TlJtf COLUMBIAN, OLU.IHI USMOCItAT, BfAUOI'TIIK NOIITII AMUOOLUM nfAMCONSoT.UIATKII.) Issued we. 'Kij, every Friday morning, (it lb, iiliHllLltJ, CUI.VMIIIA I'M Nl'i, PA. tivj nou.ins i r yi'.ir, p.ivuil.' in advance, or rtuiMi im -ear. Atturiua otpiralluniir tho tear f ,. ivi.i ..ur'.l, I'j aipiscrlirrs nut r uio ', i ' i.i- unm inn II ) T io ir, lrle(l In ndiniuo ! it K ii it ,id 1 1 1 .1 l.a.iuo alii fj.u II pijnitMit Iju , i I U ll'U I'M Ji'HI. . , lift ilili ! l,tftC";it lit UIO nation of (In) ,, , . i .i.t uir-uar i hiv pa., inn, iij , , 1 1 1 1 iv In .if. t tiin ox lr.vtloii of in.. iinT . ,. n it .io KUvii x.i pi, Tt i ini.0 it-of Ihn stili. ortbdUlftntpost n ii -s must paid Mi In uitvuti ;o, unless ii rosjiou id .i . n T.4UH In Columbia comity assumes lu iv llio fn -rrl.lloii ino on U.-mnrid. is 1'Ai i uls no longer exacted from subscribers In i wmiy. I' ii in vii i un- i'ii.l i.i in Ty .1 lilMlhlii,KliioiiMi.;iii.f.iioni- 0 3 fthmte rrY'cs?' """u UU , ( Ull i our .. n i n i if .it Him Columbia County Official Directory. IVlMlrlcnl JndiO William Klwoll. Aiwocl.iU -lim.'S-Irjin Heir, M.d. Hughes, p. j. ujiutiir , .w. II. rraiik .nrr. co'irt uli'iiiiitraiiiiiT-i. N. H'ulkiT. I . i si rs Hi'iMiiliT WIMlAmion II. Jacoby. ahtri"t MUirit-y .loiin m,, ai-rlfr , i .. o or-lswUewllt. i r nnircr-lir II. sv. Mcl!(vnoMs. ) i m sli'iora -jolm jlornor, s, V. Mcltenry, I.n 'li 'amN. cm il-'ii'inHr? Tlerk William Kilcktiaum. A Mil- ii'.4 -,M V. H. Kline. I. II. cosey, n, u. Drown. .r ai-r -i,liirlesH..Murpli . run-i'i).nuiHloiier3-.lueol) it. l'rltz, M'llllamH. t'lL emit. smp5rInt"n'U' II. Snyder. nhj ii 1'uir HI .trlct -llrecra-i-(. 1'. Knt.SeoH, ,V j. Krun-r. lilonminri anJ Tliomas crcvvllnir. I to t, 0. 1'. Knt, Sccrctar . Bloomsburg Official Directory. t' .(I'lii'mr,; nanklnir ("o'np.inv Jolin . Funnon, IV iM. n , I. II. uro z, iMs!i1-r. Kin Iju il IMnlt-l'lurlcuIl. Paxion, ' resident l, l1. 1'iwtlii, CiUder. i iiMmlilt Co'.ni' . Mil nil "mini Point nmt lAin nil Ion -II. II. I.ll te, I'restden , O. W. .Miller, . .'fury. il n in Hint 'Mil tin: nml.ivln'r I'und .socl.i'loii -.V a. '' xckU. l'i'esll"iit..I. II. IliiMin, Secru'nrv. 'it i invi'ir' Mil "4.nln!t I'mul Assocl.i Ion .). .1. Mm ver, I'ro-,lil;ii , C, (1. Ilarklisv. Secrcary. CIIL'IU'II DIllIX'TOltY. Bw-n.iT ciirucii. nev, -T. P. Tin In, (supplv.) s i rl.iv S'rvlc'S-1 V, in nnil 0, p, m. snn-l.i icliool a, in. I'r.r. it Meclliii-IJvory Wcdnesilav cvcnln? at C4 e note. s?i sfiw. The pulillu nre Inil rdion'tuml. It. MATTIir.W'.l MTItCKAN CIiniCH, MlnM er IKiv. .t. McOron. M itiilav Servl i"i Hi'', a. in. mul CMP-1". Smi'l.w school un. m. i'ri rr Moo Uvury Wedncsdu evening nl C)v H.'.iUifrcp. So pews ren ''d. All are welcome. l'.in.iHYTniaiscui'r.cii. Mlnl4 er ttev. Munn Ml -hell. iivliy .Set vleel u.kj u. in, un. I ci p. in. siiml.n Uiilijil 'J n. in. IT i er Meo ln'-i:very WeilnesiLn evening a' OX li)''ir. Kcinfrcc. Jfo pews rente. 1. Si rdngeis welcome. METHODIST crigcorAt. cnt'KCH. Proililln? ni'ler Hev. N. S. I!ucklnliam. Minn er-l(ev. .1, s. McMuir.iy. Sunit.iv services -l niul ( f. in, ' l'.liili' Cl.iss-I'.ver Munitiv evening a' r,i o'clock. Vii'iilg Men's I'm cr .Mce lng-Every TueadA 1'iim.i ni'iiui'i n. in. rvetihir a nij ii'cliwk lien 'r.'il l'rnyer Meting Krery Thursday evening i o i;;ui .4. Krraimcii ciirucii. Corner of T.ilnl and Iron streets. I. (iiiriev. I!l t."ici! C uf Pi) lloti'l. Sini.l IV MerW.'M -Ii"', a. m. nnd T p. m. niiild.1. W-rwol -9.1. m. rr.nor .Meeting s.itui-il.iv, 7 p. m. Aft are InV Iteit There Ls alwaj s i oom, 8T. t'AUl.'H C'lll'HCII. 'lector' Mi'nl V Servlces-1 a. m 6s p. m. Meliool n. in. I'list Sin' l.iv In the month, Ilolv f 'ommmitnu. Seril.'es preparatory In coiTimiuitoii on t'rldaj Helling beioro Die M suinl.iv In o.icii mouth. 1'oWb routed; but ever;. Inidi welcome. UVANIIU.1C1I. ciiciien. PiT;.UIng Hl'ler- llev. A. L. lh-oser. Mltd.ter llev. .1. A. Inliie. biinihi Si'i'vlci)-.! p. m., In Iho Iron Street Chinch, l'i'i er Mivilng-KviTV sahliitli at'i p. lu. ADni'o invited. All. no welcome. THBCIICKrllOI'CIIKHT. Meils In "tliu llitlu I'.rlck (Umich on the lilll," known m the Welsh IUptlat Chnrih-on llocl; ttreet e. t uf Iron . . , . INx-ulur inee.llng fur wunJilp, everj Ixrfl'd day c.t triiioiin iitn.s, oi 1'iel;. fiiaWfive; imillhe public urn cordially Invited to attend. iiLooMHiicnc; rtnECTon OCnOOL OIUMvIiP, blnnl;, iut prinleil anil 73 nentlv bound In s nail hooks, on hand nnd for sale in'thQ Coix'Miiiau onice. Tub Iv.ls7r.-tf l"r..vNK Divi'usrwVi'. .ii'clit unt mul I.inen JD Piper. ' ciiininnn ami for AdinlnH r.Uors. i:ecii- lor .in.l truitees, for b.uo tiieaput tne coi.umiiian Olilee. M; f. V .it AKi'iiAOE ricuTiricATKSi.i.ipviiitiii am! for sale til mo i. oi.umi'.ian iiuice. .umis- trr Tif I Ii." ioi -:1 mul .nisi lees siiouiu suppiy luem- Helvi'.i v.ltli lliese neceswv armies. Tt'STK i'.Sani! Ci'intaliles' Fee-Hill" fur -ale ti at Hie r'oi.mnnv oniC". Thev rnntnln the cor reel If is .tablKii'il li the last Act of tlio Ijp- ri i' i". inioii Un' subject, lliery Jutlea and Con stable Oioul'l h ive nn, 7"HXDUH NOTKS jnt printed anil for sale V cheap at the Coi.usili olllec, 1)011 1'S AN11 SllOhS. M. II Tt Hilt. Iie.iler in r.ooti anil Shoes. II, and b t s yles, coijiurMalni and Market Mr. i ts, In the old pOn office.. ('LOOKS. WATOMIX, AC ri K. StV Ui:, Dealer in Clocks, Wat el i c S . and .1 Jewelry, Main st Just below the Central Hotel. rixi'KSsioNAi, c,ul)S. I!. Attorney at Law. llnonis in 111 I'chaiigo mock', sd ffoor, Iilcomfburg, n. os r a. itAliKI.Fa' rVtloriiev-nt-I-aw. OHice . In l'.rowu-'a building, 2nd s'.oiy uooms 4 o, Oil, )3 1" K. V.I. II.'geriii ami Plivvi- IJ clan. Hllli.'tS. omen s. K. corner iiock aim jiarKew Tit. KVANS, M. I)., Surgeon nnil l'liysi . chin, (Ulllco and Itesldenco on Third street, corner Jefferson. J 1!. McKKJ.VY, M. U,Snrpcoii mul I'liy siclan, north side Main slreet, below Market. T IS. KOIIISON, Allorneval-Law. ) , In ljitrn.iii'a bunding, Malnttiuet. Oll'icd KU-tKXyTOCK', I'lioliiKi'.iiiliei', , m.ul; X. U oil's Moif, .Muliistiict. MIsCKI.LANKfUTS. D AVID r.OVKNIlF.HG, Merelimit Tuilnr daln si., abme Central Hotel. T S. K 1' 1 1 N', ile iler li. Me. t. Tallow, etc, .1. , Ceuiie street, 1 etween Second and 'I hint. TIIPN Ol' WANT l lHST-L'I.A.'sS V MiAVi.iraiijthlHo'liithi 'n).suillAI.Ll.L L'u in JAJIKS Ki:iLL'd BAitHhU SHOP 'IIJIIIIKSTIN'IWN-. Under i:rliange Hotel, r.loutnstur, IM. Oit. lit. T ly HmaUATOCinunuvMMMMMM CATAWIrVS.V. f.M. II. AniJOTT,, Main siiei'i. M. Ii JCYKItl.Y, ATI'OP.NEY-AT-LAW, Cataw Lsh.i, I'a. CnllectloiH promptly mado ami remitted. Ofllco onnujlto oaUn Issa Deposit Ikuik. Cm-sa SHE "MOODY SHIRT." MADIJ TO OIU)i;il ONLY. A DCItl'IiCT, If IT (I U A Ii A NT Kill). dei.tlemen deMrliigsblitswillpli'asndropiisnllno ami our Agiut mil cull und gel lie iiausuii'iiieiiL 1'aetory Coiner lvi.ii nud itnirobliei Is. AdUresa p. o. MooDY, SlmiL li.iciy M li I it u, Ik J. II. (WlTTLi;. W. It. A1H10TT Iinporttuit to Farmers. and ovcrj body In want of LIME, LUiMBKH, AND COAL. ti, ii ir Vie V , u 0T "cartho Paper Mlll.on Uio II If. It. nnd aro now twiuicU toiell Imoatvery reasonable i,ric,, .;.. , .... ... .. A full m0 of .L'.M Elt. o; all kinds, dresaed El i i V?s . e ' .""W8' Ult M):ii'n wo invito tho attention of cutc- loera. orders received oiid filled for all Undaof Fa-.-v 0uS!.a&l,ltwwu'' werlt I Sl.nte.., KMITTLB & ABBOTT, ! lUk, l'a. fl. rill3,hWAV,-J,1 . , . ' S. EH7SLL, dltc lnl Preprlotcrs. llUSINKfeS OAItDS. IFt. A. I., TUKNKH, Ilusiilciico 6n 'Market Ptrect ono , door below 1). .1. Waller's. office over Klelm's Drug store, qftlcc hours from 1 .,n. .V,m m". lor troatmeiit of diseases uf the Kyc, fill and Throat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.43'75-tf j. a nuTTKit, VIIYSICIANASUI10E0N, Ofilce, North Market street, Illoomsburg, Pa. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, IlLOOM-'llUlm, PA. tiniccohove J.Schuyler i Son's llardwnro Store. Apr.53'J5-f gAMUIil, KNOltli, A T T O It N II Y-A T-L A W, IILDOMSIIUIIO, TA. omce, Harlman'a Illockl corner Main and Market erects 0ct. 8i .,5 P K. OltVIS, ' ' ATTOHNLT.AT.I.AW. OiBicK-Koom No. I, "Columbian" Ilulldlng. Sept. 1S.167B. ' Q W.MILI.Klt, ATTOIIN EY-AT-LAW (inicoln Prowtr's building, second floor, room No. Itloomsburg, Pa. Juljt.7,3 j Q J&V.J.llUCICAIV, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, p. oniee on Main street, first door below Court House Mar.c,'74-y P. .0 J. M. CI.ARK, ATTiltNnYS-AT-IJVW, i ' Illoomsburg, rn. April 10,'74-y Ofllco lnEntsP.ulldlng. .C11EVI.LIN(I SMITH. PFRVET F.WINO SMITH. A CHF.VKUNO SMITH A SON, ' ATTOIINKYS-AT-LAW, nioomaburg, Pa. 5Ali business entrusted to our 'catd will reelere prompt attention. Julyl,73 ATTOIINKY AT LAW, , oi fice Adjoining C. II. ,V W. J. lluckalcw. , i , Illoomsburg, Pa. Apr. ll,'7-ly. K. II. LITTLE. R0BT. H. LITTLE. & li. n. LiTTLi;, , ATTOUNflYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Pn. jvr-p.uf iness before the IT. S.l'atentonice attended to. omcu In tuo Columbian uuiuiing. ly pilOCIvWAY A T TO 11. N IJ Y $-A T;-T A W, Coluiihian llraiuso, Illoomiburg, IM. Members of tluv United 'States Law Association. Collections made hi any part of America. ril'LIAII ltltYSOST, : ; ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW;. CcntniliaI'.i. I'cb IP, '70-ly. ' MISfjKLiiANF.OUS. riiovN's IIOTKL, Illoonisbiirp. I'a.. I, Ml.l 'liner, Pronrletor. Accomtctualions first; ei.iss. Jl.'.'itofl.sopirdsy. iHestaurantattacJitii. : Octobers, 7rj-tr 1 M, HllOWN, l.iis lvtnoved his P.oct and snoo stero from urowns lldtel lo ft door above Wngonselter nnd sharpies''. I'im anil.i boots a bpeclaltj . licpalringdouoatbhoit notice. ' ' fi M. DlilNKKlt, OUN ami LOCKSMITH: sewing Machines nna Machinery cf, all kinds re pahvd. Oi EKA llorsi: liulldlng, lilooinsbur, IM. Oct l.'TS ly JJIXCIIANGK IIOTICL, ' . OiiottU; tlic Court House, t BI)OMSIIU110, PA; The I.aeoest andlltsT In all respects Inthecounty W. II. KodNS. Oft. s,'75-ly Proprietor. II O AV K L h, DEN TIST. Ofllco In Hartman'a lilock, tccond iloor, corner Main and Markit Stiects, KLOOMSHUIto; VK.' Stay eo-ly. T7I J. TIIOKN'lii.v II,. .vniiM nnnolmeft tnthn olllzensof DlOOIES- brg and vicinity that ho has just u-ceUedui lull and conipnio assorimcui oi WALL I'APElt, WINDOW SHADES', FIXTURES, I'OKPS, TASJEI, and all other goodslnhls llneof business Alltbc iiewestnnd most unproved patternsof tho day are iilwasatobe found lu ula establishment, Main street, lielow Market. net. 17KKAS IIIIOWN'S INSUUANCK AGICN JL1 CY, Bxchango Hotel, Illoomsburg, l'a. Capital. .Etna. Ins Co.. of Hartford. Connecticut... fl,son,iK l.lverpoi 1, London and tilo'oo. 2 .m n.o c uoyiiof l.iH'ri'Oui l.itueam'l.lri! l'lre Assuelatlon, I'lilUdijiphla.., Muei leon bf PIlllA'lelplll l viljsof llarllord Wvomliig. of Wilkes lla-To .... Tanners Mutual of luntHIe Danville Minimi Mnnie, New York Commerilal l idon 13 10,0(111, (Hi , ajWiMiK'. l.Hneoo ft O.lrtlll 2.11,00.1 , I1(KI,i) Tn.o ii . ,r, 0,000 . I7,un0,0u0 March M.'17-y riMIIC rNI)KHSUNICD. n jueseiiliiV several I ef the most eohn rvnilvc and n-llabl.' Aincrl cju I'lro Insurance i,'irnpmiUi, would ! leave to oiler ids sen lees to the clil?ima of nioouisburg ami vlelult .reiiuestlngareasoniiblekharuuf inepuoiie patronage. W. J. POWELL. l!lonmsburg,.luly 1, l"(i. oiUco tu lliowur'a Uloclc. July si-em.' Columbia County OF BLOOMSBURG, PENNA. rnrraerlv tho hank of Espy, removed. April first. 1S70. HiiimeiilentlylocaUdln tnocenirai purioi the tow n, and does a gmeral MANKIND bilsliii'ss. Monei melviilon di'imslt Hubject to check with out noiloe. special arrangeicents made lUi depoa ttora, aud Interest allowed on llnio Deposits. Imie lrafta oi A'w York and J'MiJetjihM. Collecllons made oil all Important towns lu tun U. S., ut lowest rates of exchange. Honda and stocks bought niul Vint, and coupons counted, hvery se curity given to dopuslUira lhat can bo oilered by auj Hank. UihCOVNT Days: Tuesilay ami Trlduy. ItATL', BIS I'EH CENT. Aug. 10, 'tfl-Ura. To ihp WnrLliiB (imw.-We aro now prepared to fiiudsh nil classes wllh connunt euiploymeiil at home, tlm whi In i.f Iho Haw, or for lliilr kwn- mo ments. Business now, light and prolltublc. is-rsons of either box i usll earn from WJ w ills to 3 . per eveniiiL', und u iiropontonal mm bv devoting their mii.lo tlmo in the buslnesa. Buy a and girls earn nearly aa inui h us men. Tint all who see Hi 1 notice. uu sendlbelr uddiess, and test tho bualuesswe .....i... fli.i ,.,.flrMiit.,i fiii''n To such us are not well salp lied wo will wild one dollar to pay for tho lioul.ln of willing. Hilt purlloulora, samples worth several dollars toeommence work on, und a copy of Heme and I'lretlde, oiui ot tho largest and best i i...i.h,.,i..u nil unit free ir mal . lead. ir. If s ou want permanent, prolltabhi work, address (leorgo Stlnsou K Co., jvruauu, fwui, sept. 8, 'ia.-tim, rjend 8M. to O. J'. ItOW ILL CO.. New York, for S n.mni.1.1 r.r im nucM. ront&totnir Hsta of SHOO niwapapeni, and ostluiauc Bhowtsg cost ot advorlto- 1 a ' -r. ' t tMj?OiIT TO ffi',' The dlscovprcr nnd,pan)p)9und,?f of (ho, Jar-famed Compound Kyrup of Wild Cherry and other 'valuable p'rejiaratlons, entcrcd'tipoK liH piof(islonnl caroer wltli Uio tnioorlnntndifiitugo or .1 regular medical education In one of tho oldpsi and liesl arhnnh In Ph1l.-rl.nll1s.. Anil. nCrllSPS'. In the vnrld He iilispiiuiitl wryeil ft faithful term of nmnflcl. In'lll lMl.wr,lnli!ri 11KWI1SAIA. lind fOTTUa- dv jears attended In thq HqspUal. In iew4nstltu Hons he enjovcil the most, ample opportunllles of ob tnlnlng.n1nljht, ,luto diseases In all thelr, inrlous forms, as well as for asi-ertalnlng tho best methods rtf thrl treatment. In otTerlng, theicfonvtotne peo- rllent llmrnlled states mil rruus oi ins rjn; i nrorxtislohitl expiVlifictfltt tile medical toinpounds'li! I1IQ l'CKl rPS'llLSOJ IllSMlUl lllMl.WMpV '"V", "V..l Mint he is tint prntTerlhir a nooto ovbry family throngUoutthoIiiBd, resllngi ashertoes, conllden ty In the merits nnd efllcatlous Mrlhnof the remedleH he herewtth eommi'fiils. Thovaft nmountot testl n ....p.anf tl.n inrlil lull npoven "IIOII- TOIf KWAVXBS4 itlMPnrNI)' HYUt'l" OFt.WILtl OIlKIljlY" tho irost, efficacious, remedy knowHrand It IS OtlmllTUl Il Our IIIOSI, enuueni, iiinpiumia.niiu all who have witnessed Its-Monilerful Iieullng prop; ertles. Tito WILD Clintim in nil nges or tno worm anil moll counxnes wncre it is rhhmh niinurcii jun. ly W'lebrateo for lis .wonocriui mcuicin)ii iiiuiiiues, hut Its great power to cure'sotno 6f tho worst and mnci rluip,.i.lnv rllsenses nmnni us was never fllllV ascertained until tho experiments of that skllfull pbytlClan, Iir, vwane, nail uemnnsiruirn un hik" .uhiptntlen. In combination with lino Tree Tar. and ntber oniiAllv valimtile vcrretablo Ingredients, which iimi.iettiiv rnmiiineil rrnilers It ncilon tenfold mi'H1 certain nnd henenel.U In curing all diseases of the Ihrout. breaH nuj tongs. Hit. V,AYN'.'S VH.U CHKliltY foMI'Ot'Nl) ftrlke" at the root of disease bvpurlfvlnfftl.o lilriMli restorliuf llielher nbd kldJ liej s 10 lieillllli nriuui. Ljiinuim ,uu uy v'V shalterdl' const Itution;7 ir jour1 drtiggtstw store keener does not have it, dorot .boput. ofT by any other retriedi' that Itiiv be offered, hht send to nsdf. l-eet.nnd we,i Illfprward a, half diatii it any aihlrot,s, freight paid, on receipt of the price, l per bottle, or t i.l.lf iin,..rv.. A di-ewi letters In'DH. SWAYNR SON. aso North SKth stiiet, .Philadelphia, No charge Nvtllbe mada foradvlec. 1 ' AsU" Your. Dl'HIASlHt frtr' Tlioill, I'ciiinlesnml.nll ho ii'l'"" henlili should never lu wlthftllt'Dlt. SWATNli'S'TA'U AND SAIIsAI'A- 1I1LLA rillLN as iue puiuy uiu iriuu.vau, ol'stiuttlel.s, cleanse tne bkln of all pimples and b)oiolin.:uhd liitfg ,llw rloli lul'ii cMicuIili li) iJit Plile i heck, fiiiiam liiegulailtles are utlorcd ton healthy i?onlf!ini.' '1 buy urn u certain cnre'Wr Mil. ubdNiinous lleadaehy.. fisn Huner pill, (lOtblng eail Ktrell ttiCnl! takdiitie two, ui' three, tis niuy be foiuid Li'iespiiri,;,tiullko oth'jis. tlie,v .uolther rtp. iirodiliT iiau(,e!i, or any otner ui.pluisant (-entatlun, whllo they arm uS'Tuw eitul Is po?.blei tura medicine lu be and to hai mless. These 1'llls cleansi. out the disusrtered humora;!enrlth ftiidfurlly thtf bluoa, rcinoe.nll,iWhcjltliJb)lous tevietlmis of the Momacli And' biJwels, causing a peifectiy liealthj .statu or th !Uer, nnd are undoubtedly thu bestcu tUartlc and untlblllout medicine yet illscovereil ; and we aro jJvt itjluI uuil 'Uia.t , thy sjclibal). byie.thoin xt n price within tile means Of tho poorest (23 itiiis n biix..ii :nnihij .If jour diHigglst onstoroletper lias not got tl.em, do, pot bo pui prr bynny others that limjlbo oni'red tiiithelrplKCoJbutHetid to ua di rect, mul wo will forward by mull, on iccvlM.ot the, pilce.'SS c'eutsa'bOx or'tlvo brt.xfeses $1. tt BISEfiSE 1 Swayne's .Ointment, Is' particularly miapfed lb all'fnrms'of's'kln dls cjje, 'Jurea cien,when all oilier remo, dies and ment fall. cores Tetter, SaltHheiiiu; liarbT's Itch, Prarlolich . sore Heads, . Iliitnortr, Piles, AUIhuptloiis, scald 11'ad, lllngworis, ' I'huples, sores, Army Itch; Motches. Slum-. Chroulc Krj slpclas of the . JMCU, SWAYSC'S OI.VI 3Ii:.T Feciqa to cure cv : case, leaving tljoskln fciuooth aim eiear vuuoui a oieiiusu ociuau. Itching Piles is penPrallv oreceiled by a moisture, llko nersr.Ira. Hon, ilistrisslng Itching, aa though pin worms were crawling In or 'about lliii rectum, particularly nt nlghtwben un.lres-,lng,orln bed nrter gelling warm. It appears In summer ns well us win er, oftentimes sliows UbCH urounu inu pri aui pari,iiuuiaiiuL con unert tn males milv. but la nulto as f renuent that fe iruiles are sore y uflilcted, piuUcularly In times of fregnaney, exienomg iriumu tugiua, proving ois-n-siin.- almost beiontl i'-o nowers of endurance. cases of long standing, jirotiouneed Incurable, have bqeu permaneuuy curea uy sunpiy uppiying SWA VX IV H OI XT .11 KNT. EXTItACTS rjiOM LKTTERS. I)r. Swaype Jfc Son : Gentleman The box of oint ment j on sent me by mall pined me entirely ot Itili Inl? Piles, which I sudered wllh for five years. Kn Closed Uud lUty emits for another box for u f I lend of mind. vvnukew j. iiEAcii. (Mrmwell Station. Tjnidon Co., Vu. Itev. Isaac Holland, Webster, Taylor county W. Va, writes ; Noiember 20, ls7fi I havo .been a sufferer from ItCliIIlg 1 Ill's, l proeureu a uu. oi your oiuuueiii i.wi. snrlny which eavo me instant lellef. and feel contlneiitlt will enect ft permanent'euro ' Ki.closcd nnd wty cents, tor which pleiiso aend mo another box uy man. An Eruption of 8 Yours Standing. I was tumbled villi an eruption of eignt years ItcJilng. liiiolcrabln at times; tried many prcpara tlunn milium Hhdlbg relief. Through the use of hwaj lie's AU-IIeullug OUitmeut I inn eutlri'lv cured. .lUSM'll LAJillUm. At Hortsman fi jiros., 6th ami Cherry, PhlU. I was entirely cured of Setter In Its.worst form by Dr. fjnnjne's All-Heallpg Olnt- jneui. mm snail if mippy lucApunii my cjisu loan w ua may cun upun me. JiMEa McliisLEV. West Paid Hotel, 23d Street, below Lombard, Philadelphia. 8"nt liv mail to any address on roci l,t of rrlce, 60 11 lIH II mil. iieHiTibosiuiotoins In all communlcullons.nndad diHHii hitlers lo lilt h'A'AYM: .SON, I'hllndtlphla. so ciuige tor auvico. I'Olt S A I.ll 1IY ALL DIllVfUSTS, Sole Proprietors und Jlanufactiirera of SWAYM'S PANACEA, I'A'lebmted all over tho world forlla n-markablerbn of Serutul.i, MeieurlJl and tj pidiltle complaints, ., ...I ti. mi..., vli..r Ji-rtltlllt !. vlriirf II. f tMiitx.t e'lir-ea ileielnpment ot siphills or N rcfiil.i in tha iblld uolblag has over proved so In rom pleiel iradlcatlngevei' vcsllgo of Ihrsodaugenms coiaplalniaand all diseases arUlng flow Impurity of ttiobloiHL B.i irarneuiario oiuainiuo genuine, as prepared by IHC. hWAYNh A SON, 33i 1. fin hr,,rjuiudeiphla. k,... l t.n I'.ami'ls snelled correctli. sW'AV.m: ns there are preparations of aomowiial similar came in uio morsei. IS YOUK HAJR FALLING OUT OUTUKNINO (HtAY? It' SO 1)0 NOT FAIIi TO IISK Tho most London llalr Color restorer London Hair Co or Kestore ltcllublo Ilulr Jtostoratlvo ever latroducedtotho American l'eoplo For llestorlng Ciray Hair and Preventing Baldness. Tho great Luxury of the Dress Iloom, London Hals Color llvstoi-er Loudon llalr Co or Hesiorer IauuIou llalr Color Kestcrer Uiiiilun llalr Color Restore lxindon llalr Color llestorer Ixindon llalr Color Itestorrr Loudon Hair Color Kestoiv Uiudon Ilulr Color llestoie liiii'lun llalr Color Itcslore lAtulon Ilulr Color Itestorer Ixuiilnii llalr color Kestonr lAindou llalr color Itestore Ixiudoii llalr color llestorer Iindon llalr color Itestore lmdoii llalr Color Hustore IjiuIOii llalr Color Itestore Ixilulon llalr Color Itestore l.omlim llalr Color licslore Ijuidon 1 a rco or eslore lAiudon Italr Color llestorui Loudon llalr color Keporlc Ixindou llalr Color Beaton' London Ilulr Color Itestorer London Hair color Itestorer Ixindoi) llalr Color Itestorer 1. It w 111 restore gray hair to Its original color, il. It whl mako th hair grow on bald heads, 3 It will restore tho natural hoeretlona. 4 It will remove all daudruirand Itching. 6 It will mako the hair soft, glossy and flexible a Hwlllprescrvotheorlglnui color tooldage. T. It will prevent the balr from falling on. 8, It w 111 euro id' diseases of tho sculp, 70 Gonts por Bottlo. o Bottles ti. Sent by erpresa to any address on re colptof prlco. Address orders to Hit. BWAY.NE SON, ISO North flxth Street, ruuo., J'a., now pruprieuiru. SOLD M ALL MtUGGISTS. AtWW.Tt-ir. I 1 BLOOMSBTIEG,: J?A., .ERlDATr : DE 'EMBER Poetical. "OfilLUVE. Tie,brpadsworiJJose(ilt5 gutter , , As tt hangs in tho ancient hall ; ItUstcd ahil blunt grow the keen-edged UaO That once to gallant a champion mado ,AJ it gleamed, from the castio Trail. . Tho Jewel loses Its lustre As (t.lica, In Its velvet nest, Till dull nnd dim Is the good red gold Tlint showed such'n royal light of old 'As It flashed from n bcauty'a breast, Th6 brae ejfd loses Its power As ago comes creeplnr on; Thq falr.form drooivs from tW stately grace, Tho roses fly from the caro-wo face, Thd cfiarra f roln the trcmUuig tone. Tho color fades from (ho,tmTass ; Tho magic from ringing rhyme. Now Is thcro joy fft'thta vtorld'of borsY 1 Klches, or glories, or hopos; or flowws,' ' ,jjut. dlsa at the touch of Time J . .Ayi Love la his puro serenity; Can Jlio pltUcs? spell defy, . For tears cannot drown, nor absence dim, And death himself may hot conquer htm,' lor truo Ioto can never dto. " Tilt TW,0 ARMIES. As life's unending column pours, Two inarBhallcd hosts arc spen Two armies on Uio trampled shores That Uealh flows back between. bhe marches to the drum-beat's roll, The wlde-tnouthed clarloh'a bray, And bears upon a crimson scroll, "Our glory 13 to slay.'; One moves In silence by thestrtam. With sad, yet watchful cyos(i balm as the patient planet's glcaon ' That walks the Clouded skies. Along Its front no sabres' shine, No blood-fed pennons wave; Its banner bears the single line : "Our duty Is to save." For those no death-bed's lingering shade ; At honor's trumpet-call, With knitted brow and lttted blade, Ih glory's nrms they fall. For thes no flashing falclons bright, . No stirring battle- cry ; 'flip blpoaiess btabbcr calls by night Each answers, "Here am I." For those tho sculptor's laureled bust, ' The buHdf r'a marblo piles. The anthems pealing o'er their dust . Through long cathedral aisles. For Uicso tho blossom-sprinkled turf 'ttfp, floods thp lonely graves When spring tolls lu, her sea-green surf ,. In flowery-foaming waves. ii 1 , Two paths lead upward from below, And angcla'w alt above. Who count eaclr burning Uf e-drop'S fldw, Each falling tear,ot love.' Though from tho hiro's bleeding breast , Her putv-'s freedom drew, 'Though the white Biles n her crast Sprang from that scarlet dew While valor's h.vugbty champions wait 1 lir all their scars are shown, Lovo walks unchallenged through the gate, To sit beside tliu throne I .0. W.JIalma. Miscellaneous. TUB HOUSE IIKALEK'S STOUY. Mauy years aRo.before the era of railroad' and when highwaymen abounded along tl u'reat loute from Calais to Paris, a noted drover, who had Lien to Roulogtio. with nrgo drove of horses, which he had sold for cash, was overtaken by night on his return near Marquise. IIo remembered that a lit tie distance ahead vvaa a quiet inn ho hat' nver Mopped at,and he determined to spend the night there. Aa ho. rode up to the house, tho landlord a respectable looking person, received hprso and led him away to the stable, whit lie invited the diover to enter the public ait ting-room. lllere he found 'two young men, ono of whom, from bis resemblance to the Jaudlo: urd he recognized aa his eon ; the other, souu what older, from his manners, appeared a' to'behing to tho family. Immediately after 9iippcr(during'which tho drover stated where lio I mil been and what good luck ho had met' vvjtli,) tho son mounted a horse, nnd stating that ho was going to Marquiso to stay all night, rodo off. Tho'drover, having looked nffer the comfort of LU horse, soon afte requested tho landlord to show him to hiu room.' As tho traveler slipped off his garments,' hq felt for tlio leathern belt about his waist, tp;sce that it was secure. This contained Ills' gold, whllo his paper ifioney was In a largo wajllet, carried i i a pocket made for the pur pose, in tho inside ol Ins vest. Deposit ing these articles beneath' his pillow,' he ex tinguished Ihb light and threw hlmsell upon the bed, where, overcome by weariness, he soon fell asleep. Jlovvjlmig ie had been in this state? of forgetfulnc.-.s he could not tell, when ho vvas anjiised to wakefulness by the sound of some person e ndeavnriiig toopen the window near tho head of his bed. At tho samo time h" heard suppressed voices ofeveral persons in whispered consultation. hfturtlcd by this suipieioiu nppearanc ol things, tho drover reached toward, the oh'lir on which ho. had thrown his clothe, fur bis weapons; but, to his dismay, he remember ed that ou hjs arrival, when preparing to wash oil' tho dust of his journey,ho lud laid them aaide, within tho bar, and had neglect ed to. lestimo them. Scarcely conscious of what he was doing, tho defenceless drover slipped from the loot of tho bod, and hid himself in the darkness behind a lot of women's dresses suspended from the wall, and watched tho motions of a man who was now slowly and cautiously en tering. the room. Ho uvea fancied he could delect tho rellection of the dim light upon an upraised knife as th man approached tho bed with staggering and uncertain steps, Hut great was his relief, 'when, instead of an Attempt at murder.tho intruder carelessly bullied oil' liia clothes, and throwing himself into the bed ho had just vacated, was soon in a sound sleep, Not knowing what to mako of this strange affair, tho drover determined to dress him self, call up the. landlord, and havo this sin Kidar intrusion explained, IIo had reached his clothes and slipped on his trousers', nnd was, moving toward the door, when gleps were heard cautiously croaslng the outer room. Once more ho sought the shelter of tho dresses, which completely screened hla person, and awaited tho entrance of the per sons, whoever they plight be. Presently the door of tho room was silently opened, and two 'men made their appearance. It was not so dark but that tho drover' could readily distinguish them to ho tho inkeeper and the man he had seen at the supper table. "Step lightly, I tell you," whispered the landlord, "or you'll wake him up, and then we'll have a pretty mean on our hands." '1 ' k "Nonsense r'repllcd th'o1 othcr,"vith rln oath. "You arc scared, old man." "Scared 17 repented tlifl first speaker; '"No man over told Jean Qarnicr. Ijp.foro.Jio was scaredl Here, give mo tho knife I I'll.shqiy, you wlio U scared 1 You seciiro tho money It's unilcr the pillow I, saw him put, It thcr?, and I'll do the rest." The, old man was In advance, and as ho stood between tho window nnd tlio .drover, tho latter could see his form bont over, tho, bed. whllo his hand seemed to he searching beneath the pillow, "Here, Hcnrio takq it. Here's thp wal let, and here's the belt. How .heavy tyls J" and ho passed tho money to his compatv ion beforo tho other had yet reached the bedside. The old man Ihwi put, ,hls, Jian,d to, hi? bosom t ntid the trcmhliug droycr B.twliim Iraw forth the long blade, thq .othct hand iven him. For an instant tho.murderoU3 wrapbn was poised over his .head, and then escended upon tho person or tuo poor wretch ill tho bed. ' Tho murderer paused in,, his work for nn instant, as if to satisfy himself that lilo wns extinct; and. then moved quickly from the room. s soon as his footsteps had died in the, listanco.tho horror stricken .drovor.e.scaped through the window, and rau with all his peed to Marquise, where), arousing the pen pie of tho hotel, ho told his fearful story A crowd soon collected about him, and ac companied him to the scene of tho fearful murder.' '' ' iyil about the'house was still, bttt.on ap proaching the stablo a light was discovered within : and moving noiselessly to the ab6 and peeriric through tho cfaelcs, tho two murderers wero found in tho act of digging. x crave beneath tho flooring. A rush was mado upon them, and they were arrested At the sight of the drover who was the first to confront the guilty wrctchea, tlio landlord uttered a shriek of terror, and fell to tho'ground, while nis accomplice, ns pale as a corpse, gazed upon him with affright not doubting it was the ghost of the murder ed man wh stood before him. The party now proceeded to the house lr.itrging the murderers along with them, Lights were procured, and still keeping the prisoners with them, the people Entered the room whero lay tho body of tho man so strangely murdered instead of tho horse dealer. The.wife and.daughtqr followed. When the covering wns removed from tho face of the cdrpse, nnd tho full light ofth candles flared upon it,,a wild cry burst from the lips of the landlord s wife. "My ton my murdered son I Who has dono this?" And with a hysterical scream she fell to floor. "No, no I it can't bo bo mother 1" exclaim- cd tho daughter as she struggled to reach tho bed. But the terrible ttutb burst upon her as her eyes fell upon the mangled form of her brother, and she also swooned upon the body. The cries of tho broken-hearted females seemed to arouso the old man for a moment ; and gazing wildly nt Iho sight before him he realized also tho terrible truth. He had murdered his own son 1 On investigating tho facts beforo tho mag istrate the next day, it vvas ascertained that the son of tho innkeeper, who was a dissi pated young man', had visiteil Marqiilso the previous evening, where, with some of his associates lie bail been engaged in drinking And gambling-till a lato hour; nnd being too much intoxicated to remount his horse, and aBhamcd'to meet his family, soma of his fol low gamblers bad accompanied him homo ; and supposing the room in which the drover had been put to be vacated,they had assisted tho drunken man into tho window. It wns llieir voices tho lodger,had heard f aud ti) ua, it was. that tho hapless youth had met hu death nnd our friend escaped. Tlio accomplice of tho landlord proved to lio bia own-son-in-law, Henri Legrnnd. Proni that awful hour the wretched moth cr of that murdered' boy, murdered- by his father s hand, remained a raving maniac. ' It is only necessary to add,- in concluding this tale of horror, tbaf tho drover recovered his money ; and juitiuo claiming her due, the twotnunlm-rs paid tho penalty of their crime npon tho guillotine. Shortly after this !ait"qvcnt the poile of M;rqdise, to whom the scene of the unnatural murder had become an eyesoro, assembled .mil lev eled the building to tho ground. The spot is ntiiv covered with bramble and thistles, and 'pointed out to' tho stranger as a placo to be avoidei. ; for the ignorant assert that it is hannted by tho ghost of tho murdered nun. How Silt: Heads a Newspapimi. Smie- boJy snys that one who will witch n woman rend a newspaper will got smiie new ido,ts o-i ,the characteristics of tlio j:.;ntler sex. She takes it dp hurriedly and bigins to ei-an it over rapidly, hi though she vvas burning some particular thing; but sho is not. She is merely taking in Ihn objure paragraphs, which she believes were put in out-of-the-way places for tho solo purpose) of keeping lur from seeing them. As she finishes each one her countenance brightens with the cr.mfortiug reflection that she has outwitted the editor and the wholo race of men, forsho has a vague belief that newspapers are the ene' mien of her sex aud editors its chief oppres sors. She novcr reads the hcadline?,nml tho Jingo telegraph bends she never even sees, She la greedy for local newa, and devours It with the keenest relish Marriages nud deaths are always interesting reading lo her, and advertisements nro exciting nnd stimu lating. She cares lltllo for printed jokes, unless they reflect ridicule upon the men, and then sho delights in them nnd never for gets them. Sho pays particular attention to anything inclosed by quotation marks, and considers it rather better authority than any thing first hande 1. The columns in which the editor airs his opinions in leaded hlghfa lutln she rarely reads. Views are of no im portance in her estimation, but facts aro everything. Sho generally reads tlio pontry, Sho doesn't always caro for It,but she makes it practice of reading it becauso sho thinks she Dtight to, Sho reads stories and sketches and paragraphs indiscriminately and believes every word of them, Finally, after sho has read all she intends to,sho lays the paper down with an air of disappointment and a half contemptuous, gesture, which says very plainly that sho thinks n'.l newspapers mis erable failures, but it is certain that if she had a chance sho could make the only per feet newspaper the world had ever seen. 1876. Sagacity" of CfephnnU'lu a'Storni. (' ' Howe's circus wns showing at Iudlanola when tho olorm of tlio fourth came on, and becauso of Injury lo tho railroads wero com pelled to remain there until tho track wns temporarily repaired, Friday evening. Then the circus started fur ttclr next placo of ex hibition. Wb,en about eight miles out one corner of a bridgo gavo way, nnd three cars .containing animals ran off tho ( track and turned over into the mud, very gently. , Tho first car contained horses, tho second an elk and caraol, tho third fivo elephants. The smail animals wero easily liberated, but tho elephants wero all in a heap. lo remove them tiio car was cut away, exposing the top3of tho unwlcldly nmmals's backs. Then was exhibited tho intelligence which marks these half-human brutes, lhey obeyed overy command of tho keeper, crawling on their knees, turning on their sides, squirming like cels.and assuming more wonderful and novel positions than were doscribed on the show bills, When released from llieir perilous position there was not ft scratch upon them, nnd no school boy ever' gavo more cmpbatu expression of relief from confinement thar did those elephants. They trumpeted, sway oil back: nnu lorlli. anu am cverytuirg uut talk. Tlio remaining diatanco to tne city was made overland, and n happier crew nev er started on a marcli than were those ani mals. Tho enrit, breezy atmosphere npd tho moonlight were all-inopiring. Asthobridg. es were gono nt each stream tlio .elephants took fresh enioyment of their lihertf. At no time were they obstinate and disobedient, but seemed to fully realize the situation. On arriving at lies Moines rail ivay cars had to bo procured, which was not easily done, as , . i. . ''... i ordinary cars nre too low. Some wero finally found which wero about one inch Iiighqr than the tallest' elephant's back. They were brought alongside and tho platform proper ly placed, when Jack noticed that Jt was a strange ear, seized tho door-frame with hjs trunk, gave it a vigorous shake and then tped the door Satisfied that it was strong ho marched slowly in-the car, placed him self lengthwise, gavo a rocking motion anil liiimpeu lus back, A 1,'Olt overhead lilt iis hack, and he marched straight out of tho cnr. ''It's nn use," said the keeper, "hei won't go back there again." The ribs which support Hie roof were removed, tho elephants closely watching the operation. V"hn this was done Jack went,, in, ;snvayed himself, racked the car, humped his hack, found ev erything all right, trumpeted his satisfaction and went to eating --Davenport (Iowa) Derr obrai. "' A Jamlile of Mishaps. A gentleman residing on 'Aberdeen strcet was untll Friday last inclined to favor wom an suffrage. His'wifc had delayed' moving until after the 1st, so as to take advantage of tho fall in rents. The1 house to which they moved had ft tremendous steep flight of stairs and oil-clothed .hall. Tho wife had tho -stairs scrubbed very neatly, and left the soap on tho top step. Her hus band was up stairs, with n basket of clothes pins in one hand and a clock tinder the other arm, when his wife, who was down stairs, awn mouse, and shaking her skirts, madly bounded upon tho table and let olfa seriea of shrill shrieks, beginning on high 'A above the clcfl. Her husband, thinking the house was on firo at tho very least, started to run to her rescue, and stepping ou the piece of aoap that she had thoughtfully left on the stairs, sat down vehemently at the top of the (light and slid-down with the speed of thought. Fire llevv from his false teeth as he hit the edge of each stop, volleys of clothes pins were discharged into the air and fell rattling aud rebounding ou tho oil-cloth, and ths clock shed its contents over tho uni verse. Tho husband had little tme for re flection when he reached the glare oil-cloth of the hall, and shot acrois it with scarcely diminished velocity, literally making the 'oil-cloth and the seat of his pantaloons smoko with friction and-finally bringing up against the door with a violence that throat J otied to burst the side out of tho house. The fearful concussion started hU1 wife, who turned a back summersault from the table into a tub of soap-auds, in which' she was so tightly wedged that she had to throw a hand spring and cartter' on all fours' like a 'turtle, with 'a tub on her baclrand cataractsrtf suds inundating her. Meanwhile tho hired woman fell off tho step-ladder with a crash liken pile-driver, and jarred ddwli most of th plaster cornice. When tho man's wifu had sloughed her tub, she sauntered dimly intn the hull and remarked, "Wei1, men are thu c il nsiest and the hall has just-b?eii washed tii." Her husb.m.l did not Uy much, hut he tiiniuht a g'iii'1 d'jnl ; und nmv, hesivs. just lit Susan I!. Anthony cuino hero and lei -Hire again, and if no other mini has tho cou rage to bin, ha will, si help him Puckle inertou. AVie Yort WoiH. C intents or a Lady's Pocket. Thev came walking down the centre passage of tho Jlniii lluilding at the Centennial the other day, two beautiful and fashionable young ladies, over yvhoe head probably nineteen or twenty summers hud passed. They chatted pleasantly as they passed along and turned into one of the less frequented passages and sat down on a bench to rest, when one remarket to the othrr, "Minnie, where is slopping?" Sho said ahe had forgotten, but would look, as alio had the address on a slip of paper in her pocket. WIk n tho search commenced lor that slip of paper, as it was somewhere in the bi pocket attached to her dress, out came a small lace handkerchief, a large linen oue, a broken bracelet, spool of thread, pocket' book, two falso teeth (her mother', prpla bly, whiih she was taking to the dentist's to get Used), a piece of white Humid, small box of face powder, two crooked hairpins (which looked as though they had dono duty ns button hooks), :i thimble, ou garter about fifteen inches in length, paper of pins, .a fan, a broken comb, ivory end of parasol, knife, bottlo of sme'ling salts, two pieces of ribbon thrco No, 2 soiled gloves of dillorent colors, paper of bon bans, cigar holder,two buttons, und at last tho slip of paper which she had been looking fur. We did not seo anything more taken out of that pocket, so we can't say whether it was empty or not, but began to think it was like a magician's magic bag, After looking over tho above inventory, who will over dare again to abuse a small boy about tho contents of his pockets ? CTncm nati Gjmmtrcial, My principal method of defeating error and heresy, says John Newton, la by estab lishing tho truth, Oue proposes to fill a bushel witli tares, but ir I cau fill it fir.t with wheat,! may defy his attempts. Ii .' rf.M '. ftU ""' f. mif tf ' I ! r mh ' ' Tllft' CrtLUMMAN, VOL, X, NA)t OOEUMUIA imiOCIfAT, VOL'iiEl.NO. ' COUNTING ELECTORAtjVoTpS. The 12th. Amcndmont to tho Constitution of the United States after providing tlint the certificates of return of electoral votes for President nnd TIco Prciidcnt, in' tho feversl states, shall bo' ten t tindor seal lo the Presi dent of tho Senate nt Washington, proceeds: Tho President of .ho Senate, shall, in the presence of tho Scnato and Houc of Itep rcs4nttWee, open nil tho certificates, and the votes shall then bo counted." An. important question arising upon this clause of the. Constitution is this: Ily whom by what authority shall tho .cloctoial votes bo counted ? The clauso does not say that the President of the Senate shall open tho certificates of, return and count the, votes, or cause them to bo counted, m It very cer tainly would havo done if it had boen. in tended by thq authors, of tho Constitution, to, confer the power in question upon him; it only says, tho votes shal bo eounted when thev shall have been opened bv the President of the Senate, in the presenco of tho two Houses of Congress. And) inasmuch as the .opening of returas nnd counting of. votca.are botu mentioned in tuo clause, in, close con nection, ffo that both wero evidently in the mind of tho author of tho clause nt the .same moment, tho express authority con ferred upon the President of the Senate to perform only tho one act, excludes all impli cation of power in him to perform the .other nnd this, upon a familiar legal rule .of Interpretation. Our.qucstion may therefore bo stated.thus: Havo the two Ilouses.of Congress, in joint meeting, assembled, the power to count, or (which amounts to tho samo thing) to diroct nnd control thq counting of thq electoral voles produced before them by the President of tho Senate ? To this question' nn affirmative answer' must be given f And, in the fir-1 place, it may be'iisserted'tliRt'sueh power is to be implied from the words of the' clause: above recited, vvhich-clau-c requires tile returns tu be produced and ' Opened Uefnro the two IIoiisps, -with tho ndded words, "aim th vote.4 shnll then'be counted 'that h, count cil by the tvvii llottses then and there preent, and ussemllled apparently fir' that 'express purpose. 'Kesides, the reasihlng which' ex' eludes the Presiding 'office of the Senate from the exerclso of this power, points' irreslstably to the possession of it by" the two Houses ; fnr'no other possible'depositnry of the power is indicated by tho Constitution, ' This implication from the text of the Con stitution is supported by general considera tions. It is necessary to the duo execution of tlic duty enjoined that this power shall be vested in the two Houses necessary to, any due examination of returns, and to weight of authority in decisions to he made; and it is proper nlso,becauae the two Houses represent both the people and tho states con cerned in the election ; have members from every section of the country, with local knowledgo upon most questions that cau arise in the counting of v6tes, "ntnt because either House', of both Houses, may have im mediate, separate duties to perform, conse quent upon tho result of the count. Assuming the authority of tho two House, over the counting of electoral votes to rest upon a true construction of the Constitution, wo may advance to the next question, which is: How shall that, authority he exercised? Doubtless tho llpuscs may count by Tellers by Clerks, by their Presiding Ollicora, or even one of them, or by a combination of these agencies, or somo of thcmaccqrding to their proper discretion in the emplpy- meut of means; exercising however over their agents or instruments complete diree tiou and control. And generally, the exercisoof their pow er, whether directly by themselves or by their agents,-will be subject to regulation by statute or by rule') for thus only can the or derly and effectual performance of duty be secured, lty atalute the time when the two Huuses.slmll assemblu in joint meeting has been fixed, -and by .rules, temporary or cm tinning, the proceeding jib joint meeting ha,ve. -always boon mora or Um completely directed und controlled 'Ami 'the luty.o tlm ,tw,.i. I,Ipu,c,s tt,piovh(j adequattJ.rHgulil-' tion,s, for tlje cxccutioii'tif the (tower,, .docs. not admit of .que lion. , . . . i, It is inanifi'tthat'iii a cue where decision shnll'lie required in1 joint meeting upon anv' question, iippropri.Ue.ri'gulati'd He!i-''HXlioiild be had. llow uciioi slmll be Mk.-il --i'l what wat'--sliiiiid ' be predetermined th the interest alike uf order and ! ' jd-tliv lu the abseii v ot express rules,' Usa;;..' must be rosiiilod'to as tho stiiudurd uf o-ju ducti unt utiigo ev.i-rptio;i il, u-i.jKiisi.lrtvid, or 'tholly remote, but comui in, rittwiii'ji.i and recent.. Hut what is inteiuled'hy Iho privi-ion "the' votes shall then bo cn-iisd ?'' 'I'm inoroii meant thin ihn ut?re ouum-sr itio.i of votes -vhicii is tho sense -if the words is perfectly certain. Fur, in o.l:r o enumerate the votes, thu returns outlining them must be examined and thu tin- v,t.. to ba counted must bo ascertained. False voles fraudulent vnlca unlawful voles, are not to bo counted but tho true v itm "l.iih will rightfully assign the two 'highest nnio-i in tho Government to the persnm honestly and lawfully elected thereto. Tho word "then," in this mauso, reasonably taken, means that the counting shall follow tho opening of tho returns nnd shall he proceed ed with without unnecessary xlelay. Like other provisions of tho Constitution, this provision was intended fur practical use anil it admits of such pauao or interruption in the counting of votes us shall bo found nec essary to the faithful performance of duty. Diligence no doubt is implied, but it is a dili gence which shall not merely hastvuto a re sult, but shall also thoruvgVly accomplish tho whole duty of tho occasiou tho ascer tainment of the votes to be counted, their enumeration and their formal announce ment. Our next question relates to the erleiil of the power vested in the two Houses of Cougresi by the clauso in qucatlon,aud It is this ; How ia that power bounded and defined as to the rejection of electoral votes? And to this we answer: it is oxactly defined and limited by several provisions of the Constitution and is no uncertain or vagrant power fitted to elude research and ballle investigation, It is not only a necessary and proper power, wisely placed where wo find it, but it is an eminently comprebenslble,definlto and work able power, atfordiug little scope for loose discretion or dangerous abuse. orio Inch, (twelve linen or Its equivalent In tfonjj U tyro) one fir tiro Jnsertlona, l.o) three uk llJbH, la.iw. " 'srAei. iVulncniK. .. " 'Hirer Inches...... Four Inches , . . ('Hurler column.. Half column... IK, tM, IM. , 1T ,.um ti.w ' 'J1. '" 'a.&o o.'u i.iv .w i S.'ll 1.0) tun liw .. 7.00 .10.00 .16.0 1 1T. so.uo IO.CJ 10.00 ts.m 14.W 10.00 40.UU Our column. ,.WjW I5.C0 . . . . ..l..n.,K.tB,.a nnllhll fl It fl rt fl Y. Mont mfmtlsemcnts must be paid for befprolnrUtt exfrt where purtiM hre ntcoimUi A,.,.lh ,U-irnl utmllnements trpdoMarjpwlnchJor Jrlnehlofrt, unit at tint rat for aOOllfofaal llirUott THiJiHutrtferenootoletigtl!. ,j, -., j.--nVf. Bit culor'a, Administrator's arid Auditor notliti Trnnslonto'r t.oral notlcrs, twenty cent Ho, reKUlaradrertlMmfntsliitlf rM. ; ' Cards in tlio "liuMness l)UC);tory".eoumh. of, dollar per year for each line. The nroner .iurisdictlna ot the several Slates in the appointment of Presidential Elecf 'org is to be completely respected by tne iw Houses of Congress. Xhoso Houses are not w try coutests arising upon tho cholco of elector! under Stato laws,betwccn candidates, for the manner of appointing electors is.coniidea oyt the Constitution to tho Legislatures of tbn leveral Statei, and State regulations thereon are properly to be enforced by Btato aumor lty executlvo or judicial ns circumstance. may requlre,(Con. Art. II,?. 1, clause a), uni the meotlng of Electors in each-SlaUs, and their proceedings and returns, aro expressly regulated by the 12th Amendment to, thu Constitution, and plainly brought within th scope of Federal jurisdiction. And by oth er provisions of the Constitution the Inca pacity of certain persons to servo as ftiee tors, and of still other persons to receive elec toral votes, is plainly pronouncod. By stat ute also, passed injpursuance of the Consti tution,, (Art. II, 5. 1, cl. 4), theUnitod States has fixed uniform times for, choosing ana. for, the meeting of Electors throughout thu, country, regulated their action in, several. particulars, and, designated the day wjaen their returns shall be opened before the tnnf Houses of Congress. These provisions of the Constitution and laws of tho United States, (with one other tj be presently mentioned,) Cr with precision, the limits ot the authority tD be exercisea by the two Houses of Congress Inthc.exaru? inatiounnd count of Electoral votes. Fo they are to count voles cast, in coriforpiltjf with the Constitution and iawsof thoUniteit. States in other words lawful and true vote and to reject all others. r I3ul another provision of tho Constitution ha. application hire and must not bo over looked. It is that which provides that each State shall appoint as many Electors as is hall have, or be entitled to have, Senators and Representatives in Congress. Here, evidently, Is meant an actual bona fide ap-t pointinent, of a proper number of Elecbrs, by a State in tho Union. An unadmittod or seciiW Stato aud a State so far disorganized or 'unsettled politically or socially as prevent a true appointment of Electors, would not be within tho provision, and fc State that appointed too many Electors could 'rinti-Saim to have her votes counted. It fol low also Inevitably fron this prpvisionand from tho I2'h Amendm-nt that the 'Electors in a Sute. wno assume to castelectoral vote .. therefor, must bo lawfully appointed uuder, tie laws of the btato anil represent in lae fa sovereign authority. Such porsons only aro known to the Constitution as the Elector of a State, and hence proof of their appoint ment is always required when votes cast by them are to be, counted by the two Houses of Congress. , In view of the above mentioned provision of the Constitution of the United States and of decisions heretofore made by the two Houses of Congress in the exercise of .their uriadiction over electoral returns, we may now proceed to designate the electoral votfti which, whenever presented, aro to be nel4. u illegal and rejected from computation. They are: votes given by disqualified Elec tors, or for disqualified candidates; vote cast in an unlawful manner'or' at nn un lawful time; votes given by immature States or by States in no condition to vote, and astly, votes given by unlawful Colleges. 1. 1'orVj cail by tmquaUfied IJeelort : Per sons who shall, nt tho time of their appoint-' ment as Electors, havo been members 'of cither House of Congress, or have then held' offices of trust or profit under tho United!' States, cannot cast electoral votes, (Con. Art. II, 5. 1. cl. 2.) And it is fairly to bar.' implied, that the acceptance by an Elector of membership in Congress or a Federal office, subsequent to his appointment will disqualify him for electoral sorvico and ren' ' der void any vote given by him in nn -Elec" toral College. Mr. Grundy's Committee of 1S37, expressed the emphatic opinion, that this disqualifying clause of the Constitution, "ought to bp carried, in its whole spirit, into rigid execution, in order to prevent officer, of tho General Government from bringlng (heir official. power to influence the election, of President aud Vice President of tho 'United States," (lientonls Ab. Deb. XHV 2'H-i.) . 2, Vf.ttt ciitl for ditqualified .Chndidafet J -Under. this head may be. mentioned : lt(n a!) persons not natural born citizons of lhe , United Stales ; 2nd, who shall not have st IhIi.mi1 the uge of 3" ycartpind 3rd, vt ho shall ri It have resided within the United St'itcn 1 1 years (Urn. Art. II, . 1, ql. T Arud't, XII, at end.) Si a'si) votes cart for a per-, a ni a Ji.i w.isinjtlivt'ig at the tim.-when they, viU lie lipid void and he. rrjec.UHl. T'ns was d.i'idi"! in IS73, v.-i,lh reference, to tliri'p eh I't . ites mil tor J! uracil Groilvy hy Klu I'.ib uf thi' ei'H nt Georgia, upon olij ctio'i made In the j..inv mw lg oft'.A I ti i II" i'v Mr. Ifr-tv if M.w'iii,iueH, ..i.iii us .. iJc V ilia Jiuiiae lf l.tiidiii It'pr-" nlativf- 4-. i fir ,k,-1 in j dot meet i.ig, 'i -tii . ''j' 0"','. c...l'e)".nilii'ilie power it in-' H ui-rs !. lUi'idp qai-i,ous ot tl iiji li'ity ol o.i'i-t.1 if-s vot.,1 l ir," ani, ! the p 'int thai the ll 'ii-i-i may luk'jti'j'.iiiii of to- iti-ath uf a caii'ii-U'H as a historical fict, with -lit pirti'-ulsr pr..ot'nf the -auie. (Comj (,7.,V, 1.S"'; .'!, pp. 12JI -S, 123J) Iit'iaStat ui M'st 'iiii, at the la'o clectinn, had cvit iu i-lei-.tnriil vu'iv i"ir Carl Shur for Prcsldsnt or Vi-v Prt-si tint, they would hive beii plainly u..'Min!Huli."isl ami rtj"etable by tin- two llonsiss, boiui ho is not a native bom ciiien of tliu U.iited States. 3. Vutet cast in an iin'awful manner : The Constitution commands the Electors to c.vt their votes in a certain manner, Amd'l. XII,) and that manner is to be obaarved. They are to vote by ballot it is not said hy secrrt ballot but that is probably intended their ballot lorPresidint andVico President aro to bo distinct or separate, each contain ing tho name of the person voted for aud they aro not to vote for inhabitant of their own Statu for Aof'i otlicea. It has boen de cided, howover, that electoral votes will not be rejected because tho certificate of return does not aet forth that the Electors voted by ballot, (Cong. Globe, 1872-3, pp. 1287, 12'JS,) for in the absence of evidence to th contrary it Is to be presumed that they havo observed tho comuiauds of the Constitution, and the Constitution does not require them to certify the manner in which they hava voted, In a case where votes were returned from Missouri for li. Grutz Drown, of that Stato for President and also other vote for the same person for Vice President, an ob jection made to receiving th votes wt with drawn upon its appearing that the Elector had certified that non of them who hid voted for Mr.llrown fur President had toted for him for Vice President. (Globe, 1872-8, p. 1300.)
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