-:'a.'hi^'>".~Y..~i~:..~'Mf•C.?`V+~'.`.Pl:'.~4TSTw^TlS^L~a :~^.,:=.T'A~RslE 10 = _ Pa., May, 4, 1870.*. tlrrufation Otter'llbetve'Hundrvid. • Itiateis of Advortbiluip , - - Ow. Gut. 1 - - 4r-1011041. j 7 00 $3.00 $$ 00 $7 IV $lO 06 . ~inDreo, do 880 500 7ODIOOO 15 00 multool, do 00 600 000 11 15 18 Of) 4 mduirrA, do 600 00010501500 11 OD c01umn..... 800 .11 00 15 00 WOO 08 00 column • 111 00 15!OU .10 C 0 $0 iXo $0 00 I column.-- 011 00 aOOO aOOO 0000100 OU • L.:11001E111101V and E .p•ciel netters per Eno; , rt r Payments to lx or trenrient roleertttarr !‘i adjunct. MEE ten CI MI Inah Montg, • quar which The attention of the pnblia is directed to tho following I.\ - ow Advertisemnota, which appear for the first, limo in .the A Ito rs hi-day: ' ' Agents Wanted—Zeigier,lslcCardy & Co. (*balling—Wm. Reich, Jr. Agents Wanted—lnsurance Co. S. Internal Revenuo—C. M. MerriCkl- Agefits Wanted—Goerge Maclean. 310 bile Weekly Register—W. D. Mann. Notlye—Chairman Ex. Coin. Notice—John Reeves and othors. • Doinnty, • special Notices -Jay... Fortune. Tax List—Ebou•Ailisou. ,Special Notices—F. I). Fwd., Special Notices—Uri R. Cooper. Subscriptions loam Bracer At , gus.—Tho following .natned persons have paid the mono; set opposite to their Tonnes on subscription to the Bow; A Revs, shim the date of our last pnbll - Jahn Border, Beaver, - $2.50 James Smith, Raccoon township, 2.00 'telt Anderson, Beaver . , S: It. Briggs, Industry, 2,00 steillor Et Clark, Itoehostor, , 2.00 ,hooes li. Ferguson, Darlington, 2.00 N, Ni*Cormlek, ltinekhawk, 2.00 Junes I). Ewing, . 2.00 11': lionald, . Mow Sitedleid, 2.00 l-me Shane, Brighton township, '4O , Arthur Shields, New-Ahollleid, 1.00 ,le.epla Newell, Eno&Valley, • 2.00 11. It. Ewing, tireen,t/arden, • , 2.00 'I honms ,Nloore, Industry, Nollee.—Thorn will be a meeting of itc:Lvor Lodge of Rood Tetnplars • ln the Rrand Army of the - Republic Lodge noun, 13cav fin, ou Thursday oven_ nt.7l o'clock.. Tho mein bers :We earnestly requested to Mk*. lty ordor, T..L. K EN.linnY, W. C. T. Boots K. Shoes, new spring styles, at J Beharty's, Britigdatreet, Bridgewater. inay3 at. • 11..NnsonE Window Cartains, and Ilx • tureg of all kindm, at Kea.. Palis, Now Itrlghton ; Pa. ' 7 , . 23;2in ;•-•—• ; : 'Lit. New ttylo saekm madt to order, at Renee:Ole:wen ,' .. 20:3w WALK mew California Bitters! liostet. tors, Mahlor's and Constitution Bitters! i'alifornia Port and Sherry Wines—Just arivtal and for sale nt tho apr2o;4t) BEAVER 1/nun STORE. • Naukerirdzid''Polutoes.—No aie ittestoil to state thatparsona who de sire the Nansemond Sweet potato jilatit f,,r this spring's planting, can obtain them by leaving their orders at the An iies (Alice. Price 50 eta. par hundred. riders should ho left at tui early date. STAMPED gold and gilt paper at Evan Puglin Saw Brighton, Pa. l'ltMtilt LUCE Visit constantly on hat)* by Capt. lt. F. Meilvain of Rochester. Will bn in Rochester, Brldgowater and heaver on Tuesday 'and Friday after noon of omit week ; on Thursday after noon at Itochoster and Fruodom ; on Friday morning at Now Brighton,' Bea ver Falls, Fallston and Sharon. anr2M % - v-Ituy your Dry goods'at nollteM, lt,trur. '2(k3w A. LA WM 'morn:rent of WRIPPapor at Evan Pugh's Now Brighton, Pa. .T.l.;2in Drug Store.—Dr, Hibbard has jitit "petted a new Drag Store . two doors :,rove S. .L'Cross Co.'s, ROCIOStOr,ra. lie has a fine lot of fresh drugs, oils, paints, varnishes, toilet soaps, fancy ar tichwt, and perfumeries, Just received front New York; which he will sell cheaper' than ever before sold in this market. Ile will also lutVe u nice soda water fauntain in operation during the warm days.' 4 • [apritiM. .Extraordinary inducements offer .' in millinery gootlx, nt ilenee'H'Estab- . 4liment. Stock 14 nov,-,complote. 20;3yr .Itwr ItHetreED, Cheap Wall Paper at, Eviut Puglea tion'Brighton, Pa. 2:1;2m ScA Moss rautxu, Rocker's Farhat Mamma, Oorn Starch Vermicelli, Mn. earoul, it . frealt supply et,littito Andric:. ,cn's Beaver Drug Store. apr'4o;-1 Dr. D. L. Dempsey delivered n ve ry interesting lecturein the Court lhouse on the subject of "Seeret societies," on lust Thursday evening. Thoso of your readers who wore not present iniss.sd a very instructive discourse, inacu st6as.—A. good assortment of Hack bilks for Hanks and dresses at Loom's, Beaver: , Sacks and dresses wade to cirJer, after the latest and nicAt appsoved stylus. aprta; 4w Set.t:Nonu stock of children's Cat riages andPerantlatlntors at Evan Pit gles Look and 6riety store, Broadway New Brighton, Pa. Tito Beaver County Agricultural So ciety, will hold its next Annual Fair in Beaver, do Wednesday, Thursday and Prat-, Sept. Sth, 29th and :10th 1870. apr2ll;Untos.l p HAL ?dooms, See.y... LadieS Cloths, in beautiful colors fore .attimior wear, at !Taco's, Deicer. . itur2o;lw MottroN'm gold lions, heat in the market at Evan Pugh's New Brighton, 23;2in EH Shrubbery de.—.fames Wardrop C 0.,• of the Sewlekly nursery have pfir,pti u, under obligations to them for a lin, lot of ornamental trees. They Hill please accept our thanks. nein p.nsais who have visited their nursery r learn that they haven most eiteellent vari,ty of young fruit trees; shrubbery they aro selling at very mod orale prices. Un not forget to call at Fortune's, in iho Diamond; Rochester, for bargains iu Iry ,00tIR l'rkes as low as the lowest at llohor [may4 ~~~ ___ 14900.—Wanted an active tnan,itt each oty Stiity, tri, (Illy* s a take ordera by sample, for' w ,rea, agree and ! To a ulkthle•urionprrojvyl give a ,dory ofd to 1,060 a year, , tray - Ha hod other expenses, coda roasotta- Lic on rates. InitoMist() applications are solicited proper parties. Refaionma ex.- Apply to, or address J. PACKEtt at CO., csiitinental Mills" 364 Bowery, N. Y [apral4l, c.- (inn') and strati bats and bonnets ,ne over elloap, at Benee's largo mulin. ..ry Bsta)liminnent, Beaver. aiir2o;Biv A largo stock: now style light chintzes, jest received at Fortune's, anti selling u vls. • A l'oruLAnlssmr.n.tos,—T4oro is, porliap., no Institution of learning In vokintry so widely known and so cAtenstroly patrontzed;MAlto Iron City 'ollege. Young men coma thousandeof Iniles to avail theinsOlvas of tho advanta-' go , sttordodim As splendid system of P r aktiudpusinessoducation.—Pdtsburgh (bmmereial: M 4 aßallariCi York, Qiiy xas explbited la rower's, - 01 4 Y. ftothksiera..R • *it B ,turdsf./ alening, on Monday afternoon and aktiln lifogday °coning. It is a vell , Ain°, work °Earl, and exhibits 41 mike 'Of the . Commercial Idotropolis of tho dountry. besides 7 miles of shipsy, steamers, dtc. E ce t i r 411dipg oft a tolYiagmbl . to's , ilow; dg iv es. ono almost as clew an Idea of them' as though ho were really in tho clty. An oxplanstorpleicturo la glicit during the exhibition which is full of interesting and statistical facts. It is well 'worthy of public patronage, for In no Way short of a visit to Now York itself will one gain eo much knowledge :of •tho gioat city. aces ....$3 00 lerly, except mud be paid '..ts..The largest stock of millinery goals . ever brought to ,place now opened it Benee'Sfavorittimlilinery Es tablishment, Beaver. , apr2oi3w 'Lb , ' Goods at Pitlebnigh pras at For- IMO'S. Diamond, Rostieston. Sorg° floods's speciality at. J. N. Do horty's. proty.l3t. . ..Vs.. Savo your monoy and buy your gooda M IPAMa's, Beaver. aprZ);:tur. e. !- • , •,---. , i'ATTEitmi Vo/y14.41C.7-BicaUtiful bross Goods at Ilenao's new store. Boavoi.c M=EI .The proient spring has brought about many changes irt • the ,population of the towns here/!boute. Busfuesi Tien, too, have struck anti pitched their tents, seine hero others there. Among the latter we may mention that Dr. W.ll. Sutherland, who has practiced dentistry in Beaver for several years past has recently re moved to ltochester, ono door above Ciess' Store, where 1w will be found ready at all times to do work In hie lino. llo t halluid 'considerable 'experience in thkentel:husiness, and if any one is so unfortunate as to have aching molars the Doctor can't:um them to ache no more. Give him a trial. ;A -Extraordinary bargains in all kinds atul . colora of Alpacas at Bence's, Beaver. apr2o;3et The (Alders and Manager* of the ammi comi ty Agricultural Society will meet at the Sheriff's office, Saturday May 14th, ISPt. at 1 o'clock p. m A pr . empt and full attendance is earnestly dealred. maykiw 11. It. 'MOOR g,Sec'y. Don't forrget to call and see those nett girt chintzes selling at 121 cents at Fpr une's, Diamond, Rochester. Fire at Smith's Foriy.—A two story dwelling house, at Smith's Ferry, owned and occupied by a Mr. Boyd, took fire on last Wednesday, and was burned to the ground. The tiro was caused by a defective gue. The furniture, generally was saved. Loss about $2,000, --fully in sures. A new style dress goods just received, something neat and cheap. Call and 800 them. Jag. A. Fortune, Diamond, Ito chenter. ALISMA-U rayhairs are honorable—so Rio havo road and hoard from boyhood days; and yet no one, man or-:woman, seems to doairo the honor of gray hatrii. Idness, too, is the droad of all who are threatened that way, and mrory effort is resortod to; to avoid it. SowardA; Bent ley'Sl Alisma for the hair is said to be a e.apitat promotive of either, and that It restAr@s the hair to a hoaithiaandition nod Its original iolor.i (*lite to Grief.—Tho Pitthburgit pa per» 9I" last Thursday inform us that "a iincil6oking young lady from Reming ton' station," (this county) named Mary Mains, induced an old fellow front Law renceville, to take her carriage riding In that city, during Om great ratification ju bilee on the 27th. After whirling around for a couple of hours, they wore both no ticed to bo very much intoiicattill, when alto fieliCiAntt in t 1 i 444iariiiica comfit': rested them. The old gent. was fined $lO, and the "fair Mary" had to go to jail for six days. "TnEnE was a frog who live] In a vprlug, Ile caught ouch a cold that be could not ulng Poor, nfortunate liatrachian ! Di what a mad plight he mina have Veen. AUd yet Ma misfortune WM one that of ten Li: , falls singers. Mang a once tuneful voice =Mug' those who belong tmtho"genua bonio" is utterly spoiled by "cold in nip head," ur on the lunge, or botlf combin ed. For the above mentioned "croaker" wo are net aware that any remedy was over devised; . bug we rejoice to know Wilt all human singers may keep their heads clear and their throats in tuno by a timely use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy, and Dr. Pierce's Alt Ext. or (Widen Medical Disco", both of which are sold by druggists. Fire and Loss of Life.—On' last 'Wednesday morning, nt four o'clock, while the watchman at the Excelsior '4)11 Works at Freedom was on top of one of the tanks arranging the pipes to pump oil, With a lantern in his hand, the gas ignited and a ierride explosion followed. The sound resembled heavy thunder, and although ] somo three miles oil, was distinctly heard by persons in lioat:er who were awake at the time. The watch man's name was IMr. Jtiseph Ecoff, whose remains were found in the tank, almost entirely consumed, after the fire was ex tinguished. Mr. itcoff leaves a wife and four children to mourn his sudden death., Ills life was insurd in the sum of 112,000 at Limo Limo of the casuality. About two hundred barrels of oil were consumed by. the fire and the tank rendered complete ly useless. • cQ One ear load of Cant‘Al city and not' - Creek llonOuirreeelifed - ainl for sale, wholesalo and retail at the store of Speyerer Sono, Rochester, Pa. Pennsylvania Slate Su odiiV , School Convention. = Tho, mmual• •ConVoution for theyeal• 1970, will be hold at Harrisburg', Tuesday, Wodnesday and Tinwsday, Juno 14, 11, and Id. Geo. 11. Stuart, Esq., in expected to preside. Each Sunday School in tho State is invi. ted to mend two or more delegates. Pas-, tors of Churches, Superintendents of Bunday_ Schools, and protninok:Sonday School workers t rrom all parts of the Stato are invited to attend and 'partici pate. Our Sunday School brethren from nth or States aro also cordially welcomed. It Is requested that the.naincel of those who expect to atioUd •sball IM-sent to Rev. Th0a. , ,11. Robinson or John M. Sayford, Secretary, on or before the first day of Jalna,a.s It will be %necessary , for thoso who would avail themselves of a reduc tion of fare on the railroads, to procure excursion tickets before leaving their hoines for Ilarrisburg. The fTramlitee of arrangements will secure orders for tickets for all who notify them In time to do so, and forward them. . . Places of entertainment will be provi ded for ail who give due nutfee of their, coming. T. 11. I{OBINSON,AIa • 1. M. SAYFOiII., Secrday. Milliii Adjourned court.—Adjourned Court was held in this place last week. Aluong other nuttiness tranaaptod during IterSeisionsrall the graniiritrat ifei3nses to theletlering:nernetrversonn: HOTELS. • John. Iti. Shrouds; Phillipaburg. Bickerst4, Stealer& Clark, Rochester, Wtn. Buechler, DachiSter. • Jacob Marks; Darlington. John'Johnston, New Onlilee. Michael lift, New &Ili:Wu tp . . . MATING 11011SES, W. 11. *thy, Itoeheitter. "417.3 n ITt nirawrmsa ItOT , .z.zsts' TttAv oat QUATLT. 0. C. Speyoror it Sons, Rochesterl. Et= Bait Lftwatelbed. ,, LTinms was- quite A gathering ••Of pxople, , elki i nd lyoung, , i4 ll /•* &3 o l i , 4 l4l te l l i a t iY & I ittie . i hoaciaid hi - Freed * OM, on gatuniai P 3 PfninB hat 1 9. 1 ,0tPeasAt launching 6t a staunchlooking craft built bithe above i i waned Hem. , The werkm all steined pleased with the appearance of the now w boat, boat, and well they might,' r 'she was really , , ,asubsbun t ial . looking. piece of workmanship. Everything being •In readiness, the way. wet down and greas ed and every man at his peel; the , word Was`given, and bang, bang, hspg,. went the sledges knocking away the &locks and timbers from beneath the boat: In a;few minutes aim commenced moving, so Slow; however, that the nioveraent I was scarcely perceptible ; forAt least ten minutes this slow movement continued, more grease was applied to the ways, blocks loosened up, and away she went; gliding downtbe ways in beautiful style, floating out Into the stream as griceful " of Now BS a swan. There wwg a . tow; boat in readiness to taro her to Pittsburgh. whore she Rill be fitted out with her inn chinory nndput in running order the hor departure for the mountain trade. Tho builders, owuorsand all concerned may well feel proud of the non , boat Success attend:her. Beaver County Blike Society.— A large mooting of the friends of the Bi ble was hold In the U. P.... Church of Bea ver, on Sabbath evening, May' 1, 1870, fo,r the purpose of reorganizing the &Q -v& ".County Society.„- Tile Rev. James C. t.ieslaed. Addresses were doliFored by the . Bev; /Mr. Bells, Secretary of the Bible Society for West .9rn Penp'a., and by Ilessrsaisike, Low ery, McLean, Dravo and Thorn. John Caughoy, Esq.,Stairmen of a committee to pioparo and report a constitution, for the society reported, whereupon the con stitution was adopted and the following officers were elected for the. ensuing -ear t . . aprM3w President—lion. Daniel Agnew. Vice Preshkaa-11. S. Dribrie, Dr. Sur gent, John Caughey, Esq., Goorgo Fields, C. M. Merrick, A. Stewart, Hon B. B. Chamberlin: Secretary—llenry Mee, Esq. Trecuurcr and Librarian—Major 'l' McCroary. . Board of Managers—M. Weyand, A Laird, Wm. Orr, 0. R. Coo, James l'or tar, Prof. Douglass. Ratirying the . 'INTIK Amend. 'aceordaneo 'with arrange menu made HOMO time previous otir cob; ored fellow-citizens of this and neighbor ing towns celebrated the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment on last Mon day. The prowssion formed on tho hill - in Fallston and canto down through Sharon to Beaver. Halting in the Dia mond, and having no speakers of their own, they called on Mr. M. Woyand, who delivered a brief address, congratulating them on 'being armed with the ballot-.a weapon which would enforce respect for , them and their children. The proces sion thou moved to Bridgewater, front there to Rochester, thence to New Brigh ton and Beaver Falls and then returned to New Brighton, where the wagons sep /tinted and melt MAIM' home. Some two or three hundred pinions were in the procession, including' anon, womedi and children. Two brass bands accompan ied theui , -ono from Rochester and the Other from , Beaver, Tana. The proces sion - OLY orderly and every person— white and colored—seemed well pleased with the demonstration. The colored folks of this vicinity start out oil their now life under favorable auspices, and' IVO:earnestly hope that uo conduct of their's to the future will servo to Muse any one to regret thafthe ballot %yammer placed in their hands. • The Bultlmore,Pittawride and Coutlnoutal Bat —As our whole county is interested in tho build ,/itg in, copying the above correspondence from the - Pittsburgh Clunmerciut of last Wednesday. Mr. Waddell, it will bore metnbered, is one of the loafing mem bers of the company, andwp believe also its chief engineer. 110 .was into of the speakers at the Aeltor mooting: . .011011 7 CoLumnzatra Co., On to. 1 • April 7..,A570. j Pursuant to precious notice a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Adler and vicinity convened at the public school house, in this place on Sat urday evening, April to consider the necessary stops to betaken to secure the building , of theMaltimore, Pit t4burgh and Continental .littilroad through this place. Samuel Yciung, Esq., was called to the chair, and Peter Isruwn elected secretary. • • 1 • The Chairman having briefly stated the object of the meeting; then Introduc ed Asbury Waddell, Heq., who in a lengthy and able speech. g.tive a detailed statement of the plans oC' the Coospany,• what has been and Is being done along the route across the Stife of Ohio, and what was expected of the people _of this vicinity. The speaker Stated, that the Company had boon holdhig moorings in' Mercer, Anglaise, Hardin' ,arion, Mor row, Richland, Ashland, H I%l olmes, Tusca rawas, Stark, Carroll anti Columbiana counties, and that the right of way had been promised in most instances free, and pledges of stock to the aniotint of six hundred and fifty ihousand%dollars, with a promise to double those sulsscrip; Soils if necessary, had boon . received to aid In the construction of this road. This road is designed as a connecting link in the short out route,' extending from tidnviater at talthaiore via Con nellsvllle, Pittsburgh, Beittler, New Lis bon, Marion, Lafayette, thence to Oma ha and the Pacific. This link extending fronrPittsbn sgh to Lafityette,lntl., is all that yet remains to be put under contract, and when completed will make a - thro' line between the two great oceans over twoininaretini ilea shortcr thin any.routo yet. projected. No extremely . heavy grades are encountered en this route, na ture having graded the Way so well that a road can be built from Lafayette, =ME to l'lttstoirgh on nearly an air line but ono grade of thirty-nix foot to milo, anti most of the way from af eight foot ? Tho.so figures nro obtai from a recent survey of the route. .This road will. psi through ono of finest mineral regions of the States. Cannel end•bltnialnoas' coal from throo to twelve feet in thick, T , nose, which can bo loaded by,graVittition. is found on ovory side. Iron ore in exhaustible quantitice and supeilcir qu4: l By, lime stone, building stone, salt nod fire clay underly a nret. belt of country t. through which it will - pass . The spook - or paid a glowing tribute to the many ad vautagas.of.this route as being tho n tural groat commerciallivio over which the teas, silks and apices of China and Jipan must 'seek! An Eastord market, closing his remark* with a cogent appeal to estr g000pli•to labor. earnestly fart • prize which is now within our grasp, we but g“i: the matter prime encour ageintent and Attention: 1). P. Ilditthiti, Esq., on litthalf of Bea ver county pledged an earnest co.o;wr$ e tton,ltuttUniamised a liberal infiserlia t ; ii tt ofsteek and 'ttieright Of way? Peter Y. Brown, John.Novht and ors six:Co 0? the iinpertahmi of the ro to the people, tuanho nocatiqty of immt illato and energetic action. On motion the chairman appointed a committee consisting of P. C. Young, John Nevin and Samuel Richardson, to draft a resolution expressive of the sense df the mooting, whoyepbtted the follow ing, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That wo, the citizensofAcluhl and vicinity, earnestly desiring the 10i:s -tied of the Baltimore, Pittsburgh `-and Continental Railroad through our midst'. - „ , do herdbrpledge ourselves to use our best endeavors to secure the right of way free thiough Middletown township when -'.-- saldroaii ilea be Tented ind 6 4 1 9 ( MPenY,t ( libe tilbjr a llittitittiktrifitititiet After which the meeting adjoairtee.' • 4•The tidvaritageOf thli route oworirhat Is known, theNnith'sVeriTer ern rouWeltifiestoolibultbill4o;inbk aides *Rini threugh'opo" of the' 'Mineralregtoi%hittiliciistat4,i',ii stated above, g dcfirnilefeontli, side of the ;creasing it, Bea ver, andfrdmtheinekiNew Lisboa by way of Brady's run and Brush e rim, we gain about five miles In distance'.ever any other praclicabl ate, and from Now I. l ,bibon westward'ilNLafayotto, tin BollovUle rind lOrlou, our ' route defies competition. The pooplo along tho proposed line are sanguine of success, and wo bellow that ore lotetthesliilliiihrlek of the locomo- Vve, as It plungesoitlyard - from the At, !antic to the Pacific, arouse the Rip Van Winkle denizens of our alleys and bills from their slumbor of the last half century, occasioned by their inability to transport the Produnta of their farms and mines and competo successfully with other localities. • V. uxculuoteuira remaining to Ow Postoffic 3 at Rochester, Pa May tot:18704 ittas F° ="l n logie r 111.1 a Emma Letchaw Mrs Belle Armstrong Mrs Ussla Anderson Ben S. Trimble Miss Mgt McGuire John B..McMillen B. L. Parson* ' Mns Evc litcele Ithel Margaret Buoy Ma Emma &MIMI Dr. IL J. Uattarwanh J. B. Clino Steele & Avery Elizabeth' White A. C. Walter O.L. Porter. Mrs. Roche! Cox Sin John Cox Dwight L. Chop' Cook, Anderson & M. Rev. John Darin Wm. Malloy TAYLOR, P. k JILIHT received a new stock of Sugars, Coffee and T, at the Grocery with tho blue front. , Lb' or Letters remaining in Dearer Post Oftice May lat. IMO : Deli 'Prof. David Lore. J Homy, Eiq. MM. IlarMormsr. Catherine Convert. Redid Rag. Mrs. Sarah J. Clark. Mr. D. D Mira Mary Davenport. Mr. Fred: Rolorcmh. Fletch.. Deo. D. fin Otter. Wilson Cram, Eaq." Mr. Duelist Smiley. M r. IL C. Hogg Mr.. Mary Aim Taylor. Mrs. tnctuda Luntlaya. John D. Thompson. MART A. McGarnek, P. M. : IJEAvra FAu.s, April S),1810 EDITOIII Argot:Si—Deaver Falls still lives and mores. This was abundantly shown on Sabbath (April 2iih. On that day the Presbyterians deaf. sited their new house of worship. It u a two sto. ry brick building. 70 by 41 feet, 'with a vestibule outside: thus giving no audience rump the whole size AA the building—less the thickness of the wsile. It is beautifully frescoed, and has been handsomely furul ' Shed by the ladies of the conga gallon. The whole .cost - is a little less than tote thousand-dellari. It L.. J. Wiluon, D. D, of .the Theolsaical Seminary in Allegheny, preached an the day of dedileatiou. A debt of nearly three thousand slogan was removed at the dedication. The cumoututon ,sureness were held in the after noon of al same day, When an addition, of forty -11070.0 pinions to the Menibetehlppf the church, announced. 'ter. A. Ellftillithkeas installed Pastor not quite two Swans - a:4,4e at Malt time the membership of tie church wit Italy. Use. At the present time Unlimbers one hadral and any. The prospects of thlssougregationite'mort encour.. g big. Our town Is getting •to ba 'quite well sup. .plied with churches. The United Presbyterian+ dedicated their brassie of worshije• few weeks ago. The Ilethodiels - expect to dedicate soon. So that, In this respect, our enterprising town will soon be on an equality, at least, wfth other places. Pared peaches, dried apples, dried beef. hams, ahoniders and aides, at the blue front grocery. Gorda cnakim tuatlo rill' boot for it; 50 at Dohorty's. , . [inapt 01.. , A nscutmon thus Impeaches woman: I impeach hor in the namo of the great whale of the °coati, whose bones are torh asunder to enable hor to koop straight. I impeach her In the name of the pm cook, whose strut without his permission she has stealthily and without honor as- Hamal. I Impeach hor in tint _niunfi of the horso, whose tail she hi perverted from its into to the making of wavy tres ses to decorate thd back of hor head and neck. I impeach her. in the name of the kangaroo, whose beautiful figure she, in taking upon herself the Grecian Veit , New lite:nig received tinily itt Fortune's. Diamond, Roelite4Ler. httEN Apple., Oranges, I.eitiong, PrtineA, Itaishm, at Um gromry with tho lam, front. Want:Kul nt apr'2o:3w ME EDucATioNia. IICA Vllit CouNTV CoNTINUED In my last article I endeavored to clearly exhibit the right of the State to educate children in connection with the Parents and the Church. The design of the present artier° NM determine what provision the State luav made in this, di rection. Without going into too min4litletalls of the rise and progress of our school system, and of the various laws enacted by our legislature, I may say that the third historic act of the legislature was that which provided for the education of all the children in the Commonwealth at the expense of the public treasury, pas sed in 1531. Previous to the enactment of this great law more than 200 acts had boon passed in reference to this great subject ; fur the people of Pennsylvania have over boon tho friends and advOcales of education,' and at nu period of their history were itioOltorts.reliszed to attain greater per fection in the organization and adminis tration of a system of public schools. A • the old records of the Dutch government on the Delawaro, is found an amount of the labors of Evert Pieter soil, who held the Wilco or "Sclxiltnas- Dr, comforter of tho sick and setter of psalms." tio arrived in the colony in April, 1017, and in August of that year was teaching twenty,five pupils ; this is tho first schOol on file west bank of the Delaware of which a record has been pro served. The original "Emcee of tiovurninent and the Great •Latv," enacted in the first year of the Province under the authority of William pain, provided that "Schools sins_ uliklis adablialtedlfiu; thik-Aaination Ilitl6oll-11111- MO - rata% the poot for 73itrthille. PANTII- A l 3 m . 3 Null ilekoctedt the..inotbai Sic the tnettlAttlonrAsiatiottor . uanf_kg , 49 o i7 :•1+ alassispx:sebauipitued .819-.:;4lB..gbiloaC.Aa-I..aksidifOrd In . I s?plui. , c9NibyvA t .Al 4, /3)Yaan4ilater ftioniad at New Lon don in Chester count mm& of uremialiaoVtLitEflasTOlJuidEff by onntsi t lfutiogrAwn reOgiona ties la • ILatoriocablillatiailln4 • teiin sylvanta early In the otibteiii4d Vbutu ry. In 1756 these schools were open and AppellaneMined4n-lahiladelphiN - Innl in reOurillos ofßetka,Zuelia, 2tlonticom orhiXo4:Cyanteq.Laileratar, and Cu in • • gplis were taught in the diradift kalisnage,yia who, applied. • licriaiitAtiOinAl.Perulan settlers lathes° Oai,cip s +siOssobcicd by . the ado of :Oariziktft4, antreirefu4rovldad far • I t. oft*ichifdten.rhe am -1:t •••.• • • • ***aid naitiedihd work Of end we inaliAlelMslo64l4eitmils; seminaries -Amilsol e t t l i t,t u rid - ', among the first public forth at Pittsburgh, Meadville, Bile, .Beaver, Cannerusburg, :iiinahlngtori and other places. Under the provisimi of the Constitu tion-of 1790 whieh declares that the legis late-ft; nation provide by howler * the es. , ;Mbllahnteut of schools throughout the Sthie-in trutnner‘ thit the poor may . . . . bo taught gratis." An act was period la lace, improved and re-enacted in 1804, which provided for the opening of ors. The schOois rolled. "pauper . sc h oo l s ," and wore Plaoti by the rich and shunned by ther—llis.children wartdolitled as tblellkY" asitiffinpor f it wags:tor Ada th PrhetfaltlYeoP S -1 ratoet t h e po o r , ato* , ;rich, and 'hence I fallod I.,`forirkfifell. , hil IlYikiora of od-,, ucatlon which teak sdlatilletionott ac count of wealth or , cad Itrii tho support of the Peo ~ ..,',3 ' -.et In 1837 a society i v formed tn:rilla-.1 dolphin fur tho pro 7 . • On of education" In LlieState--a sow '" ' llPPoilifed for. , thatpuriesoopon ~ • pondencoWith the leading mania ryoonnty. collect- , ed statistics, enti =- • . a union of ef forts in favor of f : ...is, thatin 1831 cnlmtoatod in an •`-• •• entllif alaw that rejected the old id , • fitili ,"paupor children" should hi edulabid•st publio expense, and provi*i for the-establish ment of schools tha • g, Would be free to all. This waktho beginning of our amnion schootlviiiin. The provisions of this system wilt be corprnented upon nest week. , . 1+ , ... 1100 KSTOWN.--ThOi School District has a oommodlous frstres: building furnishing two rooms. The iebool is classified into a primary and a gtammar department. It opened , under vsit,y flattering circum stances. and gayoe'fidonee of a success ful school term. I tgi oloze to my young friends, the hole ! , for not being pros out again before thili school close. • I at tempted to fulfil my promise but was twenty•four hours too late. II was grat• itied to learn front the school officers that the work of the session gavo very • 1 general satisfactio . Gl:ulna:rows. his district has also a frame building,- . rnishing two rooms —school graded into a primary and grammar department. So satisfactory was tho school condt*ted that at the close of tho term the ,pihons tendered , the principal a select ecleSol, rally "armed atd equipped" forltlitoo months service. Will not our good , rriends at lispekstowis and Georgetown atoi a good exathplo and extend their terfl front six to eight . months? ' GDo. M. Ftsu.os, 1 1 Co. Supt ..... ...., .—.- • Rest qualitrof Gods on tbomost reas onable terms sold* the grocaiy U•lth the blue front. pirSave your money by buying your groceries at Orr at Cooper's, Heaver l'a. , ! „TB-Nino' pounds of good mugar for SL 00. at Orr 45c. Cootam's, Beaver nt. NElGnuoliwori NEWS. WANWattiON COUNTY. 'S ai rs ony Poole, ' 'fond wenian who re aided for ninny , past on the 'Wash ington road, abet a tulle and a half east of Independence, i...iiltid on 31ondarthit 18th inst., at the °Vern° ago of oay fustrt, e L dred andflee yea , She had lived to see the grandchildr - her grandchildren. This la the mart raitimaaacoof . lon7 0114/ On - -: tiolie44001.0" 16 , tY; • •ITTUtatiiittyp,-wbo wiitgo terVerply in= Jared at Skelleks! Station on the pan Randle Railroad, shine ten days shiec, had both hts legs iimputated. from the effects of which lie 'plod on Tuesday of last week. ; . The notorious Eiprotw robber and Jail breaker, Jack Wade, Was arrested on Friday the 15th Init., near Eldersville, this county, by United States detectives James 11.•WLse amid Joseph Smith. 01112 cur Smith started with !lira to Washing ton City, where he lust :slabbed the Adams Express Company. Ho is a notorious ruffian and has severaCtimas broken jail, but is likelylo get his deserts this time. Lawr.Exci: COUNTY".• Wei are informed that:dr. David Houk, of Shenango township, this county, had his leg broken I being kicked, by a horse, on Monday last. We have not learned the particulars. On Monday of last week, Mr. Sylves ter Johnson, of Sininangdtownship, this county, was thrown from his horse and had his shoulder, •dislocated. The case was treated by Dr. .M. P. Barker, und is Improving. Louis V. Shields, of this city, who was trifxllo3lllo time itgo In the U. S. Court at . Pittsburgh, fo i r evading the revnuo laws by wliolosaling llqudr without licenso, has been sentenced, to six 'months im prisonment in tho Lawrence county Jail, and to pay a line of sii hundrOd dollar». Cheaper than ever before—Lover ing's syrup, at 75 ets. per gallon. at Orr Cooper's. Buy your coffee at Orr &Cooper's —Arbuckle's boa browned at 2'3 ets. per =lll WASIIIINGTON CORRESPONDENCE The Georgia Substilute—Membera of the "Third House" = Adjournment not fired upon —.agricultural Museum -New Apportionment Bill— Women .Suffrage-Reduction of Internal Tax ation. Wasznanrox, D. C., April 21, "M. Until within an hour of its passage in " the Sonate,' - no one, scarcely, thought the substitute—Giurgia bill would pass. When the bill came to tho House yester day, much anxiety was exhibited by the opponents of the bill, to know what Was best to be done with it, whether to refer It to the reconstruction committee's for' modification and thus delay action DR it, or press it to a vote with the hope of , its entire defeat. Divided as they were, it was thought biatier to delay action by referring It. Mr. Bingham' was ready to meet it in which over way. it turned,' and accordinglyanbmitted his orighie. "Bingiuun amendment." which was also referred. This Senate bill !simply places the State of Georgia 'undhr the ont(iii control oT tho, military, find suspemrs' the writ of habeas corpus. Senator Edmonds of 'Vermont, is decal set after Idombera of theA"l'hird House." Ito intreduCed a resolution in the Senate the other day, Instrucling.the Judictal;y Conn/litter:l4o inquire and tej port whether any'', corrupt aneana• have been used to influence Senators in voting on the now pending Georgia bill. Tho occasion of this resolution it seems, was for the reason it had beensumoredaboet. ' the Cipitel that a Prominent Senator had been tendered a' Georgia fitafe bond. thp vote ageing, the Bingham amendment, and that a son-InAaw of a certain' Sena ter, had abig:roll of legal tenders, dam sled'beforei big eyes to bribe his *her- We hope that the fact that the former could not 'easily negotiate the Deorginhond without danger of detee tionoildnot Indiana) him to decline the There has been.sso 'resolution as yet adopted, definitely fixing the Smoot ad• journment of this Session. lint it Is pretta , geaerallir agreed 10 both -Moses, that it L impossible to arrange "their .li bora So as to edjetum before August, , vablett Simply givei Melitbers time .to prepare for the fell elections. The Agrienittiral Museum of this city, , it. •-,.f 1 + • . - filiettoweinfarthe mist atliusitivei st<elghierseingiti Wasitingltri; It sitit bricoatirrekthat plealintleibsi' dye s the•.celllnfth+'l64ooltaplotttre pillory, hitedererholir. :11filabs4 *lreful. ichtlf#4 , Bl .l llo4l4 sltutwc Ws 1w ; yo tx *V. sari 4uP.F 1 . 1 F.0 Pain4nll Or (don. :IlluligroftellhsbOUPPlentanstralsPillTods each.poetralkhaingatrafldhldelhasifierri altbecrelgirid: Thebtnasaut ltitoemtngd art lridinstrial and nattiral ,vnitst'oCistich are enclosed In handsome' and spaik ila mobs of walnut and `Clsiis: Two casts are filled burebedi specimens'otrboill-seleeted train pvery Couritfiand climate, andiron ar.l rangoxlthattheemtilties of the respective) sp,ocitnens . may'be observed. In thine caries the rood eifiriaverivill find . vititt ems Spechnerra Of box-reed, , the mould altlmari!strytir and model maker rs olil And a largavariety of woods not 'found, In the-market; the cabinet and picture { (ratite maker will also see new .ollicers : or our Army Ind Nevi, wilt her; learn hi:4 to great* 'enhance thenvalueWthey Government and the people, by using mo of their spare momenta In times ofl peace to collect specimens of Wood,gurtni, resin farinaceous, ,roots, steeds • fruits, grimes and subst a nces used by Indians ' lbr food ; also, spa:linens of soil and now mineral 'products...Some of those speet, mans show that some of our Army, of:" doers have not• been negligent )a respect. A contribution from '.,Fort'' Rearnei Id a little ,tray contralnlngr spelintiti.of bread, made frourgrimad crickets combined with very finesseekbr, forming .*Mn properly cooked the 'Shake Indlanshastyyudding. Another trayloontalns what aiipea4 to bo a piece of amber, although, a little, richer "dr oolOr r hut Is, in reality, the, eggs of:the salmon frled in the sun, and is used as food by the Csseadoludlarls of the Pacific coast Also, a Specimen of prepared bUrk from Alaska, used as food. The specimens of sugar are tine and varied, Including grape, corn; maple, Anierican and European beet sugars; and about forty speffirseins of syrups and molasses. Ono case is d'.voted to a great variety of, tobacco in - the leaf. The wooldepart meet exhibits a great variety, ono case, alone having about GO specimens of braid or' various Mons from Canadian wool. Argona wool is finely Illustrated front the snow white silken to the black dyed. Tito case containing apechnotis of cotton ,Is fill of Interest, embracing over cue hundred specimens. Notwithstanding the great variety, the Sea- Island cotton .far exceeds all others in length of fibre and silken lustre, Its fibre being about Bl Iricties long, while the Egytiau cotton eseilly the English dtirlug the war, does not exceed 11 inches in 'length, thds showing at once the superiority of our home grown cottan. Tito English manufactur. r endeavored to utilize the short Egyptian by combining it with Sea, Island. This else contains some singluar tmeeimetts of what be Nankeen cotton, being of the color of "nankeen." China and South Amer ica and British °elide cab' bit specimens. A large and beautiful specimen and of good fibre Is exhibited front Pennsyl vania.. _Peru exhibits a beautiful speed. men of vegetable silk! Texas cotton - la also worthy of attention, as is also a brown silk cotton from South Americas. The bill for the now apportionment of the House bf Representatives, provides that from , and after the third day of March 1871, there 'shall be two hundred and seventy five M. CAI to lie appointed front the now existing States: under the census which is to lie completed before the 15th of August next, else pro vides, that if any now State shall be ad- milled to the Union _after such ripper tienlent Um Representative or Repro aentativess of , such .neer States shall be Additional to the number of 275, The Me - raise of twenty-nine to the present number (when Georgia is admittedj 246 will bo forcibly felt in various ways in the House: -, It will.sidd that- many new anti additional speochei 'to ho' made 'and printed, at least every Congress, if not every Session, which is very expensive to the Government With tee number, it Is-indeed difficult to meow um:date one third the number with talking time,and it is not uncommon, when some impor tant subject is before the House, for dis cussion, on which each Member feels, Rolf-sufficient in throwing now light, to hear exclaimed on the tioor. "I have been trying for the last three days, to be allowed live minutes In this debate." This additional increase of representa tion will add nearly one -eighth to the test in time in calling 'ayes' and SOCW, which with tile present pay of Members is estimated to averre3e no less than 13000 per day. So great has been the agitation for wo man suffrage in the District of Colum bia for tho past two years, mid those I heretofore silent anti-women suffrage, women have become alarmed at the in creasing strength of their strong minded sisters, and are now about organizing au anti-woman suffrage society. Among the [limber to head the enterprise, is Mt's. Senator Sherman. Mrs. Secretary Belknap and Mdc speaker Illaijae, it is 'understood are exceedingly anxious that their husbands shall continue to attend to and control the political part of their haters for them, but, yet aro willing, with their husbands consent, to ho poli ticians to the extent of battling against their sisters encroaching upon the polit ical rights of their husbands. Those timablo ladies contend that they them selves aro well Cared for, and have no reason to corn plain. But tho strong minded wotneu here, who by the way, are.mostly single ladles, ripe in years, don't see things in that light, and tee! agrievod that their more fortunate sisters should use their wealth and position in opposition'to their piteous appeals. So soon as thi tariff bill is disposed of. General Pine of Wisconsin, intend; to press Ms ',bill introduced on Monday, to a vote which provides that from the 30th day of June 1870, there shall be a reduction of i 0 per cent on all Internal taxes,and 10 per cent on all impost duties iMposc'd by law, except the Internal tax es and 'import . duties ,on spirituous, vinus and malt liquors, and tobacco and cigars. CIIIEL. Forty- First Congress SECOND SESSION. fixitave,AprillS. - -TheMeath Insisted units Mame tax Lill ; and; also, to the Canaria OD, and - appointed committees 'of OA ferenee.' . Tho' bill n ulations,fer the foreign coasting trade in. the, nort;forti m nett/master* and north acteietn, freatiers, was. passed.... Many private tills were also passed. . ilootix...-Among the. burgs number of billislatrodueek wis else for the • relief ef the people of the United Statel4 by re 7 duels* laxation. ' Demi utiona On varloiis subjents *ere offered and laid over:: 'Donte time was oc:cepled'in dank movements on a re/maiden to fine absent certlesabfirs ten dollars each, unless a reasonable ex cuse could - Ea given,.. but no thing defi nite resulted--exeopt , the reception of Many i 'excuses. A resolution relative to an appropriate burial place for the mains 'of Gen. John A. Downes was /greed to: 4 reseinticin waS also - sidep ted enabling the EleeretarYer the Troaar ryt to entleet 'wrecked and, abluidonod 'priepotti and derelict delete; ie.. The. taliff bill was then mit definite aCtlon. A joint resolution donating four piepes of condemned can non to the Ladies' Monument Assam's tion of Peoria, Illinois, passed. A =im itation was agreed lo calling for the amonnts Molloy expended in the im provementsof the Denton and Now York Harbors; Delaware Bre'ikwator, .a l l l Meath' oftlio Mississippi *seri. ,Sartarr., April id.—A,Sitirobse.. of n )- ports from committees; on various sub- Pea. accompanied by remarks, were ‘PiemiltatV ' A - &molt:Aim . dlriatlne tha - vdtrinifitoti :on 'odueatton. , and labof, to L(Ware:Min the bipoillemly or dic . liUng tleiriezepionee6 of wiles ofpobile lands wing the several Mahn for educational ififlMiesi'and *lima Wow pi:ovid log by lmr Abat_allitho :aleph? of the United .iiiiines may Lave tho oppiartunity of ao• ontring a Marmon school eiltiaillon, was adopifal,:—Bllbi pained providing for the . disPdidtkdlsihr t 49 listariorpcpartinon4 tilloleeietni/SitYrettliatiOnii :and rids-. ling to; Ont4looMitiiiiiliuida itillflicon; sin to atilltin nOnstructlon Of the Breen Bay and bike Pepin nailiOad. ~: ilcivem ,:y6bill,autborizing the ttorrf;- 417 of the,Treamtry to ammint - spacial I ' agoemiltwilfty-threo atone thno--fOr the purpose of making essidn , inatlOns, of' the hooky; paters and ao oounts of collectors and other officer s of oustonuyeras debatolead passed. Tho tariff 1 411 !if= diseitase and amended . duringitsi remlinder of the session. Swum; ...limit 21.—A Committo of. Oon reran.* was ordered en tho Lions* bill relative to the Hot Spring reservation, Ariuutie& ,Jtoveral bills wore reported, 'arid aitainber -or private hilts passed. Thejoint resolution for the sale of liar-' gen . Heights Armenia; was passod; also a ipprepriaung VtOn,ooo foi the Altai roit 0111ixt: "aousit.- , :-A; hill passed providing for tional terms of the - United State, .fsOurta at New Albany, Indiana. Also, a bill giving construction to the sevoral provisions of the Act of Apil 20, 1870, In reference blither more ancient govern ment of rebel States. The tariff bill was then debated until the hour of adidurn monk - .: • ScirAar, April 28.—Several bills wore introduced an ,iarlouti subjects. Mr. Gilbert, elating member from Florida, *as declared . 10104 , elecied.! The joint resoldtion fors board 'ofmnval onteors, to examine the ewes of such officers as deemed themselves unjustly passed Over by promotions made in conformity with the act of Congress of July 25, 1914 • N*l4•4 slightly amended and passed. The bill to provide fur greater security on board of steam vessels, was passed. Also f ttni, House joint resolution appropriating(;. KO to pay the expenses °film introatign. Lieu of charges against Can./tin/ilia reference to lids management, of Freedmen's Fjureau, pasrl.')ll4!jaint 'evolution to regulate the 04pry:ales of thanks of Cougrass uput4ollnotAns the navy, passed. Thu lAi=i 4l Pl , o M Circuit Courts of the U* t • • • hlblting any constructiottoCtheeti‘ +.; would require the holdbeiror Omni( Courts where not authorriedliyiwei . l7 ously existing laws, was pareia. : -• llocsk.—The bill tolistabli pent of Justice was cousideredinapinet ed. The joint resolution appropilifibig V.,Che Tor a portrait of (Isla. Thomas;, be placed in a conspicuous position ht the capitol, ps.se , l unanimously. A joint resolution appropriating tbieo thousand dollars for experiments in ventilation of the hall of the Ifou.se was adopted. The Senate bill changing the time of holding the United States Courts in Wisconsin, Was amended and r assod.. The tariff bill was then discussed until the close of the day's session. SESATK. April 29.—A discussion arose ou the House joint resolution relative to a painting of GA. Thomas, and it was finally referred to the Committee on I - bra ry Several bills were Introdliceet.— The House bill for experiments in ven tilution of the Mouse, passed. Among the bills passed were: One, to supply arms, fur instruction and practice, love tain colleges and universities; • and ono (or the return of evidence of the honora ble discharge of officers. Horse.—The MN appropriating con demned cannon to the McPherson Illon- UMOlit was passoi.,The bill legalizing the location of agricultural scrip In Wis consin passed. The Senate bill granting lauds to aid in the construction of rail roadii.fmdtatagicaati 11nea was—af ter con sitierable debato—passod. tariff bill was then discussed tilt the close of the day's session. A NNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce the namesrof the following persons as can didates for the various Offices for which. they are named. The Primary meetings will ho hold on Saturday May 'lsth 19/. Tho Return Judges of the primary Flee. tions will meet at the Court House, in Bower, at I p. m, of Tuesday May 31st For Conginsas. WILLIAM HENRY, of Pelham'. MICHAEL WEYAND, of Beaver. For Anneinbly. DR. WILLIAM C. SIR - BLOCK. 'DR. T. J. CHANDLER, of Rochester. For Prothonotary. JOHN CAUGHEY, of Beaver. For Commissioner. JAUF.S SMITH, of Raccoon Tp. OEO. K. SHANNON, of Hopewell Tp. SAMUEL NELSON. of Greene Tp. JAMES PETERS, of Ilanovin Tp. SAMUEL TORRENCE, of IlanoveCTp O. W. SIIROADS, of Moon T. For Jury Commissioner. .11 u 4.11 AN DERSDN, of Beaver. - WI LLIAM EARN ES, of Bridgewater. JAS. WARNOCK, of North Sewickley Poor..ltousr Director. HIRAM REED, of Now Brighton. SAMUEL 3I'MANAMY, of it:minority "p. Auditor. CHRISTY, of Raccoon Tp. ISAAC SCOTT, of I.lopew•oll Tp. JAMB W. 301INSON, of Moon Tp. Trustees or Academy. JOIIN STILES, of Rochester. MATTISON D.kItRAG 11, of Brldgewa er, REV. J. C. MMUS", or Bever. REV. J 1 11 SHIELDS, of Mayor New Ailvertiseinents. CLOTHING STORE. NEW GO OD SI SHug and SummeeiVeai. The unileriogneil Mites pleasure Sn in forming his friends and the public genet 411.5' that. he he 4 Jwit recsived and opeiMil A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES FOR SRING and SUMMER Wear. lie keeps the best of workmen in his (=ploy, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both tiUIQNAIfI E& DUIABLE. 't f !laln such:fi ~ :i11;: 0 - 4. 1 e. Itts . • .. .cYstoat's:4l, . mums MENEM GOODS ALWAYS ON IL%ND . . . . ON and see iu .6e/ore Jeapiug your Orde:rs..Eltewhero ' ; • • WILLIAM( MESON. Jr. mayl;7oly ' • • Lindgewater, Pa . rt LEVI% surgeon k niekta.-911ka, during tbe day, at Itanlan'a Caner; at nly,tit at my edtdann oWa ynd t Y te ad . Itrdgewath,Pa.: WlRpract fine. , . - . faucktymtedaprn xivolcrnO - tairircou'rELr.—vivo good neils:Wassed tan laprov od WLeekcs Wilma Lock Stitch.hltaing Machine On a SalsiaT. We will pay bo .110 to WO Or meta nod al espomak Ilona sad amt.. furnished hy the company. Beet of reerearee must be given. filo capital reinutred. co on or Manse iwo6 ovaccon at co., - &rotor] • 140 Wood St.. Pitsoborna. Fa. . • Good, sound ssarin will wort I? ny stew tis sea year. add • will sell ebears.— x. 0 1...‘ ' • JtSsiti'll !MANOR. serlinn Sharon, thbe county . . joblrst 1/ 7 0 - 01 ,1 1113, Atio;vb — e - y Dearer, Pa. Dincoand mildest. co Third IS. sort at Use Court How. AO law business entre' , tea to- my ems snail 'rendre prompt attention. .Also Dotson@ Darla@ Real Ilskrte fro 8014, 'arid those shaking to buy town property, coal or farm la e nds. may are time and money by calling Pi t my °Me. aprnly %•I[Sti ;I '. • ' r MEM 121E1 ATTENTION NEWT AND DEB 01 Federal Stree MRS. S. MEI lianthe Largest Bea Bawled and Cheep Flower!, Letllev, Underwear, Leillo and IlandkerehleGs, Jewelry, and flair Good'. West. o= the tattles' yething the city *timid bear fill% erai Street. before ptirchaßleg. • . Please compare pricesbelow 3thuv%` , Tints,Trimmeil Ladice Hats, TrillfliNi,.... , Bonacta-Black Law, Luce Collura for 500Nwortls Paitionlar Attention afirooe2m • Mdrkets. PITTSBURGH miIiKET: OFFICE I/V THE I'vrm. O.IZraTE. MONDAY, Ally 2, 1870. uurrEtt—Stztctly choke fresh roll In Ink de mand, with rafts at ancirt37. bet Medium le crow or Alricn, while int t dto sell at any price. «nII4IIICA by with corn. but tokbungurlMl ioquality. EGGS-Cuilleat very skeet nuollng the and remota ire WI Va.' Mete advance which so lme• know 100111161010 g for a week past, st Reliikceol/114 - nitCl.,llllaltw at YLGUR-be OAS , * 011;iiiiiitny 'Mehl siblat std. and price.-altho ugh 1111 , prr i Csaaataal wen suertalbed. We e ' cpartke s Arn noun, In store. at 130.3 M I for . winter. and $1e3.2110r 4cy i a GRAIN-Wheat Is scarce gni In diamnd. tb Wes or good to prime red at .1.1560.1:I. Oats In mood supply alit quiet, but unchanged: i s la whorlans, buyers furnishing onnekaa NiftAl un and track:and mess kilo.. Coml. mr. changed. tboatrh hardly so strong. under the mau -1 .20 3 . 1 the advice. from the east: ear way be gout. I ed at a:WAIT, sod shelled at %Jan Ike-there 1.1 , me Inquiry and not mach offering: sales at 436 r, IM. and it is probable that a nice round lot would Vzg $l. In barley there I. little or nothlug do. -not much offering, .d not much w anted.- e eonth,. to quote prime to choke spnng at PRO SS-liarket steady butu nebanzed, Mileabirrn.. - lit for Plato. and 13tiConaj lastelpir • bldes.l.lli for Ribbed and 114 . for. CJ e at. , Amme r Vili for Plain: 11_, , ctila be Plan H. Poe. and 18i i for Canvass ed. Lod, 111 My InWnerr and 17%.1n tens. Mess Pork. CM. lkeraldkat Bacon. r:K.. Dried Beet, tt. HEEDS-We can report a sale of rout lacheis 01 ItIIMXI. at nat-vmall lots will not briny mar $1..15. Clover seed is slow with antall sales at VIII ; and timothy caunot be quoted above IlivitX4. To Co tuaniptlveo. Tut advertiser barter bees mimed to health la ■ kw weeks, by a very steeple remedy, aftrr haring nitre:et! *emcee, years with a serere !nog affediketi, and that drawl dlsewe, Coasamption. Is =Wylie to make known told.; fellow saffereni the • means of cam • To all who desire it, he will send a copy ol the prescription used (free of 'ztiarge). with the dlrec• How for preparing and using this sanscovidela they will find a suns cunt eon Cousourrion. Arra ilta,lluoxctinue, etc. The obitxt otthe advertiser In sending the Preseription is to benefit the oak and.spnsielnlikettation whkh he conceive. to be Invalaable; and he hopes every 'sacra will try his remedy. i.a It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties whhln6 the pre scription will please address • -• Ray. EDWARD A. WllitcON. Williamsburg, Kings Co., New-Tort. RaylY ly Errors of Youth. A Glotrithataxr who sthrered for years from sous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful ltidlicr ptioo, will, for the *oaf suf. tering himank, send Dee to all who need it, the receipt and dlrectioes for making the duple now edy by which he waseured.. Sufferers wishing to 'profit by the adrerthrees experience, can dap) by thdlltustog„,leoufidance, JOAN ls. bCdff.N," I.kto. 43 Cedar street. New York waylety] -Married. 11OLLINtiSHEAD— SMITII.—On the :MU' of April ,1870, In Bridgewater, Pa., D by the Rev. r. Williams, Rev. James llolilngshead,of Mansfield, Allegheny counts', Pa., to Miss Libble, daughter of Salute Dr. S. Smith, of Bridgewa ter, Beaver County. TOMPKENS—OIXOTT—ApriI 21st by by Rev. Jan. Hollingshead, Aaron N. Tompkins of Rochester, and Addle A. Olcott of Bridgewater. SNOWDEN.—On .March 11th, 1870, In Cal/fonda, Mrs. Mary 1•:. Snowden, formerly of Boavor county, l'a., aired 118 years. New Ad ertfsennents. United States Internal Revenue tow. 1016 . 1 thlice. 2-Ith Distrit% reun a.. lltuunyos, MAY V. 7b lElx liayers: • Notice Is hereby given Out tito tines assi;ssed on biro/mat for lalgt. ,aud on . lllarAes. Carriages, GuPI awl Surer Plate, and We brit:Lit. Timm ou tpeaparions for 1830, have been transmitted to NO by ilia Amessor of the District, and the satd Wes' are .isie and payable at my sake In New lirigluon. on or Won: TCk:SDILY.ILIN Ittli 13:11. IMA meet taxpayers In Reryull Ix by dclouty, as follow,: Rochester, at Doncaster Douse, Friday htay 13, 163 1, - - stn. , Beaver C. IL , at Gnu. W. Hamilton's °nice, uu tataniay May 11, Into. . apex Castle, at an Mcitlarcy's office, Cu Mon day and Taraday 16th and 12th 0( May C. M. • (Wetter iltA District, it. ma) 4;1w1 OW PIitTNELISLIIP. iJ The partnership heretofore existing between the undeceived. in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, Lao thla day been diesolved by muted consent. Pentode knowing themselves Indebted opts:vibe boots of Me an,. will please call and settle at once. W. C. JIIU ItIMCK. M. L. ' et. COLE. M. D. Datilinttoti. Pa.,AprlG. IS7l—apr:l;:lw • EC U N "Nr NUN ,:llaat f ur loh i l collec y, t g ed m fa,; Lt all t...v. ll.llo:s who eullat: Mir Ath and July ltd 11184 who were discharged for disability before searing moistens, and who hare heretofore received no bounty. The undersigned isrprepared To Collect these Claim* at once, at modem., Was as allowed by Government: ..tleo Pensions for Fathers, liothers, Miaor Children, dr., &c. ALL NOLDIERS DISCIIAAGZD FOR HERNIA IitUrTVIIP Are &(Wed to .11111 217ni Bounty, and also to Pensions.. ; Can on or Rend discharge to the Lindero. aligned, AND SOUR CASE WILL UECEIVE TUOM,PT AITILWEION U. V. UIIIONVINT . U. S. Claim Agent, GamyrrE Building, Corner tith Avenue and Smithfield Steve PITTSBURGfI, PA.. apr27;:hu W. =O. "E 1 ..9.1EV1" lIAS OPENED A - NEW WELLY GROCERY In the Dine Front nee ON MOW, &Wit FULL° , COFFEES Old Government Java,— } Rio fresh roastol. TEAS:' Tenni+ 'Vann, • On ong. Engh Ereakfitst, Japan. SCOARS: Pulverized, Crushed. Granulated Coffee A, Extra C. Drown Sugars. Ex' !fa White Drips, 'E xc elsior Molasses, N. O. Molasses, MackarenNos. 1 & 2, Baum - Prunes, • Currents, Oranges, A. Itallne of Fresh, Fine and Common Candles, Nuts, dc; all at which' are war. ranted to give full nod entire satisfaction In price nisi quality. Call and see, and you will not fall to buy: • ars& paid for Butler & Eggs. Apr2Ott T: ,;r-_ LADIES! DIABLE GOODS !I AllocYb,catiy,'Citir Pn . C. ,ROB' 4 .. . . cat Sul(*) Lot' , •BmivieW Uabl itillhons Children.' „Apfiik fitereillciolg,. I fi.irry, pf anylltitatt i ' 1 • ..17-3:4V0P..4g5• . ..... in mind, wilbecnre 91 Fthl Ili •N with those of other rouses: : 'AO cents. Ladles' iliin4'lkorchierl:: celiac m: MEM Is Pratuoi, ][eking nth! finilioTpr paid , to ordered Work. A Aziallnlstratorts Noi m haviaa tares, w[9• ll, the estate of JIZEIVII Kenna Chippewa towsmhla s ontidm all persona Instable,' Immediate payment le amp haring [ham. asrahmt NW.* present them duty aathentl mstittilvel • J..? Brighton Paper , Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PERNA. Hardware. Glass. Maim. RAG AND CARPET MAN LTVA.O TU121•11) PrITSBURGII. rirlta:m Wm In eschmage. fftv Dan'l Hugus & Co, Marbleized Slat 6 Mantles. No.IST Liberty Stre9t, Pittburghi-Penn'a. l'rices, $25.00 and Upwards. In the marl eizing prooesscertain min• end colors, or metalic °Mao% art:Applied do and atisorbial by the stone, Which n‘ them subjected to a were degree of beat F tra until the enamel is Lxilectly MCP( Mted. with the slate, and becomes one try nee lorever. We have now, on exh Wiwi. over thirty mantles Of different colors and styles elskttislu anti we pay particular at tention to orders where parties wish col ors to harmonize with paper and carpets. We are receiving, monthly, new• styles from European Designers, wi felt enables us to produce t•te West Fart mTtli in 1113 - Mei itthe:l vti _ Died. Thomas Allison, HAVING REMOVED ins STOVE • TO 131.1A.171.11{, In the formerly occuplell by Ilrr Cooper,'where he now Imt and Intends keeping A, General Stock of ILiving received front tha Ewa; within a few days pant, a line selection of DRY - GOODS, OF Tut, Latest Spring Styles, ALPACA De I.ALNS. CJIECKS, CLOTHS JEA \ s, DIN INS l'llAgli, 1100Td& 81101:1 4 . a 81104 LLS ILIK.E., uo Es Tr 138,BUCkETS, QtEnNSWARE, . To the. adore articles he kins eukied choice soleetlou of , 0 :3 - P.POOPIIRorIOS: COFFEES, WWII' 11110111 , 1 SUGARS, 31741.7 PS SIOL ASSES TOBACCO, • - - All the above articles will, p 6,440 low 4 1 for taxi, or eac triaged for country . pro. duce. Call and examine Ma athek and iirices. TII MAO ALLIISON. 11 p r2O 10:1,y , • , , • t, Main Eit., Beaver,. LL 8114,611EAP, TIIE Et!,%721,1N4.1=4"kru 1 . T 1Z1::: rrribur oa the exude of if.aosnel ag ,firou bor albs Iforoorli Drldgwirstrr BillriMoos ohl7:7l;al.:Dn:rrt.7rhait'A.."4447DkAwrffses.. "" nirr ' d...joe will pirogue Ihrerdals MOLlNflicated for artUment. .11.1117 ALLISON, s.pet.file] ' '111041:11.3.130X. "' Leiudiss, Dates; Soda, Cream Tartar, - Groicad &whole pep .per Ground it whole Al. spicy. ' Clam; Binger. Mustanl, soaps. • Brooms, Brushes, • flaw. Sheuldus, Dried Beef, Tobams, Cigars, If Snuff', Pouches, Tobacco boxes, etc. ‘17.1100111 . /OR SAClll.—Thil Indersigard has a Two Mom Waive. la goad run ning order. which ha o Ursa low for nab. or ex. emote Ihr a good hoed._ J. C. MOOLTKIt. Aprant TILE PITTSBEItCiTI ' VINEGAR' WORK S , 33 q,l lou 4Aaaiti s Are DOW prepared to furulah Virtiolax the Vow - ear DLuttirr,ltxrio. Autatlon Isprticularly tidied i 3 our - ... . . OM MEI ::A cent. lE= Mbicellane ' PRINTING, MANNIL LA, ROOFING, BAILING, AND SOLD AT IN bolesale d. Stegall by Frazier, Metzger &Ca., 82 Third Avenue. 11A.NUFACTLIIIERS OF R LMOVAI4. CONSISTING IN PART or, 'POPLINS, /.. PRINTS, GINWLt3IS, cAS,SIMNItIit;, Tiri. gi:DS, COTTONADES, t FLANNELS, TIOSIEItY, at., Sc lIAREiWARE, VADES, = II!!!EMEI 167. 168,• MI sod 170, *cond. Avenue. Zlitaburgh. ft!, EXTRA WINE VINE(IAII Apr2iVtos Ale of that GM tltAc xs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers