X The Columbian Friday, Dce.20, 1S72. FRANK COOLLY, ASSISTANT HDITOlt. Railroad Timo Table I.AC KAWANNA A lll.OOMStlUlta It. It. North. Hontli. Mi IHS2A. M. 4:S7 1'M. (ATAW1EHA It. It. 1T.OM llUrr.IlT BTATION, OnlngNnrth. Oolngfontli LOCAL. Tlio Sunbttry Cnttlo Insurance) Coin puny lias been turned Into n Flro In suninco Company. Someiiody lias pretlletcd tlilrly-two Hitow storms for this winter. Eight of tliein Imvonlrcady mado their appear, ance. It has eomo to bo looked upon iw n luu.il fact, that nny man who don't tU. vldo liis property to suit nil hlfi heirs is Insane. Wk noticed n solitary sIuIkIi on tlio street last Tuesday, but nolthnr tho horsei nor their driver Hrctned to bo having any moro solid enjoyment than they could comfortably dispose of. It was too thin tho snow was. Tnr. Republican Congressional Coil, feronco for tho Thirteenth District met at tho Valley Hotel, In WilkosOlarro, on Thursday of last week, and nomi nated Dr. Strawbridge, Congressman elect,, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by tlio resignation of Judgo Morcur, IN tllO CoMJMMAN Of Dec. Mil WO published an editorial under tho cap tion of ".Missing." Wo uro persuaded that It must bo a pretty good one, as wo notice that soveral of our exchanges liavo republished it, but liavo omitted to statothat it belonged to us. t'liey didn't oven say "Exchnngo," which is tho noxt thing to stealing an article. Oi:onc)Elf. Brown bagan tho tilling of his k'o liouso on Monday. Tlio ico is of good quality fiom tbteo to four inches thick. There need bo no heard ty of Ico next summer if peoplo will lako advantage of tho present cold weather and lllltl.oir ico houses Instead of waiting until lato In tho season in hopes of a better quality. Mu. II. Li. DiKTTHNiiAOir, in n card published In tho last number of tho weekly Lycoming Xlandard announces his withdrawal from tho management of that paper and states that J. W. l-'tirey of tho IJcllefonto Watvhmttn will bo tho leading member of tho firm which will hereafter control t!n fit mi liar d Mr. Ettrey is a capita! writer and an experienced editor, ttnl n ider his management tlio paper i! d ubt less meet with success. Ah will bo soon in tho repur: of 'ho proceedings of tlio Congressional Con frrcot, to bo found elsowhun1, (Id. V. IS. I'lollet is tlio c.inilld.(t(i(ii iiu- I) -mo cracy fortho olllco of congic- n m to 1111 tho unexpired term ofUly-.- Mt-r-cur. The action of tho Cotil' iei a was uiianinious and seemed tu cviilenca perfect confidence on their pirt of sue cess for their nominee. Tiu U-cl ion takes plaeo on Tuesday next, December 21th. Sam Knoiiii. Wo aro InfnriiiPd that Kuorr has been dismissed as .wtsssor of this district. Tho fict Is lin never was lit for it ; and very imturiily, a ro form in tlio Civil Service, ll.iigs hi in tmX, Danville Independent. Not quite Dr. : tho "reform ' move ment has not readied this place yi-r, and tho Assessor still holds hi vn. Per haps Dr. Strawbrldgo may j;ivo things a lift after tho fourth of Marc. i inxt. Mus. L. II. Milton gave a U-cturo at Cadmnu's Hall on Monday night last oil "Tho Joys of Spirituj i i.' TJio night was unpleasant, the li til nono too warm, and tho audieneu a small ono. Thoro wero no spirits present el tlierln tho audienco or assisting tin loatufer, who gavo as a reason thu cool ness of tho room. If this is a true rea son it speaks well for tlio abiding place of tho spirits with "whom tlio lecturer lus Intercourse, as thoro is a plaeo bo yond this earth from which wo should fancy they would bo glad to return and revisit us if only to get a chill. The dwelling liouso of Dmlel Force, Jr , In Fishlngcreek township, was do atroyed by flro on tho night of tho 1th Instant, during tho temporary ubsenco of tho family. Tho origin of tlio flro is not known. Tho loss is about $1200, on which tltero is no Insurance. Tho do strueiion ol Ills property is a severe blow to Mr. Forco nsho isiupoorelr cumstancesnudhasa largo family. It Is hoped that his neighbors may oxtend tlio nid to him which his misfortunes demand . Ni:xt Wednesday is tho Holiday moro generally observed throughout Christendom than any other. It is a day of mirth and Joyou3ue.ss, of family gatherings, of prcsonts mado and received, of friendly, hearty good will. To tho children It is tlio day of nil tlio year, whoso approach is hailed with tho most lively anticipations. To them as well nsto out-older friends wo tender our best wishes and wish them ono and all a very "Morry Christinas.1' The usual Christmas Celebration of tho children of St. Paul's Church Sun day School will bo held In tho Church on tho oveniugof Thursday tho 2itli. Tho comploto success oMlio last colouration awoke an interest which is now mani festing Itself In all tho members of tho School, Tho silver fork which each child ieccivad last year will bo mated this Christmas with a sliver knife. Tlio dicoratlons of tho Church, with tho Christmas trco as tho prominent feature will bo well wortli seeing. It1' tho Towandn people areas tough as tlio poultry tho Bradford county market man brought to this town on Wednesday last.thoy need liavo no fear of their boarding liouso bugs, nor oveu of (ho rock aud tho mountains, should tlioy fall upon them in tho day ofjudg- mom. That market man Is marked for sacrlllco, if ho over comes to town "Bain with poultry with tho mark of Noah upon them. Heaped fur ago is uuo or tho virtues of Pittstou socioly, "im tlio man who bells chickens older than his grandfather will bo attended i-timcon vomct. THE of Mifflin-1 Tub M. E. Sunday School vlllo pttrposo giving an entertainment in their church on Christmas evening. In addition to tho usual Christmas trco, Micro will bo singing and declamations, by tho chlldron.nison humorous lccluro on "Habit" by Ilov. M. C.'.nrlttaln Into Chnplaln U.S. Navy. Tin: ladles of St. Paul's Church aro busily engaged in proparlng tlio over greens to bo used In dressing tho Church for Christmas. When tastefully arrang ed It is really surprising how greatly tlio green wreaths ntid devices add to tho beauly of tho Church. "Wo trust tho efforts of tho ladles may meet with per. fect success and that tho sacred building may look moro lovoly than ever boforo. Tug elcrgy of Sunbury liavo deter mined to hold Union tcmpcrnnco meet ings on tlio first Sunday of each month. Tlio first meeting was held In tho Luth eran Church last Sunday ovenlng, and was addressed by llava. Whcat'enny packer and Mllllkon. Tho object Is to inspire- tho peoplo to voto next spring against tlio grantlngof liquor licenses. North umberland Democrat, Wk have recotved from Philip Ap pieman of llohraburg, nu orango grown by himself, which is tho last of about two dozen produced by a single trco during this year. This Is certainly do ing vory well. Wo did not think Fish lngcreok could bring forth Southern fruits although somo peoplo would liavo us bellovo they hold Southern ideas. Wu notico In an exchango a well timed plcco of advlco concerning tlio ventilation of school houses. It is a subject to which too llttlo utteiitlon is paid and yet is ono demanding tho mo3t serious consideration. An un wholesome tttmosphcro is terribly injur lous to both teacher and fcliolar, more do, purhBiH. to tho latter than tho former, ns tho constitutions of children nro less ablo to withstand tho elects of noxious air than thoso of adult-f. It Is a inattor eminently deserving of atten tion, and wo shall alludo to it hereafter at greater length. Tiiimu sceni3 to bo a, prospect for plenty of skating this winter, and, in viowof tlio probability, wo would ad- vlso our lady readers to take advantngo of the opportunities. Tho exercise is a healthful and Invigorating one and, if but ordinary carefiilnesu is exercised, devoid of dinger. Tho prejudice which cxUts against it in some minds is un called for, If tho most palpable nets of foolishness aro avoided. If well, but not too warmly, clothed and if aittiug on tho ico when heated is not indulged n, tho sport is truly a beneficial ono which can hardly fail to bring the roses on cheeks however pale. Tnr. Pittaton Guzttte devotes a col umn of Us space last week to unquali fied abuse of tlio Comelot thattown.al- hiding to it in a pleasant way as a pub liccurso. As fir as wo can mako it out tho Gazette's indignation teems to ri.so from tlio fact that tho Cornel i i tho authorized paper for tho printing of tho town council. It's n family light in which wo do not propose to intorfisro but wo do not boliovo tlio Gazette will get tho town ttouucil'.s advertising nor that its own subscription .lists will bo miterally increased by its fulniina tions against its cotcmporary. Tho Cornel however, is moro than nblo to tnko caro of ilbolf. ANew Kivi:u Ciiai't. Several gen tlemen of tliis plaeo aro engaged in con structing nn iceboat. Tlio plans aro ta ken from one of tho celebrated fast sailers in uso on tho Hudson liver, whero they aro said to attain a speed of ovon a niilo in a minute, easily dis tancing tho ft? stoat exnress train on tlio railroad alongside. Tlio Surquchanna nt this point offers a lino field for this sport, as it is "navignblo" at least as far as Danvillo in tho North Branch, and Lowlsburg in tho West, nn 1 tlio ico is frequently in tho finest (possible condition. Tlio nppcar.inco of this nov' ol craft will doubtless create quito a sen sation among tho natives. Northum berland Puttie Press. KiiSKiNUD. Hon. Harvey bidder, for threo years past ono of tho Associato Judges of tills county, resigned that olllca a low days since thoro being two years of tho term for which ho was commissioned yet unexpired. Wo tin derstand that ho proposes to "swing his shingle," and again rcsumo tho pradico of tlio law. Willi his intimato acnuaintanco in tho county, and his familiarity with legal matters, wo bo speak for him a fair share of pr.ictico in our Courts Wyoming Democrat, Tlio vacancy occasioned by tlio resig nation of Associato Judgo Slckler, has boon supplied by tho appointment, by Gov. Unary, of C. D. Uo.irh.irt, E-q. The modo of filling lliojury wheel and drawing (ho jurors is known to very few Individuals. Thu court of com mou ideas preceding tlio timo for tlio filling of the wheel announces tho num ber of names to boselectodfor tho year, assessed according to tho number of voters In tlio county. jWhcn tho occa sion arises for tho selection of names .tlio law Judgo and two commissioners each nominator from lists previously mndoout for eaeli township ono person whom ho deems qualified to sero as a Juror and. writes his namo on a slip of paper. After tho allotted number has thus been uccured the slips aro folded according to an act of assembly and placed separately in tho Jury wheol, whence they .ury drawn. It Is supposed bsonTo jicrsons that it Is necessary for farmers and others to advertise that gunning and hunting Is forbidden on their lands, This is a mistake Tlio ad of April !), 171)0 jro vldes that if any person shall presume to hunt or carry u gun on any inclosed or improved lands of nny Inhabitant of tills State, without permission of tho owner, or shall flro a gun In or near any nubile highway, and shall there of bo convicted, boforo any Justlco of tlio pcaco, ho shall for ovcry such of fenco, forfeit tho sum of forty shillings. This act tho Supremo Court of Penn sylvania, In tho eaBO of Com. vs. Bos don, decided May llth, 1SGD, to bo still in forco, and that offenders may bo summarily convicted, upon Informa tion laid boforo nnyjustlcoof tho penco. Farmers aro not obliged to ndvertlso, but it la well to do so, ns it saves tho annoyanco of ro3orting to legal pro cocdlngs In many cases, because gun nera will know that hunting will not bo permitted on their properties, and will thoroforo give their premises n wido berth. COLUMBIAN AND Uiiffcnlirrgcr ts. Mcllcjnolil?. I This catiso for sovoral reasons hns bo come n somowhat celebrated one so far as Columblo county Is concornod. It Is an ejectment for 301 acres of Inrill lying In what Is now Beaver township. The action was originally brought August 1-1803. It was arbitrated and an award filed Fob. 1IM8G0. It was tried boforo a Court nnd Jury nt May term 1800,nnd n writ of error taken on tho 01st of tho same month. Tho ea9o was nrguod bo foro tho Supremo Court and on tho 10th March 1803 Mr. Chlof Justlco Thomp son delivered tho opinion of tho Court, nnd ordered tlio caso to bo sont back to Columbia county for n new trial. Tho caso eamo on to bo tried a second timo, Dec. 11, 1872, ami tho Jury dollvored their vcrdht Dec. 17, 1872. Exceptions liavo boon filed to tho charge of tho Court in tlio trial Just had, and tho caso will go back to tho Supremo Court. But It was moro for tho pttrposo or calling attention to the Somowhat unus ual fatality attending tho persons who liavo been engaged hi tho cause, Mint wo liavo called attention to It. Tho prcclpo was signed by Mr. Hur ley who was also n witness In tlio caso and who Is slnco dead. It was addressed to Jacob Eycrly, then prolhonotury,who is slnco (load. It was Instituted by Georgo Langon berger who has since died, against Joshua Kobison and others, nominal dcfmulents, of whom Joshua Bobison Is since dead. At tho commencement of tho suit Stephen Baldy and John MclloynoUls were tho Associato Judges, of whom Judgo Baldy is slnco dead, Among tlio witnesses who wero then examined, Georgo A. Frick, William G. Hurley and Jacob llofrmau.all threo lawyers.aro dead. Tho caso was tried by among other gentlemen Messrs. IlnKesandNlcirolson, botli of whom wo regret to learn nro In such health as to mako it probable their professional life Is ended P. O. StamI'3. To convey somo idea of tlio immense number of ;poslago stumps tisod : In tho spaco ol three mouths, tlio National Bank Nolo Com pany mado over 113,000,000 of ail do nominations, valued nt over $3,000,000. During tho present year 520,000,000 iiavo ocon completed, inos-o mnuo in January numberlng7f),000,000. Thirty eighty nnd a half millions liavo been completed in a week, and 13,000,000 in a .single day. Threo time as num threo cents stamps tiro uod ns of all other denominations combined ; after them come tho ono cent, and then tho two and six cent. Tho last weekly ro turn of tho company showed a lirauu factum of over $11,000,000 finished stamps. A very common mistake most persons mako is in writing tlio capital land J. Tlioy will write thf 33 two loiters just ex- ictly alike, nnd tho consequence is that many errors aro mado in print. This mostly occurs in the Initials of proper names. To avoid all such mistakes per sons should accustom themselves to al ways write tlio capital I above tho lino and the capital J. below thu line. It is douo just as easily, and then th-rn c- in bo no mistake about them. But if in curable weakness impels you to write both letters alike by putting a dot over tho I tho distinction will bosufllcicntly clear to prevent mistake. Minor things Ilko Mils niny just as well bo properly understood and eorrectly dono at once. It is occasionally very important to bo correct hi this apparently trilling mat ter. A suit of great importanco to build ers lias been decided In tho Now York Court of Common Pleas, A brick-nia- son agreed to build a hotiBO and chnrgo six dollars per thousand for laying tho brick. When ho camo to measure the brick lie measured all tho opeuiugs, wl n dows, doors, ctc.,as solid work, making tlio hill $3,000 larger than it would have been had ho only measured tlio solid wall. Tho man for whom tlio work was dono refused to pay this $3,000, and tho mason brought suit to forco tlio pay ment, pleading tho custom of brick masons in his favor. Tlio court decided that his chnrgo was illegal, aud that ho had no legal right to cliargo for brick that wero never laid. This decision is important to builders aud contractors, as other Stato Courts would bo likoly to follow tho decision aud precedent set by tho New York court. JIazlclon 1SW1 ti'iel, Sor.Dtiats' OniMiAxs. Tlio number of soldiers' orphans under tho caro of tho Stnto has undergono no diminution tho past four years, tho places of those leaving tho schools by reason of having arrived at tlio prescribed ago of sixteen years or for other causes being filled by others old enough to claim ndmission. In tho years 1S0S, 1S00, 1870 and 1871 be- tween 3,000 nnd 3,700 orphans wero educated and supported under tlio law providing for tho establishment of tho soldiers' orphan department, and dur ing tlio current year tho number lias been about tho same. Tho monthly ad missions roach from thlrty-llvo to forty. Tho yearly expense of tho Stato In keep ing up tho orphan school system amounts to from $150,000 to 300,000, which sum will probably ho greatly re duced within tho next two or threo years j and in tho coursoof llvoorslx years tho number of orphans will liavo becomo so small as to render tho depart uicnt ero.ito J for tholr bandit unnecjs sary. The Ci'.edit System, During tlio war, when money was plentiful, though prices wero exorbitantly hgh, tho cash system provnllod generally, and It was not less surprising than grutlfyiug to most persons to find how much easier It was to "pay as you go," than to pur suo the old credit system of "pay when you cau." Tlio credit system is bad for everybody. It Is especially nu onerous tax upon honest men, for they aro virtually compcllod to pay tlio dobts of tho dishonest. Merchants who lose largo sums by defaulting customers, nroeom polled to retrlovo their losses by adding largo profits to their goods sold to thoso who pay promptly. This does not at first glance appear to lie tlio fact, but taking business in nil its ramifications, it will lio found as stated, Pay as you go, as you did during tho war. If you aro a merchant, pay as you go, nnd If utiablo to do this, ask yottrsolf wliottior prudeiico docs not dlctato tho wisdom of curtailing operations. If you aro a man ofmoderato means, pay ns you go ond you will nover know tho torturoof indebtedness.-Munch Chunk Democrat, JMOQ31.0MgB;TOeiA COUNTY-, -P-A. - Court Proceedings. I An Address. " " In breach of llfo'pVacb.' IChltty'fl (J. I.. I Petition for a road "In Urlnrcrcck lovnshlp,lsaIah Bower, Hudson Owen and Charles B, Jackson appointed view ers. 1 Potltlon for tho division of Locust township, William II. Abbott, Samuel B. Bolmcr and Joseph B. Knltllo ap pointed Commissioners. Ellsha Drolsbach ngnlnst M. M. O. Drclsbachjpetltlon In dlvorccjon motion John M. Clark appointed Commission er. In tho cstato of Christian Lulx deceas ed petition for salo of realty for pay ment of costs, salo ordered. In tho cstato of Isaac drover doccus cd,pntItlon for salo for payment of debts, salo ordered, Boport of vlowcrs of n private road in Locust township confirmed nt si. Boport of viewers of a road hi Gala wlssa township in Zur's addition con firmed nisi. Itoportof vlowcrs assessing damages and contributions In tho opening of Ssc ond Stroot in tho town of Blooimbtirg, confirmed nlsl. Boport of vlowcrs assessing daniBgcs and contribution In tho opening of Market Street In tho town of Blooms burg confirmed nisi. In thoestato of Honry Eycrly deceas ed specific porformauco of contract do creed. In tho cstato of Bobccca Vandcrsllco Supplemental auditor's leport con firmed nlsl. In tho cas'oof Alfcbacli against Budolph Herb, C. W. Jlillcr continued auditor. Tlio Bloomsbttr ' Odd Fellows Hall Association Incorporated. Tho caso ofGoorgo Longenbcrger's executors against Hugh W. Mcltoy nolds and others consumed nearly nil thu tlmoofthosecond weok of Dccembar term and continued until tho 17th, Inst when tlio Jury returned a verdict in favor of tlio plaintiffs. Woodward, Bicketts.IIoyt, Jackson aud Stewart for plaintiffs; Linn, Bucknlcw, Frecr.a and Barkley for defendants An adjourned court will bo held on Dtc. 30th, 1S72. How to Make Youitsnr,vi:s Ux HAi'i'Y. An exchango gives tho fol lowing teceipt how to mako unosoif unhappy anil if tliosfl who do not believe It. should give it a fair trial, wo boliovo it will bo found to miiwcr tho purpose admirably. In the first place, if you want to mako yourself miserable, bo uelll-di Think till tlio timo of yourself uud your thing-". Djn't care about Any tiling else, liavo no leelincs loi' -auy one but yourself, Never think of cn Joying thu satisfaction of teeing others happy, but rather IX you sen a sniilin face bo jealous lest another .il.ould enjoy wnat you nave not. linvy every ono who Is better off in any m;pcet than yourself; think unkindly toward them, and speak lightly of them. IJ constant y nlrald lest some onu should encroach upon your rights ; bo watchful against t, and H any one comes near your tilings snap at him liko a mad dog, Contend earnestly for everything that is your own, though H niny not be worth a piu ; for your rights aro Just as much concerned as if it weie a pound of gold. Nover lield u noint. Bo very sensitive, and take everything that is said to you in pltiyrulno:s in tho most serious manner. Bo jealous of your friends, lost tlioy should not think enough of you; and if at any timo tlioy should seem to neglect you put tho worst construction upon their con duct you cau. Col. Seeley, oditor of tho Jersey Shoro Jlerald, in the Inst issue of that paper, is very sovero upon lion. Thom as Clialfiint whom ho accuses of refusing to pay his printer's bills. lie also a3ks romnrkablo questions of Mr. Clialf.int and desires to know "how much money it took to nominntehim (Chalfant) at tho Souutori.il Confercnco and whero tlio money camo from'.'" And also "who paid tho bill at the Herdlc liouso?" Tlio Col. prefaces ono of his articles by tho following caustic lines: "Upon tho lluebt needle's point, Ten thousand beings greater than hl-i soul Could Uvo aud move, nnd luuttlply Einder lhau minks or rabbi W.uud uot licit r.lom Eor centuries," Xow In view of tlio fact that Mr. Chalfant represents this Sanatoria! Dis trict, wo tnko a lively Interest in such very extraordinary charges against and requests of him, and wo liopohewill lako nu early opportunity of replying in such a manner as will amply sitlsfy his constituents of his honor and iuy-ii- blll-ity and forover sileuco tlio too in- quisitivo and licensing Seeley. An or dinarily mean or dishonest man to represent Mils intelligent community at Ilarrisburg would bo bad enough, but it is absolutely nothing to being represent ed by ouo who refuses to pay his prin ter: Wo boliovo that "Tho man who cheats tbo ju Inter. Out of a Hlnslo cent, Wilt novcrieach iho Heavenly I met Whoro good El IJah n-o.it,1 ' and of eourso wo do notdesiio to liavo a Senator with tin even smaller chanco of tho blessed land than tho average Senator from other districts tho mar gin Is too small. Wo shall look therefore, with great nuxlety, for Mm noxt number of tho Intelligencer, of which nblo Journal Mr. Chalfant is editor, and shall expect to soo therein such a refutation of tlio charge about thu printer's bills aud such answers to tho questions of Col. Seeley in shall utterly overwhelm that Jour nalist and cover him wltli coufuslou. Wo confess that wo liavo not a very great admiration for State Senators in general and do not look to thorn for any largo oniount of wisdom or moro Mian qrdlnary honesty, but wo shrink from tho thought that thoro is onu among tlieni.aud that ouo our own, who could oven for a moment refuse to pay tho printer, or who would permit the earliest opportunity ofjustlfylng him self to pavi without Inking advantage thereof. Wo can Inform Col. Seeley that tho conferees from this district wero paid by Sir. Barkley. Mu. Coli'AX isu man of such decided Indecision that it Is wonderful how ho over makes up his mind to smile. Bolng approached this lime by tho un failing friends who perennially draw him out with tlio statement Mint thoy havo heard he Is to nssumo an editorial position in Mils city, he assures them that perhips ho may, but then again ho possibly may not, nnd If in any ovont ho should or should not It will only bn wnon no 13 tu iiucrty to tto so. 11 oriu, ri1(l.n finntiln nf Itin VTTT flnlllff nllllinl L ' . . I n.,.i,Dwni,.onBi,i iii nnmi. kin..' ,.. .' 'i .t:. n. i..i,! TnitrlPM nnd ri In rnnrosentfit vo of tho labnrlnt? classes. Col. V. K. Plollot of Tlniilfrii-il nniinK- . . . I Wo ask vott Id lav ns do your parti, unship, and confer this short-lived lion or upotl ono of your own persuasion, n solf-mado ndvocato of tho rights and In terests of tho productive masses. You liavo but soven days between this nnd tho day of your decision, in wliicli'to consult your Inclinations; but you have thoadvahtago of tv full knowledge of tho man, and his ability tocfuclcntly rniirescnt vott ttiion nUnucstions likely In nr an In rnm.i-PS9 nr.nl Iff dnt nn ! 1 - - - - , with tho further ossuranco that in any measures tending to a retrenchment In tlio expenditures of tho public money, or tho modo of collecting tho public revenues, ho is committed to tho most economical pystcm of rovonuo roform, ommensurato with tho dignity and character of a great and growing peo ple. As no measures of great party ten ,1 nm nirniv in tnltn their rise, ilur- Ing tho short session, it becomes the 1111(1 tho moan3 of repressing crlmo. raoro Important to liavo a represcnta- This last duty is to boporfornied uador tivnwiinon vln-ilnnrn nml nuldcnrss of tho sanction of an oath and may bo nnnwiinnainn will iintenl. miv effort at special legislation so commonly intro duced upon thoovo of an outgoing con gress. For such duty our c.uidldalo is pecu liarly fitted, A ready denalcr, with n wido rango or acquaintances among public men, and a comprchcnslvo Idea of tho wants of tlio country, ids election would confer credit upon tlio discrimi nating judgment of his constituents, and bo a fitting tribute to a man who has dono much In n public and privato capacity toward developing tlio re sources of ids district, opening out tho avenues of trade, and In adding im measurably to the dignity of toil, by demonstrating tho necessity of intelli gence and system to a successful prose cution of farming. James Degau, Edward Bcrgan, W. W. Kingsbury, S. W. Buck, John V. Smith, Peter Ent, David Lwcnborg, E. J. Mowry, John W. Miles. Stamt.s on Accepted Dhafiv. The Journal of Commerce give3 somo infor mation of local Interest. ' It says : "A commission merchant in this city writes us that somo of tlio city banks Insist that wlicro a sight draft is mado upon him, and ho accepts It making it paya ble at a bank, a two cent stamp is re quired, to cover tlio latter corporation, as tlioy think such an acceptance con verts tho draft into a bank otitck. Ho wishes to know if there is any method to satisfy these banks that such n btainp is not needed. Wo answer that wo iiavo already published Boulwell'a own offi cial decision on this point, mado many years ago, when ho was Commissioner of Internal itavonue. It is on pago 817 of his official nets. Ho Micro decides that if a promise is mado payablo at a b.ml nnd n check is given for it, that check must bo stumped ; but if tho paper thus payablo at u bank Is simply paid and charged to tho payer's account, without a check being used, "then stamp is not required." "Tlierocau bono higher r.ulliority than Mils." Tho DemocraticConferees of tlio Thir teenth District composed of tlio Coun ties of Bradford, Columbia, Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan, mot nt tho Wyoming Valley Hotel Wilkes-B.irro on Monday Dec. KJtli 1S72. Counties represented ns follows: Bradford; W. W. Kingsbury, S. W. Buck. Columbia; Hon. Poter Ent, David Lowcnberg. Montour ; Kopresontcd by John W. H!le3 by lotter. Wyoming; Dr. J. V. Smith, E. J. Mowry. Sullivan ; Hon. James Dcegan, Ed- watd Bergan. Confercnco organized by electing Hon. James Deegan of Sullivan couuly, Chairman and S. W. Buck of Bradford, Secretary. On motion of Dr. J. V. Smith of Wy oming, seconded by Hon. Peter Ent of Columbia, Col. Victor E. Piollet of Bradford County was unanimously se lected as the c.indidato for Congress, from the 13th District to 1111 the vacancy caused by tlio resignation of Judgo Mercur. On motion it was resolved that theso proceedings bo published In tho sovoral Dsmocratiu papers in tlio District. On motion adjourned. James Deeqan, S. W. Buck Prosidont. Secretary. We learn that conio nau"htv boy desirous or a little holiday change liavo been "salting" our friend Brown of Hloonisburg by imposing upon his gen erosity in feuding him, at.n gootl liguro soveral pairs of domestic pigeons tiireo limes in succession, it seems 1110 nirtis would Klin their freedom soon after being purohasod by Mr. Brown, mid would naturally take to their old quar ters, thus irlvlntr tho bovs u chanco lor speculation. George should havo had tnoir "tans cut snore nnu ears cut ioiig--that hu might havo known tho truant birds at tho second olforlng, Jlcrwlck J title penitent. Thoso pigeons aro vanards. Wo In terviewed our worthy landlord as tc tho truth of tho story nnd ho strenuously denies It. Somo designing person has "stulled" tho Uurwlo'c editor. Mr Brown btateuthnt ho does not buy pig- cotis or nny other birds, moro than onco for tlio samo lot. Can It bo Mint some Borvlckporson,wlthnn unlawful greed ofgdln has attompted to sell tho samo urtlelo two or threo Mines and, havln; failed lu ills endeavors, rushes Into prlnl to rovongo himself oil tho tinof- fondlng Brown. Tho peoplo of that village on n hill, can do somo pretty mean things occasionally and It may ho that this is ono of them. PowEtt and Duties ok Constahles . Judgo Boss, of Montgomery county recently doflucd tho powers and duties of constablps. As. tho law In rolatlon to these Is tho samo throughout tho State, Its publication may hoof general InterOst Tho olllco of n constabloisono possess ing at conituott law Jargo powers, and vested with tho pcrformnnco of duties which aro gravely important to good ordor-aud good morals, tho peaco and decorum of tho community. ills first and general duty is to koop tho peace, nnd for this purpose, ho may toko Into custody, nnd may commit to Jail, and oven breaku open tho doors of houfos In fuct any act of authority, I which Is not of itself illegal, may bo lawuiiiy uouu uy u tunstuuio 10 prevent - 0 tO 1.0. I lilac. COIT1, 6')'J. rr it,.., tif irtbnnlkl,1n ,,f-M,,lfl far suspicion ho mny arrest without war raut. rind hold tho offender for cxnml- niiuon irai ms uuuoii hi una n-Kmu at his own porll-for ho may not make an nrrcsi uuieaa mu latia uuu tiitmir bhiiicos wuum jusiny u uuuu.. u.ui. ... nssumlnglhat tho grounds of suspicion wero reasonable that Is, exhibited probablo cause to boliovo thai a felony had boon committed. 3 W. & S., 300. f Ho has tlio further power to arrest, without warrant, for a breach of the peaco committed in his presonco ; after ho lias made such on nrrcst ho may con l tho person to jail, ami mo janor must reooivo nun ui nu iiuutiuvu hi iua i , , i.. i .. i i .. -i.. ...... tody until nn examination mny bo had boforo tho magistrate but Mint oxaml nation must bo had without uunocoi sarydoiay. S. S. &R., C7. His most responsible, nnd tbo often his most neglected duty, Is to return to the Court at each nnd overy sasdon all of fenses, as to which tho Court has power to inquire, try or punish. This func tion makes him the Inspector of bis bailiwick tho Informant of tho Court mado tho bnsls of a bonch warrant n nd arrest. If It bo "performed with fidelity nn examination of tho constable's returns would at onco inform tho court of tho moral condltionof tho county, nnd few offenses would go unpunished. Thcso nro common law powers and duties which aro attached to tho offlco, and afnlluro to perform-them or any of them is'n misdemeanor In office, which could nnd would bo punished by tho court upon conviction had. But tho Legislature has onlnrged and particularly specified some of theso of ficial powers and dutlos. One of tho early statutes required that constables should search M1030 public houses and places suspected of enter taining tipplers on Sunday, and compel thorn to dlspcrso quietly. By various statutes enacted at various times, tho constable is required to mako n return under oath as to whether offenses ngainst Miegamo or fishing laws liavo boon committed In 'his bailiwick ; whether any instard children have been horn therein, together with their sex, and the names of their mothers ; whether thoro aro any tipplings that is unlicensed houses fortho illegal ar.lo of liquors or licensed houses that violate tho cnmlltinnn of their license and whether thrro aro any common, ill- governed disorderly houses ol postitu- lion or gambling liouoo-". Tho con stable must further return, whether tho index boards aro placed and maintain ednt the junction roads whether thoro wero any breaches of tho poaca at tho election, and tho names of the offenders whether within ills knowledge there was any wagering upon the election, ntid tho names of tho bolters, and whether Micro wero frauds up'iti tho election. All these returns must ha mado under oath, and if such offenses exist nnd bo not returned, tho cnnslablo knpwing of their existence, is guilty of a msde- ineanor in ofllce. MARKET REPORTS. llloomsbtirR Wurket Wheat I 'M' bushel Uvo 11 . I1.S0 i ... M ID . 11 ( , 5 50 i m m 20 30 4U 10 IS t) w , 25 10 Corn ' - 0:itfi. hionr per nsrrci Olovev.-UH'd, , h'lnxstcu Butter V.paa Tul low H , I'ot n, toes Drleii Ap)!ef- llaimi HltU-t and BbouUlers 1.4ml pur poitml Hay per ton MARRIAGES. WK.VVKR-rnEI3U.-On Iho 10th lust, I by tho jicy. wimam d. Jyora Air. tayvr weaker 10 Mhis UsabclKi 1'rci.ih, both of Cattiwlssa, l'a. SPECIAL NOTIOKS. Till: GKUAT PICTOKIAIj ANNUAL. lostf iter's United Klntos Almauno for JSTJ.for illstvlbullnii.&nilff.WirmtKlioul tlm Uli licit StnU, nml all clvilled countries of tho Western tieni- Hpheiu, is now puuiibheunmtreauy jorucmuiy, in i no f.UKiiMi, uerinnn t teucii, ov'S"ii' WoMi, SwtilUh, nolluml.liohomlun ami brail ihli Inugunxfs, nuil nil who uMi to uiulersl.inil tho truo philosophy of henllli slum id uml una muidcrtho valuable huenestlons 11 contains. Ju mhlltlon to an oitmlrablu nicillcul ticatibo on tho caiucs, urevcution and cuia of n great Miilety ot'illsces, 11 1'nibitices u large iiiuouutof in tor iniitiou Interesting to tho merchant, tho tuo chauic, tho miner, tho lannor, tho pliinltr, ami proiussiouai luun ;nnu ino ciucuiuiiouk imvu been muilo for bucli mtridhius unit bulimies us uro most sultahlo lorncoritct uml cnmpichen felvo Nullonul Calendar. ho nature, uses, ami extraordinary t-ruiiinrr cllecUi ut lIosietturHhlouiach llitterd. tho Ma ple tonic nnd ultcrattvo of moro than half tho Chi Ktkui woilil, are lujy m l iniih in 1U pagts, which uro imn hilerspeihctl with plcloilal inns trillions, valuable recipes in the household and ltirrn, humorous anecdotes, and other instinc tive mid amuhltm lead in l: imitttr. urlulual anil selected. AmmiK tho Anuu tls to appear with lliBopeutnx of lliojoar, this will bo onu of the most useluf. and may le hcttvr the u&hiny, Tho proprlctoiH, JlPfesr. Hush iter & ismllh, I'llts buitih. I'u.. oil rt'celntoi u iwu cent stainu. wilt lorwuid n coi'V liy inn 11 to any iuhkmi who cau- not plocuio ouo In bis iielghbnl hood. The Ull tuis are sold lu every city, town uml village, nnd aro extensively vwed thioughout ;tho mtiro civilized world. u cc u nv. Ahi: to sco I. W. Iliirtnmn'u l.tca col- lata 10 cent to $1.00. Tlio Inruost lot of all)isrd Just rocelvoil at E. M. JCnorr'u. Oo to boa that 80 ceut Alnnci nt J.W. Ilnrtinan's. if vott vont Htillnlra nntl sluh lil:o for do feut yoiut k to lo Htoro vot wtnntU on do cornor fon Jfaln uml Markot Strcuti-; tloro tin kenp till slch tllnga Biicopor nououy nHonoao. Wo Htrlvo to t)loii!ois it tro.nl mollo nml Ifyott wish to adopt It, uuy your tiiiiistnni prcsoiiisoi m. i', urn,. run itKN'T. Sovcr.tl lino rooni-i scn- ttrnloly or In siiltei. iu tlio Into roltlonco ot tion. v. ii. imx, no oiiunir tno (Jottrt liouso. Apply to Mra. W. II, J'.nt, opposito l'orus uotot. inoi .nt Go to E. M. Knorr'rf for youc boat cnotco ot Hiippors. Looi: nt I. W. nnrtninii'd now Dollar Alpac.t. Tho Inrpeat ,stoclc of ChrlstmiH gootU tootii itsciiti ami articinoiuni) in town la at 31. 1'. Lulz'i). consistlm.' of ladltM' Kdntlpnicu'ii ami olilldron'ri furd, dress Kontls, slmwl.s, wool Koods.ncckttU uml uows, bcttrw,jovelry iVj. Tlio plaeo to buy your fancy sllpjicra id ni ;m. is.norrrd. MEllllY OHRI8TM.AB1 Ho hUl) vott mako it n merry ouo. You etui dn bo by. purelinslntr from Tlioinaa Webb's lnrt,'o Block ot lancy to.va, confectionery xo itist wiuu win otcuso tlio llttlo roiKd Don't fall to cull nnd 1,00 iitssortiiniMit tlio lnrucdt and best In town, llin wtoel of Clard nnd Tobaccocd cannot bo CKUnltod in tliU lihtco. nml urn lust thu initiga lor notiuay jjittd 10 Binouerd, In lh 017 boilr's Mouth. Puaisr mid Sozodost. Greatest luxury of modern times beautifies nnd preserves tho tooth.' 'Tho ropulslvo breath Is rendorod ns free-rant ns a rose. and coldness by friends, or In buslnoss, will now no no longer noticed. Hpaldlng's Gluo mends broken toys, Ac, N6W Is" i'our tirno to savo money, by buying n Silver Mould Whlto Wire Clothes Lino: L'uarnntoa clvcn nsainst rusting, freezing, wearing or injuring clothes hung upon It, In any shapo or form. Cheaper than n rope lino; apply to A. BAltLOW, Agent, Bloomsburg, Pn.; ulsougcut for tho Now Whooler ec Wilson Sowing Machine, dec. 13 Iw. inmoits or youth. Every nervous YontiK Mart In tlio Union, will receive Irtc, n llcolpollial wllliirovoftblcsulm: llirouuli llfu, ty nUUiesHlnc, In conndenoe, JOHN II. OODEN, Eox C172 1'. O. it Cedar Bt,, N. Y. m. v, iy. Old Established Coal Ynrd O. W.Neai,.v.Biio. "Wholesalo & Be- tall Dealers In all sizes of tho best qualities of Red and Whlto Ash Coal, at tlio very lowest mnrkot rates. Lime burners supplied nt liberal rates with best quality No. G,couI. For smith fires, In addition to a prima article of lump, wo hnvo a first class quality of Bitumi nous coal, at $0.25 per fon on wharf. Larco stocks of all sizes constantly on hand. Strict pcrsonnl attention given to tlio melioration of nil our coal. Grain. Lumber and Slabs taken In exchnngo for coal. Cool delivered to any pnrt ortno town. Orders left at McKelvy Ncal & Co's. storo or nt our office, will rccelvo prompt nttentiou. ukuce x i aiidsat McKelvy & Neai.'s Foiinace, East BEooMsnuita. Your patronage respect fully solicited. Tun Justice of tho Vcnllct rendered by tlio inililid veors oco lu ravor oiluo mexicax muh tano Liniment must bo nppftrent to oil WHO luve unoa that famiiim preparation fir seen. 11 mod. Its healing mnticuco H irrcsisiahle, rlhe most obstlunto rormH ofncuralRlo or rheumrtllo tlUeaso nro tolally cured by It, iml that In an Inconceivably short snaci) of lime. Exterunl Injuries or sold, whether of men or beast, at well ni all equlnoor Imrann maladies for which n liniment inav no useu, nro fcpeeimy rcmeuiea ny lift use. uemciuuor it is not inertly n paina tlvo but im eradlcaut of disease. Important Testimony! Tho following lotto nro nmong tho many wo nrocoufctautly receiving fiorn pemoui who havo been cureu uy Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sclienclc's Sea Weed Tonic, AND Sclienck's Mandrake Pills. I'emiasiovt, Sultm Comity, New Jersey, FKTinUAIlV IT7. 1872. Dr. J. n.SCIIENCK, N. K. comer Sixth aud Aicli btreets, Philadelphia, HMpecleU Hlr I tlilio pleasure In addlugmy testimony to that of tho many others who have been cured bvthefllc:icyof Hrhcnck'H Pulmonic Bvtup, Sea Weed Toulr, aud Mandrake PMIg, Vitnsnmntton has been hereditary with my family, most of lis members havlurcdfod ol itnt i.nriv mjt's. Mv inolberund tlueo biothorHd eu nt tho uge of J(, onw brother nt -7, aud my sister UI wai, when rU-nt 31 yeirc, seized wllh liver complaint, whhM' japldly developed into ruimo pnry Consumption. J was compelled to relin miiOi mv pmnbitfiticnt (that of a blacksmith.) i nm kit Hi ii t-inlliiil nml eminent nhvsfcians. nnd tried many on hi nostrums, but without suctesa.fco thai jnv it b-ndu wero Buro that thero was no hope of m tovflry, lor I was reduced from 110 pounds it let mid was notable to do anything wlthou' . -..-t..iico. Uy what I now to'd- pon ns a Providential In tciimsllion. 1 uiik uii t d to trv your remedies. nnu nlaro mvK lf under ?Mir treatment, nnd ro rapid and thorougt w my leco very, that It seemed as tlioufth m.hu utierhumau power was ut woilc, and todav -ir m well as at any time during my Hie. 1 w iui. J-i-i pounds, nm :ii years fild.and tor some tmio lntvit been regularly at tending to my Uumi;' bAdlni; lair to live to a good old ugo. 1 nm thankful to jou uyoyd cxpreBfdou lor having placed mo In a position tr he rein I am a benellt Instead of u bunWn to my umlly. Vour Inndrako I'lJUurfMhu only uicdfcluo I ever uso now. i thluk thoyure Ihotieetin the world. I nan refer you to hundreds of my neighbors who will veiily all J have written, and iwiy lu iormatlon nny of my fellow cIIIzhiu mav deslro wltlbolreely and gladly given, upon lecelptol stamp, by Yourself. JOIIX C. IIKWITT. Hey lYcst, Via., Tct. 1!, Ur. J. II. SCUEKUIC, N. U. cor. Hlxth nnd Arch Mreet, l'hlladelptiln. Dear riir I'ieaso lorwurd, per tlrst steamer, six bottles Kea Weed Tuulcuud twclvo botllesrut moulcUyrup. Your nicdlclncs nro o such value that 1 can not bo without them lu my household, and In fact no family bhould be without them. I havo given them a fair test, and openly do- c.uiu inciii in uq even ueixer iiian you ciaiin. Very ropectlully yours, &c 'WJUTEUUIIST. 1'niLADEi.piiiA, JIaich t, 1872. Dr. J. K. aOHENCK, llei-pecled Hlr 1 take pleasure. In awarding to rou till certlllcalo of the wonderlul cure your I'uLnioule 8yrup aud Hqa Weed Tonlo produced. My throat and brouclil.il tubes wero ho highly luUaiucd that It was almost lmposhlbloturmo to bwallow my loud. 1 um on n visit to my uncle, Mr. Charles John hou, 'o. Hi Federal btieet, who says your medi cines raised him Horn almost death nlieriill oth er lue.tus luu1 lalh-d.aiid he having, thejefoie, lull coundence lu theviituu or your remedies, btronglj- leconjmeiuletl mo to ny Ibem. I did so. aud lu one uu k luun it o llmu f eouimemed talcing tliein my thiu.it uui.erHeiit ti vevf great chiiugo lor tl.e betttr, kj tluti J eiAild e it uiy nt.lh wliriout nm dittiraif. ir num. 1 cm hctmeivIliHl uutl- to cxi'i'fcMi my gruiltude tor lliuilir v i. mi ,iiur iiivuiuiiuiu nieuieiues iuu- d it, in tin. u i.d I deem It butnuuet oigrau. lull-to givo iuu lite acknowledgement ol ;uy apprt I'lauoii, louis resjM'eiiiiiiy, il.lLllx. ill. .vi No. liU Wist Thlily-thlrd street, New York, SOIIENCK'S I'UllONIO BVKUP, SEA WEED TOiNIO, and MANDBAKE PILES. These r.re the only medicines that will cure Fulmonary CoiiTiumption. Dr. Hchenck lias beeu lu constant practice over thirty years commu nity exutiilulng lungs, uud knows his medicines. If propeily taken, viil cure Consumption, Ills .Mttutirauu 1 111s cuaiUN inu iiverauu sioniacii; Ills Hea Veil Tonlo illiKiilves the lood. stlmil- 3. His tho (iiiillng ol the stomach, aud makes It illecst. Ills I'uliitonlc Syriip ripens the matter, uud nature tluuus Hull without uuy exertion, l'rieo of the l'ulmnnle Bvrun and Ken Weed Tonic, per buttle, or S7 iii pt r bull duzi-n. -M audi nice I'll Is V0 cents pcrboi. I'ltEfAItKl) ONLY AND VOH HALE DY 3. II. SCIIEXCK A SON, If. i:. Corner SIXTH and AltCII Btreets, 1'llII.AllKU-niA, And by Druggists and Dealers generally, .lOU.NSTOX, 1IOM.OWAY.V; CWVIIKX, t)02 Alien Street, riiiLADEi.i'iiiA. Wholesale Anenls. npr- li l.sfMy.1 TO TEACf IEB3 AND FBIENDS OP X EliUUATlON. TtioAlimiatKesslimoftlie Coliimbl.t Oountv Teachers' liislllulolur tho year Wi, wlllbolieut ui jiiooui uurg, in inu NORMAL SCHOOL BUILDING, commencing anil closing 1'rKlfiy ovenlus of tlio fcawo WBCISt. Ml persona toicmni or propurlnjj to loach may hecoaio uiembeiw, uud itrc reiiuunled to engage in the work ot tho Institute and rtculvu its benefits, Thu exorcKea will consist of Class Works, Kssnj-s, Klocutiou and Discussions-during tlio iliiy;au.l Miulo, Reports, lieadlugs and Lec. tures lu tho evening, it is our uestro mat every loacncr in tno coun ty will smely bo prisent and assist lu inuklvg this Institute n duclded success. Bcliou! Dlrecmis aud all olliers leellng nn in terest lutliesenonlsof tliecouuly tire rusncct- tully l.wllod to utleud, . ii. r.s i ji-.u, CnuntvHupcriutuudeut. CatawUsi. l'.t,, Dee, Ulti, bT:'. lit. Tliotmprnllelod sueecss of tho "Victor Hewlug Muelilne." Kat and West, opens a good oppor tunity lor sewing .-uacuinu uguuis nun responsi ble men to uuo tno agency lur t his Comity 1'or clreiilars, samples of work and terms, nu itrrss, The Victor gewiug Mclmio C-i j-. j. FEEausoisr, No. Yin ClIESTiSTUTSTllEET, PIULADELPUIA. UQVJ9 IW, CONTINENTAL. Lifo Insurance Company. OK NKW YOUU No. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES nil tho new- form of Policies and presents as favorable terms as any com. pnny lu tho Uultoil Htnlis. Tho company will make temporary loans on Its policies. Thirty dars' ernce allowed on each pnvtncnt. and the policy held good durlnu that lime. All our policies fire incomcsiauio lor luo usual causes. roncics issued uy this company are nou-ior-telture. no extra charges mado lor travelling permits. Pollcv holdertt shnre In tho nunnaf nrotlts ot tho company, and have a voice In the elections autl management or the company. jo poucy or maaicai ieo ciiargcu. JUSTUS i.AWltRJJCE, l'res't. W. 11. WYNKOOl'. VlcePres't. J. I'. HuokiH, Ki ciotary, a. L'. (Jhaniilej:, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of M-Eastern Penn'a. "CoLuaiMAN" Building BLOOMSBURG, PA. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, General Agent, Jan. 3.1K72-tr. NOTICE The undorslsned liavlns nsaln lalton poi-isei-ston ot tho Stall UoutHriimilniiirom Cambrn to lllooiiiRljuri;, fctnKO will run as rollows : Leave Camhra every Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, nt half pastu o'clock a. m., arriving at lllooins hurg at 11 o'clock n. m. Ix-ave Hloomsburg alter tho arrival of Iho I'hllndelplila mall, ahou 1 p. in., arriving at Ciunbra lUp. m. s.ttno i-ven-lug. KATES OE FAKE. Crtmbrn tollloom 1.2), t'lshlngcrcelt to llloom 50cts. Orangevllle to Ilkiom 'JSeis. Iilghtidiect toUlnora 15ccuts. All Intermediate places to bo charged the same rate. 1. J. YAl'l.E, Proprietor. Shtckshlnny.Oct. llth ls"i Agents Wanted for Cobblu'.s CHILD'S COMMENTATOIt UN TI1I2 Ullll.t: for the IIO.VK CHICLM. l.'JOO pnges, 2ri0 Kngravlnc!. Tnebet enterprlso otlho year for nsi-nti. Kery family will nave It. Nothing llfeo It now publlheil. Kor circu lars address H. W. oooDsfi:i;i) a co.. 117 vnk Row, New York. nov.ltliv AOK.NTS VAMi:u.-Wit isuaiantei- eul ploymcntfornll.ellhersHi, nt 5 a day. or i.'.Ott) or move a year. New works bv Mrs. 1 1. 11. Hlnwo nnd others Bnpcrb preniinniK given nwav. Money mado rapidly and p islly at work tor iij. Wrllo and tw. l'artlcnl.irs tree. Woutiiinqton, DL'stin .1 L'o.j Hiirlfoid, Ci. uov2'J!vv n4n Cn lur Uay! Ageirt's" wanted ! All tu s?J elssses of working people, ol plther snv. vouDirnrohl. mako mure luotli'V at work for us In tnelr sparo momeutsor all the time than nt anything el-e. r.irliculiirs free. Address U. HTINoON & CO., 1'orll iud, Maine. Insure In tho TK AVlir.EIW oflImord, t.u rtl.ITOCa'KIMl'EltlAlj ltUS-HAN MUST ltl, vi wuoiesnio to tuo irai iiotpald, nn rocflptot 81 Wiioleialo to tho trad. Hlngie cms kpiii. Cl. V ULUUM. X. f KUr.AUr r . iteadlug, g. l'.t. nov.'j tw MOOKKEEl'INU Mule Jiuttu. Ever clerk and D luerchaut cau learn at unce. lloolc malted II, (iUHI.UINO llRVANT, llUltUto, N. Y, DOORS, SASHES, BLIPS, &c. Bend for Uluslrated Catalogue to DRADLEY & CUItItIEIt,51 & 50 Dey St. New York. novJUw A GREAT EVENT! Wo Iiavo decided to dlspoio of our Inmienso stock of BILLIARD TAULES at prices a lltlU nbovo cot. l-'irst-class 5x10 NewTables.com nli'te JSiW. Hecnnd-haud Tables made over new SAW, fas, K5'l, Ac. A great variety to tu t all buyers. Hendor fatnloguo. KAVANAGII A DECKER. Cor. Caual & Ceutro hts Now York. uuv'JJtw ROSE OF CASHMERE HAIR TOMIC I untmrpaMsot ik a rromotor of the Qrowtli f 1 1 ill r uud WliUlcertf. It ts neither sticky inu KU'iiy, yet It hoitt'ii1 aud Knlootll', tho ilair f tit r aud more pcriuauently ttinn any HI ur I'oiunde. Used ns u Hulr Drt'fca'nK, It protluc tho mo-it liuautllul nnd lustrous ulob. Wana t od jHTleclly haruilc. Jt oxqtitsltu perttmii s iUltu uurlvattd, tteln? dittllltd from tlmw. Hi ifuoviriicl Itonsor Cnshinoro InrK liotlh-i. ouly 5it. Address AHCllKNUACH fc MIM i-io N. It St., l'hllaaelphl.i, IM. uov-Ulw ONLY St A YKAR. s r.OKJ. Tlie ISrfct '-aiiitty 1'aper. The Urst Agrtcultiiritl 1'aper. The Ilest l'ollllciil 1'uper, Tlie llest Mnry Pajier. 'Hie llfht t'aslilna Ki-jiorln. 1 lie Hint (ullle Miirkrt i:i.nrt. J he Hi . I tirntral Market tteport. 'Jliellikt Taper l.icr) tu. Till". WKKHI.V NKW VOUK SU.V i:isht pages, OO columns. SI a year, or less than A ceiilsa number, aeiiii our iioiiai-. Address TH11HUN. New Vi Ynik I'll v. JKYSTOXK C-VllKIAOi: "WoitK-s E.OO.HSBIIUU, IM. A. S. CllOSSLE Y has nn hand nnd for salo cheaper th'in tlie tin ap est, lurxash. orwlll exchange lur old Wugjuiuu rcasoualdo terms, CAiiniAGES.nuaaiEs & wagon s of every description, both plain and fancy. rortalileTop Haggles, oiien Haggles, riadi iitnl fancy riatlorm Kprlug viiguus ull oflho lull' stylo and made ol good material and fully uur riinted. Olvo mo n call beloru purchasing il where, as I cannot bo undersold, 1 claim that 1 mako tho best wagons for tho least money. I also do painliug, trimming and repair old work ut tho shortest notice, old springs welded and warranted to stand or no imy. 1 will ex change a portable top bugsy lor any kind nt lumber, such as hemlock, pine, ush.llunhlcknr) nnd poplar to lie dilerediil my shop by ihe Ilrst ol r'eh lt'3. Iroiidalu orders taken mid McKelvy .Nc.il J. Co.'s lor repairing ns cash. uic.uu ,. pi, i;uusr-i,r.i . lilAN'l'Kl). Responsible men as T,ocal Agenls 11 to sell fruit and Ornamental Trees In iiclah- burhouds whcio they reside. To the right p i1 ties very liberal terms and nnoppnrtuulty toe -tabllsh itsalo nud nrolltaulo business. Address Tho Dlngeo .V Conurd Co. Wholesale Nurser- lueu, West urove, Chester Co., im.j uovV'JJni HOLIDAYS! 1 The most complete assortment of TOYS, EUEN01I CANDIES, CON FECTIONE 11 Y and n number of artlclos suitable for Curlstnvis uud New Ycir's c.u ba fmul.ut tho store cf THOMAS WEBB, Jlaln street, below. Centre. In addition to the. above, tho lamest and lies-, stock ut CIGARS? TOB ACCO.SMOKINQ and CHEWING IPIIPES ot ullk tails aud prices in this cottuty cau bj loundat the turtle tilabllsuinent. Utve him a call uud obtalu tho best of goods for reasouuuie prices. Dec. 13, 1672, lm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers