for -pr 'Jiuing oIks. UltlllH tI11i tltj Ttlfl , Once upon tlmo Iliero wns a Qui'en, who wnslirouelit to lied (.fa son so ugly ninl so 1i1-1ihiwI tlmt It wns for n long tlnui doubtful If liu lios.H'hSfd i hutnnti form. A I'nlry, who was present tit his birth, nfurmed tlmt ho would not fall (o bo amiable, hi ho would have much (jood sonse. Sho added, oven, that ho would bo able, In con cqtionco of the gift sho had endowed him with, to Im part equal intillltccnco to the pcifon ho should lovo Kat. All till consoled tbo poor Queen n little, who was mitcli (lis trciscd at havltiB brotitrht Into the world so hideous a llttlo monkey. It is true that the child was no sooner ablo to speak than ho said a thousand pretty thlni;s, and that thcro was in all Ids ac tions an lndasorlbablo nirof luteitlaoncu which charmed one. I had forgotten to say Unit ho was born with u llttlo tuft oMialron his head, which occasioned him to be named Wnuet with tho Tult; forltliiuet was the family name. At tho end of so ven or eiht years, tho Queen of a neighbouring kingdom was brought to bed of two daughters. Tho ilrst that camo into the world .was fairer than day. Tho Queen was so de lighted, that it was feared her great joy would prove hurtful to her. Tho ame Fairy who bad assisted at the birth of llttlo Ulquet with tho Tuft was present upon this occasion, and to moderate the Joy of tho Queen, alio declared to her that this llttlo Prlnctss would liavo no mental capacity, and tlmt she would be as stupid as sho was beautiful. This m irtiil d the Queen exceedingly; but n fow mluutui afterwards sho exper ienced a very much greater nniioyaneo, for tho second girl sho gave birth to proved to bo extremely uglj. "Ho not distress yourself so iiinch, Madam," said tho Fairy to her. "Your daughter Will find compensation ; she will have so much seuso that her lack of beauty will scarcely bo perceived.,r "Heaven thesend It may boso,"rcplied thcQueen: "but arc there no means of giving a lit- sen-so to the eldest, who is so lovely V" "I eau do. nothing for her, Madam, In tlu way of wit," said tho Fairy, "but everything in that of beauty; and as tliero is nothing in my power that I would not do to gratify you, I will en dow her with tho ability to render beautiful tho person who shall please her." As these two Princesses grow up, their endowments Increased in the samo proportion, and nothing was talked of any whero but tho beauty of tho eldest anil tho intelligent of tho youngest. Itistrusthat their defects also greatly increased with their years. The young f est becaino uglier every instant, and tho eldest moro stupid every day. She cither madono answer when sho was spoken to, or sho said something fool ish. With this sho was so awkward, that sho could not placo four pieces of china on a mantel-shelf without break ing ono of them, nor drink a glass of y water without spilling half of it on her dress. Notwithstanding tho great ad vantage of beauty to a girl, tho young est bore away tho palm from her sister nearly always, in every socloty. At first they gathered round tho handsom est, to gaze at and admiro her; but they soon left her for tho wittiest, to liston to a thousand agrceaoio tilings; and peoplo wcroastonished to And that, in than a quarter of an hour, tho eldest had not a soul near her, and that all tho company had formed a circlo round the youngest. The former, though very stupid, noticed this, n,d would havo given, without regret, all her beauty for half the senso of her sis ter. Tho Queen, discreet as sho was, could not help reproaching her frequent ly with her folly, which made tho poor Princess ready to dlo of grief. Ono day that sho had withdrawn into a wood to bewail her misfortune, sho saw a llttlo man approach her, of most disagrcea , blp appearance, but dressed very mag nificently. It was tho young Princo Blquet with tho Tuft, who, having fall en in love with her from seeing her portraits, wlilch were sent all round tho world, had quitted ills father's king dom to havo tho pleasure of beholding and speaking to her. Enchanted to meet her thus alone, he accosted her with all tho respect and politeness im aginable. Having remarked, after pay ing tho usual compliments, that sho was very melancholy, ho said to her, "I cannot comprelieud, Madam, how a person bo beautiful us you aro can be-so sad us you appear; for though 1 may of having seen an infinity of love ly women, I can avouch -that I have never bahold ono whoso beauty could bo compared to yours." "You are pleased to say to, sir," replied tlie Princess; and thero sho stopped. Knmitv." continued Itiouet, "is so great an advantage, that it ought to surpass all others; and when ono pos sesses it, I do not seo anything that could very much distress you." "I had rather," said the Princess, "bo as ugly as vou. and h ivo good sense, than pos sess tho beauty I do, and boas stupid as I am." "Thero is no greater proof of cood 6cnso. Madam, than tho belief that wo havo it not; It is tho nature of that (rift, that tho moro wo havo, tno moro wo bellovo wo aro deficient in it." 'I do not know how that may be," (mid tho Princess, "but I know well enough that I am very stupid, and that is tho causo of tho grief which Is killing me." "If that Is all that afflicts you, Madam, I can easily end to your sorrow." "And how would you do that?" said the I'rlnccsi. "I havo tho power, Madam," said Itlquct with tho Tuft, "to glvo as much wit as any ono can possess to tho person I lovo tho most: and as yon, niauam, uru mm pur son. it will depend entirely upon your- self whether or not you will havo so much Wit. provided that you aro will tin-to marry me." Tho Princess was thunderstruck,.und replied not a word. "I bee," tald Itlquet with tho Tuft, "that this proposal pains you; and I am not surprised at it; nut i givo you a full vcar to consider of it." Tho - , 1 .-S .1... J-riUCL'SS Illul w - samo tlmo was so anxious to navo a great deal, that sho thought tho end of that year would never como ; so sho ac cepted ut onco tho oiror that was mado her. Sho had no sooner promised Itl quet with tho Tuft that sho would mar ry lilin that day twelvo months, tkau nho felt hersolf to bo quite another per son to what sho was previously. Sho found she possessed an Incredlblo facili ty of saying anything sho wished, and ft filing It In shrewd, yet easy and natural muniier. Hlio commenced on tho instant, aud kept up a sprightly conversation with Itlquet with tho'I'uft, during which sho chatted away at such THE a rate, that Itlquet with the Tuft began to believe ho had given her moro wit than he had kept for himself. When tho returned to tho Palace, the whulo Court was pti.-.iled to account for a (banjo to sudden nnd extraordinary, for In proportion to tho number of fool ish things thoy had heard her say form erly, were tho semlblo and exceedingly clover observations sho now gavo utter ancoto. All tho Court was In a stato of Joy which U not to bo conceived. Tho yonnger sister alono was not very much pleased, as no longer possessing over her elder sister tho advantagelof wit, sho now only appeared, by her side, as a very dlsngrceable-looklng person. Tho King was now led by his eldest daughter's advice, nnd sometimes oven held his Council In her apartmant. Th nows of this alteration having spread abroad, all tho young Princes of tho neighboring kingdoms exerted them selves to obtain her nlTeetlon, and near ly all of them asked her hand In mar ringo; but she found uoiio of them suf ficiently intelligent, and sholllsteiicd to all of them without engaging herself to any one. ( Continued.) g;n';ii;r'!S Swirlm out. Stick to one Thing. Thcro are many farmers who do nothing long enough tomako It pay, nnd consequent ly they lose In everything. At ono time they conclude to dovoto them selves to stock laislng. Before they get f.drly uiidtr good headway In this, they change their minds and go back to raising grain. Some mako a speciality, fur a time, of a certain crop, wheat, corn or potatoes, for instance. Wliilo they are following this speciality, tho crops may be small and thojirlces low, and turn to nnotlier Just in tlmo to miss largo crops and good prices in what they have left. Tho best farmers wo havo observed aro thoso who first find out what their soil is best adapted to produce. Thoy men mm llieir energies in that direc tion and go straight forward In tlmt line. A iH)or crop does not discourago them, Lew prices do not discourage them. They keep on, and aro sure to lie iinally successful, n... fit . , . . - hi musiraio our men: wo onco knew a farmer who always mado it a point to fatten from tweuty-flvo to thir ty hogs every year. Let thoprico of pork bo high or low, ho every year had his lot of hogs of about tho usual num ber. He took great pride in having tho best in tho ncighboliood. Somo years, perhaps, ho might havo done better by selling ills com instead of feeding it Somo years, perhaps, ho might have done better by turning his whole atten Hon to somo other" speciality in farm ing. Hut wo should always notice this. that, taking ono year with another for a long time, say ten years, ho mado the hogs pay. JIo was a successful farmer, The Trade fob a Fakmer. Every young man who means to bo a farmer, ought first to learn a mechanical trade. Wo would rather learn tho enrpenter and joiner's than any other, as itoftcner comes into uso on tho farm. Tho farm er who understands this trado has many "advantages over ono who does not, nnd lias to run for a mechanic for every llt tlo job required to bo dono on a farm iiVen ji no worn nut a snort umo a tho trade, say ono season only, under a good master, ho will find tho knowl cugo ot great uonellt to him many times. If n"youug mau Is robust and healthy, this trade, iu connection with a good practical education, sufficient to qualify him as a teacher of a district school in tho Winter season, is about as good a start in life as any young man can havo who i) not furnished with capital ready to his hand, and tho raro faculty of knowing how to uso it. Vir.u Vineoah, Wo caution tho public against tho uso of ndu teratet vinegar. Tho heavy Government tax on aleoluoj hai a set! the price so much that resort is had to a cheaper substance. to givo tho required acidity to vinegar, For tills purposo, sulphuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid aro all used ; thou sulphur! tho cheapest and sour est tiling that can bo found, is chiefly nscd.. This, however, is destructive to pickles and whatever Is placed in it for prcsiirvatloti, and vo y injurious to h health of thoso who uso tho vinegar made of it. A gallon of tho stuff called vinegar can bo made for a cent or twi from sulphuric acid and water. To de tect tho presenco of sulphurlo ncid,tako small quantity of tho vinegar in a clear glass, and drop a fow drops of tho chloridoofbarytum intoit,or tlionltrato of baryta. If the liquid presents a cloudy appearanco thero is sulphuric acid in it, and it should bu returned to ho manufacturer or tu ned into th gutter. Stock will thrive better with Juit as much food given as they will eat up clean. This should bo at stated periods and regularly attended to. If by feed economically, a largo surplus is found to bo on hand at the end of ho season, It Is better than to havo wasted It j but It would have been better and moro profltablo to havo added moro stock, which would liavo yiciucu moro prom, Don't wasto tho foodr nevertheless ; vour fields may not yfeW so abundant ly tho next season, and your 1iay being well secured will loso none 01 iw virtues bv being kept over. -American Stock Journal. SOMETHINO WO'ITH KNOWING. A friend say, ono day while purchasing n lot of dried fruit, I discovered small nieces of sassafras bark mixed nmongst it, and upon inquiry was Informed that it was a lireventlve against ino worm. It Is said that dried fruit put away with a llttlo bark, (niy a largo handful to tho bushel.) will lust for years unmolested bv those troublosomo llttlo Insects, which f.0 often destroy hundreds of bushels In a single sca.-ons. Tho rem edy U cheap ami simple. Try it. A.v Indiana paper says: "Tliero Is a man In Dubois county who Is now liv ing with his eighth wife. Death has rellovnd him of three, aud divorce bo- friended him on four occasions. Ho hasn't decided which to try next. A funeral costs moro than a bill of divorce but It raises no question of alimony." Oi.k Uui.1., tho famous violinist wns a passenger on tho America ono of tho utemnow recently destroyed In tho nhhi river. Ho escaped witli his fid dle, the only brhlyc on tho boat, losing ......tiiir. ,.Sniiohadwlth him. Ho UV U J waded nshoro It Is said. rnnT.TTMUTA A NT) DRUGS & MEDICINES. HO OF LAND'S GEKMAM BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. Prepared tijr Dr. C. M. Jackson, rilLlfilLPBIl, Pi. The Great Remedies rot ILL DIllllISOrTM LIVEIt, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland'B German Bitters Ii compounded of the pure julcee, (or m they ar medicinally term cia rscu ed, xrrcu) of Hoots, Herbs TFJj3s end Harks, mei. to g a rreparellon, Ml Isfl hlphly eoaoeo tratej, and entire t&Oj ailii lyrx from J3r ceAeac admixlurt eany ktnd. Eoofland'a Gannan Tonio, Ti a eom.Jnatlon of All the injp-edlentJi of th ItlKvr, ltl. ttio purest quality of Santa Cru Hum, Oranije, etc.. mnMug on of the mot ptfHtutnt nJ atfrecawo rciuedlei evr offered to Tliom preferring a Medicine free from Alctv Iiolle admixture, ulll use Hoofland's Gorman Bitten. In caspi of nervoae drpreiilon, when ion alcoholic illniului li Decenary, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio toxoid he Hied. The Bitters or the To&le ere loth equally good, and contain the anrae medicinal Tlrtuee. The tomach.from a variety of caueee, euch ae IndlseiUon. l)yi r pepila. Nervous Dehtllty, etc , U (fir very apt to have Lta f imctlone de i 1 JliJ ranged. The re eult of which u, a-a V that the patient eufferi from eereral or more of tho foftovting diseases: ConjtUpatiot Pulnesa Actdi! Hef.r Pu i. t-i ton ) Ing-.Tl' or Bu. a L , v. t Inward Pile the Head, ich, Nausea, , t lor Food, it In the Kruo- v" Vlut- r the of th . t Breath t. Ohoklnv -t when In mriess of before tin In ion cy i How- ,-1 Eyes, 'tide, iluek, etc.Sud-Et-at Burn ' 3h, Con- ivll, and ' -jp rlta. U U, 1 Uer.d, raptrat1 Pain In M Chrst. Liin den Flushes of t in 1 th? stn Imat- v Croat Doii.uMr' Three remedial ... .ucni&ly enr Urer Complaint, Jiundlcfl, Pypoi'iiia, Chronic or NertouB DelilUlj, Chronic lii.Thift, I tineas of tht Kldru'ji, iii ll liUr-aix iinini from i Dlqtnlcrud Livtr, Stomach, 01 InivaUuet Rusn ti . PKOST A I Kit- There li n rt)mlle In nu.-t EarUd to Oir trengUicticd. km . tomacli d ifc blood ! jitini 'J becomtritoutt Itini low tlne l mmlnin U glyert to ih- clut-V- u. ihi'i u ..'ir U Ira- j'ctSU U " 'UrOJUd, tb pi ni fit l, tho lit cumpie lion ihv et'. bloom : wi-iik alia nerroiu iiid () ticaUhy being. I'eruon Atlvtutceil in lAf4 And trr it.. . .tanr pon Hi i'ti . .1 ilnd ta the uw i 'SIC, so elixir thai -re tot ir mor )oti form, and w . tr vein. 1 ardor of r thrnnken . to theli i J VICE. 'ehtd Net that fully one-half Uon of our popu "i j In the enjoyment b their own .1 is--a feel wsU." They Kil n( ent-rny, exlrgmoly wr it Mt'llf ttltl. -u the mTrasta, or tha it rt-cuutrceuded, OELICATE CHILDREN ; tl.N UKA of tltbir of thflfl j rtui cure every cue of MA h.Ml. fill. 'if cfrtir.oMf hatt aeearaalaWd 'n Itli Of the fen . lation arc Of koo I arv hugu toui, mm To th - . TONUU . WE At' ' Art m. rv'ind . the hunJ f i lurrlvlnr. bat ipac will allow of the itubll.-ji'Ji,) of but ft few. Thoae, It will U oUurred, are inn of note and of iucU lUiid lug that Ihcy rc'jal be UUeved, TESTIMONIALS, Hon. Geo. 7. Woodward, Chi'Juttitt oPi Sujrrmt Court qf Pa.t write. rhiladtJvhia. March 11. 1S67. "I find Hoof- Bitten ' U e piM tonc, oacful in ilii'ue of thudl jfW EOllv orpnni, atidot prfnt len LliI ullt In raaei of d& tillly,'anj uam vt nertcms ac'J. Vtiuia trutv, "UtO. W. Wi acuya iq ine aiieis. Hon. James Thompson, Jitdfft 0 tht Sujtrtmt tVurt e rmniyltxxnia. nttaMpht, Arm . Ml consltli-r 1 IIouilauiTa Uerman llltte'e' a talualU fn(ici'ii In cuso of atUicka of lii'lia"e. Honor IiMi'tla. 1 cm curllfy tLle hoiu uiy eipciicuee et It. Yours, with roe nect, 'JAilKa TIIOMI'SON." Trom Eov. Joseph II. Ker.nard, DD, ratter o 1 TtaiA OijiiI Clmrch, rkiUJelrKii. Dr. Jatttlon Dear filr: 1 bare been frequently requeetecl to connect my name with mHtuuneii dstlons ef dlthTenl Llntls of nicdlclntH, tut, re garding the prae rri tlce as out or in) appropriate iHg. V sphere, 1 huio In atlobsesdeellmil; II Xfvl a c'tur proof In earlo js tSJ InsUut'i'i. an.) pi r rculsrlyln my own lamtly, of the u.:efiili. as o( Dr. Hoofland's (lennan llaters, 1 depart Im onco from my usual course, Vo esnress my lu I onlc Uon that,er utntral dililtty i)f tin lyt;tMtant Hjxctatii for Zirrr tVmjJtJtnJ, It IS a ntft anil valualU r.rr;jaraIion. In some easel It my f.ii.; but usually, I doubt not, It wtu tatery bUKtlcui to those Mho suQvr from the shore causes. Yours, very respectfully, 1. II. KKNNAltl), El(htl, Ulow Uoatcs El From Eev. E. D, Fendall, Jllfltani Editor Chriilian CArsnVcU, i"Al!dd(J- I hare derived decided terflt from the use ot jlooUaad's Uerman Hitters, ami feel It my pml' lege to recommend thero as a mostvalu.iUe tonic to all who are suQering from general debility or from dlaiaufil ailsina from derangeuieut of the liver, i oure truly. K. li. FENDALL, OAUTIOIT; Iloonand's German Remedies are eointerfelt. ed. Kee Uiat the rr. signature of O. M. JAUKiONlson RJ "Wk the mspper ot eseh bottle. AU n Jr-J others are coun tcrML r ri.iTWr I'rlnclpsl Office and slsnufsctory at the Ger man Mtilclne titore, No. 6J1 AKCli direvt, I'UI adelphla. HARLES M. EVAN 9, liertnan Drugzlst, Proprietor, Formerly 0. at. JsCKlna ic Co. For salt by all Druggists and Dealns In siedp (loss. PKIOE3. Ilooflsnd'i German Uiturs,per bottle ft 00 " . " " half desen..... 1 00 IIooCands GermaQ Tonic, put up In quart uiu ;..,..,, l u per buttle, cr a half dozen for 1 sO Q3tT Do not foaget to csamlne well the article i buy, la wJ.r vo get tut genulnt. HOOFLAND'S GEBMAM TONIC, January II IW, TrKMOOllAT. BLOOMSBTJ11G, "COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. DRY GOODS. MILLEll'S BTOBE. FALL AND W1NTK11 GOODS. Tho subscriber 1ms Just returned from tho eltlra with miothcr larao nud nelcct nisanrtmcnt of Hl'ltlNU AND BUMM11U OOODM, purchnsed in Ner Ynrt nnd 1'hllmlcli.hla at the loweHt ilnuro, nnd which bo ldotcrmlne"d to sell on ns moderate terms ni enn bo procured else whero In lllooimunri. 1U stock comrrIe LADIUS' tmnHS GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n liirco assortment or Dry sjoous mm un- cerlcs, consisting of tbo followlnu articles 1 Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmcrcs, Shawls, Flannels, Milks, Whlto Ooods, Linens, Hoop Bklrts, Muslins, , Hollowware Ccdarwaro n.,.-nr llordwaru Hoots and Khocs, Hats nnd Caps, Jtoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looltlng-GlasscJ, Tobacco, Coffee, Bugars, Teas, nice, Allspice, GlriRer, Cinnamon. Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN ItALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites tho attention or tho nubile generally. The highest prleo will bo paid for country produco In exchange for goods, H. 11. MII.Lr.UA.SON, Aicudo llulhllugs, Moomsburg, l'a rtHEAT ItEDUCTIOX IN l'HICES AT 1T.TEU ENT'S STOKE, IN LIGHT STHEET, or FALTj and winteh goods. THE subscriber has Just received and has nn hand at his old stand lu LfghlSUcct, n largo and helect ASSOlt'niENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowcht figure, and which no determined to sell on ns mnueriuo tewim i" bo procured elsewhere Hi Light btreel, for cash on couxnir rnoDhci.. Ills stock consists, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, cholcct styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, pianneis, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, fthawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnctts, Casslmcrs, Cottouades, Kenluclty jeans. AC, An AC. GROCERIES, MACKEK-fVLi, Quecnsware, Cednrware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Faints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CKVB. Iu short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price raid for country pro duce. l'ETEK ENT. Light Street, Now 8 1S07. J J. II R O W E R, " Is now offering to tho public his Slock of x i ji a o o o i) s consisting lu part of n full Hue of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG O A II I ET B, Fine cloths and cabsltnero for Ladles' eoau, HANDSOME DUE.HS GOODS, of nil natlerns and nnalltles, Inlalds nd TrintJ. of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND HltOWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AMD BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LAD11S? A CllILDKIiyS OA 1TK11S Jt BOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WAHE, . EX NO. 1 MACKEREL in one-half and one-fourth barrel. Now Is tho tlmo to make your selections, as 1 urn offering goods at very low prices, and our motto In fair dealing to all, and not to nounuci- soldbyany. j. j. jmuw r.". nioomsburg, April 12, 1847. M. AKTMAN. C. II. DIIXISOKn. I. 11. BATSAa, JRTMAN, DILLTNGER A CO., HO, 0 WOUTll TIUUU Biiii-e.i (..Vrary opposite James, Kent, Nnntet A Qj.) Wholefcilo IJenlcra in YAKNS, IIATTINO, WAUDlaNU, UAHino Oil CLOTHS, 8HADLS, tux KKT. GRAIN II A 03, 'JOKDAGE, AC. ALSO, WILLOW AND WOOWCN WAItE, KKUailEH, TRUNKS, LOOKISQ QLAS-Sia, KTO. May 10, 1807-ly. OWS .'US-'N A CO., H.aic-c' .'.-3 --d Wholesale Healers la COTTON YAENH, CAUPET C1IA1NH, HA'n'3, WICKS, TIE YAUNH, COItDAOE, imoo"n. waou and willow wake, LOOH'R' V CLOCKH, FANCY BAHKETri V3--, I'ZGO 11, ANU CAUUIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 530 JInrltct Street, eouth Ktdo, I'liUndelpIila. JOHN C. YEAQER & CO., WUolcsalo Dealers In II ATS, CAVS. STltAW GOODS, AND LADIIS' ruits, No. 357 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOUACCO, BNUFK 4 KEUAll MANUI'ACTOUY, no. 315 KOUTII TIUKBBTBltrr, ficond Door below Wood. PHILADELPHIA. J. W. Waktman r. KnilltUAN Q ARRI AGE MAN UFACTORV, llloomsbure, l'a. M. C. SLOAN & nnOTIIEU tho Buccebsors of WILLIAM SLOAN & BON coutlnua tho bualueau of inuUlug UAHIHAUES, IlUOaiEH, and vvery atyleof FANCY WAGONS, wlilch they have constantly on hand to aull tu lomcra. Never tastug uuy mulvrhil btit th Uca nud tiupliiyini; thu inuat eiperleticed worUiutu they hope tu coutluuo ns heretofore to Kit o entire satisfaction lo every customer. An Inspection ol their work, nud or the reasonable price aslted fos lie,same, U sure to Insure u sain. 0. HO AVER, bus opened u llrst-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CA1 AND I'UU HTOUE. at thu old stand cm JlalnStrect, Hloonisbursvifow doors above lliel'uurt House. His stock Is com posed of the very latest nnd lieststyles ever tiller ed lo the ctthu'iia or Columbia County. He enn accommodate I be publlo with therolluwiiiuuoods ut the lowest rates. Men's heuvy doublu soled stoifit boots, men's doublu mid MUKle lap soled kip boots, men's luitvy slots shoes otnll kinds, men's flue boots and shoes of all erades, Ixiy's double soled boots nud.shocs of all kinds, men's Blovu kid llaliiiural shot h, men's, women's, boys's and misses1 lustlui: Kallers, women's ttlove kid Polish very flus.wnmcii's morf et o llulmoralsaiid eulfsboes, women's very lino kid buttoned suit ers. In short boots ot ull inscriptions both pg ged Biidseweil. , , Ha would also cull attention to his flue assort ment of HATS, CAVH, Fl'lW AND NOTIONB. wlilcli cosiprlse sail the new and popular varl libs ut prices which cannot fall lo suit all. These Boods aro tillered at tho lowest cash rates and will be uiiurantecd lo iilvo aatlsuictlou. A cull Is solicited before purehaslui; elsewhere us It Is behoved that better bargains uio to be (osud thau at uuy other place In tho county. JXc. tl'U7 RAIL ROADS. C ATOIIT1IERN OKNTIIAIj KAIL- . ICPU rrr,,. HI Ull Itnu niter aiuy ivm - leave NoiiTlIU.HEitLANli us follows t NOinilWAHD. 423 A. M., Dally to Wllllnmspori, (except win myj Inr minim, I'anntuiaiguu, iioeiitaier, jiu. Ktisneiislnn Hrlilge, nnd N. t tills. , ttjl) v. ti., Dally, (exfcpt rtuiulays) ror i.tmira nnu llilll.tlo via Ilrlo Hiillway from l.lmlrn. (1.11) p.m., Dully, (except Sunday s) for Williams. ''" T11A1NS 80UT1IWAUD. S.M A. M. Dally (except Monday's) for llaltlmoro. WILMINGTON AND riULADUWlllA. . MOI'.JL Dally (except Sunday's) for liaiumoro Washington nnu rjiiiiiueiimin. , ,,,, General l'lisseuger Ageut. I ACKAWANNA AND ULOOMS- XJ 11UUG 1'i.iLAOAD On nnd o .erJInylllh.lffts, IMsscngcrTrulnswIll run us juiiows: Oolng South. I.eavo lieave Going North. Arrlvo Arrlvo it.iit. p.m. tt. lp. p. m Kcmiitnn SM a.:n 11.10 P. 17 Leavo lo.:m 10.00 7. it IMP s.:w 7.11) 7.35 7.V1 Leavo O.ij l'lttston 0.00 Kingston o.'js l'lynioulh Mhlekslilnny.... 1.21 lli-rwlck 7.M 4.03 iu.:n 0.11) 4.r lo.uo mo 4,r 6.10 0.1.1 (I.M 7.01 7.11! 7.:n t!.M 11.111 11.00 6.:w Leavo 4.15 llloom Mil Ulipt'lt K.IH Duuvlllo U.IU Arrlvo Arrlvo North'd 11.0(1 MS Tho 11.10 Tralii lit Seranton makes connections with Uxpresa Train lor New York nt 3 o'clock ii. iu,. nrtlviug lu Now York V.U p. ni. II. A.'I ONDA, Sup't. 18GS. "PHILADELPHIA 1SIW. EH1E AND Ja, lfc.ll,ltUAlJ. WINTEH TIME TA1ILE, TIIUOCOII ASU DlIiECT ltOCTE BETWEEN P1IILA- DELl'lllA, 11ALT1MOHE, UAltltlsnUllO, WIL LIAM.Sl'OItT, AN1J THE GHEAT OIL KEG ION OF PENNSYLVANIA ELEQANI SLEEl'ISa CAR3 Ou nil Night Trains. On nnd arier Moniiay, Nov. Bin! lSGs, tho Trains mi the l'hllndelphla AEtle Hull lloml w 111 ruu us lunuws; WlSTWAHIl. .MAIL TUAIN leaves lMillndelphin 10.41 p.m. " ' " Nortlatuibci land. ii.iii. " nrr, at Erie U..10p.iii5 t.itii', ti'iii-."5 ieues i uiuuicipniu ii..sf in, " " " Nort'il 0.00 p.m. " " nrr. at Erie 10.duii.iii. 1.1,311 UA .'.IA1I, leaves l'llllailelplllit k.iii.iii, " " " North'd l.iMii.m " " nrr. atU)cklIaeu 7.4.1 p.m. EAHTWAltl). MAIL TItAIN leaves Erie 10..V. ft.ln " ' North'd 'J..'i.1 " arr.nt i'liiiaiielplilu io.uuii.iii. i;iiii; ExritEfts leaves ia:ie ..u.-iiii.m, " Nort'd WBlu.nil nrr.nii'miaucipuia 4, nill nud ExniesH connects with OU Cret lculul Allegheny HPter Hall lload. llaggngo checked llltUilgll. A. I.. TYLER, General Superintendent, Willlamsport, riATAWISSA RAILROAD On unit J after MONDAY. Nov. 2. lNif. - I'asseimor liitliison the t'ntawlssa ltmlroud will run ntthu luiiowlug luimcu Hours : Mult Xmti, BrATlONS. Willlamsport. Muney. Wiitsontown. Milton. Danville. Itupirt. fatawlssa. ltlllgtunu. hulumlt. (Hinkuke. E. Inlioiiv .Tunc. Afiaif Xorlh Arr, 0.10 p. in. Dep. 5. II " " 6.12 " l..V ' " 4.10 ' " 33 " 2,a " " l.:ti " " 1.4J " " l.'JO " " " 10.40 Dep. 7..10 u.nt H.'JO ..rii) " 1M0 ' V.i-2 " 10.12 " 10.13 ' 11.10 " I'J.iw p.m ltli LOU an 4.13 Dinc.Talnaiun. Dine. Uutiillng. Arr. 0.41 i'liuuueipma. 8.1.1 " W-'J lug or Munch Chunk. l'lom New York via. I Miiueli (.'hunk. r LCI NoC'hangoof ears between Wlllinin-vport and l'lllladelpnln. GEO. WE11U Sliy't. JKADIXG KAILUOAD. WINTEH AKKANGMENT. Die. 1Kb. 1SC8. Orcut Tiuuk Lino horn tho North nnd North Wost lor riiIladt'lihlH,New York, UeiuiliiR, l'otts vltlo, Tamuqua, Ashlamt, Lubanoii, AUentowu, Easton, Kphiata, Li Liz, LauaihtiT. Columbia, Ac, Trains leave lJiurlMjuri; tor New York, as ml Iowa: At '2,'jrK), b;Xinn 8,lu n. in., 12,10 noon and l!,uj A. l,:i.)iMii.,foniu'ctlnK with hlmllartralns on Itio l'a, lUiUiuiul, and arilvlni; at New Yoilc at o,uo, lu.Ot) .M lltu a.m., a u.oo 7,10 a lo,:tup.m. Sleeping rars ai'coinpanylnK tho 2,5U, and 1U.5U p.m. trains without i-haiiKt'. Leuu llaiilsburg tor Ileadtiiir, rottsvUlo, Ta uuuiuu, MlmihViUe, Ashland, 1'lnu Jrovt Allen town and l'hiladulphla at H,1U a.m., and .I.iV and l.lU p.m.. htopnlim at Lubtiiioii nnd nrlnclnal wav htaUons; thu 4,luji.m. luakhiK coniu'ctlons for 1'hlladL'lphia and LolnniuUonly. l-'or TotUVlIIo hclmylkitl Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and hiwiut-hnnna Uallioad. k'a e HarrUbtiri; at p.m. Heturuln: Leuu New Yoik at 1,J0 a.m. and l'.'.Ou in., aud 6, lu and H.oo p.m. Hleepiiiff c.irHaii'umpaiijlny thut).tHia.iii.,anda,I(l and H,m p. in., trains wlrhout thaiii Way i'akst-nser Tratu k'uvw I'liiladclphia aL TJIO a.nt., returnlim I nun llcuillinr iitlt 'L'ni tu ttlmiii in nt nil vtut Iihil. ruttsvillts atb'4j a. m., and 2,1-jjt.m., Ahhland U.w a.manLl-,lU noun, and "f.uu p. m.( Tnmucuu at tie 11V,111IH P,i t 1, 111, Leatj l'ottbvltlo Jor llarrlsbtim, via Schuylkil nud tiuviueuanua luiilroad at 7,lUa.m, nud lL',00 noon. Ki-adint; Accommodation Train leaves Heading ,-i',,fL-iunnuji nuia I'jmauuipiiKi at ,! p.iil, l'otlhtowu Accommodation TraimlonTesI'otts. town at a.m.,, rcturulu',', leaves l'hlhuMphta ait i,M) Columbia Itallrond Trains; learo IEeacUnK al 7,imj, and o-ia p.m. for L'phratu, Litlz, Lancub ler, Lnivimui.1, ut., lvrkiomun lUdl Hoad Trains leave Terklomen Junctional u.uuu.m., aim ii.u p.m. itcturnlnt; uectlns with similar tralns'ou Heaillni;'lt.Ulroad on Sundays. Icavu New York at B.uo n.m Phil. ndelphla 8,oo a.m. nnd :t,15p.m., the ,to a.m. train ruuuinn nuiy io iicamm;; i-ouhviuo n,w a.m. JinrriMiurii o,m u.ui. mm i.iu aim u.-so p.m., ant ltt-adlm; ut l.ll) and 'J..r"t and 7.15 a.m. for Harris burs, and ", and II, 10 p. in. for New York, ana -itM p.m. lor j-iniatieipma. ('(iiiiinn tut lull. Mik'ui't'. hcaKon. School nnd Ex cuuion tlckeU tu end irumall points, at reduced ruti'S. isaaeo cheeked through j 100 pounds allowed to eacu iiaabtnger. General Superintendent, Rending; Ta., May a, 1S. rpiIE REST IS THE CHEAPEST,! THE felNGElt SEWING MACHINE HEADS THE LIST, And lends Ihecolumn 4,0118 ahead of all others, 'lllla Muchlue Is tho MOST l'OPULAH IN USE. It uses tho finest ticedlo of any Machine In ex istence, Any ludy wnullug a good S E V INO M A O II I N E, Wilt consult her own Interests by buying a Itlseuslerto run, lenrn and keep lu order than any Muchlue lu tbo world, OVEU SSO.CCO OF THEM IN USE. Tbo fullest Instruction ulven those who pur chase, and the Machine UK WAKiiANTKU to on for one year. Pleusii cull ul my Store nnd satisfy yourselves. Here you win nun teenies, i nmm unu mm. DAVID LOWENHEIUI, Audit April 3,Hs-tf. llloomsburi:. l'a. Ii U JI B I A HOUSE, UEItNAItD KT O II N E It. IIavikii lately purchased and fitted up tho WCH'KUOWU Itouisou noiei l n'I'ri , iih-..i...u H 1EW 1IOOIIH AIIOVE Til K COUllT IIOl'SK, onthewune side of the street, In tlie town of Illoomsliurt!! and bavins obtained n license for the same as 11 R E S T A IT R A N T , tbo IViprletnr has determined to nive to the peo pie visiting the town oil business or pleasure, A LITTLE MOIIE UOOM, Ilia Mauling also I extensive, and Is ntted up lo put biiKKlesiiiidcurrlaisesliithodry. He pr"; and be respectfully solicits 11 share of the publlo I ttirotiflt'e, 1 M.s, J I'. HEARD, will LII'I'INCOTT,DONDCO Manufacturers and Wholesale Daalers In HATS, CA1W, FUltS, AND BTHAW GOODS, No. 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. NYDER, HARRIS & UASSETT, Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of MEN'S AND IIOY'H CLOTHING, Noi.Mirfukel.auJSJJ Cjaitus coHtrMt, Philadelphia. GHOCERIE3, &c, ONFEOTIONEKY. Tim nndrrslsned would resneetfully annouueo to the public, unit hi' lias opened it FIItHT-CLASS CONFIXTIONr.IlY STOP.E, In neritnled hv Ilernnrd Hloh tier, where hels prepnrcd tu lurnlsli nil kinds of rLAIN A FANCY CANDIIH, KKKNCII CANDIl'-S, I'OItr.lGN A DOMESTIC F11U1TS, NUTS, UA1SINH, AC, AC, AC IT Vf HOI.F.SAI.K Oil llHTAII.. In short, n hill assortment of all goods In Ills lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, unliable for tho Holidays, I'urtlculiu attention given to I1HKAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day. C II II I S T M A S O A N D I K 8, OIIIHTMAB TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. IB, 187, nOKIIAUT JACOllS. E M O V A L OF u. u. MAiur.i NEW STO R E TO a HIVE'S II LOOK, O.fTIIICORNEIl or KAKKET A!D InOS ST1IEETH. The undersigned having received from the city a full and complete suppty of SrilINO AND SU.M.ME11 DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AXD WILLOW-WAKE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WAKE, TOBACCO, II A TS A NI) S II O I-: S, FLOUIt, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling at it vory low Dguro for cash or produce. ZTr Cnll and see. April 11', 1SU7. U. C. MAUU. RAND OPENING (lltANIi OI'IININO lll'IININCI OPENING Ol'ENIN-U (lltAND (lltANIi GltAND or AND WI.NTEU GOODS, AND WINTEH GOODS. AND WINTEH GOODH AND GOODS, AND WINTEH GOODS, conslntluK ol conslsllui; of cinxslstliiir of consist Inix of cmsl.stln! of FALL KAI.L FALL FALL FALL DUY OOOIW, DllY (KUIIW DHY GOODS, DHY GOODS, DHY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, 11 ATS AND CAI'S, HATS AND CAI'S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAI'S, hoots and sunns, HOOTS AND SIIOIX, HOOTS AND SIIOIX, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTH INO, HEADY-MA HI". CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MA DE CLOTHING, LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOllONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, GIIOCEHIKS. GHOl'EHIES, GHOI'EHIES, GHOL'EHIES. GHOUEH1ES, QUEENS WAKE, (HlEENSWAltE, ti 11 E 1 INS W A HE, IjllEENSWAHE, tiUEENSWAHE 1IAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAKDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, HALT, SALT, HALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, nil I FISH, GRAIN GHAIN GHAIN GHAIN GHAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEIIS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AO. AT NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL .tlcKELVY, MuKlXVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, .MCKELVY. CO.'S, t.'O.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest corner 01 Mjlunud Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main und Market Sheets, Northwest corner of -Main nud Market Stteets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Stleets, Northwest co rner of Main and Market Streets, III.OOMSI1UHG, I'A HIAJOMSBUHG, PA HLOOMSHUHG, PA., BLOOMSIIl'KO, PA., llLOOMSIllIltll, PA. . IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, In largo quantities and at reduced rates, alway ou uauu. COIIELIj, IJEHGKH et CO., GENEKAL COJIMISSION- JIEUC1IANTS Dealers In FISH, HALT, CHEESE, rllOVISIOXS, Ac., Nos. 121 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch Bt. Philadelphia. Sol trents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, lu bar rels, Icegi, and cans, WAINWIUGUT & CO., WIIOIiEBAtK OHOOERH, N. E. Corner Beeond nnd Arch Btreets, rjIILADCLI'HIA, Dealers In TEAS, BYUUIU COFFEE, HUOAIt, MOLASSKH, KICK, BPICEM, HI CAItn RODA, C, AO, Orders will receive prompt utteutlou. May 10, lS67-ly. JJ V. FETEKMAN, with " i.ii'i'iNcorr, WIIOL1WALK OUOCEItf), No. 51 North Water Hlroet, and Nn.20 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. TyEAVKH & HVll ANKLE, W1I0LIIALE G110CEUI1B ANDCOMSIIHSION MERCHANTS, Nos. Hi and 227 Arch Blreet l'hllmlelphla. M. M. MAlll'LE, NOTIONH, IIOHIEfV.OLOVES.AND r"AN0 GOODS, No, 53 North Third Blreet, Philadelphia, I. " WALi'EH, . - Late Walter 4 Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, OLASS, AND QUEENSWAltn, No. t:i Market Street. Philadelphia, JOHN STHOUr A CO., Successors to Btroup 4 DrolUer, WHOLEHALU DE.M.EIW IN WHH, Vo, St North Wharves, and 25 NtxlU Water Bt., pblUulelphls, IRON, TINWARE, &.C. JVq-ATIONAL FOUNDRY, lilooinsburg, Columbia County, l'a. The subscriber, proprietor of the above-i auicd extensive establishment, Is now prepared to re eclvo orders for all kinds of MACHINEUY roil COLI.IEItlES, KLABT FUItNACIW, 8TATI0NA tVt ENGINES, MII.I.'I, TIUtliSIIING MACHINES, Ao Ho Is nlso prepared to mako Btovesof all and patterns, Plow-Irons, and over) thing usually mado lit llrst-class Foundries. His extensive facilities nnd practical workmen wnrrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on tho most reasonable terms. Grain or all kinds wilt bo taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is located near the Ijiclir wauiianiid llloomsbtiig Itallroad Depot, rETElHilLLMYEIl. S' TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. IIUIT.UT nnnounces to his friends nnd customers that continues the above business nt his old place on MAIN STUEET, 1ILOOMSI1UUG. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found in n HloVo and Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, nnd on tho most reason able terms, ltepalrlugtlonent tho shortest notice. 33 DOZEN MILK-rANS on hnnd for sale. JkJEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STl'.EET, KEA11LV OPPOSITE MII.I.Ett' STO HE, HLOoMsnuno, fenn'a. The pnderslgned has Just fltted up and opened his net STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In Ibis place, whero ho Is prepared to mnke up new Tin W'aiu: of all kinds In his Hue, aud do repairing with neatness nud dispatch, upon the most reasonable tonus. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF VA11IOUS 1'ATTEltNS A STYLES, which ho will M'll upon terms to suit purchasers. (live him a cull. 11" Is a gotnl mechanic, and ; of lliti nubile isitromiire. JACOB METO. I'.looiiivbitrir, April 'Jfl. 1587. riEOROE II. RORERTS, Importer and Dealer In IIAEDWAHE, CUTLEHY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Strict, itbovo Vina, Philadelphia. Jacoii IC. Smith. J. li. St.i.Tztit g JI I T II & H E L T Z K R, Impoilersnud Dealers 1 11 Foreign and Domestic 56 II A R 1) WAR E, GUN S, O U T L E It Y, AC, VO. 411) X. TlllltU STUHET, All. CALLOWIIILI., I'HILADELPIIIA. Nov. S3,7-tr. TOBACCO &. SBG-ARS. JJ W. RANK'S WllUliliSAI.ETOllAUL'O, SNUI' I' CIGAIt WAItEHOUHE, AND No. HO North Third Street, between Cherry nud Hnco, west side. Philadelphia. C. L. WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGAHS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. 0 MNIIiUS LINK. The undersigned would lespertfully announce lo thecllleus of lilooinsburg und the public gene rally tha h'j Is running Hit OMNIBUS LINE between Ibis place 11ml the dlllelent rnltlondde pols dally (SuudJ) s excepted), to connect Willi the several trains going South ami West on tho Catn- wlssn nnd Wllllnmspoit Hallinnd, and with those colng Nortb and South on tho Iickawaunuand lUoonisbutg Itallroad. His Oitiuibusses ate lu good condition, commo dious and comlortnble, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de- pnit,cau ho accomodated upon reasonable chnrgj by leaving timely notlcontnii of the hotels. JACOII L GIltTON, Proprietor. J IIEATIICOTE .t COMPANY JI U 1 Jj IJ Ji W O li A'St coitNKitoF wi:dTrui:i-;T IlI.ACKllIOKSK AU.KV Huvln Incrcivspd rnir fiicllltlos In thorny of nhop loom, mnflilnc-ry, .Vi. v mo i.rrpnri'ift to m.uui meant1 iah u.mui j v is.i- i,itis,aiHi an jciihis nl HTM AM HOI LKUH.tSMOlvK-sTAC'KS, TANKS, ISm.hT-lKoN Wdhk.Ac. AU wtirkjiroinptly ilone to onlcr, nt h-urt notice, ami Kl'HCIAIi AlTlTION PAID TO HKPaIUS, Villi' nltnutloii Is fsiipclnllv ciilipi. to Ihn mom. bors of our lltm-nll Ik-Iiii; J'ravtuatJloUcr MaKcts. Mr. HnATiit'on; luis Imd nn rxin'ilenco or over i ttilrtv . 1a1s In the liiumilMttuiu nt nlikintUoI IMtnni Itnik-rt; nml Irani our lonsexia'rlenco wo nioliilly iiwiuo ol tho nercssily ot u v.ell-inalo mm suiiicienuy niru j,oii.ku. in fet'curo noi omy safety hut mitlsfactoiy lesnlis: unit we si in II kIvo our eulmners only those ol thu best rjimllty us niriU inntciiiil.wnrkiuanshlp, nml uniplo heat ins hurl ieo, nml ieel eontuU-nl thnto enn ren tier satisinctlon;nnil nt irlces lully ns low ns nny (ither bulkier!, using thu miiiid quality of niaterf in. Wo 'woulil will tho nttentlon of Iinllwny Com inules toour taellttles lordoliiK LLUMOTIVi: WoltK, 1 rriii.u nri'Ains ou Nhu'.ns wo mnlte it ti point lor ono of tho Una to always glvo ills ncr feonnl attention. vonronlKoircpnred to do nil Kinds of Kteaui FiltiiiL'S. hiich UN llt'iitliiLT l'alillf! nml I'rivntH ilulldliiKM, KnetorleM, titling up hteatn itollers.Ae, Coiihtanllv on hand nil kind of Hi itam I'it- TI.N(H.SIK.5I AMI VATKl.CJUAaiSlKAM l'U'W, unu itli iiiiiuki iiiiim.i i.i-ii 1111 uiu imttiiu'iiH. AUo.C'ustings ot all l;iinN,lloiltT l',HHil,(iiatPii, KtoM'M. riows.mid ull worl: eonntctul with tin. peneiiu foundry business. iiPMlieciuuiy Mmemng your orueis, wo nte Yours very truly, J. HKATHCOTi; A CO.'OS ly AitJinnsn TBY Till A LTA It contnins threo ncr cent, of Ainmonln. nn ntnttlu nmintitv to uivo actlvitv , itlioul iniurv 10 ino egaimion, unu u iniKo pertrrniafio 01 bo- lublo liouu I'lmsLliate ot Unit), toueiliir villi lNitnxli and hod it, tbo eshcntlul eltmuith of a, t'OMl'MlTKMAXUllK, Uiu Im niihed huleb to lartners v lionie iiKlug it Mltli btfthly t-atUlactoo ry results is u Kiiregiuinuitt e of lis vulue. i'rke, oft per ton of IU bays lbs tnth, hind lor u puuiphlel, AdfirtsH July 3CS-ly &7 llroadwoy, N. Y. A' NUH KW.S. W1LKINB A t.'U,, Dealers Iu KOIiElUN AND DOMITIC DUY GOODS, No.Oft? Market Htreet, l'h 11 delphla. Q.EOUGK KOELKEIl A CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN .1 WILLOW WAIli:, VAHNS, Oll.Clolhs, Wic let, Twines, Ilaski Is, etc., Ic. 2t'J.l2it Maii;ilKt.,4 2:i(l Chtirtli ht., l'hllada. JuiieS.'ilS. KMimUSTUll A HJtOTlIElt, Importers uud Jobbers of HOUEltV, GLOVE'S, rillllt'IM AND IirtAWEItf, 1IUTTONH, HUHl'E.NDEUH, HOOP HKIIITM, IIANDK'EItCHIEFH, THHEADS, HEWING HILICH, TUI.MMINOS, roim: JIONNAI1W, KOAl'S, I'EIU'UMEltY, FANCY OOOl f, AND NOTIONH OENEItALLY, Alto Mautifaetuters of JIHUHIIUH AND LOOKING G LASH EH, and Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW WAItE, 1IUOOMH, ItOI'EH, TWINEH, 4C, No. SOS Noi Hi Third Htriet, above Vino, l'hllmlelphla. jyILLEK A HOST, riuccessors to I'ranklln I. Beltier . Co, Imjiorters anil Wholesale Dealers lu LIQUOIW, WINKS, 40 Nos. HO and 112 North Third Btreet, I'liiladclphia. jyjEHCUANT'S HOTEL, NOIITI1 rOt'KTII srKlET, riUIADELrillA. J, A W. 0. M I.IUIUN, Proprietor. May 10, isif-iy. 8l MEDICINES. g A V E YOUR MO N K Y I INDUCEMENT HI G It EAT E 11 1 N D UU EM E N T HI OllKATliBT INDUCEMENTS AT Tin; old Dituo HTOiin OF L. N. MOYER, UHiero can bo found thu bAitonsT nnd nr-ST as. sonT.MK.NT, ever ollercd to tho cltlrens of this county, of Drugs, Chemicals, l'nlnls, Oils, Glass, -- Vniiilshes, rutty, llruslies, DyoStttrrs, Jllxed I'.iinls, all of thesonreof the best known make tun! iue warraulednspuruntid unadulterated. The 1 msi and largest stock: of FANCY A 11 T I C L E H to bo found lu this or mljoliilngcouutlcs Perfumery, Hair Dyes, Fancy Soaps, llruslies, s-'ombs, Cosmetics, HalrOils, Toilet Articles, blatlonery, Pocket P.oni,, T O 11 A V C O E S . Smoking and chewing, Cigars of nil descriptions, Pipes, Cigar Holders, HOUSEHOLD AUTICLES. Lamps, assorted sizes and styles, I.AMl'3, CllIStNKYK, HlIAllM, llDUMll,'), MISCELLANEOUH GOODS. Sponges, Chamois SUlns, Cutlielcrs, Siu'cultims, Syringes, llrenst 1'ump.s, llubber Goods, Trusses of till approved patterns Ac, Ac. L I (J U O It S. A lino assortment of uro liquors for medical purposes constantly on hiiiul and Iho Us known kinds of STOMACH HlTTEltS. l'ATi:.NT Mr.iiRisiM of every description, In cluding the best varieties of pills and Ionics. 1'IIYHICIAN'H l'lil-SCUIITIONS CAltKKUI.bY PIIK l'AUEI). No such stock has ever been presinted to lb people of this sectlou of counlry. 'J'ho prices aro its small us the slock Is huge. Tho Whotevile I't ices are lnoru favorublo to tb purchaser than Arrangements hale beeii elleeletl with the wholesale dealers lu tho largir cities, so that goods call bo procured 111 Illoomv butg as cheaply us lu Nuw Yolk or Phlladelphi 9-Country dealers nru earnestly Invited tu suuly their own interests, by examining this stock. Hemenibcr the place ExciiANOE Hlock aboe Exchangu Hotel, Main street, lilooinsburg, Jan. ill. lMis. ilm VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE CF THE AGE! Oi'iiy-IIoiitletl t'ecMilcs li:nc tl.cir lotks restored by it to the daih, lustrous, t like n tresses of youth, nml nre li:'iny ! Youns People, with 2ifjhttfaihtl or red I I.itr, Imvc these unfashionable colors changed to ft beautiful nuburn, nnd rejoice ! l'eoplo wlioso lieadi nro coercd wjtli Dandruff nnd Humors, mo it, nnd liaib clean couti und clear nnd healthy Rcalns IIaIU-lTi;aclcl Wt frjiiiw haJ their remaining locks tiphtenrd, nnd llii bnro fpots covered with n luxuriant gruwtli of Hair, nnd dance for joy I Young Gentlemen use it because It ii richly perfumed I Young Ladies uso it because It liccp their Hair In place! Kvorybody vivst nnd will use it, bccauo is t!io cftanstt nnd lest article in tin market! For Salo by Druggists generally. AND FOKHAI.Klty I,. N. MOYHH nml V. I. UTTZ, DruKt;iM'i, Illoomsliurt, mid M. M, IiUOIJST.nitawivMi. Jiiiuiuiy jioyioii, WlIOI.nSALr, Jt KLTAIL d it u a a 1 s t, - COIlKCIl Of MAIN AND MAUKt.T SttEElS, llLOOJISUUHO, l'A., where will lio found u largo and telnet stnvli 01 Drugs, MKDIC1XES AND CIIKM1CALB. Alio all tlio PATENT UEDICINCi OJ" TUB DAY, I am also prepared to furnish Country Stores itli Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordlul, TUIILINGSTOX'.S DALSAM, aud all other medicines kept In tht Ir lino at t it prices. ?. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. In medicines, quality !sof the tirst Importawe. Illoopisburi;, Juno7, W7 DKHSIIOTT'S 1'IIAHMACY. OPPOSITE AMEI1ICAN 1IOCSE. Where may bo found oconipleto aasortntent of iresn ana pttro MEDICINES, DYE- STC1TH, COI.OllS, 01I.K WINDOW-GLASS, LAMPii LANTEUN , HO UAH, ROAl'S, ALCOHOL, WIN1-S i. LIO. . OKI! HYHUI'S, 1'EIirUMEltY, TOILET AND FANCY AUTICLIH. which nro offered at old tlmo prices. Prescrip tions accurately prepared. Jan 3 tiui u, Tu., and the Ituntlt'l's l'ulun '11,.. A ..,,..., llt,...l .....p. druimut tivm the Hundel In ii tied It will Hike us much liiir(Sl tie amH itdod lioist'sVjM draw. W u T tint Lav. and tblj.sTtjt ,MtitwiL .x-su-A mil chciiluT reei.iirmtnd linJii. ' ') and lrnlle wluite eterseoi, I . llliri.. .KNIIKIt, lilt. . C? IU..KIS. V. II, K'lll.NS, .IoIIN DOAh JllllN M.rKUIC'K. llAN'IKI. X ' It ID, ll. I Ml l.ll. 11 Hfii'L.rll, I'I l.-,FL.I MieiuK'jlH.i.Ht, John Win. 1 " Tliev ul--Ctll,iuulueiiire thu eelebrub ' " ,X IteiipesvniTMowir, and nlbet uitr-lilt. .H''' iiiriii-.)SJ T NiSiS H A N (J E AOKMl ivyomiiiK. , ,i:tiiaT. , Comnierc'o , I'liltbu,: Niirth".in(rlcu City i IuUrnalloi.iJ l,i Niagara 1,1 ,i:iiia Live Ky uil: I I'utuam , I Merchants .,1 3 Hprtngrleld d v .j. . 6TU,lf: 1 Company of Btato ll'r.n'a.,.., CSi.t ;ut Mutual Llfu 5 '., llv Iiituranco I Counectlcut North American Trantlt , l'HEAH 1IHOWN, Ijfoill mur8 07-ly, lli.oonsuuit(.J 1'a. 1.0UIS UltOWN, CIIAS, J, BWAl" jgllOWN A EWALD, ' iVHUl.t.BAI.l. until t un, N. E. for. Third A Vino Strew, VUll.ADhLVllIA. May 29. lMj-Omo l a It E A T Va fpifu AJIHltH'AN HAY 1MI X AND I'OltK.-We the Ullderhli;iiil,',l,', ul Columbia Countj ttllti ,si-ed lhe(r..1l, J I forks on thu farm of Mr I'msel.tu I Kf Township, mi M lay, Muv 7 isiui.b,.., liK-J , I Alnerieau Hay Kulte und l-'ol L inau, flaf 7 II hLIKllll. tt' KlIltlN'l'.lt A (I.IsssFi.e CI ' . ill i iii'il 1 I A1 1 A. i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers