THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. How to IUtoa Neat Farm. To thoso who aro deslrlous of kIvIiik ii moro ordurly npprarnncu In tluilr promlsofl but who don't quid) know what to tako holil of first, JJearth and Home offers somo helpful hints: Tukon yokoofcnttlo or a Bpanof horsc3, and put them to a wagon or cart. Vtatun a Rtono-boat bohlnil. On tho stono-bont put a crowbar, a pick, a hoc, a spado, an ax, a saw, a brush-hook or scytho, a hammer, nails, spikes, a fow bolts of different sizes, a monkey-wrench, and such other tools as you will bo likely to want, and drlvo along tho sldo of every fonco on tho farm, If you como across a plecoof board ora hrokon rail throw It luto tho wagon. If you And n plow-point, a cultivator-tooth, a bro kon reaper guard, a horso-shoo, nn oil can, or an old hoe.put It on tho stone bout and bring It homo. -Stones may bo thrown on and drawn to somo conveni ent place. If you como across any wetd-i, mow thorn down; If any bram bles or brushes, cut them with a bush lio.ik or ax. If a board is looso on the fence, put a nail In It, If a gato sigs, istrrtl t;li ten It up. If there aro any bolts In tho gate, seo that tho nuts aro tight. Tnko a man or a boy, or both, along with yon. You will And plonty of work. If thero Is a plank brldgo across a stream.seo that tho sleepers aro not rotten. Tho hot sun has probably warpou inn pianKg, anu thoy will nood another splko or two. If thero aro any sticks or weeds In a ditch romovo thorn, and throw out Bny dirt that may have been trodden in from tho sides by tho cattle or hogs. In this way go over tho firm. Thon attend to tho barn-yards. Tick up anything that may bo lying Around, and put It In Its proper placo. Boards that aro of any uso should bo placed In n pllo by themselves under cover. These that aro useless should bu sawn, and split up Into kindling, to bo plied by Itself In tho wood-shed. If thero nre any looso stones In tho yards, draw them off. Scrapo up all tho scat tcred manure or dirt, and placo it in a compact hoap where U will ferment, or draw it at onco onto grass land and spread It. Go Into tho gardon and see if thero is any rubbish thero that should bo removed, or any sticks or pieces of board or tools to pick up. Possibly you will find somo old barrel-staves or hoops about. Make kindling of them. If there Is any old iron about tho premi scs, it is a good tlmo to disposo of It. as it is worth ono and I half conts per pound. Old Implements, machines, tools, etc., that aro worn out and of no further use, had better bo knocked to pieces and tho iron sold. If there, aro' any parts that may bo useful in repair lug, they should bo preserved by them solves. This is truo of tho wood -work as woll. us of tho castings. Almost evcrything.sooner or later, comes In useful on a farm. Bat unloss you have abundanco of room, it does not pay to lumber up tho promises with useless implements and machines. Havo all your bags mended; mark them and bang them up. Hark all tho forks, rakes, hoes, spades,shovels, corn-cutters otc. Rub them over with petroleum, and put thom in their proper places. All harvest tools and machines should bo painted with petroleum and stowed away. If you aro short of room, much spaco may bo saved by taking tho wheels off the steel-toothed rako, and tho pools and cutter-bars off tho mower and reaper. Any one who has not tried It will be astonished how many Imple ments and machines may bo Btowed awaj in a small spaco. This will do for a beginning. Then, when any imple ment is dono with fbv the season, rub It over with petroleum and Btow it away. When onco things are in order, It is a comparatively easy matter to keep them In order; but still it is a daily work. It is however, work that pays over and over again. PUE3EUVATI0N OF HEN MANURE. Wo cannot overvaluo tho manurlal product of tho herihouso nor cxerclso too much care In Its preservation. If thrown Into tho compost heap or depos ited with tho hog manure, nearly all Its good qualities would bo retained very likely, but wo would advlso a uiff eront course. Nearly every ono wants a little fancy manuro for special pur poses in tho Spring, and Instead of buy ing guano andsuperphosphatoof doubt ful quality, ho can manufacturer his own at a far les cost from tho dropping of tho hen. Wo havo found it a good plan to sprinkle dry earth under tho roosts, or peat Is nearly as good, road dust or scrapings collected during a dry spell, and put away in boxes or barrels for uso In Winter and Spring. By using this thrco or four times a week, and oftener In warm weather, all bad odor is prevented and tho escapo of tho fer tlllzlng properties of tho manuro Is ar rested. Gypsum would answer a3 well as earth. If shoveled into a pile as tho weather grows warm, it will slowly ferment, and If closely watched and shovoled ovor when undue heat is gen orated, tho process will add to its valuo for tho Spring's crop, as It becomes de composed by fermentation aud its par ticles separated and mingled with tho earth used as a deodorizer and its crudonoss changed so as to bo moro readily appropriated by growing plants. Last year I used about Ufteen bushels of this kind of manuro and found it to bo a very active fortilizor. For pota toes and corn I applied in tho hill; mixing with"' that used for potatoes about ono fourth Its bulk of unleached wood ashes, dropping It In tho hill and covering It with tho foot as I wont along Immediately after tho ashes wero incorporated with it. By covering immediately, tho earth absorbs any ammonia sot freo by tho ashes, as they act like lima Id this respect, and should not bo mixed with manuro in a state of fermentation ; nor la It advisablo to do so at any tlmo, unless it is applied to tho soil immediately. On garden vegetables this manuro had a very marked effect. Nearly every farmer can savo enough of this kind of man uro to givo his garden a start. Cor. Jlural Home. Trees. A writer in Moor't Jlural urges thoso who deslro to grow chest nut timber, or tho trees for ornamental purposes, to chooso for planting tho largest nuts to bo found. A fow gen erations of selected seedlings would, ho thinks, result In our having in this country varieties that would equal If not surpass, tho European sorts In sizo; and it is woll known that chestnuts of American growth aro far tho best In ilavor. Young Folks. Annaml. A poor workman named Bertrand had six young children, and ho was very much troublod how to support them. By increasing mlsfortuno tho year was sterile, and broad sold for twlco as much as tho year beforo. Ber trand labored day and night ; and al though ho worked vory hard, It was Imposslblo for him to earn enough of tho poorest kind of bread to satisfy tho hunger of his famishing children. Ho was groatly dlscouragod. Ono day ho called together hit llttlo family, and with tears in Ills oyos ho said : "My doar chlldron, broad has becomo so high that, with Sn my labor, I can not earn enough to support you. You soo that I havo to pay as much for this llttlo plcco of bread as I can cam in ono day. You must bo content to dlvldo with tho llttlo I can procuro; thero cor talnly will not bo enough to satisfy you, but thero will boatleastonough to keop you from starving." Tho poor man could say no more. IIo falsod his oyca toward lleavon and bo gan to weep. Ills children wept also, and each ono said, "May God como to our aid, poor llttlo unhappy ones that wo aro. Help, our Father, and do not lot us dlo of hungor." Bortrand divided his bread Into sovon equal parts. IIo kept ono plcco for him self and distributed tho others among thochlldrcn. Butoneof them who was callod Armaud refu90d to rooolvo his portion, and said, "I cannot tako any, my fathor, I feel sick, cat my sharo or dlvldo it among tho children." "My poor child, what is tho matter?'' said Bertrand, taking the child into his arms. "I am sick," replied Armand. "I am very, very sick, I want to go to bed." Bertrand carried him to his bod, and tho next morning, overwhelmed with grief, ho went to tho doctor, and begged him to como out of charity toscohis sick son and to help him. Tho doctor who was a pious man, went to Bor land's, although ho was suro that ho would not bo paid for his visit. IIo ap proached Armand's bod, felt of his nulso.but ho did not And anv avmntams of disease IIo found that ho was vory weak, and to reanimato him, ho want ed to prescribe something. "Do not order anything forme, fori will not tako anything." "You will not tako it ! and why not if youplcaso?" "Do not ask me, sir, for I cannot tell you." "And what prevonts you, my child? You seem to bo quite an obstinate llttlo boy." "Doctor it is not obstinacy, I assure you." I am glad to hoar it, but I do not understand you, I will ask your father, who perhaps will not bo so myster ious." Ah, I beg you say nothing to my father about it." "You aro a very strange child, I mnst absolutely inform your father, because you will not tell mo." "Oh, sir, be careful, I would rather toll you, but first I beg you will send my brothers and slaters out." Tho doctor ordered tho chlldron to go out, and thon Armand said : "Alas, sir, in a tlmo so hard, it is with difficulty that my father is able to earn a littlo poor bread. He divides it among us. Bach ono has a small pleco, and he wishes to leave almost nothing for him self. It makes me feel so sad to see my brothers and sisters endure hunger. I am tho eldest and havo moro strength than they have. I would rather not cat so that they can divido my portion. It is for this that I pretoad to bo sick and cannot eat, but I beg you will not lot my father know anything about It." Tho doctor wiped his eyes and said : "But are you not hungry my dear friend ?" I beg your pardon, sir, I am very hungry, but that does not hurt mo as much as to see thom suffer." "But you will soon die if you d not nourish yourself." "I feel it sir, but I will die willingly; my father will havo one mouth to fill, and when I am with the good God will pray Him to glvo something to my llttlo brothers and sisters to eat." Tho honest doctor felt oxtrome com passion and admiration at hearing a hlld talk so genorously. He took him in bis arms and ombraclng him said : "No, my doar friend, you will not die. God, tho Father of ovory ono, will take care of you and your family. I tnank him for having sont mo hero. I will return SDon." He ran to his houso and loaded one of his servants with all sorts of provis ions, and roturned with him quickly to Armand and his famishing brothers. He placed them all around a table, and made thom eat until they were satisfied. It was a charming sight for tho good doctor to soo the Joy of tho Innocent creatures. On going out ho requested Armand not to worry himself, for ho would provido for all thoir necessities. Each day ho sont them an abundance ofnourlshmont, Othor charitable per sons to whom ho told hia adventure Im itated his benevolence Somo sent pro visions, somo monoy. some suits of clothes and in a fow days after ward tho little family had moro than they noeded. As soon as tho prlnco was told what tho bravo llttlo Armand had dono for his father and brothers, full of admiration for so much generosity, ho sent for Bertrand and said to him : "You havo an admirable child; I want to bo a father to him also. I havo ordored to bo given you every year in my namo tho sum of a hundred crowns, Armand and all your children shall be educated at my expense in any trado that thoy chooso, and if thoy profit by It I will havo tho caro of their fortune." ueriranu roturned homo overcome with joy.and throwing himself upon his knees, thanked God for having given Mm such a worthy ehild. In Scotland thoy have narrow, open drains, can snoop drains. A man was riding a donkoy ono day, across a sheep pasture, and whon tho donkoy camo to a sheep drain ho would not go over It. So tho man rodo him back a short dis- tanco.und turning around, put tho whip to him, thinking, of courso, tho donkey going so fast would jump tho drain be fore ho over knew it. But not so. On thoy came, and when tho donkey got to tho drain he stopped all of a sudden, and tho man went over Mr. Jack's head No sooner had ho touched the ground than ho got up, and looking tho donkey straight In tho face, ho said: "Very well pitched ; but then how aro ye go ing to get over yeiwlfT" Miscellaneous. BOOTS & SHOES. AT E.M.KNORKS SPRING STYLES, THE LATEST AND BEST. Kvcry variety for Men, Womou and Children, OLD STOCK Soiling at Cost to close out to mako room for NEW GOODS. Bargains ! Bargains ! CALL AND SEE. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AMD CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. 1113 UAH THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE II E S T WORKMEN, Fori :ood flls aud promptness la rilling orders s the place to go. tfaeiel Ilia goods are selected wltn care and his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with the best eUorts of tho fashionable city Dealer, HE KEErs A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S .CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURXISniNG GOODS. At Astonishingly Low Ploes. Bloomsbnrg, sept. 29. 1871-tt JOHN G. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND C0NFECTI0NEBY1 BERWICK, PENN A. The undersigned wonld rcsncctfullv lnlorm tho Citizens of Berwick, and vicinity, that he has opened a Confectionery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Fa., where ho Is prepared to furnish all Irtmlff. of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac., Ac., Ac, do. W WHOLEHAIJC AMD BIT AIL. Among the assortment will be round Cream Nuts, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil berts. FIks. Apples. Cocoa Nuts. Jellies of differ ent kinds. Mustard. Catsup. Pickles, Chocolate Canned Fruit of all kinds. Corn Starch, Egg Bis cuit. Soda Crackers. Oyster Crackers. Cheese. Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produce of all kinds. Fresh Bread an Cakes every day. Ice Cream In Season. Your patronage la solicited. . w , . JOHN O. JACOB Y. Berwick, Jan 171-tv QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, , Bloomsbnrg, Pa. M. O. SLOAN A BROTHER Have on hand andfor sale at the moat reasona ble rates a splendU stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description i Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of the best and most dai ame materials, ana Dy tne most experienced workmen. All work sent out from t.e estab lishment will be found to beof the highest class and sure to give perfect satisfaction. They have also a One assortment of SLEIGHS or all tho newest and most fashionable styles well and carefully made and of the best mater lata An Inspection of their work Is asked as HI believed that none anperlor can be found In the country, Rn 1-71 jq-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SPRING GOODS DAVID LOWENBERG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his store on Main Street, la the new block, Bloomsburg, Pa., where se has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, BACK, ROCO.aUM.ANDOlL-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS, or all sorts, elteaandcolors, He has also replen lshed bla already large stock of CLOTH AND OASSIMERES, STRIPED, FIGURED. AND PLAIN VESTS BIIIRTS, CRAVATS, BTOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, HUSFKNDERB. AND FANCY ARTICLES u um wmwini uu uuuu h jarge anu weu-i acted assortment of CLOTHS AND VE8TINGB, which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All tils clothing is made to wear, and most or it la or home manufacture, GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, fine aad cheap. Ills ease ol lewelry Is not surpassed In thlaiplace. Call and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC octU'71 DAVID LOWENBERG, TU01NESS CARDS, JD VISITING OAltpd, KTTKK JfKADH, BILL HEADS; PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, U AC, Neatly and Cheaply Printed ' mojjlhe 1st est Style of Type at the (Thli Cut llluitrttei the manner of Uttng i fin IN Fountain Nasal Injector,! DOUCHE Thli In'tmmcnl Is cipKlslljr designed for the per. fect application of DR. OAQC'O OATARRM REMEDY. It Is the nitty form of Instrument yet Inienlcil with which fluid inetllcltui can ho cnrrlrtl high tip ami fitrftctbj apptle I to all parts of tlio oflccted nnntl paj-fi.-c-, ami tho chambers or cailtlcs communicating thorowitli, lit which sores and ulcers frequently cxb t, and front which tho catarrhal discharge cuicrnily pro ceed. TiiawnntofmccoMln triatlnRt'alorrh hero toforo Ins Arisen largely from tho luipos.lhlllty of applylnr rcatcillo to thoso canities and rhamhrrs by any of tho ordinary methods. Thloltnilo In tlioway of eirjctlntf euros i entirely ovrrrmne lytl.e Invention of tho Doncho. In tislnj llils InHruniMit, ihA rinlit I. f-trrleit twit, nun wrinlitt no tnufftnfl. Inre. loo or pumping oung rcqimej.j up nno imsim in muu juiillyil'Wlntf stream to tho highest poillon f tlio II the in lies anil ehi'iihcrs connected then with, and lAj..nitnlthannnollonostrll. Itsttsols tilcnsant Slid ... hii.ii.ln ih.t ii rhll.t cfln understand It. full and explicit direction accompany each iiHtritwnt. Wlion used with this Instrument, Dr. Sno' Catarrh lEfmcdy cures recent attacks of 'Cnll lit tlio Hrml "lira few applications. symptom ol Cnlnrrli. Frequent head ache, discharge falliiij Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick nnicns, purulent, offensive, Ac. In othors a dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflaaicd ore. stopping; tip or obstruction of nasal passoscs, rlnslni lncars.tlcafnc-s, hanMns and rnnchlnr; to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs Irom ulcers, wlcc altered, nastl twatnf, otTenslto breath, Impaired oi titaldoprlvailon o! sense of smell and taste, dlzzl Ii3ss, mental depression, loss of appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cnuiih. Ac. Only s few of thoso symptoms aro likely to he present In auvcasoatono time. Iir. Narro'si Untnrrh Itemed)', when used with llr. IHorco'M N nnnl llouclic, and accom panied with tho constitutional treatment uhlch Is recommended la tho pamphlet that wraps each hct tlo of tho Remedy, 1 j n perfect specific Mr this loath some disease, and tho proprljtor offers. In good faith, 9500 rownrd for acaso ho can not cure, lho Remedy Is mild and pleasant to use, containing c strong or caustic drugs or poisons. Tho Coionn Remedy Is sold at DO cents. Douche at GO cents, by nil UriiKRlsts, or either will ho mailed hy pro prietor on receipt of f0 cents. it. v. riKRcr.M. ., , Molorioprlctor. 1IIWAI.O. N. Y. Pr K Eft. RADWAV S ready relief t:uui:rt Tin: woith-r pains In from Ono to Twonty Mlnutoo. NOT ONE HOUR after rcaOinr hU M vert lament nred any ona SI KFKU WITH I'AIX. ItADWAV'fl I.EAHY RELIEF IS A CUKE FOlt , j'.v cm I'Airi. Jt wait he first and Ii Tim Only X'aln Kcmodv that Inrtantly it opt the mtut ttcnicUtlnr,tUayi In flam mall on , nnd enrrs CunECition, whether of tlio Lungii. btouuich, Utiwcl, or ctliir Claud or organs, by one ajiphuv s.,,.,,, ,vrTWa No matter how lo:ctit or ctcrt.clat.n2 the pain tho HIIEU- iiAin;, liea-rmtipn, munn, inrpiiu. , Nervous, Wcuralfiic, ur TOBiraieu uu uintuau may euutr, nArttifAvie ncAnv nn 1 tr c wir.i. APvnnn instant hash. U INFLAMMATION OV TilR KIDNKVH. m irif UAf 1 a nun ur iU iujAUUL.ii. INTLAMM.TiON OK TUB HOWELS. OONHK8TION OK THE LUNGS. bOKG TIIKQAT, PIKKU'ULT HHEATI1INU. J'ALPITATtON OK THE llEAUT. HYSTERICS, CKOU1, Dll'lITIIEHIA. ' CATAUUU. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. 1 NEUKALOIA, ItllEUMATISli. COLO CHILLS, Af-Un I'HII.Lt. '1U fcpplicntlon of tho Ufndv H ell cf to tho part or furls whera the julu or difficulty CsUitm afford ea aud torn fort. Twenty dnw In half ft lumMer rf wntrr will In n few momenta T euro GUAM PS, M'ASMS, M)UH STOMACH, .lYKKNTHUY. COLIO. AV1NO IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL TAINS. Traveler iMimim nmavs carry n wmie ot lEnnnnv IScndy Itt'licT with them. A few Uruiis In untir w ill iTfcnt slckncus or palm from dmuci' cf water. His belter iluu Frcuch Draudy or Hitters ai 11 ktlmulant, FEVI.1t AND AdUEs FEVER ANOAOUK curvri for fifty tenln. Ttiero Is nit a remedial nzent In lliH unrM that will euro Fever and Ague, and nil fttlier MaUrlou. IHlt.nn. Pearl L Tphri.t, Yellow, and rther Vc vn (aHod hv H.!VAY3 f'lLLS) a.) quick u KADWAY'S HEADY ltELIEK. Tlfty cclII icrlHittlc. bold bj DnifgiHt, HEALTH f&EAUTY! ! ' sthovo anu ftTt:i: men iii.oon-iNfiisKAsK (ip H,K"HJ,MI WKIllllT-rl.r.MI bKIN AN'O ULAl' 'fll'lll. COMI'l.l.MO.N hKOllKEl) TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT UAH MADE THE MOST ASTONKIUNU (MTltrSt SO QUICK. hO ItAl'IO AUK THE IIIIANIIKS TllK JIODY tINDKIKiOES TMEll THK I.NKMtENCE UK THIS THAT Cvory f)ny an Incrooso in Flosh and Wolght lo Soon and Folt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kmy 1rrp rf lite fi A USA 1'AHI LLI AN HESOLVENT roinniunicitea llirongli the Wood, He.,t, Trtiif, ami Uliff rhildiaiid Jules of (he m Blent the "f life, (or It repairs the wat,tf (f tho t-o-ly with CPw und hound inntcrljJ, ScrhftilA. Syplillii, ConMiimptl'in, fll.tnduUr dliin"i.', C- or hi the Thru t, Muutli, Tumori, Node-t In the ;'n i olht-r p.irtmf tho frriem, rioru Eyes, HmnifiH l'l k from the Kirr, and lho wvrt-t forinrt if M.I11 (Um tloiin, Kcvcr Siri-t Scald Head. Hint Worm. Mil Ervflpel K, Aeno. Illicit SpoU, Wnrmvln tho Heli. 1 C.i.iiivra t't the Womb, und all venkciiine nnd cltirpM, NUlit fewt'fttp, L1 of Spoffn, and all t lift) iirhiclpU'. arc with in tho cintlte nneo of t l.l nn df Modem Chtm1lrv, and ft few days mo h anv pencil, u-lii; it f r ilthir cf thesu fwima d - .s jidtciit 10 w er td vnrM 1 hem. If thu tuticiit, riMly hecomlnjr reduced ly he - 1 i1itorii(oltlon that li roi.ttnunliy prcfrrcMiii;, rui nnivtlnc thene wsten, mid repair 1 110 tumcwjUi n tili'itdefn.m hoillliy Muod-UDd thU the SAKS.M'.W.iJ, LIAN wdl and iIihh noourc, St tuly tints thu MnnArAiutMAV TUjdlvrt exnl all Viiown nrent tt 1 the euro ilT Chronic, Serofulou?, t 'oiim Ituliuiiaf, iiiid Mm tllicases ; hut It rs the only poslth c cure for Kliluoy A; Itladdor CouiplalnUj Vrlnftry. nnd WnniU rileai, Or.rel, DliUtcn, Prfpy Stdpp'ie of Water, lncrntlneiica of Urine, llrlirtit Dlnca-et AlhumiMirl.., und hi 11U rixca w here t hire nre I rlckdunt le vonlls. or the wattr Is thick, cloudy, mixed with ruhrtuncca like the wUtt rf uti fcf.or thrcntU Hio vhlto xilK, or thero 1m a morbid, dark, tdlluua appearance, aod whlto tone-dutt deitoilts, and when thtto Is u pilcklntr, burning mnratlon vlieit pacing water, rod pain In tlio biuall of the Hack aud nhm tin Lr-dnn. l'rico, i.oo, WORMS. Tho only known and sura nt-mcdy for Tumor oV 12 Voars' Cirowlh C'urcl by IJmlnny's Itcsolvoiit. Iiivibi r, M , July 1, 161. Pit. IUn war I hnvst htl Ovariin Tumor la th ninrirt unil Unlt. All lb Hnl.rtt iUi Mhoisjiruknlirlpfur it." I tiUJ try ihtnir lhl im rvstnnmriidil i hut liotbliiK heir s-d ui, iw wuf Us-Milrri.t, ftixt thmtrit 1 wui.ld try It ( l.ui Ud no flih In ft, Im-Mura I Ltvl mirrrnl fur ilv rr.. 1 UHk Ji Uitlrt i-f lb w IUvltut. and tow Ixii i-t ltvlwy I'ilU, ml two 1h.uIi of yr I,rklv lilUf i Kinl lhr U itt l)in uf tuim.r V U urn r frit, fcn.1 I fprl UtUr, Miurlrr, mikI i ir lb m J Lava f r Isvelif tri, 'Hi worl tutmr wm lit ihu left if.l if tL wtt ll.irtln. 1 wrli thit Ij (.u for lu ti.iXltf tylLrr. Vu.i on r uMI.1i it if jvuilioow, HANNAH f. KN WW DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATiUE PILLS, TO fectly t&stelrn, rlfirivntly (ontvvl vltli swnt pum. Jinrpp. rtuUte, urifv. ci.-siim', nnl etrtnethfi). lula) rills, for lLu curs of nil ttwirdcrsf-r tho Munnrh. Liter, IIohlIs. Kltliiers, lllallsr( Vrvou, DI.phms, lleadsche. Cennttrv tlrn, Contlvsiiess, ImllcCHllon, Utsrpslu, HilluUMiec All loui Fcsr. liiflaiiuuutlnn ot tlio llouils. I'iltfs. nnd all l)e-' rsiiiemeuts t.f Ilia Intcnnl Vlvcra. Warrahtutl to effect tt oo-ttlve cure, l'umly Vt KCtatle, cpLtalulng no mercury, miner!, or tlelttcrlnus drills, ttr Observe the fuilnwlni; sytniloms resulting from Dis order. f the Ulfestlvo Organ. : CAn.tlpailon, lnwar.1 I'lUi, Fullntu tt tls Tlon.1 In lb, 111 Acltlllv r lt. Momwh, ut. Ilrarlbirs, I'orwt. ult Be. Of Wrlfibl iu th., Kur I ru udoni, Siuklnffor r luttrr Ins rt l. lttef 111 Kt.MnM-b, hwli.m.lni; 1 1 th, It.t, flurrlMl and l'idUuH Bntkiblntf, I liitLrlnit SI tits lltfsrl, Choklnir or turTocslllif R-oution. wh.n in k Ljlng 1'i-tnro, lmni. nl Utnn, 1MI or U Ufurs 111. Weill. rvrr sii'l ltull I'am In tho ll.ut, nfltifney nf fmnlrstlen, irlluwn... f ll.t Sblu M..I Tam iu 111. SnU t1iit, Limla, anJ ibj.)in rlu.L.t (f, l.uri.liif iu tk A few liases 0. llAtJWAV'S ril.l.S ! fret ll.t system frnnmll II.. titH.fiiii'il iliMrders. lrlc't sscent. tr U'S. ItKAII "KA1AK AMI I Jil'i:. Fend one l Iter Mump to HAllWAY It I'd.. No, 7 Msldm Uue, he.V.ik lrfiirtilatlnii uoHIt inouviiHla will i aeut you. IILATCIILEY'H Improied Cucumber Wood rump. Tuneless, Daraliio, Kffioleul aad L'lieap. Ttio best I'ump far the least money. Attention is ebpeolally Invited to HUtcli ley's Intent Improved Brack et and New Drop Check: Valve, which can bo wit hdrawn with out removing the I'ump or dlstnrbtng tho joints. Also, tne Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Bond for Catalogue and l'rlce IJst. CII AS. U. HLATCIILY, MTr, ooauommercout., l'hllado, I'd. 13. lS72-ly, "A ItepoBllury of Kashlou, l'leasaie, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar, Xotkttatht JVtM. The Jhuar Is edited with a contribution of tact and talent, that we seldom find In any Journal; and the Journal itself Is tne organ of the great world of fashion, Jtcutm nmtutr. TliuJIaiar commends Itself toovery member of the household to the children bv droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladles by Its fashion-plates In endless variety, to the provident matron by its patterns for the children's clothes, to paUrJamUiat by Its tasteful designs for em broidered slippers and luxurious dreMlng-eowns Hut the reading-waller of the ileum-Is nnllurnily of great excellence. The paper has acquired u wide popularity lor tho fireside enjoyment It aHords.-,Y. Y. IXtninglDtt. SUBSCRXrXXONg-1873. T.rinsi JIarfeb's Bazab, one year .......14 CO An Extra Copy oj either the Mauazihe, Wkzklt, orllAiAH will be supplied graus for every Ulubof Kivk Huliai'KIliKiH atit CO each, In one remittance) or, ttlx Copies lor tWIX), without extra copy, Hubscrlptlons to HABrxR'gMAOAZiHE, Week ly, and ItAZAlt, to one addiesa for one year, 110 CO; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address fur one year, 17 (A Hack Numbers can be supplied at any time, The five volumes or IIabi'eb'h IlAZAn, for the years leXUl. m. '70, '71, '72. olegantly bound In green inorooeo cloth, will be sent by express Inlght prepaid, for 17 00 each. The postage on Habi'eb's Bazab is 20 cents a year, which mustbepaldat the uoict(4t'i loos Olhce, Addreu JIAKr-EH A imOTIIKItS, New York. J Siwtl, TkfSr Krytm Bcpt. REMOVAL!! I. W. NILES', MUSIC W A It E It O O M 8 luwo been romovuil to tho NEW UltlOK IJUILUING 01T03ITI: tho Kl'ISUOl'AL CllUUUH.MAIN t Where no will keep a general Assortment of THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, OltCJANS, VIOLINS, and all KIND.3 OP MUSICAL INSTKUMENTH. Also MUSIC I100KH for all IN3THUMENTS. PIANO AND OUOAN STOOU1 ALL HTVLK3 AND IMHCE8. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO ia tho cheapest First Clnsa Piano in the market. Having secured tho Agency ol lho dOEO. WOODS' IlENOWNEI) OHGANS, esaliorcoiumoiu uouniy, loguiuer witu iuo CELEBUATED TEJll'LE ANGELIC furnishes advantages lo purchasers juot found elsowhere. 8kSTATIONAUY OP ALL KINDS. A full assortment of 1SQUAIIE AND OVAL FKAMEE3, SjTi.all styles aud prices c.nslgutly ou hadd. 8TEEL KG RAVINGS, CHUOSIOS A- COLORED I'UINTH, BTEHEOSCOl'ES AND VIEWS. 43-Call and examine mch8'72-6m. VTisttl let j Twolyc Years -ss8 Wild Indians & Plaius. Tim rnmnrlrabla adventures of the famous WHITE CHIEF and BIG WAItUIOH none the RedHklnR. Thrilling acceunU of Ureal Hunts. Hairbreadth Escapes andTerrlble Contests with tho big name nnd hostile tribes, Uplrlted descrip tions of tho habits and superstitions of that strange people, Thoir Bports, Legends, Tradi tions. How they Woo and Wed, HcJiln, Doctor, worsnip, c Piew, rrosu ana ropuiar. iticb riw. ilim KAlllni? bv tho thousands with won derful rapidity. AgcntM are making from MO to 1100 per week. Choice field yet vacant, bond at once for sample chapters. Illustrations and par ticulars U) a, ii. uuuiiAiiu, x-uuiiHiier. Jan27'7l-tf. -mo uuestnnt Ht I'lina "The best, cheapest, and most success fill Family l'upcr in tho Union," Harper's Weekly. BPL.END1DLV ILLUdTKATED. Jt'ottea oflhe Pros. The Weekly Is the ablest and most powerful Illustrated periodical published In this country. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. IU Illustrations ot current events are full mil fresh, aud are prepared by our best designers. With a circulation or 160,000, the Weekly is read Iiv nt luost half a million per sons, audits miluvnconsan organ of opinion Is simply tremeudoui. The Weekly maintains poslttvn position, und expresses decided vl wh on political and social problems. iouluiJfc Courier'Juurnal. STJBS0IUPTIOrJS-S873. Terms t IlAitrEn's Weekly, oua year 51 CO An Extra Copy or cither the Maoazini, Weekly, or IH.Ati will bu supplied gratis for every Club of KlvuSUBSCituiKK.sutt4 Ooeach, In one remittance: or, Hlx Copies lor tU 00, with out extra copy. BubscripUons to IIAni'Eii's Maoazine, Week ly, and IIazar to one address for ono year, 110,00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to ono address for ono year, ! 7 00. Bock Numbers can bo supplied at any time. Tho Annual Volumes nt Harper'h Weekly. In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by express, iree oi uxpease, lor . uu uacu, a comptotu net. comprising Hlxlcen Volumes, sont on receipt ol cash at thu rate of S5 2 per vol., freight at ex pense of purchaser. The nostaee on HAiii'EK'a Weekly Is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at thu subscriber's uuBb uiiue. tuaress HAIU'Kll A linOTHIUta, N.ew York. ffl. B. ALLEBACH DEALER in WATCHES and JEWELBY DANVILLE Pit. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, FRENCH CLOCKS, BWISS AND AMERICA STEM WATCHES. THE RENOWNED ELGIN WATO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINE JEWELRY, DIAMONDS Ac. 11 ltepalrlng promptly attended to, S. H. Miller & Son, Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. AG ENTS LOOK HERE ! .1ea? For tho New Splendidly Illustrated Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, Because It Is the most fascinating and popular liook In print, and excels ull la real rifeoiics und fote prices. Just out. o'JS pages, UnftMl paper, ouly 12.60 easy worth 3.60. is a Great lilt, sells quick and fast. Terms of this and our new Do mesilo ltlbles, far the most complete supei bly il lustrated aud fast-selling Million extant, also, the "l'ockel Companion,'' worth 110 to any book agent, sent free. Write at on, stating wher you saw this, to HUUI1AIID illlOH., apr.UMf Publishers, ?J Sansom St., l'hlle Moyors Column. PUBLIC ATTENTION IS CALLED HY MOYER BROS. To tho fact Hint they nro still paslilntf lho Drut! buslnoss with all tho energy so clinriicterlstlo nf thomsolvcs in former tliuoj, at lliolr old liusi nos stauds In GROWER'S BLOCK, and at tho Corner of Main and Market Streets. Their stock Is larger and more vnrlcd than can bo round in any other establishment short of Philadelphia or Now York. Allnf which Is otter ed In largo or small quantities nt llgurrsnslow If not lower, than i-ntno goods run be pnrnUBKCd elscwhoro. Call and examine fur yourself. Tho wholosnlo department under tho Immediate su pervision nnd control of tho firm, comprises l'AINTd, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, .tC AC. They keep constantly on hand from flvo to six dlllcrent brands ol whlto Lead, among which Is John T. Louis & Uros., Duck Laid, WMlto Oak, Diiimond, Arctic, &c, Vanilsliea, Coach, Furniture, Datnar, Shcllncuud Jiiiiin Dryor. in colors you will find limbers both dry and In oil, Siennas, llrowus,Mclalltcaud Vnudyke.Heds Venetian, Red Lead, Amorlcniintiil Chinese Ver nillllons, lllucs, Yellows and Urccns, among which nro tho celebrated Versailles nnd Shnmioclc, very handsomo and permnncnt, nud especially ailaptod to tho painting or blinds, &c Linseed UU, Turpentine, Ac. All sires window glass, large sizes of superior finality for pictures, n speciality. Casloroll by tuogallnu or dozen. Laudanum, Paregoric, lliiteuiau's drops, golden Tincture, Balsam Da Maltha, God frey's Cordlnl, Essences Lemon. 1-eppermlnt, Wlntcrgrocn nnd Cinnamon, All lho popular patent medicines of tho day, among which wo enumerate. Ayrcs, Jityncs.VInegnr Dlttera.Hostot ter's, Drake's, and Hoolland's Gor man Bittera: Tills, Wright's Jnyno's, Schcnck's.and all others known to tho Community. A largo and varlod assortment of Knights world renowned cooking extract. Lemon, Vanilla, Hose, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pino Applo, Celery, Ilatinuu, Ac, aro oll'er ed below muuuf.icttirers prices, to country moichnnts. Spices, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pcppor, Maco, Mustard, AC, nt bottom prices. ALSO, Holland Flour Sul phur, Epsom Salts, Salt Petre, Calabra Lic orice, GumOamphor.Uorax, Assafcutlda, Cattlu and Horbo Powders.tlluo Vltrlol.Extruct Log wood, Castllo and Laundry Soups, Lamp Chimneys, aud Lamp goods gener ally. liUmn Clinlk. Hllver Mind, (.'alnlnnl Plaster, Uoseudal Cement by the barrel or bushel. B Tho celebrated MUlvllle Fruit Jar. acknowl edged to bo by far tho best In tho Markets, nil glass, of superior material and workmanship. Consumers having onco used these, will havo no umi:i. Country Physicians will ilnd ourstnclc full and complete, comprising nil the old staples of thu iiiuiuim jiuuiui, ui wuu nHiiii mu inner niscov eriesof medical science, Quinine, Morphia and Opium always In abuudnce . Hancu II. ok, und White's pharmaceutical preparations, fluid and Solid extracts Elixirs aud Pills of tho Piinrina coptea sugar-coated. Powers aud Wulghtmau'H Chemicals, and Prof. S pilbb's medicines, a full stock, Farmers and others will llndourMocK ofl'uro Ground Western llono. Oil or Vitriol, Sulphate of Soda nnd Nitrate of Sodn, of bettor quality aud at lower prices tliancanbofouud elsewhciu. COACH AND WAGON MAKERS would do well to sou our stock and Inquire our prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. 0 Our retalland rrescrlnllou department Is unJer .Hit. A. It. CATIICAIIT, who has had years of experience ntU- Ablo und comiieteiit lusststant u.wavs in attHii. dance. This department consists ot the com- fiouudlugof Physicians' prcscrlpiluns ind fanil y recipes, tho putting up of Dyo Stud's, et, T tho retailing ol Patent Medicines und Druggist's nutiuries, buuh hh i-eriuiiiery, comprising ull ol m iiiosi ciioiuu jroiii our roust eminent Ameri can manufacturers aud tho specialties of all tho Foreifrn, Fronch, EriBlish, German and Italian l'erluniurs. n Toilet Soups in largo variety, both Importod and Fino Hair, Tooth, Flesh, Clothes, Sliav Idr & Nail Uruslies. Trusses.Bhoul dor Draccs it Supporters, Nurs- log Dottles, l'ockot Books, Dill Books, Ac., &c. Cigars of rarest and choicest brands from 5cls ,u w via., viivij, Pipes and clgnr smokers and ninny things lm- tumuli. lo ,mnvnl.. rt.,u SODA POUMTAIlff In this part or the Btato, called tho "Iceberg," from nnich laooiisUinUydrawn, tttoMOcool and refrtjshlnif bov erases bo popular with lho Amer ican public, nlMO. tho medicated wutera of Vi:Uv, R Onr Manufacturing Depaitmout, comprises all the ofnctnu! preparations of thu U, S, Phur macopa'a, 1 1nctures, Syrups, etc., OIL OP GLADNESS asncclllo for Croun. Hums nnd Hcnlilsnnii nnn of the most valuablu auxiliaries Hi the cure of yeuer-piies, nuurseness, ete over Known, lho largely Increasing sales uttest lis popularity as a household remedy. s Moyer's Tar Cough Drops a valuablo remedy ,niU'hn nf Imip utniulltin l,w.i.iiA.. sumption. Flavoring cxlructs.Essence Jamaica Ginger, eic To all of which wo ask thoatUn tlou of the general public. Tho wagon will still contlnuo to pay Its btuted visits to their country custom ers. MOYER EROS. Mpy 10, ly. M So Prmdii can tnlic llicio Tlltlr rn accord ir to diifciHHi. ami rrrmin lone unwell, provided their Ljnr not destroyed by mineral oison or oilier nie.111 nud the ritRiii' wantnl beyond tlie point of repAir. 1) tprptlu or Iiidliritlmi llcululie, I'akt iu Hie Mumlttci t, Cu until, '1 1, liincsa of the Client, Dirii-in".-.. Sutir I nicLitmni oftbe ytom.icli, Tntte in the Mouth, Itilimm Atl.icki, IMlpiLitUm of tlio Itenrt, In !iimilum of t lie I .tin.;, Pain In the resion of the Kid' tev mnl a hundred other ti.nnful dyniptomfl, are the ofT i hhiui rf ) net' it, Iu these complaint it ha nn eqinl. nnd one bottle roc A Lcttrr guarantee cf its ru-tii than a It'iiRtliy ndvcHwemcnt ,-,xi- i Vtnnlo ( uinplntiiH, in young or old, imr iid or finale, at the tUwn of womanhood, or the turn f tile, ilicc Tunic Hitters display to decided an intluenca n markcil improvement is oo ivrceptihle, l'or liillnniiiutlni-,' ntnl Chi utile Illicit nintfm nnil (int, Uilioin, Ueinittent and Intermit i nt levt.", I)i'cas?of tha lllood, Liver, Kidneyt and U;.u!drr, the c IhtlcM liie im Such Iiea-e arc caused biVttiatcd It ood, which Is generally produced bv rleranxemctit of the Digestive Organi, Tlirj lire a (jfiitto t'mgntUo nf writ n Tmilr iHmc'tii aNo the- peculiar merit of acting as ,i powerful aent in relieving Congestion or Intlammattoti ot (he Lner and Viceral Organ?, nnd in Hi lions Diseases. ltv Shin DKeniic, Eruptions Tetter, Salt Klu-itm, Itlotches, Spot, l'miple-, l'litlulcs, lloils, Car luini ics liit'wurni., Sca!d'IleaJ,Soie 1e Lrympelat, Itttt, Scurf-.t Ii i uliirations of the Skin, Humors and lit caves of the Skin, of whatever name, or nature, are lit c tally ilus up nnd cartied out of lho t)stcm in a shctt time by the nc ff these Hitter;, Tlio piopejllcM rf Dr. Wai Krn's Vinegar IitTTKns are Aperient, Diaphoretic nud Catminativc, Nutiiiu-m. I.ixviivc, Diuretic, ijettitivc, Counter-irritant, SudiMii'ic, Altetative, and Anti-liilicnn, Urate Ail Thriii u ml proclaim Vinrovti Hit TitRt the luo-t tMiiirlciful lininriiit that ever sustaiued the siukiiiR pv-tcm. J VAI.Ki:U, Pinpr It.lI.lrJtOXAMl&CO., DruKRtt and fn Agti, Sjn rranctwo, Cal., and f Wa.ituton and Charlton Sts.( New York GOLD UY Al I. DKl'tltWVIS AND DEALERS. nl8-72 mttf23 3m THE QUIHSEIiJ THE AMEH10AN BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEAMIN& AND COJIPLETESEWINfi MAOIIINU. -o- Tho first nnit nnlv- Tlin,TOJ.II(r.l.: Avn HKWINU MACItINK combined Hint has mado us ndveni in tuls or any other country, AifTUe following reasons aro given why this Is tho best. Family Machine to Purchase. J. licc.lURO It Will clnl 4. Ilecauso It will work Gv.rvthlnuthitnny nm- a beautiful eyelet hole. chine can do, Hewing; ironi ma nncHt 10 me coarKest materUl, hmn mint,', felling, coidtncJ brntdlng, binding Rath! erln&nttd howtng on, ai tlio Kama tlmo rufll Idlt ltccauso It can do ovrhand Ncamiug, by which sheets, pillow criKes and tho lllto aro cwed over nud over. quilling, etc., better than any other ma- 0. Ilecauso tlio best mechanics nronounco It tlio best finished aud made nu tho best princi ple of any machluo, manufactured. it has no springs to break; nothing lo get out of cuine, 2. IJecausolt can work a brauttfnt bnttou-hnlM, maKing ati nnea pearl as by tno hand. order. 3. it will em 7. Ilrcauso It U two machines In one. a UUTTOU llOLK VVnllK- broider over lho cdgo.i making a neat and! ueautllul border on anv tsa and Skwino ma CHINK combined. garment, n No other Alachtuocati accomplish tho kind of hcwlugstatod In Nh, 4. aud u. PaittfH UJ-Inir a fnmllv ewlnwr mnchlne want a WIIULK MACUINJJ.ouo wUhullttio lmrove- uienus. It Is to last a L1FKTIMK, and therefore ono is wanted that will do tho most work, aud tlo It the best: and this machine can do heveral kinds of howlnguotdono on ANY OTlIKItMACUINK, besides doing every kind that all others can do The American or Plain Sewing Machine. (Without tho button-hole paits), docs all that is douo on the Combination except buttou-holo and over-beamluu. S. J. FAUX,- Agent, BLOOMSBURG-, Pa. AGENTS WANTED IN EVEUY TOWN. COMPANY'S WAItEKOOMS, 1318 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. K.tumlno them boforo purcUablui: unyiillier yuwrna Miiclilno. u'il lb7-MJm. jyjcKELVY, NEA.L & CO., DEALEI13 IN DEY GOODS, GllOCEETES, AND General Merchandise, BLOOJISUUIiO, l'A. jnn:6';r-tf riMlK SALES OF SEWING MA JL chinos Iu lwi, nsrcporloil, under oath. In 1;2, to tho ownerM of tha Hawing Machine I'at CI3I, hhow thul tlio SHVTG-13R MANUFACTURING COMPANY LAST YEAH BOLD 181, 260 Machines, NINETY lKIt CENT. OF THEM BE ING FOlt FAMILY USE. xxxis xs ovan 50,000 MOIlESEWINa MACHINES THAN WliKE BOLD BY ANY OTJI KU COMPANY DUIt ING THE SAME I'EHIOD. Tho Singor Manufactuiiiig Co., 31 tmiOH SQUARE, HEW YORK. I'HILADEI.l'lUA OI'TCE U(X1 ClieitnutSt, J. A. LoiiOH, Aur, In Illjomsburn. AGENTS! QUICKIE on vlllmlsH choice ttrrltorv. (Ihcro U n rush fur hi nn 1)1U Liswio" iuui anu grcaum worn, OUR DIGESTION, or, MY JOLLY KUlEND'HfsljCUEl'. It In by odds tlio most tuklnu and kaleablo booU In tlio Held, 1 Ills on u vltully Important sub ject. K It In by America's most jiopular writer on beallli, a It 1", lor tlio price, tlio largest and lumdfcouiost book uver suld by subscription. AKciibi, tlio peoploaroeaKer for such a boou,and will urge you to bring It lo tlicm. Wrtlo lor terniB, &e free, (IEOHQK MACLEAN, I'libllsbor, nprll X,'72-tt. ru Hansom Hlrcet, riilladelpnlu. r SEWING MACHINES. Rail RondUi, PENNSYLVANIA U v j, WINrKUTIMUTAU lUllroa.1 Comnnny wm ilortirtf , midline, Mfoll'iwai '',,,w' , HA8TWAHI). I'lillaJelpliln Expron lo.ivoi I. (nxeept Mmuluy)t3.u3 n. in . i,', ,J l'lill.ulolplilii ut(i:li it. m . Via l ' 1 'x ' Yorlcnt lu.Oln. m. a . Fiut l.luo leivei ItirrU'iiri u in,, nrrlvoi at Wmt I'liiiilji,! 1' - 1. 1 . ami artlvoH at Now York uti j , ., InnoiBter rmlu, vl.i stun l' rlsimrn daily (uxept H m 1 1 l Willi liiroujli cur Tor l'liuu , . Vst l'lilUiloiiiliUut liij .1, , l'aulllo llxpreti loivm lr ,, cept Motility) ill n, nl l'ullivlelplil.iat j.ji) p, m., n. , 1 at il.JI p nt, ' " ' . llluilr.i llxpron lowoi Itirn.. eept Muiulnys al am ii, m , ' ritllnilolililaal(l:Jjp. in., all '" ' ViiruiaiLi.IJp.iii. ' Hurrixiitint Au Himino.t.itiii i . ,, burn it illy toxcuptMituduyi ut . ,' " atl'lilliilnlpiinuitu.ii,,, J' ' oiitii jmin, imw-i ii.tfiisbjri Hun l.iy) nt 7. Ii p. m itrrlio. nt. ii. u p. in,, una arrives at ,ncy , ' ' a. in. " 11 O'liictunall UtprCM lores Ift , , nl. III. t n . ,,lii..u II, k i ntiew u.. in., una nrrlvvi tit Now i . 11 W13STWAUO. .iIif!...M.'l!l wp,, ""l-rlf. lo.t e unllyatiiiin. in., nrrlvlriB al Hrlo llxprcsi woit, for Kric, burn ilally (except HaniUy at i.jj .' ilvlniitit i:rloat7ili)n. in. rumineru I'.xttreMs loaves liarrln nt Clin. in.,arrlven at Altoou.utt is.,, , irrlvPN at l'lttiuurs 'it lil p, m, riirilMirll 'I'r.l.. I....... Jt. a ua, ( irrjs' ilally (except Mouiliy) at !M)a i. AlUionaatS:3Un,iu,aiia nrrives a' ' l.'Si p. m. l'rtcino cxpresi leaves. llirri. i .. i:U a, in., arrives at Altiima' i broaltfast, ami arrives ut I'.u in. Way rnsfciiKcr Train loivos u,. (except Houilay) at 7; ID a. m. loouaat VM p. m. nud nl Vti, in. Mall Train leuvei II irrnbn- , Huniliiy) at l:)J p. m, ami arr. . p. iu., Tor 8ttiiper,niia.iirivt , l.U'i a, in, I'ast l,lno leives llarrlsiiur. i Buiiilay) atu.iw p. in.,arilvni . p. in., anil arrives at I'lttsuun; u l'lttsburg express .lirrl ; cept Suiuay) at 11..W p. in., .trriv, , I.UJ a, in,, and arrives at 1'u, ., r.i. Cincinnati Express lo-os H.i at l:'Ji) a, in,, arrives at ,.. anil arrives nt 1'itUburi; ,i s i'i i A.. I, OAKS ATI', ). i Uoueral Maua'jcr. OIIOHTUST ROUIV, hs Danville, Hazlelon&WiltelJiivdj mm'jsit AnjUiyaujrh.xn, EAHTWAltt). WEirWAiut LEAVK. A. M. LKAYE. Muuimry um u fw 1 jri K. lsUju, I'DIU Jlcllileu'tn. 1'iiiiviuu , CitawlsHa 7.2 llazletou 0.UJ V. M. 353 Iletlilolicin, 1 S.J liiu latluton. 1'lilliulolpbla I "J,- 2 15 iiihtivKsH, iiuzieiou, (i;.;i)ll luuvll e. New York, IJhS 3.5U Huiiuury. Tbu afternoon train ioiiuiunt i Uf0..'!' E ,M p-m-lnUn Wul. Willl'insportn..lJ; Uoolc lUven ;.5i i.iu.,.iua tno NorllH'rn Central l.ju p. in, niov'iij s reaelilnic Uarrlsburt; 7.0J p. m., ami illi t. p. in,, mul also Willi tlio an ibury una lstown KillllU.Ul. L'omrorlaulo and liaudsomo Uoactioi oa i new route. J. IIEItVEY KAME.Supurmiinli.ii NOUTIIEKN OENTliAI WAV UA1L Ou and after Nov.iiliii, H72, Trains w leave Hunhuiiy aa follows i NOHTHWAllU. VI 10 p.m. Dally except Hiiud.iyuiVlllumvuri l.liiiini, 1'uuaud.Ugua. HuelKslei, Dull HnsiJUliHlon llrlilue ami N. Kalln. fl.Ill ii. m. Wlllliitiiu.f I 1.i,u, 11 ,.,i. . . uiu, rrio xo, (I.Mi'. M., Dally, (except Buuduyn) for VVu.. b)ort atut Erie. 1.30 r. M.. Dallv. lexfentHniiilniHi r,ir -.i- lliill.tloanil Nliusara l'ull, vl.t. Erie rui.i' .1 T11AIN.4 aOUTUWAl.I). 12,00 A, M, l).ttly except Mon lay, ,oi .,.i. .,, NViulilulou ituU rUllade.ptiia, ll.Uj A.M. Dally (exceit.jtiinl iy ioi o.u, , . Wauliliijlou nd 'nllalelpuia, 8.10 r. M. Dally (except tjuiida) a) loi liamiii 1'liUailoliilua, e. w a. HWlera! 1 1 ALFucu It, Kisi:, Oen'Lbup'i Li EADING ItAILllUAU. HUMMElt AltK.VNUt,lH.M. TIIUitHDAy, AUi.tvrist ,n j Trains loavo llarrlsburg lor Huv, ion. lows: At S.UO, ,lu, a. m,, huu , m., . necttng with trains ou l'emis.v . w lld ie road, and arriving al New l'u s 1 i J,60, aud 9,11 p, m. respective. . Kulllrllllii;: Leavo Neu oi u 12.10 an U.liU p. in, riilladelpm.i .it : . i, u.n and 3M0 p. in. Leavo llurrlsbtirg lor Iteaillin,, I'm aii,. . inaqtia, Mluorhvllle, Aslitauil, iiiiiuoiiiu . lentowu and rtilla'd.ut S.uoaiul s.iu .i. u, , . andl.Uj p,lil,,sloppliigal Lebanon timl 0 jiumi way stations; tliol.uj p. in. Irani i-oiinei-iinx Pliil'n., l'ollsvllle audCotiiuiblti ,ni l-'-ii 1' vltle.clniylltlll llaveu and iihuri,. vuictn kill und Husiiucbauuii Itallrosd. ie ,e bur? at tt.lU P in. East Pennsylvania UniiriMd tr.i ni Heaulug lor Alleulown lihton and .New i ul 7.CO 10.10, a. in., and i.Oo p. in ,ir , leavoNew voikal 0.00a. iu., u.a i,i i o.u and Altentown at'.Hja. in, IJ.-j, - .j, to am' p, in. Way I'asscnger Train icun runout! 7,'ioa.m,, connecting with siiiilliir train oil r. Ta, railroad reluming from Headiuiial slopping al all stations. Leavo l'ottsvlllo at CJO and U.'W a. m., 2,3Up. in., Herndou at 10.0J a, in., miuh. iu i. . S,10uudll,lj a, m,, AsUlaud al 7,u."i i.uwui .... p. in., Mabanoy Clly at 7,jI a, in. nun t.- i 1'aiuaiiuaal s,.ija. in., ainw.i' . m ai, I'i dulpbiu, Now York, Heading, Han is urs.ii Leavo rotlsvlllo via ftcniijiiin . .iiv, lianuu lUllroad nlh.lou. iu, oi ilau u 11,1a a. in., lor I'lne drove and 1 irni, I'olthVlllo ACCOIumrtdallou Tlaui e I" ' vlllu uto.oO a. lil.,p.lsses Ko.idill it m rlvlug At I'lillaili'lptilaai OJL a. a o.ii.,-leavt-s 1'Iilladelplila al i,li p. n- . " lugal7,lop,iiiarilvlUBiu.ot I'ollstowu Accomiiiouiniou i town nto.ija.iu., leiurniUK, " (Nlutli aud Urteu) at 1,J p.m. Columbia ivaiuoad liaius 7,aja,inuudii.ljp.iii.lor hpliiB m tor, Columbia, dav, rtlurnluj lt-.iv H.jua. iu and J.Jj p. m., and Co tt... in, and J.lo li, in, I'orklomeu Itall lliwd i ..tins i Juucllun at 7,jjaud ,s,j.i it oi,,.. lurnluu, leave urteu L.-.o ni . aud i.i) p. in., cunuo -u lluadtug llallload. I'lcaeiing Valley It.UIro i l 'i ul-wlllu at 0.10 a. in., aud lug, loavo llyeiHalo.oo a, in., 1 cuuueetlug wltU trains ou i.o tain . , Cotebrookdalo Halnoau iiatus , ' at U.I0 a, iii,I..0U.2i Ji 7.1 p. in., Mi, i'leasaul aio.u-l. b.oj au 1 a.. , . ' 'jouueelluii wltr trams ou tta-nu- - Cluster Valley lUutoau liat port at H,aoa. in, uud J.10 aad j., p. Ieuo DowulugloHb at ti.5i .t. . ' 5.10 p. in,, couuevlliiiS WltU traiuo ll.iiliuail. On auudai's, leave New Voik.ii pltla ul if.uu a. in, and ,.,up. iu., UalL running only to lte.wu.ii,; ,.m' s.'Ala. Ju. lluirisbuu ulu.u0a. iu .iu i - , leavu Alleulotvu ut ami u.ii p. . ileadlug at 7.15 a. m.auu IJ..wp. at,..H burg, ut 7.00 a, in. lor New Yum, a . . Alleuluwu and al 0.1'J a, ui., aua t . rulladelphla. Coinmulation, Mlleuse, St n ui, Excursion Tltkeu lo nud iroiu ducetl rules, luggage checked tlirouxti; i' . each passenger, J. . i u' . , ... Asst. Hupl. tV !.u. t lliudlng, l'a., Aug. I, lm. I AOKAWANNA AND UL"'' XJ llUUU UAlLltOAl) uu uudIlv-rMiv. S7, 171, 1'assou.. i. run us loilows I OoiugNorlh. Arrive Arrive uTm. I, 'U, crauiou l.l I iiutou tUS H.a- - p. in. i.u Klugetou 1 tit. o.v. W.uarro O'rs l'lvmoulli H.h KM 1J.00 11.30 11,11 tiblckshluuy,... 7.30 uorwica, ..,... liluoui - b,UJ a.o7 Dauvuie io.;o 1..7 ".."...., , U,rr,:,n bv the ll).W u all points Norib, Last uudT WjUN B 8 jp'i AfiRNTSlCAMI,A,aM A-nX" imoK WAS CITIZENS' MANl'.U A comnl no l'ollllcal Couipend, lor iw ;iarl. Lives of all tno l'rssldeuts. u u eui l resiuemiat ttt.uM.-. -"r . r IA, umi UecluiuUvn 0 lndnX'c n fiiieui cuuveuiions, unit '"",""- j u i l.-luntl.. ifmriiu tli lint LeUSUS, ttDa v nutlstlcal 'Jables, AC. iiU VJiBMW- W1 frice tlM. Jlook sells al ttght 10 to i 1'" iMlumuUe. for I Irculais. address DUH'IELU AHIIMl'-Al). I'uu i scptfllw 7llSauoiaBt.,l'iiila!t"l NOTICE A iiuctlnVofllieBtocUliolders oflhe' wissa i posu i ii s "'", ,,".V bl Jin ' 1S73, between the Hours of lOit. n ) """J,1, i ... i..,i,. .or,iinit tor sir Dlruulois, v during tlio sukiilUB year. d vI Catawl8a,I)ce,(i-lw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers