TUN nm iTAruT A XT guff ,h( iilii9m? r .4' i --... utnocniT. ...... - ' i 1 1 ' i 5ragJj"B"Lttl MHM ' h iiiiihi T nil MMM Lb 11 i, T 1 1, , , , ll' Ml, I.. IllK . M I It, "AiOMSnL'lin tv.MtiiM.'"' morning, at j'i i ,""t "'" J ' w " "Went be re.llra i" I'.ll.J, uill Innff I".'; will nt i. Jwl'n ",n BP'ftlon or tho nrsl I V- itiulr KiMftBl! J to distant post person in Columbia ennui 'J ;i,"""ta rcspon '0 cJint"? 15 l0,wr act1 Tom subscribcrsin JOB 3?K.ttXmpti.t I wli II 1 1. ., . . . . " I rmilllg WIllcOInlMNl tnlnm. !.. neati, and Wftil?wk I""00'' Columbia Count)MOfficia Directory. Jj l. Htc.!o ruplicr s. n, Walker rv or -riuc Doivitt. Treasurer -tir n tv Mln . A Siu ?s v r?'trJcr.Hrw.U!im Krickbaum. fAMijl" y. '' Brown. 0Jury Commt3,loncrs-Jncob II. Fritz, William II. Si?''ni Sawrtnlcnacnt-Wi Ham II. Rnvrtor I'liiui'ii , iuriol ,r . "I'W-IMrcctoni-o. P. Ifnt.pcott. Bloomsburg Official Directory. j.prTuvXhto'itm,M',i,,cM rnltllTll.il fVmn.. .1 ... tjtaiirtrifii i uui wuinc t una (mil Loan osxia lon-I.. II, Utile. Frea item, n. v vm?. secretary. ' ' """ llttK'tPW'""? """JSarlnff Fund Asioclal ion i.i m' 1 V001! ITeslilent.-T. H. ltiiblson, fceerc arv J. Urnvvcr, Prcsldcn , c. (I. liarklcy, Secretary. I cnuitciiDinncTonY. BAPTIST CUCKCU. Hev..T, P.Ttrs'in.lSupply.) Biinilav Services-l'i a. tn. and sx p. m. Si ni .n Kr inn ii n in " l'rariT Mectlng-Kvery Wednesday evening at Cjf clock, S3a;s rrce. Tho ptiMlo aro Invlicd to alk'nd. ST. MATTIIKW'a LUTIIKltAN CIICKCH. Mlnts'cr-liev. .1. McCron. Sunday Scrvlcca-wx a. m. and cwp. m. Sunday sciiool-o n. m. cloclrCritCU l"!fUv'rJr Woilticsday evening nUtf Seata (rco. No pews rent od. All aro welcome. i'heshttkiii iscnntcn. Mlnlsier-lier. Stuarl llli".liell. Kunday Scrvlces-IOM a. lu. and p. m. siiiidav Schuul-9 n. in. o4ioeicCr Mcolln Evcr Wednesday evening at x aea.sfrce. Xo pows rented, strangers welcome. sietiiodist nriscorAi. cnuncir. Tresldln? Hkler-nev. N. S. liucklnsuam. Milliner Ih'V. .1. S. MeMurray. Sunday ScrMces 10,v and 6i ?. m. lilule Cla-ss-Kverv Monday evening at Oyj o'clock. Voung ilcn' l'rnver itomlnir tiiptilnsf at au o'clock. i.vury i uc&ua (iener.il I'rayer Sleeting Every Thursday evening . l.Vlm't nener.li r I o'clock. I1RF0HME11 CIICKCH. Corner ot Third and Iron streets. I'AKtor r.ev. fl. I). Hurley. Ko&liionco (.'mtrnl Hotel. Sunday SerHces-lOJj u. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 9 a. in. I'rajcr Heeling Saturday, p. m. All are lnvllcd Thero H alwaj H room. ST. I'ACL'B CUCKCU. Sector Kamlj'. Son Ices V)i a. in., p. m. Sunday School a a. in. First hun la.v In tho month, Holy Communion. SvrUoei preparatory lo Communion on l'riday Hialng lielonillie st Sunday In each month, l'civs rented; but evcryhuilj welcome. KVANIIKUCALCIIl'llCII. Presiding Elder llev. A. I liccbcr. Mliil-ler l.vv, .1, A. Inlne. Suud ly Senlco-3 n. m., In tho Iron Street Church. Pra cr ..Meutl ng-li cry Sabbath ut i p. in. All are invited. All aro welcome. TUB CHURCH OK CHKIST. lliH In "llio lllltrt P.rlck (liwcli on the hill," known in tho Welsli llapllit Cliuri.ii-on itock street eavtoi iron. ... Itcguliir meeting tor worhhlp, every Lord's day at teriinnn at 3J o'clock. teals irec: and the public are cordially United to atlend. lI.OOMS!!Ui:(l DIUKCTORY. SCHOOIi OUDKKS, Mank, jut prfntcil nnil neatly bound In small boiks, on band and tor sale at, iho coi.chuun omce. l eu id, isiMI ni.ANK DKKIXS, on l'arclu.i.'iit ami I.inen 1") l'ani'r. common and tor Admlnls rairs, Kxecu- lurs and trustees, for s.a!o cheap at tho Colusibian MAUUIAtiU CHim l' ICATKS .just printed and for sale at the Coi.cmiiian onicc. Jllnls i nwxinirel and Justices should supply thein- seUe-iwItlithiibe necessary aitlcles. TUSTIt'Ert anil OnmtabW I-ce-Iiills for sale at llio Columbian omce. Tliey contain tho cor rected fees ns establUhed by the last Act ot tho I eg slatnro unon tho subject. Every Justice and Coiw table should have one. TrKXDUK XOTI-S just printed and for sale cheap at llio coU'mcian ofllce. hoots and shoes. t M. KNOItli, Dealer in Hoots ami Slmcs. I1J . latest and best styles, corner Jlaln andlinrket Street), In tho old post olnce. CLOCKS, WATCHE1), C. 0 V.. SAV A(iE, Dealer in Clocks, Watcho and Jewelry, .Main St., Just below the Central Hotel. JMtOI'KSSIOXAL CAHDS. 11 TKKI.KH, Attorney at Law. Hoonn in Jii Ewliango Illock, 2d Boor, liloomsburg, i'a. (M r (I. I! A UK LEY, Atlornev-at-Law. Office i. in lirowi r's building, 2nd i'.ory, ltooms 4 & S. Oct. 15, U. VM. it. KKIIElt, SurRcon ami Pliysi- clan. OnlCO a. u, euruei nui.iv nun .u.i v biicets. T H. KVANS, it. V., Surgeon ami l'hysi ) . elan. (Onice and llctldenco on Tlilrd street, corner Jcfleraon. T It. McKELVY, it. I)., Surgeon an.l I'liy J , siclan, north side Main btrect, below Market. J. H II. ItOllfSOiV, Attorney-nt-Law. in llartman's building, Malnstreet. OiBcu JIOSKNSTOCK, J'lioIoKrapher, , Clark & Wolfs store, Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. AVID IiOWBNBEHO, Merchant Tailor D MaLu St., aoovui.eiii.nu num. I S. KX'IIX, 'h'-ilor '" twt, Tallow, etc , centra btrect, Ictwccn Second and 'ruird. urill'M YOU HAM A i'iuai-t.jaOT V illAVI.oranj thing in tho TONSUltlAL UM. goto JA3IES KEILIA BAKBEU SHOP. TllK DUST IN TOWN. t:nil(ri:cbangolloteI, lilwmslmrg. Pa. Oct. W, '!. ly CATAWISSA. WTM. II. AIUiOIT, AttoracT-at-Law, itain W btreet. virMTii.T:YiuLY, ' ' ATTO UN E Y-AT-IJV W, Catawlssa, Pa. collections promptly made and remitted, onto O'Voalto Catawlssa Deposit lluak. "n-"8 THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO OJtDEH ONLY. ATintEOT KIT aUAIlAKTKKD. i,.nilemen deslrlngshlrtswlll please droptib a lino ruCl.Ui1r..li P. 0. .MOODY, Address tilblKu. Pa J. V. KNITTI.E. W. II. AllHOn Important to Fanners. and overj body lo want of i.niM T.TIMHER. AND C0VI lMUtU -w ' I i..,i kilns at or near tho Paper MU,( ttab II V it. and aro now prepated tb sell mo at ory r ".onabio prices and of good quL i ). orders ly Ibo car prompilj' lined and Ehlpjed lo AtuUUno otl.UMUKlt.of all kinds, drcsstd Orln tM rough, 8Ulng.es, UtU and bill Tlinber to which w 0 Invito i' atteiiviou 01 ouiiu- meni. MUrdcrs received and liu ' V? attenUoo to. bUiUwio.bopo lo UtftU I rim ' ewue ot pubUq patronage. ttilM. 1U 5IN13S3 OAlinS. U. A. L. ftJHNKH, "' , HcsiJcnce on Market Street ono door below 1). J. Waller's. . onieo nvf r K Im's Drug' store Ofllca liotirs from 1 tn 4 n. m. Mr ireatttwnt or diseases bl llio Kyi!, Eat nnd Thr.nit. I All catin ingli or day promptly attended to. n pr.ra -tr TU. J. C.llUTTEU, TIIYSlClANiSUKOKON, OMC0, Hortli Market street, Mar.vN-r llloofnsburg, rtvv . TH. iill-. OAIIDNKH, . 1'IIY-JIPIAN AND SUnOEON, .llLOOMSlltJltO, I'A,- . iinic mo ft'ijsctiuylcr i son's- Hardwire Store. Apr.Bns k QAMUEL, KNOHK, KJ HTOUKl! Y!-A T-L A W. ULOOMBHUlia, TA. , OftlCi.. Tlnrtmsn r lllnrlr. rnrnpr Mnln nml fnrtriit. Streeti Oct. 8, '78 p E. OltVIS, AT TOHNKY-AT-LA V. 1 Ofricr-rioom No.'1,-"ColufnbI4nTlutldlng. sept, i&.istd. Q W.MIILRIt; A TTOHNKY-AT-I.AW Otlleol i lirowi r'a building, second floor, room NO i. istoomsburtf, Pa. ulyl,?u y Q iT.SiW'j. I1UCKALKW, ' Ano.tsi;is-AT.u, llloomsburg, ra. nice .n .Main street, first door below Court ltousc Mar.n, i4 y F yf.M,CLAKK, A l l U K S 1 l p-A i L A V, Bloomsburg, J'a. ' ' " April lo,'71-y omce in rints liuildlng. . jtflKTELINd SMITH. llEUVKY EWINO SMITH. ,y 'C'UEVULINO SitlTH & SON, """ ' ATTOllNUYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, Pa. !tfAll liulnos3 ontrusled to our oaro will recievo ri'imptatuntlon; ' ' ' JuIyl,'J3 y 'P V. UIIiLMKYKIt, ' ' ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Oiricf-Adjolnlng C. Ii. t w. j, uuckalew. llloomsburg, Pa. Apr.ll.T ty. , JI.lllTI.lt.- -ItOB'T. 11. MTTI.K. 15. It. LITTLE, ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAWV llloomsburg, Pa. w"l'.uslnesibefoiD tboU,s.PatentOfllcDattended to. ODIco In tlio Columbian liuildlng. ly 33 Jl!OCKVAY & klwell; A 1 IV ii JN li I ra-A i'-Ji A V, Columbian Hcimuno, Uloomsbur, , l"a. Members of tho United Stnts,Lnw; Assoc.. tlon. Collections made In any part of America. "WILLIAM imYSpN, A1TOKNEY-AT-LAW, Ccntralia, I'a. l'b 18, T8-ly. .MISCKLLAEQUS. T)IK)V.N"S HOTEL. I!looinbiirg, I'a. I J stohner, Proprietor. Accommodations tlrsl- cluvH. 11.81 to 11.50 per day. lieblauraut attaclied. Oi toucrt, 'ib-tr Q M. .BROWN, ' lias removed lit- Hoot and Shoe Storo from llrown's Hotel to 1st dMr above Waconseller and MiarnlesH. Xowanda uoota a specialty. Itepalrlng donu at sltort noi ice. r MTllItlNKEIt, O UN anil LOCKSMITH eiinng iaciuwjipDi.vaciiiDeryutau,iiiuu re paired. (ivRRi iioisg liuildlng, llloouibbuig, Pa. (wtl.TSly gXCIIANHE HOTEL, OjiiiohUu llio Court IIoiinc, IlLOOMSUUItO, I'A. The I.iuoEST aiulliESTlnnllresrettstnthecoinC'' w. n. koons. Proprietor. Oct. 8,'t5-ly II O W 1J L L, 1 DENTr'ST. Offlco In nartman's mock, uecond Door, corner Main nnd Market Streets, May so ly. BLOOMSUUItO, I'A. 17 J.THOHN'luw 1'. o Oulil iinnoilnco to tho citizens of I!loomn- burg and vicinity that he has just tcccliedn lull and t omplcto assortment of WALL l'APEH, WINDOW SHADES, FijjTUi'.Kf, conns, tasseu, and all other goods In his lino of. biudness., Alltlio new est and Inont npprovod lintternnor-llie aay are uivmvH to lie found Hi his establishment. Mnln siroct. Ii. low Market. oct. 8.TS L '-i L . I7KEA8 HROWN'H INKUItANCE AGliN . OY, - Exchange Hotel, llloomsburg. Pa. Cnnltnl. Ktna, Inn fo.of Hartford, Contiectlcutl.. e,&M,ooO aicrrool, London and (Hobo 'AI.IHO.O 0 '.oiaiui Liverpool...... dneansrilrO i l(ii AMxskitlon, Philadelphia,. mcncan of Philadelphia ... vtlnH.it llanUinl ..,..... iVyomlng, ot Wilkes liarre "armors Mutual of Danvlllo iwonlie Mutual..., luriii'. New York 'Qiuinrrelal. Union ....'. .. J3 'oo.om . 10,000, INI 8,)iiI,0iki ... 1,100 O'MI 6 O.U"U ,, Wl.ona ... t.Ooo.lioo. ... Tfi.n i ... I l,Wl',l"H lTS.onf,"n' Marsh M.TI y nUnfLtNnfillSItlNF.I). npre niiiig-evcraj. I i.i uie mei. -conservatiri: ami ii-iiauii-iviuuiif. nui lro msUr.ulce Ci.mpai'deS, wnuld licg leav') to offer kin services to th-clilens of - liloomsburirand vlflidt . iequi,tlug a reftoonablu shiro of ttiu publlo ' W. J. 1WKLL. l)lniuibburt:,.7uly is, 18. ottlco In Itrovver'd Block. Julysi-tim. Columbia County BANK, OF BLOOMSBURG, PENNA, vnrtni.rle the ltank-of Esnv. removed rrll Brsf. 1MS Is conveniently located in thu Central part of tlio uivvn. anil uue.s u Keiifmi iirtisivimi uu-.iiii-im.. out notice, special arrangements made w Ith depos itors, and interest allowed on Uine Deposits. Mniii.v rr.i'i ivpn 1111 iiuihii.il buu iil u uiii'ufi .villi' hiue pfiflton Afio Jor antt I'luMutljmin, 1 ,iM.m Inns made on all linnortant towns In Iho u. jt lowest rales ot exchaugo. Bonds and blocks iu..ivfit nmt told, nndcouiions colltvteil. Every se- riiniy given to depositors that can bo ottered by any II.IOK. Discount Days : Tuesday ami I' ritlay. HATE, SIX PKlt CENT. Alig. 10, T6-6m. To iho Worklim ('Ins., We aro now prepared to furnish nil clashes Willi constant employment at hunie, tho wh le of Iho time, or for their spare mo inriits. UuUnessncwvj light nnd profitable, jvrwns of either kex easily eani from m cents to lwr evening, and n proportional bum by devotlug their whole tlmo 10 the buslnebs. Hoys nnd girls earn nearly as much as men. Tint all who bee ibis notlco mav send their address, and test the business wo make this unparalltd oiler: To such as aro not well satltflid we will tend ono Hollar to pay for tho .7... .1.1.. ..r viriiinir. Full particulars, hamii es worth tovural dollars to commence woi k on. and a copy of Homo Will l iresiue, one m im. upi wu m.i Iliustrattd Pnbl leal ions, all sent free, by mall. Head- r. if vou wautiiermanent, prolltablo work, address r. It yoi eoriro S UcorgO hllnsou t-u., uuiawu, Huu. 8ept.e,T0.-llm, Retd S6C. to 0. 1', liOWELI. & CO., New York, for in.r.ni.irt nf lio tiflires. cont&lnlnir lists Of 8000 IiawuruiuurB. and esUinaTes ihowlug cost or adverlls- , , 1 . ' I 1 1 1 - , II II ' I III .1. I I Ml , . I .,-iiril.. i i! ... ! HIP.01lTANTrO A3LL. li'ji .!tic .( t I. Hid (Uscovprcr and compounder ot tho far-famed Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and other valnablo preparations, entered upon M.1 DrofiliSional career with tlm important nilvanta go of n regular medical clueatloti In ono ot tho oldest nnd best schools in Philadelphia, and, perhaps, in the world Ho suntpnuentlr served a faithful term ot practice In the Philadelphia I)lspensatj and for ma iiv jears attended in tho Hospital. In tlio Instltii tlnns he enloveil Hie most amplo opportunities of ob tnlnlngflnlnjlglit Intodlseu'esln nil their various forms, as well as for nsicrtnlnlng tho best methods of Ihel treatment. Ill ollertmr. there fore, to the peo ple of the Tolled States tho fruits of lilsnxtenslip professional experience In the medical compounds as iho bet results of bis skill nnd .observation, ho feels Hint he Is but prortcrlntr a boon to every family thronghout the land, resting, ns he does, confidently in 1110 rneriiB mm rnu-iniuim .in.i.i vi ...w .v.... .... o ho Iieren Ith commends. , Tho vnt 'nmotuitOi testl mony from all parts of tho world has proven "Hoc. Toit sWaynkk coMi'nt si) avntri OI WILD rilETiUY''llie rnTiRf emcftcioi'rrmcdr known, and It is admitted by our most eminent ulivslclans, nnd allwliobavo witnessed Its wonderful henllng prop Sii... SS. U.H ii cm-llllV in nil .ires of Iho world and iri all countrlos vt here It Is known has been lust iTcelobratcn for Its wpndcrtul medicinal qualliles. ,liut lt great power to cure some tit tho worst and lnouiiuirossinEuiseusei uuiuuk u w "t ;ut ascertained until the experiments ot that skllfull physician, Dr. swavne, had (lemonstrntea Its high adaptation. In combination Willi Pine Tree Tar. nnd other eiiiinlly valuable vegctablo Ingredients, which chemically combined renders if. action tenfold more certain and beneficial in curing nlla diseases of the llirom, urviisi. mri iinib. CIIEUHT COMI'Ol'NIi strikes attbe root of disease bvpurlfilngtl.o blood, relorlng tlio liver nnd kid n'cl s to lienllhv ncllon. Invigorating tlio nen ous and shattered constllullon.. lf'your (Irugirlst or store keeper Ones not have It, do not twput off by any Other remedy that may be dfTerert, but send to us di rect. and wo lylll fvrwnrd n lialf dcnen to any address, fretf ht paid, On' rccclbt tt .tlio price, l rr bottle, or tho half dozen. Address letters to Dlt. SWAYNK SON, MO North Sixth street, Phliadelrhla. No charge will be made for advice. AsU Your DriigBlfil for Tlicnt. T?.ni..u.....i .,11 i,n vntiii. liniliti sliouid never be MllhOUt 1)11. SWAYNE'N TAIt AND HAKSAPA Klt.LA P11JLS, as thoy purify tlielilood, remove nil obstructions!, cleanse tlio r.Kln of nil plmp'os and blotches; and bring Ihoitch 'color of lieallh lolhe palo cheek. Ki male luegulailttes aro rcstoicil to a l.oAltl.i- u.,.(1IH,.li. 'Iliin' urn uriMlalli filll'H lor Sick hiid Nervous llcadachu. Asa lilun'er Pill, nothing can exceed tlitm : tnKU one. two, or inree, in niuj uu rbundiiccibsaryi uiillku otlieis, they neither gripe, liioducu nausea, or any oilier unpleasant nonballon, wlillo theyaiu ns rowcrful as It U jiosslblo for a iiiedlcluoto bu u.uU bo haiinless. 'Jlicso PUlKCleanso oni tle-tllHitoliM-ed hninors, enrieh nbd purify tlio blood, icmoiuallunhealtlij bilious sccietions ot tho stomacli and lioiieK causing a pertectly health HatooltholHer. and are unuoubtedly tho bestea thai tic and uiitlllllous Inedieme yet dUcou'lcd ! and wu aro determined that, tbublck bhall havuthuinat nprlou within the 'mentis ot tho pooresttM runts a b ni' !!() rills.) It jour druggist or btorekeeper has not got tbeni, do not be puioIT by any others that ma bo oitered In their phicy, but bend tp us di rect, and we will forward pv mail, on receipt ot the pi lev, 25 cents a box or m n boxobcs SI. ; .SKIM RJSE&SES. . ' 'Swayno's Ointment, Is particularly adapted to all forms ot skin dis eases. 'Jures even wheu oil otlitritmc dies and treat inent fall. Cures Tetter, Salt lilieum. Harbor's Itch, Prnrle 1 1 eh Soio Heuds, Iluinois, Piles, All liruptloos. scald 11' ad, llingworm, Pimples, Sores, Army Itch, notches. Scurvy, Chronic Eritlpclas of tho face. OIiVritlKXT SWAWTS Seems to euro eve : case. leaving the skin smooth and clear w ltliout a bleinbh behind. Itching Plies Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspira tion, (llstifb.slng.ltclilng, as though pin worms weni crawltng"lnor about the rectum, parltculuily at iilL'lituhen undress ntr.or In bed arier irelt inr warm, It appears in summer as well as, Hlpttr, oftentimes shows irsclf mound llio nrb lite narls. amtlsnot eon- nneu lo males imiy, iiul is ijuiie as iieiiin'i" -iiui ie males .aro' goroiy. mulcted, paitlcilUrly In times or pregnancy, exieniiiiig icio uiu Migina, piuviii; in, tri's.slnfl' filmost bevond I'-Q nowers ot enduraiien. Cases ot long standing, pronounced incurable, hau uceu permanently emeu uy biinpiy apjuing S l IWTfll S3KT. EXTIIACTH FliOM LETTEltf. Dr. swai'no c Sou : Gentlemen Tho box of Olnt- mcuoioubeniiino oy mail cuieiimeeimreiy oi jteu log Piles; which I suflered with forllvn jeai-s. En closed Itnd 11 (ty tents for another bott tor a friend or mind. . .' . Asmtflw J. Hlal'h. rarmweii stationri.fluaont-o.Tva7- I!ev. Isaac Holland, Webster, Taj lor county W.Va. writes: November 20. lSiis 1 nave leen a suiicrer from Ilchlug Piles. I procured n.boxut jour ointment liitsnrlnir which eavo mo instant relict, and foil eonlldentitivlllollectii permonentcuto Ki.clcseil tlnd titty ceiitsjor which pleuso seud me another box xiiau. An Eruption of 8 Vcurs Standing- 'wns IrOuMenl with'an oruntlou Of Urnt loara llclilng. Intolerable at llinei j tried many prepara-, tlonn without llndlng icltef. Jils-ougli tho u-e of bwuvne'a AU-iieuiing viuucciu. 1 nmeimi-ciY cured. - ' - tiubr.ru i.AUUKltr. AUIortsinao llros., Mb and Cberjr,-l'lilla. X was entirely curca of 'Jiottcr In- Its'worst form by Dr. Svrnyne's, All-lleollug Oint ment, ana muui uo nappy luexpiain luyeabu touil wno iui euii upun iiiu. HiAVVs.ncKiNi.sr. west rau Hotel; 211I Street, below, Jmiuard, I'lillaihJtihlii, Kent by mall to any uddrebs 011 receipt of Trice. JO eenis 11 iiua. Describe symptoms in nil commuiucai inns, unit nit dress letters to Hit b'.VAY.NU fi M)N, Philadelphia. .luiurfibmui ,ivti,i,., , roil SALE BY ALT, pltlXl" JSTS. folo Piopilttors and Manufactuiers of. l. SWAYNE' PAiWA, elelirafed all ttfet Hie world forllM'emi.ll;.iJ.ler;ui'i's ir mtijiu a. .iii-iciiii'ii iii.u nyiiniiiue r-imii'iuiii--. and inriums wluiu Svplillllle Uru:-or the paient muses neve iiisnisit ot Sinliiil or serefuia lu t h ehlld luitblng bisever pnnidhn en'ei-luul In Com. nleti 1 i radical tut; event lestli- nf these dnnirnr.ms X'iuiiUaliitiaii4 aU'dlse.ibeHaitAiug fil ui lnipiiily or Illll UI1HIU. H.i pai'iriuarto oi.iainino genutn-, as pic by Hit. SWA VNh & SON, S3- V. tll St.,pldlailclr.ht.i seothnttho name Is spelled corrcctlv. SWAVM! as Micro aro preparations ot somen hat similar name inmomivrbci. IS YOUR 1TAJR FALLING ODT Oil TUIININO OKAYf It' Sll 11(1 XOf FAlIi TO use Tho most Ijiiidon llnlr Color restorer Ixaiiloii Hall- I'olnr Itehtorer licllable Hair Ilest,oratlvo oyer Introduced to tlio American J'edple yor liestorlng Uray Hair and Preventing Baldness, The groat Luxury of the Dress Iloom. Iindon Hals Color Hvntnrer Loudon lialrcoiir llesuner U'linon imirt ojor m-sn re Un.ikm Hair Color Itestore London HnlrColur ItesUu-e London Hair Culur Uestiue Ijnilon Hair Color llestoie lAiudon Hair Color llestorer umdun Hair color Kcsturt- Ijindon HulrCi.lur llesioier linndiin Hair Color litstnrer ujii.ion nairuoior iiostore Ijju.Ioii Hair Color Iti-Morc Iindon Hair color llestori London Hair Color livslorer )andon Hair Color llestorer lauiiiou uuir i.-oior i.esif.rL l.oiidon llsir Color itrMore laimlou llnlr Color Ilesturt IxiiiiIoii llnlr Color Hestmi. Iindon Hair Color Henorle Loml.ia llnlr color liostore ljjuuon air ooior lusion lAiiidou Hair Color llehtore London Hair Color llebiorc I. H w III restore gray linlr to Us original color. I. It will make tlw hair grow on tuld lieada. II. It will restore tho natural becretloiis, 4. It will remove nil diiiidruirand lUldng, is, it will make the hair soft, glossy and ilexlble it will prcbCrve tho oilglnai color to old age. T, it will prevent the hair from railing off, 8. It will euro all diseases of tho scalp. 75 Gouts pov Bottloi 0 bottles: (i, Bent by express to any address on re ceipt ot price. Address orders to Dlt. bWAYNK HON, 830 North B1XU1 btroei, I'liua., t u., owiw (irupivuvui?. SOLD BY ALL DHUtiUISTS. . ... I i i: !'. i.-.f Mcfllng of ifiellcmtcrnllc State I'ommliteo. : AK Addp.p.ss to Tim pi'.on.i:. ; IlAP.hlsnuno, l'A., Dec. 21. Tho Demo . rntlc Ststo. ComtnlUoe tnet tti-Ja in tin rpnin of tlio Jlurcnti of tnt.l.stlcs to consult regarding the Presidential election. In nil-" tlltlon to the nleinbers of tlioStato Cnnimit lee, n number of representative Democrat f tlio Stale were in attendance. Chnlrmab McClelland presided. Ho made a slmrt ad' dres setting forth the objects of tlio meet Ing. A resolution was adopted that tlio invited guests bo permitted to participate In tin' proceedings. floorgo W. Ttiddic, of riiiladelpblhn, of. ferrd a re.olution niitliori.lng the Chair man of tlio Stnto Committee to appoint n rommltteo of -fivo to drmv up a proper pxpres-dnn of tho scntlmcntsof tlio meeting. On motion of Llcuteiiant Oiivernnr Latin, tho cnminittco was increased to thirteen, tho Chn'i rinau of the Stato Central COmmit tco tb act ns its Chairman. Tho following gentlemen wero selected 09 thocommittco: Oeorgo W. Diddle, William Iligler, .lames 1". Harr, llichnrd Vatix, II. F. Myers, W. II. II. D.ivi-", John Latla, J. Cumniings, 1'. N. Pierce, A. J. Steinman, S. A. Ilridgca, John It. Itecd, and William McClelland. General Davis, of Doylestown, stated that while the committee were deliberating a re port prepared by Governor Iligler covering tho action of tlio Louisiana Returning Hoard would bo l ead to" tho meeting, Tho report, v.hiclt occupied a quarter of an hour in roadlrig, gave a full history' of the action of tho Hoard and the experience of the Com mission of which General Rigler was it mem ber. The meeting then took a recess until half past ono o'clock. The following address was unanimously adoptnl at tho afternoon session : To thu neomo of Pennsylvania : We ad- ress you in Hint spirit of patriotism which is common to all citizens ot. tins Commoii- ealtli. Tlio nolitical condition of our country is fraught with impending peril. Tho expression by tho peoplo of their in tention to support tluve Constitutional means which will meet thu issuu made on the question f tho Presidency may prevent I ' . .! . ...111 . 1VT1... - nut (uuowisu vvu win ui-jiiiiii- ii iiiui-i v;i folates either thu letter or spirit of thu Con- litution'tends to weaken and may destroy our Government. Theie is not a ciucstion or a measure ro- itinc lo tlio peace and bappiiic?s of the whole people, exciting contitivery and )oi ending ilisciiru, lor wUicu tliu Uoiislliution mis lo provide.. .mi. r ii... .: l..i 1 -vr:. i ! a ne eiecuoii in l ri'siiien.. uim v ico i icai ent of the United Ptalts is ahieh and sol um ilutv oniiuiiebplc of tlio Muveral Status. An attempt to'ovndo obcdiciu-o to ihe popu- :ir will, liy any eilovt toiiisiort tlio inuutiing t the Uonstmition, by niitiiiiterpretutinit oi aw to seek to set up Harriers ngnitm uie 'orco of their declared will, is t-ubstittitinsr revolutionary expedients for Coiii-titutioiinl meth'iils. The Senate itnd House of Jleiircfeutativcs of tho United SlaUs lmvo, by the Constitu tion, the solo unit exclusive pqvvqr to seiiie all questions which relntu to tho validity oi the Klecttiral votes of tho several Slates In ono itvent. the Constitution irives the Hoiiso of Jteiiresentatives tho power to elect the President. We. therefore, enruestlv invoko from you every t-IIort eognizable bv law in Hie execu- inn anil mi i port ui iiiuiiiibiiiiiiiiuiai uieui ids by which it is to bo determined who are the lawfully elected President and Vice Pre-ident of the Uniti d States. Wo invito tho.Mi who leel the present dan- ecrtoaidin all lawful means which may niluce. tlio fcenatiirs anil jiHpresemiuives oi ho Slates and peoplo in Congress ns-em- bled, to obey the plain intent and meaning of the ConsUtition and l'tws, and not, in lefinticp thereof, to nlacc in Iho Inch oflicts ot tlie liovernnieni men whom' imc is uni cd with Irani . At free cituens ot tins com moinvciilth, wo suggest that you consider Ihoso meiiMires winch micii a coiiungrnuy may invito or command. We believe a largo number of our citizens who are too natiiotio to bo bound by tho designs ol t lie managers of the present administration of the general government, ;oie prepariu openiy to condemn the disposition they jnniiilest to plungo tho country into a sea of danger, rather than return to 'the-people tho trust committed to the m for n specified period of if Pit-sidelitiul term. If tho people, will, with courage and calmness and full iailh in their sovereignty us tho bouice. of all politi cal power, make the.-B dpelaralions, then their seiviuils may listen aim ouey- lielievinir that thcfe opinions nro enter tallied by nil honest and patriotic citizens, wo declare that funnel J. Tildcn and Tho- iiiAs'A.- Hendricks were, on tlfb t 111 dav ot November hi-t, elected President nml Vice President, ol-tho Unittd States. t?elf glut illation hii-'lio piiitTn this our wiliinii slate iiicpt of llio fact upon which we jnteiAl to if-l i tir fiil'ufi' coiidiict. We cull upon tlio nicniber-i ol both JIpujcj! sot Congitrt to ililni t mii Ii lawful mtaii as'lnay, luad (o the Ilicialiliilarain.il ol Hie fait H at Mr. nil' den nml Mr. lletidiiths have hi en eke.tcd. Mini wo urpo them to ifsist, wit.li all iheir power, Ihiv proporill toscttlo the a-ci rilnilr meni ol a fnet ulieiiilv luenllipliflMd, by a rwioiu'o. of it li) jiny other inbtnial than that alruidv iiiipoiiHid t decide itliyltho C'oiirtiiuti' li ol the- United Pinto. i Yuv Utile1 bush rrh uf in' oilai.ee lm ht'in fiin.siicli'-ii b 1 llhrr1 liboo during the uiij til 'iltrr the holidays. The St nale Committee ijij foiuniug tin' Klecloral vote is as follows; ' Missrs, Kdmiinds of Vermont, 'Morton (if ri.dlaiia, l'Vdingl'tijwn of ew Jersey, it."- g.n uf Illinois, Tpiirumn of.Ohio, Ua.yard Di-liiWHU', and lluusom ot North Carnliiia. TlieHutlsi' Coiniiiillee t-initjictrt of Miisri". Pajiic ut Ohio, llunloiiof Virginia, Iki. iit (if New York, Springer of Illinois, -McCia- ry of Iowa, Hoar ol Jli.nsiichusttts, and Willurd of Michigan. A resolution was passed In tlio IIoiuo de elarlng l)nrii(s,(he New Orleans Manager of the Western Union Telegraph Co. in con tempt for not producing despatches beforo the Committed in that city, ami ordering ids arrest. '1 lie situation in I'lorida hlis assumed a new phase. The Supremo Court ot tho Stato has granted a peremptory order to thu Ue turning Hoard to ncanva.-,s the returns from their face. Tills will give tho Statu tn Til den and elect tho Democratic Stnto ticket mid Congressmen, Governor Stearns givts up and lias advised tho Hoard to obey tho order of tho Court. Jt 1 probable that somo of the radical Hepublicaiis will insist upon counting tho first returns, but the whole senlluicnt of tho peoplo will bo against such a patent fraud. Since the above was written tho Hoard lira refused to obey tho order of thu Court. yimt action w)ll bo taken by the Court not known. Another battery has arrived in Waihing- ton and two more companies nro expected this week. Nothing ia meaut by this influx of troops, of courso that is, Recording to "SeltViteU's.ltnniliTiUe I'llls. WU1 1 found In tinHoas Ihnn nuallttrs neensftrv to tlw "ill rradlenMon of all bilious sttacks.pnmipt 1. 1 sutii in? bisirwiiiins in inn i,vt-r.iliiJ give ll ll"llllliy tone to tho entire system. Indeed, It H, no ordlnnri dls ..jvory In itiodl.atscfeiiei to ha o Inient.'d n remwli fnT llieio stubborn eoniplalnts. wMch devel op ail the results prpducrii bv a lieretoforo too treo use or enlfim.-t, n mineral Justly drended In mini, kind, nnd ekmiwli-dg"d tibi- destrucllvo In Iho ex treme to tho human sjstem That thu properties of certain vegetiviiles eomprlsn nil the llrtucsof calo mel without It injurious tendencies is now an ad mltlt fact, rendered Indlspiitatiln liv seletillnern searehess and thoso who usii llio Mnndrnko I'llls will befullvsvttstiml that tho best medicines am those provided liv nature in the common hems and roots of tho lleli 1 1. Those I'llls opon tho bowels nd correct all bilious dr,iugeinciits wli bout snltv ut'.on ornnyof tlto Inju rious elTects ut calomel or other poisons. 11m secre tion ot bile Is promoted by tbeso pills ns: will In) s.-en by tile nlter. it color of the stoOIs. nnd disappearing of tho salluw. complexion and demising of Urn tongue. Ample illrcrllons for uso accompany each dot il pills, l'repnri-d only by .1. II. suiencK A Non.at their jirlnelonl ome..,eorin'r "lxth nnd An h ton-els I",tt ud lphl.1. and fpr sale by all druggl-us and dealt rs. l'l lee 83 cents-per box. r S. ; ftoc. What I Know About Vegetino. fouiullosTON, Jlay 0, is;o. II. It. Pleions, tfit Dear Mr i nave nan conidernbic experience wttti Vegellnc. l-'ur ill siiepsla. general debility nndlm nnrn lilnn.l. l getllie IS SUIN'rlOl- to nllV tlllnif VI hlrl I havo ever used. 1 commenced taking it about tho middle of last winter, mid ntter using a tew bottles It ontlrely curort aw of dj-spepsl.i. and my olood was never In wi good condition as at the prevent tlm.'i It will ufToril mo pleasure, to give any fuilher patllcu luri i-uUllve 10 whut I know about this good modi elm trt nny ono who Million!! On wldresi mo nl my re3ideiiee, 8S1 Athens street. Very Ilespeclfully, JIONItOEl'VllKEII. U;o Athens street.. IijNliepsla. HYMt'TOMS-r-Want ot nppetlle, rising of food and wind from tho htomacii, acidity ot Hie slomach.lieart burn, dri.1Sv pnd wlilienewi of tlw tongue Hi tho morning, henot dlslentlon In too stomach nnd bowels, sometimes liiiubllng and pain; cil lioness. which Is occasionally Interiupu-il by dlairliui.) : pmo nessot Iho urine, 'iho uioiith Is damiuy, or has a sour or bitter taste, other freijuent s. miilomsnre wnteibraHi, palpltitlon -t the heart, headache, and disorders of I no senses, as seeing double, cto 'i l.ero is general debility, languor and aversion to mot ton 1 dejection ot tho tplrits, disturbed slccp.and Irlghlf ul dreams. Gained Fifteen Pounds of .Flesh. South Heiuvick, Me.. Jan. 17, 182. II. It-Stoven-, llsq.: D-'ar sir I novo had dyspepsia In its worst form for tho last ten ears, and halo tuken hundreds of dollars worth of medicine vlthout obtaining any re lief. In September last I commenced taking I cge tlnij. Mnco which tlmo my lio.illh has steadily Im prov ed. My food digests w cl, and I Iiaya gained tlt-I'-en pounds ot llesii, Tin ro nro several others In this place taking tho Vegellne, and all havo obtained relief, Yours truly, ' 1 IIOWAS i:. MOOP.E. Overseer of card room, Portsmouth Cg's.anus. All Diseases of tho Blood. If Vegetino will relieve pain, cleanse, purlfv and oiii-n siieh rltseast-s. restortnc the luttlcnl to nortei t licatlh niter trj lug dllTVrent physicians many r me- ti es. suiierinir lur .veuis. is il nuv txjiieiiisivii 11 uui 11 joii nren Biinercr, jou can bu cured? Whilsthls Ilieuil nil-( I ll'rillliiii nut 11 11,111-1111.11 11, nuiiaiu tho bloo.1, lu tbo clrcuWting llultl. It can truly bo called Hi.; Oreat I'.luod I'urlller. 'i ho ureal soiirt-i! ot dleaso originates In the blood; and no medicine that dous not act directly upon 11. topunti and renovate, has any Just claim upon public attention. ' " GOOD IB'VXDEIvTCii. Cincinnati, .sov. Si5. Mr. It. I!. Stnveiis ; Dear Mr Hie two bottles of Vegellne furnhhed mo uy your agoni. my vv iw na-i useu wan great ovn ent lorn on.' l ino sao 11.1s men troubled wun u izzi- nets and ensllvel.ts ; tin su troubles uru now cntlic- ly removeu uy 1110 iinu 01 v t geime. M10 was nbio troubled with disnepsla nnd general dcblllly; and has lictfugreatli biaieilttid. 'iliu?. iiiLt.viuitj-.. rax vainui&. iicsitiiiiv r.vidoiicc. .Mr..ll. Ii.fitevcns: Dear Mr 1 vv ill most cheerfully Add my tesMiony to tho grout nil bor Sou have uliiudy lecelveilln fa vor of uur groat and good medicine, Ycgetlue, tor I do not think chough can bo bald lu Us praise, ror I wasiruubled over thlriy jears Willi that dr-adlul disease, calai lb, and had such bad coughing spells that It would seem as though I could never breathe unv tnuiv, and Vegetino has cured ine; .and 1 do feel to thank Ooil all the time UuV llieru Is so good a medlclml as Vcgctlue, iiiid I aHu think It one of tlio best, medicines tor coughs, and vveuk, sinking feel ings at tlm soiniueh, and advise everybody to take Vegellne, fur I can nssim- them It Isono of Iho beat medicines that ever was. Jills. I,, oortrv Corner Magazine ond Walnut streets, t'jmbi tdge, .Mass. - A1TBE0IATI0N. C'ltAin rsmvt n, .Mass., March 19. 1P03. II. li. Klerens; This is to certify that I have used your"I;lcod Pleparalb n" (Vegelliie) in my family for saveral ears, mid think mat, tor M?rofula or cankerous I111 mors orrlieiiin.illc atlictloiis, It cannot, bu excelled; nud as a blood nurllkr.iud snitn'- tnedtelno It Is the best tiling I liuve i-vei- used ; and I liuveusnliilmost iivt-ii tiling. 1 tun tiu i iimii leeuiiimciiu it lu liny uuu in neeu ui sueu u iiiu.ii.-uii', Youra respectfully,, Jllfo. A, A. DINSMOKH 18 liussel klmet. Vegetino is sold by all druggists. Ayer's Clierry Pectoral l'cr Diseases of tho. Throat and Lungs, nuchas Coughs, Colds, Couftb, f-H&ii 11 -ECll"is' 'Asthma, ija ' ' JeAEl and Consumption. .... ' T i.e 1 cputhti.ii'i It liafc nlt.iinetl, 111 eoiucqucuce ot the liilirvelliuis fnres ll Ian piVidured ihirin's tliU" la-t ball eci'.tpryvli nuitlllncnt ii'itiianec Jo tiio publ'u-lliai it v ui i-iiiiiiiiui't.i ieiiiie tlio happiest' ,; lentil tbav t-iifi beili'sirci). In almost ni eiy. tevtiou vl cnuvtiy liieie are pciion. pnbhi;fy ' l.ii.nvii,iivl..ubec).,ic4t(iveillriinifjai'nilugajiil even dospiTMe ibean nl' llio lung, by lu inc.. . All viliuhaVc iiiciUf,.'ii't.iwiili,'i1guiti.nipeiioilty; anil vtlieio its vb I ties 11 i-ekiiiiwn, 1111 one lieiiil.ttes as toulu-itnieilli'iiie lo'ciiipbiy tuiclievo tliu ilia tross ami Hiifft'i'i'ii;,' peentl.-ir lo iulliiitiii.i'rynfliic.' iioiw. ('m.i.t'.v I'la.-ioiiAI. :.hvaa afluids in limit lellt'T, .slid peii'm-jin rapid curci of llio mUdei-vain Ot'sul bir.jinliiid tiionltr.iu vrell ' in 'ti. i-bp-f ln'i..t.l'lb').' i.iji'i v'T 111.' lungs. . . . A 'tin! 'tru.oil li liijilii'M.'.'itiiidtlieilistress. ii. I'M' ''.'. Vi'i' bjCMHUq TiuoiiJ l.ii.l Piei f.f Mufti, null. 'I t-iirvnliiiiliii'ir.ir, by IK timely ue, i wi, ''' , e.uV ut'.taivl.ieitii'ieij'biiisil'lii. ' ' .t.ii iiiei.. mii gams l.-iviiiU at evt'i- tn il, ii ' I .-iu-e it n 1; Hiituibity pi mine ng au luu ip- tH.lklllile pi j,e Jiugnttl'llj Jv'o r.uidliuulU ijio 1 " t li.lai! llioo J uh'i liavu ului ii?tl .it . . ii'.u.a J'Jiy.lt-ijin-' jlu-ftitlit ,ll.c rouuuy' w'tu :ui-'Ve,'i) ihcn'olli'ii louitmnieiurj; ! iKrvi:ro tir 0r. J. G. AVER Si CO,, Lowell, Mass., rrntllcnl snil AnalvtiiHl Cli.,!jte. S()U',lV'AI.l'. DHUUCUSTS CTlUlYWIIlUiH:. Oct. IB, HTC-ly ' . V A T Ii IN T S . Persons desiring to tak out patouts', or desiring Infdrmatlbn frcin the L'uttcd istatntj i'a ent omce should coi.tult Y. A. lXIIMAKN, bolKitor of An cri can and Foreign Pulculi., Wathlngtod, 1), C. fcx .iinlnatlonsrrce. 6 I'ATEITW l'.Y. Scud for Clicular, Oct. , T.ut sherFffs sa leT liy virtue or n writ or Venditioni Kpo nas Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county unit lo 1110 directed, wld boexposcd to publlo baloot iho Court Ilouso lu llloomsburg at one o'clock p. m, ou SATUUIUY, JAXUAKY 13, 1870, All the follovv ing roal estate slluatu lu tlio borough of Centralla, Columbia county, ('a., bounded nnd do scrlbod as fjllows 1 N'ortn by lot tt John Moran.east by LocuUuviuuo, huuth by Locust .Mountain Coal nnd Iron company, and west by nu alley, said lot be ing Ufty reel front anil one liuudad and torty feet deep, vv hereon aro creeled a two-story frame More and dwelling house and outbuildings. Hcliod, taken Into execution, aud 10 bo sold as tho property of J, J, lloagland, ClIAHLlts s. FOllNWAU), Dee. ii, int. Wicrlfr. COUNTER.PLATFOnM VAGON&.TRACK Vt AGENTS WANTED-co .iCtlU TOR PRICE LIST pRVlN SAFE&5SCALECO, ' 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 GHFSTNUT ST.PHILA. PA. .March 81,, Tt. SOAP. Thoroughly Cures DisttASF.5 of the Snirf, llEAtrrii'ics the Complexion, I'reVents AND KUMKDinS HlIEUHATlSM' AND GOUT, Heais Sores and' Abrasions ok tub Cuticle and Counteracts ContaoioM. Thls Stanilard Ii.ftcrnal Itcmcdyfor Erup lions, b'orcs arid Injuries of the Skin, not ordy. - iii.jiuii.3 1 iw.i 1111. iuii i.i..iij.s ALa. uiai.-il- Isiies arising from local Impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the -CUTICLE ,MAR"2LOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and T LI ANT, and being a WHOLESOME BEAUTII'lER is far prcfcrablo to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL- riiuii IIatiis are insured bv hie vse or Geim?,s HuhjJitt)' A'ohji, vvlJch In addi tion to iti purifying 'effects, remedies and PRE VENTS KiiisuiiiATisM and Gout. -It also disinfects clothi.no and unen'' nnil r-REVE.MTS DISEjVSES COMMUNICATED UV CONTACT With the PERSON. IT DISSOLVES DANDRurF, prevents bold ness, and retards rramess'hf the hair. FJivsIcians sneal; of 'itin'lilfih Wrmt. Prices-25' and 50 Cent's bcr Cake; per - a ox tj uanesj, ouc. ana mi.au. N. B. Tie 5a cent cakes aro triple die bc of those al S5 CCDll. HILL'S HAIR Atfl) WHISKER TE,M made or Drown, SU Cents. C. S. CRinESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth AviJ.Y. Oct. ill, TO. ll ' GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT Tlio Ai.iminiT & Co. Tiakos aro first-class in every respect, boing con sidered tlio leading Philadelphia inako by musicians and competent judges. Through their extensive facilities, IisTta. Ai.nitKCiiT. & Co. aro enabled to turn out iutruinents that aro not surpassed nny where, and Btill Boll tlictn nt prices within the reach of all. No Piano is permitted to loavQ-thcir factory unless satisfac tory to tlio ino-t, nimuto particular, liencq their guarantcp of flvo years ia n thing of vulito. All late im jirovcinoiits of ijnpprtnncQ aro found m thepo instriiineiits. Mritfja. Ai.niiKCHT & Co. liavo rq ccived tho most flattering .Tci-vtiino-', nials from L. 31, GoTTbciiALK, FitAKZ AiiT,Gi!STAYuSA.m:u, J, l.HiMMi:r'.s incit, Wiij,usi Wpi.'-iF.j'FKn. and many other eminent farti&ta, beside, being ;ablo to .refer tci .thoiisand-s of piivnt'q purchasers, ' bcIioqIs, beiu iiarie.s, fi0t.!eiC8!viul lcticjioi?, , -; Pianos OQWcicntiQUBlyMjleotcd per orders by iuuil,',c,a.rc;fiilypr(ikeilaild bhippcdfafclybonny.paTtol tUo.w'orld. Jttari'ur.fttrl.h.vr partjeujaw -us fo rcfiiroiicus,, piiqes.uml lflrnia, ath;lrc3s, ALB R EC HT & CO. GIO'A'rcli.SJroot, Philaclelphla. j N JUlJll, IsTi..-..., , ... J)U)UMSf5UI(i TANNtiliVi ;.- a. ti n u it ix o RIvKMa'FI'I.LY' pnnoanoif.s t'oU j'ljMi t1ir.t'helia'6r'0iiold ' ' , ' '! Vr: isw. wiire l.ll oi hcrrpttoui tt leatnei will I made la tbvt ioift siilmtfinttfil mitt VICH lflil.tnttk ISaul.er. Slid St.1 1 lit price tuMilttlieU'i"S llw Mgbek riUelnliwIi win tl.i liuioa uo paii it, t,r even de srilp'lrn Ir '1 h rrvutty. Hif jut l( j in roiitige'ts respeeirutlv willdtwl. .' liiooiasbtirg oot. t. Hit- ' MORHIS MICHEL, TUIVi:il ASt IIWAIIUIU. UL()OMSliiJK(, PA. 1'IIIST C'I.SS PIANOS ASP OllOAtfS I'OIt SALE. SLl'ONI) IIANI1 PIANIIS T,v Ii r. N IN liXCIlAMils. OliDEIt 11V MAIL PllOMtTLV USKOUTL'U. " T!llSfAPEiISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. 1 j4 733 StNsoM St., PHILADELPHIA, Who uru uur iiiilborled nReiils, mid rerelvo AdrortUeiuvntM ut our i.OU'IMT OAlsll Jt.Tt:.H. ft1! in ft90 per day at bome. Kamnles worth tt Co r.l'&rlhuid, ilalue. FIMOS. HW I' I tit' jt .1 .'W THK COIjUMiltAN", VOL. X, K0.62 SIIEftlFlAS SALES. 1 I,., Uy vlruio ot sundry writs of Al. vnd r.x.. Al. Lev. Fa,AK. F, to rati fllrcctod will be exposed to publlo talo at tho Oourt ilousd In llloomsburg, at ono o'clock pj m, on SATIJnUAY, DliQIiMlJFilt 30, 187(5, AU that certain piece of ground in thoorough ot Ccntralia, Columbia , county, bounded as follows: beginning nt property of Wlillanr I'ellfcr and run- nlng north four (i) feet to property ot Wllllam'Tor- rcy, thence west ono hundred and torty (HO) feet to an alley, thenco south four (I) rect to property ot wniinm l'eirrer.thonco Tjtio' hundred and forty (lioj ?cit.t2lW J?5 otjj'clnilng.'on'liicnit Avenue. Meiied, taken into execution, and to bo cold as Uio property of btopheu Thouias.Y - . ( AfSOy ..;.'; All thoso certain lots or pieces ot trrobnd tltuato In 1110 borough ol Centralla, In tho eounty of' Columbia, and Stato of rennsjlvanta, boundod and described as follow, Wit lfcglrirllfig' at trio Kdrtli-wist corner of Locust ACnud antt Jtaln Wreet, Uie'nCo soutli bjlity-scrcn (St degaes west ono hundred and for ty (140) leet to n twenty feet wtdo alley ,'thcnce along the, cast Una ot, salu .alloy north three (it) degrees westllfiy (so) feet, thence north eighty-seven Wldc- grccs east one hundred and forty jHo)'ieet tosaid Lutuai, 4111-iiue! uieueu suuiu inreo aj ucgrceseasi ortjr xso) feot lo tho placoof beginning! being tlio lots marked with tho numbers eleven (It) and twelve (12) In block number tcvcnty-tlircc. ,(73),and lying ndjiccnt. Whereon aie erected ftlltrg'o..tvo-Btory frame hotel, with basement, stables anu Outbuild ings. BClied,-taken Into c.teoutlon. and to bb sold ns tho "propsrty of nrnry A. M'eldcnsaul, i)1th notice to wnnaiA t't'lffer, tt-rro lenintand prosont owner; -ALSO, AttheSarhetlmo nnl place, tho follovvln? tract of land situate la ltoaringcreck to"nhsfifp, Columbia county, l'cnnsjlvanla, bounded And .desgribe'd 03 fo. lows : North by land or Elijah Yccuui, weft by hinds of .vocum and llotfcr.'south by lands of "EMail How- r and east .by William Osborh, containing tijrty afcros, liioro (ir. less", whereon aro'creaed a frame jiweUlng housd, arrnnithndIogstablo. Helied, taken into bxecottOn. and' W oo told ns tho property Ct .Joseph Jluc'k.'. ' ' y ". ' " ALSO, ' "" ' Atthosametrmo'niid place, thi followicg real es tate la llontaoa, Conynghaci-townsiilp,"Colun-.bla county, t'enns) fania, Iwuuded -east by Centre slroel. southTjy t'eeoncTEtrt'eflWCity an-nltey.iiorth by'liUid furmsily uwnod by WlliUm (ioudioan nnd ira iiaaaiuoiner.'UJing iuev-iive leet rrtmr.'nlnQty- uiu iLsji, unuiv. anu.uno nunareu nna ioi-lv in aenin. oil whWh are erected a stone and frame tavern stand frame stable nnd outbull ilngs. - - ' ALSO,' v . ... 1 Ono other lot uoutsfiea On the cost by annltei. hOUtli by Sjcund intet,-)vf t;by;ivniig pt coul fililgu Coal anil Iron Company", north by lands of 11. H.Marr and Daniel Morris, bobgj JUty. teiU.lrt tror.t. j n.l- i.l.Wt.i. iiykiit. a-U ll.S l.. ..... "l''i"l muii. ...iv t.l.t.ULluii, U1IU W Uf aUlU IUI IUV proptat-y o( Imvoo EjAatis, : fu . AISO,-' ' AIL that "cettnin tract of land slteate'ln Locust township, Columbia county,,I,uiusj!vanla,.HUUridi'd' anil 'describes! .as follow!, to-ivlt: On the north by whereon are fleeted, n triune cradling l.OUse and panl-,barnand,outbulinings.1' L '- ' Selic 1 , taken into execution, nnd lo be told as the property irDaqlil JlOypri f. i i jx X . ALSO, ' At the same tlmo ind place, 'all ihat rlece orpar- oel of land situate in the tpwmhlp pf Hiiarcreek, Co lumbll county. atlJolnlng'S'a'mUer Hawk onthe'norUi AlvlnTantlcrmark-.'estatoof Jphn Liadi;h and Astute of W.A.J. Urlttalh on the Oust, W'iniam Kllnetob aud Martha Krtwnrds on the eouUT, "and ou.thd west J)y.L'rIaii VaaJ'olL,JContaIuli)g eighty acres, more or less, on jTlilca Ara ua-cleJ ,a twd-story frame bouse and bank barn. Seized, takea Into execution, and to b sold as tho. prope.i ty ot Jphu Van l'ct. CODlTlONS'ftl,' S.tr.C.-rurchascrs must W ten pir cent, of-1 ho purchase money, or atloa rnough to cover all costs, aturtktng tloivnot sale, Pthurwl.io property to be lesold at once. CIIAI!I.tS H. l'OUXWAI.p, lice 13-ts. . ' fliorlir. WILLliMSPOirr li,vji oli; ii.iiU kf.uii'iii) (in'iih: jiotiom EVERY ''PAIIb' A? AIUlA'N.TEi). .'"-) ft . I i.U." ' " . )( , i .'V.hV . J- i ,W'V -f Mi 1 1 13 I .-t-WX' fi'l.'! Well (fO-'irt Our,;Glt1fi, cirtn:ln:it;vi rv . : "ituivii in lliu Count v. I at i7 Ct -Ki , i e,l'.-ianJ ii'..'.IK :,V.UWit'''1'-J , . iw iLixdWiiittunsj'i.ti't, Kept 50, TSU'n. .'!. 1 'J- ")'"iniii' ;r .ir.fi II'. ,. : lleiuotioinjrPluo')'!':- j ' " CHEAP STAiND BEST ! I ' ". t , THK IMllUlssHUiti-.' - ' I DAILY AND WEEKLT&Bp FOR 1877. ! ' To all new suUcrlbrs a' d to ull prewnt sulntrlj-irili.iittliig-U;!wabn,llMiis -i ...! '..1.. ! rnr:'itv'frrAv'vi'!Hn:r j will lw sat at tbo KSfciWeg (WWll '' " '-' . ...li.l 1 1 I Mfc . 1 I'bjiy, 1 vchi, poitneoi prvpuhl, i oopie. (in club) " ' i "4.7 1 0 1 1 lai 21 r.ff' 10 " " " ". ao no 1 enpv dnriufi llio sfsshm'of fhe'Le'i lulure : . 100 1 cony, 1 unr, and 1 copy, 1 year, ot ti- lhiT-Jtirfm't Monthly it Jlarpqfi Bazar, poktagy prepaid ou'both) iff.W, ' fHK WlIEKLY lMTlUOT will be sent at tho following rates; I copy, 1-year, postage prepaid- $2.00 -I copies, ' 0.00 10 " " " 10.00 15 " " " , and 1 copy to getter, up of club 10.00 5 copies, 1 year, postU(;o'Prepaid, and 1 copy to getter up of club ' 22.S0 1 copy, 1 year, nnd 1 copy, 1 year, of either Harper's Monthly or Jlarner't Bazar, postage prepaid on botli H0 Tr.o mbscrlpilon prlco ot llarptrii iionlhly and Harper's llalur li tl each, Ihns securing IhtMlo-scrl. IH'i'ii eonv ut the Weeklv Patriot fur.su eemli tn i.ri.ii. Han to what ho Would havo to pay tor cither ot Har per's publlcat ions. All tinlers must lm necoinpivuled by tho cadi. either l.v rtu.k ,ir Txikt t.fltn.1 rti-a ' ' Howls the time to eulnerlue, (let all thouovvh iiini 1110 ueiai'i leaning luniierat lesH cost man any where t-lso by sending jdur nlbcrfrllous tu tht liallyandWtfklyPulilot: ' y , Address, J'.UltlOT PUDLISIHNO )., HarrUburg, Pa. P . JTUlViPALlS j AT THE COLUM1HA OFFICE, , Ono Inch, (twolro llor or lUeniibrsyttUnNonr eUyJi)one orvtols4tl(jp, rjM jtifco Iuki KI-ACK. lu. OM. ih. cm. IT. One Inch ,. Twolncbrs, . 'ihrti.fnrliM l-'our Inches . ft.f.O- 13.00 14.01 00 10.iO ... S.SO B.IO T.IO ,00 18.0(1 a 'l .''b.i Hi: t,w ( ot i M i s.i o . . 7.00 H.OO 11 lV IH'' tf.i.v ..le.oo 1).9 U.to" W.M) Onsrler column ll alt column .16.0 so.no tM .moo ono column. '.saw o.oo co.oo iio.u Yearly ndrertjwnifnl PUUVJo lJ?rVW Tr?n. slCht advertl winenls must be raid tor bttote Inserted except, whtro parties lmvo accounts. . . I .Pirn! nrlvprl iNrmiintn twa doUnrfl nor tnCb ICV tnren 'lnsertlrtn, and afthnt mtb-fuT additional insertions nitnoirtreTcrcflcaloleiigtii, i.' Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor;? notwes tfireo dollars, " , " Trnmlfntfor' Local notice, twenty tents allno, regular advertisements halt raU-s. C'oribi In tno "linsinrm. Directory" column, ono dollar per j car tor each lino. LOUIS BERNHAHD, lliajo.vlijljHnt),. fA, , . t Dealer tn , , ELGIN- L OXnSIt. WATDETJS, Silver land Plated -Vdfo, FIKB JBWKLUY, CLOCKS; "VitO., I'rtiiniitly UxsKUiitotL oet,s,i5-lr . 'i' GLAZING AND ' .PAPEeCiNG. "YJ17"M. P, ItODiKK, iron.Lrect Vflow pec-a 1 T ona, wooinsuurg, i t., is preparvu tu kinds ot i'-iMi. uluiubiit PAINTING, - ' i r oi riit.j I alt . I " 1 ', .'' C 111 Hl'Jillllil. , , GLAZING, n ,i t'lisaK jii, .SIlJllol.lllj ...... u -.. !Uan5j'otTqiiu. X t vein .'(.jcuvil ( tk I .-.a ;.. iiFA EEIt; RANGING boii-a ik' bcj. 71 In tho best Btyles, at lowcatlDrlces, jaud at short ,17. !,i, .is1 or! - .rsrtles hsving such work to da' will 'BaVo' moasy calllnypn ni?. j',, - ,.;.-,,; AH workwairsnwd toglvo 8at'l3tactlbri. solllWd - .... Orde:i WM.F.BODJNE. tarct)S"M vin-. i it "I rrri: Chicago &xoitTit-vrRsERS''iiA'ifl,w'Ar Kiiibrades under ono 'management trW Croat TrunS Hallway lain s of the 1'fcsi and MlJsmt-WKSr.and. w ith its nuiiieruus i'r.inehis and connections, torsyts tlio siioTti-.st aikTTiWi-resl route between Chlcagu and all (kjIiiih la li.i.ivui. u loCu.-iisoitTiiKin MicnirtAs, .mIsnesOt, low v, Nkukaska, California .and thw Wesu-rn Ten Itortes. It -J'- '.J Otnaliu and f'alli'ornhi Lltic Is the Miortest ana best' route for all'r.'6lritfs1ir? north ern Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, KebraiKai .AVjDmlng, Colorado, Nevada, t'tah, California, Oregon, China, Japan and AustrailOT its - .1, C'hlcii?o,.llnillMua iSl St. PpulXltio ,Is tlie f hort IJno for Northern Wisco'nMn and illnno- duiii, uuu tur jnuinson, Ai. 1'aui, .viinneapousjuiuiu. and all points la tho great Norfh-west. Its i. -t Winunsi aud ft. I'cter lane Is the only rOutO fur Wluon'a; ltoche storT:oVatonna, .MHnkatu, St. l'eter, No.v Iflmj and ll polnUi lu toatherh and central MUnfeOta; Its ' " ' J 1. i.U "it Orecn Itaj' nnd .llarquettp ,1-lnti Is tJieonlyllnO for Jnnesvllle,- WatertOvvtit l-Mnd nu tor t'shkiisb, Appleton, llreenUay, Kfcca-na, No- Eaunee, Marquette, Houghton', Hancock and tho akn superior country. Its ... lrceiiort and DiilniJitic Line IstliOOnly louletor Elgin, RocTcrord, Freoport, and oU ioU ts via 1'Yceport. Us 4 Chicago nd itliMvankcii l.fitc Isthe old I.nk6 Wisro Koute, andls ihs b-'1y onu piiKslog tlu-ough Hvnnston, Lake roresry":mghl.mnl l'ai k, vv'aukegan, Kaclnv, htnosha to AUtVatiU'C. I'n'Iitiati I'n'aco Cain . are run on all lhroughiraius of.thls road. This is tho oNI, l.l.Mi l uunlug ihtjsa cars b... tween Chicago aud Kt-pauLChlcagoand WHwaukis, or Chicago .u.d Winona. At omaha our sleepers eilnnetivrth tliooverlan t Mecpers on tlio l i.Kn 1 'acute itaUroad tor ai points west ot tho Missouri river. ' ' , ' ' ou lliu arrival of lliu-trainslrom tlio cast ortsouth, tlio trains of tlio Chicago. c Nprth-Wcsterii naUvvar leUioHiiedgo'KS follows ' , I'OII CpCMtl HLCll-S.0MAIUASCAtIEpiO.-I4,Tll tht-oiuth trains dally, MlthTuirniin palapu-iiraw lu r roou. lid hlotpbigoaro througb.' to ticsincu luarts. Fob kt Paul Asu.Mts.NEAroi.is, two idfoitgu trains dallvi with i'Ullmau' palaco'earaattached'to bot.i tralu.s. , . ; Fok riiiKks TtAV AKn'I.lkB Sol'initOif, two tralni daily, w Ith- l'nllinnn-iTabicccnnj attached, and run mngtbrougliioMariiuttio. .. , , l'oit MUK-iritKE, fnub-through-tfains1 ifa ly, 1'ull man ears ou night .tcuus, uariort chair taraiun da trains. ' ; a onJieAHTA ANU.wjNO.tA pnitriplntJt.in'lUDnoSo onetluough tiain dally, .wttlt l'uUman s.w.iicrsto V.lnonu-.'i . ' ''- i11"' ' . ,Hik livftQitE, ialrruvroct,tvt(5tliruuslu,traliii daily, wlta I'ulliuun cuisun night Irulus. Van nnivoi a .ami'I.a TiO-l',.TIit"( fc. ,,. tbrvUEb tinliih dally, ivi.iu Puibiiaii'c3T?v. ,"!, tttrtO toMfori-gflr, lovn. ' r night rOrt Spipx UITV.ANP 1 A-KT0!J1V1U iniln.. ,, hian eni-s to lviis-,uiirl Vjilley .lunctlon. " ,u' iKlain:Oi.Ki:VA'.'riKimnilirt fl.lllV': " vl Vim lf.i.'i:i-rti!. ssim.lKii. Knvnnji. -TjV it'nd iiher polr.ts.j ou'i-iin bavi' n-Odl'two to lt.M, ; . , . 1 , I . I "f.. . J ?. urk nfiiee, 5,0 4ls lsioadway ; liosti t!U.leu.')U urt.ntin. -tllti, ta l-aiWittla van , niucis" 1 "Hw. 121 Aluiiu.-Liiiirv.Mi-ii!t oft'i-et.; . ilitik nrect,' uiidir ii go titter iiuusu: 1' . V (Uuil.rutd Mmdliun Miil.s';i siris-t rtiuHit. isimr VV. Kitirlu nt.il 1 ni ,1 1 Wi'lls street ili'isit.-Wiii i rMtw ni'd Mnl, Mill iit)i;iuA- yiiniH- njiniwiuiaii xrom bohii' f leVt t S;i utn. .'Pel to . .W r.l .-rumlti. 11 . . 'Siint..lt.,.Mrk. lA-n.IVK. ,Vgi-i.'l.li;ii,,ov ,vn.-n.)',tMi!ei ... -. .rrHt'' 0 ,-r,j tilt A- i '-jfWV-V'. tiii.i-1- ,,tV' ' '' 'JlaltUri,-.- . 1 .( Wf-s,i yls 1 IJK 2 f I -aIX,5(cB1 j(tSrvtWt., Mr'r" . at4 tiff. ' -Mtv fl V , marble' works. T L. GUJTTON, Propriot, MAIN Si'ltaEI, UUi.U-a M'(i:i'l. Mtnufmlinvr nf and J'nihr in all liuiU 0' MOHOMENTAL MARBLE TOPIS Wetwetl.oiiestlsMuniOAN and IT U IAN Murblo. He has on hand and furnishes tO O'.fr MONUMUN'TS, TOMBS. HKADSTONKS, UltNS, YASF's. &b. Ilverv larietv ot Martilo enttlntr nwiin- txfiitn it the low tt market pi icos. a long practical experience antt jiensonat attention to builnt'M.'i mnkes Hit, nronrietor rnnrtiinnt i.r n-tvi...- ilco, .vi it: ,V'l iatlsfat'tlon. All urdtrs by mail promptly altendia to. P. i, nox 97. Bigy-A. '. It er dtlntrtil frte nf chare.-&a sug.l,'7My. T. L. aU'NTO.V, lToprlctor. lETHERILL&i AdvertisingAsents deceive 0'Kjcmi A 3 f I si. ltt.- 'inj. Dee. B, T8-m Iho authorities. They wo tbero just for fun, 71 AunsJ.'JO-ijr. Man hi 7C-ly, 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers