THE JOSH BILLINGS PAPERS NATI:L-ISL lIISToRY — THE HAWK. The hawk iz a karniverous fowl, and a chickiniyerous one too, every good chance he kan git. I hay wen them shut up their wings, and drop doun out ov the skey, like a destroying angel, and pick up a yung tans in in each ' hand, and sore aloft agin pretty quick. They bild their nests out ov the reach ov eivilazshun, so that -no mishionary kan.git to them, unless he kan klimb well. Powder and double B shot iz the only thing that will - civilize a hawk clear through,l*.that he will stay SO, and it takes a ble charm' of thi n ta°. a heve fired a ifOrthle•haarreted 4i gun intr. thpm;. ',ma& with line shot, and if :had .the same etrek on themthSt four , quartz ov oats would-haV ro an old her, it made them more lively for n fu minnits. I hev Been 'sled hawks, hut i never Phod any teats over them. I (p, t wuntionge t hat "von hen hawk P ro in vain, but i hay vVonder eul, if jost enutT of them. to pr serve ttrt fi. , q -- tmpnt wondn't answer. Tn? MF.DIX) mnir. ThP molo fa oithpr a , m9lll mi t nr .1 r i Mont loin ‘vii -ntrip fur. 9•• , 1 " p .•rot)" , 1 1 -- 9; . tr.'lllln4l find 3krt+.t a 104i:far If , t to (~,A 11.1(1 nevo-r rum c)n(.F. tr'.w Tl, EMI •.‘" I , lrlrlV PVf.a. l7Of . " 11 ' . nti 1:1411 nvtliinv, then enny «~;,,, ,~ n•t~ ra !I 4 , 11 4 '.; t: !TOW rreile kan yr xvith their ear% iz natiiN tnisterv.. fin‘l yi•thir tniQterVß • it iZ the it-erv)., t nstur, that makes tnan kind•]rtfnt. If monr psv.wcwl stll the kiirds ght , hr•l‘t in Itpr Ingrol mrwt enny hofhly wm,lll heat her. Bet inskfs: us guess nt s mr r -h„ k now. and then I!4fr- ye , (sr- .levo, beknlize we 1,‘••• t•o•her troci,lo • i of diet or not "eVe"' ." P.l ft , eir ngton., rneisterwl on i-nns• hill of i^ (Mir "TA ff. ho tPt• Ql.elt in nnutish. but I hsrt. is co tiwnt flxingii, with frPneti, soul nR rip.: on tho hiih, ,t hat thvy TIOV hr f A ~ ! t 1 n nin!e-4 are r e!t}'• 01 , Unieil ( ~.a I filcit r9te in e nd kngsofi entninon vittlem iu , ngli.4ll,—Arrit , York ti eek/y kip' Last week a whirlwind struck .bci.+of tpP many high trestle bridg e-. of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, and wrenched it from its foundation. totally demolishing it. The bridge spanned Stoner's Creek, and was over a quarter of Mlle long and t.lghty-seven feet high. The destruction of the bridge causes almost an entire suspension oft irtetbus iness of the road. 11 irrarnloun Crowe Char!es Nordrnp writes to the New York Tribune from Watsonville. ;4outhern California. Santa Barbara. San Lois, and Monterey counties re largely held in Spanish grants. San Luis county wedmvethmugh f..-ttate of eighteen- leagttes—a ag of ts,ad is 4,440 acres-Land there are many of from four to elev en leagues. It Is my to see that these great plates Injure awl' retard ithg; prosperity of this regir n. for _while the whole of it is suareely in hallited, you norooner come to Rol "'lister than you find a numerous arid ii'&l47,e population, excellent faro' 1i0u.4 - 4 , and,a thriving, busy coun try. 1 - 11-" Te Some great branches were sub-divid4.l,nto small tracts, Sall- vas City, ,Sisin - 11Rari, Holti,tNr, Wu( son ville ah&SatilitTruz are the chief *owns of a region wi&j the Southern —Pacific Railroad has 'tut recently brought to public attentihua coun try ot almost unexampled feltijjty. Fortunately, to a considerabV•ex, it is owned by small farmeraf4*, Ulu* of-frorn 'NI to 1.5.0 acres, next ai'"i more prosperous population it would be difficult to flnd. In the Pajaroand adjoining valleys wheat has been grown on the same - fields for twenty and these still priidue , hi-avy ernp.s. The soil is a deep sandy loam, with frequent paWaes of stiff adobe. Irritration is not tie. d IYi mast places, and at any i ride is T•rprlief4l only in gardellSitild • rie"y, and natsti' , e thi• I saw rat straw, whk!h hunt: nit and dry measured SA feel was as Mg round at the base a middle tinger,and which yielded ot , one piece of fourteen acres, the enornt ,, tp: 102? bushels per • :.•a , . , n xt. Ith • 1'1 , 4 , 1 vi..1111-ti rto x.e. (1. ‘1.13,i4 -?4 - fr,m 1‘.t.Q1 , .• • *. 171..1 3VlPrlltri' Nt‘ie tract. In Nk 1 V'1 , 4,4" 10Stit11. , r. 4'l I*-I‘vet-I1 fitrty tinri PIE .10\ I In• rft•Tfq t 1 ) .•• nVe.r.pgr tern fifty-tine to ~,,••• • t, :11111 • I oats over tifty bus' els per :wry: sixty bushels of A - tti . ak to I hr acre is so far from an uta:T4xituon crop that a (tozot fanners pt re-ii. 11V TI ‘vho had got that by leasur4 II • Of uottitoi-ss toe aver -411v• crop Rout two hundred to mired bushels. .:„ i 8 b IC I 1k kajk-The heroine of the itlitiost-fok.; ..- 1 4 . r ) gs ,ititql "Diamond Wedding" in .\ - 'ew , H, 'York , A dozen years ago, is referred to in a Cuban letter its - follow ''Thu 4, 01; once celebrated beauty,Miss Hart,!ell, : 62 now the Widow 0 viedo,liaraltegrAtal. sugar Mate of her late hip:that - id, a:i,NI will receive the pri.a.xt chi for mune little time to come, i' }:)cough her htis- 1. 1 1 ArAiio's twenty or, thirty nattintl ! ch ilifren, iiii..i; li.??. cYttu terit I relatives . have designs a.t, Law to get part of the i property. She is popular in Hrt-J i viola. but eau scarcely possess null* 1 ti i * . uipattiy than during the lifit , et r Oviedo, who was a barbarian *ad ar i - _ _ - tyrant with negro bl(xid in bis veins. 1 TUE LEADING and yet he had been a slaw trader.— ,' After the celebrated ""iammid I Notion. it Millinerm House. , i Wedding," Oviedo shut his wife I .. - - i Jealously away, and when he ro&h 1 - .___ _.._— __. off to his 4,Ntatesi to be abeent a month I ins , HoRNE 1, col or six weeks, she was somethnes re f.SeCt pertubouou to quit her apart- ments, and had to speak through tlas ,l l"3„ 77:- and 7f). 3111 - arkt4 street, h:irs or from the balcony of the. see- , .1!.41WV 4172G11, and story to tradeqben att;:i uthers.. „rev .v prepared to .1-41.til to t es ta 0 the LarL: , -st Sht! is still aminterestin4 iasardan,tall i seiectieu to he lual,,Lissi or Wt, itl, and sprightfy, twent,y-five Hosiery. tetztxts, Enabriiiderie::, veers or aV. 2 44 44aikie will be an- t 1 4 0.....,,,e 3 Luce Goud.s _ ;urtatiagetting out of .tho Vaunted I ,„, , " ... ' kirtsr Cbriel Oviedo estate will be. at best, a mod- f "au (-4'041 hoop • i' it , crate forttlhe in recompense for the' 'thlttit: Furnishing (>;4(ls, ; 4 ! ,wex tf youth given to a (sr•eole, 1 Hair ( spode, hair Nelx,ii .Nol lora , fault am ble and accomplished girl- and ~ .s sami w t are, tt i ., l Inkxl wu eel upan this approach to it A', rnteliale4 Lin*, man. After the settlements of her - NI 11_ ,LIN I, : , ,i t y (; 6( )1)S 1 *Mutes, Maciarn Oviedo will return to - Hues, Bomietx, Fir,iirx, the Stats. TEE AVERT-LL PAINT l'4lßlizas, Chnted Satins,Silk# rei re . t. , c,i crap.... se_. of our • In traim.rtati4 at 1...r.t { ELLS given tirli ,, nr.dc I satisfaction I. r , „h„ , r )e, WHOLES, ,L. OSLT . Ac. II .olicls- u,,,,, vi . ar , ill alt s 4 etions ot the country, .-0.. , Orzlery pmenpt:'‘ nn.,i p. , , ~,, 1 ,,- ii 11 " p,. f t li iiv,ru t and tins lit-et, in um : : In . tnis vicinity iiisrvi ..e...11. • .toret, .d zd . • • ~. . e 7. aprto-tiot ..dve yeAr - ,, previnr its.. is I led., t•spet. tally. - the colors and fillii, ie.. ::Itsol at, ly STAB 13 A_ - .S' 1&7E.191,7 1 0.4. i The Best and Cheapes-t THE BEST BASKETS in the Ma rksk ! - 4 eLerg !Mill from a neipbosiiig town and one of his parsiortPrs were walking home from church one icy day this winti'r,when the old gentle tnau slipped anti - fell 1144 on, his hack. The luinislek, kvitlpg,ut Min a moment and being assured-he was uni.naut:h'hurt, .tid to him: "Friend, sinners stand on slippery placcs."— The old centleruan looked up, as if to a.k.itiro h irrNel f or the fact ,and said, "'I see they do ; but I can't." Oar A citizen of frawrenee, who Address -1411 bought some pills of a quack RAND A L K. E N ! „.i 1 Jr. doctor .in piston, beennie nervously :star Basket Works, Pittaltrgis, Pa fearful that they might contafn poi- : rio::-.4n , son, and I i ' did not take them, but . his __ .! - -- -- . ------ . wite hecom inf.! 11l a few days after he gave tht-m to her. Finding them James T. Brady 4, - Co., harmless he foolishly exposed his preyious suspicions, and if his wife -BANKE (t.S de- n't experiment on him the next - 1 tine eak w ma , . - Y .I. " Y Financial Agents .or the 11. n:A ' Mates ; -FOURTH AVE. di. W0...1D ST., pe- An exchange announces as ,an PiTTSßieetaii. e. 4. appropriateliktst over a gltoN or the ~.%,..,T1,1,4, and n 1 I d o uj o es u or .. 0.: , - ,; ,. y r.,.. ,, ,nea ,. : i .,. s ieci ul.r. t .c o ::: Ardent, as "Here's what makes ti 4 wear old clothe..." That's Ihe too.' kinat, Mortgares. and Ilret-elass sk-e5:171‘.., gel er 611y. . Moiler homed on Govenunea# Baud . st sensible toa.'t we haw-Ave:lrd for some I , .. eat Mee. ..: Ijti:o i 1 ', m I Pit .1 enstlee JevtU re in. bitterest allowed on Wpordio.. t•eveu worth!, i *- • A Romantic Story. In South Carolina, lately, has/ieen enacted another version of the !i"old story" of man's inconstancy and wo tnan's constancy. A lady. 1 30 '4' 7 , 7 longer young, after many. ' 7 l 41 duet lov tvaiting, 1111.6 been marrk.-_.: er, who was far from pen)if She bad supposed him dead lulled in battle--and for nine Acing y:ears had mourned his losS, refusing bit th scoe re at i m i r eFs of her beauty7and wit, both of which were more than ordinary, fershe came of a liudenot stock, renowned for good looktand . good sense, and an ancfstress ()fillers wasone o f beauties at the toad of Catharine de Med Ha and rai4ress of (Irking of Navarre. Whild she thus was mourning her life away her recreant lover was alive and tvell, and the husband of a Northernii:wo _man. lie had been left for deail on on,- of the fields of battle. but, Meter the skillful trmtnient of the Fetilerut surgeon and tender etre of a thiliwn eyed hospital nurse, hail entitled lease of life, and lost the fieart which wa- not his to lose. Tiiking advaniiie , of his death being reported he clime co the North, and, under a name, married his he pitai kiiry. With her . he lived VW the t a ll o f Mil, when death tot 4 her away. Then at his deserted lu-btrt .time the lonely man thought ijf his southern love, and his old pitssion returued. Ile yielded to the 3.•iearn ing hi' see her again, add with :Three children, the fruit of his marCiage, went back to "Old Carolina,' ,:: anti shamed and trembling, prese:nted himself before her. She, on heepart, forgta and fergave him all, and has Laken the vows which make her a mother to his children.—Cbt.o/ina Repo/Aeon. rice' A candidate for the honOrable ()thee of alderman, when gettllig his matutitial shave on the mornftitz of the election, extracted from hid bar ber a prdmise to vote for lam.; But what was 'his chagrin, whenfi said harbor walked up to the polls to see him pas.s in a ballot for the opposing eanditiate. The next day he (-ailed los bather to account. Didnl, you promi-ii to vote for me?" The ton sorial gentleman acknowledged that he did. "But what made you . - vote against the t hen '.""•Why, I shaved the other man last F' GeV - A bachelor not residin. two nines front Ma tiny u nic , the oils ot7day, after having been tifuno,l bletssedness until he could is-arAt mu I itgcr. 'lilted upon a maiden 10y ()I it is acitua lit ne , ', when,t he fultuw ng convemitioli tout: place: "Dr::) you want to change 3 our curt)' ion ?” asked the bachelor. "No !" "Neither do I!" And, turning on his, 'feel, our bachelor exclaimed : "Th Auk lievnen I've gut that off my !Auld." A down Easter urril in New York, and took lodgingstat one of the high bouses. Tellin tt* t er lie wished to be tallied ids the4norn ing for the boat, both of thedi pro ceeded on their winding way utiward, till havi ng arrived at the eight li flight of stairs, Jonathan caught the arm of his g uide, and accosted hint' thus: " Look here. stranger, if you tntend to call me at six o'clock in the 'morn ing, you might as well do it n;?w, as It will be that time before I can get down again." • tiir A person having been t men tioned who was notoriously utifortu bate hi his first marriage, relation, ttnd yet soon aft( r got married tgain, and was asked if it was not rush to embark anew in un adventure Which lie had already found to be soklisas trims. "No," said the philo§i ipher elevating.. his head, and his eiounte nanee growing with enthusia4o, "it was the triumph of `hope over,expe , rience." , W" A wry 0.41 main witil lotk.t ja and 11.4 4 3, ebeek bones, once upon i time to the witness boti of an OHIO court. "What is your cage?" iNked Tom Corwin. "Twetitg two." "Y'ou mistake the question!. The years a your life—l wish 14-7 kilos% them." "Twenty-two!" "1-la:Vi- you spent all your life in Ohio?" "Oh, no! lAild live forty years on the It:,astern Strie..,9l Maryland, but I hope the Lord - ia4n't counted them agile' met" W-4--.805w,..e1l once iisketi ..fon'a than i f t here pos..zihlo eireuttistaii evs under w h icicle woutitibe jus t ilia Me," o," wi&V,w reply, •"2Vel I," said., Roswell, "..s.iivose a neon has beet' guilty of trieaul.,\hat he was certain of hein,r . kle.utt oat," then." says jr 41 , 0 'Mit) • "I.lrt raze let him go. eoctutrlt-+et ahe is not k Nom.. 4, anti riot to , thus where 44 , i+ tvovirp.." . sr 01'e0 ,i01•1,- • I -FL* 5 - s - ;••••••. ; 7 bl • -- 7 `4lime 7 r. ONelaYr = r ma C t Zs 7 1 4 • < IL“ " -• 4.e . .:•••=, - • 0 • 11011 6 I FU}( GARREATS Gr (*Mit; AND FAMILY;SE SEND FOR DESCItIPTI6N, UriT. RADWAY'S READY RELI E F CURES THE WORST PAIN , In from One to Twenty Min n NOT ONE HOUR after reading t his advertisement need any one BUFFER WITH PAIN. lIADWATI3 MAIO EMMY IS: - Sniff PAM—, t Wrung arsnind IN The Only Pain "Remedy that Instantly stops the most exerodatlng pains, allays Inflammations, and ewes COOrelo.loll4 whether of the Loop, Stamsett, Dotrels,or other gtatelsor organs. by we IN Atte L 3NE TO TWENTY MI lInES, No matter how violent or ezernehdiate the polo the !argument% Bed-rlddrn, Infirm, Crippled, Na trona. Neuralgic. or prostrated- with disease may surfer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD . INSTANT EASE. 15VLAMMATION OF THE ' INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. ailla-MIATION OP THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. EtORE TEUSOAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF .THE BEAUX. intiurbADrPaHTtuut IHER I L NF IA. _ , UENZA. ILEADAdItE, TOOTAMIE. NEURALGIARHEUMATISM. COLD emus, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Bengt , Relief to Dui part esr pests where the pain or tll Wats will afford ease and erontort. Twenty drops In half a In:utter of water will In a few moments cure CRAMPS. bPASSIS, SOUR STOMACH, IiEARTHURN, OWE HEADACHE DIARRHEA. DYSENTERY. - col.le, WIND Ig THE BOWELS, and MI INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Had. way's Read, Relief with Item. A few drops In water will prevent sickness nr pnlns Iron change of water. It la better than FruLett Leanly or Bitters CU a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cared for fifty cents. There Is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Agne. and all other Malartous, Ilthoutt, Scarlet, Typhoid, 'fellow, and other Fevers (aided Sy RADWArS PILLSI so tole: as RADWAIS ItELDT RELIEF. Fifty coats per bottle. SWI ha' Orugglsts. V HEALTH! BEAUTY!! RONO AND PCttE iur ri RLOOD—IN CRKASE OF FLESH AND %V RIG HT--c LEA IL SKIN AND RF.A.UT:FUL COMPLEXION bK CURED TO ALL. DR• RADWAY'S SARSAPARII t iIAN RESOLVENT nAs SIADETHE /A T ASTONISHISOcURES QUIcK, so ItAl'ID ARE THE cIIANGFA THE BODY I:NDERGoKs. ipown. TIIF. IN FLUENcE OF TIIIS TRULYMONDERFUL EIEDIcINE, TEAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREA.T BLOOD PIIHIPIEIL SOLVENTro of the SA ILRAPARILLIAN RE communicates through the Blood. Sweat. Urine. sad ether folds andjuLces of the system the rigor of life, for It repairs the wastes of the body with Dew and sound material. Scrofula. Sypflills, Con sumption, Mandl:dlr. disease, Ulcers to the Thmut, 31outh, TWINS!". Nodes to tine GLlnds and other parts of the system, s4,re Eves. Sbutuntis Discharges from the Ems , and the worst forms of Shin Eruptions. Fever 6.. re-m, Scald 'lend, Ring Worm, Salt Memo, Errelpelus, Acne. Hiatt Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in the Wnmn, and all ereakerang and painful discharges, Night elltSt% Loss of Sperm, and alt wastes of the life printsple, are within the euratihe range of tilts-wonder of Plod era Chemistry, and a few dare Ir?•e all! prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease Its potent power to cure them. Not only does the SAL3SPARTI.LI.V. Ersotecur etre! all known remedial agents in line cure oft Scrofulous, Conslitottonsi, mutt tasesses ; but It th. only positive core S., Kidney dc Bladder Complaints, eionry. no d Worn!. di,enses, Gravel, I t,s, Dropsy, Stoppage or Watt r, Incontinence of trine, Bright's Disease. Altruminuria, and In all curs where there are brictdest deposlta, or the water is think, cloudy. mixed 'nth substances Ince the slate of to ozg, or threads like white *tit. or there is a toortil , ;, dark. bilious appearance ' and white bone-dust de palate. and when there Is a pricking, turning sera lion whorl passing stater. and pain In the Small ~, the Back and along the Loins, Price, 4i so, fUnOR —The only known and sure Itrn.,` Orna... rape. Tumor Of 12 Team' Growth Cured try Etudway's Resolvent. .E. 3.1. NI sat, Joly la, D. RADVIIT ro-1 Lova Lan Ovarian Tenor In thy frontlet =4 Loath. All Da Doctors said a there was no lodp for Aid ovary Oiling stiss was rovissunsondrd bat sloshing iLdPad tor. lobo Four Norol•irnt, and Lllou,bt I would Iry Wt Lad no faith la It, Lon.* 1 Lod Fantod for lovlr./ yoari. I Larkors ladslsa da..s a Desolve-d, ar d t.t. %...1 of Donato's Pills, and too Larrs To. tied. RAW; and there L oat a sips of tut.h..r le 41,-0 or 4.t, and 1 frvl bettor, manor, ...J 1. 4 t...t thAn I Ita•e fan twarl. years- Th. ward warm loos in lb* saw a over Ow fro'. .1 ..14thi. von fat the 41.01 at otbM. Vat cLo p.Ltua rt d an lIA All Ir. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE . PILLS, perfectly tasteless,gritly coated with sweet g l um, gal r yi y 7 V Ls, for the . cure of Il dT•o 4 or r rs 4l r . th rit=seh:Li ti rer, Dowels. Kidney., Bladder ' , Ne " rrim e . Diseases, fle.otache, Conning-MN ecatleenem, indigestion. Byalio.als, Bdious Fever, lollianamation nl the Dowels. Piles, and all Derange ments of tho internal Viscera. Warranted to effect • positive Mtn. PICOT Vegetable, containing no met curnsislueraJs,oit deletertogn d No, Dr" qbaorve the following my ruptures resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Cloasdpidin, laierod Mu. Tatiana of the Bland to l b . Hmd. Acidity of the Stomach, Names, ficartbars. Mariam .1 Font, Faller+ m Weight I. the Stomach. S. Erect. Hata, Malang or Flotaming at the I'll att.. btamoch. Far oo min of the Heed, Hooded and H4flSralt Breambhtg, Flutter- Urea the Heart, Obekinfi or Salfecettog Se ooak. alma to •• Lying Nat.,. Dimmer of Chian, Dm.Web* before the Sight, Frew mad Doll Pam In the H od. Deflearecy ot Penadestion, Tellownem of the Sato eel Eyes, Pain In the Side. Cheat, LICCILG, WWI ,adds Fb.b. of Hot, Bunting to the Fiesta 1 41 [eve doses of 11.ADWAY'S PILLS will fres the system from ell the shove.narhed dh-orders. Pnee, aS tests per t..z. SOLD to; Plirct;lsTti. REA 1) FALSE AN n TRI' E. 5..b,1 nee I..ttrr stamp to 11AloWAY . 57 Marten Leas. New yeek. Informathru rth hcusands be seat) 'OO. lIOLLOWAYS ~,......,....:,,_ 13 I f t ..... 4 i 1 xii . r° .. vo ~ 1 .1 4,4 47 . tre \- f . ' ' pr .......,A.IIP AN: 4 'VO OIN‘ N EvERY}'W HIS OWNPHYSICIAII ( ON. r'llF: for 1.101.1,00i - AUS I OINTNIF:NT.Iia4 tempted npr c p parties 11 (1/111i1.•rlert salnahir In Order . 0 prArlkst, , ii.• ounwly CS. ry hat, 1.,111 . d II Ile, Nkrk.'• entlpt.tim: of an ELrypunn ,f n ..Visvnt. a ith ihr 10Attr II In centre. Fs vr utne Ilot.uswAT's Pit.i.- anti 01 sl T 1117; T this trade mirk on It . UMW WithOltriZZ. ....., tr WM N. Y. Cut I I. Co. . 1 01..44, t nar3l72i y. Mahlva 1 a 'Nsw Yerk. SHARP & HOFFMAN, hi - CZ 3 t.• 7, , ROCHESTER. PENN'A., GROCERIES & P RONISIONS, QC EENsW ARE, VLASSWAJ F.. STO NE RE, WOOD EN WA RE Ha. artily are WINDoW-GLASS, NIII.S,CUTLERY; 11111Ps, LAMl's, NOTIONS, sA.LT, FISH. FLOUR, GRAIN, Mai - Feed, Oil - Meal, mrcl SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, I:l7sE, :•• lifl ES Rile' and Blasting Powder, •••• . tt (W 1101C-Ndt . 311L1 Chimney-Tops and Drainage Pipes; WHITE LEAD & LINSEED, OIL; Dryer, Turpentine, Colors dry & in Oil; PAINT 1:1:1'SHE, OF A 1.1. MI E:11 4.=.1 TII Ii Averill Chemical Paint l't ILE WHITE..‘I.I. CoLorvs AND :-.IIADER, nt.d !or , :tic iltingl,t‘'—by the quart in tin Cllts by the galimi 'a till buckets, nr he tire r:11! , ,n 1;:et:c. Paint now in um-. itatti lines tint e rte. 11. before drying, a n d Nt 11( . 11 Iry It II as a Lint glassy -111-11 tee; .% ill not cr:nk Wi. Will SI lid sample. card, priti• kisraw: • teslintonials unv asking ts.r tb, *n me All heavy goods delivere free of 4. 3 azge in Rochester and vicinity. ma r6:611L I Wall Paper! WaLPaper! Beautiful tleAgn.lnl24hly ni,labed Satin tot,e. The largest. a..Gorlment 4 , f Glit and titan)pcd Gold Paper, erer opened in the eitv- Diniug Room Paper Plain &Paneled. Chamber aril Kitchen rapere stl n.-t' _ Rat The largest oral cheapest Wall Pap.• rilout , lu ttnm. Miscellaneous.. R. R. R. 111.:A. I .1•:I ..$4 i N wE E TnE 2,1:x4,1 re:.tly for um Warrantrd SHARP a: HOFFIEVE, ROCHESTER_ p A DE ZOIICHE & CO 110 Wood St.. Pittsburgh. Übe:Ai BAlei to De. 1,1-. 1.1,110- Miscellaneous. James H. Rankin, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, cerrLEity, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE; .lopaauese and Piabi: .pise4f; Ware, 7 ; Wrni iEcEsiiaty . volt 1-1017SEKEEPERS. Cal! and see mar 'stt tesiin our prices No. (ilh SY., ( Late SY. Clair St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. hotl h • Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called " Tonics, — "' Appetizers." Restorers," Sc , that lead the tippler on to drunk enness and nun, but are a •truc Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimolants. They are the Great Blood Purifier arid a Life-giving Pnnciple, a Per fect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, car rying MT all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both maid and body. They are ,easy of administration, prOmpt in their action, cer tain in their result>, safe and reliable in all forms of disease . . No Person can take these Bitters ac cording to directions, and remain long unwell, pro vided dieir bones arc not destroyed by mineral poi son or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, PaM in dm Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness Of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad 'Paste an the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpi tation of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pam in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, arc the offsprings of Dys pepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a b ngthy adverti-ement POT Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dame of nomanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Litters display rut de rided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percept dile For Inflammatory and Chronic Rlllenelnil i ellillin and Goo Dyspepsia or Indiges von, !harms, Remittent and I ntermittent Fevers, liisrases of the Blisd. l ,i vet, I:nines, and Bladder. these Bitters have been noel surcessild Such Diseases Ste causer! by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement iil the Digestive Organs. They ore a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of j avtoig as a powe r ul agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation the Liver and Visceral Organs, aidtp Bilious seases. 'For Skin Diseases. Eruptions, Tester, Salt- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, 'Humors. and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally di, up and carried out of the system in a short timely the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the toost incredulous Of their curative effects, Cleanse the VIM/lied Blood whenever sou find its impurities bursting through the skin in Wimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousand,/ psoirlsom VINEGAR BITTERS the most wonderful Invigorant Chit even sustained the sinking system. Pin. Tape, and other Worn's, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phy siologist There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the preseiite of worms. It is not upon the healthy ele ments of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medi eine, no vermifuges, no anthelminit les nal free the system from norms liLe these hitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, 'Type setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subtect to paralysis of the Bowels, To guard against this take a dose of WALKER ' S VINEGAR BITTERS ones or twice a rice., an a Pre ventive Bilious, Remittent, staid Intermit. , tent Fevers, ulitCh are so prevalent in the rah let- of our treat rivers throughout the United Staes, esyemally those of the NI tssmittiiii, MistA.m.,Mims, rtinesver. t umber Mind Arkan sas, Red, l olcrrado, hearer., R.. wand, Pearl, Alas ban.A, Mobile, Savanna:, dt J.4111e.., and many others, 01:111' 04,1 IT tr.ltar.c,. throughout Our enure Cuuntr% during the Sutouter And Annirnii, and remarkably ko dl/1111,: seasons of unusual heat and dr‘ness, are trivartAlile at ..mpatned by'riten stge derangeforuts of the s It and liter, and other abdominal viscera, In the, treattnent, pun. gative, exerting—a ts•nerftit u.'ernt e upon these rannn,Of , 4ana, is c....entlaliv to Ce•s.try There is not all.arbs I.r the inirposc equal to On J %VAL- Ken's V they ‘ , perdily re e the dall,co:ored rt C.<l matter nth ethic!' the -bowels arc loaded, at the same time stintulatlng the sectetwea of the Iner, and generally restoring the healthy funCtiolis of the Scrofula, or King's Evil, NS Ince UA-ers. I .rv•ii , mas, coed Nes', Goiter, I Atimnmation , . Indolent Inflammations, Mettntial Albs bons, the Skin, Sore Eves. nte. In nurse, as in a'l other r),e3cr..t. ,om a s N'IVEG a R BIT TER, h.t.e shown tht r It <it tim tim e ;ohnets us .Se most obstinate and MIA aralde t Are, rl' Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitten act on all these cases tn a similar manner. Ity punfying the Itlond they remove the cause, and by resolving assay the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits, the atlected parts receive health, and a permanent iure is effected The properties ot lrtt. K ER'S V INS. (OR BITTER% are Aperient. Diaibiiretic and Car• minative, Nutritious, DIUtrITC, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Ante. The Aperient and mild 1-ssative properties of DR WA litleß'S VItarG.AR Ityrrens are the best safe-guard In all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing prop erties protect the humors of the faucet- Their Se dative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bon els, either front Inflammation, wind, co:ic, cramp., etc. Their ('minter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system lheir Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liter, in the secretion of bile, and its discharges through the billary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, tot the lure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body naninst Morose by purifying all its fluids with Bri - ress No epidemic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. Directions.—Take of the Bitters on going to lied at night from a half to one and one-hail wine. glassfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beet steak, mutton chop, venison, roast leef, and vege, tables, and take out-door exercise. They are com latised of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. j. WALKER, Prop'r, R. H. iffeDONALTY & CO.. Druggists and Gen. Arts. :San Francisco, Cal l and our. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Nora. SOLD L e y ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS spri y —to vbz.ryin Fa.Al_,E.4rl'oN Foundry Repair Shop Having been Fagged In the Foundry llnrlne.s for biote than thirty years.—durind which thin have accumulated a variety of userut patterno. he nider models anti taking , out patents for iruprosements on COOKING - STOVES —and after having thoroughly tested these In: provements, I feel warranted in offering them to the public ILS V I V el , The GREAT WESTERN has no No STOV-EBa. Stoves of Different Styles fur llisuing and Cooking foe Great Republic CooilnE Stove Elsa the best Record of any Stove user offered In martort LESS ROOM TO Du MORE WoRK BEST BAKER, IVICPS'Ir I3ITIZ-A_l3l`,l-ii: THE BEST STOVE IN tSE. In connection with the stove I have got up a Patent EXTENSION 'FOP, Which occupies little room, no nittlitlonni fuel, and is not liable to wear out, ti6p(-n -aes with all pipe, can he put on Or taken of at any time, and made to suit all stovus of any size or plittern. Ffv© Hundred Pereacont4 Who have purchased and ased tli( CrRPIT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVEc Most of whose names-have been pub' ed in the Awing, arc confidently referred to, to bear witness of its superiiir merits as a cooking stove. BsOng three Ilret class ensrtnee on hand., of about fifteen horse power capacity. (hey are Otrered to the public at reasonable rates JOHN N I LEY. - aPattt. DEA LER IN Hardreare, &( perlor for this Locality. IT TAKES LESS FUEL A LTOG ETH ER LIE MADE VAPIDLY with Stencil and Key Cheek outatt. Catalovecumples and, cal Po mins fres. 8 M. SPENCER, Brattler bort). Vermont. Pli,BoolC AGENTS. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bible containing over 410 dos Scripture Illustrations to anybook Agent. tree of charge. Address National Pub. Co ;Phila. Pa. •? GREAT CICANCR • FOR itORRTS. ' Do yen want an agency. local Or Ira* hue. with an opportunity to nuke to • • NDa day selling our new 7 strand Whits Wire elothes Lines/ Thrylartfortver; • sample free; Send for etrenlit.!Addresa • •at once Iludoon laver Wire Works, car. Water St. and Maiden Lane N.Y., or 34 Wept Randolph buret. ellteiCo., GET the only standard bvp4 of the kind pub -h , d. A slol.aved,vearli -bi w Pogrel. , at - be trusd , e , agents NITRE,NIOIIE( Icreanvastilla for You man', Pictionery tif Eceryday 11ants4 eon• Invimr tn.' 00 I,rrlittf In every Depsuntorit of Unman Eth,rt. than in any other possible. tray Prom ocel: Insured. It . Is for every nonsekeeper. Par rer, Trade end Pro .I , slori For the Sick A 7,llabk book of persgment ra . n , * To eve, y v Ide tora.l.e prottr,....sslvo person. II 4 , 11 s Ir.etf Et,ra Addrev.. Le. M.-Rasp, to r.l , 2•tott Nvo• York. Optli.AW itS IN di. If .I.V TRAP.' A corowl.• ' i.gAtx r/ by ', Ith , mn.t Iy.i•olor or A wricou AO thor, . It Ira startOw.tatNipose of hia au I ...Ina!, a thrill n„ . .. recital of •I/ .'• ell) . drum 0 110 ; 1 . •leolft the 'I.TVpi 11110. L , har ft1:1111.. .1114 I, the • 1, .0 kind WoI 1,,• rtl ohNoirt., .0.1 ts. eertato Apply for an 114eney .1",1•,04 u.•II u. folk.' r o omy to' M I) I)A I: l't l'oblb46r sTANDARD AMERICAN . . . B I LLI AR I) TABLES! 'Everything pertaining to Billiard , . at lowest prices Illuxtrated ratalorptat i•ont by wait. 11. LI.• EN Dtit NEW' YORK. su , ,,s.or to PII ELA N & COLL EN DER, BROADWAY. Wells' Carbolic Tablets, Kor Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. The.e TelAdts present the Acid In Combinatior with other efficient remedies, in a popular form. for the tore of all Throat. and Lung Diseases ilaarse , ,,,,a and a:era:ion of the Throat are im mediately relieved and statements are coustantiv being sent to the proprietor of mite( to cases of Tilftnit difficulties or years' stand lug. CAUTIONi• Don't be deceived by worthless int , Winona. Get only %Veils' Carbolic ~ ‘ euts per box.' Joey ( Ket. Y. Se tid for etentar, Sole aprlZ.4w T 11 EA-NEC T NIL fore Chinese Tea. Tho bey 4 Tea luaporten. Warraided to gulf all taxies Pot up Inoue trade knurl; half- Ported and ruiund ' package. 31) 1111400 Pound Boxce. For Sale at Wholesale outy by lb , (treat Atia.iiie .t.litrijtc'Pra fly P. O. Box 5501. New York. of A nni.t accurwe and faacinatin4 de.nriptlon the u.i1d,,..5. and - froalth of the boundless Wewt. Its untold rictus. /fly inauns. Buffalo. lialres,,fc. crowded with roblaMa ififormail° 3 . tqu irk li" with the kcentet wit and raciod torus. rivallto; Marl Twain'a twat. and splendidly itlustratfil. Rill he immJnsely popu,lar and sell beyond pre tedtof . For *ample pares. Illnetretionw, term*. ttc., addr.•or I.l:l'.l3Aitll 131t(nS., Publiahem 23 Sam nm wtreet Phila. taprl7:4sv FOR. SUNDAY SCHOOLS TI I ESUN DAV SCTIOOL WORLD. A leaelitnr periodical for teachers, with full ex plauations of the Le, ens, 16 tutees awathly. fifty reels a ) ear. The Chiir r l's for Au illustrated . paper for ehll• drew. WO cop is itto uthly, one year tllOl.l, or tsrtee a repeal. t2l 01. The Scholar's Paper r a=t tne the or the e +son, and topics for the stud) of it., fie. I NTEI{.II ED IA TE LESSON PAPER; of a more chAracter , wtth gtiestlnnr and exPlanattons, Either :4 toe P love at the rale of 75 eunt, per 100 copte. mohthly; or $9 Ili for DV bopita , iler year Fpee iineu cot, let oi any of We above lurnirhed on application to 'THE AMERICA N FL NDAN' SCHOOL C'SION, L It! Cheinnut street. Philadelphia. 6117-in , _ . . AGENTS! QUICK or you will of terrlwry, I there 1. ti rush (or It) on Dio Lewie' Wei and greate.t hook. C.ll7rt 1 - )lrci,tl4 - IwriclN : or. it) . L I'F'!llf:'.Vll'S•v6('/fh'T. It 19 by odd: , ttte ;noel taking and rateable Itoolott tlier IL L t I• 1 1111 import:lnt oultJect 2. It by Ain rt,.4 ino-1 p0i1111:1( Writer OU At 0. nit !In: price, the :11144 . 0t and bAjd,,,,..•,[ .01' ‘OO - 1' void Uy tiutoicription. Ain•ai • lite p. are eager toe pitch a nottn, atiO )00 to Li wg IL 10 UR' m. W rite for tertnp, S.e , fry,. 1. MAILMAN, runitetter, 212 tiairtiont Ntr•ter, aprl7:inr. OIL WOlll,l l I WERE ACHED AGAVE B igt" 11,0 W. 2 r) crud ”sliati,trecl • a. the Itlth4olll 11/ICI lUSALOth • 4/ 4 e;p1111....; 0'11 , 6 upon 111,u. Collie .31'1 •trviilll front the wondvr S~tvtlt 44.11talvasn °J.CRUBEBA lIA 11311. e, comuln.. u /i.ruerful ,11.1erri pe.rifirr of tot 610f.1 it I% I,,und a yen I. exceed WI ruputAlt•m, Acoatlin:z to the r . ILLyr floti:calo LOlttikali 811.1 forte,ho Po, !AWL LTONIC prOlxellitll. 4 Ltitr” LI to NI ATBIIIA NIEDICA Dr. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA L. a pet-ter rrniedy for all rit-eth.,. or I,rc If 1,01 /I), OHO1\1(' VEAKN V.SS, 1 , 1 . 1.01 Dli01'51". LA. IN l'hUN AL 11- C ES:•• KS, 1111.1 'lrll rernn.e nit ohm NI , ‘l./1/. of the LI% tvrEsTINE:•,LrEICINEaud LIIIN.IIt (AiI:ANS. It h. mr,n t zthehltt.; and eittrtrhlt: trlclttu% foul IntII•11 11110 the atomach It n•-tintlates Lind ditrox, itlw if thrungts the rircula thou, ; :tvol ; .• uoil health II rugii:“,le. the I,..wels..o',eizi tile L. rvrek, nit. nn the .ocrolle.• t, Its pine ant lIIIiII . !Milt rt•011 , I111:: 1/1.411•I•. tl,llll , 3(1111,1 u.. n'hu,r oysh•th JoilN LI KELL, is Tian N.-sr Y"rk. Azt•llt for I h I 1.1tr.1 ywlre p r io r E.,l p ••r:Newt b r circu!.,r aprr.l,, 110 E EitS! F - 4' I I 1.; r r 1 I N 1 - rr the Paint Flange Coa Wheels on holli ads - - of the Rollo T 111; XO 171' Y ...eennkte freely ct tither et.d • Til 1.; .\"( .1.; L7:1" 11a.. pateut Curire3 riaino THE 1;0 1 "EL'l'l" the •.i+ir+t Working er Ti/E4 I O3'EL TY the Strobwrpt Wilnger 11E7' 01"E'L7'Y• I, the most durable Wringer These %lin others d vantagca make it more de sirable then any other. No Practical Housekeeper Can :Igord to buy n Wringer until she h elatu hoed the NOV E I.TY. Try it. and witisfy youreelf that It is the best Sold everywhere. TVashinq S Irringtng Ilfa;hine Cu Ird Chamher. Street, New York. inpri7;4w WVN TEM —Acroto for our new 16-page pa per, the Contributor. 11 departments, re ligiou,and secular. Rev. A. B. Earle write* fur it. tI.IP.a year, a $:1.00 premium to each sub scriber. For Agents' terms, address, J A M ES 11. E MILE, ttostoti. Muse. anr11: 1 -4w ) CHA I Hew either sex may fascinate and main tue love anti affection of any person they choose, to slant' , ,, This simple tulintal acquirement all can free by mail for •ri cis.and a marriage gable Egyitian Oracle, Dreams, (lints to Ladies, .tc. A erritine 'xmic 14,000 sold. Address, T. WILLIAM di CO.. Pub's, Philadelphtn. oprin-Sw ACEENTS W N ED "JESUS " Frao - Fi.vPvT. HIS d vitt Ty egg, is • • so• rat oast= 00 , r. .e wail • nAtlar wri4ni.l4l,solilst rellstosts work ever tutted., mnaurrymriursr * , .1, =GCE The Best Paper! Try It! Tile .. , riertrifit Anit.rtroa t, the the chnape.t nny betti weekly paper tolidiehed. Every number tottlitito. trutn 10 to 15 urigiLal engral twzg of machlttry, nose, loryottona, Bridget., En „,„k„, A rci,ttect nre. Improved Farm Lop ~went,, ryes oo‘‘ dircorery in Chorale try. A tin rzil Itngen and ties , eral hundred engtartug. l Thonsanda of volume” ore preserved for bhming and reference. The practical rt...telpt• are wit worth ten time,. lb., autateription price. Teruo, t. 3.00 a year by m... 11 Sperimene Pent May be had of all News ,)eater., ENTS obtalhed on the bent term,.. Model• of new invention', and aketchea examined, and novice free. All patente ■re publiahed in the rict entiti• American the week they lane Senn for Pamphlet. 110 pagee, containing lane and full di rections Tor obtaining; Patent.. A d dr,. for Poper.or concerning patents , . St EN! • 0 Park flow, N. Y. Branca office, cur F. and 7111 St. , Wa,,hilizmn, D. !. A . DAY to sell Dr.Tln u,'B 3 intl.:Gem Linens •.tird I . l o l u r r k i e r r ; 1 i i : I , : i t:: i 1 1: 1t : .: i n i , t i I I 1 •Ilars free. Andre.. C S NIEli ( . 4 1 67 W. L , ltilta d •t , lialtim,,re .kg,• lits wanted vvcryw ill' r •. I aitrl7.:lni. S. J. Cross s umn. DRY • GOODS, MUM New Fall Stock JUST RECEIVED BY S. J. Cross do Co., ROCHESTER. Out' STOCK or NEW AND SZABONABLE DRY - GOODS LARm.',R THAN EVER BEFORE. CLOTH, CASSIMERE, JEANS, WA PLAIN FLANNMS, BARRED FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, CLOAKING, PRINTS, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY 1•1" C:3O gri a co . INT 19 Ready-Made Clothing: PANTS, VESTS, s txtirrl4, DRAWERS, Hats and Caps, A V Eli V LA !IO E an.l NEW STOCK. BOOTS & SHOES : Men's, Youths' and. Boys' BOOTS. WOMEN'S, WISES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GUM SHOES, ALL PI:I:CHASED LOW AND WILL ADVANCE ON COST. WI•: ALSO CoNTINUE T(► KEEP UP l•St AL ,Tul'li OF GP,OCEII,IES, GRAIN, MILL-FEED. SALT. LINIE HARDWARE: HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, Window Glass• rmy- and IN OIL : WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, PUTTY, TURPENTINE, VAR. ALCOHOL, GUM SIIILLAC, &c. ood€ri Pumps FOR WELLS ANT) CISTERNS ALL HEAVY GooDs. DELIVERED bISTANCE, FREE OF -CHARGE CUSTOMERS WITH COAL, AT THE Rochester. Oct. 20th, Is7l Dwelling, Houses, TEll JNTS, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED IN AND NklAlt THE Borough of Rochester, FOR SALE AND RENT Si. J . . St SI. CONSISTING OF TER-PROOF, DELA IN ES, PLAIDS, ALPACAS, MERINOS, C lIECKS, GINGHADIS, TOWELING, DENIM; GLOVES, &c., &c., IN GREAT VARIETY COATS, , BF, SOLI) AT A SMALL l'Eut CEMENT NAILS, Paints in all Colors, WITHIN A ILEA:iONABLE WE ALSO FURNISH - 0111 MARK ET PRI ( ' REAL ESTATE Alay3-Iy:chd my3l-novl 54-111bIZI E. J01012?0, Joarra Eicasmnir WrusAm G. Joinissos. EstaftilbyEichiailm NototailllBl6. William GeJohnston & Co., Bextriw_Eß,, sTA.Tx * . ElftS And' Blank 'Book . Makers, 57 and 50 Wooa Street., PITTSBURGH, PENN' A. my 14.11, FEATS-CAPS LEHI STIIA_W GOODS R• ii., 81 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH, EMI F k CilaW,Alli 149 & 151 Wood Street MARCLI 20th, 1872. felr2l.3m. Agents Wanted, Ml= FLORNCE Sewing,Maohine. Wherever the_FtOiriENCE ltlachine has been Introduced, it hie m.•t with the vteritest svec.•ss. It id the only 11.11 t eh Ino makim• four different stitches, anti havliut the lievereible Feed. The machinery is perfect. and the motions positive. it rune ight. and very last, and sews coarse or One fahric.s. The Hemmer wilt turn wide or narrow hems, and fells beautifully. All attachments go with the machine. For futon:cation apply to or address ECK ERT & !deli Al IN, No. 8 Sivra STREET [inarrOm HANK.ING-IIOIISV. THOMAS MICREERY & CO TIIOS. nrcuicsar, Cardin. J. F. DILAVO ........ . ... ....J. B. ANGISL, J. EL Mr-CHEERY. Interest paid on timedepeatta; Prompt attention given to collections. Also. insurance Agents fur good and reliable Companies. [maylEttf ROCHESTER SAYINGS BAIL RHIN V. Ilralltt•LD W. J. SPICTZBER. Or.O. C. SPETXUE U. J. ararcaan,ats/Vr. SP It & IIeDONALD Deals In exchange, Coln, Government Securi ties. make collection on .811 accessible pointy in the United Status and Canada, receives. money on deposit subject to check, and receives time depos- Ita [mu one dollar and upward, and allows inter est at 'I per rent. liy•laws and rules furnished free by applytog at the bank. Bank opeu daily from 9. a. m.. till 4. p. tu., and on Saturday even ings from 6to 8 o'clock. We refer by permissior to— L. Co.. j. S. HUT N, Atouto, t•Lcurr a Cu., S. J. enosB S Co SNIZUZU. WACKA. LL S. RA A. C. lirturr, .S B. WILSON norl6 - 71-Iy-clid 1 C EL _SEWING MACHIN RIEZEMI NI.; NV 131 Z ,11% - V1.2.1.A.1., Ilan iurt h..'u t•t. Olulo,rt Fairtily UU hi,. ill 1:1 , - w.c t U !it C. - 1',.. Lock St itch, IS Siiiiple, ,Notselesx, Operctrd, and cry etTedj% I\.• MU • .lipaas In al I atn•crnpnol tcrrit,,rv, to whom we a tll moot liheral term. .6.• Elliptte the r•Uxte 41 Machu, to Ilea to tile ma rl.ut 110 AV A HAI EATON ac twitural 17 FIFTH AVENUE . , I PITT,' lit - ita it, The Improved GrandcOroide 12f 1.:>A3 . -.1 1.*7 trii,lll,Z4 $9. $l2, $l5, $lB. We have recently brough. our rrroido- _Volta to such lwriection that It Ix difficult for the best Intiges to illatinguleh 1 (rum gull. The $9 wiitch re :in• with patent e-cituenient movements; in ap pearance, and for time, fain:dim: a gold one roe!. hug $lOO. The $ll are foil Jewelled patent levt!ev; equal to $l5ll gold wrocheo The $l5 are the same 130 knit of 3 (fner tlnl.h: equal to one Cost lug $ 1 ;: , Aud the t: 1 , 2 Cher are of a One finish wi t h Ch,i 1.•.,•11ed A tu.•ncal coos eineutr, equaling guild MO, worth t 2 1 ,11 1 hey are all to 11'1111.111g Cape.: 1:ellt I•men and ladles' .lies: and w arranted for iltue and w-ar. kY rpecial certitleAte, t•ieVIAT. der.h:lns .if Gent's and Ladies' , rom $1 to tl and .le.veli y of all next s'. G. It. l'indonteta permitted to examine the goods they order, belt re paying bill, On pit y anent of C1.1,1,‘,.. barge., When ill watch e.,rte ordered t one tint •. aye will send-au extra watch id the same kind free. For further particu lar...tit: fur circular. Address— J \\l 6,_ G ERA RI) s 5 N IIiOAU .N VW York I'. U lion A Word to You, Friendl ! FOIL GOOD COFFES, FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR 0001) FLOUR FOR GOOD TOBACCO, ..`OI EVERYTHING GOOD IN 'I HE Grocery and Provision Line, %NI) AT PRicEs THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IS BEAVER' 1.3 ELSEWHERE SINTITC4I.7.II It; 3d Street, 13EAVEEL, PA. ianitr72-ly POINT PLANING MILLS, V, ATER sl' I l'A HENRY WH;TEHELD, MANITACTLItEit (re 11 0 0r8, Youldings,l7oor-boards, ireather,boarde, Pull/ppm Braek (4,•(•., dr. ..11$0, DE.kLEIt3 , ; - . IN ALL KIND:4 OF LUM HER, AND BUILDING -113IBEI1 Flaying purchasta the the territorial in terest-of Mr J. C. Andes-on, owner of the several patents certain improve ments in the constr.:etion and joining .1 weatherboards and linings t r iIOUSPS and other buildings, ay are the only persons, authorized to make and sell 0:e sante within the limits of Braver county Par ties interested wAI please observe this. Carpenters' Supplies Constantly Kept on Hand. Every tnauw•r of Shop -Work made to or &r. nett 1 y M. H. CCOCIIIRAN, Pittsburgh,. Pa., Dealer in Iron and Wood lirorkiny Ma chinery & Manufacturers' Supplies, Ilse constantly on band a complete :stock of Sullttis F.11... , b and Jud. 4,11 I; ,v -etuors, Taps and 1)1.s. Emery Wheels, Belting, Packing, de Woodworth's Planers a specialty. Send for Circulars and Prices. [mar6;:im. Chas. B. Itursts INSURANCE General Agency Office, ROCHESTER, PENNA Notary PubMe and -Couvoyaneen FIRE. LIFE, and ACCIDENT'INSUR ANCE; "Ancor" and "National" Lint of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un ion".-Express Agent.. All kinds of Insurance nt fair rates and liberal !ems. Real Eatate bought and sold. Deeds, lifortgai, , es, Articles. &e.. written; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, ite., Onods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and front : England. Leland, Scotland; France and qertitany. XTNA FIRE INS. CO., Ut Ilartfora, Conn., $6,000,000 Cash assetti "ISy their fruits-ye know them.`( Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528,000,000 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Cash assetts, ANDES FIRE INN. CO., Of Cincinnati, Ohio . Cush assetts, ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash iNsotts LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Cash assetts ALPS INSURANCE CO., Cash capital,..... Pittsburgh. Ps Cash assets, Oau S Coortu tVy KT.NN ELY .101131 It. B. EDUAR, TltA DEAN XN . II NATIONAL Lt.ssia. Pittsburgh Ps (iO01) FOR GOOD FOR GOOD FEED, FOR GOOD CIGARS, GO To Misçcaa neous. AND NEAR THE DEPOT Of New York. Of Lancaster, Pa. Of Erie, Puma. HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of Now York. Travelers' Life ice Accident Insurance Co., Of Hartford. Coml. Cash assetts over Representing the above not class Insurance Composites, acknowledged to be amongst the best and Moat reliable In the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly SIG,hOO,OOO , 1 am en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended :a. and Policies written, ithout delay, and at taw rates and liberal terms. Lotsee liberally adjusted sal promptly Md. INSURE T1';' , 1 1 1!! Ely one day 's_ delay dun may lose the savings or ) ears. Delays are angerous. and life uncertain;.therefore, Insure le day! - One to-day, is world two to-morrows. - - , also. la or the unwise. importance. The law priced, r orthleios ankle. always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be amongst the best and wealthiest in the world.— ••• As ye cow that Phan you reap." Grateful fur the very liberal patwonare already bestowed, I hope---by a strict atteution to a legit imate burineini--not null to merit a rotittr.nence or the same, hot a large increu-e the prevent year. Mr. bTEI'IIk:N A. CRAIG la duly authorized to take applimtione for 114441r:ince and rt•cri r premluin for the Paine in adjoining tun:ll.6ll4i ("1111 A•. 11. lII' ser. Near Depot. locheluer. l ji• I 4,1 y WILLIAM MILLER, JAPOII TRAX, PL A _LYING- JIJLL. MILLER & TRAX, Manufacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASII,US, :•iiurrEßs, SIDING, Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE 7Y.) ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL ItEsPEA 'TFCLL . ] SOLICITED. AND Pio otpTEY ATTENDED To. Mill Opposite the Railroad AVMturn, ROCHESTER, PENN'A. april 19'71. ly Nor -Till* t. Snetlenburg'e Space. 13eing en.mged in 'flaking up a Large otock of Spring Clothing, they informed toe :hat they had no time to attend to their advertiolug.- En. ri • l g* 6k• (‘ La v• - • La EC ii 11 3 1 . 41 til Wnl7 IT LIME! LLIIE! LIME! OM and after April find_ we will he prepan-d l' to lumiph eu-truiero with fresh burnt Lime of bet quality at Powers' Kilns, Vitnport mar3o,lll HOLMES S (MIER. Iliadic:ll and New itrichion Prew.ieopy. J. B. SNEAIJ Has now in operation a 7ew AND PLANING SAW IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the latest improved machiner, for the manufacture of FLOORING• SID ENG, LATH, SAC. &C., and Is now prepared- to attend to the • building and repairing of Steamboats, Barges, Flat, &c., &c.. Keeping constantly (in hand a superior quality (if Lumber. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. [aug2-ly Children's. Caziria A LARGE AND COMPLak. :)T0 1 ,:6 .01 Two and T hrQx- Wheel PERAMBULATORS , L7,D WILLOW CAR - WAGES, of the best New York and ,1N1, 1 ,10 01 , 4 manufacture, at wa!konable prices. Ladies Satchels, Baskets. Farley (;,„, 1 Notions, Toy's, Jet ..le‘,l lry, fir , wholesale and retail. at F. A. 14A Federal St., 2 doors theylnrir nulyl7;ly. Thls Cut illustrates the manner of Usmg ` C DR. PIERCE'S Fountain Nasal Injector $1,500,000 .--....51,500,00 0 $600,000 ThiS. ltlf.trnnlent 14 roper feet applic.ati.n. cl DR. &ACV:: CATARR:'. IL I. the only tr.rn c.I •,.. With wistch Ihnd i .• $240,0 0 0 -..... ... and perfolty app....! : • 11 ' 1 i •.1 111104 . zes. am( inn .. ~..• .1.1,, - intt therewl:ll. In h h.: . .. .• exd)t, and from n loc.'. the 11n..., , , ' , rally ibroCe.,l, '1 ho , ..,t i,t .. Catarrh heretofore n... /I/ /../ . 1; In ' , thinly n( tti),•tv in: reorgli .., I .1, i chambers by any a 1 ise• ~,,ott, , , 1 • i obstacle in tin- ~ n . of .dI. o. it :.: C ... overcome ny the 1., e,,,,,,,i .:i i:.• I • this instrument_ the Fluid in c.affirn 1.1, tts • ~ (no salt:May haring Or pumpirq t. tirg tee,. I . liustill In tt (:11l L....i:va•,,, In • . . •:. I. portton of the mired pa...... ,- - 1 ......- I ' Ong,llly•,.. all the lal is'• .11 li i 3161 ' . - therowlth. and nor - soul DM e c.;. p:•site r etl 7,: . Is plen,aut, 11.,n1 so •Inii , :•• I. t:t .. . 1: 1., • stand It. F.lll and ea.;::lelt C.:, accompany en. It itro.r.:o••.l. \.' ~ , • Instrument. I) , cafe -. ale , ' I' I• • • r • attacks of "Cold 11l the 1,1,:::,1 applications Symptom , . oT I: Itar,!,. I ache, dlseharze J.. Inc . 1. 1 1 r 1 . , 1 , fox, watery. I. k 111.1 r a- I • In others $ dr, 11 1. ..' 11: 1 , .1 . • eyes stony, 5.., ~ , . , , lingitiLt In var....! .1:.. _- clear 1111 altered tisall, 1n.., total ll,privt.: ••• •I ne,.., in-III:il ~.,. ....., :. tlutt. etitanze , . ....,...,• • 1. ~ . fe,v of theca ',lnd: ::s., ~:, , .. ant ease at ~ I i•• I ,••••• Or. ...age . ('aza t r ! In , 4! I Mtn Dr. V' ir I, 5... N. ....1 1 ... couroalhe I I. it s I. teContown. , I ~ • • ..•• . .. bottle of t-ir. I. ~.-,, Mat 1i.0,u..,.•-• ~ - 1.3 , 1.:, $ 'AY, 1.• 1.,. , • il 'I;., it -tat. I , • . , . t.ll E) .1....::- -. $250,000 ' 43,500,000 k $1,500,000 Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Ha.r it natural Vitality and Color. Color, (FOSS t n o l , Sit /0 SS Of !Math 11.4 . r:is thirkeue 1. falling hair ele and baldnesi often, though not .1: CUrOll LV its use. Nothing eau 0 • the hair where the follicles ~:, .troved, or the g1:111 , 1. at,•ll , ed ; but sueli a. ft I,ti,tlll • •• saved by this applic.o lated - into activity, uth . gr)wth or, hair prukla, I 1 cf fourimgthe I...tir .L-• anent, it ‘vill .t... It; orca.innal in , t• ill pr ~.,• • • from turning gr.ty consequently prevent ~:•!„ rest.iratiotk of v-itality is C scalp arrests an.l tion of dandruff, which I-4 11!. °'l cleanly and offensive. Fre.. :r • dcleterious substances prepArations tingeron rions to the hair, the Vigor ..c• henelit but not harm it. If merely fur a HAIR DIRE": nothing else can be found I'ontaiuing neither oil nur nut soil white cambric, and ioos.,‘ on the hair, giving it a iustrs, and a grateful perfutie.. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay., Cherry Pector A 161 4 .1 0 Medicinal. • Ming /: t. i•I SAE( 1., N. D.. Ayer's li~i~ ffM MA to it' Procne:Li and An:dyne:Ll LAJWEIAL, MASS. Ayer's For Ihoeame3 or tho Throat and L such a Coughs,, l old, WriwP BrunclottA., mud =III =MI =ME 11111 =EI I i•bit, t; MEM .\ I ••t, rr i • •10,1;!1 4, 1 I LL I .. vqi!,.. I. It ...1311..•ige , • =III MB „ ,hick , lEEE lICZILL I r k 4. Achilis. •,e Jar III:1V I ••••tif',, 11• 1111 th.• ,r',ll. • 1 :11111 ittp:Lble the greate.t it es •s: =EI METALLED LIV C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Practical and Analytical Cheaki BOLD BY ALL DAUGOISTS EVF.B.YI' ocL4,ly. MI RIM I S. t lIIE Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers