tr - lie .ttcidmnlft'D 'j r , i , it, t VOL. I.-NO. ;io. BL00MSBU11G, PA., FHIDAY, JULY 26, 1867. l?illOE'FlVE CENTS. lib Ip I U III P I (II II MISCELLANEOUS. IjMIK 1'ADliY HUN ,COAL 00 Ml' ANY, o I- HllICKHIIINNY, IT.NNHYI.VAHU. CAPITAL tlSO,000. JOHN M. HTACKIIOUHK, ITmliteat. CHAN. A. llOONE.Hecrelnryaiid T-NMnrH. DIUKCTOItS: John M, Btftf klioime, X. I CtimlicU, Clitw. A. lloonp, Cyrils Htncklion?, A, St'Dowell. OFFICKt. MAIN BTltKKT, HIIICKSIUNN Y, l'A. Tlie land lieM t,y thin Conipnuy, rotmist of VOVU HUNCHED AND FOHTY- ONE ACHES, and nlity.fuur prrclips, of carefully nclrctnl loud lylliR unuthwrst of Wlllcn-llarro, Luzerne foilli. ty, l'n.. In tlio weMteru part nf tlio flreut Northern nr Wyoming Coal HamIii. Avery rareflll iintl tliorouuli exntiilitutlrm re. eenlly made hail rowu time (for tlie nbow) land is Ijq the embodiment of n vn.t nmount of the very best quallly of niillirucllo coal, ImvlliK every facility tlmt coulil bo denlred for tram portatlpn In nil direction!. The nlmvo tract Ik crooned by a gmjd rond, and alio directly Id front, and Joining are the Ijicknwniina ,tni(m, burg rullrnnd, and tho Wyoming canal, thin of fording tho very 1msI nd vantage of u currying road and canal running to tho very mould of the mines m Ithout excuse to the company, Tho measurement of tho dlflcrentbtHN or yearns already developed was carefully obtnlned and added together! tho thickness of theso wains, Including tho eelcbruteil "lied Ash," "lluck Moun. tain," or "Orand Tunnel" vein, Is anil a half feet, (31J), every cubic yard of which will yield a (on, giving a largo amount of Iho best quality of coal. Tholocntln Is such that all the veins may l,c cut and worked to the greatest possible ndtantngo alHive water level, and nt much less expense than can lo done from collerles oH'lHtlng below water level, Tho con! can be brought to the surf.ico through drifts or tunnels which drain thewntcr from tin mines and snves the lioljtlng nf the coal. Ho the eligibility of Micro hinds for cheap mining Is un questionable. Very lately the "Omnd Tunnel" or "lied Ash" vein has been opened, and Is now producing as flue a quallly of eonl as has ever been produced In the nnthruclto regions. The breaker now In operation Is cnpnble of prejurUg from VA to SX) tons per day. Thosurfacecnntulns an abundant supply of wood nnd timber very vul. liable fur mining purposes, which gives the tract the advantage of many other conl hinds. Tho fuel that almost all valuable coal lauds are being rapidly taken np by heavy capitalists or large cor porations, ebows llint they must steadily and greatly rise In the market value, while with tho Immense and constuntl' Increasing demand for this coal, and thu llntlrond and North Ilrnnch ca nal, passing by the mouths of the mines, through the Great Iron making districts of IUooinsburg, Itanville, Duncannon, Hnrrlslnu-g, Mlddlctuwn, Marietta, nnd Columbia, to tldc-wnter nt Havre do dr&ce, i,nft enu scarcely conceive of n more profitable or permanent source of wealth than may be round in lands like these. In order to bo able to open their works on a moie extensive plan, this company has placed a portion of their capital stock In market on the following terms: Any itorson taking onor more shares of stock at TEN DOIiLAltS EACH, will be entitled annually to n ton nf coal at cost at the uilno per share, uud nny stockholders NOT lli:CElVINO TJ1K COAI. as aforesaid, to bo credited on the books of the Compute, with the dinerenco heluccn thecost and selling price for ench share, to be paid before u dividend shall Im declare,!, O. F. TCNAJT, Agent. March 1, 1S07. G 1 HAND CONCEHTH IK AID OV Till: HABONIO HAM. AND ARYt.UM FUND. Till! object of these rvnceru Is to ralso funds to build a Masonic Hall lu tho city of New York, i ommetisuralo with tho wants of the fraternity, mill to erect an Asvlum for decovod Masons and the Indigent and Infirm widows of Mnsons mid their orphans. A largo fund has been eolleclcd for tills purpose, hut nioro H ncoU-il, nlilchlti by the rhnrltnbt public, nnti thoho ImmfflirttHy nil im cencrniiN v nnd uroiiintlv cl rn iiitcroRtpd In the wtilfurt) of the UnliT. The MuimKomriit tak sroat pleuMiri' In nn nnuncltiEC that tliflrHlxth nuI last (Jraixl Musk-id Kntertiitiiimnt will tiikP plu-n at June WimhI, on Tut'wtnyJuly 3otti, cumiiuMK-lnuut 1 oYhK-k, (, in., onil will ho lminoilUltly foliowi'U by tho Irniiil Distribution of PrPipntH. Opt'ICE OF TIlBOltANU MAHTFK 1)1-' tAIONO OK THK HTATK OK NhW YoilK, New Vnilt, January lu, l7. i lino. O. Holmkh. My luiir blr: ''YimrM nf tho Otli Instant lav b u rt'eehed. in reply I ran oniy Biawj mm any euicrpriMcuiiii miiiiy up iioii uv 1 orab 'amy una cmiHeiemiouxi Mv uud connf entlouxlv funiliictiMi. In nM f the Alaiiiinlu Hull ami Ahyluin Kiind of tho htati t New York, will rtreivu nut only iuyuniuall llnd nppiolmtlon, but my 7.0a bum ro-opcratlon. Jty lo your promtkCH I hae 110 do doubt, Judging from too rofert'tices whkli yoiihuvfglen. Wlillt J Kay this, I dt'htro Ktlll to dor biro to you that anv 4 iiiti yimr uuirrpi 1 win iw LtJiuiuciru wjui utifl rflort, no mntler how nwred may be the full Koucht to be achlevi'd. tlmt IciuU to an v vlnlut Inn of the lauH of tho Ktatc, should not be enultt((t. Irf-t tboso lawn bo held In strict renpect, n blossluff will nurely follow, and you wilt rwli e th t hanUn of thouKandf. Thanklnjiyou for our klml ro memhraucu of tho wldown and orphatiH of our craft, I nm Truly and fraternally joum. UOIIKHT I). IIOI.Mlis, (Iraiid .Master. V We have the hltihest legal authority for Kay ln that 110 law of tho Htatoof Now Yorlt lslo lutt'J by our method of distribution, 1 PrcHcnt, ItOHldenpp in aid btp'et, 5,00(1 1 Present, Country HeKldrneo loeated In the vlllace of V(wdbridi;e, N, J..oik hour'ttride by railroad from y, Y., and three minutes' walk from rail rouil depot.' Tho phu-A ronsUtft of two larpo ilwplltucs.fttort. bnm.rar rlau honso and oihcrout-bulldtnut ; 7 acres nf lnnd lu a hlxh statn of cul tlNHtlon.and lino gulden j ltureof lawton Itlaekberricti, Jt h plentyof mnall fruit, beitliles KtundurU fruit, H,uO 1 ru-KPiit, HcHldetico at Ilrooklyn, .V, v. I'J.tti") Lot, 4,001) 3,iNt) 1 " $3,000 In Cold, 1 " 2,000 VAX) SljOOcoch sl.ilUU 23 " (lentH1 fluo cold lev watt'lu1 .'i0 25 " IiUdle' " " yoo 3U0 " SewlnR Machines 75 60U " OrdernforBtittoWtfcloth lntr, from tho nm'11 known ehtabllttlimeut - ' of I T. llrownell, ,rj03 llrnudway, 75 fiO Plated 'Ju K-tw. 75 600 ' (Udera forHHk llat. 10 1,0W M fhrotno I.lth. of I.iMitzo PalntltiKof WftMhlngton ftKftMiiNon. lu 3,7.10 5,01 A 10,000 i,;y 3,noo 1,000 " MahoiiIo KinbletnH 5 00 " Oold Pens. lVnclls. and Kleevo lmttonn, , 3 600 " HMvrr jlatedfiultknie(i and call twill, H 1,000 Manonio clinrtR, from or- gtnaUlenlciuby H.MacoyS " 1,000 MasontoMonltorR. 1.50 Tim baUnm to foiultit of tho followliui. vlr: Photograph Albumt, opera OluMeft, Worku hy emtuMnt authors, deuu' fob rhaliiH, Itdlex' goii watch chain, kid KloveH. ensrarlnKH, ladlri work boxen, niulc lKxtB, writing raxcK, mimical in Htruinents, bream pint nnd fltiRer Tugn, etc., amounting to 2i,f00 Mukluif In the uggregnto SOO.OtX) presuitn vnlu Uat IJiiO.ooO TICKKTH M.OOKAl'H, rartlts from a dUtiincomMidintf money for tlek OKhould eltlier have their letters rei(lterM or tend Mbt ofllce order, 44- Utifore the distribution takes place, a com mitte will IwiMTnted to reeelvn tickets from,' partifN living at h dUtanco from .New York, who! ulllheleet thu itealed envelotM-s rontalnlnz tin orueri ror 1110 preenu ror inrm, ana return in I.v moll AgeuU and othern holding ticket for sale, art earueKtly requeNted to make their returmt prompt ur uie lasi ruicnaimuem, in oruvr wmt uiwri mav uo noueiay in ine uutinouunn. U;u. W. 1UII,M14 A CO., MnnaKlnc Dlrectnift, Principal UitUu. 7H llroaday, June 11, IttfJ, New Voik IMIE KEYSTONE Cl.OVEU BHI01 8 T U I 1" 1' E K . fATKHTUU OITDHKH 1H60, Thl. nlmnli. thnuah erfrctltr lliarlllne Is utlllll i.d liyoll sclfliitliloulHerfrstiiliiitliiiuinst tllrfi-t Jf vice fur Ifiuherlng clovf r seoil yi-t illsooverril. A mere glaure nl it UsutlU'lmil lurimvliicK Iht Miost obtuse mliul of Its priictii'iit utility. t It strips the clover hnvl from lliesinlk lcnilii thestruw stiincllnic usiu Die iirounil. It Is t-nallj ilrawn by one liorsi. mul requlirs but one nuin or boy towurlt It. . . ., V It Is oomimrt. sttnnlti In structure, linil net lie Hie 10 get out 01 onirr. Illliicsn urn ruruoiy .ui .1 Tlia arrant ..KniilnirA In IliU inuchlllH is. V Imve tlie sfeil uatlieieU In tlie ohstr, ri-mly for U clover mill or liullcr. Iuslile saving toe Rrc, Irngtliof time unit luburnf muwluir. Immlllni en llir...l.lni It lliu.lfiiw 11 will ulhOIMIV f ry furniertniistlier lilssceit wllli this inocliln Oil nccoillll Ol llie HUV1HK 01 Hie vv mimi t In II.. ..1.1 urnv r.f null.arlnv II tfviri..r.ili..v l...i..i.ii.i...mrpil Inrticructlil liicil wliu wl.lilopurrluiKi'HtAluor oounty Itlnlib Kor purtlcullirs niMres I JmS'T, Cutumblu t'ouMty, ( t-tu TELS AND SALOONS. IF. I POND II O T E I.. MidrMlmicd havlnff Iraitml nnd rA.rnmlitti. edlndityle the about utdbkiiown House, nit lit (Jl)Kn TIIK MOUNTAIN'H th-dlnof Oiluml'lniind Kullh mi count ten. In on l lr moHt iK-uutlfulautl hcalthrnl rcKtnns In thuH: Is fully MCMtred In aenurimndfito lslK nlBojournerN 'ITU TIIKIH PAMIMIX. Tliilnil streams am well stocked with delcl4h iT many kludn includliift; t (OUT A S V V I K I!, anil ti rum! order will bo kept for thnac iHBUl I'll lul uiniltemctit ftftfUefds. oltlier fWr ti' rpfnnrejciirstoiisiiiMHi this beau tUUll -r liter whki) is il 'VAlh MILKH IN IIXTKNTt Mim- I hj'rtii extensIoKorcfd.lheielHniror ditt( lUttstnan unpleiidld Held for his own iKtHfll ili-, and rxeicltti with his H I'0 A x u a V N. irvlll ho nlunjs provided with tho dellv U tlirMcnson; and Ids I tar slocked ulth Prkic loiu. Iho Home is lamuand eommo- uioivi ' r'uuiiuK exenie aim Hiiie. iei H reached fiom neerul points on IM JUko to ims tlie hut months of Hum it. u. iia iitntHr. n,ft iyw in.. NANUK UOTKIj. I MHIIL'UO, Ct)IX.MlllA COUNTY, PA, trUiHtl havitiiz iiureha(d this well- Ktlt fed (entiall located liouse. tbu I'.xt lminit Ilutftmt4im -MAIN Hnii:i,T,tn ItlooinsburK, lmte( ly oij8ite the Columbia Comity Court j" t-uuiiy uuornis ni1 inemis anu me liki'liernl that bU lmuu Ulmw Iniihtur u ei'tlou nnd eiitfiiiiiiimntii. .r imivcMih ih dl)sed to lavor It llh their cus- I 11.1s pp:ireo nocxiK'iisu lu preiarini( tlio 1 I ir tho enterlahiieiii of his riicm, iHii inrrn ue oyihln wantin8(n Inn iiitnu-i in incir pcrstHiai comiort. jus p ici'iiio, and Pillow nn excellent buil lion. ihm's run at all times between the V. chaibotcl and thovnrlo railroad depots, by Oi winB ueri win im pica'nmiy eonre(i 10 and w nr n.-ppciio fciniions moue'iiuip to N-nrq. Kiliv I.V 1'' mrri rrg, March JJ.1W U l H I A HO US K, I T1Y (fill Alt!) HTOIIMIU. lat W rttirchnsc'l and fitted un tho Ivd 11 Kisoii iioM'i 1 ropei 1 j , im-ii iv 1 f m s Alton: tub rovitr itorsF., Iiinr h In of tho Rtreet, In tho town of rt.. t'Qd liUMiin ooiaiucoa iieeusu tor tails it ; E S T A V IX A X T t Irleior ms determined to kIvo to the peo- llipuif inwnnn oosines or pieuture, t ttm: moiu: uoom. I flbiffNlsols extensive, and Is titled up tc n Uicten, ud 1 nn tatceK In tho dry, Ue prom- IS' li vi-r' hliiR about hlsesttildlhnient shall alx' ntcd 1 an oideriy ami lamiti munner; injM-ci any (iouciit a hnaru 01 uu-juioiio HI2NS HOUSK, 21. a A. 'lit I1U0A1VAY, N". Y. OjWr Jlotttlnrf Green. TV K Kl'HOPKA N 1'I.AN. 1 vrf HorsE Is well and widely known ellni nubile. '1 he location Ik etuiec-lal- iLn to 11 eich.intH and business men: It Is IM tioxlm ty to the buM liens part of t hu city SniW mK'lM m niniuii'iu mill it'iiih i1 ii'iLretit toatl tho principal railroad 1 I Ulbutlrpots. . , 1 livens House has 1 in nil nccomniounuon ( tow kuc-ih 11 im wen uirnisnci, unii po" iiikLirt foiilcriitn imiirotinent for tho colli' 1 enienniumeni 01 111 iiiiiiuivm. iub b h HimrtiiKiiOKi wen emiiuieu nrovioeu band T.atev Uto aiteudancn Is prompt WCeiUII WUI nil. lltuif 13 Keuci winij I'm- vh erydellcaey of the M-ason at mod- UI.O. K. LI I ami; (V 10. I'-Ciu iTopric-ntrH. 1' tecv l fiT It alon we K'nov R9 liccalchsoKCH MAimnit, Proprietor, .'nowii hotel has recently under- eft ilccjiichinifKlnKri Internnl arranucmeu.H, na ii j'. ..irint rut noimres to Ills former custom atli(mVUim liibllc that his aecomodatioiiN Mlu imfi'l h's RiU'StM are second to nono lu til hi ...... ir ti hin u 111 nluiivft bo found sun- 1 V vji'wuij MiliManuui irtoii, nui w-llii km 1 'il'idiiK re ieasnn. ins wine nun 11 l ICCi'l Uti " ,Zr..t ,lUn..l rrnni Ihn I t.i I nrr iiiituHiir licvtrnfro Known as MM ma 11 ilmlv mire, nnd tree from alt not- l-iwi He .s thankful for 11 liberal Patron- as In the phV and will continue to deserve It ttofit ire, i (IKOUGi; MAUdlUt. in 1 AN IIOTEli, tut uri'Ki: iinrtK, VIM K, COM'MllIA CO., PA. ' I? nr Hit pul mm, 1 tritrtt-t cr n .i.poinilly inninrii ins rrirmis f Ihnl lie lias itiKt'n tlie niiove nf li 01 r iiu'riiiiiiint'iii, nun iviu nr 1 i tli. rnstoin of nil wliu Mill 1 n call. km AUr,i icnr.r a good taiim:, 11 lr II Ktii:iil with His Itosl nf l.lcillnrs. iintl lull 1 1. 1 iiiuae hi ri'iiiur tuuri' k:iiis 1 Jim. n.-N 1 11r.11, Ulo.l'.i,, Mnrrh li. lf'17-lm. Ill iNE HAI-OOX, o-rleto of the l.TelianRo Saloon luw now a irnfl duck of s MMt.u iir.ntr-siiMr.Niv, conslhtlnz of 'j triir "urcniNE, tp.ipf, notonxAS tint Tiir, 1 dirri rur.swFiTntriiRFME, l.ACiKU I1KKH, ma: AC. (m oNi, comi: a ix and hi:i:, t I(AAVM)N CAI.MAX. Mo tin r,Mr 3, NI7. 5115 Kl'Y IIOTKL. J FJ V COM MIIIA COUNTY, PA, w'111 kill cribi-r rfxr 1 1 tfnllv- InformttblH ft lend dlil t e 01 Idle, thti It- hn Ihonbovn well rli'iv 1 uko 01 Kiitertalnnn nt. and will 1h rasil tt recelxe the rustoin of all who will J.ot 11 111 'llh iu ill t II ; W .IJ( KtlJP A t!OOI TA1ILK, Par reb - orked ith tho best of Llquora, am1 nort wui w made to render enure emiS' W.M, Jd-ll.KY li. pril '. '107. U( K IIO'I K h , 1 N'lTA tULl , (.oI.UMllIA COUNTY, PA, I. MLMMA, lIlOPiai:TOH. liK 1 an ioN'Mdon of this welbknowu HO l itkeitl'i hamuel l'.wn tt. thol'rn- 1 nuHi 11 in 11 pi 1 ntincnl lenalr and furnish' H A 1 l.Altl'F.K with thei-lMdcthtlloiiors ie' 01 11 XUll elleurifk ' IIU htnbbi Is not excelled und iiilpnliiti will be spared to piMl'lHANNA HOTEL, I f If 41, i ll, 1 in- otet has 14 ely been purchased by ti J.CbAlllC,ondl iaK been thoroiiKhly re leilj repaired, aiullrefiirnMied. It will be foiiiliiod.lultHarriinucLient and appolntmeuU, a til- iis lohd, and jeennd to none In thu w -r pc ui in cltlti wishing to spend thu no' 1 ' s ti Cm coutilh. will do well to glv tbi kvt n itti- 'MON JlOTEl,, lion in hpi fn Tliltd una Courtn Hlretl I'Mlmli'lphU lllIHWr, rroprloloni. 'p II Hi) 110CSE, u . . uf ler i ".111111 inn i Lcttinm Bircci., rhllwlelphia. II.W. KANAOA, Pioprlclor, I) j J ten vnt'H jrorju., ii HOKTII roL'HTU f IIIKKT, I'lIII.ADlll.l'IIIA. . ct V (1. M'KimilN, lYoprletor, M ), us; ly. T Hold unl Haluon keepers of llloom. mr nl On umbla County.- I ltutu appolnttul Ir t. tithpi HAcnt for the fcftieof inyale,sirler n' ii liit, iiiUsBcr buer. m bo will supply j-ou itt ii.'iniel loe (anil wllU III" Muue arllcle), ns ( i-.ii I iniUI yriu from the brewery. Kiioonlug lin it- will b puiictil'il nitJ allenll.e to all who na.' a or lib With llielr tlaiU, I, solicit for him ou 4U Kirt, "very ri see'tiiiui . I' ltRO I.Al'KIl, Slcam Iiriiwrry. Itciullu:, 1'a, watuAK. of iVULMMUrit, i:. II, AlllMAK. yjlVrMANaJHililNOEa it CO., 11, .u i.ui 1 11 lllliio niiiisur, (,V,ficy oojK)4 'juuitt Kent, totntrt i( CO,) Wholesale Dealers In' kltVK luniNl WAHDIxn. AltrKTR i pi. rwvHiiiHnM, yiv Mqa, lir,Af. J1(H (OllDAtir AC. A 10, ril.l.0V A,NI .VOOI 11 ,N WA1IK. FmifM'-" Slfc'l LOOKIKO CU.ASSIVI, .Tr, THE COLUMBIAN, IS PlTtl.tHIt RD EVFltV JHtDAY MOItNINU AT ltJLOOMmi'UJ, PHNN'A. TUKprlnclplcitofthtspaperatoorthe JefTersou lan School of politico, Those principles w 111 novo be compromised, yet courtesy and kfndess nhall not bo rorgotlen In dlscusslnn them, whether with Individuals, or with contemporaries of tho Press Tho unity, happiness, and jirohpTlty of the coun try In our aim and object! and at tho means to secure that, we shall IuIkjt honestly and earnestly for the harmony, success and growth of our orKiin Izatlon, Tkiims of AnvrnnsiNfi t-One square (ten lines orlessjnneor three Insertions tlVi each sube- inent Insertion fill cents. M'ATF. K. 2M, 8M, (IM, lV. (Inn Kiimri'.,. 12.1-0 M.0O St,U tU,00 $10,00 Twosquans 3,00 fi,no 6,00 U,oo 1 1,00 Threo (squarem C" WM 1V" 'our square fl.oo R.oo 10,00 20,00 Half column . 10,00 12,11 15,00 0,00 30,00 One eoUimn 15,00 1,"0 .10,00 frf),oo Ixueutor'f and Adiulnlstrator's Notice 13,00; Au ditor Notice 8J.30. Other ndvertlement Inser ted neeordlnt! to special contract. Iluslnchs notices, without advertisement, twenty cents per line. Transient advertisements payablo In advance- all others due after the flrwt Insertion, It Is, Jn all enact, more likely to he satisfac tory, both to subscribers and to the Publishers, that remlttaneesand allcommunlcatlons respect- Iur- the business of the paper, b sent direct to tho olUceof publication. All letters, whether relating to the editorial or bnslness concerns of the paper, ml all payments for subscriptions, advertNlnif, or Jobbing, ate to be made to and addressed nitOCKWAY A FltKHZB, "Columbian fflrf,''t m.ooMsiit'n(i, Pa, Trlntedat Kobison's llnlldlngs, near the Court House, by Chai. M. Vasdkiwlicf, Pit a U. Knydkk. BUSINESS CARDS. JOll P 11 1 N T ING Nl'litly executed at this Ofllce. M M. J.'VEIjLE, A T T O 11 N K Y A T I, A V, Ashlnnil, Schuylkill County, rcntru. M. E. JACKSON, ATTOUNi: V-AT-LAW, Iterwlck, Columbia County, IVnn'a. jyj jr. thauoii, A I I UU.1 h 1 - Al'ljA n, Iterwlck, Columbia County, Penn'a. "yiLIilAM II. AHHOTT. A TTO 11 li 1 - A I - li A W. CK.VTKAI.IA. PA. JOIIX 0. FUKKZK, ATTUHM.Y. A T - U A W, Onicotn llegbttcr and Uccorder'H ofllce, In tho ba-scment ot the Court House, IlloomsburK, Pa. A T T O It N P. Y-A T -1. A W Ofllce comer of Main and Market streets, over l'lrht National Dank, llloomsburit, Pa. T)U. L. U. KL1NK, A craduate of Jeflerhon Medical CoIIcko. l'hll ndelphla, bavins p muiuently located, oileia his proieKRionai xerviceH 10 1110 citizens or louiwisii und Iclnlty. Ofllce ou Main street, econd door iim in . rcui-y t joho s iiuuonitr. L(ipr- u-diu E. II. IjITTLK A T T O U N' i: Y - A T- L A W, Ofllce on Main utrci t, In brick huildlmc below tho Court Houkc, Uloonihburft,Pa, C. " linOCKWAY, ATTOltNKV AT LAW, lll.OOMMHUlKI, l'A. 4i-OFFirii Court House Allev. below the On- J. n ou i so:;, A TTO UN K Y -AT-1. A W , U!,OOMSItUI;, l knn'a. Ofllce In Unam-Mf niilldlmr. Main Htraet. Wert !.t oi tue American iiouso, iniy.iu,, U( T I O X K E H. M IIMIiH L'Ul- T.HA? , llnvlm? folfAwed the. orofeHKlon of Iublle YendilO Crier lor many earn, would inform his friends that ho Is htlll in the Held, n-ady und willing to attend to nil the dutlcH nf bin enlllnif. IVikoiw desiring his hervlcea khould call or wrllo to hlui aniiooinsourg, I'll. iiimiau W. II. UKADLKY, Uiato ASsiMiaiu ait'Uicai uirrcir u, n. Army,; PHYHIOIAN AND HUUOIJOK, Aa-Oftlcont tho hoiiNO onnoulto Shlve'M lllnck DUHJIIIrtUUrKt 1 'I. Calls promptly attended to both night and day. UlooniHlm-ij, Jiili, 18, JSJiT, 7KTK!UNAHY SUIiaEON. Till t undemlcutjd tnkes this method of In fori ulna i ne ciurens oi toiumuui t ounty, urnv no xocu- ieo in LlflUT HTItUKT, Pi:NN"A., w hero he Im prepared to attend to all calU made. in i no nuo or ms DUMincMii, and curi'H nrNflllOKH, Hl'AVIS, HHMNr, nnd nil other lilt that horse Mesh Is bolr to. dial icnuing eoni,i'iiiioii in io iieuimvoi t'Kpeciuuy oi inn iioo looniiiiueo offline. Llht Ntreit, April 2fi, lfW, s. c a ii i v e , C A 11 l N II T 11 A K K It , ANU MASUrACTI'llKn UT HTK.I1I OK 'SASH, ItLINDS, DOOIVS, rl II U T T E It H, M ti V h I I N II H, WINDOW VllAMEH, AC. MAIN arilKET, ( III.OOMHIIU1KI, l'A. June SJ. 1(07, s V. COI.MNS, I'AKIIIOKAUIii: SIIAVJNO, II AI It OUTTINO HilAMTOOlNO HAI.COX, Court llouve Alley, nest iloyr tu fliliiMiMiiiiOiflci1 IIUIOMIHUim, VA, Hair Iivelnjr mill Whiskers niloreil black or tlfviiitr'tli" hiilrj will restore hnlr to Us orlitinal color without soiling Uie Muest fabric, constantly un iiuim, inpri oi, Q 15. H A AU H, WATCIIMAKKH AND JIIWKLHY, Main tVrrct, nrdt the lutt Iloiuf, HuiojiHUU'iO, Pa, tJonittmitly ou hand 11 tine nuMortment of AJIKHUJAN ANI HWIHH WATCH KH, Clock m, Jewelry, Hllvcrwuro and tpvotauleii Particular attention paid to lh repulrlnt uf WutiheH, Cl'K'kH, Jew elry and Httortaclou, 4MaxonIo nmrkx made to order. All woik warriuitnl, apr!0'67. A hh KIND3 01' JOI1 l'lUNTINO L. neatly exe mtlug OIHce. neatly executed at TllK ColvwiilAN Htoaui rrtu XV n MKKT t'PO.X TIIK MiVllIi. o met t Uton the. hovel ami wo part lion the Hotiare! What words of pre clou moanlnK tlieo words Masonic are I Come let us contemplate them, tln-y arc worthy of a thought the ery wail of Masonry thecepieelousworils are wrought, Wo meet up(Hi the Level, HioukIi Irom every utatloti coino: The rich man from hh mansion, tho poor man from his home: or the one) must leave his wealth ami fctato out- ixido tho Masonn door: And tho other finds his tine n-fpfit upon the theckered tloor. Wo port upon tho Hquure, lor tho world must haw Its dm ; Wo mInlo with the inultllude.nroM, unfriendly crew : Hut the Influence of mir (ratherlnjif In memory Is Kroen, And wo look upon the Le.d to renew the happy scene. 'Ihcre'H a woitd w hero all are equal we luehur rlnji toward It fast; We Miall meet upon the Level ihrre, where the ttnttn of death ate past: We tdiall utand before the Orlcid, and our Ma.b r will bo there, Totrythelllockswooirer, by Ills own um-rrlnn StpMaro. Wohhall meetuiion Iht Level; there, but never then co depart; There's n Mansion, 'tis all ic.uly foreaih tni-dlnu faithful heart; There's a mansion nnd n wc teome find a multi tude Is then, Wo liavn nut upon the l,eel uudlmchccu tiled upon the Hiuim it us met t ujou tho I.cel then, while laboi Iny patient here; Let us meet nnd let us labor, though tho labor bo wove re; Mivady In tho Western sky thCKlgus bid us pre pare, Tonnthcrupour Woikltift Tools, nnd part upon Square, Hands round, o faithful Mnsom, form the brlcht fraternal chain; Wo part upon t he hnuaro below to meet In hcam ncalu, Ch! what wordsof precious mcaitlmith'"ewnrds Masonic are We meet upon the !.eel nnd wo pnrt upon tho Square. irlcrt 5;i If. THE METEMPSYCHOSIS. a (ii:uman i.i:ii:ni COMINCl-.n. In consequence of tho peculiar oppor tunities which I enjoyed, I soon discov ered that Wolstang, whom I had long thought rather hrghlyof, was in reality a very bail character. Somo persons of tho worst description In (iottlngcn ap peared to have been his aoeiates. Times without number 1 was accosted as an acquaintance by gamblers, pick pockets, and usurers; mid through their means I unravelled it train of impo ture, prolllgaey, and dissipation, iu which ho hail been long deeply involv ed. I found out even wor.-o than this at least what I dreaded much more. This was u forgery to an immense nmount, which he, in concert with an other person, had committed on an ex tensive mercantile house. Ihe accom plice, in a high state of trepidation, eamo to tell mo that tho whole was iu a fair way of being blown, and that If we wished to mivo our necks, an Instantan eous departure from the city was indis pensable. .Such a piece of Intelligence throw mo Into great alarm. Ifl re mained, my apprehension would ho In evitable i and how would it be possible for nio to persuade anyone that I was not Wolstang'.' My conviction and ex edition must follow; anil though 1 was now so regardless of llfo that I Mould gladly havo been iu my grave, yet there was something res'olting iu thu idea ol dying lor a villian, merely Ihciiu-u I could not show that I was not myself. These rellectlous had their due weight, und 1 resolved to leave (Iottlngcn next day, and escape from the country aj together. While meditating upon this fcheme I walked about three miles out of town for the purpose of maturing my plans, undisturbed by tho noise and hii-tla of tho streets. As rwiisgoingslowlyalon; I precelved a man walking about a fur long before inc. Ills gait and dress nr rested mv attention narticularly, and after n few glances I was convinced that ho must bo myself. Tho Joy that pre vailed my mind at this sight no language can dcscrllio: it was as a giiiupso oi heaven, and tilled nio with perfect ec stasy. Pnulonce, however, did not lor sake mo, and resolved to steal slowly upon him collar him, mid demand an explanation. With this view I approach ed him, concealing myself as well as I could, and was so successful that 1 had actually got within ten yards of my prey without being ill-covered. At this instant, hearing footsteps, he turned round, looked alarmed, and took to his heels. I was after him In a moment, and tho flight on onu side, mid pursuit on tho other, wero keenly contested. Thanks to Wolstaug's long legs, thuy wcro better than the short ones with which my antagonist was furnished, and I caught lilm by tho collar, as ho was about to enter a wood, I grasped my body with Herculean gripe, so terri fied was I to lose it. "And now, you villain," said I, us soon fts I could re cover breath, "tell mo the meaning of this. Jtostoromemy body.or by heaven I will" " You will do what?" asked lie, with tho most Insolent coolness, This ques tion was nilaggcr tomysoul, for I knew that any punishment I Inlllcted on lilm must lie Inflicted upon myself, I sfood mute for n few seconds, still holding lilm strongly lu my grasp. At last throwing pity aside, by one vast ell'ort, I cried out, " 1 declare solemnly, WoM'ing, that if you tlonot glvomolmekmy body I (.hall kill you on the spot," " Kill moon the spot I" replied he. " Do you mean to say that you will kill your own body?" " I do suy so," was my answer: "1 will rather destroy my tlear body, than It should bo disgraced hy a scoundrel llkoyou." "You aro Jesting." said Wolstang, endeavouring to extricato himself. " I shall show you thucountrary," re joined I, giving lilm u violent blow on the nose and another ou the ribs. These strokes almost druw tears from my eyes: and when I saw my precious blood How-1 In u third at my own house. What he lug, I certainly would havowoptaloud, ' had stated wasbtibstautlally true. Somo but for tho terrible onersy which rtiEoontio mourners had nrrlved, and tho linil rIvcii mi'. Tlio ptiiiiflm-.oiit Iintl Us uvlilcnt uncut, liowovcr, u on WnMniiK, for lio liccaiiio ttnltiilcil nntl nlnriiu tl, grew luilc, mill rntrcntctl mu to let lilm K. "Never, you villain, till you return 1 nio hiiek my litnly. l,el me bo inyrclf ngnln, iintl then you nro free." , "ThntN linpoisllile," miIiI he, "mill eminot he, done without thu iifrpnuy of another person, who ii tib-ont ; but I hereby solemnly mvcur, tlmt live days , nfler my death your body shall bo your i own." "If better teriiHeannot behad, 1 must tako oven thee, hut better I ahull havej (o preparo to part with what li not your own. Take yourself hack again, or I will beat you to it mummy." So saying, j I laid on him mot unmercifully llat toned his noso (or rather my own,) and laid lilm sprawling on the earth without lereinony. While engaged In this business, I heard n sneeze, and looking to the quarter from whence It proceeded, who did 1 see emerging from tho wood but my old acquaintance, with tho snulf-coloured surtout, tho scarlet waistcoat, mid wooden leg. He saluted me ns usual with n. smile, and was beginning to regret the length of time which had elapsed since he last had the pleasure of seeing me, when 1 interrupted him. "Come," said I, "this Is not a time for ridiculous grimace; you know all about It, so help me to get mv body back from this scoundrel here." " Certainly, my dear fi lend. Heaven forbid that you should be robbed of so unalienable a property. Wolstang, you must give it up. "Pis tho height of In Jtitlce to depi'ivo him of it." " Shall I surrender It, then?" said Wolstang with a pitiable voice. "lly all means: let Mr. Stadt havo his body. In an Instant I felt great pains shoot through me, and I lay on the ground, breathless and exhausted as If from some dreadful punishment. I also saw the little gentleman, and the tall, stout llguro of Wolstang, walkaway arm and arm, und enter tho wood. I was now myself again, but had at first lilt localise of congratulation on the change, for I was one heap of bruises, while the un- prlnclpledautliorof my calamnities was movlngofl' In his own body without a single scratch. If my frame was in bad case, however, my mind felt relieved beyond conception. A load was tauen from it, ami it felt tho consciousness of being incused in that earthly tenement destined by heaven for its habitation. Alas, liow transient is human happl- no-si 1 Scarcely hud an hourelupscd when u shuddercumo over me, precisely simi lar to that which had occured some weeks before on entering tho College of (ioltlngen. I also precei veil that I was stronger, talletyind more vigorous, and, as if by magic, totally freo of pain. At this change, a horrid sentiment eamo across ine, and, on looking at my shadow lu a well, I observed that l was no longer myself, but WoKtaug: tho diabolical miscreant had again eflected a ine tempsyehosis. Full of distracting Ideas, I wandered about the fields till night fall, when I returned into the oily, ami threw myself into bed, ooynouri J with fatigue nud grief. Next day I made a point of railing at my own house, and inquiring for my self. The servant said that i could not be seen, being conllned to bed In con sequence of several bruises received In an encounter with two highwaymen. I called next day, mid was still confined. On tho third day I did the same, but 1 had gone out with a friend. On the fourth 1 learnt that 1 was dead. It will readily be believed that this last intelligence was far from being un welcome. On hearing of my own death I felt tho most lively pleasure, antici pating tho period when 1 would bo my self again. That period, according lo Wol.-tang's solemn vow, would arrive iu five days. Three of these 1 had spent lu the house, carefully secluding myself from observation, when I heard asnoczo at tho outside of thu boor. It opened, and In stepped the lltle man with the smifl'-coloured surtout, the scarlet waist coat, and the wooden leg. I had con ceived a dislike approaching to horror at this old rascal, whom I naturally con-cluded-to be at the bottom of the-o dia bolical transformations; 1 however, contained my wrath till I should hour what he hail to say. " 1 wish you niiich Jiiy.niyilearfi lcnd, that you are going to resume your own body. There is, however, one circum stance, which perhaps you have over looked. Are you aware that you are to be buried to-day?" " 1 never thought of it," answered 1 windy, "nor Is It of any consequence, I presume. In two days 1 shall bo my self again,' 1 shall then leave this body behind me, anil tako possesion of my own." "And where will your own body bo then?" " In thograve,"sa!d I with ashudder, as the thought eamo across uie. " Precisely so, and you will enjoy tlio pleasure of being hurled alive: that, 1 suppose, you have not calculated upon." This remark struck me with blank dismay, and 1 fell back on my chair, uttering a deep groan. "Is there then no hope ? cannot this dreadful doom bo averted? must I bo buried nllvo?" "Tho case Is rather a hard one, Mr. Stadt, but, peihap-, not without a reme dy." "Yes, there Is a remedy," cried 1, starling up and striking my forehead. " 1 shall hie to my own house, mid entreat them to suspend the funeral for two days." " I saw the undertaker's men enter tho hou-iyis I pu-sod by.for the purpo-e, I should think, of screwing down tho ecllln 11(1. The company nl-o, 1 llnd, am beginning to collect, so that there Is little hope of your succeeding. llnwoV' or," continued he, taking a pinch of snuff, "you may try, and If you fall i havo a ecliemo In vlow which perhaps will suit your piirpo.,0. I shall nwnlt yoiirielui'ii." Inniuomeiitiiiyhatwasoii my head In another I was out of the room and, untlcrlukur's 111011 wcro wnltlii! liolow, (111 they kIioiiM bosuiimioiiuil up ntnlr.1 corow tlown tins lid. Wlllinul un linUmt of tlulny I rtilicil tti thu I'limiibur where my tlenr hotly win lyliitf In Its shell, Some of my Montis wcro there, nml I entrenteil them, In Imploring neeents, to stop for two ilnyii mitl they would seu tlmt tlio eorpse which lay before them would revive. " I nm not tlend," erletl I, forgetting myself, "I nsisurc you I am not dead." " l'oor fellow, he bin loit his senses," said one. " Ah, poor Wolstnng," obierved an other: "lie ran deranged some weeks ago, mid has been going about asking for hlni-elf over since." " I assure you I am not dead," said I, throwing myself upon my knees before my cousin, who was present. "I know that, my good fellow," wns Ids answer, " but poor Stadt, you see, Is gone for ever." "That Is not Stadt-it Is I-it Is I. Will you not bellevo mo I 1 mn Stadt this Is not me 1 am not myself, Kor heaven's sake, suspend this funeral." Such were my exclamations, lint they produced no other eirect but that of pity among the by-stauders. "Poorunfortunatufellow, he Iscrazed. Oct a porter and let lilm be taken liome." Tills order, which was given by my cousin him-olf, stung mo to madness, and, changing my piteous tones for those of fierce re-Istanee, I sworu that "I would not turn out for any man liv ing. 1 would not bu burled alive to pleusothcm." To this nobody made nny reply, but In the course of a minute fourstout porters made their apiicnrance, and 1 was forced from tho liou-e. Returning to Wolstung's lodging, tlio old man was thero In waiting,, as he promised. "What," said I witli trepi dation, "what is thu scheme you were to propose? Tell me, nnd avert tho hor rible doom which will await me, for they have refu-ed to tupcnd the fu neral." "My dear friend," said lie, In tho most soothing manner, "your caso U tar from being so bud us you apprehend. You have Just to wrllo your nanio in this book, nud you willbo yourself again In nn instant. Instead of coming nllvo lu thu grave, you will bu allvo before. tho coiilin-lid is put on. Only think of thu dlll'erenco of tho two situations." "A confounded difference Indeed," thought I, taking hold of the pen. Hut at tho very moment when I wns going lo write, I observed above thu follow lug words; " I hero by engage, after my natural decease, to give over my soul to thu owner of this book," " What I" said I, "this is theold com pact ; tlio one you wished me to sign before?" " The same, my dear friend." "Then I will not sign it." "Only think of the consequences," said he. " I will nbido tlio consequences rather than sell my soul 'Hurled alive, my dear Mr only think." ' I wiii not si'll the compact." "Only think of being hurried alive," continued he "stilled to death pent up ou all sides earth above, earth be low no hone no room to move In siiirucated, stupelled, horror-struck ut tor despair, l.s not tho idea dreadful? Only think what your feelings will be when you coma to llfo In that narrow and know your sltua tlon." I iravoasliuilderatthUlilcture, which was iliawn with horrible truth ; but the energies, of religion, and the hope-, of futurity, rushed upon my -mil, nndsus tallied it iu tlio dreadful trial. "Away away," said I, pushing him back have made up' my mind to the sacrifice since better my not be. Whatever hup pens lo my body, I am resolved not to risk my eternal soul for Us sake." " Think again," said he, " make up your mind. If I leave you, your fate l.s Irrevocable, Aro you decided?" "1 am." " Only reflect once more conside how, by putting your name lu this boo! you w ill saveyour-elf from lunkcrablo death. A re you decided?" " I am," replied I, firmly "Then, fool," said he, while a frown perfectly unnatural to him corrugated his brow, and his eyes shot forth vivid glances of fire "then, fool, I leavo you to your fate, ou shall novel- seo mo again." So saying, lie walked out of tl room, dispensing with his usual bow and grimaces, and dashing tho door fiercely nfler him, while I threw myself upon a couch lu an agony of de-pair. My doom was now sealed beyond all hope; for, going to the windows a few minutes thereafter, I Uelield my own funeral, with my cousin at thu head of tho procos-ion, acting as chief mourner In a short time, I saw the company turning from tho Interment. "AH i over then," said 1, wringing my hands at this deplorablo sight. I am the vic tim of somo Infernal agency, and must preparo fur thudreadfiilsucrlflce." That night 1 wnssuprenicly wretched, tossing Incessantly In bed, while sleep was de nied to my wearied eyelids, Next morning my haggard look was remar ked by my servant, who proposed send ing fur a physician ; but this I would not allow, knowing that wo like inlnu v on beyond thu leuch of medicine. Tho great part of that day was spent In re ligious exercises, from which 1 felt i on slduiablo relief, Tho day after was the last I was to behold upon earth. It came, anil I endeavoured by every means to subdue tho terror which It brought along w(tti It. On arising from bed, 1 sent for my servant, an elderly woman, who I had got tupplytho place of llarnabas and Louise, nud gave her olio hundred gililors.boing ull tlio money I could find In Wobtaiig's bureau "Now, Phlllppn," said I, "iissoou ns thu clock of thestiuly has struck three, , como In, nml yimwill llnd ine dead. ll.itlru, and do not i nter till then." She went away, pronil-lng to do nil that 1 hnd oulered her. to an com a... j -- i 1'ituM what tree was mother Kvo prompted to pick thu npplo? Devil-tree, LOVED AND LOST. I Lovr.nnnd lost I 'TU a wall that, is I going up dally, uyo hourly, "unto lilm that sits ou tho great wlillu throne," from bereaved hearts, licavy with their burden of sorrow, too grievous for hu- man strength or human hearts to bear. Loved and lost I Prom your heart, oh, stricken widow, as you stand by tlio cold form of your once strong protector, goes up that bitter cry. Ho who ever shielded yon with his protecting arm who-o tender voice never addressed you save In love, hu who over stood between tho wholo party to death! and of tho you and thu great cold world, breasting twenty-four who wero taken, eight on nil Its slorms and cares with his own Iy wero eventually destined to the hnl- manly bo-om, that they harmed you not, Is gone forever; nnd you kneeling beside his lifeless remnlns, with your fatherless children clinging around you, alue more and more your utter help- lessness nnd the great loss you have sus- tallied, while your pale lips burst the mournful cry, "Lovod and lost !" And you, too, mourning husband wlio has'o laid your fair girl wife nslcep In the embraeo of mother earth. She went from you ero yet her bloom faded, ith the tiny babo (her child and yours) that but opened his eyes on earth to clo-o them In dentil clasped close to her glrllsit bosom, mother ami ciniii, roe and bud, aro sleeping together un- dcronoeoflln lid ; one grave holds them both now, while your house has grown strangely tlesolate since she, whose light footstep ever sprang to welcome your return to tho houso which she presided over liko a quccn-lias gone from it to tier la-i eartmy liome. Thu graveyard is not so lonely In your eyes since she Is among Its silent luhab- Hants. You go to her lonely grave and kneel beside It, and while you water ,1th your tears the lilies (fit emblems of her purity) that blomii over tho grassy mound that holds nil you held dear on earth, you feel tlio full signlll- cance of those dreary words, "Loved and lost 1" Loved mid lost! On your bowed head oh, aged mother! you who gavo your only son and stay in your old age, unto your country; on your head these I words rest liko a funeral pall, lou read his name among tho list of the dead who fell on the battle Held, and tho terrible truth that you wero now dullness, eamo nonieio your ncan wim fortunate. "A strungo caprice error crushing truth, and bowing your aged tunc," saws the historian, "which could licatl, you too ecnocii too inner wan going up from so many Hearts, "i.ovcu and lost 1" l.ovcil anil lost: who mni nns ar- rived nt vears of discretion lias not pflined tbnso snd. snil words, that tell plainer tho greatest floods of tears, of hopes crushed mid bruised beneath tho collln-lld of broken hearts nml blasted lives gono forevermore. Loved and io-t! Since tho terrible flood of war rolled over our own dear land, wo havq learned tlio full mcminc of those bitter words, "Loved and lost I" All over the land thero is mourning; mothers for their sons are weeping ; wives for hus- bands, children for fathers; maidens for lovers. In VP, I nml Inst. The wimp erv that' i.'.mr hi. irnni isniiM'M itimii mill 11 rips' ago, Is being echoed and re-echoed . throughout the world. Kor, from the rising of tlio sun till Its setting, death is ever abroad ; busily gathering up ills harvest; and not until all things shall end will that weary cry cease. Then all shall meet In the Spirit Land, the loved and lost shall bc.fouud! A LADY MASON. I r Is n principle of thu Masonic Order that women-can not bo admitted ns members. Thu only exception to tlie practice ofthls principle was in tho nil- niis-ion of Lady Aldwortli, nf Kiiglund. In mi ndilrcs-, delivered some years ngo Hro. Payne thus alludes to tho ladies, and tlio manner in which Lady Aid worth was mudo a Ma-on : Hut ludles, whatever might ho our feelings or de-Ires with regard to yo'ir udmis-loii, there is onosinglu word that prevents it. And tlie latlie.s best know tho withering, bli; htlng inllucnco of that little word-LAN' r. We simply can't do It. Our land-ninrks are not so arranged, and although we are the only losers, we nill-t submit. Hut let nio let you Into a littlo secret. While we cannot admit you, perhaps you can admit yourselves. Try it. Our tylers aro but men. Onco in, perhaps vou aro safe. Thero was onco a female Ma-on, and here Is her portrait, (show. ing tho portrait of lion. Mrs. Aldwortli, of Kiiglund, In .Masonic llegalla) r.llza sit I , nltpl'wurils l.nlv Alilwnrlli. of Lngland, was conducted through tho wl' B,vu ,nllk 'U1 Pu" tif -awful and mysterious ceremonies uf 1 yuug ialles didn't rho. Masonry. Miiing ami Dcautlful, yet with that forllliido ror which her sex is roinurkalile, sliopasseil wan intrepidity through those trials which are some- times uioto than enough for masculine- resolution, and constituted a member that reflected a lustre on tho annals of Masonry. Her father, Lord Doiiera'd, uy virtue oi warrant ivo. jou, occasion ally opened Lodgo nt his own house, his sons anil Intimate mends In tho ncigliuoriiuou assisting, upon one oc ciision, sho innocently hid herself In tho tapestry of the room u-ed fur lodge purposes, anil actually wltnesseii llio successive steps of Initiation. Hut to warns mo conclusion, lear won posses- slon of her mind, nud, brethren, If nt that point tlio stoutest Hearts quail in the lodgo room, what must havo been tho reelings oi tiiatyounggirl wnen un lawfully beholding the ceremony? Willi light but trembling steps and almost suspended breath Mie, glided along, un- nti-.krvpil li Iho iileniliers i if ttin lnih'O. wlio wero btisllv occuiiled with their work. Hut horror of horrors! before her stood n grim mid burly Tyler, with his long rusty sword. Her shrieks alarmed the lodge, who all rushed to the door, and learned that she had been lu thu room during the whole eereiuo ny. 1 lero was a easu setting at dellanco all precedent. A coii-ultatloii was held, mid she wns madu a Musuu. Sho often pi oshled us W. 31. of her lodge, and es teemed It hii honor to move lu Masonic processions, on which occasions It was her custom to precede her lodgo In jiu open plueloii, Ti'itKuvs roost higher than Turks, AN ENGLISHMAN'S VALUATION or ma Lit i,. At tho time when party spirit and active hostilities wero raging in jici- glum, nt tho close of tho fifteenth cen- tury, certain soldiers of the Spanish Army happened to bo taken prisoners by tho Dutch ; nntl by way of martial retaliation for a similar net of cruelty practiced upon some Dutch prisoners by tho Spaniards, nil of them wero to be hnnged. Humanity, however, sub- trestcd Hint It wrt! unliecessnry to put ter. For tlio purpose or ascertaining who wcro to be tlio sufferers, twenty- four lots wero inadet eight of which had the figure of n gibbet described upon them, nnd tho remaining sixteen w-cre In blank. Tho wholo twenty-four lots being shaken together nud cast pro- mlsctiouslv into a helmet, each prisoner was ordered to draw out one; those w, drew a blank lot were Immediately ill - ehanrcd. but thoso who druw the fa- tnl svmbol wero hanged on the spot. Tho conduct of thoso who wero com- oelled tosct their lives upon so dospcr- nto a cast, varied according to tho nerve nn(i temperament of each ; but terror lUul lamentation prevailed. The most conspicuous object was a Spaniard, who t.01l,i BCl,rcely be urged to the helmet, nnd whoso tears and exclamations ex- t,.i i)0ti, -t,iCulo and comnasslon. Among tliocapttves wasan Knglishman wl0 h0tlnc,i wholly unmoved nt his .Unirer. andnuletlv looked on until liifi tllrn nrriVed t and when called uiion by jlt! )ch nicer. he walked up to the helmet with the utmost unconcern, nnd ,..,i,i ritPrlnrr or chanirinrfu feature. ,lr...v hU ot w,ch wngn blank. Thus fllvomi i,y fortune, and him-elf freo from ,!;.,.,, ho told the trembling Spaniard, vho still hold his hand In thf helmet, dreading to draw forth his fate, for ten crowns of gold ho w us ready to draw his lot for him, and stand to thu consequence. Tlio Spaniard joyfully agrce(i, and thu Knglishman, Having received tho money, coolly requested tnc 0lltL.h offlcer to allow him to fulfill i.u Imrt of ti10 contract by drawing tho Spaniard's lot ; and permission being KiVcu, he drew again, anil again was thus favor n man whoso chean estimato of na mmiyhim unworthy, notoniy of Ids doublo cscane. buteven of a biiv i iu(.i. ,. ,..Ht Woniw. 'Ibis is what wo are doing. l-,very wora tlmt is spoKen or written is sown, and will al ways bear fruit, ltemember, it will always bear fruit, though wo may not seo It nt tho time. Such Important things are words. Thoy aro a man's llfo going forth ids thought and principle. If tho thoughts aro good, tliey win bear goou iruit; u bad, bad. Though wo may not see tho effeot nt nneo, there will n day como wnen me enect oi our worus win reiunj io us, anil, wo win nave to answer ror What they have done. AhTTKH-U"ueh I n iiiuu ivuiu 11111. iiu ifc wurii siiiikpi I . .. . perhaps In Jest and vo aro daily speak- lngsucli. 'lliero is not a sound but is carried to inllnlto space, moving on for- ever, ho with thoughts uttered. What an account has each man to render! Much of it is visited upon us here; all will meet us eventually. Tlie little word that was sown and was prolific,' affecting many, causing often death and sorrow widespread, will have to boun- woreu ny us, in an us Hearings. IIow caroiui. men wo siionlil tie. bo with the good words ; they como back to ns blessings a constant return. Tills Is tho harvest we want. Let us then sow- R" mjcii nntl n wo no not reap tlio harvest nil here, wo shall hereafter. Didn't Risk. In tho year 1KC3, a meeting wns held lu Lebanon, Indiana, for thu purpose of gutting up a supper and a fair forsickand wounded soldiers. Judge I!, being loyal ull ove w very nct!vo 1,1 ""df .'rk.nnd wu-.ui point ed chairman of die milling There wnsqultwa n umber of hid ies present. Tho business progressed rapidly, and ns most of the articles for supper were to bo donated, tho Judge called In his lu dicrous manner, on thoso present to know how much thuy would contrib ute. Almost enough was given to com plete the arrangements, when somo one suggested that It would bo necessary to havo soma milk. "Oh, yes," said tho Judge, rising with great dignity, "all yuung ladles E.Mii.uinAssiNa.-One dny Inst week tls tlio gentlemanly conductor on one of our railroad omnlbusses was collecting fares from tho nu.-sonirers: all nald promptly except one fat old lady, who seemed to bo reaching down as If to get something that had dropped on tho floor. When her tlmo ciuuo to pay she - raised her head and thus addressed tho conductor: "I allcrs, when I travels. carry my money in my btoeking, for - you see nothln' can get it tlinr. anil I'd thank you Jest to renr-h It for mo, ns I'm so Jammed In that 1 can't git to it." Tho conductor looked at tho other pas- - sengers, somo of whom were laughiiif at his plight; onuor.two young ladle among them blushed scarlet, and he heat a sudden rotreat, muttering some- thing about not charging old ludies, etc. An IrUh brick layer was one day brought to u liospltal, severely Injured by a fall from n hoiiso lop, Tho medi cal man In attendance nsked tho sutler- or l what tlmo tho accident occurred. "Twelve o'clock, yer honor," w'ns tho rully- On being asked how ho eamo to nx the hour so tuvurntely, ho answered, "Heenusul saw the people at dinner through u window ns I was coming down," CllAU.Ncr.v 0, Hptu has challenged Wendell Phillips to discuss with lilm tho capacity of the negro lor self-government, "I have," says Mr. Hurr, "with great pains, nml with unfaltering devotion to the enusii of truth, searched over tho whole globe tor nn Instaiiee where the emancipation of hny constd- erahP number ofnegro 'slave' has not icsulted In llio ruin of both races."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers