THE COLUMBIAN, DLl'IIBIA PBUOCnAT, STAR OI'TIIK NORTH ANDCOLDM BUN COS'SOUDAI'KD.) lasted weekly, every Friday morning, ftt ;.,uu.m... two dollails per year, pa durldir thayeur. After tho el able la u lrnnce. or nirutlonot the year UN will bi unarmed, To sul ucrlbcrs out ot tho ruuntj uieicnnjuro ji pcrye 11 l( not p il l I I u Ivauco nt dauye.lo unJ ml' tear. No 11 ip ir dHumtau 'ii, oxcej pu'jius.ieri, until all ucro.iroj coniltJl realts after the c year win t uv given Ml pi,) i.scnioji ut I lid si nmcas must bo natd for In mlv J f J.u i II payment be tut the option of tho 4 are paid, out lotii .ptratlon ot the ursi to or to distant post slolo person In Colu,nt-ta county assumes to pay tlio subscription Uuc on demand, ros r tails Is no louder unacted trom subscribers In nee, iiuies-i it respon llio county, vTltliJftreferencetolenBtli. 1 1 v i f i vi tmmi mwm iw i mwxj i mwrn i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHmnvr i-smi i hi ami i mwmi i hi i i inrir ni mn ih.ihi ii.uu j. iMWiblBW I ocpM where nartlps liato &ccoiDts. Tn .tnbblr.g I'opirtinent of tho Columbian Is very coin. i , und our. I li 1'ilnttng will coinpuro favora y .c iitnf I lin lurri! rules. All wolk done on . in? , neatly and at inoilcrato prices. Columbia County Official Directory, .J(r.-ntJiidgoliilaiiiElivcll. ., v m-cnte. Indies -iram liar: '.. ei. Hughes. Prot uunotar. , Ac n. crunk- Zarr. Court Ntenojrrap'icr s. N. Walker. ! tster .C It i-onl.-r Williamson II. Jacoby. oiscnre. .viioruey joun .tl. uiaric, mi- . wii-v--- .w .Tsann lint tr. Tr as iror -Dr II. vv. Jlctloynolds. f i j'-iiers John Homer, S. W. Mcllcnry, Jose ds. I mi J- sloncrs' Clerk William I'llckbaum. ' altars -M. V. 11. Kline. .1. II. Casey, E. II. Brown, coroner -I'll tries i. Murpli . I'iry Oo-nmlsjloiicrs-Jacob II. rrltz, William II. UCiunt Superintendent Wl 11am II. Snyder. Ill -an Poor District -Directors-!). I'. I.nt, Scott, Vm. Kramer, lilooms'.mrg and Thomas cret cling, leo t, 0. 1. l'.nt, Secretary. 5:k'elw:el 'Btcrinapnowri. ,sgsm h I jUUIVI lS h U K,(t. KA.. h K AY. . AN A II V h : ! Jmr, an : -. I 0Alu2g- Poetical a. l. tuknek, aMSfM? T A NT TO AT.I,. mm BPP.19 onice above J.JrW?i Apr.M'i.i-lt Jpgs SA3i TP),, llusiJciico on Market Street one do6r V, .). Waller i nmeA nvrp l'lelm's Tlrlli? Store. Otllce 1 1 to 4 p. in. for treatment of diseases ot the. ami inront. All calls night or day promptly attends D It. J. C. HUTTIUt, PHYSICIAN ASUHO omcc, North M Bloomsburg Official Directory. nioomsburj nankin? Company John A. I'unsion, tin.M.H it II urn i Pna!i!fr. l'lri Na lonal 11 ink Charles it. ration, "resident 3. 1". Tuslln, cashier. . Columbia county Mu'ual SaUng 1'und and Loan ARS'icU lon-U. II. Lit le, President, C. V.. Miller, mcwinimirB llnlldlng and Saving Fund Assoclai Ion liloomsburg Mil ual SuMng Fund Assorla lonJ. J. llroiver, I'roslden, C. o. Hartley. Secretary. CIIUHCII DIIIKCTOIIV. BAVTIST CHOKCII. Itey. J. P. Tus'ln, (supply.) Sunday Kervices-l'i)4 n. in. and 8f p. m. Sundav School 9 a. in. Prayer Mcetlns-Uvery Wednesday evening at ox clock. Sea sfroo. Tho public are Invited to attend. ST. MATTHKW'S LOTIIBIllK CltCIlCII. MlnU'er Kov. .T. McCron. snn lav Servlces-10j u. in. and c,"p. m. un. ...... Unlinol Dn m ira crMcoiluj uvcry Wednesday evening at I CiOCK. , v Beats frcp. Nopewsrcnted. All aro welcome 1HE3BVTKIM AN cnrHCII. Mlnli'or Hot. Stuarl Mlnhell. -jMJ r:in"iy iwni' .'8 i " iu iu. uuu y, un i n.v Hrlionl o a. m. 1 :a r Mee lnr -Kvcrv VTui mn ' i in 1 Sea'arree. No peivs rente-, grangers welcome. METH0"'T", KVIt OPAI. C11UKC1I. Prestdtng v llev N. 1. HucKlniiham. Minis er-Uev. J. H. McMurruy. -lunaav Services 1 y, andejj i. m. sumu School p.m. ........ ... ....... Iirn..l......nlnnnl.l' OVlOCk. young .Men's l'm er Men lug-livery Tuesday. evening n' o, oxiock. , ml ; lli'iieral Prayer Mcctlng-Kiery Thursday evening I o'clock, ) Itr.FOIlMUD CHUHCH. Corner ot Third and Iron streets. I'aitor Itev. (1. 1). Hurler, itf-l lence o Hotel. Sunday Servlccs-loji u. in. and T p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. Prayer .Meeting Saturday, T p. m. . All are Invited 1 here Is always room. ST. TAUL'S CUCKCU. Jtector Wund.vt serMces-inJ n. in., OJtf p. in. sunuay scuooi y u. m. , , toi ... Flrt.t Su'iday In the month, Holy CommunlonlrffiJ ?'.ff-J Serilces preparatory to coiniiiunioii on igw .SSJtTtii eienlnz beforo llio bt Sunday In each mouth, it t.i-vSy,-t Pe Wi rented ; but every body w eicoii.e. J KVANUKLICAl. CIIUHCII. Presiding r.lder-llev. A. L. ltecser. ...t .... ii.... r . li-ilnn. souday Strvlcii-3 p. m.. In tho Iron Street C Pi i ef MeotlMg-Lvery Sabbath at a p. m. All uro Invited. Allure welcome. TIlt,CHCIlCII OF C1IIUST. Meets In known as tho llegular meeting for worship every I.ord' leriioon ntM ocick'K. seats tree i and tho public arc con-V nttc TIIR COLUMDI.VN, VOL. XI, KO.l COLUMOIA DEMOCHAT.VOL.XLl.KO. 14 MaMli'II-; p 12. 011V1S, ATTORSE Ofkicr lloom No. 1, ciepu ls.isi.i. Tn. n. v. o; rHYSICIA" sw."srisrE, vaThe discoverer and comnoutider ot tlio farramcd Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and other vnlnnble preparation, entered tipon hli proffsvlonal mrecr with tho itnDortant ndvnntncp or ft regular medical ednrntton tn one of the oldest and Ap! s1 StrecjW I ni.irr r mm mBm WrWrrfiWS uitii. ijWUOEON. r?rTH'.i.-7.v 'A'jt&llSAl '-t'jJt.VUlflRrdwarc store. 0htr T-I, A W, -tuKmsiiiiita. fa. (HrtiwijIoiV, corner Main and Market ftttNEY.AT-LAW it's bulldlncf. second noor. room No. & (iu isioonisburg, Pa. Julyl,73-y best, schools in Philadelphia, and, perhaps In the worm no subsequent!' served a launiui lennoi practice In the 1'hllafleipMa Dispensary, nnd for ma. J. I1UCKALK', ATT011VI-YS.AT.IAW. . tllniMnch.i.ff Tin jrect. first door below Court llouso ?J4B.-rronNEYs.AT.iv. Cloomsburg, Pa. April 10,'N-y nEUTET EWINO SMITU. v(-KigfELINO SMITH & SON, f5g ATTOItNEYC.T-T.AV, , - '"iSS1' Illoomsburg, Tft. viiaWntress entrusted to our carowlllrccleve TTOHNEY AT LAW. V3& (wjidjolnlng C. It. i' W. J. Buckalew. KOU'T. 11 LITTLE. ATTOItN'EYS-AT-IAW, lttoorasburi, Pa. itai Jt"tli"lness before tho U. S. Patent Ofllco attended IRt elufttca In the Columbian Uulldlng. ly 33 tho llltln Prick church on thaty'.!). 3 Welsh llap.'st Church-on ItucV J'Vf . plTJli' JPCKWAY&ELKLL, ifK Tro n N E Y gA 'p.j A w 5f5 and1 trustees, tor bale cheap at theAyfft (illlee. . -?P(i t ,, ,,i trRalo at tlio Columbian OB vJftf3 iniJes vvlth these necessary articles. Tiiai'iniSniHl amstal.les' l'ce BUU fw J atl reeteil uro upon tlio subject, livery JK, XOTKS just l'ri"rffj?& MISCKLLiANKOUS. rn M.BROWN, Llias lemoved his Itoot and Shoo Store from Ilrown'a wtotel to m door aboe Wotfonellerniul Miarplesb'. iiotlcc. 1 it stable KhouL Y 'ilie.111 at tho coluubiah onir - Tr JS' HOOTS AND Slip: TV" . JIj&H 171 M. KX011K, Denier H. nmi hestsivles.c iwU-tMii thu old posl omcor CLOCKS, WAU. Zf-VT'S H E.S.VVA(JK. lfWr? CE. SAY At Hi, l'fl''i;irk: . .Jewelry,1.uWi)'j Hotel. PHOFliS ' , ' i.n7ft'r,,''fW'. liooms in b Office Exchargo 111 .V.JTT.TIirAaMwy. ncjins 4 it s. lu lirowerjMWTjWiAJj ,'rtiSuK. ili,..l. ..l Mn In, J . 1 in ii i.-vT5!ir.'f.rgeon and I'liybl Xil5.LljnB on Third btlect. nHllll,rBilvrllMmnn,.lialf Pdt. I'n.i in ih. iiiiii.inotia iiii.eijitt" rjinm. m aouar per jear ror cacn unc. nv years attended In Hi" Hospital. In the'o Institu tion.! he enlmed tho most nmplo opportunities of oli tnlnlngnn lnlght Into diseases In nil their vailous forms, as well as for ascertaining tlio best methods of the! treatment. In oilerlng. therefore, to the pco- pio or the united siaiesino jrunsoi 111s exienivo professional experience In tho inedlcnl compounds ns tlio bet rcsulu of ids fklll and observation, he feels that ho Is hut prolterlng a boon to every family thronghout tlio land. reFtlng, ns he does, confidently tn the merits and eftlcatlous virtue ot the remedies ho herewith commends. The vast amount or t-stl monv from nil parts of the world has proton "Doc. Toll SWAYNKM COMPOUND SYltl'P OF WILD CIlKltHY" the most cnicnclous remedy known, and It Is admitted bv our moiit eminent plnMclans. and all who linrn witnessed Us wonderful healing prop erties. 1 he WILD ClllittltN In nil ages of tho world nnd In all countries where It Is know 11 hasbeen pist. lyeelebratec for Its wonderful medicinal qualities, but its great power to euro someot tho worst nnd most distressing diseases among us was never fully nsceitnlned until the experiments ot that skllfull physician. Dr. swav ne, had demonstrated Its high adaptation. In combination with Pine Tree Tar. and other equally valuable vegetable Ingredients, which chemically combined renders It action tenfold moro certain and bcnellclal In curing all diseases ot tlio throat, breast nn'i lungs, im. ii.u CIlKltHY COMPOUND strikes nttho root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring tlio liter nnd kid net s to healthy action. Invigorating tho nervous and shattered constitution. If your druggist or store keeper does not havo It, do not bo put off by any other remedy that may lie orreti d, but send to us dt rect.nndwo will forward a half dozen to anv address, freight paid, on lccelptot the price, tl per bottle, or ft tlii half dozen. Address letters to lilt. SWAYNK 6 SON, uso North sixth street, Philadelphia. No chargo will bo made for advice. AsU Your DruggUt lor Tlient, ' l'Viiinll'H unit nil who t nine henllh should never bo without lilt. SU'AYNl.'S TAU AMI SAltSAPA mu P1DI.S, us Ibey puiirj thu blood, remote all obstruction.,, -1 ini-ii tlio skin of nil pimples nnd blotches, and bllng 'aleinir enlor of health totho pale cheek, l'eiuaie IriTgulailUes aro lesioud to a healthy condition. They uro ucertuln euro for sick and Nervous Headache. Asa litiun'r l'llt, nothing can exceed them : UU.o one two. or Ihree, as mat bo found necessary i unllko others.lhej neither gilpo, produce nausea, or uuy other uupleasaitt sciis.itlun, tthllo they ore as poweilut ns It Is poss bio for a medicine to bo and be haimlcss. 1 hese Pills cleanse out ttie dlsuMlcicd humors, enilch and puilfy tho blood, lcmotu all unhealthy bilious seuetlons of the stomach and bowcN. cau.-liig u pcifcctly healthy state of tho liter, and are undoubtedly tho best ca thartic and untlMltous medicine yet dlscotered; and wo uro determined that tho sick shall have them ul a price ttlthln the means of tho pool cut (12.1 etniH u lniMir III! I'llN.) If jour druggist or storekeeper has not got them, do not bo put oil by any others that may be orfered In their place, but send to us di rect, and wo will font aid bv mall, on receipt 01 the pi ice, S3 cents a box or Uto bouses (1. .THE SMOKER'S IlKVEMK. Vm titling aVdusk 'ncath tho old bccchn tree, With Its leaves by tho autumn mado ripe ; While they cling to tho stems like old ago unto life, 1 dream of tho days when I'll rest from this strife, And In peace EinoVo my brtcrwood pipe. O'j my brlcrwood plpo I of bright fancy tho twin, What a medley of forms you create ; Each puff ct white smoke seems a vision as fafr As the poet's bright dream, Wdjiko 'dreams fades In air, Whllo tho dreamer dreams on of his fato. The fleecy white clouds that now float, to the sky, Form tho v islons I love most to seo Fairy shapes that I Tsaw In my boyhood's first dreams Seem to beckon me on, while beyond them there gleans A bright future In waiting for me. Oh my brlerwood pipe I I ne'er loved thee as now As that fair form and face steal above ; See, she beckons mo on to where roses are sprcal, And she points to my fancy.the bright land ahead, Whr tho wlnd;Mstles nothing but love. Oh I answer, my pipe, shall my dreim be as fair When It changes to dreams ot tho past? When autumn's chill winds make this leaf look as sero As tho 'leaves on the beach trco that shelter mo hero. Will the tree's heart be chilled by the blast? Whllo musing has gathered around mo a heap Of tho leaflets all dying and dead ; And i;see In my reverie plainly revealed Tho slope ot Hto'a hill In iny boy hood concealed By the form that fair fahcy hath bred. Whllo I fit on the banks ot the beautiful stream, Plucking roses that bloom by Its sldo ; I knoir.that the shallop will certainly corns When tho roses aro withered, to carry mo home, And that lite win go out with the tide. Oh my brlerwood pipe I may the heart bo a.s light, When memory supplants the bright dream s Whei tho sun has gono down, may tho sunbeam remain, And life's roses, though dead, all their fragrance retain, Till they catch at eternity's gleam. Cincinnati 'Gatcttc. ! uTTlTT irfliiii.M ,,tM VlTH Pttt- 11 xojsk 'JiTritniirh'O Mows wjs-mv iu Ks. rsa oat the Columbian Ofllco. 1,euiJi23?IiJn USjftblS 'Jd-ly. dies and treatment fall. MlltSF.nV HIIYMKS. blng a song a sixpence, A board fullcf sin, Four scnly ltadlcals, Countteg Hates In. When the board w as opened , 'i he frauds outstretched a steeple ; Wasn't that a dainty dull t To tet brfore tho peorlo 1 (Irant In the White llouso Counting out his money ; Chandler In a back room Drinking peach and honey. Ha j cs was In a band box, Fiesh as any rose; Up came tho Congress And nipped off his nose, St. Louii Timtt. Miscellaneous.. J Tlio signal was given, ntul by lot the young men stepped Into tlio arena. "Kdwnrcl Grayson, seventeen feel," cried one. of the judges. Tlio youth had dono his utmost. lie was apale, intellectiialstudent. Hut what was intellect to do in such an are na? Without a look at tho maiden, ho left the ground. "J)!ck Itonlden, nineteen feet." Dick with laugh, turned away, and replaced his coat. "Harry Preston, nineteen feet and three inches. Well done, Harry Preston 7" cried the spectators, "you havo tried hard for the acres and homestead." Harry also laughed and swore he only jumped for the fun of the thing. Harry was n rattle-brained fellow, but never thought of matrimony. Ho loved to walk, and talk, and laugh, nnd romp with Annetto.but sober marriage never came into his bead, lie only iumped for the fun ol the thing. He would not have said so, if lie was suio of winning. "Charley Sininilns, fifteen feet and .1 half. Hurrah for Charley! Charley'!! win !" cried the crowd good hiimorcdly. Charley Sim mins was the cleverest fellow in the world. His mother advised him to stay at home, and told him if be got a wife, she would fall in love will his good temper rather than Ids legs. Charley, however mado tho trial of the latter's capabilities and lost. Many re fused to enter tho lUt altogether. Others made the trial, and only one of the leapers yet cleared twenty feet. "Xotv,"cried the villagcrs'lct'sseo Henry Carroll. He ought to beat this," and every one appeared, as tin y called to mind the mutual love of tho last competitor and tho sweet Annette, as if they heartily wi.ihed bis success. Henry stepped to bis post with .1 firm tread. His cyo glanced with confidence around upon the villagers and rested, before bo bounded forward, upon the laco of Annette, as if to catch therefrom that spirit and assurance, which the occasion called for. Itctuniing the encouraging glaneo with a proud smile upon bis lip, he bounded fur ward. ' Twciitv-ono feet and a half," shouted the multitude, repeating the announcement of one 01' ihejiulijes1, "twenty-ono feet and a half Henry Carroll forever ; Annette and Harry !" Hands, caps and handkerchiefs waved over tlio heads of the spectators, and tho eyes of the delighted Annette sparkled with joy When Henry Carroll moved to his station tostrivo for his prire, a tall, gentlemanly young man, in a military undress frock coat, HOW 1Z I. L, DEN TIST. Ofllco In Ilartmun's Block, second floor, corner Main and .Market Streets, r.LOOMSIIUItO, FA. May 2o-!y. T)i:0V.N'S 1 A J stohner, Pr class. $1.23toll.l octobtr s. '!5-lt HOTKL. roprtctor. ,iu per uuy. Illooini-biirg. l a., II. Accommodations tlrst hebtuurant attached. Q M. DK1NKK1I, GUX and LOCKSMITH. sewlnif Machlncsnnd Machinery ct nil kinds re paired. Opeba HofSK llulldlug, Illooinsbuig, Pu. uctl.TBly p J.TI Vj. WOll burg und tic HOIiNTO.v ould announce totho citizens of IUooms- urg und t lclnlty that ho has lust 1 ecclt td u lull und completo assortment ot WALL FAPEIt, WINDOW SHADES, hutches, conns, tassels, and all other goods In his line of business. All tho new est and most approtcd patterns of the day uro ..ay s 10 ue iouuuinuisesiuuiuuuicut,iuni scrcei, low llarket. oct. S.T5 cla ;& corner J ic V" 1 ySW-Woriioy-at-Law rgeon ami IMiy WMlng, Main street. Office d& MV&t, Photographer, over lAVVRfclSTJlurc, .tiuiii bwi-i;,., rAQtr.- - IfKSllKUG, Merchant Tullot .1 .!er in Mirt, Tallow, etc 'I, . -U SCCOliU UUU IUIIU, HI. V N J ' VXT A 'IK.Vl-l-l.A . UAW.t bN u.glulho'lo.soltIALLI. ftMl.S ItHLL'6 I1AUIJLH SHOIN Til -a a IN TOWN, iiangi) Hotel, L'.ooinebur.', l'a. iy 0ATAWIS-3A. M. II. A1II10TT, Attoraey-at-Law, Main street. ivnn ix-i-iii iin'i't fi-til Attli. 11U1U1I, Opposite Ui Court House, F.I.OOJISIIUT.O, PA. mo LAiioEsTsndliFSTlnallusiietts in the county W oct. 6,'75-ly , II. KOON"). Proprietor, THKKAS BKOWN'S INSUUANCJ5 AGKX- X CY, Exchange Hotel, Hloomsburg, Pa. .U na, lti9 Co., of Harttoril. Connecticut Lturponl, Lundon and Globe ltovlof Uveniool Luticunshin' Fire Assccntllon, rhlhulelphla .V"Bricau 01 riinacicipiuu " d LA Hartford m rw i. nitnir. of Wilkes llarro ... Pu' men, .Mutual ct lianUll-., DniituiH yiiinmi Iiomo, New 1 orli Ooimut rchil L'uUtt March M.T-y Capital. ... u,tXKi,oao .. "ll,MII,o0 .. 13 PHi,otn .. 10,11111), ri .. R.llHl.WiO ... i,i(m IM n n,inH) 2:11,0011 .. L"..0.fl ... A, OjOilO ... 1T.CHNIIII1 fl7S,b58, , L. UYIiULY, ATTOUNEY-VT-LAW, Catawlssa, Ta. ' pi IK UNDKUSIOXKI), rf presentinir feveral I i f themokt conservative nnd reliable A men Cuu Fire Iiisnianen Companies, would Lex leave to otlcr his wittceito tho cltlensof Illooinsbuig and tltuilti , lequtbtlnira rettsonablo sharocf ll.o public Peonage. . , ..,..,, liloonuburpv'uly is, Hio. ofllco In Crow er'a lllock. ... Jtdy 81 -tm. Col fctlons promptly made and remitted, omce oniw Ito Cutaw Issa Deposit llank. Mu-ss ,THJ "MOODY SHIRT." J ma t.p ntmi'it nIA'. 14t w - - " VKIU'ECT FIT QUAllANTEED. Ii,t!..mindeslrlnirshlruwtll please drop us a lino lour A1.H1I will cuU und get thu measurement, ciory A-omtrrtuu uuwvmi.wo.. v-.-. C-iy rnn-imi PlTLE. W. II. AllUOTV portaut to Furmers. ! every body la want Of IPKH, AND COI Columbia County OP BLOOrSIJURG, PENNA. Formerly tho Hank of Espy, removed April first. ISTt. licontcnleiitlylociitccllii tneci ntrui pari or the town, ond does a general II sNKIMI tiusliiuu. MjneT leccltedou deposit subjiet locheck with out notice. Special an ungemenls made w 1th depos itors, and Interest allow ed on time Deposits. June Jhaj'Uon A'tio iori and I'Mladetplna. Cc llecttons mado on ull Important towns In Iho IT, H., tl lowest rates of exchange. Honds und stocks iu..i..,,t ntia.nifi. nnncounoiis co leciuu. i.very be- curity glti'ii to depositors that can bo uttered by any 1IIUIK. Discount Days: Tuesday and Friday, HATE, BIX PEU CENT. Aug. 10, 1-Cm. near the Paper MlU.on re 110 prepared to sell unacbiMqiaiity. ''edu' P 1 1 f I p p S f t Ti lUe Worhlnu Cl. We are row prepared to fuliloh ell classes wllh constant cmploymtnt at 1 1110 unit, ur wr nirir Biary iiiu- " new. light nnd proHtable. Persons t'li turn from Ml centB to ncr Lortlnnal sum by uetotingweir jiusiuess. 110) s auu giris euru i n. ThHt a 11 w bo see lis Lotice Iss. and Lest Iho business tta aoner- to surn us aro not wen Ld one dollar to pay lor mo ' lurucu uru. tumbles woiiu Cures Tetter. Salt ltheum, laruer's nch. Prnrlo Itch Soiu Heads, nuinors, rues, ,vii Lrupcions, Scald Hrad, lllngworm, Pimples, sores, Army Itch, Plotches, scuivv. Chronic Eryslpe has of tho face. who bad rode up totho inn, dismounted and iSfetitl'.iliis spectifdrH'-Jinpcrceived, while the f!.lullilltwa3 cotnir,aii?ii!ffi)neu.iiU(JueBly.for- H-f1rir..iM' Fliwoo jtriiiii..7H,ltU..;L . r .fV- Virsiuiu, Iherdllvctl, Mi Vho yeafH75--,t sivayxi:s oixraiuvr Seems to cure cvo ; cose, leat lug the skin Einootli and clear without a Lie mtli behind. Itching Piles Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspira tion, dlstiesslng itching, as though pin worms wero crawling In or about tho tectum, pnillcularly at night when uiLtressla.oi in bed alter getting nurtu. It appears In summer us welt us wln'er, oftentimes showh itself uround tho private pans, and Is not con- nneii 10 man's ouiy, out is quiie us irriiueni inai le luales uio soreiy atlllcted, paillculaily In times of :iregnanc.t , exienuing irio mo vagina, protins 111s itsslug almost betond t'i! poweis of endurance. Cases ot long standing, pronounced Incurable, hat 0 been permanently cm ed by simply applying'i:1 s 01 XTM uxt. EXTHACTS FP.OJt LETTEItS. Dr. Swat no & Son: Gentlemen The box of Oint ment tnubent me by matlcuied 1110 en rely ot itch ing Piles, which I 8unercd with for tire years. En closed Und llfly cents for another box for a friend of inillU. VTUMT.W a, 1IKAC1I. Farmweii station, laiuuon 1.0., 1 11. llov. Isaac Holland, Webster, Tot lor county W.Ya. writes: otemrer 20. is?s 1 nato oecn a sunerer from Itching Plies. I procured a box of jour ointment last spring which gave 1110 Instant teller, mid feel continent it will elirct a permanent euro Knclcsed nnd ill I v ovuts. for w hlcli nleuse send mo another box by mall. An Bruption of 8 Years Standing. T was troubled with nn emotion of ei'i-nt tr-nrl Itching. Intolerable nt times; tried many tlonn ttlthmit tludlng lellcf. Through thu use of bwayne's All-llealliigotnirr.tut 1 am entirely cured. .mam 11 LAllllblU. At llortsman llros., 1th und Cherry, I'hlla. Z was entirely cured of Tetter In Its w 01 st form by Dr. Kwajne'8 All.neollng Olnl inent. and shall be happy to explain luycaso to all who may can upon me. ii A3ir a .iiuiM.-M.r , . i.ihi uuii-j, 23d Street, Indow laimbaid, Philadelphia. sent bv mall to auy ad Juts on recili t of mice, to cents a box, Dewci llio hj mrtoms In all communications, and ad dress letters to DH h'.VAY.M: X SUN, Phliadolphlll. Nu caurgo for iidtlce. FOIt SALE IIY ALL HlU'C '.STS. Bole Projirletors und .Manufacturers of SWAYNE'S PANAGBAi cell brutfsl all ot er Iho tt 01 Id f ar lis 1 einoi Cubic euros ot Serolula, lercuiliil ntul syil,lltli' complaints, aid miasm where sti'hllltlc virus of the mici,t ca.. es dovolopment of s.trlnlls or siii.fuiii lu thu child nothing husiicr irutcdso In coin pletil. eradicating etcry testlge cf Ihe-e dangemus 1 oiiiplaliiis and all ilte.ons arising from Impuilty of tno blood. Do particular to obtain Iho genuine, as prcpiuoil by 1111. SWANL SOS, S3 IV cth St.,'),la(li-I( seo that tho name Is spelled ccrreelly, SU AIMI, ns there are preparations of somowhut similar namo lu the market. IS YOUR HAIR FALLING OUT Oil TUItNINO OT.AY? It' SI) DO Nor FAIL TO USK The most ltellable 11 air IlCbtoratlve ever Introduced to iho American l'coplo For ltcbtoilncr Gray Hair and Preventing llaldncss. Tho great Luxury ot tha Dress- llocm. Ixindon Hair color lestorer Ixmdon Hair Color Ilostorer lundon Hals Color l.'estoror lAhdon IlalrCo or Hestorer lAindoii llulr Color liChU-ier Ixindou Hair Color ICihlorer liindon ll.ttrcolwr ItestonT London llulr Color llesloier London Hair Color Itestortr Ixiudou Hair Color Hestorer Loudou Hair Color I'.cstcrer UjiiiIoii Hair Color Hestorer linden llalrColnr llesloier Uiinuii Hair Color Hestorer loudou llalr color Hestorer Iindon Hair Color Hestorer lAindon Hair Color Hestorer nuidon llulr Color Hestoier Ixiudon llalr Color Hestorer loudou llslr color Hostorer loudou Hair color Hestorer Loudon llalr Color Itestortr landon llulr color Henorter Ixindon llalr color Hestorer linden llalr Color Hebtorer Ixmdon llalr Color Heslorer lxjudou llalr Color Hestorer 1. It will restore -ray hair to Its original color. S. It wlt mako tie nalr yrow on bald heads. 8. It will rebtorulihe natural secretions. a it uiu rnmot flAll .lAndruirand itching. t. it will make f,io hair t-olt, glossy and nexlLloi 0. It will Iirt-beiMi mo original cuior to ii".ub'oJ t, lttvlllpretiJftthBhaJrfromfoUi'- s, lb will ouio ml utbouDva vk iur 75 CcLtB j ,v 0oottle3i. Benibyy -i-t old man, whoso daughter was declared, by universal consentlto bo tho loveliest maiden in all tho country around. The veteran, in bis youth, bad been athletic and mubcular above all his fellows j and bis breast, where lie always wore them, could show tho adorn ment of thrco medals, received for his vic tories in gymnastic feats when a young man. His daughter was now eighteen, and bad been sought in marriage by many suitors. Ono brought wealth another a fine) person another this, another tl.nt. Hut they were all refused by Iho old man, who becamo at ast a bye-ttord for bis obtinacy among the young men of tho village and neighborhood. At length thu nineteenth birth-day of Annette, his charming daughter, who was in aiuiablo and modest as sho was beautiful, ar rived. The morning of that day, tho father invited all tho jouth of tho country ton hay-making frolic. Seventeen handsouio and indiislriotis young men assembled. Tiny came uotnuly to make lt:ty,but alo to inako love to fair Amietto, In three hours they had filled the father's barn with the newly dried grass, and their own hearts with love. Annette, by lier father's command, had brought tho malt licpior of her own (brewing, which bho pre sented to each enamored swain with her own fair hands. "Now, my hoys," raid the old keeper of the jewel they all coveted, as leaning on their pitchforks, they all assembled round tho door in the tool of the evening, "now, my lad, you have nearly all of you mado proposals fur niy Annelle. 'iw, you see, 1 don't tare anything about money or lulcn'.. book laming or soldier laming. I can do as well by my pit I as any mini in the country. Hut I want hi r lol marry a man of my own nt. Now, you Know, or ought In know, when I was n younlcr, 1 could beat an thing in nil Virginia in tho way of leaping. 1 gut my old woman by biatiiigtbo suKirte-t 1.1.1:1 on the eastern shore, mid 1 hat 0 took tl.o o.iih, and swore il, that 1111 mini s'lal! marrv my daughter without juinpliiif for her, Ymi uudeisttiud me, bo). Thai's the green, and hen. s An- little," he, tiuing Lis daiigulcr, lm stood llniidly behind the hand. Now the 0110 that jumps tlio furthest 0:1 u dead level,' shall marry Annette this very night." This uiii-juo nddres was received by the ycung men with npplnuso Ami many a youth of trial casta glaneo of anticipated victory back upon Iho lovely object of vil lage chivalry. The maidens left their looms nnd quilting frames, tho children their noisy sports, the slaves their labors, and the old men their arm chiiirs and pipes, to witness and triumph lu tho success of tho victor. All prophesied and whispoied that It would lie young Carroll, Ho was tho handsomest and best humored youth in the country i and all knew that a strong mutual attachment ex isted between him and tho fair Annette Car roll had won tho reputation of being the best leaper ; ' and in a country where such athletic achievements wero the iie qua nan of a man's cleverness, this was no ordinary honor, Tho arena allotted for this hymenial con test was a level spaco In front of tho village Inn, and near the center of a grass plat, re served In the midst of the village denomlnat ed the "green." Tho verdure was quite worn olT at this placo by previous oj'"s;L e : . . . a r n tli.iiluv lilu.l. ntul n linrrl unci' UI ft nmn. im., ..'mi . Tho youth sprang forward nnd grasped his hand wlJk gratitude, and tho ntxtmo ment Annette was weeping for pure joy up on his " oulder. The welkin, rang with tho acclamations of tho delighted villagers, and amid tho temporary excitement produced by this act, the stranger withdrew from tho crowd, mounted his horse, and spurred him at a brisk (rot through the village. That night Henry and Annette, were mar ried, and tho health of tho mysterious and noble-hearted stranger was drank in over flowing bumpers of rustic beverage. In process of time thcro wera born unto the married pair sons and daughters, nnd Henry Carroll had become Colonel Henry Carroll of the Hevolutionary army. Ono eventng, having returned homo after a hard campaign, he was sitting with his family on tho gallery of his handsome resi dence, an advanced courier rode up and an nounced tho approach ol General Washing ton nnd suite, informing him that ho should cravo his hospitality for the night. Tho necessary directions wero given in reference to the household preparation", and Colonel Carroll, ordering his hnre, rode forward to meet and escort tho drstinguished guest, whom ho had never seen, though serving in the same widely extended army. That evening, at llio tabic, Annette, now become tho dignified, matronly, and still handsome Mrs. C'.rrnll, could not keep her eyes from the faco of her illustrious visitor. Every moment or two sho would steal a glance at his commanding features, and half doubtingly, half assuredly, shako her head and look again), to bo still moro puzzled. Her absenco of mind and embarrassment at length becamo evident to her husband, who inquired affectionately if sho wero ill. "I suspect, Colonel," said tho peneral.who had been some lime, with a quiet, meaning smile, observing the lady's curious and puz zled survey of his features, "that Mrs. Car roll thinks she recognizoi in mo nn old ac quaintance." And ho . smiled with a myste rious air as lie ga.ed upon both alternately. The colonel started, and a faint memory of tho past seemed to bo revived as lie gazed while the hdy roc impulsively from her chair, and bending eagerly forward over the tea-urn, with clasped hands, and an eye of intense, eager inquiry, fixed full upon him, stood for a moment with her lips parted, as if she would speak. "Pardon me, my dear madam, pardon me, colonel, I inu-t put an end to this scene. I have become, by dint of camp-faro and bard usage, t'io unwieldy to leap npaiti twenty- two leet ami ono men, even lor so :air a prize as ono I wot of." The recognition, with the surpric. delight and happiness that followed are left to tho imagination of the reader. jhiugton was indeed the hand 'Thcso things scattered around on the floor are all mine. Probably you haven't been looking In your own drawer.' 'I don't see,1 testily observed Mr. Man, why you couldn't have put my things out for mo when you" bad nothing else to all tho fnorning,' 'Because,' said Mrs. Man, setting herself nto an additional article of raiment with awful deliberation ; 'nobody put mine out lor me. A fair field and no favors my dear.' Mr. Man plunged into his shirt liko a bull at a red flag. x I'oul I' ho shouted, In malicious triumph. No buiton on tho nockl' 'Because,' said Mrs. Man, sweetly, after a deliberate staro at tho fidgeting, Impatient man, during which she buttoned her dress and put eleven pins whero they would do tho most good, 'because you have got the shirt on wrong sido out.' When Mr. Man slid out of that shirt ho began to sweat. Ho dropped the shirt threo times beforo ho got it on, nnd whllo it was over his bead bo beard tho clock strike ten. When his bead camo through ho saw Mrs. Man coaxing tho ends and bows of her necktie. 'Where's my shirt studs ?' ho cried. Mrs. Man went out into another room and presently camo back with her gloves and hat, and saw Mr'Man emptying all the box es ho could find in and about the bureau. Then she said : 'In tho shirt you took off.' Mrs. Man put on her gloves while Mr. Man hunted up and down tho room for his cuff bottonB.' 'Eleanor,' he snarled, at last, I bclivu you must know where those uuttont are.' T haven't seen them,' said the lady, set tling her hat, 'dtdn t you lay them down m How the Indians Climb I South America even the weakest irome may not uncommonly bo seen seen plucking the fruit at the tree tops. If the batk It m niuuuiiU uiiu 011 J.' pet jr vun ,iaw w f by climbing they use other means. Thej tnako a hoop of wild vines, and putting their feet inside they use it as a support In climb Ing Tho negro of the west coast J Afrle.1 nut1 i a larger hoop around the tree, and gets taside it, and jerks it up the tree with his h tnds, a little at a time, drawing hit lcgt up after it. The Tahilian boys tie their ofcet together, lour or five inches apart, wlUh a piece of palm bark, ana with the aid or Ahit fetter go up the cocoa palms to gather iLuta,, The native women of Australia cllmty th' gum trees alter opossums; where tho baJrk it rough they chop holen with a hatshet, ,then one throws about the tree a rope- twice at Inner ns will en nrminil it. DUts her hatchet n " " , on her cropped head, and, placing her feet J against tho tree and grasping the ropj wfth(J her hands, she hitches it up by jerks, t--VM pulls herself up the cnormout trunk almost as tast as a m ah will cllmb'a ladder. AppU' ton't Journal. XVSmmWMmWMmWMm How to Find Out Who any Given PertM Will Marry. It doesn't require any astrologer, dlum, or gypsy vyith adirty back of It is very Bimple, lies in a nuUhcll, be exptessed in a very few words is this: If a girl expresses majestic men with large whu your mind she will marry 1 with none. If she decla all sho looks for, 1 fore tho altar wltbj has just -"4- f;,ou the . intrary, sil3 havo a ha' iso'-iu husband, look' about for the jst person in the circle of her ac- tiuaiutaQC", and declare "that is the man." for it w'.l be. Men aro almost as bad. Ih 1110 winuoiv sin in tue silting 100m last .enll man wuo desires a wife with a mind nigiit r Mr. Man remembered, and he went dow stairs 011 the rim. He stepped on one orA'i boots, mill was immp!!:itf,1v l.inHeil ' the ball at tho foot of the stairs with -'" and dispatch attended in tho tr-'1"""'00. with more bumps than he coiild'011"1 witl' a Webb's adder, and lauding ,fth !l janP like the hell gate explosp-n. Are you nearly tr'" Ale-'rnon7' asked the wife of his faya'veely leaniDK ver tho banisters. 'Can't you W mo down tl,at th boot ?' hef ' Mrs.V I"ylnS1'1:!'-;ked it to him. ,iio 1 no inquired, us ho tugged the boot. ofc your dressing room,' sho an- mission marries a lianlnrr hoAJT. ..... - 1 n ""Wt wuo ...rfpirma nl t. -r . f.-.H. .., niguiiuiii mouse, MndJ Ji'clet .3t ititw. gays 'Pnrtrrd V I flURfdntPn pnnn. -, , 'oim Mturnn no K&tiwMiiivwmnnviwA. aw r, t " i Iage. His -'W -m fM Jtis cheenngto , attracted the attcntion-ofyi I humorous nsped ens, nnd his manly and sinewy ftme)io, Htfb which symmetry and strength wero happily las0 sMtei; united, called forth tho admiration of tl.o mcllt whk.h took VdaeaWy young man. m,i r ri.,i n u n irv.i ,wm , . r r -i?L?tI af-.VJmVJZail mmm,i V.s 1 1 t in in nmm mm .lit. . imSSH, sho caHetrnWJP her face when sbo hears a buddnA tnt . the doer. And the gentleman who dreaded anything like etrongmjindedness exults in the fact that his wife everything ho detes ted. If a e-irl says of one, "Marry hiaft I d rather die ."' 1 wfc up.,,, tj,0 a3;Hif M tied, and expect cards to the wedding toT i.euii-t. 11 a mau rem'-lis of a aciy, - ot my style, all," await r-tjiutlr the appearenos of his name in the maffT-j coiumv i connection with thaM any s. And ii. any two penpe deda 1 lucm-eivcs irier-u, and nothing niore,"youJ may know what tvill come iicjxt. J Not a Victij . The Among tu "Mayhap, sir stranger, you think you can beat that ?" said one of tho bystanders, re marking tho manner In which tho eyes of tho stranger scanned the arena. "If you can leap beyond Henry Carroll you'll beat the best man in tho colonies." 'i he truili ut tlic t-w-ci lutlju Assented to by a general murmur. "Is it fur mcio pastime you are pursuing this amusement V inquired tho youthlul stranger, "or is there a prize for the win ner ?" "Annette, the loveliest and wealthiest of our village maidens is 10 bo the reward of tho victor," cried ono of tho judges. "Is Mm IM mini tn nil ?" "Ail vountr blrf rcidied tho father 1 Annette, witli inteicst, his youthful Wl.r rising as ho surveyed the proportion ol'tlf-straight-limbed young stranger. "ho i1 the bride of him who can outlcap Henry Carroll. If you will try, you arc At liberty 10 do so. But, let me tell you, Ifcnry Carrcll has no equal in Virginia, lie"- H my daugh ter, bir ; look at her, and Make your tiiul " Tho officer glanced at the trembling maid en about to bo offered upon tho altar of hor father's monomania, with an admiring tye. Tlio poor girl looked at Harry, who stpod near with a troubled brow and an angry eye, and then cast upon the new competitor mi imploring glance. Placing bis coat in the bands of one of the judges, ho drew a snsli ho wore beneath it tighter around his t.nUt, and talcing the appuiiited sl.ind, made, without 1 libit, tho bound that was to decide Iho h.ippiuwior mi-cry of Henry and Annette. "Twenty two feet and an inch flouted the judge. Tho f-hout was nqiutted with surprUe by the epi-ctatoni, who H'owdcd around iho'vh-lor, filling the iilf tMth (.'on gratulntbinx, nut uii'iimU!, howevr,.i'h loud iiimmurs from th"- who v.rre mote netily interoited b Um hapidnesj of tue The oi l m3t'prii.iol-.oil,iud gnnpii'4 hi-, hand exulouly, calling him mn, ttinl mid he Jolt rotiJer of him than if he i,. rea prince. 1'hyslual activity an I ntrengtll ivsjh ho old leaper's true paticnU of nobility. llesuming his coat, tho victor sought with his eye tho pri2S he bad, although na oelew and unknown, so fairly won. She leaned upon her father's arm, pale and distro sd. Her lover stood aloof, ami mortifVd, ad miring the superiority of the strainer in which ho pr'plcd himself as unrlvalloi ,wln'e ho hated him for his success. "Annette, my pretty prize," said 'ne vic tor, taking her passive baud, "I hi vo -it on you fairly." Annetto t cheeks becamo paler th .n mar- bio ; she trembled like an aspeu le 1, a-id clung closer to her father, while hop droot How Tin , AND Will. MA THA hdn't catch the .. ,, , , Ac depot Mr, Man When they rrachetX 1 , t , , , . .- ' , A unspeakable disap- l-ointmeut at thefcdln tn""' wUlch,wil' jtlst pulling a,v-A"" ll iJrixl-o switch at tho rale of .,MaMl miles a minute. Their first impii Wi" tn run aUer 1,ut tl,e train t "'" "f "'h'11 iu"' whistling for imiise, they rcniniiii'd in the cariiugeai.d tcrncd tlio horses heads Ing eye sought Iho form of her I 't'J brow crew dark at the stranger s bin I "I havo won you, tny pretty il make you a bride. Treuibla notfccl ly-rl mean not for myself, liowevcil ought t be," he added with galhl wear so n gem uext to my heatl haps," and he cast his eyes iud while the current of life leaped j j her brow, and it murmur of tuw through the crowd, "perfij .xioiisolately homeward. 'It all comes of hating luwait turn woman to get ready,' Mr. Man broke in with, very grimly. 'I was ready before you were,' replied his wife. . . 'Great heaven !' cried Mr. Man, in irrepres siblo impatience, jerking tho horses' jaws out of nhitv. Must! And I sat out in the buggy ten minutes, yelling at you to come along until thu whole iieighboihood heard me 1' ' 'Ye.-,' acquiesced Mrs. Man with the pro yoking placidity which no ono ran astuine hut u woman, 'and every timo 1 started down stairs yim sent ne bad; fur something you had forgotten.' Mr. Man gioautd : 'Tin's i l.i inu.'li to lioar,' he said, 'when eivcivbmly knows that if I was guin ti 1 would ju-l lulu llm house, out 011 a i leiiii, grab u,i a giipiiok and lly, while ymi would wntit nt leal six mmitlis fur preliminary pre iiara'.iiin-, and lli.n ttrnddle around th whuli! d.iv of start iu until thu train hail left ton 11.' Well, tho upshot of the madcr was that the Mutts put oil tin ir viit to Aurora until ihe next week, and it was ngnuM that cuta!; me i-hvuld get him or herself refiily mid go down tn the train add jci, and the one wh hilled tu gel ready h raid bo loir. Tlio day of the maloli oaiiio r. iind in din lime. The 1 rain was to gu at 10:!W, and Mr. Man, nftt nth ndiug to Ins Lnsiue.f, tvrut home '.1 15. 'Now then,' beshmited ; 'only three-quar ters of an hour to train time. 1-ly round a fair field and no favors, vou know, tVnd awny they flow. Mr, Man bulged Into this room and lushed through that one and dlvfd Into one closet after another with inconceivable rapidity, ('back-ling uud -rhn breath ill th tiun ti think haw h- tp Mrs. Man would feel when he st irted oil' al me He stopped on his way up stairs ta pull oil' his heavy boats t3 save th-ui, Vot ho name reason ho pulled oil' his coat as he rai ijij through tlio dining room and hung tt 01 coiner of tho silver closet. Then be i b(0 011 ins vei as no rumen uirougi 1 it on a hook in the ha in he reached bis ott, luugo into his cl 1 bureau dr UK liko a Be .hiiel-. Where In put my vest? It has all my 'You threw it on the hat rack,' back. 'Good-bye, dear.' Before she got to the corner of the street she was hailed again : 'Eleanor! lElcanorl Eleanor Man 1 Did ou wear off my coat?' She paused and turned, after signaling tho street car to stop, and cried: 'You threw it on the silver closet.' And the street car engulfed her graceful figure and sho was seen no more. But the neighbors say that they heard Mr. Man charging up and down the house, rushing out ut the front door every now and then, and then, shrieking up the deserted streets after the unconscious Mrs. Man, to know wherci his hat was, and where she put thu valise key and if be had auy clean socks and undershirts, an 1 that there wasn t a lin en collar in the house. And when away at ast bo left the kitchen door, sido door and front dour, all the down stairs windows, and irout gain wide open. And the loungers around Viiudopot yesterday wero somewhat aniiised just at tlio train was pulling out of sight dow 11 in the yards, to see a flushed, perspiring 111 m, with bis hat on sideways, his vest buttoned two buttons too high, his cuds unbuttoned and necktie flying, and his rip sack flapping open and shut liko a de- 111 en led shutter oiia Maich night, and minor key in Ills hand.d.iih wildly across the plat I'm m and ii lit in iho mid. he'nf the track glsriog in d.-jei;tid, impotent, ttra'liful mor tification at the-departing train, und shukiiig his fi-i at a pre-lly woman, who was throw inti l.i.-e- at Ii i in fruiii lhi) icir pluttoriu of lie hot ear. uaded his J aud sleep with him, and 1 y to leave early to catch tho trail - ..... . T of tho terrible disaster reached until the next afternoon. The day that tho Brooklyn boy returned home. found a hearse at his father s door and tho appliances of a funeral. Ringing door-bell lie was met by a -servant" gltl nearly fainted at the sight of Mm. "Whose funeral is this?" said the boij "It's your own, darling," said the 'we got your body yet-ttrday at the Mora and you'rejist after beiu' buried." The denouement may be imagined.." KAT3 EATINO OYSTERS. The tQn tors of restaurants havo a new annoo 1 the form of rats that infest their 1 eat their oysters. The resoiura. on opening their saloons in the! late, havo. found large heaps of lying iu the baskets that they 1 with unopened oysters. At first ticctcJ their waiters, but a watcu been set at night, the rats were foil tho thieves. Tho rodedts, selection gest and finest oys'ers, nibble atJ of the shells until they make J enouuh to admit their tails: out all the juice, and tho i t open, leaving the oysters ruts then cat the oysters. "Is there 1111 01 0 ling tie i lectiuil writer?'1 said a -iera with the cork of breast-pocket. ty Ur k th- open ngi MMMMMMMMMMMMMMm tWwmwmwmwmw art. MmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmMmmMm .. , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Katliis $iM Wmlh of TuiV.-y. -"i,- .-, ,ii., . , ...... 1 ..N ... ,,, A -.. IB,, I,,,,-. ' Oil ir 1 ,11 riiMusjivitig Ibiv t tfn V"riei-i 1, 'l 111' inh'( ' AVku h tUr lie vi rnci ik V , 1, i'lti.,'ii, who iiuilo ti lurlu.i,' - d.-al'-i, nis'.i d li M'ti 1 11 tint tin k- M diiigtiicr mid her young I iiband. und the Minm li.n.' t,i cui-lii. e a itlle iilvenir He I't'ic-1 a cer'lliiMte ol 1'3 hures of Clin s illd.tled Virginia, n.liulig stock in innr 11x0 pock. t I.-).,!., Iilding his gift Ir ut the r it al bud, near the lie j lined the ycung couple at ellnnei a merry twinkle iu and t':u k -oil car the f wl. "I inarkc the upended cut .! wl nte work (in, und a copy of e or tno largest ana uesi ' IkM sent free iy mau. liea'i- Addrese; -nrk, aaiy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers