- l; 4 ' " A . , v. VOL. 2 NO 68. BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FlilDAY, DEO. 25. 1 80S. PIUOE FIVE GENTS r -11 BLOOMSMIRU MRECT0UY. ST0VK8 AXD TIXWAU12. 1 AUUlt METtf, ilenlct III .tin wi & lltiw-u-s, Jlslu nuove coari nuiiito. - vi-tus ,4 M. HUPKHT, mna nml lluwillu, Itur-ril block, Mulll Hi,, west of Jliirll-it,, vl-lll I CLOTlllNy, C. n l.otl'KNllKRO.lnrrcHalillnlliir, Mnlti ill,, Hit I, iliHif aIkiyo .murlcnn lioiiio, vl-ntl W. UUnilllKrtt.lN. i-hntr.-.liir.ii,lri.iill ilfth.1. r Hi olotliln,iU'.; Ilnfllnuii'. bulMliiK, M in i DItUCI&j OILKMICALS. SO. 1 K. MOYr.n, ilniKitlit nnd apothocnry, t( if i-hnngo lilimK Miita-ftl. yl-tilS 1'. .tV ilniioiM mi'il y,i,1lii.nry, Ilupert liliirk, M.im at,, wi't nt.MnrKul. VI-mi CLOCKS, WATCHES, AG. H'tJ lit !IMll Min n,,l, ! n4i.l f.t,,ntf mnlr jj ii mi r mf Mount wuh't M nln and )roiiNts.vl-itl 1 I 1H,YV.iK, di'ftJcr lit. olorkrt, ntoVs nml I, Jp'wln, M.iln st., JH" below Amarlcnii Hon. vl-nH i;atiici;.. ,v i in-.... i in.. i ii umrolot'k, inHUor, Mm !ft . . l-iiit ,l!.)Ui.-- AND-SHOKS. Il II .'!. ,M. KViMN'AI,. II 1 ' I Hi 1' rtt. in i' ii i.uii rii; f nmt, ,n ikuttat, Mii it. M ill '.. -I II. .ii ini.y.itt-L,w,Onloe Jl. . Main Street, -i Hi : IN LI V A FANCY (iOOI)S. j.u i. .M i:IIKIiKY, milliner, Unmx-y hi -.1. vl-nl l I'll, fnneyoodil, nolionH, ltonJtH, iii.th siilo Vnln alroet below Mr- mllllnry niitl fnney gon np ' 1 1 buien, Mnln nl. vl-ni . .. SAIIJO llAlllvl.nY, In ' A - I'll! ill J, HOllilHlll I, i Vl-n.i HI, millinery an I rn, i.K.ite '"Viurt H.ul. vl-nM -. M II. ' I l, I niHllni.r, Mnln hi., ' i n. in . ' i ', Hi si ol Muruel nt. below VI, 11 -I llil;l:i inllUnery mill tiinej .ii oil . '0ust below American bonne. vl.lill SALOON rf. un.l eiitln hi', ii. u, Vnurl 1., ii.tUcorT,t I'.'Ot It uuperlit- blilveri . '...ii, u'UMltutfllu and rotlill. K i mi l. vl-nl-i imnery, bnlter-, nml o;u- 1UWJ, JNltui ni., Jiini lit w.l IKU'l I by Kooim L'lork, Mnln I m i '.-'i. tin li uisu. vl-nn lllt nml of' VI- , OialfP4 hi (IryutKlH, wilt, ilh rt, nuns nil ittjiji, tKN mirt h!h)h, "lit IllKlHt'. rlUUlllWfiHl Vl-llW ',r t t)ila,Kri)Ct3rlii', rii'iiiiili I .ii uul I mi i ata, vi ti4i , l j --lnuoaiirmtor(bo''kj utul 't-Mls, eon feet Ion tritM, Mnln m1 r, turner ot Mnln blroct uttJU fir. , Mulll si ncnuw iron Vl-lllA ' nmUion Htrot t(. vl-u(4 v iO It, Imri.Muie, ontlr , ffun, eW,t low Turn, ti vl'UP Me.ihTll. rholLpth.s i'tifMUi, H011-.H-(wiil,tr' kIi groip)ci'j, oil-., ftc, Mnln mr li.mi. v-lnii. it ..01 -11 t s niut unerul furicliiIitr (imp V(-t. vl-nifl .hp a iM i ill v iftmtlt. u i'fn bitfiU.. uk .etc it. Vi-n4.1 lfM'l! A. liTlIAVll lUItKr, )f(ilfi lit nf((lH.ii(r In -it) Notions, two ilooiH nlove ililt -nib. V (.t JKI, iL Oiiinmtu(u1 nnti Ptnv.. - urn. r s 4 Ibueoi Itli IIU I-1. 1 'i .iiwr 1 fi ritiimtKifMHii. 1 Mi T.V :Jlkt. l-ti Vl TfllUI Vt'ftM mull kuin.i i ta-... t, l,.,.!. . IlRdAl.lV uliulPiifii 1. till. Ilbrililt.l. ' lii.dfl 1st mirUitvu1 tn n bet Mivinhtul Mmkctt. l-ntt l.nlin' Mtftitniii', iUit.t : f ii Ptrftxi f !.. r-il(iu-. intuit Hint I ruli- - iiikoi, Mimi ht In-low cmiuiI. lurttt. vl-i. t'.isTKIt. tlhto Makir, nml WliUcBti(' .ttn ,lnniutr. Mi'outiwti, l til? MUHllUItti I,UMli:U CO.. iitnut.uturii dtuilei-N lii Lumber. of nil kindu, I mi r tho tH-rocul, - vUi S. Mm, I.MAN, Nftddlonitd imruK UfllMr, Lcaroulhvtt corner Main nu tMtnuui, 'iiaiAtt, ninroiu m A. near iottlliv mer Mam ana juojwv .HINI.I.l li.ili iiter In 4ilo, orgun. ami iigilei n ,iitu, W.Coreirifliinltiirerooqg . VAsri.tn, imeiit ftir Orovur nWjer'n . inn mm bine, Muin l., Jlwlinwr !! UUI1I1- .tntrii. lUinillNH, lliiii'.r .If nml ' iiuweHi eoi ner ninui .ui'i n"ii" tri ot k, Nnti.ry I'ui.n. . 11 itU'l MniLel St. I A.lTNHTi in, inli'i' us lire in nml vl-lll I ii ncornti'i iiiiy.uaii' lltf. JAI'l'PY, Mi r' 10 illi'l )' i -i'll Ktoue M, Enst llli...limliiHB. imiwioic riiHd, vi'U.i HAMl'M CO. I.riiiililiili.tP,rni.lllooni. it 1 1 ml, i nMii'H limn,, in loion II" 11A(F IT to " i "U'Hbllll Inl ' il . ! J It A yp,. list .ii i.iiutit'ti' mm. ijjt:v.u'iv. ii....! Ami L oddo.1i 1 ' 'imi l llouie fOIiLl I1' l:.iii.iliilf.t i i I !i i . V'lli ' k tttlMl.n. M iint,, ftp; 'a-Ii' ilebiiil, 1"f,l'tM iiiimir Muvr i ml .b il"r In dli i s, uroro i .'".,'..'1 '.l-niii-U , U..il ' ' I ' ii.il nml li ...i 1 1 i. M.i. ii . U in in s vlnri , m. .i ..; M ir tsli. , i i ii i I li Jl - ,,..M l,i W I .11, e ml I 1 I r.i in, ubott 'J Inn. 1 (Ilk lI'H'Mr, '.ly.Ioll."! briruilt, Mnln I A u , .,' h..u ti. ..-I. vl-nW tl'l. I IMI. I., I l,.V. MAin.KU i llll . i I' !'i)lh':!l.n,n limentUooa,ralnt.,Jiin I 1 ' ivo i i lii, ii . r vlnlH .via ri, VI',,;. leiiunhmeiit nnloon, Kx 1 I . lint .. vt-in!. 1 " . wli ' i i ii.-slnnent uulornr, Wilve'n IH' .ii unit Iniimt, vlnli li' ' 'A Ti AND OUOCJCUS, I ., iConleetiuii. ry. tfoeerlen etc Alain H eComiil vl-nf' l,B. jI-? , ..1 In Urv koihIm, groeerleN, B. bj- 1 m 'Y M-iimJ notion-, m 1 1 dcnliT In meat I nlley, I mk o UANM.VIM.E UlUKCTOItT. Dlk O. A. MHO AIKir.L, pllj-lclnn n ml nnrict-on. .Main t licxtdiHir tiUt,U'- llntrl. l-ii r HttlCK llnTKI, mill rr-frp-ImiiMit -nlnnti. by Win. Jtii.tt Horcnr. nf Jlmumul I'lnf -l.vllil7 SWAN HOTEL, Urn tipper litmvi bj John Hny dor. Mulll t,,ltliVO WllP. Vl-IHT -.-At, hit (MtM-rtt,.,,., ,t... ......... ...... ,....... IX mourn oflcuther, on inilii nt., liclow (loo IIOIIM. v2-n AVIII llnnillMd, Klnnr mul Utl.t Milt, nmt Uciilvr In mlti, MniHIrc-t. V1-HI7 BOWKn ft ltf.tltltNO. ilonler In Jry coml-, grocorlcil, Ulmlior iilul fjclicrtil Mirc)iantllr, MnTu l. vi lli" nUOHOR l.ABAtifrt.viiilillonliilliiirnCMlnalirr V JtlUlmt., n'liivrllioMuiui Hotel, vl-nl" W V '""' lnnmiKiclurcr of tin worn nmt 1 1 lout, hi i.lm'iM itn kmn Unlit. ' nbovo -Jio Vl-1117 A 4 E. W. COt.KMAN, Mrrclmiit tailor mut A. tl"iil'fiirnlililliggooil?, JlmnHt.,liMt ilonr lu tho brli-lt hotel, V1-1H7 It K. HA YIIUltKT, Clock., WMtTTm libit (Itiiiii ill, rvpnin'o, 1.11111s nun iiicue. lor biiiiv .niin 11,, OIi elow rine. I AM rx n. If AUMAN, Cnblnrt Mnkcr, nmt tin ,.l .'.Ml kit, Mulll HI., below lMno, Vl-nl7 Mir: I AU,('.Kl'.i,!,V:U,roiirectli.nery, d.virr .... ,tr.,m 1 tne Nt,t bctirreii Main iitid Aim. Hit. A I'. KElX'HMKIt, l:lnckeiilllli9,on Mill , Mtreet, benr l'llie, vl-1117 WILLIAM nEI.tlN(l,Slioeniiil:ernil lilanilf.ie tun r of tirli'k, Illlhl.,KcKt ori'lno vlnll T Rvia it. Hi'jn'YI.En, Inm foiiinlrr.Miioliln Ll.tuul Miinuniellller of plnw, Mill K!.vt-nl7 llfl,KS A. WILLIAMS A rii'l'.iimcmiliil Mini 111 ilfnetliremnrbntlier, Mill Hire.'!. vl-1117 "UN KHI.LKII, Moot nml KlioemuUer, l'llie HtrtH-i, opi.tislb' tlio AcniUiny vl-nl7 A, H. lll.liKINO A llROTllr.lt, ('miienti lHlllliI lliUIili'iv, Mnln Slleot, below Pine, vl.1117 8 A 11 i;i. i lrti:i'l,l,, .Alilliur oi ine linynurHi Onita I'nwile, Mnln St. v2n. 1 M llA'tMAN, KKUdln nntl l.nrnnsn nmker itrn((c 1 Ik. oiNitte Kni ou'it.-ti, vuull ami Mii'mnivuiam n urmwi r MJixumKmeimMx-xxTm ub jr-' .r - - . r .-i. SXIHill'KIIAXKAorllrlek llnlel.H.ICoilebiiltiler nr., pi lel.ir,Mi,utli-east corner Muln nml Hi eoml re..L V.t-nl2 I- 11. ruRAMY, dry itwils, uroceiic, iilul ticn , etnl MercliHiiille, Mnln Htrict. viMili S.I It. UtNAUU, dealer in cloves ami tin-wiirr. .Mutu st root. '2 M, H. AIlRiriT, nttornfy nt l.iw.Muln Street. CUUlLitr A KI.IXi:, dry kixkN, KrocerU-K, nm t (I'uoi'ut mcri'lumilKu, Jlnln MrtTt. v2-nlJ rKKlLKIt, bUll.iM milnon, nyJten, niui lo j, r run m In m'unon .Main Htrt'et. i!-nU K. DAMiMAN, Merchant Tullor, Hcconil St., DU. .1. K. lUiniliNH, SnrKt-cm and IMiyIolan, Hr.-.uid (.. bflnw Main. vi-nl. r i). ICWn.KIt("('utlnwlsHlIouc,"Nottli West i.iir;jr Main and bt'cond Ktrt'ttH. jl. Dry tlniuls, Onifurli l '1. llltUllll. M. nuOHHT.tU'iiler In Oenerul Merchandlt', --iii'. 11UHT ST11KET DIUECTOIIY. rTKIt KM', dealer In dry K'X'di, Kiocftlph, L tlour, teed, milt, tlli, Iron, nails, etc., IArIH I TKHVtLlKKlt, Cabinet in Mcer, Un.lcrt-iltt'r jj and 1 huh link. r. vl-nW TOriiii.,U WAUTKH liiatrKsm'.tU, opjiovlt" voh! 'TniT'-t'. vl-nm. IT P. OM . A C o. Wlicclwrirfiit1, Urst iloor vl-ni'l ti abo ulioiii lioiHC. 'M" :;li.nj mlllinrry and fancy gimdx. vln W JW. KVJSKEY, ileuler In Lcithcr, ltklin, Hulk, etc. I'nib piilil fur lllilci. vl-nlO WM, P, ilenlerlu stoves nml tin wnre In all tin I iuvIioh, vl-nW JOHN A. OMAN, iiiiuiufuclnrer tuut ilenler In bontt. ntnl Hhoen, vl-nOI. J. LKtKKIl, M. II. KIliBCOll 11ml ril5lel!lll OOlee 1.1 Ketler'k Hotel, vMl.7 ESPY MHKCTOKY. T II W l-.ltKUKISLIt, limit nml Slmo Store mj .111 I lininmeiory, Niiopon .iiniHiii.ei.,ii- ). -He Kteum Mill. EtPYSTI AM rLOUltl.NO MILLH, C. S. I'nnlcr, ProiiH, 'oi. v Vj V. IlKIIIIIAIll),illltO.,ile!ilersln itryRmnN, rnc. .!,'.. .11. 1 HCni ml liielebiimll.o. I.'nll I.llU r.i.L, iln.ili r In tlry unodH, grncer ,tl., .11- .a.'e, bunlw.ire, lSli,s.ilt, n ills, '., vLnll ill W. 1:1 X. n HiUHjuclinnn.i l'liuilng Mill nml I, II, ix M.iniil.uitory. vlinll jei;sltoyn hikkcti:y. I NIMIKV,' MA .'SON, rculer In ilry l!Oo,l, pn. A cerU)ft,lnili,lilliihr lie , Jeoeyluwii, vl-Il 10 TAt'lllJ A. MV 11 dill, ill 'tier In IIMck, Leutlier O HurlC oU. .MjiiIImiu Uiwi.hliln I'ciltllilblil iMiunly t'. Vl-Il III miT.HAMl'KI. IIIMI1Y, IluUlMin llolll, Dili J ver. anil MrullHi rneiilili lunl, 2-al BtrKHOKX DlUKfTOUY. VI a. a v 11. SHOVMAKIUI, ittctn In dry ill i4tmlH, L.rtif-nrUn iiml hi'HWi I mi u'hiindKf, i' In t,niitt end ot ttiwii, YAroK A W.M. IIAMUH, ib'iderM III diy ondi, M ffi'oct-cli.H, ilru(H und iiutliftni'M. Flint ntoit'ln iioMhuiidoi town, v -uH. -r-tr TlBWMllllliimil I III irnMMtJBpil MOTELS AX1) SALOONS. jxciiANaio IIOTLL, ItLOli.MMll'UO.COLtLMIlIA IV., PA. Tlie iiinlertilKneil hnvlnu pnrclin.eil IbUwell ktliiK n nml 1 1 nlrnlly-loenleil bouse, (be. list bullae Hotll, Kltlinlii on .MA IN Ml IILKI', III lIliHim.blilK imitii limn ly oppiiHl-tt IhcCoHimbiittounty t'niirl Hou-i, iPHptH-tfiillv liilornt llicll IiiftmU nud Hie E llbin in l. lu-iiu 1 1 it L llu'll'limtMi Ih unt In order ur I in let i j i it in tind entci t:iiuiiitiit of iru.iiiru loin. 'I In y bnf spaiitd no tx.oiifc tti ivwrinK (lie 1 Txi iui.i -v lur ilu't nU'ttnlnnu'iit ollhf irrfueti HfiU-i r 1mll (tu n be tmy t lit ng van tint- on ibelr Willi 'i Ii v nt- tliMiiiHtii io lAvnr iluiiii IIit r rim. UoiiHiU. .(imdoiiit, nml enjoj an excelttMit bul nrmt lot'.itKiii. phi i in ttiiiiisit r io uieir it rbiuuti cinninii. Tlii dutttto Holrl and tho Mti-loutt rnllioad depots, by Whli li twn i Hi in will v nloavnnily intivtyctl Ui uiniiiinikts itin ni nil tnnrn netwrrn tno Ui 11111110 Holrl tind tho MtrtmiK ralhtmd ilrunt in- Whli h twn i Hi in will v ploavnnily lonvtyctlto auil fn ui tlu reNpcctlvo ktntlouH In dun tJmnto iiu cari, ivutiirt A i lauk, lUoninsbtiiK, Arrll 8, IS6S. F ci fiiM.i; w. MAUui;n, riorrietor. ..bt' i .ull-LuoM n hott'l 1ms ircptitly uiub r- ud r tit imnner. Injt Intcrnnl nunnyt incnt., pr. j rt luritnnouiH'i h tohir- lortuc n-iulmn iiivcillin: imhlit that hlx amiinodiilluna tor triieivii iiiitt nt hli;u('sbiurehfcoiid to nnnu m ' t'o.tnti II lh tabhi will alwnyn be found mi l ' 'I, i toit.v wlthMibMuutlitl Ikk1, but with all ti 't''lliclM,.f Uio hinKim. IMh vlne and 11- iiii' in (oxt-ewtfU it iionulur boerneo ltiton an "H'-Umm I tftiroirtifctif direct from tho imnorlliiK boii'uqlirt ei.tlttly pure, nml fieu fnnn all ihiI. tmiioimrtrom. Ilolniliiinliriiiroriilllicrnl pntinn. ant In tbe piwI.tuKl wllteoitllniielmlewririo It In iimfiitim. uuouqk w. MAuaint. pXCHAA'CiK fULOON, Tiik I'loprlilorofllioniclianeiialooiiliaiiiiow on Inn 1 inrtje i.liH'k Oi' 8II.M Mi ll llt:i'ltHHIIM3!NT, conttlstliig oC UriCKD blSTKllD, KAUniNCK, T1.1PJ, aoI-OUNAH nin-ai'TOMiiit, noii.Kii moil, HWi'.nziT. aniAE, LAOlMt HKKU, ALIO, AC. tTOMI'J OSB, COMI', Al.ti ANI1 HKK, f LA WHOM CALMAN, Hiiperlnlemlent, Illoiiliisblllu, Mnyl:, 16C7, rpiIK 32f3IV IIOTKIj, liPV, COI.UMUIA ClflJNTY, PA, Tjie BubM'-rlber re pre t fully lnformslitu frltndi Atiil ttio publlfi, that iiu lim taken thntHv well l.nrwvu llo-s-w of l.uttrtjIiiincMt. pud will tt the tueioui (T ml li" wtll l IlUl , (!). il. UlEKf A OQOP TAJU.K, vei - kedwllk tho beat oflJQorv,nud er i Hit mud to reiutw wilirs nd'n- i ti, i ut Diurn-iucii i ' 1, ArU18.H7, rpu rirvi TT-A.I D r A AT X XX JU JJXJ U J.iJLXJJ.x.Xi , A Jomocratic NoAVHp.por IS t-t'UMKlimii KVF.ItV Flit DAY NOttNINO AT iiboo.MsiiLitcj, pi:r;.'A. THllprlnclplOHof this r per are of the JefTei con- bin Rchoolof polltlo, Tliono prlnclplcovlll never bocoinpromlneiltyel court esy nml ktndnch hnl not bo forgotten In dlst'iisHlng them, whether with Individual, or with eonteinporarleii of tho I'rrns Thouwlty, happlncsft.nml prosperity of tho conn Ity linurnliii and object; ttmlm tho means to secure thfit, vc t-hnU lalior honestly nml earnestly for the harmony, micccshiukI growth of our organ ization. Teiims or hunfcnirTio: Trn doll.iM n year If paid In mU.tncp, Iftiotpatd In advance tiro dollars and firty cents will be In variably charged TKMt op ADVKitTisiNn: one square (ten lino or lex-) one or two initlom 51,.V); each subr-o-quent Inteitlon ry) rrnti. t st, 2m, K.71 t. a, go fi,) bm. It Ono square TwoiqnnTM. Three sqnarei Pour square1 5C,oo 1 10,00 7,00 8,00 11,00 11,01 M 00 10,00 0,00 12,00 17,00 20(T) no.oo ir.,oM 5.W l.oo 7,00 P.00 12,0) 1R.TO r3,tti lluarter eolumn.. tO.OO Half column 1,00 Ono column , 30,00 01,00 100,00 lxerutnr and Administrator' Notlco S.l.oi) j Au ditor's Notice $2,50. Other adveitlsemenls Inner tod nceordln to special contract, Hoftlncnn not Icon, without Kdvertlficraent, twenty cents per line, by tho year, ten cents pi-r line. Curds will bo j.uplIdiHdln the "dlrec tory" col- iTtrttt ii'cViM"ii.Aiiyr tho first tollncH, und-V for each nddltlonnl lino. Transient nihertlsements rnyttblrt tn Rlvfnee nil others due after tho tlrst insertion. It Is, In nil cmei, more likely to ho satisfac tory, both to subscribers and to tup Publishers, that rumltt-uicesimd nil communications respect Inn the busltiDRKof thepaper, bo sentdlrect to tho ofilce of publication. All letters, whether rtlatlng to the tdl trial or business eoucenisof tiio paper, and nil paj meats for subscriptions, advertising, orJnbtjIiiK ar to be made to and ndilrcssctl bucx'kvay .v rnniizn. "OitumbUm OJ.'"r,' llr.ooMnu!t'j. Pa. Printed r.t Ilohlson's Hulldln, near Iho Court Iloue( by C. 31. VAMlKUSMCn. BUSINESS CARDS. jon P HINTING N'ently executed nt this Ofllce, 5L L'VKLLE, . A T T O It N II Y A T - L A W, AMilniiil, SclmylklH Couiily, lYlin'n. c I W, JHILLEH, ATIOItS 11 Y A T I. A W , (Mien with I II. Little. In brtel: Imllilliie; nil- J ilnlns l'ot niiee. Cit-IUiunm-i, i:.irl.--l'iiyiiml I'elislon. (oil, i teil, ffiep-JO'CT, joiin o. ritKKZi;, A T T O It M I'. Y-A T-1, A W, ('It'.eeln It-.lslcr nml lleeonler's ndlce, In tho Kisirliient of IhoColiit House, lllooliisbtiri:, Tn, jOlilMtT V. ( 'LA UK, A TTO II XV. Y-A T-L A W Pf'P-o corner of Mnln nml Market ntleeti, over I-'Irit r'atlonMl lijuile, Iilnoiii.liutir, I'a. ijTu. l i t"iiTk " A TTO UXK Y-A T.I. A W, Odlco on Mnln hltiet, In brick bnlLlinu below the Coin t House, Illoonibtiry:, I'.i, p I!. UltOCICWAV, ATTOItWflV AT LAW, r.LOO.Mbniltfl, I'A. .). orFicil I'on-t iloiiku Alice, below the t. litmhiitii Olllce, Tnn 11,7, A u r ti o n i: v. i:. Mourn copi'm a:;, Iluvintr (iillouofl (l.e moffnidoti of Pnbltt? Vendue Crtor tor many .vcivh, would infoiin bis friends (hilt i.n Ih Mill! In iho llrld, ready and wJIIIiik to attt ml ti. .ill the dutUs of his enltlnr IVimhh delrlnn IiIk n-rvlrea aUoutd imII or wilti to htm at Ilwjinsbm, Pu. lmarS'(.7. uahnijss, hahdi.i:, and tiiunk MANUPAcnutnn, and dealer lu CAlit'KT.nAOH, VAUH, Fr.V-NIITS, IH'I TAI.O KollLfl, HOIlSr-llLANKKTH AC, uhlth he Tfels confident he inn nell at lower into than any other pt-uon In tin eouutiy. Kx nmlne ltr yourm Ive., Hhop tlrt door below tho Pout OWid Main street, IHoom-iburs, I'a. Nov. I, I7. g C. COLMXS, PAKUION A wur, KUAVINO, UAIU CUTTING ANU HlIAMPOOINfl HAI.0ON, (vcr Wltlinayer A Juecby Ice Cieam Haloon, PLOOMSliUIKI, PA. Hair Pytliii; und WhMteiM udored black or bioun. Hair Tonic to destiny daiidrnir nml beau tll Int; ll'i-hair; will u -tore hair toltsorlual ctfor without holllnii thi- llmt-t labile, coiihtantly on hand. nprirOT. D 13 N T I H T H Y . n. c. iiowu;, ih;ntist, Itcaprctfutly onVri tils proit vnionil ervlees to the ladles and gmillrmi u of lllooinnburtf and tI clulty. Ho tti ptepaiitl toiuicud tu nil tho vnrl ouh oji ration1 In the line of Ids profusion, and Is provided with tho latt st lmi'roed PtiitrnlN Tkftii which will bo Insnbd on jiold plallng, silver and nilibt r Insc to loolt an well as tho nat ural teeth, Teelh exlnuttd b all tho new and most approved methods and all opetatloim on ih" tef lb tart fully and pioj ei ly attt luttnl io. Iteslilento ami olllce u lew doom aboo tho limrt House, hnmu nldi. Ulooiitsburg, Jan.'Jl.'tintr pOWDKU KKGS AND LUJlHi'IH. j WY.MIONROK A CO., 'nupert.pa., Manufacturen oft " POWUEUICKOR, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMIIUn, g!t both Mlml they aroprepaied to aeoomculote their cut'oni wtlhdNpatch, nml on thecl.tatCHi ernU. NION HOTIUj, H O II It K 11 tf it o, r A. The uudertttgned would risptetfully Inform th tnnellng publlolluit bu has pun-bared r.lid reflltt il lu I b lifitt milliner thooldntautl former ly occupied by W. A, Kline, and that he Is now prepai d to uecniuiiH-iinte hlx irk lids with all the rmnmni ami coiueiuemeNoi a nrsi-cinsK iioiikc A tin o now barn linn la i u built and Iho urnuii dint! , ltd in i trfttct tuiUr. 'Die bar will ul ways be stocked with the cholxckt llouom and el Kttiki and Mil lablto fuiiiUbed Ith tbe tiest the iiornei ur, .(Hi, JAMJ.h v, uil.l.AHi'it;. J uiy -j, . QUICK UOTHIi, OltAWarvIIXE, CoMJMIlIA COUM'T, PA. WM, HABTKM.rit. I'ltOPniP.TOB. Jlrvltig tnl .ti r(?"lr.n olhls well-kmown Or It tor llHIiltlll 111 tttit-rmntllt f aiiivIpimiiI turnl.h. id 11 A U AND ltAUPMl vrUi tho cholust liquor nrl nevtst dolloMoltn, Ifuvable U not extttlu tuthociunty; u(Ut no PiiicVwIll bo ipnttd tu irisaag. (ttinni:N'sKihtn.'i. Heallrrpd from nmong.'tho lo-ne, 'liruiibuddliiK weallhrepo'fs, I.lttle dimpled tips Invtle; Hprlngitin fiom tho heirt' dep Ilea sure, With n never-falling measure, (liven wllh n pure dcllsht, noouisn Kissiis, Mufllfd footsteps softly tipping Up behind, and gently slipping Hound you dear famllllar nrms; 'I hough nnrm hearts may touch unblddtn Whcro $ou keep jour klsnes hidden, Hheltf r them from nuln alarms, aornrit's kishr. l.lttls urchins full of badness, Lllllo faces lull of sadneris, CIaIiu u mother's te ndrr kls. Kvcry llltlochlMlih sorrow Finds ft stilace none cau borrow, lit it mother's soft cares, rntiiisnif'M K t "W KM, A kiss It frlettdshlirR kindest token A BTin pathetic lunguaKO spoken fly tender nalnrcfi for distress, TIs frelnd.ship'sswtetehtmnto besloMlnc, 'TIs ad miration ovciftoulnfr, That loln;s lips so fondly piens crnn'-s Ktns, Protnptedby some wild emotion Of the heart, that hidden ocean, Throbbing In Iho hitniin breast ; It may be Love'n Ineenio htiriilns On the Ilpt.or Paucyn rnlnu, Like a bird without n nest." HIM, XT uwia, Some strange, sweet cord of kindred ffcllnjf, Homo iiamclen earnln-; notlly stealing. Ilaith has tui dealer tie than this, Heart to lunrl tu saeied beatltu. I.ljn In soul-omiiiunIoii meeting, Dots hcften airord a purer blls-,? p.vnrtNo Ki-stM. The Just, and 11 may U tho tloHtt, t-'or hearts In parilnj seem tho nt arest, t'lo'er toi ivM'.-?-" ".'-'"w.!! " Ilul, o, tho list thst t- il I lips never (live nnswerlng touch, tin- tail tomvir, Ais .sadder than the funeiatbpll. liscrUiui-ons. THE MYSTERIOUS .WIDOW. Duni.vt! tlio siimtncr ol'lSf I tlioUrll Isli luttt not mily Inltl clnim to nil that portion of tht DMrictof JLtino lyln;,' oust of the Ppnote-iTit.liut Ailmlrnl Orif fi'th utul Kir .lolin Hlii'ihrookc, tho lat tor then hclni; tlui Governor of Xov.t Scntlit, hnil heen rent with u heavy forai to tal:o pmscion, nml occit tiled tho town of C.-.stlne, which plaeo eoiiimiiiiilj tho cnliiuico to tho lV'iioliscot river. Shortly hoforo tho arrival of tho 12ns lWi iiii,itlroti, Coiuiiiotlort Satn'l Tiiek- r hail heen sent tirontitl to l'diohscot U.iy to protect tho Aitierlean coasters, niitl while the lirithh snllotl up to C.n tine, ho lay at Thoniaaton. It was u tehooner that tho Commo doro commanded, hut she was u heavy one, well armed and manned ; and that f-hoearried.thotrue Yanl:co "grit" upon her decks the enemy had received, from them, rather too many proof-:. On the inorniiij; of tho liSth of August, it mes senger was rontdown from llelfast with the Intelligence that the ISrltl-h frigate was coming from C.istiuo to tako him. Tucker knew that tho British fcareil lilm, anil also that Hi .-John Hlierlirooke had offered a largo amount for his cap ture. When tho Commodore received tho Inlelllgcnce.hls vessel win lyingat onuof tho low wharves where ho would havu to wait two hours for tho lido to set him oil"; hut ho hastened to ltavo every thing prepared to get her oil' as ,s ,011 as po'sihlo, for lie had no desire to meet tho frigate. Tho schooner's keel was Just cleared from theinud, and one of tho men hail hecn i-rnt upon tho wharf to cast olithc howling, when 11 wrgon drawn by 0110 hoivo eamo rattling down to tho 5pot. The driver, 11 rough looking country man got out upon tho wharf, and then assisted a mitldlo-agid woman from tho vehicle. Tho lady's ilrst enquiry was for Commodore Tucker. Ho was pointed out to her, and i-ho slopped up on the i-ehooner's tltck, nml approached him. "Commodore," iho asked, "when do you tall from hero'.'" "Wo sail tight oir, as soon as possible, madam." "Oh, then, I know you v,IH ho kind to me," tho lady urged, In persuasivo tones. ".My poor litl-hand died yes terday, and I wish to carry hl corpse to Wicasset, whcro wo belong, ami wliero his parents will tako euro of It." "Hut, my food woman, I shan't go to Wieiisst." "If you will only laud mo nt tho intuitu of tho Slieepscot, I will ask no more, 1 can easily ildd : boat thero to tako 1110 up." "Where is tho body'.'" asked Tuck er, "In tho wagon," returned tho lady, at tho fame tlmu raising tiio corner of her shawl to wlponway tho gathering tears, "I have a sum of mouoy with me, and you shall ho paid for tho trouble," "Tut, tut, wnnuu ( If 1 ficconimodato you, thero won't bo nny pay abuut It." Tho kind-hearled old Commodore was not tho man to refuse a favor, and though ho liked not tho bother of tnklup tho woman and her otr.iugo accouip-ml-ment on bimid, yet ho could not refuse, When ho told her ho would do as she 1'ctjue.sted she thanked him with many tears 111 ner eyes. Sonio of tho moil wero sont upon tho wharf to brine: tho bodv on board. A long buffalo robo was lifted off by tho man who drovo tho wagon, and beneath It appeared u neat black codln, Sonio words wore passed by tlnuseamon, at they vrero putting tho collln on board, which went to shorr pretty plainly that the nfTalr did not exactly suit them. It may have been but prejudice on their part, but then seamen should bo allow eh n prejudice, oueo in 11 while, when wo consider tho many Morn realities llicy htxvo to encounter. "Hush, my good 111011," said tho Commodore, as ho heard their murmured remonstran ces. "Ktipposoyou were to dlo, away from home would you not wish that your last remains might 110 carrUd to yoir poor parents V Come, hurry no'," Tho men i-uld no more, and ero long tlie eollln was placed In tho hold, and Imwininn was shown (o tho cabin,- In less than, halfan hour, the schooner was cleared from tho wharf, and stand ing out from tiio bay. Tho wind was light from tho eastward, but Tucker had no fear of the frigate now that ho was oueo out of tho liny. in tlio evening, Iho lady passenger came on deck, and tho Commsdoro as. stircd her that ho should bo nblotn land her early on tho next morning. SI10 expressed her Rr.itlludo and satlsfae tion, and remarked that before she re. tirru sno siiouitt iiko to look and see that her husband's eorp-o was safe, This was ofenurso granted, and 0110 of thei.i lifted oir tho hnlch,tliatfiho might go down Into tho hold. "I declare,," muttered Daniel Carter, nu old sailor, who was standing nt the wheel," "she takes on dro'fully 1" "Yes, poor thing!" raid Tucker, as ho heard her sons and groan. "D'yo notice wliat'n oyo she's got?" continued Caiter. "Xo." F.ltd Tucker, "only 'twas swol len with tears." "Myoycs! but they shone, though, when sho stood here looking at tho compass." Tucker smiled at tho man's riualnt earnestness, and without furthor re mark ho went down to tho cabin. When tho woman oarno up from the hold, Mio looked about tho deck of tlio schooner fur a fow moment, and then went aft. There was something in her countenance (hut puzzled Carter. lie had been 0110 of tho.' who objected to tlio collln's being brought on board,r.iul henco ho was not predisposed to look very favprably upon Its owner. The woman's eyo ran over tho schooner's deck with .1 strango quickness, anil Car ter eyeu 'tti r.i..I v . Woort she went to tlio talTrail and looked ovcriti' the stern boat and then she onmo and stood the binnacle again. )..-"li!'s)h out, or you'll gibo the boom,'' tittered the passenger. t'nrrrf'rstarlctl, and found that (ho main sail was shivering, lie gavo tho helm a couple ofspokes a port, and then eas' hii eyes upon tho wotnnn, whose f.iitiirfV.wero lighted by tho blnnaclo ll'lllp, 1 ha'ik'c ma'am," -aid Dan. "Ha, hold on -why j hle.-s my soul, there's n hlgspldrr right on your hair. Xo not theie. liuni-I'll-Ugli !" This li.-t ejaculation Dan iiindoii" he seemed to pull something from (lie woman's hair, vihleh ho threw upon tho deck with tho "ugh .'" above men tioned. Shortly nfler, the 1 n--cngor went be low, and oie long Tucker cameon dock. "Commodore," fald Carter, Tilth a remarkable degree of earnestness in ills manner, "is tho 'oiiiau turned in V" "I rather think so," fald Tucker, looking nt tlio conipas?. . "Look out, lool: out, Carter! ' Why, man alltg, you're two points to tho fouthward" of your course." liiow mo, so 1 am," .iiil tho mini, bringing the helm smartly nport. "lint say, didn't yo notice anything peculiar about the old 'omnn'."' "Why Dan, you secin greatly Inter e'sled about her." "Mo I am, Commodoie, iu' so I am about the cofiln, too' Wouldn't It he well for you and I to overhaul It ?" " lVhaw ! you m o as scared as n child in 11 graveyard," Xo, not n lilt. .Ins! hark a lilt. That Oman ain't 110 'oman." The Commodore pronounced the nanio ofhisH.itanlc Majesty in the most em phatic maimer. "It's the truth, Commodore I can swear to it. I portended there was a spider on her face. Ity .Sain Utile, If it wasn't as rough and bearded ns an holystone. You see, sho told me, as how I'd let tho boom glim if I didn't look out. I know thero wasn't no 'oman there-, and so I tried her. Call some body to thevrheel.and let's iro and look it that oomin." Cite Commodore was wonili r struck by what ho had hoard, hut, what ho was, ho sat coolly to tliluili g In u few minutes ho called one of the men aft to relievo Carter, and then ho went down to look nfler Ids passenger, 'Iho latter had turned in, and sesmed to bo sleeping. Tucker returned, nml took Carter ono ale.' Xo iioise now, tarter : follow mo in though nothing had happoBid." "fsartin." Tho two approached tho main hatch, and stooped to rulso it, when D.m's hand touched a small ball that seemed to liavo been pinned up under tho nftc break of tho hutch. "It's a ball of twine," said he. "Don't touch It, but run and get ft lantern," replied Tucker. Carter sprang to obey, and when ho returned a number of the men had snthercd about the spot, Tho hatch was raised, and the Commodore care fully picked up the ball of twine, and found thnl It was made fast to sonnt- thlng below. He dcscondwl to the hold, and there he found that the twlno ran in between tho lid of tho cofiln, IIo had uoihiiibt In his mind now, that thero was mischief boxed up below, and ho sent Carter fur somuthlng that might nnswer for screwdriver. Tho man soon leturiicd wltli a stout knife, nml tho Commodore set to work, IIo worked very carefully, however, at tho same time keeping 11 bright lookout for tho string. At longlli tho screws were out, and tho lid very carefully lifted from Its place. "Great God In heaven !" hurst from the lips of tho Commodore, "H.r Bam llydol" dropped llko a tltinder-bolt from' tho tonguo of young Dan. tV'God bless you, D.n !" said tho Coin imidore, "I know'd It!" uttered D.m, Tho two men stood for n moment aim gazeu into til I'olllli, There, wai 110 dead man there, but In place thero. of, thero was material fur tho drtith of n bcnio, Thucoflln was filled with gnu powder and pltchwooil I Upon 11 light framework In thocontro wero arranged four 11Ihtols.nl! cocked, and tho strlntr entering tho codln from without com - ... 1 ...l.i. 11... 1.1 . . iiiiinicatid with tho trigger of each. 'IV if Ilrst iiiove'i.ciif of tho Comni'i (lore was to call for water, nud when It was bronght, he dashed threo or four Imeketsfitll Into tho Infernal contrivance and then ho breathed more freely. "Xo, no," ho uttered, ns ho leaped from tho hole. "Xo, no my men. Do nothing rashly. Let mogo into the cuhjn Ilrst. You may follow me." Commodore Tucker strodo Into tha cabin, walked up to tho hunk wherelils passenger lay. anil grasping hold of the femaio dress, ho dragged Its weaierout upon Iho lloor. There was .1 sharp re sistance, and the passenger drew n pis tol, but It was quickly knocked away tho gown was torn off, nud a man eamo forth from the remnants of calico ami linen. Tho fellow was assured that his whole plot had been discovered. At length hn owned that it had liven his plan to turn out in tho course of tho night and get hold of tho ball of twine, which ho had left In a convenient plnco; ho then in tended to have gone 11ft, carefully tin nlnding tho string .-.s ho went along; then to have got Into the boat, cut tho falls, nntl ns tho boat fell Into the water he -,-011111 have pulled smartly upon tho twlno, "And I think you know," he contin ue-!', with .1 wicked look, "what would ha "o followed. I shouldn't huvo boon in llced in the fuss I'd havo got out oi tho way witli tlio boat, and you'd all navo been In tlio nojel world in short order. And all that 1 can sav. is. thnl I'm sorry I didn't tlo it." It wr.s with dimculrv that the Com modore prevented Ids men from killiiiK tho villain on th spot. IIo proved to bonne of tho enemy's officers, and ho was to havo a heavy reward If he .-no- coedetl In destroying the Commodore .An.' ''Is crow. Tho priom-.r was carried on deck ami l.v bed to the main rigging, where ho was told to remain until the "vo'scl go! In port. "What a horrid death that villain meant for us," uttered Carter. "Yes, ho did." said Tucker, with a shudder. "IIo belongs to tho same gang that's been a robbln' nml burnln' the pour folks' houses on tho Kastern oiast," said one of tho men. "Ye-," said the Commodore, with a nervous twitch of the muscles about his mouth. A bitter curse fiom tha prisoner here broke upon tho air, and with a clutched fist the Commodore went below. In tho morning when Tucker eamo on di k, .Si'guln was in sight upon the slai board bow, but when he looked fur tlio prisoner ho whs gone. "Curler, whore's tho villain I la. lied here hut night V" "I'm-suro I don't know wheroho is, Commodore. Perhaps bo's Jumped overboard." ' -t..... The old Commodore looked sternly In Carter's eyes, and ho saw a twlnklo of satisfaction gleaming there. IIo hesi tated a momentand then he turnctl away, anil muttered to himself: "Well, well I can't blamo them. If tho murderous villain's gone to death bo's only met a fato which he richly de served. Hotter far bo it for hint, than that all my noble crow wero now In the ocean's cold grave." A DdmmticStouv, Anodltor says: .V 11 mint of ours concluded to try tho effect of n pleasant smilo and a kind; word upon her husband when he re turned from his work, fslio had road how a home should bo made pleasant and the wifo should always meet her hus band with 11 joy tul smile. The success sho had U best given In llv shaoo of 11 dialogue. : Knter husband, almost exhausted, and ory hungry withal j throws his hat mi the door and drops lunivllv Into ase-at, Wife, preparing tea, lonr.s up illi a smile, and is so glad to ee him. Wife "Well, my dear.lHs o nliv to have .von lie'ie at nual time." A long smile. nti-band "Y' s, I -tippobu so," Wife "How has ymir business pros pered to-day?" Another smile. Husband ''About so so." Wife "t'lime, my dinir, supper is ready, let mo draw juiirch-ilr." Anoth er smile. Husband, grullly "I um too tired to stir. Wall till 1 warm my feet." Wifo "Do its you olioose, my dear," nother sweet Miille. Husband "I.ooko'hete, old woman; bofoioiiny more fu-s is mailo about it, I should llko to know what lu thunder you mo grinning at." 11nt sighed and relinquished her swet smiles from that date Undo John was not ono of tho romantic, sort, and didn't understand such things. Am old lady In Corydon, Iml., has fulling eyes, nud eonset-uenlly an over grown Sunday hymn hook, something le.vi than ehtor's unabridged plclorl- al. On her way to church the other Sunday sliostoppi-d In 11 moment to seo a friend, nml placed her hymn book on tho center table whllo she aired her gal tors at tho grate. When the church bell rang sho started vtry siiddenly.iuid liutcad ofhor Watts' illlustratcd hymn book, picked up an elegant littio music box. Tho oxchsngo worked ton charm, ami all wont 'merry as a marriage bell.' The minister opened his hymn book to rend his title clear to 'mansions In tho skies,' and tho old lady oponed her mu slubox which hsppoiied to go oir In tho dovotlonal strain of 'I'op goes the wea sel. ' Tho old lady popped up lu her scat, tried to choko the thing down.nnd couldn't, but left tho houso without waiting to seo whether MIs Drown wore her good gingham dress or spotted poplin. Keit'.Nii Dori'iti l -rrom the ;i-w York t)inmcrclitl Journal wo select the followlngns a ninxlm'for business men: "When n businoni man comes to tlio conclusion- thn' iio cannot itlford to e-x-pend during the year, In Judicious ad. vertlsliiK, nu 11111 nmt equal to oue-lmlf, or iitjenst ono qimitcr, of tho sum hs . P-'.vs annually fr r nt, h may very , K'Mv make Up Ids mind that U Is Id 1 Ibiin I'tieliltti 11 liuiv-lilslill Lumm time lor him 1 mo Hn no.r nuai'tors What the Andirons Cost, "Peter." said mv iinp.li. knnnklnir Ihn ashes from his pipe, laying It on the comer or tnoshoir, and then fixing Iiis eyes on tlio Andirons, "Peter, those costmo$l,000 !" "Dear mo !" exclaimed my aunt. "Oil, father," cried Iho girls. "Impoislhlo," raid I. . - "True, every word true. 91,1100, did I say ? yes, $2,CC0, full ti',000 1" "Wo!!, well," snld my aunt, foidlnr up hcrknltlingfor night,"! should llko to know what you nre talking nbout." Jly uncle bent forward, nml planting his hands firmly on his parted k'necs, and with n, deliberate air showed no doubt of Ids belujr able to prove his as sertions, he began : Well, you seo.a good many years ago, wo had n pair of common old Andirons. Your cousin Letllo says one day, "IV titer, don't rou think tliei- nM Ami. Irons nro getting too shabby?" Shabby or not, says j, they would hold up the wood as nicely ni If lliev wore made of gold. Soon aftor that, Peter, continued my uncle, "your aunt took it up " "There It goes," interrupted my ntiut, "you can't get along without dm-ralne' mo In." "Your nuntfook It nn. tvter. nml vim said, "our neighbors could afford brass Andirons, and they wero no belter off than wo were." "And sho said T.ollv and her sister Jano were just getting olil enough to see eomii.inv. ami the ntlm-v- looking Andirons might hurt t hoi r market. I f.new that women will have their own way. and thero Is no ns.- in objecting: sol got tho Andirons. Tho price of them was four dollars mid 11 half " "Ah, that's moro like it!" cried mv aunt. "I thought you said 42.000 l" "My dear, I wish you would not In- terrupt mo. Four and a Iinlf, Well, 1 the tlrst night nrtcr wegottlicm, tu no ni'.'.sat by tho warm fires talking over the in.it7.rr, I.cttv.enlleA' .ir-i- niYviitibn to tho hearth, tho -tones of which wore cracked nml uneven. The henrlh was entirely out 01 keeping with the now Audli-or.s.nnd I thouget I might ns well have It replnced first as Inst. T!-. noxt diy, a mason was sent for, to oxamlno It. He cnn in my absence, tind when I ri iuinrd homo.your mint and cousins nil besot mc at onco to linvo a marble slab, and they put their heads togeth er." "La 1110!" exclaimed mytmnt, ;'there was no putting heads together about It. Tho heartd was a real worn out thing, no1. lit for n pig pen." "They put their heads together, Peter, as I w in savini- nml i.i,.ittim,i till I got n marble hearth, which cost mo twenty dollars-yes, twenty dollars nt least. Then I thought I was done with expenses, but was wrong. Soon I began to hear slv hints fhmu-n nut about the brick work nround tho lire- place.not corresponding with tlio hearth I stood for a month or two against your nunt and tho clrl.i. but tbev nt leni.th got tho belter of me, and I was forced 10 nave maruio Instead of brick. Anil then tho old wood mantle-nleeo inn sn out of character that It was neces-ary to 11 marhloone. The cost of this was near ly s-100. And now that tho spirit of Improvement had got n start, there was noEtopping. Tlio new mantle put to shamo the old white-washed walls, and tney must Do painted of eonrsn; and to prepare them for paint, sundry repairs were necessary. While- this win going on, your aunt ami the girls appeared to be quite satisfied; and when it wo- done they had no Idea tho old p.irlor could ho mado to look o spruce. Hut this was only a short rivsnlte. Tlio old r,i. carpet began to raise, a dust.aud t found more would ho no peace" "Xow, frtther!" exclaimed the girls. "Till igotu tioweanis.t. Tlmt. nmiln. sliamul tho old furniture, ami it Iniito no turned out and replaced with new. Xow, Peter, 1117 lad, count up fclo fr tlio hearth and 31!!') for tha lu.intlo-ploi-o mill u-pulrs. What does that make'.'" '$lo0, uncle." "Well, $5!) for paper mid paint?" "S0ii." "Then !?.;') for ucai-pet, and I03, ut least, for furniture," "ey;o." "Ahoui! Thoro's that clock, too, and the blinds &0 uime." "MOO, exactly." My aunt nml cous ins winked ut oaclt other. "Xow," continued my uncle, "so much for this one room. Xo sooner was the room tlnlshed, than tho complaints eamo from all quarters 11 .out tho din- liiK-room ami entry. Lenii lieforo this 1 had surrendered at their discretion. and handed In my submission. The dining mom tout 9100 more. What does Unit count, PoturV" "sill), uncle." "Then tho chambers at leo-t 400, to iii'iketheni chlmo witli thodownstairs." "1 eilll." "The outsidn of tho house hud to bo repaired and painted, or coiirn'. Add I'Otifur that," "1,100." "Then, thero mu-t bo a piazza In front , that cost 200." "1,000." Hero mint lie.'bm tu vnWn. Letty to noko the tlro.and Jane, to twirl over the, leuveHofu book. "A new carriage eume next, Peter that costs 0200, "l.soo." "Then thero wasa lawn to bo laid out and neatly foucod-n servant to bo hired parties given occasionally, bonnets and dresses at bnublo tlio formur cost and a hundred otherllttlooxpQiises lu keep, ing with tho uoworderof tliingu. Yes, Peter, I was entirely within bounds when I said $2,000." t Thoonnnsltlon was sllont. Mv mint Immediately urosei and "guessed It was bed time." l was loft alono with my uncle, who was not Incllnedto drop tho subject. IIo was 11 persevering man, and never gave up what lie undertook tlil he had done tho work thonni dy. fit lio brought out Ida boo's uu l tic- ' counts, and set ubout tti m Ing tm exact 1 Minute of therxiior llk itm un , till mid Uljfl foi b th-iu, wiu 11 -t (ho pair t f in- CntLimnN Should not Bmoke. Hoys In this country becamo men ut n very early nge. Wo linv soon men nt eight and ten j and very many of those men hnvo been addicted to chewing to bacco find smoking pipes and cigars, bo ciiuio other men ellel so. Smoking and chewing tobacco nro certainly not very wholesome practices, especially for chil dren. They will Indulge In them, how ever, In spit of tho admonitions and prohibitions of their parents. They cannot bo reasoned with, and It would, rerhaps, bo useless to tell them that they wero destroying their health and Inviting premature ilccrepltudo by their jndulgenco In tho manly habit. It may nut bo out of plnco to refer to gomo observations on this subject by Doctor Dc-calsne, who was led to Inquire Into tho connection of tho habit of smoking with Impairment of the general health of boys bctwsen nlnonnd fifteen years of age. Of the thirty-eight boys who were the snbjocts of his investigation, distinct symptoms wero present In twenty-ssvtm. in twenty-two thero wero various disorders f tho circula tion, palpitation, disorders of digestion .lowners of Intellect, and a moroor less marked tasto for strong drinks. In three the pulse was intermittent. In eight, thero was found, on examination a marked diminution of the red corpus cles of tho blood j In twelve, rather fre quent bleeding of tho nose; ten had disturbed sleep. Anil he continued through a catnlogtieof tobaceo-prodnced ailments, which argue strongly against children indulging In smoking and chewing. Axnwnndnot unimportant reform Is about to bo Introduced la German schools, viz : the abolition of all after noon clnsies. It was principally during tho past summer months that tho ex periment was almost forced upon tho authorities. Tho results nro on nil sides reported to hnvo boon moro than bril- At.?.'. The forenoon classes are eomo- wliat, but not inuci',,Jop'-.'vr than form erly, but It Is said tho pupils shoiV an eagerness and a vigor In those sitort morning hours which has never bicn known before, mid their progress qulto in keeping with their ken and energetic assiduity. The most enrtous point about the matter scorns to bo the fully authenticated fact tliat.tho schools having hitherto only closed experimen tally, earlier or later, according to tha wishes of tho respective head-master, tho progress shown by tho various schools stand in an inverse ratio to tho duration of tho classes, or, In othor words, tho less hours boyond tho four or five of tlio morning in school, tho more did tho boys got on witli their work. An Agent op the Lonn. Deacon filmes was nn nustero man who follow ed oystorlng und was of hardshell per suasion. The deacon 'alius made It 11 pint' to tell his customers that tho mon ey which ho received for 'istcrs' did not belong to him. "Tlio good father mudij tlio 'Mors,'" said the deacon, "and tl.o money is lils'n; I'm only a stooart." OnoSundny morning tlioold fellow was tearing round from house to houso with a suspicious bit of currency in his hand, and more than u suspicion of rago in his face. Somo ono had given him n bad fifty cents, nml ho "was'nt goln' to meetln, till that ur was flxe.it up." "Why deacon," said ono of his custom ers, whom -ho had tackled about It. 'what's tho odds? what nced.'you oro, It isn't yours, you know, you aroonly 11 steward; it isn't your loss." The dea con shifted his shoulder, walked to tho door, unshipped his uuid. nntl said. Yuas, that's so; but if you think that I'm goin' to stand by and seo tho Lord cheated out of fifty cents you urn mistaken. Jilt n't fouler nu aui-A fetl- Heiw H.utVAr.D Students wkhb Puisom on. Somo days ugou paragraph wont the rounds lu this city to tho ef fect that soniii two hundred students connected wltii Harvard Colloiro had been poisoned In somo un.icoimtabU in inner. An Investigation was ut oueo had, when It was ascertained that tho causo of all tho suffering Incident to ihe sudden Illness of this largo number of students nroso from eating lmartily of corned leof, which had been furn ished by ii dialer of Qulncy Market. Somo time lifter this lntelligento had been given to tho public nn analysis of tills beef was mado by Professor Wy man. of the Collego, which resulted la the, discovery of traces of verdigris. A luitlior examination revealed Ihu fact, that tho be-of had boon cooked to a cop per Itettle, nml, as a natural coneo qiunce, the brlno of tho beof coming lit contact with tliocopper.crcated tho ver digris with which tho meat wnslmpreg. naled. liotton Vosl. Aitvicr. to Youno Mux,-Lot tho business of erery ono alone, and attend to your own. Don't buy whnt yon don't want. Uso every hour to ndvan titse, and study to mako a leisure hour useful. Think twlco before you spend a dollar; reniBmbsr you will havo an other to ninku for it. Look over your books regularly; If n stroko of misfor tune comes upon you In your business, retrench, work harder, but nover lly tho track. Confront dWlculttes with nnlllnchliigpersoveranco, nnd they will lly nt Inst; then yon will bo honored, but shrink, and you will bo despised, "How much do you ax for your bald faced goos," said tho son of Krln to tho keeper of a museum. "It Is not n gooso; it is a owl," tnlel tho keeper. "Dovll n bit do I cnio how owld It Is. I want it Tor tlio boarders. They'll ato it. SviTosK thero are ulna ears of corn In a crib; then suppose tlmt a hog goes In to the crib nml brinks out Hi no e-uck timo. How many (imts will lie hiiTS to go in '.' Three 11 mv tl-seo nr iilnti 'A'hree times, sir. Xo.mir. lilu tlwet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers