VOL. I. NO. 151. BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUSTS, 1867. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. rjMIK PADDY HLTN V O A h 0 O M I A X Y, n y HIIK'KMIIINNY, Vr.NNHYt.VAN1 A. CAPITAL Sl.,UO. JOHN M. HTA('K1I(lt;sK, lVcMuVnt,, CIIAH. A. IlOONlI.Scmtnrj-nn.rrrrMiirrr. imtiUToitM: Joint M.HIneUhotme, N'. I., l'nui.tirit( Chna. A. llontu-, ryniH Flaeklimise, A. M'lunuM. MAIN STItlUiT. HHICKHItlNNV. VA. The lnmN licM liy thlt ('omnnuy, cnnM nf VOUIt IIUNDIUM) AND I'OltTY- OXK ACIIKS, nnl Klxly-four pcrchc, of carerully m1 ctcd Innd I1iik NtuthucKt tf Wllki'S-llnrte, I,tt7mip cottn ty, Pu.. In tho wt'stiTii i.irt uftliu (In-nt Northern tir Wjoiiilngt'onl llasln. Aory careful nml tlmrmmh .'xniulnution it ccntly iniuln lun irnAcn tlu"f ffor tlio almp) lainh to 1xa th imlHullnipnt nf u Mint amount of tlin cry test quality of imthriiclto coal, lialng every fticttlty that muM W iloslrt'il fur trims I(rtallnn In utl illieHlons. Tho nltoui tract Is crossed ly n KKi. road, and nWo dluetly In trout, ami Joining are tho Ijukawauna A ntooins hurti railroad, and the WjuiuIiik eunul, thus nrT folding thn ery l)i'bln'hantK''f u carry Iiik mad ftiul canal runiihur to the rry nioulh or the mines without rxpeiiM to the emu puny, The niennirenii lit of the d WW entliedmr renins already developed was carefully obtained ami nddid together: the UiLc.Unef.-t of theso nenins, I iictudliiKt ho celebrated "Ited Ash' 'Mhuk Moun tain," or "Urnud 'luniul" cln, Is Ihlity-onn and a half fi rt,3l,'), cery cubic yard of hleh will IcUn ton, fiUlMi- a larne amount or the best finality nf coal. Thohx-atUu IsmicIi that all the ilns may he cut aii'l worked tothctircatc"t sNslbleadantasfe nbo water lecl,anl at much leas expense than can b ilone from cutleries operulhiKbelovr water level. Thn co.il can K brought to the surface through ilrlfts or tunnels which drain the water from the mines ami naves the hoNthiK of the coal. So the cl (nihility of thn lamls for cluap mining Is un questionable. Wry lately the "(irand Tunnel" or "KM Ash" vein lias been opened, nnd Ik now producing as fine a quality of ioal as Ins eur Im'ch produeed In the nnllmulte teuton. The Ineaker now In operation Is capable of pieparl from IVHo'JOO tons per day. The surface contain an abundant Mipptynf uoodimd timber vi ry at tmblo for mining purpose, which les the tract (be advantage of many other coal land. The lact that almoin! all vatunble coal lands are being rapidly taken up by heavy capitalists or Luge cor poration, hhowH that they nuiht tdeudlly and Kieally rUo In the marlut value, while with the lmmenw and ennMnntly liiereuMng demand for this coal, and the Itailinad nnd Notth ltratuh ca nal, padn by te tuoulhs of the mines, thioii,'h the t Ireut lion m.ikltis districts of Itloonuburg, auvltle, Ihtncauiiou, IlarrKbiug, Mlddlctuun, Matietla, and Coluudda, to tide-water at Havre de (irate, one can warcely conceive of a more profitable or iK-rmnn.nit Muirce of wealth than may he full t id In lands like these. In order to be nblo to open their works on a more extensive plai, this company haft placed a poithm of their cnpllal Mock In market on the follow Inn terms: Any ihtmhi laklm;onenr more hares of ,sto k at TUX DODIiAUS KACMI, w III he cntllh d annually to a ton of coil at cost at the mine per fclnre, and nny htnekholders not ur.rriviNo Tin: coai. as aforesaid, to lie credited on the hooks of the t'mnpauv, w itll tho dllteicnco between thecoht ii dividend Khali he ilccl-ucd. auu net 1 1 ii i price ior eaeo hiuini, 10 ne pain oeinie C. V. KNAVV, Acent. March 1, 1ST7, G 1HAXD CONCKUTri IS AIH OK TMK MASONIC HAM. AND AHYI.L'M VL'NI). Tin; obje t of 1heto Concerls is to rake funds to build a Mason lo Hall In theellv of New York, eoiumelisurale w II h the wants of the initemlt.v , and to eiet t an Ahv luui for ih enj e.l Masons end tho Indigent and lullrm w Id own of Mason and tlu lr orphans. A large fund has been tollected lor lids purpose, hut mmo lsmedd, whhhttls believed will he generously and promptly given bv the ehai It.iUe public, and those ImmedlaU ly Intel i-sled In the welfare of the Oidi r. The Managi incut lake cleat phnstire In an iiouiu lot; that UielrMxlh and last (iralid -Miisiuil Knierlalnmeut will lake place at Jones' Wood, on ruesday, .Inly :tli( commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m., and will be Immediately lollowed by the liiaud Distribution nt I're-entK. Otm v. ok run (Iuanh M sihi or M f.n IK (IH.VNIl z vsini or M Vf.ONSJ ' uir. KrTr. ok m.w Yoi:k, New York, January la, (si7. J Hi to. (1. V. Hoi.nu-, My Hear Mn-"Ycairs of Ihe Wh instant bus been iccelvod. Ill reply I uui ..nlv Mate that any enterprise vvhh-h may be Imn oralily and eoiicteuliouslv eondm led, in aid of the MaMnlc Hall and Ahylum l'llli t nj the Mate ol New Yolk, will lecelve not only i.iy inujuall tied api'iohation, hut my bullous co-ojk ration, 1 hat jour t nttfi prise will becondm ted with Udd ty to your promises I have no do doubt, jmUdni; iota the releri llces vhlch v on have l veil. Idle J suv this, 1 dt sire stilt to declare to you tli.lt auv Hi.it. no mailer how sat red may ho the end Miuulit to beaibleved, I hat leads toan vlolnlloii o( the laws ot the Mate, should not hit pi-iin!IUd, let thoKe lawn he ludd In strict res pec t, a blessing will surely follow, and you will receive the thaukH ot thousand!', Thanklimyuii tor .vonr kind u meuibratico of tho widows and ortdians of our trait, I am Truly and fraternally youi. HOllKKT li. HOI-MIX, (Hand Masier. ti). Ve liav e the highest legal aut hoi Ity tor say lug that tut law of the Slate of New Yoik Isvio lated by our method of dts'trlbutlou, I l'rusent, Ilf sldence In street, $',000 1 I'reHent, tJotintry Hesldnuo ImaUd In t be v llhmo or Yoi-lhrldi;e, N, J., one bour n rhle by lallioad Jiom N.Y., and three miiintcit walk I rout rail toad dejioi, 'Ihe place consist of two large dwelllngs.htore. barn, car riage liouseand olhcnaitdaiildlugs 7 at ics or land In a high Ktateofeul tlvatlon, and tine gaiden; luoeof l4iwion lliackbirrles.wlth plenty of small fruit, hcHldc siandaid Ii nil, Is.omI 1 I'lehent, Itesldenee at lirooklj u, N. Y. U'M 1 " Iit, " IKM I ' ' ;i,ihm I " " " ' thm 1 " f.l.tNij In (hdd, i.-AH) ii " (iruml Vlanos. tlxlt-ath .'i.irtru 'St " (lc nt' line golil lev ( r walhert liV) ' 'St " IidleH " " yu) ' :m " hewing MathlneH 7' " -Mi) ' Orders for tullK of clolh lug, from the well known establishment or I T. llrovvnell, &J.1 HriKidway, T-l ' 37..WI yi " VluteilTeuKPtn. 73 u 3,7.W AO " Order torMlk llatfi. 10 " O.ouO 3,uu0 " Chromo 1.11 Ii. of l.t utze Valnt lug of Washington as a. Mason, 10 " i(M liai) " Mn sonic Hmblemti 5 " ,vj (lold Tens, I't lulls, ami Mcevo Kuttonx, 3 2,-VK) oi) Kilver jdateil fruit knh s and call hcllft, 3 " I.Vkj l.tiOO Musonle t hartx. front or ulual dcHlgushy U Macoy 3 3.00J 1,nt " Masonic Monltois. 1.M 1,100 'J he balance to conbUt ot the follow lug, lz: I'leitograpH Albums, opera OlasKes, Work by eminent uulhorx, rieulH fob chains Indies' gold watch chains, kid gloves, engravings, ladliH work hnxcN, nuulo Ijoxcm, writing canes, musical in stnimeuls, breastpins nnd linger rings, etc., auiounllug to 'S),yi Making In tho aggregate 300.0UQ presents valued at 1M(M TH'KI:th 91.00 KAI'U. Varticft from a ilUtauce sending money for th k s should ell Ik. r have their li iters rcjlxlcred or send a post oillre otiler. 0 lie fore the distribution takes place, a coin tiilllee will bouppolnted to retelve tickets from l-artlcK llv lug at a distance liom New ork, who will select the Healed envelope containing the ordeis for the prtseiits for them, and return the same by mail, Agents and othets holding tickets for tale, are earnestly reiptchti d toniake their ret urns prompt ly, ami without delay, at the tlmn named above, for the hut eiiterlalnineul, In order that thtru may he no delay in the distribution. (1i:o. W. HOKMIX A CO., Managing lilicclorn, Principal OI1Uv,"H Hroaduay, June 11, 17. New Yoik. M: KHYSTOXK ChOVKIl BKKD S T H I V V i; H. I'ATKrBIi CKiOUI.li a, JH(KJ. 'Miln klniole. Ihoiittbellcctlve niachlno Is admit 'ted by all KiuntllleobsirverHtoUMheiuost direct dfvlco for gathering clover ecd et dlscovued. A meie glau at It Is fculllch nt to convince the moxt obtuse mind of U pi act leal lit II It v It htrlpi the clover head fioiu the stalk leaving ihe straw standing unon the uround. It Is tiully druwn by on horse, and k ipiln n but one man or I toy in niiin li. Ills compact, simple Inslnuture, nndmtlla liln to iret out of order, and can he cheat J V uol tilt. Tho great advantage In this machine Is, we have the need gathered In Ihe ( bail, r ady foi the clover mill or huller, besides saving 1u gnat leioithfif time and labor of mowing, handling anil thitRhlng It from the straw, It will aUo pav ev t-iy fanner to gut her his heed with this machine, on account of the wiving of the seed w hleh I lost In tho old way of gathering 11 Kxtraordlnary Induct incuts offend tot nergt He jnci) wnn wish lopiircnakuniaiuur eueiojr inyin. Kur purtieularM nddies , ' WIIUTMAN A Itr.lNHOM), Columbia rmmty, i'.i, HOTELS AND SALOONS. I O X ! 1' O X 1 11 O T K li. 1 lit: undersigned buvlncr leased and rifnrnUb- eillugoo style Ihe above well-known House, Hi Hi ate A MllN'U Till: M Of NT A I NH- lii thehordersof (Siliitiihlinii'l Knlllvali eottutles, In onenr tbe most iM-autliul nn 1 hralthrul legions IntbeHtatej is lully trepared to aecominodale v Isltors and mijourneis Will! TlIKJIt VAMIMUS, Tim t'otiit roid Ktrennoi trn wi-11 if(iitfil ulfli delicious iisli or many kinds Including T It O V T A N I V I K li, ami boats In gnml order will he kept for thone coinmndatlou and aiiiuxemriit of guents. tidier for llsblng or pli'iistiiet cursion uiMm tins Ix-au tllul sheet of water width Is Hi:vi:ttAi. mim:s in i:xti:nt. Hurroumlcd by an rlenlve Toresl. there Is affor ded to the huntxmati a sphmlld thid lor his own peculiar spoilt, and exercise with his Ii O (1 A N li (1 1 N. Ills fjirih-i- u 111 bi ii In. ii v t.ti.vl.tl rlllt I lui deiicades or Ihesoawon: ami his liar stocked with Vt'itK l.UjL'oiM, 'l liu 1 louse Is laigeand loinmo dlous j the istablliigcxuiislvennd sale. ui" uiuiicii iniuii'n iiuiii several jhuius on the Ulooiilsbutir A t ju kauatiiiik Uallrimd! aiel Is a sph mild place to pass the hot months of mini May 17, ls07-lin. 17XCIIAXUK IIOTML, Jli 11MKJ.MMIL1UI, CUI.I'MJIIA COt'NTY, VA. Hie titiili 1'slgm.d having purchased Ibis welt known andeentially-londi d house, the -:ehango iion-i, suuaie oil .m.i. ni iu.i-1, in luooiusnuig, I mint dial ely opposite the Cnhimbia County Court House, uspeetiully tntonus bis iiletuls and llio 1 ublic In general that his hoiin Is now in nidi r tor the reception nnd unteitalnmcnt of travellers who ma v be disposed to favor It with their cus tom. Ho hasspaicd no e.pi use In pi enuring tho Hxebange ior Ihe entertainment of Ids guests, neither shall there be anj thing wanting (on his part) In mliiMcr to their pt rstonal comroit. His home H Kpaclous.imd eigojs an cxedlcnt hiisl ncHH lix'titlon. omn nuivcH tun at ail times iirtwfcn t in ebange Hotel and the vnrini railroad depots by which travellers v, he jdeasantlv conveyed to and from the itspTtic stations Indue time to ineei inn ciu. )imi. i . v,."i.uvv . ltlooinhurg, March LVJ, lsiil. Q Oh V M III A H o"tT S E, n v IIHUNAUO STOIINIIU. IIavinii lalelv tmrchascil and fitted tin the well-known Itobisoit Hotel Vioperty, located a vi.vr iiooiw aiiom: tiih toiitr iiou.sk, onlhoHnmo nide of the street. In the town of HloonisiiLirg: and iiaviug oniiiiiinu license ior the same as a H i: S T A V H A X T, the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo jdo v Islllng the town on business or pleasure, A mttm; moio; hoom. to put buggies and carriages In Mm dry. I In prfim-Isi-Hthnt everv thing about his est abltshment fhall be eonducle! in an ordeitv and lawful manner: and ho respectfully solicits a share of thejuhlic pjoioiinge. .M"i "J gTKVKNS IIOUSi:, i'l, - ix ', IIIHUIIAl, 1 . (ioittc llouUn'j drum, UN I Hi: HUKUIM'.AN 1'I.aV, - TiinHrKVhNs I lot's): U well and vsldelv know n to the tiavt ling public, ihe location Is i special ly suitable to nierehanls and business men ; It is hi rlnsii in ui tin II v to the business nart of Ihe eltv Is on tho hlghwav of hoitthem and Western travel and ad ace u to all t ne nrincinai ran road ami stcnnlioat depots. l uc Mevens House lias imcrai aceommoo.iLiou for over .'leu uiiesis It Is w ell furnished, and nns- sessi s ei ry moderate Improvement tor Ihe colu mn ano cmcrianimcm. oi us niuiiiieN. i nr rooms are spacious and well vent Hated provided with iras and water the attendance Is nromnt ami lewpeetlul and the table Is generously pto- erate vales. Olio. K. rilAH A CO. men wnn ev ery iieiieaey oi ine season m iiuhi- myll 7-0m, Proprutors. JOUK'.S IIOTKL, iit-uinii; v, MAiui.ii, fropneior. The above well. know u hotel has lecelitlv Under gone radical cluingi s In Its Intr run I arrangenu nlN, ami Its proprlet fir announces to his rm nun uslnm and the travelling public that Ids accomodations tor inocoin.oii.oi ne giieisaresi coou u none in the country, Hi table w 111 always be found sup- 'licu, not OIU wnn suiistauiiai iooii, uui uio no he iielleacli-sof the season. Ills Mines nnd li quors (exe'-pt that j mou tar beveraso known "Mt'Ht nrjt"), purchased direct from the Importing houses, are tntlrely pure. and flee from all poi sonous drugs, lie is tb iiiKful for a liberal patron age In the past, and will continue to desi-rve ll In . i... t-.ii. .1 rii vitmi- vi' iMnr Mil- KWAX IIOTKL, thi; rri'i:n iioum:, OltANOr.VIMd:, COM'.MlirA CO., PA. Ths subscriber r sucetfullv Informs his frh mis and Ihe public, that lie has takt li I he ahuve well Known House or i.utcriamimnt, ami will he pleased to receive the custom of all who will lavorhlm wlthn call. in; wiMi ki;i:p a (ioon taiim:, a Il.tr well etiK-keil with the best of I,huers, and every euori win ne inaoe to leimer inure sills faction. JOHN hNYPKlt. orangevllle, P.i., March n, lw')7-Im. jXt'IIAXCK SALOON, 1 in: Proprietor oftiie l bun 41 saloon has now on hand a large stock of hl'MMKH ltr.ri:iHMKNTH, consisting of Ni'iun ovsirii, hvitniM, iiiiim:, r.oi.iirisAs Miirm1 'iosdri., jioii.mi huh, swt:tTi,it citniK, LAUEU liLKU, A LL, -C3- comi; oni:, comi: all ani si:i:, LAAYSON CAI.MAN. Illooinsbiirg, May :t, M7. III KSPV 1I0TLL, liSPY, COIA'MIIIA Un.'.NTY. PA. Tin Niil scrlbcr ttnnrtt fully Infoimsbls friends and the public, that he has taken the above well known House id l'uttrlalnmtut, and will ho plenstd to renlve the lUstoni of all who will lavor him with a tall, nr. wiiii. ki;i:p a r.ooi) taiim:, a liar well slockeil with tin best of I.lmior-H, nnd St Of I.illllOl'H, in lider entire sat v rry eiiort will to iinuie to lender enure satis faction. WM. IIKMI.KY. i.I'y. Ph., April l. iw. It I CMC "ll'oTKL, ttltANOKYIM.i:, COM'MIHA COUNTY, VA, IHIIAIII, MVMMA, VnoPllir.TOIt. Having taken possefslon of this well-known house, soltng ktjit by haimu 1 llveu It, thol'io tirleterhasi.ut In it pennant nt lepalrand furnish nl HAH AND LAltllMt with the chohtHtlhiuors and newt st ilelleach s, His stable Ik not excelled In the county ; and 110 itdns will he spa led to aeeoinmodalo guests, (apr-Yt", s USQUKIIAXKA IIOTKL, uaiuwiSBU, in, Tho above Hotel has lately been purchased by iu..Nm j.ci.AUK.nim mis ncen tiiorougbly re modelled, repaired, and refurnished, Jt will he found now, In Itsarrnngcwent and niiwdn Intents, tv flrnt-elaw Hotel, and stcoml to none In tho country, persons In rltlis wishing to upend the hot mouths In tho country, will do well to give thu proprh tor n call, T MIL UXIOX IIOTKL, Arch Htrei t, hi tweeii Third ami 1'ourlh Htieels-, Phlludelidiln, cmtrsTiv wi:nr:ii, Vioprletoiv. Q IltAHD IIOUSK, Conn r of Ninth and chestnut Htreeta, Philadelphia, H. W. KANAOA, Vroprletor, J K UL'l I A XsHloTLi 40 Mdtm Koi'iun ftntrhT, pini.ADr.M'iriA. J, A Yv (1. M'KHIHIN, Proprietor. May 10 lHi!7-ly. To llVlel mill hnloim heeperM ofltloninu- burg at u. Columbia County. I linvo appolntetl Mr. II. hi iliuer agent for the sale of my tile, iorW r brown ut, and Uger beer, who will Milady you at the sir tie pileo (and with the (ame article), as I wmiM niulsh you front tho brewt ry, Kuoowlng that Infill he punctual and atteiitire to all who may f.iW him wllh their trudo, I fculkit for him uurnil-poit, Very rtspettrully, I ntKIl I.AUV.H, , fctcnm llrewtiy, Veadlng, Vrt, Mi AUcVvijCJir. DIM-tNUFIt. P, ), AKTMAN, HMAPIIiINCUCH it CO., o. iVil .NOUTIf Tlllltn HTltKtT, (.V ui! j oiimitc Jumet, Kent, Am Ji f.) Wholesale Vculcru In yah: nvrriNti, waudino, cahpi:th, I Ol b t l.OffH, P1IAIH H, KI.V NK1-H, I IWIN 11AHH, COltDAtiV. A(, AI'(). WI1I.0W AJ WCUHL.V YA1U:, UltdsilJ. IJtVMCtf, 1U0K1NU ClUUilJt. uc MM;o, PtJ7"ly. JMJE COLUMBIAN, A IoinocM'ati(i XowHpapiiis IS ITIIMKIlKtl V.S'l ItY 1'tltHAY MOHNI.NO AT HI.OOMSIiritd, I'KNN'A, TIIHprlnclplesof this papernreofthe Jeirerson. Ian School of polities, 'I hose principles will nevo bo compromised, eteouTiesy nnd kind us sh.dl not lw forgotten InOlw unlng them, whether with Individuals, or with contcmpornrle of tho Press Tho tiHlly, hnpplncM.aud prosperity of tho coun try 1a our aim and object; nnd as the means to Bcrute that, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly for Ihohurnumy, Micci km nnd grow lit of our organ ization. Ti.itvisorHrn-jCUOTlos: Tun dollars it jar if paid In advance. If not paid lit advance two dollars and fifly cents will he Invariably charged, Tutus AbVJ.niistNu : One Bo,uare(lenllne or less) one or thice Insertions $1,10; enth nul.se (pieut Insertion cents, hi'Acn, 1m. Hvt. km. (1m. lv, Oneo.iuaie -MjO 5,C0 $1,(k1 JO.iio !lii,(w Two uptarcs 3,oi ej" fl,f w ti 1 1,0) 1 hree Miuares V' 7,f) ,) U.liO Km) l'Olir KipUllev U.tXl rt.lK) 10,1)0 11,1)0 'Of.lHI Half column Um IJ.im I-Vm 'M.iw One column IV' 1V' S,00 nnn) cii.an nxecutor's and Admlnlstiator'H Notice Jt.fMj Au dltors Notice tHher advertisements Inser- tednccordtng to special cotitrat. 1 Ihtslness notice, without advertUement, twenty cents er line. Transient advertisements payable In advance all others due after the first Insertion. 3 It N, In 11W ttw, more likely ti he atlsfae- lory, both to subscribers and to tho Vubltshrs that lemlltaucesnnd all communications icspci t j lug the hieducHsof Ihepapi r, he sent direct to tlei oillceorpuhllcatluti. All leltein, vln Iher relating, to the edltoilal or buslncs coiicetnsif the paper,) and all p-v mcnts for subscriptions, adveitlstng, or Jobbing, nie to he unde to and addressed uuocicwAY a rui:i:.i:, "(Wumbittn Otffrr," llLoovisuuiui, Va. Vtlnted at Ihiblsou'a p.ulldlugs, near tho Comt House, by ('has. M, VNbKiisi,trr, FltANK It. HSVIU-U. BUSINESS CARDS. J 015 PIUXTTNCr Noutlj- UMCUtl'cl nt (lilt OltUc. jyj ""iH'lfiTL'K, " " A T T O It X 1'. Y - A T -1, A W, Ashl'uitl, clmj 11:111 County, I't un'n, "JACKSON" A T TOIl N U V . A T- Ii A W, llt'nvtck, Cnluialil.i t'ounly, lVnu'it. jTM. TUAl'OII, " A T T O I! N i: V . A T-1. A V, ItorwlrU, t'olumhU Cnunly, IVnu'n. "iuilAM'irAHTuhT, A TTO 11 N II Y.A'I'-l. A W '('KXTltATiIA, l'A. j c ) i fx ( f. i utKKz f:, A TTO It N II Y A T-l.A W. OMlci' In Itculstor un.t Ili'i.nlcr'.i ulll.v, fu lln liiisi'lneut nf tho I'ouit JInuio, IJlooiiiiltiHK, I'll. JOHKKT I'. CIiAItK, ATTlllIN K Y- T-l. A W onkc enrner of Main uml Marl;it slri-ols-, nvi-r First National ll.tnk, lltoomsburg, Pa, J) it. l. 11. km: A graduate of .Itilci'son Medical Colhirn. Phil adelphia, having yerinamntlv located, oH'cih his prolesslotul serviee to the ellli-tis ol Culaw issa and vh-Iulty. Ollh-e on Main stieet, second door east ot Creasy A JoIiu'h llulldlng. (aiir.VdT-Om jr. mttm:, A TTO It X i: V- A T.I. A V, Ollliv on Mnln MrcH, tn brk'k liullilfni; hi-tnvr Hip Couit Uoiuc, Uliiiimslmitr. r.i. Q li. imOCKWAY, A TTO It N K Y A T Ii A W, III.Il(I.MsniIi:C, l'A. 1'$' orrif k Cniirl IIuih Alli-y, Ik-Iow 11,00. lumhmn Oilier, LJ'inIC j ii. aoinsox," ATTOltMIY-AT-IiAW, m.noM-iiriiii, 'i:nk'., odlri' In I'linngit'H llulMlus, Mnln sireii, 'i.t (if Hip Alni-rlciui Jlunsi. !mirii7, u ivfT o"x Kvrn. mohi:s corr.MA.v, lliwitn; fiillrtwcil llio iiviftnil(m ot I'iiIiIIp Voiiitui"' I'llin Inr 11 111 11 v yrnii, umilil liiturin lilx trii'iiiU Hint hu Uktlll In Iho lli'M, ica.ly unil willing In atU'lul ti.ull tliu ilnllcH nf Ills rnllin. lVihiiiiK ihslriiiK liW ht-rvli ft hIiiuiM t'nll or willo to tiltn jit Nlooinslnili;, Tn. lnmrVU7. V. II. illtADUCY, lljito AKsiitnnt Moll, -nl lllr.TUr t'. H. Arl.iy.) I'll VHICUS A.N' 1 SUUUIIIIN, tfir oftl en nt tho hnnsn o.kii.IIo hlilvi.'ii itlix-K, IIlouini.lntri;f I'a. Culls iirumiitly uttcrnleil to both nlslit oiul Uny, lllooi'inlin-K, Jan. 11, W!7. j a. euasKL, IIAUNTAs HAllIH.i:, AND TltUNK MASUrAlTUKIIll, anil nVuli-r In CAitrirr-iiAaw, vamsiv, n.v.xirm, ir Main htroi't, llliniinsluirif, I'a. g c siTl vl:, r A II I N I! T M A K ll It, AMI It AM'FACI t'ltl.lt ltr htlJAM OK .SASH, llMXDS, JKKllfH, H II I' T T I". It H, M () U I. II I N ( H, WINDOW ritAMIX, AC. MAIN Mltft.T, IlI.OOMHIIiriKI, I'A, ' Juno IMiT, s : 0. cousins. r a k 11 ion a li ii j; HIIAYJXU, IIAIH (JUTTING A Nil hllAMPOOI.NO HALCO.V, Over Widmaj t r iV Jaeoby'M lee Cieaut Hatooii, llLOOMHIIiyittl, VA. Hilr Vvelng nnd WhUkern cohned black or brown. I lair I onio lo dcUo) daudiuirntidbuiu tlfUng the hair; will retoro hair to Its original color without holllng the 11 lie. t fabric, constantly on haiitl. api r:'G7. 0. t L. S A V A O K. PU VtTIt'AI, WA'UMAKi:U ANO JKWIII.UY, .Vnhi Mieft, mar Ac Chuit Jfouse, lU.oosisiiLt(o, Va. CoithtNUtly on hand u tint assortment of AMi:iUCAN ANO HWIHH WATCIMIH, ClocU, Jewelry, hlUerwaro and hiK-ctatlcH Particular nttenllou juld to Iho lepaliliiK of Watt hen, C lot lu, Jowelry and Ppeetaelefl, Hit AfaHonlo marku made to order, All work wuiranUd. (aprU't7. lA LL ICM)S Or JOH PHINTINO neatly eiecttliil at TllK Cui.umuian Httam 'nutlug Otllce, (LMioirc ocfiMi. Tin; 11 1tv1nt, O11 Ihe gieeu hanks of Hhannnn, when hheelah was nlh, Nn Mlthe Irish hit wa h-t happy us I j No harp like my ow 11 timid no cheerily play, And wherever 1 went was my jMior dug Traj . Whiiialla.t I was forced fioin my Sheelah to pntt, Hhe wild (while tin1 soi row was bla nt her heart) li 1 remember your Mln-elah when far, far.awayt And Ik- kind my dear Vat, to our jsjor dog Tray. Poor dog I he was faithful nnd kind, to be sure, And he constantly loved me, although t was poor; When the Hour-looking folks sent me henrlless awa , I had always a friend In my poor dog Trny. When He road was so dark, and tlm night was no cold, And Pat ami hlsihtg wete grown weary mid old, How Kiiugly we slept in my old coat ofgrey, And he Hi ked mo for kind nets my poor dog Tray. Though my wallet was M-ant I lememhered bis case, Nor tefuscil my last crumb to his pitiful face ; Hut he died at my feet on a cold wintiy day, And I played a sid hum nt for my poor dog Tray. Where now shall I go.poor, for-aken.And blind? Can I Ilnd one to guide me, m faithful ami kind ? To my nweet native village, ofar, faraway, I can never more 1 etui 11 with my poor dog ray. Owijilrlt. PACTS AM) PAt'lITMl. God llli the Hoys. titrur to "(W Ithnnthf tiiih." (Il bless the lHy., Who thrill our Joys, With loving, tmder kisses! Who wiuep7e ourhamN tlr loose ourbiiiiils Oftlowlughllkcu trehsen! Then romp and sw lug lis, o'er Ihe spring, Adow n the diady hollow ; TIs all the s line, They'te not to blame, l.ov-0 leads.nnd they but foi low, Onil lllevs the .Mm. fiod bh"s the men! We s.vy amen t Who buy us tdinwls and dies soi, OreandhiUlrniw, f)r lemon ims, Mamt treat w hen heat opprtVted, The dmi;s and dean, Weil soothe their fearn, And .how a heap ot sorrow, Just as It Milts, Tor gloves or boots, 'lhits wanted for Ihe morrow, Oh, can't we wile. And coax and smile, When th-y of cash urm weaiy. Toget the "Job1 Ami ease their fob, Leaving them ne'er a "nary," Select S a t c . THE METEMPSYCHOSIS. a niiitMA.v i.miixti COM l.t Iil.ll, DniiNc thu interval, I siittipptwltu lite L'ltiuk, niurkliiK the limir-. iiti-s raiiiilly py. Kvcry lid: wai ih ti (lwitli-UiiclI to ny cm- every movement of tho hands, Is tho motion of a scimitar levelled to I ut me in pieces. I heard all, and I .iv nil in horrid silence. Two o'clock itlentrth Mmck. "N(nv,".-a!d I, "there li hilt one hour for me on earth then fho dreailfnl -tnijJKh' Dphiiis then I mi-tlive aalii in the tomlionly topor--h inKeralily." Half an hour passed, Mien forty, then fifty, then llfty-Iive. I aw with utterde.-p.ilr tho miniito htiiid ;ol)ythe hitler, and approached the iiieriiliim mimlier of the dial. .As it iwopt on, a stupor fell over my spirit, a mi.-t nwaiti heforo niy eye-, ami 1 al most loit thu power of conscioti-iic-s. Mlast I heard urn: ntrlku nloiid; my lleoh croeped with dread then liru ; I Kaveau uuiversil shudder then three, mil I na.--ped convul.-iively, and saw anil hoard notlil uir fiifther. At this moment I w.h .-enillile of an iiiuffentblu coltlnes.--. My heart llutter ;tl, then it heal stront,', and tlio hlood, a-sltiK a.-, it wcroovcrniy chilled frame, fitvo it warmth and animation. I al-o bewail hy slow ilejjree.s lo lireatlie. Hut hoii;li my hodily frollnc; wero tints orpid, my mental ones wero very dif fident. They were on lliu rack ; for I new that I win now hurled alive, and tiat tho dreadful MriiKxIu "'as ahoul lo oinmenee. instead of ivjolcim; as 1 .covered the genial kIow ofllfo appall 1 with blank dcpalr, I was lcrrlllc.il i move, liecau-u 1 knew I would feel ton horrid walls of my narrow prbon llui-i'. I wasterrilleiIioliieatlK',hecaii-e tlo pent air within it would ho e.hau-t-ijl.iind thusull'ocation ofstiiiKf,'lir ilanity wouldselnoupou me. 1 was oven twilled to open my eyes, and Kazeilpon tjo eternal ilarkne.-s hy which 1 was sjrrouuded. Could I resist V tho Idea wis madness. What would my troui;th ii)iill against tho elofcd collln, and the p-e.iitiro ahove, below, and on every do'.' "No, I mut tililde tho strujujlu, ylilcli a fuw seconds nioi'o will lirltiKonj must jietlah deplornlily in It. Then io Epicurean worm will feast upon my 'mains, nnd I shall no Iohkw hearany innd, or .eo any slk'ht, till tlio last unipct fluill awaken mo froniwlunihor, : id gather mo together from thu J.tw.s of tjo tomb." Jtcanwhilc, I felt tho necessity of eatliinn, and I did hreathu fully and lie air was neither soclosunor scanty iilml(,'lit bavu lieen supposed. "Tills, hjwevur," thounht I, " Is hut the tlrst nt my respiration : a few more, nml tho iiil air will bo exausted ; then will tho n !ony of deatli truly commence." I n verthelcs.s breathed auaiu, and iiualii, ahl iiRitin; but uotltlui; like stllllii; si ml upon mo untiring l'1" kliu'i ey.'ii when 1 had made llfty nood respl ntinns. On tlio contrary, I respired with tho most perfect freedom. This i-uiick mo as very singular; and being nfttirally of an Inipil-ltlvo disposition, 1 tilt an Iricsistlblo wlsli, oven In my sljiiatlou, to invesllgato If iosslhlo tho c. isu or It. "Tho collln must bo u coiiseioimbly large," This was my lljt Idcai and to uncertain It, I slightly n sed my hands, shiitldeiingat thesanio li no at tlio thought of their loiulug In cioitaet with tho lid nhovouio. 1 low ov er they oncountoriri no lid. Up, up, 1 el vntcd then), nnd met with nothing. I lien groped to the sides, but thoeolllll la rally hcemetl etpudly capacious j no sit wero to bo found. "Thlsls certain ly most extraordinary bhell to bury u a i 'tin of my Mko lu, I shall try If possl- bl to asceitiilu Its limits before I din su iposu T endeavour to stand uprlglit." TI 0 thought no sooner camo across my m id than 1 carried It It. to execution. I ot up, raising myself by blow degrees, Injcnso ofliiiockingiuy !icuiln;riilnsttlio lid. Nothing, however, Impelled my extension, and I stood straight. I even raised my hands on high, to feel If It wero possible to reach tho top no such thing; tlio collln was apparently with out bound-.. Altogether, I felt inoro comfortable than it burled man eoulil expect to bo. Ouu thing .struck iiie,nnd it was tills I liadnograve-clothesiipon me. "Hut," thought I, "tills Is accounted for: my cousin come.s to my property, nnd tho scoundrel has adopted thu most econom ical means of getting rid of me." I had not as yet opened my eyes, being daunted nt tlio Itlea of encountering thu dreary darkness of tlio grave, lint my eotirago being fconiewhnt augmented by tho foregoing events, I endeavored to open them. This was Impossible; anil, on examination, I found that they wore bandaged, my head being encircled with a llllet. On endeavoring to loosen It, I lost inybalaiico,nnd tumbled down with a hideous' iioIm;. 1 did not merely fall upon the bottom of tho collln, as might bu expected; on tho contrary, I seemed to roll off It, and fell lower, as It were, into home vault underneath. In endeavoring to nrrest this strnngo de scent, I caught hold of the collln, and pulled It on thu top of inc. Nor was this nil; for, before I could account for such a train of extraordinary accidents below ground, nnd while yet stupefied and bewildered, I heard a door open, and, In an instant after, human voices. "What In Heaven's name, can ho the meaning of this'.'" ejaculated I Involun tarily. "Is it a dream'.' am 1 asleep or am J awako'.' Am I tlead or alive?'' While meditating thus, and struggling to extricate myself from tlio collln, I heard some onu say distinctly, "(iootl (iod, lie is como alivul" My brain was distracted hy ti whirlwind of vnin con jectures; but lieforu it could nrrangoone idea, I fell myself seized upon by both ar;n,aud ral-ud up with Irresihtiblo force. At Iho sumo lu-tant, tho llllet was druwn from my eyes. I opened them withauitine inent In-lead of tho gloom or deatli, thu glorious lighter heaven burnt upon them! I was confounded ; and, toaddto my surpri-e, I saw supporting mo two men, with whoso faces I was familiar. 1 gazed at tho one, then at the other,with looks of tlxetl astonishment. "What is this'."' said I; "where am IV" "You must remain tpiict," taid Iho eldest, with a pmile. "Wo inttst have you putlo bed, and afterwards dre-scd." "What is this'."' continued 1; "ami not tlead was I not burled'.'" "Hush, my dear friend let inu throw Ibis great co.tt over you." "lint I inustspcak," saitl I,myspiises stil wandering" Where am 1 V who aro you'."' " Do you not know me'."' " Ye-," replied 1, gazing nt lilm In-tently--"My friend Doctor Wuntlerduilt. (iootl (lod, how tlo you happen to be hero'.' Did I not como allvo lu the grave'.'" " Von must thank us that you did not," said lie "Look around, anil. -ay if you know where you are," 1 looked, as he directed, nnd found myself lu a large room fitted up with benches, anil having half-a-dozen skele tons dangling from the roof. While doing this, be ami his friend smiled at each other, tindseemetlauxliai-ly await ing my reply, and enjoying my wonder. At List I satisfied myself that I was lu theanatomieal theatre of the University. " I!ut," sahl r, "there is somcHiIng lu all this 1 cannot comprehend. What where is tlio collln V" " What ioi)ln, my dear fellow Y" said Wiintlerilutlt. " The collln that 1 was in." "The collln," saitl he.smlllng, "I sup pose It remains wheru it was put thotlay before yesterday." I rubbed my eyes with vexation, not knowing what to make of those per plexing circumstances, "I mean," said I, "the collln-lhat Is the collln 1 drew over upon t e when 1 fell." " I tlonot know ofanyeofiln," answer ed he, laughing heartily! "hut I know very well you have pulled upon your self my good iniihugany table; there it lies," And, on luoklng, 1 observed the large table which .stood lu Ihemitlilleof tho ball, overturned upon the Hour. Dr. Wuntlerduilt (lie was professor of ana tomy to the college' now iiuiile mo vu tire, and had ine put In bcdtill clothing could bo procured. Hut I would not allow him to depart till hohiid unravel eilthestrangewehorperplexlty luw hleh 1 still round myself involved. Nothing would satisfy me hut a philosophical isolation of tho problem, "Why was I not hurled alive, a- I had reason to ex pect'."' Thetloctor expounded this In tricato point luliie following manner: "Tho day heforo yesterday," -aid he, "I Informed the resurrectionists in the bervice of tho University, that 1 was ill want of a subject, desiring them at the fame time to -et to work with all speed. That very night tliey returned, a-surlng mo that they had fished up onu which would aii'twer to n hair, being both youngand vigorous, lu order to Inform myself of the tpiallty of what they broiightine, I examined the hotly, when, to my indignation and grief, 1 found that they had disinterred my oNccllont friend, Mr. Frederick Stadt, who hud been buried the same day." " What !" said 1, starting up from tho hod, "did they disinter me',' tho scoun drels." " You may well call thoin scoundrel." said tho professor, "for preventing n gentleman from enjoying thu pleasure of being buried alive. Tho deed was certainly most felonious; and, If you lire ut all anxious, I shall havu them reported lo tho Syndic, and tried for their Impertinent interference. Hut to proceed. No sooner did I observe that they had fallen upon you, than I said, "My good men, this will never do. You have brought niohere my worthy friend, Mr. Stadt. I cannot feel lu my heart to unntomlru him, so Just carry him I quietly back to his old quarters, mid I j shall pay you his price, and something j over and ahove," " What 1" said I, ngalu Interruplliii. the doctor, "Is It possible you could be so Inhuman as to mnko the s 'ouu'Irel bury mo iigitln'.'" " Now, Ktarit," rejoined he, with h smile, "you area strnngo fellow. You were angry at tlm mm for raising you, and now you nre angry nt me for endea vouring to ropnlr their error hy re-ln-terrlng you," "I Jut you forget that 1 was to como alive'." 'How the douce was 1 to know that, dear hoy'.'" "Very true, (lo on, doctor, and ex cuse mo for Interrupting you so often." " Well," continued lie, "tho man carried you last night to deposit you lu your long home, when, ns fato would havu It, they were piovcntod by a ridi culous follow or a tailor, who, ror n trilling wager, had engaged to sit up alone, during tho whole night, in thu church-yard, exactly at tho spot whero your gravo lay. So they brought you back to tho college, resolving to Inter you to-night, if tho tailor, or tlio duvll himself, should stand in their way. Your timely resuscitation will save them thistrouhle. At tho same time, if you are still offended at them, they will bo very happy to tako you back, and you may yet enjoy tho felicity of being hurled ullvc." Such was a slmplo statement of tho fact, delivered in the professor's good humoured and satirical style; and from It tho reader may guess what a narrow escape I had from tho most tlreatirul of deaths, and how much am I Indebted, In the first Instance, to the stupid blunderlngof the resurrectionists, and, In tho second, to tho tailor. I re turned to my own hotiso ns soon ns possible, to the no small mortification or my cousin, who was proceeding to invest himself with all that belonged to me. I made him refund without ceremony, and nltered my will, which hail been mailo in his favour; not for getting in so doing his refusal to let my body remain two days longer unhurled. A tiny or two afterwards I saw a funeral pass by, which, on Inquiry, I learned to bo Wolstnng's. Ho died suddenly, as I was Informed, and some persons re marked it as a curious event that his deatli happened at precisely the same moment ius my return to life. This was merely mentioned as a passing observa tion, but no iufe'reiico was deduced from it. Thu old domestic in Wolstnng's houe gavu a wonderful account of his death, mentioning thuhournt which bo said hu was to tile, nnd how it was veri fied by tho event. She suhl nothing, however, about thu hundred gliders. Mnny considered her story ns n piece of nierotrumpery. Slio had nevertheless n number of belluvcrs. tin respect to inysei I, l excited a great talk, receiving invitations to dine Willi alnitxt all tho respeclahlu families in Oottlngen. I had the bonourof being waited on by Doctor Deillmus Dunder- lieatl, who, after shaking mo hy tho hand in tho kindest manner ulu mo give a long account or my reelings at the instant or coining alive, or cour.se, I concealed every thing connected with tho.Mcteinpsycltosis.nnd kept out inanv elrcuuistances.whichat thetlmu I did not wish to ho known. Hu was nevertheless highly dclighted.nndgavoltas hisnplu ion l which, being oracular, was in.-tant- ly acted upon,) that a tlecrlption or tho whole should bo in-ortedln the annals of the University. I had thofartlierhonour orbelng Invited to dinner at his house an honour which 1 duly appreciated, knowing Hint it Is nlino-t nuvorconferrod except on the syndics, burgomasters, nml deacons or thu town, anil a row or the profe-sors. The.-u events which aro hero related at full, I can only atte.-t hy my own word.exeept indeed t ho affair of tlio com ing alive, which every body In (iottin gen know. of. If any doubt tho inoro unlikely piirloorthetletall, I cannot help it. I have not written this with tho view of empty fame, and still less of profit. 1'hlltMjphy has taught inu to despise tho former, and my income rentiers tho latter an object of no im portance. I merely doit to put my fellow-citizens on their guard against tho inachlntions of thu old fellow with tho MMill'-culoured stirtout, thu scarlet waist coat, unil the wooden leg. Abovoall, they should carefully abstain from sign ing any paper ho may present to them, however plau-lhlo his offers may be. Ily mere thouglitlc-snesnin tills respect, I brought myself into a niultltuilo of dangers anil difficulties, from which every one lu tho saiueprorilcamont may not escape so easily as I havo done, IIllW TO TllI.I. A (iot)D TKACIIKlt. A gentleman from Swnmpvillo wns telling how many different occupations lie hail attempted. Among others hu hail tried school teaching. " How long did you teach Y" aked n bystander. " Wal, 1 didn't teach long; that is, 1 only unit to teach." " Ditl you hire out'.'" " Wn!, I didn't hire out, I only went to hlro out." " Why did you givo it up?" " Wal, 1 guv ll up for sonio reason or uuther. You see, I traveled Into a tlcslelet nnd Inquired for the trustees. Somebody said Mr. Snlcklcn was tho man 1 wanted to see. Ho I found Mr. Snlckles uauiiil my object, Introducing my-elf, and asked him what ho thought about li'ttlu mu try my luck with tlio big boys and unruly gals in thu iteslrict. Unwanted to know If J really consltl- eretl myseir capable; and 1 told him 1 wouldn't mind Ills asking mo a fow easy questions in 'rlthnietlo and Jogra phy, or showing my hand-writing. IIu Mhl no, never mind, hu could tell it good teacher by his gait. "Let mo seo you walk off a llttlu way-," says he, " and 1 can toll jl-t it-s If I'd lu aid you examined," says he. lie sot lu tlio door as lie spoke, and I thought ho looked a little skittish; but I was ciii.s!il'rablofiisrfrtft',nnri walk ed on as smart as 1 knew how, Ho suhl ho'd tell mo when to stop, so I kep' on till I thought l'tl gone far enough and tho H'pectetl s'thlng wits lo pay, and looked round. Witt, tlm iloor u-ua ahet, ami Suicides teas yoiie t" " Did you go hack?" " Wnl, no- 1 didn't go back." " Did you npply ror another school'.'" " Wal, no 1 didn't npply ftir another chofl," mid tho gentleman from Swaiupvllle. "I rather Judge my ap pearance wnsngln ine." A'. 1'. Teavher, AtlTEMUS WARD, TUB 8UOW-! MAW VlflTOilw n mnti ott a trpno ' -..-, AAA UILJLAAIAIU "Mit. SiiAKim," scd I, "you seo he-. lore you it itaiio lu tlie Woods, so to speak, and ho nxes shelter of you." ' " Yuy," scd the Shaker, nnd led the way Into the house, another .Shnker belli sent to put my bosses and wugln under klver. solum female, lookln somewhat llko a last year's bean-pole stuck into a long melo bag, como in and nxed me wns I athurst, and did I hunger'.' to which I urbanely nn-ercri, "a few." She went orf, nml I endeavored lo open a eonver suslnm with the old man. " Klder, I spect'.'" setl I. " Yuy" hosed. " Health's good, I reckon." " Yuy." " What's the wages of a Klder, when ho understands his business or do you dovoto your service gratooilous ?" "Yuy?" "Stormy night, sir." "Yny." " If tho storm contlnncrs there'll bo a mess underfoot, buy Y" " Yny." " It's onplcnsnnt when there's a mess underfoot ?" "Yay." "If I may be so bold, kind sir, what's tlio price of that pocooler kind of wes kit you ware, Incloodln trliumlns?" " Yny." 1 pawscd a mluit, and then, thinklii I'd be faeslius with him, and seo how that would go, I slapped li tin on the shoulder, burst into it Irarty larf, and told him that ns a iaicr ho had no llv in ekul. Ho jumped up as If bllln water had bin squirted Into Ids cars, rolctl his eyes up tords thoscalin nnd scd: " You're n man or sin," Ho then walkt out or tho room. Diroekly thar cum lu two young Slin- kereses, as pooty and slick looklngguls ns 1 ever met. It Is troo, they wns drest In melo bags llko tho old one I'd met previously, nnd thar shiny, silky liar was hid from sight by long white caps, lcli as I spoe fomnlo Cost s wear ; but thar eyes sparkled llko dlmins, thar cheeks was llko roses, nnd they was charmlii cnuff to make n man throw stuns nt his grandmother, If they nxed him to. 1 hoy commenst clearln away tho dishes, catin shy glances at mo nil tho time. I got excited. I forgot Uetsy Jane In my raptor, and sez r, my pretty dears, how air you Y" " We aro well," they solumnly sed. "Whnr's the old man'.'" scd I, in a soft voice. " Of whom dost thou speak Urothcr Uriah'."' " I mean tlio gay and festive cuss who calls mo n man of sin. Shouldn't won der ir his name was Uriah Y" " lie lias retired." " Well, my pretty dears," scz I, "let's havo some run. J.ets play ptiss In the corner. What say'."' " Aro you a Shaker," they nxed. " Wall, my pretty dears, I havu 't ar raid my proud Torm In n long weskit yit, but if they was all like you, per haps l'tl jlne 'em. As It Is, I'm a Sha ker proteniporary." They va fun 0f fun. I seed that at fust, only, they was n llttlo skeery. I taut 'cm puss In the corner, and slch llko plase, nml wo had a nlcu time, keepin quiet, of course, so that tho old chapshoiildn'tlhear. When wo broke tip,ez I, "my pretty dears.ear I go,you hav no objections, hav you, to a Inner sent kiss nt partluY" " Yay," they said, anil I a'd. Tin: last Mincim'ii: A Yankiie Homa.vci:. Chapter I. Sho threw her self upon his breast and wept. Chapter 1 1. As sho ceacd weeping ho groaned audibly. There they s.it en twined In each other's arms for about two hours, and nary ono on 'em spoke. Chapter III. A voico fractured the solemn stillness of thu air. 'Twas Ku geno's. "How sweet, my own love, Harriet, If I had but a mince-pie to eat." Then she lifted her tear-dliumed eyes to thu starry heavens, clasped her hands wildly, and exclaimed, "Comu with mu to thu kitchen, love, and thou shalt eat thy fill, Tor theru wero three iff them left at dinner." They clasped each other by tho hand, and rushed to tho pantry. Chapter IV. Two mlnco-pies had disappeared, and tho third wa about to sliaro tho sumo fate, when a stealthy step wes heard. "1'ly, my angel my beau ! 'TIs tho old woman, I know." And sho fell fainting at his feet. Chapter V. Tho old woman stootl faco to face with Kugeno. And sho asked him what ho had been doln' with tho gal, anil hosnid he hadn't dun noth ln'. fc" m seized upon the remaining pio and, with tho ferocity of a tigress, sho chucked It at him. Chapter VI. Her aim had been too true. Sho hit him In the pit of tho stomach, and ho fell nt her feet a corpse. They buried them both in ono gravo; and overy Spring tho village maidens planted onions over tho placo whero tlio lovers aro at last united. Fi:itiNiNn Lome A lady ouco do. dared that sho could not understand bow gentlemen could smoke. "It absolutely shortens their lives," said she. "I d n't know that," replied u gen tlcmr.n. " There's my father who smokes ev ery day, and bu is now seventy years old." " "Well," was the reply, "if ho lmil never smoked, ho might havo been eighty." It appears that Infanticide prevails to it great extent among the freed negroes. In Columbia, Mississippi, nine babies wero found in one well. Is this what Sheridan means when ho says " thu frccdiucn are doing well enough ?" Aha II Mtiv. says tuo negro has been tho most fortunutu or tho two races In tho Into war. Whilst tho whito man lost nil Ills property, unil liberty also, tho darkey not only gained his freedom, but In doing bo, never lost a scent. SING AWAY YOUR GRIEF. U'l! frtii hIiwf nifnc nut enrna noutot than wo can reason them tiwny. Slilg In . innrnlnir. The birds nro the ear- Hct to sing, thu birds arc more without enru than anything elsu I know of. Sing In the evening. Singing Is tho last tiling that Jroblns tlo. When they havo Down their Inst flight and picked up tliclr last morsel of lood nml demised their hill on n napkin of n bough, then on a topmost twig, they sing ono song of praise. I know they sleep sweeter ror it. They dream music; ror somo times In tho night they break forth in Hinging, and stop suddenly nftcr tho first note, startled by their own voice. Oh that wo might sing evening nnd morning, and let song touch song nil tho way through. As I wns returning from tho country the other evening, between six and seven o'clock, bearing n basket of (low ers, I met a man that wns npparently tho tender of n mason. He looked brick and mortar all overt Ho hud worked the entire day, nnd ho hud tho npiiear- anco of n man that would not bo afraid or work. Ho was walking with a lithe step, nnd singing to himself as ho passed down tlio street, though ho had been working the whole day, and nearly tho week. Wero It not that my good thoughts always como too Into, I should havo given him a large allotment or my ilowers. If ho hud not been out of sight when the idea occurred to me, I should liavo hailed him ami said, "Havo you worked all day'.'" "Of course I have," ho woultl havo said. "And nru you singing?" "Of course 1 nm.". "Then tnku these Ilowers homo nnd givo them to your wife, and tell her wliat a blessing sho has In yon. Oh Hint wo could put songs under our burdens. Oil that wo could extract the senso of sorrow by song! Then tlieso tilings woultl not poison so much. Sing in tlio liou.-e. Tench your children to sing. When troubles como go nt them with songs. When griefs nrlse, sing them down. Lift tlio voico of song against enres. Praise God by singing; that will lift you above trials of every sort. Attempt it. They sing in heaven; and among God's people upon earth, song is tlio nppropriato lauguago of Christian reeling. Ikccher. Funny Inciiiknt. On tho steamer Indiana, on one of her trips down tho Mississippi, there happened to bo on board a lloosier from tho AVabash, who was going to Now Orleans, and had provided himself with an old fiddle, fancying ho could fiddlo ns well as tho next man, and planting himself whero ho could attract notice, scraped away. Tlio fellow couldn't fiddlo any moro than n setting hen, nnd tho horriblo uuisu iiisiuroeu ins leilow nu-sciiL'ers. Frenchman of very delicate nerves and musical ear wiisespecially annoyed. llo fluttered fidgeted, and sworo at tho llddle. Tho passengers tried various. expedients to rid themswlves of tlio Hoosier and his fiddle, but It was no go, ho sworo lie'd "mtislck Just as long as hu pleasod." At last a big Kentuckiau sprung from ids scat saying, "I'll fix him." Placing himself by the fiddler, ho commenced braying witli all hU might. The effect of this move was be yond description. Old Kentucky brayed so loud that ho drowned tho screacl.ing of tlio fiddle, and amid the shouts of thepassenger, tho discomfited Hoosier retreated, leaving tho victory with tho Keiituckhui, and his Imitation or Uala nni's Mend. Tho dolight or tho French man knew no hounds, and quiet was restored. During tho night, tho Ken tuckiau left tho boat. Tlio next morn ing, heforo breakfast, tlio passengers wero startled hy tho discordant sounds of tho tormentor. Hoo.-icr had dl-cov- cretl the coast was clcur, ami was bound to rovengo himself on tho passengers. Louder and worse than ever, screamed tho fiddle. Tho Frenchman I ust seated to read his paper, on tlio first otind roso and looked anxiously around, shruggud ms siiouiiiers and then shouted, " Vitro Is ho? Varo Is ho? Quick; quick! Vurois Monsieur Kcntuck, do man vat play on do jackass Y" Quakkii Wit Outwittkii. A Qua ker having lost a quarter of mutton bv a lawyer's dog, repaired to the ofilco of tho latter and said : "1 linvocomo to usk a piece of thy advice. Suppose it dog carried off a leg of mutton from me, whero do 1 look for pay, to tho dog or his owner?" " Oh," said tho man or the quill, "to tho owner of tho dog ; bo Is responsible fir any damage his dog does thee." Said broadbrim : "Theo owes me seventy-live cents." "Ah!" suld the lawyer; then my dog did tho mischief! Well, horo's your money." Thu face of tlio Quaker expanded with usmlloat his shrewdness in fore stalling tho opinion of a lawyer, and was about making Ids exit from thu of fice, when ho was brought to a halt by tho lawyer saying: "I hay a small bill against you my friend." "All! for what?" said the Quaker. " For advice In tho dog ease two dol Iars," was tho reply. This was a po-er, It being strictly legal and tho lowest fco In tho calendar for advice, there was no dodging, so tlio money was forked ovor,and with mi el ungated phiz tlio Quaker departed, mi nus ono dollar mid n quarter worse than when ho camo, and a wiser If not it bet ter man. Oni: F.nol h ran Him. A middle nged farmer and Ids wifo wero enjoying an evening eozlly together, when tho conversation turned upon religious mat ters, as described In tho lllble, which tho man had opened before him. " Wife," said tho farmer, "I'vo been thinking what happy society Solomon must linvo had lu his day, with so many wivos, etc., as Is lepresentod," " Indeed," replied tho wife, some what mined, "you had better think of something else, then. A pretty Solo mon you would make why, you can't tako proper euro or ono wire. What u pretty llgtiru you would cut, then, with a dozen wives, unduli of them as spir ited as I am I" ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers