: • INKM!M Anna Dickinson's Kew Lestsige. At -ths wow • 9uireh in Brooklynot. D.,mte evenink of last week, Miss Anna E. Dickinson spent two and one-lburth hours In deliver ing, her new lecture upon' "Joan of AM," beforentimerous and pro foetidly attentiVe audience. Among the namm,sald eke, which Hine shall consign to eternity, therein none that is mors,absolUtely stamped with let ters ofgold num that of Joan of Arc, whoendsd strife and woe victory for the Fiance that had 'bronght-autoid rniscrempon itSelf by illegally exclu . dihga woman from the throne. Joan was born in Domremy, a little vil lage of Lorraine; which then, as now Was swept by contending armies. . Her father was a poor but independ _mit farmer, whose sheep She tended. Her mother was a good and pious woman, who taught Jenny •week. So good a horsewoman as the future heroine that she often (tar ried 'away the .prise at the :tillage • tournaments.' Friend and foe testify that she was gentle and benevolent. ;She would take the bread and the cup from her own lips to give to a beggar ut the door. She was devoted to re ligious exercises, and might often be found prostrate before altars and shrines.' • Her priest said she was the only ono in the village who. never 'missed confession, and the only one .who weer bed anything to confess. She was so fond of bells that she gave the elnger of her slender store to pro lengliis chimes. While her com pan ions.played, she wandered under the . free sky„in silent meditation, and while they' laughed she prayed. From her father's house she could , .. . see' the great forests of the Vanes, through' which she doubtless often strayed and gathered vague inspira tion from the solemn , undertone of the trete: . Dohiremy - stilt:id - at ' the crossing of two• great roads, where troops of travelers passed, and the take they told of Prance grew sadder, and sadder as the years passed by.l y Phis 'girl was intense! loyal. Her 'patriotism was part o her religion. See her little face as ( she listens to these take, and mark he shadow of an awkildMpe gathering upon It its , she hears the proverb that since France had been lost- thmpgh a wo man, itAshoold be restored through a glrl of the marshes of Lorraine. Sol dude, and nature, and prayer, and Mit It fed this hope. SoJenny's child hood went on—se Fiance staggered to its doom.. Herittve for her coun try was a divine passion.-' She tutor tsl that as , she -adored Qod, and that feeling beat down nil - things small and mean and base within her. In a vision, she tells us St.;- 41.91111Pi' appeared' And told her:flad had chi} eon her to crown the King, ClutrieS VII, and drive out the armies of the victorious English.,Other visions thilowell: Eitherthtso' Were tails hr they were the results of imagination: Whoever admits them as fitels writei himself down a (layout lildiever ht modern spiritualisni. Admit them to be the work of liongination, and .you make her the clearest' thinker, the bravest soldier, the wisest states man, and the ablest general of ,'her time. I believe they were the reflec tions of her ownsoul. 'Jenny had n bad time at home, and an uncle who loCed her took her to his own house, and then . went as her embassador to the Governorto say that his niece was sent by God tontisti the -siegepf Orleans and taw') the King. Fancy such a memage brought to Lincoln I The Governor derult% both uncle and niece, hut the girl sways mightily with the people of the village by her passionate love for Prance. Eike has foyers, too, and fi nally she tells one hbr VISTbn and says, "No power can bring help, to this unhappy 'Ring, but I atone." And the young man and an old ivea ther-Ixtitten "knight clasp . hands and vow to bring her to him. But mein while the King has heard of. her and sends for her to come. She crasser 1111 latgues of hastilii territory and .s ' bridgeless rivers, and the poor court uuaks:sitself slit et I did. 'to` receive this peastuit girl. Afterimuch question ing she !sludge(' to be sent of God. • The eommand is given to her, with attendant kArhts, and a sword, and a banner stamped with the lillies tie • lonnice. Her army in 6,0tkl ruffians. Bhe goca among,theni, the embodi , meld of Ermine, and, by her faith and iter s )guniu,hlttalset Ahem, ertAttlers.. All, vileness Is swept - out, antr the earn IP become.; a holy place. She en? tars °Salta on a black' elurga , r; and elad lit snowy armor, her face blazing with .hope, loyalty and inspiration. The great men In the town believed in the woman, as grad men always have Chan.. • !Applause.] But the little men thought to steal the fruits of Jenny's genius be leading her sot thersslyly against the enemy. They 11111, and she rallies the dispirited French and leads them to' victory. The next day Is.the — Festival of. the Aiwensiion, end Jenny, gees to pray. Again the little generals rush out, and fail, and Jenny Mei to the Inapt, and snatches victory from de feat. ' Her plan of campaign wit; to fight. The next morning, in defiance of the generals and the council, she take the field. The governor will not open the gate, and her soldiers beat, it 'down. They attack one of the English towers, and fight' in vain -from 7WI ration. IndesperaUon Jen ny seizes a ladder and mounts the wall. An arrow strikes heishoulder and she falls into the trench. The woman weeps with pain Out the he roine tears out the arrow with her own hand. The troops rest and rat,, mat Jenny prays. Then thoy• mice Immure attack the English, who look. with• terror on the girl they had thought slain. Thousands .rank in death, the bridge between the towers falls into the river, the second tower is taken, and everything is within the gntstibf the Prencit. The next' clay Is Stniday, and - Jenny will not fight, but holds that chafing., army still while the defeated English steal • • All this`itm been done in seven days, and the eighth they rejoice. Then this girl, with the splendor Of genius and the sublimity of eonunon .case combined, makes Charles •eon sent to he crowned. To open the way to Rheims she 'captures town after town, defeats the English in the open field, and routs the last remnants of the magnificent force sent to conquer Franca. Then the King is crowned, anti that day is the crown of Jenny's life: • All that human grandeur hits to spend upon a human being is spent upon this simple girl at Rheims. And then, her work completed, she desired to return home and tend her sheep once more. The King.and the Court overrule her, and she tights on. But she is ineestantly in tears and at irrayer. Envy and hate •surround her,Und she foresees her dooln.- She goes to save Compiegne, bat, in as multi the treacherous GOVertler ;tuts elf her retreat by raising a draw bridge, and she falls into the!power . of her Mutinies., , • - • • The Duke or Burgundy selli her to the English, and site is lodged at Itti nen. A whole year has passel since her capture. Her king, her army. • her people have deserted her, t3he intist have tlionghtthateVtin God had turned away His face. She is alone utterly. Mont has Its synonym-- death. Site hears the happy Easter bells •and' , the people Singing in the streets.-lier heart breaks! And then the pink of chivalry, Warwick, will • have her life saved, for the „King of • England has • determined' that she shall die a bitter death. They place befan sca ff old and tiny, " Recant, tir,be bunted !" • She - stands firm, but at last she affixes her 'mark to six linN, promising to let her hair grow. and-to wear armor no inure. Then they take away her dress and leave her only armor; and the, with noth ing,eise to cover, her innocence, puts -It on, and death with it. They In stantly Mac° firer cart anti she Ades to the/vain - Id through bristling !hies of• soldiery and yelling multi= tudeu clamoring for her life. At the stake areher jiidges, her mittellt, o,reach l rArm on c - mINV hertirevery*lrin'. She is idlent,' but they speak against her Iting,and she cries with deathless loyalty, " You accuse the noblest gentleman In Christendoni." Then : she mounts thd °scaffold. A r ound her ,are the shouting, faithless multitude. Her Ina thought is for France: Then the faggots are helped; , the : Thinies are lighted! "Hold before me the crossZ —she says to the poor,priest; her only (gem!. Nothing - Is . bear . .but the crackling flame and broken whispers of prayer. At the last, mighty and : triumphant voice' (Ties the tuunetit the Master she serves: The head 1, d re w forwent on her breast. She has 'A H4llllllO good tight; she has finbity. otheecourse; she has kept the faith; Even through flrey martyrdom she. lets won an immortal crown. For us; let us keep her In recollection wait that remembrance which Is more than fume. [Applause.] • - VAT AND THIN PEOPLE. [The following Is a chstOter :frOm. the advance sheets of Dr. Dio Lewis'- "Talks aboutePeople's 13tomachs;"; soon, to be published]: •:** ' People 3,14 Grit Theitiefrei •:. infosiSh_*4Aripe. • . Even in New Enghmd. there are a great many Uncomfortably. fit pie:. I say even' n'.'New Englarid, because it is; generally supposed that Yankees are a gaunt, ghostly folk.— But, in an audience of five hundred, almost anywhere in New England, you may see a dozen uncomfortably fat people, waddling, wheezy, anti go-unstalraaArbof people. Downin Pennsylvania, in an audience of the same site; •especially if you are in a country , district, the%proportion of fat ones is very large. Let me give you a case—a funny .ease. An im tnensely fut,• . ; panting red faced-wo man caine to tne with a fat word in her mouth, ,"obesity," and standing before me; exclaimed : • : "Doctor, Just lookat me! Ain't I a sight to beheofdP • This is the tor ment of my life. I shouldn't 'weigh over one hnndred and thirty pounds, but I' do 'Weigh two hundred . and twenty. Now, Just think of my car rying that extra ninety pounds when ever I move I What end be done for me? All summer king fist:4l:nd perspire. .and wish myself in Om W en land. hen I-walk thestreet; my . sister I look just liken Berkshire . pig. When Igo upstairs Ina hurry. I just loose my breath altogether, and plump myself down Into a chair and gasp it back again.. Now what cut be done for me, Doctor?" • "Has your hu.sband a horns?" [1 alreadyl knew he bad several.] • “Olt,yes ; why you kuow he keens a stabloinlb".., r • . "Do . they ever get fat?" • : " 011,.yes; ,youltnow, - iuy husband keeps fast horses:. I. hear about noth in else the whole year hut '2:40, 2:- 31t,' g and that 'they are too rat; , and that. 'they are out of condition,' and all the rest of it; you know the pttras -6,11 "When your husband's horses ge too lid can he reduce them ?" "Oh, yet; very easily." "How does he do it?" "Why, he mimes Mgir food and gives them more exereLse." • " Madam, all I have to my : is, 'Go thou and " • • "What !Adarve? 'Why . ; haVe tried that for months together. What I have e- ten wouldn't keep a IlflU4 , quite alive'; and I Nave grown 'flitter and fatter all the time.l.". "Madam, you must excuse me, but what yoU are saying lacks accuracy. You eat anti drink too much, or you would not he in this condition." . . "I cannot tell you that ;•hut lean say that you iihouldrctlute the tivan- i •thy which you are now eating, and that you should live with very little drink. This wilt help youtnuch. To be particular, let inemay,,go on with just such food as you like: If you are fond of, meatull the better;' decrease the proportion of that article a little. Masticate the food very thoroughly, so that-you will not MIA .11111Cil drink. to swallow it. When you haven de sire to drink, content yourself with a single mouthful. In a - week or two;. you willlie surprised to find hots the wish fer water has disappeared.:, If you can learn AO get along with one turabler . 11111 - Of 'water, or other drink per 'ilsiy; this fat, shaky i condition will at onoi begin to disappear. .!,.., " But to speak nf lour f9od again; thlutethe!nuusitity you noiw eat one quarter, stud after, say two montlet, l i reduce another quarter.: ' %is reduc tion will probably besunicig nt, if you rigidly observe .what 1 ave said about drinks. ; , . ."L( in addition to this, you exer else yourself yourself into nprofuse perspire don once or twice a day, you will be astonished to find how soon ;error clothes will he growing loose. Why, madam, there is not a fat person un der tiftvyears of age in the inuntry, who might not get himself or herself into comfortable proportions in less than taiga yeatr."l ~. "Doctor, wilt do you, think of- Banting's sxstem ?I' 1 "I think just this. If people have no control over their appetites, that system is a good tting, thnugh Sure to produce an abn rural condition of i the tissues. We annot use meat above il certain percentage in our liiod 'without deranging t e general 1 litidth.,.'A feverish, hardpulse; and dela 'certain condition of ' the mu itch and liver, which will show itself in , it. darkening qr. the enmplexion 4 , l these and other symptoms will shoed when . we. cat' more matt than we should, that the vital processes are hot going on wog ;,Ond !reside, this elepedltnf A ; Vitlett Btrliting - advises, of liv.ing -on enact,-;r entirely ; unnecos &icy: ' 4 t is infinitely 'better to - keep up about the usual proportions of meat and N•erittable foud,andAmply reduce the quantity." But, Doctor, if Vgo Into this thing WO you advise, it seems to me that I shall hardly' be able to keep my feet, I shall be so weak." .. . . "Madam, you are entirely mistak en. Any person, when 'too fat, will only experience a sense of lightness and increase of strength, when mak -I'4l. a judicious reduction in their fxXl and drink. lie will bra tithe easier, movelquicker, and feel that a great weight is being removed. "For example, a mamweighs, say, two hundred and fifty pounds, and should weigh, to be . netiVe it, healthy, a hundred and seventy4We pounds. This man isturrying ahout an extra seventy-tive pounds, interfering with his respiration and activity ;'in other words, cutting short the two great conditions of health, viz: resplndion and exerHse.' Yet that mm i goes on puffing and, blowing until, ho dies, and dies preMaturely, too, flir exces sive flit is inimittil to longevity. ' "Another word or two aboutd ri ilk. All fat people are large drinkers, and when we reruemberthat about three, fourths of the human body is water, Air you 'put a human body lasi an oven and make it perfectly dry; It will go down•from'one hundred and fifty 'pounds' loabout'4o hat) you gee What an inthmite.relation with' this fit condition the large tide of drinks nay have..--And it knot difficult 16 learn to get iiii with hut little 'water. Host people drink many dines more than' 'they. milky?' ?Weil. A man weighinglaM.handreithild fifty; iliS sixty or seventy:pounds mom water In t his system than it. needs._ Sii - he mast drink but little water and he Will soon get,,on comfortably, - not only without spirerliiii,,bni: with lm proving health. '' •'-'' . - ."'Sraila r in, hilore yiiii,liliie, X Whni tot say 7 . m0 ether thing; you must not sleep too much. Long sleep'fat- teds. • lkin't, go :to bed , •eery . early, but get up early in the meMitig. Seven hours.iii the twenty-four, or say six hours for awhlle, will do for you. In other words, madam, my prescription - for you is, keep your eyes open and your'mouth shut." • Hine Shall Thine People Become But for one fat person there are, especially In Neat England,' A doze'? Here cornea a young -woman of [ sii:thatigh gi g Aerel - talrW4tVe,' alst lila law maturely old lOoktsintelf clinging ~of the:skirl to the bans; s e a hav!.. hollow her -temples and cheeks'irel..'.Casting her eyee 'about the talc° tq ses.tbat'uobody nears, she . • • • • "Doctor; what Can be done forthese i dry bones? ,Why, I can hardly make, a• shadow I and while rought to be plump at twenty., (which she desires mo to understand, le her age) here. I am lookingllke an old grandmother. Can anything be done for thesecrow's feet abouttnyem, and these scrawny collar bones?" . • "Well, this Is curious; a woman Just the opposite .condition has this moment left here. She is•carrying ninety pounds too much flesh, 'That makes , her miseiable., I 'have" pre-' scribed for her, and if.she follows th Pprescription, In six monthi she will ose her extra pounds. If you have no disease, but simply a lack of fat, ,I am sure I shall be able to prescribe for you, so that the desired twenty five pounds-or more will tame In about the same length of time." "I, am perfectly well, and I a , stro on rig, too, only I am such a skele t." "Let me question you n little. What time do you go to bed?" '"Genentily about eleven, or half , past eleven. "This must be changed.. Instead of going to bed at eleven, or half-past .eleven, it you aro really In earnest about getting a Viump, youthful ap pearance, you must go to bed at half wst eight or nine o'clock. With si fresh, plump, youthful personnel," a single hour in any company will grat ify you and your friends more than a dozen nights with this fagged, old So go to bed at half-past eight or nine O'clock, and don't be In a hur ry about getting up in the morning. On going to bed and on getting up su the morning, drink as much cold wa ter as you can swallow.• Soon you will learn to drink two tumblers•, and some . pc . . mons may , learn to drink still'more.hat your stom ach will bear Spend agood deal of time in the open air, without" hard exercise, but exposed to the sun and fresh air. If practicable, ride in a turriage some hours every day. Its. main out enough to give you a good appetite, but don't work hard enough to produce excessive ,perapiration Eat a great deal of oat meal porridge, cracked wheat, graham mush, baked sweet ap pits, roasted and broiled beef, though the ve.otable part is more fattening than the animal taut Lie down an hour in the , middle of the day, just before you take your dinner to rest, and if possible, to take itlittle: nap. Cuitivate)olly people. , "Laugh and grow fait" rests. upon a sound physiological basis. A pleasant flow of the social spirit is a great promoter of digestion. There, now go home, keep your skin clean, sleep in a room where tlthsun shines,keep everything sweet and clean and fresh about your bed; sleep nine, If possible, ten hours in the twenty-four. eat as I haVe told you; cultivate a jolly spirit, and In a months you will be as plump us even your lover could' wish you to be. My prescription' for the fat lady was, keep your. eye .1 .open and your, mouth shut. My preselipOon for' 'nu Is, keep your mouth open and your eyes shul.". JOSH BILLINGS. Neraps from labs Farmer's Allen/ t 3, UNIX. K A T.KULAT lONS OF A PROGNOOfIX NATURE.—Whenever yu see a tick ov geese all standing on one leg, ex cept theold gander, and he chewing 1117. end; look out for a south-west wind towniorrow, or the next-day, or the day after, or at sum fewter time. Vheneverdogsareseen travel ing around with nothing to do and old maids refuse theirtea and hop vines wont klimb; and grind stones, wont grind, then yu may expekt lite crop ov oats, and beans wont pay for harvesting. WANTED.—Warlied several lust clam ping men, with inustaili:.tew• hang around the vestibules ov differ ent clam:het In anierlkit and stare ut the finales us they 1.41A3 out. Yung Wen typo iMilerstand the -use ov bate° preferred.' No:Yung man se tented who, kant stare the brass nut tons opts froth a military 'coat at twenty paces. This is A • rare for yang men ov realitenius. Salary payable' „weekly:" 'T.elbrerices changed.. . The !Cockretatit ix a bug at large •116 is one ov the luxurys ov The Cockroach is born on the rust of May, and the lust of NOVAon berisemi-annually, and iz reddy fir . use in fifteen days from date. They are born four from each egg, and roan. seonently they are all twins; thare iz no sick thing In the annals ov tur, az a single cockroach . _Their foal seems to consist,not so mutch ov what they eat. az what they • kan git into, and often finding them ded, in the soup. at mi boarding house. I have cum tew the painful conclushun Mid the cockroach kan't swim, but that he kan float for a long time.... To make good sharp pickles, whit tle oph both ends ov them tew a pint. _ Blessed are they - who.hav no eye for a key hole. Tow freshen a salt mackerel, tow him one summer behind a steam bote..; It iz human tew err, but devilish tew brag on IL A ;gentleman is a gentleman the world over; it iz only the loafers that differ. To lenrn a dog tew follow well, tie hint Lew the hind end ov an express train. Dew get rid of cockroaches, sell yore house, and lot, and flee tew the mountains. A dog iz. the only thing on this earth that luvt yu more thatrho love himself. Opinyuns are like turnips, worth what they will fetch.. Courage without disereshun, iz like (*.nun with horns on both ends, he will have more tights on hand than he knirdojustice tu. When yu find a man who is very molisitu.s about the, welfare ov every yu ken safely put him down az one who iz limiting for it inblfor tune. liiin't undertake tew liv with yarn mot I ter6i n-htW,. bu Lir wag* eu Ins tow a wassnems, let yure mother-in-law liv with yu. Lazyness iz a good deal like money —the tuure.a man.baz ov it the more he meems tew want. iz no morn posatili cvl dance ov Wisdom, than a-paper col lar iz ov a shirt.' - : • Every time a man lain he takes a kink out ov the chain ov, life, and thus lengthens it. • • A ossmett in love is nz tame nz a bottle ov pop that hex stood•suni thou with the:cork pulled ord. , • , • ..I. Mint kno ov cony :thing more remorseless, on the &moo tlseeartb, , than 7 Oereent,'lnterest. ' ,-• To make boarding house hadi,iiike n little ov. every thingi. a good deal ow nothing, and throw. In a chunk • oV sumthlng; jnm to a max, cook over a kola tire; wason with hair pircr,mut serve up on the jump. ..... Three skore paws and ten Ismailia turlo v niul it is enutr—if-a" muti kart suffer all. the misery he-wants- n in that:tin - 10 he must-benumb. • ' ' , What men , knot ilo.they ate very apt tew"admihr ,, they dont criticise' at mountain bekause they kunt make . ' Tharp fz' nothing like a sick bed Air repentance. a man bekums so. virtewous; he will often renent ov aims that he never committed, .;.*Grate transgreshuns seem tew bap tize themself,—lt the devil had only been gilty or pettit larceny, believer would hay bin heard ov *gin. .. The Man - who wont beleatv odor thing he icantsee. ainst en wize ax a mule, fir they will kick at a thing in the duck. , Whenever ai minister haz preached asermon thakpleazes the amole con= gregashmt, , he 'probably has praithad, ono that the Lord wont endorse. oa (iv the lutidesi tia nis *Army nun to do hi.tewlhdl denrn *the 1 0.9 when It Wires, and then Ornp ' and prase the Lora.l 'e • Sekreta are ;funk. poor • property enny how; yaf (Affiliate them•yu laze them, and If yu lieep them. yu laze Mitynterest on . the Inyeatnient. TiEgODORE TIItTOD MED ! lOU TIM D. FULTON. . • !Ma zafje . 00 .wine Hay .itrhArr About—Mang at ilehnonicoti— ' Libel Bait Thredauxi. - • I ..„.„ .Atient three yearasigo.,Nr...Theo , dote Tilton and the :Rev. , Justin , D. Fultota dined one day atDelnulnicite In company with some:other gentle? men; 'mid wine was on the table.- Some time after, when the Rev. Jus tin D. Fulton was in Boston, Mr. Tilton .heard ,that,,lttr., Fulton had said to :the course ; of. tv.tem lecture, that he (Mr. Tiltonl witted that he took wine for 4 . ta, britin;, the same time that hexadvocated In the strongest possible term thebtoppage by or persons of the use of Intoxicat ing , liquors' as a- beverage. These statement/Li treut 'the • rounds.of the press, and a few daysitgo,'lti.Tiltoti while in this city, met a:person' Whti is described as a wealthy and well ktiowitmerchant, who said, alluding ."Don't.you think that those per sons who live in glass houses should not throw, steoes . " -• ' "l 'am aware," replied Mr. Tiliou,, "If those persons who live in glass houses 40 throw stones that they are likely: to get their window-panes Igo; ken." "Well, said the merchant, "chi Rev. Justin D. Fulton of Boston is lampoonlitg you for having took wine for your bruin." -. . . "I never said so," reeponded Mr, Tilton. • "I didn't suppose you did," said the merchant, I •but I' thought `:1 would tell you that the Rev. Justin D. Felten - of Boston, the advocate of total abstinence, and the eloquent temperance orator, who proclaims ,It in Tremont Temple that total absti nerice,is the best Of ; all things - for physical health and tnorebs,-.tiranki lager here with rue after 'he had 'de livered :a sermon In the Rev. Dr. Artnitage's church. Yes, we hay ' hag lett the church together; 'saunter ! : ed down-town, and, while- walking: in the BoWery. Invited me latex' lager-beer saloon on that thorough fure,and,although we had eight or ton glasses of lager-beer,Mr. Fulteli drank the. larger number of glasses of it." - "Could yon swear that what you say is true ?" inquired Mr. Tiltou. - "I could, Sir," said the merchant, "and do it 'without the tilighestreen tal reservation, aridin the most con scientious manner." • • "I do not like to interfere with the private character of any clergyman," said Mr. Tilton, "and therefore I am inclined to leavelhe-Rev. Justin U. Fulton of-Boston severely alone.'? "But Ito is a severe prohibitionist of the use of intoxicating liquors in any forinishile 'he-talks," said the merchant,' "and therefore,, he is a hypocrite,wheril know-thathe drank lager-beer with me in that saloon in the Bowery; thal.be #nvlted Me-Au tot • that he apparently had a:culti vated lute fir the 'beverage; and that he drank the larger quantity of , wkiat wait taketi."! All of this conversiticn is ,relatej by Mr. Tilton, but he prefers for the present not to make public the name of the "wealthy and well-known merchant" who permitted the clew man to drink "the, larger quantity" of what was called 'for. Mrarilion, soon nfter listening to the aliove story, And' liripressed with its truthfulness, mused the following to 'bd. ' • , .• THE REV. LAUER•REEILFULTON. The Religious Telescope of Dayton. Ohio,- ecanalna a copy of a letter which It asys the Rev. Justin I). Ful. ton of Boston has addre3.4ed ;air: Theodore .Tilton of New Yorkoti; thoukh Mr. Tilton has never received either the letter hi question or • any other from Mr. Fulton. The Me scope's copy .of, Mr. _Fuitows is as follows : rtosToN, Mmtelisusettq THEODORE TILTON, Eaus.',Dkii - kti Stu,: I have been informed that you were seenat a restaurant, on Brend- way a day or two since with a butde otwine before you, and•of which•you several times partook. As you arilthe chief editOr re /Igloos and temperance paper, I as. Sunni the right to ask you whether this report is true,lftso I shall take tineh weans as. may think expedient' to Put the truth before the public through, the newspapers. • , ;. . J. D. Fvurotc. • . . Mr. Tilton has the honor to• toy, in reply, thatso far as regards him self, he drinks wine on cominutilon and other proper omasions ; and that so Mr as regards the mountebank who is reported to have addressed him the above letter, this hot Gospel ler. alter preaching a Sunday night sermon in,Dr. Armitage's church, in New York sauntered down the Bow ery, in company with' a Iriend, en• tered s lager-beer saloon, and, dur ing an hour's stay, drank (the two together) nine or ten glasses of lager beer, of which 'the Rev. Mr. Fulton guzzled the larger part. This publimtion, of course, was not long in firiding its way to the • Rev. Mr. Fulton, with ..the .fol owing re sult, a. telegraphed to the Boston agent of. the Associated Press: Bowros i . pet, .:11—The • friends of Rev. Justin-D. Fulton having seen the published. statement made' by Mr. Theodore Tilton, met at th e house of (leap W. Chipman,. last evening; with the Executive Com mitteeChipman,. of the Temple Baptist Church, and bymr:tipanhinnis note -resolved. - The folloWingentdappearsto•day: "The ,staleMeht,,.'mado: ";,The Brooklyn WWI of , Fridiy;• ()Lieber 7, by' Mr. Tllton,"l4,•nnlinlunate lit two respects: Firstrthe letter he prints, purporting to be :written by me, IS a forgery; Smoud, the declara tion he makes, which f ilowS the let. ter, has not the sliightest foundation in truth. ' (Signed). , 'JUSTIN D. FI.II.TON. Mr. Tilton; evidently prefering to believe the statements of the "weal thy and well-known rnerchanetrath• er than be . frightened by _the threat of a libel, sent to Boston the `folitiw ing reply : ' . I have the, boner to say that when the above libel suit comet to trial a well-known and trustworthy gentle man will make atlidailt that my statement in The Brook:la Onion concerning the Rev. Justin D. Ful ton's drinking several glasses of la ger-beer, in a Bowery sateen, on a Sunday night, after _preaching a ser mon, is true. Tura). TILTON.. Brooklyn, Oct. 11:1870. • • • Scarcely had Mr. Tilton .nenneil thisreply, which; his friends think, will put Ate, Fulton azalea') the de fetisive,, when •he received the follow ing ' from' the"uterehant.'wbo lad given• him the ledbitnation atiours4. Fultotes conduct: "With Tegted:tathe stilt with which you are threatened.by the ReY. Justin D. Fulton of-Boston; on ac count of the statettteitt made 'o3rlne thathe drank lager-beer.in• uasksm littbelloWery art" a :Sunday - Mght, 'afterpreaching, I would say , thatj wasthe man who drank itwithlim, and that:l fitaiaclifitiOk to the same if held to- answer. Do not use my name until it Is absa lotelYnecessary• to de' Later in the day, Mr., Tilton-re ceived thelollowina: ()meg Ikarrox - Timos; Oct. IL Tuitoconk-Tii..rox: • 1 am glad yeti' have liotte;ajust'andgood act by exposing Fulton. 1/believe he Is an arrant rogue: 'Please put The Union on the exchange list for The Mier. R. C. D. Mr:Tilton says, that he proposes to 'have his friend pep* a full state ment of the time, place, and all the other dehtlianY the drinking In the flowery, alter ~.which he htniself would prepare to defend his. course In answer to the libel- - Thus tbertnitt ter rested last night. " • MM=IE!=EM 'Nolo -. " - •FALI:OPENING - • - .• _ . NeGoa s '". • New'Plite foiiii.neriebed'47ol'Sticheir MILLINERY 7'-.:GOODS4, Comprising an unusually Large and fie leM'Assiirtinent •-• UATs, FLOWERS, • . vivigis o • •a 1 ;, FEATHERS. EIATINS;: , . , SILKS, • ;Lam, 111 plain& Vaney • • • ' ltl order to 'make tbis noilce ee Aline• thm pisseible; we stied; exhiblt,'s 7110 numbirArEasterp, trimmed', • • •.-.• • srAsAittapni . 7 W/O!'. N" 0 Vki 1.1. T 133#'S Rats da namiets Trin'ihsecrtol,Qtdfr., SolielllOg II call, I Ain.. • • • ikipectfully soars. •. •i, HA.N.A.trER, Bridge it. Bridgewater, -I'n. .mpV:htt. .B:A:.R'GA,Ii - :: , .,,5, 11., 11:W. ERWIN & .4 ( 0 5 Cents, Ope cuau (,r • *cry ktiae. I AT ONE DOLLAR Extra (food Waterpeor. .41.114740/Pni'. ‘; 0, • • - Mxra, Good Tulle Liugui• MIZE Bargribucitajfaiw .2 ew prea Goods CALL AuID sEE THEN: A'...w.; 1 , E1iwiN ., ..& , c0:!5; No. I,7B,oeliral•Street, .. • . • ALL.edirENY 0 42: 1r , Junkis7ioicl6lo';ll27,6p2s NEW a .OO.IDDS AT' A. 11 1 . ERWIN - & CO'S French. Merinos )Val 131a.ck r terp.r.. Brawls IVatetproott etFiled Poplins Silk and Wool Poplins Irish Poplins. New Dark Delain:, Plain Idixe‘ . l (node _ - And see 11' ; .w4 tin not 'mato It to your in terest to cullpgaio. Jans. • S. SNITGER 4; CO. Grey Pt;plins AT occiiriliiGLY Loiv-PRits 1 Wholli.,Aittle and rtwituil, sfie:/ liill A. W. 811,771 i & CO. ' S, 1761 Fedurel 61., Allegheny. Sitp2B,lc T A_VF,..., 1., F s _RS gi At• PACI;IwENTIr.dainAAur. • COMPANY. of Hartford. Cone. , Cub Assets lti.htittin Greats LIFE and !ENDOWMENT Pelkler pf : all ap proved I.•rdw. Ample seectrAy. low • we, Ala°, secures airaltiat ACC!. DirriTs anealn ^ death or total disabill •aiy. Ihlktett tiltittrh'bj. the yew or month: ' Hap paid $7OO per day for clx - yeas In bettodo/0 tadierboldem :o -15rar . • . 56 eids Li $5 Ter Dena, at lla e! We are prepared to Wash profitable employ meut to Ilea awl Moen at their 'Umiak Ous Person to each aoestlif tbrouthout the: United orates, can engage to Ods busthall atlytear We scud. Mutt, full particulars and a valuable Wattle, COO will dolt, pnyingute wort no.Vor person seeing this notice, who wants tubbable, permanent murk should rend no their address, without delay. N. C. ALLEN 6 CO., act.kavr • Auguste, Matsu._ CA A: net (kili rentalled her. - ,e2.lfthsze, GiS fitoadwaY.. ew.York. oct.t4wr VOID QUACILL—A victim of evil Ice:: itretloo, cattilog tierroes deblllty, prematar, d'Eta7'• &e" bevflig tried to intlavvery adweriared twort l .l. bad a simple weeps of oelf-eure.whichlto will rend free to Ale fellow-sufferer*. Arldnais J. u. Tit , -78 Naseau at. Tew . f. rk r • koFls:4w A DMINISTRATOWs NOTICSL—ESTATE OY DAVIDSON. fir . dheellocd• Letter. et Adm!Memnon on the relate or Wil lbus Darldaoa, Sr., late of the boroudb of Bridge- Inky is tliektfspo , aryllmaver end Walser. Yens- Billorila: downed.; Ahlrlite.irheb ashreribeni reetalltolotabb Nam" at. venom,' MMlrtltt/SUOV.4or.diElMdtrOng:lA M i t 6" hereby mowed to make knows ha I the huderhlgned without delay. ' 1110111 AS J. DAVIDSON,. SAMUEL DAVIDSON. oetISMW• Admire " 41. Hoebeater. Beaver Co Pa. • Auditor's Notice. IN TUE OliPliAlkE' COURT of Beaver County: la the sublet of Om socouot of blattio.B W ept.tt=attio of Ms ininite nopari.S. mer... 14 Aing oar. to It 3.sent.Jfkk.trai On ' lnntlinti.; Judget:hatabetlia.tboEoinsOPAtlt E.X.Doogla• ally, Esq., an Auditor to'nan• upon exception/ IVed. inine.lbconcount if unceseary,,ann olak9 illeittb9Uutt 9f tb9 Wanes to sod among ?lane kEan/ entitled lbertmx. - 'twat the record Atttu t'" . 1. uArr, Clerk. - - " . . -••••-•-• AlisfAiditaiiptiolrded lo theidiari Stutte r .111 INS, Ss Its, purpose orbits apponetnest, at lbe .Coarl4lonee hi Beaty, oh TharidaY•fratial °MAW, =I, it 1 o'clock, p. st. wflea • IN parties !stereo' stem! If they sespesper, Sum ) it, 141301IKRTY 'Amore F —.-- ' 7..l Vn'' , T!Tr"TTT ,7. lTrrrr' 7 ."l ItEINEYAH, .. MEYRAN dt :BIEDLE N5.'43 Plltti'kiettiteMitistrurgh, Pi 6 And• tletsitirat,— , •.• FINE JEWELRY, - AND • • :Juana .kbitgi): WOE. "Akehey - fOr Ai the best pinto - of 4 1 1, F4P , TP,A4yr ....BETUTUQ4AI3,PLOPE§, • Epeeist etteitionlald to the sepal Ong and s i• • FINE WATCIIES:;. , , mets:lo-Iy. ; • • • Silly-Fire Pint Prize Nall Mt . . THE cask* . „ • • Baltimore Plop ' i ~.. . Manufacto . ry .F i n wiLLiAmt',liiiiiitist - it, co., - 11tiiritifticluid4 0, ..' • • • PROP...sitty!tte.OP ' , MIGHT . . ttallt -fillikeide. BALTIMORA MP:' =ill These Inefruniente here been before Iti'priblie' forileatlyraletjlears,endppbn their eseelkneo slouesttained seeprpardased prs enunesor which pronounced them unegnaffed. Their combines greet power. erreetneenand Ans Writes ilealhg..ml well waged pgriript fritoostirm. pvld wafter C!Fongb9qt the entire scale. . They ni-ottect I rhdrat and qetsitfit'sid :6111001y Deeds= ths; irtiri l ", Ovsad. ropolairifia.c4o ~; ; • • . . • , -X , W1 3 ,}*WL, 1 0 1 41. 1 they aro iineqytallell, - uslos none Wet the very hest 1119110919 1ak1a91A9.190./11119 ta9191( employed Is ear bantams (while- sol to . itsersa humeckse stork of fetetheir. ie., on hand: OEM Mr Ali OEM SQIIIIII PIASOt bare cat Now Im prove/lifter Strang bpde and the dgruffir Trebk. ver- We would ran aperitif atteetion to oar tam Immovement4in ORAND•PIAh Oland S4IIM °RANDS; Parrwarcf Aro. 11. latra which brim; the Mho rearer perihelion Own' hae yet herb at- Esery Rifted Fed, idrioniw/ ior Five ream We hare made arrangetnehts !or the 'Ws Whelewas•Ayet/ep for Itsiamosresdetwated PAIL.. lAIt 0/LUA NO and 11,1131:01WONd. which we oF, let Wholesale Mid Retail, at Lowest netarry ans. a WILILIAILALNADSSIOCIL-, ,• eetkaddint) , - Itoltlmore, lid. ______________. . A.UMINISI.IIATOII'It Naly a L i tt.-- . ..IOTATECI MARLIN L'Utaftfli: . . • • Letters of Adminkoration upon. the. amain! of 2Mj.nitens LIMO a te borough of Rochester, t Of Denver. Pa.. ma•Mdd, hieing been du -117 tnialted toile!! undersigned , all peroona lociebt-, ed to the odd rotate are,. requested to make pay , went. and them, haring •etatm( against the nese will prurient them to • moiks O. wAMair.TI. New Brighten. Pe. ' • • • Adte'r. ' To all whom It my concern: • • Mr. A. Bell it hoe are entitled to with, ail the lumber blihi oratorio Lukens, attire Illay..gioSi up to Se .1. 17th. Dn.. uetiket Tage i r 1 3 i i st7ni ll ead t a t) ill ‘ cIt i t i o N 't — oTke e kr u i 'der t ' . s the Nelms' Bank P or Ilesv n er,Vosaly, for duplicate ceroaraice of stock, the original Ceti Was. lA' for elenttlut rev; dated Jell VIM: and .1 , 10. rat.. for tWebrolibartat. doted Janitor/ 4 1 INCA haring been loot. Notice as hereby given to el I persons 'to show sense - *hy sold certificates should not be.gfaelell , 11 the heel " oelltfiw. - C. D. ADAMS. t4sdlisi tiTya * sveelcs:and sand bill to this oiller.l. B'll.`aftS;' L'OOK."11•EBE I Thotadontraed;thaakfal Wilma firms would rcipoctrully loran* : Holpotticyog, ho . put the dnest pcfrctlons or , WALTAPER • FLOOR OTL • CLO'I43 . S, Etc„ on !mit to he ' ilitiantin the county. flts• assort mental' 't • Sehool.'lll.lseellaneonA itellalous 33' Co C) El Is complete:. whit e r n o Into* are spared oo inn tu luau bla ! sTATtp:i.Eat I)EpARTNIENT • . • opal to tbo best at (.lty it:hattl6lttnenbt. lie b 41Feelnilit?tigenifor the cel,ebrateti for thIS County.; ThoWeeek Int a rood Gold Pm' wea' dO writ to sea ithrlal hangs% pnrchaping., Ile dot Arcot for this chanty "Ibr grlder's Prottograpt • IlOrlare t The anoint:a of clearsterrn At reorrirßlty called I Ai* as he ran sell them at the fallall d lictinur !is Wry would get from the - Pnbihther. -.P.Aiwatratapcbl.(itris ern men t for cab et PII hlith• . e/ ltf Also on band, Toys and Vaihrey, snods,•tinlittittht . . . 1;' . ..unr;intry . ',THE , SUEZ::.CATIAI. ITT RILE the‘Voriti isminrc nr less ex ‘ll' emitted /Ma: ;liteltilltt ill the Suez .Consi. titp.littlilic: in Beaver anti vi. cinity. should not lose sight of Ilti• fact that S. SNITGr.4.I - i, (No CO. At I hei eat' stSrul lellavver. Pa:, are still furnishing toilielr Customers everything called for in their line: 'rimy -always keep . u fall osorunent of• 'GROCERIES Hour, Feed, Offre.t i Teas, •Sugorsi ,plea, apd Anil n . ll 14 c r 111 Fir , LCitt&l ' GROCERY STORE. Fr their longanal intimate nequaint• name with llae Oa - axle-ry a Flour and Feed lansine4s. and. tlusir.dispnsition.to render laaliAnetion tutliataewlm uniy, (*.or Own' wi' la Their vitronage.lhey lope in the Al lan.. as in the p.a. jo.falatain a liberal sli:tre id thai Natalie pat rainage. " ' C4iye us :a ... _. .. .. ..,. • . . . . • . •, : S • .. . . . •;. ~, :..,,,, i •nr , ,-ni•gl'l wNE7v'xiv c:Jrww. :,.SUTECOWANY Are prepared to faroloh.lidildrranetilstoor, thatr Very Dark Blue Colored Superior - Roofing -Slate, From thole own tummte Orsini W Northampton trotinty. AT 4/CARRY Titlchd. -flea - an:dm may be peen. and couunutiladknot &d -dmmed to ( GOODWIN;I4gent 44 , 111. SHAIMENIMIREIGNIC Office: iIItRWHIMI DUILIIINO:.1111QUICISNE .., WAY: corner .1.1 1 / 4 thili St....llllebojeL-3ra. BARGAINS!! . . .t.adies Sntdtelß volllng - 435ecesit.s, 131 (X) 1 . " •,..•'•, ant' 81.441.: : . -.! • - Junt PpetivAr 'froth nar importern •I" liiithrifAituteiaiflartkiiitMebt „ " .b e' let YANClr:4llOgirtrki.'". ' l4 • 11 ' • •••I ';••••••••••••••': •• e• ' • • • • CHM% aid DOR ENI LA N WARE, WAG.°I4., WAX vdt 1. DOLLS*ttc. &b. . 0. lblLlzitte: 4 ll2wittfne:our Goods.. •::" • • 010 - :&' -:se SlOgletonS, .A.L.LkOHENT; PA.,. sprig: l 3f delid "N4' SA ldp. g "ring , Sobecriber velem • for ealle Foote in of • ed to .11., ono r hundred and- ihreetiVToOul acres, *loud. !hoover tolert ef.' lot of a mile [roan the village ci thug Strol l ry-fire acre. cleared, belinum sell thonerei4su l un der fence and Ili good staled euldradeov Veiny of good rpfinre..good fm Itmorphiut W dumb. nehOoli and Wile. llolidfaga are a (Mae hOuee In od repute. lodise taro, iwoirsene noneeN sad olber,oot bulldlugs .. For tar. 1 . 14 C l i nfonnatlou addle's, or' rill earths ..- 1/0111i Ilesubarlfle, Boner Co. Sept 14, 1910.—sae 'v► :F..&LIL•N'I I O . Z 4 7 Foundry , itilepiir Holm beer Easmol/ t tie Yassoila *Wow por awe them Isixty y aus,—dattag "blob time I time sammalead iiirteiVot refttpathorre, M aids emstracitirg wride4soB oist papists t"-e ° 7-i m , - - • , .COOKING ;;. STOVES •: —and altar having , thaeachty Wad- Mae 44. s sew wananted Gaffing thew So CP WIT ES . . 41141L1T WIIIVIIMPI has or Is PirSol . - • • STOVES: Stoves olDlir:t Stylei God Heating sad Cooking. The Greg fterthile plata Store Rae Use best Record of elsilitOte ever offered In IT TAKES CaEt33 MEI.; • LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, MiatiM DUI:LA..I3LE E B.EiST.STOVE IN USE. In connmtion with iike.Flnva I Lave got . up u Patent ESTLATS4ON tvlilhli /;retiples taltlitlonat k not liable to weir out, illatatn:; sea,!liti tilt nirie„'ean'be put . On at: taken oft at "aliduatitleitt suit all stoves of any alit* ni• Ottrrn " •Five 3 I-lis Eldred Permousis Who have purchased end used. the GREkt REPUBLIC COOLING STOVE, llost.orwhok. 11:1111CS have beim ,publish• intsl the A tints, are efinihivutly .retiitiO4 to, to hear wit Less Oita superior' Merits tri.ktiq; owe. . Tiede); llama .11 etaas aaalnca cot hand- of about Often. twos power4apacity, they are oared to the panne at rodianahlie gator. . tUlthi 7710frINILEY. aorli if.' ' HENRY LAPP, . 11X.IT.T-TE; :LOOKING-GLASS & PEDIE FMCS • •OF ALL SIZES ITRNISIIED TO ORDI2LL i 'Leighton Ng. above Plow Factory; ROCIIESTER, PAWN' A. Timieraymt Cock in 'Waver county constantly on hand, and aelllnd at the rely Mama prim, Conine 'add lieane'prorided At the idtortestnotlee !laving kerM, attrantall kinds of lurnitarn on and whiting to make room for tali and win ter work. I bare reduced my prlee• accordingly. angildt. • MEI DRUG STORE, 1 -1. V . q9 Ytlqll/APAP, itruggLit...f: Apothecary, .r 3 Pure , Drugs., Chemicals, Medicines. ALL TILL OFFICINAL PfiEirmhoeut foal' Preparatione; Paints, Oile,. l'arnishex, Dye-J'legps, 117ittldec Glass, Se. AL he Lowe's& (uib Prices Agent for - Fahnotlock, nueell • ,Slchirtirtz's Nt'mletl - y Pure White Lend .11mituracturees' Price Agents for tin• Chemical Paints, fine bun tired didT•rent shades. all ready for use. Physicians' Prescriptions entecully Anil scientifically compounded at Any time day or night. • -thOK HERE. nntSPIIING AND/WINNER GOOP. - Th: lerstgteil heart leave to Inform...v , _ , ." 3 ". and the troh re lle nerally that he he• Jur rerelvoa. • sere ewer, 0 1 c oo d. - or t h, Attest Ftyles for Spring and Summer wear ,whret he offers at very modest rye*. • • GENTLEAIHNs' FURNISHING. GOOD , • cossTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing too , " to %mint tot thrThortest notice. Tho u kf u t as the public for past favors, I tome hp e l o ,..tteution to bostness to merit a contlen• into .4 the mine. DANIEL NIILLER,PA • , BRIM; F:WATER. Doti 21:11 . rrronz, N. •11.1.; Ai .t =II= Lay fn. found tho boot annorhnent of D CTIMNEICA.ajS, L UEIRS . NINES Aml 14s-undies, Paints., 01114. pirr. STUFFS: TO 1 ET • A ItTi CL-E.l;. , t. l O APS 131:tUSfik:S. l' AT 5144'1) 1.0 . 1 ti 1.1 S .1a Erma •Atiety; all 91' tin 4 br•tt,qutitity, wt.! Mold WWI CAU be bought at Say other proz Store to the. ••• • , , • cttuutr. • PIM: 15 cent. per hos §1; okikac.. $l. . •• ' he farteor Rock 01 LAMPS A.,LAMP TIGAIMDIGS, LANTEIINS; STATIONERY; WINDOW GLASS .!0 MITT. .1114 r *dread ustakta or the eitham • rduore.'s Drug room add rAdAlipnwE thau cau. 'where eh*. ' • Lesiboatirbe doubt dile rail and .see. aad deg yonbL no pauec.. , • '4.lrcodar. •L'• •• 313A1t3arOlEIPCMEr • • COMMONERTMABLIENT.. eni dett a to a id l aypg oat the pa. tlrely'eaabllatnwat "di J. 1 11,1111nhi Dalt tia.Ft4lollCO, hi Itocloptirr, Pa, boa d rematally totortl the . pubtic illat Ktll ICe4t titit'lletti;Otallty oisieni". ;chief awo.im thew l gm ems at • reaatataala priers. • Tama •la .41 walla of tlaturald give Mr; ellrly Call.. .; ilia Naggeti y department. It wall . tooted: 'and paitlea. traddlhil: tall be , vapplled with • rtietriblifir wetted ataftbart *Wagtail tattle brit l...fraltlearmarbid ark! Yeah land pacifira as '4talnat. • ~•42Loguill j e rdalliff ,aurnoon'o for We at tho:Alisea ALT0 . 9.e . T.11:&8 DEALkIe IN ALL KTICD9 OF BEAVER ALWAYS OS HAND. P~'R~E EMI Medfehua.l ADDRESS TO THE Nervons• Debilitatel, . - 'WHOSESUFFERINGS HAVE _REEN ' PROTRACTED FROM BIDDEN . CAMEO, AND WllOlO REQUIRE P 4 1M; a 4' Mfg r? Arif 0 , % s *V A 2b Baader • M•Wesux ckiirable. 1f you ire suffering, or Wive suffered from invol untary discharges, what effect is produced on your, general health, •Do you Del weak, debilhated, easily tired! Dees a little reps exertion produce palpitailon of ihe. bran Dots you: liver or ed• nary vegans, or yourkjdneys, frequently get out of order! Is your Mine sometimes thick, milky or early, or 4 It ropy ou settling? Or does • thick , aeons rine to the top Or la there a sediment at ths,bottom after it has stood subller, Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia! Are youi bowels constipated? Do you have spele of falullig, I* rushes of blood to the bead! Is your memory impaired i la your Mind constantly d wet. Dog upon thle subject, you feel dull, listieen. moping, tintd of ctunitsny, of lifer Do yoi wish to be left ainne ‘ to getaway from eierybody Does any little thing make you start or jump/ is your steeptnoken or restless? Is the huttre of your eye brilliant! The blooin on year cheek PO Well? Do you enjoy yourself to society*. well? Do you pursue your,husinese with duanamst eorrgyt Do you feel as much cooedenea la puma! Ars your spirittedall and !lagging, given to Ala 04417 ancholyt lf so, do not lay it to your liver or dye-. pepsin. llama you restless night.! Tour back weak, your knee weak, and haviltnt little Appel: tite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint Now, reader. selPaburs, venereal Mecum badly cured. and sexual excesses, are all capable of pro ducing a weakness of Ike generative organs. The organs of generation, when In perfect health, make the 'DM you ever think that these bold, de• t. dan energetic, - Persevering, Boatmen' basilic' se men are always those whose gcnerstlveorgard, are In 'perreet health? You never hear such men caul , 'ldaln of befit: melancholy, of sicriumnem, apt pliadou of the heart. They air never afraid they cannot succeed In business They don'thotorne sad and discouraged: they ar always polite and pleirua — int In the company of Maim, and look you and them right In the face—woe of your down out looks or a - y other monanesa about them. I, do not mean these who keep the organs tndifid by running to eaten. Those will nut only ruin their constitutions. but also those Iley do busl• newt with or for. Bow many men, horn •badly corrd diseases, tom the efropt of self-abuse andslicesses, have brought about that *tau of weakneso In those or gertelhat baa reduced the general system so much ad halkiCe altooat every other form of Illscoac-- Idlocy. lunacy, Paralyste.slgual alfeelluo..•uidde and almost every other lona of dhmase which ho• :faulty la belr to—and the real cause of ;he trou ble ever suspected, and hare duclured For all but this right ode, -7 DISEASES OPTII ESE ORGANS RE QUIRE THE USE Cl.` A DIURETIC EIELMBOLD'S FLU!D 'EXTRACT BU CD ME 17 Ise great diuretic, :mil is n Fertuin cure for disc:Lug. tit . ' D4p-,'CirKatilc. neKs, Female Compltuitat, • • .UtneTal Mil • et .1/ I.a: And all clismises of the trinnry 0.1011 4 whether existing in male or female, from whnict:nr ea use originating, #uil nt) mnl ter-of Inn: long . ir nu t tttt • -sr tmtllstvt,•••, gumption 4 'nay ensue, Our 11611 and bhxxl arc .upported from- these sou rem, and tlut Itlr and happ nods and that !Lt po,teilLy depeod4 "upon, prompt 0,,e of a relbble rvniedk. I I FL3I D'S etlit.7..*- tablished urnirl af•l9 rears prepared' by 111111 31. ; ., ' "3 DRUGGIST , 594 Broidway, New York, and 1114SoitthlOth Street. Phila'd., Pa. PRICE—SII.93 per Wile, or 6 bottles ta• $6.30, &livered torny wirrs& Sold by all Druggists Eivipehire. 119n,u nrpgenuinc,nulcsa dyne pp in moo engriti - eil fic•similie nfiiy Chemical waiebousiei and signed 1I T. HEL3dBOJ.D. Eff3 ri n 2 ourrElING STORE. 'NEW ,C.4:0 01)S! nonl Snininer Wear.- . . • undenupied takes pleverc la. forming Ism Melt& and Ile give, all; that btifisis A . New Stock of Gook . OF THE LATt,wr STYLES' 1,01: BRING and SUMMER Wear '. • Ile keeps the he: el worthy n in Lt. 'employ,. and feels hi+ to cut and mike up preterits • I'ASUIONABLE ind-lo Duch a wanner as will w t ., Li, customers. • GENTLEMEN'S FIIRNISERI GOON ALWAYS (IN IiAND OttH and see US .I).:fiee Yetici;hy Orders Elseirlwre; WILLIAM REIM. Jr. • may4;7o;ly ' Pu is .11,1...; 31 Loa Warner's Yile !tensed, Lua (11U: tact it uue C.,sr) to awe the %.7 . , ua BMW, litctultg •4, iltuctiltst,lt wt. tal •: gut awl got V. •ItNt.U . • justly lot list PLea. wail II Lot p apßtwywY L. CUM alty waiter tate., It t.ot cur,/ w.u.) UI over al year. struCtllig.. Ohs k, as everywhere. lIICSPEPtSIA: Warner , . Dyspepsia Timis tipferily Wr ll)selage KUU tuLuuc tuakra, WIWI= COstliritesu. hla u vitztal) WYK pud a splendid appetiser; 1L.1r,a41110.) :44 enornacts AMY restere• Iltua dlgestile urpup beans,/ *Wu. . Wean, in-turas and . Innis snuedd use flamer • bpsyrpsni sew by draggisin • &ice One 0u...5.r.. CCP U Waruert. Cough Balsam Is etiflog .all e.iyecturbmig. laY nllflvf t5L. 5 µ trllkerMeelibto la 1/1411C•11.2/e/y rel.r r.uh as tally caring. the - mmt atm. - mute CAP. LOWS, W 4.1 Weak /11 , 4111401te, .11.1C.14 . 44.g., lluarsewmi, Aallaua Mal 4:lll.ll.Cnytita, t• inch:U.lWe. So pl °lupe a the 1.1101 Wel trilrik p. tarsus lu.ll Situ .1",, A.: cue., orals) Idrie throat 4441 lauge, lbat 111441114411414 W 1.11)..tim.4 4 ,4 IlsOy preacrib,g 1t 4 ,111A1 Out ALM ..y ILA 114 tanl,,aliug and tipeetoratio,. 04e.linper, 4 ; k.uuwu. Slav lltree ralur4.l letka, 0,41 113110..0er. robe bollIeel(el.1/4 t...1,1u) 4 , v; goats, all large borller. PI/ea true Lollar 11.. war 4454 II I.W II y.O 14111 cpli.:l4 slid r. totalaria mils cure, ‘).11? The Grog . 111. d fhaliter and palitkoir I. Warner , . Inagua If&Woo Maar of Ida, 1. if,. La m& say puomaao ditaltapr lug prepared lot done who Mehra • •tsauc,_:. It ts r Itylmtlul appetiser socialite. and 11. Wws In the world tar' parttitair. tre bk.,l , tW istu•l p lemma I asap duMUo arda ci z„. Id the public; far apertur to brandy, , bitten., at any Other afttek. In* and ettesper. tkalinakta ardatiode, yowl, ow tans Use Vilna 14 L 4. Isis, In t.. t. a earn?. 'Moan w Ito WWI to toddy good a Ire.. rrr. d %elj eplAta. ■ll,l Gm 0011 1,, it., Wine totroloetth Martin boat at.; LL,..,,; • ~• before, d ASO:4 o.p.Stl by dro,;„:,. t• . reei,,estroet Baotou,. bottlet.4W ,k14.113.1.71e;/N ()GCE .Warner's Eminenagegur t• tt. .. . fitle L3lOOOlO Cllri .- ILe r. t l , r;;. eerq'nre.l • Attar! I. 11/.• LOlllll rtl,t r. Important mush 11,6 lAttl nailed • II r• Id the greatt ot bler.hrz_t trr •Iyould hum, (WOO) prraYert , It. h ir ,• for Fetna;e Intertihrwirta, awl m.. 7•• y P. UP.. VI, 41,11 VI h.,. ri,e :row, wet( rrlrcrecierllhruthrtl Will la eregr,:ahr. frier Urn 11..11 o Itr receipt of hue Lollar alit a rt , tart , r. ' ,.- 019 patchy ai wet, chierreo. Fie oakhr a.O II A R IMO.. Bridge,. at, r.auot 111 vu AAI,I; I h:. lt.ninr. C.) A.R PET S, Oil_ Cloth , Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. .31 Filth Avenue. PITTSBURG:IL P.l We Hard for sui,j.;!ing L: 13 12. lA.: S I,lil ANY EASTERN JolileG 110U:,E. MtCALLt3I BBB?. npr6;ly HOMES FOR, THE MILLION Rare opportunttlesi are now etrerva for ..•curnr houtes Ina Pi lkl, Aro/lAy and one•tenth of their value dee ye re !p.m,. Tuk: NATIONAL REAL EsTATE AuE :T has for sale real estate of every deprriptt.m. d to the Middle and Soulhent Plate.. imps , r• I *10614 grain..:and fruit farms ; rice. pe7ar ; ton plantations; (briber and mineral land, rte. tillage and rural resldenees and business mills and mill &We. fort mire. Writ " for La nd Nvia6,containingde.rdr ,ll . l OCIIIIOO. once -and terms of Irroperlie, we t„c tor sale. AIAo, connoctnd with our I:rat !Cate ntl. , , have a. pound (741t0t and %Weal.lgency, qt , the fatter" 1,400 of the well kllown Thounkr riv late or lb. Orthkante. D.tir.rtnirnt. who I. t. seiratiSe amrprartlimileasehanif, end erullaCto.o Ind in the dtirereut Guy ernmetit lhjyaxlmtag,, , pnclully In thr War and Nosy, Otyrraince an! Itdr I,Few. 13 , 111 y cal. , Oule:!, and 111frnle /world' 4,rs 14111 in shathst poeridir tidy. ~,,, at121411,M }Weil 10d r.• kantla for - in/N.le; FW•ntrorl • • • "".nt.• '':;t • Cinfo . p a• to the p:Ornlai.ilh. Pre•anotary a „f nr,rl4. of An ariltlnn'of :l. C . ...S m — ;_ im mo d e l • • , ,t,Cbit V.kiN 1;:y mAioltm., them to procuring patent. 111.1 uthir.hm their IL:ern:lune. Contldrutlal lu our Imatneato relation. Ten Info. Terms more reavouable than any_tiber mule agency. Circular etmlaitilug,raiwabkittr.. , 7 4 .. , t .. gent free. Addn•re: B. W. VLA RKI .t . 71re Natimkof Real /Cita? Aiteol 377 and 411 Imitts- , f_9 - 114nks of ararly•ap lac troroto Lt, sole nt the A nova office. . _ - ... . , ....... 41:2`42 Alla f 3 pli ~ . ....1.- . IIAS RECEIVED. A- / ie . "' and well I.:elec.* 4.41 ASSORT)! EST 9} DRY - GOODS. IMO tarzintalz, U .E.l N AU, F. 132E1 PE_,AaZ3DW_A. - R). WHICH 111 OFFERS Micmfa m Priori - - • MO 10 • Or Ulu*. Cuastable toit ay* (Mice. n
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