A It= . Advertiataseatitare.baiortedit titillate' ' of 11.00 Per , Ekt_fanif lot saotrau . UseCutmoruoiree .` — l• A liberal • t abide' eitlittatrid, rettisements. . • -•!-.., ittlittiee eilitaltat.* tlvialßokr maimumaartiark .l ,.: ‘,, ) , ,A2L h ,• ,atualaeaa • Woe* Beano -thablaelvigzemegle. es "' mu° . 1- 1 1 14 rm' IL: l l imi ltit4 '' ' . 74 ' -541 " 7 ? f° Adve ts ' Aitiiiitillalkijaitij tpetbre Monday . flea; lo lime lbasartlan ia that* . :_,... ~. , , ~i. ~,.. '••-• low! ost. lift/mut' vAid &Win bijislatli 3 3 °UT* uu3nuist Nibs. aid Liquor.. Oar =busTAnepOsideMaterastf Pees 02 = 1 0 dtanfuntudall.. 41. cuetloaegr Tobascohetd igars. (aeplttLy Il a a Alit*Sl9 13 Draggle; Apothecay~. bleu at. penal; lions candidly etunpuunded. lo ntrel - • se Ina 0111 - • 0.• sou pltottiq Posting .fi MaeppA Ip, ctn.! In Vote Wk. CtiMan. , ". ;1 ,• I 1' 114341 11fi • lai era u•. r• ." • 13 :id • 4 —.Ay j All ail 0 • . • t • • 0 „,„, lip Trio. next' Mikes, ,To •-, ' , • du. realm, ery and Vegatablbie. 71111ater at.", K,. V• UnHo.,tio.oWaninillsist.r .• y -. , eirtrasvizom, • ~1„,...b . . T . sibßomita.V.V4i•ellit4. libip. .1 * - T -•:, J • No OG Market tit. littsboritbllmwit, V :sit*lra •rituLtes.,lbma maw agemer ' w poilitroit 4111111m..PoOdolteusotillorlitos a tato itairlotor, ,, toot frau Plartotrubt L [..ept.7 IliabitltAtiMltlitiriVitoitcuriiiil , CY i. stabWIEO Libor et. FiltetiOrth. ' NO* y . tratAlLM&LittlibitTPAlLlOß i ti rtltltAr-' .. • .-r , ritet . t.) 410_ . _ .. _mt . • s' (.. r I t ,H t viiitia-,-.--, ~, :.,,,, t: ;al,---2" -E. .: p.n.b.r.„_ mporterr and die en la otlomy ' remminr.,ll.timr, 'While 000thir, &C. prat Iy If 111 44 1 " 1".- --..".4 ' " el ! C1 0 11 4:AY. _ at'. M4/ 1 4/4 1 .1Y. . 0 .0. 81 / 4 1 1righ..Lbilitilm i --- Iclioosswitraer.i.ows. regal . Coffees 4. Pffially liratenim 14•61101 Vali Avenue. PM*. borsh,Pal : •' r , ll. ' • ' ry biafn Na. 7 C. — k r itrard:llanufactorni, of an ' d Dealcr In • Furniture', and chilri:—lfoodkood. 'Wane, nnd Ode. ,43 sollthaold a.. (o LT ••• • • fo. F. Blgyy (hr. " Diner,' a Contatkaieg.. %J R. R. atm !: Hpeelel Attention ghee W M' • and belle. feePl4:lY. .tf — rPiNE . l4,lolilptli; BrtildWay, le e r Dellbton. - Hee 'de repltly Droldecay..Nese /1. firlghion. plepitty I_l - /C 6 S4 - ' 140.1-l Atet`e '1..11 7 " P". rrk bitr r ie- et i rl b ; '1"11'11fia • & e*e e• T Broaditayai.'lklabloe.,,f,seroKly. • • ir .1. HDBITER. drorerlee. Queer:swam and Cr • lforaretmld,Gooda. Broadway. ' ••••taaplatly 11 , VAN - W..11f. Dealer Jo Wall i.apal;Wilici•W .14 Blutda, BooksOltatloweiry d Notrena; Broad. w "Yt- Q — CISIFS4tSTEINFI34II.Deatera In Dry Goqle, 1.7 Fancy ioloodo6 Tiotlboa:' Ittercbant Tdld d. %whirr., Broadway. . roctlt,ly .BICAYBIR • 't'iii:L6Clib'piiirrso. , kr, Dealer It Deprays.4 W v liewe tiewlug ' Male SI., Deaver < , • . 1. 04 ‘l " kr.lnlNWX.ri — ircs - ioi — testalierare let 1 nery, tOrner entail nit biker , Yareeto licirffitirC7l ereLelee;„,HOese,ried Slgu PalstervOtele SI. , Deaver Fella ' se4ll;ly IMMIDEIZIk,WIEEM;,.4..q • , TAMES POSTER, Tltrocr. Dealer Io ?In; C - pup sejl ttlicet•lrog.Anow-ww.d Iron Urteru Painful. *ridge at,Eridgewster. `,.. (irepfitry Tl'Nfill - rilitirufnettuer - aorVealer 1u (>! Boots ang' Shaft!! Ertflge 1114 •110digtrater, Pa._ , t . -C. BURST, Drg Goods. Ilatry-CapClittra. .I 1 ." Ce rills; 04101otbi and Trimmings - . Hedge -81., Brldarratrr.- Pa. • sepl4;ly •-• T r ff. 1 041 . 4 - TT.. Dealer In fleets Madtiitrei. 0 .. Viiilifd clirldgewater. • • --ve_plitly j '-' 11 A:Zit It, 1141111wery, TclonalugsiM Motions i t ' 1.• - 1 .130 k. t., Ilr_ldjewr24tr.,!_ _.,_ .. e . trepl4.ly 1 " - :- 0 1 / 1 116.1 Manufacture, Of poota and, ..i. Shot* Bridge St. Bridgewater. •,-- orgl4;ly Ilt•EltelE Giagleuten'a Omitting disused fi. i onward. Warefiffrtimeglirldge: opt4Sy TWIN , WOODRUFF; Glitter; M ,otite 4) Dente &Tombstones a all descriptions made td order, Bt. Mtaltet st !er atneeta. ( 1417 a . ifilrerit CO:liroteries,' neenaware, n• •• dow GIANI; 'Flour. Feed it ntry Produce DablEVB Cot:set:Bridge It. Bridgewater. (vplttl7 ,-; - 7 - .artifillor=k - rOptietoe LI of Persian Olaine.at Dealer In Azente Goods -Agents wanted. Water it. bet mIU., Bridge. aster. P. O. address, Bearer, Pa. . .043; ty .1 ' Ma 1 01d 1 AW: Ue/Isi l k n =c la a 111111 at Smith's 11;u7Sto a re, atitramenster, be promptly attended to. Cash on delivery-Lamest price. Yard-McDonald'e Foist. setiddily 'noCiijF.sTica. Paaq Wi l es M a 0 r t i 1 1 .411 ( 24. I n ry itt:; Dto mood, [imitate& PL • , Otepl•Bly , I V i n o l iti g'P or'S - 11 111 ;;I a ffe r el l t i t i nts 4- 0 - .; ats in - ve Pl•te Factory. See adol. - (aepit;ly OfIN.KAILUIIf e II, .Brohjsr and ,Confuetioner.— el Water st.,'llOchesrert Pa. • ' • 4 . lanp1 4 ; 1 1 INGRAHAM BOYD, Wagon - oieirilige Ito Intstl at.. Rochester. Pa. rorplatly 07 two., carefully compouuded. • Water it, Ito- cheoer. o • (sapli;ly It J.l S,Electrical Physician; Chromic 11 dlo,ws made a "opecialty.. Office, corner of Diamond awl Bridge ate.. Embalmer. . lecpll;ly t,:i - EYEltltlt &MINS, Wholeatale d Retail Deal t 7 coo to Dry OoodlliGrocerles,Flour,lPecd,Grain, Hoot storoo.loort& Nails. Coe. Water & James FULDICUICK:,Baket and Coofectiouer7- 1-I ,, Weddin4 Cake* and Ica Crum fbrubled promptly. lin Diamond, ittiebester. •-(septEly Dud SALE by %: tiIYNDItM - AKireartaiiiilers kkr Foreign a DOCllelliC Dry Goals, tiotiOar, Trimmings and, rabey.Gooda.gon.rad.Y. 'bottle*" ter IL. 091.1;ly • I ; .*!;.LEIt co., Covrgtors and Builders _nufactunii of Sas IL I Lucalmi Lath dc. ItOchn°4."4,l3.b.g(lsele"pil&c:l 5..1 COM BOYLE & WILLIA 11S,8uccerwTratoe. 0 Lakin. & Co.. Dtm)ahr In Hawed and Ptonod Lumber. Lath k nkingleo. Itochmster.. sptaiiy puticEitiraviiiY WWI.. Y it IL betworb GAL Gallon and unto rivet. uclikly Q,Ziffirir (UM, blanufactareTWitailaskor ThLCorrPar and tilted Iron Ware. Roofing, oltodthlthac, attended to. X. York at., ottlkly QTENVLBIt & CLARY, prOprietorsol Jotoraton 0 llovor; Good aoroummalatlons and good eta bloc I DTMILLICIL — dcaIer7M - 118h - Wr. Gatteral a ac. kenrl done immix and promptly. Hute updana.L.llorhotllife PA AriclitkrA.:tkerpri. 00 - -Jll!l,lVl92:"Zarue o a ta n e t r y reLor t Z o Greet table exteo.lon top and centre. Fl 11111, k LIIEItT RUSSELL, Stoneware hi l trufactur i r4. an ir t pirl HAVING. Permanently. loaned . In the GIG., of Zaltenoplr; Pt.; for the promo of praetfclng Medielaml remactfally tender nay,profeaslontil rerrleaa to theeltkena °Triad tillage and vicinity.: uincorJArgAi4roppoilits.Nagle llotel, where l• Gm Ito _ticid; beefs 'peofoislomdly ynotter: ' IMR•Oorotte^ hmsediat•-and prompt attention. A. V. CUNNINGHAM, M. D. trprilityi • 7. ./.-.141.N.D1441V8111.NK, 1/etiler, In 1 1Vutn Cloaks. Jewelry, Itriodical• and S"tananery. nul Jewch7 Muffed. "Arent for the - .193.6a)EEP - Srming %again°, Roche:l , l.o Ps. 01.; oCIIMFartY.. • A Tl' COUN LAW. Th nfSfreet, lireartri Pa. I nticebri MO Court Uougle. Bearer. k ' • i •". ; .It )IS.II!OGi . .4I4IIEiti TOOM4EIVOtt . EPO & co. I• Calhitr. J. F. D1T0....... . A .D. • J. H. IlreftSHßY.- , • est NM ob time depos Prompt itteotlolll mrt, to Collections., Also, Iwamoto Agents (op ;:.t.devd rvltable paFizsiatte• 1 )11:f.°1 1 %e• Ll,Trt?; it,":4116, Ac Pb7r t..verv; et ulettAt Oltil,ll47ras • ,ater street, hrhlgerrittr, W. • WAlpraft 150 2 48 2• . fromitly: A 41. If °UAW, MAOppley Ai ItstAp* u bearer, Pa. 0121. es sod lmq Thlrd tot td the Cutut Ilona. A lawboplasiot esittuil! tt'lvta iny.,osre shall twelve peohlPt =r.. Pumas havlog Rest 'EWA ler 14,00 olsolog to boy Woo silopetty, collet gull' 4 .. nom wave limo awl tomperbyst rot • 'partly :11eN11)714 Dt. D. t Ilaylogpsessument , IT:muted to Warm ' would rosOlua,_l lll 3._leu' 11, ht. prOihosiolll4 to th e Cilnion• cr mot .otrOutidlag 'country. • Spiletal atteutiqu Pud to 'MI wattle* ofkaude disarm. Mager! dune withwsklllfel Mud. • Oelcoon Mod struet c fc,, doors wawa( the 0011 I t. Mum. • _ 1 "11.tolal • - - - r 3. AJNDICKSON • bonsai .lakao 411 U • be bi• old booodri pro* itodon,_ln Ya pkikeed•ei tdo old togh—... a nd fnools Irby may wool elUier tie BUNT COOK IN OttkVll, Beating bay., or man otheituad of V.tings ur b‘ot. meieeial Ned wurkoweebip. b 000••• IN 11l bo caudal:tad bi • • • .! . * 1 (1. • J. J. ANDEP".. • *SU": l atAA t U4 . 4llll l4 llt dater x r d =' how* Tin shop, briuge. Perli s Orkflteemitt: re., %ben he In 'prepared tuvrornd Mut WI ie.! e l , tri.tils atteascoMble 'Men • lir. Int removed hie Oast or lotiiintmi Mora Pier, cued.' er near the likidrd idepttiesitidg.tkm:' lu* vt. hid t Mrs a.. vv. for wo can. IP 4 ' 4.114.4er4 ~. j_k - =MI J • CABIENION, Attorney. al Lair tr Bearer, Pa t ' Office in the tooth tor,. "rjlcaraplAA ,0).6, late Zodzi sta. 4:41J. 10. • . , . •. „ „ .! . . ~. ... ,_ .... -..,. t. .. .'-:. ' -4 - :,:- ... f....,..... , .'!.. ;-''.....-: ;" r.&. - AA.'. ~ .,ec1', ,,,: t."-,, , •!, : X., ' j- '''''-', • •:•- • ‘• ..-i- ;":- —•1 - - ' ~ „ _______ _ ___ "/ - . I #. l l. - 4 , 4a-,114.1:• .• -, ~,. ,1. : '- ' • .• - s.• , . if 17 - 1 4 ._ ..... ,. ..,, . .:10 ') iiii.:.. .4.. e... Th '2 .o.ed.'ol ~.:- • • :,-. 44 . ',.•11- , ~..,. .4..... : ~.1 ,. 1 :• , F.f.q. , , ,, : ii.:”-.-.,•:,.q., , , , t , ..S ,r. 4 .1.,.; ,:„. 4. 1;: ~...., f , :143 :.:„ . 1 Y.: !' ' Ti t. ,-.;.' -,:,::,.;,.; ~. ..,... : 4 ... . „,, I „, r , r . - ~ . !. ~ } -j j . --;', T l ' . . -" ........... m . liA• -,, : ,- .,iis-...4 .. 1, :!..c.- , % ;, )1,14 ,. ! f - 1! ' .; , , ,, ~ f i .41414 "e'- ' .' .- .). 2.`. .. .' :"..' ... ..- ' - lip 4 .4 . . 141 ' '' ; ' ..... '; ' ( 2 .1 .. : '14 1 4 .- i -ji :; . .. 7 . ; . : : ..... •i , 17 ' ' ...•'- ' `.i• ' . .....;Z..;,, ,::,17. 11411 : 11 1: - -10 41 - -- . . =.11.116'u1d....k. : • rer.. ,,,, • 7 4. ..• •••,,. a • • 4:. T tl , pin. ." -• .tp ..,• .. .." 4 . i . ) . , - , •.4 , 4-, r '..-. .,.4,4 ' ...44 i• • . , :;ii •-_ . . ..... _io ~ •... • •., , , fisl , ~... 1.1. f t • tr 4 tr..' .0 . ft - Z s i WO i I. - "":-' vt'i-v le-."11 - : - 1: - 1 - . i!' .'-'''''': ' l7 ' ***'' ' l74n T ..,..... 8.: - -;„ 1. 1 .., -. !..., „..,.. r , ..r.,...gt • .witftt. r ..,_,_,., 4:. :ri 4..• - • - . •.1 •.; - .•.04:t.. .ri ~:. k - • :t.. .. . . • :.,,, •.. -.,• .. 0 44lailSkdlli'lal . . . - ,•-• ••'' ..", 40 10 - .... 7):-.7- a ~ , - ....,0.:,,c,..it - . - L 't ? . , ..4.); ~,t, I 0 , ' l• • Ikeda -, ' 1•3•344 - , 41. ••• '' ' " lanart.afte _. -, i „ . . '414 ". if' 4.-. "V i- • - • • .. i :: ;C; -. -;..t ., r , ‘; ' ,11• • •; - ,; " Vi . -;;•• - ' '' ' '7 t.tf. ' ' '1 ''' ;''T i / `'.• "• , . . , , ~ i , ~ . . 1 114 MIL 64.1.46 ,- : .t.,•-•-..'et. '.. - 1 - • " ... , %W;",..• „ . - 1tt,1e;•...1•• ...-.;•,; 'L. • I• ; ;*'. l 1 - -•, '. , ,•-• n' . ' ' ; Upsy l'estir r - tis! .. .._. -- 5 , .. , .3:..,..1,:., i.. • " . -- . • .....,..._. *J. , • ,, f " ' EMMU ~‘",;1, 1 39 A 0 _ , , t , , :<: :~ t , U - •' algart • oci . - • i" t -7 ,. 41; • ;"' • " stAt .. o . .fro , ' ~~ " 14P.O.IRTANT'; TO Efiirti AMERICAN, WATCHES': • • - %Arno° ..... az AU oiweite Are Ili Colin surer c r a andsers • s,"•! . LAMEZS" GOLI , 2I I O.EIEak Deuchoui Detailed Levee nvit (AiW Extra), , ' %mot (iftultuelefli " SO 00 There ill have Solid Gold Caws, ilia ere tuts Jewelled movements; mid, Is hundreds can testify, • an • eplendid RAyr,swz, ii-an WA TCHE TiCtocited Le ca t airild 161126' '" " 'Ott to' .Detached Lover trine). . ............ CO Detached Lever t, WI- GletietaLepllken., . 11 1.11 !Special Inducements are offered le these Watch. ee.yehlehar pars tillrer, and perfectly reliable fee / pat. ' . 11,01 send, 'PI. 0:D.3 by Express, any of the above Waterers. with Golo.d and A'ry, and Witten &reale°, My_ desUnge are fair and honorable,. ajM will be foaled satitfittory td all. Send sloop Twin. artier* .Loney. nod base hyrire C.U_D. C.O. pin from 9.0 lona per cent. Addrori ' • E. P., , ,ROBEETS, Sucevosor to J.ll. ROBERTS, 72 t l q F ( h 1 ,7 1 ri rll4' Mfacellaneons. V. P. Le Atturuniat w.. °eke In Mrs' CI Kinky . * buildig, east of Public &pare. roar 31:1y. Y . .1131U111ET, Wateinuaker ad Jeweler, 1 anent, Ikarer, Pa. (In room. adjoining J. lWllson's oaks.) hold watehee• and throw. oakum repaired and • we:nut:ed. - Engraving done In order. The patronage or the public la solielimi,2and . .aindactLoa gruwantewi.. Auroras War. lumina:3m. Dry Goods. 41 It iirldfic•Street, : ' BRIDGEWATER, PA.! • IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: 33111( GOODS. Bteubenrilha Joins,. • . • • Can!mares and Sittineta, s ,- . , Withe•Woolkoiblawkata, ,- : White and Colored and Burred Flannels,, • , hierinsa, Plaids, Gingham, Crkerga, • H Lawns, •• • 'Watei Proofs, Chinchilla. , Cloths. Woollen Shaw Brown and Block kinslins; I)nllingn, ; 'irking.. '.• .tamon !, Flannels,. Joconets, .• • —.. Vabletinal4. . . -"/ '. 4 f i tt l s t 44 . 44. " • • Gloves &-.3111a, • -' Groceries,. Coffee, Team, Sugar, Nohow., White Sliver Drips, Golden and Common Sirup, Mackerel In bar . foie and kite, Star and Tallow Candice, brim% Spices and Mince Meat- Alen, SALT. Haidware, Nails, Glass, , Mbar Locks. pool:Latches, Mires, Berea.. Table Cntlety 411+1e a~A Tv! sand bken. tt Bell.; Cwt Sp:res, Shovels ' , 2, S. and 4 'I Ine Forks, Rakes, Scythes and Snub.. Corn and Garden Hoes. WOODENWARE,_ Bartsch', Tabs. Churns, Butter Print. and Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White Lead. Boots and Shoes LaI)IKS' MISSES' AND (MILDEWS' SHOES, In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Po'Ceder and Fuse. Flour rood dr.. Queonoware. heavy goods delivered 'free Ofeharge. lly close attention to bushum, and by keeping constantly on baud a well asentled Week °recto& or all the different kind. usually kept Ina country alum • the undersigned ho pu to Mae future as to the put to merit and receive a Ohara: share or the public patronage. /I, N. . dec23418:1y.--jy7ched. o4'wa6 , " ,- • \-7 e Most - OMnlee - Blisiness Col lege in the United States, Affording facilities for acquiring a thorough,proc tical business education, possessed by no other School In the countrii Since its Incorporation In VIA nearly Sixteen Thousand Student., representatives from every State In the Union, have attended here. No vacations. Student, enter at any time. sod reatine private lanttaolhaa &ha oughont the entire •••• • • • N. 11.- h arareul w • (011 - partiellus aniranne- Cutl3ll"4l f n iP ll .. o g sll A:PtiiselPs l P.,_ Ihrrosuitaft. Fa. V• • ' - ", a. . , at - , - . • • ty, an maklair inradafel . ester - 0 161 ,1 1 . • sad Maws try *lir IP ..41plibl treedaMil Z. as CUM& ..• . • • most re - miss -7 C ..T. ''. • of 11:11124:123., of silif la, It mope, • Woe thip •"" - Tt^• to • 111•0401.11 _1 • • ao that Wry absirel.• and db. ii ''.• sad ettl Notoretarn. An the.. a& Ski • c. 3 WI oktt.iforeloWe lothaegus a D.... C • Ity: or MMTes. N&1314 Pima Street Phlls4a. 3:›p o Xl. -- tl - 7 4 5i7tr3r.. . Dr. J. Nur. " ilaYlortgridr. ewer, le deter tabled that no c . lllo l olFlitu,..: • Desna la the -• • Mate elan do ' work better or y , , doing • glen 4. 0 .-7 , be effete It to DN / 1114 et r. P r a lte r" t:e . toot inaterlab temanateetuted Is the United State., Gob% sad ell. ver Chug perforated _la nodule that dales move mow nettereetken guaranteed la all operallone. or the wog relented. Alive hba • nirt• • 'Brighton Paper Mills, BEMER FAlp, PENN'A. :. PitINTIBiG, • 11.4121371 LA, . . , .• • • ROOFING, BAILING,;„; Glasis; atratir. 'ltitd: AND CARPET Ait :30.:FIL.: 1 B • mr.A.Ntrvitt:vrtnitimro (~ „AN',I):AOLD AT Maislesallellt4le4dlAki , I . lenter ' SI Third Aripmeines- ,,,-. truistigiPtdmitFutuussa.. R,:~•~~.:.. i.;:"±' , 5;%; itiitiarrwayws a eoli th * saithiai. sad afisrasa• 111 k. 1111). n win lierm sn SINAN rlaß lar 14E' it e v_*•, 4° #9. k i - P-4-'t t ,.s A my ~ .1 ( * . P i " 1 di 1) 1 4 1. 1 100t1',i MX ieirtuj .. ~.".... .::.: lay WI ppereariplq.. In- UV '. 201 . - !...ttt• -as , : nap re , ap.1... .4.” tmoi k ir ~.I..Ar 1.:Ii. 4 mu .41 lovitssuki4....:4, adieu i i5?1..,, sji, ~., mp . . ~..2v,•.,-. .., a( ., . r,.. , . • . • „Titania iio r". ' ,• '., iminosa. - - l'litale% Awn. - isstu -.41.:*.....i.......... - i.ad.......ii.5. ' . b*r.:14.1111‘11 .11 1 2111. •lir 1 st:is% s‘ •I'tettl' 7 1 11,?'"'• - 43 .‘,8 t • Col d - • I ;.:.,, 1. Columbia. ... •.. . ....i.. ...411/ , MIL, I Soo Wayne: litssosii Vaa'Wert„....'..: .. 1. - Forest. . .... i lIV •„4F1,,:• Upper ti - Atioliiiiiii, ill . mac' so menus ..... , us , .: IVO • WI " ' i . ,.. a u.:.1 .1 &;\: , .... :OW ~ VV. , • VS, • ; Itanstlia....! . 't r 'fa 1 411 • 1 i‘..., w 000 t... i.t v i er Silerrta.:Lirr . .ilo -ft tali 1111:1 ~..........,4 a . „,"Ms. ". • ... ~,,.., ..„,,, , .1...,• t s =is mai , . i• Ii , al ~ MITI ---, own. Xs. - Li fey tal. Younasurira, New Owl& sad ,-.... hairs Yolitis ttle is; Ira, Castat.nreir. PAU lithos at Pittstrargb, elop. a. 'llidandad. plttibandi 7:15 a. ia; alr. at 3 1 a11.c, 1 4 1 14 Iklaa..ta.,YoustottitL 4. . Yana turn. Wavy Castle ate 'Pittsburg% Ar. aoarmalloslama Taaaptaira. a4.sK Qatla. USD a.. an, sutras -atAILg a: in. • Itaturalig lama littabtura. •VP jp , ,pg W ane *fr. catkins trirat tistroinr-' zer: a. , . owitivit:/somilajNit mid 2144 CLiVicCiND ta - iritAg4DAID On and altar May On MO. Idaho will Lire Stetddb(eltddays amiepted) a Midi. • =Si wraYtawa. , Mau iir`a.lartleur ; . ...—....-...-.,.-.......i CleVelilerr. I , 815 mi 1020ni 111158111 leuelldlslavel. ' BM . auWI Bohan - • ' Il9Bo' 116' . 457 i • Alllanea ,11100 .. 114 1.8110, Bayard ~. ..1 . .,A1311 8111 ' 1 Wellsville ', 105yx 417 , i r: -- " -- ____ ' rulionsl Halt ifSPVI.ACCI?Ni • .14tetr a rint.A • ' i l agial 4 15:P1e . ~. : Mance—. ..:... 11115 GUI , Mai Baran= 1L101141.7 , 15 I 815 ,1 . .11adaan 'INV . Inc OM , - 1 Eultdituret - 11 Ht ' KS , MC: ~ 1aeva1and....;....,11 . 155„ ,911) , 10* ' . _p1x .... 10122 .. 1. , ....i!1ier'al •• • Ma.u.l.ll.oupai &Balt ' - 'll Illai 1 11 . 1100ra . 181;1; Sta ikk lL lP°ft vll/• - 'IC • I____..l l ll 4 .' I I I: 615 I Wi1ireit1e......... 1816 !, , mew M 6., :. 11) . lisislift,liry I .s4oj Balkler.• Rocblaji... ili;s • TIC 5118..,., .-- ..... ...::-. low .. •us _,- - . .....„ - 1 - siiiiii ------ iiii; • ~,,,,:,,,-r' •-- ...c*e: . i . 13 k . :• i err •• .o • 8114 i i /- 77 ~... 81:15 5116 NO 003 . 1 170638 .3 1108813 II " • TIP 1 •leo BMW" 8 111112arati.... . B11•Mir, ateubeinitle. rI ISelraft-"A" • Thu is a mixed lnuuillb Wellsville Mali. ex press puha treat Wellsville to Pittsburgh. - . "PInIabAN.:IIWAS MUNCH. •.: '. Lo - .- : • ' •Anteas . . N. Philade well lphia, SW 5. at. i llai 1=4 40. 4 a. am. 11. yard, liNda,m. 1 N. 1. itaIITILIBB, Oars! Tulin APS t• .....-••••••••• •-•,116 ' '• MINCE Iffeetlid. • Deets to .BoOts; Skid. qUppars sad Gahm. Boots and oboes sad. to order. • Wogessence to tibe teaser sew Means to do work In • soperior mutes. TIMM moderate. hop as Third erred (aar_ , IWs Buckner.), Beaver, Pa. Give Ms • all beforepordeulag eleewlane. splttleMit:l7 - • . . • oforrßlsak Commitments ssie at ,tlee Jams ' Vii O . 0 1 - e*. eie CD ...I rd ....0 CD ;ID woo CD r• tit 3. .3. m m w:u i• O 0 .%I % ' so ,cos - Li CD i • tit! ■s Ego• •• 00. : • ~ ,L, • • Cbrime, NA: Now Deaver swum, re. was FEE lIMIE lIMIC - , ,11 1 4 ' .•u', . •;A:1, .4- 11,1, yy!,, nsyY{. V`, ir .1, tiaL ! _ • " • .elb , • a TLE mug 1,. / - :1 t . • El !NEE El ElEi PEE INIEM lit I“L. , .1•• lIMI = ~:: - e~ :..y.. MEE Sept. 14, 1870-Iy. -11.E1M4C1 V A.L" Thomas HAVING REMOVED HIS STORE TO BEAM, In the - Rooms formerly oceupled by Orr & Cooper, where he now laws and Intends keeping • A General Stxk of MERCHANDISE Having received !ma the East, within a few days past, a dne selection of DRY - GOODS,' Latest Spring Styles, CONSISTING IN PART OF POPLINb, ALPACA, De LAINI3, CHECK& CLCYTHS. JEANS, DINIMS, CRAIIII. BOOTS impa, HOSIERY, he., &r HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES, ~• - • ,r • 110 EB, TEM BIICKEIN, !VEY:BEWARE. &c. To -oto . - abnve ankles uor a kit Choke selectk!noC 0 CElltltSt co,FP.'4 B , • • & BROWN SUGABE,.. :TEAR. moiAssEe, TOBAM); 'All the ebeee 'Metes. wlll.be saki kiw kw. OWN 61 . '0;th:tested for'brsestry pre.. duce. .0011.. end essallse , Ida. stoat sad :7111031111111 ALI4BON. ' 11P420,iikly " ‘" AIRTIVICIAL ..2111AMIL . • • ; • • ••: lI.J. , • r : •. • • . CILIIKWAS Pm Aral she. - Az d ai d u .ripst otlimatt canto: • to osoDr il tk t aorpde• Pabst ; „ ; • tif mlibit cot po, AA ... A _ . it• •• GNI RM. oktelotbs••• auseled WWI: • Tl"` Aloft so to l osolect i lloolt to die amielkt totolotorall that bell toodltlok so mai compla••• et Isorsolag.lttir IlibUlty to Omsk Pe pores•L 1. *lodate owe Isetio, woad b•Oitlltorts weer die 'Old rolls plats alp beget Um• tier alb! ••••••• • *Qv gut Seto wpm— lonnelmral new nor parainded lie** best so. _Mat onbetistlat. loaassr. " Is Maisel* lin gyn. Yoroibmt, Ing i t au xiirlldo•Am •I•Mit as she to sabliod• lobate smite boo Mot In- Mrs OM lady yomet. Atmore tie salibtr Yoe. Jatis Anima WU WAR tillarroos OA rape* yogi leo, _mart 14.•••• paten am lOW dodo, yes laugt•stremo irod (do • sew 001.11sehto fro. all whotmoinflo rims *theta. nalU ti tho ettrocile• .1 tont' • amisoaat Prices so =By gooMa r t i V i adtL It =t Bluer Sias liothastat Pa. 0 N . _cligienri d eo asAgestnelt set ar Vit tharrarbrlS= 1 1 = . 0 1•=ared to b =sSelte ja :Me ' FitTa wilselhortlar of thee Oessa en. .26:110,1_010 01.1100161113 Zeit s ialivr idr owtwari3Oeyse_nn;m quw " CI . SO es*. tit ,r S MC EMI EMU • -"t t - tei " ,7 ......... c?. V S• 11 ••1 • l • b c'tf. - •;,:1-1....•00 • •//,!-I , / ', ~r ~ ~~, FINI9 . 111 3 Ea ...~.0...,.,.,; ; ~o`ll I. / 1: d I: 011111Vr. I •. JA 7 ollS , MI EM :i;41;): • • fl; =NI In • , , ,•'•4- ••••1 1 •••••,••:•::f3.>•., io ; •,"" • ' , • •-• • . . , „, • - Allison, Or THE PRINTS, GINGEIAIIB. CABBIXEMES, ; . TWMW% COTTONADEB, ri'"NE/A SPADES, BYRUS 5P10143. SOAPS. ite, PEES ME _ t ."-Ukalla4o • ow. .N..:ri•Y' • • teb*•Ari . *as*? uta., Vitorlite all. ' am K otesby tortitirpon be ioea.. • Veil moo lbir pupa,' !WAIL : er 'beats 4ketesitat Valbtoslit iiik k Ano Ikuidattos., bhasialtaitiiii4 • ' , ; lamissitt4* ledime Ildealut.. • • eattAtiviiii will sad pienott.. ; • 'Last In tbo beiiitdeir g r Atii • likseitArit *alike i 4 thi:o4. • - tittlkt, eatdi alttaC the Owe. It *Ate petiottatelldittqlwity.. Oki bow ustbisigii 1411iiiiiis way, rot bbt kind irSts be steketWA /apt 11 0 .0. ag 6 • thieffet!. Wilds.o;4lt ALIO 14111 Andel Hi ' 1 °)M„ ,I°o 4 l Pd• 11,111 M lIABY a &War sietatibs, " nal" Hada *flit :UN tlNoit lib • ~nit , • t • / : • llaldfieb *me *WA PirelWol ;"! AV bottles:retied serillti bats &Mt. • , ' Tbs datittoate Basile ofAl,ol.bies bt,lll/1. Bit to I tbillobtos and m4O tits titeloa. UV. Sliest to view. The Prom oirwarit is iblljayll4ol,l &else% Rarer thatedtop thoey're Alit • V ' 01 happy • • " rMWT;Wlikiv . - I'llealPflapril • Ths 4ll Pll96l , iettliY ihe Utah en table paring- potatrawast,dlnner. 13 °'nettdotr tggeatiPgwreggirltb the littler , cror ghbiet waessiea. mistakable r w tatna"thetim otwatarthe.lp) Olcithe pea mther*, Sellting there to sinews them. It daltry_weather; and through the opewsnatiow rano the sound of Mowers Istiattet, their scythes, ti Withitheapilet of the tho robin' and' Ihrlirl • crs*Oo 011 But it oul,flriitatall TheriPloca Indeed everything that ' With' • 'reaches of - w hind, fringed witkgracefal belts elf birch; and softly,Ounded mountains Doing their velvety foreheads to, the white, fteegy clouds; Hutt wentaallingslowly screw the exquisite ether, like huge delft, of thistle-down. But this also Irritated her. Everythlng•osuld be beautiful save her life, and that was cold, and rude, and barren. At least Mrs. Thompson, in the plenitude of her present ansitisfactury mood, was telling herself that it Wm. To begin; at the beginning: Jane Lawrence had been au unusually to. mantic girl, and had gone to a board ing -school for two years. • She had always fancied that she would marry some famous artist or scholay, who would take her to Borne and V,en where she might live In a perpetual. dream of lasiuty. • She so loved heau- Wel Shiniest Perhaps all women do; and, that may be the reason so many are found ready to barter love for gold. • •• -'• • • - But contrary to all her preconceiv ed noWsna, she married, Mr. Hobert Thompson; a plain, practical burner; and, instanter Waring it in Italy, she went to live at the old houstatead, which bad been the abode nf the Thofhpeens for generations. Dreams and reallty . stre act very ditlbersat, you see. . Hobert - Thompson , was a working termer as wettest' practical man, and all his people worked. Hiti•ruother, had worked In her day , his'aistens had worked he expected his wile to work. - She cook to It gleefully.; She had pot been brought ay With !high notions by any means, _sad at first the work.did not seem so much:. But every experleaced lady knows! how the labor teems • to accurnalate in a Oda farniert,shanaehcild, as the years after marriage roll on.. There were plenty of men sad buys about, • but only caw tromangervant was kept, and. alra.• Robert Thompson grew to find that she ,helped at nearly every. thhigwarte;Perhape. Usages"' rgliab. rat I a the.laiser Instead ofjoung lag n elegant foreign Wadies, argil ding down aimed •esaals and drowse hs pleturestatingoadolse, she had but ter and cheese to mpke, and poultry. Co rear, and dinners to cook In. he long, lowpdlet .. kitchen, r 4 4 .1 the thousand aid one 'caret upon • her shoulder's:tag go to make up a busy household. quite a contrast:as musk be admitted.. Witt" ,thino a little 'diMirent, she wdoldnet= minded the work so Winch; could she have bad nice car- Walls& • I limitary, raid hooka and a plcture,or two. and •ftchrer&— The houte,Weiteo.hgrdnu4 ItnigUntl, and its stneoundinas We get= shabby.. At and she had not thls, - nerearett for•it; 'bet riflery year. lathe years went on„madematters lOolcdrogierZf ',Old iflt'Thoustsison 'had net cora to be salad and Mee; Mobertnegar, Ira about it. '.And what :t .he had ? It is , only natural Airmen to assume that what had tkinefora Mother would do for a Wife. • . ,Itobert Taat4pion bgelbtla sak„rhat were • row:wallow sheald tike place, at which.: • .only stereo" tbehouse that had done •Without , •paliding so long, conk) do 'yet., and the old things In It Were mod etsaigh i thr theta.— She did not ' i ta t trit e.tongl etbe t 4 V 4ll9 . 4lld prinslor some abwers. re• grits a strip of mmd.undes the•sosith.par lor•wiaddWe Where a shrub OftWeet• Wer e4i. , infrar;rand - edreet-tilli sald•tearigoldr Hammed in 'W• season,, Put they TO* 0td4. 41 7. lonakeacarnou Sewers, and attaphr. ellar the ears and elegant Plants gba 'badman la conservatorles.andpub.; „ tk?gpedraa, ;But . Robert Thompson 1111 M nalloort have though.' eg,h e y. leg as such Vedas •Oings . eta' s il t , The gaolers, like hi&scdf, was allpeatind, fitted with 'cabbeggs• • a g ain , p e wee' and sweet herbs.— And arrrene l ors her unlovely exist in Whk-hdissatisfactesa w ild be. ni'i,tnigtst-Ongre- •' ,qINPM,OI4O I a , ' ll2 t P l44 " ne l tal ens, Whets 'she went rdt der, and saw,•hait _pretty. snanysid,thern. had thin" she • • beta* room than svgs nut or heerS' ' •i,a0.4,wie, , ,••• .„ •:• • " " Si . . „ ~ „ . ;The Wosto . M 'AUI. tooth thwe rmt , S . Ailleake, ; 1 9 0410 Rigrii7, Ma T. ' . ` sadl3ll 4' ' Into the maninint Wile WSW towindielti I pettiaps , toe anallitatiomilly thold, Se make taw ildsevimßit,...;' , ,,,,P. .. , - .• .; 41. e -.:Tha.mialleate.gletri.iihielOiett, pat:, I 11411 ft ,g ( "Feea ;Wei 4 . . -"selititt: •-v . ,' '; ' Thee r_ DA 4 .. - 1111/Ont the ptde DOW' ._ , _. d' Mniac. ands tic l isidliiii;whiltehetroathelt handy delkipit *tog'to Wake swim restials ler , nakedshildneaa The .iwiners!f-artvai bitski.leteed' ii• Mrs.' Tiesamsaa .sehent,,They, met at State4tkildoeir 1 adltrg dorsis..T4; ; a ,amo4 l honr et,i v,e,, img at one o'doeic„.an4 prick* s litibr tam! ear lusua.' , l t `*as`prldna how Inildi Workirtai iimorhpffrhek 'hole laantllttle peaked+, *YAM:chomps* inadeln The longsftersoons. ..in l e than amenth if woaki be ithe Thom,- son'actnns Maseelve thazeimnpany— kw4ha AtigitimmTsted ahe tletatallY belt= to molder. miffs ,lihd means. rot they.tnet rot en entertainment as weAl ap,,. 'lfitsi if wing—tea In the 'after noon ; 6 weal 'later; whett the etitehingle ' oiler.' ' , What war Mid. Thompsmi to do? Their stocker plates and dishes cons listed of a feWoddsand ends of creek ist deft, that had once been a kind of mulberry eolor, She had lona Want ed some new. white-Ware; she want ed more,than ever now. ,tirover, the keeper, of the village 'crockery-shop, hada' lovely aet for isle. white, with a delicatesprig, of • convolvull end Atechbie. looking every bit as good as cent Mimi. litni. Thotogskis had set her heat on that set, and that morn ing shwhatt•bioaelsed the suideet to her htesbruad. i . • !Whattis the matter with the old wear • asked he. , "Look at them," she. answered.— "They are frightfully old and shah by." . ,"I dare My the food will taste as well off them its off Grovees set of whitmware." ' • • "But; therein nothalfeirgh. We have as good as none left.' • • .o , 3tothei• had some beat aka:— Alban:els It?" • , , n'hat ls'nearly all *oe. We could not put the two on the table togeth er. . . "Wh_y not?"' "0, Hebert! .look at Mir. te•the shabbiest old lot ever seen; ~ "It was good enough for mother." • • Mrs.; RObect Thompson- disdained comment. 1:T ••• e • •t! You: would not have. hought.of this butter the . ..swing-circle having to come here. If they cannot come here and eat from such dishes as We have got, they. are welcome to stay • . There *ere tears in 'Mei: Thecip: sore'. eyes; bet she crowded them IttevAY Pack._ He took hls, bat cage taut to his mewing. ' " I "We - really want thethlngi, Roby eit.Theilitiflirovekosaseeerycheap. I can get 01:we* fora mitre trifle. Do give me the money.";:. "tilroVer'll have too keep. ' em, for tie: Pire got no mo ne y to waste on fine- chin*" returned the farmer. "ByglisWay," !tasking back from the - *as% "Jones and Lee are coming to &efts_ ;whelping hand. I want - Rs get theiouth meadow down to-day if eatilt's a lismoss : heavy crop I-1w tabislibtike_theen and thellutklutho want slx pen -of butter- to-night ; don't forget to have it ready." With thew words, Mr. Robert Thompson had marched off, leaving his wipe to her- long. weary dare work, darkened and made distasteful by her disappointment. She was both grieved and angry. It was a little thing, perhaps, but it is the little things of life that delight or annoy. Existence seemed very hire and homely to Jane Thompson that sum mer day. With her love of ease, and beauty, and symmetry, how rude, and coarse, and hard, looked all her surroundings. It was only one long, monotonous round of homely toil, unrelieved by any of the littlesweat nesses and graces that might make even toil pleasant. She did not of ten think of It; but she remembered that day, with the faintest little air of regret, that she might have. been far differently situated, and 'she look ed, up to the pretty French cottage ou the hill, embowered In a perfect for est of blossoming vines, and caught the cool gleam of urn and fountain, something very like a sigh trembled 1 on her lips. "Squire Bunsham's wife 1 does not have to beg fora paltry sum 1 of m oney to set out her table decent ly,"abethought, rebelliou.sly. And then, In her spiritof aggrieve. meet, she mentally went over the other things she needed, and that Robert knew were needed. Why was life to be all toil and bare ugli ness? There was no reason ; he had plenty of money. A new carpet for the beat parlor;. paper for the walls, so stained with , time; whitewash ;- paitit;..setne fresh chintz; she remeni tiered 'tall, as she toiled through the long. sultry 'kinsmen, with an aching bead and discouraged heart. It hap pened to be washing day; and on 1 those days she took all the work, that Molly might not be disturbed lu her 'help at the tube. What butanes; had she to marry . Robert Thompson? she asked her self 'her alendervirieta heather away at the butter ast the Hitbbar&. For in the green and gloomy light that Mee Robert Thompson looked ist things to-thin she quite forgot. the fact thatahe had %Ilea In love with the honest, steady, and good-looking young farmer, choosing him In pref erence to Joe Burnham. whose she might have had. Ice had a totrimo= [w r en& ; two Madre' a year at least, and a good bit of land,. which he *vital, sad was allied "Squire," as. his father had .beessl before him, He wanted-to emery Jane Lawrence. and be Woidd'uot. Likes and dislikes ameettereontrolled,,and she .more. for Robert Thompson's T e l finger than for the whole of poor tin der-steed Joe.'Squire Burnham found: another wife: And Mr*: Teaspoon, thus wearyoras tbricsasty envying her.' Mrs, B•ntuun would come %midi the resC at the sewing.; etals, - too, sad see the miserable shab biness of the mulberry-ware and the home generally. • ....The . butter beaten sevagely•at the thought- got Robert Thompson was not au tui kied.mwt—only theaghtless; he was a type eta Very tinge teal more whosk not feel e heed.. el likes rugged eathwaY being softened with flowers. Absorbed in his stock, his money-madam-he did not realise; hiet Motiotoeouswas his Wirer West Mine. ;,fi.nd his, se the Yeahlale tied at hearts ly u ing what she wished.for, or what she did not wish; the- Intenselp.unisively, pro% • Anil; Ilk oonseerbst , 'souring her VM. 'NOw,.ind atz. when iptve IA& short W.Wr ietott; Upheld, irtelderekthe,wkie, .need to be so sweeHanaperedl. _ ; • welt , leclikleolsoott Mrs... Thompson i themeSed i Ater wrath.. ItAkit way sellielettna unreasonable, and atte.dtcl,' w it! rate whit'' knew It. She would eel . havit, the sitvtat- club ai the farm.' wine what niktitt. The , potatoes got-boiled; ; the big:. like. iit beef •witeelmasering on the ens:: fore twelve vs'elnek , had- well ; anwq: cismv ~.hee,ti and hb t" Alit* through - the ciiintani.' , Wi4reatningre keit:lferhodan aoa.alweys .wanted hla'AlPeter I" - ONO • "ir •I t • "4.4:1: 04 kiiiid lain ftt t ntittiiiriffitie riothialthe Mot" *Libel kWh:: M.! Frentk:llMClVAirieg; rog , Itererfste. 1 0%4 fte, le t. :mobetat. tO tiiii ' I t. saclits Ilreil;',L initteht; MSC : ata aw...,. 14:7- ,IT' t- ~, ' : , :s !am, Usa'Ctilattili ..reitlitn 41 _ BtkThoipploegoioet• motel ft yon the tameetheu he Et(: .....llO , lyoti'Vellaitirer:thite tolwasre tb-day,ik headthilinnftrUYi In: 1 hie 'harry, and oturizer , ?tit I 440 1 ,ousyming.i 0 . - ..apAu thp.fin. latit uter mttO - gt dlankitl - wiyote . .iiiipue'rrktialii; 1. "'-': i 4, '•''-' ivAt . ...rattier:WMripritnrhqr: to heillps.:yait em. tectsubl be . 4 440 Y Fhunorgilikthl tPerbt Ing . Ins iniwypy?onlfltm. . .. • ~ :: i?...4 , ,,...: 1 hir,p. Z i ng**. ilicilheitl___l* itait.4o 4 . o sentences now lUtir.rmets- -- T .11.111 i Ara copy. Them/tater wrote it, and he saldivaehrgaelthriseatt,itorn and , altrOitioherit,r. Do read It mother." . lOC ThoinPeirk :her' anti '.11311 'of the 'Cricked'. At' lbelberrY''ldetesi paused - a - mohair td . latiter era thi on the nee copy: •"A soft earner tinneth' away wratb," teas' whit dte read. . Warm not that theproverb tirtierntw, had" tend Iternma of the:Mr-b re;Was ,sOniethineln 1w .4pireorietatiairi to - ' the prompt nmataat,thattell like -a cool sweet wind on her heatettpuhres.., "t will haveit ready ink moment, Robert,',' she said quietly. Mr. Robert Thompson' lociked hp. Evidently he. had not expected so pim ' sante reply • If the truth Must be told, he had , thought a good , bit that' qatirolng of his wik% request about %he t i/Mite-Irate: . Not 'ln- the way. 06 granting, it, . hut - that 'shit would probably .he shlky. over. It when they cot la. tri , lthitter. • - "It deem t leeLbere ea •it.zdi in that biasing Meadow."- he remarked to his friends, as they went into the cool north room' to dinner, ~ Folks that can; keep In: doors this weather have an easy time of it.. , They.dou't kuour what heat b. - , 0 ,.... ~ ' - Mrs. Thomson wondered whether this was `slap at her.,Her face look ed scarlet ewe& for ny- amount of hest. As to sltlifig down with them, she had to to walt on the party. It was Wide* day, - and Molly must not be called: : - , - "Thisbutter mast have been . kept in the kitchen. - It's like oil," said Mr. Thompson. • "1 took it out of the cellar since you came In; I will go down midget some more If you think I had bet ter," was the reply, given pleasaiit- "Never mind. Weil, Ir,deckwol— do you call this meat broiled!" wept on Hr. Thoinplon, as he began • to, airve. "Its harder than a rock. •If matt has to be' cooked pretty fresh this weather, it needn't bo like this." "I tried to have it nice, Rabat," the maid, - striving to eholoi:krok az!:•• quhret In the toste,clikolteiti it; wiki: ills friends looked itt.twit ow' other. ---- Bbesit'down at length. but did not eat. 'Mr. Thcbrigoonilnisind his dinner in silence. c Hewes watching his wile's thee.— There •irne something in It •he did not understand—s- Und of patient, hopeless looki es if she no 'longer cared to struggle onward. The uki mulberry-Ware !citd lookatingter the snowy white hsbki-clods_ too bad far them !Mona of ,hia4o -filt M i rriiitirsor ll e .1144 - son grew thoughtful . . He palmed Into the kitchen when they were going outin—how hot and stifling it Mt with aga that big Are teed as the south meadow. His wife had been In it cooking; that must have made her tam scarlet. Indoo'rs was not so comfortable a place after all, if.you have hot work to do, was the idea that flitted through his mind." And—perhaps the work was over-much for his wife, who at best was but a delicate woman. A fresh, cool breeze had sprung up from the south, as be wentout, walk ing slowly, but the sun was horning hot, still. Robert Thompson waited to wipe his brow; and at that mo ment the voices of his com rade. came toward him from the other side of the hedge, where they stood 1p the little shade It asst. "I never pitied a woman so much In my Ilfe," quoth one .of them. "She works like a slave and does not even get "thank ye" for it, from Thompson. He's s good fellow, but uncommon down upon the work. Strong as a horse, hlmsef, he thinks, I suppose women ' must bo the same.' "14, Bob's a sterling good fellow, but Jane Lawrence made a mistake when she said "yes" to his asking," cried the other. "Jowl, she wasn't cut out for a fanner's wile—.-especially oue who keeps his folks to It like Thompson dues. She's over sensi tive delicate; any 'lady but her would have turned long ago and bid him give her proper IWp, He won't make his money out of her many yturs If he don't take care of her. She'll run down • flit. Awfully ehanged`she Is. She looks as faded as the old house rooms—and they haven't seen a coat o', paint since grandfather Thompson's day.' "Ab, she'd better have took .Toe Burnham.' The,Lawrences used to have things nice In their home, and she'd have got 'em so still, If she'd married Joe. His wife's just gone out In her pony-shay, I say, Jones, I wonder whether Thompson's wife's ever sorrry, she looks wistful.' Was abet The unconickma com ments of. the*, warm friends, came an \ ii crushing do n on Robert Thomp son's heart brain like a bolt of Ont.—That She ected Burnham for 'him, he knewor co she come home to the old bousesteact and took care of his invalid mother. Tenderly had she done it, too. And—could she he wearing out her life • In hard work fur him; she, the mother of • his boys; she whom- he loved well, for all his churlishness? Robert Thompson stole. away—he could ,bear this thoughts no longer—and he Galt that he could almoet kill himself for his blind heedlessness: ' • The .altenimin'wore on Wizards evening. -Mm. Tfrimpitis had flatb ed het in-door . ivoik--thst welshing np of the dinner dishes and-the put ting of the rooms. straight--and was going .in with .. an .armild ssf -tine things that she had. taken from the clothes-I ine,when the sound of wheels Made her look round. "Vire brought that white-wales. Mee.' Thonipsonir add the brisk yoke of Grover, springing from Ms cart,' 'and 'lilting down. eareintly• a large ham "Butt sid 'harder .11, Mr. Gra 'ver."che in tethers fright ened votes. though. 'Mr. Thoinpeon anus down thGtafternuon add said the thlup were to Come by to you at Like.' Tlkee's 'the didier *tryout adMired; and eel set; as' - wen: • Where shall 1 paVern est " • "Bring them in. please_," she rm.: severed, rather faintly. tile did *the ism tad, Mei:then drove off.. Mrs-'C Alai dowd y tict ha:up/gut crockery, awl l r ir hee heart Wm/hi bill ar "-• ' 2w ge)d all ere magical tisui.tee,fie they y l ' eb r ir t : si l ou d ths .w t heli g at4 h : i got r ir :he ao t : sr l e lar i r e : n r wa Pl44l H cked l : lr t antieri de4.- h rirP : ahhe- t. n w it Ltr w rirdi as er e nl a t :on leY . ftd andshe h l eres i .has, been foivarlagleherself In bee , temper that; she'd, iitthee have hwt.' 1130: sresissiso, :jojdltstethan - cisC Mkt antathe heif 4 and ftighst soft. VA' the wldle; !tha.“ was batiotk sOlO4l-wgre-r,pl4 Oar, op ? , ra y = hiro l t b ra alas :cri i Taw illy. , eatuala. sad -fouled brie id tat .. , • .1:111_64 le 41,- Jew iiir ril L 94 figsl' a"' dad liiii;-" 1 -• - 3 . • . - "._ " . a' l4 Obl P L IllitairL ase. , UP ward blaw:44-IWeentliklii inviktiad alea Iclis4;l I r .F. b'l ' irik beets* iiiiit! , 4r ., be, ~.. ,),... ~,,„, v....,,,,, * ,..„,,,, Yotet .. , I I nese it 110 1 1 1141? briers ur bbtme ; 'hitte'. l been:ia patient susd kind as I nalridall, n i 111, , •t!Yes. you lunte. , , Nou'fre loam ari *Oro comPAII* So Mel i ha:PO! a a aye nYyou I 144 'itud' Om riovi. • '1 dlo(ndithink;rdssoy IC:did n 0, 44 i n d o ws? . );: , .. b: -,!, .1.. ~ ~..• --' ' .. ,I (Bea , ...itobert.--..—.!' r . ~____.!4 , lroo; ahall•blivelaWtilla :Um huura ;, another aerVard.." iris seC bor in; Atiusy;' loot WWII' tbs. sew- Intehrb Matt tonserrotind.g".. . -..:, - f - ! "Oh, Robert,. isole:klad YoU *rat 1 eel as light as a. loini.". ... . , "And you are, _almost, 'he an swered,, ensiling a little easily as. he looked ; Into her, eager face, "We'll all turn Over a new leafiene. * Moir enlinowa I did 'not 'Mean to ' be • ens- !'Robert; you were hexer ,'7Well—we!R_let it hos e; bygoo shall be hYgunes;"lr *you' will. Oh; and I forgot to'ssy`l saw •liieba this ;afternoon:- It's very dull timeJnet now, the poor fellottsays„ withouta job on hand; give hiat one. They'll be here' to begin ki-Martatrinoriling.!l ,'`••• 4- Is • • • — "You-re- , -ssot ;ming to' have the housadone up?":she.exclainsed, in low surprise. < • • "Every. square, Inch of it, And, ,onee the painting and' that- finished, we'll see what elitektecitn'doto make It looks trifle hrighter.'l - • • She hardly Wevell it; "she bung into tears. "And I have been so wicked!" she cried. Only today I had 'quite wicked thoughts, Robert. I , ants envying Mrs. iturnhiun ; 1 was feeling angry. with . evetybody. _lt was discouragement, Robert." "Yea„. ft was discouragement," he said quite humbly. , "We will do better for the Mum Jane:l'll try another phut." , She wept silently, or a minute ; longer;soft f tears, fesilng that light had su persede d darkness. "And It all arisen hum my , trying,. to carry. out. kw a bit that biased , proverb- 7 '—A soft Anwar turueth awa,y wrath !" she 'mused,' ""Robert, ' did you ever before see suchlovely whiteware rt. - • Daybed indeeditswned. upon Ahs tried Isesstakthelogerift wid:: .44niakmm _nmrmered at her hard Rat thilloe4s. of liffetere lubrica4 'teit`Vrlth the oil oC gladness ,-sad now there is not a happier hotisebekl In the land .719040011. .then tlitt. of Roberti 1 ~" • ~ . nisciranitly*of Misty , • ;We - take , "t be lollotving erom the Lexington (Kentucky,) Stabocuus: Among the 'navy false and scandal ous. mbr .v..relenblions which have recently appeared la the public p lam I formed the ft Is wet:opted ex Mnsis i t:iy,lo. the We an ,t4tti :of :tha the' lion: It chty; his lady, and • his family.' ; It waste have been hoped that the eminent public services of the Hon. H. Clay to his country, the "unohstructive piety • and Christian character of Mrs. Clay, would have operated as a shield to protect them from such false charges. I have un derstood that she charges that Mrs. Clay was left at Ashland to make what she could to supply mem for the education of her children./ This is utterly Wee. Many years of her life were pasted by Mrs. Clay in the city of Washington." The first four years of the time that Mr. Clay was deem tary of Suite under Mr. Adams,. she resided in Washington Ci a l r asof ex tended a liberal hospital' to the friends of her husband others. Mrs. Clay preferred her own pleas. nut home of Ashland, the cultivation of its flowers, its fruits, and her gar den to all the frivolities of Washing ton society. Mrs. Clay was' uncoil trolled mistress of ,Ashland. , There never was a man more generous and liberal in his family than Mr. Clay. As to his attention to other ladies in Washington, they were no more then the courteous' bearing of a chivalrous gentleman which thatportion of so ciety merited. In regard to Theodore W. Clay and his insanity,. It wits prodeesd by a blow acdtially re. ceived on the head from an ax in the hands of a negro boy. Dana only the thickness of a k4hat that be wore at thrt time that preserved his life. Dr. Nude'', who trepan the skull of Thealorftbi, at the time of that operat on that at the age of thirty years he would probably be. I come delangud , inconsequence of the pretense of Th e skull against the brain which unfortunately occurred. hi regard to Themes H. • Clay, he has been for more than three years coo fined the greater portion of the time to his own house, but during this time his home has been constantly filled with young- people; limie of whom could aty he was rabid• or tempered. lila. physician, on the, contrary, says he has never seen any one bear With more patience the ninuerous attacks to which he has been subjected. Mr: John Clay hi a tanner and raiser o( flue stock. As neither Mr. Joint, M. Clay nor Thomas Clay are aspirants fog public favor We do not see *by • thaw ca lumnious shaftershoukl hsve been Sped against bleu. , ' , AMIISS0111111110411tAliCW: 1 A litepeataat 'Magilslas amid a _ • Usartiamirsalag. ' ==== Inizitisitvg, gf itKitatetesi ' hinging down of girls who Would return to the paths of virtue; if it INN not for the inskorable adka of axieg sok* thelittebnuation, the facts of a case In Attla OW. were_ given 'recently, which area atelanelhily commedbuir on the dispodden of some paeeats to Ildilutrowittd dant6tits wbo have sin and shouts bow ealkely the examp 'of the blamed Senior toward the: repentant Ilistliden is *noted. is these days. A girl en larged - timPe sifter au absounce of two mouths, • having left la noose. queisce of a quartei with her Ikther. About twilight, • the poor thing, in tatters and nits, knocked thakily_ at her father's door. Oa being bidden la enter, she °tamed the dour and be held the ha r zy m boase mother.' b sad sistens---tdh erect 0 0 anit tet the work table,•• her mother Seed ' thinking, per- . hiczirg lest darling of her , motherhood was thern-:- when theealt. MP was heard-, The sight was too much for the poor girl, bniving her tesdial face In her hands,' she amid: • '. "0, Tither, let me come home 1" What did he do, this stoical mad heartless old man? Instead of hik ing din erring 'and repentant child again to his bosom with a-true- fath er's forgivenew, he drove-her out in-. to din night, into the criser world, and 'Amnion:l the door' upon her, -With h malediction pets.!' : The. ”.4••• • • 1111a0•6„. aavielielts —011,1110.• nue bk umb asibrogrie=wissi Liesaisid aiLl t prsid " • wirrArnromonirg.m 6,4 alga olsiiiraip l e t= 're03 4 7 11 "Oh bet old. 9 - 11111 - 1411111 11 1 8 x; ----"—', tler ir li q t g " . 47 1 ' , 44M27TrtZProatred' ' gibs Ilif **plate. Weft . " • %et •imi.4euld. mu.. as hdaeei,*Amigo w Arm .o4 ae 7l 11= IW 0 I 3 n • • H m OW . atlaithWOOdyide• A nia>rlE Poralim. 1 1 1 , : • t i*- .vluoo',otEitAitig , of th* lo ottll l Man Wick ithdUliallaattaikAta tbialrUi Ar t railt4tiffortrxmwi m theY twain the Igalawslol6l , lllllroa. inage..), ±,, •I f: ftc,i z:ft •I , ' 80. Og VlorrAniai bI Al w l** thVti,ir 4 0411 XX *, belie of many it *is' that' Abe- - * - 1111141•41 1 • yea% • ash by:doS name. Cladat Hem, and his tancrfor hlles e"a pretty lkocittneeyeetnelan ca '. key , t - tocadonaprby woe :The lad upl•blitnitalkolpiad theasamielli nbarlidkaorahne,soheaouithiges ingthaibe WM; ntlagaa&tialkill, ; OA lan ll= wanted to*ka family for betooll - thhilf.ot leaving them down thaw In , * tee" Ably hot weather ofaimmer.' • • • ProwiAttladld not illathis Idell all; se, after having a good cry :shag It; - she "tune Into ;the parloV - WhieW • Mrs. Hammond at, and add t; • ' • [- ~ Row nuannaiihis 1 " 30 .-4 110 ;PI I4 to thlak erns - oing awayatroplato the -. mcnintaltar where Wir ion ilea anything but , lndionsond age bead': WWI tile thantala.,./ It y IMO 'M ou,take arraly4r ' "o. geti WS WY: tiy; • • 1 ' 110toAeli the teeth Attie, I shall boogied toga you4ff up•thetT t e roues& awning ca r Sick or fhb' going "Welt; I tuasaut,r` ter' with an Independent tam ot har — pee ." or"" ty bead as We went on to UM wlo'. dow. dhe had not stood there keg before she saw Ma* one toasted u p the Uttle lane which led to the boom: Then ire ranted te - her mother and siidi'• • " • ' 014 Mamma; 'Cherie3r ISiiveq,'. di ecaulathera."o... • ilies,just me I expiated; you eau% thiitir ti omyttigteharley- Savoy Hammond' se die tilie wh loois mas heard ; and Artie talking very low together. sti she be pu to wonder what they ,were- lug and fi nally sbe Weld to the dour to listen. She heed Charlie say -" • "Ym,dartlam I wHI come with the buggy jud.a& dart toisuatow, so we as irtnulidl•ptuntided *bon WWl' 1011UI 'Met Ulla 1?" Aria Ulan It lis tchd • ." "Bac. Oteuild, Yuma. pape:weit's -lbigivitiss,!' said Ast, . • • • ttObi theteriusieestx but and you'll go, wou' t you Artie? ,Ordy Moir what r hiali4,.loueetudel 111 b tt will bei withstsid• you, " darling. As Artie loOkettlip lido a pair of very loving hazel eyes, she smilhig ly edit; "Yes, Charlie.": ' "Now good night, darling, aid by this lime to-morrow Plitt', 11 ,bd my owodstrilm 14,41. w • dayhig thiat'Uthwtielthsed Wind Now, eallsa i llauuseoil iad ongg 1 : • iline gr a it " In'tdadlY, "your dear' llttk r i wild' by this time tirratemw night. Oh yea- we'llsee about that.. • But, when Artie came out, bee mother was aitting at the table, sew ing. the looked up and asked : "Well, Artie; has Charlie gone so sOOO "Yes, 11/11211W111," walla Artie mid as she left the mom. The next day passed offal but, and' just at dark a buggy drove up to the front gate. • "Now," thought . Mrs. Hammond. "VII show them a trick worth two of theirs." So. she put on Artie's cloak' feel hat and ran down to the gate. A gentleman very gallanily helped her lute the buggy, but never spoke a word. . " Well," thought she, "he's afrai.l to speak for fear Artle's father and mother would bear hlm. Ahem." So away they went; and Mrs Hint. =kid set Om thinking what a nicks trick she bad played on Artie by tea- Wag oil with Charlie. Then she be gan to wonder if this was the way he treated Artie when they were out riding; and, next, what would the . doctor say? Bat what puzzled her mast was, tbat they were going 1.• the opposite direction from what alas had expected. So, at last, she said: "Wei:, Charlie, hadn't we better go homer' • Imagine her ,surprise to hear Use doctor's voice answer her: "What! Juggle, Is that youl' What In the mune of all that'svod bad, sod kWh/Tent are you do tiers?' "Oh, doctor,'! thought It waiChar- "Well, I'd like to know where you were going with Charlie at this now of night." • • ' "indeed I And I'd like to know whom you thought you had In here, If not me r answered Hrs. Ham mond.' "Oh, I thought ii was . Artha." "Aud what In the world ever pet WICK a notion into you head, aa n tak ig e btr A f tko out at this time of Well, the tact iti, eve Me, / eat on the porch last . I over- Lharley and bt ablaut running oft to get nu= and sti I thought I'd save Chattel , the trjruble,' and take Ante oat for a ride.• Lbegan to think she walkup lag very gin." - .-",Doctor s u =hi Hrs. Him:inroad, "that's Just what I heard, and my object in going with Charley was the same as yours was in taking Artle eV?. I .• , .• . ' • area couple of pretty fools to bieloping in this wi3r ; but hens we are at house again," • "Haying this, the doctor helped his Without of the buggy, and them went into. the WM. the glans* at the empty rooms convince' them that Artie was gone, they could wily guess where. 84 the/ made up lbw minds to make the bast of it, and waft for the runaways to come home. And the next morning, when Mr. and Airs. Markey Bavey came home to implore forgiveness Mr running off to get married they could not un derstand the mtacttievons twinkles in Dr. , Hansuaced's -eyes as he Very readily forgave them, and said "Certainly chikiren ; Iran off with mother once and didn't "mow it." Charley and Artie looted from one to the other and • asked t , • • .. , !*How. wiseNwhierer, , . The doctor o sad abook Ids head it though the ltorjimir too good to tell, and that Win thereveir eookl Retest of bins, . icatcixi ,y 7. 0 1? • 9(ll4iimiiiiter ittla county .eatr at‘l . dto be the' h aat In 9u4ity tasireit I t age AirloW.L4,6v.44,..r!ditd in tbit cubic IX , 1; c 1451 twicertiqr We at (two 13 intocthe $2 altn?lete twice pooh rid- I :the latter tpe evef ! 'kw now Palmy van% toloatt` ,, Mato ho t°l3lla3 ° grown In.Barsl o f . but ;a*** tottuatoualth no PAIN' •^Ol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers