RATES OF ADVKPTISING. S5he (ifalumMiw AND 1 1 published uviniv pit 1 day mounimu i v Tits columhiah iiun.niNO NEAnTiir. rouni house, liLooJisnona, i'A., jiy CHARLES 6. BROCKWAY, nntroit and 1'itormr.Ton. Tome-Two Dollar: a Year pnyaMo in advaneo. JOB PRINTING Of Alldcserlptlons executed with neatness nnd dispatch nt reasonable rates. Columbia Oountv Official Diroctory. .. .. . . . .......... ... ...... r AswcluU JlicfiffJ-Ir.AM UKlllt, IsAAO H. MON- 1'iuthmolani, rfe.-ltfnot.wt It. ""V-"' ,1V instret Attorney 3. .lYs Hmsos, Jn. nhrriff AA1I0N HMtTir, Mnmior-1 s A AO 1) it w I Tnawrcr WILLIAM LAMOf, tt'XSUeVi- crnci Huiiui.vs, lliitASt J. Brim n, William Hiiafieii. t4im(loVr' crfc-WILLIAM Kl'.ICKIiAttM, .dm 11. .1. CAMt'llELL, DANIBb LhE. l'ltAHLI.HCoN!IEIt . Vow t Ciiaiimh (I. Munrtiv. Ji n c ni?iijimm Isaac Mr1uide, John Mo ANALL. Icunw f. m rifiifcmtciil-t'liAr.LTS U.BAr.KLitY l.ti jvw Wifrfcf-Dlrectors, 8. II. Mu.l.r.ii Willi am Kiiami n, Hloomsburg, nnd Joh.nsoii J tit, i.iccnwoou, i.iiAui.r.a LOKrirji, cc y Bloomsburg Official Directory, llhamlvra llanllna Co. John A. FCKSTOJt l'resuient, II. II. OIioM, Cnshior. i'lijf Xuttonal JtanK-VHAB. It. FAXToN.Prcs't , J, r. i t'STiN, Lnnner. OohimMaOiimtu MutualStivtnff nmtlrtml TanA oelatlonV 11, Little, Prca'l., C. W. Millkh, See mshiirn HuUdtnn nnd Savdisr -HmMMoeia- (f. ,,wm. PKAroric, I'rcs't., J, II. HonisoN, Sec. Jllvrtmtittrg Mutual kaitna tml Asoetatlon- J, J. 1 HOW l.Il l'lCRlUClll, V, U. 1IAKKLEY, OCC y Bloomsburg Diroctory. nAl'l U BAGS Just lecclNtd nnd for salo nt tho X LOI.UM11IAN uince, CLOTIIIKO, D AVID LOWENBEltO, McrchnntTnllor.Mnln si.,uoove Aincricnn House. WM. MOIlltIS, Merchant Tnllor, over Itosen. stocks eonlcctlonery.opposlto Cudniniis fur. nlturo wnrerooms. drugs, chemicals, &o. 1.1 P. LUTZ, Druggist nnd Aiothccnry, Main dt. iJ, UtJIIJW HIO I list VJUll'il. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. Oil. HAVAOK, denier In Clocks, VntclicH nnd Jewcliy, Main st Justlielow tho Amcrlcuii Iloiuc. I OUIH IlKUNIIAltD, Wnteli nnd Clock ranker jj near soutuenst corner Mnlnnud Iron sts. p CATIICAltT, Wntch nnd Clock Mnkcr.Mnr- XI. , ketEticel, below Main, HOOTS AND SHOES. If M.KNOttlt, Denier In llools nnd Shoci, lntest J. nnd bent Ktyli s, rorner Mnln nnd Mniket Hlrecln, In Hie old l'ost Olllee. HKNHY KLK1.M, Mnnufaetiircr nnd denier In Hoots nnd Hboes, Groceries, etc., Main street, llloomsbuii;. I'ROFESSIONAIi. It. C. HOWKIl, Hurgcon Dentist, Main St., 1 IIUHV vo tlio Court House. DH. WM. M. lir.lSClt, Hurgcon nnd I'liyslclnn. UIllco over tbo l'lihl Nalliiiuil Uank, 0(1. 11A IlKLl'.Y, Attorncy-at-I.aw. 0lce, 2d . lloorln Exchange Ulock, near tbo "Kicliauno Until." 1 11. McKI:lvV,M. D.,HnrBeon nnd l'liyblciau J , noi 111 side Main St., below Mnrkct. "I O. IlUTTEIl, M, I). Burgeon nnd I'liyMclan rj , Market street, nbovo Main. I II. UOIIISON, Atlomcy-ot.I.nw, OlUcollurt t). man's building, Main street. DH. II, 1'. KINNEY, Burgeon l)ntlst. Teeth extracted witlimitpalu: Main til., nearly op oslte Kpl&copal Chuicb, T It. r.VANB, M. 1).. Burgeon nnd Physician, (J south sldo Main street, below Mnrkct. Dli. A. I. TIJHNHH, Physician nuil Surgeon, of lleo over Klelm's Drug Btoro, loslUeneo one Uoor below Hcv. D. J. Waller. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. 1.1 I'ETEItMAN, Millinery nnd l'ancy Goods, JJj. opi oppnslto Episcopal Chuieh, Main st, IflHS MZZIH I1AUICLEY, Milliner, llamscy 111 building Main fatieet. MISS M. DEHUICICSON, Millinery nnd Fancy Cloods,Maiust below Market, MltK. JULIA A. A BADE HAItlCI.EY, Lndle"' I'lnaks nnd Drest Pattern.,, bouthenst corner Main and Westst?. ilillE MIPSES 1IAUMAN Millinery nnd Fancy X Goods, Main St., below American lloube, HOTELS AND SALOONS. T.10UKH HOTEL, by T. Henl. Taylor, enst end 1' nl .Main street. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. .", ('. MAUH, Dry Goods and Notions, fcouth- Must corner Mulu and iron sts. riOX A WEHU, Confectionery nnd Hnkery, P lii.li'i.alc nnd retail, Exi'liango IMock, II C. IIOWEH, HntsondCnps.llootEnndShoes, 11. Mnln st nbovv Court House. II. MAI.E, Mnmmoth Grocery, tine Gro i) . cellos. Fruits, Nuts, Provision, Ac, Main nnd Cuitre Streets. M'KELVY, NEAL A CO., denlers In Dry Goods, G l nceries, l'lou r, Feed, Bait, Fish. 1 1 on, Nails, etc.,N. E. cor, Mnln nnd Market sts, Sll. JI1LLEU & RON, dealers In Dry Goods, . Groceries, Queenkware, Flour, Bait, Shoes, Notions, cteMainst, MISCELLANEOUS. I M. CllUIKTMAN, Saddle, Trunk & Harness J. maker, Hhlvo's IlloclC Main Street. DW, HOIlUlN.S.llquordenlcrsecond door from northwest coiner Main nnd Iron sis. T.i J. TIIOltNTON, Wall l'apor, Window Shades 1 nxturoH, Uupert block. Main St. GV. COHEI.L, l'urnltuio ltooms, thieo story brick, MalnKtieet, west orMniktt M, HHOSENSTOC'K.Pliotofiapher, over Uobblun & Eyer's Store, Main st. I H. KC1IN. diaili-r In Ment, Tallow, etc., Clieui 1' berllu's nlioy, lenrofAnieilcan House. fJAMl'EL JACOKY, Mnible nnd Hrown Stono nWorks, East llloomsburg.llerwick road. WM. KABU, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedor " v. mow waro.near the Forks Hotel, l,i R.niDLEM AN, Agent for Muuson's Copper 111" Tubular Lightning Hod. ( FOSTEH.Ulno Maker, and White andFnncy U. Tanner, Scottown. NOTE HOOKS, nnd blank NOTES, with or with out exemption, lor salo at tbo CoLDUiHAN OIllco. Catawissa. BP, DALLMAN. Merchant Tailor, Second Ht, . liobblus' lluildlug. IAH.J. fC. ItOllHINS, Hurgoon and Physician u nccouu Ul ueiow .iiuin, piLHEUT & KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd u general mercuamnse, juain Hireev T II. K1STLKH, "Oitlawlssa Houso," North o , Corner Malu uud Second Streets, I KE1LEH, Hlllard Snloon, Oysters, and Ice Ij. Cream lu bcasou MaluHt. M. nilOIlST, dealer In acueralMorcbaudlso ill. Dry uoous. Groceries &c, Ql'SllUEIIANNA or Ilrlck Hotel, S. Kosten. k) oauoer t'ropiieior,souiu.easbeoiucriuiuuiiu oitouu niixci. w M. II. AIlIiOTT, Atloiucy at law, Main St. Light Street. UI OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, first door , ubovohcuool House. 10IIN A.OMAN, Manufacturer nnd dealer In Hoots uud Shoes 8. KNT, denier In Stoves and Tin ware In uu us uruncues, 1)1 TI It LIST, Mille r, nnd dealer in nil kinds oi purchaktd, x uiiiii), r lour, r tiu, ac, ah juuub utuiuiu Espy. i V. EHGA1I, Husqueliuuna Planing Mill I IIUU JIUX IMRUUlUVlUllUg, Buck Horn, M & U.W. II. HHOi:MAKi:it. dculcra In ilrv V0LUMEVI.---N0 17. Orangovillo Diroctory, 11. nr.IlIlINO & IlltOTlIEU.CnrrcnlcrBnnd . iniihicrs, .Main si,, ueiow l ino. HICK HOTEL nnd refreshment Saloon, by HohrM'Hcury cor.of Mnln nnd Pino St. DIt. O. A. MEG AUUEL.rivyslclnn nnd Surgeon Mnln St., next door In Good's Hotel, 1-vAVII) HUIttllNO. FlournndUrlstMlll.nnd X AJcaierin grniii,iiiii.rcci, TAMEBH.HAHMAN. Cabinet Makor nnd Un u dortnker. Main St.. below Pino. SCIHIYLEH A CO., Iron founders. Machinists nnd Mauufactuicrs of plows, Mill St. AMUEL MHAUPLEHS.Mokcr of theHnyhurst UIUIUV.1UIIIV, iiiuiuni, ITILLIAM DELONG Bhoemnkernrnt mnnnfnC' I turerof Hrlck,MlllSi;.,wcstori,ino Philadelphia Directory. Restaurant antl BimnE loins, FRANK SMITH, Proprjotor. PHILADELPHIA, N. 11. Tho lorntion is central, tlio n.sldnntM nttentlve. nnd tlm tahlpn snoniipii with Dm iwnt tbo mnrkct nll'ords, fresh nnd well cooked, Glvo 11, ill uaii. "AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OltOCEltB, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers In TEAS, HYKUPS, COFFEE, SUGAH, M0LASSI3 nice, 81'icfs, ni cAitn soda, r., .tc. B"Ordcrs will recelvo prompt ntlcutlon. may 10,07-tr. JJARVEY 15. WALKER, with M.EAR, SCHROl'P A CO. IMl'Ol'.TERS AND JOIlllEKSOK CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWAlli:, No. 103 NOUTH SECONDST., PHILADELPHIA. S'Orlulnnl nssoitcd rncknircs of Oueenswnro coustiiullv 011 hand, icbtU'ra-tf. Busiuesa Cards. II. LITTLE, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Ofllco Com t-Houso Alley, bolow luo Coldm bian Ottlcc, Hloomsburg Pa. c. R. IJROCKWAY, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, ni.ooMsr.rjna, pa. 4S-Office Court House Allev. In tho Co. LUMiiiAN building. (JnuVC7. c. W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, rifttnn rnMt ITaiok, A 1 If... II.. iiian Ofllco. llouutlcs, Hack-rny nml Teusionfi collectctl. Uloonif.buru I'n. sep.20'67 JOHN Jf. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFIPI! ftbnvn llnwfirNl Slnrp. Afnln kfrrt Hloomsburg, l'a. JOBERT E. CLARK, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Ofllpn Mnln Rirppt. liAlnw tlift CTonir! Unniu. Hloomsburg Penn'n. B. laiANK ZARR ATTOHNEY AT LAW, HLOO.MSnUHO, PA. OIllco witli J. O. Frctze.Hrowcr's Illock. Can l o consulted In German or English, luchSU'TJ-tr JIIARLES C. LEIDY, ATTOIIS K V-AT-tA W. OFFICE ON OAK STItEET, MOUNT CAT.M EL NOUTIlUMllEnLAND COUSTV, l'A. Collections nromntlv made. Convevnneluc neatly executed am. nil other business connect ed with Ills pofesslon eniefully attended to lu Montour. Northumberland and Columbln coun ties. ms,ls71-U. jEW STOVE AND TUN SHOP. ISAIAH HAUENBUUH, Main Street one door nbovo E. Mendeuhall's Store. A large assortment or stoves, Heaters and UaUEOi. coustantlv on hand, and lor sale nt tho lowest rates. Tinning mall Its branches earefollvatton.led to. and satisfaction guaranteed. i in worn 01 nn sinus wuoieaaie ana retail, a lal Is icquesled, Janl'71 E LOOMSliURG 91 A It II TL 5: W O It II s. MAIN ST11EET, 1IF.I.OW MA11RET, HLOOMMUUHO, PA. Monuments. Tombs. Headstones. Ac. Work ueatlv executed. Orders bv mall will iceelvo special attention, N. II. Work delivered Heeol charge. T, L. GUNTON, Proprietor, ociia 71-11. r. ej. iiox 1TJ7. "ETERINARY. AUGUST FIIIEND, Into frcm Germany, oilers his services to the public as a cclcbiated HORSE AND COW DOCTOR, . nnd all other aulmals, for which his charges aro nioueiale. lie can always be lounil east side 01 Berwick rood, neaiS. II. Jaeoby's Maiblo Yard. i)!ooiii;ui!!, .nay 1., jeii-i. RGAINS RARGAINS. QUICK SAI.FS AND SMALL PI'.OI ITH. SAVE YOUlt MONEY. Go lo TTI'VIIV vna'p East Hloomsburg. i'n., for nil kinds of the bust borne nud city made r u 11 n 11 u 11 tj . Pilces rensonnblo and tho bo" '"ork done. Jan P7-tf "yULCAN WORKS, I) A N V 1 L L K V A. WILLIAM II. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Uridges, Hollers, Gasholders, Fireproof Hullillugs. Wiought Irou uoouug, iiooiiiig names, riooring nun uoors, Farm Gates aud fencing, also Wrought iron pip ing, stacks and nil kinds of Smith Work, Ac. Hepalrs promptly attended to , . 11. iiiawiugs anti rjumaics suppueu. oetr'71-ly. Nl.W 1UIIK. i-uiliw, aim,' 1.1 v I'.iei'uui,. NEW AND FULL-POVe11F.D STEA MHlIII'S. THE SIX LAHOKHT IN THE WOULD. OCEANIC, CELTIC, HEPUHLIC, AT1.ANTIU, 11AI.11U, AlllHATIU, li.u 0 tons burde a a,WX) li. p. each. Kolll.v. from New York 011 SATflltDAYH. from Liverpool on THUUSDAYS, and Cork Harbor tlio day lollowlng. .... ... From tlio While Slar Dock, Pavoula Ferry, Yvisseiiner nccommodatlons (for nil classes) unrivalled, combining ..., MAI' 1.11, orr.r.11, Ar.it uiruiii'. 1 - Baloous, state-looms, smoking-room aud bath rooms lu nililsliip bectlou, whero least motion is felt, surgeons and ttowardesses accompany these steamers. Hatfs Hnlonu. f so cold. Bteernce. f30 curren cy, 'lb jse wishing to bend for Irieiids Horn tho Old Country eau now obtain steerago piepald C'criiuciucs, currency. l'ahscngers booked to or from nil parts of America, Paris, Hambutgh, Norway, Sweden, India, Australia, China, etc, Exciustou tickets grunted at lowest rates, Drafls li 0111 1 upuurds, For Inspection ol plans uud other lnfoiniutlon, apply to No, 19 lltoadway. New York, J. II. HPAHKH, A2cnt, Or to W. PEACOCK, ' JaulStf Uloombbuie, Pa. PEEPECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. Tho Hi Bl und only self-feedlug Anthracite Coal Stove over Invented that will Perfectly Consume all tho gases. Warranted the HiajT HEAl'ING STOVE In tho country. Bend for Price List nnd Circular to Ml'lCHELL, SI'EVENSON & CO., Htno Muiiiilflcliirers, Plllsburijli, l'a, Miacollnnoona. ENTISTRY. If. (!. ltflWr.1l. IIKHTtST. Itespectfully oilers his professlounl services to uu, iiuiit'H iiiiu gvuiicmcu oi iiioomsourRnuu vi eltlltv. Ho IS lirensrpil tn ntlrml tn nil I hr, vnrt ous oneratlons 111 the. linn nMiln nrnfr.Rnlnn.nn.1 Is provided with tho lntest Improved 1'oiicei.aih if f.tii which win no lnseriea on noni pininitf sliver nnd rubber bsso to look nswcll nstho nnf. urnl teeth. Teeth extrncted bv nllllio nownnJ mnstnpprovcd methods, nnd all operntlons on tho teeth core full v nnd nrnnellv attended tn. llcslilenco nnd ofllco n lew doors nbnve the (.ourniouse, snmo sine. Hloomsburg, Jnn,P71 ly rjlIE GREAT MAGICAL 13 .4 I II r It C 13 It J Will rorco n beautiful set of Wlilnkers or Mus tache, lu from two tn thrrn tnnntlm. nn imv tier. son over twelvo years old. It is ono of tlio best preparations to mnko tho whlskeis grow Hint evcrwns known. One boltlo or It issutllclcnt to prodtico n very stromt benrd. It does not lu nny way stnlu or Injure tbo skin. Try Itl It Is no liumbuu, prlcu a.) cents per botllo. Scut by nmll post paid, In nny address, on rcelpt ol price. Address WILLIAM 0. WAONEU, AllUUlSVlllf, n'u , 71-ly. Adams County, Pouun NB RANGE AGENCY. Wyoming . Minn Kultou N. Y , North A moi l, n City IuUrnntlonnl N.Y.... Niagara N. Y Meiehnuts HprlngHcld Farmeis' Dnnvillo i: filll.MM 1,0110,(11:3 100,000 31.0,010 450,01X1 1,400,CCU 1,000.011 ilSO.OOO 570,000 SOO.WO im.im Mutual, l.WO.UU) 600,'JOO m'tl, A 111 nt, llLllOUHRCKO I n. Y Albany City Danville, llnrsu Thei A,t,.H,l.. XT V t Oermnula', N. Y.".""."Z FF.EAfc Ut; msiSl'Tl ly. J.INKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST AND I1EST IN USE! HAS HUT ONE NEEDLEI A CHILD CAN HUN IT I Designed especially for llioute of families, nod idles Vihodttdio to knit for the market. Will do tcry stitch of the knitting In a stocking, widening and nnn owing ns rcndlly as by hand. A10 bpleudld for iiorstcds nrrd fancy woik, TAKINd FIVE DIIFEHENT KINDS Ol'' STI'ICH! A10 veiy ensy to innnnKe, and not liable to tet out of order. Eiery l anilly should have one. Wo wnnt nn Agent lu every town to Introduce nnd toll lliem.louhomwcnllertlioinostllbcral InilllPpmntlt . rtul In.nltr l'lr.iitn.h,l(lnn.l. Mtocklni;. Addrisv. HINKLEY KNITTING .MACHINE CO., nov. 10,'71-ly. H.ith,JIo. J C. HOWER, has opened a flrst-c.ass BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND iUH STOIllJ, at tho old stand 011 Main Street, r.loomsburg.afow uwm .umu UIU l.ouri UOIIIO. Ills SlOCk lOCOm- posedof tho very latestaud beststyles over oiler ed to tho citizens ol Columbia County. Ho can accommodate tlio publlewitlithofollowlngEoods nttho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stoga boots, men's double nnd single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, men's lino boots nud shoes or nil grades, boy's double soled boots nnd.shncs of nil kinds, men's tsiuu urn iMiimufui biiues,nieu-s, womcirs.uoys'a and misses' lasting gaiters, women's clove kid Polls), VPrV film WIIIIIUI1. .nnr.innn 1n, ......... I,, n .. . calfbhoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait- ged und sewed. uu wimiu niso caiiaiteniion to ms nne assort ment of ATS, CAPS, FUKS AND NOTIONS. ...in uuiii in ici nn 1 uu new nuu popuini vari eties at prices which connotfallto suit all. Thcso tnnilK nw nll..rp,l nt flin Im.n.l nn.li will be guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited belore puiehnslng elsewhere as it Is believed that better bargains are to bu found thntl nt. ntl v nllin. nla.a ,l,n nm.n,.. Inn 1.7, " ' WlIE OUANG E VI LLE MAN UFAC- JL TUHI NO COMPANY. MANtlKACTUIiLlia OF AG RICULT URAL IMPLEMENTS of tlio most Approved Ptillerns. mm nettling, Jobbing', mill ':istlni;ii of all descriptions. DEALEltS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, &c, &c. ORANGEVILLE, PA. Wo would announco to tho public in general Hint wo have taken tho well known Agrlcul tur al Works of this placo aud shall mako It our aim to manulacluro First Class Agricultural Imple ments equal to any other makers lu tho State, such as litcIiiiicH, Colli Lover and Tread Power. IMowh of every Dcsc.'lntioii, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOR MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all to bo tho best plowexlnnl lor the Uriucr. Also tho CliniiiploEi, Sicrns' Patent niiel 'Flic -tlontrosc. ALSO, DOUULE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Iron Eicttlcs, and Castings of every description. Wo shall uso none but tho best materials nnd employ nouo but competent and experienced ineeliaulcs nnd our pi Ices will eompaio uvoinbly with any other manufactur ers. Country Produce, Lumber, Old Iron, taken In exchange. Wo nlso haven store In connection with our Agricultural Works, where may bo lomid n full assortment nf MEHCIIANIilSE which will bo sold nt small profits. Glvo us n call before puiehnslng elsewhere nnd we gunr nuteo satlslactlon, mirchzSTJ-ly. Hotels. gENTON HOTEL. V. r. PIATT, Projirletor, DENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This well known House having been put In thorough repair Is now open lor the reception oi visitors. No pains have been spared to ensure the perfect comlort ol guists, Tho proprietor also tuns n Stage liom tho Hotel to HloomsLmrir and Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday uuu Duiuiuuy ui mi'u wtmii, uau 1 ion rjpilE ESPY HOTEL. ESI'Y", COLUMBIA COUNTY', VA, Tho undersigned would Inform tho travelling fiubllc that he has taken tho abovo named estab Ishnient nnd thoroughly relitted the same for the perlecl convenience of hlsguests. Ills larder will bo stocked with tho best the market ndords. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to uu inituu 111 111s uur. WILLIAM FETTIT. Espy. F THE NATION Its Rulors nnd Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nothing like It. Strikes everybody ns lust tho book 1 hey need. It Is all liueyclopajdln of tho Government. Single pages lu It, aro oi them silvvs worth theprlooof the book, Oier WlOpafi unaunt&r 8.du. a ivicu imrvtii lorLanvussers ladles and gentlemen burners, teachers and Ci.lpnlu iitmnnrnt .ml- 7ft . ,1rr tn n t.-ttt ilnti.i . U If'l ell lifllir uiutic, caerc ute uoqk ojyifarfii. q .w H tiuy cuu uu I'lfurcu lu luir lerriiury. h rut m once for Circular aud Information. NEW WOULD l'liiu.iMiur.ii uu., Lor. 7111 anuuar. Uct Streets, Philadelphia. foct. tl,'7My.J -n J. THORNTON JLj. would nnnouucotolho citizens of Blooms burg nud vicinity, that he ha Just recelvcda lull nna complete ussouiucui u, WALL rAPEIt, WINDOW SHADES, KIXTU11E3, COEDS, TASSELH, and all other goods lu his line of business. All thu newest and most approved patleius of the day are always to be fruud In his establishment. iuur.0. uy-ll tuuiumiusiun T USTICE'S BLANKS. We now hovo e.n baud a lingo neatly printed nunrlmiinl nf .1 HhTII'K'M nnd CONHTAULIX BLANKS, to which wo Invito the attention of tliesoniurcis, BLOOMSBURGr, PA., REMOVAL!! 1. W. NILES', MUSIC WAR E R O O M S Imvo been removed lo tbo NEW RIUC1C RUILDING OPrOSlTi:ilioI!PiHC'OI'ALClllinciI,.MAIN0t. Where no will keep n sencral iissortmcut of THE LATEST SHEKT MUSIC, PIANOS, ORQANS, VIOLINS, mid oil KINIW OP MUSICAL INSTltUMEN'IS. Also .MUSIC HOOKS fcirnlllNSTItUMENTS. PIAN'O AND OHO AN STOOLS ALL STYLES AND I'KICES. THE SHOEMAKER PIANO is tlio cheapest FiiylG1:i.ri Piano in tlio market. Having secured tlio Agency nl tlio GEO. WOODS' HE.VOW.S'ED OltGANS, forOolttmbi.t County, together with tlio CELEUItATEl) TIOMPI.E ANGELIC, furuUhes ndvalitntros In mirrhfiipr.. not r.inn.l elsewhere. STATIONARY OF ALL KINDS. A full nssorlinent of SQUARE AND OVAL FRAMEES, nil styles and prices constgiitly on hadd. STEKL EGHAVINGS, CHHOMOS A- TOLOHED i lll. 175, rTl-U(.USCUI'J2 AND ITOS. 3-Call and exnmlnc. inch8'72-0m. JVEW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM Having puiehascd the business of E, P. Lutz now olleis at the old slnud. n cLoicensEortmen of DHUUS, CHEMICALS, PATENT .MEDICINES, 'OILF.TAUTICLES, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, &c Ac. And n general assoittueutof the choicest goods usually lound lu llrstclass establishments, t'ltvclpln.iu' ltrpuprltt, Inn. nti.) Pn.nllv ItpplPQ Caiefully Compounded, uit nuuuuys, upen iiuiu o it. 111., lit ivu. iu,,iiiiu from 2 p, m., to 4 p. in. OEItMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. fcbO'TJ-tr QONNELL & RATTIN, Wholesale and Itelall Dealers In BUILDERS' AND CARRIAGE HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, Rims, Hubs and Spokes, Springs, AXLES, urnl PIPE ROXE3, HORSE SHOES, mid HORSEIIOE NAILS, CEMENT, PLASTER and SAND, GLASS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS and TURPENTINE, Manufacturers of TIN WARE. Agents for Pairbank's Scales ! PLUMUINO. STEAM mid OAS FITTINOt 3- Orders by mall solicited, and promptly filled. 118 Fcnn Avenue. opr. t.uretr. FRIDAY, APRIL 2G, Postical. Tlio Origin or tlio Slminrocli. HI. Patrick sat In a Hold ofclovcr I'ondcrlng how to mako pagans think, And ns ho wns turning (ho problem over A Bee climbed out from the blossoms pink. "What dost thou hero?" said tho Saint lo tho Boo. SaldlhoIlootothoHaluti '"TIs my busyway, To plungo head-first lu the flowery sen, That heaves In tho breeze of tlio Summer day," "What flnd'st thou theio?" said tho Salut to tho Bco. Bald the Ilco to tho B.tlnts "Tliero bo fairy bowers Down 'mid tho root! of tho clover tree, Whoro elves wcavo charms out of thrco-lenvod flowers," "What can a three-leaved Ilowor do To spoil-bind men?" said the Saint lo Iho Bee: "Can there bo stronger than throe nnd two, Like this flvo-lolled spi ig I hold on my knee?" Said tho BcolothoBMnts "Now lend an car To words that honey to you shall be, For I am tho queen of tho fairies hero And your thoughts aro as plain as noon to mo. "Sad Is your heart, nud grieved your mind, Because tho work that you'vo begun, Vainly youstrlvo a typo to Und That tells of tho mighty Thrco In Oue. "Yet down In tho nooks of tho shady dells, Whero mosses mould aud cowslips blow, Aud snails aro safe lu their painted shells, Tho symbol of Thrco In Ono doth grow, "A llttlo trefoil with pale green lcavos That hides Itself from the light of day, Under tho wcl) that tho spider weaves, Aud fairies calllt tho shamrock spray, "Gather tho llttlo silent plaut Silent In voice, though Its leavc3 can preach ; And llirec-ou-ouc-stem will tho tnlnds enchant Ottho pcoplo you h.ivo como to teach," And thus It was that St .Patrick found Tho Bymbol with which men's hoarls ho won, Inn tiny plant whlchclcnves to tho ground But whoso lenves nro tho book of Thrco lu One, .Vew Yorh Standard, Miscellaneous. YIOLM'. "Mlsa Violet, will you glvo tlild letter to Mrs. Multby?" I had my hands full of drawing mat erials, but I received tbo letter, and con tinued on my way to Mrs. Maltby'd dressing room. Tiio drawings wcro llttlo studies I had made whllo down at tho seaside, where I had silent my vacation, inado for Mrs. Maltby to whom I had been compan ion for a year and Mrs. Maltby had been interested in them, saying: "Touch them up a bit, Violet, and 1 will got a portfolio for them nnd keep them." I usually sat with her in her dressing room through tliomorningand thither I now repaired to touch up tlio draw ings. I gavo her tho letter, and wont to a low seat in tlio deep bay-window. I sharpened a pencil, and then happened to glanco toward my companion. Her fnco was ashy white. Tho letter was clenched in her hand. I had brought her bad news. I was shocked, but silent. I tried to lemoinber what I know of her family relations. Sho was a handsome, black- haired women of fifty, who had been early widowed, and returned to her father's house. Her parents wero dead. Her mother had died in her Infancy, and slio had been tho mislress of Red- bum over since. It was not long, how ever, sinco her father's decease. Sho had no.-er bad a child. Sho had no brothers or sisters whom I had ever hoard of. I saw her burn tho letter, and then sho rose nnd left tho room. A week passed. They wero quint and comfortable, but rather monotonous weeks at Redburn. Wo had company to ditto. I was dressing her hair, as I sometimes did. Suddenly, without knocking or warn ing, tho door was Hung open, and n young raau walked In. T felt Mrs. Maltby start under my hands. I, myself, wa3 frightened, tho intruder looked so bold aud reckless. Ho was very handsome, but ho look ed to mo to havo been traveling long, or to havo como out of some revel. Mrs. Maltby did not speak to him. Ho seated himself before, and not far from her, however. "Go on, Violet," sho said. "Certainly. Let tlio young lady pro ceed with her task,'' ho said. "What I havo lo say need not intcrforo with her employment. I understand that sho is your companion nnd confidante, though I havo not had tho pleasure of meeting lior before. "You refused mo," ho said, in a far different tono from that In which ho had first spoken. "Certainly," sho answorcd. "Do you want my blood upon your head?" bo exclaimed. "I washed my bauds clear of you long ago," sho answered, composedly. Ho got up, and commenced walking tho lloor. "I tell you, Whirred, I must havo this monoy," he said. "I must liavolt, nnd to night." Mrs. Maltby was silent. I caught a glimpso of her fueo. Flint was not har der. "Lei mo havo It, Winfied," ho said, pausing before her j "and I promise it shall bo tho last tlino." Sho mndo no reply. "Thu last tlino. I mean it, Winfrod. His volco faltoroJ. Sho did not speak. "Will you V" "No," sho roplied, with no emotion "I told you, rnoro than a year ago, that I should pay no more dobts of yours. I meant It ; you know that I meant it. I havo given you fair warning. I shall not change I havo dono my duty by you, Guy you know that I have." "Yes, you lmvu been Just but you havo never been morclful," ho roplied. "Oh, God !" Ho thing up his arms with a bitter cry, that wrung my heart. I looked at her. No, sho did not re lent or go to him. Ho had Hung him. self into u chair, and with his head dropped, his arms folded upon tho back, was tho m6st hopolcss Hguro I had over seen. Ho gavo u groan, aud started up sud denly, Ho remained but it moment longer. Wrapping his cloak about him, ho gavo her ono look of reproach, and left tho room. I lookod wistfully at her: sho did not speak to tno, and , too, went away. Sho was ill tlio uoxt day, but ou tlio day following sho appeared much ai usual, (JOL. Of all that I thought and felt I, of course, said nothing. Tho matter was no affair of mine. I understood that tho two wero brother mid sister that tho young man was named Guy Sodlcy that ho was dissoluto and In dlsgraco, that Mrs. Maltby had taken caro of him In boyhood, but now Ignored tho rela tionship. I was In no way allowed to loam any more. Hut on tho second night I wa3 nwak oncd by a light shining into my cham ber. It was something unusual, for tho llt tlo cloak on tho mantlo was chiming twelve. After a moment I slipped out of bed and glided toward tho door. Tho long, embroidered folds of my night dress tripped mo, but Imado no nolso with my baro feet on tho deep velvet of tho carpet. I don't know what I expected to seo certainly not Guy Scdley.kuccl Ing heforo n sandal wood chest, with papers strown around him on tlio floor. A taper, burning In Its sliver sconco upon tho wall, showed his faco perfect ly cool as ho wenton searching forsorae thing. Ho must havo comothrough myrooin to reach this apartment, for It had no opening but Into tny chamber. I was nwaro that tho papers In tho chest wero valuablo that tliero was monoy placed there. I saw that ho was robbing his sister. I saw, loo, a dirk knlfo on tho floor, closo at his side. I looked at him an instant then glid ed forward, snatched tho knife, and leapt back to tho door. I was mistress of tho situation, fori had como from behind him, donoall.ns in a fla3h of light, and as ho roso to his feet I stood with my back to tho door, with a calmness that showed It was not my intention to immediately arouso tho houso. With a presenco of mind equal to my own, ho put tho roll of bills ho had been searching for into tho fob of his waist coat, and with a glittering eyo regarded mo speculatively. I was pe tile, and I had not screamed. I know now, that ho was not much afraid of mo. "You havo been robbing your sister," I said, "but if you will put tlio monoy back I will let you go." His intent attention ol mo changed to a look of wonder. "You child, nro you not afraid of mo?" lionskcd. "No," I answered, truthfully. '"I watched you in your sleep, a mo ment ago, debating whether it wero necessary to kill you or not." "You must havo been glad to And that It was not necessary. Put tho money back," I said. "No," ho said flrmly. "I will murder you first." "Do not do that," said I, ' I am your friend. I was sorry for you that day." Ho did notspcak, but a troubled look disturbed tho palo fixednes3of Ills face. "How much monoy hnvo you there?" "Ono hundred dollars." "And you need it very much?" "Very much," ho replied, with a bitter smilo. "Pleaso put it back," I said. "Sho ha3bconJust to you, I would liko to bo merciful. I will glvo you the monoy." "You?" "I havo it ye3 havo it In my room. Let mo show vou." I flung open tho door, went to my writing desk, and camo back. "Theso I will glvo you freely." I said, opening tho roll. "You said to her that it should bo tho last time, and I hopo " lie had taken tlio bills into his hand, looking at them in a kind of unbeliev ing way. "You may hopo that you havo saved mo," ho said, inn low volco. Wo wero silent for n moment. "You know now that I was very sorry for you," I said with tears In my oye3. "Yes," ho said gravely," and I Iovo you for it." Ho put Mrs. Maltby's money back and rn-arrangod tho chest. I bogan to listen, nervously, for voices about tho house, but all was very st ill. Ho lock ed tho chest and gave mo tho key. "You know whero It Is kept?" "Yes lu n drawer In hor dressing room." I wonder how ho had got It, "Hurry and getaway." "There is no danger; 1 paved ray way carefully. Pure, bravo girl, care less you aro for yourself!" Ho looked at mo earnestly, as If ho wished to carry away a clear memory of my features, then wrapped his cloak about him, Hung up tho sash, and leap ed soundlessly oiit Into tho darkness. I extinguished tho taper and crept back to bed. I did not hear a sound about tho houso until daylight. A year lator I was tho mistress of Redburn ; tho beautiful houso, tho spa- clous grounds wcro all mine. Mrs. Maltby had died and bequeathed them to me. I was young ; I was fond of gayoty : I had now the means at my disposal, Every summer my houso was filled with guests. In tho wlntor I was in Now York or abroad. Threo years passod. I had novor heard a word of Ouy Sodloy, when, ono day tho Uroraloys, of Now York, who wcro coming to visit me, nskod leavo to bring a friend ; Iextcndod tho solicited Invitation, and Guy Sodloy camo. It was a shock, but ho gavo no token of tho past. Reclaimed from his errors, ho was so rettucit and manly that ho was tho most distinguished of my guests I loved him, but I thought, "ho must hato me, usurper of his ostato. Ho Is poor because I havo his patrimony. havo no right to Redburn, and I will not keop 11. I will glvo it back to him." An opportunity camo. Ho was sit ting on tho terracoone bright evening, I went and took a seat near him. "How lovoly this vlow is I" ho ox. claimed, pointing toward tho distant hills. "Yo3, and you shall wish for your right no longer, Mr, Bedloy. Rodburn Is yours, I havo no claim to it." Ho did not speak, and I went ou : " Your sister was just ; and sho would have mado you tho heir If sho had llvod to soo you what you aro to day." 1872. DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 10, "Rut it was your mercy, not her Jus tice, Miss Scoioy, that saved mo. Vio let, I lovo you, nnd I will toko Rod burn with your hand, not olso." I put my hand In his, trusting him, loving him utterly, and proud, very proud, to mako hltn tho master of Red burn. Tlioso Feet. Tho iato Elder John Smith, of Ken tucky, who died recently at an advan ced age, was ono of tho most eccentric wits south of tho Ohio river, and a truo gentleman, no was familiarly known throughout Kentucky and tho West by tho sobriquet of "Raccoon Smith." Whllo still in tho Baptist ministry ,and attending ono of tho nnnual meetings of tlio body, a tall, lank, green speci men of humanity presented himself bo foro tho Association as a candidate for tho ministry. Ho was regarded as being not entirely of sound mind, and labor ed under tho hallucination that ho was especially "called to preach," and kept constantly importuning tho association to grant him tho necessary license. In addition to his partially unbalanced mind, young Weeks was tho possessor of asliugonnd ungainly n pair of feet as over trod shoo leather. Tired of his Importunities, and not being disposed to grant tho Hccnso, tho Association handed him over to Smith, with in structions to mako nn end of tho uaso, and between them took placo tho fol lowing conversation : Smith "So Brother Weeks, you think you havo a splendid call to preach?" Wcoks "Yes, tho Lord has called mo to tho work, but the Association re fuses tho licenso." Smith "How do you know that you aro called ?" . Weeks" Know it? I feel it In my heart of hearts. I want my Hccnso." Smith" Do you bellcvo tho Blblo, Brother Wcoks?" Weeks "Certainly I do, every word of it." Smith "Well, if I can provo by the Blblo that you aro not called to preach, will you bo satisfied to drop tho matter nor further importuno tho Association for a licenso?" Brother Weeks assented to this, and "Raccoon Smith" deliberately opened tho Now Testament at Romans, x, 1C, and In a gravo tono read : "How beautiful aro tho feet of them that preach tho gospel of peace,", otcup then glancing at Weeks' largo foot, re? marked : "You seo, Brother Weeks, that the feet of tho preacher aro beautiful ; you, sir, havo tho most monstrous ugly feet of any raiui in tho Stato of Kentucky ; thereforo, by this Bible, it is clear that vnii hrtvn nnt. liop.n nsnonlnltv pnllnil 'I As Smith finished his romarks, tho entlro Association went off In a paroc- ysm of laughter, and Weeks, really concluding that ho had not been "call ed," bolted from tho meeting houso, and never afterward annoyed tho As sociation for license.'' .Singular Whisky riieuomcua. Tho La Crosse, Wis., Democrat tolls tho following: It appears that Mr. FI- field has been troubled with a fearful cold, which settled on his lungs, and his friends held a consultation and de cided to glvo tho gallant Sergeant an old-fashioned sweat. Ho was wrapped in a blanket and placed upon a cano seat chair, and about a pint of whisky put under tho chair, and a match touch ed to tho whisky. It is ovident that too much confi dence had been placed In tho fact that Madison whisky was never before known to burn ; but, bingularly as it may seem, this particular whisky did burn, and Mr. Filleld, with his well known astuteness, discovered tho fact as soon as anybody. Without stopping to arguo with his frionds as to tho sin gular phonomenon, Mr. Fifield aroso as ono man, ond with his hand on his heart, thanked the audleuco for tho warm and genial manner in which ho had been recoived, kicked tho chair over, and Jumped up. HoJumped well, but it is said that if tlio ceiling had been higher, ho would havo increased his leap at loast eight feet. On his return to earth his elocu tionary powers wcro brought Into requi sition, and ho mado a speech that In bllslorlng sarcasm and burning pathos has nover had Its equal in tho annals of legislative cxperienco. Dr. Woolcott was telegraphed for from Milwaukee and camo by special tralu.but gavo it as hisoplnlon that am putation would not bo necessary. Tho party with whom Mr. Fifleld boards, tno telegraph mrorms us, has raised tho prlco of Sam's board thrco dollars a week, bocauso it Is necessary to sot tho tablo for him on tho mautleplece. The Acies op tue Presidents. As so many of tho young men of to-day oro hoping and striving to achieve groatnossaud possibly osplro to hold high places In tho land, it may b'D of interest, If not positively consoling, to Know mat tnoso who havo hold tho no blest position, known to our form of government, attalnod it lato in life. Particularly is this truo of President Harrison, who was tho oldest of tho Presidents, bolng Blxty-sovon years of ago whon ho was elected. That courtly aud elegant old gentleman, President Buchanau was sixty-five when ho bo camo Chief Magistrate, aud noxt to him In point of years, yas Zachary Taylor tho hero of liuena Vista, and tho olov outh President of tho United States John Adams, Washington's successor, was slxty-ouo, a3 also was Androw Jackson, and both Madison and Monroo and also John Qulncy AiLtras woro utty-oigtit whon thoy attained proaldon Hal honors. Washington, Jofferson and Martin Van Bureu wero each flfty.seven and James iv. Polk, was forty-nine Franklin Plorco was noxt to tho young. est, being forty-olght, whllo the prosont incumbont.U. 8. Grant, was furtysovoa at tho tinio of his Inauguration. Of the throo Vico-Prosldents, Tyler, Flllmoro und Johnsou, tho former was flfty-oao, tho latter fifty-nluo, and Mr. FUImoro was fifty. nnn liift,. rtwrden )!nM m lift fsllllvfllenL la Noiipaielltypdottoor two Imoi lions, 1141 tbtep Insei turns, Hl'ACJ'.. 1M. SM, bX. IV. tip) i6.ro t io,oo 7 00 o.iw i.oo 9,00 12.0) moo 11,(10 17,0) 2V" 11,00 ,m i,oo avio wo.ox) mjm W,oo eo.oo loo.ai Ono liicli... . Two lucncs 'J'hroo inches. ls.00 . R.llJ . (1,(1) - 7.00 o w 7,00 o.nri 13,0) 1KJI0 Four Inches Onnrter column. 10,110 Jinn nmimn.. is.uu Ono column... 30,00 30,00 Krcentor'n or Administrator' Notice, 11,00 Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, llfio. Local notices, twenty cents n line. Carets In tlio "Ilinlness Directory" column, I2,i per year for the first Iwo lines, nnd 11,0) for each additional line. "Nothing in tlio Paper." Tho Richmond Examiner, lifts ft spicy chapter on tho subject of nowspaperr, elicited by thostcrotyped remark of In different readers after scanning tho "mlnlaturo world" of dally issuo of nows, that "Ihcro'a nothing lu tho pa per." It says. "Aud men aro always grumbling about their papers, and in sinuating how much bettor thoy could doit. They talk as flippantly about "flno articles" on overy Imaginable subject as if thoy could effect such a chango. Let somo of tlioso over run ning philosophers try It for ono hundred and fifty days in succession. And thon thoy think it is nothing to "solect" for a ncwiipaper, you havo merely to run tho scissors through a half dozen ex changes, and you havo got matter enough. Now this is tho most impor tant, and tho most difficult department to fill on a newspaper. Vory few men havo tho slightost Idoa how to do such work. It requires a thorough nowspa per man who knows tho public appo tlio well who knowB what Is going on In tho world and who knows how to ro-wrlto and pack n column into a doz en lines. Men who skim a nowspa per and toss it asido llttlo reflect how much brains and toll havo boon expend ed In serving up that meal. Busy heads nnd busy hands havo been tolling all day to gather nnd proparo thoso viands, and somo vast building has been lit from cellar to garret all night to got tho paper ready for tho nowsboy by crack of dawn. "Nothing In your heads, that's what's tho matter." Goon Advice. Wo wero slttlngwlth Horaco ono afternoon, says Don Piatt, lu that llttlo disreputable sanctum or his adjoining the counting-room of tho Tribune. Tho old gentleman was in ono of his chronic conditions of grumblo nud discontent. Ho had that mealy ap pcaranco so common to him, that mado him resemble a blondo miller fresh from tho dust of his flour mill, and was ex pressing his private opinion In a public and somewhat profano way, when a colored gentleman was announced. "Lot him como in," roared tho phllosophor, and an aged darkey, clad In broadcloth gold rimmed spectacles, and a cano headed with tho same precious metal, stalked in. "Mister Greeley, I believe?" ho In quired. "Yes, I'm Mister Greeley; what do you want?" was tho gruff response. "Well, sab," said old Ebony Specks, seating himself as ho deposited his hat and cano on tho floor "Well, sab., I've been thinkin' that our raco don't pay enough attention to scientific pursuits, sah." Wo saw tho cloud gather on tho in tellectual countenance of tho great journalistic Bohomian. It broko In thunder ut that point. In a volco wherein wero blended tho shrill tones of a hysterical woman and tho growl of a tiger, ho exclaimed : "Scientific pursuits 1 you old fool I You want a hoo handlo and patch of Now Jersey that's tho scientific pur suits you want. Get out!" Not Vouched Fob! A gentleman in Savin Hill, Mass., has recently im ported from Europo a selection of poul try noted not only for tholr serviceable and game qualities, but also for their remarkable Intelligence. At the sound of a bell they skip up a ladder, and, whllo awaiting tholr meal on tho sec ond floor, preserve the utmost decorum, standing in file, awaiting further orders. Tho meal being placed boforo them ono at a time, Is considered Inviolate until all aro served, and even then thoy re main abstinent until a second eoutul of tho bell gives tho signal. During tho meal there is no interference with each other's portion ; tho utmost proprioty is observed, and, ns each finishes his repast, ho stands quietly awaiting tho the bell which announces that tho meal is over, when, In military style, tho fowls proceed in singlo file down tho ladder to disport themselves as they pleaso. Some discount. One pleasant morn- Ing somo two or threo years ago, says the Hartford Times, a party of gentle men wero standing on tbo steps of the Tremont Houso, In Boston, enjoying their cigars, when thoy notlcod a coun try looking chap rldlng a slim, mangy horse up aud down tho street in front of tho hotel, apparently trying to attract tho uttcntlonof tho group. Ono of them says: "I'll bet that fellow has ahorse for salo, wo'H, soo." Presently along he camo, showing his beast, and was ac cosled with "I say, Is that animal for salo." "Well y-a-a-s, I might bo Induced to part with him ; but ho - is a mighty likely critter." "Is ho sound?" "Sound as a bullet." "Can ho trot?" "Trot! Well ho can. Ho can just mock a trot ter," "How fast can ho go?" "How fast? Well ho can go in four ralnutos; and ho would go faster if ho could. Ho'd lovo-tor!" "What is your prlco for him?" "FIvo hundred." Well, I don't want a horse, but I'll glvo five dollars for him." "Stranger no's yourn. But that's a blazln' discount." A member of tho editorial staff of tho Cloveland Leader, it is said, has invent ed a shcot-iron cat, with cylindrical at tachment and steel claws and tooth. It Is worked by clock-work. A bellows insldo swells up tho tail at will to a bo- llgcrent size, and, by a tremolo attach ment, causes, at thosamotlmo, tho pat ent cat to emit all noises of which tho living cat is capable. When you want fun, you wind up your cat and placo him on tho roof. Every cat,withln half a mile hears him, girds on his armor and baIHos forth. Frequently fllty or a hundred attack him. at onco. No soonor does tbo patent cat feci tbo vrolght of an assailant than his tooth and claws work with lightning rapidity; Adver saries within six feet of blra aro torn to Bhreds. Fresh battalions como on to meet a similar fate, and In an hour sev eral bushels of hair, too nails, and fid-dlo-strlngs alono remain, A man Is usually refused credit for ono of two reasons either because wo don't know him, or because wo do.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers