f- THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. r tlu'M In clrc'uliitlini, but tllil not s vuc the itiluptloii of lilt vtuvv. He Im I in u-u 1mhi llilciicn than most men In MIT lllfllH'V. Mint It'll I V1 1 llhviU'B HlU II.ilill Ity iiT ttic ( 1 vtTiinu tit to pay lis iinll(,iiiiin In i-iilii cuviit vrlieru ex it Mily ntlpulntoil liy i-oiitrnct. ttc wtufiliu'crc vnil iiirnist In pur mini; Ills objiet mill not fcrupuloiH In i 1 1 inn of mentis fur their accomplish-, im-nt. Party vrns with lilm tint n iiiouu to mi tinil, mid tin never litwlttv ti'il to initio with pnlltlwl opponent to H'Ciiri' ins purpose. Tliuro went ttmtiy li ttiililf liiHtmictwof thUroniltift during Ms MiTVliV III till- ItllllMI. Ills Illlp l- t'-' f with p.tlltiejt u-iH'l.ttiK when I. lltT'Tril fioni lilm wit'ofti'ii ilrong I iiliiuircsl si ; in private iltsootir.se wlttMtit roslntliit. hiiiI In puhlle with vui.iluHtsltuUKh with uitroofitei'Drutn. .NorilUlliu wlthholil hluisulf upon 00 culon fnini illreftlii'' his almits of Mitlte nullum p.irtlculiiniiumhersnf this body, Upon th conclusion of thn wtr Mr, Htiivoiivmuotinccil his theory of enn q n-snintl tlio policy to bs pradlcatod thfr."in. Tliern Win n tloctriue of for-r-itiim Involved In tho firmer, which, It'-niK written In no co le nor tllii.t rated by viy Aincrlcm oxmnpto, w,i slowly iccppted In the counsels of his party it .id In thn debutes: of Conimv-.s. It was ti. at tho southern States had forfeited 'government and to their ins by rebellion against trlty. AMUinlng, noxt, nil riglittosclf- -t vtl institutions l-'oler.il autliorlty thAt this Government as conqueror of tit'iio .States had by virtue of tho laws ft war complete power over them, the way w is open for propositions of policy f'tneernlng them. Gradually Ids theory prevailed, nnd many measures founded up'tn It have been passed and executed. lie llvod long enough to seo his theory .ccopted and his policy triumphant. In hi. own party doubters had become resolved, tho timid emboldened, tiic Liiiiiii ciiiwoiuniiiMi. inn refractory subdued, and all onnosition 1 nrsili.nr.n.1. HI. ncc,ln. V'f Pa&,!?nn8 ... .... ..... ..i.l. n... ..i.iiiuiu KlUbltl- eatlon, except In the two Important particulars of conflict Hon and impsach- ment. From nil this It will appear that he died at fit tlmo to be canonized as a zreat and successful leader of party. Mr. President, for what will men c.iro toremember Mr.Stevena? He will lie romoubered for his wit and humor, which were genuino and constant; Buited to onllvcn a dull debate or a te dious trial; to eharm a social clrelo or an occasional cbmpa nion. lie will bora memberetl as a lawyor, Democrat nnd tho Star of the Xorlh able, eloquent, and careful ; fit for the were for many years rival newspapers, rough work of nnfotprfu trial or for of tho same politiwl falth but with di grayoilebato inn court of error. Men verso interests. Yet their rivalry did of tlio legal profession will hold In ,10t pro,iuco l)arty weakness. Again, memory one who adorned that profest- ovcr slnvi) tho cstablUhment of the Ion and won Its trlu.npns. i Columhi'an there ha. been to some ex ile will be rem embered for some gen- tent a rivalry tietween it and tho Demo erous acts to persons in misfortune; crai though both havo been united in acts magnanimous nnd noble, which lio opposition to the Hudlcul party. Un did not publish nbroud, but which have transpired through tha gratitude and admiration of others. He will bo remembered as a pari la nientary leader; as tho man who, be. yond any example since Ilandoiph nnd Clay, gained tlio ear of tho House and held Itfor many years against all com- peiltojrs Jn nil tho .years of tho war and tnce tho war and resigned his In- HuevTee only with his life. TjMStlv. lift will ItA pnmnmtiprjiil fnf his support of emancipation and colored suffrage, grent questions which, what ever may bo their merits, will bo of en suring interest. Ho projected some nnd supported all the measures by which they wero established and up hold during his life, and left his name to bo associated with debate and dis course upon them hereafter. Sir, men will be apt to forgot his im perfections of temper, his defrctivo moral organization, his disregard o proprieties In speech and conduct, his occasional deflanco of public opinion. and generally tho error and faults of a lifetimo of content, In contemplating his truo nnd undoubted titles to future fame. If In examining Ills character I havo spoken with freedom nnd havo not withheld tho truth which told against him, it has been done in nil loy alty to our common manhood and in view of thoso purposes of Instruction with which myta.sk was begun. And thus I leave the subject nnd the man. Economy in the Use of Coal. At tlio, present high prices of coal it be hooves all to bo economical in tho nse of it. Some housekeepers, In tho man agement of their fires, seem to suppose that an ndilition of fuel will insuro In creased combustion, and develop add! tioual beat. No idea can bo more mis taki-ii. Coal, and especially aiithraclt.t coal, nhould bo always furnished with s Miflleiont amount of oxygen to keep th flro bright. It Is only smothering and retarding tho fire toput inn thick layer of coal, or at some do, fill tho firo box, from u layer of two inches of ignited coal, to its utmost capacity, with fresh fuel. No mor coal should be put upon uflroatonollino than will readily Ig nite nnd give olfa puro white blaze not a bin.- Hume, which denotes the presence of unconsumed gases, and the firo shnu'iJ bo undisturbed on tho top. In clearing tho grato In the morning there Is n qunntlty of unburned coal, which has been externally subjected to combustion. It U covered with sh, uud looks liku clniler. It is often dump ed into tlio ash box. Tho fact Is that tho lump is only roasted on the outside, not oven cooked, and Is In a better con dition for igniting than the green coal. Nuver waste it. Attention to these few hints will savo many dollars In a win ter. Sunbury Gazette. A Hiinnr. MnVTir.'Nm Pfinnnvl va. n!a School Journal gives tho following us the law fixing a school month : "That twonty-two days shall bo held to bo a school iimntli, and that two Sat unlays in each month, as the proper board shall designate, which two Satur days shall bo held school month, may, and by tin nfllrmativo tyo. m.u.e ., en oers o, u.o oaruoi Directors, or Controllera. ha nnnrnnrl 1. 1 . , 1 -J "I to institutes for tho Improvement of "" tlio teachers of tho said district: TVo-1 to beu part of the v.t., to.eraoiocomp.eiencss me news or about forty other centlcmen of demo- ....nntiAVi " " " , nt tT.o discretion, 1,10 u'y- r wo Hold that a nowspa- erotic porsuasion lias been presented to , " "'Z7 V .7, vlded, That in districts in which the tchcolsnro, or shall be, kept open, and 1,10 In nnnrnf Inn. Ilin mm mum term nnw ... , . . allowed by law, and tho teachers em ployed by tho year.tho foregoing elauso I as to tho number of days in tho school William Curtis, Orand Secretary of tho month.shnl! not apply any further than Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows for tho that (ho renorls and Btntlstlcs of tho Stato of Pennsylvania, nnd who Im Echool shall bo kept in accordance thero-1 served In that capacity for many years. with, anil that District Institutes may I died p,'u "em as thereby directed ; all acts or I morning. IIo was widely known from parts of acts, inconsistent herewith, bo j his connection with tho order, and . md nro hereby repealed. I highly respected. $kt dpalumfrum. UI.OOMMlJUKO, PA. WIHIM IIUII.MNCI, JAN. 1, INCO. -TIIK (Jell, OMniA.Y Im. the LrBes ClreuUfUn hi OMninbla nml n,1JrlnliiB unties r l"Ji.r putill.hc.l.licre, and hi alio mtith larger .licet than any of ltlcleniporailrS ami I. Iher.rore the li.t medium for advertising In (his .ectlun or the State. Tan rraw iz-bar. Consolidation of Journals. tiik f uvutu:. Tiik tlilrtl ycmljr olmno of Tim Coi.umhian, (us rnirRHiilzitl uider tho purclmsr of Dee. lSCfl.) eonimenees with Mho picsent number. Ittit the pnper la chaiijji il In position If not in character by tho union with it of tho Jitoomsbura Dtmnrrnt. Iifntnfiim niiltllutin,l Ur W II. Jacoby. Wo add tho words, "and Bloomsburg Democrat" after "Colum bian" In tho advertisement head on our first page to indicntu this chango, and place also under our main head In ad- slitllltl to it... 7. . .... ""the heat and burden of thn ilnv." nml (joi.u.miiian wic voiumo ana numocr which would belong to tho paper as a cntlnuallon of tho original Columbia Democrat uhlch was established lu April 1637. HEABONS FOll CONSOMDATIOX. Our pulchaso of tho Democrat prompted by motives which Ho upon tllO Surface. By thO pUrcliaSO WO Ob- tain, to n moderate extent, an Increase of advertising patronage, tho principal soureo of support to tho country press. Again, wo can furnish our paper to now subscribers, added to our list at a cos t i. ,n., .i, not much exceeding the cost of papor . . . . I , . . " . .. 1 7 . , ,B K . ""V ' ",b " I" Hlior'l our" purchase tvas made for uusiness reasons winch lie open to com- pieio ooservnuon. l-onucai consiuera- tlans did not control us. Although many persons nro or opinion that rl- val newspapers, of tho samo political complexion in tho samo town, aro a certain cause of party division and weakness, we cannot agree with them. We think on tho contrury that multi plied party organshlpis usually a source of strength. And upon this question oar sxperlcnco in this county ought to ho held ennpltisivn. Thn Onlumhin voiumoia . der this stute of tilings what have wo seen? Why, tho strength of tho party they represented lncreosljv;.ovci-yu'ar lu the County, un.1 oar majorities hnvo bi-como a natter of orido nt home and of c&inmcudntion abroad. Tho cxpla nation of such n result Is not difficult Each nowspapcr In such a coso reaches and Influences a eertaln number of men who could not bo reached or Influenced by tho other. Tho totality of party strength is therefore Increased. Thus 1110 itar J ihe JSor"1 formerly nod the Columbian more recently, though es tabllshed as rivals of existing newspa pers, havo greatly promoted tho Inter - ests of tho cause to which they gavo their support. But there are advantages in consoli dation which aro not o bo overlooked . By It editorial effort will bo concentra- ted and much expense avoided. Ener- gy and effort will not bo wasted or im- providently applied. This week, for instanco. wo aro ablo by a single publl- cation to cast moro than 2,500 copies of Mr. Buckal ew'eaddressupon Thaddeus Stevens beforo roaders In this county, beside sending a respoctablo number to subscribers nnd exchanges abroad . Lastly, by consolidation thcro is se cured to our peoplo an annual saving of soveral hundred dollars upon news paper subscriptions. About 300 persons have boon subscribers to both Journals who will bo obliged hereafter to pay for but one. ThU will bo a sensible re lief, helng'equivalenttoatax reduction for them of $3flJ per annum. oun future course. Professions as to tho courso wo intend to pursuo In conducting our Journal hereafter, may bo thought superfluous or susplelous. But wo dejlro to say a few words on that subject. In tho first place, wo Intend that, our Journal, as a political organ, shall not represent the selfish Interests of nnv man or sst of men. but tho common Interests uud sentiments of a gro.it party. It Is in- tended that it shall bo Impartial and Justin its treatment of condldates for nomination as well as faithful and zeal ous In Its support of nominations when made. Our object will bo to allay dis putes and secure harmony In parly ac tion; all which wo suppose will bo compatiblo with compicto independ ence nnd self respect. Wo feel a Just prido in tho position and character of our party In this coun ty. It Is constituted of honorable men, sincere, unselfish nnd patriotic In opin ion, who havo shown tholr courago in ,l,.f...t....l .nn.l,....lnn I., t.l I. x-: " """-" , u uueu omc.u patronage, uorintlmidatcd by persecution, nor mis lead by appeals to passion, thoy havo held steadily to u courso sanctioned by duty nnd honor. Thus has it ever been since this county was erected and thus may It be always hereafter I Our f(del i..n i. a i . v . .uumuru ujwu ueep respect mm me .my laciimc it, unu wo aro , COnuUCIH lliai Willi HUCllty Will M III! tInos accompany usand direct us In our . " " o. i nut, wo propose ... so to givo u, our pit pur a murary uuuracier which smut render It acceptable to readers al differ - ent political opinions, nnd to furnish -'T 'E tV ", "wtimrgeu. Ill conclusion WO IWK from a. . J 1 it I uur irous, oiu turn new, ineir gon- vote of a majorl- l,er oUler Uuties l,C:jIj0 ministering ine president asking for a proclamation " i . .in nnrru nnaamn oiiiii ahmiiii nnt- i valv.iuiiiit uiiiiiuni v lu uu iitirnuiii tii i eruu coiiuuenco mm inenustiip that Men. wavis entirely tree. Jlepubtican. 8l'I'Port and that favor which constitute l'roI'or encouragement ana just ro- uuitoriai ton. Death of William Curtis. Mr. suddenly of npoploxy on Sunday Oapt. Henry Webb. In tho Columbia Democrat, Vol. X. No. 48, dated JIarcli 20th 1817, Capt. Webb published his valedictory ntlilrois to hi patrons, Informing them that lin had sold out his establishment to Is. L. Tate. Ho stated Hint It was nine years since ho hnd bevomo n resident of tho County and llio proprlctorof tho Demo crat (which ho had purchased from a Mr. Ingham) that be had mat much opposition and somo nbtiao for Ills sup port ot tho measure of removing tho Bent of Justin) from Dan villi) to Illooius- hurg; Hint In the triumph of that meas ure Justice hd been secured and ho de sired that all the 111 feelings connected with tho struggle should bo forgotten, nnd that the people of tho county should bo 111 the future united and linrmonl ous. Tho years during which Capt. Webb published tho Democrat, covered tho tlmo of severest contest over tholto moval question. By a popular vote of ??18 f 53 ?'ven nt tho Sno.ral eIoc- tlon In 1815, tho removal had been do creed, and In duo time it was consum mated. Tho Captain's work was dono : his mission was accomplished, and ho rejoiced at tho result. Ho had "borne , : ; . . ". .1Lllri-u "l . "t "lomeni, irom ma . po- bI", for labor in tho cause In winch 1,0 hnd , eC" ngaged W"9 no l0"SCr rCS..rt .., , .,. fW. Wolilwlltl tol.M, rv-nrl.- for mnr 1 .7 . r comnentatlon when conductlnc: tho wnen '3 Democrat. We do not mean tsilltnrtnl jabor alone, but mechanical work In bis nfflmnn-1 wmiM-Mltr In mn.1iiltni lila paper. Ho had litUo asslstanco and was without much means. Besides, ho did much Journeying through tho coun ty for political as well as business pur poses. Ho was not sn illiberal or hard ma any moro than a prosperous one. 110 WM a P'oncor or tno press ana toolc 1110 TOUgn anil badly-paid fortunes of a nioncer. without eomnlaint. Tho itttlo old fflce be oceunled on tho South sldn 0f Main Street has long disappeared, and successive nowspapcr cstabllsh- ments havo nppcarcd ujion tho sceno with various conductors to fill tho place formerly occupied by his Journal : the Columbia Democrat the, Snr of the. Xorth tho Democrat and Slur the Bloomsbitri Democrat tho Columbia County Jlepubtican and last but not least, The Columwan. In these jour nals thcro has been, unon tho whole", a i - progressive Improvement both In lilo- rary contents and mechanical execu tion. Capt, Webb, wo beliovo, never held a civil ofllco. After tho ltemoval bo was a candidate beforon County Con vention for nomination to tho olllco of Prothonotarybutwns unsuccessful. The veteran Prothonotary Jacob Eyerly wits renominated and wo suppose he would have been successful against nny 0no at that time. Almost tho last erhnlnvmont of Cnnt. Webb was tho construction of a cruded j-oamt.atUng out of Bloomsburg toward I Onuiravllle. nrnnml tim wmt frn onil of Cedar Hill.a work which was under his chargo us Supervisor. Ho was a tali, thin man, but muscular and aetlvc. He bad intelligence, u so. ciul disposition-and much fidelity of character. Ho bus a native of Windham, Connecticut, nnd before coming to this coun ty had resided in Luzerne. Ho died In Bloomsburg, September 22, 1818.. IIo was born July 23, 1700. In Affliction. Tho person who seems to feel tho worst ovcr the recent newspaper chango in this plnco is tho editor of tho Jlepubtican. He sees that it means peace and hnrmony among the Democracy, and henco forgetting that he la not addressing his own people, ho frantically exclaims, "Is this so? Are tho old Democrats of Columbia willing to bo bought nnd told llko so much merchandize?" This oppeal comes from ono in authority. Tho Chairman of tho Itepubltcan Party in this county In n paroxysm of agony, gives this ad vice, and to make It moro effcctlvo the old Democrats aro appealed to. Again ho exclaims, "Wo beliovo tho largo pro portion of tho Democrats will have eyes large enough to tcv, mid hearts honest enough to reject the rogusry lu this hale." Good, again, Dostor. If largo eyes will Increase their perceptive qualities, tlie30 "honest Democrats" will hco no more roguery In tho pur chase of the Democrat than thcro was In tho sale of tho Jlepubtican. Tho dlf- iereuco is thnt.tho ono was an amicable arrangement among tho parties, while tho other was forced by political prcs- sure. Uf courso wo understand tho eauso of the Doctor's alarm. The acquisition of 1,000 new subscribers leaves him ho far In tho bacx-grouud that ho has not tho ghost of u chanco of ever catching up to us. Tuko things coolly. When "old" Domocrats want advlco thoy will go elsewhere for it. Tub most gigantic frauds of tlio ago havo lately been ox posed in New York through tho columns of tlio World. A special commissioner employed by that p.iper has procured samples of various articles of groceries nnd liquors, most of which havo been found to Iks not only .i.n.t t.. .....t..t.f i...f n,i..it...t..,i .. nw.K"., ui Muuiwtmi.-u in 11 sbnmufui ftnd criminal degree. Short ht foul(, ,)() th(J f i rulo rather than tho exception, whilst tho adulter ations, especially lu tho matter of li quors, and thoso obtained at tho most respectabloundoxponsivo housos, might almost havo been termed slow poisoning In New York tlio law requires that " scalosshould bo tested once a year, but tho country thoy aroseldom If ovor ,a,,i r ,, , . , ,,,, reCommend persons purchasing goods ro.xuniii'li -41intn n n 1 ortflafir 4 mm. wtyiMf Mint omtaijr .uvui- selve3 of thelr correct,, . ,..A.I'FITI?rfi headed by Hon. rebellion who nro nnw nmin i.u..., Wvv IMV17UMUIUU1IL Ui tlllllWtllJUJtl Mueb n proclamation Is Intended to sol The DQdor might havo added that President Johnson has issued n procla mation of amnesty In accordance with that petition. Vo publish it this week. Jeir. Davis, howuvor, was free before. Republican Judges refused to try ijlm, aml Horace Oreoloy and other emlniui.t J Hopubllcans then bailed him. The do M'011 of Senator Buckalow and others a"mj to havo had tho Intended effect. Samuki Umtm:, formerly of this couDiy, died rceontly In Wilkes Barre. ' i if i Lcctii Communicated. Mr. Editou DiiauSiiii Asn matter of local in terest and for tho purpose of informing School Directors of tho attendance, of teachers nt tho lato County Institute, I furnish for publication tho follow ing statement of tho number of days each Common Shoot teacher attended : IT.MAIiKS. NAMEI 0. DAYS. NTvStra KO. DAYS. Jennie Ilreeco T Vennuttn 0 Frec.o U Weaver Siullolkclcr liizzlo Uvea Emma, llcncock Itachel Kves SallloKecler Snrali Snyder KntoA Uelz Sarah M Hctis M J 1) Culver Jennio Ditty II Vnudcrsllco Mlntio Ileacock I'hebo Henry. S 15 Thompson Sarah Spear liizzio Bcnuvier Vannlo Kressler ! Harriot lliitcliius i) DoraWlnterateenU luitoXolemnn Alice Atiaius iMttruarct AIu Janu hockart .Miranda Hess lsctuu vanuorn dallle tjolo M FunsternmclicrC .Uollle li howls Amanda Uoslon o Elvlrn Hess Ulauch Wells 5 Sarah Kester Anna McKeo Sado Iltutuian C, I'risci i .i Kves fi!FIorct -o Wirt mam:s. Wm I Evans Josepli Oarriion S 1$ Coleman OjAlbert Smith o Alex Smith U t' liartch -H A iv"so h A luisu W -3 Fritz limiiuuel iiltz sllas M'JIcnry J 11 Staddon Clm3 Miuibardt II U yandeislico o( Geo M' II M sfnidiu''00 S jFDel Wm L ManuTng b David 1 'Henry Colo ;rr llmittrt. " ''B jonn iiower 5 S 1' Fink t 'James Brofeo i.i win Suvnrlf Kd C Greene 6 iii F Joliuson M 1 A1i,"1a. ' V"muj v. i'?01 5, Kd Bowman 1A C Snyder , O'll'lieodoro Conner C ,J W Winterstesn 6 James V Keelcr l 'Silas Young 5 lj 11 Aikimiu 0-s A'erkheiser Depew A'evius Wm l'atteison Win H llcncock II J Dictterlch T U Kocher C II Campbell Thus B Miller 0 Wm Yaplu Klwoud Ileacock, o iGDCroll l'orry Uel.oug 0;i.lamcs Miller Win iM'iSriUu O'Joliu liuubacli Alfred Hartinan 0,il' M Van hlew John Jacoby 0; In addition to thoabovo there were fourteen feniales,and twenty mulo mem hers of tlio Institute, who aro either teaching in private schools, or are study ing to enter upon tlio business of teach lug, forming an entire roll of ouo bun Ured and twenty-seven actual members of the County Institute. Tho average attendance of each day was one bun died and nine. The largest attendance oj any one (lay was one hundred and twenty-one. C. G. Barkloy Supl. Com. Schools, Bloomsburg Pa. Dec. 23, 1SGS. SiiAUGimnuxa Hoas. As tlis tho season for killing hogs, ttie follow ing plan for dispatching porkers, by Chester county farmer, may bo of inter est to some of our readers, who dosiro to do their butchering quietly, expedit iously, and witli a duo regard to Iiu inanity. Ho says, kill your hogs by shooting them. Ho has tried it fo m"y J'ars, and declares that ho shall novcr abandon it to return totho old sticking and squealing method. All 'In" " necessary to bo dono is to place a small plug mado of hickory or some 11!m . woou lnt. yuf ".' ""'l.w.,t" small chnrgo of powder drivo it Into the brain of tho animal at a point between or a-littlc abovo tho eyes. This will cause instant death. In nine cases out of ten tho bog will turn on its back and can bo stuck nnd bled freely. The advantages of this method may bo enumerated as follows: It requires less help, is moro expeditious, tlio bog dies without a struggle, is not excited, nnd bleeds as freely, If not moro so, than when stuck alone. Tho pork is not so warm after killing, is much better, will I keep as well ; and lastly, It is moro hu manothan to ma tho knifo exclusively, lbimbury Gazette, tub annual Baio oi mo rows in oi Paul's Church will tako placo on next Saturday afternoon, January 2, 18G9, at ono o'clock P. M. A full attendance of tho members of the parish is desired. Thcro will bo other business of great importance brought before tho congro. gation by the ve3try, and they earnest ly hopo n proper interest in tlio affairs oi tlio church will po inaiiiicsteii. u. Of courso you can I Can what ? Why keep warm, if you will only tako the trouble to call on our friend Chember- lln tho enterprising merchant tailor, and got t-omo of his admirable gar ments. Winter suits and overcoats which will defy tho weather. Ho has also underclothing andgcntlemen's fur nlslilng goods, fit for tho season. Editors, Attention. -Editorial Convention. A Convention of tlio editorial fraternity of Central Pennsyl vania, will be held at Bellefonte, on Friday tho 8th day of January, 1800, tor tlio doublo purpose of celebrating tho anniversary of tho battlo of Now Orleans, and agreeing upon aseaioof prices for ads'ertising and job work, to bo hereafter btrietly adhered to. It is expected, of course, that a "good tlmo" will bo Incidental, and editors general ly throughout tho Stato aro invited to como nnd bring tholr "knitting" with them. Papers throughout the Stato aro requested to copy this notice By ordor of Committee. J. W. Furev, Secreta ry. Disraeli the Elder, Is the utithor of soveral very curious and entertaining workslundcrthonaiiiesof,"Curlo.sillesof Literature." "Amenities uf Literature" "Calamities of Authors," "Quarrels of Authors," and "Tho Llterar.v chnrac tor." Thoy nro among tho classics of tlio English language, and have gather- oil up tho odds and ends literature, and dressed them up in a stylo and manner uulquo. Tho works are published In uniform stylo, In cloth, in nlno volumes crown 800, at $10.00, by W. J. Widdlotonvo. 27 Howard Street New York. If any person desires to mako n present to The Philadelphia J'ont wants tlio Capital removed to that city. Would It not suit tho purpose nml feeling of tlio J'ost much better to abolish the Stato of Pennsylvania, and call It all Philadelphia V rt "NT T will deliver tho first of tho courso of Lectures on Wednesday thoCth of Jan- Uu.Vi 18 00,at tho court houso. Subjocty "IIitLt Oio Times." Tickets can Ale obtained nVj'Ither of tho Book or litug Store, .AtliiViiloii i 20 cents. Jk"Servcd scuts lpiel'smmtocotii, Xlccciptsof'TIin OOXiVJVXSKAlVT1 for Sec. 1068. S C Shlvo $i!2 00,W Harris 0 00 i 00 2 00 2 00 30 1 00 3 00 1 00 I 00 DMontgoincrya uu, ltov Hartman Ji Kllngerman a UU, Jacob Fisher JI Woodward U 00 W Fisher It J Millard 1! 00 J Fisher Jr GeorgoScott 17 00, Wm Itllchlo Holomon iluss uo. IjovI Kurtu Geo w Derr X UUJM Gilbert Blanks 1 00. Geo Funster- Jacob Yoho E Hughes Tllorer Win llulmo CKolchncr' Henry Gable W Parr J A Doran A Luckard J 11 Smith J V Bodino Win Stucker o on. machcr 1 ou 2 00 1 00 1 00 1! 00 1! 00 1 GO 1 0U a oo 1! 00 E Trowbridco 1 00 Jacob Beers 1 00 LcvlCoxo M Michael S Johnson M Hngcubacli T II A Wm 1 G Ingles II W Marsh It II Jackson 12 1 00 D Miller 1 3, G VDriosbach2 00, J Hartmnti 1 25 Estnto of D Lovan N Dricsbach U 11 Eut J 21 Johnson M ltemley J O Wenncr Allen & Noo dles James AVrlcht 2 2S fl ou 1 00 i! CO a 00 2 00 2 0U LIIGIrton 60 Jacob Evans 1 00 J Walter 1 iVaron Smith 35 Jno Barkloy 00 75 08 S3 cs 85 l iii avails EliasSliuman Moses Watts 10 00 DrF Harrison 1 00 Blanks David ltaup Uaer & Stet- maiur Wm Eyerley U Kramer John Lei by 1 00 2 ou 2 00 1 00 a ou 2 0U Geo Hois wick Moses llerst A T Ikeler H Demott it F Fruit 00 30 00 John Zeigier 00 08 08 83 08 ll -Kclelincr W Yeager ASKulttlo wm smmi Capt G W Utt a oo 00 11 Vandersllco 1 00 Jno H Pelfer J K Hohblns Georgo Leib 0 00, MFEverlv 7 00 :o W A Iv no CO J G Freezt 18 03 S B Coleman :o J Llneaweaver 2 70 G P Howell O Art ley C II Tyroman M oS j u Weaver & Co Alary Brobst WDreiDelbis J 'V Keeler 00 00 John Pace 00 2 00 1 -11 2 00 Joseph Weiss 1 00 00 A lliirtuinn C G rover J Michael 15 Patterson O Achenbacli S Huberts O ii Fedder Estate of Wm Fritz Estate of J Hayhuist Estutu of Ad am Lutz Jno M Smith 2 00 In B.irndt 1! oo G w souit - 00 lj,o Fnrrell 5 00,1thw O'Connor JJ-00.,8 Hngonbuch ,S G Campbell coJjw Sin ltli I'W'm ITIIImrn (i. :o so 1 05 1 00 l Jno Hummel 05 II Baker 1 21 2 00 10 00 1 70 3 00 2 00 Jcsso Walter Jesse Mensch James Freeze 1 1 Lutz Ken nedy J Wampolo 0 0 M llousekiiech 10 C A llurmuu John Snyder Columbia Co John DUdiuu U II Ent IICHarman ES Stosker 1 00 00 12 00 00 7) !S K Dflefbach 00 M Tracy Wm Thomas A J Carr D Neyliart B F Edgar John Lemons 2 00.IH Bellas 2 00 1 O0.IJ H Mover 31 II 1 00 1 ou 1 oo1 L N Moyer 30 00 u winiorsiccn v uu 1) SiiiL'lov 2 00 00, E-t of Eliza Hudson Owens 1 00 C Whitenight 2 Oo' John Bruner 2 00 D Kleler 2 00, Aaron Bender -1 00 JohnLeiby 1 10 beth Baylor 3 00 Est-of John Baylor 17 00 John Welsh 2 00 p ltOSI'EUTUS. "Till: AC," mr 1 isou. ClllCULATE THE DOCU- .Uii.Mb. A Daily and Hcekly Democrat lac uoir attention of tlio Democratic and Conserva tive masses to tlio Daily ana Weekly issue oi ineir popular journal, me general dis semination of sound political information must result in great good to tho Democratic party. Wherever Jlatlicalism sends its pois on, let its be prompt vi furnishing the anti dote! Wo havo just finished an exciting political struggle, and the Democratic paity, vigor ous and undismayed, is now ready to begiu tho fight again, and to light on until victory cvowns our efforts. One of tlio most powerful energies in so curing victory is tlio Democratic press of the country, and every mau who can afford to subscribo for a Democratio newspaper should at once do so. , THE DAILY AGE ill continue to bo in tlio future what it was in tlio past tho earnest defender of the Union and the Constitution tho bold and fearless advocato of Democratio princi pica and tho constant and unyielding foo pCHadicalisiu in every form that it presents itself to tho nconlo. It will contain tho lat. est news from all parts of tho woild. Dis cussions of all subjects of ccner.il intnrost and impoitanco; editorial comments on gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all iuu tuui-iii, questions oi tuo uav. anu win havo all the characteristics of a live, leading, progressive journal. ' -I'llE WEEKLY AGE ill bo acomnleto cnmnemlimn nfilm n,rj of the week, and will contain a largo quan tity of original, political, literary, agricul tural, and miscellaneous matter. ninUm- it in all rc-pects a first-class family journal, as well lor tiie politician as tho general ruauiT. TERMS OF TIIE DAILY. One conv. ono vcar. is9.no : six iiinnili 61.50 1 threo months, $2.50; for any less iieriod at tho rato of ono Dollar pei-niontli. Payment required invariably in advance, i'ostago on tho Dailv. thirtv cents hwiiimt. tor, or ono dollar and twenty cents per an num, to bo prepaid at tho office of delivery. Tl.'lri ni,"rin. u'i.m.m.-i i ' One copy ono year, $2 , fivo Coiiies, ono year, SO; ten copies, ono year. S17.50: twenty copies, ono year, S33. l'ostago on the weekly, live cents per quarter, or twen ty cents nor annum, to bo nro-naid nt tlm ollico of delivery. In order to place tho weekly within tho reach of all, tlio publishers picsciit tho fol lowing extraordinary low CliUJJ HATES. Olio lluiidrod conies, mm v.'ii' nil n,1. dressed to ono person $100.00 And ono cony extra to the getter up of tlio club additional copies at tho samo price. Seventv-fivo conies, one vear. nll-niMrnca. cd to oiu person $81.00 -nu ono copy extra to tno getter up of tho clud-additional copies at tho tamo prico. Fifty copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person $02.00 uno cony extra to tlio getter up of tho ub additional copies at tho samo prico. Fjrty copies, ono year all addressed to ouo licrson ssa.m And ono copy extra to tlio getter up of .1... t..l.. .l.l!.f 1 !.. . .1. . w.u umu uuuuiuuui eujnu iii tuc samo irico. llurty copies, ono year, nil nddrcssed to one person $12.00 Anu ono copy extra to tho gecter up ol tli p club additional copies at tho same prico. iwcnty copies,ono year, all addressed to ono person $30 00 And ono comr extra to tho getter up of tho club additional oopies at tho samo price. Ten copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person $10:60 And ono copy extra to tlio getter up of tho club additional copies at tho samo price. b'ivo copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person $8.50 Thoso prices, which aro cash invariably in advance, apply only to yearly subscribers, and tlio papers must, in overycaso without exception, bo sent to ono person, and not addressed severally to tho members of tlio club. It will bo observed that our offer of an extra copy to tho getter up of a club, re fers only to a club of ten or moro, ESSf Tho above terms will be rigidly ad hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post- ollico Orders, navabla to tho order nf tho Publishers, being safer, aro prcfeablo to nny other mode of remittance. All who send money by Kxpress must pro-pay Kxprcss charges. Specimen copies of tho Daily and Weekly sent gratis on application at this of fice. Advertisements inserted at moderate rates. "WELSH & ItOlllI, 14 and 10 South Seventh street, Philadelphia Tun jirlzo bniincr oll'uroU by our stiiiuliiiK committee to tho township easting tliolurcust Incrcnsctl jicrccntago ofvotus In November over tlio Oclo hur election, linn been nwnrdutl to Hu Cirloaf. Tlio banner Is.belnt,' nrciiareil uud will bo iirescnteil In iluu time. ic .lounuu m rnuaaclpliia 1 Improvements in every Department, JUitical, Literary, Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural. Tlio publishers tot' TUe Aac boir to rail thn Market llciiort Wheat per bushel t CO ityo I..... Corn " Outs. " , riour per barrel ('loVArffocil Flaxseed t Ihilter Tnllnw I'Dtntoei ItrleU Aptiles I'ork limns Hlilen anil Shoulders I.nnl per pound Hoy per ton LUMIlKIt. 1 ft' I 00 12 III II 00 I IK) i w i ni , 13 (10 Hemlock Boards per thourunt foet-, 1D no . ntnai . 15 iw ., uo .. 7 CO . IS u sn i me ' " Juno Inchl Joist, Hcantllnir, rinnlc, (llctithiek) Shingles, No. 1 per thnusnnd UMIng " " It. 7.V.'.-'.'.'.'.'.'"""J ItlON Nn. 1 Hcnlch pig No, 1 " " tltooin :l rlillnilelplila Markets. runasbAV, lKe. tl. 1S03. FLoun Norlliweslcrnsunerrinent t.VMot S.l Northwestern extra. OoVKa 0,'J.I Nnrthwestem fninllr 8..VK0 tl.iv Pennsylvania and Western superllne... I'ennsylvnnlartnd Western extm 7.7."$ 8.75 Pennsylvania nnd Western family 0.5i)(,$ll.i)0 i cnnsyiviiiiin auu iveiern luuey. ii.ouiaiu.vj live Hour IH.Ui; W'iikat Pemisylvonltt red, hus Sl.80i'.'.o." ISoulhcrn Wail California " " " white " ItVE Pennsylvania rye, hui. Coiin Yellow, " White, " Oats TIjus PnovisioNS Mess Pork, Y hhl Mess lleef, " UrcvHcd llogs, v lb Miuokcd llnms " " Hhouldcrs tr lb I.nrd.1s It, : M.l.Vas.1.10 8l.i.31.lli Jl.VK.tsl.-i'f 91.1731.17 "tk'(a78a JJI.50 UlM SUeUo lVlllo Mi! 17el714' 7.0Ustii Hkkijs Clovcrsced "A tnts.. Tlmolhysceu ? hits llmoinyhc Flaxseed Cattle liver Cattle a lb Cows, iA heau HllEKl1 H lb Iloas-- 1UU Rs S 1.5;ii0 5to Bo jiiasiil l rElnrriatjiiPii I)UKi:-Wi:STM;it-At Nctcoprant tho rosl Ucnco of llu liridft's futltcr. liy Itev, Jlr, Hot tcnstfln, Alfrol .I.IDnilcp.nniluoinsbur,; lo .Ml: Ciiirlo Wcstlt'J ol Ncscojico. Wc woulil return our thankn for tho ilcllclous wetldlng c:iko scntua, nml tuwt Unit iho lives of tho happy couple may bo frco from mli.fortuiiCH nml blessed with nil manner of Rood thing1 IlANICtTrtT OIJAUHAUT At t'hfrrv 11111. Hee. "I, by J. X. Juiiiffsoii, Jjhq., J tie jb UaiiUurbt, unit ouruii j, uenriiiiri HHAFFIJU-CULr-On thn 21lh Inst., nt tho rent uence or joim it. -Moicr uy iusv. j. a. JieiucK aiiiionatmirjr,undHirah A. Culp nil of lllooin WALTnitS DKIIAHT On tliesnmgby the..nno MUItHAY ACIIKNHACII On the snnio day, ut ma resuuiice or inu nnuo h pareniH, nenr .;r- ntiKevlUf, by ilev ir. llouinc.r, or ilew lierll'i Union county, Mr. Hiram 1,. Murray lo Hoph'ti . AchtnlKien daui;!it(.r of Mr. D.ivM Acnen O-Cil CAHrii'-MUltPIIY-In lUuvlllcon tho Oth Inst Mr. John t'.t-ey, of Uioomsbur;, lo Uss TUIio Aiurphy, or Damme. WATTS-niHTON-In OrancovlHo by Ucv, X. ypear, ciemuei ll. wmts, to is. trail i. uirtou nil oi ureenwoou. KVANH-rAIUlKN-OntheSl.lnvt.. bv Ilev. A H.IrvUo .lumen Kvans of llerwicl: to JIur.i l'jirdcnof I l.s!iltig:rfclrf Dcafhii. HOGAHT In Itohrsburir. Cohiinbla eonntv in "Jiid, Mrs. Chilly JioKait, wife ol Huimicl iiogari ngcu nuoui n years. AVe deeply cympnthio with Mr. llonrt lu 1i!t recent atlllctlon, for It is but twp months slnee ho loHt n bright, Intercstlns boy. Tlio loss lit his wife lentes n largo family ,tho youngest being only fcur months old. linTTLH-In Wilkes llarro recently Huuiuel Itct- lie, formerly of( this county. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAS. G. BARKLE. Y, Allorney at I:mv, DL00DISDCKG, COLUMBIA 0., l'A. OtHco In the Exchanji fluilding, eccond tory, over WliliUTcr Be Jacftliv'i Confectionery tirrotut door nbnvo tlio Uxclinnge Hotel liioQinnLurg. juu, i, ieoj, E. R. IKELER, A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW, BL00MSBUKG, PA. Oflicc, lintl floor, in Exclinngc Hlock, near the "Kxchattgo Hotel." All lufinrBB nlactd In Ms h.-imlt u ill be attciitlt'd to ivith nromnlnes nnd care. I.'nllpctiona inaile with I he least posiiute delay. f Jan i, It-CJ, J" II. MAIZH'S MAMMOTH QHOUEItY, smvta' iilock, hain ar uloomsIIuucj, j-a. large assortment of f.moy a It O O 13 It I K s rnnttantly nn hand.Cnmberrles, Kctdlcss Rnlslni. Valenttu ILislns. luullsh Currnnls. Cltriin. .Man. aronl. Canned liultCod l-lsli mid .MacKeral.Kxira luiniiy nour, nuclc wheal Hour, corn lm-ul.l.cd and provisions of all kind, touiu-co nml M'ars. Cnbhimld for Imtter and egg. Oouds ilollvend to all imrlsofthu town. Jan. 1,'CU s HKItlFF'S HALE. liy virtue of a writ of Vend. Kxnonns. Kxnil out of the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia ouniy. and to me un.cted, will nexpoea lo luuucsu e or t,ul-ci.v. ul tne t'oun llmise l lloomsburu. on .Motutsv. l-Vlirnsiv 1st. Issil I h following real istate to wit: a eeitalu lut o! grounu suuale in llie llorougli ol C'tnlrulla Col umbla eoumv boauded aud d.scrlLedai lollows on the wel by Locust Av.uu., ou the uorlh by .ui, iiof occupitu ny .lines uailtliee, T lllf easi by a twenty loot alley, on the smith hv lotur.lim It Kulttle, uu which Is creeled a two story name Dvreltltig House, stabi. and uajuu shed, with ttm in, 'uiicuiiiii'tn. nrif.rd Liu.ru ill rxt'iiiKHi uni so ue soiu us iiopropiiriy ur lunry I'lsbei, Ul.ll. 1, UJ, E. SAVAGIC, I'UACflCAL WATCH HAKillt & JVKL1K. Main fcJlrcc t, (ucnr tho Court Iloute, HLOOMSnUUG, 1V. Coilkt'WltlT fill liaild n fluo mortment nf Airnr. can ftuil Hwui Watdiect, clocks, Jewi'lry, ullver- luttiu. tun ucn iiiiiu,uiiii iiaicmtii TMHiP mri' 1. CUliblbtlllf llf Iitlt4cr tllMlifN. irihli-U. knlvrM ikn. Htioana. tiniilclti rliiu i iuciiur uiicuiioii puiii id rcpnirinR wmciim ervIlon. (if A. l.Hlaif4ll lirsinl I en I nnliliiin. mi jnvf v. i jus ut nmntni i iimii'r uui an. ccr uud JeweUrol trcie venrtt i)tikt( ii-h in n AIllSOI.it) Iltarkli ItUdU tU Ul Jcr. All rmuUiniil yinows' api'haiskjiknts. TJio followliiff nni)rnfcmrnf nf rnl nml m jtonul proiicrly bt'i aimrt to wMowm ot lU-ccilcutN, Jm u been (lltd lu tlio oillce ol tho HegNU'r ol C- luiiiitmcoLimy. uuuer mo iuues or court, ami will be presented for absolute coutiriuatltm, to Iho 'Ornlmim' Court to bo held lu l!loomiburir. In nnd for ,a Id c-ounty.on Monday, iiik Fiit-sr JUy or I'r.u. m), nt two o'clock r, r.t -'ssv. iiuj , uuiiDa VAlCi'UUim III Mini I'OIIIirillU" lions aro inevlotivly llled, of which nil poisom .is, i uu in iini rniMii-a wilt luue ihiiico ; l. Widow of il,V, Creu&y, lute of fcicott twp, deceased. a Widow of Daniel Yctter, UteofMafno two. ueceaKed. 3. Widow of Joint Hess,; lato of Flshlngcreclt JOHN O, KUKEZK, It.isltr. Illoointburi;, Jan. 1, mill. J KEINIIKIMEH A imOTIIKlt, Illri'AIL DIIALUltS 51 UN'S AND 11 O Y a ' - (! Is O T II I N a AND tlllNTS' f u li n i s ii i n a a o o i h. South Jluln Street, Helow.SInrket, (opposite CorreU'a Store,) jiitoou&uujia, j'jl. Jn, 1, lSG9.tr, "VTICW KUllNlTUItE ItOOMS, un main HTitinrr, uloomsuuiio, i'i:nn'a. J A 51 K H O A 1) M A N Itesnectfally Informs the cltlzms of this touu aud vicinity, that ho has at Ids rurssliiiru rooms, chulrsof eiry description, buieaus, dlulng la hl.s lurue aud small, bedsteads of tho latest ut) les curd uud toilet labUs, loiUIng glasses, besldetj luauy other urllclea of lurullui uf llrsl class uianufuciura. Iho public uro iordlally Invited to call and ex uuiluehisttoeic, Jlo will sell upou uusonuble terms. S.J Hlieelul filti.tittnti will 11 until tn ri.iiulrliu- all kinds ot fiirnltuie, Cheap lor cash. iJuu, 1,'tv. AIsIs KINDS OP JOIJ PUINTING neatly oxecutod at TntOsn ohumn rJIcaw nriulluiiomuo. QOUllT 1'KOUIiAMATlON. WllKlinA?, the Hon. William lllwell, rresliletit Jndiioof tho Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd llcneral .tall Delivery, Court of tjunrter Session, of tho lVnco and Court of Connnoii l'lcas and or lilum Cmirl lu I ho ditli JudUlul Dlstrul, conij lHwedof Ihoeountlesof tohimhln, Hulllvan and Wjonilim, unit Ilia lion, Irani Derr and I'eter K, llerhoiii, Assoelato .ludn' 9 of Columbia touiity Iiavu Issued their nreeetit, hcurlna il.ito tho nth day of Dec. Ill tho )rnr of our lord, ono thousand, eight hundred and stxly-cltit, and to niodliocted lor holdlnguCourtof Oyor aud 'ler niltitr and Ueneral iluarter Hesslons of tho l'euco, n,i,l I Irohnn'H l!iUft. Ill IlloomsbUrif. Ill tllO eOUIl 12 ty of Columbia, on tho llrst .Monday, helms 1st duy ol February next to eontinuo ono ncck. aMii U'nt.'itllAH Al.s(l filename Juuircs havo issue t their lueeeot benrliu dto the twelfth day uf Dceeinher A. 1. ono Uiousun i eight hundred uudslxtyelit and to nioilliueUd lor liuldliiK n Court of Oyer nnd lcrml'ier, Ueneral iluarter Hcsslonsof thortaee, oriih.tns Court and of Com mon I'tcns in ltlooiusbsiu lu tho eouuty of Col umbla ou IhoHecund Jliiiiduy, being tho eighth day of l-ebru.iry next, and toeuiiiimio one m ten, r, to es of then iiOlieo is neieuy iivi-u, m inu whuhu, Justlcesortliol'iate.lind Ihu Constable; kiikd cmnitv ut Culuinbla. that they bo t llicio in their proper irson at lit o'elock lu tho foreuonu of wild nrsl day ol, 1 eh, wills their reo ords, liuiuloitlous nnd other remembrances, to dothoseihliiBs Which to their unices .appertain to bo dono. And thuso that aru bound by rccunliiuco, to prosecuto a;ialust tho pris oners that nro or may ho In tho Jallol tho Mild eouuty of Columbia, to bo lliemiud there to puisecuto them us shall bo1 Just. Ju rors aiu ieiuesled tu bo punctual lu iheirulUud imce,ugieeiibly lothelrnotlees. Dated at llloonis burn, tho 12th day of Due. In the year 1 1.. m. 1 or our l,ord, ouo thousand eight hun l , ' dred iiiidslxty-elglil,aiid 111 tho ninety second year 01 tho Indepi'iKlctuo ol the Culled Stales ol America. MUltlJl.t'Al Hill, LAUD, lllooiusburii, Jaii.l, luit. Hherlir. 1 EQISTEIl'S NOTICI3.- Notici: is , hrrebv uleutullll leuatees. clcdllora and oilior persons Interested 111 tho est'ltes ol thoie- SCCll O UCCCIlCills noil iiuiiuiH, lliai. inu luiiuwin iidlullilstratlon aud gutudl.in accounts h.ivu been llhd 111 tho ollico ol tho Hcglsler of Culumblii county, and will bopiesculed lor continuation and allowance lu tho orphans' Couit, to bo held lu llluoiiisburg, on Monday, the first day of Feb. l'OU, at two o'clock In llio atlemooiiof bald tlay. 1. I-'irstn-id partial account of llol itudu? lllauk and W111..M. Klhictob ndmr's. ol bauiucl IlLmlt l.ilo or Centro twp,, dec d. 1:. first uud p.uiut uccouiit of Win, A. Case, Ili'r of the lalo will of Hotter Urett laio of Hcuti twp., dee'd. 3. Account of Michael I'. I.'yerly, adm'r. of I.eo'iurd U. SUneuian l.tL of IUoont twp., ilcc'd. I. Acc Hint or Daniel IJaylur.ailiu'r, ol Elizabeth Dalo.-, lalo of Monlour lup., ileu'd. fl. Atu'on lliiimo Ou.irdlati of feaniuel W. Doone, lutnor child of .Mary lioouodcc'd. d. Aecountof n. II. Mi1 lor, guardian of 1'lmlra Wa.ilcll mino.' child 01 Kaiuuct an'ch ileo'd. 7. Aceoil'itofH. II, Mil er gl'iirdiall of Iorutta Har.r.el mi lor chtlil or Jacob llttmcl Jr. deo'tl. t. Atx'ouut ofis. II. Mlllrr nusi'dlan of liilz.i bcth u loss minor child of .cbulon Uross, dee'd, II. rinalacuoiMit or.Mic'iacl lll'utt, ex'r., or tho est, of liliKubcih llensinger.late of c'al.iwlssu twp. dee'd. 10. Account of Martha U.iumjudinr'x, ofticorge Itaupp, lato of Locust lwp.,tWd. John o. vwav.a, itesutcr. llloomsbui'i! Jan. 1, I'm, TKIAVi MST, FC:iS. T., IS!. I'ctcr ScliuK "itio" vs William OCasc ctal Tlio West llrancli Iiisuianco Co va Simon , 0 Shivc. y lMwanl McCall ct al vs Joint Sweeney. F II l'erf-on vm John Cain. Thomas J Vnnderslico vs Hubert Iloitell. Ji-.ivin.'i Davenport vs Wtn 31 Klinctob. Jollll (jOleitKln VH Michap ('minii John Cooper vs Daniel Iiower and Zimincr man. John (Jilt-fly vs Willi.un E Stonier. Tlio Towiifhip of Cotiyngliam vs l'ctcr h Kline el al. lletilcn II Itcascr and wife vs Jas Thomas. Itaao Fcgcly vs James W Sankey. Aliraliani lottngvs Jacob Woolivcr. Cliailes It (Jrcen vs I'eter Scliuir. .Samuel Dciiner vs John Ilinterlcitcr. Lucas N .Moyer vsGcorpo W Collitnar. David Lewi-, guardian of tlio heirs ol' John Hess dee'd vs Collins SutlelT. I Yi llliani lUelcr vs ,lolin savago ct al. If Kin Sinus vs 3Jatthcv AVynkoop, gar Joseph Thomas vs John lloiiti. Peter Appleinan vs Silas F Karns. Christiana Fox vs John Jones. Henry J Yaplu vs Isaac Drum and Icrro tenants. Same vs Same. Ptulolpli Shuinan vs (Jeorco llrcMi. 1 Elitis 8nydcr vs Adam Schuyler et al. Frederick 31iehael vs Henry Fedder. Charles Krcishcr vs Henry Knap). John Applcfratc vs Tlionia'i Polk. Samo vs Same. Georgo Kitily vs George Vansicklc. Simon C Shivo vs Ilaunali E Arniationg. William Niigcn vs Daniel F Scy licit. 31argarct Alexander vs Iiobcrt Gorrell. Nathan Hrolhcra vs Ilcniy A Weidcnsaul. Henry Gahlo vs Peter Jlowcr and terro ten ant. Austin Church vs Andrew Clark.' Jcs-o D llico vs Xalhan Cromis. Iteuben II King vs KlishalS Pursel. Ifobcrt Gorrell vs llcrnard .Mellrcaily. Edward Finge-an v Columbia Count v. Samuel Sliacl'er vs Same. iseorgo Jiiulnmls vs. fcamc. llcnrv Junius vs S.-nnn. GcurfO Nulisc-pcr vs Jacob Yoho jr. .ILSSi: IJOLL.MAN, I'lOlll y. . . t :i lid .Iiii-oi'M. VcU. Terns. lKiin. Kenton Charles S, DoJon, ISriamcck (leorgo 1'. I.earn, lilooiu C. V. Knapi), Jacob DcifTenbach, l'lshiiicrc'ik Abraliam Kline, Franklin Washinitou l'arr, Ilenilock Hubert Hicharil. iaekon -Jackson Dorr, Locust llolandus Ilerliein, Jlaino Daniel Culp, Jacob Fensterinach- cr, Mifilin Tlinin.ii) Atnn Montour John G Quick, Ilenrv Hn?, Mt. I'lcasant-Klias Howell, John Os- UUI 111 UraiiL'C Tlinmns McIIcnry, l'otcr i rum n. Vine James Mnslcru, I'Jctitt lleci'o Fainnaii, .Suirloal-Tlioiiias Cole, Wheeler Shuhz Henry C. llc.-s, ltichanl Kilo. 1'i lit .Itiiors B'lrot T;ieJi. Heaver-Jo-eph Sheai man, l'otcr Ktiight, Jlo.-es Schhcher, Klias Jlillcr. JsrnircrccK i'eter ji. -j nut" h. Centro Samuel Kolehnor. ConyiiKhain Jicnjauiiii Isindciiiniith. Centralia lior. Charles Strati.-er. l'lshinmeek-Jofeph II, Hess, l'otcr eavcr, Itichard Jones, Kli ltobbius, Jack. Jlcllcnry. Greenwood Isaao Ileacock, John 1" Ke.ster, David Demott, John Lcpirott. llcinlock Samuel Ale, John Umber. Loeua-William Lec, heonard Adams, Main-Wilham 0. lteighard, John Allon, Jacob Kuner, Jlifllin Thotiia? K. IIcss, 1 Jit. I'lcasatit Geo. Cavence, William Kiiehcn, t 51u".mirr1clcr Evan's, Noah .Muosor, J', ' j'.', '"oriu, DCMcy I'lcinius, 1( b,c,. f-William II. Ilaecnbatich, Jo-ojih J A,,,lc'..'.T,'?.cob J I'nviliiger, William C. Hobison, ilham White. Ilcrwick linr Jaenb V. IhdirenM. .fn.. cniiah S. Sanders. ' Catawissa IClias Weaver, Conynshani William Goodman. Centro Samuel O. iiower, 1'aul Zancr. l ithinircrcck-Joliti M. Huckalow, David Savage, Daniel l'oaler. Frunklin Josenli 11. Knitll.i M,,il,!..u Gingics. Greonivood Wm. Ivre.mier. Iii Tirt witt, William Itobbins, William W. 1'ar kcr. John K. jlusrmvn. V .1' . IT.. ' " ' J ,., luam uu. I leinlock Iteuben llomboy. Isociist Jacob K. Hiirner, Isauc Fiher, Jlain William -Metifcingor, Jlichael Gro vcr. Mt. I'ln:iinnlT.n.in ,,i,l,,,,,., W,'ll:... 1'. Kitchen. Daniel -McCarly. .Milllin-Stcilieii II, Sivank, William W. llrown, Lewis Kekroto, Willairi V. Keller, -Montour Mathias 51. .Monroe, Lloyd 1'axtou, Orango Joreiniah Conistock, JIoscs I.vcrctt, Janios Krcs, Klijah G.. Ilickctts, Samuel Henry, J'ino Shiulrack Kves, Scott William M. Hut, Sugailoaf David Lewis. gNVHKU, IIAHIUS ct HASSKTT, Manufacturers uud JuhUrs of MI.Nri AND llOi'M CWHINO, Kos, Li Mi ' i "I l V: n in t Ht riliiadilp ' J oom-Jo-e,, , W . IlcnJcr.holt, Slop!.- foaXS.W, en II. .Miller, Ivlijah Sliutt. !",,u,"rthe,houkt' " sJ "PP'o oichlird, tin JJcnvick: Jior. John .1. SnyJcr. culiivatioii. 1 iitasHdimteui , Cutawisia Adam KcdcrpH'.l.owis Yetter. . 1'i.".l?co'mmenc nl 10 o'clock In the forenoon sMartin V. II. K hue, Jcsso K. Sharnlc-t iii., J'' JKssi; ccLtMAN, Nicholas 1). Ilarman, Solomon 1c wi',' St1 . , C . (ieoriro Huirhcs. Lewis Mm, of f.l:,??,1; hr??"""'" atl KIX'ONll WUEK. WILLIAM II. all.MORt: tTAH Jteavcr l'ctcr Sehliehcr. ' Has opened n flue Ililllard Kaloon In nij HO I L llenton Frcd'k Lattbach, Win. Holmes '",1,w,i! '.V'"!".' "Hl'AlltANT. He iA I)f ' I llriarcreek-rsattion Ma V "V """ 'VirxVnlltCc;;'' W luSfe.W!TVifc?rtrf. I-Aai,ti,Bnt,Jh.ritL f ) V ltnn M '.I -' Y;" i which irtvrlcct airouiTl i b i.s. , ( .'IB UFEOIAL NOTIOEa. Turn's first fool prints nro wrlnltlei i,. hair, and a'.lhough iiuthlng has yet u oml liicratllealethorormtr lh I hi r ly obllleiiiti'il hy llio us., .of lttn s V Ambrosia, Wo know thai ll will reti ro , hair to Its original color and rctnovo I scatpall llchlng or Irritation, whclher , .11 i Ualuliuiror humors, nt tlio sumo tlmo Itni ,. to tho hair that glossy and beautiful Ionic i tlclicd, TO COSUMVTlVJ, j Hie idTertlser.lntinxbs.n i, iiored 1 1 1 la a fw weeks, byavfiy klinpu itufd .- , tho imving suuerett several yesis witn a f V.T, ittrntldi, . ,l tlmt ilr,f ,11..... ,....' V" Is anxious lo mako known to his fcllovr si Ihe means of our.. To all whodeslr It, li. will tend a d T , t nrnnrlnt In,, ,,b,l ii,uii,r.l,.T..i ...I, . i llio .Hons for preparing and using the same, ( tho t they will nnd n surd eur. for consutiihiiin . and ma, llrnnchllls. e te. Tiioonlr otileei or i 2 ,11 nciiunis I u pit'Sl ripiuil IS 10 tl'il tho alllieted, and spread Information wucl suilerer will try this remedy, ss it u iiieiu iiu'iinir)nnu may provo a blessing . , , . i.J.iV 1 J . il,c"se a,r , ,,", j.,tniui, ,v iiKoo, iu j roiuu rrcoll J WIlllamsburBh, Klnjs county, Hew York. Dec. 11,'03-ly, To riiysiciann. Nkw Youk. August i.,i Allow mo to call your attention lomj . allou of Compound Hxlrnct lluchu, Tin pouent parts are lluchu, Long Leaf, Cub . lilpcr IlcrrI-3. MOllE OI' l'ltEl'AUATIOK, Ilnchit, III v.li. nlpfrlierrles, by distillation, lo foima n , Cube ha extracted by dl.spl.icement by ii,iu, talned from Juniper Hcrrlts, contahilu , llltle sugar, n. small proportion of spnu, moro pshtnblo than any now in use. The 0. propertlfwareby this mode extracted. lluchu, rut prepared by Druggist gener.. of iv dark color. Ills n plant that enilis i, gruncus ino acuouora name destroys tlm ictlvo principle), Icavlagn darkatid gltnn:. decoction, Mmolstho color of Ingredlcmi. lluchu In my preparation nredomlimt, . smallest iitiantlly of tho other ingredlni added, to pievent fermentation j upon in , tlon, It will bo found not lo boa Tliiiiur. made In riinnuucopiea, nor Is It a Hyrnp. thereforo can be-usc.l in cases heio fever ,,r ( r.ammatlon exists. In this, you lmvo tin 1. ! edge of Ilia liigrcdlcnl i and tho mode cf , atlon. Hoping tliatjou rill favor It wllh nt. that upon Inspection It will meet with j . probation, With a feeling of Confidence, 1 am, very respectfully, i!,T. HKLMlSOI.ii Chemist, nnd Drugiilstof 10 Yosrs' I.'xpt , In 1'iiIIaiUlphla, mid now located at his 1 and Chemical Waiehou-,e, 6'J1 llroadway, Y'orlt. I'rom tho largest Manufacturing Chemists 1 World.l "lam acriualntcd with Mr, H. T. Helini, ho occupied tho Drug htore opposite, my , deuce, and was successful lu coniluctlng tin Iness w:hcre others had not been niually u, 1 foio lilm. I have been favorably Iniureaseii - llls cl"racter uud enterprise WILLIAM Wr.IUIITMAS i'lrm of I'oweis A Wclghtmn, Manufacin ClictiilsU, Muth and llrown Htreets, l'hili phli, Helmbold'H Fluid Extract Buchu, for euk urlsljig from Indlscretkm. The cxkiuustod i eis orxaturo which uro accompanied by ko in alarming symptoms.niuong hich will bofoi Indlsposllion to Kxeitlon, Loss of .Mem, Wakefulness, Horror of Disc isu, or l'oiebod of Lviljln fact, Universal Lassitude, Pro. lion, ami Inability to enter Into tho tnjoym, of society. Iho Conslllullon.ouco niTeclcd with Org. - Weakucss, lcqutrcn Iho nld of Midiciin streugthen and luvlnoruto tho hsIlui. IlelmboId'B Extract lluchu Invariable does no treatment Is submltud to, Cou?imi.tIi u Insanity ensues. llelinbold'sHiild Extract lluchu, Inull'ici , peculiar .to l'duales, is uucjuuled by any h i prciiaratloiKas lu chloiosls. or lietcntlun. l'.i fulness, or Hupin-eislou of Customaiy IJvnuu. uons, uiceruted orHchlirusritale of Ihu Uu and all complaints incident totho sex, whei urUins from habits of dissipation, Impiudi In, or tho decline or chango of Ufa. Ilelmbohl's Fluid Kxtiact lluchu and Inn cd Itoso Wash will radically eMcimlmito li thosyslem diseases arising irom hiblts of di patlou, nt llttlo expense, Uttlo or no chungi diet, no Incotivenlenco or exposuic; comphi supcrsedlns thoso uii.I.'. unit and diingui remedies, i 'opalvn and Jlcnury, In itll tluso, eases. Usu Helniliold'H Fluid llxlract lluchu In idle easesof llieso organs, nhether cxistlni; In in. , or fitnale, from w hatuver cause originating, in, no matter of how long si Hiding, Ills pleasai i In t'isto and odor, "inimedlalc" lu action, iu moro strengthening than any of tho iiriar Hons ef Hark or Iron. Thoso Miiierlng Iroin biohcn-doinor clu i-u constitutions, prucuro Iho remedy at once. The leader must bonuaio that, houevrr -h;l.i ' may be the atlp.ik of iho abovo discuses, a n eeitalu to adict tho bodily health aud in, utid powers. All tho nbovo diseases require tho aid ,,fa' Dlurotlc. Hclmbold'a L'xtmct lluchu is the gip.v ' Dlu'retle. j)-i-old by druggists and dearlers -,y X,-Vc,.fI rlruSI-"'l'er bottle, or six bollh- lor 5ii.oJ. Dellveied to any address .Dcscrlbo s oi ,"",ls "! ,n" ''"mmuuications. Addless. 11 1'. lli'iiaduiiy' NrvS L'llcmlcal Wniclioiive. Jl , Xoua are genuino unless dono up In sitl-ri-erased wiapper, Willi fac-smllu of my I'liimi si Wt!2!i0i,isV' "i'S h,atl'. II. T, IIELMUOLl.. Dec r Is, lst3. 2m t. it ti 1J Is I O S A Is K ur VALUAIlLi: ltUAL L'STATI. In liuisuauee of an order of tho Orphans' ( unit !!?!".' ''" Cou,"' will bo expos, d t pu,,,,,, l2m,'.,,..Ulu I'.lt'1mlle,i ou Thuraday llio 21st da. .f ,,fv , r.y "0'i,uy Jhii Wen iter, Administrator fM, ""lonii Jluriinaii, lato of tho louuship i,f 1 shl igcrcck.sald county dccciued. Tholulhnr- i.,5,, '!!,!:ti,".,uU" "" eertaln jih- suaKoa id tract of land bounded ou iho e.isi ov ., ih,..' !T u''r" ",f Unmui'l Weaver Ueeeavsl, on t utsoi lb by lands ol Mamuel Thomas, cm iho iy, ilun.1'' "J "enjamln lless. and on tho ,1, wy ?f"""ut'1 Yost, nml others, eon inning ouo hiiiHiicj acres moio or less, u hereon houSa'?? Other niit i.mmVii., mkuii iiuuu hum , I ..... ...w ri'in uu IHO CUIIIII 1U i w ni' '"l"1''i'inU the baUuee In n.tn year from LW! ufl'"I. next, with Interest fioiii tho ilisi of April next. Possession elven on tlio lt April next. l'urUuucr Ju pay for ib-cd aud stamp JOliN WKN.NDIt. sco,-s,(,s. Admiuistiator. JgllsLIAHLhSI ItllsLIsVIJDSM .Vr "iIFfs. .rfs'Stft' S5? rrrvir at all limes intvsi i-idiieairipe, Clan The nublln r.i In l no,i saiisiaai ii e: . c,.... hio prom I Hants or roire n I meuis. siu CIQAIPs hiss Htwk of ) O D X AND HAtJ V E Te. ncre tft Miti coats, )lllis,sl nnnnj . , , of all patterns n.,"i ,, Ultles, Ul.alds aud Prlnb, oi vurious ijualll les u I prices, nLISACHKD AN.'3luWiN HUIsUNh, Is A DIE'S Fli'CIl COUSEfl'a, BALMOllA HKI11TB. Oood Usorluieut ut Ji ClllLlK! OAJTJiJl i Groceries anJ "i ' New us a;.Ass ash 'IfiiiiNB-w OAJTJiJtUJi JIOOT 1'iesh assortMienl WA11E, FX-NO, 1 -HACK Kit EL III ouc-hulf r ie-fuurth barrels, I - I.,,,,, -v iu u IHIKl Oil OUV Ul S.UU ncnt jW. iilfiiiiisTl 4.. . JSSSSSST.i ..r llSLuAHH H 11 UlsVi 1 AMiO.'tA.CCO eanirit he oxe.ellnl. Mk Illoiimihurg, Jan. )k J. ,VLMm consi'iltii-H' INCiItPf )OTst t a nil Fine cloths ae li. V NowUthollniui um on, nug uuoils iiottols lulrdtallni s Id by uny, I '-iinr burg, Apr! iH j our m leenon., a, i p' low pric , aaa our U,uu4 uot to hour r J.j.jinow, if. mm ) 1 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers