PIPROPIRIATION ACT. Am Art. for the ordinary eirpeniiia, Ckvernmerit, and other gener,': verve appropriations. • 1. Be it enacted .by the and Wows: 'Representcdtes, s • nunoareWl4 Plenary/yank . Assembly OW, and' it is enacted by the authority qf That the following sums be'• t eem= are hereby specifi cally , riated to the several objects er pruned,- far. the u cing on the first day of une one thousand eight hundred ven to be , psld out, of any in the treasury not otherwise rioted . -- 2. For the salary of: the goy 'of the eorninonweeith, fire .nd, dollies. ' 7b ernor the For the five h ' For ' rotary th l For eml, For end, t% /am For I eral, t dollars. Fort tors, to his mid I he salaiy of the Secretary o mtnonwerlth, three Monson C. mired dollars: - I o salary of tho deputy of the commonwealth, twit 2 , d • • • • - he salary of the auditor gen ree thousand dollars. • , he minty of thesurveyor gen o thousdnd five hundred dol a le Wart or the attorney gen iree thiusand f 1 'e hundred o salary of the adjutant gem. thousand five hundred dol. eomputed from tliedateef tssiou. . l ie salary of thestate,htensurer 1 Sand seven hundred dollars. i e salary of superintendentiof schools, two thousand . , .41;ve I dollars. - , Li. - .; • ie. salary orstate librarian, iundred dollars, and for the nine hundred dollars.; and laws inixinsistent herewith ;by repealed, ie salary of the superintend/ blie printing, five hundred For the salary of thepr4te ' • of the governor, two" thou-' tars. essenger in the executivedo t, nine hundred Aollars. I • kaage ' telegram 4; stationery •er ineidental / kxpeuses, the, :wo thousand dollars, or so • ()roof as vilify be heeessary.; '. For ilie,salary of the chief L lie 01113..6 01 the secretary. of umn,wgaltli, one thousand . Ilirf)d dtPilitrs. • e ,tdilary of seven other clerk's 1 isand eight hundretidollars, ousand four hundred etteh. • salary of the messenger in department, nine hundred ild one hundred dollars for ivicts. one tho Fur t comino hund For t twelve usslstaa that al are he For t ent of dollars socreatr l mond ao For n 1 prime!: and o sump tutieh t Hee. 4 eleri: In the tot eight hu For nine tl or ono Forth!, the state' dollars, I extra se I Fort' express thousam ,l$ may salary rate of ol during t or soon quire hi tage,telegriuns, freight and 'charges, the sum of two L dollars, or so wueh thereof the neeei:sviry ; mid for the temporary clerk, at the hundred dollars per month ie session of the legislature, ,as the governor may re services, • • • For bl Ofty doll: way ho Fora or. nectasi Ibr (he, nk books, one hundred and r4or so Much thereof 11.4 eeessury. • tionery, nine hundret) dol • much thereof 114 may bo hone hundred dollars, or ereof' s May be nevessary. ring offices, one hundred y.flve dollars, or so much may be necessary, , Ilaneotis (mimeses, three I °liars; or so much thereof . !mammary, the salary of the chief auditor general's °Mc°, !and eight •hundred dollars. salary of the clerk for set- I'm:counts of corporations, 1g in charge the business Ns !companies, reports of mil. manufacturing coutpoith* one thousand elaitt bun :. salary of eigitt Miler clerks I itor gementl's departmen t; f one thousand four !ma im each. so much 1 / For dir, and twco ' thcreof AS For mi., Aundrexl WI May el &v. 5. clerk tq t WY , fhou: ar. th‘ fling 'the ' and hay! insurance roods an , . the sum tired doll For tho In the nut the sum Ored skill Via* nal fired dont For sat ry of unienger, nine lot= ry ry of night watehinan,nine ,loiiare.• hundred For p( hundred se may t For eta lam, or so ge and telegrams, gown ollani, or so much theruof necesßtry; onery, five hunetrett dos much thereq Iv may h am= For rue uloell the For uti Mire, ou ''leaning, much th , one hundred dollars, or so co)* a ituty be necessary. IFFllaneous expenses of the hundred dollars, and for . venty-jlve dollars, 6r - so reof as luny be neves:Sary. tits in the oltice of the mul ti, live hundred and fitly trs and thirty-seven mitts, or the salary of the ('hief e surveyorgenerars °Mee, one thousand eight bun- For rt Itur gent• eight dui clerk in tl the SIMI droll dolh For the stun of on dollars en. Fur the hundred isahtry of ten other clerks copy general's olllce, the It thoußunl four hundred Isalaryof meisenger, nine of lass. age in the Oleo of the general, seven hundred so much thereof as linty be For poi surveyor dollsa 8, neessary. Fon stat lars, or so. ntmlesAVY,l Vox furn; live hunt' thereof as For cleat ous ex pen. dollars, or be 111.Vt4liA :wry, (Ivo hundred MA ittvb, thereof n. 4 may bra shin;; and repairs to Alm ett. dellarA, or so !noel) In* , be neeeisary. • ling office and misoellanc. m, one Panicked and fifty Iso much thereof cvs may For fue much the one hundred dollars., or so of as truly h neeessary. 1 , Evans, esti. surveyor for ,ieurred assisting to sur -1 Itte state line monument, lore of Lake Erie, twenty , • wrt A. 21I'Coy, es(luire,to leyintiel to German news which Written authority (veil to insert notice to npatented lands, seventy For \VI expenses Vey and h HOU Ulu nl five dollar For Hu , refund mu papers, to had been owners of dollars. SEcriox deputy In general, el 7.. lAkr the salary of the ho -ottlee of the attorney hteen hundred dollars, For thit Index of th, loon weal t I ' mon of till much the he (lone to ()ro yal I t rkfrsi,' No shall be p. plated. preparation of n geneml pri Ate laws of this eom , from the year ISI2, the e hundred dollars, or .so of a. , .) may lu, neeeAary; to der the direction soul op leattorney general: Pm ma of said, upproprintion kid until the work is ectio- Vo.r like nine huncl !stilitry of the litemeilf.Ter, Yi dollars. For the attorney g$ dollata, ur be neeesso BEcTIOIN chief clerk treneurer; For the• ' I ontlngent expen,im In the sneral's °Mee, five hundred Ise much thereof as new 8 Por 'the salary of t he in tne eine e . of the ~ tole .I 800.. ' ary of three other clerks silty, .deportment , $1,490 Itiry of the messenger of department, $9OO. ge and',lelegentri4 hi the ethical, s3oo,nrisotauch ay be necessary. . . .. . charge% $lOO, or so as may be necessary. eery and blank books, uch thereof as may be. In the trm enc.)].' For the tu l the tremor • For pos treasury dc{ thereof as n For expr l tilqeh t For stall.; $30.0, or so t Aloceitsory, .1 For way be uet ' For lola and for de thereof an to :76i (woo mueltthereof 1.4 • Ilnu~owiexptn Ne-1, f 9; much ry y. be neciaiea . REc. 9, In Use de geuernlct P vne 'ether e the suns of . 1 per . inter agog teielt • other meld dred•doll . way be For t he the stun of For blink! lor the salary of tin:elder ,rtmeut of the adjixtant wittomf, $ 1 , 80 0,1111(1 fur uric in maid department, ilineous expermit4l, ' WV§ 4 J l Prefill titargem and Mal expense, mix hull % or Bo micro thereof. us • lory of the messenger, !Ilan hundred dollars. I books, thasuna - 0( arty dollaisoar so much thereof as may be, ne lt i =tionery '-' , ' thnaumOf 4 ih r.- Mil hundred dollare t or ~so much thereof itbduty be ti For cleantra r ea . rind ordinary l'epairi,The sum of fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be memory. For payment of atrainan'eMPlnYed at arsenal, liark•annig acids, =nut rements, et cetera, and &Inger:rpm: ttewro hundredWo llam work for one year, four thousand For coal, lumber other materials, ono t , ho ha usa rti n w d are delhars 'n* , to be-settled Ayatieliter general 'll . usual . manner. For the /Wary of the keeper of the arsen al, who shall be subject- to the .ordersof the adjutant general3Welve hundred dollars, to ho paid bradju tent general : Previa-4 That =when not necessarily occupied or empffiynd In or about the arsenal, he' shall be, bngaged in copying rolls in adjutant, general's office. See.lo; For personal expenses in. conducting the investigation in rein = non to rho schools for soldiers' orph ans, in this - commonwealth, by, the` committee on education, the sum A c five hundred dollars , to be paid to the Into chairman of said committee, and by him disbursed tunerig the parties entitled to receive- rho same. SFAI. 11.- 'For the payment of pen sions and gratuities, thci , surn of one hundred thoasand dollars, or so much then:Ores may be netx‘ssary. • . SEC: 12. For thOialary of deputy supetintentlent o/ common schools, eighteen hund dollars. .. 7 1 For the salat , of three other clerks in the school/department, one thous and four hundred dollars each. Frir expenses,ef principals of. state normal,sehools, in attending annual examinations, as per bills on file in the i skiteel department, two hundred dollars, or so much thereofus may be Iteet.`3Bary. / For engraving anceprinting war rants, one hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. • . For the salary of nawenger, nine hundred - dollars.. For - shale, and blank books.ln tie:Boaq* ' nt, three hundred deiarir - ,airto rtMekthereof as Inns be mars:• :: - '• '. !'''Fikr'postage; . tolegritms and express =Oman; one thousand dolfiars;-or so much. thereOtatimay be ndtsasary.. Ferri g office and miscollene cesa aSeS of the school depart -Irient.' three hundred dollars, or .8o 'much thereof as may be necessary:: -, For expenses in packing and :UM ' tributiug blank forms, reports.selipot laws and decisions, to. the sehoolill ' rectors of the state, eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as way be necessary. , For publishing and eirOulating among the school officers of the state the official decisions anskinStructiorts of the department, o(6o3i:emend outi hundred dollarvor 'ao much then* as may hebeckssury, .' •:'f For traveling expensits. on official business of the departmbikaix bun tired dollars; or se much theretd as Inv be necessary. • SEC, 11. For the support of the common schools, for the school year which will Levin mitre:first Monday in June, A. D. lailiii to he pfd on warrants to be draweby the superite tendent In favor of the sodaral school districts of this cominonwealth, the stun of live hundrest them-ma dol lars, Inclusive of, salaries amain ty superintendents, and inclusive of the sum of fifteen thrurxmci dollars fur the education of ,teaehers ht the normal schools of thocommonweitith to be applied in the same way and under the same conditions as a simi lar appropriation was directed to be applied le: the general appropriation net, appmved the 1 Ith City of April, IWO; Provided, That each student in a normal school- drawing an alloW anee from the state, must 'well:ere:4.- liter instruction in the science and art of teaching, in a special Blass devoted to thatobject, for the whole time such Inn allowance is drawn; and in the el lowanee to soldier students to normal schools, no distinction shall be made on account of age; ineluslve, also, of the sum Of twenty-five hundred dol lars to the Lincoln University, to be loot for the same purpeets as, the appropriations 6 normal selsoias : Provided. That the city of Philadel phia shall beentitled to a proper pro port ion of this appmpriation, without contributing to the salaries of the. county superintendents. ' For the state normal raareol of the Sixth district, ten thousand debars: ' Provided, That neappropiatien shall be made to said wheel hereafter, But this amount is accepted in full for all claims upon this commenwmith. Slat 11. For the purchase of cor e:l reports and digests, to be ex pen -tied under the direction of the Senate committee on the libraty, one thous and dollars; and it shall be the bay of the librarian to report to the legis lature, at its next session, a list of books purchased with the fund here by appropriated, together with the prices paid for the same; and it shall not be lawful for the librarian to ex 'loud any portion of the money ap propriated to the library, at this ses sion, in the purchase of works of fie; lion. SEC. Ib. For the salaries of the Judges of the supremo court, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or the sum of six thousand dollars to each judge, for the preknt year, to he in lieu of all daily pay, mileage; or other expenses heretofore allowed by -law. SEC. 19. For the payment of the salaries of the judges of the district court, and the judges of the court of common pleas of the city of Philm delphia, the nu of thirty - live thous and dollars, or five thousand dollars to each judge for the present year. St:e. 17. Fey the payment of the Judges of the district court, and the president mat assistant law judges of the court of common Wets of the county of Allegheny, twenty-five thousand dams, or live thousand dollars to each one of the law, judges for the present year. _ For the payment of the president Judge of the Twelfth judicial district, who performs increased labor in try ing the chniinonwealth civil eases in the countY of Dauphin,' the sum of four thousand live hundred dollars.. For the payment of the salaries and mileage of the president, additional and associate law judges of the several voul•ts of common pleas in this ettitmonwellth, except in the city or Philadelphia, in the county of Allegheny and the Twelfth judi- OM district, the stun of one hundred snail thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary ; each president and law judge to cuive three thousand live hundril dollars salary during the present year. tiEtt, 19. For the payment of the I salaries and mileage of Um associate judges of the courts of this emotion woultla,thit sum of fifty thousand tollark7orisoititulelbercof as may be neresiy; each associate judge to reCeive,_in lieu of the &dory-now al - kayos} by law, - dye dollars per day for every day he may be employed in the discharge -of his Official duties: Provided, That the salary Of no as. stx!late judge shall be less than three hundred (tenors. SEc. Al. For the liniment of the interest on the funded debt of the coinincinwenith;,which will fall due on . the . first days of July and August, Amio Domini one thou:4lnd eight hundred and seventy, and the first days of January and February, An- . no Doiniul one thousind eight hun dred and seventy-one, the sum of one minion seven hunred and fifty thousand dollars, or sa much thereof as may be necessary. , , • Sky. 21. For the „public printing, folding,"stitehing and binding, fifty thousand dollars, or 140 much thereof ns nyty be liVeessary on settlement of the ilecoutiLi of the public:printer , cording to law; that the printing or documents, and so forth, ordered by either brunch of thelegisluture, or the c h le epresent m e M oln*b et h and e otfh eduring same Is hereby declared legal and valid, the account,, for the same to be' addl. ted and settled in the usual manner by the auditor general: .Plorided, Theisante be done at the: nitre pre-' scribed intbeerattrectill*PatettetW' um; Assekksi ; further That , the stale printerabalfbeidlowedlWl sabre for minting the Of; the corn= ratted Id the imager Diamond cams, • Sac..V. For'the payment :of 'the expenses of theleghilatureilzieludhig the pay tied mileage of members, derkeand officers of each house; . ap pointed for the atiidon, and theaml. authorized by law for stationery and postage, .the .sai d .of two hundred owoncl - dollars, - or so much thereof rims y be ticeetsary; to' be settled by 'the auditor generia; and the payment out of said sum to,Och of the mere- .bets of the Senate and-House of Rep resentatives; for'salary, shall be one thousand dollars and: mileage; and the elerkaand officers of, each house shall be issll,each, such amount as Is authorize d law; the foregoing sum .toirielude the payment of all of- Mere / end employees appointed In pursuance of an act of assembly,' up priived.Aprll 8th;1$88. ' • Forpay Ofl.'"lrNichols, for tem.; porary services as clerk In the Senate transcribing rOorii, the sum of fifty dollars. For the pay of pager-, twobundred dollars smelt : „Provided, The num ber of pager employed . by the House of Representatives shall,not .exceed fourteen, and in the Senate the num ber of p egt shall not exceed live. To the engineer, for each. day Oot exceeding .ninety - days employed during the recess,• three dollars per day; and to William Styer, for the care of the speaker's room, four hun dred andlifty dollars; and to Joseph .1% Ball ono of she pesters and folders. of the. Senate, the pay of transcribing clerk, for extra services rendered i n the transCribing room during the Ill ness of Isaac M. Bodine, a transcrib lug clerk. ' For John S.lanch,; half the pay of janitor on the part Of the Senate. To Faster Behr , for services in llerise.of Represen tatives, six bun drettilollars, and to . John L. Work, two hundred and. fifty dollars, for services heretofore as, an, assistant sergeant-at arms in the Senate. See. 21 For packing and distribut leg the laws anti journals of the leg islature, to lit performed under the direction of the secretary of the commonwealth, thirteen hundred dollars, or so Much thereof IN may be necessary. • ' SEc. For the payment of post age, labor eXpress charges and other miscellaneous expenses in the ollice tittle resident clerk of Welt ouse'of ,Representatives tluririg the recess, theautit of seven hundred and fifty dolktre, and for similar expenses in the oilitxt of the clerk of the Senate the turn five hundred dollars, or so much 'thereof as may be necissary, theaccounts to be settled by the aud itor general in the usual manner. -Sce. 2.5. For the- payment of the 'city of Harrisburg, for supplying the public buildings with water, accord ing to the net of April the twenty eight, 'A: no Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty, the sum of three hundred dollars; ;cud 'also for gas for the : public buildings and walks, such amount as may be found due the Harrisburg gas company, on the contract with the company, 1111(1 upon a regular account being render ed to the auditor general, who Is hereby authorized to examine and settle the same, in the same mode and manner as other accounts are settled in said department, in pursu ance of its charter and supplement, to be paid oh the warrant of the aud itor general: ' Sec. 2(. That the State treasurer is hereby 'authorbted and directed to pay to each.of thechief clerks, for the expense of indexing the journals, the sum of two , hundred dollars ; and to each transcribing clerk of the House of Representatives and Senate, - the sum of two hundred dollars, in addi tion to the amount allowed, by law, for their services during the session of the leislature ; and so much of any act t heretofore passed inconsist ent herewith, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and each sworn officer of the Senate and House shall. be entitled to mileage; and to the chief clerk in the office of the seem- MO atilt commonwealth, the sum of two hundred dollars for indexing the pamphlet.laws. SEe. 27. That all annual salaries herein provided for, and also all ap propriations to penitentiaries and charitable institutions, shall be paid miarterly, at the office of the state. treasurer, unless otherwise provided by law ; and that no money apprti ;mated by this net for any specific ob ject, shall be applied to' any other of the charitable institutions, peni tentiaries'or houses of refuge. SEC. 21. For the Instruction of the indigent pupils in the Pennsylvania initintion for the instruction of the deaf and dumb, the sum of two hun dred and twenty-five dollars per annum, for every deaf mute of this commonwealth taught ut said insti tion, to be paid semi annually, on the warrant of the governor, in favor of the prwident of said lastitutiOn, the evidence of which shall be furn ished to the - state treasurer: And prodded, That tpe Amount drawn from the treasury for the instruction of the deaf and dumb pupils, shall not exceed the sum of thirty-six thousand dollars. SEC. For the Penns,ylvania in stitution for the instruction of the blind; thd sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be paid in proportion to the number of indgient pupils from the seventl counties of the common wealth, at the rate of two hundred and seventy-ifve dollars for each pu pil, the evidence of which is to be furnished to the state treasurer. See. 30. To the Western Pennsyl vania hospital for the insane, for sal aries of talkers and wages of the em- • ployeaf,. twenty thousand dollars. Insuarnee on biaildings, et cetera, two thousand dollars; and toe privi. lege is hereby given to the managers of said hospital to use any excess which may be saved from approprla thms hitherto granted for the purktse of paying salaries of olticersand wages anf employed, and for erecting and' furnishing the east wing, to furnish the same; and whatever sums may exist or remain from former appro priations, not deemed _essential for the specific purpose for which they 'are granted, the same may be expen ded fur grading and excavating, ma king roads, et cetera, as the managers tray deem necessary fur the protec tion and preservation of the buildings and property, and insurance on prop erty, et cetera; and the secretary and treasurer of said institution shall re ceive no %salary. SEC. . For' the Pennsylvania Stan) Lunatic hospital at Harrisburg, for the pay men t of salaries and wages, and for the support of the house, the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Six. 3. For the Pennsylvania, tndning' school for feeble minded children, at Mediu, in the county of Delaware, the sum of twenty-three thousand dollars, for the maintenance and training of one hundred pupils Provided, That each representative district In the commonwealth shall be entitled, to Send thn number of pemons to Said Institution, that they are entitled to members on the floor of the 1.10u9e of Representatives. • SEC. Mt Forth() Irons° of Refuge, in Philadelphia, twenty-five thous and du '„ And that an act, entitled " An Act to aid the House of Iteruge of ilistern Pennsylvania,!' : approved • , April twenty-six, one thousand- eightlaun drid aind'sixtY nine; he and the same is ber,eby so - altered and amended as to authoctze the. taxtrd of managers 'cif Said institiitloo to tisiiihe amount thereln,a Ra b pproPrtated, to erect addi ontuldings ou the donated by the city of Philadelphia, ono half_paynhic'irt: One thousand eight hundted and Seveney-one; and that so much of said act as is inconsistent herewith,' be and 'the same is - herehy repealed. • • Bsx. 34: For the House of Refuge o(WesternFenOsylvania,twenty-flve thousand dollars. • • SEc. 35; For the Northern Home for the friendless children, five thou sexid;,.dollitikulOrAliff - "tromitAkr IkkardlOarttdMMlttelkfibol 'Wilkesboro amitio eaun_ at three thousand. elonsOr and. edgesibej of the court / of ocosulkon. juate of Luzern county,nruilitit. dges Of the court of common idetai for - the .Countles' adjoining,Lur.errie 'county.- are: hereby' auth orized to commit and send to 'mid Some 'for Headless children. `those Mondial children who spay, come within; the Jurisdiction of said courts, or beads. Joet to. their. ordereaud.dispositiour. and the sutra of two.tbousaud dollars to the House for the friendless of the city of Harrisburg to ald in the Mee! tlon of their building• ' Sac. 80... For Mashie * Hospital at Eric; tweet thousand dollarr. '• ' Sac. st For the payment of the milita ry claims passed in pursuance of the act 'of assembly, approved April 10;1868, and the supplements thereto, the sum of tea thousand &Akira, • or so Much 'thereof as tiny-be necesiary;-and that aliclaims shall be tiled on or before the drat . day of May, 1871; and that no claim-under the act of April 2,.1803; and Its supplements. shall be allowed unless flied before the first of. May aforesalen,Provulhil, That no claim akall be considered It presented by or, through the hands of any claim agent or'agency; and all moneys appropriated by 'this see. lion shall be paid direct to the party. ks, Whom.thc award is made. •i• SEc. 33. For the payment of , the chap. lain or the Howie of ßepresentativalt, the sum of three !Modred dollars, and for the payment of -the chaplain of the . Senate, three hundred dollars. . Sac. 39. For the tiro companies of the city Of Harrisburg the sum of seven hun dred_ dollars, to be distributed in equal amounts, to and-among said conipanies. SEc. '4O. For the matern penitentiarqy. far the paythent of tile salaries Of the MU.. cers, '.twenty thee - mad dollars . in equal quarterly payment's, °e'er before the Lith day of,June, September and December, A. D. 1870, and March A. 1). 1871 ; and for each discharged convict from the city of Philadelphia, or whose' rtsitliMee Is With in fitly miles thereof; titt4!tutu of five dol. bus; and ten &Mara to each convict whose residence: or settlement is fifty miles, or over, from the penitentiary. For books for prisnners' library, seven hundred (toilers; for slhool books and eta tioneryctfiree hundred dollars; for general repairs; the ruin of sixteen hundred dollars. Sad: 41. For the Western penitentiary?, for the payment of the salary of oflicent, the sum of twenty4ivo thousand three .hund red and twenty-four dollars; for con. St ruction of chapel, ten thousand dollars; fur balance on new block, nine thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars unit seventy-six cents; for boiler, engine and vaults, six thousand three hundred and fifty eight dollars and Silty cents; for libra ry,.two hundred dollars; for irashintr ma ciiin•!s and small engines, fifteen hundred doltais : the 'salaries provided for in this section to be paid in equal quarterly tray ments, on or before the lath day of the months of June, September and Decem ber; A. 1).1370, and March A.1).1871; and far each discharged convict. whose resi dence o: settlement is within filly , miles of said penitentiary, thermos of live dollars; and ten dollars to each discharged convict whose residence or settlement , is fifty miles or over from said penitentiary. Sc.E 42. For the hospital for the insane of Ow Northern district of Pennsylvania, at - Danville, for the pmsecutior. or the work on tile main building, the su e t oriole hundred thousand dollars. ' • SEC. 43. For. the Eastern.experimenial firm, the sum of three thousand dollars to be expended in; the erection of new„and the repair of old buildings on said faint: and that Joel 11. Jackson of Chester coon. ty, Chnikley peavey or Dela ware. county, Thomas Baker of Laneastdr county, Hen ry T..l)nrlington of Bucks county, and llarry Ingersoll of Philadelphia city, be Ina they ore hereby constituted aboard of csaumissimiers. to superintend the said iii. proveinents and repairs on said fans , to disburse the sold suns of three thouiand dollars in payment therefor; and that on the completion of said Improvements and repairs, said board of commissioners shall til&,:t report of their receipts and disburse: menu, with a lull statenu•nt of the uNes to which Lida apprapriation has been applied —to the auditor general .d this cotautou• wealth. Set•. 41. rot payment of addition: watchman appointed by the governor, t be settled by the state treasurer and nud tor genenik the stint of four hundred and forty•niue dollare and fifty c . ..nds; stud to Prank Conse, for serylees as watchman, seventy-live dollars. SEC. 4,1 For U he sa ray of the general agent and seeretnry of the board of public charities, at the rate of three thousand dol. lars per annum, to be computed front the Ist day of December, Vita For the salary of a csirresponding secre tary at the rate ofone thousand dollars per annum, to be computed forth the first day of February, 1876.• For post.age, telegrams and exprcis charges, the sum of two hundred dollars, ir so much thereof a, nty be Ito ces.sary For stationery the sum of one hundred dollars, or so lunch thereof nv may he ne eessarV. For . tuel and cleaning room, the stun of one hundred dollars, or so much thereof us may be necessary. For repairing and fitting up room for the use of the board of public charities and agent, the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to lie ex pended under the .direction of the general agent. For the actual traveling and other necessary expenses of the commis sioners and general agent of the board of public charities, including from the first day of December, 1869, the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. SEc. 46. For the purchase of re ports and digests for exchange, and othbr books for the public library, one thousand dollars. 6 .1;0r postage, freight on books, also Stationery, purchasing books, clean ing 'apartment. et cetera, three hun dred dollars. For binding and repairing 'books and maps,tharkinget eetera,ono bun. dred dollars. For east of inereawsl ventilation one hundred dollars. • - - - - For boxing up and putting down carpet, and removing and classifying books now in tho attic,tbreo hundred dollars. SEC. 47. For the salary of the stat e historian, two thousand five hundred dollars. 'For salary of the chief clerk, one thousand four bunked dollars. For the salary Of live copying cerks one thousand four hundred dol lars. For extra compensation to Thomas Numbers, three hundred dollars. • For miscellaneous expenses of of fice, including postage, telegrams, express exnenses, stationery, fuel, cleaning of office, securing copies of rolls. and other miseellataxtus etxpen ses,•tive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be 'necessary : Pro vided. That the work be completed by the first day of - March, 1871. SEG 43. 'l'o doctors \V. W. Ruth= erfortl and It. IL Heiler, the sum of one hundred and fifty-seven dollars, Ihrinedical attendance and medicine ihr J. Marshall Quay and George H. Church, of the city of Harrisburg, whosustained injuries while engaged in firing a salute, on the 22d day of February, 1869. SEC; 49. For the salary of the su perintendent of the public buildings and grounds, twelve hundred dollars. For three assistant watchmen. an annual salary of nine hundred dollars each, to be paictmontilly; and for the necessary repairs and improvements to public buildings and'. grounds, wages of laborers employed - .on the mime, five thousand dollars Iricitiding repairs and gniveling Of walks, or so much thereof as nifty necessary.' For the carpenter work, painting, plastering stairway and inner dome of capitol building, five hundreddol lars, or so much thereof as may be necmsary.. •' .For range in governor's mansion, one hundred and sLxty-five,dolistrs. For winding and oiling the. clock onthe'ctipitol and repairing the game, the'eum of one hundred and twenty five dollars. to be 'paid ofroaccount certified by the clerks of the two . Houses. Ssc. 50. For removing: the re mains of the state damln French creek, near the mouth of Cbnneaut marsh, and aiding to open for culti vation and actual occupation,of.many acres of swamptand,now owned by the commonwealth, .three, thousantl dollars, or so much Thereof as may be necessfun to be expended'Under the direction of Oliver Rem, StiMnetl3. •-, , . Ed. MICV I I O that keirhkh' t tondered =and rset!aed- , th' theAttillkingcsend.: , l:; r'd ; , • You the, rentoyal;:of ::obstructions, aid the Iniprownent ;cit.mtvigallou OttlitiSnetuuunt rives above '•the , line of moton county, the, sum of three thousand dolhus; tO` be; chnut hy tatexpeoded'tulder the Oreille:2 iktbert MiKage; Vishautand4ohnTatton,,Sho • make report of the manner Of suck expemlittuu,of such sum' to the ttudttoremetal .. 78E.1 AL or tlui,paYment of Markley and.:Shalrner for - merchandise flarulshed in lees, to Thomas H. Burrell; supeiln: t e udent of. soldiers' orphans, the sum of six - hundred • and forty-one dollars' in d forty cents.. • -- • BEc. dd. For the expenses required by WO ,Act entitled " An Act to provide, for the continuance o r the Wu - cation and main *Alaimo of the destitutb orphans of the de- ceased soldiers and sailors, and the desti tute children of permanently disabled .6W. • diem and gallon: of the state," approved April 0, 1807, as follows: - For the salary of the suporintendaut two thousand five hundred. dollars. ..For the - salary ottwo clerks, fourteen hundred' dollars each. • - . . fL.For tho salary of ;the- inspector or , 'ex eminer, the aunt of. ope thousand and sox hundred dollars.— -,. • For thesidarf femaleotOneissistentin. Spector nurexaminer, the aunt of 'Oak thotisand dollars. For postage and telegrams, four build nal dollars, or so much thereof as may Le necessary. For Mattouery and blank books, one hundred and fifty dollars, or so midi 'thereof as may be necessaty, , .For printing, four hundred ddllars,]or so much thereof as may hdneseatzary. . For transferring pupils, live hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may hetie cessary. For Innate expenses, three hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be he mar): For traveling expenses of the superin tendent and his assisteuts, five hundred dollars, or so .much thereof as may be no. cessary. • For office furniture, one hundred and fifty doitars,:or so much thereof Tsnarlai necessary. For the education andmaintenance, in cluding clothing, of each orphan of lets than tee years of age, 'admitted into such orphan homes as receive now or have re ceived appropriations from the state, the stint of •one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the eduCatiou and maintenance, In• eluding clothing, of each orphan of less than ten years oh' age ( admitted into such orphan lemma' or institutions as have re coved -nil appropriations from the st a t e , We sum of one hundred nod fifteen dollars, or so much thereof :;as may be neceeshr,i , : 'Provided, That no soldiers orphans he ad : milted tub any such institution under eight years of age. For the education and maintenance Of each orphan above the age of ten yeais, ,admitted into such lustitutiou as may be selected for them by the .proper authori ties, rind which have received no appre prration from the state, the sum or . moo hundred and twenty•five dollars, and the further sum of twenty-five dollars for , clothing each of said orphans, or so much tftereof as nifty he necessary; and th e gro'is athount shall nut exceed the aunt of or olio hundred and thirty thousand dollars for each quarter; -all of which shall be settled by Slue auditor general and state treasurer the usual manner, and paid upon the warrant of the auditor general; all cloth ingshall be purchased by the state super intendent, bills for the same to be render ed to the auditor; general and sU.te treas urer, who are to settle- site same in time usual manner, and to be paid on the war rant or the auditor general; and the mid superintendent shall render a sworn state niem, of the disposition lie shall have made of the sold clothing to the auditor eerier al, and shall therein render a special ac count for.all of the clothing furnished unto the said schools; said statements to be made quarterly : That owing to the high prices of the necessaries - lit life in Twelfth Normal school district, and the limited number of orphans thus far placed in the schools there, one hundred and thirty-five dollars shall be allowed for each orphan fur the present year placed in the institutions in such district; and It is hereby further declared, that no child born on or ufter.the first day of January, A. 1).101, shall be admitted into any of the institutions aforesaid ; and it shall be the duty of um impennlendent oh . .orAfter the first day of June next, to discharge from any and all the Institutions who havc received, or who shall hereafter receive any such children, under the provisions of the act of April 9, A. D. 1861, as shall hate arrived at the age of sixteen years Pre vided that no child shall be discharged under the provisions or this act, who shall not have been in such school of schools (or the term of two years; and so much Of the act entitled "An Act to provide for tl,e education and Maintenance of the destitute orphans of the deceased soldiers and vii• 'ors, and the destitute children of perma nent disabled soldiers of the state,' ap provial April 9. 180, as conflicts herewith, be and the NUM: is hereby repealed. SEC. 33. For expenses in executing the cmporation tax Lau r a, the sum of five hand. red dolled or so much thereof as may be necessary, to In- paid on the warrant of the auditor general, upon accounts regularly set tied in accordance with. law. For the payment of the nulroad, iron, cued and c o al maps attached to the re port on railroads, canals, etc. for ISG,S, the um of three thousand one hundred and thirty.six dollars and nlnety•tive cents.. 54: That if the auditor general shall draw any warrant for an amount exceed mg any appropriation, or if the slate treas• urer shall pay out for any appropriation nzuned in any approprihtion fit 11, a gret: er SUM than is named therein for each ap propriation, excepting the interest On the public debt, or 6u satanic, of the judiciary,. or for pensions and gratuiti , :s; they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, pun , lshabl u by a lbw n o t exceeding one thou• sand dollars, or imprisonment not exceed; Mg one year, or both, for each and every Whence. Sec. 55. For the salary of one addition. al cleric in the adjutant general's office. toi be specially employed in copying the rollS into the books, now• prr•vlded by thestatd that purpose, Fourteen hundred Jodi To David 3l'Coriniek, the mon oi tw.-i hundred and eighty-one dollars and twen:, ty•tive cents fur ',coring powder for the state, and expenses incurred in moving the same froni Iltartsburg, to the magazine. al. To the trustees of the Green Stieet Methodist Episcopal Church of the city of Philadelphia, the sum of four huml= red dollars, or is) much as may tic found due to the Rald church by the auditor gen, er,il, for tents belcaging to the said church' and used by the state during the rebellion:: and the auditor general is hereby author,: 'laid and directed to minim and pass j upon said claim fur the use and lossol' said tents. an D. C. Demoting, Stenographer of [ha l Douse, one thousand dollars; and to 11..1. Mason, stenographer or the Senate. eight hundred dollars. and their notes of debate:: to be written out and tiled with the clerks, of the two Ilouses. Si.u Todionorables David Dcrick: son and Win. 311.11ay linll , IWO thousand dollars each, 11n account for services as . civil code commissioners; and the xork shall be completed und reported to the next legisluture within ten days after its Meetng. For Saint John Boys' Orphan asyluin Of Philadelphia, the stun of four thousaixl dollars, hi consideratiou of the support of saldiers' orphans. Ail acts of assembly or parts of acts, in consistent with the provisions of this act and the Ratue are hertby repealed. SEC. an. Th.t all corporittioils, pennon tilt' es, charitable and educatioual in.stitu• ;lions receiving and disbursing state up propriatiaus, shall t 4 proper vouchers for the money so expended by them; and shall snake quarterly tietticruents'with the auditor general. A pprortal• April 6, in7o., —The plague of lOcusts is coming uPon Jerusalem. A letter published February 22, says , !!The locusts are spread over the mountains of Judah and Samaria, in thtr_valleyofJordan, and in the plain :of Sharon and Galilee,. hmilag come to lay their eggs, which Will be hatched' Jest be fore the harvest; end, as the Arabs say that each cnnplo lays :We eggs; countless millions will appear, eat= ,lug every green thing, poisoning thej,ground,- and thus preventing grass growing for the cattle. There Is the.grtgitest alarm throughout the cottatry. and Mrs. Myers residing in Williamsburg. N. Ir., were dreadful ly burned on daturday b,y the explo sion of kerosene oil used for hurrying , a slow fire. -- 111252133 Will-E ) 'aper, Wall Paper WALLWALLPAPER! WALL PAPER! Cupids, Carpets, Carppts - '€"rri. , ph.cisrpet% carpet.: - on (With, '9ll Cloth OIL CLOTH! 'CIL CLOTH IVindoso Modes! Window Shades MrNe tlltAiqtB I WINDOW SIIADBS It 3 In the Store formerly occupied by A. a HARVEY, on Bridge Street, Bridgewater; Pa., Is Just mew lig one of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks of I WALL PAPER Carpets,Oil ClothsilirtndowShades,Books, Sidtuinery, Traveling Bags, Satchels,' Baskets, Trunks, Valle,. Toys, Guitars, Vloiins, Fluits, Ac corthams;all kinds of klu ale Strings, r.::001KING • 4171,A.551 123. (ail .Sizcs), Picture: Frames, Brill Cages; Inksißlank Backe, Steroseapim nut Stero swine Views, nod everything desirable in ills line that has ever been brought to this county. Ills Steck CAPEFULLY SELECTED, Purquied fr' m first hands, and will be Said at Greatly Reduced Prices. Call andititamine for Yourselves. OCR STOCK OF CARPETS Will be unusually large fi[r the present season, and a ; room fpr the keeping; and sale of Carpets will adjoin the tinny. inar23:3iu] [Radical copy] Celebrated Wilson Shuttle Sewing A'TITC.II! !! STITCH!!! Stop—please, and dun 'I ruin your eyes and con stitution by bending ovrr theslow progress of that needle, but save the all important health, lime and oney by procuring a first class &wing Machine, one that mattes the celebrated lock stitch, alike on both sides, and does all kinds of work; Le tiodt. dur able and simple to construction: rims very light: is easy to, operate; received the first tiffdonut at the late WC: le giving the beet of qatieUction toils porchaftre: warranted for three years, and . prica only WI Shade : 8 a g e V ac n i nte e. is 'Fur %r u e, er p I / i t t a f i e ft o n n call at the oilier. oue door below I. N. Atkin.' Hat Store, Beaver, Ya., or address for testimonials, clr• S. T. ANDERSON, Agent, mar..l;ly) Heaver, ra: N E W BOOT & SHOE STORE NA4I - L,S4ON'S I MEE oNU. Rot:HESTER, I'ENN'A .1 . 1111t•r•IgtIvil, haling taken tli buinerly oectipica by WA It 1' WILSON Mil lncit~: the u:tentiou of Tltc• Pttlzlic• Crt•lterally €;tocl; of tBO-Dtrzt, . •G iters & Slippers.. Custom Made Work KIT T CIASTANTLY ON HAND. IZEI va>z ,a2a 11::T4it AND OF TIIF EMI :.st and best Quality CLILL AND BE CONVINCED Ilea lie sells ris CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 1.)ilpnon;1, Rochester. 03 3 ; 1 Y Medicinal. Honneneti,smp, lallnenia, Whooping Cough,. Incipient, CoasoMption and all Diseases of the Throat and lungs. Don't neglect • severe Cough, or throw away money on a worthless medicine. PRIM I FIFTY CUTS PER ROTTLII p sa a Molt t a 0. N.Y. Sold by ailltnista. • I Jel3o:ly . - dity of the Stomach. Lcis4 of. Appetite, Nausea.l Heart-burn,, jaundice, amid all diseasen from a dis Ordered state. of the Stomach,.l i iver or !Mediae'. Premed by SEWARD.' BENTLEY & CLIENEY. Drualits Ennio, N.Y. Salt 17 all . • 13181311 X 004 285 14beity Street, • ~ i nttiiiburgh, Maantrietaren; - of all Ohm and fityies of C 3•844113 joizoiwrs., BUMMER FRONTS, • I ' ND FEERS, IN COOKO-RANGES, awdand Wood eitokingStoom o iv,fx.. ,THE TRIUMPH STOVE FOR COAL', The Jackson Store for e ll Cbal& Wood, And the Mae It Cook Stnierfnr Wood only, • ARE:AWIE BEST aTOV& Por Baiting 140 Cookiria. ' Wo Wailant their Operation. "1"1-1MY NEVER FAIL: parBl:46m • BUYERS, LOOK ,HERE j • 0 07 .. I . • • . The ugderalimed, thankful for past flavors would respectfully Inform the public that he has one of the finest selections of WALL PAPER. • WINDOW SHADES, PLOOR.OIL. CLOTHS, Etc., Etc„ on hand to be IMAM the county. Ills moort. client of School, Illseellaueods and itelliglous Mg CO CO Is complete; while no pains are spared.ina tus part to make his 'BTA'fICINERY DEPARTMENT equal to ihrl beskof City Establishments. Ile Is the exclusive agent for the celebrated Gold I.en, for this county. Those seeking a good Gold Pen, wonkt do well to see them before purchasing, He Is the Agent for this county for Kristen; Pbotoumma NWctage Certificate. The @Bandon of Clergymen is respectfully called to this, ae he can sell them at the saccomllsortunt as they would get from the Publisher. JAtw'chool Bor. erpment for sale at Publiiheeii pri c es Also on hand, Toys and Yorks Goods, suitable for all aeasous. V. tent, 140:17 Broadway, New Brighton. CLOSING OUT Owing to the death of the senior part ner. Mr. J. 31. Burchfield, the entire stock of goods will lie sold regardless of Cost. The Stock consists of Silks, black and colored. AL.I.aI=PALCJALE3 VALENE POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS, Black Brocha ShawL, PLAID SHAWLS, CASSIMERES, and a lull line o[ DOMESTIC' GOODS , AT J. M. BURCIEFIELDS: CO'S., Sixth Street, late St. Clair, PITTSBURGII, PA. - tioelUte. wißLErestaimrs 3IADE UNDER Dr. Betzsl's Patent, And all other kinds mnnufncturetl. See Dr. S. I). Gross' System of Surgery, Vol. 11, page 542. Scud fora price list PITTSBURGH TRUSS CO., 188 Liberty street, Pittpurgb, Pa. jansdf Dentistry. Dr. J. line , ' ... . ranortiridge ......:t , water, I. deter. ` C. L'4lolllll‘ I mined tint no r Dentist In the 'Mate h,all do o p•;. ; 3 '--- i ...,_,,1 , :: . ...,;....-Or . ..„:.. wuhk better z I. 1 : 1 4 L I. I k At it n i g; .4i to `! i t 11' 4 iftel his patrons.— lie uses the he•t materials mannfaetur.d In the mined States. bold and. ail ver filling performed 10 a style that defies comp!. titian Sattsfaetkm guaranteed In all operations, or the money returned. Give him a trial. feletly AM A. MR. 313 31_.• F.. • tr-1 t 1 IVI.A.NILTF.A.Crr Ult kat MONVM E NT 8, Hcaul 1111(1 Foot taitonet4, Marble and Stone Posts FOR CEMETERY LOTS. We bare now on hand too larirevi 'election of 101111111CIIIS and Head Stones Ikot have ever been °rued t roy vale In tblo canal}• ; which we are Selling from 10 to 20 per cent. Lean than tbey Can be bad to the titles. or bought from Afritta tfarellug, a* agents generally Intarerrurent both as to quality of marble and the size of norb contracted for Persons wlehtor anything In our Ilne will please tall and examine oar wink and prices before or: 'chiming elsewhere, and see what they are baying; and get what they boy. Grindidones always on hand. r inarteoSn. CARPETS, Oil Cloths, &c. Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, MiCALLUM BROTH'S. .4511 Fifth AvOuzo, PITTSBUIMH, PA. Wo Rave ?winner; for nopplying 131 ETA. X T... 13 E A .LE ti: s Equal to ANY. EASTERN . JOBBING HOUSE NeCALLVIII BROS. apreay ~~ _ :00Lii:PRICES.7 B. J. Crosi- & Co.,' ROCHESTER; ' nave received. 'within the belt few days, the lisilowlng gotxls,l4ch they RrOposo to sell at GOLD PRICES; SPRINGATIVILES OF wit:orals arra. DELAINES, . MITSLINS, FLANNELS, • TICKING, CHECKS, periOnt2ak • !TOWELING CEASE, ELOSLERY, &C., &C. • 3Di a • 11310U121. COFFEF, Ei32l SLGAII 310 LASSES, 00 Kegs of Shcenberger's JuniattiL ONE'I" 0 INT --I,ll'-- B. L. Fahnestock & Co's. Pure White Lead. 50 Bbls. Massillon iralitrE 6 .l 'I73IF2LAW 307. 0 1:T I=l., March 23, 1870 017131atik Commltmecan for rale at the, An.are (Ake. as eat , k , : u o , f , :e u i t i i rg all the different kinds for DRUGS DRUGS & EDICINES rinFrocr EMEii ! w. BUECEILING aerman Apothecary and Druggist! IN THE DIAMOND RO CHES TER, Keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of URE I)Rt PATENT MEDICI is:ES PERFUMES AND SOAPS, PAINTS, OILS, PURE WINES AND Medical Purposes Cigars and Tobacco, Crude and Railed MEI e ALSO Sole agent for Dr. Belzer!: Patent Trusses to, All kinds ol Trusses will ho delivered on short notice.. Physicians prescriptions will be tilled at all hours of day and night. Ite-A share of:patronage solicitect - iii[ jy2l:ly. AT I - .10011,1 4 111i: Sz. CO 'S. Fall aM ¶inter Hillery Goods, Ribbong,Trower.,Feat hers, Hats, Bonnet. Velvet., Emlornitlerica. Ilantlket chiets, White. Gond., Dreg. and Cloak Trimming., Misery & GIOVCS, Woo3J`'allj Yarns. ‘Vorstetl. (:OrSetil =II TINDEI!,WE:ikR 3 FURNISHING GOODS, fair Cons, folk and Switches AND NOTIONS Stock always complete nod !Klee , . 1.. w 77 do 79 MARKET ST., PITTSLWRGII, Pa netlltc. Vrqllank Coastal, wi., asln for sale at the A R *vs Aka Wall Paver! Wall Paper! F'or 1/#470. Wholesale and ROtail, Cheap Berner, IVhite d .qtlin Papers, Isrsw AND HEAUTIftL Paper Irindoto Curtain every vari e ty, COLD BORDERED HRADEA. 011 Cloth Rhodos. Plain as/ Mora: BUFF AND WHITE HOLLAND;• ALL AT LOWE R FORE PRI FFERED.CES THAN Eyiß BE- O Trios. PA.1.111EV.11..k. CO. 01 Wood St.betweert 4th & sth Mune lid door below Dtamoqd Alley, Pittsburgh, Pt auu*Sm. 41 7 2 - 451 - tatil . TAM) Broadway, New-Brigi HAVING JCST RECEIVED A LAPJ AND WELL SELECTED STOCE OF BIEN ill) MOIEI set CA SSIMEIN . English Mellon., owl l'esling,, Which lie fa Prepared to Mike 1,, op. ' IN THE LATEST ITNEN ON THE SHORTEST NOTIcF, Ash THE MOST REASONABLE TER, pawn adoddnl any thinK in L' , .3 and &growl 6f SAVING} 3101;Ey TO CrrIVI.; A C Ilefore Elkirt,trc. .4* Ilia .4ork (1/ GoodB a uIJ rf CYass .Maitlifurfurr. JEANS; A Full ttto(•k or Heady Matte Clothll.Q_ HOME MANUFACTURE ntar3o.2m Blank Notes fur Waal Lti, Treasurer's Sale . Notice la hereby given that to puthath.. 4 . i . fAeaembly of thin Coutimonarmliff, day of March, yen. madded An An tr .:,;" Act directing the mode of mina; a te . e ., For Mum:* in and the amend sehn t , aappleinentat thereto, and the several tr. ' ', (.riming therewith. requiring and duet:, of of unseated hinds for County, sae.-1 J , School and Hoed Meek and the oemr off , Act of Aptli TJtn, 1841, million:1a; rad , the retoru and Bele of all real e.to„ lands are now trot& In satisfaction of. unpaid by the owner or ownils the the Arta antboriainz the sal.. of ars. the boroughs of fkidzeratrr. yalioot Brighton and Borbtater f for to mein ur following iota, piece, and tracts of c.v.,: de., In the county of Bearrt, or .o met SA will pay the aneerazr of the nth. thereon Sur the rears LIG: and Pr, r back tales c ( l . l . if' reviews years as ram., will be expto public rale at the Co to the borough of ficarrr, (of Monday the 13th day of June, San, and be continued by adjouninter. Cif h•foo t .. f EDEN A LLI.fiN April 13, 71.110. B• Fly — Persons desinfa. of pay in; the toe.:, upon any lot or tract in the lotion iaz ho, gland to do so before the day 01 PAN% ••• u.. t, day It wt el be impossible to attend to nth rrfr.• —and no property will be witimale ham .ar mere pranist of payment. NUTS.—AIt property marked with. e rr . returned under the 11.1 section of tic i! Both of April. 1041.. Bale Lbt for the Taxes of Malt sto IMATZE TOWNPUIt. SY RC P BACON LARD Fonabo.l limns, 110 acres of !tad Roberto' W) Ile heirs, 3 lots BEAT= 601tOrOIL *Edwards Ilenry J, tome and nom ,t: lot No Marks I.aar, n. r.. t tat. No. 107.... Young Peter. ar lot 12,.......... 1101.01 , 111TOWIC•1111. ennrul'a Jootph heirs, L lob—Gr. c and I. • Loc+n Elbtabeth. I Int at Vann. rt. N. Morton Jacob, boa.° in Vannori. Wiiinuey Cathnrine, boa., uutl 1.4 N It in Vanporl 211[1,111TOS Tl'. Donham's Sylvester hews, unt lot. No. a. lOU, 101 and 100,—I0 scree... . Mulvanon's heirs, 121 acres of loot. Indready Darn!. wi acres Lind, Noss John. lot No. onrnacirsrin anaoron Milner Matilda, n. r.. 4 lola and part of oz . . lot No. 15 •Danham's :Sylvester helm house and Id \ 0, and 0 lot. No.. 10 and 11. Ratedon Freeman. 0 lots, Not. It sot it Vera Mary. 3 lore. Vera's plan, 5.1 and pan orlot 72, PAUL[NUTON ■oancue Lyoo'• Jai. hdn.. ] lot No. ND.... D.ULLIXOTON TT. Alcorn WII lam, n. r., 35 acne of land.. Eme,lck, Kane& C0..14 acres of land. Hardy C. A., n. r., acres of land... • Hardy A. A., 0 r.. 1 arse of land, Lyon A., 4 acres of Land..... t Mark' Jacob As CO., Oil Refinery aL:a acre of land... . • Smith Park Co.. U. r.. aces, .C.u.d. • Union Company, It acre* of bold. Waugh D. IL. a at'res of land.. t r rAurroii Donut UN fitant 'William. 1 10t.,... . Ilsy. Arlain. I lot flagon Elizabeth. boost. and 1 acres of ...a anA ti lot.: Noe. 19. and Meanor Mn., I lot tutiolt.lne Ittiode. Milton. 2 lots itanto..) • a. Thornlier. plan William. Louie. boom• end lot No 4. Wel.h Natity.6 kit.: No. 0i.:21 It. It. 1101 . 104 - U1 Tr. •Ilarny Leonard, lo a. land near I.onrAr •Vanklrk W. M., I lot In Lod•town. TNUCIITIIT tr Hokin David, 9 lots lu loduory Su. 5717 Mead Goodwin, Moutaonu'rl , SUnS TP. McDonal'a Wm. belts. 1 lot adJoluic; T. NKR 21111u11T., bean AIidTCIVS Joaeph, o. r.. 1 lierv, of land C ! Fitzpatrick Edward, I lot In Ibid . ,. W.: lloueywell Robert. 1 lot In Lauz.t of lot So, *Smith W. 11., n. r, 1 acre land to north nonTn nOwU 10.11 TP •Ilazeo Reuiamlo,27 acm. of Lind adj,. 4 l. bud of Emanuel Evans, . • Ramsey David. 0.T.. 5 sets. 'and Mg land of Thomas Webb Henry, n. r., 2 &CPC!, or law!. . Cloud David, 13 acres land now . J v ... , noit P: 1 oars of laud In lino 4, PUL.I.IICI TP. Al Ils.m James, house and 10t,..... `. DUIld. Jllll.l, Mures or hind,. • • Fidler Elizabeth, 2 acres woodland . Fetterman N. P.... r.. 37 acres or _ Jackson:At Knight, 3 acres of land, Jackson Thomas, 4 acres on Ittockhon-• re ..; Majors Jeremiah, :nacre, of land. . • . Khafuot Jacoh, 25 arr. of land. r. .. • 1 Townsend Mrs. Lewis, 5 acn•• ..f Lied. LIQUORS FOR uticursrmi Bono Polly, 110. e. eishle Mel or 110 .70 , Jo.eph, 3 lot., Porter'• . Darra:b James, 3 lot.. Keno'. plan, Nos Ito 111 anti It' ..• • •• • • Davidson Wm., 1 N. 13. pan' Dickson Joseph 11. I let adJOlnin% J .ter strong, Dunlmeker J.. 910 t.. 1-1 !till Ne• litt and 133 Donn Wm, 3 lots in Ist nohdh Wet. 111, Ili and MI Eaton Wm.„ lint attloinlnz Join Limn Erb Augustine, 1 lot No. 141. Gould p'll, - IrsaierMn. undivided rett 314. Plnnry'a plan For' hl Henry. I latn. N0..11 and =, iia p lllO ..- ...... ......... Entailer Christian, I lot. No. Ile Anam, 1 lot No. 191, (Multi/. pan Hunter W. H.; hassle 2 lot No. I. co.nrine ChristLatt, i lots. Deno'• p! o, - Kaylor J. J.. n. r., I lot. No. 14 tiome Kelly Lnornis, i lota. Reno's plan Meta Peter. n. r.. 1 lot. No. 143 Gould • p'4,l McPherson Conner. I lot No. 1311.1 • Neeb I.onir. I lot. No. Id. plan Pinney David, I do No Its. d..J" Shubert Attain. Ido Nn ild, no .1,, Shatter C. W. 1 do No. 7.1. do tinlllvan's Michael hero, 1 lot rear. e hoc.. /mockup. Clark.. I lot, No 11,34 so!. 201.111oTZt; Ton' N.lll i• Caroy'a Jane help, 3 bd., Dock John, honed mad Fell Jacob. 1 loc, liano*a o.o‘. 4:Ruing Chrlotlatt. 3 erne of loot Haden ILlcorre, l 3 11G11%, land. coal pt Rays Thom., 1 lot on Mclienl.l . Ilftlburrh John. Ii SM. land. 1-bon. , ge.,rn Noma Jacob, 3 lota, Non 33, - , l'arl'• Partin Eiullv. 1 lot above Dr 311Invo. Porter Wm. 10 ACM. land on W ' hl El !In Porter Jan. 4r., kad. 011.11, 1).111•on, . Ilemsey A M.. 1 lot. Itam•v) . • ptau aprl3: l‘r re r- /SLthk Summon 's for •AID• at th,. A New Firm! New Goods" O'Leary & Singleton. I-!'4 Federal St.. just received a lurge '4°,l A splendid assortnit.vt Faney4tiact Titrietli Goode, sVolions, Children's Orringts 711. ya, 11666y-llorsex, Cluls, ; Wagons, &e.,.te., Which they are selling at 14,111,4 Pik: To JOBBERri and the RETAIL Tradv We tuake a Spt 0A LADIES' SATCHELS, FANCY BANKL*TS. AM) CIULDRESS' C %RR fAGE6 O'LEARY *SINGLETO N, nrtrlB;l34 148 Fakval Bt.,Allegbell. P r '• Consisting or WAahl tin w 4.11 -NI 60- A LLEGIIENY,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers