\ Adusetheneveleatie Inserted et tberiiii ofll,oo per squitenfer Zest huifillion, and 'tor este subsequent Insertion le omits. • A' beral dissount made on yearly ad. Ye A nap* equaledbesillibee thhitype infuser" upqnsret4v Businue neve, wnl l ZioUtZ a trader a heed by theneselveit hit redlar t ibe local :„ tuitoteets a line for each ineerneee r , • *.- Advertheoneete should lbe.hilided In before Monday ItOotnito ininirelluartion In that inn inZIEOI .;.' ,:•.- • • ' , ;1 - :i. \ . :I oliX moo=Fiditat In paint; IE , 0 1 111 . Pim Ipet, d Own, Glue= oiteopc•ai4 Yssey • itele lc Pre. tetiefult, 4e4=L...... HOW, I :VAST. pe,ter raw. reed, tt e Deli, TailoPeoltad (0•18:47 IT)2NRYllNEWllialirgeuret aiiirbee — lino, Boots, tlboes uRI Gaiters; Nato et. (*eplttli 11,3AWDLTD.DXODA J. 3 Dr a Aposbeow. Ans. A tl=l, tlono , care ally tomp?aodea. • • alltrY. a - OLEG - 6N. lge@er Gas trAprov.R 0!...0rt fidattlek Sewing Mathis', Yafa at. Set Lard In another column._ , sepAly, - .11 1 1 A 4f02 3 Ty.Zo ti r il i Tan ier d fi gt i ta " ooVi (i pel - t TA - 811SIIWICHT, lii a-tacstaissair Wake Tom, Beat Codas, Tobacco in Cigars. Coo. tectloocry and.Verttablaa, Main aty10..7: It. AWBliciawidiVB ui - 00.: :. Grates. . Wan end 8d at. dayeftly JMORGANSTERN,B;akr In Boofa Saha, „! . No tat Market tate l a: t oter," seat wee. Pfttsbarglt.l'- motto', inottatasoN a . Whokm . alo . gists, 966 Liberty SL A Pl titua. tisb urgh.,:: Pepltir . RAMALtYS lIAT PAULO FL rifttAr.• tl .(bear Market St.) NUAburgb.lielil4ol: OA. CLARKE 6 L'O....Book.elleri and btatkm . . en, us Wootitit.. Pituburgh. Pa.- leept4;ly osEPII 11011.Nr 6.• 00. 'l7 It II Mutat En., Pilisburgh—lmportai and deakre it ot look Irlmming..llollery, White Goads.. de. 'timidly I' EY)11:11 BROTLIEIII3, French sag.gagggi. IL gen Coulee(losers. Destears to outs, faults. tc, Id, INB,lllWciod 81, Pittsburgh. tsepltly Dei Pegs., Coins et: . Foully ltroarrles. No le PM Avenue. Pitts burgh, Pa. • • , awn, joliN BIOGICRT • SON. Dealete lo• 1 New VP Weed Family Sewing, Machines. OS Martel Street. Pittsburgh, MIL r. eepl4;ty djVP.RTIMINFaritb., , -111is Car., 1.1 peiv. Oil Cloths, are. Bpeetalrat•ille MTV{ zt Fifth Aroma. Ari!""'" feeplal LT: 1 ,, 1.. SueorOgr oag: 'Socials Deeliiiiri Watebea, of 'weal !Silver ware. lifia la Fifth ArenaeaUta IV A. LYONS, flow sad Blvvralater wihea 11 • to order Mow Oar& for every ban No. T Fifth Amite. Pittsburgh; its; (repallity put C. Fttl.FON;XannOtetnrer of and'Dealerla :1 • Furniture and Chainn—Ranatircia2., Wain*, Mahogany and Oak. 45 drillthdeld at. [acidify • PEW . BILIIG ( 1170N. • • so. SlRllolol.l...Bakeey Confetkmery, Jr IL 11. stOet, .lipectelattestlon given to wed. and balls t. leepl4;l7 e J. NNBILLI4NBERO, Marcluaut Tallonr; 1,17. Broadway, New Brightag e : Bea ad! Lopltly 7 , I7WHIBEW - Deolle - Broadway, New . ltrlghton, .„ ' •' Isepltl7 TT M 01118; Photbospher. : ; Broadway. Best photographs hum retouch• ell writhes. - • , : . , T 40 . u • .. ware sad U . Newbold Goode. Broadway. ' 14i1y 'AN ptulpieale &4411 w I Blinds, Boolte,StaUoneery & Maims; Breed. way. New Brlghtoo, Ni. ,: teep2l.ly y 0 Fewer Goode & Naaows; Merchant Tailors & Pro•!iriNKt. ■EAvr IFAtiLL • WILLIAM HOBEHTSON, Dewierle Improved Howe Hewing Machines. Rain bt., Bauer Palle. • ' • • • '• 1511_4:11 WZ3SQUiiGk;ZSM NDA Mai Law sod 211,0 Maim; „ill, • ITIDGEIVATEIS. r• • JTAMES PORTER, Thum Dealer In Tin, Cop. per and Sheet-Iron ware, sad iron• Claters Pope. Bridge it, Bridgewater. f;attpitly: g BLATTNER, Ittuutotactuter apd • Boots aad littoeit. Bridge Bt., Bridgewater. • . . • • 0417 A C. 11U101T. Thy pt...., HAWN Cape, Hers. .1 I. • Cl pets . 011 Cloths ,ioad.Trlitunlpro. Bridge St.. Bridgewater.' Pa., • • _ ropl4;ty a. MA4o.ll....,Ynittr„:::,.ik-u-d.e8,17, lIIANAUNII, Nlllinesy, Vilmalay& Notions • .—Bridge at, Deidgewatet. , assatly i — 797. WrtNgl - N, - .Ninotsetiiiir oi - Boots and Al , Bt , MrSiitidtevoaler. 4011014;ly. WVNItI3I attetneeilliiablinsed ~1 Jusliptetryed: 'ales tit. Mime arid e. (o ti;l7 <= ilolikkililf&D , 1140114 t to Is . 1!, 1144,1c0uR.,D,,u_5r,0 tit,--ANabv 1/. Coal. ,Ordera left at J U nlit a, in maver, and at limith's Drug Store, In Bridgewater, will he pnimptly attended to. dellvery—Lowest price. Yard—MeDonald's Point. septi3;ly ROCHESTER.' • WILL BMITII Ca, Falsity Dry Uooda, No don. and Dildnery. Madhya aL, mar Dia mond. Pa._ . (wp14;11 fri'U l 2; u L n. -A •Tatil li etniZa n o d n Ite, alcr ne . Plow lactury:, o Sataadt't. • .t ,ly MIN: KARCHER, Baker and Confectioner.— Water . et , Itocheater, Pa. . Otenll;ty NPItAIIA la BOYD, Wanton h — CatitaHre Mater. J. Itailmad at., llocheater, teepttly t,zitYlin-iTAIrieNVINT-D-ninTnat7Tit careppy, conapountlnd. Water it, Ito- Cherie, t. • (0914;ly limand and Bridge ati =coa sink J ; 1 7' ci - Ve-Yeri; idl.,Ss,Va!holeseate & Retail Lies!- ' era In Dry Gunde,theindidea,Vont„Peed.Oralc• Bunt eloreeardb,4 N*fla' vor; Wstet& Satneiits.• EitEDICILICK., Dakar on actioner.— l- , T. Wedding Cana' and ice Cream tursdsbed promptly. On Diamond, Rochester. ,T . OW/IW/ SUN l wr itt ni L l E g b u y a . , l. niLVl l i e lt4 y lN, Gatti= Trimmings and fancy' Goods genandly, Roches. ter, Ps. • . • • ,• ,1 (rnapl4:l7, & Contractor' and .11. Mt onTacturen of diudy, dlldtlera. Le. Leal lu'Lautimt Lath at. • • - - 1:17 cuTT, Ho Y WlLLlAaln,tlueeemars to 0 bikini & Co., Dealers ba Sawed and Planed, Lumber, lath & Shingles. Rochester.; RIIIRCELLANKOVIL. 1 - 011 N TRORSlLEY,Mtumfastarerof the Gresit J Republic Cooking Stove. sod Pattoteo of kW table extension top sod centre. Falistoo. Pa. A Lt Staneward 11 Orders promptly attended to. Vaaport. ad Poet °Dee dress—Beave,Pa. 11 71VINGI Permanently located in the village or tbis purpoira,of precttelnx 'Medicine, I respectfully tender inr profemlonsi sertleca to latt Dilemma!' pail village And vicinity. resldente,'oppoistta Bo n l. atrce, I ehall always tre found, mama professionally etigaim4. All calla • mill receive lasmodate and prompt attention. A. V. CUNNINOUAN, M. D. septtlity I 'J. ~ LISTNENBRIN • , Dealer in ,Wititerke4tcpuko4rts; .kmary, Itrtodfears oAd itrollarrry. .1 • Trambes laid Jaren, repaired. Agent for the WIMP neertiqg Madame, iloribrecerra.„ Jrnrnan , • J. 71. 3zocm.Ellatle. ATTORNEY AT, .LAW Third ,Strut, Bearer, Pa.' Otlke below the Cowl !louse, Deaver, 11. je.Utt isA/viciziiic-ncout4m. THOMAS ; Zd'OREERY*4Ic CO J •.• El TUBS. BINCUEERY, Cashkr, J F. DkAvu'a7fini•CatifiVi.:4 Interest paid on thee deposits; Prompts(Medical giveu to collections. Also, Insurance Agents for good and reliable Compaulea. imaytEltf • pill..llollrt C. LEVI% noncioin aelan.—Offica, duriug the uay, at Ilnulap'• Corner at night at my residence on Water Street. Bridgewater, Pa. N Ulpract los !Surgery and Med icine. o (maritlyietid aprfr • gnia IrOVNG• Attorney nt law, 11 • • Ulnas and residence ott Third M. cart of the Court Mow. AU law bisluessentrue trd to my care shall receive prompt attention. Also persons having Real Mato for &a', sad those wishing MI buy tcllt , V4vlWrtY• cauaOf rum lauds, may ease time and money by ailing at my offiee. _ _ _T Pl. IlleltUTT, D., Haring permanent. Vi • ly located Itt Beaver; would respectfully lea ner We prefelmSolialuerr keg to IhnilPniam alba vre and einvoundlng eotinbry,lipenialatlesilon paid to the Mostment of kande dirmases... Surgery dots: with a skillral hand. Ulna on Third Sort. few dome wester Ihirconii, • .0 uprrlt'ArAlo J. ArililhallhOli t having taken bold of • tr • bin old Foundry. In, In Marto:liter, rs., will b.jawed to mu hi* old. cooloopors and friends who may want either the I NO STOVE, Heating Store, or ant other land of. 'Parin g . of beet material andWasicniahlrh* The hosiers* will be conducted by ' Icxt J. J. ANDERSON d SONS. IttLJIAMI 18.11UNIKI 1 / 2 dealer 4?_ . _;lkmg! ' since., filhekarlaillAC4l nr at ; • ht Aug), are y e l'a., !them he la prepared to manueicture sod sell ~ ythiog We hoe ai raauttable noes ilaa'l ' tug reaped his place of. boldness from the Corn. el. tow the Bridge to his present location, he to. vit. Ms old Meads andl µVow glire.l4l3 , call. • • ...11rNittly. 1 AS. CAR E ILO 111 , Attorney at LAU . ' V 'tearer, l'n. Milt* in the .roout foi uwrly by tad had Jedge Ad dicks; Col iccducc., dc., pnmaylly attddeilao. septliscb:l7. • E. N. lily lIIN r Attorney at ow. Office In Me.: Maley building. own ofr i blle Noire. war 13 Jai VlllET;Watchroaker and Jer:eier; t, ?a'l4oh a i 4re; r 3 - t aVlb i e7, l ' arnetenrepaired and warranted!. leograviej !ewe to 'order. The pdreduage of., the paritille la ea:Melted. and allsfacUoo catanuateet,' MMus • . - aprITSB.Eni. Z ' lank Beams . l ID, We at IY Amoco. rl:et~.tilaam~y~s. MOH NENE 111 VOLS ,t..• ,;4111 , :' - .1, t i••• 1 .oft :...; t'• .1 7 f , „ • •• !fly; , :f• ;!. i =llll ~Pe i 1/11 lei • ELM .~,~ ~,~ 41 1 " qti. 4:: • .. o .ltrt J ; amil• K 3 lIIEI . PENN , 1„ an, .-s. II MEM tO ' . . .• I .z..i . •t.:O I j.. i s " •:'• • LL-1.;71 ;r •:// sja oitg! . .• 17 Ili IL,`!` MEMO MI F ' .1. •-••.° , „..,4,- 1 4 I - r , s!' /to ; .... 1::[.'.... Ell . ..i : ; .I', • L4;re irok - I 'l 11: 1 MUIP 4 C . st; .t I "i• Ell .l • 1 ; I . ... v- ~. IBM SOLAR 14.,187y-1y C~`V A Rl' Thomas'' Allison, ItikYix.o.lsobvtu sTtAtt. In the Rooms formerly occop!ed„by.Orr 4 Cooper,',wherii:h9 now has and,lntends kerP4g.,ii , „, '/ . • .- '• ,•./ ''' , Afteneial - StZA of, 1 , . JsiXil:cal.A.wrsE it‘ z :- Ritiitig ii.., yeti TroM 0 ' qtylo • 4,cfrt; dpza - , „Ai hob 1 . 6 , 1 ,01 0 , lot , ', 'DR - . - .. 6 t00.0D80; • - 'Latett Srintig-„Styles, CO2OllBtitO3 IN PAST OP • " i • " PRAM'S, °INGRAIN, • CASSIMERES, 1,0141143,. 0-. 011ECIICS, CLOTHE;• , ; : '•' , TWEEDS. JEM 8. 1. vorroN,Augs, DINI3c, •!• ' • • . 11 , 0 071 1 *1tc. -.1 • ?"•" '' •116.11,D1VA88, - ;HOES, TUBS, BUCKETS,.QUEENSVF AltE,, dm. A To tee above a rts es he had added a -• • •• 1 darks se tram of • . ' ,Cflt 0,0 IZIMS: COFFEES, , WHITE:4kt BBOIONBUO,iIIB, ' I r• ._:__ 1 mioVELO, RAKES, )SPICES. TOBACCO,. - : : 1' • .' • • • .... 8 0 A 1 14. ' Ad dle .abare erdeina 'will be odd low for cash. :or exchanged for country" pro duce, Call and examine •We aleak:and prima ‘,4FIIIOIIIIAS ALLISON. 'POO .71 4 1 )" • • MOLASM,- , xcp,mtmstll.itLp9N .1 ;, CONFECTIO, ` , 4:I'ESIMEHENT. The abders bailee bee& oie the lee Creme askew cud Coußetionery estehilebotist of J. cr *Os. Rev the resi. a c.. fa Rochester. Pa.. wee. 4 nelpicttslty throne the public that be will Keep tab betel •gooney of lee threiGE date& the Ssoweer. respeethilly Gres those la mat RIG& allele to girt GE as Jeut, IIII• Coefeetiowery depart/end I. well nicked: see PGOGQ.elitilere, will be rappfte with irentlitarereeed be chore Rodeo red is Re best ot style. rustlies Grabbed with hat bread is ititra denim& GEORGE WEICENERROIE. a. wesellite• . • ,4 .1 • firighorr . Mills,Poper. , ' ,BEkifER FALLS;PEN tisk ' •I , PBINTAXG, 1 :',.ti IN, r OAiLING;. '' Wire plarisl, Sirs*. , Rly, *. t ikl'iD cARPF.T . 1 4i A . - .i :i l±ll ‘ kt. S: ::"Zilco.E . Ab*V ll , lt P ., .• ' . :A.N.6 : gOLDAT ....virtWohlm!ii**t l eg, l6 o .4 l: .. :. MA NW lets - ...: I ' 841111drall Areiiiie -' f :., OEM ,:tT~.e.es:.a~, , ES a foi ..T. Ina • ler ;1 4i; ,A) =RE MEM ' J. MEE Mil ME .!...5.../.14,...1,7!;t p 7 f1.,1 ifITTIL; wrwaultahosi a wax no, . **l tirkedg e dad ;en Ykit Werrx* A.l l O • .44 - 11.4.-. l ,iib i wi nu i . .. - r u K ti.t.. pi 1 31471-iiri r Pliny:ly ton ... • 1110.,' Mtg.. • ..Y Oppet.tlaThiisiry:: iroest.4..l L Rt na. l ifea rat waye."...! "Qll4Ollll E T . ; grip.„te.;: CM= c a tici - V ni... : ... ; :.: „,,., ..,....,..-.,.. r w „, ••!.•!4•1!. Val Wert. • ' 1ana.,..V.%:. ... forma Upper Banda. i. Upper Crattltsa I A 1), . • " ' Nattaida.., - • ', •=tlr.,:-4,.., , ,. Itrasiflare - - t:' 11,41 01 1 aut0.44.W :i. , t . n4,1„,„A,. iiii,•• I MIS a I $l5 --- , You= i iir„Owtat ma aft, Pwraal Tanaat laiti p. sa,New . OlatW 1:16 P.= towhee at P 1 laartiMasa. la: , Itat= iwres.PUtabarqb MIS a wa an. 0 . 1.11001; taaa N. taaaptwa; PM a. a. ~... Iv:J=lv, i, 111nr_Castko sad' Pfttsbariti 'Ae teat Twasidowa, LIS a.ta; 'New icamvie a., ,tig ardras at Alliegaaaj. oa. la. again', leaves Pillabarga,,, tl5 p. ta; ar rives MN ale.d."lo D.Iller•11811116011r14.1= ii. • . . . /. _ . ... • , . •-• , . Y. Sk3r4 . • $ i 11108/TO Aguempir and !Wag • • , OIJtVIII4 - fa 1 'rink. jd'W 'On sad after Ila n z wi lkli ISM; WM . , lane ' Magma daily tau ateepted) as Ibilwri. - . • ' ' ' 1G .I TIE =MI El .., „j.~ ~ OEM NRATINIGIL .4 llisuarre. adrusi .. elie • velds --- 1 ---. !- )li - T - lA;rt --. lloiii — kir; - .11leeNelliteet..;... i 8811 , Alif, AS ; ;,„ ; il i ftW,11:11•••• - 1 94 ... ate : ;, 6 45 4 ' • • - Alllsses. t ... ..... ~ ,1 1110 144 :s 110 .., t/M ... ... ....r., W ,1051 ~1110 ellyrUle - f re CC GOIXO XOITIII. VATH"It: 11A11.. K Z "'. ACC ° M .. . Wellsville ' Mut 4521 , 1 i. 'A cc ' 'lll3 'ls3' 715 an Mt ' • - • 11103 74D ' 1111 P 1.. ' Plideee.....i..-., TE .4191 AIN I . emelldiSoreet 141 .5 a '. 11341 - Cleveland' ''• •' 113 ' 110 ' 1010 . i ' - ' '•• aotxaiusT •' ' ' ' 1 1f1""! ti 1 : . ,:.)1 lt9 e l l *. , A1 , .. /116 AFt?* lleliale .:. ,i ...... bele* :Win .111Uni Wart • s llZCr i :. an-r: gr m l : W ir l, jr,:-• a SMldell Ferry HP.,111,1 MX • ~s, .. .1=•••”*.111...., a . • Ti p: ;526, rittablarti.iit.i., lOl O ,l rani!, MS- .1: ,:,:, ~;,7— s ..iriStiormi: • 7•-•- • ' ' to a ltlee fern' 1 ' ' BelgiM7r .: tho.ii . Imizia tint .slta' al ex 'prom trithi frail Wellirlikt toTtu,4• 4 , • • • ~!I •l4,r uscsakwAsisiresiApi,: - '•• • i -• ' ' 44 1 1T1R ~ ... ,/' • , I 1 - ' - ,:l1 Tell *STl .', '' it. tillade Wilt. NO a. ri2l lard u Z i trei m l &yard. 21:5010,' ' 1 ,It: F. - 11,14intatil. assnil Tiaket Amt. EMn to older. /I , long laJksbulaerMs- .41iS• bin Min to do.nork In a superior meaner. Terms moderate. 'Slap briThhtretreet (near gam Ikrokstore), Sevier. Ida s a ll before pardoning deewlore. miiI,1810:17 ••, - - • !. cdre7 h ).° l f ° cr? PueVi ra"s l4 , at• the Aim' IMI!I . , 131 • •-•.1 NM WM . 1 r• ,c),. • .. • woo. ~ I , 1111 =I u.., .~ .. ' ..r.. .; ~~.'- ..~... .. , f . -~: ~, ~~. _ ,~ ■ • I. • .4i ../.4,1 I 0,1. .1 Z! •1.14,{1••:.: . • 6igner ... Dmid= ifillwipo. .111r1.`"7"gqiiirtinir. BM MEE 4.i • • 1 - ,•:. I MIME! Mlc , • , ;Aiffswictig Jr.,(1 , 04'4. 4. " Aiwa Onto Ore ID .0 e0 1 4 11 1 . 4. 01 4. ROM" food 9 0 _ l oYibla 11ie1.e417. • • . 1- 7Z4 1 . 44r0 0,0L.0.1041": • Lyric crstra ) • ;Gotten (11Dasieledhil .. .. DO Ueneira (Ifeet). • , woo These alt-Dese ita Gokl-Casea 44 , mi d are fill kwolkodimicr t t m. ores dd dENTS''BIL-I , Eirl.rdraELEY: . a MI iai" I i s Itztl2 k• I. I . 1111/:. I 11.11 ' 1006 1013 . 1115 111114 is 41S n. drai•-• ;j N.' Dieietwla tivirroth lohitsx,.. . . . . .. ... —.sr: to 111•teelied li n ty Mae% ';11. ;;;. , .4; IS 00 'Dilacteal kr_sr 40 1 1 1 0.4. 1 :......, k ...i. if lit WIWI' tarpMq.,l 1 ~., •.....• .1 1 .. • • . ' . rptieWiwilipsilitif 0:04010A Waiiwitritit• AsorlikblielepytwatheriemdptrosWinakat itme..N., n.iw 1.4 • , ' , i 1 J,::1 , twill i te r..o.M.] ati t r i ti= i i= wl* 0 r s u mp: Mr sta ticaboble, i__ l4 :=Mi t " at:l z = dVIPA nam e 00 te 00 a perZit. "AMbiew ••• •.- -•I ; l' ' i."" ''" I .e. A ROBERThi nuo :i rot t pr to Y.*. onwrg, • • ' '.. NO. Aa AO Apt:nit4 Pilau,iiha k 'ltriagfr: Streets. • ":„titaliartai t EitY . Og; ISCPYINO FI QOUONINO 'I)IEVIir Gt4:04›.E014: Steliti6i4Otrie,Jeaiis, • Cliggimereirind While 'Woollen hlHnketa ,• White goid.Cioloted lint! Barrogt.Flanuelg„• kleria , A; : • r:. l)elalnes • • i ..Cobergg, Lawn* Water Prook Chinchilla , Cloths; Biriwppind Black 'l)nliWks; Ticking, I .'Vantch ' l ' -•"` • Flannels; " •". i,/ jnenn e t ik • .• P • -Tlibiel Una:Wl I -..11 1..•1 • Imo ' • ; 'Counterpanes:o:: . ~. ~ Eipidegyri• t. •4. 11.)," - • . • •. ,4 i 1- agility. %Ai: •ss a-Grbeeriersi:'. or 446;i4litst; mor is miei, wine surepitroid. • Glides and Miasma of In Ms. Ws sad .idts..tiac, and Whits nte2t. • Abet 1 Nings. Di2 . 4 1 11 : 3C . utle is ,lipades, Was* 2, 2 , sad 4 ltne_ row, !Scythes and Maths, Lots and Gsrdth • 'WOODEN WA BK. =lin Stitt/. Xl4 - iti• NW, .445 ins j'"!. 1315. , e1112:1! -;: n • •:• On We'd- eas• • - •• • . 13 A'r .:!, Backetir, Tubi. Charm. Hutto Prinui4o4 ladles • • -, • CARBON 01.14 , :.- Lih§66d ' Oilt,White , Lead. ' L .. BbsAg . if,tid: Shoe • • ha inKi. at 188167 sup Es. pig virl 14110 Powder aid Shot , • illaitting Powder and - Puse.• Flour Feed' dc 'Quuenswflre. .It luAr7 p.••lllEllvered het of charge. • .16 , elne•riUntitiO• t 0 busbieri; and 414. keeps 4 ionsta•Uy on band • well aunt*. stoat. of 14..%°011V.°t Inds 11. 1 1 tbo paw loimerft rod Mecd.e ir Maul whirs attbe drotblic-Ounmage. • :- • • '• • • • 14. S. cmit.. ititetred;ly.t. • 1 ' '" ''" ' • OM la • • • .• .•• ' • • ;. :rho, Mest.2,Cnatplete , 1304 . 4t ; ',VA1, , taiga in: the; United States, t • ..; I . AC facllltlaa for acquiring a kqcopough4wae• Ural %miner, idaration, p.,t.t•eased 117 ho other School Willa enontry. ••• !., • •=o ,i4 gen kt ration tu 1834, ugarty. Statues d;lit eats. repmentatirea fro, every 'gotta ta tear tots. !unto attended hare. • • • • ',to a. •gladraia niter at and .Roche: private Initnletion throughout lb. oldie 4 1 , 99 4 .,.1!1.1 • COPIA with fall parikuiirs an g .4 ' Init./mown: on addrepPtlic - • ,••• ••, .• •• • &llXlWLSt.2rletelpats. f • ES =I ENE i MEM voi;1!.1 t z DM 0% 0 1 . 6 • . . •••• EMI • • • .:. ••,..;.... . 101 ~ r :r. 0. ,0 ; , is?' 110 "..••••• • t I , , MIMI Ell Ocatai „ . 1 . Dry G 005144 Dow :o/ • • • IE 7 pl=4,C= . t = 10 Arrpiwker. A . polelops ImallCoow es natio ), "'" Timm*. re7LATTT : 4 _ Able Wet or" x tnislisiat =lb• givwths; RI that tbsy anthill= Oka=o. aid wet bee Mani All Clismitt. oil ea tie Tralrassors Bodlitaite PUP* VftiTerifty; • 11,44r0g, No. $1 P CE • 7:1033.ti0tran,..: ,••. • Arnim. .41VAIV:.• AILTAFICIAL .TAINTIII " rsupEcT. 110!--_T. J. A It. J. c DLR. lave par , l ogr u • ,N,,z . chased .endostre right or }keine minty . to treeDr.klorhYlktent a. crbitnt.thel'ehl. Pal cr• up bY V olgudte.as tbhise A.A. en,,. 0 Gold PIM% with' brio ; Orel enameled :panel: end M t nod ehistle as to patiently Mtge Welt to the osogt• ; obviating all thatebtme, add bulky eandltkra: mach complalard orkeretelshr,and .kesealag.tbeie Utility to break Ito wend. *Yr deed, ao ewe seelatit waddle w Mktg to wear (he 'old style plate any Mager than they mold maven. hotly pithead atehantted.' All benaehas Oben. !hay perfeepted la.the best and coast sabintatlal menne - i. . Inlay teeth with gold, eir-, we chg 4 lenge toMpelltlea.thno aaynnacter. and emir to thing sadden@ . whew ItUltres hem stood. be. tweatjblity and ttt years. Among the umber non: Jodi Alt am - rttn exhibit alltagn we twin , . leg sgmegnlyenta •• the teeth as react *Mb daY *t i led/ We, 4 0 41 11111 1=ared s pew p (reeled Rolm all nap and dam geroaserreetil Making the extraelks ted• • NOITCLO t•••Pr• nth add 003 4.4 T rain. w. ps soy good dentht .1a ' mte. Melee It Decree Station; Rochester Pil t .ti -It J.a AL CIIANDIAR. • ~....LOOK • -, skittra D titIVIEEIg dodgy 4b o. ' an&.ntgtedifege • lesee•te' telbeerbbl Maids and Ibie piebtla wherealbts OM be bee Just. recetall ;AO; iare 44 4 0 r. 41reirOiarVZ •'• • •-• ' • • " • . sVlf .L GOODS., CONSTANTIY . : - 4LOling . made loaater oa the Ancient nntiet. Uhl lathe pain% Coe art.terore: 1 Was. by care attention to Damao* lacocca, A Oollfi/11 ounce of the sone. DANIEL IIILLER,P 4 !'• BRI I) OIer..IRIPGIFWMFXR. - Inar3l:o t:: ' ~...,. . Mil --- -,•••-: f -- 1 -7 4. 1 --, .. ,_ ~li 1 10 11 0 1 .r* .. - ' 'iit• 7-. ~1 i „..„ „• ~ , i i % ~ ~., .e.tii, , ;')'. l,Z:. - . 7 •ltYPl.,rikitk ..i.' Wk. , etteitg , : 141% . 5cragor,* ;v.): -'• tgalkteetr.,o;... gp,.:Allow t ra ' face4.o4. ll MV. p f i r lo g y . . 4,11 r. /Wther„.her At gipe PI and so'. ~,, .' he leauptl.htna Of *OP 4 4 '.' r eimun -, • ~. palm' ww4l,Y. v' IVO dear. .tlidugrri li : • tikoltuet -,., Aulti - . OW •.•:: / 4 4, stßit..• „' ~)Dll l 8 14' • 11:1Pf I l l l til lielil'''' ' VOlight#44quPli , -t. ku.l. PeA, c 9. At1ut 41 " 1 4 0 4 ° 44 :41 *Ott' ' -''''' • !ffili pio f •; s • - . -, 11 1 4171,e,,, r_i.-: 2 ~,l`Mdaglailekut, jab o t; , ujide! Aaiun° was Ilya WS, , . ~ , tw,lher,low, ,Y 0174 l etn oettid , u,AoW, jitutti c topiii Nom ,two of , theta ,ey , borso i i, ating of tfle.f . ' l , l o l ' ValiikAii. Pb ' lore lull t 099 eel 1414fmk, ~. 4 tarsal the *a Ore ,l -tumt-uelle mew &petty . ..04014448 my , Warta , ag.„ 1 :11190ey what,* OK , . ' lltVwfrlaw =•:We ii , , 4 " gm, 8 0. 4 !IX/n 1 4.00A-bUt t. ' tgillifiti6/ tied to•au old yl '-' 4 ...k/rxmleo atbilti"•••o l 4 o ' • , -Alm^v-'l 4 Olll-fit try opinion . : • , 'YIN, At . o ll -1 10 bli you throw 4411 • AWAY .; .. waere; now, Ueda*. - free 1tuti44•17 410 fee asked—only, . . 4 , ..1, ine,,,the. whole story„l'r,•; , . .. ..LO,- , "- '• - - ~, .' - pl. autdo,thanla a few Worus. A .weelcogeA riotoa itAneleukitlll. but T at gouty. old • seo wfrom bgiug up, set °utter Ws - xi ou Broadway; Hama proltwe h thanki,leurowl my , nattre, add. .knew we byirepu tattoo; Old me: was wealthy, with but, one child,,,aosughter, awl It-I wraddileute d„ dorktota*View.where dehdeto -- - =II c:,+ 1 and I yoeitniece, with no expecte: times, I %Vont see how he will carry .• • , On the next. day Mr. Albertino Gower 'welted upon Mr. Lafourn and was formally .lutroduclxi to. Miss Lucille Lafourn. • lie hiquired after the old gent's health very affection ately; andsoon betsune quiteengross ed, apParently, in The . conversation_ that was sbirted,,but secretly he was eyeingl his Intended: bride, and. he .confessed td himielf.that euthes- Ileac descrietionshe had given' his friend Ralph • did. . not belie -her, yr leareely do. her justloe. Just then the door opened and &graceful young ladyi , With a greavabuudance of gol den curia aqd very huge eyes, walked "211 =my niece; Gower; Mr. -ved Mr. La Gower% hlit Lee' ehierved Idr. La and Lee ackhowlodged it -with alslight but, nevertheless, grace fel bow. - • , f - Air..lGower WAS enraptured, and the contrast only made his bride-ez •pectant more rididukmis, however,' he deters to act his part and, as a chancepresented itself, ho' ivhisper ed, in modulated topes tol•Miss . Lu cille, quit " t he hoped to become bet ter acquainted with her" :he hated himself for it in three minutes after, when he sew 'Wes •Lee's mischief lovingarees resting upon hhir t and re alized holistic:tad heard him too.. • Dar r day he callede and • pro pordonally he • fell • 'hi - - love with Laughing Nell, ind . fell out, with Miss Lucille, while she became, in appinr uneedesperately enamored , of him, and •wrote him poe try by. the , sheet, expreeing her ' everlasting • alfec don. " Which he assured ; his friend Ralph, she meant" to mean the phi' • ileg.4 Of her love, for he. was.sure she 'Was inVentedin.Noah'ssrke - ; In duiri he tried •to • snake love to Neil. •i2llloliiciepted ; nattentions , 'from ; `hert.coUsin'-a• lover'," so she • mockingly asuired - Min; and; left • Min more despairingly than before. At lust he could ilOt 'endure ,it any longety and accordingly sought:nu interview With 3ln.Lafouni. • • SIM • i'Siryou Come to propose for my daughter,' Mr. - Gower?!! nuerried .the. old gentleman, whet* he was ushered • • ”Nd, sir,il.have not," ho emphati= tally returned. .".P.• have :come , to waken conkssion,.to- ask. your fi)r .giveness, and crave boon.; You • know hoirf you came to make cite the offer wh!ch yoirdid Well-hav ing -been trtiouzitt . up to believe my self independent of the world, and to study u profession more for pleasure than aught else,-after finding myself suddenly bereft of.: all hopes, • and poor, I gladly accepted of your pro .posal. AI twinned the idea of love . 0 1 loVed my- oaf° bette,k than alkir,wonsoWon , earth, iand . though : I was infornied your daughter :was— •• . . _"A.scraagy old .maid," slyly in terpowd Istroara.. Mart blushed at. his own 'reiriark,i but twoceetted deteetained, provided she. wOuld accept Inc. to marry.. her:for your • money, ls the truth, • I .know .1... cannot but be lowered in ..Your. estimation. Since, .tutve met youEnlece, , and I've4-I.'ve--7-" t'Fallen;inlove with her," cheery .e d:the father, aiding-him along. , "Yes, sir, exactly so; and .1 am willing, if she will. have me, to give .upall- Ideas of. wealth, outlined by such * mean practice, and go away atalovork . bravely . for. her. Do. you think , Mavis any hope?. Will you' forgive LIMY"• • ,/, • t , .Certainly,"., ,reimonded; ." I -Should notiwan't my .daughter wed ded.to await an.frout sucluntecimtry modye-L..1'11 call Nell and. see what she mom" L:Aud • suiting, the-action LID the word, ho summoned Neil !',This..gentlermin has Withdrawn • his claims. in your cousin's hand,''. he observer}, taking. Nelly by the hand, !,'and actually hiti;theaudacitytdlisk for yours. IVliat shall I tell him?" o, And I !am ; Nellie,"specu lated Bon; butlyoti ,shall see lam ttior Ilan it to ....es L cbe !Medals •ad att• ..„ • . . se.,ltiththitha:Jaatarthid: 4_ 1 ' 401 4 0 j *lry f tuadoramea, _the mad Ica or WY* Proll'irgy. l 4.,w , lo.v:ey.e her bluebef,:y. , 8041 *Quid bo et. pelmithes bride • . ,i 4 Ala 111/ the'dittier yoia are Ktot.werth, wOrkings fur, you are nut ,Wthatiohlwilg !' '• r • Iftheui l ntear., and do not chanla,your my 4, itch.* will he, !Merit:loAl i/hOthl ,-1 4 1m.ruse was . Still kept up: '3lr. Latpurn, gave .him Jotters of intrq t duetion toseyeial induential frlends4 andi departed,',and.Witat e ork An s eernest...4Nor ivbilb ";utt pnewdult: hut at littgbis ate -to I: llPPretlaWro - 44heWalli ,omaar LoßrOdPrritY , "A• Vie ,gi yenhe.wro eand t "Mr "pr. Li n d ba - lUt4 aid If he w. have key ; tins Vis t wedding taking ace m ' the ' returned, and. hen loend -his,- Nellie prettier, than ever, ltlr..Latourneald nothing, and lia#:•wondered at hisilying each .ncostly *adding to his neice; -but Wheithe•:,Ka the bride's tither, geint : ,beratish fiti.AMdualt"icl.o4edp , IPA I% th*CeMU9 l /Y, iuehtdtl uttithfitther•ln•law *What - dem ffineiißl r , 'ti "It means on-have Married my daughter, sit; Butbsppy patent, "and . 'Atha._ vs been deceiving you all the' alyie.. Lucille Is my, I maiden shiter. , • • Bart was pamilKed., ,, ;:, . • "Ybur daughter?" ;,•5 . . "And my:: maw promised I Nellie and I:beard yourcouversat ion and determined to hat, you. .We did an, end Nellie still insisted on you be ttledwitntl--=—" ‘,. • • * You have taken the conceit outof met: F2:l DM wuu nee form, and settled ilia old lady snugly in a rock ing chair;. and straightened her cap, tying the sirint In a tidy bow. Then Esther went on setting.the table. A. snag, tidy little body she was, with a prompt, decided way of step ping about and putting things In or der.; She pulled' the table cloth true at .the corners, and laid the, plates and, _knives and forks straight, awl though , it was only six o'clock in the morn ing, her johnnycake was baking in the oven. and the potatoes were siz zling and friringin the skillet. She was only fifteen but I don't believe in allliere -, England there was a more cozy, prudent, forehanded little we nemthanEstherWhitaker. She had known how! to keep house ever site* she was almost a baby, and she had kept her . knowledge in practice must 04 the.tiose since. Margie was younger,. and perhaps you would have li had her better than E.sther. , She Weis pet:ay and lively, and fond of,chattering • . she hated house-work end dish-witching, and when /the was set tolled .she asked what she should do' next; and what she should do itwith; and where she should begin, and how she should go on; In wen. a helpless, exasperating way that &alter would rather do any thing twice than to see Margie uti T drxtuke to do it once. • So it came about, quite naturally that Margie went to school, and Esther was kept at hove. and Rob worked In the fue tory and the grandmother dozed and .rocked.all day. ..The Whitaker children had neither tkiher nor mother.. They lived with Clrandinother Akers, In a little, tutu bleilown, brown house, a Mile or so -from town. •It was an.open quedion whether Grandmother Akers took etre of the children, or the children took cure oC her. 'rho old lady her self inclined very strongly to cue first view of lee LIM; but the Whitaker children did nut see it in that light. It was u clear else to them that itob unit "Esther earned the money and did the work of the little house. Margie had, gone out for chiw. Sue sat down on the dour step, shiv ering, a little with the cold, and be gan a little talk with her brother:' .•.''.'Usury me: whata gmat pile you have Chopped already. There wasn't a single piece left over; last night." . ' • • "I know that," said - Rob, banging away at a knotty'plece. "The'w(xxl goes like—like blazes. I thought had cut enough to last two days. it seems ie.sne that Esther burns a greet deal 'or wood." "It !Shit Esther at all. She is'very saving=o, very saving. Indeed. She makes me pick up chips every day, until, there isn't n'ehip us big as my thumb 'within half a mile of this holitbere isn't, indeed. She has sent me now, but I needn't hurry. She said I might talk to you some, if 1 wanted to. And I telt you,ltob, it is grandma who burns the wood s ' fast: She just crowds it Intt l eis* stove all day long, till the he is Just like uneven. She's old,atid cold dud mu% get Warns, you /know, I don't Suppose she Collid/it there was forty tires. But:Est r would keep warm stepping a tso fast; and I atn - in school all ', except mornings and nights.,dear ! wheh I get older,l a going to teach school 'mysef, add earn money. and wear a red morfnu dreks, and white collar." Rob" went on whit his chopping. and .made'nu answer to his sister, SIM began again, presently. - "Rob !" , • ”Well." '"Now p esise listen to me. You are just lzipgitr , away at that hard Wood, mid not thinking at all about what I say." "OAs am." . „ "Well .then, I want you to tell me soon:4'l6g that I am going to ask you—sine s nood true=will you?" Mo'cnii!" bro't down a - good blow' as he said that WOW. "True as ['Teaching and soleilid am the aurelt steeple. lam away! What la 111 T 4RGU. • • • • ' Me p h ~fk MEM 101810 9 . 4 ME A 'awe .0.0 Mime tigescil*pash- nt. is one.of 'She Sloes,. iorer.due SPIrgAtOIE.I7( ~Js only nut of It.ii -hero It Is potatoes t night; ing. 13e ;pedal ly tuner on pened— esday and her flu sinee.we hqun to mid tiny duals did Ay ought colnO,Out b!‘ ) .'" g4andisibther Id frighten l'isteepn dbwri ecomes. nd you ire doing bed-rouul an ouzo sod bud- ruttereil: a shawl ~;. , ,;a. • "`Rob t" arid bevelfargiets Lone and manner :hernina-very hupreeskre; ”4 4nyoueviT plow. in ,the night An y eas cold' potatoee-4otitif 'lid. sui Johan§aike,•and' half a' toar Of, Weal,. ' amt ' hooklall eit-ofice, , in outrnlght?" yl ..., 1..,. - J ; ... • , ••• "NOI -wikat.gipieryi :01,equzie'I don't " roared.llob, In - great surpriee. and he stoppod. Ms chopping and stir- 1 ed at Ida either. "Of onutse.A don't, Who does?" '. ' " Margie's yoke W rent dirsn''to IL inysierlou.i undertone, and she :shook her heactsolewnly.; •,. : _ • ~.,• ~.. - : -- titThal'attiAtoh. ,We (WWI .poly w,i/ 0- 404 6 ,. outneboly:doetw- "Welt let.; thettr;lt they Wadi to.: Who ataxia: It's none). of• our torsi- ; '"ea It Is; you, Lleelt ondostand: They come to our*phottid=right here ,lit bin house—end eked F things Stnnebelly does, every ofght.tti it A _ •Altblostseuse ?" .• , ••. . _- • ;ii ..e : ', 1 ,.., • "No, 'lt. IsiA nonsenstk; It /e,the truth. Esther:luta beeifauspwtTag:lt for a long; long;Aule s because She Weald plan about the victuals,c (you limow she Is always phuinlng), an i d they would not come out as she had' calculated. . Then she laid we about it, and we cool wedged .. 2 90, 6 0011 hair much bre,id add, meat and potatoes we pat. away at nlght,and It Is lyever, that•there le as *ILO pe scow w lathe axentn i ane NI 3 put: . away': qle, 101114 !Were: .1:.,.4.;.:.: -.:. -1- fr - • •."-- Rob . was leaning °mill% uze and paying very - .elano.attention 2 to Mt& very. strange:Steal: i He , made no answer for a. moment after Margie had stopped, and then said : • , "Sure you collated straight 2'.'. "Indeed we or:. answeekd Esther, decidedlY, wholauLanueout to look , after her chips, andheard the halt of the talk: , • • 'isn't It '.• . I ' "Bale no Indeed. •Why last night' there were three pOtatoes,Mco, laro ones, and lialf a• kW+ taken. -,Could rat dia that and not leaves track or a nibble toted of them? • Besides old tab cleared•out the last of the•ratabe-; fore she went away." . , • • • "Why didn't you tell meet' , IS be- I fore?" asked•Roh.. :1:. ! -- :"Bainule I wasn't certain aboutilt myself.. I could , handy .belleve• /AY I own eyes, but I know soraethhur •is I "Well, don't trouble about it,?? Isi said clieetity •-"1. 4 11/ watch to-eight, and we'll ferret it out." • i • , • • , So • the nuttier rested Alit nights Rob went. to his wotic ethic llirbury Hash and blind factory, where, as lie I hail to attend.to two him saws, be I was not (meetly fancy.free to spew late on mysterious visitations.. Marl gie went to school, learned her les , sous, amlthen lost herself in a story book.until four o'clock in the oiler noon, Maher took up her burden •of household duties must asalseditlevev other day, of her life. . • But when the shadows of the night Ill! dark-about: the , _ little , house, :the dived and mystery..mine, too.. The Grandmother , leas-tucked away, its usual, with an .eatra , blanket and a hot brick. Little Margielwas full Of feare•: . "Datr me, 'would net sleep aloha for , all the world? would,youvlis- 'her?" she add.% , ** Why no, 1 Weald.. not:Jike :to though I. don't knoW what; good wtr could do, each .other, :ii there really an y danger," said Esther. " • • Yoh I I• am :not.• la the least afraid," said Bob valiantly. - • "Well,' I'm going to say my,ranyl era over two or , three , limes; and put •.• . • •'.. our latch "Wsitid senior of faith and. works, she laid her head on her pillow and .went to sleep. " • Esther was wakeful in - the night, but she heard nothing. • • • As for Bob, lie resolved to care:) , on his investigations with true mas culine vigilance and secrecy. So, without telling , his sisters of it. he sprinkled both doorsteps•with saw dust, su that he could tell nt at glance if the thief, ;was an outsider. Theo he lumbered down from. the attic clumsy led gun that had been disa bled in the war of 11312., • :Bob had no powder no shot, and he 'could not nave loaded that , gun, • he baid.a ton; but it looked like buisinms to see it at the fude of his bed, and Bob sat bolt upright in. a.warlike attitude -9u the side of his bed for more than n lieu: after all the house was silent. I,4Nlithing happened,. howeVer, and it . grow dull, sittiug there in dui- cold. So at last lie laid down his arms, with toe test of. his . body, pulled the bolquilt over hitji, and went to sleep. • The next moaning, Esther had built the tire, and tracked iu and,uut over his saw dusted steps a dozen thnes, 'before Aut. made his appear allee. So the mystery was not solv ed that night, though half a loaf of bread and some tea lust disappeared. This was Saturday—a busy day to Esther, with her baking and Clean in', for Sunday, mud tedious day to ,111;rgie, who could not go to school, but had to pick beaus and sew car pet rags. it was Just like uuy other day to nob, with his 'IMO saws to mind at the factory..::. „ • . But they were d 1 quiet lat. home again, They made short evenings at the little house. ult. -was a way they had of:saving ciudim and wood.: Bob had been very reso lute about-sitting up•tdl night, but he eumphumised a little, and made up his mind that lying awake with Ins clothes on, would be equivalent to the same thing. And as his eye- lids had a habit of drooping over ois eyes as soon as his head, totalled the pillow, he was fast asleep 1 h ims than half an hour. . • • • lie was awakes:, a few hours later, Uy Estheromuiding at •his bedside. She had no mottle but the moon light lay in a great, white shout on the door. Esther stood like a ghost in her nightgown. • "Hush I." she said, under her breath.—" There is some one down stairs. I hear them. Come on:" • She crept noiselessly to the head of the stairs. There was some one moving about, below. She could hear the footsteps. - Then Rob made such a creaking noise as ho got out of bed, and knocked over his boots, that slid could hear nothing. He was nt her side in a moment, and they listened together, but all was silent. They stood there, listening, shiver ing with cold aid excitement, for five, ten or fifteen minutes; then ey heard the footsteps again, steal thily moving about. They heard the latish of the cupboard door click softly. • The stairs were almost as steep and narrow as a ladder, and so rickety and noisy that nob dared not step on them. He put his hands on each side of the Stairway and swung him self down to the ground floor, as I noiselessly as a mt. Esther Mine nf• ! ter him,•und they went through the narrow entry, and peeped through cruckln the door. Rah had expected - when this criti cal Moment should arrive ; to rush holdix in with a kind of ehurge bay onet movement upou the intruder.— But hls gun wa3 up-stairs, and he "Lo- dos stairs, and he was peeping Igito -1 Id through a crack of ihe door. ThuY vo Id wst a fi gure in'a long, Mack el k, standing by the eupUoard . ; thu hunt of the cloak was puthslover the ma, h tad so that the foes was nut host or vlilble. us it a flour or a \ma a g atl ogre? Rotes heart bead like a sltslge haut; titer, and E4ther was pale with' fear. 'rhe figure looked' up and down the cupboard, and -tit rust its hooded head into the canters. It took down F ttk'J ' . .; ;.1;.,t40t `EstEt i blishea.lBA tho' 9441iac1/P7..1104' thggY pt She nioney,aiidit gainla chile pgsehnd of delight arthetittikriflhe' elltrer. Then' It tOokah *tee cern invhd Own Itom :t he shelf, .sod shook Its betid • and, ntutlered asp It tit slowly tried, round, 'and came to the table ; The face - wrorttiwahl them 'thee, the candle-light 'flared upon , It; they *new .I t was the old; wriuk ,lad awe watchauuktiotiw4 tkent., ,• They ed her lava off a 'dire of Weed:end mumble and countoVer dish'of potahies. "Too many.; 0 yes too loamy . .". she muttered . torhey wiltnever,nThe two of them..„..1..wi1l lay, them away for, tkri4uy o :there'lolll' 'be it ming' dit Clime some tilnec and then the chi en Will -be very glad.l: saved 'ennu,..tl I, ;I They. watched her go to.ber bod leom„ and unlock a chest that stood 'at tbeinot 'of, her ' bed: Shit _pot" her plunder Intolt, locking it, she 'erept•lnto her bed ogain,L, 't . So, the mystery:wasiolveck et last. The old : grandmother,. wage moaned With in Insane Meat' for hoarding "and 'blase li i nd had been 'Melting 'front their • wanly store for months ;past.,, •;,!,,,.44- , • -)1,, 3, 'lrish we knew what to do a b out I t, t_ it would be no good to talk tct her 'for She never would understrmdl 'She . hail never had herl‘senses Jastrirht since she wassoakk in the next morning when .they had told, Abuile, Shoot It; and the three were in solemn' con daire on the rot!. Jed. '1 • ••• • " ' ' • '•-• - .4* Couldiiit you ask Dr-Ritilthr. said. Mamie:- You know be , look are of Irrandma, wiumslio was sick, and he Is on out' school' committee, and examined me In geography." "0, of course, ho must know about everything Then, ll paid Rob. , "Ofpourse.youltre rnakiug fun of me.' But he does kilo* a'great deal; 'he always 'mil* ate, and hell kind and could give you good adviceP • Bo Bob,Whltaker went to Cramp ton That morning, to get the Doefor's ;good ailetoe... The wise man e,nP 'his mind *lgeskOlckly when heal the story. • • P , • tltTeli,". saki ho, in atiletatorial, ParaP. o o.l t'there Is one thin , ' to be done,aud only 'lnc i sed that ou l idit td bellone rlf,ht away. Grandm th ee Akers must go to the poorhouse." Bob's face dualist. up. • None of our relations ever went there, and,l shouldn't like , to do it." „ "But silo isn't any relation 'Of 'ydars, that ' not any. blodd reiu 'tion;' the Dotter ' went on in an un der-tone. '"She was your mother's step.mother,no real relation to, you if I,untlerstand the connectiod, and I ought to, for Intim practieed In •ytior, - fatally 'for time generations. •The!, old lady•ints not a relation. lir the world.. Her son, Hiram Aker*, was the last, : .and lie was shipwrecked In the Indian •Ocisin a dozen years a^o. The old lartyliever would belfevetre was dead,:and that was the beginning of herltsanit,y. Became is entirely hopeless. ~• She is just as well uhf, in one place us aiuhher, and these old 'creatures'are' really ;very well off 'at the town house' 'They've . gots. Very •gttood inan in cluirgo there:" -•.1 • am surest* would not :%* i will= 4-4 it to ge,"!.,sald Rob: ',• , . ' manage that for you: drive arennd with my sleigh' to-day or to&moriovit and , toket ha old' 'lady out rlding t and get her Was quiet as ," was the docior'igotxl white; but itioniehow, It lay heavy on Bob's hear. , He went home' very sober,' and as he entered the room,. the old grandmoTher •looked tiVai,hlmouid faded, old: smile, Dia it nrought-tIM quick .411. s into the boy's eyes; and mere was a bad choking in his throat when he told the girls of the doctor's plan. - - Nobody ate much dinner that day. The trembling old voice asked the blessing as usual, ilLtle thinking ; It was for the last tune ; and Bob, and Dater add Margie felt like three lit tle traitors; every . morsel: Choked them.- . . -After it -was - dono, Margie 'made a great Jatstle about. wasiung the dishes' Bo whittled and•iwhis tled, like at true 'Yankee; 'to keep tits courage np, and Esther was busy ma king up a .bundle of grandmother's 'things . •!- • About two o'clock the doctor cause dashing up to. the house in a getlit sleigh, with t‘re - horses. Lie was.a large tram with an Important air, and :when he htul 'bustled Inn) othe smalbroorn, there did not seem 10 he room tot' anything else. Het:ll4o.lA little with Grandmother Aker*--,-was glad to see she Was brining up the child:en so well ; he paaed Margie on the head, and told her alma wag pre ty, and praised Esther's house keeping, and talked fiteitiry with Dib, anti in less than tea minutes the g:andmother• was bundled up snugly, and helped into the sleigh, under the delusion that she was to be taken to church., Then the doctor insisied that all three shouldgo along. The doctor had, given , the reins to itob when they first slar.ed; alter they had gone about a mile, he said to him: , !, t, , . "I don't see that there Is any use in my going all 'the tug.. get otit'fiti3quire WalgroveVon.the hill. antl•you drive on alone. You won't tied any trouble,. the superintendent will manage it for you... lie is acus- Relied thiugs. w. :to die docior got out, and grand mother Akers and the children rode on alone. It was two miles further on to the gloomy, desolaie , hotoe they sought. Rob slopped (110 Wises and the girls got out. "Come, grundmodier, como on," said Esther. "It is aide° Mace here, and the people are kind, and e arc going to get warm." "It isn't the church—there Jim' any steeple--I'in- on il) eh ti rel 4 and I won't get out of the sleigh." , "I'll help you, granny..Cume-In to the house with us.t' "No, no, don't like the house,. I don't know the people. I won't get out, Itobert, short of lho Neeling house." Rob looked Inquiringly at Ili man who now came out M. meet. them. "0," said thu man, "they ofieu art *so when I hey's, hrouglit here. It's very Gurus; they know they'll fie ta. keu good career whibitthey live t and no burled decent When they diet. but some: folks tights . hard spit mining here—Yankt..l.,n 'spedulty." "She'doit't Wiin't to get out," said Rob. "I see," he returned. "We'll Just have to h!lat her right,ent •by main strength.—Como on, granny." 4 %$ tie said thigh() took her by • the shoulders 'and fairly drugged her, struggling, over theslde of the sleigh. • like did not stir towards the house; her shabby clout:guttered in the win ter wind; her-while locks:lad &Ilea under her cap sect straggled over her face; her black-eyes Amazed. with. their old spirit. on't eep "Come in k I ten • Y(Ju • ' id k he u. 4 waiting of the cold, d sa t man, 'shatrpiy. 4T have had. a good nutuy of these ease.; they have got kt s uousit toatulhoroy thotirst thing. So s ayliag,hu took her firmly ,b the arm, and finvetrlier up the 'Wolk and into the !muse. They entered , a large, desolate room, but it was . well warmed by the great fire es:ticking Its . the fireplace- tit lids raxmi, 'hud dled .trgether • groups, • were: a score or 80 of inlavratale ertattures; sonic were very old, some Idiotic, iue or two - crazy. Grandmother , Akers stood '.ll, moment, looking about the plate; a dash of intelli gence cline over her taw, us IMO truth dawned on_ her mind." It lithe poor house," shesuld,slow- .-- mtr i f irvi every • old Argits ondiwdili7rA=.llr7 viri tw.i iilliapeif in al ClOMMUSAlillthhilf ron:#l4l4eets oryeat irsaiiiti t or. lowered ire rdioikilkifrio7 noitid. : , . tputiy, yitiqpiktqmi;el, of =d • lovertably b• anDoinif• it ed by wine (04 ibithof. . ' Letten d Armtb un 'callable subutit vs 1. j ',I ' , 0 , ...1a I , ; it , : if . NyvrirAND,r, ..L.. , ?1 , ....0.iii..1,4,‘A . w0rit",epar0,4, girt'lS tie VOW i WaiK.," site - reiitinteT, in W heeler' innet -Then "Oxide' itgaiff she aluurtaerearoedtther• wohlnefqi laths poor housel7 • Eiht.elikeve4 her virtherk4huntLipne 'O tbervadtrioaned, 4 . Oh T . l'inbtiler hl Mithei.—Mhat havre . "744u i' &hie Yor "-Her 'Weak,. old Ilmbit wetuhled a ndtit I le. the dropp, ed on her icr!fewi ,W Ihi -M'A rs ' stretun . 7 ink from her e,v.es.'ehe rocked lite nYll.ll: bitclit nno:ll . tit'4 l # - "911 I my Mod., Ohl my Fa ther have pity us:win me.' ' • . -ttion'tsnititlinothet,' don't. They will Wgootir io,you here,"s eaki,liob, ArYthYo4o4 , li.ult.: Bmothec!vw t? hid •n9eq, a nimOarpreti T ' Tak6 wet ito,, tire II h thov I'll die 500n....111i-nof 4 bhi yoa loor.i alotible, ,, 109 . oirlyvia.taunie Anwe'l :1 ...Jlsp.• ~ .1 ..d. 1....ut Markt° ,wzis bobbing awl crilmf ntity, with both atoll; nroihiSrthl l aiomiiie s.neek.. - , •''• • ' - •r:.., ,, '' ;.• Don't ltuve herihpre 11 , have idlest; thingos,And A?11.,10)te or her. Don't Iptyo i lrr,Mtrotr ; Bald. ' ,O.Hattier.P..: cried T.oti e .4l+llht Want atpirogr.,.!l do to. •A. 00l do it. Well keep t together f ris ' keep'' together. • Cola% corneron; grandmother, iio are jgotert home aovatl.. ; . Butane did not tnorfrillruce4fllf seethed apq. d.., T,hty, jitted, her up tenderly and sofoponed'hee oventte 'threshold end Into thusletestp..l "You run talthlg, sow hams t. you are riPtuZIYA* glider:ove; the •Alga "yes; grinidtrio r. sr9..re g o :borne as slot IghOttleltistrft,D , Rob. , ...I, is /2;,;,1' ... • ,m Arldrjullt.atkireltlitittbllllteyalolo again„ctdidren. uevec ' "NO, 'neVer"' they prolnlsed., — And they kept i the .protribie; *toet. though 1.4. - Sui dtemay;ailted herd a "pactroi - pletcms.". Tinl*lnteabeklautAilindl and dmVlong. .itotga,rti. Fi tr td ab,tut taiuocthel flu t. gr,,iltnY ng%oeilcanlunett the little brown 'Oottagel but 'through' it all, Gmtalmothet Akera bad always .the warmest and INA bed. • ! The spring tame pt. last, wagon and sunny, umi pue 4sy, as the old grand mcither . eve A sitting in her easy chair, under the shade oP the -apple - Myr soma. the :HUI° intim , I pa swung open, an a fiIII..IXIOWS,MaIq iromgray hair, At luto thO and walked ht to theappld •whero'Cliandinet Akerir " • ttdother,.do you kraaat Mid , 'liirum I wy . , hoy.. 0 1.. lay•Attie And SO the slap. came : Fort he .grandmothgt's .m little49y.witaillorAch k~nunzAkerstro 9L led's. And he took - it Into hbl head • ftutt 'he coultrnt do better thin to spend , • his money, on .the- Whitakee Ehe,idren. ,Mogul. them a beautiful home, ,ttod Latiter kepthott.io like' queou, 3fatere had'a ted Yrieriint diet* and piano; snit RA% 'learned Ills •bustseis thoroughly; and,,he owns hiii,ewn Cacti:lnt; to4loy,•tutd Is one of Rho ; beat and „Inset" promk4f4l t pen in" his cbtinty:'ThS is the way the sfilrezcsine • In, fortbe WhitalassChildrnar ,t.r flçtwu." . , Weekly . . .. Tho ~ 14eilywl .11,vorto• of it) Dr. L'Oldshue, s 'w6 that his made ami ked.nut mkia hispOice, Ne. ; 132 Gran`` street, Pit burgh, under his l iiwn kelierVislimi; over* thrbeWandnstl (300) •priNtiiptionsbdirrldrilbel; last 'week.: •.!i .'l .: .:...! • I•,w - 4;;‘,”1 I' .:,:: ; ,I : l3f i tlila Na')140010000ipit ),,,,,g .. Mir omp 11 ItYi t iftrfilatarr A t " 144104 unit Urinary organs 48 " ~tioivous Disorder% Fits, ate . . - 4 0 .• Female C01'100,44% irregularities 21 " Scfo rolit—heieditury and Othintriso 10 4 • Dysphpoili and tt Iticaseu of Ltonuich 20 '1 Eruptive distusti, Tette r, (to • _ .;,. . 6 "- ,Neursigiti, livadache,,lce. , „ 12 " 'Wilde tiivelling, slip pipeusri:tte , 1 " ' I)rop,iy. different ktuds •' • • • !''• 'lO “t Illiethsintisu% Sudo and clironlC . 14 0: A.,110p0, shortness of hieath..to ,20 Irvin DiAu:-..., PaipitatiOu, &c ' - 8 " Whet- di4th'44 4 roit' here Vithelf ' 79 imb• 3t7 Some of these.:Patients. reside In Philadelphia, .some . in. New York, and smile 111 edeli of the States in lifis kttriV' Illinois, intllsilh; Ohio; .And Wrat . Virginin, and the rest in Penn sylvunis-41. largo Itnti(lriAir..king in the Innuedtato yieinity of . l'itts burgh 'anti the NU rroil tiding eou titles. lii fiict theit.:ia hi:4Y ii toWn;tawn t•litlp or disk rietf within one' hundred tnikst of this pinuo,but nuurber,aome •patients who hart:Am:Li curie! )oy, his preseriptiou;:, after Itaxtvg forwurthal by express h ikscimens . of urini, for ex, am inaifon,.. and - had the • necessary inedieinm sent them. This is the clitlipcst and best way for thoso living at a distance, as it saves exPense of tmvet and insures an equal correct diagnosis. • All these examinations were con• ductevl in accordance -with. the most systematic neatness, of Urino-l'atlt °logy. This scertss.to be the:most reliable system of detecting many illiscusetri In fact, nuincrousinstrinces are on re coral Where the-tette nature of the Ls wase,eitts: ixs.eletcrtainee} only by a scieutipc examination of the urine, and many authors now .agree that whatever Yziay the Wised:tic the urine seldom fails to furtifith the clue to the principles upon. which It should be treated.—Gaze lle. • „ : • —The brave only know Iniiv tb far gi te. It lathb must Mined and gen erous pitch of viraw human nature we. nerive at. Cowards, havu dune good and kind actions; cowanls have even 'fought, nay, sonietintes even conquered; ?if thwanl .neveictbr givir.. n rmit• 1113 power, of doing it flows only from it strength and, greatuts4 ofthe soul, eenselinvi of Ita own forte and ty; and . aboVii the littlelteitm:atlenu of reuniting evcry..:fruiticranttginfit to Interrupt Its lastppir. Thhi Gras true %et , ut every one, Skeidicul. notiee 'and' pvillt by it. , —An artesian auger in Stockton,at a depth 0f.200 feet., has struck u stra tum of quartz and gravel contaliting idea . ..Kt:al and line geld. An artes ian' anger °tie 'San liermittline cat through a sound cedar IoM two feet lu diameter, eighty fort tsdow the surface, and another. nearly as large twenty-seven feet deeper. The buSl - of boring artesian' wells'smns •te be cnrrled on extensively in. the San Joaquin' VAlley1111(i on the south ern coast. Some new wells have pl. art been bored lately in Santa Clara Valley and In the neighborhood or Redwood City. •- • • .•, • —.t man at*San Antonio,' Teills, iitinted to dlvortv from his wife, but n 5 the court •was' not in.sutiien, and he was in a lin :ry, h y disguised him self us a Caraanche Lillian and came in the hoarse "Just nwhooping;"when his wife went into.*,t and 'aftvia wants 8t `ht, a coffin, ate to • sows 10110 widower, looklug around, fo r comfort. claims a ytning"and very pre! t y.: ‘1 , 1 . )o .hsts worked. 4n •the 'mad nil, su iswriug uxuko,at r e tire. Iler personal at traet.ions are tn. (Dotted by tht• fact that while holpg a part Wider Mo.:ICM patch of Itotateei ithe revived three offers of .luttreage from well•tu-tlo young humera l , • "Two citt7k)s wore: o Yerhsard ar guing about the fountlat ion on which the earth 'rez;b4, When 'tine sald': "Do world rest,' on a turtle'r hack—de bi ble sez to." •" What noes linty the turtle stands upon?" "flush up yer mouf; you dune gone and by..iti.7l up the argument." •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers