THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. Silk? (Ifoimubhm. r.i.oonar.tino, fmdat, jan. i isno Oun thanks nroduo itobort lloan mid II. W. Vnndcrallco. for mlsslnc mini borsoftho Columbian to complete our flics. The ccntlcincii who lmd in content platlnn tho erection of n Town Hull on thu corner or Main mid Market Hlreets. Imwilciltlcil not lo uii.nn with tho hit liTiivcniont lit present. Wiii'itll attention this week' to tho tulverlisemont of C. E. Savage, watch maker and loweler. XIO ha u flnoBtoek of mmU of thn very best quality. Ho has iiImi nil nhlo witlrhnmUcr, to attend to repairing of all kinds. Noticb. All persona deslrotH of ob talnlni: Tavc'-n Licenses for tho cnstl inff year must fllo their applications with tho Clerk of tho Court, on or ho fore tin- ninth day of January next. Don'tYoU to ro nnd hoar Howjctt's famous Icctuie "Illtsat. tho Time"." on next Wednesday (ivetilnj! nt the eourt house. Ho lias tho reputation of being ono of the most humorous upeakers nil vc. A liouK-risir, rceeiitly taken from tho Potomac, wn. found to contain in its stomach a certificate of iaetnber.HliI in the II. E. Church. Internal evidence of Christianity is always considered the most concliiilvc. To Post-Mahtuuh. In the transfer of several hundred additional names to our list it may be possible in a fow ca M-.swe have .lu plicated names. Whore two papers come to tho.'-anionddre-'S or where theynro sent to tho wronj: olnce, wo trust post-master will promptly no tify us by letter. DmtiN-a tho past week our ico men havo been busily engaged .filling the ice-houses in town. Tho ico is of good thickness and quality. lis uso lias be coino notonly a luxury but a necessity. In Hlcknrss, or for tho purposo of pro K-i'vIng meats and vegetables there is nothing better. A building for it can bo cheaply mode, nnd tho first cost of tho nrticlo Is nothing. Odd' Fellows Hall. Wo nro pleas od to learn from the Committee entrus ted with tho erection of tho Odd Fellows Hull in tliis placo, that tho building will go up next spring. We are glad to hear of this determination, and hope our citizens generally will cneourago tho enterprise. Tho building will bo an ornament to tho town, nnd tho Hal will supply n want long felt in this i urn m u n i ty . IScncick Gazelle. Sunday School. Conviction. This body met on Tuesday forenoon, nnd held three sessions dally adjourning Thursday. Tho oxeiclscs were of tho most entertaining and useful character. Profs. Oiborno and Taylor wcro pres ent, and added much to tho interest of the Convention by their lectures and teachings. Thuobjact docs not seem to have been fully understood as num bers of schools did notjoin tho Conven tion. Skatt.j.s. Takb Notici;! In view of tho skating season, tho following, Ironi Malt's Journal of Health, may s.ivo our friends who lndulgo In tho rc-erftilionof bkiiting no small amount of discomfort. "Iieforo starting for tho ice, bathe your feet in cold water, dry them perfectly, and glvo thorn a good rubbing with a crash towel, put on n pair of woolen or heavy cotton stock ings,audyotir feet will remain comfort ably warm for three or four hours In thu coldest weather." To Aijvr.urisicns. Iicyoiul nll'ques- timi llm fill 1 1 si t 1 . V- lu tt.ii I i iilrii.. Using meillum in this section of the S.nie. With a circulation excied iug any of our neighbor., we charge no nioro than our coteni oraries. Our pa per is tin.' organ of a parly which out numbers its opponents in this county two to one, and there is no method of reaching that population except through our columns. Tho person who adverti ses with us lias the satisfaction of know ing that lie has the ear of two-thirds of our people, anil that bin advertisement goc- weekly into 2,0C0 families. Notwithstanding tho hiruo aeccs-lon to our lists, tho rates for tho present wl'l remain unchanged. Wi: havo received tho "New Eclectic Magazlno" for January 1681, published by Trumbull it Murdoch, 01 Loxlngtim Street, Hiiltimore. Its selections aro iinado with great carobotli from English and American sources, and aro invnri .ably in good taste. Tho January nuin ibcr contains many flno articles from tho English reviews, biographical sketches of Huron Rothschild from the New York World, nnd tho Marquis of Hastings from tho NowYork Time. Tho typo mid paper urn of tho beat and tho or aiijo mid black cover, renders It tho most attractlvo in uppcaruueo of any American Magazine. a tho down train on the Lackawan- .ul lllooaisburg railroad was pass- IT -ii tho river brltlzo over Plttston lJ.",l-l IIIH.1,11. Ill I II',, .!.,, luMIIll.t . T -..sic-i - IVUay, It ran ovVr n young Welsh flrl iT'tiightcon years, named Joiim, . u'hj Bra.'fin' nil llm ll-1. 'I:. Khll as., ii c.iU'ij aruuril. and I'U'ecwrrl' vVii. two rails r i i. . . , iiic innum, una go; fl (j VwCii timbers. .Shu etirqw her mulda tho track and full i'tho cat- Ho yam, uui could not roistrj ner loot. . ... i .in lni'iiiiird J vi it:w(il invv hr.r mi. (rmniiig tuu bum's, i inductor ii.iiiwaiid onuor IwoussUtants carried ... I I ........ I... mi., r. ii I I. j iu ner iiuiiiu 111.-.11 uv. i iv lull miv (icrllfe, perh ips, but must iavn hro iiheranklo before tho train struck Wk would hkhIii call the rvttuntlon of I'oHtiniisteM to tho futt Unit when iioV!niiurs nro not iiiki'ii itum inoir oi '.tw.j. thov nro rrrtiitril'hv lou' tn irvltu u' fiWj'io.thu editor of tho nant'r not i . ... . vtuKin, iniiirif mi; nim 01 inorat't, ita . nyfl'ostmastoVi Hlmply return tlio nuper ' without Klvlngvtliu niimo of tho olllco, ' tliQri'by eausliiH much unnecossnry trou uUAIiir It Is lmMy to ho oxiiuctud that fwlttm Inrgo clroulntlon tho 1'ost Olllco ndilii or ench subscriber can ho rti- .ininl red, Wu trust ttila notice will boTgulick'iit to ciuibo 1'ost uuibters to oh jicrvif ho rctjulicini'iiti oftho law, I THE KALEIDOSCOPB .. A map or busy life, It. i nctuMlonnind Its vast co.ttrn.' " mo. vxxxx. a south AJtnntc'AN wivolution. In 1810, Now Oranndaond Venezuela under Uollvnr declared their Indepen denco of Spain, and In July 1821, after a lltllo struggle, tho Republic of Coluin bla was form ed Including Ecuador. Tho Republic wnsa failure from tho begin nlng, nnd dissolved nfter a turbulent existence of ten years. llollvar, Its head and front tho Washington of South America tho man whoo fiery zenl rouod tho sluggish natives from tho coast to tho Andes to revolution In 1830 wroto as follows to General Florcs "I havo been in power for nenrly 20 years, from which I havo gathered only u few dcfliiito results : " "1. America, for us, Is ungovornnble." "2. Ho Who dedicates ills services to revolution, plows tho sea." "il. The only thing that can bo done hi America' is to emigrate." "1. This country will Inevitably fall Into tho hands of tho unbridled rabble, and nttlo by llttlo becomo n proy to petty tyrants of nil colors and races." ''.'). Devoured as wo shall bo ,by all possible crimc3, and ruined by our fa rociousnoss, tho Europeans will not deem It worth while to conquer us." "(i. If It wero posslblo for any part of tho world to return to a stato of iiriml tlvo chaos, that would bo tho lust, stago of Spanish America." Tho predictions of tho "Liberator" uro being rapidly fulBlled. Jrom Mexi eo to Terra del Fuego tho people uro in a constant stato of rebellion and war. With constitutions of tho most liberal pattern, it is remarkable that there Is moro peace, prosperity, and real liberty m lirazil, under an Emperor, than in any of thoso hybrid Republics, which havo substituted American anarchy for bpanish despotism. In fact, it would bo better for that people, for civiliza tion, for Christianity, if they could ex change their wars, and bloodshed and tumults for tho rigorous despotism of Russia. It is not a matter of any difllculty to effect a revolution. It is not material whether tho administration is Just and humanoornot: whether tho leaders of a rebellion aio worthy or not; If they have money they can buy tho standing army, which is always in tho market, and can bo purchased by tho highest bidder. Added to this is tho hopo of plunder which is tho consequence of overy successful rebellion. Patriotism is a muro namo liberty a myth. While in Quito, Ecuador, I witnessed ono of tlieso periodical outbreaks. For some time tlio plotters had been at wor.c, und ono of them was said to be Carrion, tho Vice-President then nt Cuenca. Soon a favorablo tlmo for ac tion arrived. Tho Peruvians had blockaded duayogull, and lent tho fac tion! 3ts nctlvo support. President Ro bles by his tyrannical conduct had crea ted many enemies, who wcro actively engaged in attempting his overtlnow, and tho gratification of the Quitonhins was intense when they saw tho main army marched towards tho frontier, leaving tho Capital oxposed. On Sund'.iy May 1st, 18o9, hearing tho houls "Revolution!" "Revolution I" 1 ran out to tho Plaza Mayor where tho peoplo wcro congregating in large numbers, and apparently through a preconcerted understanding. Sudden ly tho crowd moved towards tho Presi dent's Palace. Thinking that it was to bo attacked, and wishing to witness the scene, I Joined tho throng'. Tho bar acks wero separated from the Capital by a narrow street, both ends of which wero guarded by squads of soldiers. In my eagerness to seo what was going on had reached tho head of tho column which now faced tho soldiers. In front tho barracks thu coniaiulunta bad placed a small piece of Artilleryy, and hastily loading it to tffo muzzle with canister prepared to discharge it at tho Insurgents. My position became u per ilous one, but I soon found escape was impossible, because in my rear was an excited mob of priests, uojrroes, Indi ans, womon persons of all eliisies and conditions lu tho highest state of ex citement, mid armed in anticipation of a fray. Wlnlo tho frenzied mob wero moving to the attack, u soldier with a burning brand stoppul towards tho gun with the Intention of discharging it. A few scattering shots at the same time wero fired by tho populace, and I iiivolunta- ily shut my eyes, expecting to be blown to atoms by tho discharge of tho gun. wnlio siiuildorl'jgiysiwiullng tlio Issue, I heard n shout from tho upper end of tho street. A detachment of tho mob had forced tho guaid at that point tfnd tlio soldiers, probably as tho result of a provious understanding, threw down their arms, and the Jlevolutlon in Quito teas compute. Tlio government was completely hanged, a provisional ono established, troops called out, forced levies made, enemies Imprisoned or banished, mid tho old ordor of things othcrwUo ie maincd unchanged. Tho different le gations wore thronged with refugees nnd their property, while their wives nnd daughters sought tlio convents for safety. I bellovo thoso asylums aro always respected. durum Moreno, a priest, was finally nuulo President, and though n man of much energy and ability, Ids adminis tration was probably moro reniarkablo for tyranny mid p"rsecution of political opponents, tii.i i of any of Ills pro- decossors. Quixn Ham: t Sad Acciiient. Wo icgict t.o mi nouncO that John Martlnco, u ounu lad, ajed about fourteen years,fornierly of tills nhtco, met with an accident at IXmvllloouo day this week, hy having hiu legs crushed by somo niino cam. Deatli resulted from thu great Injury uuMtalncd. Ills remains wero brought to this nlaco for interment on Wednes day last. JlenetcJc Oaztlte. Ni;v Ykau'i) (Juts. If you wish to maUo a sensible, and, nt tho mnio time, a valuahlo present to a friend, go to I.owenberg's well known store und get ono of his well nuulo and stylish units of clothes ur a handsome overcoat, Such a gift Is well worthy of accept auco. N. II. If you havo no friend to whom you wish to present buch a present, buy for yourself you will not repent of thu purchaso. Congress not being in session tho news from Washington Is exceedingly dull, Attempts nro inado to liiislt up tho breach between Uraut and tho Radicals, but It will nut. MISCELLANEOUS. A DMINlSTRATOR'S NOTICE. XV. E.1TATP. OF W. It. CIIKASr. tlKCEAfll). Lcttcraof mlminlstrntlon on tho mini of n W, Urwuy, Into of Hcott township Columbia county, uccenscu, imvo wit granted tiy th llf llcr ornnldcoimtrloKiimifl Oomv of mmf. twp. All persons hnrlng elnlnn or ilem.Bil. ngnlnftt thecstnto of tho decedent nro renue.ted to mnlto them known, nml tlwio IndeWed to Nov. i,'(W, A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XV. MTATK OF" IlKIirmA NAMI.R. llEf'lIAMIMI. Letters of administration on tho estaleofUc fceeen Nnalo, Into of Centre township. Coliitnlim. lifiConnty,deren.scd, luvvo tieen grunted hy tho uemsier 01 muii county, to Samuel Neylinrd ml- mlnlstrntnr. who reside In Centrn fnu'iivhln. All persons having claims or tlemnndn ngulnst renncsted In present them for selllement without dclny, nnd Ihoso indebted to iimttu i'iTinriii, , JAMVKf, NCTttAltli. Xov VM-Cl. Admlnl'lrulM. TUN1NISTRAT0US NOTICK. I rsTATnoF nANit, nr.smr.. tit:nn. TTIirr f n1lnlttlt rnttnlt in tho nulntn nf ilcrr.inctl.hnvo Kruntol hy the Itoglstrr or mid cnunty, to ChnrWft Kltneinmn. All personn ImvliiK clnlmnor ilcmtimU flgnlust tho tlt't-odcnt nro rr(iiesteil tn innko them Unuwii. nnl thiwo t , CIIAIILUS KIJVOI'.UMAN, DfC..'RCU AiltntnMnitor. 1 DMINiSTltATOK'S NOTICK xjL ExrATn or m;mUAtt dkak, uv.vkahvm. metiers niiMmin.suuuon on ino rsintc ttt iwu nnili Demi Into nf Cntnwliia t vt.. I'nliimlihi ( tlcccused, have liefti Rrnntcd hytlie ltcglsior of vi hi u iy io i it. uroc Kway ni inooin township. All pwns lmvliig clntini or tlrmaiKlt ngnlnst OiopHtnlft of tho dftcdent nrc rciiupoicHi k innite inem Known, mm u,mo in Uebted toinnkopnymont. Nor, 13,Gi-Ct. AilmlnMiuior i7XKctrrons notick. mstatk jLiof JOHN HirAIll'MWS.tlccriistMl, letter len- iiiNirninry on ine rsuiiew joun wiinrpicvB or CatawlsR.1 twp hnve lipcn grnntcil hy ilmltigH: tor of Columbia counlv, In ficome K. (lllbnt nf rjitftwlHiannil Itnl.iit l I'lnr't nf t(ioonj.hurjJ All pcrnotif hnvliiK rlnlni". nt'it tlii"slitU'iiiP rpfitiftnl to preKQiit tlirm for cttlenuitl, ami tho? ImlfbiPil tf tho cftntr f-ilhcr oiinntoor oncK nccouutwiu nmicu laytiifiii to tl.u hxctu 'its wiuiuiu (.iciiiy ti.j, n. ' i i , i i, MI lKIIl KTRLi.AHiv t 'O.w'tl'I, Nov. n.w-ot Oi?orpp Koult I tit tho Court of CnmtiHinl'leus for vm inecumy m uouituuii. ciit.. T. ntr.Ui Poult. ) 1SG. No, 12, Inillvoicc, ToK.irah Moult. Honnnilint. Tim rnrt. h.ivo Kr.intcil n rule on yon to show cm,, why a ilivorre a vinculo mntrtrnr nil should not b.Mlecred Kuturniitilo Mnnd.u, 1-fhtunrr Ivt, ivjo, nt 10 o t'loci: n. ni. .HUKMh.Al iMlijIiAUP, liloonisburs, Dec. Il(GH-it. Shftlir. s A 11A11N1CS3 MAKE 11. ORANQETILLB, Ct'I.UMniA COOHTT, PtMii'A. Tlirc Itmlrr-lcMCil rtiXf Ifntlv Infnrmu M friend and the public that hn has bought out TlIOM K KtTCKl.r:. nmt will rnntlnno I hi liimlnpag oft-tADDIJCnnd IIAHKIX4 MAICJNtJ, f n all Its various thcoid bland aburo Snyder b iiuici,uihi nopps u opsrrvn mm rccfivu uio pfll ronns? of all who need article In hi line. a u.WM ti i ;i mi i v, t.vt nua. B AXKUUPT NOTICE. In Titr. District Col'ht of tub rT.NtTKn Ktatm FOR Tlir WESTKIIN DIsntltT Ok 1 ItNSS Y LV N1 A. Lkvi KunT7. n Ilankrunt under tlio Act nf uniKivai ut, i-yi, iniMiifi appneii I'irn Dlscharco from nil hi ilehts, nnd othr cHiin provable under kald Act, by ordrrt r tlio Court, notick isimtEiir oivn.v, to all ( icdttor rliu navo proven ineir ucui, nim oilier person inte- relcil : lo nunear on the isth dnv nf F'n iijj. m.d o ciocic i , m., uerore k. uvrrlon, jr., iu., Heir tpr. at tho Jxchnniie ilotpl In MinninKiinn rniiinimf rausc, 11 any inry nine, wi.r n cnari:o siiouiu noi ue cranio i 10 1 1 to km i I it.inK rupt. And fuithcr, notice Is hruhy lvpA Ibal tho hrcond and Third iiirftltiL" of i 'icdiiin tlm sam lunitrunt. renuircd by the xTth and 'ih t-cc iimmii fcum aci, win do mm noiorn 11.0 said itcgisicr, at i ue same nine aim puce. Clerk or U. S. District Court for said Dltrivt. J ice. l!i,'US-'Jw. E ANKRUI'T NOTICK, in the iisrticr couitT ottiie I Nn i:n siv rr.n uiiiB ffMrnii. jninicr of rn.rM i.vama Mnnnsseh Mlebael. n llnn'.crunt under Ihe Art of Comire of Mnielt i'd. l'-liT. hut Imr u oIiihI lorn Discharge from nil hUilcbli'.iindolhi.rclulinH lirnvahlo underpaid Ae, hv onleroi ihe Oiiirt, OTlL,E I IIFttKIIV fllVKN. Ill lltl 1 l llll lirM U'hil iinve iiroveil ineir ueois, anil inner jierRons inter ested ; to npiiear on the J.lh d.y of Dee., IMiS at I'ot'lueli, I'. .M., oel.ire I-;. Oierton, Jr., Iq. Ueulster. at tbelXehanue Hotel. lllDoiiisbm-ir.l'iL. lo hlmw eanve, llany they lme,uhy a Dischatitu hhoubl not be granted to IheMiid llanktupt, Alal lurlber nolleo is beiebv uiMMi. that the Second and Third Meetings of (.'reilllnrHoi ihehnld Ilank runt, required by the J7lh and Seel Ions of sniu rti'i, do nan oelore ine s.111: Kelu r nl Liiiibaiiie Mine, aim uuee. Cleric ofU.H. Dlhtrlel Court mrMlU ll-niel. :Jept.t'bS.2w CIIKRIFF'S SALE. Uv virtue of an nllnN mnndnle to ine dlreited will hot-xiueed to iubllc .sale on the pi enures on Tumtlnv llio 1-1U il.iy ol Jan.. one o'eluelc . in. ui sain uay, ine iniiouju ui'-erii'eil llact or and Kltuato luseoli towuslill) ( n uiubl.i eiiuiilv. adjoining lauiH of l'tter Sehulllld ( ha. on I be east, lallils orsylveMerJ. I'.iux nil the Mtlltli, iniliiH ! in.uii- line ,m uiu we,M, anil i.iuils Oi Aaron r.uouo on 1110 uoilti, eohin.nniK l (Jt'eri b es, Willi ine apt ur elinnee, 11 l-eili'; a u I i.i I I . siouh laiidu'lth Ulna Ullus and linn ln.ll.". ere -led on Mini premises, I'n h" Mild as lb-, pl'.i' peny ol s.v li sler .l,l'mix and Mary 1. iji-i i no us lonaula incoiuuiou. iioitii:i'.i!), sbei ill. Dee, SI, Mil s UKIUI',KS SAIjK. in- vi luu nfMludre wriih ol n,l. V iu.-.t out ol I be Ciiiirl ol (;.iin:uiai I 'I' u , t,l i i.lnlii., a i ..un ty and lo uu dlii-el. d, will u. i jhi.i'.i (., puijile sale or null I V at Hie ''n liolf lo 1 1" Ml lew. HI. Ill iiVlurlt pi (b loll no-. Ii, on Mmiilny. .1 in. ll, lite I -hniili itel etale tn v.ltia i.ttl.tu tratttit'l l. Inn In Itiiaiett i J; lup , t o.iiiul la eniilili . utaneleil .iial tle.ii'tllitsl as l.iltniVN in vi il on lite Ninth by laiuli nt Itev, t'l, in ami Adiiui jnii 1,'l'li'li, on llie i.i-l, nv lait'ln or l i.'tioi'ii, and .Inbn Vanpill, mi He1 miuiIi Ii. APi.iuiiiii Atari., on llie v.'ei-l b lands ol I .van Adam , on v.'bieh Is ereeted ii li.o Moiy finuio .im' llluir bouse, Ini; bain n..d ntlu'rouMiundtii-r-., itilll Inn uppiirieu.ioe-N, iMainiuuifi aoniu 1,1,1' nun. mil mid J J J 1 ea;lil aetes, sel.i d la 'fii in e.t eut on and to be Mild in, the puna 1 ly 01 .1, U, l.niilnt r. Ueo. H,,6'l. i Ij ti () In Ulooiiubuii;. on Weilneid.iy, Jan , l.'i, Isus, a cellalli 1m 01 pleeo oltiind, Mlna'i lu lite linl oiuii nl L'etilnili.i. bounded und dt.i rdied as in). 1om. to wit: on tbo I'nitii bj an aii,.., t.u thu east oy all (llley, on the hotltb by Mrtil iiadlii to Mt. Caruiel, on the west by lot 01 .lames j.i ,e, Miileh lsubout tuenty li-et Irout and nun oun died and lorty feet det-li. helium incuut .,t 111 h.ild bolough. setzed,takkU In e.eeillion, mil to bo hold us tbo propel tv of Uuii.en Was.r, -MUltlllXAI .U I.I.VU1), Dec,iV"'l Sin.tir, CIIKRirF'S .SALK. OF VALUAUt.1'3 IttlAr, Ui 1'Al'f. lly virtue of u eertalu writ ol l-'leil, I'uel i. Issued out of tho Court 01 Common I'lean 01 Col umbia enmity mid lo me dlreeled u 111 bo expired to sale by public euduo or outi ry al llie Coult llouso 111 lilta Ulsburtr,nl one o'elneU lu the alle.' nnon ol h iluid-iy Jttuaury III, lv, ibu Joiloivlut; mentliilled and dest'liued iL.tlislno hituilo lu the sunt eouut) . No. 1. Theuudlvldedlblilielb p in u .lenl. tin pit en 01 land httuate lu Moulnur ioivni,lilii, eu talullm twu ncre liiore or lesi. iuIJoiuiuk lands of Jamen ttarlou, and tho Flsltthgeitek, ivnerenn Is erected 11 Ir.uuo llourllii; mill, a traino duelllui: boiiheiindalramohtablo wllb tbuappurleuaiiecs. No. 'J. Tho undivided thlitleih part of a eer talu piece of laud bltualo lu Jtloom townnbtn.eou talui: (en iicren more, or iojgnd'nluluglnudit of cu leb uartou, Jamett Hniton, M'Kelvy, Neal anil otbeiN m hereon Is erected uliaiuo liouEunuil htn ble with theupiHUtcuAuccs, No. .1. llio undivided Ihlnltili pan of .1 cer tain plcee or land.ltuniotn iilooin township eou tuiulni; elljllleen ucles mole or iesst udjolnluir lands of Jiuue ll.irton, M'Kelvy ii. Neit. Tbo UloouisburK Iron Co.. und odium. Mheienn Is elected n liume dwelling boiihe, n loybnui nlld uut houses, with the appurtenances. No. I. A cortnlu pleeenf liiutlHllu.itoln lllnuui township, eoillalulnir 0110 neiomoro ur lesK, ft.l Jolnlnu ItiiidH ol M'Kelvy A rseal, 1). J, Waller, and tbo North iUancb Canal, wheieon Is eiet lid n htino huusa Willi llio uppuilcnnue.'.s. No. 5. 'f ho Defendant's interest In a certain put-oof IaihI bltunie lu Montou,- township, con tain lui; ono nere, mine or less, udjolnlni; lands of Daniel (Jier,Wiu.Trouhrldue, John ami Kylc. ter l'ursel mid oiliets, win reiiu U erected 11 Iritmu dwellluii hoin.c with 1I10 iipnuileunucun. Deo. iB, I'liH, A Ii S O At thoUourt llouso lu llltminu'vurif on Katiuiiai Jan. lltl, day of Jnnuary next at one o'eloelc 1', M.tbe llefeuiliint'ri Interest In 11 lot ullusti. on tho weslHldoor West street atljolnlui; lot 01 T. J. Thoinlon on the north, ati alley on the west, anil Itondnlph Jlayinan oulbo south, beluc 1 K-et front, and uboutuoo leet deep, wliejeuii is riele I nhrlck house. Seized taken In execution and to liukold us the property of Loounul II. llupert. MOUDIX'AI MII.I.AKU, Jim. hbellll'. TOTICK IN UAMCRUl'TfY. This Is lo ulvo uotlco; that on the III It d.iv ol Nov. A. 11. Ivw, 11 warrant lu llauliiupliy uas Issued HKillutl thoesliileoftleoi-Ko l'tuti-imiulicr of UliMimsburit'lii tbeeounty ot Ctiluutblii, nud Htutu of l'cliuiylvuulu, who bus hi in adjudged n llaultruploii bis oun petition; Hint llie pnviueiil oiuuy tlebtsaiid dHllveryor any iron'ity be louulnij tn such Ilaukrupl, lo him. or Inr blsii-o anil lbi;liunlcroliiny.ioperly by him me 101 hlddeii by law; thut 11 nit ellin; id lliil Ciedllors ol I be said Il.inkrupt, lo proe their dt Ids, and In ehooso 0110 or luoru usslullceil nl bis i.lale, will bo beltl at u foiillol llaiil.lupley. lo bu n lit tho KxchuliKo Hotel In Illisiiusbuii;, ,11 I'olumblti county, l'euns) hiinla, beloru Ijtuuul Overlon, Jr., llio iijli day 01 Dee. A.H., IMMlltlu Uuek, TllOMAH A, HflWKIIV, nr.i:.ii.root.i.Av.i.i,i.epiiiy. 1,1 Uu'ul' G. W. IJIAIlON A CO., Mnnufactuicr. of OltiCLUTIIH AND WIN'IIOH'MIIAIIKM, Warehou.0, No. I3l North Third Mi eel l'lillodelplila. A Repository of I'ftshlon, l'leusurp, XX. nnd inslritctlou." II A 11 l K K'S 11 A Z A R. A Mippli mnit eoulnlnlui numerous rml-alteil pntlems nfuserul nrlleles neeompanlesthi p.per every fnrlnlrclit, nnd oee.sloniilly mi col. ored fashion plule. Harper's llnznr contain. 18 f.lllo p 'tjrs of the nito ut Itnrper's Weekly, printed on supernno enlnndcred imi'er nlld Is published, Crltlcnl Kotlces ofthe I'ress'. Hnriwr.i llnr eonlnlns, besides pletnren, pal terns. U'.,t. variety nf inntlo of rest eelni use nml Interest to the family! nrllcleson henltli, tires, nnd housekeeping In all branches; Us cdllorlni ninller Is cspt rlully tulnpled to tbo eb. te, It Is In tended lo Inu rest nud Instiuei; nnd ir Ins, he. sliup.KOoit sl'irlrs nnd literary mailer of inerl'. It Is tun Mirprlslna Hint Iho Joiirimi, with such fenlures, hnsnchtoved in n. tbort time nn len tnoso nieces', for Koinethlmtorlts kind wns d fired in Ibniisnnrls of families', nn'l Its pul.lKhers lmvo llllodlheilemnnd. .V. 1'. Htcn'n i y-jsf. hi tlitr wo ennsltler Its claims ns based upon (lioeleifnnce nnd superiorly ofthe pnper, Us ly poi;i'iiphleAl nppenrnnce, the tnrtennd Judgement illspl.M'd In the cnitrnvlucs, or the lllernry eon trlbutlonseoiitnlncd In Its pnKt we unhesltnt Ingly pionouneoll lo bo superior In esch nnd eviry pnrtleulor tonny other similar publlcslfiin hero or abroad. 1'hU'u. I..-aal InMlltitnrer. Wo know of no other English or Journal or fashion that can luetent to npproneh it In enmnleteness nnd Variety. .V. 1', Jtmtt. It lias llio merit of heltm sensible, of eonveslns Insiruetlou, or Rlirnii exi. Hi nt pal terns lu every ilepnriinent, and of belnc wcllsiiK keil wlih coo'd readlm; matter, ll'itc'iai'di and AVWoi', To iliess ticcortlliu; to Il irper's liazfir will be the utiu and munition of II. e t omen of America. lluiton Trumcrlit. SURSCUI l'rFlON.S. lCf). Terms I Harper's Rarar, ono year .'$ no An exirn cony , Itherof the MnBnzlu-, V, eeklv or llarnrwtll be supplied rutls for every flub tif llio subscrlbeis nt 51 WI eueb. in ono reiullluuce; or siq eoplea for ?3i uo. subscriptions to Hnriier's Mngurlne Weeklr, op llazur, to ono nddirss loronc enr, 9tn tsl; or two or Harper's Periodicals, to one uddless for one year, 57 0'. n-clt numbers enii be suppllal nt any time. The postage on Harper's linzar Is 'Jij cents A yenr, wblcli must bo pain nt thesuhseilhcr'spoit. olllee. VSubserlptlnii" snt front 111 Itlsh North Ann. lean l'i ovine a must bo iieeoiniia tiled wilhirj cts. uyeearnildstlniial, lo ptepay Dnlleil Slates po tae. Aildle s IIAIH'KHi. IlltO S. Now York. rrilE ATIjANTfl! ALII AN AO roii ii. Kl' ED UT H0.1AI.I) (I. IT HSU. Tho Almnnao for 1s(i9 Is even more v.ihibU and ntlracllvethnn (lint for lsislwblcb won -rratpop-nlaillrns n MUeelbin- of l.lteratluo mil Art. lis Kilcrary contents nro nil original, hnvlus been nrepared expiessly for It, nud combine, lu lilgli de;re Iho iirnetlenl nud (be entertaluln T'bo Asiatic portion is In hnrmunv with tho Literary contents, the four colored plates nnd tho twelve cnlander pictures belli; orilunl des igns, c.lefly illustrative or American fcceues and cns.oms. Tho Ahtronomrcnl department is un usually rnll and Inipertnul, contmisln- nn ne count or tlio'Jotnl eclipse or llio Hun which will occur In AURUstluiH. together w 1th n lunpsbow ln;r the portions nl tlie Unlledsintos where tho eellpsowlll bevlsbde. This eclipse n 111 bo of n moro striking elisrcrter than any that bns oc enrie 1 since isms. Tbo Almnnao eonlains rour rnll-i..te Illustra tions, lu coitus of The fspHsnu, and Ktio. Ait II lusliallous by the most SLhlull AltisLi. s,i as Daility, Ilopidu, renn, 1'eikias, llit. cock, Eytline, and Wuud. A benuttlul lolmcdioier stlii to I ie atrracilr ness or the Almannt. It Is sold at fitly coins br "noksrllcrs and deal ers, or will oe sent postpaid br tba I'libMshors, Tn bo ir .land 1' lelds Host a. UIHTORVS NOTK'i:. lu theOriihau's Court for tbo Count v of i 'olii ni biu, lu tin- in ilteror ttioe.stutoor .lubii IVVer, Jr. dieeased. Tbo Auditor npisilutcd bv the Coiut to make distribution of the Imlenee In tbo hands ol olouiini llu.s, Admlulstiator of .Inbn I'm I. U'Jr., deceased auioliK ibeeieilltotsnl thcnld Intestate, will meet lb- pintles in let est ui lor the ptttpnsc nl iij-t ii.'pu nllnelil nn .Inn.. .! tb, A. D. 1.-1.1), a, I n'.-lnek, 1'. Jl at h!a o'lllee In illoouishuiv,t'(iluml'iii county, P.i. UI pc'sons iiavim; e aims aallisl tlu estate aie beicby rtqutitst lo pre.-eut lo llie Auditor, or on l.illuielo la est lit the same bo fOi'eerilcbaued from coining In for a share of the sal J estate. CO. 1IAHKI.KY, Auditor. I). C. .iS-it. UDITOR'S .NOTK'K. In the llipbnn'sCoiirtl'ortbc. Counlv id Colum bia In the matter of llie eslnte of lien. Kieninrr, lale of Colllinbin en., l'a. The A inllti.i. nm..i ed by the Court to mnke distribution ol llie bal aneo In tho hands of .Iuiin It, Moyi-n, Adniln 'stia I or of ceoriro K learner, di censed union e the Ctedltoiaof tho said Intestate, will inert iho par ties Inteiestetl lor Iho puiooso r his nppnlut mentou Saluritav .'nan due ,ir .iniii'ni-,. , at ten o'clock, n. m. ut his olllee in Uloouisuu'ri:', Columbia county, l'a. All persons bavliu; claims nmlnvt the eslale are hereby leipilied to present lliiiu to Hie Audi tor, or on lalluie topiesent tlie same he totcier deoarred from coming ill for a share oftho said siaie. C. 0, IlAUKI.r.Y, Alldllor. Dee. SC.'ffi-U A FA It J I FOR SAIjK. Wilt lifsold nt nrlTRlrmili? .i vnlunlilc f.nin fcli- unlo lu M.ulUoii twp., ('oluiubiu county, about luu liilh'M l'lorn town, nmt on.t noil ni Jialf intUt- from I'nilistowu, containing of l:ii.-l moro or lis.; ulioutCj nci-.Is welt thn Ifir 1, und the bain nc In u liluh Mn-uort-ultlw. tlon, ntnl nn oictmrit t 1 1 liolco fiutl, when-un me tvn of lliilliltu. All Intoriui.tlon rcuiinl to thu nit-n.'ilv run bi hn.l nf (lurk lHtilliif on tho piwiuls'-H or John PIKJin', I.iint- rono twp., MDiuour t uuuiy, iuei ..'ti-L'iu. TT. c. n o w i: r. hiio tipi'iic'i! a Urst-tJlf)- i Run, HlloK, HAT t'AI, AM) I-1. It SUllUw nt intohl siiiinlnn MnliiSlirct, r.l.m.M.urg,nfi'i raoov'j hum outi liouhu. jus mmk i.i com iio-m lt Mif vt-ry hiltM nml I cstnj les vwv oiui I i '11 til lt'll Ot (MIIIIIIUll LIHIIUJ. llUtVUll u.Minilnti- (ho titihllL' with the follow liiiiitm il til tin l-iutM nitfH, Mt'ii's hcitvy (lutible soh-d -low. ot it it, tut n'M ttont) e mui smu o inn koUii i)o!., mt n's heavy stn?,n shot n ofnll l:tiif?,. uu'ii it ii'- onois nnd Mioes oi nu minicx. uo s ilouUit si'.i'tl boots iiml.vlif.r.s of all klt.iN, rn.'ii n uIovm I.hI lUliunral t hot"., in inV, W(jinr!rs,tio nnd inUst n' ItosthiK il-'rs. woiiicn's kIovo UM t'onsn t'-j nnt'.wonii'n s inoiucco tHiiinoiaisanu ult -i'.iavs, winnon x very lino kid buttoned t'atl 'in In short hnois ol all descriptions both pi-u-,i'd mid M'wcd, lh . on Id also fall attention to Ills flno asMut llli-hl of If A TS. (.UP. riJUS AM) NOTIONS. tiit h et iiiM-j'-t iho new and t'orular Vii.t- niiis ui pri.-es v. an 11 cuiium .nu 10 uii, i ue st , i.oo'i i.rt out ten ai tuu hhum tuu i .ien (iim will bo uaiaiiteeil lohu t rttlwiatilon. A ndl l solicited betoiiU'im'n; clM-wliem iu ll is hWnvud that betlir b:tialiis nve lo L- piud I than "t -my ttiu-r plaro In thn count. v. h i. t't.r C "1 A It Rl A G K it AX V 1UT UY lihs.msliiirK, T.i. .M (!. HlJtAN .s. liMlTltJi th,, suet etiJois. ot Vn,r,IA.M HUIA .X ititluuu ll.o buMneis ol r.tKilv CAH11IA(II. lin.UII-H- Old eU'iy slyletil hANCV WAi.ti.M-, Im h il,, -j !i:ie i-ousltilitl on li-iti.l lo mi it l loluer-. Never ''! liny ireli-rial hut (lie ' uud .-uii'loyfn the m isl e.irlelHTU ivorkmuu Ihey hnjie to continue n lieietoioie ii tlveinilir tllsliicllt'il to esen i iHlooier lt IlisiH-ellot el Ihen Moik.iidol lheltiio.iui.iliU' l'l(lj Hslltsl l' inn , Is surr ii, insure " '" JOHN i VhAUKR .v i "I.. Wliuli mli I't'iiler tt HA'Iis.i'AI'S.kTK .Wi .o,." .Vi'iuCJliioffiir"., I'miu.ifii'ii'N , yARTMAN A KNOKIMAN,, h.MIl-l' iS' "lAiAll MANurAirronv, .so. 31.1 MII'.TII TIllltD BTBF.KT, Misiiid lioorlwdow NVotsi, P ll I I, A ll K Ii 1' II I A. W. VMITM.N I', I'.MItl.UaN AIIIMAN. t . II. tlll.UNUUIl, k. It, I:.S1MA' A HT.MAN, DIIiljINd'KR A I'd., Ml, '.".H .SOUTH Tllll.ll KTBlul.1, ..Yttli'i oiijiu.ult .ilrnt., Acid, lnte .1 (l,.l V,'holeulu Il.lll is In Wt., llATIIMi, WAIHH.NH, CAIII'IIh oil. ii.oriiK, kiiaiii, i-'i.Y Nirrv, '..UAIN IIAIiH, ''OltllAliK, AC, AliXI, WII.I.iiW AMI WlKlliMN WAItl. Hrfl llJ.. S ItONkS lllll'tnil f. t.. . -,. Ill "srf.V. ir INA III , t W'tioi.N.I, Is-elei. 11 I'll ON YAIINH.I Alll'tn ' IIAI ll'- 'i,i:. 'in .(NK fdniunl. Illtl" '' AM' Wll.l IIW U'AKh .1)1)1 1.1 'I Ish. I rthl I'A-I.'I 11- ..-U, AMK'.MlltlAI.I ll,l'I.t),H-..M. No. YV Market Hireet, south si.o lhllHdelHll j P. hfoa uo, iiii i.ii'i'i.viwr, noN'incti., Mniiuliieturer. und Wholesale, liuileu In HATH, CAIts, I I'lW, ANIIMTHAW limilvs. No. Ill Murlii'lHl-ta I'1 II idelpliilt. MERCHANDISE, jHVf rt,n-"'K OK CLOTlIlNd. " rrn.t .rnral ef "t.ij .wu uooiu DAvtD i.owr.Ntiru Indies ali-.illMi, i hit eloc'.i ot cnr.Ai' ANiiKA3Hio:iAiu.n i'Ujnii-i(i. nt his slot e on Main fttreet, two dour salMir. In nn.t nioomihuri, !.. whera h liss Jim rerclrnl (rntn I'.rkss I'lilladelfliia a full .usnriturnl nl MEN ASH I1OT0' CUJTHI.1C, InriU.'It.c IN mosI ra.lllaunli'n, Wur.liU, nail handsome nnpAi co'itu, oontlstini! of I'.n.W M'K, ltO('il,OtJM,ANUOtt.-OI,orH CO A'I'S AN I) I'A N fH. of nil 5il,sl. -snn.lco!o-s, Ho li.inilno replen Ished bis ulrenly laro stiK'K of i'a i.i. anh wiNTni'.HHAWtii, IT.II'1'.D, I'lOHItfTIi, AND I'r.AIMVI S1W, HHtiirf.cuAVAns.Mrii' r.'.'' .ir .aih, nANDKr.t'.cniiXH. oiji'in, iupr,Niir:R5. and rA.tcr aV.tkt.i-s He nas eoniianll.r ot- '..indAirf and rrsibie- ect I sTs.irimsnt of CI.HI Ills AND VHU'I'INd-J, wlilch he ii prepared to make loonier Inttmny kind of clotlilnj, on very short notice, nnd in tb. best manner. All bis elnthlns Is uride lo wear, nnd most of It Is of home mnnuficture. OUt.D WATCH r., AND J I'.WKi.P.T, of oil i.r tU-crlptlnii, flneand ehiMp. Hit caseof Jewelry Is nntsurpii.ssi.d lu Ibis piaee. CiI nud cTauiluo hlsKcuarrl ntsortrnen of l!f.(IIHI.Nrl, WATCHK!, JKWni.II'l.'AC. DAVID 1.0VI:NIIII1U1. M r. It C II A N b 1 HIS. ;ith'B iis iir.nvnr mvn.N To my fiisaidintid mo publlo Gtiittnlly, Ui all klndiof DRY UOOIW, OROCKRI1W, yUKKNSWARC, NOTIONS, AC. Hi-p runt;iitly ru liaml ntnl tor i AT IIAIITON'. or.n hTXh. I'.j no3iaua, itr jamp,4 rc. ;m.:i. mr Alto, H.tju ni irl-ii.i I'nornATR or imp.. it.)itniitly t it liiwul. (ifbS'lfT, QiXJTIIKS ISY MACHINERY iittri.i Inn or Hie j'ttljilf. lo hi i-w nn'l nj'proTftl ii.rllMid oi itni'kli.K rl(,hf hy i cyMein -nt( upon MUtlii'nialtml jirluciplrn, nlilrli rnnlcr II imiotHlli!sit( Us I lian prfee:l iiral lit rlnln- .ir Mil mrfl.nd llir fnllnwlnx ntl Knwr. IVrfccI CfcurncT. fi. to rul out tli c th. THtlU). to mfii.iirt any finuic m .Mill." lit. nt tn iiwnren FUI'KTil. ' I., i It iloeii ae v lilt tl. i,ii'eSMll(s of bellin nu-i ttri ,,i' -e limn " orten is the c.i fmiii in- mis.-ip; reliemcli ii r mlslake oft lie would urie lli-rul'lle lo clre It a trial, as 1. Is snllsiV.l II, al ii win che erf,el sailsf i, tinn. lie it III li lispjo I,. esliU.ti rni" eplnlr. II work' inu nl sin- lime lo sNiiois .!. i ll! 'll'l-.KI.I:? Maleli'.fi ! Muln M.. hilow MnrUol. .--J33.TJa0lsg3CXS.te..SaifcfXJ.-T!:S15a jmh; luvKiwim: for w). 'J Id fax tn Itr ii fiKJiinofor thr t tinn annouiic fH tin- tolluu'ln'jasiiip.or u tin tint let-able fotitim of tln-i tiinUiK x'tluinc : 1. Niw it r-t P.toniiibuftil t --ppi tally to thn lint iMin- in 'icniintrt tb. ir publtiatsi.n In lMtiiMTiiii. jty Jim.-; tvhr.Mlnn Andetsen. A i-ei Inl, "WIuIh and Itrd," of thn 11 In-nd veuiuro ntnl mimoicnis f.renrH miuniL'vt mir NortliwrKl Indlnn-t. lly llr. Wet Its, nutl.or of a. Mnrh.s from Sp(Miso4 and riiniu-er. lly the mithorof the popular Mot !ch fintn KliaUrspeare:. I. 'aper-oti Invention and art: how t-tntues are niade, liou tt.Icuniph'.aro v.orlted. how n boy .mi iiniivr i iiwmihiiihis, i ii- i u-. V Hum nif; hiMHith Afrlea: Hit-et ofConstan SltinillM-tilc. Aiiiiiltan Cities. New f ll teaii-l. ll. H linifip. lMilhidi'li'hlu. N v Yoi k. Ho-'toii.ett'. ttc. 0. I, Ut,- mi the l'liiirh. l'oit ('rfiuii-.s Vtmiiif Viiclni'int 7 h.:ui-I v tnlry Plituriint.d rutins, Oiace- mi i.sie. n .htiaii.ii vvi ots. s, ii i.ii(ihift-or thn tlot., lMchtry. Nntiunl III- ! ru-tii''by, t in u ,tui 1 " ! on .ml Ki Ii- In id) din Nor '-trni . 'Ha fil ol w nli f. for (he "Ki ci:tte" hielutlf" the s (1f ,1 ,i uli Abbi-tt, llatis i in Mbm An t lei st n, A lf e Mid I'bti be ( in , Ned it ! It. itlildiiiLr, I'.iul II, Ila f, lloiace I'., St uuder, llnltnC. WitdiK Vieux Mouxtmlif, Auilmr id "MisyVMv HlitlulayK." Anihm of "l-iu Little .SJtslei h,"t tc. A full-pao FrtiUlUi iiift uud u nuiuber of 1 iri .iiiusiraiuiUH in ei-iy iiuuiuim, A ttltll.I.IA s"l iLI.t'-UXAlUt fitVKI:, Ti.n.v- ir iru nil" ions!, ' i-'.'a ia' in .t'.Miin i i tint e f oplet. i(i,';liu -i"!""'! tiwvi- o o fttpii't, s-T.'i"; anti nu t-Miti eitp uruUs. I'ik-j lo c i ik3 nu u and ttaclnii.. J hil HI luu1 Mil I.i . m I. ' . . ' A pio-,r..fiusiouuiiiiiiiufntl litvu'unt of tb- p'liu f..r Uioi onuu-i vidiiu.e, mU. mulibln; with iii.iKitv.m.' i'uni (it iiihiiuv, t ii Lie., vial U htittt i.itnuo Ir on ai'ptUrtiinii in t!itMul- isheih. Hind A llouijliitili 1'ubtUheit., liioonieitirtt ttilt. Ue. I,V-il, MIJ.VUY mi.vt v. (', WAKTfiK. (.L4fcortoM. C,Stll. rpilE SUUSC'IUHKIiS HAVING i lliul'lauhi; Mill ilid JiU'lilt! .Vjop foiuitnly ort upl?d by . v 'hlv-t. Mill c-oniinit Iho hu iliifffttioi inuirU etm-in I)OfIL, HAUll, l.LINI, iHU l.DINC , nrackrtt-t te, Wu uid ubo prcparud lo furnish urs-t-! ilnoriiii:, hldin'maud cU fitlirr lumber rcqulifd lu thi couiLimtl.m of biilldli in. All 'iliuU i.f tinutiiK dot tent r-bt il tiotiei . Pill-, tor Joist and otl.t-r InuiiH Ktutr tlllttd with prompt nt'Sh ami nit. OiUr usiiiitnPy Kidn-Ucd. April ir.'w wcj.r i i: 1 r.COMMa'lU. NOHMAI( IKK t AMdlT J i r ia inm n i 'ii . i;tiAi:i or iNsnu(-rii. IM NltV t'Al.VKK, A. M., J'uuclpal, 1'iuh i-m.i ot I m t- It tit rl nrd n ml t-cU lae. mul tl i my an I i net lie i f ir.-uhln. M1m filial) A. Caivti. rneeptlt m, ol I'll nth, i:oJnn and oruauiental I'Hitn-hei lnuif O. lit M, A. H.f 1'iofthnir of Ancinil rjniKuages and Knyllsli Ciranmmr t .T. W, (Vliue, A. M. rrcfttst'r of Mtdbt ini.iifK, nnu lraiiUal av. tiomotiy. Itev. I. (..Tohti.A. J!., risiftf-oi of c lit in Mry and j hyMt. V. M. Halt Teatjier of mogtnpliy. liItoo A Html, Wilng .! HiliM 111 nu rt Awl taut tutli'rm uintbt mallei. CI r inni ir, r:nuiuh MlssAlht'JI.t'aner, TtMl.t i ofMiulcon tin? pininnual inchnlean, Mrs. Untile I . lit-xt, Ttmlif rof Vt cal Mutdunntl liiMiuim lib.) iuulc MUx Julia fluent, Tt n lit r of model Heboid, Th? Winter icim will temmeu.w Nov, 2. ifcs ami until fair Nmidliu,' hall U ieady lor oecupan ey. n appllenllon to the l'rlnelpat, miuU-iHk wilt be iuinlht il with homes lu plenum! lamlllex. Jt f-i bt ller for MudenU lo eoniiui neoat tho op. rnlnorthe tt l m, but v hen. th!x Is lnipruliea. bletbm etui eidtrat any lime. Muithl'O J A H H K N is 1511 1.01. E KinK AMI MMllll I'KOOV The iidviiiilniiiHu'liieli Ihlsi oiuposlilontiohbusseb me nniiiy. II Is lioih wn'ir-tltht nnd l(,ii. It Is not iiiiielid l,y htm or eolil. it ciin lie an lilled In nn nlliiost oi Hi i lly lint loof, ono Inch o ihelio t l.lllK nil I I.I. I Is l..,,ulli,l. 'it U cosily ulid iiiliKI iii uiiid. lis nisi Is Ins ihnn nnv iilliu l ji-iioi'l not lion in use, Tesilmonlnls ll i"n I'M inula nf lliei't.iinlis n to lis ilurnldlliy. si l 111 ll.l mill tliu.lillthk It III lie shou n . ' . ..... JllUN W. ICIIA'.MIIIl, Aunt, llltsimsliuri;, I'n. A llio H t e it" li t ' II e roi'lltiL' inn lie .ecu at II. I.i i ns' 1 1 w ruse in I'inhMicet, pi'Ml'M I'l'511'.s H)H .SAI.K. Tho undel.ljned hklf. Isulu lo lufoiltl t). 1U. jtenof tltl.,laemid Tlelultx Unit liu I. nivi'iirfcl '.Vjf.'f l.'.l,l,',,,'''l?''-i',ou.of llm hot vtul I..N l'i MIS inr eilaudl'lil.iii o.r ofrcuca to thu I'lihlle, Ihey uit Kiujiinle. tu throw uioiu uuiir In lu.lliu.mid Willi iktululsir tliau any utliwr tuiuiti lu Mils jiuri ot Iho country and U uinnul hokui'Ui4LdiorlHi.ut;orlluUli. or aUuiiliillyof ai'iiiiiiiiuenl,iUMii-oiul,nilujihiii. iV".'i;l,ln.r'"',,,")r- 1 "'l!"'l'"'ll!wa.r?nV. ed t. irrfonu ila wnrx well or no snle. I. nn. fiiuinan u nk, it for folumUii. e mi iy l'm-J -ii iiUitMont I'lm-fJ iiith, Wbii, oiders Ly lOL-ltm it 'fii.i.n""ii',.il.n,i.....i..'i.. v. nu ll oi t If-rNTUd Dlillllt.llv H'OsihIjuI t.s '- IJ I J - trt I r Ji v r" ( .ilii :s pi, DRY GOOD3, ETC. JyT K W F 1 11 JI A N I) AVv'rt' 0 001)8. HOWKft A IIKUHINO, IIiivIiib Inlifii lite (urtt)nr Ftnml of It. K Hloan, OnAsuavir.Lr, CofLMnlA rociTT, IM ne"Ieclfiiyannmlnee tollie friends of the eh llslimenl, n well n In nerr eusloincw, tli-il they IniM' Just reccNed n IniRe supply cf N e w fi o nns, aullnLle to the M-nsons consist in of DKY O00DM, ORocnnir,", QUKHN'MWAttK, iiAniiWAiti:, ItOOI'M ANll HI101CH, IIA'H AN I) CAfS, DIIUGS AM) .MKDICINEn. nml In short eierynrili It- usunllyfcciil lu a first. class Country Hlorej to tthlch they Invite llie nt. million or Ihelrfrlcndsmiill he nul.lle ircm-mllr. These good svero purchased nl th lowest rntra nim iny propose to sell, n.em 'n ns mndernle leiins, n slmllnr booiIi eun lir;ot here or else- whernln the r.t h . rcniiiry tii-n.luee, Iee. t,'(H-,1ni, IlOWIir. & IIIMtltlNQ. gOMnTHING Nliff, The underblEiitd hejs leae lo Inform hr Irtemls nnd llm rmhlir. ..i,A,-nii i... i..- openod la ' LIGHT STIIKOT 'if roods In the luie of JIILLINEItY ami TItlMMINOS In eoniieetlou with Drus-Mailnuj and Is r paietl In addition, to . i'oionTr.Air tun on 11.. linrtmit notle,and In thn beat ntyL of .... -.. , i.vv. ,i.wui.iiu i7,)is wiiiujcinry. October i. l-K.' N' KU T A Y L O It 1 S or.tVB nr.Acii K I T T li It A mild nnilai-rcrablcTonlo btlmulant. Hinm. ne.ieand Catmlnnllse H I T T E US, retracted entircl. from Herbs and Hoot., lll-n. ly lieneflclalli. " JiYSI'EI'SIA, OENKIIAL DKIIILITY, ami Loss of ApjiptUe j nml an excellent Corrects efor ors.itiw ii fin f im. fiom Disorders ofthe Dowel., Fnlulenee..f. Sold EverywlTerp. 1 "t. No. III. Market Ptieet, I'ldladelpld v. J. K. .'rs-ly. AYI.Oi: A CO, C'CIIUTZE it LUDOLFR KJ (IMTAIIMlllKII IN Ll ?V-ri'rWl'L!A-,,;r.J.1.'.0 "ow ',a,c,,t -MOXITOU .. ... ,.,',,.,-, 1 1 iiiuuiiie-i-.i., isew x one. lie mitrnt Mnnllnr i'i.., I K:..V.. y'1'','Voll,Vruell,Hl.1'Vuk.ul','nr '""'I other., mid he r meri t consists In tho wrest plunk belmr Vuii. is.neii ny ino iron imme, nllowl lira Iarer i.piieo for 1 he soiitiilin.- lu,nr.i ,!.. t ..... n,VfflM,I,,,.rf,,,am!,r.JlyJhl.H '"liHthoqi Ul rmisil 'i"iilltyof tho tone In biryely lu- -ii-i-' riiuiOH havo hoen pronounced by tlio bestJudKettobe unilvalld A.r J rcnvicit and fawwrxrt oi"jo.i:. Kusy and agreeable touch and Most llalletiiur -'rtlM.,i t . s. . eauty of Ilnlsh. xeel lento fiou, i iinihfie, OottvrhalkXiukowb, Vh utemps, anil " - "t inr- I'MJM IllMIOUISUtll ITOItUs Hotsnnd Amaleurv. I'join loiu; e.pc-i U-neo and Mippi i ior lat'Uiiie-i lor Manutneturin, wo aro tna- biid to idler our nlmifw nt I..... ... i... u aiki'fl by Intel lor makers. .-e.i., lort'iiciuar'itK! njico lUt. Mar,(i"ifcS-y p (NATHAN HEISLKll'S TON 10 ' "r lillli is has iii vir lulhd to uire ll.t. wen P'I""; is Tin tilt,! siieiess'ti' in, ti ne i tli-i'i'Miiil Iol llieiuleiiM'i,ii..liii'l,iin spe i ii, l.i t r t-ii.npliiliil, llltiiichllls, uud all ' .mi-1. 1 Hi.. Ibliint. Ilii-t I I i. lilli'lt elillrel.i or 1 i.c.ts. und helbs. Uno'bi'ill Ie i.llli- uyliieuiniy oi e ),o Klvi.s It n lair SO III .' Hill I II. U- I 11.111 1 I'm, .... I.. I '''V1'". I'lei'-'ilt'l anil sold byjulmlhiiii llelaSr ' riiir. I .Wit I'nr ,lol tf it I uilil.l llilkhlll.- lu thu and .rupesi uiituuer. (iunrnntced equal to any lu If HOI Id ! I Ills llll 111 l.tlu,"lli ,,t..1,l ....I.. ...... wlih the mild uud LilherliiBtiunllilescf utnulnu heinlcnl W.nks, H nil l-'rout stro.l Phil-.. S'lii. ;,'', ij. .... nil-, , uuiu u al'UII. fMJIU IIV 11.11 A .I..I1 $2000 A VEAU- With littln labia-, m mi ihhMr . ....... 11 I ll'-' l I III Ot 111 I ill t lit . M.ti..(!l(l... . . .1.11. u- ni.t iifun. ieiy uui .tme 1 Umnvil in -in '. hp . i. a-..,iui,viiii,. Ml o Mil it taiien loin . 1 he 1 uMluiss. tuu n t4 i. t liu . I, i . i . ,i i pilled. All thostj havliuany liar of beliiL' hum-nU'-d wil idiJIe me h iuii 1 1 ttlni; t hlv all i lieiii at itri-ss H.n wiiliui i Jul.. w.. .... birs pit in-e ei 1iim tunp r elitular. Addte-M nil Mi III- IH.UIH, .MW I HI 'fill I HI I'l J O l ( i y ov. .70 vi in . l'a. VUm .M.iitln bv her 1 III tho Court of t'oiu pu.'ii PU-asfurthu ioun- in M lib nd .1. Vunpolt Danhl iririlu . j wi vuiiiiiinii., Atiiy i, Jl-l...Nc.ludloiee. Tit D.llllel Mill llll. Ri-hlintnli lit KIp. -rl... c..,. . hiun uianletl n ml.. mi in i.r...t i... udlvoiceci t'iirrtohi'ifvWmf Mimild Not bo ile t ried. Ib-luiniible.Mon.lav, IVbrimrv, ur. lOo'eloeU a.lii. Mcmi.KC.U ILl.i;i. Mi-l-ili; UiKjui'atlniinbly tlio liont ButiiintM work the 1; nd in Ine World." . II A UP IIP.' NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. t'l ll 111 Nollces of the l'i ess. 'Il.e iniihl popular Monlhly In tho woild ,tw t must rrrerln tiiina of inlouy to ilu. inch 'lie llllil Mined cxccllem-CM or It a.m.i'iiV vi ziNt: ii Jouriiul wlih u moniiiK- eir,.iit.iii..i, ..i annul 1 1 u, ui lojiles-ln whons ,,agea uie to bo Iniind Miuiu of tho eliulcist HkIii nml eineral reiuilnn or tho day. Wo KtK-al: ol ihls woili n. nu eilik-neoof llie eulturo ot Uie Ameelenii peonle: uud ihe popuhirliy It uns nttinlred la inerii.d l.ach .Number contains fulii in ineesorrinillna tii.ii u r.uppropi lately illustrated withiiood wiki t. rill. ; und It emnblnes 111 itsell the lacy lii.iliti. y UlliLlhe molt) plllloitiylllcul iiuilllens, bUnd.-d " ....,,.-a,i uiu iuiii.1 journal, it bus nr. in power In Ihodlsscuilniiiinii vfn ivat pur, litelilluiti. TnuilNKIl'n O'lilte tu Jummii ii, (iiiuir, ..inii I t Itll III t-OUtlL lor its hlli-r.tu i.i. I. Ii, il... Ie f.lfl thut It luei tslileclselv Ibu tu., .nl", ininlsliluBu uileiy ol iileasfha und liuiiuu v.' readltii: lor oil. u'i yeiii,,Wii, NniSCIIIlTIOKiv-lw. Tkush: lUUFKK'a Maoazini:, one ji og Ail i.sini t opy or cither ihe M.unriNu 1 SZAIi will In, auppllrit fim!, l, tury I ml) I-iVK Minsi uiin-i..-- ni triii .....i. i., ulllallci, i or Six Ceples lor S.U UI. ' Subscribers to IIaici'ioi xlliniivi Wi. . . v slid llsz.wi, loDiiun'idress i..r ine Mar, Ilu io! oi, trni of llnriier'.Perlihllca i, lu nu, nddie.t! mi oiiu ) iiii, hi ll,. Hack Nmnbt-rseaii be supplied aim num. A t OUIt.lele Set. nnu '',niii..k,", 'I I.i-.- Vliltltui's. ill neat elnlb bhi.ltn.. Z. I 1 I,-'.. .1 1.. ..c-j, lli llil at expell-iMil pu,ciai.,r, for li A per soliime, siuiile yi.luuies, nv 11. all, 11 ', t-1 !' t'lotll iue, f ir bltiduih-, 51. uiij., by mall lit. IM.IU..''' .111 11 SIIPIIU s JfAIJ lil.v. la l ct.. 1-i1r-wt, ill 1111. si be ilijI ai tl.M .nl..rrti..... iist-iilllci', Mlbselll Hon sent flottl llrlllsb Ni.rib fc ,,...1- cu I'lovlni'is 1 tins t bi auohiitiulrit niiii n cm. dJllws4 r,rl'v nuissi niair., UAiipuu UUOrilKlli, Jl.wYork. O T I 0 E . At.l. Persons kuoM 111 UlolllselTrl lUdtW sl 111 llio uii'ler.ini' d.oi lo ail U 01 e iintu.s Muiurd. 011 IMsur biKik uec mio mo r im.Usliu mukii imiil 1 ato -iyineiii Alli ,in u du. to do ran evil el',,K,'T,u, K-.0.K. MISCELLANEOUS, 37 LOU 11 AND KKKl). I'll fl llM1f.rltrnfd tbnttlfful fnf mat nn l ct, ara i'1-Kt I'Mwmuiictj io nn iricutii nun ut inn punno tiittt, inn N K V M I L Ij Is now In complele nuinliiR order.niul that lit la Prep ired to do nil kinds of Milling ti lilionl delay rnrtlca from a dlsinitro run hnvo their arista Kronutl svllhoutdi lny.aonslo Inko them homo ine snme uay, nnri nan rule nil ivorlt nrollftlu to Iho mill ran ho done lu tMenly-lnur houra. My ireenl nrrnnymenia nro sn-h ns in preeltide tho j i j "i ni'r.n'ir in,- inni ,iu r.cinuill oi lee: hlKh or low M'itl.-r. Till. lllT TAMIIA r'UjI K. en wellns the lower grniles, r nditll kinds of CHOP AXO FEUD heptim hand Inmi.itillly, and fhranlsAt Iho low est current rnlea. (Irnln ofnll kinds purchased Light Hired, Dec. t.'CS-tf. l'l.TKR KST. E STRA Y, t'jltlif! tn lb A lirni(Mji of tlia Miil.ti.rtKt-r In itrinlocK loirn-thlp. Coiutntdi totintj. on or annul ma 1st orpepiriuuer liii no flucp, vn-ou-ly mnrRrd. Tht mviMTR nrorcntiritftl to fiinti" forward pfovr property, and pay charjrrs ot the riimo mil in- i:inirr v i oi arconui cm law. jec. il.V-It, Wit. T. r.YKUI.V. AM FIHE-l'IJOOF SAFES. rSanboril'a l'Alenl tins ln.o ,ln,nntlrl.1 l... tho most llinrouth tiraelleitl tests In n vnnile u. pcrior In fire proof qualities tonny other makers (helnit water Inronper tuhn Iicrinctlcallysrnled) i.iu.viiiiug niiiineieiy nny es-nporaiion anil is llie driest safe in use. Tlx patent can he applied to nny safe, llcfore purchasing elsewhere, call and cxnmlnc, or send lor pamphlet contalnliiK the cert, flcules of trla Is with allot her maker, snfs American Meauiniu-rroof nfo Co.,300Ilroad- iuiai llCO. 11, U3-JIB, T ATEIiY OPENED. iho uiider-dgiH-d wtwild ref-poctrullylnrormth cltlzemof KlofiiuMmraand vicinity, that he lms jimt oirem'u h eiiup vn iroupueei, ueiween Jinm and Third, whero lie will rollow the cablnt-1 mR kliiK bufslness in all Ita brunches. Onlers for MliTALLIU OU OTUEIl COFFINB tilled with promptnest and Uepfttch. Rep.iln cheaply nuulo Itifill UlndH of furniture, Includ ing the replaltltig of cane-bottomed clmlrn. I'ut I ei ns for canting made neatly and exiwdltloiiH ly, and orders are solicited cither In ficrconor by mail. 1'ictcre frames made lo order nt short no tice. H0BKKT HOAX. Airll 10,'CS-tf. g T R A Y E D , A amnll brown iltllo fsnnnosad tn lie Irl -ears old Mas louud in tho borough of Centrnltti, on Ktintiay, Nov. cyih. Tlio owner Is requested to come forward provo property, pay ctuirKca nnd take It nwny, othcrwlso It will be disposed of nc cordlns to law, II liNllY JAMES, Hr. Dec. I, im. T? S T It A Y . J-J Cnino lo tho promises of the nnderslcned In Sucnrlouf Township, ono red bull,, left ear oil, alar on fnreliend one white hind lea. one J ear old. JOHN LliWIS, Nov"27,'C8 NOTICE. The bubserlber haa taken up four stray Hhecp;thoownerlihereby notltleil lo come for wnid proo property, pay tlnmaires, and take them nwav. otherwise fiev will be tlisoosed of nc cortlllm to 1 iw. I-.IWAUIl SIlKAri-'tK. Central Nov. ifCS. "VYr A N T E 1) . i t Acompctenthehoollenehertotnkechiiu-e or iho Jluncy Hilt fochool House, near White Hall. II-nsonnblc wnues will lie paid. Any teach er ill'lirlnt' lllls or .iltfin. shnolil .f. In It irilltm. ,,r.'.';5'f A.J.l Altlt. Tres't. o.'tha Hoard. II HllO 111. II, ,Miv. 17, lis-II. JyTOTICE IX IJAXKUUI'TCY. This Is to nle notice: that on the 1st day of June, ,. ii. si,s n wiirrimt In ll.inl.rupiey wns Is.ued llL'.l list lie eslnte i,r l:,.l, ! i ..!. . ?. .," of llrlarcreek twi. In tne county of Columbia mid M.-tlo of l'elilisvlv.itil;! til... ..L i i Judueil n Ilalikriiil on his own pelilloii : that nn-II..M1IIUI. tu nuy ueuia nnu ilili,r f u. piol'iltv belonsln-,. to such llullkruil', lo him. or lor his Uio. nnd the triufer of nny oruoeriv by him me lurOlildeli by l.iw: u iiieetllnr of the I'lulltorH ol the Miltl Uaukriini in ! ,y...V: di bis, and lu - hiHiM) o io or iiioieussliiiieesol his eslitle will be. held nt n Couit orilniiKruiilev, to bo holdi n ui tlie hxc'mniio Hotel, In lllooius'l'iiiu Coll'lilbln lounty, I'diiisjlunln, bi-imu ljlnard ycio'i , j... iit-Bisu , on ine ;sll Uny 1 j(.c A. P., I !ks, nt 1 o clock, p. ni. TllOMAH A. ll6Wl.i:V, U.S. -Marshal, J.iiv. '.7, !-!!. lly K. II. CooLiiAtroii, liepuiy. jT O T TJTk. I he Utide.lvir.ned u-nii!,l li,.r..l, nl,-.. ,.,t ho husllilsday liurcha.ed or wilUnn, iMr.. ..... 'i',',"i V,"; '"i'lf"1' Kr,y ,nnrf ,l'lll'h I havo loaned to lili.i. All persons uro hereby foibld liom )u- -MILIVHI). W. SA3IPLE A CO., MACHINISTS & ENGINEERS, MAIN ST., A I.. A 11. It. !t,.W.00MSI!lIHO,l'A., Aro prepared in furnish all kinds .of Machine work, such es STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Minning, I'ullcj s, Hungers, Couplings, Miil-near Iiik. Saw mundrlls, etc., Guiike t-oeks. Pet eoelts, Slenni pipe, tivetlter with ull kinds nfMtiiuu till'fs eniistuttlly on bund, I'liH-hilf; Mncii'i'i's und l!i,ru Powels iu-ids to order. A I! KlmU of Ayi Iculluiii Miudiluu r.-i.ilrid. Uay jj, rjiO THE I'UHLIC. I'htMinilerslKi.ed respeclfully lnr,,rius his old '.'Vi'ily s';1 -',ll;'I""",rs that he bus lelllnd his I itr.llns Mneblli. - iful now 1, mly I,, ,1,, w,,i tur. inn in koisI mder, When Bond, e'e in nu. !,! V-Vr '-'.'"l'i rnib' HhV!"i " v '"'"'' t'u line. I'liii.iliiJ nn. I ii,,.vi.i.. ,'t...i. .1 ,;. '. ... . . . """mans More, llio. hi i. burij, will In- taken nud rclurn"d everv two m iireowi-el;wtihbllli,rwiiii;, Tlio pay can be It-It at llartmairs. v .. in'1!"' hl'.1 nlOrniigevlllu. nt either orth. stor.s w ill bonitentled to promptly. No Miioi wusou Is milium; for ino this slimmer ...... ...yi.iiinuuiK nnu umiiKevme, ior lliu oe. coiiimod.itlon nf Iho. srnl 11 distance. Jun.19.lgH, "eKuI. Crwx"E TOWNtilllP BOUNTY AUDITOIt'4 STAT MS.NT. 1 it.. II. Dlt lterleli, i-.lli.c'lorof Uouniy Ttiv, HU. Tu Dal, nn liuplie.itu us ttiilul last j ear. 791 00 Pit. llvi-nshpaidJollll 11111 l'1-e.e.urei Ts " l-'.Mmer.iiiuus, ... " riieollectiil t.iMs t.ik, nt'iilus heiiuol lliuid. ON 1 " Ctitiilnislou. 10 10 ' IMdllctlonol P-.HTniinderpirofi;cN tfl IJ fTlslls) II. A. Hi'hwippiiiho.scr c.lleiti.rof llnunly, Hit. Tu amount of Du icittoforl 7, It. J'fl 0J Hy ctuth to'Johu II III Tieusiirer 17(11 W is 7a 110 -.'I r Aoueiiuifiiis on j'upiiento on lnipllenle, duo twp ohn IIIII,Tiea.iiirofi:oiiui ruiul, lift. etisli linuit'. II, DMlerlell.Col. io 7S " " II. A.t-chwi-pi'i nhtlser, l'nl."7iri w IMJ7 Ti Clt. 111 e.tsll I I P. frenzy l,m,l ul, a,7 ,. '... iinKinoucll " s,-rf 03 " MtirBuiel.tlkinaii" 33 ni " " 11. 0. ll.irlon . 311 J'i1'ly Hr. kwav for i-uli. Ilshlnu Insi jenrsstaiciuuit 13 oa 1 .. .. r' " l',"'i'-euitoriiei 1,5m i".'r.,,"lw",l,J-. '.Slrohmeyeris (,u ; " " hiiiu'l Ni-j hard for sorvlu-n 4 tin , ., ,, ... . ,, ", Lev, Tax W!7 P0 .. :?. Hurley, aiioiuey 10 uo J' Piildpl.'riiu.y.lnt.onloOi w f-ir I, n Iltockwiiy Jitcohy publlshlns this met. Iiti ! . , " '"''"''ilnKthl.snccl. .ftu ' Til .'J !"' '.''f'l"" ',lsl '"! 'Mllcinl nt Ml k) Hal duo Triasuier J. 1 Itll. I J :ia .."..""?"VI '''-''"lAudltnis, do bucby certify liint wo iKivei'.iii fu v ejiniii.,.i 11,.. ,.;,. ,,! ! ......... ...... UH.-II, III nil I'D-riH,'!. i.l'-YI-TI'K CHKA'-Y AAlt'i.S' K'KI.CHNKIt. It. I Auditor.. a. iirrciii-ix. Jiee. i,,o. A I M E ltS tin It'Stlpplliil .Hull I Im, l, llliiilnl,l,l NOVA SCOTIA JAItVI.-s ISLAND (il A" O AND PllOHPHATES, At tho mill or . PAXION a llAiui v.N llupert, Dee, laUMiiuu, ' JkTOTHU-: OF INCOItl'OliATJON. .Nollcels lieri-tiy Ku,u ii,i uiii,i,.tli.ii teen nu v to tin, iiourt or Conn 1 pi i , r Coluiubin tH,unt .loMrtiut iiCliaii,, f ration to llie l-s-usi .Mnuuiuit, silii i J borer.' llenniil. ut AmoUMi.ii." tho ol jeVi .1 said asUH'Intloii belnu ,,, , tb. ii,Iiu,J. 'Wi "'.t""-W'--' H A 1 iill..r, 1 ll. '1 11" ' E. A House -i ly r li Hlus'in-d.L-r .ii i in n, a.ioinlna prop I' iriueny owned l,s" s c 1 tr Ami, Uro situ 'i u nitia nun room nn . , " I Thu 1 mui it ",i-k t inai-us " .... ' 1 " leruis i. H,u . Iiini,is. n -it. nil' t ttelllit -a Ii ' ir '1 on M T"lrlM ( I 11 1 -11 11 !' I ADYEimSEMRjiS. OE.ITtJ WANTKI) l'llll SKCItCT") 01' Trl (HIK1T . I' r A work dti'C'Ipllseof Hi. Vlriue-, 1 myalerlea,nils.rlcs nnd etlin. of N tit evlrl 1 tic I'll TOIT iTI-s') to knoir .r. tit ins.' h sis: r-iHciiiM inndft itmt lott In . tr If v 11 I ht i r" -1 tin mn Rfi rnihttd tn - Utmntrrnifii p " tj liim Mlnlir $ d o-nt-ini-tiiru ; n "i- tfitirert flilonn r m-Mt'-d Hoitftfl and Iv.ll. 1 Ar i tii A oil I'-impiMil oriAliik oMion "ursi, ifiM 1 ins hoik ji funtftjnt - V Irur-i. ttllt nil hntit tut tiifBifti it i,s, -f ofthe kltul published. ONLY $2.50 lKH COPY. Sir fend for circulars ...I inti t.'Mnu. ntnl , full ileicrlptlon of t'te work. Addr.s. J.nin iiroiucra 1.11., niiindciphta TTUNTEH'a GUIDE AND Tit A I'. XJL VE EIV8 COMPAHIDN. Itnie I. In... I ..,.1 trap-all animals, lo tan furs, mtka tt i boat., ele. Worth S10 to any farmer or bey. Jiew arc or boms -"reeelnls." Well printed nml Isiuntl, l pftiios. Only . 8 eents ; f ir tl. Addreas I), linn ler.dr.i., inmdab , N. II UEI-: I'OU A 3 CENT STAMP. A Pamphlet containing s-.lnahln it,ririn.tnin on Iho sublect nf i-idvcrilslne;. A list of nn-r nn. tlioui'.ilul wsnniiers. rthe lie.L .dv,.rll.ln l. tn... dlunis,! nti-l pilce cards alioirlni ml. utuu ran;s. Auuress ueo, i', itnwcll nil. 111.. . 1. 'JpiIE AMEI1I(!AN UNION I'HIUU IIi;iJUCEI)l tiGO A TUAE. Tilts larorite ramlle wilt hereafter Ii sent lomiusenoer. por A ui'iills cony sent olio vear to anv nerson w-lin nlitnittd jlx lumoa.and forwards them with thn none io us. in inner wonts, Wfi svlll fcclld I .'ll cop. ie. for 15.00, This makes the Onion The C'lioiijiL-st Story Pnrior In Ami-rifii. lis eoliunns nre filled with enpllal stories by tlie best writers, und that ch.rinlui s.iletv tu poetry, wit and Keucral miscellany, an well il culuted to picas, nil Iovera;cl .o,itl rmdlhi:. kqw to tiii: tiie to suhisciiidk! Slnele entiles. .Iv p-oil A 11 .tnal. s.ll if . J r dress lllllot, inomes A Talbot, fiostun, S NATIONAL AGIUCULTUUIST AND l'UXNtYLVANIiL FaUJI JOCKMAL. HEVOTnn to isrlculture, Horticulture and Rural Eeonoray. ruiH-imiKB at l'lTThrjurtair, pa. J. St. A O. I). KUMTKn , Editor., Assisted by a Corps of Prnctlcnl Contributors. Tr.!iui:-1.09 per .nnumj Ten coplot 17.'). 7Atlcrtlslnir 25 rents ner Una for aseh Inisr. tlon. -3 STAH SPANGLED U ANN Kit. A AO Column n.ner. Illeh rsre .nil r.T-. f ill ol clinrniliin rea!llngjn.,factnnd uuey. I'.ian Bellne," n splendid steel plate, "Preo." tn every "-'.'.""o cis a year. "i.t. lifeline" Be lS nt 9L Sllhvrlhn '.'nv. ftn.lmnn, . Address Rill ncronice, Hinsdale, K. II. "WANTED, AGENTS, $75 lo $200 ft 1 1 monlh. evcrrwliere. male nml f mule, to introduce the ,lmprnr I Ci-muicm Renso K.mlly Scwlns Jtaehlll Thu mnctiino Will tdltch. hem. T.U. onllt e,i.l. b. il ln-niil .,n.t embroider In a most superior manner Price on- ) e uuy wnrranieii ior lire j i-iirs. Wo will pay SlotKifor nnr machine that will sew n stromr tr, more beautiful, or mora clnMi. se.m tlntn ours. II makes tho "I.lnslla Lock tltrh." Kt eiy t,eeond bllleh call be cut and sll 1 the c! .th ejnnotbo pullol apart without tenmu 't. We pay iicnts fromSTS lo .DO per mouth and expen ses, or n eomml.slou from which twlen Ilu iiiu't can be male. Address."ei ornb A Co., Plttbuii;li. I'u., liosloa.Mnsa.. or St LouIs.Mo. t'AUTIOX. DO not be luinosed Ilium i.r nl'mr parties pulmlin; oil' worthless castlion mhi bines, under the same name or otherwise. ilmsi,i il. only Beiiulnound ruiliy rli.up machine iimiiu- IIILlUtt'll, GENTS WANTED To sell Geo. P. Itowclt A Co'a.. AMZItluiN Ni:w.sPApnn uiitncrnuv .V liandsomo Octnv.i Volume of 3))p ige.i b mu I In cloth. Price 5),10. It eonlains u curato LLMs of nil tho Ncwspjpers'nntlp Periodicals rublMieil In the United Hlntesnud lerrltorles, nnd the Do- mlnlen of Conad t.nnd British Colonics of .Vi.rt i America; togetlur with n description of Iho Towni nud Cities In nhlth Ihey lire published. Every Dullness Jlan wanU it. Every Profc-tsinnhl Man wants it. Hvory Advertiser mu-t havo it. Largest Commissions paid. A town can bticiuvaised for Ihls liook lu uiu or two days, nnd from SWto f-V) ifc.'urei In e un mlssltm. Advnueo bln !.s sboirln tho stylo of the work now rendy j nd will bo sent on nppll cation together with term, to ngenti Addn Kel.oti Chesman, N't 1. 10 Purk llosf New York OllAHU ItAl'IBS, Mil II. , -l-)it. IJ, Ippineott 4 UukoMclli The Tii'iuile n. i.iii to Imi.,..v u ....... t... i Jutkiit Axes. Pleaso stud mo iwiutv dozen Yours Truly, I'.P C UTION, Unprincipled denlers are eel Ioj AJuspaluted reil.iDilho ll.J J eliat Ale. The good qualities or this Axe consi.u in Its suo.rl or cutting qualities not In the rod palu Jim 'Ki-i I Jacket" 1 foraalo'by all lespou.n.le hardware tlu.ilrrs auj tlie numifacturura, plncmt lliik.w.n PituburiU, I'. "WANTI'r). ACiENTS, To ft TI Aiiierlrnn kutlii Vaohlim. P The,nni.! liiiI l,..l L-mIii 'Ill' 11IM ei.r lnjoute.1. W'lll Idilt iu.inw.tlt !,1;,,.r ,n(n. utu. Llbej-al tudut'cinints to uc 'IPs. A.d re.s .."'. ,'...,, iv,iiiiiiiS jiiicmi.1' uo., iiotiiui,, orfsl. Louis Mo. rpiIE AMlVlUrAN" NKWSPAPPP. MfllX'TOItY Will ho lsiJ J.iumry, I : ,1. IsUIIftCllll'no.f PP.IPK, . . JS yu.i. contain: A list of tho Newspapers and other P.ilolleaH in null htnte, Tin llory. Province a . toy, Arruiik-. I Alphubeile.illy liy Towns, m, ,1 tue,daya of Issue, size, subaci'lpilon pri, . pol itics or chswer. cireuli' tn. 1 H nnd imbllslier'a n.itnes, mi of e..t .'ill. n nt, and other inroruullou. A list of townsan 1 cities In I'm I'uitelM . i aiidTkrrltorlec.nntllhe Poraluleu ofi'iu aiU .111.1 llritlsli Aluerleau Colonies In whlc.i V. v iinoer-j or other arlivlieiit ore pubiiabu t, a. nnncl al phaln tlcally by Coiintles.uli lu( iiopuIation.u.c- tlon, brunch or lu ustryfroni whl.-ii It derives Its Importance, und other luforumilnn, as me edition will be Ilmlto-I. mi sons wuh'iw copies will do woll to send In order, ut onee. A Handsome. Uitavo Vol.. of ion s, '. u i tn ' loth, price J5 Address ordeia tnOeo. P. Uowoll A Co., Pub. INhers, ID Park Itnw. -Vow York. go PEH CENT, SAVED To HollsekeeiH,ik nml ullinr- u i.n ....... Spoils from our Or.At Ono IMInr Kile ot Ilry l.otKls fancy tloods. I'latid Wsre.Cutle y.elt!., I"'' " .elreul.r Iiv fit eipense In nny 1" r He Hulled siaios: g,i f,ron nod c irl. tms ou will tave nionev by iidditssliw t.tsi. Jiryilen A Co., Ill Milk HI., Ilnston, Mass, -Anen Is wanted In. very town In Ihe i-oun llec SVS1 lm.1 gOUTIIEltN HOME JOUItNAL FOR 1 8(59. Ti:itMS:-S3 t er annum. Tour copies Cr Slu l.ifot eoi'liH for KVaud run Ira l0pj I. thei;elteriipotiheclub. A JlOHIIserwalch for 20 Hnliscilliers .?jf .-;l'i".ll,B Mr, j1'" lor a sitbn-rlb. 1 Allsldold watch forlOMibscrlliers, A 8100 (luld Wutch lor SSubu ribn- H you do not cet enoucli tnsecuietl.e i iimii is will a' ow you W cent. 011 eu,i, V ' fiiliacrlberiit M. Knnipleeoiiies in. , 'J J "h","'",1"''':'''1".""1 e.lmll is iiimenio 'wi.'MVfa.iV. !!Li!:!;!5!r.,:'Mdrr'Ji',,u v- To llolil and ka,Uu ka.jiii. of Illooui.,- burs and Columbia County.-I appolutisl Mr. II. Htuliner agent for th. .a.1. of my !, n.r brow u stout, uud laijsr bsiv, who will supply you M Ui. .una pric. (aud wlih lit. ik.u.u urllcl.), m I would mrnUU you (torn Hi. brswurj, Knoowius that h. will L. punctual said all.utlT. ij Wh may I.toi- him wliu thlr lrd I wiluil for him rnnrsnpiwrt. Ttry rMisKtmily, It Uli lAltU, Htani Bi.w.ry. tlcuX , Pa STAm,ism;ij m;. JOMIAN J.Ut,'Mlli2, Whol.saloOroccir, ul P.aUr. U ALTP TJ.'lt AM) liltlllkli V 31XoiUltklt rinvui.'svi.i. KOK NRA'V A-1' CP.TAP -KW ,''. 'J'JXG nin. r iini.i U' ctVi,!- 1 v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers