xt (pimitlnnit H ATES, OF TiinpTISTNG. ' ''!"" ' If IT and H PUBLISHED KVEltY FRIDAY MOltNINU tnTHitoot.o;tniAN nun.mrto krahtiib court iiocsk, itLooMsnunn, pa., nv CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, uditoh and rnormnTon, Torstf-Tvro Collars a Yoar payaMo In adraneo. TOD PRINTING Of Alldesrrlptlons executed with neatness nnd dispatch ntrcasonablo rates. Ono lath, (twclro lines or It, equivalent In Nonpareil type; ono or twoliiierlloti,l,W throe Insertions, tiw , 11. , CM ... I 1 'sr.vcir. 1U; . n i. li . . .,, , ,fi , , , It l"il . i lf., ,. li N . -IfC 11.,,'t ' '-( I ,,,, i I '.l I'Ci ,l ) ,-, .mi,, .- , . Ill 'III lull , ,.,H1 , , . I Oaeluoh. . t7 loo t,oo . Four Inches....: t.in) (iimrtermhtmn lo.on 13,") II iinif in! 11 in ii i vwi HUM on V.'M ll.'.l U. m a.ro ono coJumn,..A.v.. .Jv.ixi u,uu m,w tt, luu.uo Eiectitor' or Administrator's Notice, H.W Auditor's or A!suct Notice, tiJX. Local notices, twenty cents a lino. . Card, In the "Business Wreclory" column, 2,(io per year for Ino first lwo lines, und lljufjr each additional, lino. VOLUME VI. ---NO. 16. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1872. UOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 9, Ssrl v' A. citj it-. 00 to,n1 5i mi .01 2i.rl HO.oil ftvnn Columbia Oountv Official Dirootory. VMifrnl.tltlar-Wll.MAM KLWKt.t.. ,, loc(ci(e Jtulucs HUM DiSnit, ISAAC) B. MOK line. JVoWi!monrj,.tc.-nurioi.rii H. nispt.rn, JirpMcr (Vcenicr-W l i.i.i amson 1 1 . J ACOli Y. DlttHH Attorney .TAME, lmvsott, Jit, Hheriff AAtsoN smith. Mm-wor Ihaao Dr.wirr. TVntiirMwU'tt.l.fAM I.AMOV. OitiimufnJiPM l -viium RollllINH, ltln.Ut J, ilFKHKlt. 11 I l.I.I niMi-rfiK Ctniftfonrr' Clerk WILLIAM KlltCKIIAUM, AulitorV. J. CAMI'IIKI.I,, DANIEL l.T.K, CJIAIlI.M CoNNKIt furon'r t'HAiit.ra (1, MtntPrtY. Jvm Cbmmtej(oncr Isaac M';Dutnr;, Jonie Mo AKAI.L. County A'ijirrfnfrntl(nf CiiAlit.es O. DAltKLCY llhir.m iVrr Win (-Dirt-dor, S. II. Mtt.T.tat V1M.IAM KltAMKH, lllraiiiiHinrK, nnd .loiiNson i uuiunvuu, l iiauljh f.ufir.ii, etc y Blcomsburg Official Directory, Jlloolnillirn llankmtl Co. JOHN A. FCKSTOM Prf uncut, II, II. Oiioiz, Cushter. rirsl Rational lankCllAH. It, l'AXToS.l'rcs't , J. 1. Tuhtin, CnOiler. uiumbMriiniMuiualmiintinmtlamlIJianAt iociationi:. II. LtirLE, l'rea't., C, V. Mili.es arc-;. ttoomhtru HulUUnn anil &'vrt(7 -Vml AHfinrt' Jltocmtiburtr Mutual tuning lunU Association J.J. lki;uwi.!l 1 TthlUt'IlI, li. U. XIAItKI.KY, wee y, Bloomsburg Directory. pAl'EHHAOH Jut received irndTorsnlontthi I Ccj.UMlilAH Ofilce. CLOTHING, &C. DAVID I.OWKNnultO, Merchant Taltor.Mnln Ht.,fibovo American House. WM. MOItKIH, Merchant Tnllor.ovcr llown mocks cmifectlonery,opi)03lto Cndmans fur. nlturu warerooms. DltUaS, CHEMICALS. &U. if r. I.UTZ, I)ruBglRtnnUAi)othecary.Malni.t, lj, below tho I'okiUlUco. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. Oi:.HAVA(l!:,denlcrln Clocks WntchcH nnd . Jewelry, Main at., Just below tho American House. f OUIH llCHNHAItD, Watch and Clock maker l near soutbenst corner Main nnd Iron sts. n CATHCAKT, Wntrh nnd Clock Malier.Mar- 11. , kct street, below Main. UOOTS AND SHOES. l.i M.KNOHIt, Dealer In Coots and Shoes, latest i'j. and 1m hi styles, corner Main and Mnrket utrccl)., In the old Tost Ulllce. D iWIl) I1I:TZ, lloot and ShoemaKer, Malnst. below llartman'H store, west of Market. UIINKY KI.HIM, Manufacturer and dealer In llootH nnd Hhoes, Urocerles, etc., ilalu street, bust HloomsburL'. PHOPESSIONAL. 1) It. H. C. llOVri;it, Hurgeoa Dentist, ilainst., IIUUVU II1U IIUTL JIUUhti, D It. WM. M ltr.HKH, Surgeon and I'hyMclau. Ulllce over tho KlislMallunalDanlc. 0(1. IIAIIKLKY, Attorney-at-I,aw. Offlce,2d , lloorlu Uxchuuge llloc'k,ueartho"Uzchauge lintel." 1 II. McKKLVY.M. D.,Hnrgenn and l'hjslclan J north side Main st,, below Market. T C. HUTTKlt, M. D. Hurpeou and Pnyslclsu t) . Market street, nbovo Main. I 1). UOIIISON, Attorney-at-Law, Olllee Hurt tJ. man's building. Main street. DK. II, F. KINNEY, Hurgeon HentlM. Teeth extracted wllhoutpaln: Main St.. nearly op. oslte Kplscopal Church, T It. KVANH, M. D.. HurReon nnd Physician, i) south side Main street, below Market. DU. A. U TIIKNKU, Physician nnd Shikcoii, of Ilro over Klelm's Drim Htore, residence on door below Itev. D. J. Waller. MILLINEHY & FANCY GOODS. n PKTlUtM AN, Millinery and Fancy OoodN fj, opposite Uplscopnl Church, Main st, MIKS I.1ZZIK IIAltKI.KY, Milliner, ltamsey building Main street. MISS M. DllKltlCKSO.N, Millinery and Fancy (loods.Malu st below Market, MIIS. JULIA A. A HADK HAltlCI.HY, I.3dlo,' Cloaks nnd Dress Pattern.,, southeast coruer Main and West sir, rplli; MISHi:H IIAIIMAN Millinery and Fancy 1 Uoods, Mnlu bt., below American llouse, HOTELS AND SALOONS. POItlCH IIOTIII,, by T. lknt. Taylor, east end x ui jia: I Main street. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, ( C. MAHH, Dry Ooods and Notions, south- west corner Main and Iron slB. I.IOX A WKH11, Confectionery nnd llakery, P ivholesalo and retail, Exchange lllock. HC.HOWr.ll, HatspndCnps.llootsandHhoes, . Main st above Court llouse, J II, MAIZK, Mnmmcth Orocery, line Oro . rerles, Fruits, Nuts, Provision, ifcc, Main ami Centre Streets. M'KF.IA'Y, Ni:AL & CO., dealers In Dry Ooods, Orocerles, Flour, Feed, Halt, Fish. Iron, Nails, etr.,N. D. eor. Main and Matket sts. Q II. MILLKIt A- FON, dealers In Dry Ooods, D. Orocerlcs, (lueeusware, Flour, Walt, Khoes, Notions, etc., Main st. MISCELLANEOUS. OM. CllllIHTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness. . maker, Hhlvo's lllock Main Street. W. ltOIlUINS.Iltiuordealcrscconddoorfrom 1 northwest corner Main and Iron sis. t.i J. TIIOHNTON, Wall Paper, Window Bbsdos ii. a and Uxturcs, lUu ert block. Malu St. p W.coitEI.I., Fnrnlturo llooms, three story U brick, Main Btrc ct, v. est of Mai ket st. HIiOSEXSTOCK, Photographer, over ltobblus A Eyer's Store, Main st. I S. KUHN.dealcrln Meat, Tallow, etc.. Chcm 1' lierlln's alley, lear of American House, PAMUEI, JACOHY.MarWe end llrown Stone OWorks, East llloomsburg.Perwlck road. WM, HAIU!, dealer lu furniture, trunks, ceder 1 ' v lllow ware, near tho Forks Hotel. ,i II. I1IDLEM AN, Agent for Muuson's Copper 1'j'Tubular UuhtulLE Itotl. p FOSTEll, Olue Maker, and Whlto and Fancy V. Tanner, Seottowu, VOTE HOOKS, and blank NOTCH, with or with JA nut exemption, lor salo at tho Comwiuian Office. Catawissa. By. DA f, I.MAN, Merchant Tailor, fjecoud St. . Ilobblns' Hulldlng, nH.J. K. ItOlIIlINH. Surgeon and Physician Second St below Main. GIMIEHT A Kl.INE, dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Main Street I II, KIHTI.EH, "Oittnwlssa House," North " , Corner Main uuu second Streets, I KEII.EH, Illllard Salonn, Oysters, nnd Ice 11. Cream In season Main St. M M, IIIIOIIST, dealer In OencralMerchandise in. ury HoniiH. urocerles c. Sl'SQlIEHANNA or llrlck Hotel, 8, Kosten. bauder Prnprlelor.south.east corner Main and jii-uuu nireei. M. II. AIIHOTT, Attorney at lai7, Main St. Light Street. HP. OMAN & Co., Wheelwright!, first door . ubove Hchool House. 10I1N A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In " Hoots and Shoes UB.ENT, dealer In Btoves anil Tin ware In all Its branches. pl-'TPU ENT. Mlller.nnd dealer In all kinds ot imreViaVei' tiour, Ftcil, rtc. All kinds olUruln Espy. T W. EDOAH, Susquehanna, Planing I and Box Manufacluitng, M1U Buck Horn. M & U.W- If. fsltnm Alfl.MI .UnUru f - 1 M wvv.v. hum bvuviHI UlVIVUIimilU Orangevillo Directory. Oil. IIEUUINU A nU0Tlir.lt,Carpentcrsnnd Ilullders, Main St., below Pino. BIHCK IIOTEI, nnd refreshment Saloon, by llohr M'Heury cor.ot Mtyn and Plnost. lt. O. A.MK(lAH(lEI,,Phylclnnnnd8urgcon Mnin sl next door to Good's Hotel, DA VII) HEKUINO. Flour nnd Orlst Mill, nnd Dealer In grain, Mill Street, I AM EH H. IIAIIMAN. Cabinet Make; und Un. t dertalitr. Main St., below Pino. SCHUYt.EIl A CO., Iron fouuuersTMachlnlsTs and Mnuufactuters of plows, Mill St. y AMU El, H11AHPI,EHM. Maker of tho Hay burst O Ornln Cradle. Main Wt. 11,1,1AM DELONO Blioemakcrnnd manufac turer of llrlck, Mill Ht west of Pine Philadelphia Directory. lieslauraut and Ding Rooms. FRANK SMITH, Propilolor. PHILADELPHIA, N. 11. Tho location Is central, tho assistants ttentlve, nnd the tables supplied with tho best lio market ullords, ircsh and well cooked. Olvo 1 ii i a call. AINWIUGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GItOCEItS, N, E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, Pmr.ADr.M'iilA, Dealers In TEAS, BYHUrS, COFFEE, BUOAIt, MOLASSES nice, Bi-icES, ni carti soda, ac, ac. IrOrdcrs will receive prompt attention, may 10.07-tfr JJARVEY U. WALKER, wmt MEAR, SC1IROPP & CO., IMPORTERS AMD,T01llir.R.SOK CHINA, OLASS AND QUEENSWAIUJ, No. 1C8 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. .eu-Orlglnal assorted rackaccs of Oueenswaro coustantlv on hand, iebil'7.-tl. mm Bucinenn Cards. g H. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otnco Conrt-IIouso Allev. lielnw tho Cnl.lTW litAN OfBco, llloom6burB Pn. Q V. BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nLooMsnono, r.. a'Sr OrnrE Court House AlleT. In the (?o. r.VJMiirAN building. Jnnl,'67, c. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RIAN Odlrn. Rnimllru Hnclr.Pnp ntiil TnHtnn nfflnannitrlllni,,. All-- rAr,r collected. liloomsburg Pn. sen.-0'67 JOHN CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICK nlinvrt Ifnwr'n Htnr.. Inlti Rtrpet. Uloomsburg, I.i, JOIJERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otllcn STuln Street liplrw tlm nnnrt Tlnnsn. llhiouisburg Penu'n. B. FRANK iSAUU ATTORNEY AT LAW, I1LOOMSP.URO, I'A. Olllee with J. O. FreezcCrowcr's Iilock. Can be consulted lu Oermar or English. meh'i'J'T. t QHARLES C. LEIDY", ATTOKSKY-AT-B.A'W'. OFFICE ON OAK STREET, MOUNT CARMEI. noi;tiiujiiieri.asd county, ta. ColU ctlons oromotlv made. Convevnnclui: lually e.ecuted an another business conncct- o with his poit'sslou eiueiully atttnoed to in .Montour, Noitlmmbeiluud and Columbia couu- ILS. Ill-.lS.l'U. JTEW STOVE AND TlJN SHOP. ISAIAU IIAOENEUCH, Main Street one dnnr nhnvi. V.. Menitrnb.ill's rttoto. A large assortment of Stoves, Heaters nnd Ranges constantly on hand, and for sale nt tho Tlnnlim lnnlllts bTunehftHrnrefntlvatlendedto. snd satlstactlon guarante(d. .in wars oi an ninus wuoicsaio nna reian. a 'lal Is requested, Janl'71 jLOOMSBURQ Xil A KHIiK W O II Ii. S. MAIN STI1KKT, I1CT.OW MARURT, DLOUMSHUltO, PA. Monuments. Tombs. Headstones. An. Work ueatlv executed. Orders liv mall will receive special attention. N. II. Work ilellveied freool cliurgn. T. h. 0 UNTO N. Froprlt tor. octri.l.tf. P. O.iioxlW. Y ETERINARY'. AUGUST FRIEND, Into frrtti HArmn .. 1 fr. .i 1,1.. ihi-i.Iia.1 n 4ttj public as a celebruU'tl HORSE AND COW DOCTOR, and all other animals, for which his charges nro moucrale, lie can aiicuiH be loundcan sldo oi Herwlck road, ncats. y,.Iacoby's Maible Y'aid, ARGAINS BARGAINS, QUICK BAI.KS AND SMAM. VROFITrt. BAVH YOUR MONEY. Gntn HENRY YOST. East Bloomsbiiig Pa., tar all kinds of tho best home and city made 1' u li it it u ui;, Prices reasonable and the be' ork done. Jnu l'H tl "y U LOAN WORKS, 1) A K V I b lj E PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer oi Wrought Iron Bridges, Hollers, Gasholders, Fireproof Buildings, Wiough' Iron ifoouog, uoonng rramcs, f looring and uoors, Farm Gates and fencing, also Wrought Iron pip ing, Slack nnd all kinds of Smith Work, Ac. Repalis promptly nttcmUs! to. N I! I lawlugs and Estimates supplied. nelW'71-ly. NEW YORK. CORK. AND LIVERPOOL NEW AMI l-ULIPOWERKIl STKA M-1IIPS. THE SIX LAHGFJSr IN '11111 WORLD. OCEANIC, CELTIC, REPUBLIC. ATLANTIC, tlAl.TIC. ADRIATIC, U,lo ions burden 3,HD h. p. i ach. Sailing from New York on SATURDAYS, from Liverpool on THURSDAYS, and Cork Harbor tho day lollowlng. From tho Whlto Star Dock, I'avonla Terry. Jersey Cllv. Passenger accommodations (for all daises) uurivuiiiu, eoiiiuiiiiug MA. Jit v si'i'.r.u, akii (.uiwruur. Saloons, state-rooms. smnklnroom nml bath rooms lu midship section, where least motion Is jeir, nurgeons unu riewarucsscs accompany these stcameis, RATI.a Sutooll. ?80 cold. Steernee. S'tll rurren. cy. 'i lioso wishing to send lor liiends Irom the OldCountiy cuu now obtain stcemgo iiieoald certlllcatcs. 'l:l euireuev. Piunngeis booked 1o or from nil parts of Aineilca, Paris, Hamburgh, NorHny, Sweden, Exe'uislou tli k'tts grained at lowest rates. Pralls trom JL1 upuuids, roriuspictlon oi plans undotherlnfoimatlou, npply to No. HI Bioudway. New York. J. 11, SPARKS, Astent. Or to W: PEACOCK. 1 Junlltf Bloonibburg, In. PERFECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. Tho first vnd only self.fecdlhg Anthracite Coal mow ever uivemeu mat win I'eriectiy Consume nil the gases. Warranted tho BEST HKAiINU BTOVJJ the eonniry. Send for Prtco List and circular to MITCHELL, BI'EVENHON A CO., Slovo Mauulactnrers, Pittsburgh, Pu, in Miacollanoona. JJENTIBTItY, 11. U. HOWER, DENTIST, icctrully otrcrs his professional services t( adles and gsiitlcmcn of Bloomsburg and VI !v. Holsnrenaredlnntlend in nil tlm vnri ousopcrntlons In thollnoofhls profession, and is provided with tho latest Improved Porcki.ain 1 1 sin which win ue iiiserieu on .eoni plating silver nml rubber bsse to look as well nstho lint ural teeth. Teeth extracted by All tho nownnil most approved methods, nnd all nperntlons on tho teeth carefully niiel propel ly attended to. Residence nnd otllrn n few doors nbnvo lbs wmn iiousc,snmo sine. tiinomsiinre, .inn.1'71 ly r IE GREAT MAGICAL 53 A I II V O It C K U I Will forco a benillirill set. nf Wliltkora nr Mn.. Incho, m from two to three months, on nnv ner- son over twelve years old. It Is ime or Ibo best preparations to make the whlskeis grow that uvcrwns known. Onebottlo e.f II IsMilllclcnt to prounco n very strong beard. II does not In nuy wny slnln or Injure tho Rkln Try HI It Is no huiiibu. price W cents per bottlo. Kent bv tnnll imst pnld, to any nildrcss, nn rerelnt til price. Address WILLIAM C. WAGNER. Aier.dtvllle, ni 71-ly. Adams County, Pennn ' E- T'. ANtJE A G E K C Y . VVvomln . oi, nn. iCttm.......... 4,ut.(", Hi 'ion N. 4X,tH) North Auierl.H msmiiu ' By 4W,inu luivruatlouAi NMitaln N. Y l.W.KIJ Mereimnis Hpriii'itlPld Fanneis' Daiivllln.H.Y Albany Cltv ! Danville, lloro 'then Atlantic, N.Y" . aertr.nuia, N. Y J,f") tn,i Mo.ooo Mutual. i.tno.utu FREAS HKOWN, Avrnt, inni21'7l-ly. BLooMsnunn In, JINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SIMPLEST. CHEAPEST AND Brj,T IN USE! II AS HUT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILI) CAN RUN IT I Designed tsreclallyfr.rthou.se of families, and adles who deilre tohnlt for tho market. Will do every stitch of Iho knitting In a stocking. widening and narrowing as readily nsby lmud. Arc splendid for wnisleds aril fincy work, TAKING FIVJ: lllH'KlirxT ITIlCTKi rl.' ,.T.1'f L11 ' Ale very ensy to niannge, nnd not liable to eet out of orili r. liven- I'limiK- wi,nni,i have one. To want an Agftit In tvety town tolntroduco nnd sell them, lowborn Vteollcr the most llbeinl Inducements. Semi lerriuve hrnlnr h,i,i stntn,,).. stocking. Addicss. 1 lUNKI.f.V KNITTING MACHINE CO., nov. lu,'7l-ly. Bath, Mo. 0. H O YY'ER, us opened a flrsl-cluss BOOT, B1IOE, HAT CAP, AND i UR STOKE. nt the old stand on .srnlnStreet, Bloomsburg.n rew doors above tho Court lloue. His stock Is com posedortho very latest nnd beststyles over otter ed to the citizens ol Columbia County. Ho can nccommodato tho publlcwlthtliofollowlng goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled sloga boots, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, men's Hno boots and shoes of all grades, boy's doublo soled boots aud.shocK ol all kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral shoes.meu's, women's, boys's uud misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very line, women's morocco Balmorals and cult shoes, women's very line kid buttoned gait. ... i-uw. . uuka ui mi uesL.ipuons com pee ged and sewed. r He would also call atlcutlon to his flno cssort ment ol ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comnrlses all tlm new etiesat prices which eannotfaillo suit all. These goods aro ollered at tho lowest cash rates and win uu gunruniccei m givo satisniction, A Call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhero as It Is believed that hotter bargains are to be found than at any other place In tho county. rPHEORA NG E VI LLE'MA NUFAC- JL TURING COMPANY. JtASUKACTUllEttSOf AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of tho niobt Approved Pitttorns. nJI'.J c;sr!!i-;, of all descriptions. DEALERS! IN General Merchnmllso, Lumber, &c.,&c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would nnnouuco to the nublln In fenet.ii tlmt wo have t,ikpn the well known Ai,rl,iil mr. ul WorkB of this place and shall make It oiiralm hi iiiiiiiiuae.iiiu r irst uiass Agricultural imple ments equal toauy other makers in tho Stale, such nj Thfcsliliipr HIc!iincs, Both Lever nnd Tread Power. Plows of every lioscriplion. among which will bo Iho celebr.ttod KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all to bo tho best plow extant tu. uiui.iiiuvi, iieu itiu t;::;:::il'l), fi(cr:i'i' I'atcul and Tho 5Ioi!j:o.jc. ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, i:!!lv:iti)is,' ami t'ttsdiiSH of every description. Wo slinll use uono but tho bet materlalsiind employ nono but competent, nnd experienced mtnliaulcs nnd our prices will oiimpaio lavorably with any oilier mauulactur trs. Country Produce. Lumber. Old Iron, taken In exchange. Woalsobavou store in connection with our Agilcultur.il Works, whom mav bo lotiiul n full assortment of MKltcl IAN DISK W'hleti will bu sold at siiihII jirollts. Glvo us a caiineioio puicnasius ei.sewneru nuu we guar antee s.ittstuetlon WM. JOHNSON, W. II. SMITH, Picsldtut. Secreliuy. marchSTMy, Hotels. lOENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This well known Houso havluir been mit in thorough repair Is now open for thu reception ill visitors, iso pious iiuvu I't-eu spare u to ensure the tierlect comlort of enests. iflm tiroisi ir.t.ir also runs n Stage from tho Hotel to Ulitomsburg nnd Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thiirsda and Saturday ol each week. Hay pifc71 rJMlE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY', COLUMBIA COUNTY, Pn. Tho undorslgned would Inform thotra-'velllna iubllctli.it lie hastokrn llioubovonamod ostab ishiueutuud thoroughly retlttAd the Niime lor Uio perlert convenience of tilsguests. Ills larder will bo stocked with tho best the market altnrds, Tho choicest liquors, wines und elgursulwnys to UV lOUUll III IHN our, WILLIAM PF.TTIT. Fp 1'H THE -NATION Its Rulers and Institutions. IN ENOLI.VII AND GERMAN. Nothing like It. strikes cvorybody us Just the bonk they need. It is uu KncyelopiedU ot the Government, HI pge puges in it, nro ol them sell es worth tho price ol Uiti hook. OwrliUopiitM mid only '.'.60. A lllcli liars t l for Cunvussers ladles and ge utlemeii laiunrs, tcne-hcrs und students. One uyent took 15 ortlcrt in u Jew Units, tt Uh vlriitlar (i ,ic, before the took ujyieartit. b'ZO ii day can bo i leared In lair territory, Write at unco lor Circular and lntomtntlon, NEW WORI I Pllll L1SH1NG CO., Cor. 7th and Mir ItetStreets.I't illadelphla, fuel. (1,'71-ly.) J J. A I IUlVi IVSl !Ji would utiuoiincetotheclt7cusof Blooms- r mr nn,,iiiv bun urn and vlrC.iiiiv. tliat he lia lust rccclvtda full aud coinplet e, assortment ot WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, l XTUUGS, COCns, TAbJEtS, and nil othar goods In his lino of business. All tho tiewe-Bt, und most upiuuved patleius of tho day are ulw ays to b fjuud luhtsestubllslimOut, mur,?.'CV-U lalnut. boloiy Market, JUSTICE'S BLANKS. We noui havo on hand a larro neatly printed ntHortiiiwnl of J USTlCL'rt and IXINsrAHLlH BLANKS, to which wo luvllo the utleulluu of thcsoolIV na, Poetical. Sorrotr. Upon my Hps sho laid her touch divine, And merry speech and careless laughter dlcdi Sho fixed her melancholy eyes on mine, And would not he denied. I saw tho west wind looso Its cloudlets white, In UockB careering through tho April sky I could not sing, though Joy was at Its height, For sho stood silent by. I watched tho lovely evening fai'o away A mist was lightly drawn ncross tho slat s, Bho broke my quiet dream I hcarj her say, "lichold your prison bars." "Earth's gladness shall not satisfy your soul, This beauty ol the earth In which you live) Tho crowning grsco that sanctified tho whole, That I alone can give." I heard, and shrank away from her nfrnld; But still sho held me, nnd wonld still abide. Youth's hounding ruWos slackened and obeyed, With slowly ebbing tide. "Leiok thou beyond tho evening alar," sho said, "Beyond tho changing splendors ol tho day, , Accept tho pain, Iho weariness, tho dread, Accept, and bid mo stay. I tnmcd and clasped her c!o-o with sudden strength, And slowly, sweotly, I beenmoaware, Within my arm God's nngel stood at length, Whlte-robcd, nnd calm and fair. And uow I look beyond the cvenlns star, Beyond tho cha"glng splendors of tho day, Knowing tho pain Ho sends moro precious fr, Moro beautiful than they. Miscellaneous. Tin: jar or so.u. My doctor ndviscd horso excrciso; us I havo tlio greatest respect for medi cal opinion;) which coincide! with my own tnslcs, I entered a livery Hlnblo tho moirniiip; nfter my arrival at tho water ing plaeo to which ho had likewise re commended me. Tho sprticest of pro prietor caiuo forward to recolvo my order it clean-sliuved man, with mut ton-chop wiilslrcM, a sllir uhlrt collar, a blue stock studded with whito spots nnd f.wtenod by a horsioshoj pin, a glossy cutaway coat, brass buttoned, massive wutch-Kiiard, trousers fitting liko drawers, elran doRskin gloves well to do md horsey nil over. "Tako your choice, sir," bo sjid, leading tho way to the stables. "Wo havo several in. Now, if you liko an animal that you can feel with tho bit, I recommend this grey. Oh, he's u willing one, ho is docs not want tho whip, ho don't." "I stipposo you mean that ho lias a mouth of iron, and a jawlikoa vice, and will pull my arms out of their sockets. No, thank you." "Well, there's tho chestnut maro sho is a real clover ono. Touch liar with your right heel, and sho will go sideways all along tho cllfT." "Much obliged" saidl; "but it is a horso I want, not n crab." "Exactly, sir; but, you see, there aro gents who liko n horso who will do tht it makes tho nursery girls and such liko stand and stare, and think what flno riders they aro. This bay will suit you best, I see. When shall I sotul him round." ,"At two o'clock, to 12 Ocean Ter r.icf." "Ho shall bo there. Much obliged to you for your custom, Mr. Penyolin." "Ha !" cried I, stopping and looking in his faco when he mentioned my name. "Why, surely, It is not Joe?' "Yp, sir, tho very samo; formerly gronm in Graves' livery stables, at Cana- briilce. I hope I seo you well, sir." "Thnnk you. I am glad to see you havo risen in tho world sincothoold days. Ilavoyou been hero long?" "About flvo years, sir. And very nicely I am doing." "Somo ono left you a little capital, I presume." "No, sir; just tho contrary. I owo my riso In life to being robbed of all I possessed." "Ha?" cried I, smelling a magazine article, "that sounds euriou3 how was it'."' "Well, sir, it it along stoty, and J havo somo business to attend to Just now." However, I got Mr. Joseph Snafllo to ray lodging next ovening, and heard tho following account: Six years ago, como Michaelmas tldo, Mr. Graves died, and his establishment wa3Sold; whereby I found myself, for the mcmer.t, without a place. So, as I had n cousin in Millmau's training sta bler, at Newmarket, with whom I had always been on tho best of terms, I thought I would look lilin up and seo if ho could get mo suited, for they havo plenty to do in thoo largo racing sta bles, and thero nro constant vacancies. Tho worst of it WR3, 1 could not pull myself down to rido less than ten stono ; but still thoro was no hnrin in trylug whether thoy would take mo in somo capacity,or recommend mo, porhap", to some oftho gentlemen who had horses there. So I shouldered my bundle, and started oil' along tho Nowmarkct road, with two sovereigns an(I fifteen shill ings in silver In my breeches pocket, nnd not another rap In tho world. As I went throuph Barnwell, n man joined mo who said ho was going to Newmarket too, and proposed that wo should walk together; and, as I was al ways of a sociable turn, I niado no ob jection. Ho proved to bo an ngreeeablo companion enough ; know tho good nnd bad points of a horse, nnd seemed to bo a benstblo sort of ft fellow at tho very flr-t. And nfter n bit, when wo grew more familiar, lio Bold ho was n tout ; and told mo many stories of tho tricks ho hud beonui) totoget information. Of course, thou, it was only natural that should olfor him half n pint of beer when wo camo to tv public houso on tho road. IIo accepted It, and went In. One halfplnt drew another, ntitl that tt third. as beer will bomotlmes, wnen it isgootij not that I am fond of drink as n rulo ask tho missis--but thero nro times when it man Is not o,ulto himself; nnd leavliigaplauowlierol had beonngood Ish number of ye. us, to 11ml myself sud denly nil uncortai n what to do noxt, to- gother with teing' my own master and not having any work to attend to, all gnvo a sort of out -for-ii-holhlny feeling and I did not caio If I hndnspreo for once. So when we left that public, 1 wus ilustcred and that is thu truth of It Now, tho worst of taking tt drop too much, nnd what principally makes mo dread it, Is that ono wants to go on and havo moroatill ; and when wo had walk ed somo four or flvo miles further, that thirst camo on strong. "Isn't thero another house near here?" I asked. "Como to mine," replied my com panion. "I havo got it quiet llttlo pub lic of my own a llttlo wny off to tho right, uot much further on; nnd I should hnvo to leavo you when wo camo to tho turning. But why not sleep nt my plnco? It will bo dark bo foro you got Into Newmarket. I'll war rant, you will bo Just ns comfortable as In any houso in tho town. I'll glvo you tho best of liquor and u pood bed, and you can walk Into Nowmarkct, which is not nbovo four miles over tho Heath, tho first thlng,ln tho morning." Wo must havo been hours In that wnysldo Inn, for whnt ho said about night coming on was trtio enough; it was getting dusk already. So X ilibbght tho best thing was to do as ho said; nnd, instead of parting at tho cross roads, I turned tip with him, and half an hour's walk brought us to his houso It did not seem much of n place, nnd tho situation was very lonely. "You don'tdo a thundering business, male, I e Jpect ?" said I. "No," ho replied, "and I don't want to. I havo my regular customers, nnd goinforscugncss." "Oh, I see, horso watchers and that." "That's it; nnd f havo had a lighting man in training hero boforo now twig'."' "Aye, you aro not over-nnxtous to at tract tho notico of police, oh?" "That's about It," ho replied. Tho only person In tho ground-floor room of tho cottage, for it was nothing more, was a slattern, who at onco drew us n potof beer ; but, after n bit, steps were heard on tho rlcketty staircase.and then n couple of men, who wcro yawn ing nnd stretching, made their appear ance. It was not n taking ono in either caso; but I did not think much of that nt first, for no man looks his best when ho has been sleeping with his clothes ou, aud rouses out with novern touch of damp towel or comb. However, when another camo In nt the door, with short cropped hair, broken nose, bull-terrier jaw, but without that' good-tempered look which a pugilist ofton has, Tbegati to suspect that I had got into bad com pany ; for tho beer I had drunk did not prevent my noticing and reflecting, through it mado ray head heavy nnd ray throat husky. If I had been ngontlo. man, with a gold watch and a pocket full of money, I should probably havo taken alarm, in.ido somo excuso to go outside, and given them tho slip ; but ns it was not likely that thoy would harm n poor stableman out of employ ment, I did not much mind being In Uitlr socloty ono evening, whatover thoy might be, nnd joined tho general talk in a friendly, unsuspecting manner. Tito slattern fried some eggs and ba con, and v all had supper together; after which tho landlord brought n stono jar of gin out of a cupboard for I ex pect ho had no special license; nnd when I hnd put a glass or so of grog on tho top of tho beer, I forgot tho bad im pression my companions had at first made upon me, and voted tho landlord who bang songs as well ns ho told stories ono of the best fellows alive. After awhilo a discussion arose I havo no notion what about in tho first Instance; but somehow or nuother I fancied that my ability to pay for my sharo of the liquor was called into ques tion ; and to prove it I Bhoweel ray two sovereigns and fellvcr; directly after which I remembered my suspicions, and called myself a fool not out loud, ofcour60, but Inwardly. "Now," said I to myself, "if thoy aro tho men I tako them for, they will pro pososomogamo presently; for they will not bo easy till they liavo pouched tho two bits of gold I was ass enough to show them." Well, sure enough, after a little tall: about something quite different, ono of them pulled out a pack of cards, and pro noted thit wo should play. But I was not to bo caught that way. Affected protty considerably ns I was by tho liquor I had swallowed, I pretended to bo still moro so, and sworo thickly that It was toy early to begin to play cards we must havo another song; and so be gan singing myself nt tho top of my voice. After which I fell forward on tho lablo with myf.icoou my arms; and when they roused mo up I declared I felt 111, and would go to bed. I stuck to that resolution, say what thoy might; got n candlo end from tho slattern, ami went up stairs, stumbling a good deal moro than I need havo done. Mv bed-room had not n tempting look to nay ouo who was squeamish, being neither clean nor tidy; and tho trunklo bed hnd not been mado sltico somo ono hud Iain down upon It, eo that tho patch work countcrpano was nil ttimdled and created. However, I was not sober enough to bo particular. Tho walls of tho rooms seemed spinning round in n most uucomfortablo manner, and half n dozen water mills appeared to bo nt work Insldo my head; so I undressed nnd turned In ns fast ns I could, nnd present. Iv went off sound. now long l siopi i (to not Know, nor yet why I woko up as I did with a splitting headache, indeed, but qulto so ber. At first 1 did not know where i was ; but gradually tho evontB of tho day camo Imck to my moinoryi nnd-I won (Urol how I could havo iuailo such a fool of niyseJfas. to got .drinking with asot of vagabonds know nothyig of except irotn tneir owirsnowing, anil iiini inn not miiko.thoui put Over respcctablo, listened to hear whol her, they worostlll keeping it up; but all was qulto still and then I prepared to turn out, for It was so light that ull tho objects in tho room could bo easily distinguished, But it proved to bo moonlight aud not day break. So, nfter taking u pull at tho wntcr-Jtig for my mouth and throat wcro liko a llmo-klln I got Into bed again, und hcttlod myself for nuother nun. Just us I was dropping off, however, I heard tho door niovo: nnd, opening my oyes, snw tho flguro'of n man como stealthily Into tho room, Tho thought immediately occurred to mo that lio was ntler thoso two sovereigns I hnd bo stu pidly displayed ; nnd that, If I Jumped up nnd nsked whnt ho wanted, I might very likely get tho worst of It. Sol lay qulto still, watching him out.of tho cor ner of ono oyo; nud when hostopptd to listen, I snored. That rjassurrcil him ; nnd ho crept up to tho bod, tool: my trouscrs.whichlny on the foot of It, nnd feltlnthopockots. I lienrd my poor.two bilsof gold chink ni ho took them out, and nearly groaned. "Novcr mind," said I to my5oir,"ril hnvo the pollco down upon this houso to-morrow, ns sure ns eggs Is eggi ; so you may inakooffqtiictly now my man.'1 To my surprise, however, Instead of going out nt once, now ho bad got what ho wanted, tho owner oftho house for; I had recognized him went toward tho washstand nnd put his hand up to a small whltojitr which stood on it shell1 Just nbovo it. Then ho stolo softly out oftho romn, und closed thodoorbehlnd him. I lay quiet tor a ninttorof halfnn hour or moro, nnd then searched my trou. sers. Tho sovereigns wcro gone, sttro enough ; but tho silver was loft. Thero was uot much, Indeed; for I had paid my scoro over night, nnd had stood treat nt tho waysldo public houso besides. Next I went to havo n look at tho jar on tho shelf, nnd found that it was full of soft soap. Evidently, my host was not so boldtv roguons J had thought for; and if I hnd shown myself to bo awako he would probably havo mado an ex cuse, and let mo go off with my money, slnco lio was so careful to provldo against my suspicions. For I supposo his idea was this: If I took tho mat ter pretty easy, content to bclievo that I had lost my money somehow1, and that ho know nothing about it, well and good. If I mado moro fuss, ho would invito mo to havo n search, nnd defy mo to find any gold in tho house lor ho had owned to being very low in tho poekot Just then ; but if I proved outrageous, and threatened tho law, he would havo conveniently discovered tho soveroigns in tho Jar of soft sojp, and .declnred I must have put them thero for security over night, and had been too drndk to remember anything about it in tho morning. That was tho way I iuterprotod tho matter. Sol determined just' to tako my money back, walk off.and say noth ing about It; not being particularly nnxlous to havo to stand in n witness- box, and own that I had been in such bad coinpaay for thnt would not havo helped mo ton good situation, would it? It wn3 now fast getting broad day ; so I washed nnd dressed myself, nnd beforo I had done, I heard pcoplo stir ring in tho house. Thou I took tho Jir, and tried to fish my sovereigns out ; but they wero stuck far down in tho nasty stuff; and as steps camo towards my door boforo I had got them, I wrapped tho whole thing up in my handkerchief, and stuck it In my pocket. Then I wont down stairs; bado the slattern, who was tho only person I saw, good morning, and left tho houso; and precious glad I was to get nwny from it. After walkiug about three mlle3 ns hard as 1 could put foot to ground, I came to tho nlaco for turning off tho bye-road I was in on tho Heath ; and closo by thero wasabltof a pond, which, it occurred to me, was handy for cleans ing my sovereigns. So I out with tho llttlo jar, nnd, squatting down at tho eilgo oftho water, I proceeded carefully to wash it. I got hold of ono sovereign quickly enough, cleansed It, and put it in my pocket; but tho second had been pushed deeper down, nnd,whilo Ashing about with my flngcr.Ieamo upon somo other hard substance, which proved, when oxtracted and washed, to bo n di amond ring; nnd a rare,large,sparkling diamond it was too. After that I need uot tell you that I searched tho J ir thor oughly, rubbing overy bit of tho stiiffiil it carefully between my hands; and, be sides my other sovereigu, I found a pretty, bright colored stouo, which I learned afterwards was a valuable sap phire; and that was all. Then I went on ; and b -fore I had got far I met n string of homes out for ex ercise, and aecompanyi.tg them ou a pony was my cousin, who expressed himself glad to see mo,i nd asked mo to go homo and havo a bit of breakf tst with him, which I did; and during tho meal I told him what I wanted, aud ho said that ho feared I could not bo em ployed In their stables, jmt then, but that ho would mako inquiries, and do his best for me. After that I Informed him of what hnd happened tho night bo fore, and showed him tho jewels. 'By tho lord Harry!" cried he, qulto excited, "I should not wonder If this was part of the groat Bedford robbery! "What Is that? ' I asked. UTTitvn rn nrf ennn tf In Mrt IlmrVw9,, AAtVU jjuit Wk u-v,ll v w jm's J ho replied, "Lord Gllttcrbrlght's houso was broken into last month, nnd her ladyship's Jowol-box stolen. Wo will go and show these' things to tho Inspec tor, who Is a friend of mine, presently: for If I am rlght,it may ben good Job for you, Joe. Look hero !" And ho fetched a nowspnpor, and showed mo nn ndvortlsomont of a huu dred pounds reward for any ono giving nforiuation as should lead to tho ap prchopjjlQii oftho thloves. It has nothing to do with my ring,1 said I, "J havo no such luck.'1 "Most likely you nro right," replied my coiislnj "but thcro'a no harm lu try iug." So wo wont to tho Inspector,who had a, printed, detail of all tho articles stolon nnd tl(9 rjug secmod to unswer to ono of them. So I v cut that very afternoon n company with n detective to Bedford and saw Lay G(ltterbright,who blent Hied both tho ring and tlio looso sap phlro.whlch it scorned had formed' part of tho necklace. Then, certainly, thy heart gavoajumpj but It was a good step yot to finding out who actually did tho burglary, nnd touching thorownrd My keeper of tho pot-houso was taken up and his promises searched, but not li Ing moro was fouud. However, when ho was likely to bo tried for tho burglary himself, ho put tho pollco on tho track of tho men who had rcAlly dono it, in sclf'dcfenco ; fur it turned out that his part had been confined to concealing tho real culprits find providing them wlthi disguises; and for Hint lib hnd received tho ring und sapphlro, which ho had' concealed In that soft-soap, na tho least tlkeiy place! to bo examined In cage of a search. From his Information tho bur glars wero tracked and caught, nnd tho most vnlunb'o Jewels all recovered. Well.tu tho pollco seemed todoovery thlilg, tho notvspapcrs gnvo them nil tho credit, I feared that I should bo over looked altogether. But, no ; I got tho full hundred pounds.and a present from my lady besides which, I must fay, was handsome. And when I got this large pum of money as it was to mo then I began to think thnt, Instead of remaining man nlll my llfo.I should liko to bo master; and as I wns well quali fied to manago n livery stablo, having tlono everything for old Graves dur Ing tho last few years of hi3 Hfo I looked nbout for an opening, nnd, through n friend of my cousin's, heard of this plnco. Of course, I could not start In business to do any good with n hundred pounds; but n sporting lawyer In Cambridge, who had known mo many years.nnd bellovcd in my success, lent mo what was needful at a friendly flvo per cent. Well, sir, I waa protty lucky I may say, very lucky for I began In a small wny ; and, at tho end bf acouploof years, 1 wa9so well estab lished that a farmer gaVO mo his daugh ter, nnd Uvo hundred pounds down with her; and nllowcd tho money to bo put into tho business, too. I paid off tho last of tho loan to tho lawyer six months ogo,nnd at tho present moment I don't owo nny man n penny of coureo barring tho current account with my corn merchant. An Astonished Conductor. "Get aboard old llmpy," said n port conductor to on aged, plalnly-drcsfcd Iamo man, standing on tho platform, ,tltlnr- fill- Iho tdr-tml in itnnoi-t' den! . M . abord, old llmpy or you'll get left." At tnosignai ino oiti gcnticmnn quiet ly stepped nboard and look n soat by hirasolf. When tho conductor in taking up tho tickets camo to hini and demand ed his fare, ho replied: "I do not pay faro on this road." "Then I will put you off at tho next station." Tho conductor passad on, and a passen ger who hnd seen tho transaction, said to him: "Did you know that old gentleman?" "No, I did not." "Well, It Is Mr. tho President of this road." Tho conductor changed color and bit his lips, hut went on nnd finished tak ing up tickets. As soon as ho had dono ho returned to "old llmpy" and said: "Sir, I resign my station as conduc tor." "Sit down here, young man. I do not wish to harm you; but wo run this road for profit and to accommodate tho public, nnd wo mako it nn invariablo rulo to treat overy person with perfect civility, whatever garb ho wears, or whatover infirmity ho suffers. This rulo isimporativoupon overy ono ofour employees. I shall not rcraovo you for what you havo done, but it must not bo repeated." That conductor no-er afterwards saw among his passengors anothor "old llmpy." How A Dunce Ilecamc A Statesman. Tho following story is told oftho lato Dr. Salem Towno and Wm. L. Marcy : In his youth ho (Dr. Towno) was a teacher of youth. Ono day, soventy odd years ago, a boy was brought to him, of whom tho account given was that he was an incorrlgiblo dunco, thnt nono of his masters had been able to mako nny thing of liim; and he wns rought to Mr. Towno ns a last experi ment, beforo apprenticing him to a me chanical trado. Tho next morning Mr. Towno proceeded to exaralno him, pre paratory to catering upon his instruc tion. At tho first mistake lio dodged on one side, with every sign of torror. 'Why do you do that ?" nsked tho ma3- ter. "Because I waa afraid you wore going to strlko mo." "Why should you think so?" "Becauso I havo ni ways been struck whenever I mado a mistake." "Witt need never fear being struck by me," said Mr. Towno. "That i3 not my way of treating boys who do as well as thoy can." Tho lad ory soon improved rapidly undor this new treatment, so that Towno ndvisod his father to glvo him a liberal education Tho father could hardly boliovo tho report nt first; but was convinced, and complied with tho good master's sug gestion. Tho result was that William L, Mnrcy becamo an eminent lawyer, ono of tho supromo Judges of Now York State, governor, United States senator, and Sccaotary ot War nnd of State. The Qrateful Client. A New York lawyer, who procured tho acquit tal of a man who was under arrest lor as.sault nnd battory, was waited upon tho next day by his client and most gratofully thanked for his services "What can I do for you?" asked ho nllntlf.. " rCntlllno1 " rnnlln1 41, n. iiiirirnr 111111'r vnii i-nnr nn nil pn" , nniTii . - ...-- ........... u.....u . any number of votes." "I havo no po- llttcal aspirations," roplled tho lawyer, But ain't thero somo man you want to hnvo licked." rplnlnnel tho client. Tho poor lawyer has not yet recovered from" this powerful exhibition ofgratltudo. Blarney'. "Ah, Jemmy, Jemmy," said tho Bishop of Derry to a drunken blacksmith, "I'm sorry td seo you be ginning your evil courso ngaln: and, Jemmy, I am very nnxlous to know what you intend to do with that flno lad, your' son'?" "l Intend sir," said Jouiniy, "to do for him what you c&n not do for your son." "Eh.eltr How's that how's that ?" To which Jemmy, with a burst of genuine feeling, said, "I intend to mako him a better man than Ids father I" A i.tttle- boy, after watching tho burning of tho school houso until tho novelty oftho thliighad Ceased, started down tho street, saying, "I'm glad tho old thing Is burned down ; I didn't havoniy jogfry lcsscm, nowhow." Humorous. Gravity Is no moro ovldenco of wis dom than n paper collar Is of a shirt. A Wisconsin editor speaks of a wind which sat on Its hind legs and howlod. "Well, sir, whoa I first camo to this country tlmt mountain was a holo In tho ground." It is qulto tho fashion in Iowa, now, to dig a well and discovertho finest vein of coal In tho Htalo. A Cincinnati editor discovered after a roccnt skirmish that his antagonist had lunched off his car during tho affray. An Indinnapolis paper has this singu lar announcement: "Mr. G. Loo, of tho Commercial, has gono South for his wifo's health." A Western liberal Hcnubllcan nnner says thero la no amendment to tho Con stitution providing for tho ro election of General Grant. Tiio Now York Mall sta'os as ono of " tho advantages of being intoxicated," tho ability tojump from railroad trains without being killed. :V forelcrn wrllor. cnmnlnlnlnc of llm difficulties In tho pronunciation of tho English language, cites tho word Boz, which ho says Is pronounced Dickens. Wendell PhllllnsSava. "Putnn Amsr. lean baby, six months old. on his feet. and ho will Immediately say, 'Mr. Chulrman,' and call tho noxt cradlo to order.'' A man in Windham countv. Conn.. is said to bo working up a suv-log thir ty feet long Into a life for Glltnoro'sju bileo. It will bo blown by nltro-glyno-rlno. Sncaklnir of a certain friend's cholco of a wlfo, a candid clergyman remark ed : "I should ns soon thing of marry ing tho daughter of Beelzebub, and go ing noma to uvo witn ino oiu ioiks." A. weddlntr took nlaco nt La Crossoa day or to two ago ut which, according to tho Democrat, "tho lirido was given away by tho city, and tho city was mighty glad to got rid of her." A young legal lady in Ohio applied for n commission as notary public, but tho Governor responded that not ary u jy iiioiic lunction oi too sort count lawiut- bo performed by a female. Arkansasjournalism is peculiar. Tho Fort Smith Patriot nails Its colors to tho mast in this way: " For President of tho United States, U. S. Grant. For Governor of Arkansas, not Jo Brooks by a sight. Sucking eggs for tho championship is tho way in which tho rivalry of man hood develops In Tennessee. Tho best scoro thus far is thirty at a sitting, nnd tho winner thinks of opening a school for grandmothers. A Charloston paper says that an old colored lady of South Chrolina, wearing a red turban, was shot at by mistake for a robin, by Mr. Pincknoy. Sho thereupon accosted him with a brick, nnd gavo him a pink eye. A country minister complained to old Dr. Routh that ho received only five pounds for preaching a certain sermon at Oxford. "Fivo pounds 1" said tho doctor; "why, I wouldn't havo preach- eu mat sermon lor uity pounds." Mr. Collins, of Hartford, bought & ferocious watch dog. Mr. Collins camo homo lato that night. His wlfo says his trowsers can't do mermen, tbo doc's skin is for salo cheap. Mr. Collins hopes to do auio to sit uown in a low weens. A Salisbury (Conm) man recently hitched a yoko of oxen to a horso that laid uacK in tho breechinc." Tlio horso's head was not put ou firmly enough to test tho question whether ho or tho oxen wcro tho strongest. A Colorado man chased by wolvc3. was saved by his nlusr hat which blow offRnd fell iu front of tho ferocious ani- mals; they had never seen ono before, and while they held a meeting to in quire into its nature, ho reached a placo of safety. A Now Hampshire man committed suichlo last wcek,nt theago of threecoro and ten, ir tno reason mat no could not reform ins dissipated nanus, and felt suro that they would blast his ca reer in Hfo should they, become Tooted by many more years' indulgence. A California Judgo recently had a grocer brought beforo him for selling matencs witnout starans. 10 dec (led that tho grocer had not violated the law which forbids "exposing for salo" un stamped packages, becauso tho matches in question wero sold from under tho counter. Tho llttlo busy barkecoer in Boston eludes tho shining law byputtlng two uarreis 01 wiuskcv into a molasses nun- cheon and filling up tho puncheon with molasses. when a customer calls lio pumps whisky out through tho bung hole; when a Constablo calls, ho runs moiitsses ou tiiiougn tne laucet. A revival Is In progress in Marshall county, Mo. A young lady who had boon leading a somewhat Irregular Hfo. suddenly becamo open to conviction ami was convened, wnen tno minis ter had submorced her. and camo out of tho water, ho asked how sho felt in ncr mind, bho replied: "All hunkv. only a llttlo wet." A noto from a gentleman who was "snowed up" last weekin Maine, statis that during tho last storm so much snow was blown through tho key-holo 01 tno outsido door or tlio houso whero ho was stopping that it took two men two days to shovel it out. And that wasn't tno hardest storm or tho month by any means. A traveler stopped nt au inn to break fast, and having drunk a cup of whnt wns given to him, tho servant asked: "What will you take, sir; teaorcoffoe-V" "That depends upon circumstances," was tho reply. "If what you gavo mo last was tea, I want coffee; If it wits cof- fee, I want tea, 1 wouiu prefer to havo Innhnncn." , . . m m . 1 a vountr lativ ni i:imira niarrini h man by tho name of Dust, against tho wishes of her parents. After a short 1 mo nuy uyc-u umimijuiy iokuiult, unu ? "u ituiuu 10 uor minor a luusujuut tho stubborn Elmirnti refused to seo tier, saying. " Dust thou nrt nnd unto Dust thou snait return.'' Aim sno got up and " dusted." Atorekcener nt Qulncy, Mich., hav ing n pup that habitually upset tho imlnt cans 111 tho rear end or tho storo. rubbed tho dog's noso In tho spilled paint as a reminder nun no must not do 60 again. Last week tho animal again spilled tho paint, and, observing mat 111s master was engaged in waiting on a customer, tho doclio pup rubbed his own noso In tho mixture and ran howling out tlio back way. A funny 6tory Is told of ono Meek. nn Oregon pioneer, a great huuter and a man 01 mucn luuuenco in mat biato. Ono day in conversation with an Eng. Hah trnvclor John Bull Anally said: "Why. sir. you must havo lived hero n very long thno." to this JNiecK repneu: "I havo, sir: you mny woll soy thnt." Pointing to Mount Ilootl, ho usked, 'Do you seo that mouutuln?" "Yes."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers