The Beaver Argus. Bea ver, Ps., akty Ist, 102. ~,,.Mafia+ Thirteen •Hunch*i...-,_ Rates of Adv 3% Gur Ell ov $ 3 t 5 OD 50 5 00 700 00 600 900 'T - 00 800 10 50 fi off 11 00 1500 ' it co 15 Co IS ao • 2200 WOO MOO „ wo n,' and Executors' Notices. • :', •$3 00 orf . per line, ten tent& to be made Quarterly, ezcept ~ , .t Avertisements, which mast iSs paid TI E •TA BLE. ,laud k Pittsburgh it. [i.—Trains , a ye Beaver Station so follows , 9 19: Matl, 2.47 p. m.;Eventr,(; Faat A'est leave Beaver Station iLt 5 31 RI a m.: Accommodation and Ex co Belmar,) 5.45 p. in. o rWEMENTS.--The followingriartff oun cing the names of candidates ,1 ett at the °netting nominating caven , re.pertive o ffices mentioned. slid for and tickets, has. been agreed impon papers of this county : . • : 1 .20. Senate.. .. 10. Sheriff' r , lo. , r 10. Clerk of C0urt5.....?.. 5. . Poorhouse Direchir, 3. - Auditor, ..... 3. r,lntendeout .t Tlcketm, per 1.000, $5, f e attention of the public is directed following New Advertisemebts a ppear for the first time in ijae Dr Keyser _ • -liolloway'a Pills • -Dr. Johnson- .......a: • --Dr. Ayer. ... .• Kathelron • , tran & 'Morton. . • -11 r. Pierce As.ociation • ~- . .-Foundry Association • -Grover & Baker. Nicereery lt Co W valces-A. S. Harvey v..ttees- -S & J. tinellenburg notice--`ipeyerer & Sone • notice -R Steinfelt .1. Chandler .2.eqs;ly ~ , , ,u nty Tax-C. P. Wallace 44,sqsaf • - lational . Publishing " Co .. • -C. B. fittest - n,,vest and latt.zet novelties Tateties. .• ',firer Ware nt the lowest prices, go Soiod. Market street, }e:-ly ( fre. From anti after this date tlrst of September next the iasioners will meet on Sat ,!* h week only. aprlOtf the attention of the public to neu by theeounty Treasurer ! 4 - Cl.lOll of taxes. A little at- I HN arponitruent.4 now will ~mirage and time in the future. -American Clocka a %N.A. lon•eat prices. John , c 1 Market atTet, Pitts te7-11 IFJE=MI , • Saws for sale by A. S ruarl;'l.w TIME obi. Macke), Sr.. father of the FroaNnrer of Pennsylvania, • r • hlt , netv IL Bonver Falls on eek, at an advanced a large circle of friends 1,••••• Ihrdware, go ti A. S tnal..2w d• to can anti examine our etrewbere. ()Mery care .lu/in Sterenson's & Po. ( um missions.—The fol- ,•,tilirilsAitirly fur itlR - 1.3 \t• ntrei vekl by the ••:l Re•-orler: Samuel Nelson Est Tll.,fflas Russell, and NV ti 113 , , it - 11MO W • ICE. ••• '• 1,1% IrIP Laid 01.14 .1 , ntr,el 111 rettrm to Iraria I , r .1. 1Z Jat.k..on of Fall-iton has fr , .rn him sick .tart• for Phil fhb oour., week or two hat a rhanzP air qcenery tte., (,) him. He quo ‘v,, r three months. h-p.. that may return • pt•ri.l 'restored to his Largest and best %elec.- it., n 1 Cloth, Wall Paper, and Varieties at B. aprl7;6w ••••• offrwelry in all thei r • , • t,.und at John Sterengorei \2.•.rt •t Plushrir.Yh jcay girds. `, , melody says the best I iifweeils is always to jut .:4 0t1 , 4' and its eontentji at the ~r trieud,i i Jones says the • means he ever tried, was -flr , ,ti hand of R plump young v ;II very deep bral.k. The •!,na.ln half mourning, and • pressure resulted in a ' And white bonnet. .—h and reliable drugs, all ilibard's RoehestPr, (next F rt n 2 ..iolver. Table Ware I,',eces e1ai"...1 %Irevt. JO7-1 y n 1 - •t Le st"-k of 'Alen' , and co,t, at A S :4a% at r. nivl:2w 111 M lc lor the r',,llinierew; to it. 4 old friend Maar), of • ‘Chat rho matter? .I. there t wron¢ with the , nahtion? Im the ailiatwe otherthontou.? or ham %An, hear‘l that F. Dravo—the eharhph-pr. 111111 Re- I, to hp ill th.. held? Intew h4ll()%vnllng the a all, and art•" Ist ;;;Ve IP+ thr• what is t5,,4 cal• rtr Jr,h t i titt - • tt , xt sonatttr from the XXVI • W'l,rt• t 1 •0 y , u stand Mr. Ln t :•- (;•-a.z,•rtt • • 1 -, 1 w:tre. liar.llA are. P.r A - r atcr ;!sv qcvo if %our %%men ig out of or. •Z.4rPlosol,',l Se•rds f l'n Pitto e. repaired and returned free of A work - 'narrunted ty Ir. J. . Itothwell, Photographer • ~!!!!!!.. Pa., in endeavoring, the ••! .ez, I!, get into his dwelling • ‘t Were in p , Of ti happened to be eh bun,. rlinibing to the nme building, lost 4 r.i home titlyen 'pet to the ~+ tanitttn~ II IV :ink Le badly and ' titer, injit ries tfa pretty se- "ai'st Lltrtsi.t mitt hest sale, ' • I. t'li,tl3, Wall Paper "•s`hadt-• and Varieties, al B • npfli;tiw at N. h.l. Snellenburg's -1 he it , "...•••.1, nud XI I the prrese•sty • • „.1" 1, , Soil 1i P'lt,Lbur V?" 1). Mtn Right.- 4 )no night '", ling man named ('laffey I:.•,nlPnee of Mr. Paisley. .i.eChartiers Railroad, and i• nlfe, demanded an apol heen a few days preci * ; the ear. 11r. Pais •,— ,111 “,1 the reparation be need ;" of a sound thrashing. " I th Gee, Hallam and sii,llo ) - Hall, .aeoorupliees afid 1)(1d to bail in three 11 - (12 , 111 i 7lg tOn Re- 1 ) 1:1I , - Tht• finest Syrup he A S Ilnrvev• `•r . , :11i M. I/1 sultmat Snei len hur ehCollection Incident.— NA ,, ha:ll,;'*2 the Stewards or 1.1:1 -, -1 2 in Beaver Were taking • :`1111). ~,l !eetion, a strung a 'seat 141 the rear of the dr , ppetl a silver half dollar 1' •. t. We fancy Bro. Meli on tkk when the"hai - d stuff -1,,,tt.,rn .4 Ins basket. The .4id to be an inhabitant of oil re,ittlre, but a little utretch , '443g.:.n.,_,11t0 t.melude3 that at , ther in iris history' he hail ••• nam e we did not learn. the (71AI da, they aro go in euiporlurti of qd. —eLuur,,jitrcuttiway, New Ilrigown• The - backward Spring-laa rendered all kinds of fodder very scarce. Hay, oats, corn, straw, &c.. Are hard to be ob tained either for love or money and all kinds of stock are observing a farced lental seasol 7 . Pt is "nip and oldie,'? with cows lest now, antfthe consequence is an extreme tightness in the butter market. A good.lsoak ing warm rain is very much needed to bring forward veg etation and iticrease:the quantity of milk and butter. "'The bread, and butter;'' question is becoming paramount in re ality. 123 ~4 year ct sip 00 10 al 35 00 .12 tri . . 18 00 .15C c ; 21 00 20 00 38 00 ES 'IA 00 60 00 lOU 00 _ --Q..-- A CIIOIOE selection of Spring do'bds, just received by A. S. Harvey, Bridgewa ter. Pa. mayl;2w PANIC prima at S. tt. J. Snellenburg's, Broadway, Now Brighton. R. STEIN FELT is selling off a large lot of clothing at remarkably low prices, to make preparations to remove to his new building, now in the course of construc tion. Call and see him and secure a bar gain. Broadway New Brighton. Alad Doga.—Quite an excitement prevailed In Vanport and vicinity Sun day last, at the appearance of a supposed mad dog near Mr. David Minnis' woods, which was followed by men with guns and fired at with a view to relieve him of his sufferings. Later In the eve 7 ning, after services in the church,a small acpecimen of the canine species, was shot to death In the town of Vanport, near the station, its having shown unmisiak ableSignicof hydrophobia. SPRING Goods received moil for sale by A S. Harvey, Bridgewater, Pa. myl,lw WArruksr WA'renza—Betne Agents for the 'ale of the. , Watches in the City of Pittsburgh. we are confident or our ability to please to stoles sod prices. JohnSterenson'A Bone ,¢ 'Xi Mar kot street, Pittsburgh. Some one who considers himself authority on such subjects says that the guests at a dinner party should remain only twenty minutes after dinner, or leave immediately after rising from the table, as it is the hour before and the hour after a dinner which is so weari some and trying to both host and hostess. 1 4 col,:tm:C Ispr Ist 45.kiw _ 11 11:2t WANTED.—A live, energetic and reli able party. to manage an agency for the sale of the Improved Grover At Baker Sewing Machines, in Beaver and Law rence counties. Address Grover dt Ba ker Sewing Machine Co., 127 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ruyl;2w MCI 4 Correspondent of the Waynes burg Rei v lbliens says "A . strange freak of naturepectirred near here la4t week. John,Derr, had a cow that brought forth a calrwithjwo heads; each head having two eves and two earn. The cervical vertebrae were double till they reached the Niulti 1 d ers where they unite in a single dorsal spine. The thorax con tained two hearts and foor lungs, but all of the other viscera were single. The animal died and the hide has been stuffed." NEW Goons! New Grods" Jmt reeelv at A. F. Harvey's Store, Bridgewater FahnPr+tnrk'a perfectly pure White Lead. T.i naeed CM, To men tine, Varr igh - Bruahrq, Paints—dry and around in nil.—Winclucr•nia.m.llll.dzes: Putty. Arc. T.Yman'g celebrated Garden and Veg etable SePtim. For sale at Hugo A nelrieq eon's Beayor Drug Store mr 13;84. A 'Daughter of Mr. Esker, of Canal Dover, Columbiana Co., Ohio, aged ten years, was burned to death a few days since. It was the-usual attempt to kin dle a fire with kerosene oil, Her cloth ing took fire from the explosion and she ran out of (he house, where she was mot by a gentleman who *rapped a coat around her and in this way smothered the fire, but she wax terribly burned. She lingered a few days when the wea ry little sufferer expired. MEN's and Boys' Hats cheap; the stock will he closed out, regardless of cost. A S. Harvey, Bridgewater. nsi2w CAUTlON.—Every'aenuino box of Dr. )IcLA.NES LIVER PILLS bears the •.iznatureof FLEMINIt HBO'S., Pitts hurgh Pa., and their private United , ;tates Stamp. Zs"' "Take no other." The market is foil of Imitations. pr3:tim. Ilnd for Barbet-N.—Every day al ways brings something new. 'taxon.; are to be laid aside, and shaving, in the proper sense of the term, abolished, and henceforth the hirsute growth on the lips, chin and cheeks is to he removed, not with soap, brush, lather, hot water and a keen-edged blade, but by simply rubbing a piece of pumice stone over the bearded parts. We have not tried it, but the , Yrient , lie Amerlean says it will do it. Free of Charge.—( - all at Andrievsen'v Drmr Store. Beaver, or at S Ilannerfg. in Itochm.ter . and 17et a sample of Dr A BthoMee'a German Syr up, tree of charge. It hav lately been introduced into Ott , country from GermanY • and fur any per von putt-rim: from a revere coczn. heavy cold cet tied on the breast, consumption or any dowm, of tto• throat ur lune. It bas no equal In the *sort , ' Our regular .Ize bottle, 75 rent. In all eases th e money will he promptly returned if perfect Pnt ip.- fnction is not ztven Two doses will relieve any cane Trr tt nor29-,ly Tiit - stn PEAs—earter's first eriip Dwarf Male Imperial reas- . Giant Wax Ewan , : Early Miiliay.k. nr Six Weekii Dninn liy A S Har vey. Itritig•ewater nial.2t Sad Aeeident.—A sad accident oc eurred In the fifth ward, of New Castle, (al Thursday last, by which an old gen tleman named Donavan, lost his life. He was engaged in hauling dirt on Mill street- with a horse and cart, and after dumping a load near James Thorn's, lie ascended the cart and took a position upon the fore corner of the vehicle, and started hack to receive another load. While deseending a small grade he was thrown to the ground immediately in front of the cart, and before he could res cue himself from his perilous position the horse which he was driving steppe I npon his forehead crushing it. lie Was pl,ke,l lip and placed in his cart, but while being conveyed home he died. aprl7-4r, FLow Ens, rt,ow Ens— PI, kNTs fun GA RIVEN AND BAMK 1..71N. —C. B. Hnrst lv now receiving daily Flowers and Plants of all descriptions. Orders for large lots promptly tilled and delivered free of charge In Rochester and adjoining bor on:robs. 011 ire near 'Depot, Rochester. Pa. Rad.eal and (on.serratire cop y ,) my I:2t. The Directors of the Young Men's Christian Awaneintinn a - e'requegted to nieet_at their room in 'leaver, Monday evening. May Otb, at 7i n'elogie. The leas.e hits been surrendered and it la derirahle to determine at ()nee what di.- pomition shall he made or the furniture. R. T. TAYLOR, Pre& A Av. thir: T Exi . /TEMENTi at S. it J-Stwilen burg's, now is your time to call and see things. n fr. —The team of Met4srm. Volk tt: Falk. lirewera, bee-aMe frightened and ran off in Beaver Falls Monday. 22d ult. eansing•a complication of mishaps. The beer barrels were scattered; a delivery wagon. of I . rai g head; a in which the beer carriage Caine in collision, was demol ished; a horse, attached to a buggr In which Mr _Fessenden anti friend were healed, liecanin frightened, ran and dumped tie passengers in the street, atit'ittisr horse then took fright at the ex eitem-ent and joior4l in the kitampede, eau,si rig altogether a scene of confusion and destruction of "Tigs,• rarely wit nessed, No bones w're broken, • - - Ciastoria —X Fllll.l iv or Cillitlpr Oil --a reget • able preparation cunritatnniti , neither Mineralr• Morphine nor Alcohol. It Is pleasant to take. does not nauseate, and operate* vchen atl.nrher reined lea railed Dr. Pitcher has, experimented A ;teen years in nrrxincing a preparation •more e l. 110.1ent than Castor oil. olthotit Its horrid taste. The l'astoria reunlates the eyat,tia: cores (a-nisi'. pation. l'ainnach ache, croup and:flatulency. and kille.wollins. It does not dlstreas or tripe, By its quieting. soothinz, effect itZ,produces natural sleep, and I. particularly_ adapted to crying and teethina-children. We desire Physicians to test tl 4 l. article, and will forwaiA three haute. GRATIO tittia address ot:tny ou,~•n antlentirated. tkut ~nor druzizist order It for you. It costs but 'SO Cents, and one bottle will save many doctor's J. 11 lies. !A Broadway, N Y • i" apiciw Supposed I isonh g Caae.—A kinniap from 'Mapleton. was brought to this place on iiiaturday even, ing and lodged in Jiil,s charged with poisoning her mother-iujlaw. The par ticulars of the case as welea,rcitkew are: Mrs. Dunlap and her mother-in-law did not get along very well, and the young er Mrs. Dunlap, some!thate ago, was beard to threaten Was sl would poison her Alibut two weeks ago the old lady took sics and exhibited every sign of having! , taken poison, she lingered on until FrklayorSaturday last, When she died, Mrs. Dunlap Is suspected of being th,‘ cause of her mother-in-la W death,.and as above stated was arrested on Saturday,brought to this placeand lodged Ari jail to await trial. We forbear cofriment at pres ent.—/funtingdon I==3l The-New 'Law, -giving JUSLi., the Peace jurisdiction in cases of . "misde meanor, to try by jury of slx Men, Is said to work well. The first case In this county since the enactment of the law, Was tried in Beaver Falls on last Satur day. It was cross suits in assault and battery. Com'th va.,Jamea McCormick, triod, convicted and tined ten dollars and costs. Justice McCreary presided, Satn uej Magaw esq. for prosecution. and S. p. Wilson eaq.. for defense., Confth vs. Ellen McLaughlin, Cath erine Brofee and Bridget McCullem— Wilson for prosecution and Magiw for defence. Verdict guilty, against Ellen McLaughlin, asiii not guilty as to the others. Sentence 85; flues promptly paid. The cases attracted attention, and justice was speedily administered: Jostic3McCreary was comphwented for the ability and frnpartiaity with which he presided; •'Dolly 'Warden" is a character In `•Barnaby Rudge," oneof Dickens' nov els:, and had it not been for Dickens' what should we have worn this Spring? TnE BEAVER PALLS CO•OrnrATIVE FOUNDRY Associwrtr ito -havili opened their Sample and Sale main Reeve's Block, first door below .S. Barker I Co's Banking honse. Main str eet, Bea ver Falls. where their pol and gentle manly agent, T. E. Batem 0 , , will be lumpy to show all that favor Ilan with a call, the finest assortment of Cooking Stoves, Hollow Ware and douse Fur nishing„ Goods to be found in Beaver Honsekeepere in want of the best and cheapest will do well to call. Their agent informs us that they are prepared to &divot goods, free ofeharge, in Beaver, Boehast,er, Falb3ton, New Brighton and Besiver Falls. BY their system of combiking capital and labor, they are enabled!fo produce manufac tured goods unequaled in quality or price. Mel "There Is no royal road to learning," is an old axiom,Lt the average Amer ican will not be convineed of the truth oat. It-tabard to convince him of the truth of anything,'When it is to his in terest to believe t 6 the contrary. He can find, or make, royal roads anywhere. And be'cloes, though' many of them aro paved with anythinit but good inten tions. "Got rich, my son, get rich, hon estly if yon can ifs'not,--get rich." Tt was not a Frenchmo yiho said this, al though one might tigt so,.but a mem ber of that plain s king sect—Qua kers. The average American does not "speak out In meetin4," he is too smart for that—he merely puts intention into practice. It is not 8 4 0 much his fault. perhaps, as the fault ,of the period, that he makes haste to gro , rich. Everybody does RA. _. - The Bedford Ingijirer saps: "Last Friday afternoon. Hugh Wertz. son of Hugh F. Wert; esq.i . of Harrison town ship, took a piece of : gun barrel, about two feet long, and started out in the woods toltorsictice Oe art of shooting. The first thing, hoeeyer, to be done was to construct a 16.4 . k. cock and stock to the barrel—a ratbes difficult lob you say, but then you ki!ow American ge nius is ready for and emergency, and our young gunner wiAs not to be baffled by trifles. He drnv an Iron plug into one end of the liarreland after ramming in a good charge of pewder, filled up the balance of the barrel With bullets, shot, kc., and then touched. the "critter" off, but with a very uniapeeted result to him. The gnu shot .both ways. The "stopper" or "plug" struck Mr. Wertz in the face. penetrating his upper jaw immediately under hfm nose, inflicting a very ugly wound, wlAch will disfiguer him for life. It was fl miracle that he was not killed. =SO Ilere is an anecdote told by ono min ister about another. 1a certain presiding elder, who was noted r for seldom being up to time, seldom ve.fy animated, and seldom very brief, ones keptacongrega tion waiting a long tIMe for his appear ance, and when at last -he did come he preached them a very ! : prosy sermon of unusual length, on tho text "Feed my lamba,7 Retold not - Ot Stashed when that or i ginal old mltpatar known - .an "ramp meeting Joh*" .arose from a sent in the coogreation," and ' said:' "Brother. I have had :Homo-experience in raising lambs myipelf, and I haie found the following t i rules absolutely necessary to successfill lamb raising. First, give them theft food in season; second, give them a tittle at a time third, give it them Wit.rm.- CCM flirts. B. hart. Oitor of the Ger mantown A rtry•rli,ter. bad lately a vigo r,,us editorial on "Th'A Free List," and concluded aw follon-m : "There is not in all (i'reation any class of tnen more systematteally preyed upon Imposed noon and rottbed of legitimate business by 'beats.' idead-heads,' and the 'free list' than theieditors and pub lishers. A s a rule. edßors are ready and willing to give aid and encouragement to every object or movement that can in any way benefit humaOiti•, but it is not fair to ask or expect them to take more interest In your schemes than you take your elf. If you are. not willing to spend ten dollars for agood cause, don't ask an editor to devottten dollars worth of space to it gratis. IT you think his paper has to be run anyhow, and your putt don't make anY difference, just start a paper and rim - it on that plan, and if the debt side of yliur aerount at the rind of the year does riot exceed the credit side, It will be becaus4 your system was known to be had and sou couldn't get credit-." 100 bbls Canton', City Flour : 100 lib's Falcon Flour: 21:•bhls White Lime: 150 kgs Wheeling Wails: 10 tuns Wheel. itn.r. iron; 15 HMs N. 0 ,Stnnir; N. 0 Molasses. one tun Fnlinestock's White Lead, live !phis Linseed Oil. 100 hlO4 Salt, and a large stock of Dry Goods, Grnee• ries. Hats. Cans. Boots and Shoes now re velling at Spevere , - k Finns, Rochester, , at ;o‘vest fig . ures in wholesale and re tail. A lar4l , •.oek of lirorcn cotr, Prejudice ngainst in von tint a hea always existed. They have hinder ed the inaterial advaneement of man kind in intellectual, utc,tal and physical progress. And judging' from past expe rience we have reason :' - to believe that it will ever be so. The isimforts enjoyed by the people of the present day—which result from new inventions—have been fairly f o rced Upon th'em. Saw-uoilla were tirat lntrodueed itdo Europe in the fiftenth century, but were bitterly op posed by the petTlewlko previously had rolled, altogether, on the clumsy method of splitting logs with Wooden or metal wedszps. In 16313 a sawjnill was erected in England, but so violent wore the prejudices of the peoplegainat It that it soon fell into disune,:,,end the experi ment was not repeated:, mail a Colltury later, when the indignadon was stronger than before and it was speedily destroy ed by a mob. K di ves or cutting. instruments in some form or other were ear@ used to dress and cut food, but forks ere theirtvention of a comparatively reentit period. They were unknown in Eorope until the fifteenth CM ttl ry. and were first used in Italy, but it was a hundred years more before they 'ware common In ,France, and at a time long subsetwent they were received with marked disfavor both in England and Scritlan4! The modern carriage was despised "hy the ancient feudal lords, and It wag considered a sign of etTerninancy to ride in one. At first it was alMbst entirely at the serv ice of women iind children. Even at the present day street railroad s, or tram ways, as they are calle&in Great Britain, t fs, are opposed, and cons tiently are not patronized to any eonsi evade extent. EOLTOEIAL NOTICES are •so common that it is almost impossible for an editor to express ilia honest opinion of the mer its of any article without being suspect ed of interested motives. This fart, how ever, shall not ,deter us from saying what we think of a new addition to the Idateria Medics to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Dr. d. Walker's Califoruia Vinegar Da :ers., a remedy which is making its way int o more families lust now Ilan all the other advertised medicines put together. There seems to be,no question about the potency of ils tonic and alterative prop erties, while it possesses the great nega tive recommandatlon of containing nei ther alcohol nor mineral poison. That it is a specific for Indigestion, Billions ness, Constipation, and many com plaints of nervous origin, we have rea son to know; and we are assured on good authority thetas a general invigor an t, regulating and purifying medicine, it has no equal. It is stated that its in gredients, (obtained from the wilds of California.) are new to the medical world; and its extraordinary effects oer tainly warrant the conclusion that tt Ise compound of agents hithertto unknown. If popularity is any criterion. there can be no doubt of the efficien cy , of the Vin egar hitters, for the sale of the article is immense and =M:tally increasing. aprlo;4w • BAMiXOTABOVY*C. 'AP lll4 t ll4B4 '" ED. ARGUB,-4.4. Editorial - 1a the Bad teatiof last week, headed "The Ofeetnna-' tI Convanttan." le eytdeatly intend ed to covet utOoesjii; tieeka,- .. tui. the folloNvilli telegram 'will Prove: BEAVER April 24, 1872. CoL.M.S.Quar, 42 Girard ouse, PAita "Dravo is out for the Senate.' 'Looks squally for me. You cannot go to , the Cincinnati Convention. You must come home iintnediatelY• . [Signed.] J. S. Bernie." Now Mr. Editor of the Amos you wore slightly in error fast weeltia regard to the plovoine* of Mr: 'COO. You should have said ho went to Philadelphi - and from there to Cincinnati, for, id Rutan's telegram shows, „ that was his destination.. Wfiethene intended pre senting himself there as a delegate I am not Sure, but incline to the opinion that that was his purpose, but the dispatch above quoted checked him up. Isn't lie a proper person to attack General Power, and General Irwiit for their supposed sympathy with th e Republican Reform movement when all know In this coun ty that their Republicanism can be trust ed, while ks would be regli4o as worth less in a trade for a section of ginger bread ? ' X. Y, Z. It is now reported that the discovery of black peal up the Shenango amounts to more than was at first thought. The vein struck is on the land of Air. Samuel Cox, and is said to be In two layers, the first being four and a half feet thick, and the second or under layer being three and a hal f—there being a foot or so of sista between the two layers. For the prosperity of our county we hope this may turn out a "big thing." New auttle therant." The Shenango Presbytery. —The Presbytery of Shenango convened in the Slippery Rock Church, near Wampum, on the 23d of April, 1872. A call was presented by the church of Beaver Falls for the pastoral services of Rev. James D. Moorehead, promising him a salary of (1,500) fifteen hundred dollars. This call was accepted and arrangements were made for the Installation of t Mr. Moorhead at an early day. The narra tive on the slate of religion shows that large accessions have been made to the membership in the churches within the bounds of the Presbytery within the year ecclesiastical. Upon the report be ing made by the churches of settlements with pastors, it was ascertained that with perhaps but a single exception the pastors had been promptly paid. Very favorable reports were made regarding the progress of the temperance reform in the churches. One member of one of the churches had been suspended from church privileges for vending intoxica ting liquors for use as a beverage, and the attention of Presbytery by overture teas called to this action of the session. Presbytery with entire unanimity sus tained the session and manifested its cordial approval of the act of the session in..refusing to fellowship a neighbor who puts his bottle to his neighbor to make him drunken.. An overture was sent up to the General Assembly which will meet in Detroit, Michigan, in May prox., expressing the earnost desire of the Presbytery of Shenango that no mod ification be made of the deliverance ofa a former General Assembly disapproving in strong terms of the manufacture, sale and use of intoxicating liquors to tie drank as a beverage. Messrs. Satter field and Thompson received license to preach the gospel. Rev. Mealey was chosen as the clerical and Frazier as the lay commissioner to the General Assem bly. 'rho church at floinewpod asked and obtained permission to secure the Rev. John H. Aughey as stated supply till the fall meeting of Presbytery. Presbytery adjourned to meet in Bea ver Falls on the fourth Tuesday of Jnne. April 2fith, 187 - 2. Wva N DOTTE. LEISURE :41011ENTN WITH GOOD AUTHORS.—No. 4. EIZEIMIIE Of the vast number of good apothegms, wholenome Maslms - and wise saws 'ln .cOnstant use, and so frequently quoted b6th by writers and speakers, a large majority are found in the dramatic workni.of Shakespeare. And I may add thatpot every one that uses them knows their origin. I propose to give a few of those in most common use, and the plays in which they are found. It is often said, when one fails in one's plans, or is defeated in an under taking that "VA take i.r dough." In the Tenting of the Shrew, Act I, scene I. Gre min says : "Our cake's dough on both aides;" and In Act V; scene I, he says; "My cake is dough." In speaking of anything which Is not fully understood— any discourse, writ ing or conversation—it is quite common to !MS' "it in all I:reek This is found in Act I, scene 3, of Julius Caesar: firtnsisx-,DId Cicero say anything? (Itsra—A y, ho spoke ( ; reek. rut—To what effeett (41.4ert Nay an I tell you that. 110 . er look you in the face again But those that,al him, amiled at one an other, arel,ahook . their heads; but, for wine ow n;'part, it trox id/ t:reek to in e. In Aet V, went. S , 'Antony in speaking of Itrottni, who lies dead before him, mays: Thig \VI4 the nohleNt Roman of them Al All the ,on.pirators, mavi4 only Did that they did in envy of great f'iestir He only in a generous, honest thought, And •eoninion good to all, made one 0 thetn, His life was gantle t and the elettients Mu tnizett In hint, that Natare migh stand p 1,, And say tositit the world. ThiB tra.y it is often nail that "it i 4 an ill win( that blows nobody good." In the 4 bird nail of Henry VI, net 11, scene J , we find : "111 Nowa the wind that profit. nobody." "Fat/Ninfr, in Henry IV. Aet V, scene 1 Kay.: "It is certain that either whipbear ing, or ignorant earriage, fa eitlght am men take disaimana, one from another : thereforti)let men take heed of their com pany," I) , tpv, in the same ant, mays: "An hon- PW man, sir, k able to speak for him molt', when a k naive is not." "Ton much of a good thing . ' is quite a common saying, and is nn doubt a para phrase of Falstaff's language, in the play , shove where he says: "but it was al-, 17r Il`s , vet the trick of our Englieh nation, if they have a goo 1 thing to wake it too ()minim... IktalT, also. Kays them true wortiq as true e 114 then possibly could have been in the life time of the Immortal Kurd—" Virtue is or little regard in thew eoster- monger times, that true val or k ttired }Tar-head, n 4 * all the other giftqrappertineot to man, aq the mariee of this age shapes them, aro not worth a c , ulNeberry ." " Thf•rr• 14 Itiqk in odd nnrnbera" 14 re gard L, by many its an Irish proverb and furrus a lino in the familiar !HA mom!. entitled Hoary tt'Nfoore. Shakes peare maker F:11 lAtafT say ; "There is di vinitv in odd numbers." "inseretion is the betteepart valor" is quoted from the first part trf Henry . IV, hAI t Fallstnif says; "The better part of valor is_diseretion ; in which bet ter pert I have saved tnv In the Ponied y of Error.., Act 111, merino - . I; A ntipholwa of Ephesus says; "There is scenethlrm in the wind. In the same Play Antiphon's of Svra ruse talk %thus lovingly and tenderly to I,neiene; "It is thyself, mine own self's Letter part, Mina eye's eloar ova, my dear haart'li dearer !wart. My 1 , 14)(1, my I , ,rtnne, and iny .weeL Irope'm airs, M v 401 N Partll . 4 111SIV(.0, and my hoavf n's claim. "F;yen• dog has his day k one of the most familiar ornverhs in our language. in linnilet„Act V, scene I, Hamlet says; "Let Hercules himself do what he may, The eat will I.IIPiV and dog will have hi., (ill." In Art I. geene 4,' Mareellum may "-:..cnethint; iv rotten in the Hints ( Denmark." Hamlet in the saute act and fifth scene says: "My tables—meet im it, I met it down That one inay sin lie, and smile, and be a villian, At least I (1171 sure, it may be so in Don- IMO of all creatures that move on tbo face of the earth, the tattler. the talc-barer, the slanderer, Is the meanest and despicable. They are all fully pottray ed by Shakespeare; I quote only (lo ser' ption of the bipeds. In Henry VIII, Ant 11, scene 4, king Henry says to gardhial Wolsey ; -"You are not to be taught That you have many enemies, that know not Why they are so, hnt., like village curs, Bat - k whentheir. Ah, hoW many there are who are al ways too ready, "like village curs, to bark when their fellows do,"—to repeat 111 reports of their neighbors without knowing whether they are trite or not. Queen Katherine, in the same play, when it Is announced that two Cardinals wish to have an interview 'with her MVP; "They should he good men; their affairs as righteous, But all hoods make not monks." , J-jba.W.- vary true ttiti.-that,"alt:lpods make not monks)" yet bow many judge others solely by thelrukocds," that is by theft dress. Only those, however, who hive tree and know but little of the world estimate tic& fellowi by such an u nrel table standard. The Mewl est garb May cover an honest heart l and the most princely garb may anneal a heart that never knew an honest throb. :Dr, done not make or unmake the ma eam. n: •Every ono should be, estimated and esteemed in exact accordande with VA "daily walk and couyeraatton." "By fruits ye shalt know. them" is the Divine, and therefore, the only 4rue test of men's real worth. PENNSTLVASIA. Why Senator McClure 9Oes to 'Cinein nafi—The Adrainfarafion Record the State, ' To the Editor of The rifled. Evening Bulletin Sin: I thank you for the frankness with which you criticised my assent to the Cincinnati movement in your edito r rial of yesterday. If your premises are correct, your cenanrede but just, and I could do no less than resign the Senato rial trust confided to me, by the united efforts otthe independent Republican press and voters of Philadelphia. Let me renew the assurance to yon and your readers, whose good opinions I hope ever to merit, that whenevri can not maintain my plighted faith to my constituents, or meet their Just expecta tions on any question affecting their in terests or their wishest,l shall feel bound by every consideration of honor and duty to surrender the position I have re ceived at their hands. I declared in January last, as you state.that "no folly of any one can make me faithless to my plain, positive pledge to obey _the well-known sentiments of the Republicans of the district on the Presidency." Taken in connection with what preceded and succeeded the state ment in my speech, it is not without qualification, but I do not plead it.— Upon one point I was so specific that misunderstanding was impassible. I proclaimed on all occasions that I would sustain the Republican organiZation,in or out of the Senate,excepting when it con fronted Municipal or General Reform, and then I would obey no caucus or convention. I meant all of that then: I I mean nil of that now. Had-I bum re turned elected,' as I confessedly was el ected, in January last, and the question of Grant's renomination had been pre sented for the consideration of Repub lican Senators, I would have subordina ted my individual preferences, and gilt en effect to what was then undoubtedly the choice of the Republican,' of the dis trict. I could have pardon a Pres ident's personal, official. an hostility to the Reform• movement in that contest, on theground that bad men had deceived him by 44ey appeals for party organizatiomandmighthave ex cused it also on the ground that a Sena.: for had no right to do a wrongtuhiscon stitnents because the President saw fit to degrade his office by interfering .in a local contest. But, after an exhausting struggle with organized plunderers, in which The Bulletin rendered eminent service, the people were denied a true return of the honest vote. ands fraudu lent return given to the defeated candi date. With one voice the press of Phila. del phla,of all shades ofopinion, demand ed investigation of the frauds. The issue had been tried, and the true ver dict was well underatood by every in tellgent citizen. The question • had then ceased to be political in any sense consistent with Justice. It became a mere question of testing the common honesty of those who were called upon to act, .:or who assumed to act in the matter: and the Administration of Pres ident Grant was the head and front, the bulwark and shield, of the men who struggled in desperation to commit a double fraud upon the people of Phila. delphiad, by perpetuating the dominion of the rings, rounders, and repeaters in our municipal affairs. While a few of ns were laboring day and night., after the election, to prepare the evidence of fraud in form for the consideration ofthe Senate, the command came from the President that there must be no investigation, and. there was not a plunderer about the State' Rouge dens who did not plume himself because the edict of power had gone forth to sustain the fraudulent return awarded against the people. The Repuplican Senators rushed into caucus, under the lash of the Administration and personally im portuned and driven by officials direct from the throne, to devise how not to allow inquiry into what they knew to be deliberate fraud npenn the better cit izens of Philadelphia. - A few Republic can Senators meant to do right, but they were unwilling - to incur the 'wrath of power until there was no hope of inves tigation by obedience to caucus. For two weeks the appliances of the Admin istration weresuceessful, and only when three brave men declared, with the Dem ocrats, that they would at once vote to select a committee, under the conatitu tional powers of the Senate, without re gard to law, was an act allowed to pass authorizing a committee. But for the manly action of Messrs. Col. Davis, Strang, and Billingfelt, the repeating, ballot-stuffing, false counting. peril:lrv. and rioting of the IVth Distr;et wound have keen ..-Atrengthened for fresh triumphs over"the people of Philadel phia, by the positive protection given them by the President of the United States. The artlletin Apprei•lated the state of the case pending the struggle with power nt Harrisburg, when It gave the bold and able leader, notifying the President that "Hands Oft" was a I P eessity if hesavould preserve the confi dence of the Repuplivans of this city, beg you to reperuse that faithful admoni tion. Nor did the desperation of Adminis tration power (yid when an Investiga tion was ordered. The evidence appall ed the community. It was proven from day to day how the Custom-house, the Post-Othee. the Navy-Yard, the A!- Renal, and the Revenue offices had vom ited forth their repeaters, their perjured election officers, their leaders of gangs of rounders. their scienced ballot-box stuff - firs, and their expert forgers in re turns. tine by one, by name and official position, they were pointed nut, by sworn testimony, that nr effort was made to impeach, and circumstantially convicted of their% crimes The daily Journals published and commented on the startling evidence, and no one of ordinary intelligence can plead igno ration of those fearful wrongs or wrong doers. Notwithstanding President Grant's profuse professions and public proclamations in favor of Civil Service Reform. not one of these well-known criminals has been removed, excepting two or three who have been promoted in (heir respective departments. If yon doubt that these men, under the pro tecting ptiwer of the President, have absolute control of the Republican or ganizations in Philadelphia, and mainly throughout the Some, scan the men who are to/represent you, and 60,000 Republie4Out lot on'. city, in the Nation al Conventioil. They will, in that groat body. assuming to reflect the wishes of the Republicans of the 2 nation, simply repay the obligations they owe to the Administration for maintaining them in place and power at the sacrifice of public decency. I oppose the ron '- nation of President Grant because he is the foe of every principle of reform ; because I am fully convinced that two thirds or more of the Reform Republi cans of Philadelphia sincerely desire another candidate, and because he can not and should not be elected against any other candidate with a loyal record. Assured by the character of the dole gates chosen to the Philadelphia Con vention, so far as I can personally Judge, that they will merely do the bidding of power regardless of the eonvietions or preferences of the party. I shall consult with other,tudependent Republitatns at Cilicint4l' and art as my duty to Re publican principles, to a Republican ronstituency, and to the country, shall dictate. If by this, disaster comes Upon our organization, tell me In truth and soberness whip must answer for It! A. K. McCt.urtg. Phitadefphio; April 20, 1872. MARRIED. I.cNOA NECK ER—FERGI . SON. April itt, 1872. by Rev. Jno• McCarty, Mr. Frank Longanecker of Now Brigh ton and Miss Mary J. Ferguson of Pulaski. MeC'LEAN—GRUNDY.—On Aprll2Bth , by I'. L. Giltn, esq., at his residence, 'dr. William A. McClean of Lawrence c•onntp', Pa., to Miss Mari' Grundy %Beaver county, Pa. DIED. SIIIVELEY.—On the 22d ilay of April. Il+T2, at the residence of her father, Mr. John Gibson, in Beaver ra.. Mrs. Sa rah A. wife of Mr. George Shively, in the 30th year of her age. NEW ERIGATON GRAIN man 'LET. CORRECTED RV WIISON & COMPANY White Wheat, - Red Wheat, - Rye. Corn. ' °ate. Buckwheat, - - :/retif .: Atittertigeineftis. Attractive Stook! JOSEPH M. Mc Quay's Building, 3d " We Studiously av Fancy Dry Goods : The Latest No,ettles sts FANCY DRY GOODS, J A PANESE SILKS, JAPANESE PLAIDS. JAPANESE LINEN. FANCY "POPLINS. BLACK SILKS, TRIMMING SILKS AND SATINS, DOLLY VA.RDEN PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, P. K's. and Light Fancy SHAWLS & SCARFS; NEW SPRING SKIRTS, , NEW WRITE SKIRTS; LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, DOLLY VARDEN SKIRTS& Bustles. W -el SI : LAMM LADIES SUMMER SUITS IN WHITE EN, COQUET, and other New Mated SOS. M. M M y 1 ;Ilin Neer and Magnificent Meet Plate Engraring "THE HAPPY RETURN." This beautiful Steel Engraving. size 31 by 9.5 Inches drawn by the celebrated painter Ale FM win Landitter, and engraved by that skillful ar tist, A 11 MIMI - F. la one of the largest •nd most valuable ever protlaced, the plate being worth $8.500. It Is fresh. new and sparkling. an.l the Impressions in the Art Galleries and Picture Stores sell for Kin each. The picture represents the return of a family party from a day spent In amino ments and tle• lights Of the field end wood. The beautiful and . tender Andy. the noble father, the interesting c It dren. the splendid horse.with dogs and household pets that look their mute welcome, make up a wonderfully Interesting group. The graceful architecture, the stained glass windows, the cool, clean flag stone pavement,and every pleasant see founding, are rendered In exact and most artistic detail. while the large, open half-way gives a charming glimpse of the luxurious comfort within. The whole most exquisitely and truthfully drawn In Landseer's best style, and engraved with Rich ie's rare skill. Its fluenessceize, grace, tied beau. ty are simply unequaled. It has woo encom tunas from the best authorities in Europe and America. It fully satistitat all. (mayl:Bw. State and County Tax. TILE County Tee/tearer will attend in the several townships and boroughs for the purpose of roc-iving the State and county taxes for the year Mt at the places and times designated below, viz: Bridgewater born Maya Copt J M Rochester horn •• 11 BonenAter Flouse. Rochester tap •+ I i Doncaster !louse. Baden & Economy •' 15 am C M Biddle* Store Harmony tap " 15 pto Hotel. Freedom boro • " In McCaskey & Kerr's. Pllllllmtbnrix born •' tt Capt Shrodes'. Fallston horn " •Al Toll House New lirlahion boro New Brighton Mm " ILogaw's Hotel t B. Fal44 Poet Office Pettenton & B. Fellr •• Poet Office. Georgetown boro " 24 a m., Caltionn'im Store Glasgow born " m., Jenee Smith's. Marion twp " tr.) George Hartzell',.. Franklin two '• 3 , 1 A otenrelth's Store. North Sewickley twp " 31 Nathan Hazer's. Rig Beaver & HotnewoodJune 3 Johnston House Big Beaver & N Galilee " 4 Union Hotel. Darltngton tp & horo Je 5 .1 P Dilworth's. Darlington tp 4 bor '• fp J Mark'. Hotel South Beaver tp •• 7 Joseph Lawrence's. Economy twp " 24 George Neeley's. New Sewickley twp " t'S John Donalass'. Pulaski him - 20 Robert Wallace's. Industry twp " 27 Brit - ga & Allen's store Brighton iivp •- 2.4 D W Scott's. Chippewa twp July 1 W Cumalruzham's. S. Beaver ..t Ohio .• " 2 Adam's litore. Ohio 3 M R Derringer's. Hookatown horn " s Ho t el. & Greene tp " 2 Hotel. Hanover & Greene tp" 10 Prank Smith's shop. Frankfort biro - II .1 H Vance's. Hanover twp •• 11.1 Ii Wilson's store. Raccoon twp •• IS J il Christy's. Independence twp - PI John Holmes'. ot Hopewell " 17 J Davis' store. Hopewell twp •• 1$ It W Scott's. Dl non twp " 19 James Prentice. Payment. esn be made In adjoining townships. larAll licgases are due by4aw July Ist Tto.e , not paid at that data will he'reoillected with cost. C. P. WALLACE. mayl;tf ) . Treasurer Beaver Vountu. Trustees' Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY virtue of an order of the Orphans• Court of Deaver county, the undersigned Adminis ••• • tors of the estate of William Davidson, or.. late o said county. dec'd., and Trustees to make tale of decedent'. real estate after proceedings la Parti tion, will expose to sale at public vetolue or out cry, on the premises on Frokry, May 24, 1872, of Id o'clock, a. m„ all the following described real eats 0 of said deceased situated In Cltipprwa lommthip, Beaver county. Pa., to v. : tine tract 110 ruled os t..i lows. viz : Reginiting at u po.t at south-west cor ner, thence by other lauds of said deceased, (put - part No. 31 north v degree., we.t. 142 perch,. to a post: thence by lands of S. M. Welsh, north 3i 4 degrees. eu.l s 7 75 100 perches to u stone; them, by tanas of William McCaughiry and purport No I north ri7 degrees, 5 minute.. weal 132 zu-timp per. to a stone; thence by purport No. I mouth 3 (eg. weal M utntOn perches to the place of tiogintoug ; containing 71 acre, am( 6u perches, upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, log amble, and other outbuilding. ; about 60 acres cleared, and balance welt timbered; a four-feet vein of coal underlies the pc'uitses. ALsCi, Another tract in .ani township bounded by lands of Daniel McDade, Jeremiah Gilchrist, the minor helm of dotal Davidson. deceased, rind Joseph Hanna; contain int 49 acres and 36 perches, upon which are erected a log dwelling house log stable and outbuildings; fruit trees on premises ; all cleared, under fence. and underlaid with a four r.,t vein of coal. Each of above farms within t tree miles of New Galilee station, on P. F. W. C. R. W. Mill., pctiools and churches convenient. . . ALSO, On Saturday, May2sth, rf.72, at 90 cluck a. in.. on the premises, all those two certain lots of ground gluier in that pa. t of Bridgewater hurl. called North Bridgewater in said county,adjoinlng each other, and together hounded as follows, viz: Begnming at the end of Water street. and extend lug thence along the Sharon road to Elm Street: thence by Elm street to the extension of Walnut alley; thence by said alley to Grape alley; thence by Grape alley to the place of beginning. A quart. city or ground . about equal to three lois In David • son's plan 01 North Bridgewater, said lots hewing 150 feet trout on Walnut alley, nud extending bark by parallel lines to Sharon road aforesaid, upon Which are erected a largo three and a-tui(j storied brick dtvellino house, containing I I roomy' a new frame granary, coal house and other buildings,: cistern and good well of water at the door, fruit trees Om the premiers. ALSO. Two lots In said Da. idson s plan. Nos. 37 and :IS In the borough aforesaid, upon which to erected a two-story frame duelling house, con taining i rooms and kitchen: good fence; coal noose and fruit trees on premises. ALSO, Lot No. 102 In said Davidson's plan, upon which is erected a small frame, one-story house with basement containing, four rooms; good fruit on lot. ALSO, Lots 111, 70, 71, 72 and 73 to Davidson's plan in said borough. lots n 9 oud 70 having a front of 511 feet each on Sycamore alley, and ex tending hack by parallel Rues to Beaver and Shar on road; lots Nos, 71, 72 and 73 haring each a trout of 50 feet on Clarion street and extending hack 129 feet to Sycamore alley. all under fence r ALSO, Lots Ntho.:Se ,:41,ti0, 61, GI, 63 in Davidson's plan, each 50 feet on Mulberry street. and running back 129 feet to Sycamore alley; all surrounded by fence A LSO. Lot No. 90. in said plan, bounded west by Heaver and Sharon road. oiS feet by maid road. mouth hy (Snipe alley TS fect, east by Clarion stmit ref feet, partly unoer fence ALSO, Lot No. 1133 in Mid plan, upon which I. ereC tell a two story frame house euntaluing 4 rooms t kitchen with cellar underneath, troll trees on lot, and lot under fence. ALSO, Lot No. 1113, lu said plan, upon Which is erected a large, frame stable, lot fenced. ALSO. I.ot No. 104, In same plan, upon a bleb Is aod story frame houg ‘ at present used 1,/, an of fi ce, containing two oms with cellar un derneath. ALSO. The undivided one third of Ina t cer tain lot of ground situated in said tkiro. of Itridsre water. county and State aforesaid, bounded on the east by Beaver River, south and west by Pub ife Road or Street, and on the north oy lot of upon S 4 bleb is erected a large steam saw mill ALSO, Two lots of ground c.ituate in Rochester fp.. County and Slam aforesaid, being Nes. 1$ $l. In a plan of lots laid out by Jos. Irvin at John Whisker, Administrators of the estate of John Bolles dec'd, containing TWO ACRE/ P6/1111V,. ALSO, A parcel or Jot of tFrontl. 'Hunted In Fail Purheeter Ty., in the vionge of mar the Int t above mentioned lote,conmining, usit lIVVDDED ♦ND IIUDTEEN ♦ND uNE•tIALP PEIICULP. h4—Une third of purchase money In hand on confirmation of -oaks by the Court ; one-third at the expiration of one year Irma the date of raid confirmation with legal interest thereon from the none time; and the Motown to remain charged on the premise,. during the natural life of !aid decedent a widow, the Interest thereon to he paid to her annually from and after cold rontirma lion, and at h. r death Bald deferre instalment to he paid -to the parties legally entitled thereto, Purchasers to pay eutectic of preparing deed!, bond, and mortgagee and stamping estate turther information address the under signed at Rochester P. 0., Beaver Co.. Pa. SAML. $ THOS. DAVIDSON; Or Ince, 'Niloon $ Moore, t Atty'e at Law, Beaver, Pa A CHALLE NGE ! We defy all other events to prrUfnee a Sewing' Mucha', equal to our new /14V/NOTON Fit PIRK PIMP FEED. Send for samples - ut work, ctren &c. CARSON BROS Western Agents, , No. ei Sixth St., Pittsburgh. MI arAgenta %%anted. apeltatia Notice. A N asseatment of ten mills on the dollar, on rt. the taxable property of the borough of Hes ver, has been levied for the preeent. The Court of Appeals will be held at the °Mee of Joseph Ledlie on the 4th day of May, telt, be tween the Minn of t and h o'clock. pp to. Br or' der of council. ' U. W. HAMILTON. Preel. J. Lanus, Seep. Mayl: w - $1 70 - 170 - hi) • 05 - 50 - 85 Advertisement*. New Spring Goods! CREERY & Co's Street. Deaver. Paz. Aid Inferior Goods." New Ilillienery Goods: And NEW STRAW GOODS. Dolly Varden HATS & BONNETS. Trimmed HATS & BONNETS, Untrimmed HATS & BONNETS; RIBBONS. nll widths& color.; FLOWERS,aII the new shades; Rutting. Puffing. Tucking, & Embroidery, TOURIST PARASOLS; SUN UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and NOTIONS. CURTINS, OIL-CLOTHS BAZAR-CUT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO ADD CA M lIRIC, NV hite LINEN, 'BIM F UN als that may appear during ►he Season BErvT & CO' S. BOOK AGMs READ THIS. We went a Iirdi•CISPR agent in every town for Life and Times of James Fisk, Jr. Giving a full and comolete history of the life of this most ren3arlotbie man. Embracing also Bio - SketMea and Portraits of Miss Mans field. Stokes, Drew. Vanderbilt. Gould. Tweed and others. FM pager. MS illustr thous. Mer t hook out for agent.. Send for circular sure to DOORS .1:, McCOLLUM. Publishers. Titusville. Pa. ap•14,4 rrilE Stockholders of ,"The Company for erect-. I tng a bridge over Big Beaver Creek ator user Wolf Lane, In the county of Beaver." are hereby not Mei that an election for one President. six managers and a treasurer will be held In the Toll House nl said company. on the last Monday (the 29th day) of April next. comtuencirt,g at 10 a. m. tnal2o.te ) ' JAMES ALLISON, Treas. PICKERSGILL, LYONS & CO., LOOKING GLASSES. Fine Mantel and Pier Looking Glasses and Picture Frames a Specialty. 141. Wocrci f4t., l'lttiobarigh marchV.3m. Virßtanica, 8111-heads. Cards, Mortars, neat!, execuetd at ibis office. I.2sNa4 Federal Street, 21 Huron Ilonw Spring Dress Goods New Gray Mixed Poplins for suits at 123 panese Stripes at 20 and cents, JAPANESE SILKS from 4o to 75 cents. Most handsome Styles and bt.t, quality for the price to be found in this market. Shawls & Scarfs. STRIPE SPRING SHAWLS In choice Styles. from :100 up the choicest An 'Extra _Bargain 2-1 inch Black Gros Grain Silk at $1.75 This Silk upon examination, recommends Speciial Prices to Farmers, and (Alters. buyinr, Cotumatles, Jean's. Checks. &e., iu quantifier BOGGS d" BEIM, 4 DIIINS'it'S. NOTlCE.—Etatate or George W. it Park. jr . tate of Beaver Lotted'', Pa. deceased. Letters or A drathostra lion upon the estate of Geo. W. Park, hr.. late or Beaver cuanty, deceased. having been granted to the underrlgnetl, nll per MOO i indebted to said estate are rvottented to male pa) merit. 311.1 1 osr hetvltqf claims tozahist I-hr panic to present t 1 ism Witholli delay to 1.1 'k; 11. DAVISON. A titu ' r., illr.rMt W 111,11.1 W rg P. o.. Allegheny Cu.. Pa t- They Will Use Norte''intl the Best of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ex re!, re. Mary Rambo a bluetit'. lo the Court of Common Pleas of Deaver county, No: 35, September term, Ist:9. January 27, Mt, the account of John stewart, committee of Mary Rambo tied. March :10th. 1872. the Court confirm this amount and appoint Frank Witsoo, e 1 ,4).. en anditor!to es, port distribution of thebalance In theVM da ot eniumltteu to and among' theiiyartTlesneletottiebertl.ll. tied, - - - Baia!' Comm% et: C.% 8E AL i true : extract huto the record: Juin; carunivir, Peva' ir. The Auditor appointed by the Court to.disixtbuto the balance in the hands of said John Stewart, committee of Mary Flambe aforesaid, on selliement of his account as such committee wi)) meet the parties Interested for the purpose of Ids apootnt• menu on P'Hday, May ITtb, Int. at 10 o'clock, a. to.. at his office t o Beaver, at which ttmeand place sae parties may attend If they see proper, FRANK WILSON, Audiktr. BEAVER. PA Election. NANcricrunans AND DEAL/ILLS BOpS & BUHL. LARGE STOCK AT POPULAR PRICES ELEGANT DISPLAY OF Ottomans. EMI 12S Federal Street, Allegheny City Ain Io,' 73:1y 3Cosaxuri_sstr - y*. Dr. J. Ylur• .• ray ,offiridge water. le deter ! mined that 110 - • DeUtipt In the • State phal I do „ work better Of .41a L • cheaper than P s IA . he offer, it to a , *tab.* ' II: I T:Z:717; be.t niateTtala roanufaMnred In the United States.. Gold and ell ver filling performed In 'style that detleo compe tition Satiofaction :uaranteed in all operation's, Or money returned. Give him a trial. fe tr.!: I v Brooms! Brooms!! The uhtlen,ignett have lately commented the manufacture of Brooms, lima the Railrod Station, New Brighton, Pa., where Wei' will Iw glad to ha‘e their fit Odis and the public generally ('ALL A N I) EXAMINE THEIR MAKE Or BROOMS. (brn. and toolnir had eonMeerublo experience in the numornetute of brooms they Lel continental their ability in .nthay all who with to boy. le Lllam. .1. L. R li. ThOILPSON. 160 ACRES OF KANSAS LAND FOIL SALE Ott EXCHANGE, FOR BEAVER COUNTY PROPERTY. rr BE above land is located near a flourlahlug town or over tain inhabitants. in the county sr J etTerson. through w bleb the Atchison. Topeka & Be Ilia Fe Railroad is expected to he comp] !rted the coming simmer There is a stream of water through and some stone and timber on it; a coun try toad on one std.-. and a State road on the oth er. Th.. Istot i. nearts all rolling prairie. Title ‘,11111111.41. For further particulars Inquire of JOHN IL MI.I.EA N. Rochester; or turt73m W. W. IRWIN. New Brighton. Pa. $l,OOO REWARD! A rel. ard "(One Thousand Dollars will he paid to 411 . 1 Physician who old produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the people better than the article known as DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It mina be a better Cathartic a better Alterative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic mid In every wily better than the Pan-a-ee-a. No matter how Iona; It hap been in UPe or hoar lately ill.coverett Aluve ad it intuit out contain any thing: NOT PrIIKLY $5OO RFWARD!! A reward of f lye Hundred Dollars will be paid for n medicine that will permanently cure more carer of Costiveness, Constipation hick or Ner vous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disor ders, Jaundice, Hhenniatt.m, fJont, Dyspepsia, Chill* and Fever, Tape Worms, Bosse, Tamara, Tellers, Ulcers, Sorer. Pains In the Loin*, Side and Head and Fenuile Cumplaints than DR. FAHRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which I* need more eitrnrively by, practicing phyatclatto thau auy other popular medicine nown. trPr.-par.:al by P. r•ItIINEY'I4 BIM/. dr Co., ynerboro. Pa., and Dr. P. FAILIMMT, Chic, o Price 1.25 per bottle. for pale by Wholesale and Retail Dealers, and by Jowls atoong, Druggist, Braver, Pa. Auditorows Notice. - ,, A.iknOttricezneuts. Wears re(Plcated to announce the names of the following persons for the offices designated : Corignm. WILLIAM HENRY, of ?album. State Senate. J. 8. RUTAN, of Beaver. JOIDI F. DRAVO, of Beaver Assembly. SAMUEL J. CROSS, Rochester. G. OAUGREY, of South BeaVer tp For Assoc.tole Judge. WILLIAM H. FRAZIER, of Frankfort. HON. IL LAWRENCE, of Greene tp. For Sherftlt JOHN S. LITTELL, - Blipeaver. JAMES DARRAGH, Br Fen JAMES PATTERSON; ver J. P. MARTIN, Darlin C. K. CHAMBERLIN,New Brighton. CHARLES JOHNSTON, Hopewell. CHAMBERLIN WHITE, Beaver Pall& AFtTHIIR SHIELDS. Hopewell. C. P. WINTER. New Brighton. J. W. D. SMITH, Patterson. Register and Recorder. • JAMES 1 STOKES, Beaver. ELI RENO, New Brighton. - A. G. MeCREARY, Beaver Falls. THOS. 0. ANSHUTZ, Beaver, (late of 140 Pa. Vols.) CHARLES A. GRIFFIN, Beaver. (late of Ist W. Vu. Vols., and rinth Pa Vols.) E. B. THOMPSON, New Brighton. FRANK DUNLAP, of Fallstun_ CARPETS, Clerk of Courts. JOHN C. HART, Beaver. Commissioner. EVAN P. TOWNSEND, New Brighton. DANIEL NEELY, Economy tp. JOHN SWICK, North Sewickley. THOMAS FERGUSON, Pulaski. Poor House Director. ROI3T. COOPER, Moon. DANIEL FIGLEY, 3100 n. JOHN 'WRITE, Hopewell. JOHN SWANEY, Greene. County School Superintendent. M. L. KNIGHT, Industry. G L.EBERHART, New Brighton. SMITH CURTIS, Georgetown NEWTON ANTHONY, M., Beaver . Falls. Delegate to Constitutional Convention HENRY lIICE, Beaver Faih. New Advertisements. r I 1311 - ti r We have on hand a large lot of Ana finished work, which we are selling - cheaper than any other arm to •he county or State. Persons wishing 'a erect Igoonments, Held and Foot Stones this spring, uow is the time to get a bargain. Call and see na before purchasing elsewhere. We will guarantee eatistaction • both as to workmanship and prices. Also Grind Sumes and Fixtures always on hand. [aprio-4Gm To The School Direo*ors Of Bearer County: GENTLEMEN : —I n pureuanee of the forty-third section of the act of the alb of May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet In Convention at the Court•liouse in Beaver, on the first Tuesday in May, A. D. IS7t, being the 7th day of the month, at. 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select, tiro roce. by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary and'acientific qu trements and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as county Superintendent for the three succeeding years ;;determine the amount o compensation for the aame: and certify the rasa to the State Superintendent. at Harrisburg, a. required by the thirty ninth and fortieth sections .of said act. GEolttlE M. FIELDS. County Superintendent of Beaver Co. BE•irln. April lOth. LS72; 3. w. . _ •[ had my Photograph takeu atll. Noes New Gallery, Broadway, N. B." n ktrP A. W. JE.III,WIN k CO., 172 and t;4 Federal Street ALIAIEG- HEN '‘'. Respectfully announce to their nu mamma customers. and buyers of £)ry Goods generally, that they are now receiving, and are daily opening their usual large and elegant assort ment of Spring Goods; and that their icapacioas salesrooms are note filled with all the choicest novelties of the season, embracing many new styles and fabrics never'before offered in this market. SPecial attention is requested to the stock of Black Alpacas, Silks, median and low priced Dress Goods, House-keeping Goods, and Shawls. Having the handsomest and best lighted More Room in the two cities, and keeping nothing but the best makes of goodl, and guaeauteeing our prices to be as low as the lowest, we are satijised tlyit we can make it to the interest of purchasers to look through our stock before making their spring purchases. 'lb close buyers at whole sale, we can offer some special induce ments ; we carry one of the- laTest stocks of goods in 'hie market, cm:i prising ninny things ha Shawls and medtizm priced Dress Goods, not kept in regular wholesale houses. We guarantee our prices as low as any New York or Philadelphia quotations, and only ask an examination to con vince buyers that we can do them good. 172. S 174 Federal St.,Allegheny City, Pa. only. 55-Iy:chd kV; febt4; our:;. IJ CFI IS CO N Matinfacturene Agent! azad Dealer., Jr Iron and Wood Working incWory 131 r Fs.A. Ni, i t 7 Hort ;ontal and Vertical Steam /engine& iloire. Belting Packing and Mechanical Supplies, Cor. Wood. St.. Sc ',NI Ave., PITTSBTIV: 11, PA. Agent.. , for ti+ Huntoon Steam Governor Enowleti Patent Steam Putops,Ri der Cut Of ,t; Caloric EngLues,Union Stone Co.'snriery Wheels. Apti4 Sm. - _ 14T A. I It.. II ILT I I. DING Asp wuc)n-• btc4 P4nOP- Nriests. Balusters, Hand Balls. with all Joints cut and boiled, read f whom! furnished on shore notice WILLIAM PEOPLES. mard;lyl Cor. R•ebster St. & Graham alley. EYECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Letters testamentary on the estate of Janet Murray, of !knower township. &seer eornty, Ya., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. sit person. dcht.d to said estate are requested to mkt, pay. meat, and those havirm , claims against the same to present thorn without delay to tairl'itSw. AuccAN DU. SICKLE. Eel'. ;I.H.MARSHALL ANUFACTURER MONUMENTS, & GRAVE „STONES' 110 I 4 .LY ,,, :t.... 4 y^.'' ' f.. , ' i, re1: t :.'4 , '.'1,, , :1ie,, ,, r, ril, ,r,ekl 'p i ; I 'l ',., i tl i6 , 1,„; , ...r44 . ., , , r i l , igi $l , , r IV , ?A," 1411 r l':YI:'4 1 1;1:1 1 .:W. PYI. 1/i'V'' I[ I [ nsarltf A. Ir. EIZIVI,V & CO., ALLEGHENY CITY Mieeellcvnediis: LOOK HERE. AND Strninzu GOODS.—Tbe L.7undersigned begs leave to Inform ids friends and the public generally that be has just received !! DOI , stook of goods of the latest steles for Inatug and Summer wear ,wblcb he (Alters at very k moderst rates. GERTLEMAXT _ FURPIB=O GOODS, CONSTANTI:Y - Wit_IIAND, Clothing mane to order on the shortest notice. Thankful to the public for mutt fall" I 'hope by close attention to brunt:ten to merit a cantle° Macs of the same._ DANIEL MILLER, BRIDGE Sr. munazwanal. p4 mar DO WM The Bdat for All Purposes, More easily managed, more durable, and runs lighter than any Machine in the market; easily cleaned and kept in order; large bobbing, holds twice as much thread as any other shuttle. Lock-Stitch, alike on bap sid es ; self-adjusting ttnslon. JuNtly Popular. From the first the " DOMESTIC " has rapidly increased in popularity, until to day, in the opinion of all experienced Sewing Machine man, it stands forth ITN - RIVA.I_II_,MDI It is zaining favor much faster than any other Machine heretofore presented to the public, wit ieli can be seen I rom its Increas ed sales last year over the preceding, being OVER FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT No Machine is increasing its sales and gaining public favor as rapidly as the "DOMESTIC. " THIN IS IN CONSEQUENCE OF ITS EUPERIORITY WM. ROBERTSON, Agent, Beat., r Falls, P:t. ismi examine the machine Feb. 21; 3m. Side. , riim School llirectorp of Chippewa townatilit IL not being satitotled with the pealed proposals recelied on the Mb Instant tot the building of Grog new houses and eight out houses intend having a public hiddiog on the above named houses on Saturday. the 4th day of May next, at No. ti(old brick house near John Braden's) to the lowest and beet bidder for the completion of them. specifications can he peen by calling on the Sec retary of the School Board. tairr24:te.l JOHN McCARTER. [ !radical. (oaaervitt ve and Preto. copy.) The only roliable Diatribution in libiC'oux try $6O 000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L . 1) . mstl REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT Enterprise ! To be Drawn Monday, June 3d, 1872, TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenba.cksT Two Prizes, VAN) , Five Prizes, $.31)0 tiireenbackto Ten Prizes of $lOO 0 L _ I Hone and Boggy, wllh ether Illooote Liu o•ws worth SIX.V. Cue nine Whet! 114111 pkoo. worth $5OOl 10 Family Sewing Machiaie,lorib !PO rich ' Fire Heavy ('used Gold HI vt,na rely, asui Henry bold W th ' :100 bollars each ! Five Gold Atieesican Hunting gi"elietp-ii worth $ :25 each. Ten Ledieh hob etiunng N a•rhr v•- eaCh ' MOO Gold and Sitrer .v • q W %in all) trortot 'ram PS , •• - V • a A' +ndi.-s• Gold L..-olc'rot r h- l• cn4( no. Solid and 1) üble- ale r ASI e }mon? upl , l Whole Nurhb?r u 000. Ticketd Limiteri r.. I;k4Pi AI,70111.+; Want. -1 14. i c k, 1,, Llbt ral. Pr,tnitinis ‘i I I j tingle 'rickey : $l. Sts. Ticket.. $:„ Twelve Tick. Op. 1110: Twei,ty-tive Tlcketr, (Iranians containing aII list of prizes. a de .cripittio tbe manner of drawing, arol other in formation In celertiucr to the dlrtrthlition. will ho 4 sent to any 4,ne ordering theta. All orders must he addressed to 1.. D. SINE:. box SG. mayl:3t) dJtUc Ini W. Fiftti-ot.. Cincinnati, 0 UI" Agenda W tin trod. Wanted imuandoitely, (our active. energetic men to act as Agents Sur the "NEW" WHEELER WILSON SEWLICO MACaINE in this county, Only such meia 'scan good Actference as charactrr and ability. atiat Sarnials..a 'o:Socucl need apply. We will pay of,trunfered &ohmic's, or 10 4 - at commissions. to proper men. Only *Mt men as really den-re to elder be hurl/Jess need apply. wm. s MN ER S Cu., Vo. IV Wood St_ Pitts burgh, Pa. [markly, COAL and NUT COAL, FOR SALE. The undersigned is operating a COAL BANK on McKinley's Run, about half way between Ro chester and Bolesvißtt, where he will be glad to receive orders for lump or nett CCU! Orden' ran also be left at John May •s, to Beaver, or at John Parvia' in Beaver. or at the Auotts office or at the residence of the undersigned on Market street, Bridgewater. Coal on th, platform at all time*. Coal delivered at short notice.— Terms cash on delivery Price. as low as the low est. L195-IY] J C. MOLTER . VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. OFFEIt for sale the following valuable prop ' erty. Academy lota No. tit and id, containing about :a) acres, lying on the public road ienairw from Beaver to X anport. ALSO —Academy lot N 0.73. lying on the Ohio river, adjoining land of Patrick Id ulvanuon on die west, contntn lag about six acres, these lota are an rowed down In grass and lu good condition; the 1,115 are enclosed with good board fences, any person wishing, to purchase wt,li please call on me at my office, where all necessary information will be given. GEO. W. HAMILTON. aPr4:tf. 1872. Spring and Summer. 1872, Boots, Shoes Gaiters! .1. H. 0 11.L.A.N13" Nos. 53 and 5.5 Wend &reef, His just received one of the Urges t, "{lest Bolvtco MI Cheapest Stocks. biennia direct from the hiritinfartniten for cub, 'before the recent advance In I . deartier. end hi sold at 'the lon eat NrW.- Yarie and Boston Prices Philadelphia City Mate Goods at Idanufactareni' prices. thus saving freight And expense. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAJLY Special iladrCzmnuts offered to oatih or Sheri ri me a ny er o . Eastern bills duplicated. • Or den, Country' Merchant. promptly attended to, sod patt , faction guaranteed. Cull and exam ine my stock rnd priere. H. 13 ORLAND'S, ;');) & 55 Wood Str et. [eprlO-lf SEEDS! SEEDS IT SEEDS II MY NEW SEED CATALOCIVE - Far I,9'ft ectatrultor a complete 11.1 of VEn ETA BLE, FIF.LD sod FLOWLE. SEEIY+ with (Wec lions for Cultisstiao, now ready and will ho tree to any addresti. Also. PLANTS. TEEEB, VINES and !MHZ/MERV oral, kind*. liortetts. ('ut flowers (or weddings. pattlen. an_ amulged in bent style fn J.AlfolEt. 111 BENNET. S.4ll.mse. apr io , 2rn.] Rudditle'd St.. Pittsburgh. THE BEST IN 'THE WORLD! The Improved Sampecm & Howe Standard Scales, All sizes and varietis for sAle by SOUDER & M'CLURG, 63 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH Also, Warehouse Trucks, Patent Money Drawer 4, AND GROCER'S FrX'TI:RES February 7,1872—1 y SINE'S Wit in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers