- $t Ofdumbum, HI.OOMSHUltQ, PA. PIIIDAV 9IOHNINU, JULY td, 101. FOUJUIHIKOI-'TIIK lll'UKMK COl'IlT, QEORGE 8HARSW00D OF PinLAPIIM'HIA, ClumMa County I)e tuocrMIe Convention. NOTICI5 I hpirby kIvpii thnt the Democmtlc IfclntH In ninl fur ltn ncverul IwrnuirliM nml eloo lloiuUlrlI)f (Vilmiitiin Omitty, will meet nt tlintt iitinlitliwMir holilltiif tlHlrnt nrral election niiH TI T H I . Y T 1 1 KT W t. N T Y H K V KNT 1 1 lAY HI' J If t.Y. lHfl7..Htwifli I ho hour of .1 mul 7 nV lnk in llif atlerniNtti of unlit ilny fur th puriHM of morning in jt,ii't iw" iipikiiii'k ihmii iiicn r:inrllnu iMMirici i ini'oi in i-mimy t onvi'iuion IIIKHIM'IU IIUt'.-ThiH niiniiiiMPitrKiUIl HMf dny llif i"th, lny f July, nt 1 o'clock, p,m.( inr imp puriKUP oi iiiiiKiiiK uio (miiu iinniii nnmi nnimn m inw n uiwi; wi limit v wun ty. I?. II. HAHKI.l-'.Y. Chairman IVmocnittcHtitiiillngCotii. mr TUB COLUMBIA hi tin Large it Ctrenlallon In Calumhta And adjoining counties of any paper publUhf tl here, nnil I aln a mnrh larger kheet than all)' of lteolmiorarlc nil U therefore the be.i Medium for advertising I" this aretlon of III Slat. As w.iiio persons poralit in inlsundpr- olnnilini! tho purport of tlio "turtl" wo published last week, iw to tho own whip of tlio Coi.U.miiian, Wo propose to niako It mi plnln, thnt tho most ob- tti-n man cannot nilitiike the fact, ex tvpt wilfully. During th(! i.wt Full, hovurnl Untiling Oi'inocratrt in Columbia County, sub t-crllxil tlio mini of MO.OO, for tho pur port' of establishing a .sound Democratic ncw.ipaper, to bo under the control of Colonel John G. Freeze. Finding wo could purchiiso tho Cui.umiiian of its owners), cherter than We could go to I'hil.idelphlaandgettho materials; we opened negotiations with William Xcal, M-ip, Treasurer of tho then ownctn ol the p.iper; and purchased from him the entire establishment, for thu Mittti of i2,U0O.OO; which sum has long since been paid to Mr. Neal, and for which we hold his receipt.. Whether Mr. Neal has ever yet net tled with his co-owners of thu old Co- i.t'MiuAN wo do not know, nor is It u matter of any eonsouuenco to us. Wo have bought it, paid for it, and own It. Our friends and thu public can rest per fectly witlsrled that in tho Cui.umiiian thuy have a sound, reliable Democratic newspaper, able and willing to grapple with the enemies of thu Constitution ;aud tho laws, and devoted to the Inter est"., tho harmony and success of the Jmoyriii'y everywhere. mtOCKWAY A FllEEZE. CONGRESS. CoNoitKRH adjourned on last Satur day, having succeeded In placing the Southern States under complete milita ry dictation. Tho trial by jury, appeals ton higher court, tho writ of habeas cor pus, nil are practically suspended 'throughout ten of tho States which formed our once glorious Union. This cannot bo on account of tho rebellion, because for two years past the civil gov ernments there havo been in full forco nnd effect, and the laws wore as Impar- t'lMtrlnTInistercd and as good"of3ef' malntniued as In any northern State. It cannot bo on account of tho negroes. because thoy are. now enfranchised, nnd register nnd voto without molestation. Besides, they havo tho army, tho Freed limns' Bureau, and tho guarantees of tho Civil lllghts Hill. It must bo apparent that their. sole ob ject is to organize n Republican party wrath out of negro voters, and in order to do that thu bayonet Is called into re quisition. Nny, Sumner and his con freres publicly announco that I'onnsyl; vanla and Now York must bo recon structed, and intimate that negro suf frage Constitutions will bo forced on us. Now Isthu time for the people to rebuke theso demagogues, who, In their liinutl clsm havo destroyed tho Union, havo violated the Constitution, and aro sap ping tho very foundations of our Gov ernment. Our people may think Itdoes not concern them IT tho laws are violat ed clsewhero; but they must remember Unit theso are fatal precedents, and will in timu be used against them. It does concern tliein that ten millions of peo ple arc without a volco In our National halls of legislation, that no freedom ex ists in the South except for negroes ; and that millions upon millions are levied upon us each year In tho endeavor to establish military despotisms in the South, and to crush out tho Industry of her people. lct us rebuke this spirit of discord now, mill again restoro our Union In Us pridtine glory, and hasten tho time when peace und concord shall exist throughout ourentlre boundaries. Joun H. HuititATT. Ono day last week, happening to bo In Washington City, wo went up to tho City Hall, in order to get a glimpse of this noted . prisoner. Tho Hull was densely crowd 1, tho majority of tho audience being . negroes. This. Is not surprising when It U considered that us thoy are tho "na tion's wards," they nro the only gentle men of leisure In that section. Through the kindness of Marshal Gooding, wo were provided with standing room close by Surratt. He Is u small, boyish fel low, apparently about twenty-four 2 years old, with a thin face und a light - moustache und goatee. His wnn fea tures show his long imprisonment and tho efnt-ts of wearing care. During tho examination ho was listless nnd up paruntly unconcerned, and would bo the last ono in tho room wo would havo belected to commit a crime. Wclchman, thu principal witness against him wit close by, und seemed nervous and anxious us though ho were the criminal. Judge Fisher has n stern, military appearance, and by his slngu lor rulings showed that ho "was organ ized to convict." Thojury weroallno looking, Intelll gent K't of men, and watched tho case with becoming Interest. Tho general Impression In Washington Is that Sur ratt will bo acquitted. Tho prosecution havo failed to muku out their case, und utv iiuw cngugcu in coutrauicting ineir own witnesses, mo must or whom havo j und week previous to his liiunlty,mak been proven tobou bet of beouiidrelH !ng Inquiries about n yokoofoxen which andMilcs. Whether Surratt bo convict- ho had valued, of th O Work nil tint Turin od or admitted, the trial liusntany rate established tho fitct of his mother's In nocenco. LITERARY NOTICES. Tub li.vnv's Fitir.Ni, koh Artuw, 18(17. The August number of this charming magnzluo opens with a pi ipmnt Steel F.ngrnviugofn rustic maid en holding two eggs up to tho light to seo If tliey are fre"h. Thu Steel Fah Ion Pluto for this month Is a group of six young misses beautifully designed and colored. Then we have numerous F.iigntvlngs duvoted tu the Fashions Colll'ures, Head Collars, Hals nnd Hon nets, l'eplutus, Dresses, Children's Cos. t Mites, 1'nletots, etc. The Literary contents and editorials nre of tho tlrst order, and wilt bo eagerly read. A beautiful Steel Engraving will be sent gratis to every slnglo (JJ.."0) subscriber, and to every person sending a club. Specimen numbers of tho magazine will bo sent for twenty cents. Price (with engraving) ii.W a year Four copies (with one engraving) Sfi.tiO. One copy of Lady's Friend nnd one of Saturday Evening I'tut (nnd one on graving), $1,0(1. Address Deacon A IV' terson, Mill Walnut Staeet, 1'lillnilcl phln. Tin; GaIj.vxy, for August, contains tho following articles: "Steven Law rence, Yeoman," by Mrs. Edwards; "London Amusements," by W. Win wood Ueade; "The Zone of Calms;" "Why we left tho Homestead," by Sophio May; "Cortiuet," by L. Clarke Davis; "llurglars," by Clifford Thump- sou; "1'estallozzl In America," by C. D. Gardette; "Cutler tho Daisies," by Julia Fletcher; "The Leg lluslnetw,1 by Olive Logan; "Waiting for the Ver dict," by Mrs. H. H. Davis; "Who In vented Sowing Machines?" "Tho Fa cifle llallroad," by William 0. Church ; "Xebtihc," by the Editor. Tho price of Tin; Oai.a.W Is rJH.fiO; two copies for !. Adi.ress, W. 0. & F. P. v hurch, No ;l'J Park How, Now York H.vitlMMt'rt MoNTltf.Y for August is before us. It Is unnecessary for us to say anything in commendation of this well known magazine. Tho contents this inoutli are of an tmusally Interest lug character, beginning with Col. Slrothers "Personal Itecollectlonsol'tho War," in which tho soldier will recog nize many familiar scenes. Thcro Is also nn interesting article on "Tho Turks, tho Greeks, and the Slavons. Tho "Dodge Club" are still In Italy. The other articles are fully up to tho standard, and several of them nro writ ten witli unusual ability. Terms il.W) per annum. Address Harper's Maga zine, New lork. Tin: Atlantic Monthly for August lias been received and is nn unusually, brll Hunt number. Thu contents are " Tho Guardian Angel," " Hospital Memo rles," "Dirge font Sailor," "Up tho Edlsto," "Poor Richard," "Sliak- upeare's Genius," " Longfellow's Trans lation of Dante's Dlvlna Comniedin," "Tho ohl Story," " A Week's Hiding," "Tho LlttloLandof Appenzcll," "Tho Lost Genius," " Cluclmiatti," "A I.ili put Province," etc., etc. Terms, !W cents n slnglo number ; or sl.00 a year. Address Tleknorfc Fields, Hoston, Mass. "Oun MUTU.vr. FitniNi)," published by Httrd & Houghton, No. 159 Hrooma street, Now York,isonoof Dickon's best. They nro published in threostyles. Tho one called tho "Household Edition" Is In 63 volumes illustrated nt SI, 23 per volume. Tho next called tho "Hiver- sldo Edition" IsinSSvoIums, nt$2,.1uper volume, profusely Illustrated, by tho best nrtests. And tho third is tho lolatLonl'iiijai-.ouine.s,illnstra- tcd at $1,50 per volume. This last mi cheap, and beautiful edition, on clear pager, In large type, handy and costly read. It Is tho edition to buy. Wk cln.ss tho Cultivator and Country Gentleman among the ablest and best of our Agricultural papers nnd magazines. Wo would advise thoso of our readers who aro subscribers to it, to carefully file and preserve each number, ns they wjll make a volumo of permanent in terest and benellt. In order that wo may complete our set, will the editors be kind enough to send us Nos. 783, 731, 73!), nnd 711. which failed to reach ourolllceV Pi:n and Punch,, T. H. Dowley & Co., 21 Ann Street, Now York, sends us their new illustrated weekly magazine, entitled " Pen and Pencil," it Is tilled with entertaining literature, Ac. Terms, one copy three months, with 13 tickets, In their Grand Distribution of $.K).(iOil In greenbacks, it ; ten copies for three months and 130 tickets, Address as above. Littbi.'s LivtNt! Atinfor tho present week Is on our table, and fully sustains Its reputation ns a lending magazine, containing as it docs tho cream of all tlio magazines. Slnglo numbeas IS cents, or iW per annum. Address Lltlel & Gay, Hoston, Mass. In Monroocounty, Indiana, last week as some workmen were dlgglnga cellar, they struck a block of stone, which dis appeared with a dull thump. Investi gation disclosed a chamber with it six foot celling, and eighteen by twenty-fl vo feet within tlio walls, which aro of bol Id, neatly-seamod stone work. Ranged in rows on rudely constructed platforms were twelve skeletons, each with toma hawk and arrow heads ut their sides, ear-rings und bracelets of solid sliver lying where they dropped, and piles of what appeared to havo been furs, In tho centro of tho platform, each pile crimi bllng to dust as soon unexposed lo'tho light. A number of fools, mado of cop per, and hardened equal to tho best caste, were also unearthed. Tin: Second Annual Commencement of Andalusia College occurred on Thurs day, ith ult., and Was attended by it largo number or Its friends and patrons. Tho exercises consisted or music, vocal and Instrumental, In many pieces or which great excellence was shown, ami declamation of original und select ad dresses, which wcro cordially received und commended. Thu Latin Salutatory was by W. G. Piatt, or Philadelphia. Ah Oration on American Literature was spoken by E. H. Haldy, of Dan vllle, and tho Valedictory, by Robert Grlmshaw, ofDelaware, upon tho latter or whom was conferred tho Degree of Hachelor of Commercial Ijiw. A Ohkat Hr.ANK, Robert OtUtrson died at Sprlngvale, Pennsylvania, last wook. jjomul been Insane for thirty years, but recovered his benses on his death-bed, and conversed Intelligently of occurrences thnt tmtiuntr..i n... .t.... and of old neighbors who had been dead for years, while Intervening spaco was u perfect blank in his memory. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSEU11G, COLUMBIA MEETING OF THE SUSQUEHAN NA CONVOCATION. Tin: lnt session of the Convocation was uuusnlly Interesting, owing to tho proscneo of the lilshop, and to tho fnct that soiuo of the most encouraging evi dences ol the growth and prosperity of our church In thU part of the Dloeeso wero given. On Tuesday evening, June 2.1th, Dl vino bervlco wns held In Trinity chapel Wllllamsport, tho Rev. -Mr. Spnckinnti rector. This chapel was built by tho new congregation formed In tho upper part of tlio city about eighteen months ngo. When thu vector began his duties thcro wero but eight cominuulcnnts. They number now thirty. After pray er, tho Rev. Mr. Cullen preached the Convocation sermon. Subject, "The Unity of Relievers." The next muni' lug at tho business meeting It was re solved to carry out with tho utmost vlg or the work of planting the Church wherever there seemed lobe an opening for It. And In order to ascertain where there nro openings, a communication was addressed to the parishes nsklng them to provide their rectors with the facilities for spending two weeks of this summer In exploring destitute neighborhoods. The ground taken by thoConviiiitlon Is thnt each parish church U responsible for thu well-being ol thu adjacent tcrrl tory; and that It should exorcise a fos. terlng care over mission stations, and ever to bo on the alert for new open lugs. Ruv. Mr. Drown reported some en cournglng ilelds for missionary work beyond Itenovo, and that ho designs securing land there for church purpos es. Tho plan which Mr. Ilruwn is very earnestly developing Is the securing of strips of land In new places by gift or purchase, and having the same held In tru-t by tho Advancement Society or some other organization until n congre gutloii can lie gathered. Ono of tho difficulties in new places is tho Inability of tho people to contribute money to the support of a rector. If there bo space enough font largo garden It relieves tho burden very greatly, and In addition to this, property Increases in value yearby year. After soiuo conversation upon the best methods of securing lay co-opera tlon In the work of thu Church, It was unanimously resolved to invite Mr. Win. WeKh to visit tho parishes In tho Convocation, to address tho laity and to confer with t hem upon the many spheres of usefulness which are open to them It Is believed there are many people willing to labor for tho souls of others if they only know how, and it is hoped thnt tho visit of this zealous layman will encourago them to give personal service in tho Redeemer's Church. At 101 A. M. Divine service was held In Christ Church. Morning prayer wns rend, and tho Holy Communion celcbra' ted. The sermon was preached by tho Rev. Mr. Shinn. Subject, 'Character istlcs of Children, ns illustrating what must be possessed by thoso who would enter tho kingdom of Heaven." In tlioevening, service wns hehlagaln in Trinity Chapel. Tho ISMiop arrived in time to boat this service, and tlio congregation united with great earnest ness in tho thanks-giving lor his sufo return. Tho Rev. Mr. Spear preached tho sermon ; subject, " Hrotherlv love as mnnirested towards mankind In gen eral, towards all who love tho Saviour, nnd towards thoso orour own Church." Thursday was a most Interesting tiny, Tho old church which was erected du ring tho ministry or tho first missiona ry In the parish,the Row Mr. Lightner, wns crowded with persons who rejoiced that tho tlmo had come when tho re proach or belngnlmost tho weakest con gregation in Wllllamsport, and having tlio most wretched building, was to bo rolled away. For It was on this after noon that tho cornor-stono of a new church edllleo was laid by DIshop Ste vens. The kervlces wcroln the prescrib ed form, nnd Interesting addresses were made by tho lilshop, anil by tho Rev. Messrs. Lightner and Wadlelgh. Tlio attendance of tlio people was large. In the afternoon tho lilshop nnd cler gy went to Montoiirsvlllc, a place four miles from Willinnispoit, whero the Rev. Mr. Wadlelgh has been holding services. Confirmation wns adminis tered to three candidates in tlio ohl Whlto Church, used by all denomina tions. Tho congregation then gathered at thu slto of tho new chapel, and tho cornor-stono wns laid. This is to bo a structure capabloor accommodating two hundred persons. It is built or wood, and will present n very neat appear ance. Addresses wero delivered by Rev. Messrs. Wadlelgh, Spackman, Shinn, nnd the HIshoji. The closing service or the Convocation was licld in tho evening at Christ Church. Sermon by Rev. Mr. Drown, upon "Tho Obligations resting upon nil Chrlstnins to labor for tho spread or tho Gospel." Artertho sermon, tho DIshop inadoan address, tho matter or which was sug gested by tho text or tho sermon. Ho gavenn exceedingly Interesting account ortho Inllucnco which our Church was exerting abroad, especially In tho rotor- nmtlon In Italy; and although ho had gono into the church fatigued with tho very sovero labor of tho day, laying two corner-stones, and attending threo other services, his earnest words cheered tho hearts of all present, nnd mado nil re gret that ".ero was not time to permit mm to enter more fully into tho sub ject. Tho next session of tho Convocation will bo held In Sunbury, beginning Oc tober 15. Tho nuniool tho Convocation will bo hereafter " The Convocation of Wilhilmsport." The l:)ihcouiliaii. (I no. W. Shinn, Secretary. CoNditrAS last week was thrown Into a panic by the report that a man had threatened to blow it up with llfty bar rels of gunpowder. Senators Hnrlan and Nyo at onco had tho modern "Guy l awkes" arrested, and It beemed that during a quarrel with a neighbor ho Had wished that "Congress might bo blown to h ." Tho man was bound over. Of course tho nation Issafo when grave Senators go Into tlio detective business. Cum: rou NpuitAuitA. Take two large tablcspnonfull of cologne, two ta blespoourull of lino salt, and mix them together In a smitll bottlo; every time you havo any acute affection of tho nervo or neuralgia simply breathe the finned In your noso from tho bottlo, ami yViu will ho Immediately relieved. NEGRO VOTING AND NEORO OFFIOE-HOIiDINO. Wk admit that thu qualification to vote and to hold olllcn do not In nil points tally and coincide. Tho same citizen who may voto when he Is twen ty-one, cannot bo n member of congress until he Is twenty-live, nor a Senator until he Is thirty, nor President or Vice President until lie is thirty-five. A naturalized citizen may voto all his life, but hoeitn nover bo President. Ho must have been nlno years n voter be fore ho can ho a Representative. Hut disabilities llko these havo no relation to color. A negro, Ilka a wlilto titan, would bu excluded from tho Presidency If his ngo Is less than thirty-live. A negro, tlio sinuous a whlto man, could never be President If born i ut or the 1'ultcd States. Hut every argument In favor of thu negro's right to voto on tho saniu conditions that the whlto man votes, Is equally nn urgument for the negro's right to hold olllce on tho same conditions that tho white man holds ofllce. Thu argument Is, thnt the rights or men linvono relation to tho color of their skins, and that although men may bu excluded from the elcctivo franchise for pauperism, for participation in rebel lion, for,lunncy, for felony, for allcnlsin, for non-residence, they cannot bo right fully excluded for no other reason than the color of their skins. All distinct ions founded on color nro proclaimed by the Republican party to bo unjust nnd nburd; a doctrine which they must either ubnndon or accept Its neces sary consequence that negroes havo mi equal right with whlto men to hold olllce. The Republicans in our Constitution al Convention must therefore bu consis tent und open tlio door for negro gov ernors, negro mnyors of cities, nnd ne gro occupants of every grado of ofllce State ami municipal. It Is their great mission to era-e the word white from tho vocabulary of politics. Tho eligi bility of negroes to all publicofllccsj will boa harmiess Innovation in this State, their numbers being so small and tho antipathy to their rnco so strong that their white fellow-voters arc never like ly to elect or even to moniinatc them. Their Radical patrons wish to make them voters, not to sliaro tho ofllccs with tliciu, but to use them as tools for giving tho while Radicals a monopoly of political power. Hut In the South the boot will bo worn upon tho other leg. There, the voting negroes, instead of being an Insignificant fraction of tho Republican party, will form the great bulk or It. They will bo a majority of ton to one In every caucus, and their delegates will bo proportionally strong lu every nominating convention. They will say, and justly say, "Tho Repub "llcan party have made us voters mere "ly to keep their leaders in olllce, and "as their ascendancy In tho country de "pendstipon our support, wo will exact "an equivalent for our votes. As thu " white Republicans excludo our color "cd brethren from ofllco in all the " Northern States, wo will redress the "injustice by taking all tho olllces for " ourselves In the South, where we have " tho power." This is a result on which tho Repub lican party may not yet have rellectcd, but it Is one which they cannot prevent. Equality in oflice-holding follows as legitimately from their principles as equality in voting. They daro not con fer tho ono and withhold tho other, lest tlio negroes, Indignant nt tho Inconsis tency, should turn against them and voto with tho other party. Tho Repub licans nro under a delusion ir thoy sup pose tho Southern negroes will glvo nil the votes and tnko'uono or tho olllces. A rat ofllco is as valuable to a negro ns to a white man, and will bocovoted by him nil the more eagerly ns a means of removing tlio badge of Inferiority put upon him by his color. That tlio ne groes will voto themselves into office wherever they havo the power isns cer tain by tho principles of human nature as it is by tho law of gravity that un supported bodies will fall to thoeartli. Hlack governors and black legislatures In tlio Southern States, black Senators and Representatives sent from those States to Cougress, will bo tho natural and necessary fruit of a policy which confers tho ballot upon thu negroes nnd organizes them Into u party of which they will form a largo majority. It is equally certain thattlie Southern whites will bo restless and recalcitrant under thu insolent rule or their former slaves, a certainty that opens a hideous vista of bloody brawls and military domina tion at which humanity btnnds aghast and patriotism shudders. Theso hid eous consequences will ho tho natural fruit or thu Radical policy of forcing ne gro suffrage on thu South. World. Di.At'Kiii:i!itv Wini:. There Is no wine equal to the blackberry wino when properly innde, either in ilavor or for medicinal purposes, nndall persons who can conveniently do so, should manufac ture enough for their own uso every yenr, ns It Is Invaluablo In sickness as a tonic, and nothing Is a better remedy for bowel diseases. Wo therefore glvo tho receipt for milking It : "Meusiiro your berries and brulso them: to overv ir.illon addliurono uuart of boiling water. Let thointxturo stand twenty-four hours, stirring occasionally, then strain off tho liquor into a cask, to every gallon adding two pounds of su iptr; cork tight, ami let It stand to tho iijuuwiiig weiuuer, aiiu yuu win navo wine ready for use. without further straining or boiling, This makes a most excellent, aiiu pnintunio wine." In Washington, on tho lth,two mem bers of tho House wero nrrested for vio lating a city ordinance for prohibiting tho firing of firecrackers In tho public streets. Thoy wero inarched Trout tho sceuo or their crime to thu central guard house, whero they would have been In carcerated had not Senator Yntes Inter fered In their behalf. As It was, they wcro fined two dollars and costs, and dismissed with u lecturo from thu Po lice Justice, after promising that they would do so no more. Kr.vvnv Cnl.l.rn K.. .A tirlvr.nf tliti-K. ..... - J. . .J dollars, lu.lnfr ll irlft frmn Irwltnu nt' flit. Church of tho Holy Trinity, Phllndel- pma, lor tlio greatest ptollcleney among tho Sentorri In tho Greek rIY.tiitiifiiit Im. been awarded by President Short to William V. P. Suvoong, who has J list graduated with tho second honor of tlio year. Mr, Suvoong is tv native ofChiun, and nt tho Instance of our missionaries thnro. flilttwi tn Im iiilit.iilr.l na 11 Tluul.ttt ary to his countrymen. Till! whole barorPhlladeliihln hnvn united In recommending Judge Ludlow (Democrat) as a candidate lor re-elee. tlon, During tho war tho sumo high I compliment was icuiiereu in mat city to Judge Sharswood, tho pros cut Democratic candidate for Supremo Judgo. COMMUNICATED. "CKSTltAt-JA, July Itll sC7. In accordance with tlio requestor tho Irish citizens or tho nbovo place, tho following address wna delivered by Jus. liryson, Jr., resident or said town, and latna student or Dickinson Seminary. On being Introduced by tho Chair man, Mr. Jeremiah O'Connor, ho spoke ns follows: "Ladles nnd Gentlemen : As tho committee that Invited mo to address you, wns kind enough to confine mo to no exclusive- or special topic, I shnll therefore address myself principally to America and Ireland, seriously regret ting that tlioshort space of tlmo which bus intervened blnco I received tho In vitation, renders It necessary that my remarks he chiefly Impromptu. And when I arise upon an occasion llko tlio present to break for a time upon tho How of your festivity, I am over whelmed with tho knowledge, that you should not havosclected from this bright array of learning and Intelligence, a more matured Intellect nnd eloquent tongno to depict tlio convivial scenes which this d.iy commemorates. Hut you have, :io doubt, entrusted to youth that which properly belongs to tho wis dom or age, lu order to make nn exem plification or the fact that its import ance needs no set phraso of speech, nnd that It was thu patriotic llfo current or tho fathers of tho Revolution, volunta rily shed upon rteedom's altars that have Inscribed In resplendent characters on the pages of eternity this day's pre eminence. Heboid nmit! tills vast concourse, In tellectsthnt sngo experience und the vi cissitudes of life havo ripened, waving this ceremony which the lapse or tlmo has engendered, and commingling with tho buoyancy or youth in the manifest ation of tlio emotion with which their bosoms throb, nnd which It Is tho pecit liar provlnco of this day to originate. Let your imaginations extend for n moment beyond tho conflnts of this vil lage, over tho august boiom of this mighty Republic, nnd contemplato a great people a unit commemorating the natal tiny or that Instrument, whicl wielded by tlio hand or God throuuh tho Instrumentality or our fathers, an nihilated the trained legions of tho op pressor, and wedded us to thu Ideas of freedom, and a more distinctive man hood: rejoicing over the nutnl tiny of mat document which was truly the ef fulgent oraclo of nature, proclaiming to Immunity man's Inallenahlo right to self-government, the immutable and eternal principle upon which our Con stitution is founded, nnd which lias pre served her nbovo nil others sovereign of the ascendents. And hero It miiv be exceedingly pertinent for tis to enter into n succinct exposition of thoo nrln eiples which have justly made her tho most luminous orb nnild tho political constellation. It has become an established fact that happiness is tlio fundamental object or man's existence, nnd is never apparent ly within his Immediate grasp, but is continually looming forth In tho nros pectlve, thus originating an object to bo attained, it Is rational to presitmo thnt ll limit's whole nature was to work in per fect harmony towards tho tho consum mation of thnt object without yielding to tlio allurements of present pleasure, and prove lully adequate to tho duties incumbent upon it, of sustaining nil thnt pertains to social relationship, nu express form of government would bo absolutely unnecessary, or in other words it would bo superfluous to estab lish a magistracy to nbridgo man's ac tions, where nature spontaneously abridges. Hut man often presumes ho can best advance Ids own interests by an encroachment on tho rights or oth ers, ami when he acts in accordance with tills imp'ulso it affects tho social union. And since this Inherent railing could not bo entirely eradicated It behoved mankind to form governments thnt would nt lea.it palliate it, insuro Justice and establish public order. Ilenco tho origin or Governments. And now tho question naturally srlse- ?s to what mode or Government is best adapted to tho promotion or man's wel faro and happinrss. Is it despotism ', Tho record or Rusin Is tho obseuco of all tokens or civil liberty, and thu at testation of unlimited, and indubitable prerogatives centered In a military ties pot, and sustained by tho swords of his countless minions. Is It in Oligarchy ? Tho Innnto Invidiousnoss of those that constitute It, will admit of no lasting guarantee for Us permanency, its days aro ephemeral, it is llko tho morning eioiui ami early dew, which vanish nwuy. Is It In Monarchy? Hriton founded In usurpation, writhing amid internal contentions, anil floating for ages on seas or human gore, carries tho refuta tion. It is only to bo found In thatsvs- tem which emeuates from the peoplo us only proper origin ; and this Is tlio grand centru around which our Consti tution tends to tho formation of u wor my circuiiilcrence, and happily for America that shv cau on tho nlnoty-ftrst anniversary of her Independence, gazo with prltto upon freedom remaining In th plcntitudo of Its power, unnwed and unsubdued lu her temples; on Jus tice crowned with glory and unsullied in her sanctuaries ; on tho faino of her institutions, penetrating tlio remotest parts of Christoiidoni, nnd Inspiring the Inhabitants of whlo spread countries, with tho burning deslro or bocomlng oven the children or her adoption. Hero on tho ninety-first anniversary or her Independence, what a magnifi cent spectaclo does sho present; hero springing ft-om tlio bosom of tho people aro systems Infinitely comprehensive. ami Impartial in tlio distribution orjus- nco; hero nro institutions that for tho profundity of their research, and tho splendor of their learning, nro not Infe rior to Oxford and Cambridge, And now tho waves which beat against her gigantic const aro dotted with Iron Clndsand Mcrehontiiien, whoso keels cut tho waters of tho most distant ports of tho universe. Scarcely a century Juts wound Iter exhausting chain, nnd all this has been manifested. Hut though her career has been bril liant; though' her pathway was lit up with glory ; though slio has become tlio wonder of nations, and tho monument of man's Intelligence; It will boroniem bored that tho demon of dissolution bus Invaded her national temple-; that her bright banner has boon crimsoned with tho blood of lieroffsnring : that henna-- Jestlo plains havo boon whitened by tho none or her patriots. That thoro Is bcarcoly n hearthstone that lias not fult Its withering blasts, scarcely n mother' or sister that docs not in tlio secret chambers 0f their hearts, wear the COUNTY, PA.. badge of mournlng"ovcr fond bnev that wont forth Inji'thoiproud majesty of manhood to defend their cotmtry'sTlb erty, and wh6 linvo fallen noble sacrifi ces ntjtho shrjrio ofjier freedom, Hut whyTponder overmuch a doleful tale. Let them sleep on shlo by sldo with the patriots that havo gone beforo them. Ami "may tlio gontio zephyrs ns thoy lronthe n peaceful requiem over their tombs, boar out from thenco to tho na tion they have served bo faithrully, sweet recollections of their greatness. .May wo breathe u pure inspiration from tho atmosphere in which they have moved, nut! beneath whoso snd moan ing their forms aro now laid, and may wo ever bo found perpetuating their virtues. And though tho ostensible de sign of" tho Into rebcllloriVm tho part of tho Individuals by whom It was Inaugu rated Is too heinous to admit of palli ation, yot I believe It was u blessing to this country. It lias tested her patriot ism, It has developed her strength, It has removed tho mainspring of nation al discord. And though political storms may rngo for a time, though Recon struction may be threatening nnd dllll cult, yet I havo no doubt as to Its ulti mate adjustment. Though it may cost tlio present generation blood and trea sure, yet it will enable- unborn millions to soar lu tho realms of halcyon tran quility and peace. I havo looked upon thu American con flict ns having a more heavenly object than tho Union of States. I observo that it is closely allied to that principle upon whoso crest Is homo tho destiny of Catholic humanity. I observe that tho positive success of the "arand Dem ocratic Experiment" Isdcstincd to crush beneath Its mighty wand thrones and their occupants, Tho universal sentiment of tho pres ent ngo tends to its corroboration ; anil herein docs tho blessings of tho Rebel lion consist, Inasmuch ns It has given us nn exposition or tho fact, that De mocracy, If well guarded, Is not ephe meral ; that It has arisen superior to tho most gignnticclvil strife, thnt it has been the falo of history to record. The fact that man is capable of self-government needs no other vindication than tho un rivalled success of America, and I firmly believe that tho hand of God is working through it all. I venture to predict that according to the courso events havo taken for the last few cen turies, Republican principles will with in thocompnssof a thousand years, rnlo aloft a tibiqultousescutcheon ; mid mon archy and despotism become buried in oblivion. Cheers. The crowned heads "of Europe apprehend It. They behold America lu years but an Infant, and yet tho most daring nation tlio universe can boast of; they behold her "the homo of the exiled and oppressed of every elimo;" they behold her tho land wliero perennial liberty blooms; and It would Indeed be an nunuioly if they wero cal lous to tho magnificent panorama she presents to their invidious gaze. The actions of England during our, late struggle, are cogent attestations of monarchical antipathy against tlio suc cess of Republican principles. Hut let meddling Hriton beware. Tho sham rock and eagle aro not sleeping. Ap plause. They will yet demand an In demnity for the past, and establish se curity for the future. It would be wisdom on her part to nwako to a real ization of her Just status in tho catalogue of nations,' and rejoice not too much In tho prido or her strength ; for If that wero tho question with Ireland on ono side and America on tliu other, wo could soon let loose tho fast anchored Islo of Great Hritnin from her mooring. Cheers.) Hut, ladies and gentlemen, though much I lovo to dwell upon America, my nativo and your adopted country, yet I am deeply Impressed with tlio knowledgo thnt tills Is tho first tlmo 1 havo hail the honor of addressing nn Irish audience, audit would bo in direct contrariety to my feelings and an egre gious piece of injustice if 1 did not waive for tho time, mrther comment on tho land that that has sheltered us, and advert to that distant Islo whero tho remains of our fathers .repose. And In doing so, 1 wish to impress forcibly upon your memories tho fact, that I am not bigoted ; that I mnko no provincial distinctions, I meet tho plant or Derry, nnd tlio Huppnrreo or tho Hog or Allen on thosanio itmicublo platform. I recog nize lint ono common ancestor tho Green Islo of the Ocean, And I main tain that tlio opposite principle is unbe coming Irishmen, and Is anything but indigevotis to nn Irish clime. Ap plause. As an Irish Protestant, con vinced ol tho validity or my own doc trine, I would not If I could for a mo ment dcjirlvo tho most devoted catho lic from tlio mode of his devotion ; and until such it principle prevails thcro will bo no strength, no union in Ireland. Hut when theso petty prejudices shall havo becumo eradicated from our midst, or in other words, when Irishmen shall havo become Irishmen then will Hritish oppression conso; then will the wall ings of thoons of Hibernio's be turned to rejoicing ; then will tho grand tern ploor Irish Democracy !o established, and wlio shall question its pormnnciicy ? Its corner-stono will bo universal rrec dom, and Us majestic columns will bo ornamented with tlio mementos or her Immortal sires, and around her cloud capped spires eternity shall play. Then shall the tall sliart qf tho monument or Robert Emmet penetrate tlio heavens, cheers nnd his epitaph bo Inscribed in golden characters upon Its base. Gen tlemen, I look with prido and hinging for thu coining of tho Irish milleiilum, and bollovo mo its advent is not far dis tant. I perceive its vestal light dawn ing In America. 1 observe Irish Indignation burning In its nativo land. 1 am eonlldent that tlio bus pension or tho habeas corpus in Ireland is u manifestation of England being nwako to tho fact. Ah 1 yos, my countrymen, tho crisis now duwns on your nation's horizon, and I sincerely hopo that wo may all provo ourselves adequate to tho task imposed by tho conjuncture. I havo heard tho proud and potent sons or England oft assert, that Irishmen woro absolutely Iniulo quuto to govern themselves, or If thoy had their freedom toguuranteoby their actions Its permanency hut when thoy do so thoy doubtless forgot to whom Hrltalu owes her greatness, I would nsk thorn, who crimsoned her escutcheon with her proudest victories? Who moved tho walls or her parliament with forensic eloquenco? Who Is America's greatest General? Who her wealth lest citizens? IuihiimhnI IuisumknII Cheers. Tills Is no vain boasting, 'tis not tlio Nvnnderings of'n yoiitlifui fancy, but stern, Irrefutublo facts, mid whenever wo nro troubled with such J assertions In tho future wo liavt to point them to thoso who rank 1 the brightest of earth's heritages, Thu Green Islo of Erin Islt tho land of bards, heroes, phllosopand statesmen. Cheers. And Qeows vou have been oppressed lotlgugh on overv side. vour lamctntloav for centuries nscentl(l to tlto'tio of tho Almighty. Hut tho tlmo V'110 for you to gird on your swoi nervo your arms for the conlllcl iornto nol from Iho subllnio stn nnd ter- dor Emmet and his compatriots, have a land worth lighting for language of tho poet: you tho " Im)U down on lirln'n rnlnut vnl So rich, no Riiy, no (troon, Ami toll mo can n bosom throb, Not llvlnff ocrim'n queen, IKk rotiiul on I!rln' inmwy moorl Iter meiulsnmt tnounlnliis liti)i;J Anit tell mocloenttnliuil llto, Wlm M not for IMlidle," r Do not bo laboring under fatal hallucination that your tnikJU ho easily accomplished, turn uthwir to those who preach such iWctl or it will work tq your destrtictlia,' Eng- land Is nn enemy not nt all to des pised; egress from that coulu'onols to bo had through paths b with many perils and slippery w noblo blood. Train yourselves lur the strictest discipline-bo not Itorcelpi tale and when you do sti-Ilstrlko strongly and where least exact. And now my most earnest pnlyts that Ireland ero long may loom li in a Republic, and maintain hcristiatuld the nations of tho earth, nfidtt tho Intelligence of her sons mjiy.ir on ward until It penetrates thoesenco chamber or Dim who sits cntned In light, nnd that sho may bo iilialled as an Independent nation on to eter nal plains, whero the clash ol-oiind lug arms is unknown, and t roll n artillery is not heard. And now in conclusion pto accept my hcartrealt thanks for tho br thus conferred on so unworthy aiplcnt and though tho fates may prat hio rrom commingling with ytagaln though wo may bo llko the ffes of a household, separated "far nniidiihy mountain, stream, and scasyet shnll always rejoice In your pperily and cold beneath tho sod of tVallcy will this heart bo when It bifflnot for your hnpplness. Immense nuuse. Musaiw. Editors : An nding cldent occurred at our place a,- even Ings since, which caused a greiii(int of merriment and fun for thcllndfrs a brier statement may intcresti'orjlon or your renders. A wedding s iiliout to eomo off in our scdato lit town, and a turkey being nnecessarippu, id ago on such an occasion, It vn.T0ped playing n trick on a wng of.'r pice, who intended to steal theturV. The plan agreed upon was as jbw-: A portion or our vlllugers nrrs;ed iho wholo tiling with tho ownertthi tir kcy, (the bride's father,) indjen vth all pretended innoccncf ifcin lie, went to tlio wag living in tlfc'ul rbs of tho village, who is alwaysfcid' for sport of that kind, and pridethlisclf on his smartness nt such "Ticks in firm ed him thoy knew tho tukejvn in a smoke-houso In the huekllot flu Lhoy had procured a key titiiock.h door and mado all necessaiy iirail'eoints. mid fixed upon tho tiinl of.'il;! to meet; all being tinderstojl, nnl3tfect secresy enjoined, they rourncj lithe owner of tho fowl and nrj.ngcil lithe fun. Thoy were to load aiiusliinda six-shooter with blank .sutridlt of cour.se,aiid ono of thu part; liitlucvrct waste go with tho thief nUunltlltho door, and iiretendlnirho codd iioImcIi tho turkey, then to. step bak. i'i All worked llko a clurni, .n In stepped tho thief, when 'trntglUngl went the guns; tlio owne) olfiillbwi springing from his coucenlineii Itked tho door mid secured the thhrllua few moments tho wholo ttwn wisjiero. and such a general jubilee uiilllugh has never been known lu ojrllwn. Tho smart Joker was co;ed. lllhad hitherto out-wltted us in our tills to head him olf; was now uithoijl Ircy. Messrs. Editors, you never t nklow bo completely used upthuniQst litere could not keep their races strid Ji ho appeared so redlcttlous, per.-onsh lug within a circle orilvo miles if thflaco will know to whom I refer wlthlu di vulging his mime, tlio little buy! ant to know of him tho price of sliced ham, and gobble like a turkoJ hen they meet him. Hut woe to tho lore trators oi tins inn n no over p a chancoto return 1 1 to 'com pi I n i en t ,vl U bo paid back with Interest. J Market Keport Wheal jut bu.hli , ...A J2 01 . i 'it " u ?. .. I IV I iilll " ,i , X I oo I'loiir ier tmrii-1 t :...., lu in) cioverM-i-i',.. J ,1.., 7 oo (liixiood 4 ii . 2 W "Iter i . . , , sr, J allow , t'otlititeii , Dried Apple. J In in h J HldtM and Hhoulders i Jjird per pound llttv iur fmi 1 3: xmuiKii, " HemltK-k Hoards puhhouHimd felt. ., Pluu " ' (ono lu h Joint, Henntllmr, riiiik.dlHnlncl:) Hhlnitles, No. pr Inoiunnd . Hums- ' " " n. ., I'hlludtlplila MarUtfi, I. Ik no IV) -8 1)0 u to TiiuusJHtr ii y K i. or it Northwestern mipf rlnoat.. Northwehtern exlm- NorihweKtern fundly 87.0si n.nu m.Vi y.iw I'ennnylvnnttt an western Mipvrflfe renin fvnniH ami weniern oxiru.. PennKylvnnlH him Western family. PeuiiNylvunlii him' WVtteru fun ,, Hy (lour WiiKAr IVnii-yiviuiln rod, .i k HoilOl'!! " Ciillfoiuln " ' whltu Kvk IVnmylvajIn rye, "t5 !" I'OltN Yellow, " Whlto, UiK-y btii PnuvMioNH Mtw Pork. V hbl. ......... .Vcn llcer, " PiUHKlHl HogN, V B .,, Ifr 0 VI 10 n 1-2.00 is. kk ni.(o .fife I U1I0 . r 1. on WO l !iU5 I.Ul ninoKeii iianiK .ci i intuit U'ViUMTu Hlioul,lerV. OV'fiFd .f I()l)ie liird, KkKIW t'Iavrr.ee4l Tlmol lyneed V mw., rinxiMiti Pio Ikon No l Heotch . .. No-1 Ann iliuui, Cattlk He f ( itiiid fi R ... row, v tit-lid . . HlIliRfx-V ft ... . llouvuoutb tit, 7 llki ll).V4io.(IO 1 MAliniED. l.axt)-irAl!.WAU, - th reMdeiice 0(i, brble'H rmitt on tbe llth lli.t., bv Kov I Wmlmurlli, Mr Jaihii II. Ui .u to Mlnu J-Jii K. MAUUUI.L, lx.l of I'lilriiniuil LiiieriiiJ,, J'ii!' "-f 'niKn v Inn rut mat,, by Ilia I V in. .1, I yer, Ml 1HAAO Imv K of Muunt -mil, NnrllmiiiUrliiliil rouijy to.Mlaii Ijjhi 1- iiiim, of t'nitrnlln, Cfilu nl.Ui njimtyjfil A, II. I vlne.WMU' I'fiTl.o LuiernelVii til Ml I'AIHAK 1UTIN Of iVlV COI.K- ifor7Cf,n ihOkiuJ- ilar. by llurl Mr. ii nulkiu Mix HA of I.iuerne -oiint- ra. DIED J'KXl'OXK In lib - h-i Mr. Akni m l'Kku the IfltW year ut bi o SPEOI l'KuVviAN HT tbe lVroloiluV or li l.lfolemelil, lio: SPECIAL NOTICES. HttlV-A prnlrvtril notation of Iron, Mlppllen tlio bloo.1 with Mil e.Klemelll, lion, glvlllK ulreliRtli, Mnor ni new life lolbo whole Mnlein. If trim tliouiiuiiN wbonre nuffi-rlng from Drnneu, lnl leblllty, l-'emnlo Wenknem. Ae wouliibtit tent the vlrluenoflltc lVruvlmi Hyrupthe effect would noioniy nHoniMi lliemnclvef bill oliMTene nil their frlcmlj for hmteml of feeling eronn, "nil kouo" mul mHernble, tliey would I.e. che Drriil, Tlserotn mul netlvc. A nisTiMnt'istTicn inns? wiiItksto'AT ilH:stf" - AH ULLOW, s I bavo Irleit tlm I't-vm1! iw'Mvnt,, a.i ii.a-. milt fully MiMnlni your prediction, It bin mniln n new mnn of me, (iilUiwl into my, nrslem new vlBormiii eneriiyi lam no lunger Irnululom mid ilebUlttitctl,it wbell you but haw me.butntrohKcr, ... ... ... ,,,, ,u i Ki-r ,,i n, 1 1 y mr .injur, men. nil mul bi Monl, Hum nt nny time ilurlnit tlio Inut live enm.r' 77ioiiumfi ie been rlinnrnl bu the Mte of Ml rmnln rmn nntk, tieklu, tnffnlnir erenturei, In itrotii, heiiltfitf. antt hnnmf ,,ien onil ii-omrn,- nnil ?""t rwMoiiWj luiitale It git e tl it trial. mo Renuiuii nun --rmiuviAN Hvncc" blown In tlio glims, A &lni;otiimplilctw III be Kent free. J. P. IIINSMOIIB, Proprietor, , no, an i)ey nt.. Now York. Hold by nil ImiKHlnU. IJI.VOT. TO HNHl!MITrVrMThn n,ir.TTiT.- Iieen ri-Ntoreit to lioiiltb lu a few weeks by a very nlniple remedy, nttor Imvlui! mUli-red for e oral yenrs wltb ii ne ero tune iiirect ton, nml tbnt ilreful tllneui.o t'oiiKiimption Niinxinimtomnko known in in ii'iiowKiiiicrcr mo menus or cure, liinu who ilenlre It.lio u 111 neliil ft copy of tbe lonn fnr niOimrltlif nnd ltlmr tlm nmn. vlilr)t i.-nvi iiwini ii.ni iiri-eni i-nurnci, wnn ineiiiree. they will Hint u mihk rcim kou ('unmitmitkin. AMfllMA. HltONl'If mt. Cni'Mim. Cnl..i4. nttri nil Thront nml Uuiic AflVrllnii. Theonly nlijectof uw ruivrrtlMer m winiln tho rrtwrriptton I lo .client tlm nmiotrd, nnd h pi cm I liiinrmatlon 1ilcli conceives lobe ItiMiltiuMo, nml lie lioiw onry sulIiTiT will try liln rcnuily, iim It will eurtl them nothing, mul may provo ti hlexKltiix. Piutlf wUlilinrtliRiirt'rtrrlptlon, nti-i-, by return nmll, mynnrr-ly,! WIllliniiRlmrK, Klnin ., N, Y. NEW ADVERT A I)M1XIST11AT0HS NOTIOK. J.V. hHTATt; of nr.N.f Amis Nti, iiKCF.Atrn. lA'Urrff nf rulmltiltrntlfin on tho entitle r ltonln mill Xiik, Into of Mulim tmvnHhl, (.'otinnhla county, iluxiXMit, hnn I km n Knmtt'il ny the U' Inter nf nlt enmity to Wm.T, Hhmnnn. All ier son Imvliuc etiiliiiH or rirfumKtrinKiiltiit thneKtnte of tho deveilent mv reiiuivtUil to muko them Known, una tliosu mdehlt-i to nmke payment, VM. T. HnifMAN, July in, 1MJ7, AilmlnNtriitur. QOLUMHU8 MA LIS A FtiMALK A U A I) IJ M Y. Tl IK next term of thU liiHtltutlon will eom meueo on tho JlfHt Mnmlav nf AukuhI next, mi iler tho elmwe of Prof, 1'. M. Hiklk, n Principle. .Kiir.N KOONH, Heeretiiry of Ilourtl of TriHtt!en. New Columbus Julys", IMJ7-.HI. rjiKACHKHH WANTKl). ran jiloom scjioo wstjhct. Pour lVmatonml Nix or Keen Mnlo Teacher nre. wanted for tho Pnll nnd Winter Tcrinn of th HchoolH In llloom Dlntrlft t'olulnhln eounty, All nppllennts nre reUenteiUo lnectlhu Cuim tv Superintendent In the. upper room or the llLOOMHIll'KU ACAPKMY m MONDAY tho 12th of AtiRUKt nt 0 o'clock A. !., for exnmlimt Ion ele, The HchonU will opmi on Iho flint MONDAY In KIUTP.Mni'.U next, nnd contluuo seven month. J. K.P.POAUBee'y. Uluoiiiilmrir, July 19, 1W7-H THU OXtEAT ZING ARI BITTERS The eorapnncnt rarl ' thl11 'emnrldtUii prcpirttlon rmt 1iarvrml. Ctlttl WlUllJcJ klld UiltriUlltctL Were fin I tome Untjr yein ko. by Ut. t'uturai't, th cele rated Enyiillan I'hyilciwi. Tliouitnd cf Mi inner lag country mrn wero reitorvd tu hvKllh, u well u grett cuinbri of tin lohablUnll ft Nubl and Abyiiinla, and U ttiecountrlei bordurhirf uju the Southern coMt lnlud, tbe fame or the zmtiAiu ui'imuu ioon irtad orer Europe, and tu nilcpud by tha pi lDdpl I'ltyilcUoi la tliargc ef the hcii'itall of (ha old' wuild, fa which It It ttlll uitd with vrtiml Bent mcceii The Viciroy &f I'trypt l.actrd the ntma ci sr. Caiorsi'i uprn tho " Hull tit hMts,'1 and pre lentcd to him a Midal Uniln,!; the fullowltiu Inicrlp tion: "Da. Cuiorsts,the Public Infftctor.', ThH U Uteri li now offered to tha public of America with the full juiumncfl thnt It will be found, upun ft fair trial, to act u a iiwcluo f-r Uto curt) cf Cholera, Dyeentery. Dlarrhicn, Clio. Mnrbui. Fever ml Acne, lillow l-'e ltheiiiiintUn.. TyplioUl l'erer, Dyipepala colic lironciiiiia, iiiiauiiipiioii. r imi lency, Ul-caur of the IClitiieya. Kervotta UcbtUty autl I'Vmole Coinplatiili. Remnrkahlti curd cf the uhore diiemea have heen e Hoc ted by Iti ue. Mnumerouieerllflciitei. many front regular j'hyiickns, fully at tot, and It U dei lined It fuperieiio any preparatign cxuni. am an agrceavia Tonic, and an iNYiGOiuma bevehage, it HA3 NO EQUAL. Tnca ths zi.noaiii nrrrniw uA sour. A3 WEI-L AS I10DY, Att 11 A PREVENTIVE or HAS NO SL'PKillOR. niortnr A FEW WORDS TO LADIES "-The uie of th ZIN'GAHI UTTi:it3 will t'lvoto on that oft, xrnl transparent eompltfaiim wlihli tho dud of nature (de iRnlnR woman to be the lovelloit of I.U world) fully Intended that you ahould hare for It la nature'! own powder and paint corublmd. Uy purify inn the blood, itlmutatlnff the plitmentnry cell of Uie dermli, and imparting health nml MM throughout the entire lyttetn, It enx-cUtly itlvei that itnooth clearneia and tauty to tne complexion to much to bo dtiiredrc moTlnjt all routtliueii, blotche. f reck lei, plmplee.anii that yellow, Kirbly iot ft common in ourdny; and what U eren lttr than thU. it curu vvery ipiciraof female IrrejtuUritiM and Ul-eaiJ Prlncipn! 1'cpot, IUrrlsburg, V. EAHTER & HAUSE, Bon rAormiTOf. a-For Biile by I,. N. MOVKlt, Wbolewib- nml Itelnll IlrilBglsl, llloonisburg, l'n, JlS5l57-t'.in. IUIINITUUK 1 l'UUXITUllK 1 1 ....... .........n..,,,.- it' iM-linmu WI10I.KSAI,H A.B llF.TAII., BOOM1 OVItH MILI.F.n'fl HTOKK, llLOOMHIlUIKl, I'A Wlll-HKliiny be found Uie fluent nswirlment of V U It N I T U II K eve'r otrereil lo Ibe people of till! neetlon, i-oimlht' line of 1'AUI.OH, KITl'lII'-N- ANIl llKD-IKJO.M WK' ITUllC, of nil ldiuh, sIzeR, AtylcH, tlenerlptlon nrul prleeM. CIIAlllS OK ALI-i 8TYU-M, Kltehen, Dining, l'nrlor und Hittlnf; ItoomctialrH. KXTENSION TAHIiKS, nreakfukt TnbleH, Illiilnii Tables, Kltebeli Tiibltn. Llbrury nnd Cwntre Tnbieii. H I U K D.O All Dfl, clie.tnul, Walnut, and C1ie.tnutwaluut Trlln- ined, Ktnuerei n largo aH.ortment on bond,, well mudo and nlVely, flnUtied, ( nniSINO OA8KS, Hull Blniuli, llnttreen and IlrnekeU, iery vari ety and flnliih. SI' KINO HK.Wf,. Tlio best ever offered to tbe publle. l'lCTUllK FUAMK8, Anit In fuel every tblntf lo lie fmuid In u Oily Warn Itootu can lie had In our .rnoinn'und ,at Iho ery Mwent prlt-eH, I have eHtablUhed the HEAUY PAY A1 ONU riUOlS BYDTWI, And vvurrarit our goml. vt Tepresenteil. J. U. IIAYKH. Illooinnburg, May 31, 1W7, QONF K 0 T.X O N K 11 Y , THUIT, NUT8, AO., AO. JACOIIY WIllMYKlt, , UANUlAnUllUUM, WholeMiile und Hetall IleulerH In i 7..I.Y AXU FAXCV dlXFKCriOXKKr, ANU DBAI.Eltl IN" ' KOUKION FIIUITS AND NUTS, Kiehuniio Illoek, IlliMiniiliurtf, 1'a. OHANUEH, I.KMONH, ItAIHINH, I'ltUllNH, HOOK OANDY, KkllLKMH nAHIK., LAtKU RA1IKH, t'VMHANTa,. citiuin, kiuh, ikjij, ia, I1IIKA1) AND CAlvKS; of all klndu. UNOS JAnlltY, ritKlMi. WIl.MYKIt. Illoouubur, Airil 5, 1W7, WV- FOIl NKAT AND CirilAl" JOB PUINTINn, CALL AT Till! COLUMHIAN OKI-'ICK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers