AIIIVEUTISEMENTS. vortisommits are inserted at the rate of $l,OO per squarelbr first Insertion s and fir tech subsequent insertion 60 cents. A liberal discount made on yearly ad tertisements. A spsee equal to ten lines of this type inea.AUrfis 9 Bquard , Business Notices set under a head by themselves immediately after the local ,„9, will be charged ten cants a line r, r e ach insertion. Advertisements should be handed in I, • ore Monday noon to insure insertion In that week's ‘r. Business Directory. THEAVIIIIL .1. FA:I47N %API, and ConnsellOr at Law; I;eaver, en the public agnate, fronting the M. B. ct,r• - b amayhTs..ty. ._____ lIJ,lleetist,officeover lifr.Thoi. . & llison'a store. Beaver. Pa. tireat care „. e u in all operations, and warranted to give 8 3..,tiction. Give me a calL trtaMri:ly. - —____ __ JA.ltlin CAM.Elttng, Attorney at Law, Beafer, p,, Office on 3d at.. in the rooms formerly oc ~pit,..) by the h ..e 3 nage Cunningham. An bu 11..., l..., l .otrusted to him will receive prompt and ,- t rut attention. jettLly i.liN II YoUNti. Attorney at Law. Office aid Jre,iderice or Third it.. east of the Court llouie. b...nemi promptly attended to. ap:7;ly II hiclt.BEttY. Attorney at Loy. Vince on J. 14:rd it., below the Court bowie. All buil t..s promptly attended to.. Jett, ;ou it • i KUHN, Attornty at Law. office east 1',.. end orrtilrei ptreeq., Beaver. Pa. Inualt70:11 McYU 1 ) 1 1, 1 > i iiri s . gw el patiLiTtoizi AN D est ment S of reme r°l I l e lie.ldence end office on Third 'meet, k doors we t attic Cport.-tionee. aprlnlay 11 EN bitenufactuser and to Shoes and Gaiters; Mete et- pieFekly ILO:AN - SR DRUG STORIa, Hugo Audtteasen I) Dru;gl6l - A Apothecary. Alain at. Preacrip t,,n. carefully compounded. OletiZtlY A NEW BRIOUTON. ti AS COAL E. Dealer In paints. otiglasknaila, pintr-glass. looking -Ousel., frames. garden iu.d,power-eeeds and fancy fowls. F alls street, ,New Hreglwn. aep477l-1Y I‘`ISENER it BlNGBAM,Aanufatturers of car riages, buggies, spring-wagons, buck-wag en. and vehicles of every uescriptiou, Bridge S' is. , ib practical workmen. Successors to Georg. Metz , mar6ly -- LL LANGNECKER, dealer In Watches, Clucks 1 ,, • and Jewelry. Repairing neatly executed, Broadway, near Falls-at. • nut-111.1y W. NIPPER'S% Baker 1 Confectioner; ka t) • cream, Oysters and Game In season. Salle • Prc-Sla. Winding's, at.. snpplted. noel rp N. SMITH, opposite 1 Press attic., Utoadway. 1 • Dealer In die beat Nullding hardware, gbtai. tails and putty, whieb be furnishes to contractor" sod builders cheap for deelL. a octlLs 71-I,y jj S P. METZ, lirldra street, dealers la (real, 11' meat and fat cattle, win 'fish Seaver ua T:wsday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. oct2s'Tl•ly EVEitAltll —Dry-Goods, Groceries. Notions lr queensware. dc. Iligheat price for good but ,rr rad produce generally. Opposite Preabyteri sL hard'. Broadway. isep2r7l-ly WlNTER.—Watcbmarer, Jeweler aod G t r ‘-• 0r0u1.t134 , Broadway.. aep277l ly II •Yd McDONALP Dealer inFine Tens, choice Family Groceries. queeneware,Glass. • mr. %oudeaware, dc, Broad tied, Peralni-ly _ R ITTTL2. M. 1.) —222 Itroadway. New• idgbton, make, the treatment of chronic Mo w,. a t c,d female weakneeaea a epectalty. Con free to the poor every Sunday from I to 3 , L. p eeP3Tilly _ _ . LLM.A ND ct CO., Dealers la fancy and A ihaussllc Dry tiood.s, Millinery, Groceries. Sr Broadway. New Brighton. 1.01 I —Photograph Gallery Ir.very va r 1 • r::y of Pictures neatly executed. Corner of . sad Broadway, New brighton. 1ep1.7 •m IV ALLA D en: er - In Italian it American 11 mJrbie , Manufactures Monuments, Grave r i • stis in reasonable prices. Railroad st_ Depot. New Brighton. [sep2l _ 1 • 4 Fi ‘ 4111 MILLA. Billiards, Tobacco, Cigars Gents' Furnishing Good". Broadway, ~t Apple s eerflT7l-ly sTEWART & Groceries, Coffee, J• ] s Sugar, Canned Fruits, and everything I.;uald In a first class grocery. Bridge Si. b.cust. tsephtly ( • NI , lEA ER, Delilen In Roots Gaiters, near Sieznon's Confeztinn r Br adeyT, 1e:11:7 ( YOUNG & CtiIISTBAIJ, Dealers to .11 \ Ladles' Furnishing Gouda, ;Ire.. n0...1,g. Cur Apple & Broadway. je2.l;y ),," 'l , /N RESTAURANT and Ramo al•- I ) ihrales at all hours; table•upplied with a 'l , ter of thr season. Prices low. Wm. tor of Paul and Broadway. myll 4 ll-1y .1 )10,z•PEll MOUNT Ever ,:r..ect. and rmutl Froth , Three miles F art of N.. 6 Bngt tot tmr29'7l-Iyl E. THOMAS. 1 )It ai l Jo l e L ca L r, l o K a h: 3 Lt . a t I T:11 . 11%7 Brlglllol4 S,UCCeSI.OIII to L B. No retr:tir7l -1 y • F.O Confecionery. It nitrulioit ell to wed' cd1,,,;. , and hnlu iyrderr. and Ire . -cream [Orpl9 ly 4.: S. .1 NN Merrtiallt TaliOrP. Broandwuy Nrsv Dl'lolll,l, :wp)Cly I I N t"It"PIr ' n.• ° n} rs 1 % 1 ' I ," 4,3 " LU D T e 0 B lur t, itl - rd ne~nti~re keep:ilay 1 . :• A.N tit W.!l NKr. Wimdow i•thinnierry S Notions: Broad . 3) N%- , 4 Brighton (ged! ly nE4 rElli FALLS PurliEliThkiN, Dealer it the }astir cele I I t,,lvd ikaurr'ic :sewing Machine. Ladies !,,,,;:iber(l. Main et_ B. Falta. .tsp 27 I ) Deltyleernivlanill eeplUy ankee FLEMING, Dealer,tn Boots and Shoes of c, -r!, description. at low prices. area id a su perior uuslay. Main St Beaver Falls Pa. taslllas' BRIDGEVI ATER. w KIN MAN, Manufacture of Boots and I, s! 0 , Bridge St.. Bridgewater (sep27,ly :stoLTeac. dealer in twit. of all lissida rI • Bank at MrKinley•e Run aug.9'7Priy os Hi BEIDEG(;E:R. Rouse and Sign Pain t) ;er Bridge St Briddra Atter. Pa. aprPril;ly DRSH M. Bridge street, Bridgewater. Pa, Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, tlock - a, .) , ..,•Iry and sl tver Ware, Spec , acles,&c. Watch. a- and Jewelry repaired ifeblsll,ly fNIF.i. MILLER. yaiklaionable Who, None I‘.k l,ut experienced worlitnen employed. Shop rldiV3 et , Bridgewater, fehS'7l;ly AMEs POICTER7Tinrier Dealer In Tin Cop per and Sheet-Iron ware. and Iron Cistern Bridge et, Bridgewater. t 1.11:11.ST. thy' Goode, Hata, Caps, Irani, • uryets. 011 Clutha isukTrimmiugs. Bridge • lindgewater. sepl4;l BOCH ESTE 11. SMITII & CO , Fancy Dry 01,0,1 p, N , V and Millinery Madf.ou at , near Dia- =El==l 81 - ECM lit:.German Apothecary A. Drag', Oat In Diamond. near Post office Pre r t vtious carefully Tun.v.wnded. STIP..., y E Ett; E Sell ',ELFIN Agen — Bakery find %, 1 feTtione 17.0 y eLe ea and lc:el:ream la Tesaon. attention given to suppifin,t, , Parties. y and Weddings on short notice. Diamond, o,c I's 15 N It IS BIN Millinery, Fashionable Dreas ,l et.. Litchi,' Furnishing Boons. First ah.e. e t ruse' Store, NOW Yurl at. nuvl N,,itiimA U manufacturer. or waroor, etpathell buycles, Spring-wagon., Staikeyp, S. liisra,,manlLg and liorserboing dune in nept non,, ito(.l,ler, Pa laeylO-ly. LINNFNDRINK. Dealers In (-lota', and mid Frrd of rot link:tam:A .t Adams streets, Ilochrot,r I l a sept.l3,ly {MLA fl t C Cllgger., ii ,,, derh Sc . itucnos ter Ps., near the Cern- W 11A • •:11111.; h— Dealer tn Boot... Shoes Q Glll. ' ter, atad aginits for holeer's ;sewing machine; Yuck and R. It. tits Rochester 'GM L - N tionemith New work, of the beet tnatertal, made to order. All work tranted. Repairing neatly done. Prices Low. 'Vidal St.. Hrecheantr. l'a }an lN:ly ILAPP. Manufacturer and Dealer in 1 Furniture of all ti . ../10. Brighton at shore l"oa , Yactory. See adv't. sepl AhiCEL C lIANNEN. Prescrip t:ons carefully cotnryoulided. Water .11. ?t o .. keepltly Van F:111.:EL ts().NS, V 4 twlrsale Deal .or. It, Orr (ioodAAirocerief.Floar,Yeed.Grain rtnr,sjnin .t l'or Water & r•tr X NII:.LER l'O , Contractors and 1511 Went. .11' M 1 t.facturers of sa.h, Doors. Shatters Sc. u. Lorntv Lath de. Rochefter. (.ep11:13 , ( 1) (7.1101 LE S WILLIA NS, Surer...ors to C. Ltomas S, Co , Dealers in Sawed and Planed I.ol,llier Lath S. ShinZlee. /tochegter I ) ElCs I,IVSRI STABLE & COAL `t A ltD 1 ' , etween It It. otation and titan ncer. 0c19.1y CLA Itit:PruPrietor. C" !louse. Good accornmodatlons and good •ta ~ I , * sear It K Depot octl9 - .1 y I D dealer In Boots, Shoe., Gaiters, J Ac. Repairing done neatly and prompttv atom on the Diamond, Rochester, Pa. octliOy cITV. S.N e V e llll , B 4: E s lectric pi t y l Pirizgc c ian e:l :l7l . n h ic ~r twi avenue. Alleahruy City, Hs. Leept4:tv VAN Pd' HT M CORN ELII:14 et CU.—Dealer. in General rl ' Merettandiae, Dry-Gnods.:(.rocertes, querns '. , tre. 1c Highest price paid for country pru- C uor, )2.01U; )3, nISCELLALNEOGs. 1 H SAD Freedom, Beaver county. Pa.. .1 ••r in Sawed and Planed Luttazu of All iL•fi.i. Fiat* and Bargee bultt to order. jap9ll-'y TlLURNlLEY,Mazinfaatorer of the lima( II itf public cooking glove. and Patentee of Por le,le tension top and centre. Fallstott Pa. .1. E MOcORE'S • 7 MOVABLE SECTION BEEHIVE. PATENTED FEBRUARY 20th, 1872. For Term. ut Eight, litre and Italian Beer, ad• dr. wttt, stamp. .1. E MOORS. Re - potence Brldgewater ) Rochester roarebyt..s a V D. CONE, IR. D., Ude of Darlington, ha7iny, reraored to New -13 74 .111 tf.1%. off e r* his uteduat aervtees, to all lta branctle. • trithe people fit tr.. rhy and aurroundine country. Offlce car t., of antler and Broadway vest liar - FRUIT ANO ORNAMENTAL TREES, “ReE.Nrioutis AND uenitvic el. &yrs, Eit - rgreent , ,Small Frzitsagparagtis 'SHED POIrA le fEiS r chotoe Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Dahlias, &c. &e., Wholesale and Retail by J A linapoeil, Ntirserytneh & Flortata. 119 swill/AWL street, Pittsbargh. Pa. laprlo-2z2 Vol. 5 4--No. 18. Miscellaneous. JI J. ANDEUSON, having taken bold of . his old Foandry. again, to )Rochester, Pa., w ill be pleased to akeet Ida old customers and m en et. who may want either the BEST COOK LNG STOVE, Heating Stove, or any other kind of Castings of best =Isola; and workmanship. The bualtess well be etandtieted_by eta) ANDERSON - 4 SONS. ash fo:t. Old Irom. IN mall or WV Wu. ]gooo to= wanted tar modiatela, of east aid wroughttatrat i tion, for %r aid' the bitted pri:ck ;;; pinta patd titre of tutzin Rochester, b 13 tL J. D. ItAMALEY'S OVER& Hat House, GENT'S 'FURNISHING EMPORIUM, No: (3.4 Eifth Avenue, PITTBBURGH The Best 4" l ioods at Les-west dogoth , sent to Ltik7 adtirmi, nu approval tuay2-1-Iy. SPEYERER & SONS R AICE!...iIECE/VING `t A LARGE an WELL SELECTED NEW :GOODS, FROM THE EAST, bought at LOWEST pin PRICES; 1144.4113T1NG OP 111 - tlir KGOOD4, oCIF RUC UrtlV.Si BOOTS Az SHOES, x -TATS& cAiPs, QUEENSWARE, 1101',iLOW ARE ROPE 4ND OAKUM, FATIfsIESTOcK'S, And the . , First National WIIITV, LEADS, MIIM AND A LA ROE STOCK of OIL, e, 144 RARIIF:I.- CANTON CITY Flour. ALSO, 144. BARRELS FALCON FLOUR; A LSO, 110USHEA.IIS New Orleans SUGAR; ILk REELS Nl' 0, MOLASSES • ALSO, 50 KEGS' 11{,.1 ELI NG NAILS: 4 TONS 01.11,VH EELI NO IRON SPEI'EEEIL Ar. SONS,.‘ 110' EYTER. lii A y ; thdgmays. ROSADANS k 0rp14,11 +P HE HE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADA LIS are ipublqdied on every package, there fore Et is act a secret preparation, coruntluently PRIBICIINS PRESCRIBE IT It is :IL certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all ita forms, Rheuma• tism,F Skin Diseases, Liver Com• plahit and all diseases of the R or 4 BOTTLE OP lOSADALIS will'o more good than ten bottles of tie Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THe UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havOised Ilosadato in their practice for pie past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative andNoo, d Purifier. _iLey2Ll; I y DR-LT. C. PUG Rof Baltimore. DR.!T. J. BOY KIN, " DB.:R. W. C A 12R. " DILIF. O. DANNELLY, " DR.-.1. S. SPARKS, of Nicholosville, j. DR.J. L. BIcCARTHA, Colombia, S. C. DR.:A. B. NOBLES, Edgenamb, N. C. usr,D AND ENDORSED BY I. EF, TRENCH & SONS, F4l River, ' Mss. F. W. SMITH, /Gauen, Mich. A. V. IV HE - I VR, Limo , Olsio. B. HALL, Lima, 01 10. CRAVEN & CO, Gordonsville , Va. Aar i SLsir r ; l-74 a7APDENS: 1 4. , xrvelP'. Dow:Tenn. Our 'Pace will not allow of any es. tended remarks in relation to ttill virtuesef Masadalia. Toth. Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Lo tract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try Mosadalls, and you will be restored to health. Rosadalls Is sold by all Druggists, prise $1.50 per bottle Address Da. CLEMELTTS k CO. Maaufacturing Ctemists, DA LTIM9IIIII, Ma 1,16 ly • Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, ANN'A. PRINTING, 111ANNILLA,-- ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware. Glass, Straw : RAG AN I) C A RatT Alk. .1P 3EI R St MANITFACTUTVEID And Sold At Wholesale * Retail by Frazier, letzler & Co., SS Third Avenue. Rws taken in ezehange, _I•ED I9, :'& 9 I . A CHALLENGE ! We defy all other *rents to produce a Sewing Machtue equal to our new RE.VISGTON BY FIDE DE6P FRED. Seed for sample. cd Work, circulars, 4r..c. C/LIISON BROS.. Western Agents, No. 49 Stith St., Pittsburgh, Ps. igirAgents Wanted. • ... ..------.......-..... -- - - ..,..---- - -- =-_ --- - - - - - - - It . . 7„, .. ~,...„, ~,t..„ . . . F .. ~... 111.. • , . ?, . . I ! . . i . • . . y.: . ,:it.., , : .. P. S. .. _ . . • . . .. ..: . . , ....-__. .•:!.• , 1 - . • lYt AN Il Prices. .Stock of ALSO, t ALSO, A LtQl T- PITTSBURCiII . D Reisinge r toj 1,1 71 MisceUaneous. CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! SUMMER STOCK• The undersigned takes &loon' in la' forming,lus friends and the peptic genet al'y that he has just ree‘livell and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF TUE LATEST STYLES FOR Spring and Summer Wear. He keeps the bi.t of workmen In his employ, and feels confident of Ills ability to cut and make up garments both FASHIONABLE* DURABLE. and In such a manner as will please Ids eusWtoeTlL GENTIMENT LIMN GOBS ALWAYS ON HAND aza and see us before leaving your Orders Elsewhere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. inay4;7o3y • Bridgewater, Pa J. 1100 RE DRUGGIST Prescription* Carefully and Accurate ly Cbmpounded. THE REST BRANDS OF ASSORTED WINO AND LIQUORS; Paints. Awl DYE STUFFS: LELINE PYES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS Sit, PUTTY; Special attention given to smart the beat quality of Wane and Lamp Trimming.. Lanterns dc. A Large Assortment of TOILET ARTICLEz, SOAPS, HRUSHES & PATENT ISIEDICINEB, 1 Main Street. &ay., Pa. (Deel. lOU Notice in Partitl* 1 1 0 F. M MANNING. Leonard Mallory. M. C. Hill, John Forsyth, A. W. Brown, Samuel Kennedy and William ti. Batty, take no tice that an inquisition will be held on the Std day of alty. 187 i, on the real estate held by you and Jesse Smith in common, aituateM the 'town ship of Ohio. county of Beaver. and Stale of Pena. sylvaols, bounded and described as follows,. to wit : Beginning at a chestnut., thenCe by land of &Pritchard south 31 t,o, degrees; earl 521.100 Per to a sycamore; thence by land of same south 15%, de• prey: east 69-10 perches to 'a post; thence north 75% cistgreeil east 2 2 2.10 perches to a post; thence by land of said Jesse Smith north 814 degrees, west II 45 100 perches to a white oak, thence by land or same N. 315, degrees, west 86 84 160 per to • chestnut oak; thence by land of same north 5 degrees; west 25 7-10 perches to • stone pine; thence by land of Clark Thompson south 2414 de grees; west 63 perches to • post; thence by 'sod of George Dawson's heirs south degrees; emit 109 perches to • post.; thence by land of It. Pritch ard north 70 1 4 degrees; east 277-10 perches to the titeof beginning; containing Mitacreto and Dearly rches. at which time and place yowcat amend if you think proper. JOHN GRAHHING. Slutrlt Bearer. April 15, 1675; 6w. . WITIFICILL IPJILN NSERTED TO MOVE AND WOK Wilt THE NATURAL EYE, No Culling or Pain Whatever. Annstrais--111111. G. NW. grlEtitiCalt. Stir geon Artistic and Dentist, 254 Penn street. Plum burgh. Pa. [aepl3-17 Somes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! Rare opportunities are now °Eared for securing homes in • mild, heattly, and congenial alienate for onc-third of their vault Eve years hence. TUE NATIONAL REAL &STATE AtiENCY has for sale real estate of every description. lueSt• et in the Middle and Southern States; emprored stoat., grain and fruit (11111/1 rit4, sugar and cot ton plantations; timber and minting Mods ; city, tillage. and rural residence, and business stands mills and mill Wes. factories, de. Write for Land Register containing description. location; price and terms of properties we have for sale. Address—li, W. CLARKE d Co. /We National Real Estate Agency CI and 479 /band. Avenue, Washington, I. 1„ C. Mal' &It. 2. G. 2/111.021% Itridge Street, BRIDGEWATER. PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLI OF UOUDS IN EACH OF THE YOLLGWING DEPARTICENTS: 14 it 61 CI X) Steubenville Jeans, Cassimert. and Sattinets„)} IVliite Woolen Blankets, White and Colored and Barred Flannels, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids, Gingliatus, Cobergs, Law us, Water Proof*, Chinchilla, Cloths, Woolen Shawls Brown and Black Muslins, Drilling. Tiekings, Prints, Canton Flannels, Jtconets, Table Linen. Irish Linen, Crash, Counterpanes, Iloisery, Gloves, Slits. (4 roceries Coffee, Tea., Sugar, Molasses, White Sllserprilw, Golden and Common Syrups, Mackerel in har tele and kite, Star and Tallow Candles. Soso. Spices and Mince Meat_ Also, SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, briihr — Loa*. ' ketrelik.-Tabik Cutlery 'table and 'tea Spoons, Sleigh Bel*Vaal' Doses, Vire Shovels and Pokers. Nails and Glaas. spades., Shore's. k, & and 4 Tine Forks, Rakes, Scythes and Suattis. Cora and Garden Hoes. WOODENWARE. Bucket*, Tuba, Cburna, Hotter Prints and ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil t White Lead Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour >E`ved & Queens*livisre. heavy rood, delivered free of charge. By clove attention to business, and by keeping constant/y.30 hand a well aawaledatock of good' of all the different kind' usually kept In a ConntrY store, the - tterderalgned hopea to the future wig the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. 11. EL RANGER. dec23llB: -171chied II ILT Yr CH IS 0 N Yanc[acturer.• Agents and Dealers In Iron and Wood Working Ifichinery, PU311 1 43. Iforirontal and Vertical Steam Ensliner, Hose, Belting Packing and Mechanical Supplies, Cor. Wood St. & 2d Ave., PITTSBTRGH, PA, • Agents riff the Huntoon Steam Governor K now lee Patent Steam Putopel.Elder Cut Off dc Calorie Enginen,Urtion Stone CO.'eEmery Wheels. Apras ten. Agents Wanted. Wanted immediately. four active, energetic men to act as Agents for the -NEW" WHEELER • WILSON MON IN° MACHINE in MIJ county.. Only ench men swam glee good reference awls character and ability, and furnish • Bond need apply. We will pay guaranteed Wailes, or litreri al roounissions, to proper msn. Only inch mon as really desire to enter the business need apply. WM. sCMNER & CO.. No. 10 Wood st ., Mts. burgh, Pa. 1=0417 Miscellaneous. CO-OPERATIVE L 1 A cliTa U l m ZA 3 U I I . - - - ASSOCIATION, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A FiCiPAvih al= II HOLLOW WARE AND A SPLENDID Assortment of HOUSE -FURNISHING GOODS. SAMPLE -AND SALES ROOMS, Reevs' Brick Block, NE,UI BEAVER FALLS CUTLELY May 1, U 1 Jon PRINTING neatly and expedltloualy executed at the °dice. MEYRAN & SEIDLE, Successors to iteinaman. 1111ElilELA.N 2!z 9EZDLE~ 42 STH AVE, PITTSBURGH, PA., GOLD AND SILVERSMITHS DEALERS IN FINE JEWELRY Watches, Diamonds, Slyer de Plated- Ware, Seth Thomas' aochs, Fine Table Cutlery, French Clocks, REGULATORS, BRONZES, FINE SWISS WATCHES, AMERICAN WATCHES, JULES J ERG EN SEN, WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY. EDWARD PEREYGAUX, ELGIN WATCH COWAN Y VACHESON &CONSTANTINE. UNITED STATES WATCH Cp:, CHARLES E. JACOT. E. HOWARD & CO "THE ZINEBMAN WATCH," made by Caw. &uranium. Liverpool. la fully equal to any watch offered to the public. both to dash and Mae-keep lug (not excepting the Frodaham., VILEVEIA * MEIDEL A ticere9-17-3 SOUL AOlll./1"3. Black and Gold rront, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 159 NilirrlIWIELD NT. Four doors above Biztb Ave. FINE WATCHES . , CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Gouda, do. PITTSBURG H, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with yowl G. S. ISARKSII.. Y. A 'SARKIS. C. A. BASKS& G. S. 13.4.11KE1R t to.. Item /JASON G. S. lISINICER & CO., Beaver Palle, lb BAN Dealers In Exchange, Coln. Coupons. Le.. IC, Collections made on all sea aelble pomp , in the Tinned Nudes and Canada. Accounts of limb anLs. Manufacturers. and Individual", witched. Interest 'flowed on time deposltes. Correspon. dents will receive prompt attention. decilily ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct 9, '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - - 5.200 00 0. NOBLE, President; J. P. VINCENT, Vine Pt. ii. W. Wtione. Treasurer; Tuna. F. Gotintura. Secretary. DIRECTORS: Hon. 0 Noble, \..;„,, Erie; lice. Geo. It. Delanseter, J W Hammond, '''', du Meadville. Pa. Hun Seiden Marvin, dttt lion J P Vincent, Erie Hiram lbeggett, do Henry Raule do Charles li Reed, du 0 T Churchill do H $ Southard, do,Capt J S Richards do W 11 Merritt, do Richard O' Brian , du PI W Noble. do F 11 Gibbs. do .1 lingichart, do John H Cochran, do J H Nell, do Milartiebh, du Wll Abbott. Titusville:L. Capt D P Dobbins, do Jots Pettis, Titusville. Policies issued at fair Tile* aad liberal tams. fissures against damage by Lightning ma well as Fire. CULL B.MVEICIWT, ttocheater, Pa., Dec. 20, ly A. H. Franciscus tt Co., 513 MASKS? VI% BST, Pblladelpria. We liket. opened for the Spring Trade, the lar k ,* nil ln.t assorted stock of PHI DELPIiIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Flotir Oil Cloths,Window Shades awl Paper, Carpet Chain. Cot ton. Yarn. Ba:ting, Wadding, Twine s , Wicks, t".)cks, Looking, Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas kets, Buckets, Brushes,Clothe.s Wringerm,Wi.sslcti and Wit low Ware, .t.c., in the Un-ted States. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and fur / nisli the best quality of Goods, BOLE AG ENTR 'colt Tllll CEI.EIIIIATED AMERICAN WASIIEU., Price 5.50 /419941941P-,14 naoutb .. - Teruel: Carpets * 6o kaki.; itlttilliei:ginedg 30 tiuytt. Net. [ Febl4:3ol.Septl NEW , AGRICULTURAL HOUSE J.& R. HARSHA Ate engaged in the Agricultural Business al Rod. IL, Yerry. Beaver county. Pa„ on the P. a C. R. IL, where they Intend keeping Agrlcaltural im plements of 111 kinds. Agent, for the Clipper Mower and Beeper, une of the twat machines la the market. Also, Agents for the Sprague Mower and Reaper. a new machine that will reconuaend Itself In any harvest geld. Agents for the New Yuri improved Hubbard Mower and Reaper, the bat ISelt Haire machine in the world. Agnate bar the well•known Woods Mower and Reaper, north side of the river. Agents for the SUPERIOR MOWER AND REAPER, a ne w marline that roes anti screw pewees( place orals wheelgearlng. Will sell all the class ]tower" and Reapers. Alan agent* fur the Unproven BUCKIITH LUCK LHVKR HAY HAKE. WIU sell other rakes if desired_ Agents for the original Howe Sewing Machine, Improved ; one of the best machines la the market. Wlll keep on hands SPRING WAGONS AND FAithi WAGONS of the very best %Will ; which they will sell lower Mu] they esu be bought at any other place. F R /sOWS, of all lands, at lees than Pittsburgh Prices. CORN SHELLERS, IIAY CUTTERS. GRIND STONES, and hanging,: In fact, almost every thing kept to an Agricultural House. And as they intend eau. sassing Deaver county in the months of Malt. May and June too t on th e Intuit of oflicel, the! would may that h intendlng to purchase MACHINES FOR THE COMING 11A.13, VEST, would do well to wan twill they call cu them. at they w ill tell oa - better teems and, tor less mann' than any othn , *gnaw sprASEst WANTED INEXIIEDILATELT. TWO PPRENTICICS to tbo Carpenter Badness. Nona need apply without good reference. spridnr) THOMAS GILANT, New Galitee. Pa. Beaver, Pa., Wedn&day, Goki 40 Niver,,,Watohis. HAS RENOYVE No. 22 FIFTH AVENUE, WHILE REBUILDING. Our Greatest Sisecialees: E. HOWARD & CO'S Plait WATCHES, Waltham Watch jr-blapany's Watches, WATCH CO.'S WATCHES, At Low . est casliPricei . New STYLES LAMBS' SOLD *ATM= CHOICE STOCK of FIfig'SEWKLAY, BRONZES AND VINE ELOCRS. SILVER PLATED WARE, American Clooks, SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. E. P. ROBERTS, No. 22 Fifth Avenue, Special Inducements 10 etultailliss from a die wee. 100 , 154Intbdispe 17. SELECT MISC LANY. It was In the month °Chine, 1858, that I found myself otkile of those palatial booth which ride In state the dark and murky watensafthemighty Mississippi. We floated down the r er In ma jestic splendor, while on board gave themselves up mitt yto plea= sure. As usual, there was a lnotley col lection of personages on the boat In cluding Texan drovera,,Yanbeespec , utators, one tall wiry-Kentuckian, returning hui)ters, anu quite a num ber of planters, with thlogrfattillieri. As the evening ammo* every one Seemed bent upon erg ent. From the saloon t eat strains bi music floated out tt . the air. while the giddy dan weot round in the intoxicating al . of the waltz; on deck the you folks prom enaded in the soft pa tfaxitilight, and whisperd the of tale of love; and about the eagrillphibles, were gathered the rougher , , of the paffiengenk In my wanderings * `llttelathin had been attracted by* 1 , . (*Utile, whom, I concluded. , the un ceasing attention to Were 'newly married. The gentled:lan wait E r s ptly about twenty-seven Wita,Of Spanish blood andpoeSilwarlk,Sna some face and figure. _ His com panion wna 41 4, the most beautiful women t itillifp' ever seen. She was a Creole, an Abet of her blood, was the perf Otbi,tl - She evidently put ' faithfaith in her husband, looked into his eyes, . '4 . 1 , 10k 1 all liquid orbs see 1. w h lo4e. je 1 4 i y A closer acquaintance showed them to be all lhat 1 had expected. The gentleman. Soc otfo Castanas. had 'come to the United States hut recently, his home having been, for nearly all his life in Cuba. His wife whom he • addressed as "darling Aletea," was the daughter of one of New Orlesues wealth lest res idents. Castanos was immensly rich, as wasevidenced by the costliness and elegance of his dress and the liberali ty of his dealings with all about film. At one of the card tables there sat four men, lazily engaged in play ing, when one well known as the most noted gambler on the river, who had several times killed his man, proposed that the Spaniard be invit ed to join them. The companions of Bill Henry, the gambler, thinking they saw an op portunity to fleece one who was not, probably up to all their games, read ily consented, and soon the young Spaniard was seated in earnest play with his four companions, while his beautiful wife, in the ladies, cabin, delighted the circle about her with her sweet voile. I watched the playing with deep interest, as did a number of others who saw that a game of unusual in terest was being played. At first the four suffered Castanos to win, which he easily did, for he was a good player. Soon, however, he lost and then again; and he seemed to be conscious that he was being cheated. He said nothing, hdwever, al though I could see that his taco grew a shade paler and a determined look settled about his mouth. At last a hand was dealt which the bettipg.ran high. All the players seerzie3 to have become excited, and Castanos lost his usual caution. The stakes began to count up, and amounted to fifteen thousand dollars, when Castanos doubled them. The excitement now became intense, and we crowded about the table in breathless silence. The game proceeded, and Castanos had already taken two tricks, when one of his opponents threw on the thurth thick the ace of hearts. "How is this?" exclaimed Casta :nos, springing up, and throwing down an ace of hearts from his hand. "there's %Milani)? here," and cooly Eiweeping the stakes into his pocket, 4 When you are ready to play fairly, I will give you an opportunity 'or -winning back what you have 140." AVith a volley of oaths, the fbur sprang towards the Spaniard, their lit Ops livid with passion, and, before ally of the bystanders could interfere, the-four cowards attacked him. Ile fought well hut what could fie ddigainst such great odds ? 'fey overpowered him and were, taking the money from his pocket, wtiqn he disengaged his hand, and drew from his breast a pistol, which he' iresented at the head of one of the taillants. That before he could fire, however, the weapon fell from his nerviest; fingers, anal he fell, with a heavy thud, back to the floor a corpse. 'ffw spectators were all horrified as they gazed upon the body of the Soltipsnl, from which, from a stab i n to b r east, flowed the man's life WO. Atli little distance stood the four gatOlers, now quiet, but seemingly determined to resist any attempt thakmight he made to arrest them, MHO of which tiers was, for they were. men who were feared by the while boat. As we stood this, in mute horror at the scene before us, an unearthly, agonizing shriek ;mote our ears. and intlithe circle that' rushed the Span iardlS wife. ROBERTS -TO (ra2l3 noon /mall OLD lITAIRD,) United States (Marion) 'Watehea ---:a-- Gold -Opera sad GUAM Obaltut, •terAai Snyen:Wrrelk STANDARD —to:— PITTSBURGH, PA. ALETEAVII segvisse 8,1872. tie stood rooted to the spot, while In itorror we gazed upon that scene, e stood for a moment; then, falling upon th e body, she gave vent to hitter cries, calling upon her Ro• doiro to come back, and , covering hint with caresses. Suddenly she sprang to her feet, and demanded who the murderers of her husband were. On having them pointed out to her, she turned to them, and raising her eyft- to Heaven, she sai "Heavenly Father hea fme now, for .I do solemnly swear that I shall not mit until these cruel murderers of Hodolko are slate In cold blood by my own hand;" then turning her eyol upon them said. With fearful distinctness, an d In a Voice, harsh and cruel, "you have heard my vow, and I will keep it to the bitter end." sho turned to go; but when her eyes again fell upon the! body of her hutiband her eye rolled/ laid glared, waive piercing shriek she rushed from the cabin, and plunged into the dark waters of the ,river. Her clothes buoyed: her up, how ever and before a boat could be low erect, she Boated into an eddy, which carried her around close to the shore, when, still shrieking in her insanity, she worked her way, to the shore, add climbing up the hank, was soon loft to sight in the woods. At the nest wood station the four blacklegs left the boat, much to the relief of t i ne rest of the ngers. At New Orleans the y of Casts nos was delivered to his b,mily, but all search for the insane wife proved futile. She was nowhere to be found, and at last it came to be believed that abe bad perished in the swamp. About a year after the tragedPl was, in the course ofmy business, called to a little town about sixty five miles up the river, and when I arrived there, I found the whole town in a state of great excitement over a mysterious murder which had just been committed in , the place. George Harrison, a merchant of the town. so they told me, had on the previous evening, left his store at about ten o'clock for his home, and this morning had been found in the street dead. There was no clue to thermurderer; and what was the most mysterious thing of it all was that no marks of violence:could be discovered on the toodyiencept a small puncture of the Skin on the left temple, around which the flesh was slightly discolered. The whole affair was a nine days' wonder for the people of the ptaee. Before I left the place I went and •aw the body of the murdered man, Which I Instantly recognized as one Of the four who robbed and murder ed Rodolfo Castanos some months before. I Instantly felt that he had met his just reward, but did not for a ems ment connect his death with the oc currence of the steamboat tragedy. Some three or four months after this I read one day in a city paper the following : MYSTERIOUS MURDEII.—II will be remembered by out readers that on the 20th of September last a mys terious traeedy was enacted at —, the victim being George Harrisdn, esq.. a respected citizen of the place, Those who are liimillar with the cir cumstances, know that the murder seemed to have been committed with some sharp slender, instrument like aneedle driven into the forehead. It becomes our painful duty this morn ing to record the perpetration of an other cowardly rnarcier in the same manner, and most likely by the same turarious and 'singular assassin. Hr. Henry Marshall of —. was .3.MterdaYlnorning found In his bed, -d 14 --04 - with; no marts of vio-• Zei to' ,'. , , , Me - - - es-t 1 iilltietlitts .- . , on the tethiger . eirtaihotifllititfr moned two victims to their final ae count. The greatest excitement pre vails in —, and a large reward is offered by the authorities for the ap prehension and conviction of the murderer. It is to be hoped that the author of these dastardly assas sinations may be speedily brought to justice. I recognized this fresh victim as another ot those who had been en , gaged in the steamboat tragedy of the year before, and now,for the first time, a suspicion crossed my mind as to the identity of the murderer, and yet, when I reflected how gentle and pure a creature A letea Castanos was It did not seem possible that' she should have titusc carried out the terms of that oatteshe made over the dead body ot her husband, nor was it at all likely, that she ever came out of that swattip into which she had disappeared on that memorable night. But I communicated my suspic ions to the proper authorities, and a diligent search Was made for the un happy woman, but without success. In a short time the excitement caused by. these murders had, in a great measure died out, one day it was redoubled by the report that a third man had fallen a victim—had fallen under the ghost-like assamin. This time the unfortunate man was Paul Iteignolds, a merchant up the ri vex., who had been stricken down while passing through one of the prin cipal streets of New Orleans In the evening. When I read his name I Instantly recognized him as another victim of Aletea Castanos, whom 1 was more fully pursuaded was the silent assas sin, for Reignokis, too, was one of the murderers of the unfortunate Spaniard. Renewed search was made for the miserable Metes, but. without inte nse. In June, 15.59, Just about a year of ter the murder of the Spaniard,' was again on one of the river boats, on my way to some of the upper towns. As usual the card-tables were sur- , rounded by players deeply engaged In their sport; and. among these was Bill Henry, whom I have before in troduced to the reader. His opponent was a man of singu lar beauty, with a slight, effeminate form, and an easy grace, that was sure to attract attention. The fwo players were seemingly purely passing away the time, for thye played aireleetly, while some of the bystanders were engaged in chat i fing Bill in reference to the traged I of the year before and the fate will seemed to hang over all the part ipants. - .ls. , . "Yee see. Bill," said one of the fellows a brutal overseer of some plantation, "yer the last one lett now, and yer tarn comes next." Bill's face assumed a paler hue, and his hand shook nervously, but he replied with a low,forced laugh— "No danger, Jack; I'm gocsl r a half dozen Spanish dogs yet. " During this conversation the you had remained quiet; but I had no ticed the face grow ashen pale, the eyes to sparkle and the hands to twitch. 1 Scarcely were the brutal words out of the gambler's mouth. however, before the young man sprang up, and drawing from his breast a slendor sharp pointed ineentment like an awl, tipped with some deadly pois on; i.e plunged it into the gambler's temple to the brain. The latter, without a groan, fell dead upon the flour, and before we could prevent; the youth had drawn a pistol and shot himself thrombi the lunge. , ,sing caught him as he was falling, him upon one of thesolus in the ladies' cabin, I tore open his vest and, shirt, that I might stanch his wound, when I discovered theyouth wal a woman! She smiled calmly and peaceful lysis she low that I had discovered her mecret, and said, in a voice husky with the death-rattle in her throat: "..Yes, I have kept my vow. You saw my husband murdered, and heard my oath to avenge his death. I have done it, and now, Itodolfo! 1 am, coming! Dear Ito-" She sank pack, her eyes closed, there was one gasp, and Alketea Castauos was dead! Terribly had she kept her vow. TIRE COIN ELM. Notes Crow the Diary or s Detee- thre. During the year 1647 the West was flooded with counterfeit coin. It was Be well manufacthred that it passed readily. The evil at length become sogreat that the United States au thorities requested that a skillful de tective might be used to ferret out ti* nest of miners. I was fixed upon to,perforut that duty. I had nothing to guide me. The fatt, however that Chicago was the city where ?he eoonterfelt coin was moat abundant led me to believe that ,the Manufactory was somewhere in a4e its limits. I proceeded, there fte, to that metropolis of the west, tuid spent Ave weeks in the city with -001 gaining the slightest clue to the counterfeiters. I began to grow discouraged, and really thought I should have to re turn home without having achieved any result. One day I reeeiveda let ter from my wife requesting a remit, lance of money. as she was out of funds. I went to a bank and asked for a draft, at the same time-handing a sum of money to pay for it, in Which were eeveral half dellars. The clerk dashed 'three of them back to we r v Y lag. "Counterfeit !" " hat!" said f, ".you don't mean to tell me these half dollarsare coun terfeit?" ‘_'l. do." "Are you certain?' '• Perfectly certain. They are re markably well executed but deficient in,welight. See for yourself." And he placed one of them In the balance against a genuine half-dollar, and the latter drew up the former. "Thls is the held counterfeit coin I ever saw in my life," -- 11 exclaimed. examing them closely. Is all the counterfeit money in circulation here of the same character as this?" " 0 dear, no ;" the clerk replied. "It is not nearly so well done. These are the work of the famous Now York counterfeiter, Ned Willett. know them well, for I have handled a great many in my time. Here is some of the money that is circulating here," he added, taking some half dollars' from the drawer. "You see That the milling is riot so well done as Ned Willett's, although this is pretty good, too." I compared the two, and found that he was right. I supplied the place of the counterfeits with good coin, and returned the former to my pock et. 4 1 few days after this I received information which caused me to make a journey to a small village about thirty miles from Chicago. I arrived there at night, and took up quarters at the only tavern In the place. It was a wretched dwelling, and kept by an old man and woman, the surliest couple I think it was ov er my lot to meet. In answer as to whether I could have a lodging there that night I noticed that the host gave a peculiar look at his wife, and atter some whispering I was inform ed, in the most ungracious manner possible, I could have a bed. I.haye fneutl in the course of thy , life Wet to .put upvlth' wretched accomumxiationsool. did notallow. my .equanimity temper : to be destroyed by the niiierable sleeping apartment into which I was ushered after I had finished my re. past. The chamber was °fantail size, and certainly well ventilated, for I could see the stars through7the roof. The bed wassimply a bag — of straw thrown in one corner of the room. without sheet or covering of any kind. This last fact, however, was not of much consequence, as It wag summer and oppressively hot. I stood more than an hour gazing out of the opening which served for a window. Whore me wa-4 an im mense prairie, the , limits of which I could not see. The tavern in which I had taken up my abode appeared toile isolated from all other dwel lings; and, save the croak of the tree frog and the hum of the locust, not a sound reached my ear. It was a beautiful moonlight night, so bright that I could read the smallest print. At last I began to grow weary. and, throwing myself on my pallet, I was soon asleep. Ho* long I slept I know not, but I was awakened by a dull sound, which resembled some hammering in the distance. I sup pose it was the peculiarity of the sound which awoke me, for it was not loud, but conveyed to me the idea of some one striking iron with a ' muffled hammer. I rase from my bed and went to the window. The moon was now in the western hori zon, by which fact I knew it must be near morning. The sound I have before referred to reached more dia. tinctry than when in the back part of the chamber. It appeared tocome from some out houses which were situated a huidred yards from the house. Now I am naturally of an inquiring mind, and this sound. occurring as it did in the middle of the night,piqued my curiosity, and I felt an irreorei- Ide desire to go out and discover therause of it. The desire, as the sowed continued, grew upon me with neth intensity that I resolved to gratify it 44 any price. I put on coy boots, the only article of attire I had discarded, cautiously opened the door of my chamber, and noiselessly desmatied the rickety stair case. A few steps brought me into the lower aptirtmbnt., Which I found entirely deserted. asTept quietly to the Window. , and, unfastening it without making the-saddest noise, was soon in the moonlight. Not a soul VMS vistlale; but the sound I have mentioned osew much more distinct as t approttebed the nlace whence it pmeeeded. At length I found myself before a long, low building, through the crevices of which I could pereeive a lurid glare Diming. I stooped dove and peeped through the keyhole, and to my ox. treme surprise, 1 saw baif-tk-dotea men. with their sleeves up and coats off, performing a variety of oeempa tirms. Some were working at a forge, others were superintending the cast ing of molds, and some were engag ed in milling coin. In 'a moment the whole truth burst upon me. Here was the gang of counterfeiters I was in wombat and the landlord and his wife evidently belonged to the same band. for in,one corner I saw them employed—the man polishing off some half-dollar pieces. and the wo man was packing . the finished col n Into rolls. h. and W 2 I had aeen enougl4 about to return to my apartment, when I suddenly felt a heavy hand placed oo my shoulder, and turning my -head around to my horror I found myself in the grasp of as ill-looking acoundral as ever escaped the low'. ' , what are you doing here. my good fellow?" he exclaimed, giving me a shake., "Taking a stroll by moonlight.," I Established 1818. replied, endeavoring to retain my corn meg re. "Well, perhaps you will just take a stroll inside, will you?" returned the ruffian, pushing open the door, and dragging me In alter him. All the inmates of the barn imme diately stopped work and rushed to ward us when they saw me. "Why, what's all this?" they ex claimed. l Al9.afer I found peepin' outside," d my captor. •'lle's a traveler that came to the tavern last night and asked for a lodging; the last I saw of him he was safe in bed," said the landlord. The men withdrew to a corner of the apartment, leaving one to keep guard over me. I sown saw they were in earnest ("consul tation,and were evidently debating some Important question. The man keeping guard over me said nothing, but scowled flereely. I had not said a single word during all the time I bad been in the barn. 1 was aware that whatever I might say would in all probability do more harm than good, and it has always been a maxim of mine to hold my tongue when in doubt. At last the consultation seemed to be ended, for the blackest of the party mine for ward and without any introduction exclaimed: my, stranger, look here, you must die!" I did hot move a muscle or utter a word. You have found out our secret and dead men tell no tales." I was silent. "We will give you ten minute to say your prayers, and also allow you the privilege of being shot or hung." Suddenly an Idea struck me. 1 re membered something that might save ms life. I burst into a violent fit of laughter ; in fact It was hysteri eal,hut they did not know it : they looked at one another in amazement. "Well, he takes it mighty cool, anyhow." said one. "Suppose he don't think we are in (*meat," said another. "Come, stranger you had better say your prayers," said the man who had first spoken, "time Sly only reply was a fit of laughter More violent than at first. • "The man's mad," they exclaimed. •'Or drunk," said some. "Well, boys," cried I speaking for the first time, "this is the besV joke have ever seen. What, hang a pay" "A pal—you a pal?" "I ain't nothing else," was my el egant rejoinder. "Did you ever hear of Ned Willett? I replied." "You may be certain of that. Ain't he the head of our profession?" M=lMW:=ll "You Ned Willett?" they all ex claimed. "You may bet your life on that," I exclaimed, swaggering up to the corner where I had seen the old wo- man counting and packing the coun terfeit half dollars, Fortune favored me. None of t men present had ever seen Ned Wil lett, although his reputation was known to them, and my swaggering, insolent manner had somewhat thrown them off their guard; yet I could plainly see that their doubts were not all removed_ "And you call these things well done, do you?" I asked taking up a roll of money. "Well, all I have to say is that if you cant do better than this, you had better shut up shop, that's all." "Can you shoal us any better?" asked one of them. "I rather think I can. If I couldn't I'd hang myself." "Let's see it," they cried. This was my last coup, and one on which mylitedepended. - • --0 "Lok - heido,, , igenthitooo t r jecr..; cbdulok tokimottotti iiheic_ounter.' felt haltdoliftrofftwattitlxlCketthitt! had been relented at 'the bank.— "Rere is my last Job what do you think, of it?" It was handed from hand to hand, some saying it was no counterfeit at all, and others saying it was. "How will you prove it is wan terfeit?" asked one. "fly weighing it with a'geuuiue one," I replied. Theplau was immediately adopt ed, and its character proved. "Perhaps he got this by accident," I heard one man whisper to another. "Try these," I said. taking the other two out of my pocket, All the doubt vanished. "Beautiful!" exclaimed mute-- "Very splendid!" said others. When they had examined them to their full satisfaction they all took me by the hand, every particle of doubt having vanished from their minds. I carried on my part well. Some questions were occasionly ask ed tne involving some technicalities of the business; these, however, I avoided, ! y stating that I was on a Journey, and would rather that a glass was produced, and we made a night of it. It was not until morning dawned that we separated. The next morning I returned to Chicagoand brought down the nee e%ary assistance, and captured the whole gang of counterfeiters in the very act. The den was broken up forever, and most of them were con demned to serve a term in the State Prison. I have these half dollars still in my possession, and never intend to part - with them, for they were cel -1 talnly the means of saving my life tie.. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT .- Sore Leg.% WoundB, Ulrcre, &c. can be cured. The rational treatment as In dicated by nature, is to reduce the Local inflammation. sooth the neigh boring nerves, cool the heated blood, and render the watery ichorous dis charge consistent and healthy. Hap pily, Holloway's Ointment amom plishes these ends with unfailing cer tainty. 23 cents per box, or pot. 189 SIXTEEN Y EARS'OF SUCCWSB.—in 18.56 the now famous Mustang Lini ment was first made known to the public by an extensive system of ad vertising. From that time to the present, the demand for it has been steadily, increasing until it has ta ken the lead of all embrocation. lotions. ointments, and other exter nal remedies, imported or domestic, ever introduced into the American market. In the most celebrated ra cing and trotting stables, In the es tablishments of stage and city car companies, and in the stables of pri vate gentlemen, it is the only recog nized cure for such diseases of the horse as require outward treatment. Nor Is it less valuable as a local ap plication for some of the most dis tressing complaints to widah man is subject. Rheumatism, stiffness of the joints,neuraigia. sore-throat . , tumors, wens, earache, toothache, yield to its pain-subduing, counter-irritant pro perties; and burns, seulds and cuts are healed with Incredible rapidity under its operation. IMIC:7111:1111 ltiarlt is supposed that the Herald correspondents sent in search of Dr. LI vington Is dead. An enormous corocodile captured near Unyan embe, Central Africa, last month, was cut open, and the bones of a man, a wallet containing pawn tickets. a Geneva watch and chain, together with several manuscript letters to the New York Herald, found in its stomach. The former appeared to have been easily digested, but it is thought the manuscript had chocked the monster, thus rendering him helpless. THE BEAVER ARGUS In published every Wednesday in the old Argus building on Third Street, Bea sippar yeagin advance,. Communicationis on subjecbeoflocill or general interest are respectfully so licited. To !noun attention favors of this kind must invariably be accompa nied by the name of the author. ad Lettere and communicatioissahould be dressed to WEYAND. Beaver, Pa. For the Beaver Argos, seiRITIJ4I6 TELEGRAPH. Oppealtion Line. IIY 'IOU() 31st. Exuma : Your correspondent of the 24th alt., will oblige from and the readers of the Awes, by answer ing the following question before he gives " further attention to the alle gation made by the astute philoso pher." In Vie Banner of Light, July Bth, 1871, we find a record of the follow ing conversation with a spirit: "Q.—Can the intelligence tell us how many spheres there are in the future state of existence? "A.—Just as many as there are dif ferent states statesof mind requiring differ ent spheres; indeed they are number lesi. "Q.-1 heard it stated, last night, that there were asy I unis--insa ne hos pitals—in the spirit-world ? " it "_Q.—Why do they have to have them there. " A.—Because there is a necessity for them." Will your correspondent inform us of what materials the hospitals are composed? Are they built of stone, brick or iron? We concludo they must be very tiyht h or the Insane ones would get Out, greatly to the annoyance of the-sane. When the above is satisfactorily answered, we have a thousand others of the same import. More anon. "Signs of the Weather." Billings has turned weather prophet Witnew the following: "When roosters are observed be fore daylite in the morning, soreing swung the klouds, and uttering la mentashuns, then look out for some sudden weath e r. "When you see 13 geese, welkin Nun file, and teem in, yu kan delib erately bet yure last surviving dol lar on a hard winter, and a grate flue tousness during the nest season in the price of cow hide boots. "When spiders are seen climbing up the wall backwards, and frogs cough as though they had the , hick ups, look out for rain ; this IS also a sure sign that children will have the measles light. "If bees hang round their hives, and nobles are seen In a brown study, a storm ov some kind Is cooking, and you will notis the market for herring Is very shifty. "Jist before a heavy sno storm, ov 3 foot deep, chimney swallows are uncommonly skarse. and in the mor al world there is great lazyness in the agytation of the temperance ques tion. "If pigs squeal in the night, and mingle in free fight, yu ma hope for high winds in a few weeks, and also the typus fever in yur naborhood." The Last BOy's Work The following "boy's Composition" is the latest. The boy who 'manu factured" it is bound to make his mark in the literary world; who knows but that some day he may be au editor? • "A, goat is stronger than a pig, and giveemilk. Ile looks at you. So does the doctor, but a goat has four legs. My goat butted Mr. Tilling hast in a bad place,and a calf wouldn't do so; A boy without a father Its' au orphan, and if he hasn't got a moth er he Is two orphans. The goat don't • give so much as a cow, but more than ox. We saw one at a fair one day with a earl tied to his left ear; he went in on a family ticket. Moth er picks geese in the summer, and the goat eats grass and jumps on a box. Some don't like goats, but, as for me give me a mule with a point brush tail. The goat Is a useful ani mal, but don't smell as sweet as nice betftotioli forthe hair.. If I had twe . zutechltalikvotti4,*ear a wig„ I- • -.retetdawj %Op sett go.itt or threedi:Atria antrio — to Ifor circus to see the elephant, which is bigger as five goats. Father is com tng home to-morrow and the baby has got the croup bad ly," Liver, Life; Langs. The important bearing that these organs have In continuing a healthy existence makes it of paramount im portance that they should he attended to when in a disordered and sickly state. We have often been startled in our public assemblies, whenever the speaker attempts to say some thing, at the hundreds of coughs which ring as though our throats were made of beilimetal or brass, in- Stead di the fine tissues which line not only our throats, but even the winutest- ramification of the brun -1441.6‘nd lungs. There is not one of theSfe koughs that could not be cured in I then two days, by a timely applieetion otn remedy such as Du. K No Cr RE, awl many in less tibiae. Many of them, if ne glected, will undoubtedly lead to some fearful lados ref .the tiwgit or lungs, which may set aii camel:lles to naught. The part of wisdom is lite.: gluing in time, as "a little leak tuts been known to sink a great ship." Office and Medicine Store, 167 Liberty, Pittsburgh. -.llo' fb '.-- - - - - 1041-ekittpped hands ace-very egkni; mon with those who have their hands much in water. A few drops of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment rub bed over the hands two or three times a day, , will keep them soft and white. Fishermen, sailors and.pthers will do well to remember this. A Fair flit. About the time the temperance re formation began, a well-disp - ozed farmer told his hired man. that he thought of trying to do his work without rum, and asked him how much he should hikve to give him to do without it. The •tztan told him that he might give hiu3 what he pleased. "Well," said the farmer, "I will give you a,sheep if you do without." The oldest son then asked him if he would give him a sheep if he would do without 70W, "Yes," 43aid the father, "You shale have a sheep if you will do without," The youngest son then asked if he would do the mine by him, "Yes, Chandler," was the reply, "ypu shall have a sheep too, if you will do without rum." Prftently Chandler asked, "Father hadn't you better take a sheep too?" This was a homf question; the father had hardly tho ght that he could do without the "good creature" but. th is appeal was not to be disregarded. The result was, that rum was at once banished from the premises. to— The ?Imes says Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful chestnut mare. She died suddenly in harness, it Is supposed from hots or pin-worms.-- If the Doctor had used Sheridan's Cbratry Cbndition Powders. he would no doubt have had his mare to-day; they are death on worths. `lrie - A diffident youth was paylnk h la addresses to a gay lass of the country, who had long despaired of bringing things to a crisis. He called one day when she was alone. After settling the merits of the weather, the girl said, looking slyly into Ms face c "I dreamed of you last night." "Did you.? Why, now I" "Yes; I dream - et' that you kissed me." Why, now? What did you dream your mother said ?" "Oh.. I dreamed she wasn't at home." A. light dawned on thu youtk's intellect, a singular sound broke the stillness, and in a few weeks they were married.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers