The Beaver Arl us. J. WSTAND, Surma AXV iVOIStriOn. Heaver. pa.. 044.111111. NIL Tug 'State journal Is a new Re publicanstarted a couple of weeks - ago • IlLarrtsbarg." It Is a fiery read s sheet, and under its present . able management, It can hardly fall to attain success. We wish It all the prosperity Imagina ble. WE have received a communica tion signed"Politleal Honesty" !rant Industry, touching political matters \ in that township. The name of the writer does not accompany the corn munication, and on this account, if on no other, we could not publish it. In addition to that, it Is a little , too personal for after the election read- Mg. JonN,CovonE-'-"Horiest John" as he Is sometimes called—:left his home on livA. Friday for the Pacific coast, to be absent for a month or two: The Pittsburgh Cbinmeretal Invites him to write a book while he is away, giving an Inside history of Pennsyl vania politics for the past two years, and his candid opinion of the life and public services of Senator Cameron. Covode, however, we apprehend has no intention of becoming an author. SENATOR CAMERON was stricken with paralysis on last Friday morn ing while in hl room at a hotel in Baltimore. One of his arms and one side of his person were badly allbet.4 A consultation of physicians WAS held and It was thought advisable to take him to his home at Harrisburg at once. Artnrdingly a special train was provided and he was taken from Baltimore, in charge of medical , at tendants and al few personal friends. IT is generally understood that Co lambus Delano of Ohio, at present • Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is to succeed General Cox as Secreta ry of the Interior. Dir. Delano is an untiring worker and a gentleman of, considerable experience In public aff airs, yet a large majority of the peo ple of this country would have pre. the retention of General Cox in Grant's Cabinet. We regret very much that so able and upright a man . was forced to retiro from it. TUE Legislative vote In this dis trict Is reported as follows: . _ WasA'w. 09. Bearer 10. 7bini Jas. 'Donaldson D 47113 2174 0231 Joel Gmbh,, D 4728 1177 1411 J. R. Jackson, V 41191 1171 MU D. IC Delbermau, 11-4121........1211 730. Wm. A. Mickey. 11...4467 1171 71121 WM. C. Bbarlock, 8..1117 SUS 217111 T. J. Chandler, It The vote on Congress, In the 24th District, foots up as follows: . Walk. !tearer ,Laie osse.Greeng, Mat eClalliked, 48111..tta 11111....1101-19,167 Dontey, 1t—A.507..211Z 11,t ll'Clellature malmity Tin Secretary of war receLved a numbered dispatches last week from South Carolitut to the effect that the late rebels had become excited over the recent Republican victories in that State, and that a large body of ' armed mon were marching on Law reneeyille with a view of attacking that place; and that while on the way. they have destroyed all the bal e7__ ceffon returns to . .be forwarded to the State capital. GoV. Scott, asked the Federal Government for assist ance, and the Secretary or —.... ado onto ordered the military officer. in, that department to take such steps, in connection with the Governor, as would tend to prwerve the peace and disband the rebels. Tux claim of Itutan and Shurlock to a victory over somebOdy on the second Tuesday of October reminds us of a facetious Arkansas editor who received a whaling in a printing of lice, and described it next day—giv-, lug all the facts, but making himself the hero. The narative fun thus : "There was a blow. Somebody fell. We got up., Turning upon our an tagonist we then succeeded in winding his arms around our waist, and by a quick manoever threw him on top of us, bringing our back at the same time In contact with - the bed of the printing press. • Then' inserting our nose between his teeth and his bands in our hair, we hail him enulhquake; of rather huge pro- portions, passed over or rather under Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo etc: at about half past ten o'clock a. in. on last Thursday. Its shock was percepti ble at Meadville, and even as far in this direction as Now • Castle. At Cleveland the houses shook so vio lently that the inmates rushed,panic stricken, into the streets, and the consternation In the public schools was a pitiable sight. It seems to have been felt at almost the same moment at points hundreds of miles apart, and at 'no place assuming any ;More serious aspect than a slight swaying,motion from West to East and lasting from one to five minutes. Some fifteen yeam ago. a shock sim ilar to the one of hist Thursday, was felt at Cleveland. Old rthidents of .that city say tlut the water in the lake nise'four or five feet at that time. In Het a. violent earthquake was felt along the ISlLssisslppi rlvnr NeWX.adrid, a town of considerable. id re was destroyed and 'anthem of the river bank were . swallowed up ; hence it will be seen that :while our region of country has suffered com paratively little froth earthquakth, these mysterious and unwelcome visi tonido occasionally make themselves felt in our own latitude. TIIE Milt° Journal, 'published at HarriSburg, Mika • In this wise cos. cerning the defeat. of several con gres.smen:ln this State "Morrell, Cesstahp!Nelll,l3llllllan,' Stewart amt 7 Don ley, for Congress were not defeated because they are , souhd Republicans, fully. committed to the support of the great principles of the party; they Were defeated by ' the base treachery, the lowscheming of the rule or ruin politicians, who infest our party organization. If t hese amdidates would have servilely submitted to theLassumptions of these treacherous partisans, If they would have consenteito'surrentier the pat ronage in their respective districts to the • managers of that officeseeking clitlue, there would have been no dir t acuity In . the way of their election. • That clique, however, had resolved on the capture of the public patron age In this State, and whenever it could not nominate or elect, o ne o f Its own vile tools, It nrolved to com bine With. the Democrats to defeat the Republican candidate; for, be it known, the election of a Democrat to Congress throws the patronage of the district into the hands of - the chief of the rule or ruin fact/m• The election of members of am ,grees was made the occasion for a struggle to gain the control of public patronage, and In this, straggle, base treachery overcame" 'frank; 'honest endeavor„)Tho pOlitical managers h a ve triumphed over the People. The party defeated, but the tow , in triguers are vletorlouti. Now every servile attendant _who dances in the train of the dispenser of thispation age thus inirreptititiesly • won, cries out with might and main, "glorious victory!" "glorious victory I" ELSEWHERE in this paper it will be noticed thtd• the steamship Cam brie, of the Anchor Line, Is reported lost, off the coast of Ireland.''' Binghattt jr., wife and two chil dren, together with Miss Posey, well known to some of our lady friends In thiscouutymereosboard the ilititted vessel,: and• it is, supposed alifwere drowned.. Mr. Ilinghant, has ; for several years, been the AROUlVegent in Pittsburgh, and we have Invaria bly found him. an honest, "upright, intelligent gentlenum,and we Hinuere ly hope our apprehensions as to his. own and Wailes fate may not prove well founded. . , nil: war news has not been unwsu- . ally startling for the pest week. The Prussians; however, have encircled Paris, and for some s deys • tincti_have been busily engaged 'in transportMg heavy guns with which to reducethe city. The artillery arm of the Prussian service is not exmfled in any Country on the globe, and when thwo guns are Opened upon Paris, that city will fall before many days expire: A proposition was made a few days . ago by Marshall Bazaino to surrender Metz. That officer proposed to sur. render all his own army on the terms :made at Sedan, excepting however, the regular garrison at Metz, which should continue to hold •the fortress'. Von Moltke refused,because the gar rison thus .reduced would hold 'out longer. An unconditional surrender is looked for within a few days. • Tint preeent week closes the tirst• war of the fall term, at the Beaver Semin ary andlruditute. Eight weeks of the term remain, pupils can enter for the half session, at any time. The Lectures and experiments In Natural .Philosophy given this term add very greatly to the interest in this study. The last two have heat on the air, with the use of qte Mr Pump, and -apparatus connected . with IL . . . Tux forced retirement of Gen. J. I). Cot from the Secretaryship of the Interior; is regarded by a great Many men m little has than a public calam ity. Ills career during the rebellion was 119 brilliant us any . man's, and the ability lie inciught to bear upon his duties while a member of General, Grant's Cabinet was excelled by no one who had ever filled that position before. Hislinnesty was undoubted, and he strove to elevate the poligm, of the country tea higher plane •than a mere scramble for office. This sort of statesmanship was unsatisfactory to such arrant deinagogueaas:dukairon uernmung Lien. Cox for the past six months or year. The appointment of a Gongressional commits:hit .. • vuupaiyu tint on which the names of Cameron. and Chandler were proininent,gwie those men an opportunity of • hurrying on an issue which cahninaUsi in the res ignation of the Secretary some ten days ago. They - Claimed the right to tax the clerks in his department for campaign purpose; •ho denied this right and insisted that' the clerks were better Judges of their ability to pay thativere Messes. Cameron and Chandler, and urged that they should be left to stilarribe only such amounts as they could conveniently contrib ute. • They appealed from his deci sion, and subsequelitiy badgered Min such an extent that, to get rid of the annoyance he immediately went out of the Cabinet, ~ • The correspondence betireen Sc re titry Cox and . Presideittlais not been published, awl if it is los4rtain ' edy that Gen. Grant has in any ielded to the denianda of the Cam urea-Chandlercorrupthinists, in their' raid against a high-toned, Iwanat member of Ms Cabinet; ho will have `done that which the country' will •be Paliasi to learn. Gen. Grant cannot !ix Ignorant of the Met that Senator !Cameron came very near ruining President Lincoln's administration in an early part of its history and the same individual will ruin any other administration that he is per mitted to have any influence with. TILE CENSUS. Western Platelet of Peons"lna The following are the' official flg .ures fur all the counties th'Wes 7 tern District of Pennsylvania: , . 1878... 1860. Allegheny -- - 7262,482 ••, . 178,831 Armstrong • - • - 43,&1r2 . :15,797 Beaver 36,132 ' 29,1411 Butler - - 86,485,.. 55. 35,591 Blair - - -.38;051 :.• • 27,811. linuiford,* .!•51,109 . . 48,734 1142163rd , - - -.28,636 ..:26,736 Utmerein - 4273 :newee't•Yl' Clearfield •- - 25;779' - 18,7a1 Cambria ' 26,572. -•'1.9,155 Clinton . A 213. . Coluinbia 2,755 065 Crawford • - - 63,827 - : -43,755 Centre. = •- r 34,3!31- : . 27,900 Clarinu • :.2:,542 • 21.928 Elle , .; •- - - 8,315 , , 5,915 Erie • - - - 65,077 • 49,432 Fulton 9,131 Forest -• • 898 Fayette 4:1,241 Ureeno - - ••• - fr,23 ' 347343 linntingdon - - - 31,2.12 13,100 Indiana Kitt , :3,687 JetrsMon. ' 21,661 • 18,210 Junintla " 17.491 16,986 Lawrence 27.2118 • • • 04 999 Luzenie 160,971 90.244 leyeomiiig - 47,68$ - 87,103 MeKian ' ' 8,81.41 • 8,859 Meicer - - - - 40,131 36,856 Muffin -'.17,540 16,310 Montour - 15,331 • 13,058 Northurnherland 1 41,440 38,022 Potter. .11418." '11,470 Snyder' - - *.• --15;606 15,(35 Somerset 28 , 323 • 24778 Sullivan - - 6,191 • 5,631 Susquehanna • - - 37,530 . - 86.:7 8 7 Tioga 65,102 81,044 Union • • 15,568 . 14,013 Veliango • 46,382. • 21,043 'Warren -21,897 ' .19,190 Washington - - - 48,481 46,805 Westmoreland v'.; 58,699 . 53;736 Wyoming - - 12,540 1,713,957 1,=3,0T3 1,2r3,wa. Increase - - - 480,914 •itaretay township not yet•in., f New. county formed out of Poter anti McKean. • agar. [awn! TALUS TOAVAT. • Barron Aaone.—lf. , ,S. Quay. la, the lad sheet lg. elan* full"- libel which he publlslies, says he did not aselatinnteetlag Quneroti to the V. S. iiiitiate, nor did ho help hi any 'way (so he aiya) to defeatPurtln, for that pi:pillion. •low, he inight Just as Well save the paper and ink with which he printw this failtishocal. for Literals not •en luttlligetit Itepublk can in the commonwealth who takes any Interest In polities who wlll be lieve% wont of hls statement on this subject. It Is not to be eqwetal that a traitor will conruii hie tremor', nor will a man who still himself for a price, adnitt the ad fnhlsowu newtt. paper. Bold and bnaiin4wesi •as ►quay is,he L 4 still not reckieaa enough to do that. His attempt ;to hide ho- hind Col. A. K., 31eCture's letter of which he speaks in his ',paper, will not wipe away ids guilt, as he sup viva It would'when he obtained It from that gentleman,who was then In South Carolina, am), to whom Cialty, . appalled to a W uvo ai t front tho ruin whkh the exposure of the .salo: to Cuinerou Wa3 threUeithig, him with. .„. - . Col. 'McClure,b,ein , kind-Hea r td man, wrote ea ch , a letter, as Quay dlobtted, bat mark me, lot Quay proceed with liiirseit Pittsburgh Chinqufrail; then - Col. ' will lie put-upon the witness stand, , and when under verision'nfAhe Curtin !kite 'will be brought to 'view, by that gentlentan's t&stimony. . 1 know, whereat liras In this particular. II know, too,:. what"Goverisor Ourtin'S opinion off' ,the matter . is;- air In iM with him at. his honsa ;in .;Philatiel! phia, a))at throo walks before. Isis departure for Europe, thewholesuh. ject, in the presence of others was fully discussed; and (pint the Guy's: remarks at the tinse,l think your tit tie neighbor will never sincerely. ask Governor Curtin to testify in his be half on that matter. ;Why :,does not Quay orXng a libel suit against his friend ‘Blii-Itemble, , who 4 blotved' on hint for soiling out Curtin? Kembie wits theene who did the talking to Quay for the Cani erons, on the Sunday preceding the organization of the Legislature' in 1867. On thefld.onday following, Xlo4;' Alexander Adaire,.of.PitiliulelphiU, retnonstruted with'Quay_ against this political treason; and; from his room in the litinly donee, Pro?eedott tti Gov. Curtin; and Informed him that his elpedialltiend,lsl.B.Quay,hadsold him out. Quay says'.hedoeS not propose to defend Gen. CamereM. This is Situ - ly said to hoodwink • the' public. 1 know, and others . know that he Is, and has been, owned by Cameron I ' ever since that treasonable sale of And rew.G. Cu rtl n Xn January, IBC; and he is obliged to defend and protect his master; for therein tie pendeth "his bread andtltter," and it..eenstitutee a part:of the s..onsidern tion for the capital invested in start- ing the publication of '/'he Beal7CJ Radical, which-. is to paid Clunerto organ. Had liday fa lled in hayloft. Shurlock returned to the Legislature be would have lust . caste with the Cameron ring as a toot and a lobby iftin%C. Mr. Elitor, I eta not n'll,part poser. I have no newspaper, nor would I slander my neighbors—as the Byticannan had. He mutilates tny letters in his newspa per, and charges that I do not write these.. I say he tics and ; I way, fur ther,' that neither the oditorof the Atoms nor his brother ever saw thy letters-recently-published—until af ter they were written and forwarded for publication. If J am neither it tine nor a fancy writer, I at least ut ter truth, and that is what hurts Mr. Quay. ; When Mr. Quay and myself were young I labored on a farm, and Quay—through the struggles of his poor parents—was kept in scheol.— paring this period of outlives, Mr. Quay's father Made frequent visits to our farm and, through the kindness of my good, plods, Presbyterian 'nether, always returned with his buggy well filled with butter, eggs; hu'l'a, etc., etc.. 0' course, Quay learned some words of . which I ton. ignorant. 'But, a parrot win be-learn ~xl"to folk. \ Quay_ Insinuates . that fhati better, reinain atyriy post In Harrisburg. will say, in answer to that I am ah\outantly able to manage the ' State Treasury, take care of my farm,' enjoy the istelety of my fandiy',. took after ytubms`matters for, fay neigh:. bora, and thrash- him whenever he• again dares to ""pop-tip; . .': his heador fix Mike in this county; or, In any other way he desires it. Ile says all . that is neceSsary to defeat u man in this County is, that it be known-I nut for him:' "Trot out" Mr. Quay, and we will see whose man goes through, us you. said Mackey would. Where air Rattan/ .. I • lotiked for en affidavit froin hide in the last I?adi kat, settingforth that "he didn't tell the Ageiat of this Pa. 11. R. Co:, that be oluld put him (Ratan)- dawn for anything that company wanted next winter." Hadid so tell the agent; and since Ratan - is notorious fur a ready ' supply; either of bis own or other's uflidartts,;--ihdeed, his brains (what is' left id - there) are full or lapidary,' ever since ho was. Chtef'District At tornoy of 'Beaver County; surprised at not seeing one. on this subJect, tnoreespechrity, since it may jeopardise his office. How are you,, Rutan.k.Shurluck, the great Repub . .; limn endorsed of Beaver county';— Bah , bah! Again, I repeat : Quay did give:his bonds, stocks, &c., &c.; collateral security to elect .Mackey, Prepeat, that , he so deposited five bandrisi Wares Union City 'Amgen gerßailway stock, of Philadelphia; two thousand 'Pennsylvania Railroad stock; twothousand Bald Eagle Val ley stock,. 'and 'firer 'four thousand donate of stuck of Beaver County Na tional Bank; and that hit did borrow on his note, with It. W. Mackey us endorser, twenty-five-thousand dol lars from J.' C. Bionbarger, Esq., of flaryishurg, in the State of Penosyl vanim and that he did then and there put-, that money into n fund to buy the vote4'9T Legbbit "ijo*Wvegs"' ffir, the nomination of Mickey as the, Itepublicen candidate fer StulaTreas urer. But, afterwards, Mackey was not elected; M. S. Quay did 'thereby, /*setts, aforesaid twenty-floe i . liodstual dollars; and, consequently, hli , ..,vas obliged,—with hie note of proMise, with It. W. Mackey, as endorser, and his aforesaid"stocii colhiterals, —• . . raise the-moneys (which heAld on Third iticet. Phliadelphla,)l,4l take up the dote at Bumbarger's. In or der, however, to effect the negottaT.' Mott; Mackey was forced to deposit' Statelunds In the bank of 3. C. litint bargee, against the wishes of his mas ter—Melon ,thewron —to the amount of twenty Ave thousand dollars; to stand to place of that amount drawn out bYlluiy until Moonrise could be refUnded from his collaterals and the Mackey-endorsed notwhich note of twenty-five thousand • dollars is how about , due. And further, the , fifteen thousand'dollars,, loaned by I It.' W. Mackey, hi the name or 21:13. Quay, to Geo. liLLauman (whiskey dealer, in Philadelphia;) -and which M: S. Quay was -übliged to 'raise on 'this* with George M: ',adman as endorser, (and which with haS been, pmtested and is unpaid)," is the ideh- Hod toper onwhich the tide ton cer Main prep a ertycame Into posseadon of I M. S. Quay, abeut,which• t he failed to ' answer in the famous libel suit vs. the editor of the Pittsburgh °miner- I cicd. When he brought that suit he I flourished a Derringer Odd oii Fifth stroct, Pittsburgh, declarilig that j he would •either , copvlet Itrigioun or shoot, him with that•l" (flourishing j PIO weapon). ~Poor fellow,•, ,he, only l'su'veetdell in'torturing I will &tie for the present, WACO' `:4r, Quay persists in. Ids.abuse, I will come down with more and' heavier shots. 'Again Mist Where is Bu ten; hitt% his W)W, . • Illstla.;t'lllteelis Felt Yesterday. Nem England, New York, Pennsylva nia, Ohio and Ctusada Shaken Up —Buildings Rock to and Fro—,Peo pie Badly Seared-2W Buildings ,Suddenly Evacuated —No _Damage as far as Heard.. • . NSW CASTLE,. PA.. Oct. Alth— Quite a - distinct • earthquake. was felt in this city at eleven o'clock • to-tbly. 'rhe shock lasted three or four min utes, and the effect was. to sicken many peNons with a dizziness. In the *wand and third storks of build ings the force of the motion was grist er;..lnwune instances the occupants deserted in fright.. • • • • . Itosros, Oct, .20.—An earthqUake MIS felt at 11:',M, causing the precipi tate vacation of buildings, and dis placingend tracking a portion ottliev wails. The shock was felt at -Bur lington, Montpelier,- - Providence, Penland, Bangur c Levrtston, Bruns-. wick, Montreal,Sackvllle and a large number of other places in ' Now Eng land and Canada. No. merious dam age was done anywhere. :Pown.s..lln, 0640.51—Three. hundred feet of • the bed ,of the Og T , densburg Railroad :ucroS,,the Otter Creek; ht Standishi six teen miles Irons here, settled teo"feet. to-day. at the time of the earthquake. 'rimy • Oct. ti.—An earthquake , shoek was felt here at 11:14 a. in. The Southwest school house was se, vcrely shaken, causing a panic among, the scholars. The shuck was felt at Albany, Hudson, Sandy Hill, Cam bridge, Warrensburg, Saratoga, Syra case, Warsaw and Auburn. , At Saratoga some buildings were dama ged. ST. CATHARI N ES,Od. severe , shuck of earthquake was felt at 11 a. mu. to-day. . CONNSAUTVILLE, PA, Oct. .111., At elevist o'clock this morning we felt two distinct shocks, like that of buildings were tallier awl - inure was no damage doitethe build- lugs. • . Skav YpsiK, Oct. :W.—The esrth quake this morning passed harmless.% ly, though several school buildings and tenement houses were suddenly vacated, and the higher towers and spires in the lower part of the city were- made to vibrato perceptibly. Professor Hough, of Dudley Obser vatory, at Albany, thus describes the event : -"The shock. of un earthquake was felt here at 11:15 a.. in., October 20th and lasted tbotat one • to. The walls of the building had a very marked vibration ; opened doors were suede to vibrate ;, °Wears hang ing on the wells were put iu oscilla tion, and even the tables and clutirs On the ground floor had a sensible tremor. At the time of the shock a rumbling noise was heard. Clock pendulums swinging north and south were matte to vibrate east and west, 'showing that the earthquake passed in an cwitwatrti direction. - Since nine a. in. of yesterday-the ()ammeter has been failing rapidly, the- total fall amounting to seven-teaks of an inch. During the shock the mercury in the registering barometer was in a vio lent state of agitation. 'Signed.' liuuutt, "Datliey o,bservatory." 33.—A. slight Shock of eartlatuakeiwits felt at %Val hut Hills, within the city limits, about half-Past ten o'clock this Morn ing. The students at Lane Semin ary noticed it very perceptibly in the dortnitorim. . CINCINNATI, Oct. 24—The latest information indimtes.that the shock of.,earthquake was:greater in some parts of tile city than at first reported. In one large.factaty, the operatives at tirst thought tiw foundations were giving way and caught hold of oh jects to steady themselves, as the buildings swayed to and fro. At one of 'the largest, foundarler, the men that thought their tools were coming towards them, but soon thereafter discovered that It was the building lir:motion: There :was considerable Otarm. but ,work was not :long sus pentiml. • . . _ • TiT4lB% - :11.4.,, PA., Oct, 21—The shock' of unrstrthquake was very.per t-eptibly felt hero at 11:15 a. tn.' Sev eral. brick, buildings were shaken, and the occupants '.rate.. out Into. the strectS in great alarm, 'lt !Mied but a.few seconds. • • - SAS FaA:strasixs. Oct. '4,.--A.shactr, ofearthquake 'was .very pereeptlble lif.this city abont.elevets this forenoon, . itelearta .. from various Jrarts,of the .State „Would , indicate' that the wave was very "generally felt throughout the State. SCLIENECTADir, N. Y. Oct. This city was visited with a severe shock of tarthquake at a quarter past eleven o'Clock . this morning. All the hi habitanbr rushed. terror strick rh, into the streets,. and ,the excite ment. was Intense. Much confusion prevails, and it is impassible to as certain whetheru4 serious damage Is done. .• MoNamEar., 0ct.11).-At a quarter Pest eleven o'clock. this morning a sovere shock af.earthquake'• was .fell here. Buildings nicked. to and fro, and everybody rushed into the streets in alarm. CIA:VE:I.I.N*, Oct. visi-. hie shock of an:earthquake was felt here this morning at about 11 o'clock , lasting fifteen or twenty seconds. The National Bank building and Atwater block, and other large build ings, were swayed to 'itnd fro, caul persons occupying - upper stories to g tiock Into the streets. , The great est consternation prevailed. 'The shock was plainly felt at Mead Ville-, Pennsylvania. • ..... • 1 Daalel 11111*Earland Alorrallgupd Dr • , rore a Palle/14'01M • • • The New York Tinies about one o'clock, on an afternoon of last week. While on duty, in Thirtieth street, near Sixth • aoenue, Officer Carnizic, of the Twentieth' precinct, observed an Individual. approach ing him in a mold besotted and miserable condition. His face was fUll of 'cuts and brubsea, hbfelothes were tore and Idood•atelrieliquid his Whole - appearance Indkraal:he misert , of hl4ldttlation. Meatier .was unable to asocistain his natal on 'account of the inebberency of ids re mar. * are broug ht him to the :Jef tersOnmaticist fee court, where he was,kebt e races. At 4 o'clock hisaenses were sufficiently returned twenable him to appearbeforejtidge Vowlei to iintwera charge of *twit:. ennuis. The officer testified, in ad ditto(' to the fact Just stated, that -at the time of the arrest, the prkPeer. I was on the point of faillnt through a cellar of considerable epth; and the consequences would In sit proba bility have been of a serious nature. The prispner Bald his name was llaa lel)leFerland, that ho had shot - AP beet D. Richardson, and ad escaped ter dangers than thenhreatened Win- go produced a number of let ters in evidetwe of his wife's Infidellil ty and of the proceedings luriktim to the Indiana divorce, which Was re ceidly so protninently beforethenab lie, but the Judge refused to entertain them, to his kipparent discomfiture. In reply to a question Of the bench with regard to the condition Of his face and head, McFarland mid that he had Imbibed a little to drown en pleasant'thoughts, and fell near Wood's Mu.semn. Ile was txnumit led for examination, to t4elP 6 aee this morning. * I • CHALLENGE IN VIRGINIA. 'Ati ENCOUNTER CA. SZI"S.1111,1R A*WEI:L.' I July las In tanartieleiVaepnbliihed . In TM Richmond Rlguiree. afetlect,; in severely tnam AL4. :blear W. ,Walker, Delwatein theStitieMseib bly from Madisan, and, other s.l Mr: James Barbour, the rtspousi hie edit or of the paper, was regarded ,as 'the author, On Frblay night last Mr. 'Barbour rttelvi at disptitchl from Culpepper Lour House informing him that one of his children tvould probably die beo inerningj fie i i re took the mornin train for Velpeii per. While ate ing upon the plat form at Riclun rid he saw Iltalor 'Walker waiting O'er the same!trun. The two ente red ditlerentears,and had ridden About 25! Miles when ~JMajor Walker, mine to he car . In which the ' fernier sat, and k: a seat neir , him. The 'Major elle ward 'went ' le' Mr: Barbour, ands ke of 'the ofikusive artiele....The lat ' i' declined to Rive any explanation PO remarked that the platform of, n o of the. stationt was the proper p as for an' ititerea tion,lf he Sough one. Major ' Wak 1 ker repeated his emends fur fan ex planation and ti retareattO hisseat. Afterward, as,Bl ' Barbour Was Its teningleithe con etaaticin' of friends. the Islajoritudile yadvaneed toward • hint and struck lain in the face with' his eleriehed fist.; 'Mr. Barbour Was in a jxsition in *latch his Wald not raise his lainds; tut kicked hiandver- airy, and placedal9 hand on his pot,: ket as he rose. Jfatjor Walkerseized him by the arena and a struggle en' sued, In which tirbour spit in Wal-1 ker.% Lies. - NU.engers interfered. l and Major Wed .r retired to: another car, leaving the la soon afterward. l a Thea*ve is th tal k of the encoun ter as given by rienaSlof'llir.. Barbour., lldajo 1 er's versilon of the affair le gives In his own letter, published below'.' I ' On l'alondasi Bk. Barbour,jhaving returned le Iticinond, after burying his child, sent tie following I note to Major Walker Wri.-John S. MOS by : • • RICH1.0 1 :11?, Oct. 1 0 1870. • :•McijorJ.W.NNALKEn—Sir iWalv ingall questionlasbout my, right to regard your andua in. any other light, I choose to demand ofyou, for your assault on see on Baturday, the satisfisetion - wiii la a gentletnish has a right to .ileid My friend, Col. Mushy, ill an ushy, w e the ,neressnry ar. • =gamuts. um &e.... .I , Jae. BAJIMOUR. reply alai rettatiegarte the following 'ItICHIIOND, Oct.'!!, 1870. JAMes BARBOUR, esq. --Silt: Your note, dated October 10, was duly de livered by your friend, Col. { Mosby, In reply, I have simply-testate that. during the reveal of the Legislature, and while I was absent from theelty and State, you offered me.lthrough the columns of The Eliguteer ' what I deemed to be a personal insult. Upon 'my return - to the City of Rich mond. I sought you Par the purpose of obtaining reparation, and found you had left the 'city. I returned to my home anal family but determin ed, upon the resembl ing of the Lew 'stature, to seek an explanation the first time I met you: I met you casually on the cars, and called your attention to the fact that I considered myself aggrieved lay said article, and demanded an explanation, which you declined giving, telling me-that 'I could take nay redress, anti at the same tithe placing your hand in your pocket as if to draw a weapon and having no weapon myself,' seized your hand and slapped your fate. You spat upon me, and I struck yon. You now 'demand satisfaction in . a manner which I candot give you, he cause it would deprave me of any rights as at citizen, and impose upon sue some of the penalties of foamy. - If you seek any other satisfaction I shall of mums hold myself in res:li -1 ?WM to give it, to you: Yours,..te. I JAS. W.AVAILK ER, jr. The . article in the Constitution of Virginia, referring VI dila illf4e iS OS follows : ART. 3, 8%...1, 'Clause 3. No per son, who, while a'citlien of thlsState has, since the adoption' of this Con— stitution, fought a duel with a deadly weapon, sent or accepted a challenge to tight a duel with a (Madly weapons either within or beyond the bounda4 rigs of this State, or knoWingly con: veyed a challenge,•or aided or assisti ed In any mariner in fighting a duel; shall be allowed to vote or hold any °Mee of honor, profit or trust under this Constitution. • A VESSEL GONE DOWN. William ritualism Jr., Wltle . and Child. and Posey. of this City. Supposed to Have Beets MD! Another great steamship has gone • dOwn to the bottom of the oceananr rying with her the'greater part - of her precious ettge •of 'melt, women and chlidren.. - The varlet was the "Ounbria" of the Anchor Line; a neer and staunch craft, but • Meently laut afloat. She took out With her a rge number of passengers, the ma jority of whom ,were . wpMen anti children. - ,tihe left New York on the 9th MOIL, and went dotin is a storm off the coast of Ireland at about !ten &clock on ,Wednesday night. Four boats with 'paisengers left the sinking VeSsel; but only one, containing 'a traitor and the corpse of a girl reach ed safe harbor. The traitor says his own boat upset and that all were drowned but himself. These are the meagre particulars we have received of the, terrible sea calamity np till 1:1 . 144t Midnight. We do not know how Many Pitts burghers were on board the ill-fated vessel, but the agent for the. line in this city, William Bingham Jr., esq., wife and child, Mr. John 'Hob son and wire, of Pittsburgh and Miss E. ll... Pusey, of Allegheny, were among the passengers. Greet anxie ty for their welfare is . manifested In this community. 31r. Bingham en joys the universalremect of our bM,I - men and people: Should ,he Have perished with hf. Wire and child great sorrow wilt can only prayerfully await further partleukus to confirm the sad conjec ture that all, on board the vessel were lost, and hope that Many nay have been rescued; and among them thaw from this eity.7-PiUsbargh,ainette. TUE shocks of an earthquake *ere felt In this city yesterday, though not the find, were far the severest ever known in this latitude. They were distinct enough, and so serious In their manifestations as to cease Anilines to abandon their houses, and inwithapnem4e - tetiaid ftem their eshops taibe straits. , an voltam of . thistents lu "New Sig and• Cana." ttia Motto- -Wen fen with more Or lee& sevailly, awe- . kit Peat term..Fortmatd3tno lives anittlde t and isc _primerttlints materially. damagd.--7. Trwsnat TWINf • • B 7 sae !Vesideut go tire. Patted Wssittmifox, Oct. 21.—WhereaN it beltommt a pooplemnsible of their depsbdenext oh the AlinighWto;pub• licly and collectively acknoWledge their gratitude for Mr. favors and inercies, and humbly beseech for their continuance; and whereas, the people of the United States. dttlll novraboat tO esti, haVe to be thankful for general prds y, an abundantionestiexemptkon frau pestilence,ftivelgu war And civil strilb. Now. therefose, be it_ known that !, U. S. Grant, President - of the United' States, concurring in any similar rec• out inentiations front the Chief Magis trates of the States, do hereby tease mend Wain:Mama to meet in respective places of worship on Thurs. day, the DM& dayhf November next, then to give thanks for the boun u ts God doting 'Pe Teo about Ulm And to suppfitntri for 'its moth' In whites.; thereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city 0, Washington, this 21st day of October. in the year of our Lord. 1810,4nd of the indepen dence of the Butted States the nine ty-fifth: [Signed.) • ' U. S.Ou4NT. By the President: I I Art t I.Totr - Flaw &crawl of ME TUE STORM *ANAL CORPS. Station la Pltlalparik—lltepeorta Daily. The Government, as our readers are already. aWare, - has organized A full signal corps, with stations scat tered throughout. , country, for the purpose of making obscrvatiousand advisingthe pub lie of the approach of storms: Those In charge of Etta in_diffeamt. wlll4smive tetegzipiela. ports trowel, otPer alatlOnSat stated time; during. each day. ?dr. James West has been appointed to the sta tion in this, city, and has secured the' rooms in the third story of Phelan's building, Fifth 'avenue, for his office. He is uggyided with all . ,,the IlientsllrPr itSitratt abeer." l, ` Mons, and is now making arrange.! mental for , commencing work., It 4, expected that he will be prepared to receive the first reports bnimonday, next. These reports publish ed in the pollens, and also' be bulle tined at different points In the .city, in order that the 'public may. ,be as, fully informed as possible In regard to the changes which may. occur. The workings of this system, when , fully, organized. will be of the at moat ad idiots& to thtpublic.:--Ered inglfrig Oct. Ifith. • OUR NEXT COORESS. The political complexion of the Re presentatives, of Ohio. Indiana, lowa. and Nebraska In the 1 7 ...rkpeecond Congress as compared to the Forty first, Is, as far as can be gained from all the information retviVetl, as fol lows. In the Forty-first Congress, Penn sylvania had eighteen Republicans' and .alx Dania:rats: In the Forty second, it will stand fifteen Repub licans and nine Democrats. • Ohio had In the FortYlatal C00117e 38 . thir teen Republican Resireseetatives to six Democrats, .d-1L - 18 sy-mJa.the Forty-second. In /nut to four DeiatieratlC } 7 .31 `.. second Congress theDenuanacor claim the representation will be Ave Re. publicans to six Democrats. In lowa, there will be the tame number —six Republicans. Ne braska will , stand, in the Forty-see end as in , the - Forty-first Congress, with one Republican representative. In North ipartillim thrrltepublicnq Lost five,. phithe •ntativei. Maine Mt! nont,l satite• i no W as in the I" •tflest mgress. The entire number-of Representatives is 2f2.\ Thus far. the Republicans have elected' 48, requiring them yet to elect'. 74 to gain a majority. For thes - 674 4 we 'have Alivesatchusetts It', Michigan u, Illinois 14, New Hum shire 3, Rhode Island ..24. Wisconsin 6, Kansas 1, ;New Jersey 6, Missouri 9, Minnesota 2, Connecticut 4, West Virginia 3, New York 31. While all of theseßtates will not be carried by the Reintblitima Party, yet, allowing all piresible less, the House will stand Republican. &MO' Carolina Ala IKtpua. florlds, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tenhesseer and Virginia cannot to secure the number tar above the requisite amount of 74, to gain the required Gazelle. .► Balloon Battle. The followlog extraordinary state ment appearkin a Belgian paper call ed the Nouvelles de Jour, from one of their correspondents at the seat of war, which note was conveyed to Brussels by a currier-pigeon: "Penns, Oct. I.—Nadir returned _yesterday to Paris. His return was not effected without much trouble, although his balloon 'was favored by a good trim! shice his departure from Tours., Bat I will relate the ftizte in their' chronological order. He left Tours at six o'clock iu the morning, and the-bold aeronaut arrived In view of Paris at It o'clock, floating about 3,000 meters above the fort of Charenton. At the same time as the Intrepidewhicit.-: was the name of Nader 's balloon—appeared a second was observed in the horizon. Nader was- seen to display a strangler with the French national colors. Imme diately another national flag floated from the cur of the other balloori. Vigorous bombs and cries of Vest Damon' proceeding from the garri son of the .fort, .greeted the appear ance of the two aeronauts, whose-bal. loons gradually approached. When they 'mere within distance of each other, suddenly a loud report oat litsirdin . theuir, followed by • series of texplatton.s. These were at first thought to be demonstrations or Signals oi,vlctory, until Nader was seen to ding himself into tbe network of his ~ sheen and to clingto its sides. During Ibis Beni the.iither,aeronnut Continued • discharging shots it. • Nit. dear, which were traced in the sky by their luminous effects. The Intro- WO descended rapidly, and It ap peared to the-spectators below that some incomprehensible event had.tit ken iditce above. But mark what the French flag ire the neighboring balloon had, come to. .It had been removed,_ and a black and yellow standard was ObSerlV4 to be fleeting inlts place. Than all was explained. 'Treason! It Is a Prussian balloon ! he has flralon the Intrepidet Nader is lost!'_ were the criet that bur.stllinul taneously tram the French people, But Nader Wel side; for he was seen to descend rapidly to his or; sad the balloon to nearly reach the earth: He east out the ballast, and reascen ded, having stopped she hole made 4n. his, balloon . by_ his advemry. Then shots were rapidly fired. rim the-Intrepid; into the Prussian di& loon,_ which one, losing all pow =rl = l-1111 i l ueuVr what/ere heenlollowing the ectialeotnbateete throughout his.xoiting.;74grupoel, rushed .Agrivartl, aittlettrinringtgrxtut bifilrhireceived tkeirehani*n4 Ghxl - knOWslii lkintit condition .-7"reitff lketzjiltbastiendd off Walk epeed - ta thertianetivanag- In fhb dizienflui*Aliktr:i Charenton, where he still retnallat"lns...' Tat INTATZ re4b: alt Übe . . , regi - 41115 1 1t ' n o Y Demo D Mao It 112 Pitel llat ken D D • PE;ERM W Watt W 114•4 11 5 A Ilaitt u % , _ 4 say 1 7 • Bean Erna ... 4 jaw 41 id ADKIIt i r D j Davis D WiliM OWN n Dual VI Tamer IS A 0 Olavatami 14 A 111 DUI D • le O t Baekalew D 14 David Yanos B Dr *milord D 1111 Barry Milts R Wail Walser, D 1141 •Aranrs D • Prrratige L " I =AI . florlrour /MAD IDODDIMANIf ! - • Arityws, I'4 7W ' 11 KW ' • , 11.17 AssisSll J 1 Koss 11 a- J Titylat Arts. - J A Coosa D ATOD• U USelkwarts D • .• Sad& Dumb D S Crorei DID • / 1 / 1 4,04 sod Salarris. Jaw II Webb I . • - P Dia. • O L neva it • . • • Mester Lad Primer C Mock 11 - U Hooper 11. • JHa D D D Usksasks as 4 iforelser. Thom. Chalks% •Cssoliskaa. Jobs *Laidig D Westssorolowisisl la ams. Huth Sloss D (so%l Timm MCI tt AYee - •e. Gloom Witham K Jobs K Midrib.' A C Retearbl , r, riaMPAK s. tat Th= o " xl . 111%r i) Dia,. LWaaela Da, /11 e *down ~D. Tab mlabsess It • - /Oa W Menlo/ - - Wear =lt D JI - Malt II Dalt Jan Wow I - DJ Jai/ DostbaU - lID Das Mel • D A JaIDW _II •• • h Ws If Nom - Mb J A Cataaptall . 11/11 awn NNW It • fi e 41„Petsgiy D meow L WTI 'Moak Outdo a Bitrave: W B P,Dray meat D' Clarion A mos. Idisesil D d. MD. taboo 1141 Driseros Y• Ka AiWges D , A = P i: Jan I Pima, Tram Lool t fr'D W Mlhr Ttlyttit ItttbsialleritD ika ltat\7 U Grans. .. • Juarn,:ll Robt 4 Uet7aiiell D . ' lirati=inirssi sad AdimaitOldretl) . llama 18 Fetter I) II J. McAteer D '. ' • ''• . • Abrams' Rawer D .. Near. ries iresolddg. &oder ' •.. ..Dut Lin ler. tre ' • - (7. - km. A Pigeon thotoo l Wilton D 8 D Clark It , • JAM Csimiluts DU W feederß 8 Cltoon It I: A W heeler It Gtoot Coral!" .1 .1 C Itarrep o D Swims. Midgard Unitas. U . • NaiaN*6m , , Nerikmeiberinid • • Dollar Dr. • • U Idatftvou pD _ • Ltgaglidun K ith. -•- An, aid 'B. ?taps end Dit lllMitta DIA • • 11118014 R. • • OUT' If l= klamed II • ~ • Jowls Mama lit .b. , t WI irdrra. Juatto...=atts J I Buell id l;. i.,. - 1 lOW sums it . - •.• • litiatUld Di I Wadavtos wed Sauer I Stswermt, eat DR Wither It , • dhltes. • - :. • t IN Zincked U • W U bow A , • . {. WWillimrtemik.U_." BP. Indian It • •_ .. leadad aid Att. autrutheAtas Awl Now David A Wale D re*. Ig n =lke 11: • `1 Learnt Itan D 11l Caldwell II " 1 0 J Navel) incAerroaloN According to tbestove showing, the . Renate will stand !Mem:Means to 16 Democrats ; andthe flonse 86 Republi cans to 44 Democrats:, giving the . peib• I lams a malcrty of twelve on Joint bal • • New Acfrertisemetits. VENDUE The madeialeped. AddisSaintly, de Made Nam. of tbe estate of Wl.liras Davidson. Jr. ditesaesd. will Geer at goblin sale, at des tam of said de. .ceased. on the Datitagtea road. la Patterson unrsob On ip. „Mislay, October 28,1870. novsEs. cows. now -3300v5. BUGGY. amid rots 01 HAM M, larealag Dapisaaeata Wheat by 'lsabel. sad la the gonad, Cora. Data, Day. Potatoes; Be, Be. Week is good. sad worthy of etteolion. Terms at tale. whkik wID eoeusenee Ilse o'clock. 'term . W3l. MINH Y, Adis*. EN XICCUTORIS 30711:11.—Lett to/Inseam. k a .E., oo the gelato of Jodt Teade, deed. late of Yalu skip. &near= Penna.. ba les beets ted to the Ends le. deb to add Mae at• hereby ollf= " taahe Immediate payment; and three baring adds ea add mut/mill pored then to the saleatbee, duly astbestleated doe settlement. eettlOw filtNitT MILLIS.. ler. insur e 11111168.1 C• 111 awl I. Mmibillisig. - ii•dthisl Winos as& bAt•T'f mud we eAmage our Light mods for Heavy Garm e nts. r • - A 4 the Mechanic and the Lahr go to their daily labor. and the ',mimeo= awl business man' to I heir oMees iti s ylsees or business, these cold and chilly morn. ings. the thought enters their miuti— WHERE SHALL WE BUY Our Winter Clothing P To the men who buys his goad s ready Mute, we would Hair: Go to SAJ.Snelleliburgs )• Broadway, New iliighlon; BECAUSE THEY liKto THEIR OWN 4:31r Cit732l , And Keep the ltest. Assortment in Ikarx;, l Cimuty. To the men wholes his Pod* filltde to s.rder, or by lUMSUrit we would way: Go to S. & J. SNELLENBVIWS, Because they have a Culler, A u4l Tailors sevocid to none In Denver (.70. KEEP A AIOICE STOCK OF Piece Goo :ft Rich to Select x • AND HEIR MOTTO IS •' NO WIT, NO PAY." RE3Ii:if . BER, BROADWAY, - NEW nitiairfox seputposechday T146-Cheappst Wholesrde BOOT & SHOE HOUSE --- IN PITTSBURGH. Josseish Box-lartd, tAit_ a $ Woed_Street, • Mametieturer. Wholesale &- Cbnumis- _ . Z." skin Dealer in BOOTS, SIEMER k IUIBBiaI.S. New York eel Batas Ptkes. Agent lhiPtilladelgblectty nude goods a it Nor idbelaseve_prlme. Often hoax emary desire =ardMed lad aalleteetsm unmated. reaelt ly. (wP34;21, ItitinifiiitdiritivirrOs:=Ciiiime A Maktritles Maim beet limed to uto eab eedbilvon the Mate of WHl et M' Daylisoo. dte emerg, lof Me boes of beam ffe law yoe amity. P... s4 leo la kersby glveu to Ya all w arm ladebted to add mate DM lomedlate me S regain* All tam ltelag 4:Wa m- Wie.""lP"tbia4llBstli.Si. betletlimg T.DIVN. !r: itdui t THE GREAT MEDICALDISCOVERYI wAiirissOs VINEGAR BITTERS. It. _loran 600)(6 Person tie to thew Wopderfal "-gm : Candi" Affects. • 2 Vs • ' l l IN - A p g' (9. 74 1 : I. ;Sas x - s. Medi of Woe puns; Walla&, Proasiffprtr- Ha, and gelato* hitlubre• and sweetened PO phase the Usk, Called r Too , ies," "Appetizers." .11tentneeee," Ac.. that lead the . tipples on to drunkenness. cud ruin . but an • true medicine:made front the Dative Iteots god Herbs of Callforub, free from all Alcoholic Idniulantak They ens thc ÜBRAT BLOOD Pindlirlii II and Life Giving Principle. a perfect Renovator, and livelvrator of the tlyr tam, atrryins of ell polsouout matter. and restor ing the blood toe healthy rood:doe. No peewit an take these Bitters according to dinictlouti, and nasals long unwell: $lOO will Welter' Win Incurable (.4e. pervi I the house are nut destroyed by talueral p , soar, of other meow, and the vital organs wastes topicad the point or repair trod ilailauntowatory & Chronic; alba.. stall. and (Meta Dyttpepadna or Indio test/on, BUllooy lieinittenta and In - ternallient Veverst Diseaues of the UloodaLlver, Kidney. sod Bladderithee• Miens bare been most remodel Curb Dili einem are ranee Vitiated Blood. which la men/Pi Pro tti‘r •Pe l'ersogromftt of the Digreadre Vre'r tie Cleanse Ike vitiated Blood whenever you And In heparin." bending through the akin In plmPles, rotpdood: Itching., !or sores: 'cleave It when you Aad It obstructed !MA. ologetsh In the vein.; claims It when It I. foal, sad your &Mega will tell you Whim" "ASP the bided pore and the helth of the system will follow: . PIN. TAPE and other W01t145. lurking In the system of go many thousands, are errs - M. 4 &- strayed oe removed. lu Billion., Remillard lad Interarlttard Fever., the. Bitten have no equal. For Cat' directlont, read laterally the cheater awned each bottle, printed In four bruguagto— English. •Gertnim. ,Yesuch,arad Spanish .1. WALE Ell; Proprietor. IS Conotteree St„ N,Y. )rcDitNALD A CO, Druggist. and 'teats. .Ban Francisco and acrantento, California, and Cl Lad Bt. donameres St. N. Y. pr SOLI/ tla ALL DRUGGISTS AIID DEAL. octltly I g - ts• of LW. of tamitea for Trial . at November Timm 1870 • • • ' neer was:. PirtsbirghNallonal ilk of Commrroeern John II ' Skate. • . William Twothr, we Beehinter Mankfactorlng Co. ireQuietists beide& 'Yakutlna Webb. vs F. K. Andanson. Jams W. Mttebell. re William Kensedy. Jacek MAX vs P, FL. W. dC. Railway Co. Stephen Clerk. vs C. IL, Hall i Co.. Coats Brothers, re John Dilworth. Jaines IL Jul:neon. vs Ducat Dawson. Battles it Webster, ire Robert IL Kay'. Jobs razor, ye Sunset Bibb. et al. /thwart Coyle, vs O. H. knothole. •SCOND lIZZIL WWI= Join:mm..B Levels !tenor Bosh h Anderson,vs William Anderson. Valentine S llohaugh. vs Goehring et ix. James Edger vs Casper Deuhart. George F Sinnott vs J W Mitchell. U Weinfeld vs Martin liets,gar. Homer Dawson vs U ...wood Oil Comiumi• ()eine White et al vs George Graham. John C Duff es el St A John McMillen. `Martin Zinkhorn vs Iftury Goehring. Thornton Walton vs J P Rebecca J Wilder fur use e s Win Julio littaio William Harrison vs William Rigby. 'A McMillen vs August Grier. John C Dud vs J Y A John McMillen. C U Warrington va Samuel Laney et al. Joseph A Fleming en William flume. John Sharp et al. vs G U lAnghtln. et al • Samuel Sanders vs Basel Su careugen. James hiller vs Wm li Bring , . et al. scbudeld A Whiting v• James Frasier. Jame* F. Morrison vs Smith Hazen, -• .1 E Schutt vs Jasper Schutt. John Stevenson. et al. vs Wm Ewing same - eirestrei oejier Same • vs II If Keifer. Oculthte JUGS CA CallEY, Pro'N; ' OrMailk u.nds hit aal• at the A nun • ofilinek . ' A. •ss a ova. 411 A. - vtlt,llon. BEAVER C 0.,. .,. ..Th Ofpluto•VOurt of t k s te t J. the reMskans • lu the matter of the partltheit, C .m....4 the Rad lrAtate or James Resell, late of uptry towewhip, In the said county of Rester, that:awed t Ana now, to wit: September 8,181 U, Rule on the hare and legal nyreeentatir es of the raid James Itusisell, ultu'illed 1111 the —day of --•-•,, A., 1/:. Ida. lea. tug te aware him eight chi Vireo, via: James loused lyJur pot! tlottert, Thomas Iluasell, William !Waren, June, latsvil, Robert Bossed, Joseph Russ : ell, Blusbetit Rowell, and Mary, interwerried with Joseph 31arker;all resld lag In Bearer rowdy, Mate sat Peumylvanla; also the children of a tlecrinial daughter, debecca, interdnarrled with Preach Braden, der d. tiln: Ma ry. Inter-married with Alex.7Jetinger, Junes Bra den, of Jennuton. County Mirsouri; Margaret, in learner:Jed with —. Anglienbaugh. now deed. leering two children. rut: Mary Cathulue and Lon B. Augbenewugn, residing In *wet cotody eforwald.aemont alma, tl e ago of Mu neon years, without a guardian; and Leander Daniell, deed, leering lii sartire hint two children, ell: Jame. S. Braden and Lonna Agee. lidded, residing in Col.mhisna rowdy, Star of Ohio. sod being mi nor. above the age of fourteen years, %Idiom a guardian; and all other. intereateil, to a pear and chow au.: II may they bare, why an inquest lu make Biathlon of the Real Eatate of raid decd , thould nut be awarded et an Orphan'. Court to be t rid in Ilearee. In auditor the county of Rimier, uu the :Id Monday of November neat. A Inc copy °Mule. ' Atteet--JOIIN C. It ART. Clerk. A true cups. JulIN GILERINti, abed, octPt.St .-...... FATE OF,JAMES JACKSON, Whercee. Letters Testamentary to the Estate of James Jackaott, deed., late of North bewickley township, Bearer county, N., have been great.: to the itabocalbers, all prawns Indebted to th saki estate are requeeted tab:take litimedtate pop meat; and those haviu: deltas or detnand• araltiet the estate of said decedent will make known the mune whatoat delay • to ".• ROIIKKT JACKSON, North `Snwt oktoy. THOMAS JACKSI.I4;•Moon tp. ' oct3tOw• • A' . Point Planing Mille; ll'ater ASYrect, Roeheeter, Pu • • - Whitfield & Anderson. MANUFACTURERS OF, &ritk - Bait,,Vouldings,/Toor-boarrit, IN;ather4!xtrda, Palinyra, Brack- eta, de., ttr ALLO. DFALERS !N.ALL KINDS OF LUX HER. LATIL SHINGLES AND BUILDING TIMBER.. Awing Intrehased the territorial Interest of Mr. J. C. Anderson, owner or the nererni Patents toy. erint certain Ilinperrretosnts In the canon action and .fttng of weatherboards and lining for hoes es and other buildings. we are the only hielArreineil to trinket and sell the same wigra: Malin - of •Bisieret county. Tartlet Wien:stint will plaaia Obvert" this. .offpentire Os:slangy c* 'par, mobil on** WOtlf,stode to tottoi. oeptititot New Millinery E.stablishment •••• IN- itt-feHli;SUIE:it. MRS. S. T. NEAL Wald Infortu Vic public Dr ltaclunitet and aiciniiir qua openid NEW mrtunaysTon ox-- 131X1413-11TON STREET; . A short distance above Cross' store, itiSCI4ESTER, PA. binen IMEI/19 AND m ILi t , INERT In sll its.brunclocs. Children.; clothing, Shlrtit„ nts de onter: work to he re lied on, solicited. PEAL. -rny23s;oll TO7•-1061e:ALRG.--Tli•itaderal pied b r cosoweill babd a coed article of tamp and Nat coal, wb eh be -wilt sell at reationable a nt., at upwank. or will deliver to— TM, book 'lf" Witted as lbw. a f e er rode fruit. tbalitt. Pt. Wa act Chicago Railroad. and bat • aborldittowoo liwot Roarer *tattoo. l bare ma° a gond 'adduce Mae Clay. which I will dttio• eat rowowabllo MAW. tkderakß la liirtiliewater, or a t Xlcbsel Camp', ki•Ratimstar, or at lb. bank. will math* onauct eglimOos.• J. C. MOULT'S. 1 BEST STORY PAPER IA rics Osman. A $5 ?Milo arm t rub, 60E4 Maw** Prix* (V ailar sea_ I.prelae. .J . R. =low. Pnblioba. I 0131 M. Ell=ll Livz AGENn WANT" -WOMEN OF NEW YORK, Or Social l e ffe in the Oreai My. Wanda% I noreldgonsto among the seitoeree, Manion liones'esposed. e. le. Pe. ply lc. bed boot to' mrn pub!! riled. The hent nee to Again aTer dna. Address N. Y. Bocilt:o. Tr, Awes Bt. Now Yolk. _ . _ BOOKS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Great Fortastaallee. Mete: Cnatishlp mote gr.y.. eta Coerce Stlguana. Mats; Bads b hodu „ cu ., ou yo visa Mwartheari or N o rusks gy , ag Gs: 13:10 Cos:bands ems. talus comet Latta Writer. IS eta; Amateur Tisanes; sow I i yar4A 4 Wyeleriotis Dl•cluearea. :dm COO& .8 Id cents: now Ganelders lag sad Wrestling made Easy. Is ;y r Trosbilarrisge Gal& sad Book of Ss s,, ntta !books sect postage paid by •etera mall. Atbes, 3 Mialf Place, NC. York. - acmes - - - ; De erre s Electric Soap. Warranted tier and thesper than say (Whey_ TO/r tale ID Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. ac.. JIIINCY a Atairew.'T Cotton • Co., limn A c o. noetir A Nobut.lbuion t Soo. J h Bugs Batas lisssekea.ltellf 113:atty. Eby air,; Wstatiosu Yosag.W Ltirser, T a. to Thompsond Morns." II Krauss. Wslurrsiglat Jr Co.. Robes. Jr J Kirk symosoart. Sou JL Co. it J Ilumphry, P.oy II A ca blorrisos, Moe J. 1103, co : .11rbisekle CO., of Plttsburzh. marl others octIII;4w - - SEASON OF 1570-71. itAION & HAIILIN CIBINE? Mil& Inaporlant improvernenti. Palmated Jane Mat. end Astral 534.101. REDUCTION - - OF PRICES. The limos sod llamas Oman Co, bare as pleasure of annOnneing hepatitis IcnprAnen"., in their likkhinet (levees, Pm which townie rter granted than in Jana mart Mesa tars Tex Art tint merely roenttekinas atttchmente, bet rata.. the natenantial excellence of the Icarus:mut. Troyy •re also enabled by hummed ferlitore le suutithicture to make. from title date, a further cr. doetlqn in priors on towel leading ova Having completed and added to their former to. cilities , o Lure. new masafaetory. they hope hert after to enmity all orders ntorupliy. ' The Cabinet Oront maimfactened ay thin Cm.- ' pany are wf tact' universe nmettlion, not tell I throsphont America, but thole Etrope. that he vri 4ki n g e trAliggiVil h ZT 7 rt ,,lgisrri. OANn, in'quite shin caeca,. bet equal scermizr to their apathy to *tithing they ,Mske, Ps be etch. The same. DOCDLt Map. .all. Tilt ueI'AVK DOUSLS UMW OlUilailS. rill STOPS with Know .w ell sad Trematett. a rie gaol mile, with .m4l of the name and Ilangis kesprovesteatt,Alej oi Tlis ma Eats, with kw or lin=ma,_ dwell. te , Mt - FIVE OCTAVICS, _...Tllitat SSW REEDS, chit'. MN STOPS with KUPtIOaa, a splendid keen. matt, PUS.' - I\ A pea, Ilinatsitad (=takers* with full inform lion. and rerhicad prices it now ready, and till or went free, with a testimoattLnircil4r. preseehaz a great mut of evidraea u to the taperionly a these initnonents, to rifts, tending hie Warw. to the MASON a HAMLIN ORGAN Co. IA Tre. Aunt etreet 60•101 A. or 501 Broadway, Nes T,A. occraw . 4it 6 i Li . V . E II k paid =i 4 ta, b ut a. a i l . e .... or : t er: tr . To uldtal requited. - Address Norelly (S..Sras. Pattie. 0 or: to V B ottan t 1 U d lg.. r S C e la utf r iat t eVla n trtre ' r .. oat lAi I - Cmturred. Contenticat -- Vrea , to nook Agentod. We will ..nd r loutdootue Prospectus of out Sir Mostrated Family Date Id COY hnnt A.Nat ~..• of charge Address InallonslPubllidds;C..r . .. l tudelphio. Ps. . ," I. $lO *ADE FROM 50 Cents, rioine dug urgently needed by 0, ery , sAly l'ai and exatstna. or sampler *out ipostsze prld , to tit MAW that retail goade for flu. It. L Woo ,er, 101 Chatham Sq.. Nee Soak. ,ec.te ArihN'ES WANTED YOH Ilion. %VAL SEWARD'S ri ILIA D Tor or Mal ~ Adventure and Sl:hreeint le "Our 14 tmter Itepublie." L a work of rare meet. profusely Inu•trated Ser.o fdt drainer to Unlumblau ilsok Co.. Sestet 1.1 ------- - . - . r=x~~ fTL CT.~R. = V'ARMEII'S HEI,PEIt. Shows how to donb e the pindtt of the FARM. and how farmers and their Kew inui mid irtni 0100 1 3 ..Mlt2 , llONTli tit... Winter. 10.000 copies will ho mallod & Mort n." ecd edines• to glEi. Phltedeltniik ocici AGENTS GrAm srtt .1_,14311 ^ r °FP THE Containing Fleetwood's U, a "Uses of the Aponles,d lkiddrldre's i•Kridencer Chit Ahr.',, toriof "the Jew. hy Joorphoc " toll gloun Denotulhat 10ng.." hb treat. , Auk relating to eveott oomecte..l hitt Fable nooninto.: monyl Our ..t.tohtfoo The 0b.% formtiva cootOleto Trovoiry Attrot edge. W. FLINT, /11ILs. Agreni6. NV:tilted For ITS VOTARIES: by Dr. Joan H. Pa and OtartlTUZ di•CloeUrt," Th. • holy rt. , cc, barn and IV 111.1eptmn...• exp0...1 m untr...l , eCratlou. Written In lA. Infer.... of 0 Chriatanlty. alai .P./41/ - tabu . . and terms. U. S. Publi•filn,.: N 1 CAlesen and St Lan.. ~5•0 COSTS pl - 7 7 , 71' Th7 l . l l");vr';' Vastaihr .1 i, I Li.d j•;i0. '.1;••• twelre Tem I.•gifill WWI 41tiv The wild adventures and marveno, r • of lino. P. Haauca, known as be "Pf - .Great //asfer," and Lannon, dad. • • WO lodges, from 1888 to lernl. A lee* Interest, 7ml/tie, Trrsite. Preth. /bets of Plefion. Itichly tinted paper, elegant binding. Will en/door! , body ererywhore and anti toeseord an. boat' Lire. ride-ramie Jpents send early for neater, sample pages and ternis. Ago+ , re , r lug ta/ tosloo per week. A: 11. lisher, Id° Chestnut at. Phila. 'Er T An metalling remedl for all Uroachlal I.)l2lra;:tr. Sore Throat and COWL NVEL,L,S' CARBOLIC TABLETS Mao ;huffy dm blood. ambit eircaLl lon and or, decay. - amlni 41remt ly•on - the Macao Mcniimu lbey should be promptly mad frrrl) taken In 2:1 rt promo or violent ebanim of weather, a. mei • • keep up the ctreolation of the blood, and ibis ward off all tetoleneno cold and Inns ‘1! 21,,,,,. FOIL WOMAN IN CHILDREN Wells' Carbolic Tablet , area never falllng rcetked.T. TRY To! VoLi. BY DRUGGISTS. arils A94Dlnitss Wonted.—(l42:23 seal b)_ the slaseriests Ahlthing Mosaiss .l sou, Miss, or tie. Levis, Mo. • esl• WANTED—MANTIS. (20 psi' dal' UV the Celebrated nOMR eIIFTTLIt MACHINE Ilse the esderlesd. makes If. SHWA. (alike coo both sides, land 1.A.a., The best and Cheapest Fsmlle :tester Mews• the market. Adieu. JOIIRS02; CO.. Boston. Mess.; Pltteburge. to.; chic.; • - or Itt. Loots 120. , FORTUNES offered to Its. gams to chance esucl moo . Co., •Wllmtorton. Del. leer, Comb ts , Mack or brown. It routain• na p. ,, •0n Can use U. One cent by rash fur ,311r1 dear k , dress MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield. f!'*l43"l. 7 4 1 t6 . ;SO , tiff • cc' viro • z— v .(t•e- t w\s •Zafitt,Y) 1/4)..d\Nek • • UpiC JASI 31 I Ll)ache a S. fit, RE n It Co the beg iocovered. tat dee treirtrU•ca', rl and lo,tralee d all the alial cu Werner., „ha m ,' eatt .ing to any of them. 1 1 ...7 template raceme has lone attanded tut sty localities, and It 14 rem OM-red to the Cs Taal public with the etentlctlutt that It an tuacrucepllah all that la claimed to It. It pr , dual little or Do pain; le ave . the „.. z ew Ir.. from Irritation. and nem overtaxes or escor• 15. epaell.. In 1111illseibes of Ow skin, tetwdeto w aril. bowels, liver, kidnaps—of ehltdrre—sel many dltneultlee peculiar to woman. It leo:r prompt relief and Ornate cars. The bretyat7 . Clang recommend and preecrlbet It; and or per+ who once =ea this will relnielartly ' , elan 1 . O . ear of any other cathartic Or seat by Moil ,• receipt of price and portage. I Itur../5 ro AIM 6 errata. 5 boxes, $1.00; poeage Pirvuly ta sold by all dealers In drag. mad iseilleht..... l by TURNER a Co, sole proprietors, IV Twor' street, Baotou, Mom. . latog3true. :0 - • Notice la /Partition. IN THE Mill COVET to avid is tie manly of Heaver, and State of Penheybo t. l to the matter of the partlilou of the real mute WHIM Elliott, der:mord: To Nary Jane Elliott. latruitiarried with tine' Todd, ...hit: r. In the comity of Maumee. r' 01 ,`...` JohnlowaJohn Enke!. residing to the counit e. • doted°, Bute of California: Martha Elliott, t.te married with John Slmpprlooo. 16.0 county. Mauro( Iowa: .tty El roodirt the Mate of tSllforola : Take notice that an Ir.gossitlon 0:Or Er.: F. tat, of William Elliott. Bred. sill be held tho p . nrhthies on the 11th day of November. JOHN tiILEDIN I O , Eberle' pilot Oet. It tall)--to 'Ur Deeds, 310ad4 Ilartastesr. tl+.o k q't ""antly ea mod and tOf sau al tab odd Q il ME ir ** 4 - C : . :." 01.1 • _ o,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers