nf wliotp rtifffriri;i wcr i .fi.hnLTty riArrati'd In Hie Xtw York IhraUi of Poe. 1 Mli. isrn, thf facti of whlih aro 10 widely iorn, tnj i't .irarly turaltcl, that but little mn n .n uf Mr. Vast mm i r rxpcrlenceswill bo clrtn re Thcv arc, Iiouevfr. t'ttttioJ In a nest toI ic of;! X) s, entUlu.f, 'vSt'Tfnanil Nino Yfart i i 1 1? Cunmnchra and Apache," of which .i ti tn iv nil! bo undo berrnftt r SuQlc It to Tt ' it fur or, lir. JBtnn, whll a lap v ic, wti cnmpallril t( CJthrr the rooti, (tuint, t; herbs and heme of winch Wakametkla'a tr -di- in was inade.ttid Is dill prrparrd to pro iijo tho mue matrr1a.It for tho furcenful lotto dttctloitnf tlio medlclito to thOMorld; and assures fio public that tho remedy 1 the sumo now 14 v. lieu Wukatnclkla compelled Lim to mako it. ' II a! dwin Eastman in Indian Costume. 8kve anii Nine Yeahs Ahonu tub Comanchu ano Ai'AciiES. A neat volume of SOD paccj, belni: a clmple ptatumcnt of tli horrible fncU c uiii.i'ctt'cl 1th tlio rad nw.sncre of a helpleia, f-'iiih, ii ti J tne .iptltty, torturcpnnd ultimate ec-ip of itHto MirUlii mrmtier. For ale byoiira;'i'iits generally. Price floO. Tiiu Micl,pnts of the tna.n.itre, brlelly narrated, are dl.lril,nti-d basflit.. rri E of cli.irKc. Ir Ki'Mn ni.lietii nlmoi-t coiLlnnlly at tne Wt.t. eiuii d In eitln rlii and ciirinif the lnattri uio 1 if winch "iu mi'illi'tne 1. coinpo.cil. the Hole Lu. Iiie. m'inni;init nt ili'oUes upnfi Dr. johtifton, and tha remedy hai tietn culled, and ia known aa Pr. Clark Johnson's ISriDSA 1 BLOOD PURIFIER. l'ricecf Lai o Botties - 81.00 l'tiucr citii xottics so lteid the 0lt1ntAry teHtlnioiilale of pcrnona who liae 1','eii cured by the u.e of Dr. Clark Johaaoa' luJlau Dlood Hrup, In )ouron vldulty. Testimouials of Curet. 1 ft "Wakametlda, tho Medicine Man Tiotblnc lias been ntldcd to tlio medicine and nothing ti is been taken u ty. It In wit hunt doubt t lie li cut I'unim.u tT tli a Ii oud and HeNEwta of the by stem v r I.i.o.ui ft tiuii. Thii tjr..p iu f j i.r!t.ii jrocrtIc. It nrN tt(n ttio F.lxiT. It U-(n Ilioil lilt! UtdltC), II reulitlr- llio Ituw uln. It put iiiiM tl.4 Li, mitl. It (fitlotw iIm, crvoiii System It pronioti'M fStfhtufii. It iouillu'N, Mront!ii!ii and Invlc ornte.. It curries otl'tlie old I) I oud and iiinlcetf New, It tipniM tho pnrt-M oV tho hltln. nnd. Induce IKcullhy I'orsptratloii. It utiitr.illzcs tho hereditary taint, or poison in the blood, whltli irciicrati'aSciofi.Ia.Uryijifl i-, and nil muiiiitT ut fUn dii-i'jit-PH and IiiU'in tl Iminurf, Tlurenro nni.pirIt'..'miIoM in It- m inufacture, nnd It can 1m tttUt n liyttic moct delicate babe, or by thpaRi-d m.d U-elile, core cny bang Ttquircd in ltatfwn to iLnUtom Would uot bu Without it. lien ton. Columbia county. Va. Dear Sir: I have used your excellent Indiin kijjod syitur ana nave receiveu inucn Denent mere Iruin. I could not get aloDg without It. ilrs. Iiarber. Never Faiia to Cure. East Lemon. Wvomtntr Co. I'a. Dear hlr : I was sick tor three t'ara, uad under urofesslonal treatment most of tue tlmo without b- inKbeiU'lUed, At hist 1 was Induced to try your lulAN iiluuu rtvntr uuu uiiuru snurL iriui, 1 lounu my&eti in better ueultu than l itaa been tor six .Mm. me run uau Sure Curo for Liver Complaint. ltonr&burtr. Columbia Co- Pa Dear Sir : This is to ccrtlty that your Indian Ui.ooi.SYRn' has been used by me, tor LUercom olalnt, which had bt-en troubling mo for a long tlmo i ut-ipt-u iuuid ia'uciil i rum mu usu vi me yup lucuuit, uuu uuusu uu suaurcra io tie il u inai, L 1' bmlth Loaa of Appetite, ltohrbburir Col umbla county Pa. Dear Mr : I have used your caco lent Induh II 1.00 ii Svkup tor Loss ot Appetite and Weakness ot tho Htomach, with very bentilcUl results. I believe your medicine to bo tho greatest blood purliler known, and adlso all who may be suffering as l was .Mrs. K Aveiy I'aina in Shoulder. Itchr&burg:, Columbia county. Ta. IlLOOli SVKL'l' hlH LTBJttV rtlli'VHi1 m nf Pulna In thrt near Mr this i.-t tn nprttrv wmr itmnu Hhoulder and Chest, which I had been mulcted with iur j cure, i reuoiumenu il very uigmy. Alls, ifary Welsh. KMney Complaint, licar OaD. Columbia Countv. Ta. Dear Slrt My l-'ather lias been .ufTerlns with Kidney Complaint for a lorn: lime and had buen un. derdottois' treatment, but the doctors could not effect a cure. I hao been subject to a Numbness and Weakness In inv Left Arm. We obiulin-d somo ef your mva'uabin Indus liLoon bYKii irom your rtKvui, )m, ii. i oiiur, uuu iv nu,i emeu my jaiuer completely, and my arm is much better. Ii does not uuuuitjiuu uau so inucu, lour meuicino is excel it: m, JoMah John, Female Complaints. Hear UaD. Columbia countv. Pa. Dear fclr : This is to cerllfy that 1 purchast-d s mo of your Indian ltuxD svKri for inv wifa for lrnia- matlon aud Female complaint, and It has Kien her teller. J K llerner liest Mediciuo Kver Used, Uear Oan. Columbia countv. Pa. Dear Sir: My little huu was troubled with his wilier passing irom uim contianny, auy ana uigut, I cot suited twodijotors and iravo htm medicine. Ijui without effect. I bought suine ot our celebrated Indian Uloop Hykui-. a short trial of which, cured Lambert Camp, Dyspepsia aud Indigestion, Numlda. Columbia Countv. Pa. DearKIr i For mauy ears my wlfn was allllcted with Djspepsla. and we spent considerable money without rteclvluif benellt. Wo procured some of sour Indian Ulood HVKur andbhe bean to Improve 1U ItCUlLU 1IU1U U1U 111UU DUO VUMlCIlUf U IIS U"tB. HolomonDttnjder Llyer Complaint. Central la, Columbia Co. la. Dear Sir i This ts to certify that 1 was uuu ell and could scarcely attend to my work, i iuiuk my uver was uffeclcd, I procured sume of your Indian Uloou iSvucr and now. alter a blioit trial, feel like a new .uuu, i recummeuu na ubv w an. Daniel Goodman. Dyspepsia aud Neuralgia. Hvde Park. LuzernaCo.. Pa. Dear Sir: Your valuabln Indian Ulood SvRcr has effected a Derma rient cure lu mv caw. 1 had ttt n uanuciea witu tu uyspepaia ana .eurui(;ia, nut am uutv cuiireiy wen. Mrs. John Thornton, Bilious Stomach Cured. Hyde Par if, Luzerne Co.. Pa. Dear Hlr i I hate been troubled with lilllous Complaint aud by tho use of your Indian Uloqd DTnUr uuus tno.iuauy uuitu me. JohnX WlUlams. Dyspepsia Cured. Hide Park. Luzerne Co . Pa. tTDear Sir t Your valuable Indian huoou tivuyr lias cm va mu vi ui siiepuia. Mrs. H Adktns, Liver Complaint. Uvdu Park. Luzerne Co . Pa. Dear filr i-.I have been troubled with IJvtr t !nm. plaint, but I was permanently cured by using your ituuauio inutto wt.if. Mrs. GPDarlliAffaiiiei, Pel,HT-Jy v it oo X l ' II' mux Dauchy & Go's. Advt's, lrecdMstop ORGAN I full walnut fill nl rcfd, slops, J-MX.Ui nctivpS Olio, 6 II ipklr 81... Nnw Vnrt. .1 .ii' liPC. Mw ' AGENTS READ THIS I We want an Agent In tliPi County to whom wnwiu par a salary of lion per month and expenses In ! our wonderful Invention, HAMi'I.K F1IEK AdiinV. at once HUEItMAN ft CO., MARSHALL, -MIofilllAN linn Ulf 1 P GOUD PLAN. ffl nnatHtttinmhiifVi f t4uUe r irrMt.n, rrltt wtih fj tr-t k1lllnl minftfu.i-M, ,v .,tflt illrl I.J p til. glfr ti tnr. ininn t.f 111 ft I fill, Cinnlup llh lai illt trm. Lffftt. K A CO tv l)i AGENTS' nnd tlio best proilta flntilnrt Thn,mi,i. ...' lfitli'r,llnnin nnd llrmrn In Prow and Poi-trv hv smnutliors Illustrated. l'li,awaon'rjboilj',A7B,nivi ewm "t'lirtosttlen at tho liltile." l,7, Mailed n'n tt celpt nt price. Ji. 11. TitKAT, rubilslier, vojliroad" way, N. V. d dec. w. 5,000 Kor a case of COUOlt, C(iLl). or RtYPAMin RAT "3 ATUT I II I 1 1 will not cure I Hold t.y all Druiriruu U U L Unrid Dealers nt 85c, and itc. tarnnu liottl -s, ve, !iT-.Sco that tho namo of V. W. KlNs- n.wi n mown in mo fill's or tno Home. Trado sun. piled by tleo. c. OOOnWIN A CO., Boston, Mass. ueuo-iw u AGENTri WANTED SStVaMrt a complete and brilliant History of tho great tour oi GEN. GRANT AllOUNU WORLD THE bv lion. J. T. llcndlr. tho nrlnco of ilpscrlntirn .... thorB A splendid clfulook. IWA million people wantlt. 'lhe best chance ot rour liro to maim n!. ey. Hewaroof ImlUtloni by unknown authora, Tlio surperlor nutnorshlp. unique Illustration, eletant Immensely popular. lu.o o iiuuKS stiLi). circular free, terms cxltcme- lyllliprnl outtlt H.00. Address UUIiliAim imos, J3J sansom st., Philadelphia, fa. II lUTflfl t"001' CoTornna Hook only U3totiis I A NIliS lSHtop, a set HemK s Knio in uuu s,vcll3, stool, Hook, only 9'rriioiiliay 'oshlnaton, N, J, I Vrpn Address DANIEL 1'. 1IKATTY, (1 HOT 81 4W A (I It EAT 0 P P E K V 0 U 1'IANOS & (HtdANS, at KXTHAOItDINAIll' LOW prices for cash, Installments received. M'LKNma OituNfi3.'kH3, (so, wo, T5, ss, & loo. T octavo llosewood Pianos I30, 133, 7 1.3 do U0, f 150, up. wauls. .Not used 0 months Illustrated Cata. logues Mailed. HOltACB WATKkh. .Manufac ture, and Dealer, 820 Ilroadway, N. Y. I', o. Hot, 8310. d doc. 5-4W ON 30 DAYS TRIAL V( will send our Electro-Voltaic Hells nnd other JSlectho Appliances upon trial lor so dujs to those suirerluir Irom .Nervous ivbllltv, Hlieuran'tlim. I'ar. aljsls or any diseases ot the Uver or Kidney., and many other diseases. A'Suro cure guaranteed or no pav. Address VOLTAIC! HltLT CO., Jiai-shall, Jllch. 01 Onnrc,urDsln 80 days on SI OO in vested. Of. 514UU tidal reports and Information Fit EE. UM3 pronis wecaiy on stocK options or f.10 to $50. Address T. Potter Wiout&Co., Uanehiis, 85 Wall st., N. Y. d nor. n,-tw Cli TH C1 (tt invested in WallSt. Stocks plU J yJ pi"""rnakes fortunes every month. Hook scut tree explaining everything. Aa drcss HA.XTE11 Co., Hankeks, ij wall street. N. Y, nov ill, -4w a CONSUMPTION JUTtEti. A Itciplfl Tesetnblo rcmeify or tlio tvtfdu Uid firnwiinl curt of COIlBlimiv UonJlronclutls.CaUrTh.ABlhma.ariii all Throat nai.l .una iTmcHfm: Ainu ae. iteigilil r lUitt rndlcaf cure for Kerrona Debility and aU. Norvoui Comphdntl, which hat been tetttd n thouiandi of rnttt. JtOCipe.'Wlth full dip CtlonB (in German, ITencli, or Knjrilfth) for rrcpar lug and uslnsr, sent by mall frco of charge GENTis WANTED for A TOUR ROUND THE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT, o This Is the fastest sellln? book ever imbllshed. and tho only complete and authentic History ot dram's Travels. Bend tor circulars containing a tull descrip tion or the work and our extra terms to Amenta. Address .National 1'uuusuiun uo., rnuaaeipniu, ru. nov 4w d SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. u tlie District Court of tho United states tor tno western u'nct f ,,,...,,- of Pennsylvania. In the matter ot f,NUANXKLncr William Goodman, -Kankrupt. J -Tho creditors will take notlco that a second trenenU meetlnjj of tho creditors of said bank rupt will be held at Uloomsburg, on tho tttddayof December, A. I). 1st 9, at l o'clock, p. m., at tkoE chanpe Hotel, beroro It. A. Mercur, Esq., ono ot tho Keglsters In liuukruntcy In bald District, for tho pur pose nnmed In the iitth Section of tho Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1MI7, to wit: A tlnal distribution of said bankrupt's estate ; and at tint meeting 1 snau npply for a discharge from all liability as Assignee of said estate. In accordance with tho proWslonsoI ibth section of said Bankrupt Act. J. II JAMRS, Ashland. Nov. 25. 1S79 Assignee. 2W. DMIXISJKATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF GK01UJB BREECE, PEC El 8 ED, letters of administration on the estato ot oeorgo Ilretce, lato of Madison Twp.. Columbia co., de ceasid, hae been granted by the ltpglster ot said county to the undersigned Administrator, to whom all persons Indebted aio requested to msko lmme dUtopai meat and those having claims or demands agalnt the estate will make them known to the Ad mtnlstrator without delay. WILLIAM MASTKLLAlt, Jtuck lloin, I'. iht Nov, 28-cw Administrator. A DMINISTnATOU'SNOTICK. K.1TATB OP JOHN LAYCOCK, DECEASED. Letters of administration on tho estate ot John Laycock, late ot Uloomsburg, Coluaitli county. reiiiislvanl,, deceased, have been (,'ra, ted hy tho Ileflstcrot said county to the undersigned administrator. All persons liavlng claims offtilnst the estate ot tho deceased aro requested to present them tor settlement, nnd those Indebted to the cs. lato to raaku pament to thu undersigned admtjils tmtor Vf Ithout delay. DAVIULOWKNUKltO, Adiulnlitmtor. Dec. 5,-w. PUBLIC SALE Of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Tho undersluned will offer at public sale on tuo premises In Catanlssa twp., Columbia county, I'a. near tho Jlclntjro Church, on Wednesday, December 31, 1879. at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described property I A FARM OF 113 ACRES. known as the William Kox farm, lately owned by Augustus Strausser, adjoining lands of Ten ksherry, Ketteio'f, lllder, Boas, Hchool House lot and E.D. Kern, on whtch is a STONE anil LOG HOUSE, LOO and FRAME liAUN and other out-bulldlngs. llio farm Is well watered by a sprlnsr, and Ulna lair Btuta of cultivation. Fruit plenty, of nearly ai kinds. Some good timber yet on tho larm. Tho firm has achurch and school houso near at liana, situate 3 tulles from Catawlssa and 14 miles from Ashland. Terms mado known on day of sale. Hold by order (t tho court of Columbia count);, subject to a dower ot (S33.0O and tn the Interest of ltomanus Mrausscr, by Mclntyro l'lace, E. M. TEWKHllUltY, Catawbsa, Nov. 24, IS"9. Committee. Nov. W,-ts. PATENTS and liow to obtain thorn. Pamphlet free, upon receipt of Stamp for post age. Address GILMORE, SMITII 4! CO. Sollduri cf i'olrnU, AVar i'alnf Ojjlct, H'aihington, A 0. dec S-tf "GILMORE & CO., E.luLll.lieil 1HI1.-.. Pensions, Increuso of Pensions, and nil otber classes ot Claims for Soldiers and Sol di! rs' Heirs, prosecuted. Auaress wuu stamp, niLMOHE CO., Washington, 1). C. dcos-tf "1 U8TICK8 anil Constables' Fee-liills for sale l) atthoCotcMBiAM onice. They contain tho cor rei I ed tees as established by tho last Act of the Lez sUmroupou the subject. Every JustlcoandCon labie should havo one. $500 made In 81 days. lo pagir cataloguo tree, 1IUCKEVE NOVEL'I V CO., Cincinnati. Ohio. Nov. 7.-3U1 wico JOB I-KINTINu OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PROMPTLY AX TUB OOLCMBIiN OfFXOB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers