The Beaver Argus. Mawr. Pa.. Oet. 20. MO eireithai;ol Orer 2117e4 1, 0 R . WldPi9d; itaillio or Advortlsliii i; aw. Ow. 36. Om 1 year 17 00 0500 0500 07 00 010 00 a 50 . 5 00,. ?IA 10 00 15 DO I ,quarevi do 1 500 600 0 011 IS 00 18 00 4 .4u.r.G• de I 600 800 10 80 15 0011.0 u lommo ..... .1 B . ou 00 15 00 01 00 00 culonm. .... Ou 15 rid lo 4 x) 3 . 4 00 .11000 u ._. I I ti 0Q 'Ow usou GO 01 100 01 A lecontratoce awl lizecntore' No al let pot Itne, lint cents. ;,e — Permeate to ho mule .4cuirt ..I,lCnt navenlveruess, which ehltico, Gi l) . r. 190WKL A Itt, 40 Park flow, N. York. ND %' ti, t Ca, 97 Patk.lte:i, y orig Il . arc the sots ages id Title Margit c e i tl4:tt l eretir h t Q e;tu ""l e t t n o C4 ur " l ni' us; e . • tu bdVeriller• shit city UV MI re their Leers with either or the stale of the Thermometer for the wok ending October 221 1870, B2CI 7 A. M., - dog. 70 dog. IT 50 deg,. dog. D4leg. pt 50 clol.T. 51 dug. 40 deg. r• Its 3:4 dog. so dug. 4/4 dog. •rr :or deg% 53 dog. 41; dog. 21 39 Aug. 52 deg. 111 deg. 40 deg. 5.; .10.4. 40 dug. ;C. T. VA Y 1.011.. • E TA 111. E Clevelutid Sc. Pllisbitiligla It a —Ttaihe • r.. 0 leave Ilesvcr icillows: Moe. is Expra,.., 917; I.:roil:ix lltiproc.,ll4; 54.11 ; leave Deaver Station 84 kg-. • ,4,: 51111.1 41 a. en : p. tu4 Ae ,,,1im0.1.111141i. 241 p. M ' 1'166. NI. it C. U. coils; 1.7.0 :oCtsh..fre S(.11011 (01 CM) a brlth,fa AO WI. 114,111.61'4 4 1 4 2AV*1.11 , 8.(1 , 18.111.; Reenact-ot. 7 „ 114.Tai11.8.:1P a. C 8..: R. Fall., 1:.11 p. m. taw; West leave Roc:W.ler filatfon, lull midge, a. 11. V. stedhs. 101..204 Ewe accarn. 5.1 . 2 p. m.; nir:hi tepees@ 5.45 p. • It F. ACCORL 1.97 p. mt. Tr ,1,,, , , golug Neat 'Wave 11o:heater (tipper) De pit A. fir.lllWl , B. P. setom. 105 a. m bins ac ma 7.15 a. m; New Castle "seam, 8.40 a. is; hi, ,c 0 cap. 10 52 a. to: Bearer Vella seeurn. 19.15 ;, a; ...Chicago Ma 112.05 p. is; Erie exp. 4 10 p. m ittrvo exp. 9.1.21 P. in; Eel. mall 9.65 p. tu. goleg Wept. leave Ilueliester (Upper) De. • follow,: Chicago moll 8.15 a. ea.; lkie exp. 1 ,4 ; !leaver.Falla secant, 9.65 S. M-7_Cbleago „ I , 11.:41 m.; Chicago exp.. 71,55 p. 111; New ens. 11. m.i Erie eap. 5.44 p..m; Dancer 7.45 • attention of the public is directed to the following Now Advertisement* who Ii appear fur tho first limo in tho A [ha's to -day : "Ilerilre Salem-John Griebing Execott,e,, Noilco-lleury 1'45111+. Nvw Ailvertkenwtit -S. S J. Swelletibin. New Ad verthementw-Dmichy 6 Co. sprwhil Notlee-lt:T. Taylor. Neiir,,a-New Caryct Slurp. ,i,,w1,11 Notice-Schiff Strinfehl. 'win: Notice-S. 5, J. She:le:01,1%1. • Special Notice-Lawrence. Nurnerleir. - si wad or Stolen-tletner,.Fratier &ea , I . tl rti-T. W. Devore.lmlurance 04001. Veuitue -nag. J. ,t St nettitttdoti; Jr t licence C Hurt. eel*. ' Anthem Soclety-It. T. Taylor. - V. mite-Willi= lirneT. SAT Nlttivaapti L.:l4'l;3lns, Vaihpiot, Rest limo at et. ;owest vie°, ,( jett,'•." I. llallattatt host alw Ith ot .;.;".,1.,:.. 01'1 lints,' boattota,, 'Oat,: 4, 110 ' 1 , ,.. —'`, • howl, hairnet-gilt, 4t.c., now ' i':: s.. : Sept. Vat —.....-: - .1.1../..T A , •• .01..Itententbor the. e. . 4 4 4. ..nn t got a French worault 'or' ---‘•-- -I-- Whalebones, at 75 ; cants,' tit -'l Stoinfuld. New llFlgltton. - _ .; - " ' ---• crNow Carpet Store lirldgewate ' l l : 0e121;3w. .1.. Now Fall Goads at Horne's, Mar- k.4rwt, Pittmbnrgh, Pa All the noveltiea fu Hata, Bonnets, and (Itiodo, Ribbons, Smiles, Vol- I•t., Flowors, .Festhars nnd • Satins.— wimlenlo and Itetail. ortl2;lw - I; F;NTI.KNIEN, buy your underwear, kldrts,. drawers and furnisblng goods. generally, at J. 11. llenee's,Q,udg's build- Ing,'Beitrar. "- • . oetl2-,3ar Pon now styles of Dry GoodS, Manton, Pattorns, go to J. if. Banco's, Quay's building, Heaver, a gluelargo and ftvtli i,otablo ntocic.4t opened. It wilt pay pet to stake your porelia%n at Deuce's. 'llltnek of Hoop-Skirts and Cornntm, at I. Hanatter'n Bazar of 1'.1410011, Bridgewater, Pa. sept: 21:tf Store Robbi.d.—On last- Thursday ;light one week ago, the store in Frank this county, belonging to W. 11. NV:lf4 broken into,and ~ho nit six htmired dollars in money ta ken from t h e drawor. No tram: or the rolihers or their booty have yet been d(!4: The general Impression seems t.. I.e that the perpetrators of the'ltheft, e•ele somewhere in that vicinity: J. D. Bernd, Ccirnor Fifth Aconue awl Market street, up stairs, Pittsburgh, iniporivr and Jobber of Ribbons, ,S'i/ks, l'elreim and Millinery Cools, Ladies and Velvet,l'litsh and Pell Mar Wholtmale dealers will' find :Lc thl4 hens° One of Me most complete htockm mut ',rico. Mli loW can be found any- where East and West zirOrder.s promptly attond to. 0111;4 FALL OI'6NIBu at I, Hattatter'o Bazar of Vuitton, Bridgewater. Pa. sopt. 21:tf. qt! Commlsatllonit.—Justkva or ico he ''"""' ()Wet luuAt gist MOOG to tary within thirty days, that they willat_,nt cantinisalons,other wise they will not NOW lathe time to gut y 0,.. winter ( 'waren:de cheap:: if you buy fr Stiollenburg, - Brepway Istow BOO tint. ILLIN/IRY, Ilabl Ulla 11011110t9, riowor. and * everything in the • Millinery line, that both Philadelphia told New York can offer for nate, in both Ytylvs anti colon', will be f7nnd at J. 11. Itobee's Millinery and Dry Goods 110, 11 14 111111,11 . t , Quay's building, lleavelyA word to the wiee ie auffielent. 0et124.3w Fratnea at 5 canto, each at "The cheap Ntere," itachcaler, 1%111 filuith uctl°•2w Ir• you &ski , a soft, mellow light to read•or sow by gut Mr.J. C. Sprigga of lksver to put you up OHO of has gas ar rt.togentents. They are porfoctly sato, zothiugosplosivaaboutthom. Oet.ltut rd - s. J. Suellen burg tho Fashion ably Tailors, Broadway Now Brighton ItamneEn,..l. 11. ilencea Dry nowl4, Nlinniery, Fur am! Trimming Estali h,Mmat hay noneveal to Col. tlutty's I .llll.firi g , with an extra large. apil wYll o t ellAled Stark of Dry Otaals,; nell2;3w L.T . At Joseph ironic tt Co.'s, Market wet, Pimburgh, Hatilik'artl.Bo4la, Fan .y Woolen GoNls, Ilogiury, Gloves, Un . I ..rwt•ar, If;kiltlkerclkiftti, Liteas,:antreicis,- varkty .1f Trittilitit!gi und l utgil war 7. I 1, rdvr. reCeiVe prong); n!teutlon SIIAW ! S !! Shawls! I! Any- I , ndy in went of a Mum 1 should go, to quay's building, Karim - ea store, Beaver, t,r them. A large stork on hand, 'both hirge and sinnOningle and doublo and the faller new Eastern stripe, 'call and I see thew. ' • • oetl2;3r .49-Uents furnifthing goods in great variety at S. h J: yncilcn burgs' .groad way New. lirighton. „W - Important to the ladies • a new "apply, of th ose elegant stritied:ablivrbi. sod heath:amble Lace collar., has been received, at Shia &Bielefeld. Store New Brighton. , . mons; . 11 , [MT lIIMITUIT.] Since tba.saps pr helps, thlogN. And half aittaalsely trolls oar follideil springs. Shwabat lops cotulst In peace and ease, And though but few utsy genre. yet all taw please, Ohl let the sacgatneiphit learn from hoses, 1 ., A email unitituyVyav glee groat ofr..nee. 'ro spread large bili t we nay cash In Tittu ; Set* may shim glsing pain.. To bless nunaktik at t des allowing wealth, Wsth rank to vies them, or to crown with health Our Hide lot denles,Yet liberal WU. Heaven glees Ita counter polls to every 111. . , . Nor iel • tit tntinaarpt oar a tlogd•Gonvn, 'When kludneaa, lore' arhi concord mu br our' The gilt et ministering to Wpm' nun To all her eon., Impartial she derzreei. • The tresatleallces pathat ,Beyond all flattery and price loos. • • • i 3 00 Idly, COMM mud be paid The mild forbconthci a. i biothgra The taunting word nuppreened, the gusty thought Subduing. end nitbdued thelpolifidiSe Which Oxide the color o:domestic-Ste. The sober comfort: all °tit:mace which sprMys -... From theee large aggregate of human thlnge, Oa WI/ email urea of dea'Ater, We; or friend, The iilliiost weed Jilit Mimosa degtehtl.l.. ' __._.„. Rere sensibility. thou hest relgm; —9-v• N. Rend to thy true. legltlante domain. . . Berri:it anti Egg; taken in exchange for inilltnery.and dry gOO.ll, _at Ileum's wire, (iat7'.llonlding, Sim var. [O:CISi-iv a 's-Lr-Nesv . . Carpet titer') ISridgowater. oeo43sr. Mr. J. Il llusee, who keeps ouo of the finest stor.g . in the rounty, Imo) his room now m lilisntle lighted with gas. The fixtures ore eUpi tie i by.slr. J. C. Spriggs of iteaxer. Oet.l9::ft Itstr lats, Cap . +, ' Prunks and Umbrel las, at . S. .1. tinellelitirpe Broadway New 'Brigo tt on. ,t44.7arpotot In great variety, Rrltl e- water, _ nat26;3ir„ STpAYEi:OIt STOMM, frliyil the raper . Alill, at Beaver Falls, on Thwiday turn fling of last week, a horse, about thirteen. hands high. .Tno right hind deg of said horse Is very much swollen. Any per son takirigtop sald, horse, or giving In formation Where said Immo can be found will be liberally rewarded, by Frazier, Metzgar & Co., 'leaver Falls, Pa, IPuraNK.4.4 use, who require u good light at night, sliettld introduce Mr. J. C. Spriggs gas fixtures into their houses et once. The expense is trilling, .and the light brilliant end Kann Oct. 19:3t r.o" , :lost:pitlitirtie I; Co., Importer* . • and Dtsiers int ;Infiniti nnd Fancy Dry Deeds; 17 sins i 0 Market st., Pittsburgh. Pa. Largest stock :mil for 'prices. Mete- and It eta , ii octl2;4w ;,li i qOps! Lino atoak nt Itoneo'a v atatsiNuay'sJatiltipitr,. ; ',1•4 *-•Vitiets lh groat:tWilety Bridge= octb43w. • ' ll° PonslO Tor a discharged Ind : x••<;; • ar Is :eight dollitra . a month ; I.ert a limb, fifteen ; if ho has, loot ...el., and an 1113114 or both legs, twenty ; 'dollars a month; If totally dlsabled,and stand In :need of attendance, twenty re dollars critacmtb. WANTED—Everybody to go to Bonco's now Faure, quay's building , Beaver, for mow style Dry Goods, MlMl:tory, Shawls, Furs, &co., largo stock and augoods. 3 ,7.4 Y -1143 Prudent? If you wish a neat, fitting fashlonablo Suit, a antt that will, comp Are with that of your friend, 4n' like elrcumstanceA,don't make the hatitt- , der, of going to,tho wrong place to get% It. Go at once to a popular and reliable stand ; /Ike that of shin' stoinrow, of New Ilrigliton.,_ Ny:C.l .ED—Ei;erybodi to go to Be:uee'S 11101{' BCO o, Qua i t's huiltllng;Aleaver, for now sty e Dry (Jr nods, Jiilliuery, Shawls, lours, a: ~ anti now goods. • 'Highway Robbery. EVANSBUItO it, Butlar Co., Oct. 19th KEITott Aunt.7:4: As . Mr. Peter 'Friel. of Adams township, this county, wits re turning front Pittsburgh,with his dough 'ter, rni Thursday last, in his market wag on, he was attacked by a gang of high waymen at six o' the evening. Driving slowly up Pine creek hill on the three degree reFid, he was accosted there by a man who demanded his money or his life. At - the,stnne Ohio Mr. yriel !cm live other men ritnniiig tliwards fait ' , mama shouting [(Odle litadoe to "give it to imn." The leader then fired the first shot at .mu of the horsei and a second one at Mr. Vriel, bat without suecess• The horses liec. me frightened and ran oil at fall atg`ed, tvltich left the robbers behind, who, on their. Aar t , ",, e d a hon ey lire upon the intnatek Q f t h e wa v n. or the rascals got hold et part of the wagon and sent two bullets through the opening of the fever, or,. of them taking effect in '4r. Friel's len thigh, wounding Mill Mtiverely. ' !Le is under the treatment of Dr. Kerstung of Evamibuig.l . Seeral cases of the Melee kind have happened this summer! we think it ought to be stopped. - = O. - WaN•rn—Everybody to gusto Denee's new store, Quay:ti building, Beaver, for new style Dry Goods, diillinery, Slt", Furs, fie., largo stock and now goods. 3 A Itrgie' yield of Nweet Potatoes. —Dr. D. L. 'Dempsey of this place,, last spring, planted sLxty-six potato plants of the Nan4inctod.' variety, and last week took his Hop from the ground, which measured live bushels. The po tatoes are quite large, and after giving tam e an impartial "investigation,” we. can safely proitounee them a first class potato. DRY GOODS ! tine h toek at Dance's new btore, Quay'm 3t TH I.: LAWS reit Novimumi, —This Is a very handsome number. The tashionm in this magazine are always nu- K. any van... --6.4 auulnisowlsoro In all desirable particulars. A group of graceful and elegant ladles, in parlor or pleasure ground, tastotuliy drosscd—that is what we see in the colored fits'ilion plate of Tax Liooro,Fothrco:, and it is 4iot possible for those living in country places to haven bettor guide to' 'fashion. The steel plate is a scone ,from Scott's "Fair Maid of Perth ;" there Is a pretty, colored Tidy pattern, and the tousle is 6%111011S "German Fatherland." "Solid Sllver'; As au admlrableatory,and "The Mysterious Chest"' will be sure to Plea 4 ; young ladies. In t h e attractiveness of its literary matter, this magazine is ad mitted to take the lead. Great inducw uwnts offered to now subscribers. All 'bra , alibacriber4 'for' MI, who - sub scribe by the first of November, shall re ceive the .44/maharani! December num bers intdetton gratis, making Fourteen Noidlia in all. Those who subscribe' by the first of DecoMber, shall receive the Deoentber”nri tuba free-4riskint ir 'Menthe In all ! Tho . se desirous of sub scribing Ibr a lady's magazine for next year should take advantage of these lib eral Offers:' • Pritiefd:4o nyeata (Widen el se includes a largo steel engraving). Four copies, t3d. Five copies (and one gratis), SS, 'trite 'Leafs Friend" and. "The Saturday Evening POst" (and one engraving), $4. Pubilshed-by Deacon tt. Peterson, Philadelphia. Sompte copies sent :orrdir:', _ • ' Good Nature at IllOnae.—tio trait of character is more valuable In a wife than The PossessirseOf ti 'eiirear r e temper. home cart never heinatledinppy without . it. It is liko dowers that 'spring up in your pathwl r y, reviving and cheering Let ra man go home at !tight, wearied and worn' chit bj the toilecif the dki, and how 'soothing la a word dictated by a swes‘dispostAlon 1 1 Ail {l l 9lne fall ing on his heart. Us ki happy and the cares of Jire aro forgotten. A sweet temper het i t seaglnginsueneiscivir the mind - of a whole family. When It Is fuulid Iftlhe 1 10 5 Piri,d'illothert: ob serve kindness midi min 'predominating over the natural feelings, of a hid heart. Smiles, kind w'ords, and looks characterise the children, and peaee.and love Itive'ineir dwelling them, Study then to acquire and retain sweet temper. It is more valuable than gold. It captl caws more then beauty, iind . to the cad of life ratable all Its freshmnit'sruipower. Abate:set from. the minutes of the Wit Meeting of the Beaver County Ag ricultural Society, hold Oct. 12, 1870: On motion, Resolved that the thanks of this Society are due, and are hereby unanimously timdareo4 altlhe ladles and gentleman, who assisted la the work of If:leered:4 the I , lOral Rail, prior to the late Fair f elan to liaise who served the Society on the 'various awarding committees. On motion Resolved that Col. D. Id, Donehoo and others, who superintended the erection of the ISCa and Agricultural Halls, Tress uror's and Manager's '11111(%)S, and other. Improvements, 4 serve, turd are hereby tendered' the thanks of this Society In consideration of their valuable servi ces. dad. DAlrtdloll, Prat. 11. It. Worm, .• ••Lleca of gnat moo all gambol We may foalta our liven valat4ao4r • ,•• Anddayarllotjaaeo fecot-prltlls ttofsiods ofltat6:•' • • Lento- old` Xorth,l 'or u ttirpiatthie Slide,"—North Carolina called after Charles IX of i'rante, was also ono of tlui original "Thirteen States." Raleigh Iv the CaPital. IVilliam Ifooffer, Joseph' Howes' and John Penn, had the honor front this State,ef signing the Deelam- Ron of American Independence. Hooper was a native of:llostort i - Mass., born 17th of Juno 1710. Un eommeneed 1114 studios at the LI rammer Schbot under the direction of old Master Lovell; and then entered Ilarvard Univehtity, from whi 1t ho graduated with honors in 1760. Ile commenced the study of law in the °Mee of that , great Patriot, jmnes Otis. After preparing for the Bar, ho took a Southern Aonr, to Lind a place .to estab lish himself in his profession, and stam ped at North Carolina. Ills father wished him to returntrithe Bast, but tie chose , to. stay and try his fortune there. Mr. deeper pursued his studies with great ardor, and became disiinguishedet the Liar. Iltt early took a part in politics, and became w) popu lar, that he WWI sent to the first Conti nental Congress In 1774. Ile was there on tho memorable kotirth of July 1770; arid signed the Declaration of our Inde pendence.-110 was An eloquent man. After leaving , Coargr'as, ho) was actively our played lit his adopted Slate. ju 1786, ho was appontod by. Congress, ono of the Judges of the Federal Court, and took a high l'enlai among those appointed utiles ?Wino time.. • Ile diedln thst.. at the' age of 4.4,years, being the shprtestilratiautong , the signers of the Declarrithiu.". Like all s the •signera ho became excerodly obnoxious to the Brit ish, who .sought every„ opportunity' ter" molest him and his family, -: 0 Joseph Ilowea was born,hi Kingston, New Jersey, 1730. Ile was a Quaker,grad uated at Princeton College, after which ho became a merchant. Ile removed to North Carolina, 'when about 30 years of age. ,was prosperous inbnsiness, .arid hadlierroputallen of being an hon est men. In 1774 be was sent les a dele gate to Congress from North Carolina. He entered that body with high and hon eie Intentions; and was present - when tho Declaration of '4ndepeedeuce was etude. • Me died whiles nii)oetliarietecui groes Noy. 10th 1770, In the 5044 yPar of Meestge. - -- -Is'' r wire a intreltricrt; • John Pena was horn In the county of Caroline,Virgiuin 17th of l May 1741. The early education of young Penn was greatly uogiected,but possessing a strong mind and having RONAN to the library of Edmund Pendleton; then among the best, In the country, lie .eultivated the talents had given him, and com menced the study of law in which ho wits licensed as a practioner, at the age of 21. In 1774 ho removed to North Carolina, where ho soon occupied a dis tinguished place at the Bar. In 1771 he was elected a member of the continental Congress, in which body he asmtinued until 1779, during which time lie had the honor of a affixing his nanny to the in strument. which declared our country Independent. On the return of peace, 11r. Penn retired from the bustle of pol itics andremainod in private life until the time of his decease which occurred in the utonth of Sept. 1788, in the 4t year of his ago. Ile was a self-taught roan ; but came into notice with the rapidity of a meteor. Tho liWrty of the press and the liber ty of sPeech, should never be perverted, especially MO/ abuse and slander. When West; vicious practices shall cease : as we Iml^ they will. the Government will stand OA , firmer ground than . it will'other• wino. "SO luote it be," and if our peo ple grow in kotelligence wisdom and patriotism, is it gmbt to be hoped that they will preserve what lag/nal, correct what In wrong, and thus pertest and perigitu ate our GolPernment until it.sliall be come a model worthy of Imitation by the people and nations of the 'whole earth? "Here we rest." K. M, "Lawrence Nurseries,. Yew lam- Ile, Laurence 0)4 Pa.—To patties con templating the improvement of Beal Estate, the iatim:e named 'Nurseries otter a very largo and superior assortment of Fruit, Evergreen, Shade, and Orna mental Trees, also, Grape Mites of all the leading varieties, Miriam, Flowers, Roses, Green House and Bedding Plants (?Ir (trettaity. Their stock has been grown with great care, on soil unsur passed in richness and adaptation to the Nursery Itusiness by any in Pennsyl vania, and luta •hati the constant, daily supervision in its growth of the most experienced cultivators of this region. Their (Mice. Green Houses, Sample Grounds, Am, are plealantly located in the city of Now Castle, at the head of Jefferson street. Their farms on wldch stock is grown, compriaing in all many hundred acres aro located at different points, the nearest being situate some six miles front the.eity and containing over three hundred acres, furnishing every variety and description of soil ; henesi the proprietors are enabled to cul tivate each viritity of stook on such soil as is best adapted to its groWth, thereby securing a healthy vigorous glass of sbc:k, which In many situations, cannot ho obtained. "Thu General Agents of the Nursertes aro Mr. John . 3PConnughy, well known in tho business for many years to the residents of this and sur rounding counties, for • his- honesty, sound judgment and fair dealings, stud Mr. G. W. Frazier, (formerly proprietor of the Union Vineyards and' Nurseries, Pennsylvania); who has lately become identified with, this company, having had largo experience and great succeed In the growing and Sale of nursery:stock- Thu CompattY's f•Mporintendent of the Nurseries at their-ileadquartera, New Castle, Is Fergnsoikkriown to many of' the visitors of Allegheny beta etey,rittsburgh.for a leng pariodotyeara, am'belntrat the head of Its Gret' Rome, Nitreariiiiiil Landscape 'Gradetflegrtle pertnient ; they also - have In. their ear wherite'clitirge 6f the Flowsr, and Green lionse:itepArtinent, being one of the meet successful Propa gators and Florham in this country, (formerly who Mr. Knox, Pittsburgh,' P Pa., and had ehargeof his extensitie Green Houses for nearly seven years.) For prulats,Catalogaes, andall desired tb nrniellon, apply ' "'The Latbrosee Nurseries," P.O. hex, No. 741,New Cas tle Pe. ckisevewor. A raw P:ainosiiciTiciii). . - Circumatancer beyond my Ciontrat have" putln it lapse of areal viola; :Weariest Able article and 'my . 'flambee, Ave. Im :parativa *ad Meatless .dunes ' have do 'riled meths privllega and the pleasure of writing as ottettas I have desired;, and I had thought' that perhapa' the readers of the Alto us were resting uder a devout feeling of thankfulness that, Alut4o 4l :: oq sballog; 111 1 6 1 1 4 11 1 1 3' at Patent. 4ad so in tervened as to relfiVe thorn o'ol4 farth er selletions fromme ; tnitll the editor lathrmed me that have me con tinue my critiques really exists, among his patrons. . • , • My''' isiit article was o ftiii 'of typo= graphical errors that I very nearly vow ed In my wrath that I would write no more. Good promises on the part of the proof-reader of the Annus have Indtmed me to absolve myself front that vow ; sod I now relay 40, continue these arti cles indefinitely _ ;; bet:not without • sin cere hopothit may impart aoine In struction to my veadersourd do some : : thing toward'rseattng a general desire among, teachers and• other isilidents of my native county to knew more of our noble English ; and to incite them Ws higher appreciation of its power, beauty and practical ,usefilluesa. Nn languagain . the world lino rich In synonyms, and lb terms Which express quality and condilloifas 'therEnglish language; Mir is there a language In which It le lees dinthult to learn to , use them with forts", etespance and prpriei.rt yet very few posetposthe enviable twiny of thus using them. . - Art eri,tinvOmt and. theormet tmet adjectivea fe ion coetinixi toeophmmMras and .sehooL alrla.ln their teens; 'but is indulged in , by !delta who sweet datum to an' intlidayekbeirledge of the laws of speech,. How . often, for Instance, do, we bear the adjective cu/al' . applied 'to thiege which are no more capable tit citing - fee/Inge of awe than 4; graveyerd Is of inducing merriment. People say It Is aufareolnj, when they only moan that it is very cold—thus using an atria Live as ati adverb: . Many say he was an awful fellowl - when they only mean that -ho was a very bad, or, at most, an ex coodiimlywicked fellow. lint, when we come to speak of Jehovah's awful pres ence, the - ward strikes us at once as nub of force and deep meaning. The weather Is frequently referiati L to as dreadful,—sometimes as dread 14,y disagreeabie r —when all that is really meant Is that It la quite unpleasant, or very disagreeable. Healthy is very often used instead of healthful ; as a healthy climate, when the condition of the climate Is not refer red to, but Only its inficience on the phys ical system of those who live in It. We very proPerly speak of healthy children, a healthy person; but; when we speak o( climate, or of food, Which possesses ele ments flat impart and aro conducive to health,. we should speak of each as healthful. I am aware of the fad that theeo two word's aro synonyntaus; and; that in our dictionaries, each is used to define the other ; 'but no one who desires to make a good use of our Idiom must r iose sight of the very Ituportsutt truth-that en ability to chows) - aptly -and= apply 'sy nonyms accurately Is the highest proof of a thorough knowledge of the true force of words, and ortho laws. of lan guage. For example.,ensigjebd big aro synonymous words ;' bet Apthe phrases "a big man," and a "great Men" conrev the same idea? 'Certainly not. Tbe first refers only tb,the physical proportions of the man; while the °thefts applicable only to Ids mental endowments and the favorable estimation in which be is held by his fellows. . Agrdn;certald, infallible and cure are synonyms; but,if I should say that Smith, rttgn yawn. I shou4Lbe aslted In to explain my meaning; and, if I should say 'that Smith Is an' Infallible man, I should expect to hear my assertion de nied by eyery . one in 'abase hearing I should utter it. And further, if I should say that Snitch is a rare man, my mean ing would still be ob!euro. On the other hand, if ; I should reelmuneud a par tieelar,Medielneas en infallible remedy ; another as a sure cure; still another ar a certain relief, it is not probable that I should be culled upon to amplify or ex plain. Only end alone aro often abused' and misapplied. Tho• former means that there is no other of the saute kind; the latter. moms being accompanied by no one. Au only:daughte! Is ono that has no , slaters : a person alone is one that has no one With hint. If I say, "I went alono,":" am understood to moan that nu ono wont with ina. If I nay, "I am the only man that our accomplish it." I moan that I, but no other person can ac complish It; whereas, if I say that I can accomplish It alone, I mean that I can do it with out aid ; but do not deny that others may accomplish it also. GOODA I tine mtotqc at Bence . ' now store, Quay's building, Beaver. 3t. VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION.—TIIO fol lowing letter needs no explanation:— ti "Itoirrox, Sept, 7; 1870. "To the Seeketarties of the A, /t. t .C. .V. "Dawn Sins: We respectfully : ask, your acmPtance of twenty of our best Cabinet Oil i gatis, (with recant Improve utenta.—thronantiOsties) for mitalonary We falfer t h is donatiod in sympa thy with the work, and also, se a gratelid adknoWledgethent of the very liberal patriAage extended to us by the Amiri iiati Ailed/ea, hi the 11 _ , ,idte0ntroduction endure of oar organs. The Instruments will be delivered as you may order them, carefully packed for transportation to distant countries. Very resp y, Your Obedient servants, Masoir ot HAMLIN OnoasVo." Ti 'Ts' a very iimely • present. The money value of the donation' amounts to between $4,000 and s3,ooo—and becomes of greater significance when coupled with the fact, that Messrs. Mason at Hamlin have been unable to answer the cash or derr instritmenta ;CO several years past. Much as meeiiiaemiiio wor ship at home, It is of greater value In the foreign field, in giving interest to relig ious services. The instruments thus generously given, will be placed In sem inaries and training schools, at the prin cipal stations at alres4yeapplled. They will do`mtleb.not. only to ermattrage the hearts and •Inerezete the Influence of the radessionaries, but to promote the "aer— vice of song,' in many Janda and longue ges:—.Afissionaru Herald, Del, LAtilas' and Oents'• underwear, all e 0 J.ll. betwe'sAlufy:n building s Beaver. . _ octl2;3w ' ". Narrow Escape.- Mn. Horroa:--A party of pleasure seekerAnot aware of the revnt iinprope ntini, In thirahaire of - ii4itch„ln the . per part of our town, moles very nar row escape, last, Thtforday. evening. Having drfvon up to the residence of 1 Capt. H. N. Donehoooseeighottwei dice in the concerto* were In the act .of driving of, but inateeffi. - slrove into the ditch, some four antiore . thalf fRe In - depth. The horse and .oingsWhaef 'tttt. rait down, the wagon upset;aitt lapdad the, occupants °nibs other sbleikf•the ditch. • The cries and groans of the wounded, were distressing: Ajdghly rseptkied citizen' of :Beaver was coraskierabig mangled, havinporie a body flight of three ot• Ibet over the 'front of the eon- NOVOnce, sod Wits only able to Indistinct ly utter the words of "why did not some One tell me." One youth with More rap-. , idity than gnwe, had seated hiniself up on the back of the fallenanimal, &lardy • holding aloft the ring of the lantern, de termined that ;is light 'should Out ho hkiderr Int a ditch.' The , agenleing ;cries. of oh my handl' get off any foot t• neck, endok dear, rent the stPlorenhig. air. Hopes were upon tbe 'grown' in stoutly, thanks, to 10. A. and the ,gsser ho reewas saved, if not from a watery' grave, from ad i t • •• be one wiltdhiPtite _trilh'illa bouorablein the extrtirthe dhl aria In the "bud ditch4T,. Thoripro=apermd doom the held brdlieet4K the part each bad ham i 1 11 413 311. " 63 7 lap htmardti." 1 / 4 , . thrs or riii-trarnsge„- • . membens of choirs and otharit' their ;giant, ar, .reNtTrulir: tt vited to moat Sioinins*: pia Mon dux :eyeedap, Ortl Niriglke purl puss , 61 tdreiliri a riutard Improvement. IL T. TAYLOR., . SiolkoroalPo CO* aiM , rliji.tioditili SU cases tootoad of PILLS: RPSWiItaLTS. CA& TOR Olt ac. Uticklyllovotod. Pleura to take. Children Uko It. PAM 30 contd. _Wkoloodo. a. Co.. tr Wood rtrold..nl4kUlSO, R. Jot ly - PITTNISURGU /EMMET. • Ovincil or viik•PtTl* °ALUM& Mesita; Ott 2O 1870. BUTTER—Prime to cholas butter, la 'ammo and may be ddrly quoted at 30f5 ti, and the denoted is filly! up to the supply. . There la little or Ito inquiry for °Quinton or even mediate. BEANB-Balea of .pritne entail white (new crop) atilt per Webs!. BROONI CORN—Is dull but unchang ed ; small isles at 6§7 cents._ ciaziazitaims-aidag or backetta Ile um e i nittissestertt sod 14 perrAL • - •'-r• Is firmer antdAlgher, and we now quote Factory at 1 3 1(514, and Ohio Goshen t4l Ib. • antsjgßow . -I,ebtdrtif sold la smell Ima„,front atore,4% n it Pe: DRIED FRUIT in title mark'et as yet, very llghtdind is very tittle hiqulry,fr report . small ' lB / 010 Eqhf.triik:409k o kibbly'eslat - i ) XlO mita. • Leidatr./iLarket se/41)nd 1140111401; sales "at 2004 rf, mSM:y at the 'lnitide god; devoid of a single clew cliaracterin tie worthy of notice.-: -We quote western Boum at 16.401 for hit to good, and fur,A9ip ,pat t itiltia.hltyq dour 64,4 e and dull. . • GRAIN—The gralp,Anarket, is quiet and as already noted,,,dealer• nearly7all report It unwitasfactery. and that In some instances, those Sabo handle it en their uwn account , Cannot realize a decent conindesion. Mittel is still quoted at, g1,15®141 for red. :atm' $1,30@, LIS for white—yery'littleot. the latter olferiug. (late reported, steady And unchanged .4 44(445 buying,atut47(44B melting.; that is for ear load lots. liyeeit nominal at 880 (483 buying. and&S(gdtdrolling. Corn is unsettled, and herd to quote correctly, wo are reporteda of mixed, at 80-., prime yelloW meg quoted at 83(03. 'lariat Is dallied otely uutisaugs4.. iIitOCERIES--The grocery market is steady with o fair volume of business hi the aggregate, though thea is no quota ble change in prices. -:4ldugans are report ed firm, particularly In the east, though there is, as yet, Juo edvance In this mar ket; wu continucto quote crushed, 14/ A coffee, at '1.31;' ,, H, JCL Extra C, 131, Syrups more eultbris„ and choice brands quoted steedy44s4ol• Coffee is quitted at Ma 22), for fair to Choice Rio. HAY—Is 'caressed firm,with Sales ,from country wagons at .15;dt per ton. HONEY—Sales at 251130 tints. POTATOIC.S.-Balte tit Buckeye still@ 75 cts per bu 4 8inits" aro still quoted ut $3,50(4 I • ONION • ,Inalltuand anti high 'cr., we now quilt.* sl,aer44 t httL , PRoVisloNti—vialn shoulders 14g• short Wend aides 171: clear do 18: augur cured Alemes ~1144211: breakfast iwcon. 2242:14.;: lard Maul in tan. and 171318 inter; •pa eta. Dried beef :r.ur.:2i. , •-• bbl. POULTR , • "citiokansarebigh er with Billed at • Y .— to 11 pair by the ;_ c •• ic fti".l js• Married. FISLIKR—READ.-.Oct, 19th. by Rav i. It. Roller; in the, LE. Church, in Home r oats, Sr: Herbert F. Fisher, to' Itattle eller Beaver Pe. • L : 1- • IdeKIERNAIVA.IIVOKTTP...-=-Ois the lath inst., at the house of Thomas Me- Creery. lu Beaver Pa., 11Y:floc. D. P. Lowery. - Charles. E. Mcßiernan of Wlllbunsboix, Pa., to, Emma.B. Faw cett° of Beaver. , mortIAN-.11,11.L i p-OtelhWth, WW, Iterr.*Jobq Birevli;Alfilik r koWet. the resit:Mee oCMel,.BbeWs 4 M. Cyrus Etonian to Idherkarhar y Ann 11111, • an 'l7th, In VanPort,iv Pow ~ Bev. John Davis. Mr. Enoch' Fowler, - Pam Lena Schley, all of Beaver comity; Pa, • DIED. LEECll.—kin ehe iiiorning sigi b r e October , 1870, ni re.lilenee -iR ver, Pa., Mrs. Eliza Leech in the, 43d year of her age. -- New Advertieemeutx.• . , . .. C . - V.EN 11.2,..E.: ‘i ' ; The unileiridgneti dmlnlitrutora of the Estate It Win. Davi( . in. sr., late of the borough of Bridgewater, deli d., Will offer at public sale; upon the form "(Na t i de ceased, hear the town of Darlington. Bea ver county, Pa.., On Ilfednescka November 9, Inn, At 9 clod:, I ' W IL lLe '' Twenty-eight Head of (trifle, Six Good Alileh ancs,;4: One Large, Thoroughbred Durham Bill; 1 Mowing Alsehine; 1 Statiopisry Thresh ing Machine itild.Trainp-Pnwer. C i • ,le r•Mill and Press; Curii•Sheller; Cultiva tor.. Windmills, Plow, Ilnymke, and oilier funning utensils; L . • HOUSEHOLD' FURNITURE; ility„ thitif, Wheat. Coto, Itye,Suekwlitast, Potatoes, Gptin in the wound, &. 'file above named If:inning ,utensils, having been in use but it sliort time, are goodas - as new The stock is all, in giosl order. Terms made known on the tiny of salt% G. T110.3..1. & SA3II, DAVIDSON. Jr., Bridgewater, Pa., Oct. 20!'70.1 Adner octet); 2w (Radical copy.) JUST ARRIVED. A LARGE STOCK OF . • TUE LATEST FALL LAND %VIPP.C.DI,ItS"I'VMMItt OF • GENTS' lentSlBl.llNO 00 4 9 . Compriaing Shirts (White end Colored) Under Shit & Trawers: naglient. ilandkerchlen, tittsp.nders, tlecttles,, Collar., tn. , ..A Y.,M d&WRTMItIii OF 7Ui:1106. ;: , eltarti. vault Ow, AIM , On .* * and finple at moderate rn•do, misvan vALk h . k,s„ NEXT DOOR TO POST - 01tFiCIC • • - .1 K. cititsvppo,gio. • • SRL OMB% MERCHANT TAILOR, ' BROADWAY: NEW BEIGHTONcik . noise iecel•ad a blaze and na . i.tiekkic4 AOC Fall and Winte4.l.Greab; " ' • ;/. mod - .i3EAV.ESS, auxcirrums. , CLorm. CASSLVER gag- LISTIME.t,TONS,4 WITINGes,. . a the latest and met littbintiable whk • lt wilt be wade tut:order on the • MOST REASONABLE TERNS aaat on the ab a irear paiwitio niriltri 6d warrantee trigive mtbdrettoe. Boss Mt elms worlmien imar belies eanelderahle esperines , IS writing, d a y, campe d')." anywhere to tier State. as to lesice and to !keep gesso head • tall nook of asety'rmirle clothing of hes* ratrafictate. sellittl. • 1311 AVER COUNTY : lISLX it. . • Meech ,Term. In blooms. Tollettistiale. E Itenwedest : Yam art bomey emessouctito appear at eeriest term di Common nsto.to_he %Otani irreltem the he m toooday et onmibet next 4 WOW. .C. If. Hale, the Peiltlotere Is Ilieromte.4l Ittb plies, you are - requiro $115419t . Betri ' ' • JOllll alwanto.lealit: r • .•,•- • • ,`• :Cr • List of, Apptlants foi licenses - At NOvem Seisions. 1870. • • J.l..Da*-Itatlng aver toot**. latscHowill. *l. 04, , Itlaw Wel** ham . ' Qat* OUR Ci UAW.: (lof. SIMERILEPErriii,SAT.• wr YON , ' of Oolola orrifo al Vest*Mut Nino.' LYSOLTIerr IWO,. and. Leyjutlade. hand - ant or the Cana of Cabmen M . of the etotuty of ileArer, and to um dimmed. there will be ex. paned publicuale. et the Court Honor In the hoettufh Or Raver. Mentor amply. Pa..: re NAT. ORNAIG.NOV MUNK nth.% MM. at lea teobtardt. a. in.. the tolloarlsx revert'', vial • • , AN the right, title. Interest And elatmoideieod- Mdr. of In and fte the listioniritt premed'', altuabalo Beat erring. Mutant tioaraytmel natant' Paluntyk , vtuda...bosaded sad desathedae to.u/t baton tor No. tat of the Neottoary hien Minty la Me' boroark. adantadd.tonaded on the north by ;404 N0..01 or the Soma phut. en *semi by Want it.. cm tbaeoulb by lot No.lolo same phin. and nu the writ by Gram alley. oulabloh to Metal a ••• atory bales deralthtu bousg. erldt a fruit at 14 Out by Stbeelt., , • • , hatted ineiaren tat '..4goki., turiberti arrsatibreltemstillma the venal Unary cadets, N 0.9,, . , •.„ „ At the 4064114 m mid place, en the 'WA:MN; Internd mod chitin of the 'defendant.' or to and to the lidlonloar try, hymn: led No.frit in Om Neonamy plan *aver Val*. Nomarsounty„ IN., bounded ea pu north by WOW.. My *beet. on - lb, oallb4h4ler r.lbeimpion, on ibeistat Ityllootam . thawed*, an nuli int; on which e *tiro story &lean Containing Ant rombo. Mier elndimentb. 111 no. elneed,.*hhuat teentibuter, , • ~, inet_teltento execution lathe propoity . 4 4010 q , e.t,;a11 1 molt oflohn T. Plltllmal ALVtO,,' . • Ilia, • " • At thd Mum limenad Owe; harett.Attle.totap.. at and, delta of defendant octo and to,tba,hdlytor-, hot property. to wit: .I.ots No.pot to* the, Now lorpht or 1414 a? Man .llealladnemat malty. Pa.:boundadarch dtmetbad pp. Wawa :.t the north by lot No. rat *alba east by alatattre Creel. on the south by lot Neidli and motheaten •.14ollnallonnitay t elm of tot }WM tertancrbieb 1* erected • tag. elmy. pip:l4 datelltn*bouto.ntliar. underneath and all oodoord: Soloed end taken WU:tendon as In. p of Vtederlak Bantruen,optMl soft orl. n. Elliott. ALbO. No. 4. . AS the mum of and plus, all right. ,ti the ` %- semi and elehd defendaut of. l a and to.the fol. looting lot of greond ell )a Hearer Batb , Rea. ear panty. IM., bobs; Jot No. as dal Neohomy plin'tif lots of Beater ?has; rel., boandra on the. Lomb by lot Nu. I.fe of same plea, on the mad br / 1 10 , ArOm -south by NS Nu. IA4 of iald plan stud on the nest by Bantam street, mid en: tending hank therefrom It feet to Hearer alley. .11 MIMI% b, erected m one suety hsow drellle; house with a front of tea fore by twelve la depth. COlOll.ll og nee room. .belled sal taken to Cheetahs: as the property Or Wry Ilennommy said Thomas: Hennessy, at the salt of P. Elite. ALSO.: No. 5. . . . 'At the mime date cad Nom all the right, title. Wean and claim of driehdent of, to Cud to. the followloo destrlbe&proyerty, Anode In the' hoc' oert, kreedurn: Bettret - cohoty and State 'of Nana" tomb bettut 4taie. ht lu the, plan of lola of the borough of Freedom, Ibutuded cud .4eeerlb• ed as Mtlotro, beglautag ar the we,t cvrtter or lot bomber 31, Wrote 4kl feat along Male Mrert to the eurner of lobuombar tbentra lOU fret ahem the llue of raid tor to the corner of tot numfier tfberiee'en Wet Moog the Hue of said lot to the owS Wet aticktuamberSl.T. theta" ,100 fret Moog theoUitu. nfeb4 l , lo r Skin Yalosueet, the Ware of initiating -kut which to erected :theme dwelling hottie. tel ler wows/tub, frAte etauie auct other .eabbaild. lege. lam ttaMosrd sett Woofed with fruit, Mee, Seized and talon lu exectltkut ar the property' o Marko (him, at the tact of Jrdt M U. licemkay • • • . At the 111106 titne indiblace, all the right, title, Interest and elate of defendant of, In sod to, day undivided sixteenth In. all that certain Octet)! Istad,.•ltaste Ohio Osernainp, Deaver county, Pennsylvania; known as tau No. al of the subdi vision of the hinds' of 'Abstain Dawson, lying co island Ron. contsfningeneuese, be the muss store or hoe e run all the appurtenance. and Improve mettle *exeunt° belonging: •co which there is a derrick - god produritur oil well. -betted 811/..takau to execution as the property . of John It. Kenny. *Abe relief novena Dawson. ALSO: Igo. T. • • At the-s4lllO time and pace. all Me AM., Mk. tutertat aid dreat of dutettlient of. to and tu. the following property, Mutate MOM° townillip. Bea ver toasty, Peworylvmtia, deerribud es follows, to wit; bring the middle parcefLot numbered three In the plat, of lute told out by J. (1. tf (lard for the httr• of liicholas thirrion, late of Ohio township.' 11..1rer comity. Alliamed; !kenning at a utakell perdue, from lke. trouth-east corner of lot No. S. thente 14 the , iide rn bounder)* of said lot No 1. north!' mink. to a poeU th e ft , by due north part of Yelid. 94 No. li. rind!are** to a Make on t be MASS . )04N91.4: theUcc w p the nue of mild, lot no. 4,-4J4s:hee to a —; Meant by the south pan of Mid No. noitet hpaehes to the place' of beginning; attaining 44 biltb 94 with Mrrta' lieu of wouu and to Browne . ..! Cu! sad the kosohntr On • hi.; they heing entitled to the mime on* (meet lawn it Letup y.e same piece of busk Omelet! by Laughlin; Elliott d Wblfe to R. O. Cook. "• - • . Sault and taken to execution as the prOperty. of %'rn. IL at the suit of, Finn. Las sou. ALSO. . IL, • At tba Mae time and Wm, all Agin, titlelln'- tereet and claim of delhattint of. In tad to fol.. t a k ii °ll' & f:ll7llP ee'gr i e wl ieel ‘v:l iii:l 4 pingsTeptn • post meg an elan thence' by hal& tor. asetly of the heirs cr. William iniao, deceased, want +,54%, dryer. west. ?A • Perches to a post; thence by land. formerly 'of William Lllckesstad, oath itadegmeaWat, :4 perches to a pot; %tamer *oath Of% degrees week to AM perches to a pat; thence north SOX event weekal penile* to the Ohio laver; theme by said rives natitfelli degree* eing,St T-Ipperchan;xlsnice by Linda formerly of ,di M so,o,,tootttlit degree* met, SS perthar tfi ratiglantlicgiselligith octal Apt 15 rtMrl="f t o•MeTecTauty and' tilt *ant Mid, and Wended an tot the bath br lob hater mark Is the Ohio River, out hy-yilack. hpritig Him, south AI ordinary high water teak on the bank of mid river, on the teat by Two Mlle lion, upon which above, described manilas* is a two story (remotions,' and frame born, Milt Ircea.is4d all ennoted. ' tlienal - nagsaken In execution se the property V.ltt A:a Maly andpeones Kuehn, the suitor Moore, *ewer th salt. urAlbert IfoMell, or mid of nodal Ati4o: l •"; - • At itin+iiate tteneand place. an LaPerlglit. Intefeat and claim of dctca,4abt et. bl-aW the property,". tri wit? beinetrart of Lou al and SI, elluatela the-borough bf . Lienrisr.' Beaver tottery.bounded. and ihelcdieet.l, ae follows: oa tko Borth ' by Third street; on hie eget by lot of Al Krim, ole ihsaarth by Ovetakatida alty; and west try lOC at. Yank Wii•Olr. On Wtfth if erected A •,11.9‘Apr X„LAme Loam containing about eight Morns', eellarefndernealb; else, ft2me torsigtm , ehou aad frame Mil!. Lot snared tam pWaaV with fruit ma. Sinzecl laud lakeu In etretilltta as lt4ptoperty IL C. nail, at The tuft ut llupu , d Oirdett. nes 1 .. . At ti ma adore lime and plat*, all the rigid. title, Interest dud claim of. defendant of. In and ;o, the p,IlUw Id deserthedlut of ground • and beNtlitia thereesst.l Saran* Letasthdt, to telt Lot No.: In Bernard's extrusion of the borough of Bearer Folio. Denver county. lieuusytvanla • bounded ar killowar no the molt by hit No. l 3611110 plan: on the usr,by Cedar alley; wank by Adama' Lest ►t» and'ort the ?serf by bearer rind; having n from on mid De:OCT street 01 40 lett, and nominu hack to t.kdat. *Bey afortaild . IC. fret. The beatable Wing a twq ►Wry tr.ob. It by $µ leeL fnmting on Bearer street, mud builbg u door settb traosdni lint►, and If re Wind/Arm ha Woo qadlwo windows ou the side optsailts Aitame Nett sireenstaudina back frost Bearer street twelsefilet. sod from the corinr of Adxsete kart greet *lateen Sect. Seize., aid taken in execution** ter property pf alai 41 /...Saliett, it the soli of NchuSeld b blt. . ALSO, Ncl. 11. • • At the mine time and phici. all Mr right. tide, Intermt and claim of defendant of,. to and to. the following piece or eascel of laud situate in New Brighton b.r o lnh. Desserconsty. Pa., bettc: past of US. Noe. IS, It cad 13. described as follow.: beginning at the intereection'oillatrt street and eb[acr &Ire, thenCe by old suer I. feet to Mut berry 'alley; thence by add !Miry al feet; thence by • line et right gamiest° the bed. Mum NO feet to Mantetutreet, aforesaid t thence 81 feet to 'be place of - beginning: on which remelt, erected e wat.kou shop emu 'Cary 1041•••hont 8D by f 3 feel; all enclosed; jot planted with trek teem. Seised and taken it es. cntlott the'pniperty of J: P. Allman., at the sub of Wm neon's: ALSO... • • L Na' 19..• . the acme emu sad pluce. Ail .thw,rlght,Mile. 'lntern; and claim of Ockuda4Lof, In and-to. • lot pleeei Ofgroabd 44'66 bonlAtherllkreate.l4,lls. Hester tonnie,;.Po6; ibetetzlot No.:. 1 1011 la. the Zt i pNlLVNleWMt h itirs i rr!el i . ass aontleby 4.4) . lank° n west .by Tank slley.9l4oi-la fret add*, 999 141 feels deep, and oq which is erected A one Story Click home twenty-three feet ten Inches by fifteen bet oboe inches, unman. two room* and peaky with Cella underneath- . , • . setzti iinllpitifie PenPeetY Y ,Joba 11.'Kelly.• at Inn san Jacob Hendon and atlltlLlll•Less,Trwiteci. No. 11 EEO claim and pt., all tba Anti; Use. leaned taof defendant of, In and to. all that. certain Jlot or plena td [mind situate ha the btrpugo Id9C 2 .er Fall.. Select county awl Slate of renroyiesula, 'Ma: lot Ntt SIS la ftednomy plan In said borough and bounded .on Ilse north by WO. oat the ea.; b y 1119ocatis street, south by lot No. 976, and on the snot by Minna* alley. hider di Did stria Os said limas (greet, and extending back 115 feet to said Thomas alley. red4ed and taken to execatlon as the, property of Tbotniro 'Hyde. at th e atittnl Ilenticland Joiattian Lena. Tiustens.dbe.'• I. lno same time and piece, all the tight, title, Interest and 'Claire of defeudent of, la and to, all eat eertaht et *cc stemma siteate la the Wreathe! Heaver Malls, Bll,Tal La,. be int lot No MS to the Ecoaomyigen le said bor. ' oath, acid bounded te e the waft VMt No. SST,' oal the mat by:Liesxdo alley, on CO mirth by lot No. 339, I . l , l4:: n tize t r . M. si tZ , John.. treet. .tit sl i reZ i be ng in b r ai a? Net 191 fled to Lincoln alley, aforesaid; on which erected a two story mama dwelling hone° .11 het hr it feet: ilk room., catcha one Mote frame klaban 'attached, 154' feat,lwltit three 1 0,1 0PtAnd• 021 en Cry{ moor. oar two teams on doer: yyith cellar pattern:kith: edta, and other ilet.balhitagsva the *labile: all abeimed. j Jelleied met takrailn mtecation le the property !of WM.2l„Mattannse,.f.A.thaealt of Jaceb /Joe l*. and JObetlialltank, r . tur i g, • it sc e,”: •1* .•17 1 - 4 !t ., I, • •: • • 1.• At the mime time and vluitklail. the itsrtlit_tkle, lefermil pod claim of di*niteet af...larand to, all ihatcOrt*Ptl9t or - prcee of grated' nitnate Ist the Wealth. wf.Na:ertia . retia.Breves coanty.7l.. hag No. fide lii Moan , put or ow boront.. Wendel aorthby limeset by Jahr" eltio kitty, teethe helot No. Pik and wst tby itatet.Omer: bib/ 1010 , 11gebe bet settl...,on I lefel greet 0.1,4,8.4 extesellag k ofiNtAand•• etleet fortylWe.reetlo JohdeOtiAltrttfleiseht; aeft width erected a tereestatftrepoke god ' pßoo...cli fxt w.k.ahckyph , e , ilrtt i llgir k to n. „o izi A r town( and . friiewlebt4e. taleen44:bul eroibtisil °P,Mid.Pr!PliAl!'•.l4t.- Also. Lot N 0.41 lit Patterson plan of lota lei said honnogh,.llpumfoit detti IV MC tioAlf.'llsallePtstl: tatsuby Oak oily.. south .by, nano plea. and west by Lincoln Whig; halation, featArldp on sold Load* street', sod r4ft. ding hock 111 fret' la Oalcallry; •alOressld. , no4 oil witch Is coated a two •Inetlfllfor dsrenfOr boas* f 1 t-In by . 1-111 het, tootalalog mow op trot floor and three rontott oo Anton Whit trodaft- Death. lot enclosed 40 WWI Odra.. . tall two lots petsqd and: taken In execution so the rattattY of wag. Necoltan at The roll of enb ilennet and Jonathan Lout. Traitoto, Lc: lain) • • • No. - ' Attho.sillso Nolo; so& Eases..4l. HEW; AM., Intormt and chin of deb:oda:lt of, In Mot to. al that eartafh lot or 'piece Doff gronod Animate 'h. the baotarb at bower Vile. Dom? eon t. Pa— be -lox lot No." All to Om i ht i osoits pop or lots Ta a t n i 4,l7 . auto street hash atar“witle'4 t:611. "' S ri! '" E /6 to MILD Noy 12,14d=U idi sins 'WY • thin iiifirateSiiiiii 6 istratey oft we. woo eleetatulthr tWoroontsoo kat 40or. sad twO room oho awned goof; with cense =drones& • - • . Matted earl fatten fit ettionton ao the - properti.l et Lad* N. liltaltant._attlte mat orisarb itraolo ono amours le111: Mew* am. • '' ' • A WI ( 41 .. •it " ' . , ..• •• . ',., At the ruin this oat gam. all the natal. , MK Warier nod dans of dahontaat or. fit Sod to. 011 Mr iserfaln 1.4 or place of mood **Mite Id nu . horineyb 4 r4rnse ssll4 ono! of /kayo . 1 . 4 Mate of p.asolleauta. Woe I .ot No. rup In the Iteonaaly plea ut lots to rata. bypath/If; tautaile4 webby hi' h e; Rik east kr Shannon Intey.oanb by-lot No OK and west by 1110 street:. Whig Weirton Pet fit with isa old Themes strata:aro' aft...l:Slag h t not hawked said lorty•llve Orel to hhonsatt allry - afittorstel; and nu wlrleff le wetted tUtUsilmigtihumivirt,Qtr.,44 teLr!..tifi! bar roar ranstfa. leaky. Can is it - Illth . cal* eadareesfa /tad an astotentl. I &USA end Wen las exacathiti ei the brerkety of P.m' radoton, at the son at Jaoryhantel anti Jonathan a ens. Tnntateee. te. -..,- . t , AL50,,N0.19, '' , . 1 - Al We atone Ifrit• an d'plaW, all the thrlit..lltlo. 4 i.i.,„„„ claim or doendent et, li aria to. 1 that bettabrial, cot Owe et neeruid dilute la I beau, at Roarer Ps/le.lbailree Vaa.Pa.; beingtul ' 010 fa the ltrenotay plan of Lora In see boon • dot earth by lot ho. 1491. oval 0 7 Jewett son,* by bat 'riot 1111.• west by Lima Irlt being I fast wide cou : sala thrill sfcht sad extending lag feet • or anbagna slily altraealth pa "waif* er :raid. a two dory Iretne,4 fretting, twin* with hitches attachrtl. tai. cuotalalnlt four haunt, ball snap and on let nowt and tans fount+ an 4 hall on 4e..4*4 &Mt. ISLA whir liadeurseatb.' , , , rialhart awl 41,04 btetacadoo an ;I e property of Jaws Lockhart at lie salt of .11ooff flonela tad Jonathan loua, Traataaa. tie. '., • t'-. • . . • I . A .filltil tinnae•lfola aid oatio.llo the tight. : l Interest and claim of defendant of. In and lo all thil Misfit tot or pate or ground ortuate las the borough of Bearer Falb.. Bauer county. 1.4 . b.. Int lug jita IX/. In Do fki.uorpy plan of 1.4,1 An T.r.giit botinded both by lot Igo. bit anal by Mittman'. alley:auaUt deg Itte..Nto M. and sift. by Thebuit • Wesel, tieing forty•nout Feet yltia nn said Tboteas'ilreet and extending bark 10 feet to thermal, alley.ature.ald; and on wtikiiiii erect. tda lose dakllldg bow lam. and A half lion** bb..,coetabolig Wes roma and natary..wtth teltar ntiderwatb:- - • • • .' fralre4 , ind Ultra la esenallon aa the lanpartY of 4k.muntd, 11c0.mM at tha salt otalcob 144 a. rid yid Jonathan tfritt;Truttle"it!et• - '.••' - 'At llat time Wife .ad pladi..llll lbe Agit, title; /0W411504 cheat 4 damunt of, In soa to, all 14at carbon lot of place or 'rumba *nasty In the boron:at tit blentrwlballa. Bearer outlay, to. be- Ina lo t 1110. MO In:Ilte - Xcetowy• plan of lots In rtd lionrogn. boundtd north by Baker 'treat, cart by Tina alley.' south by tot No. 1011, and peat by Mafia 'urea! baton in tein• wide an said lards *intact, alto eatuthalug beck tid tai 10, Truk allnlAturnrahl: all reuctd. and no ankh la wetted a oar why l'rinsit etrebbitHhnuee, watalatog three mint. 'ruby and inctico, ritti • cellar rm. I drrneallf the tabula Ware., , • netted and taken in eseenituu as Ito;property of lienrge Itaton, tithe and of Jacob Wand and Jotuahan Dena. Tropterr. AC . ,S - a 140., . ... . . Nu. ti. At Ilse rause dme and Oleo. all the right. tisk% intereel yeti (lama eireendial or, its and to. all Mut melds. let es plate ol ground eSau s ehs Is. the buresiagis of Waver Celle, heaver comity eusl :413t0 of reucvsit.,th. to. 1 .1; lot No. Pert In the tessnli at) plan 01 lobs Its 'nisi , bunuatk. bbestoled north by . sot :so_ 1, ea.; by Ceder fairy, 'mini by lot 2V..J.t11, awl e•st by .. tk-seer street: bOls.lll xido on Pell Miro solerOY shot it'ltersdlnsy leach Med, Irmo 141 lead.lo Ceiba allay aleuesessitl he:es:desist taken W eiecutiou sus the.propetly of John M. Speicher et the eels of Jacob Ilearlel stud Jolositan ,ssi,l'rusitees. Jets L:0. • . • At time and place. all die I. erre& end chant or defendant of, in and tu. nil 14 'twines. lot or piece of ground. amain lu tbu vitgh a Bearer Celle, Wort away, Peon's., being us Nu thf4• hi the Ectrt•outY plat of In wad baronet.. budetted Ulu north by la Na ma. us theta street, uo the numb by tut NO. 13U3,.tuid. WI the wait by.l.ridsr alley; being 43 feet wide( On wild eedaret.:alui ultelidlag carne 143 feet to Cola, alley; sfureeskt ; and oa sr.n meant irtwo story know dwelling beano WS lent 15 1 S reek coubdutng one mum on ant do6r: and one room ta . sectiad lout: With kitchen at lathed aleatory bigli; alt, pantry and nation calsr underneath _ Also. a name cerpenterebop one story high on the rear that of the lot, about a font beg by 111 feet wlit lot Untivr renal. • 1 4 .1.10d1114 047.1114 In evocation as 11w property of Arthur 11. Evans. at the salt of Jacob Murk% and Jonathan Lem Trgetetw, dc.. ALSO. Na. ti. At the same than and oor. all the right, title, interest and claim of defendadr oL In and to. the following prOperty, , to wit: Lot 1 , :o. LS In the Patterson plan of lots of Bearer Y4lt, grancr Va. and tinkle ol Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north be lot No. in, Ml' the mat by Main .trout, on the youth by lot No. 74, and on the viral by let No. 99: bain:LlN kafil hunt by IA) feet back. um, which is rtimrd a two !dory bomb diteliltg 14 feet front by 49 tool deep, containing foursuontaand ow: Note room; lot 'wider lance. .belsed a. ad Wow la execution no the pruporli of John St: cook, at the apitor itt: Childs es to. At 1110 same tilun , taplaort all the riglit, re iute‘d and club* . wle teJ, fu a a4 to. all itwou mu pieced of Isud`eituata In War burougli of tieurgetuwu, cuuuly of *aver and State of retiu- Wit Nos. tAtilud Sala tlin*Kvagt. 01 lieurgeturrY, a(uMfaid s bounded and described as luiseas: tau the meth by Irliwt atro.wt, uu the east by lot No. 77,, tau tb• south by I.l..mver allay, awl on the wont), Spews siOr; each of wad lota be Ws 07 loot to wuldt by tW Yuri in length: too whit. 1r erteted a name tivreffitig home wed su blet all auelOsed. *lied aud llama to executiuu as the pruperty Amu. Mustre,st the ouleof t hlam Suturite& d. - At the rune time sod plate, all Ibo right title, too-vest and CLAMS ta Abet udaut of, in and to, all Ilene ukxes of lure of geouud situate in Huthester borough. Mat et wooly trod State of Peousylre ors, Wooded sod ildea dint a. totiows: due lot Wooded north loton bed by Jobb Pill.. east by *treat Of tigiedoUtaii ruin, oullth by other lot Af F A. Fikrune, and aril by the Plusburgb, Fort *situ, and I.butagu llad !Ned eutusairy, beim treaty fart widenod tree loordrod sad sixty Ilea long:mon:4m tea, on which there I. erected a brim: .lire room. Sid. The nine, lot brio; bountial by the Ammo elescr,lbed 10l on the north, err the eadt pi a *Wet rg ur PAtebllli road. oar the-south by 10t at Brie Qt. tat 4.thrt;oley tre Nate tot, awl west by the Pitts buzgli, tort P sync end tplareu /tan Way CUM. pat); It berng twenty feet wit; and on.. bandied and Witty test kold, us wleci duce le, melee te Labe..ibroil.Or • . Wpm:. Wog, ilAo Immo, lot of grootY, w birtibe sold !motel S. !thereby want Uri wife, by *AA sueeig Att. beretelth, conveyed to lOrrolluo U. Wryer., owe of tire present Ourtgagees. - Cased. and tal.,rft lo esecutluu oath oty.or flPyt. abd Catolme tieyel, at - t hesuit of Daniel Mt Illberush. Nor ma of .Sturgenetent Cy. • AS the. earintilatt and pia11)1 the Interest add el.idd or dm (triad of in and eel all that certain parcel or lot of grow' situate In the gtx;(ittzt..!),°,'l::4.ll , ::X44l,t!= deft lath Peserlbed an rollout. Via 01, kkg...) 24 4g •Zillieot. OS the pahlto cowl terultog from 11 VC( to.:Ferry ; Snooty by broth, of Clark Vest+ ton, 'teethes/Sly olleety feet. three or WO& to Poet thOOCV t..r*Ave neeorardly pity threelect, WWII Of kn.. to It.. slob": by said ally enuthwordly arty tee 10.1, More or lees, to lot of J. How, I Ilmmice by seta lot enaterardly• twenty Awl., More milers. to a boot Mellor by lb., NOW lot dart) ate loot, Inure or kw, to the public road aforeealo; throw by said 11114 thirty three feet. more ur less, to ibe place of beginutog . t sleep:tug out of tbe. sant a small piece uf gruubd COOS .Ird by 1. nub •rt Poch, ant tette, to Nary Ann by deed dated .111Lsrth 4. tildfl ; which 10 erected rode two atoll frame duelllog horew,arel mint our bubbling).; cellar underneMb ; all lurtored :Wised and ;Akre IN ere. ethos a. the props rty of l..lbseen Poch et the mud ot caramel P. Ansel', k:amutur, ut We: tall o lit and loAittit IA of JAI, Stiltedly deceased. A1...50 to. IT. - At die earns lime and Oran, all the estate, right, thie, imerea, and clot, 01 deleudaut 01. hi and 10, all Bea cabin pieco tie pared or land •ii nate 14 11,101111Zblp of tinghtuu. county of Beaver and Bute 01 Pennsylvania, bounded and described as PALM., slat: ltegiuning at a post; thence by lands of Noel Wray mid (lenge Elliott. nortte ill degrees. west, Ist perches to a Tau: thence down tiat value by us tornderings and laud of John Small. north 13.14 degrees east, 123.10 pdrches to • beret,. north K. tiegreen root, In 640 pmcbet, north 11 degrees east. *t perch., toa red Gan, north 8 degrees east, 14 'pervites to w. walnut, 1101111 4 degreo) west. 3) perches to a cucumber, rmolthdegrees art, 136.11.1perebes len post, booth GI degrees east, GI b-111 bombes to a peel, by "knee Williams% thence by laukfornierly of Mrs. Dlck. ry, north 31% degrees east, U perches to a post, .411118 8a 41.1.101 east, 116 SW perches to • pool; thetun by lauds of 31ktael Boman and Bun Wt'o'. tooth 31 degrees Weal; 41 3.40 perches . to , post, thence by land of ,fuel It'ray, north egiq do. Iften weal, Id perches to a pow, north 1 derrec wad, MI rell) prone* to the abed of. beginuita,,—, reuniting !Oracle* of bad, Inure or bra.• The tame being underlaid with. S feet vela of ,tai mil which la opened and 'applied. with all the linden necessary for the dellirety.of Coal. rod also with a vela of that ehissnalueni paint opened stud In working order; ally acres of the laud being cleared; and the residue woodland. and all en dow& There are on the premises an encollent orchard containing at least one handml trees In good bearing condition; a unre and a half story name dwelling house Wing (daemons, kitchen an pap; • rood hank ham 44 by GS /en, 1 :44111. cob. napped 6,, ke aeon; &good well of wan, of toe door orthe dwrillar, a cl tera at tho teen &c., ,te, The premises are within a laila of flew. ver and half ante or Pallston. Also, an that !erten pincer lot othual 11Ni - fen the borough of &arm. Mainly of Beaver, and slate ril Pen usy . lcsals,being lot munhcred 31 in Unger. oral pin of fora of aforesaid borough tasondedoi the north by Third street venal by'tot No. In• south by corporation alley jand west by lot No. en: baring a front at PAI feet OP Third strlet arid ex tending back that'll-nth sro feet It, corporation alley; Whereon, are erected • good two story brick dwelling, , bongo.,. With house,amble Ac. The lot contains (rut. [rev* of tart 011.1 k1111)41. Ida 1.1 one of the ulna desirable pirate resident: es la Beaver. Seised and taken in execution as the properly of John It. Bleats, et the salt of Juveph Anderson, for the ne of 41. Prather & ALSO. At the sum time and place. all the rittht. title, intenrst and claim Cl defendant of. in and tu. the following piece or parcel of bold situate in the borough u( Waiver rails, braver county, NI. bounded ins theu..rthby Mulberry eireet ; ou the rest by Mall. street t and south by lot Nu. IS us which Is erected& two story (rime dweillus boyars. with 7 room& .and Litchen, cellar underneath, welt at the door. Also frame omen about 110 by Plrolvor aed thtdvp Letvef l do at she Ma' d elver. bluets astannoktd Usenet , ' ay' islet of J. /imam s north eighty-two degond,west,,ttilsty,two pessheses thence Os lands ihe' deriver, of Isr..tistattiei Antstdas. dec'',L; Muth vseastaltwirchs .m 011.4 9, by holds ofohne,* VallepOtt.anttll tft drtlim rest, 134 pWs folll4 Wirer riser, them' apstle. Inoue, - 'belt 'tiVOsesstais pelrebeie stunts Id dame. es mot , perches to. •=lAlgs I : o2 4 lo 4laPPlusly aces. shoot of, last. s thr to known's/. lbe Adams' Piously: lot, and the old riper, mill lot,bring Noa.,at 444 a/c.:O. while la erected a ohms house:, ,Stio,slot AINAG,AFIA nestrr FAN naYtent. 'l*.;.bcionditt &the iamb, 'south: tinaltad -ram Isy . hoists, elf Jacob frerici.anik dosasthsa lobs, trionsea:being Rat by MO Feet rely se loot. aud Isnuon as thtnld l'aper4ollllot. • , ISetssed7nd -yam h 1 eseendula vos , she. progeny sd AfetlONANkarlber al As aIs:PSY • • Aso: • " At the same lime and platalt, all the right. title. latorrak sad adapts! delettatu4oC IsLillba 10 . 1 " , nnuatatbred 2$ In Patteesoeis plan 4 tb. M Dearer Valle. Naar eutattyt Pa hmetatied - ea the Manta by ha 24 (wad Ph!" 06 " 1"° feet. on the mutt by Fatal atley sums IV feet... the south by Yawner Sweet Ithaca Ma *et. and on the wen' by Pawed more andlilmak Men; on whit* them Is erected • Wearlesly ad lab*. o* hot ldt el wllb 'More-Joon. oa Ore& floor , ate and 214 Feet. tet Roof as Tank menet.' 111 lest to front on Second stroet: sad .400 jegt ta length ..weyt..t.e4llo4l Second . sheet ei*ner, resea l) lest lo ■ Ilpe wtheelbtlth .lamatt street. wt.& coratml Mao, a hams dasitax bowel two etude hlutt with cel larlitestMwatb. helsed sad taken to eXr[lltioy aA the• :at Jame, Yraskr. at tit..aalt sar fur use: /4(t i b :JOHICGRAPINIkItbeY.' Ilbartrialltitt , Parra. Oet i 1a. , 141a-tlar . • --- Nefot - dANweigenteratc. Marble,- Work:'attost! ••• 4 • , • - , •••••••••• We are pales oet • Lars Stect.of Fige Mika Tort, on head at hontwater and Dam "Foils. at cow.— Perron? whatlng w eldet. to 113°1nel/wry of their de toted Mena. a disethead and foot tome, no is Ms that to gat twlutdor, 116 wa art rietarrateted to Sell as We Represent,- slid In outnwaft Fatigodoi, Ili very.h.taince W. lI.NAILSIJALL 1 te.g, irfter . l4 N if- . C. Notice le Ilsat Ihr following , .11:• r0,11411n of AdAkist.lllll,irc. kc...have been duly proofed la The Uegistes'e UI. Ow, nod N 111 be pre-voted 10 tho Oroll.Ans' coon, for condrloation and allow nom, on Wedur-iiss the 10lb day of November. Isll/. ACO.4t of Andrew ..100t r er, I.:tun/btu of !awn. libelver. child of Amine. blunver. Atroont of Plllllll Cooper. Guar/Ilan of Saab %loon. sou of betta.Wllson, &ceased. ^ Firsat accoatat of J. 1 3 ,15 8(14/11k11.111, Adnilifl/0 tutor of ?bonus Btepbeoson. deemed: Aceonnt of 'William U. Fraser, 14ec too, of ;be will of Moore. deceased. Plus! account of Sllctuel Conkle, fld.tnllan of John W.Vonkle, son of Ulebarl Cookie. • • • • Accountof ..bootoh CIAIIIIIIIOOIII4 tilliargbin or Mary Clark, (war Mory Coulool, cbl.d ut Mary Clark, dectiord. •' • • Actoout of Y..t J, 11. Opium Executor, of the will of Donut' StrlogrJ, doceshed. linit mid lust account of J. taagtiltu,'Admlo: !orator Com testament° =NM. of Jolla Pair, do. CA LIZTUN . Ite sta. tesArci. Uel/5-4,.., NATIONAL BAN IC !REPORT. Depart et the °oolitic% ut the Nacioaal Batik Alt of beaver county, New Brlghteu. Pa, Y t owe of bestacee oh the hth day of October, MU. =3:11 Loma and Disconnta .1513,130 44 Orernralits 414 VJ U. 8. Bowls to *MUM Circulation .. . .. _. 190,I) (U 4.!. 40. 'Sunda and tiecuritle. ow band—. BLlAtti no *.kin44o4u National Banks ' In; 8) Ban Louse Lou. 14.11. 54' Furniture sod tizturec .5..376 al Current expearine . lA% ui 'Faux, , pald 4.7.1 13 Caph 'trim Occluding stamp.) 1,1 X./ W 'lilt. (Conker National Bank. 313 al Fractional Currency, (Including cicada) 441 tr 4 ripccic—Coln. 'x cry 30 Lq4al Tender Note., 15.1:4W 1.401,10.1 Capital Stock paid in,.... ........ •• • . t•Nlb•Ni o Sunda* NIA. IsNII Dlacotrot• . 'Nutti 4.1 • Ilsettany,e, • LAO It Interest.— ... .... ...... National bailWilrollaiion, m1E4813444 • • la • . 210 State, • ..:,.1.,..,...'10 0 W Dividends n • I,lfialaa •, Deosita, De p e to National MIL\ 4,1164 56 Dee to State Danko and Marna, atatrla • • • INMAN) &ale Pranorroakr, Mader 11Jointly: Pt .DestSer., 1 n crib, Nattoual Sank ot Beaver Voosty. do 661cainli *Arm that the slate sultemvat la true to the belt ormy knowledge and beller. - lIDWAIIITHOUPS. Coble/. Satoalbed and allrmed baton ran this 14th day of October, W.S.Mourn, J. I'. Correct-rAttott •• • RiiNJ: • •, •II a,II.IJINSIN. - I Directly.. • : I.IEO. W. 11.4.111LT04, ) . OfVnluatblo Ilea] Emit/ate .LIT Mist ol,ao thrihrf of the Orphans' Court 01 the county of bearer the, True tee, apppoloted by mkt l'ourt to make elle of the Real wale of Atilra!l , Hoyt, laate of lothowl hoernahlp, m soul county,-u.-id., will expose to pablie . Yenthat, or out cry mmu" the 117iien,a6d,'1 4 111, 1870. at 2 ..1:11.,Ck. M. all the follow tag described palter be met or lapel, late tbe relate of ea id de ceased, am:stela I • Industry , fn . saf cmlnly 1511 Waver,' Mate el Pennsylvania, 10 WIC!. Beginning at a white cak them" south 84 dl r. weet:: panda. to a atone: thence nor th log eVes'i west J 6.25 perches 10 a noel; Menet, dcwree* est:l Troches to a :tune; tom'. %,411. depress t Weibel! to a stone t euce Knob 4i drarria rapt IW perches to. %sidle oak, the place be:lnnthg; containing Tirenty-elyht Acre., bred 1O Perrhes: Ca which b nected • goal frame !mare% by Pct, containing rigid 'coma: a good Immo barn. about 1!..o twating•appic.:,peach. Imo and carrrl Irv.; 4 nercoraillug roll non Ibo twu.e. ThC germ lo aft under kw.. and In a vcry good locate of ntitisation. and I. 64ml:star adman/. for Card. erdng parpol'oc. heduz chatted w.thm is tolira of livio..iry ovation on ttio C. P. A. ON. Itaino.64; 4.0 eaurealent to rchnol.biono and (lumber. . . . • Taloc4 --Me-third of the purcheen money to ho paid on eon Urruation of Pale by the Cowl: LoPeuo , fu iou equal ano net It/malt:tent. With In ten,t from that dale on deferred payMente, In he screwed by b.ntd and mo,ro:acc: pUrchaerr to coy expense* of o riticg• rano% etampo. d: o. ' For further infortnetton Inquire of the under. eCn.ted. riehltnc In Ohlo townehlp aforesaid, or by lettcr to bLeck.liewla P. 0.. Beater Co. Pa. JOAN net. It. PCP ((hellcat copy 3 Mee, and prod NU to this Wilco.) $lllllll MASON & SON,;, NH BRETON EMI WORK; MAIVUFACZUIBII OF PEN & POCKET CUTLERY - . CARVING KNIVES & FORKS: :Anti putcherkniv'em, •• +4 TAILORS' SHEARS, 5C134013 AND RAZORSIII.TAILED AT TUN OFFICE. Cutlery Repaired. Special attention to given to the Hardening and iNetspertnif of the Itiatier. and we feel and knew twomrhell to be competent to make the very an we eminoy none but es perieeced work mem and use the belt of steel. Samuel Hawn firs new been la the business forty yes's, mid his moue are practical workmen. Spinal attention Es caned to our stock 0f. 2 - 13U1Voller .Ifairves, whlth am made from the besot Steel. The flan. I ttb l our .did pee , of wood, the tang golurf through la rlythed oa the cwt, oo that It blimps...l ble for It to brat.]: or come off. All our wort I. wormer-0 to be equal If Dot better than anp Y o f. elgu or Domestic make. Cell aad mu Works; no nue. required. 011dee and Works, lu Sew Briettcw. 1.11. • repfl Orphuuw• Court Sole. Tract of Land in Darlington (awn, ip. By Ant aim order of Ma thy Nine Court - 01 Bearer Cm, t h e undersigned executrix -of the ism will and testament efttonattel dllteltell: dement vitae:pew fo pnbilesele on itospremises oe . . • • - • Saliirdag, iYoreinber Itth, 1870, al o'clock, p. tn., " Ike intoning described real estate, lain's( said dressed, eta .All that cesta!n tro.4 of lasjdolosate In Rarllkktojekneoablp; Oar won au Irenosylvania, housing tSe can by Linde* ode Iffiehttrr, and Jowep Sharp: north by luta( Wm: MeCone, and, not sad...on tkr lubdi of AtolJah Chartkl, James Mak-urge, :aid Jame. Ifc(iCorge.Jt... entnaftang" Eicarryrry kelU3's Virri--tirstrki •r bind. Mote or be. sheaf Si seam or which ire ntrrl and In A good rote .of cubit:orlon; Otte lat ere well timbered. There era au the PrOni.• ee' , 'n Oro 'tory Mows In,,onwt.r7.llP); Nampa owe rtorl nabNl" h°6 " ...." ( kn. , f‘ . litable . The bud It of art .ratrsua • Atf Di'd 'l...Amami within lOWA Tulle or the Y. Y . a y. Sutton at New' Oatilee. ••• TERMS ~u " We n t "Tr °17::71.7:17,t . teLei od on ex° the terissoas ha Marque! MASAI ispoest• with interest. For Ornate iefotmation apply to. Doom V. Toeing. E.g.. Near'anfliee. Pll., or the oeheetiber es the comber: . , MITCHELL ' _prot t ler . Eaeentrix._ 11. TLIE ienrui.„l.44 • COURT OP 111:/tAte 1 COL the vintner of the eetate a Riles .Noeer; to-erlt, October IR IMO. an 'ration or 111. tires Later and Mary Ann. ide r I re, wile; In la. tens I. the Loon appoint E. U Vaugheny. se Auditor to wee dlstrihnilon of lb* balance ID the Woods of Jana. A. Kerr nun I'. li, Ferr,ad 7lolauatore of the state of nW decedent. Front the Record. Attest m • The Amino,. shots natant. will met. to fhe purpose or hu appotataseet. at the team Hew, Itt iterrer..en Tharwilay. 34 dm of I:aseptic,. A. jr at I o'clock, P. la.. at which time sad place ?antes la interest may sitetintf they aee arettlk3i L DAVOHRBTL Aadltpt•t lletvitr#-Machises:— PROGRISS I PERFECTION I TUE NEW WEED. Va m . l ly Vir kite M I.llthin The Iksl , os ;11 who hare Ihenkin WIC; eil4l tatifY. Peruotn4 alenti intrtilutthig a Sewing Nlneltine; u ill do well la cull qn 1111 Agent of tl4e Lintiefibriph.,Acq-, eheiler.— so: thew mae,hink.' ttt {t im no !plow : to show them. even' if they do n o t put( hasp. .1. LINNENBIIINK,, Avtitt hl Beaver Cu., Itochesterr,Pc. ITS P • Agott IlatfitOltE gilt:l7LE SEWLSti SIit:JUNI:. the bert . gewiiig SlAcisini! T.r le« ilum t4l-10, the und.r WILSON SHUTTLE We ere new able to OW to the Public A FIRST CLASS SEWING • MACHINE of Superior Style of I,lrile6 Embracing alt the latest Improccuarnbi found In Europa and AMSTICS„ it i Prim Quite within We result oteveii • kohl In Use La laoL ustsukx.i.e.r.rx:l). The utoierrihued memberr . of the fiesta: !curl , ' ty for the beurdt of the M. H. Church. Start, bar • oat: had the ViILSON bilunii; ISt: MA CHINE in UPC for ACM'thee, take pkurr, mathig that. for rimpllcity of runatructhai, .11"4- hEity„ Mae of operation. owed mud beam)of per formauce. hclkce It not rurpame•l hy Machine lu the market. Mn. J. P. Duaro, Pres ! iom M.A. thoclodanner., lice Pres.' Mrs. M. Pliflllpo. Tree.. Dm. Prof. U.T.Tarior. Mn. Ilea. J. IL. Miller. Mrs. lior. W. U. Locket MM. Use. P. D. ?net, Mrs. Dr. IdcNott, Mn. A. Border, MN. Kr , allier. • Mn.timutterJ.S.Untan. I=IEMEI Mr. M. Us larimi Mrs. J. IL nil Mr.. M. W. Weepy. Miro: Enri. IL Tsltun. Mr.. n. A. Whari..u. lin. Arne* JOhtl,lol.l. WS* 11. 11. Misr Elects 111.1 Lf.112. 110011. AndtW.Wyte. • es. Z. Wataxu. Fe'r CHISO. Wad tkinke W.Otn 1 u Third St.. h-. '.•r. 1, Marttlyjell $ .1. 3:31:1M+1./N. .Vzrue. Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, The moot ptarfoctiost temple mui3lnea/tl.•k lud ern turratott, 1/olh of !bilibovo popular ouch!nen been lotAy fop.oveo until they rtso4l.lii•oof a that. • • Price of the Hflftj t PAX MSW II:ti NM C111:11i from trzou Pike of lITNKLGIrS KICIITERS RA Clrcalan and • assopka nailed fme oo applko lion. NTRAW *MOUTON, (11.2 , 11.111ALACENTS. 110.111$1rth Street, 1111,4 , e 141 Agent" wauted for the Illnk k l l. l4 ll,yr , :rY- Where. and for the Sluget In Western 1 , 0 o-)lrs me Harter. Okla end VA:, when. thor. Are Auer establistrol. o.r.41:1). COUGHS, SORE. THROAT; ETC. I,,,xlici.4ei,r rsj•rl 11, powerful cumtire, power SINUMS. White .. Ptilnioilie Balsam. It esseeo with. fdpidlly nnennalie.l h. • remedy lor Thicast .MI Lusty ds• roctinsineuded by srer/OM perross• le. mint. Wu. and hundred. in Philadelphia, •, asol ilrthrr Mier slot eionnsuolite. thrum:tn.,. nos n.• try. Mr. Potssingtsan. of Wiltslautos.. I linos.., writer that there is not twith a fear est. -,.is .s s o family In that city who will hr wllliout 1 - 11 Me to tinware it. Such Is Its popalarii olsen.ver It• le kuown—and this popularity afire. lions the fact that It nulterrally who one 11. : ben: la no coon of C01:011110:0M.S.51.11111 ASTHMA. tilt ON 0111 TIS. r 1.. ash. SPITTING. 110AlthliNESS. MA rtes Pl' 1.).10.• NA KY CONS UM nION. is here the .7 •n•-iii o u t broken down wit,. the wear of the Moen-, sw tendril medic/Ise. or Inexperienced as 11r.•. Ind Ihlißstrain will not enrellearefully u...1.ii curd in: to directions. We awanstilee II all we rept. , neat It to be. and none • trial bons li.e onlieted et erywhetc. Price 50 cents. medians/no% and fl for large sized tattles. Prepared only by J. H. SI 'NIA'S. M. 1.).. PRACT.ICSL ORUANIC No. 707 Market tit, 117L.VLVGTON,,Dd.. I'VakelplasAlept. Jolitason. notlovrb) 1 ('os ty. rot Art), btrrel. uilllmnre &Dd. 11. S. 'lmage. leS'Crallltoore MI For site by Mealeitie Wakes greerall)_ Japer.: 79:1) T ° 4 l ;:n Vi ed l l s 4 l .W i tlk M l Y de C lArs E t S on .— lTtel ' e "' : tors of the Would think of Driver touo4 dalpileate cwrildefue of toock, the ort4ln•l r rod cue. No. r.. 12, dated July 11, telo,for tummy .11. v.. hurler twee loot. • IC..elee te berrhy thy+. I 0 all per.lll. - to show e.t.a by told eewlilestr ohs not be granted by am basic. J. fleitcelthlClLl Septlf:dff EMI NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE, NiaIL.SCIINI'S 13140 C li. DIAMOND, ROCIIEsTEIt, .PENN-.‘ The Undetvlgned. having taken blare !boom Srcmerly (xxupleil by SINF:WAILIC at. WU...SUN Inritg w thy attention of .1 TllO Public Generlilly To his Stock .4' 3104,YX.43 4 , X.O Grafters & Slippers. Custom Nin4e , -Work KEPT CoNsTANTLY ON HAND. li-DVd).ll a'44ta, MVW. AN6,`(,iy Finest And most u>•: goNviNckp tlett he sells as CjIgAP CR ' EXPEAT • 3. D. 31111.1./111. Silf /My DiaMond. itoCht.tef. • LOT OV INItteIAILIL .L.L —The ahh.erPoeroyra Sur saleaMl niummart Minium* the anima al Shah Hawk. Bearer en.. Pa., easmatolim tiro minis. , nu tahlth to marten um frame bail‘ta;_ennialahtg a woo-. Time to Mier Wait Will of water no the Manisa., aim, a tumbrel* brat tn... 'maxiY.J. NeCOLLISOLL. DIEM MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers