EATE9 OF ADVERTISING. AND ajIaomtivsgMttoicvnt. u i?i)uMBll!'.Jl HVMli FRIDAY MORN1NU t.ltltSCOMi tlAlf UUiMlliMI NICAHTltK coum i'(f:,ittoosmjiia,PA.1iir CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, EDITnl ANP rllOPKIRTOn, jctat7ff9 EcT a Vow pyaM In a47c. JOu OfilWMCrli'Hoi Oolnwlii. JittlVl'HtJlH ;mr w Af r ri ' fit J PRINTING i lieu with neatness anil v.i .iiiuiiit- rates. VOLUME VI. - - - NO CO. BLOOMSBXJEGr, PA., FRIDAY DECEMBER 13, 1872. OOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 43. ... i- ii.tlf. a 1 1 nmilv.tAflt In fyp) on or two lnmtlon.1, $UU true InjfrttOlli, SPACE. 1st, if. In, 8 IT. i, nm noo n .no Two mooes...... . wo w '.! Three Inches...-, Four inches. quarter column Half coinmn in ? ill (J (HI 7,00 B.IO 11,10 ,m HMO IS,' K,00 $11,00 110,09 12,) 20,00 ru.oo 1M0 BO.oa one column w,u) mt.uo ,oo 00,00 luo.oo Executor's or Administrator's Nottoo, I.1.C0 Auditor'! or Assignee's Notice, $2,50. Local notices, twenty cents n line. Card! In the "Business Directory" 2!"n. 12,(10 tier year for the first two lines, and II OCfor each additional line. 'Jffloial Directory. V'-. MAM III.WKM.. I ,v IIEllll, Isaac B. MoN- i Li'ii II. niNiu.nn. , IM.IA.MHIIN H.JAL'OnYi HIM 11IIYS0N, J II. I!' I i. . ( til ( 'IIT j.-Al.l I.OU I JltC . VIM lKKI.1 V t M0tf. net i- UoillllNS, UlIlAH J. I KKB. 1 ' 1.1,1AM KBICKIIAt'M, ( t V . IIIH.I., DANlKIt l.F.X. u it rnpiiv. ,i,.u o.l';lliui)n,JoiiN Ma oipciitt Wit It, Ssvntn. In, tectum, H. 11. Mim.kb ii.Mtk .. msburg, ami Joiinsoii U eel.- v HLEHCONNKn.fcSCC'y. I omsbiift. 'r.ial Directory. i Fit SI. ' Jr.r . P. 'I Villi'' llC 11 Het'll. Jllou (J.i- .(, .fit' r. i (i tint irt.ilA- I I , n n'1, .'Hilt. ii, :.iti i.f in. John A. Funston 'mliler. At. It. FAXTo2,Fres't, 'lino Vml and Imn At. t iCH't., C. W. Mll.l.fcH, oi.l tsaHnfj 7iti it .4 Itwm 't J, II. oV liml .-l.joctmimi il, o. Iiaiiklkv, Bec'y. u .il ut, K..1 ocu, i r 111mm. "11 .ilvnl , J, J, Ml I'll Ml I' Church Directory. tl UIIIHIHIN CIICIICII. illtihttrHiv "'ferl Illlclirll. XiMctti .Sm ni-li.J9 il.i V,i I'. Jl. 'rimct .Vci (i,-s. ill e"dny.7J 1'. M, Hrnlt -rriij I'O in" untcu; tlinugcrs welcome, Orangovillo Diroctory, DII. lir.HUINl) a UKUTnKIl.t'ariicntcraand . Iliilldors, Mnlu alliolnw I'lne. BHICK IIOTKL and relrenlinient Saloon, by HolM'IIcury cor.ofMaln anil I'lneat. DH. O. A.MKOAHOEl.,l'hyMclatiandBurgcon Main Ht,,iiextili)orto(lood'a Hotel, D AVID HKHIUN().TrioiirandOrislMIII,nnd Deiilcrln grain, Mill street, TaMKH llTll AltMAN. Cabinet Makoi and Un J ilertalter. Main tit,, below Pino. OCllUYIiKH ft CO., Iron fonurtcrs.Maclilnlsts O anil Manuinctuicraol plowa, Will St, o AMIIKI. Mil AHPl.hHH, Maker of theHayliuriit O Drain Ciadlo. Main Hi, WILLIAM DELONO Hhoernnltcranft mannfac Hirer of Urlrk, Mill Ht west of Pine Philadelphia Directory. W ilUljtWAL.l'i UllUUiiaiO, N. K, Corner Second and Arch Streets, niiADEiriilA, Dealers In KAH, SYUUPS, COtTLE, SUOAll, MOLAfcSES RICK, BPICM, lit CAItn SODA, AC, AC. a-OrderB will recWvc prorapt atltntlon. may 10,67-tf. Blcoir.GV.v.r Diroctory. TJAKVKY 13. WALKKR, JLJL M L A' S l r ltnlllA im r ',M'i Ml hihI for Bale at the 1 NO, &V. 1) AVTD t.O cf'l"' (j. Jewelry . Ilolll-e. I OUIH llKlf IJ neal anuu H "cAl'lTlin . ketstriet , MercliautTalloi'jllaln iUke. TC11ES, &C. i Clocku, Watchea and it,t below tbo American JIKAIl, BCllllOl'l' & CO. lMror.TEits Asiijoiincrsor CIIIWA, OLAK9 AND aUEENSWAItE, No. 108OltTllSLCODfJT., PIULADELPIHA. coni't viich and Clock maker ,ti .'.In In mill lion Ms. nd dock Alaker.Mar-Main. UUO I WJ) SHOES. 11 M.KNOHll. Dealer In lloota and Shoes, latest I1 ami b.t styles, einiicr Main and Market fctretla, In lh" old I'oM Otllce. II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oftlco Couit-llousn Alley, below tho COLUM bian Ofllce, llloomsburt! Pa, ..vmiiv ui.i.'.im. Mutiiifncturer and dealer lu U liools and Mimes, Orocerles, etc., Main htrect, b.v, lUloomsbiug. PROFESSIONAL. (1 B. BROCKWAY, J .... .Vl lUllAl,! Ai liAffi liLooustiuno, PA, f Ofkick Court House Alley, In tho Co lumiiian building. JanJ, 67, lt. II. C. HOW'KH, rturgeon Dentist, Main al.i ; nbove th' '"ri llmiM'. n. U. WM. M HI'.Hl' It. SuiKenii and Physician. Joillce oser Hit Kits! National Hank, C( (1, HAHKLin . Attorney-at-Law. 0aco,2d tiimrln tn Columbian ImlUllnK. I II. McKKI.VY.M. l).,Suri;nin and Phjfclclan J , iiiirlbklde Main tt., below Market. C. KUTTElt, M. I). Suramin and Physician tl Market street, abovaMalu. I H, HOMSON,, Olllct Hart J, man's holMlng. Main street. Pit, H, V. Klf.NKY Surgeon ilenilst. Teeth eitreeleil w lilinui rain: Mnln M.. marly op nt.lle KpKroiml f'bnieh. T It. EVANS, M. !., surgeon and Pbyslilan, ,1 smith "lite MmIh t reel, bolow Market. DII, A i T1'"NVII IMiyalelannrdPnriseon.of lue 'i'i KbhnV nnia stole, lesli'.enin chip ilnnr below Uev. I), .1 aller. JIIM.INRHY A FANCY OOODS. nniM rniii-tirniiRn Allev. below the Coi.utt IAN Ofllce. llountles. Pnck-Pay ami Pens inna collected. Dloomsbr.rE Pa.Bep.'AIU7 JOHN iL CLARK, AlTUBSl'I ATliAW. At It. 1'". Clark's lato ofllce. Main blrect, illoomsliurg, Pa. M. Has entered luto the Iviw nnd Collection busi ness wlili . I ohn (1. Kreee, Eq Attorney at Liiw.otlli H in llrowcr'a UulldlUi!, Main Street ULOOMSIIlIItll, 1A. -Nov. lain, I57i. ii. PKTKKMAN, Millinery nnd l''.lliey (loods, 'ippn1tH I'.plsmpnl I'huieb, Malll si. r.AIIKI.KY, Milliner. Ilsmsey i K ilSS I.I7.ZII- Jl bnlidlnir Main sti j"EW STOVE AND TIN 81IOP. I.iAiAll ilAUt,aulHi Main Street one door above K. Mehdonball'a Store. A largo assortment or sinves. nenicrh anu Hangcs constantly on bund, and for tale at the lowest rates. , , Tinning in all lis Drancnesearoruiiy aiienueuvo, nu saiisiaciion guarauicu, Tin work of all lclnds wholesale and retail, A lal Is requested. JHU i ll .ik M DI'lIltUTSON Mllllneiy and Fancy i ijoi..u xialnKt iielow Market. nts Jl'l.lA A ha nic KAlllCl.KY. Ladles' t ("oalis iind Drew. Patteruj. ton't eost corner iiilil Mlssi's II AltMAN Mllllneiv end Kency j(,M,s vnitisi ,1,,'iow American i 'on c. MOTFI.F AND HALOONK. Jl'IM'l- I1IVTKL. I1 ol - ' ilreet. hj T Pent. Tayloi, east end Alf lu HANTS AND OROCEHF. n (! MAltH. 1 w, ki rori er Mnln nod Iron sts, Hoods and Notion., outli- litiX WI'HIi. Conlectlniiery nnd Pntiery, r ivhoH-inie anil retail i Tcuange riiorji, C. IK'WKn, Hntoi ml Caps, Hoots nmlShoes, , jvi i nt , iiitnvn I'ouri jiouse. T I! VAiyi' Miunn .th (Irocery ,1, ccriefc trolls Nots Provlslou, set! t'ertle Stleets fine (Iro Ac, Main V.'Kl'l VY, NPAI.A i n., dealersln Dry (loods, I. Salt. Fish. lion. Nails, f!e.,N F cor Vein noi ft II. Mil Him M'V dealer lu Dry (loods, i (Iroeerbs Oil" "waie, Flour, Bnlt, Shoes, ! nllons, clc. tsiti si MJF( ILlyANEOUS. M, CHltlSTMAN fuddle, Trunk A Harness1 , maker, SMe'b Block Main Street, V. ItOEPINi-.llr.uordealerBecond door from northwest ermer Main and iron bis. rt'all I'aper, Window Shades ilU-eri oiocic, iwam bi. -in iluro Kooms, three story , ',ei n'cst ol jirtnei ri. V J.TIIOlf i D.-aiul "stun GW.COIil ' brick, II HltOSENP'ic ' A. Eyer's t- I H, KUHN.i 1' berllu'a alle CMMI'KL JAL''IY. flnrble nnd llrown Stone U works, Fes t.i mMiurc,ieiwicK men. K.Pt'otouriipher,oYer ltobblnn 'IHID bl. i.uerlu Meat, Tallo'v, etc., Chein' "i. mericin uonse. UAL' 11 liMer ui fiirultiire, trnnkB, cede Willow iviire. unit 11H eorkfl Molol. Li H. BIDLl i U'Tnbular Lis N aent for MnnHou'B Coppe nlrn Hod, Co! OSTl'P. n"e Hid Faucy Tjurer, eelerln Ice Scot town nud XTOTE HOOKS and blank NOTES, with or Willi1 il out exert'ptlon.for sale nt the COMIMUIAN iHice, CatawisBa. F DAI I MAN , Itnhblni u. . J K. f.- second u Vei"bnnt Tallnr.fiecond Ht I) nll.HFHI U general ineu-iuindtse burgeon and Physician -lain. K ' ' i , dry goods, groceries, an Main mreei II, K1RT1.FK attawlssa House," North corner waui ann eeono nireeia. KPILI'Il, lllllnrd Saloon, Oysters, and Ico lireniu in season Milium. M. M. KUOIWI , dertlfr in (JcnorulMerclmnairio KllANNA nr Itrleb Itntrl. U. Kosten I buiiflpr lrnnrlftir knntlii'HHtfnriif r Mallinild M. H, AUUOTT, Atlorney Ht law, Main Ht, Light Stroot. P. OMAN A Co.. Wheelwrlcbts, tlrst door UUUVV nV'UlMH flUUHU, TOIIN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In i Hoots and Shoes I) S. KNT, dealer In Stoves and Tiu ware In all Its blanches. lil.TKlt KNT. Miller, and denier In all kinds X Oialn, t lour, Feed, 4c, All kinds otUraln I'urctiaseu, Bepy. I) W. KUOAIl, Hiisiiiiebuiiux t'lsmhr i 'Hun nox Man laciuitug. Buck Horn, A (J. W. II. SHOt M AKEH. deiileis lu dn goods, croieierles. mid liihciul mticliunutu s-Orlslnnl assorted laikfgcs of (iueeuswaro slnnllv on baud, Iub2.'r7-tl. EusinQJ3 Cardo. W. DULLER, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, F. EYERLY MiRcollanoouD, JQENTISTRY, II U. 1IUWM(, IJlNilMi, Hccpcctrully otTern hit profennlonnl itervlecri to mo inuien h a euniiunieu 01 iiKiomnuurK nnti vi cluiiy. Uc tsprepnrctl tnattcnU to nil tuu vdrl ona operation In the UnnoT liln profeftnlon, nnd p provided wltb tho latest Improved Pohcklaih Truth wlilcb will be InRertfd on jold plating Nllver and rubber Uapo to look as well n0ie nat nral teeth. Teeth oxtraeted by all the now and tbeteet most approved methodn, and all operations on ie Teein careiuny anu propeiiy niienueu 10. HeMdence and onico n rew doors above the Conrt House, Bam Ride. uioomnourK, jou.i'i iy V wyon BUR ANOE AGENCY. yonilnc .,. CCO.tXO .Klna ,,eii,oe() Orient , fiOO,(Q Koynl of Liverpool Unuvllle Mutual S' .000 Springfield fJii.e-O Oermaula, N. Y con.nou international r.Y .... 1,'C9,78J rarmern iihhviiihH H ... H dji'."' Lancaster City -MifiK) Homo ". 2,000,100 FItEAB DROWN, Apml, mst2r;i ly. Hiiousnttr.o Pa. 0. HOWER, mi opened a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUK MORE, at tho old stand on Main Street, Illoorasburg.afew doois above tho Court Houso. Ills stock Iscom posedorthovcry latestnnd beststylcs ever otter ed to the cltUens or Columbia County, lie can accommodate tbo publlcwllhthefollowlngKoods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stoga boots, men's double and aluglo tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes ofall kinds, men's fine boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots and, shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid Ilalmoral shoes.raen's, women's, boya's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid 1'olli.b very llne.woiuen'sniorocco Dalmoralsand calf shoes, women's very fine kid buttoned gait- trs. in snori uooia oi an uescripuous uoin peg ged and sewed, Ho would also call attention to his Cno ensort ment of ATli, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all tbo new and nonulat vari eties at prlceswhlchcannotfalltobullall. Theso goous nre ouereu at ine lowest casn rates ana win oo enarnmeeu 10 cive Eaiisinciion. a fa Is solicited beforo purchasing elsewhere as It Is nenevcu that boiler bargains are to he found than at any other placo In tho county. Jan 1'71 JLOOJilSBURG ,4 IJ n IL K TV O II K S. MAIN ST1IKKT, nrlOW WAKKtT, DLOCMSHIUIU, PA. Monuments. Tombs. Iliadstones, Ac. Work neatly oiecutid Orders by mail will receive ,eciiti ntieuueu. n. u, moth nnivi-mi iirem hnrge. T. L. OUNTON, Proprietor. octl3'71-tf. 1. O. Itox Ui7. JJARQAINS BARGAINS. QUICK PAT.m ASB bP'AJ.l, I'KUIllu, BAVK Ollll MONEY. Go to HKN'llY YOST. East ninoinsbuit Pn.. lor all kinds of the best homo and city inado r u it l I u li n. Prices reasonable unit the be"' ""Tfc done. )au P7 tf "yULCAN WORKS, 1) A N V 1 L L E THE ORANGEVJLLE JIANUFAC TURINO COMPANY. MAKcrAciunrns op AGRICULTURAL ISII'LESIENTB of the most Approved Patterns. HI III (.'cnrisiR, Jobbing, or nil descriptions. nr.ALr.p.s in General jrerclinndiEC, Lumber, Ae.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. "Wo would announce to the nubile In general Hint we have tnkni the well known Agrieullur al Works or this plnce nnd shall make It our aim to manulnciure First Class Agricultural Imple menls equal tonuy other roakeis In the Stale, such as TlucsliIiiK IiIacliliicN, lloth Lever and Trend Power. EU011N of everj" RrKCriiilloii, umoug which will bo llic celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all to be the best plow extant lor the farmer. Also the Cliaiiipiuu, Stents' I'nteist ud Tho IlIoiitroNC, ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators:, Iron Kctllcx, nnd Casting!, of every description. We shall use none but tbo best ninterlnls and employ nouo hut competent and experienced mechanics and our prices will compare fuvoiably with any other manufactur ers. . . Lountry produce, iumuer, iron, lasen in xehange. Wo also haven storo In connection Mi our Agricultural Works, where mny bo lomid a full assortment f MERCHANDISE which will bo sold at Binall profits. Olve us a call lieforo purclaslng elsewhero and we guar antee batlsfactlon. marcii'JV'T-iy. Tho President's Message. 2b the Senate ami House of lleprescnta. U I'm: In tranBmltUriRtoyou tills, my fourlh nnnual mesjaco, It is Willi tlmnkfulness to tlio giver of fill pood Hint, as u tin tlon, wo hnvo been blessed for tlio lust j'enr with peiico Bt liomo ftnd nbrond, nnd n jronoral prosperity voiicimfed to but few peoplo. With tho exepptlon of tlio rrccntdovastittlnK fire, which swept from tho earth with n breath, rs It worn, millions of iiccuniulatcd wealth In tho City of Boston, thoro litis been no over shadowing calamity within the year to record. It is Rrallfylnp; to noto how, HUo their fellow-cltlzcim of llio City of Chicago under similar circumstances a year earlier, thocltlswns of Boston tiro rallylnp under their misfortunes, and tho prospect that their mitrfjy and per severance will overcomu till obstacles and show thoBamo prosperity thatthoy would havo shown had no disaster bo uillon them. Olhorwlso wo havo becti freo from postilefice, war, and calami ties which often overtake nations ; and, as far as human JttdKtncnt can penetrato tho future, no cause Booms to exist to threaten our present peace. THE ALABAMA TREATY. When Congress adjourned in Juno last, n question had been raised by Great Britain, and was then pending, which for a time seriously imperilled tho net tlemcut by friendly arbitration of tho gravo differences between this Govern ment and that of Her Britannic Ma jesty which by tho Treaty of Washing ton had been referred to tho Tribunal of Arbitration which had met nt Ge neva, in Switzerland. Tho arbitrators, however, disposed of tho question which had jeoparded tho whole of tbo treaty, and threatened to Involve tho two nations In most unhappy relations towards each other, In a mnnnerentlro ly satisfactory to this Government, and in accordance with tho viows nud tlio policy which it had maintained. Tho Tribunal, which had convened in Gene va In December, concluded Its labori ous session on tho fourteenth day of September last, on which day, having availed Itself of the discretionary power given to It by tho treaty to award n Him in gro?s, It mado its decision, whereby it awarded tho sum of $15,600, 000 In gold as tho Indemnity to be paid by Great Britain to tho United States lor tho satisfaction of all claims refer red to Its consideration. Tho decision hnppily disposes of a loug-standlng dif ference between tho two Governments, nnd, in connection with ntiothcr award made by tho tho German Emperor un dent rcferenco to him by tho samo treaty, leaves these two Governments without a shadow upon tho friendly re lations which it is my sincerohopomay forever remain equally unclouded. Tho report of tho agent of the United States appointed to attend tho Geneva Tribu nal, accompanied by tho protocols of tlio proceedings of tho arbitrators, tho argumenisoi tno counsel oi notn uuv ernments, tho award of tho Tribunal, und tho opinion given by tho several arbitrators, is transmitted herewith. I navo caused to oe communicated to inn PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, ilni,iirnn,ii,n.,.r H'rinl,t Tm, TtH,!r,Aa Pollers. (iHsliolders, Fireproof Puildlugs. Wrought iron l ,1, ir , lltillllUK ri(iu,in,i'iu.iiin, ,n.. Farm Oatesnnd fencing, also Wioughtlron pip ing I'tackv and all kinds or Smith Work, Ac. lb pairs promptly iittended to, A. II. 1 rawing'. and Fsllmates supplied, oeuri'ii-iy, .. LRNHARD BTOllNEU Would Inform his frlendi and tho public that ho has taken possession ot TIEEE OLD STAND, n the Exchange nieck. so long occupied by Mm aud will carry on the busliiets or a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Ho brings tot ho biniuess an experience ol many years and assurei tho community that he will luruisu iu oesvui iireiiu,iuHrs,iiiwi,usi-uo,iw. ircsh every day. llHpiopons also to keep on hand a largo and well assorted Block ol FINE CONFECTIONERY', of all grades. French caudles and those of do mestic luani'lacliiie.nlwtijsloho had, wholesale and letall nt lowist rates. Adjoining Ibe liiikeiy nnd Coulectlonery Is a well established where may bo lnund Alo and Lager, nud Ro lieshments, Oysters lu season aud tho various little delliaciiswhlch tulvtliopubllclostc. Tlicro Is also a FINE ICE CREAM SALOON, over the confectionery storn, where ladles aud gentlemen can obtain tho best of Ico Cream lu season, a tnir ilmre of the nubile custom Is reouested and no pains will be spared to ensure sutlsiac tlim aptll ai,'7.M! rjTiUE ESPY HOTEL. E3PY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Thn iinderslnned would Inform the travelling nhl let hut be has taken the above nnmed eutab- lslitneiit nnd thorouuhlv re tilled the samo tor the perfect couvcnlenco of his guests. Ills larder will tin stocked with the best the market affords. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to ue iouuu in in? nar. . ,M WILLIAM J-J-.-i.Xil. Espv Pa. T7i J. THORNTON Eji. would announcetotho cllliousof lllooroH biiii' nnd vlelnll v. that he ha Just lecelvcda full nnd complete assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, rixTUi'.iji, conns, tassi ih. Oil nil other roods In Is lino Of business. All I ho newest Midmost npprovcu patterns oi me day are always to ue ijuuu inmsesiauunnmani. mar.6.'tSMf Malu Bt. below Market. J EV DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having lurcbaied tho business of E. P. Lull now tlKisallbeoldHnnd.n cLolcoaskoilmcn of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINFK TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY EOAPS, DRUfIIUy,Ac4c, Al d a ctnciul atKiilineutof the choicest goods ..L.,niu. im,ii i,, lint finis i sin lil ishnients. 1-L .fcluiih' Prescriptions aud Family Recipes Caielulll Compounded. ( n s.uuous, open lroiu8a, m,, to 10 a. in., nud in in. p, m to i p. in. GERMAN AND ENOLIHH SPOKEN, feb ll'72-lf TAA SH 1 ONA RLE DRESS M AKINQ II Mrs. 1.. liuulev. Mllllll. Fabhiouabli inns Maker r.nd'Jiaiher of llrlgn's unrivalled s Mi in hi mill g by iHiutuie. In inetpteuiest ii o.l still. n and until manner,, j-oi in nl, n si d all ludlis and' cnmituts. lu vitisi.iall ltiiu all Mi.liiiig lo bum the dlu In lull- (lilting ami lining of suit ,int i. tm will i stn 1'lillnililililn. iiiidaL llioder en lull., hunt n at e to older, tall, llilid door uli i Ml., I n I m uiIoh, aialii sin il, I'll.. I' l. lit, Mil. M III lilt. Ccl.ll, HJ2, ilii.MLbi Li IIAWJXY MILTON, Hotols. ry between our territory nnd tho pos sessions of Great Britain on this conti nent. It la my grateful duty to nc knowledco tho prompt, spontaneous action of Ilcr Majesty's Government in glvinjr elTect to tho award. In anticipa tion of any request from this Govern ment, nnd before tho reception in tho United States of tho nward Blgnod by tlio Fmperor, Her Majesty hud given Instructions for tho ronioval of her troops which had been stationed there, and tor tlnico?ntlon of nil exerclso or claim of Jurisdiction, so as to leavo tho United States in cxclusivo pos-icsslon of tho lately disputed territory. I am gratified to bo ublo to announce, that tho orders for tho removal of tho troops havo been executed, and tho military Joint occupation of San Juan ha1 ceased. Tlio Islands aro now in tho cxclusivo possession of tho United States. It now becomes necessary to comploto tho sur vey and determination of that portion of tho boundary lino through tho linro canal upon which tho commission which dutcrmlnud tho remaining part of tho lino wt-ro unablo to ngreo. I recommend tho nppolntmont of a com mission to net jointly with ono which may bo named by Her Majesty for that purpose. ANOTHER BOUNDARY QUESTION. Experlencoof tho dlfllcultlcs attend Ing tho determination of our admitted lino of boundary, nftrr tho occupation of tho territory and It? scttlomont by thoso owing iillciiianeo to tho respective Governments, points to tho importance of establishing y natural objects, or other monuments, tho actual lino be tween the territory acquired by pur cha30 from Rtusin and tlio adjoining possessions of Her Britannic Majesty. Tho region is now so sparsely occupied that no conflicting Interests of individ uals or of jurisdiction aro likely to in terfere to tlio delay or embarrassment of tho actual location of tho lino. If deferred until population shall enter and occupy tho territory, somo trivial contest of neighbors may ogaln array tho two Governments in antagonism. I therefore reenmmond thonppolnttncnt of a commission to act Jointly with ono mat may oo appointed on tlio part or Great Britain to determino tho lino be tween our territory of Alaska and the conterminous possessions of Great Brit ain. TUB FISHERIES. In my last annual messago I recom mended tho legislation necessary on tho part of tho United States to bring into operation tho nr'icles of tho Treaty of Washington of May, 1871, relating to tho fl-ilierlcs and to other matters touching tho relations of tho United States toward tho British North Ameri can pos3C83ions, to becomo operative so soon as tho propor legislation 'should bo hud on tho part of Grat Britain and lis possessions. That legislation on tho nart of Great Britain and its nossession had not then been had, nnd during tho session of Congress a question was rais ed which, for tho time, raised a doubt wneiner any action ny congress in tlio direction indicted would becomo im portant. This question has since bcon disposed of, nnd I have received uotico heads of tho friendly powers who com-flhat tlio Imperial Parliament and tho CARRYING! THE UNITED STATES MAIL BETWEEN New York, Coil and Uwrpl. NEW AND FULL-POWERED BTEAMBHirS. OCEANIC. REPU1ILIO, llALTIO, CELTIC, UElfMAX-iiV, Jlltl l I AIV11J, AUillAliU, ATLANTIC, Sailing rrorn New York on SATURDAY'S, from Liverpool on 'JllUHBDAYS. calling at Cork Harbor each way. From the White Star Dock, Pavoula Ferry, Jersey City. ..... Passenger accommodations (for all classes) unrivalled, combining SAFETY, SPEED, AND COMFORT. Rnlnntis. stnte. rooms, smoklnir-rooni nnd bath looms in midship section, wheio least motion Is tell. Burgeons and ttewardettcs accompany Hint, ..tpiinierM. HATFb t-aiooii, 5N - goiu mceilige, oui-iurcii- i v. 'Iboso wishing tosend lor friends fiom the Old Country can now obtulu Mtcrugo prep uld frl lllenles. S3H currenev. i'assengers uooseu 10 or irom nil pans oi America, Paris, Hamburgh, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, Chlua, Ac. jmtiiB irom ii upwnrus, For Insnecilon of plans andotberlnformatlon. pply nl tho Company's OlUccs.No.lSBroadway, ew York. jau. 12, mi. J. H. SPARKS, Agent, )ATENT ARION PIANO. II e c i ly rcriff Instrument In tho world. And Is lu 1 Icbncis.l'ower, Brilliancy nnd l-iiriiliiniv. MieHnl terms toT.achers. Marked tiiwiiKlncJciE nun, timl lor Illustrated Arlon ' r, W.rOfeU'H.Ociieral A'ecut. lO JI-lf.l MAVtit cuckk.Fa. nlled with tho loiut reauest mado to them under tho'lreaty tlio thanks of thlsuovernmeni lor tno appointment of arbitrators mado by them respective ly, aud also my thanks to tho eminent peisonnges named by them, and my np prrcintlon of tlio dignity, patience, im partiality, and great ability with which they discharged their arduous and high fuucliuns. licr M Jisty's Governn.ent has communicated to mo its npprccia tlon by Her Majesty of tho ability and indefatigable industry displayed by Mr. Adams and tho arbitrators named on tho part of tills Government during tho protracted inquiries nnd discussions of tlio Tribunal. I cordially unito with Her Majesty in this appreciation. It is duo to tno agent of tho United Statis bel'oro tho Tribunal to ricord my high appreciation of tho marked ability, unwearied patience, and tho prudence and discretion with which ho lias conducted tho very ropousiblo and delicato duties committed to him, as it is also duo to tho leirned and eminent counsel who attended tho Tribunal on tho part of this Government to express my senso of tho talent and wisdom which they brought to bear on tho at tainment of tho result so happily reach ed. It will bo tho provlnco of Congress to provldo for tho distribution among thoBO who may be entitled to It of their respective shares of tlio money to bo paid. Although the sun awarded is not payable until a year from tho dato oftho nward. it is deemed advi-mlilo that no tlmo bo lost in making a proper examination of tho several cases in which Indemnification may bo duo. I consequently recommend tho creation of a board of commissioners for the pur pose. THE SAN JUAN BOUNDARY. By tho thirty fourth articlo of tho Treaty of Washington, tho respective clairasof tho United StatC3 nnd Great Britain, In their construction of the treaty of tho 10th of Juno, 1810, defining tho boundary lino between thoir respec tive territories, woro submitted to tho nrbllratlon and award of His Majesty, tho Emperor of Germany, to decido which of tlieso claims is most in accord nncowith thotrun Interpretation of tlio treaty or isiu. ins Mnjesty tno i-ra-peror of Germany, havingbeen pleaded to undertake tho arbitration, has tlio earnest thanks of this Government and of tho peoplo oftho United States for tho labor, pains, and care which ho has devoted to thecon'ilderatlon of this long pending dlirerence. I hnvo caused un px-nrea-ilonofmvthnnkato bo comrnii- ... . . rr . , . . nicated loins iiifijcsty. jur. d.iiiuiuh, iim rmirpsontativo of this Government ntBnrlln. conducted tho caso and pro- pared tlio statement on inopan 01 inu united biaiGS witn inunuiiiiy wuu ma nnat crrvlrn liistifli'd tho nubile In OX- iii'ctinir at ins nuiKiH. in n uicuiui-i . tho Cabinet at tho ditto of tbo treaty whlrh has r-lven rlso to tho discussion between thn two uovernments, au min ister to Great Britain when tho cou- strtipiioii now nronounctd unfounded was first advanced, ami us ino agent nnd representatlvo of tho Government to present tno caso unu u n-cuivu mu awnrd, ho has been associated with tho question in nil of its phasos, ond in ov erv fttnrrn lias manifested a patriotic zeal , . . . t.. i ..,. r nnd earnestness hi mu luiuuicnuutu m tlio claim of tno united estates, no u out t nil lo much credit lor tnosuccess which has attained tho submission. After n pntlent Investigation oftho caso and of tlio statement of each party, His Ma est v tlio limneror. on tno twenty- ilrstday of October last, signed his aword in writing, decreeing that tho claim of tho Government of tho United States that tho boundary lino netwecu tho territories of Her Britannic Majesty nnil tho United States should bo drawn through tlio nuro unannei is riiobi in neoordance with tho truo interpretation of tlio treaty concluded on tho 15th of Juno, 181(1, between tno uovernmeiu oi Her uriiannic jsinjeeiy and oi mo unit oil Ktntes. Conks of tho caso presented on behalf of each uovernment. and oi tho statement In reply or eacn and a translation of tho nward, aro transmit ted herowlth. This award, confirms tho UnltcdStates in their claim to tho important archipelago of islands lying between tno comment anu vuncouvt-r t island, which for moro than twenty' six years, ever sliicotliu ratification of the treaty, Great Britain has contested) and leaves us, for the ilrnt tlmo In the liIMory oi Hie uniti-u diuh-hiihu nniiou, without qutbilou of disputed bouuda legislatures of tho Provincial Govern nieut havo passed laws to carry tho provisions of tho treaty on tlio matters referred to Into operation. I thereforo recommend your early ndoptlon of tho legislation lu thosimo direction neces sary on the part of this Govern ment. THE JOINT COMMISSION for determining tho boundary lino be tween the United Stat03and tho Brit- tih possesions between tho Lako of tho Woods and tho Rocky Mountains has organized and entered upon its work. It is"(lesirable that tho forco bo increased, in order that tho cnmnletion ofthusurvey and determination of tho lino may bo tho sooner nttaincd. To this end I recommend that n sufficient appropriation bo made. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. With Franco, our earliest nlly ; Russia, tho constant nnd steady friend of tho United States : Germany, with whose Government and neonlo wo have "sq many causes of friendship nnd so many common sympatiiics, and tno other powers of Eurooo. our relations aro maintained on tho most friendly terms. Sinco my lat annual measago tno excuango nas ueen madaoi tno rati fications of n treaty with tho Austro Hungaran Empire relating to natural izition ; also of n treaty with tho Ger man Empire respecting consuls nnd trademarks ; also of n treaty with Swo den and Norway rotating to naturnliza tlon ; all of which trfaths havo been duly proclaimed. Congress, at its last session, having mado un appropriation to tioiray tno expense oi commiisioncrs on the part of tho United States to tho NTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CON ORF.S3 at St. Petersburg, tho persons appoint ed in that character proceeded to their destination and attended to the sessions ofthoConcress. Their report shall in duo season bo laid before) you. This Concres-i meets at intervals, of about threoyenrs, and has held Its sessions In several oi tno countries oi i-jurope. i submit to your consideration tho pro prlety of extending an invitation to tho uongress to uoin its meeting in tno Uiillcil Slates, ino centennial ceieura tlon to bo held in 1870 would afford an nnropriato occasion forsuch meeting, Preparations aro maitinir for tho Inter- intional Exposition to bo hold during tho next year in Vienna on a scale of very great inagnitudo. tho tendency of theso expositions Is In tho direction of advanced civilization nnd of tho elo vatlon of industry nnd of labor, nnd of tno increase or numan nappintss, as well or greater lutorcourio ami goou will between nations. As this expo sitlon is to bo tlio llrst which will havo been held in Eastern Europe, it Is bo lieved that American Inventors nnd manufacturers will bo ready to avail thcmselvesof lho opportunity for tho presentation oi tneir productions, ii en couraired hv proper aid nnd protection At tho last session of Congress nuthority was given ror tho appointment or ono or moro agents to represent mis uov ernment at tlio exposition. Tho author Ity thus given nas neon exercised, out in tho absenco of any appropriation tncrois danger tnai mo important oono ins wii en t no occasion oners win in i largo degreo bo lost to citizens of tlio united Hiatcs. i comtnenu tno suu- Ject stiongly to your consideration, nnd recommend mat an auequaio appro priation bo mado Ifor tho purposo. To further aid American oxiuuitors nt tno Vienna Exposition I would recommend, in addition to an approprlotlon of mon ey, that tho Secretary of tho Navy bo authorized to lit up two nnvnl vessels to transport between our Atlantic cities nud Trieste, or tho mo9t convenient port, to Vienna and uncK, tneir nrticies for exhibitions. MEXICO. BInco vour last session, lho President of tho Mexican Republic, distinguish ed by ins iiign cnuracter nnu oy ins services to his country, has died. His t pmporarv suecf ssor has now been elect' ed with great unanimity by tho peoplo, n proof of conlldenco on their part in his patriotism and wisdom which It Is believed will bo connrmed oy tno re sults of his administration. It Is par tleularlv desirable that nothing should bo left undone by tho Government of either republic to strengthen thtlr rela tiuua as neighbors ami frlcmU. LAWLESSNESS ON TUli RIO GRANDE. It Is much to bo regretted that many lawless nets continued to dhturb tho quiet of tho settlements on tho border botween our territory anil that of Mox ico, nnd that complaints of wrongs to American citizens In various parts of tho country nro mado. Tlio rovolutlon nry condition In which tho neighboring republic has so long been involved has in somo degreo contributed to this dis turbance. It is to bo hoped thot with a moro settled rulo of order through tho republic, which may bo oxpected from tho present Government, tho acts of which Just complaint is mado will censo, Tlio proceedings of tho Com mission under tho Convention with Moxlco of tho Uli of July, 1803, on tho subjects of claims havo unfortunatoly bcon checked by an obstacle, for tho ro tnoval of which measures hnvo bcon taken by tho two Governments which it 13 bcllovcd will provo successful. Tho Commissioners appointed, pursu ant to tho Joint resolution of Congress of tho 7th of May last to Inqulro Into depredations on tlio Tex an frontier hnvo diligently mado investigations In that quarter. Their report upon tho subject will bo communicated to you. Their researches were necessarily Incomplete, partly on account of tho limited appro priation mado by Congress. Moxlco, on tho part of that Government, has appointed a similar commission to In vestigate these outrages. It is not an nounced officially, but tho pross of that country states that tho fullest Investiga tion Is desired, and thnt tho co-operation of all parties concerned is invited tosccuro that end. I therefore recom mend that n special appropriation bo mado at tho earliest day practicable to enable tho Cotntrilssioners on tho part or tho United States to return to their labors without delay. CUBA. It Is with regret that I havo again to nnnounc" it continuance of tho disturb ed condition of tho Island of Cuba. No advanco towards tho pacification of the discontented part or thn population has hpen made. Whilo tho insurrection has mi t not! nn nilvantno-ps nnd exhibits nn morooi mo elements oi power or oi 1007''""' ...o..iu.,-. . pro-ipecis 01 u nimaic success man was exhibited a year ago, Spain, on tho other hand, has not succeeded in its repression, nud tho parties stand appar ently in tbo samo relative attitude which tney navo occupied ior n long tlmo past. This contest has lasted now for moro than four years. Wero It seen at n distanco from our neighborhood wo might bo indifferent to Its results. although humanity could not ho un moved oy many 01 tno incidents wherever thev tnltrht occur. It is. however, nt our door. I cannot doubt that tho continued maintenance of slavery in Cuba is among tho strongest Inducements to tho continuanco 01 tno strife. A terrihlo wrong is tho natural cause of n terrible ovil. Tho abolition of slavery, and tho introduction of other reforms in thn administration of the Government In Cuba could not fall to ndvnnce tho restoration of peace and order. It is especially to bo hoped that tho present 11 ueriil Unvernraont ol Spain will volunturlly adopt this vlow. Tho law of emancipation, which was passed moro than two years since, has remain ed unexecuted in tho absence of regula tions for its enforcement. It was but ft feeblo step toward emancipation, but Is was tno recognition 01 rlgnt, nnu was hailed as such, and exhibited Spain In harmony with sentiments of humanity our representatives in Japan nnd China hnvo to depend for Interprotors nnd translators upon tho natlvo3 of thoso countries who know our langungo im perfectly, or procuro for tho occasion tho services of employes In foreign business houses, or tho interpreters to other for eign ministers, THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, I rcnow tho recommendation mado on rt previous occasion, of tho transfer to tho Department of tho Interior, to which thoy seem more appropriately to belong, of all tho powers nnd duties In relation to tho Territories with which tho Department of State is now charged by law or by custom. CITIZENS IN DISTRESS ABROAD. Congress, from tho beginning of tho Government, ha.3 wisely mado provision for tho relief of distressed scamon in foreign counties. No similar provision, however, has hitherto boon mado for tho relief of cltizons In dlstrc.33 abroad other than seamen. It is understood to bo customary with other governments to authorlzo consuls to oxtond such ro llof to their cltizons or subjects In cer tain cases. A similar authority nnd an appropriation to carry it Into effect aro commended in tho caso of citizens of tho United States destitute or sick undor such circumstances. It is woll known that such citizens resort to foregln coun tics lu groat numbers. Though most or them aro ablo to boar tho expenses In cident to locomotion, there nro somo who. through acclduntor othorwlso, bo- como penniless, and have no frlonds nt noma ublo to succor them. Persons in this situation must cither perish, cast themselves upon tho charity or for eigners, or bo roliovcd nt tho privato charge of our own offlcors, who usually, even with the most bonovolont dispo sitions, hnvo nothing to sparo forsuch purposes. Should thu nuthority and ap propriation asKed ror do crantcd. care will bo taken to carry the beneflcencoof Congress into effect, that it shall not bo unnecessarily or unworthily bestowed. REVENUE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI TURES. The money received nnd covered Into the reasurv u 1X7 i. wero : Frnm custom s ....J210,370,2M 77 From sal-son public lauds 2, From Internal revenue ...IS0,(1I2,177,72 From tho tax on natloual bank clicu- lalion Ac 623.393.19 From I'ncinc railway companies 7I0,S81,87 From customs lines, &o l,lo0,4L2.3l rroni lees, consular, patent, lano, 2ojo93 91 From miscellaneous sources 4,412,231.71 Total ordinary receipts $304,091,229.91 i roin premium ou sines oi i-oiu Total not rocolpts JJ74,106,80r,68 iiiuancem ireatury June i, ion, inciuiiingi.a.:ia receiveu irom "unAVallable" 1C9,93,70'.5 Total nvallablo rush Sl8l,0i7J.15 Tne net oxpendltmiM ny warrants uurinn mo same penou were ; Fur civil expense- For foreign lutetc r or inuians For penstonH For military esluldlslinieut, In cluding fortification, liver ana harbor lmprovemini., nud arsenals Fornavnl establishment, lnclud- uing vessels anu iniieiiinery nnu improvements at un v. urds... For miscellaneous civil. Including puDlia nuiiuinga, iigui-noiues and cnllectlnz the revenue Interest on tho public deht - t8.IFD.CS9.S0 l,WD,.-i(JM4 7,U)l,721.S2 Bi,43,4U2.70 3o,372,157.20 2I,!19,WJ.S9 42,9Vl,829.0S lr,337m72 Total, exclusive of principal and Premium on bonds purchased tU,Uio,2t)-l.73 neuempiion oi iub puuuu uem irj,tw,oa... To'ol $119,018 870.30 Total net disbursement ...b,ieid.2. Bulaucolu Treasury,Junc30, HS72 ia.50l.138.9l :md justice and in sympathy with tho Total $434,012,673.15 oilier powers oi tno civilized world Within tho past few weeks tho regula Hons ior carrying out 1 10 law or eman' clpation havo been announced, giving evidence oi mo sincerity oi intention of tho present Government to carry Into ciiect tho law of 1870. I havo not failed to urgo tho consideration of tho wisdom, tho policy, and tho Justice of n moro ciiectivo system ror tho npontion of tho great ovil which oppresses n race and continues a bloody and uestrucnvo quarrel cirso to our border, as won as the expediency nnu trie jusuco oi con b-rnm Mia l,,i,Dnl ttl ilt1ll en t 1 1 aPPCArS .that the net reduction of tho principal ol tli debt, during tho nscnl year ending Juno 3J, 1872, was $W,lK)u,IV).54. The source of this reduction Is as follows I eSfi'Zll'.!!9 J30.,094,.91 xiei oriiinary expenunures inciuu- ing interest on ine puuiio iieut 270,550,093.01 Ilnlncne Add amount received from pre mium on sales or goni in exce-s of the premium paid on bonds mill-lulled Add the amount of tho i eduction or ma cash uatance al tun close of the yesr accompanied with the same 1111,134,53 UW I.til,370.fl 3 371,318.03 This stntcment treats solely of the principal oftho publlodebt. By tho monthly titntotneni oi mo puouo ueui. wiiicu hook,i Tbe llcatlou. Hie reduction wai $10ii.a4l,4-JiiS source of this reduction 1s as follows -. Reduction In principal account tt'9)0,Cl 51 Reduction lu unp.ild Intemii nc- cou in ... ,M,a5:.wi ceding reforms of which the propriety Totai $w,oco,2638i is nor, questioned, ueepiy impressed with t ho con viction that the continuance of slavery is ono of tho most active causes of tho continuanco of tho un happy condition In Cuba, I regret to bO' novo mat citizens or tho united states, or tho?e claiming to bo such, aro largo holders, in Cuba, or what is there claimed as property, but which is for- Diuden and denounced oy mo taws oi tho United States. They are thus, in defiance of tho spirit of our own laws. contributing to the continuanco of this illstrffsing and sickening contest. In my last annual mpfsaco I referred to this suhlfct. and I again recommend such legislation ns may bo proper to denounce, and ir not prevent, nt least to dlfcourago American citizens from holding or dealing in slaves. prlnrinnl nntl llitprpat. ilnn npd nnpald anu in terest accrued to date, nnd .deduct the cash In ,Mnh .,, ,i.H miilmhif.i.,,iw. the Treasury, as ascertained on inn uay oi pno- n ---j ""- "i year, leaving about $1,000,000 still duo. Tho Quartermaster has examined nnd transmitted to tho nccoiinllng oftlcpn for BOttloraent $307,172.72 of claims by loyal cltizons for quartermaster's stares tntton during tho war ; Bubslstenco sup plies to tho amount of $8,901,812 luiva boen Issued to Indians. The annual nvorago moan strength of tho army was 21,101 white, nnd 2,191 colored soidlors. Tho total deaths for tho year reported wero 307 whltoand Ci colored. Tho dis tribution of tho "Medical and Surgical History of tho War" isyot to heordered by Congress. There exists tin absaluto necessity for ft medical corps of the full number established by act of Congress of July 23, 18G0, there being uow lifiy nino vacancies und tlio number of suc cessful candidates rarely exceeds eight or ton In any ono yoar. Tha rlvir itutl harbor improvements havo been carried on with energy and economy, though ma.ny aro only partially completed. Tho results havo saved to ivmiinprcu many times tho ntnouut oxpeuded; tho Incresno of commerce. With greater depth of channols, greater security of navlzatlon. and tho sfivlntr of time, adds millions to tho wealth uf thu oun- try. nnd increase tho ouro of ths Government. The bride toost the Mississippi River, at RocK Island, bus been completoJ, and tho proper slto lint boon determined upon for tho brldga at L'icrcsso. Tho nblo and exhaustive report tsado by tho Oommlslon ap pointed to luvestlgato thoSutto Tunnol hits been transmitted to Congress. The observations nnd reports ofthoSIuul Office h.ivo besn continued. Stations hitvt! liPiin maintained at o.ich of the principal lake, seaport, and river citlf. Ten additional hUIIohs havo been es tablished iu tho United States, und ar ratieinonts hnvo been inado for an ex change of reports with Canada, and a similar exchange of observations is con templated with the West India island'. RECOMMENDATIONS. The favorablo attention of C ingresi Is invited to tho follovvlnir recommon- dntionsof tho Secretary of War: A ills continuanco of the appointment of extra lieutenants to servo as adjutants nnd quartermasters; tho adoption of a code providing specific penalties for woll defined offence, so thnt tho Inequality of sentencos ndj udged by courtstnartlnl may bo adjusted ; tho consolidation of accounts under which oxpondituroi are made.asa measure oi economy; a reap propriatlon of tho money for tliocou struction of a depot at San Antonio, tho tltlo to the slto being now porfectod; a special act placing tho cometory at thu City of Moxlco on the samo basis as other national cemeteries ; authority to purchaso sites for military posts in Texas ; tho appointment of comm'ssiry sergeants from nonicotntnissioned offi cers ns a measure for securing tlio butter care nnd protection of supplies ; an aij. propriatlon for tho publication of tin, catalogue and tables of tho anatomical section of tho Army Medical Museum ; a reapproprlatlon of the amount fur lliu manufactures of breech loading a ins, should the selection be so delayed lv tliu Board of Officers as to leave tint former appropriation unexpended at the cln ." of tho fiscal year ; the sale of such iiim)imI east oftho Mississippi as can bo sinreil, and tho proceeds applied to tho estab lishment -of one large arsenal of ohi structlon and repair upon the Athtntla coast, and tho purchaso of a suitable slto for u proving and experimental ground ror heavy ordnance; tno ii imita tion of laws which deprive inventors in tho United States service rrom deriving any ocneiit irom tneir inventions; un repeal oi tno law pronioiting promo tions in the statr corps ; n contlnuiinca oftho work upon defence; win repeal of tho seventh section of the net of July 13, 18GG, taking from the engi neer soldiers tno per mum granted to othor troops; a limitation ni lime for presentation of old war claims sub sistence supplies, under act of Jipy l. 1SU1, and a modincauoti in uio tn m nr tho selection of cadets for tho Mlllt i y Academy, lu ordor to enhance the uf fulness of the Academy, which is Im paired by reason of tho largo amount. ( timo necessarily expetiaeo in giving now cadets a thorough knowledge of lhn more elementary branctai of learnoir Til's'.,. Reduction iiichu on hand sicvi'.DO.ssoaa i.VlO.lil-. THE SOUTHERN REPUBLICS. It Is gratifying to announce that tho rntincation or mo convention cnnciuu ed under tho ntisplcrs of this Govern Total $100,544,491.28 nn ninimti, of tpA lust table tho statement shows n reduction of the public debt from tne 1st or Alarcii. lata. 10 ino presujii utu. w lows : l,-rntn Mnrnli 1 li tn March I. 1S70 8W.1SI.7S3 81 From March 1, 1670, to March 1, 1S71 lli,olv,uu.M From March 1, 1S7I, lo March 1, 1872 - 8I,B31318,0I From March I, 1872, to Novem- oer 1, isiz, leigni nionius; ot,ui.nj.oi ing tho Academy; also an apprupn,- tlon ror philosophical upparatu, and tn Increase lathe nntnlienistid psy of tha Military Academy uand. The attention of Congress will be calltd during ttn preseut session to various enterpr.siw or the more certain and cheaper pollution uf the constantly lticrt-ns n burplus of the Western and tinuilutru pr aiucis to the Atlantic seaboard. I tie aul ject is one that will force itself up i tliu liglslativo brutichor the Govern me. .tro inerorlater.aud Isuggis.t.thi'p. fore, that immodiato steps be liken to gain ail available inform uniii to insure equable anil Just tlon. A route to connect tho Mlsds-I ppl Valley with the Atlantic at CharltM'in, S. C, and Savminuli, Ga., by water by tho way of tho Ohio and Teiine-sini Rivers, and canals and slat-k water navigation totho Savannah arid Oemiil- geo Rivers, has btu-n aurveyul aid Total 363,C0J,09.87 With tho r-reat reduction of taxation hv tho nets of Coneress at Its last inent; lintwenri Sniitn nn tho nnn nnrt session tho expenditures of tho Govern and tho nllled republics of tho Pacific ment in collectincr tho revenue Will be on tiin ntlier.iirovlillnn- for nn nrmistlro. much reduced for the next fiscal year, navo been exchanged, a enny oi uio at is very douniiui, nowuver, wnviin-r report niiiiio oy nn ucomiuisiicii m-gi instrument is herewith submitted, atis any lurtner reuuction 01 so vexauuuB n peer omcer 01 tno army, xecoiiu mm hoped thnt this mny no roiiowed ny nl burden upon tmy people win uu prau permanent peace. Tlioilifferoneeswhlch ticablo for the present. At all events, at ono tlmo threaten' d tho maintenance as a measure otjustico to tho holders of of peace between Brazil and tho Argon- the nation's certitlcates 01 inueoioitnoss nine Is honed, are n tho I would recommend that no moro leglS' way of satisfactory adjustment. With llatlou bo hud on this subject, unless it thoso states, as with tho republics of bo to correct errors or omission or com- contra and feoutn Araer ca.wo cent nuo in ss on 111 1 no present laws, uutii aui- llcient tlmo has elapsed to prove that it, run bi ilnnn nnd .still leave sufficient revenuo to meet current expenses of Government, piiv Interest on the pub lie debt, and provide ior 1110 sinning fund established bylaw. to maintain tho most friendly relations. It is with regret, however, that I an- nounco that tho uovernment or ven- f zueln bus mado no further payments on account or tno awards under tm con venllnn of tho 5th of April, 16C0. That republic 1 understand tono now almost, If not quite, tranquillized. It Is hoped, therefore, that It will losonotlmoln providing for tho unpaid balance of its debt to tho United States, which, hnv Ing org I mi ted in injuries to his citizens by Venezuelan authorities, and having been acknowledged pursuant to a treaty in tno most solemn rorm Known omong nations, would seem to drservo a pre ference over debts of a different origin and contracted In a different manner. This subject is ngain recommended to tno attention oi uongress ior sucn astion us limy uu uctyuL-u puipi-i. CHINA AND JATAN. Our treaty relations with Japan ro main unchanged. An Imposing embus UNFLUCTUATING CURRENCY. The preservation of our national credit is of tho highest importance ; next In importance to this comos n sol emn duty to provido a national curreip cy of fixed unvarying valuo as compar ed with cold, and as soon as practica ble. liiivitiL- duorecard for tho interests of the debtor class und tho vicissitudes of trade and commerce, convertible into gold nt par. WAR DEPARTMENT The report of tho Secretary of War shows tho expenditures of tho War De partment ror tno liscui year ending June 30, 1871, to bo oS,7U'J,UUl.-', and ror the fiscal yenr ending Juno 30, 1872, to au frnin Hint ltd rrostlno-mill nrno-rosslvn bo $35,372,157.20 sllOWintia reduction In r .. ... . .. . " . 1 . - 1 r. ..r.l... 1...,. Iln..l ...... .rIOT oil I nation visited mis country uunnc mo ivur m um n nuu jcr m ,oo, year that is passing, but being uupro- 02. Tho estimates for military viueii wim powers ior uio signing oi a tiiiirupiim'iio iui i "bk. convention In this country, no condu- year ending Juno 30, ib7J, nre alnn In (linf rl I root I on vvna riMlohoil . It Is S33.801. 378.78. I. i,l l.n...n..nH llml tl.n 'Phn Oil I trifl t f4 fl f 1 ll.l fJllIpf Of' EnP-lll iiuiivu, iiuiiuvii. niiii mu .,,ii;i..,iiisi i wj,. ...... ... w. z nf nniMinna wiitpfi fnnir nlnrn iinrlno- eers are submitted separately for fort ft tneir stay in mis country nas icu to a uauuiiM,uv.-i mu. u iiuinuvi-iuiaiii, tnntnl finnrrr-Iiitlon of thn Interests and for public building and grounds, which muy bo promoted when tho rovls- anil tho Washington Aqueduct, The Ion of tho existing treaty shall bo un- affairs of tho l-reedmeii Bureau havo dertakeu. In this connection I renew all been transferred to tho War Depart third. .Now routes will bo propiwd r r tho consideration of Congnss, imun-ly by an extension of tho Ksniwlnt nn I James River Canal tn the Ohl , ami by extension of the Chesapeake and Olilu Canal. 1 am not prepared to recommend Government aid to those orothur (inter- prises, until it Is clearly shown ih:-.t they are not only of national lut'-ri'st, but that when completed they will bti of a valuo commensurate with their cost. That production increases more rapidly than the means of transport it tint lu our country has been demonstrated by past experience ; that thu tinprec. -d-en tod growth In population and pro ducts or tho whole country will require additional facilities and cheaper nut- ror tho morebuiKynriiciesoi comment to reach tidowatcr anil a matuet win dj demanded in thn near future Is cqu illy demonstrable. I would, therefore, stu- gent cither n committee or coramlssioa to bo authorized to consider tho whole question and report to Congress nt sums future day ror its Doner guidance in legislature on this Important subject. Tho railroads of tho country havo ixo rapidly oxtendod during tho last fdvy years to meet tho growing demauds of producers, and reflect much credit iio tho capitalists and managers engaged In their construction. In addition to theso a project to facllltato commerce by tho building of a ship canal around Niagara Falls ou tho United States sido, which has been agitated for many years, wl no doubt bo cal eu to your uttu-a- tlon at this session. Looking to the grunt future growth of the coutitry, ana m Increasing demands of commerce, it might bo well, while on mis mnjc-L-i.titw only to hnvo examined and icportwt upon tho various prscticablo routts ft connecting thn Mississippi with tiue- mv rprninmrmitiitlnn nf nnn vear ncro. mcnt. ntid regulations hftVO been put writer on tho Atlantic, but tho foaeiblH that, fn plvn Imiinrfnnrn nn il to mill tn into execution for tho Bpcedy payment tu nf an almost continuous Iand.lccktd tho efficiency of ourdiplomatlc relations of bounty, pay. Ac, duo colored soldiers navigation from Mttuio to theGulfof with Japan and China, and to lurmer property cuuuun uuuur m uuri-uu. i juexico. rsucn a rniuo biuhb; uur aid In retnlnglng tho good opinion of All war accounts ror money and prop- would bo of great valuo at all times anrl thceo peoples, and to secure to tho ony prior io ii navo ueen cxumineu iinitpii KtniPa li Htinrnnf tbnenmmereo and transmitted to tho Treasury for destined to llow between tlieso nations nnai settlement, jjuring tno uscoi year andthobalancoofthecommerchil world, there nos been paid ior transportation on appropriation bo made to support at on railroads, si.uiw.uou, oi wnicn ?biK),' least four American youths in each of 807 was over tho Pacific railroads, toi ... " I a . . a .. 1 1 i. ifiij nmn ma theso countries, to hcrvo as a part oftho (illlclal lamiiy oi our ministers mere. Our representatives would not even then bo placed upon an equality with tho representatives of great Britain aud of somo other powers, As now situated transportation by wotor. f026.373.52; aud by stugo, (18,976.81 : und for tho purcuaso oi transportation animais, wucons.iiireor teamsters. iva,yj4 cou.- 01. About t37O.0OO havo boen collected from Southern railroads during tho of inf itlniable value in cart) of a foreijn war. Nature Iim provided thoureatur part of this route, and tho obstacles to bo overcome aro easily YrlthlH tbo skill of the engineer. I havs) iiotdtidcd to this subjfet with thu vluw of having any further expenditure of public money nl this tlmo than may bo mccesary to pro curo and placo tbo nsccwary informn tlon beforo Congrrcs in uu authentic CONTINUED ON FOURTH TAOEl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers