0 • Th r Argus. a t. *grip. maron Kg r 10111411.011 sky'll; 1870. rkmiver,. Tmt State appro nation bill ap paws In our whim toklay. It will be noilepd by thew ho ki 'm=on Such matters tit-Sell a half a inllllokot do lass short of the llito year belbiii: If thelaittAtit pa `ol' Nintsylva•:' • ' 1 ! i f i .,i 414 „ .... ,# ) t t' 13 /IPg.• 144 nevut,l 4 ,Wowo la MO to know just what ngenty do It. " •• IT la n little sln : r that the Rad , '.icarofjast weekeo id•not find r,omis " ' to tell Its readers t t our colored [el= low-cltlzeMi intend , celebnaing the iratlilostion at the 1. Iteenth Atnend , • Meat on last .- We 'under .444 ifs adltoti requestdd ' 8o 'and prom . HOW •is jlds brother Quay? Do oil propose now • to 4 figo back" on the coMied man, 'ar do a certain clime of mclikisYouZl : G2*.w.w7iii. • „ Otii Treasurer, left his' .Iw:for Harris iurg on last Ilan Was duly sworn Into office • the follo~iii end, under :the din the suM of les a salary ~o f it en. Irwin made Mainme befOre, infldent,tilat he cot again. • lddildray. Tho: Ge:J uew 4w:Arliveti Ala oataymu, an& mei , $5,000 per annual. sin 'Oflclent' State % and we are 'quite will wake a good 'lmAsennu,Srir opinion on Friday 1 lie debt statement o votild not RbOWniui th.bughttuisimouat in by the revenue been quite , large,.' ments on 'UM 'dell "bees extensive every brauch a 6.11 This bill to to suppl, or the year, ending 1 EU woe of the ast, that the iiub , - f next .Monday Ota . PliPell9n, money brought oustositaihas Use. tho :140/ 4 1 1. e d they !Only to Government. the deficient,. une hoft4. Deportment of tniorn.li4 Minister been: is. apent for, • Asiilu 7 tine ; hos lei have the ChpJ thclOP-'/ us. Our nuplialux). lea; uPill Sorts days State at NV by ,Minh Roberts ti sued by the the swum .All elfll4l4.ti tult acted r twin Gamier position floyernnu with the , soon be wax» IN the fifteenth • KY. 0.9 H.PareAcY gresst!was dopi, belled "Tho Fifteen with a train of twe hici IN; .YolkNfie4liir States, and a numba nessed ..to -the toner the ; States' refdain valid) , trill*" to IV ward. A neat th 3 palpable hit." • hioornotlve h Arn4hrtent,” tf-trine cars at , g tho ,ratifylng ofjackaimes Nu r ,timbletriatte of to' ' ; ratify, and 1 fhq tiati; back g; for flatlibou, ,Tila Ohio pa e.: on a glrl nutted . Ohloi" 1863'w Wilt( the Deinoc Governor of thatB mom. meeting' was largo letters on In the implosion lvorda .L. 2yhlte h tell aeruet atoryr hlrk, of ylaytint, en: YlitaVognam ic',eandidelt for tea Dernocratlk 'held In Maytou. nen, theikagons , *la Painted the .bonds or • none." rt' ock to )a entered y. She.,evldenk' 7lnetpler than ahe Wagon; aid it 'sh united herself In w wan named Lee ly thinks less of p 1 the ormen. FREI/Eta% Dot ' 01 orator and epee theirilneipal evAl Jubilee In Philndel last week. Antong . he uttered on that) following: IGLAISI., the color- Amon, was ono of • . aka ratlficution r hla on Tuesday of any other truths rismslon i mus the I notice this la going at a con armatlon of a thous, ulsr prejudice. I lake th • you go op In the gradatto went and culture. the In dire or all kinds. I cone. Into a lewyree Wince. to to . id ID Into a lihsekendttee CAM wore readily get Plat to study the tnlnlotry to enure the jseltittane. our pnicesslon gut ails I. ).,11rney.' it was In ilist dlstlupthiwt Ochs ego .for Its education and cult down MIA those Imre+ we round pr4ntllcedhe ••1 and down your atreete; (mine concerning pop. ground that the higher "° ll nlelliZente, retina. or yui. y e bunt prejn . got my ten ady law, than I eon get op to balsam iron. 1 uto a mlnieter'e library tutu "'carpenter'. chop d I will tell you where doelapplanee on nil Ms' • art of your city mostly Imo, Its settinement, end re, and Jona ae.wo wont I doe of Noddy pet there mallgantit, err the Spinkeesl4 Tag arunpaigai f of the , noxt , (Jong Wanitingtnn city 'lay morning' ,liit. i!'ll liionlis to run, .1 of preliminary w• tnemUer of On X hp clrythd... 'TI! . nays U'rin:44ll. am the tier thinwse of 'the ((Mud Mak certain of rttilt, ntrengt(t . fir Ilin the IncunoWht. woirkl.boskilribilmia The tipenker'a el iteeeptithts filled. 1 ----------•1 dpenedin the i hronfrie an ' , Attar-. It tioW have , with ski lusinths. k , before: svgingle A Id Conesii will torial referred to Itti for Hpetticer of Itepraiteatutlver; of : oolong member 'oit tlisekioN gnat &mow (.1... Illultta!,. That .1* well. lt It if it wore not NO. Ir sat...never tort. 1411 fixing lion for the thiltrr Went to the 1'! I*st, for ilk ifiglo Insfsprinjr declare near Ogden, end t the Sint ',hist 'n Bonds for fivoltii Treasury, but wit '6) the' proper' gives six sections plateiof the same o,Yel l' iWi ll oi we. purposes under quintile's at issue rentkante now sett Ins point of llitie . - . Pneific ILlilinatirr ident on The dare. The -aft of tt it slibuid bent iii i i tf neat hill looney eat of flint 'Atom. en, on] yet in the now be • .delivereil • milairli Melba t hind to toliii the,' quantity heretofore rtervett foe school le old. lawii; ' , MI ! between-the two tied: Inprenlott Is abioad relative to the pay. on Otani bowls Ls Of 110 consetitme lIMAY no tel'auttoilickr the trerrAxii , s 4*PPOPiAi. ' O went of Interest coin. 'The bill • We 1r."4114n1 thing. It simpl! payment In Gold , t .thoo ton of the BtAte otliel L is l ' 4. , i' i t t i . elia l ft , i ir r, : lik a F other tlebtws; in t' ens) °rut to ',the 41Oelstima of the eittpretue (. urtc.the bill Is of little 111 nnent....Tlasiset of Muy 'B, , I MI, un r Whlclr UM' State inispendel simile . inent, proVlilotl that. tlm inteitia; abia.linrealter 1;f; ay paid in such noteti 'tint United Mates may deelar!) to ben !Lint tender for debts. I f the detti oftlie'Supretne Court on the au .1 of legal tenders remains unehnn ,•tlin Mate net of, Dna beeotnea nu. , f44...'' " " ' ' 1 . i . A 'ai•tu4t.:(l '' ' ,'ltiajbe , 4iiida, vilie Chtiriar.. Jo oug .in thb' election of Gen. . It. Lowht, Demo crat, ,to Co ' --, , — front the TtArd Congrossiomil il Aitevof K„ntueki. by a nottaldeMbl- molarity. ~ The ne- Vont vete& ' In Bowling ' tiMen the riegro , 7 94 1 !'i . ' 0 4 6 4 0 44 0 % ,‘4 , a . mt. for , Lowry .:11equblicao tandt, n t date. A dLsturbance mat J:: . Ciolkulay spoke t 9 ' e ßotil Green • and announced hi 'Ulm ber o Congress at preaere fta a large pistol at his wall* and tlsdulged In abuse of nowsapirrmepA It Is P • " able he will altos?. the seat of the meMber elect to Congress. Washington county, Pa., died near . .. . .. st — WaStifitkron on , fay , liktday,..after 'ail illness ' of "sek•Wia• months'dittatton: ' • ' Xi. ?ttontgoiVleri at ejte time repreeepted his district in thagrms,andfor many years held a high rank lii the Denacierittie l tatti #f Pennsylvania. Jf w*"cuiliihl),* ter4, ' ell whelheP* !dm, to 4e an able law yer and ono of the most fluent speak ers to be found anywhere. ' Latterly, however"' his power , ' as 'a, piilltlcluu ! i/1 4,401(3r*:"d ' not :l t, WI lit iformer Yam, owirg in a great .measure, we presume, to the, ecurcluet &one of , his, (40118" . illia 'Rid vitrauttlini7 e * lfLittle l lP'9 o‘ ..ht ...44 01 ,P014. ti• . ximliii,ii. ...of eonaPile ty, In Um Dinsmore mußt or. . p srhictraosurrod bi thitticcaiUty , twOir three pa is ago: ' ', ' , , ~..,_ t*.,1,. , ,.... • • • • ~ 1 • • , •:Aborr4 ofta . 6 p t writestolim Phil.: 1616/04te P/ac 'lmeetrtng the !thilel late necessity for an organization by, the people to correct the evils grow- Inrout.•of our Tarty Polities. Says 1 thO W t htlf :',':"ltliett timid, bkonmrt a ii . opia ,i the part of the people if ,they wish to. contravene the, galena; 1 of theoofesslonal politlelMl S ;ands'e-, I 'ket' gOid . , lid,mest ma at • the 110140 'elections. • ' They, must somehow or other Aimee their own • candidates, and elect only good men th spite of the Inifiesional:gratZemA who are 0 01 efinil ' l4i k*i 3 and, rings on the sweet cornets [ and in rum shops at waisroads' stores awl taverns; laying , thbir •, heads together and - Planing nio' *Acting out 'thy pubna plan-, dis(for the coming pate!. 1 ,' 1 , A. biatoOti.o,lsPecial from Wash ington says:Beveraloflhegentlemth who' liavabeen hi Attendance-on the private: conference held here In the interests of freitArade have'ealletivn the Pusident, and had informal Con. - versations. As the. Interviews have been somewhat of,. a private nature, it - 'Weald not'be:Propor to commit either 40 1 9.t 6 e. 0940 6 ,4; the same on the Narloui, phasei of the tarifr question. There.is no doubt, howev ,er, that 'Vie result *as the tiliuMof, v 3 "Preeitiont,to bin:unfit himself to any specific branch of the questkm, either.for protection or toti tariff - fbr revenne, with Incidental Proteettiin' cif.tunic. On the gemral quo noir of . ; taxation , ayes la favor lof reducing the tariff and:the excise du thaJust so far tug the , revenbes bf the Government WOttki per nit. woos kaind that theiniiiM4t ceuhl . he dispensed wititatter. thitryear the was In favor of cutting Ito,' but he thought 'that the Uovernment: amid nbt affcird, la that event, ; to reduce /any ,of the other features of internal taxation. ~ • of the Louisville, had a hau l!' of Pns. Tire Pillslitiryh 3.1.5i.'; 1 It ha 4. Just trapepiredthaLthelitst two cifses WOO ithe4uprelimCpyri, to which the legality of the legal tenderiact Was involVed,vand :Which *re 'set down for'ff t li4rwing" and' 'argument 4SE - *Olt and werp.,Withdivwn thOoparties . bringin g Ito that the'. iiitientlon' : eould not be reopened and argued, weid scild.oat tea large honaelu Nemr nJ decision stand Us announced by Chief Justice Chas& " . It'cost the firm, it Is' Said, over, 4Xtir ; • fltitistind (toilers td ;buy up the mist*, and by holding u; reversal hack, until next winter they , expect to iodize 'several lmudred thousuid doilars froth yathiusbondi they have.Sectirivi peassion of. The negotiants; of the purchase was coo, fined to a party in Washington who undertook to &Opt° the Nadi: which Passed through,4l4-, hands more than one of the. interested. party would stand, and so file itiqer:Opened up negotiations withanotlieratterney to prr►k up th#,&llo had ;lave 'the cases brought, up at Autef: but while the , itttortiey General and .the . atturneye Wore 'in; the . fitipronte Cdiyri room ieadyi:l9 move ;to ifki:iip.jhe ca so and ItlnWitelicie tbe . curtain*, frond and eh imn erY which:t .action of the Court bad been sla t y agent' of trio 14,44.4 4 ati* . 1.44_ ptirtY:eut e(, the ettark . Focill!! and had month stuffed' With Brit ish golii so lie ciitiftl ti aiyitiiy , E6 the Ittorifey.bq.htufbooti'.negotiatlng uu val 4 over and he would not .havettuythingintwo to do with it. Twx riltimmigth Aniertadittelii. The 16,1111Witig talfle, 'wit iviiiVti tnice tilcori no! "te<v Irfietd:Tethioul;"pstiowa, ,p4wroAirrultoly,. tbq :Jo rkitkilti .. . of lie- Fro sti• wllutigvo% l tiel.n ailitutl to. tltit. vattlig I,4,ihttrit lot i l lin oat% i f the state 4 flaallea,ly !lie 1.71 rk.en tYi 'til ii4iiil in en t:• .4mt,;. " .i',ii,..i ii;paoh'i;n. : A , ;r; it., , ril t'At i foru la .......... . ....1.11 M' ' ' -, iitt,t I•443.acticht.. 1.. L;... • PIA!: ' •'• : • -1.41 i I).l.sit4ro , it,tll: , , • • • , ktlin s lilluoto".. •' ' • • .Sil' •'- ' ' ' Litt.• ilittllites ' • - "i1" ' 11,11.4 ~. - . .• • 1 4 4 ,ONfhtiteileetvyno, t I J I A a . . o t .r.l.b. r . . .. . . . '... 4 . . . ~., . . ... . .:...,..1.5.,k,h1a4 - „ „ Keniucks 4.16 t ittut • ” fAIT'' ~ ' , liylaut-L.,:”.,.,/Jat • ril 9 1.51 3myu!ntm!tf, ~ . It.itil ytro . l . 110mieLl.:;: . . 4.i....t3t , ~ - la: Ne0115pb1r1,,,,...t..44 New'York..!.. „ .9...1it ••' 8.161 1tb10 it ........ ' -,. • tal GOV: • • '' ~_•• Iti• • '' • , it I '''Ath•ll*M ll .... 41.. r;:t ..i5,811 : • ' : ... , :9.173 1'.R4rAt1441... ' .'....;.,.ittpd • II 659 Vectimn ~11) , flit • Wltcoot i ote • • ' • t• 4,17 t• ' ' ' ••' '', WS - • ' SENATOR itolnintsori,t chairman ? r, tbC'SenittelßeConstrocilon (ktinntit•. leOvill'intrixtueb blft that 01 per sons, except 14etvinotier eXeelitStf,sub- Jected to dlaiblity by the Fottrteeth nmendinent are hereby relteiriVronii, site!! 010 1 Pity; ' iieN:•erther. .le4.llint, tliq followlk ehnisi of persofikareeximpteti fro The provisl , ions 6$ the net .. ••. Fit t-'-SANporwini belnx 4neiikbero. _cif, thfit:6lfi,rtiti th ! S ulittplit - Stater: Und , aldeti.tlut tullulii.llll.ll se F oad —All persaiii" •who, being OMCCIA 'tit ; 1111%1' 1 '4 . the ttoAol,•ctd. Ptt'sail arm); auarY Audilicieo i r ll9,roetquil., , • . • , . • Thirti—A IA • ..l +m . who ~ were . raeshititia,uf Moto Con yearlong which. , Otitiper oe;pristintle4 tiremtneei of seOftr4lfirte' • ETES "11(in.rnirr , inid" Uhl :Werit-exeee(l - tiiiutilettim6 . f,t'elilt - 4it Coup state wi.n) ,puslti4,, l / 4 ,waril, with n„ l pqrtin twoliy indlinirineett! wilily wonder. tut: (Me of thern, Ave Ulletre, exa l eekviiti In lanitnna; twn'othen4laileil iri 4 1 # 1 i tuid:o ll ?* wurAge , •Ne intsPecti 11'04 iheir 'suc cess In the , ; §tate," , utile "inhl64, 4 "bittegiiiie , 4//ie p.few'iijir; ; Aonkee r't I unel,of time aputiteralitatel, Introducw •: a u ninth , .. .• deetarin!, firth ' uty o •-• vern Ato . , .' . .. • .r pro pel f., • , te . , charac.. kr o n 3 I . i. i, 0 ..ior the ~• I,t. Goya . neigh the 'Vh Ire riudent . . thatillerymbile; pig or ,chicken In the South had u "loyal" owner during the strife, it will be seen that our,National debt under the operation of this resolution would-gasvp4o-ressaible er-eleriew-tt would have no end: • When•the Geo/. urnma4tun pay. pbeit widow {or the Joss of her . h*bil'Otrul' SOU bei i ttld; enough, to lake .upAltequestiou of paxiug for houses, horses; hots and vildekenis e dodroyed, %Used* v404i014 ;the rebel lion. frifE *tans" eta fin thatilibery of relrenehment ,a.r4 rgfotni..in Wikeliziply,a4koilge to orver upeorroptloni*nd that no good has malted from it. H ,ow false their 'tiOnqtpltaii t41,1/4thielA f alse the .4 ; 011 0 W 1 4 1 4 3 4}11-or 14xPengt: during Aho, 4 Lest saisloa .of the Legi!;lature, otitnbared witlitie thine ltetns In the `ikhoitin bt 'k6 Lit • übti4 Maw . 11:11o.sto to vs lio,ltiagnt , -•--; 1, 1 tit , asS 33 . 63 ° 1 • ."4. ... ....... 1 4'liiiiiili9tiereiinctfoil'6to),O23 76 410440,Ye;OPes Q 8 ou public printing, malting a total saving on.'theie tiyottentsillone, of Butti:tbUB saved, Aker*ftithiViit SUM. eleo to.. pay Ono•tenth .on the entire Stateldebt. It , is just oho hundred and.iserenty-three thtiusauiVoliars spretr About eiutetiill jtalitical thtio,.eorruptlonists, rlngsand pinch- MC ; • 1 , ; • I'j 4...111: I : , "Imastima,mreferring to the late Legislature; sn'yzil;:cirtpie,r,ps• bills said to lutVO 'pa.s4eit, us' high as 300 worO . Whoted through ln ;31x hours— .nearly twos:minute, including time kaki making out wretchedly spelled title!t, N0;'1,%7, tilt Set to && *4 a *limit linproireinent Comp - ny, and for:other ,purpos." "Abell the biThilttss?" • "Yes„," • ''Senide bill No, 1,992, an act to authbrize the Swindlers' C&oneratlve Railway and Improvement Company to.Lssuoset oud mortgage bonds, change the man-. nerof electing directors, andfor other purposes." " 4 'ThO quation is upon a auspension„ of , the rule." "Shall, the rule prohibiting hills being read twiee on the• sante day, be suspend ,_. od?" "Yes." "Shall thublll passim. "Yes." -`.l :hayee4,' my, acconot along.. There Isn't Wadi between us; but I, like to have • things straight." "I am gotng homb'ivhen.wo - edjoum this week; unit willldok the matter 'up, - It titOi.4 tionble to do even little oings..right. Cksxl..lay." :There were .twenty-three lawyers In 'tht? Honk., arat,thfrteen In the Senate; 00. White, Vitttlifinolift; heifer fewer off , that kind. . The 'legislation that binds you and me is passi at an uv-. cragul of twenty-three bills a day. Sixty-live working days go into 1,498 puts passed,-twenty-three From an editorial on mivertising. 1W.1t4 -sveck , :4 (. - humbersbut ./Depbse !to - 44' *0 following congy l F• mere, are es few, rules which a uoys,held geed , ,Otte of them Is this: Always ad. mstils.'when bathers.. Is 'stall. It does not tallow Om' this thet v ion should [keret to au when Ills good. It le to advertise at all thus but NI • perattvaivlten rade Is sonstalg. In busy Limbs all can dad munch to do, to anti nines those get the trade who advertise wisest and hoot, and those who du not, sit oe theircounters and grumble nod lose money. nut the mistake whlchlu.t nehititts ptilees to unit nines le, that they rein:much in the very matter width they Ices tor all can afford to du. without. They sever die shmststoti hest feeder of' ' their business,. and coagmtubite themselves • km Laving reduced their Tire man who re. gardshisliciout advertising ashn:expenhi mud hot at a profit has not yet learned to understand IhCi first fad most importildtprinClple ()tirade. • 'Phu next Mlle Is, Ls , Advertise In those pitOri which walk ban; y.mm busing,. to the knowledge M of O larg.it number of those whom you wish in :rads , yours •k a local trade, or Ilhatud to Ccinntroiniiiidd:m2(gtaddlehduius.lsicutditrak"::), wbteh elite Out the l aic,. of yourbaances yea can nave no campentlea, and beyotur. it advirtialug bmotnue au expense ankuot a prollt. Select such Journals as Will Yeast.' the larne othlietiber•of per Sens mushi ly; la Oared...wholly: :then; accutaffutt ito your suety.. advertha your , gooda and wahssnamective, ly, eqffwith as mums fisoolinces sun variety 44 .yoll ‘ can command. Ito nom purse., this a robtelv sad then abandon It convinced that adverdand i.e 4 hmormr. Try It *eat ror...yeo, and DOW tlid merit' It i yort do there oh ilabger that you will ever• i v .* lout Si IDS IVO 10111111 es.. APrOPOI ' Ol fUbleg. We' naiad the renovate; in an exchange: , •`'A n 0811164 8, mon can oteratic'ee beim in succeed lands a:L.:without advertising than he esswithout eating: The latter is food for the stempch.s.the former to your pone. TborenrekakitineCkanneht of advertialogs I have tried theta all, sod thiuk,the newspaper the best. It le read and lois* by evely member of tho family, and by ailtholdrod help ass ' Saturday iildht and Sundays.Arstri. thousands Or. talrillin Wad tip their paponklato frolutoo4, Intl yea OW you hake ceased paying for the admur4. theitleht 'lt Wilt bo• ;lent; ;Wu a bOltedt'throbsth lawmaktil or the thimr" . one J Glrluk IVO" bi the 'Dell'eries' tied ' Wloor ors Criwwded Covert. noow, —Over SO Personmilkilled-4)ww. • ko.o,llwfur.cd —,Nicene, !'alt iiturrors-r:Humineum SilNlitotHan.4l, pity or tien.Cr;ll,4onrlMlN;* 'lttdirVoNt), large cro yits' 'Monti tig tithe upYieVikcirtlewoc the Capitol buildiliga, where the,Su Ovine Court 'of 4ppeals teetttpicte hear n decision itt the 11149 i-oily re4e. tv.t About eleven ii'eh)ck ' the, 'Hoer, .'%iltyr,beitint ttip!he, ',weight; 'precipitating ttie prOwd floor bele 4:011111Iti Was that'of the ,11 , neu§. 1 tot pelegltes. ' ' t'ls ,Trand i t/ . nrcertni it .01 prt..seat the 'eN'tent.".ef, C!gi • itoitt4 l %;' bet, tut:ilb•l ar;:! , a'• large - nunther'f severely infered. - Many I...icapis) the:: 'terrible' fall by Jumpitg;,lnto the' windows when the - lbw, gave' Way; I TM: watt aded 'are being httenged:to. - 1 ;ft' Ii tilo.s.sible to adslghtan.. thrl ex tat the injuries at :this hour. I Among. the killed are I'. Ifaylett, a • dlstinf,mlshed lawyer; Dr:J.ll.llra* reporter of the E . nyugrer culeT E.kani incr. It is suppesed that tivent4§. tateshb+rior tlie.Statit JJegislittOre are kllkillthd•itTituded: Tice Juch,'lts of theDotrrt bf At'pellsOopetl untiort. • 'Et-tiotiernor NreIIS'NVIL9 badly inJur ed: • :Jame§Mt on n id Jtidge dith, Wank! Ile Ellison, were also badly...hurt:l -About two • hundred persons were :hurt by the' accidettl:• Paid • greater. lezeitement prevails;• and huudrab§lof ,persuns are oft: the capitol_ square•weeping awl wailing' as the dead and dying are brought' feemithe building., Doe. Wallet-es esPed unhurt, timughliielwas bit the• court sootrtikewiat the time or the. aecideot. •. - •: l - l ••: At - oiervn•o'clockAlacgaileries of the antrt roots; which •were crowded , : foil • in , tho Maw fidlowed.••altd• -do.; suentleZt thirty .flyet to.the • thstr4Jalow which was the floor.* the thylise of Delegli WS of Virginia; onsittiddl seek 'four*. theta names of •etkeeu.4 wed? , waiting. Th re. witsatittaksul crash of tinibers eflusideanills.; Dinyetly. tho. •disaitter al dire' alarut wits. and the hook, and ladder cmnfunieserthe city rep to therlrett*, A.oerdon.of polio& was draWn around the hviklinx and: ladders throwu Up to the Windows. ' • For-three hours the scene Was full• of horror. Minuteafter, minUtet here. appd , red: stealer out 'hy/Atupe tied arWild_the Middle, the body of some •populir-lavorlte.l.who, I.Rn-cr.-being swung on the shoulders of 0413 oft ho tire brigade, mangkxl. and deadi!Was brought 'down the: ladder: into: the. geed) of the Fiqbille,pstrk; whereit wOs ihstantly surrounded bylwe or thrte. tholiatml: of•lithse whd gathered to ire/ the. Wain: The park;.wati , 21=with sinsdping.womenftsd attx. illuß men Until lAve o'cleeki!When /he last slethavraadirawn awn the ME , APVEJA ;;Awosi.F. o tivi.out 1 luctV MOND, Va.. • ding. After thistheill • ; • park And rehised ad t' lone, the bodies of the d • been sent out. = All the stores In the city, l . • el ow ind plaaards put upon e d 41 In consiquenceof e at the Capitol.' No more bu - was done during the day. To meetings i ns, v m eßtdi)ftme ; • the pree3B *AMA " a ganipttions, t o r and_d A l frfraltUral te mkitrPhg 'Court was about to deliver an :Minion in cankr'frahwq ~ _he (kir e A latex dispatch says: It Is 'apparent that the calamity Is mush greater than yet remittal. The number of kUied•will retchover :El ty, and of mounded is over two I: -1 dred. The - scenes of despair and -.1 gnish' in the vicinity of the disaster arebeyond description: - To:irk mour ning covers the whole any. . , „ Pm! .ArraluMuratalk We wiU herealler.have the assis tance of, Taos. L OLDSUUE, M, who has been eduesbxl to the pre-' [widen under our own.dtreetion, and gnuluatud at , the :Phlladttphla" Uni versity of Medleine anitl3iirgery. • fie will assist In all 'the varied duties el practice, the preparation of medichuti,arul .puttlng up, preierlp• don& . . We are therefore .prepared to prompt attention tot hose - who a l ltt by the R. B. ears or steamboatal) . wish to depart the same day, Persons at 11 . distance wishing to obtain uredlcinor for",titeir friends, will bring a specimen of urine for examination, or have it sent by Ex pruss. . • , The patients will be careful to take. the first urine paste. d after a night's rest, and In all cases to give their This letter is neowsary to a correct diagriceis 118 wel Ir as to the regulation* oftlhe'quality etaiedreine prescribed: AVe would like to have the name' and resithswa oleo of ovary patient. The zulvantagea.. of this will be apparent to all, but especial!), t those who may wish to send backfor asecondcourse otmedielne.— liZe.km.pareguirtrpecurd .Rf each atialYels 'and 'preairiPtfoll y • coin, parison with which, we are enabled on. subsequent - eicamiliationS to 'de termine the tmprovenient In the case, and make the required changes. iu, treatment when necessary. , The Melillo ;which Packet Boats and Express •Litim , furnish, tor gait* transportation of sinaliAlacknamy to and nom 'every- point - 10111M Rye hundred miles of this platti-litakor sufficiently contrentent for the: treat ment of all chrcuth , popes. In fart, thLs system • of dhlgnaltillp, con duction upon • • the: ri W- sctentlfle principles'of UAW". U1°1(i0 4 ,119 memcertain rind mueli''More to •• • depended on, than'-the ttithilmpuLse and tongue" extlintruitlons Alone. • • IPOllmaket, 1%1. I). GOOD deal hil:d*ilietiirje and ihOughtlees'llgniel ;aril Mtpended against tittildebleni 'Ont aud in favor of its I , ettiovid: "Perhapit the:oam%. 'for Its repeal ilistkpreyall but bete that' .Is don somt . 'honetit' 'Statistics and some tratctsense-nilist NY over 'come. General Settenek,Scif Oltio,sald 'indidentally, on thelnecnnetax," 116 A Saturday •, "This' ttisin the accumulated Capital .of' the iiountry now vrodhedi On annual revenue of ai,ooo, _000: ff theincome tii,V is to be wiptld:out,' then none of 'the an tirrying little special' fittea, 'nor any of the other taxes that are really so vexatious, can - he abolished. The alternative submitted to the people .la,really, 'whether this income tax' shall be continued, :or Whether we shalt trontinue thosii 'other taxes which Mu thonsaild ways'itfinny the people atittobstruet the business of the country." 'lt' is understood that Secret liry ilbritsiellis to 'support this view by , subridttingsome'date at an early meeting of the CoMallttee of Ways and Means thisSveek, that will VillWetteni&srini;tiOns. ' .--Cisinlnollore Vanderbilt, , Alder- Man 13arker,' a' iptored, .man, and several cithers . Wern arrostol at New York on Thursday fur fast driving, and detained at a jkiiiiv station fur tufo htmrs. - —Collector Patteraon, at Memidt , has. reteiyed instructions :front the Secretary of the Treasury to take poi session of nil the propertY sold there during the war for taxos . and after wards rettelivered.- 111111orts•of dol- Jana are involved in it. • • —The saird-tinitnii u Grand Division of Sons Of 'Teingef: ante: of Ohio comic: need at:. Akron la.qt Friday. SeVent , -erglit' now til.a visinfts..`tnnbering 'three thousand additional members have been seu red durinifthe last six nionths, " • -'•"" •. . weer. ~ loivertisentents. r. 1 The; . S6i.ithtien"7.Stal te' s. al4frazit thaliallh •71.143-cnuen f;hert mown su 4 . 11 4 014 .4"1"9.... '44 ill. .4 - i • ••• •,4.4 , • MOBI LE ' WEEKLY: REGISTER, puhiit,hm 1 6,6,.1,•.ke. N .,. Irv. Joi., Nok. 'elm. tl.e anima ItOPettel he live (Inset thophen. A. ucmgk , ... topt•Autor. -, A ,1:' . every ;lambent below:rat 11444.0 Me.rieu.r. • It hoe so shle'AerfeeltardifleOarldie.C; lion. C. Cal, spews. editor! -, it I. . 1 .. livery Farmer , and Menhir itants to home all ti wet the South, nd* oiGnin• PO marry minions. 1 Owbicrlhe the the MOBIL WILINLY EMS. fns t. fot " i t .* 1r PlVlrdritlioti3. Ins 4 • Try dau lootlize - . . • i-lathy :ipi:t per In Oltrtoolb. Mpalaten eopy•ftee. I Addra••, in;ri:itv. , W._ If . MANN, Proc i rstt•ter. Mob "A4bsata. NY.: ,/ ' - ggitz T ol;i d ,llrvier.P„ltatlAltp'erot 1 Math ot ttlanthatt 'Amiens sal the nli i•lectiou on the tau, dill al', 0 . tt t r,..lo,lth oo lste the brnahl• l. rtlhu. I 0..,1. crimiu t midi t • renser , tiTe ltec'S .teivaiii ton :Oh p !eclat, ill•tkfir' ifn t dile h.,1 twined, will tilmaa alid wow their Betel wino.. lo 1 1 11,0 1 • Ch I delqtate• Oiler before the Lipor Jn - I) . itt &dm hi nid' 'Conutv.vx L' 4 1"..Cp1,1 4EAVIEM Itt,t LLB • tv;ler kir:idea:it pA: I q NY.—lllfi-IttBDIIIIIOILIir ‘IVEN itt d lliv onklow-tu n ed—rr pot k,.. 141.11 INV. liffliptl4ll).l. , .\ l LT. l ;l4 n tt U al 'g Hinted 14=4,igrzl,t4C,h,P. , -1... a. c414,,, , ,44 reltildistdaV no IhM,er ; Whi', Wsh,r enropsity„ !poem 14 the tht dav or I April. 1870, will meet M the °Mee or u T. k J. I *cant, Oa lialstifulltlinolin nrnbatontM of Bea- Ater Falb. fearer county re, on ,111 , :hpfp4m. May 4 4.5 th, IMO. at 0 Iccb.ek s.,:tt.. and 1.141,1=er. Li motto MM. ad toll 2 telllnvinn/YAIItt 10 ' '7ll ItscVe74lll-Zonloplinti"istbli.l26"aco•r eambutre n i 7;41:1• oroelilphe of the n r og 61' roalaens bl/ P r oveite Wisp adektens all penmen *a de -I•PirnTrtkiVr.ls" "I P,T.W_I.TN , Gimilli!, MOMMOSOIL ' ItOliElm BABAS, SAM uic L ALASoN. ,WlCBViiltia Wl:4lff M. MitIEMS, "hl *ON MAjoal), J. MOttlibElV. '' • - Mayil *a _ - pir.tTE 'it ND - ttijurtirir 94*.Es. j .. rto'y:dendt,) , tvasiiT4 011st:oil: ma of wist :. to.matro Med o*thrg trr; iora p tore bt 1y70 ,,•1 % i1b: Mt :Stole mad Omits tam Mr., I *aro , • 447/llf. /ff itt l e ißmiS 414° 5 .,42: • „wt. loniippabargbool May In, (hot htixiell•' '” i:adopt d ali't - ;7; _IL, Ili tAL'Oltahltyar.ere's Tl=ltYr4 , ?! i . ! .:464 4.1. 1' A11t1i ff4.-'l 7 , I %ilter, d, i , ••:. .1 , • I n •• -1. -. , er to. i " Itl,, • . Ornstaiss..broset, B retralettn, *", 2,1. ' CapC.Y.M. lheedr., Maims a. *n t•• A "you H om ..! I NT Befoyatu *', 24.. I tomtan•••- vt . * . etor. • Paticeeetat' B. Pats ••• 'Van.' Batelleire;e- ~i Ooprostooto hand 4. MI, a.nhalhdhen • Nine, -01.1egpw I „ ••, , i . I . l ,3LobJesectlispltles • ludnotry tp:.' ' Pub le I, Abel's store. Aldan. opt. t , - . .2. • Wield /teak's; Ilm Deer ,o, J., bud. -• 4. ',ChM& Motet.. Itiy, Bete& tionle'd,“ r. • Jobor4on NottbSetthLkytp,.. .4, 1 • Nathint Ma " : '\ ot ,Fituku !Nit/ [ " " :sit:- tAttledneifileh stose, t gritil; u . ' u T ~... •g•t ll mr., ,-... ~,,, has-idtko, sp., -i C ,-, lit •s _ l'' hebansonty tita i •••• se, a Ossme. Nests'''. ll hce.A.tp.•A ' Betel. 8000 . 00. 4nliArtJily-llit,, , tufith cm * . M C' : Iteme rPP"m rAto iltl't 4 . •"• ': * TiTrifi gn 'lSLO g r "tfita was ivy . i .A. I t. i Sfi rt../ iDdeiliVer'io Abtoletcom; flartbir to, J444;8;12., Motel Illedoverttrecut it y I.l, l ;wmencen's bilneboo arrIALAM NMI." l - 2!. •Mrs. bifelettsMea. t i rq 'Pr ~'... d 7 . : 1 0 1 J. P . . WilliOiat MOM Ib 4 4714 Z.l 10 41 . ' IP +1 'alifitilnv. ' _L . Oa IbIlopenoll.s• 'Ai a hi: Itaelestorei tetrtTP ll " - ' Itt • ' 1ir:t074. 1 " ..• NYMeUt. stn he made in adjotalcus townships All Lipennae mast hopsld pump Insteraitme LW tlthehrYe they qlll bo eollited r t s o l yrier Ve e rs 1 104 , 4 • 1 1 1 . ,(I'o r , ;,Der, trace. '?,! . .;,l.ll..mattattau t e,ko tt . , r . hliproloadaaal eargans la the Athol ataai; I ;31174= 4422'a= - fr uvry tkw ow walk a finial Wt.' etacg al Tkal • a Nt • .011 10•iliiik*iieil& And Feed, $1 per Lifftrtl73art SlidFNI $1 50 715;nlirleardedFdriii1lei„.‘d per day.l day Two Horses, Feed Furnished, $13.,pe . 0 . • Fxhlbllio BEAVER MAY,5711. Uf Uthteit - and I A legheiy 419151if's. TILE ENTRIES ARE „ . " SMl= ” PittSlit44 41C) Mital& S. BANK ' 7 : 7 4 *61;017247 )4W 1 1 • ENTERED BY If. NEELY. • rl . . •• • 2 Z `. ,l =it . ord mat j rav vlti b i elet:f eol ' o ' ro r =e made 11 1 r C pro ' t : larneCheirablin'a wing and anti- ng Coated I. , 4rla4etrickela '1 ;date l °Pen 41 12' o'clock. liortes start atl o'clock. NE :Yt!:•3o.r e. 11ORSTr.1VAIL ri A \ ri . 111. SPRING - GOODS INEEI NEP'. li' STEINWAY& , MITIMMITORE; ►i 1 41.A7ligint4irraiii They have purchase.l in the East nt the !0p114135g panto pripaib_n luattk supply of 00 30 tia Domestic & Foreign DRY --GOODS, tloamelmz, 4;1 . a kik/ iatiOalt,/lit s MENWFURNISHING GOODS, "' r - J 2 :O rit Cr Which they are olliwing new a 9 low as Before the War. MEM steWielei, 'Sucli Bil They are now selling *(.likott Tomlin-I. Taco :Lt.... . ; cents. iSplbaulid dress eulleant . The very best Ite 4calico(elegant patterns). 123.; ~, ,Spring styles of deliones A No. I bleached and unbleached 4,4111 muslins, .• • Mack. and Colorant Alpaaaa tr. pct cont. tett.4 than twit Vail I Good indile:wlied Sock+. 3 'kik for 95 itrit)ilPinciitlatiFl' , vtg. I/ Jo l l ? Jill o her goody at . corresiionctin g ly lo‘y Their Stock of . Clothing, OrT It OWN MA/tO.. IS NOW COMPLETE And they can wiatire, the Puhlic that they lit . iers;ll(l by ,f i si)/ One Merchant Tailoring Li C ;irriril on hy I Ilk i inn in 8 wuy which -MK%l'd TIIE ,Everymte wlto - lum l'attn , nizr.l lli Only our prim is thvir motto 1 41 ." InktTiki.C.riliilehini— lionest llcdinr. their 'tritelite% anti 21e.011.t_Eiti4g.Garnwnt::.1..hc.4..-Fccoin a, 11 it it THEY ARE EMPLOYING NOW• I 13 11nndi; In this -Department, ' 'Ana aim. therenim enabled in EX ii(r.r . ez)iii_i>ivir its ilto3lrmy t- XI 1 s f) I\ls. Nor,E,w ll o WIRI4- 4 To GET onclia at a Bargain fallt:J%ll at t) ) ..Pl l ,lff, Steil/1 1 0 101 %f - 1 1 " M "I !' I ANEWBRI(yTON. Ten rears in Wall 'Street MellifikillAjibiletClidaliAlib TO SELL Pronounced the r ttmt idling book out. One &eta MOWN ti bib dap. at !unladen all out la mysterious and interesting In the foam or speculation, 13 year.* ,L3perlanco of the author ; Iftrtnds .ao4 lhotv of Yendorbllt. Drew. 'lfisk, Gook and many Others. Pined arlthifilostratlons. Great ludoodiondsla 'agent" 2 Sruu far rirad ' r* to WOICTUINOTON, DUSTIN & CO., Hartford, Conti. aprtitlw .„, 'WELLSPI.`,CARBOLIC TABLETS. After much study and wdentlfic breestipalea at to the remedial qualitks or CAILDOWCACID, Dr. Wells has dlacarered by proper combination with el other articles lu the tom et a Tablet, a e for jr''4l ar_e_a MA I Mows q t aaTo• vowal'. co ;.coouP. .ikaoTakaaaosia—pcom. • a saceitadrat TemedY kw AbitleY cables. rIICX 25 curs per. Bat. .SW by S tall All r ...., Mee. by JOIIN it..Kamooo. cue sum% New York. IWO Ages; lie th e Tha. 1 ityltales. , spa*, . • verse wi , -no, OW M , . min •DS of worlds, and smitten Word. Bose. rtlntssP;nirnirr sod superb bind. tam end kw • circular tow is $ fulidesaip. don and 'misers/RI I. 31 the press, ministers and college professors, in NI stroonD parable language., ZBIDLE, : McCUADY,I OD_, II nou th NIA area ' . • . .. i - •i , '7'.tlW UAL rata • number of ral=isii=l . t, :.40"11 'Agent for tho Gemini .coutleo of, ..risAVL A VIZ Home Offlekllcr. HI South Amyl street, MIA- EMI ANENT/i t IVANTER leChir" - *Erg. T'iIrYINXIQA.L: LIFE OF . WQM.AN .:4•sth Vhciiisand Now Ready. ,1,, azo.A. a.traErtrli: ko. • Who mod remittable masa 9( ILo day. Is selling , wllll unprecedentotrapt4Ny. 'it contalna wad ereryitan mad Wonsan oturbtto know, and bird°. /Mal save mach segeolorp, , Ais tbe only reptablo stork upon the single andwirrical it kr earneedy recimneuded by Primer Wm. A. Ibumnood. , Praddent Mark Ilopkitfri Aar. Henry Ward Brodie,' Dr..thashnell, Mille, a Gleason. 31.114..Pred011. flagman, clay,: Malay eagerly soatkbt for the agent ' s work Is dm. ,hiend stamp for munphblt etc., to 0110. MACUtAIO.I.Ii bl !Aber, 719 Mumma ISt.; Phil. Ph., 3 dch001191,./linaton, Mass. 93 Nassau bt. New York. = $lOO to $250 per Math gsarantiai tiara pay. • Wage" paid weekla to.Agenus everywhere, selling oar Rater Allow Nash f, IYlatte Illro, Liam lint: now permanent. , War full partkulara address GI MILS, Yhfla. l'a. • may , h4w A.3E, ; g•ng 'toy Oiartlight, AND GAS LIGHT, A 'Work discriptive of !be .11 - ystiriss, Elrrees, n . Splendorrand Crimes of the Clly al" Anis. It contain,. hundred and Arty floe engravings of noted Plates, life and !kenos , in Pa .rie Agents wattled. &Urea' XATIONAL CO, • teuplAw Aitetaut4auvataolor: Bookoaamtui free for 4EORETB OFINTERNILL REHR', must remarkable book eyoirost Ilshed, m inds complete exituro or t e powerfuleolfede tallow, or" Rings prying on our Government. Showing ,up 011 eliquoi, from gig lowest to the high. ret.',CarAutt Offietraanct Coin/rumen as veil at mi foroperritorfnaternatte depredations, conypirs. 'Cles',ool6ll eotroptlOAKlltkattagnence, patron age and wire Marten historical wort. Invaluable to ever} tittle') ; e6ntitlalng tile page', k prominent Goverpatent Detcetim Oyer uO,- MO' copies ahead/ „old. ',snot. irsal-11. cao raashpubootta free.: - Addrese.W. FLINT. Ilibllytt- IT. IOWA; Pa, tßOrtoo.,lraai.', Chkago. 'or, of Itinatt, Otto. 1n.34:4w BE /____ ) HAND 800 Tux raw f HUSBUDRLK A complete guide for Farmer., Young aneroid, by the crietnated Author and successful farmer,- iti 80. Its WAIIINDrIits of Ogden Fan's, ' Thu lugo eXperienCe and recognized ability of the Author garret a work of tattling merit.— Among tho sub el& treated aro ,Daying and Le,,,.. lug 0 Farit,Du !dings, Improved itopkonente,lu diclona Fertilizing, Snit-Soiling, Draining, Data ttasOot Crop itottor4taking, Choate Factories, Dreading sad Cue of Lire' Suick,, their Musses and remeAlps, skg.., dc.. with ismay.useasl Tables. MX/ yages "rich with Instruction and embellished with a bandied •digenstit engraV loge. Termelts. emit. Clrttilar free- L " Secure so Agenc .at 'esseic.” 'A:II.IIUnDARD, Publbsber,4ool, est nut etrelt i fillatielphit. mayiktix El. ''' -Traveling And local A tal I t gu •ce Corn i3 min fo y r , - thrill l'w of Pentsylv ti and 'New Jenry. Reference requir , cf. Add . Drench oMor tiftLAWAIII ht UM AL LW INSURANCE Cm.. N. W. corner of Oth. and Chestnut street, Plills'd. sort.% it . 000 AGENTS. WANTED • -Bmgley;s, !FOlt NATURAL HIS CRY: d g i'clear and intensely inter Ling' tmeamllt (tribe infinite variety of being unit at,. of life of nearly, every known Vises es of, beasts, birds. bisects. reptiles, mut Innen and animalcule of the globe. From the fatuous London four rob la Mu edition, with Wm: add Woes from the most celebrated naturallets of thence. Complete In one large handsome volotne of 103 pages, richly HIM. trated with 11Xe spirited ent.traving,s. Prtee down to' told body to eon tb i Sin the Should °Wren. toe to one, any book irh= Terms the most liberal. Full psrileniain Sent free. Addtesm A. U. UVUEIALIEN iPab., 400 C Weston& .81., Pttllya. t rfpet7;i w • THE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD: 1.. .kbr Twenty-Fieeteentr your eaolio' i 1 .., •,. . 1 of your Pruggfal or : Gro cer,opackapc of SEA ..1/088 P.A.l;l2M,lnautifac turedfivin pure Irish Moss or azira noi.i_.ellairh inil I ...a . ribo a.-..b.;...........-4.. .." Blanc 1 ,3.14 . upc, ,anga like quantity of eadilia4:l, Castil;•&, Creaum, C'har. toile Busse, &a., &a. It is by jar the boo in the world. RAND SEA MOSS FARINE CO.: 53 P.rl• Mare, S. Y. Es Plantation Bitters wonderful l'egetable Restora t ire Iv the Ahret-anchor of (lie feeble and As a limit. and Cbrdiid for the ailed and hailuhl, it has no tqual ((vivo sloinewhios.l :Ixo rem:- E=ff=l Women are especially stildeet, it if.stt persceiling every older xi inatiant:•,La.; all climates, tropical, temperate or frig4li it acts as a specific in every spe cies of disorder whirls Jot(!ermines the 1441111,strengtli ittid breaks clown . 14 . animal spirit+. Foe sale by all Deug maiu:Gui THE 'GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! Ilk;.; WALKER'S CALIFORNI.*" . :93N llMore than 500,000 Perstas i-111 nenr tc.thronv to thor to a:iluntil% e ettact/. : I f:: i . AI:E TIIETit33:tIg ..... . 410. M Made of P00r... Wit 'ftk y, Proof Spir its, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, optced, andd oweetened to Ocoee theaa.te, called -. Too. Ire," oAppetizero; - Itcotorerv,' that load the tippler on to druntieunmo unit rein. hut are a' true medicine, mad,, from the oatlve Roots mid Herbs of California, free front 01l :11eoholle Stimulants, They are the EAT IILOOD PURIFIER and Life Giving Principle, a perfeet Renovator and Invigorator of tbe„eyo. tem, earrylormlf i Itivisouens matter, and tenor lug the bioudlo a healthy cowl:lion. person 'Cab take 'beam Batters according to directions, and remain hung unwell. 8100,will be given for an Incurable vase, prosld ed the bunco ern not deotroyed by autocrat Ind iums, or other manur, stud the vital argon, wooled beyond the point of repair , I r orlntlaintnatory 41: Chronic itheu. Malkin and (Wu', Ors e u, or ludi. aid In - Mena ; the dneys u tin ,thec Hitters Imes been moot aucQmotial Such Dist eases are canoed by Vitiated flood, utleh is generally produced by the deratigenient of the Digestive lirgons. 11;11,42100 alts N atLactl Blood whenever you find Iht impuritivo Morale:4 throng:l the Ain lu l'ltn plea. I:muttons or Stec,: cican-e it when you find, it obottuacti and ottLagioh In. the deli., In when it 10111,11111) nr n clings, dl teal) on wtacu. Keep the blood pure anti the maid, of altar eyatcao wall Collins,, TANI and other WORMS, 1.41 tin... In the system of 041 many thousaads, o ure cacti nally do . strayed or Pctooved.- . • ' • • In Willow, Itenlittent and Intermittent Fevers, .1 these Bitters have no eunaL ' ?orlon directions'. read carefullv the circular around each bol printed In four lanttuattes Enzitsh, Germ French and Spanish. .1. WALKER, Yroprietor_ . lid St-. N. IL U. 11cDONALD A UV, Brut:gists Comnacrce and AgentS Y , Sao Francisco and Sacramento , California, and 33 31,ConiuteTes i. N Y. !Mr SOLI) BY ALL DILUGGISTS AND DEAL. onar34tins Thi h Wilt change any colored Mairtc Colau hair or board to a permanent Welch r brown. It contains 110 poleax. Auy atm can use It. Olio sent by mall at Itt. Addrts*—.. . Am IC COMO CO., Bpda:field, Nalia. marantazo WlLlLEllomygowit Nksi FOR FAMILY ESE—Ample, CAeap Rellable,'— KNars raarriuNa. AGM:TS WANTED. K I NK cater and ample Earth= FREE. Addrces KINK. LEY KNITTING MACKINE CO., Bath, 31e., or 1 Nit Broadway, N. Y. • 4 , itaarattain sll73lank Mortgage, for sale /AA, „Armco of. t • ments. b . . 100 , c lor arYougsgAtem New Book: : I ' l3 OUSEV or • •• ord; illgotca. author atilie pep - alau "Night MU muter In thought and language 0 1 / 4 14k 't wand beantle* In the Great dowers, Singing Ida., owls, llesutthal bow, Ns. NI Over) Mighty oceans, Was. Deli ME -1-E;( )---X s . 111; C~ ti p ' , ^~ fi t7r. - L= • Ili a` 13 _ P.A4S r 114 4 • Fou p. Ilartn: been Engaged In ilia Pm:unity Boning for mom thin thirty yeatr,-44nring which time I sides eutstroctM models 4 ail titan out patents forlisparea e- COOKING -itTOVES Q.. —and alter tiiite; thorned,' ireted theae Im- Toravourote.WietteareeeN!tisi allkkinz thew to the public. 1 •tl:EI.1 • W' The GREAT WESTEEN has uo parlor for this Locality. ( . I e scci S StOrtintinfferenOttytelfoil l anngaiidcck:ii., • The Great Rota Cooktii Store llss Ibe best Itentrete auy k li e Lose over offered In no following named persona—having purchased and ased the Great Republic Cooking Stare for gonna. length of time—ire confidently referred to to testify to Its auperlom merits as a cooking...toyer 1 Sp eyes Mrs • llneubrink John 3 Stiles Mrs. John 3 Smith George 4 O'Leary Mrs 5 French George 0 Grim Frank 12 Auchlubangh 13 Andrews 31n1 Bob{ Acheron Doct 15 Allen W 1111.3111 16 Anderson Jan:m473 17 Allison James 13 Artn6tcad Mrs 19 Bach/Man Walter • Baldwin Marquis 11 Illeatotn Thomas 21 BradahawThomns .23*Bradahaw Milo 31 Bradshaw Robert 25 Bradshaw Thou C 26 Braden John 17 ID _ OllO Achor ZEMorati Jam. , . • 19 Bevington Capt. 30 Bryon lira Ann 411 Baker Maury 31 Bickerstell Win 83 Beal Dal* , 31 Burgett. 0.1.011 0. 33 lizadfonl Henry 36 lilnckmore Joseph L 37 Doronths 11. Sr. l J '34 Bototniths D Jr VA Burden Henry 40 Bats ilenry• , 41 Beard Chas 41 Bonn James 11. I 43 Denver Philip, ' • 91 110)1 David 45 Bensinger/leery 46 Beatty Milton, 47 Briggs !Spencer 43 Bear. Fall.; OteWerY 42 Burna Patrick 30 Bridges -- 51 Boyle John C 64 llawsplrwsnh 33 Dank/ tbAniztr • ' • 51 !Shirley Jphu rWI4En3o t l3llchry raj, dr_tban . 67 Burwell William 53 Beabont Wert .50 Baker James A 60 Brown Mrs GI Ittackeral John , 61 Bonder John • 43 Blitz Joseph ' 41 CarcEdward as Cab/Wen 'James B C 4 Glows Jaw.3.l) 1.7 Couch James P. el Crawford James. 49 Childs William • 70 Cairns Judge ' 71 Calhoun David P3l Cantuln3hum Wm 77 Chenv bdward • - 41 Carr.B.3lB 73 Custard Wm 76 Cherry • 77 Cornell. .1 M 78 Clark Samuel A 711 CangheY John ' 80 Cookie Jam. 01. Cunningham John 33 Carson Jame. M 84.Creper.— 81" Criswelt Bold IT' ti. 3 Cool W Caldwell Mrs • Colaman William 134 Coleman George S 7 tStirims Daniel Colvin Stephen '94,Atharidlezlir TJ 91-4-itintrey Jac. • - 93 Damon Joseph 4E,Duarztsll4lllllM 93"Davis' Milton " 06 Dunlap John 07 Davidson' Wm . Ist Daulaalmuel It 1a; bouthet 101 Dunn— ' 102 Davis Thor B 103 Doctor Stewart -101 Darling Joseph 153 Dunbar,Wm. Ina DUO). Samuel WI Loads Win 311) 1116 Dunlap Widow 11.34 Duuley Jolla 110 Davidson John 111, Dowling William 112 Duncan D.n ld 173 Darlizer 11l Baw.On Hobert . 115 Liawe. Wu). 116 Dawron W M 117 Derringer 31 It 116 Ibluorth Mrs Rev 113 Evan. Geo. Enda:el:ol..l 121 Engle Washington 111 Elliott Dr.) H -127 Elverrm. Tnontas 431 I:iota llrs D 1 . 2:i En% ill Char 126 Ewing Wel 127 Emleneth John 126 itoden 123 Elliott Oliver kPk klielbuts Vl , l4ekkz • • J j ti"Ed e']l blETt'B' 321 Erwin Saulnel 173 hltiott 111; Franklin Beni 167 Fronk Solomon 1153 Fiddler Jacob . 13$ Fiddler Geo 140 Funkhousur J W iretser..lletwy 111 Fulton Mr. Geo • /43 French Cant • • • 144 Fiallorzon ./41tur 1-13 Francis Hobert .146 Frazier John A 147 .I:mikhotwor Joseph 143 Yoga ; Franz 1431 Yergnron John 150 Fleming Wm 15/ EnnkhoneerJonat'n 354 Fruh George 153 Francis II J 164 linden Benny 163 Llorley llrove Boston tici Morlandris 11 $ll Morow Wm nil Morton Abner' 233 Michell Mrs Jane 254 Murphy Samuel 8115 Myers • 132•21 y ere 237 Miller 838 Miller 239 Miller ^li) MaJoye Samuel ;201 Maxwell Daniel :1 , 11, Martin Mrs Jueepl2 ;133 Alorgan Thos . . 1881 Morrow Andrew i..Nr, Miller Milo N :211, 311u:bell David. Inn Meaner 1/2v1,1 bM Marks John Y 1213 Moon Doct , 2711 Maxwell Mot 1 111 3111,1,11ctuu Wm 271 Metz'Geu 1873 Maroon Jacob -274 Mall James 5;3 Moore Samuel 711 Matte no, 4. 277 Moore Mr. Russell 17) Miner Frank • 37) Mordecai deeze 233 Morrow John 1231 May Mn.. Widow 3e) Min^le John 20 ldrkdo—r- . ' lete McCreary A (..i :233 McCleary Wm ' 2Ol McCreary Agnew - M'Cullough Johu E VS 111'Cullonalt Robert Tes 21 1 Creary Dr J I/ teA/ 21 1 Creery Wm 121 M'Creery A Co .111 McDenunt Joseph i•as McDonald Pat ;131 McDonald Mrs .7( Intl licl/cranltt Jlllll5O 21d McDonald CapleAh. -2.17 McDonald Capt ai. tilti McDonald Wm - 1 1 99 McDonald 2* McPurrmilS 311 . ,MeMenetne aleph 5h IlcOchtn • . :In McGowan MAAS 3dl llclivalne 303 McMillen - 122; Mt.Kenzle Jonathan 9-37 McKee James /11 MeGlameblin John 211 3lclan2hlin Thaw 310. McMillen Ur. 311 Weeekey ltuld ,Jl2 McNary Jame. 1311 McPitillorny Mot :311 McMichael/ 015 Itcllol2(nWrn J 1318 McDaniel . . Thoma s 1317 McDonald Thomas '3ll M*Cloy Nillbarn :112. 311. 1 0ty Alexander i. 1211 31 1 Collough John -:.:1 31 1 1),,ua1d Mrs Cul J :311 3rDouald Andrew 1313 M'Cage are Widow 321 McGowan Jarrll.4 12$ McKenzie John 1. 7111 (Zenner Jaen!' ...- 137 Pu3ll Den]. 1' 11.8 Patterson Mre 323 l'urdy Stu (Mena Altml 311 l'lerce !all Pierce John '3ll Pnllllps { / 11.11 Pown Pelg: ; 335 Porter IVn) .316.1 1 arlier Duct 141:: Pipllo4 -r-- 11 . 1.1 ItuutlfleJoln 'TN Parlie; Ben). ; 1 140 1.111:11.111tos 311 Phlllls Mrs Mary K l l. 1313PatelatidlYm I iJI4I I 4tI!2YIS V ~346 Phillips airs 1347 Patterson ;=.ls Patterson 1319 Park/. 11 W tjuity Mn. .341 Reed I.lllton ird need Milo I=3 Ittissell Mrs .3"/1 !lagers Win ~115 Ihfeil 'lan lean .3113 lived 1/Ixon :3•l' Richer...ln .11104,11 ITes ito'iert,on Wm Jr :1139 lin.% Hr. [3134 It,, (•,qa Jaincs W1.1.a10 'lll.l 11,no 1::1 '3;l e Yatand 1:411"13.56 Win ,:pl5 ltaraho MAithair 13.16 (tannin Mu:Ellen. 317 Joel Roliort,un Bunn /laden J*llll+ Jaznos 31 13% ltoml .473 I . Capt James NH.* I:atil,..y John Natal. Win II ..) IN- ?ell Thom.. 1,1 14,1 Samuel 3,1 neat, Itee, 1,1 Smith John CY li 331 Stetts 11 :SA :amen lllrnm lin Shlyely Gen 147 Staley Iticharl l'eertit!n•on 1193 Sh, Os Ilugh 1 nu Smith An.trod. MI Sankey .111 t E 191 Shorn. Amon ,131 Stesv.irt Willlma . 3.1 Sig., Wm 1 11 J.i.us hill L',...• h3i.. SnlhitrAt II L o a, 37 • Stewart Jame. 130. Stein Daniel 414 Street Win 1 .01 Stetting MO) John 1 4411 Shaker lu, Link. 31re ....a.a.i.•l 1 111 N . : iiiheek, i .r 4.• '4III Smith Are Joseph 140 1 Ste-ren., Mr. it 11, 0 ecral (1,0 .. - 1.17 Sp, tni r Jos. ph i. 1.4 Finial 1.101,:i1r -4./P :n., er Gco 1111 .Smith Ephr Ant , : I I brim ihma It :1 .1:. bhc...l,,:teitl,wi nti PI St m irt Jain, It 11l Sin,•ta -- 'lkl Sniiiii lir. P. for l I I .I, Ati , l iii , rp• .{ti:4:'r4:ii •• : q t ., 1,, e auf l'Plioni 14 Jens•• Lt *I iii, ~ ... i , I. It 1 4:3 1 lit! J I.r e t: 141: Toeinveni 1 1 g1: 4 , iq,NeN ~..„ r..,,,, n. id e•ii Ito l l ro wa.i i5.,303,. .(IF 4 N Tond I e s F) Tea 1110 r. .191 T“,ims...nd I:, in I' in T,..,,,Lnd Ilan ard I`ll% 11 ..in .1 J V S IR Woyand Are'; A 434 Weinnd Are A /11 IVll,u Frank i int j i t /I1 ‘ , V . III•on (Icor*. 1:1.4 W.,P, L .;-f-t ' 4 3) Whlw Jame. , 110 Wallace Ltobt 1411 Wane Mrs Me) 11l Wmon John I 141'1 Well it kph, ii , . 141 k Wagner Win 443' Wray 140 White Alec 417 %Wood., John 1' 4N Wllll,tme Wni 419 Wharton .0 P • ,43 0 Workman Mn 131 Wilson Jim -- !Ca Wloans Dr lour 4',1 Whitir , Piiit ' J S 1431 Wadilie Thor, 113 Mil Cr!.. VA Wildon Yin 1137 Walton Iti.taril . ' VA Wolicnt Jonathan t 4.7) Wine fillyartl • • 460 Wallace , liP A hill,. Dm lil -4 4191 Walton Jape 463 Wright Thomas .61 Wrii•ht Johu ' j ll 34,WltetklJ t o,lnt II srz Wall George ..„. 41.7 Wright Andrea 813 IVlntehill Janine 441 Wilson 11.irmailtilm 170 Warnock James 4 7 ,. !rme r r Ji , hn 111 11 7.3 , all cog 4T4 Tcer Fred' •••:' 413 Vaaklrk Wm 470 Illarktrnste os 117 Da - ,vidaran Wm ?h Nt 478 ItiOley• John 471 Thy. Chas 471 Lo i I e w n :r l It i l eSy D P. 481 Lanahlin Jotn.ton 493 It'O'are John 4P4 114'ermuy Wm el - Nixon Robert 490 Nesbit Her Wm 447•leltdoet Wm VS Plawil Sire 4,11 ME 157 Wove John 153 Grove Via Mon 15P Cilbson Joio 13 1.10 Glom Woodson htl Hlllesple Capt E. 1. 161 Graham Itont, In: (41 . 41112114014 i. Idi 4 . 141. Sri 1...) Goo 0.1 Co t loblz 4• Co' •: Ur: Gone ( Co • I 11;', 43101 , 1%, 4.7,4 14A1 Iniloon—: • 170 171 ult4Jolm i 1,71, t.stc jlt 271 porn,- st.o,tml • its ' 11•4,.. i . Hamilton Geo W 171 H u.t I'r 41301011tIlity-:` tlt HOOla Ist Ho:scent John I 8 llolsteln • 151 /100.t..0t !!until Kelley . kt; 11122 ins )34 11111 Ihnuld it Lenz 133 Houston Holten 139 Muriel Z; Lenz Pan Houllet Frances iltit.l'lttllder Mrs 'l9l.•liztrtat Ephraim' HU Hamilton Geo - lilt Minter Wm 193 Hail Ront 194 Ilasung 1. - 1 1[ l a lo*g Joys;r .211 .1711etott•riant Wm 11 - - 31/ Harman John 911 Hatinswortlt eta legram John W logtnmliattbew 201 Jackson n lohu isa Johnston Capt Jas 200 Jtckuon Dr]. 1161 Jackson Andrew W' tot Jackson Jet.. John‘ton 'Thompson, 110 John•oon James ,'2ll Jouro Wllll4al 212 .1.1,0 u Andrew 2EI Jackson Orval 1111 JOhnstonlieviValtec 115 Johnston J 21, , 1 Jai:1333,M0 '132 KuotrlsJantra_ • 118 Eater.. ( Fred • I A'l Kirk Adam j! Val Kennedy Katt •Jl3 Krozvn Samuel Kulzlit Hlrlontl • Kemeny . &Md.,' r1.711 - Xntm IS - P"Vart. - 1111X112ne/34 , ' 1 14.44 VAS Kline Y 13, ' • •• 332 Katarar Jacob - • • •, • SSW - Kenny Alice.Atu. " tat Kaman ft LI • Mtl Look, Jobs loMpuettet Jacob Lloyd David 2111 Lamery Jobe MS Lenient Sin Lyon Wm - least Mnln Landes Wry John " 140 Landes Mrs Maret WI Indite Jed eau ' St* Late Joseph - • na3 Lakin' Chain • 211 Leonard Stimulus ILO LAM Dettd - San Linsley Tbomu • -' Liitland Daniel tin LesterJolui • " ' stn Kislldicrowleas Time th'6iti Ant' 'Om Abont eiteenltorso power jbatMllito At reasimabt aprftlai • I•• Pruitt Henry 4 4 0 91 V r nager Jacob 09 Wood' I=4 49 ?bet Col • ' 01 Crlteblow 'Bee II C. 091 "Underarm Ref . _ . on an c ients on Mud. of rasing U 4.lheytro offered de Ares.' Ackick , Tuctaliniure. ~ OMCV. 01P FISK &HATCH, - - • .14.1,,•, 401\1, ,0 • AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT MEM No. 5 NAN.AIt tirnirr, New Sark, Vellum IS. WM. . 71)1. flanarketq .1 . scp* Which 44 etided our int Liatloo of the LOAD. Of The eRNITUAL PACITIF tioxpiCkdiramr tad ea Wmiews _Nome Ilazuwan Coarairy, mind the popularity and cred it which these Lanni hare maintained It the mar-, , into, Whin this cos ttlij end' Europe, have shown ~ that the First Mortgage Bonds of wisely located . 141/I"4llq.!ilnffe4 ! Mgr. ", 4, 1 1 , - ,'PromPily . crate it 64 te.44trilaidta - ti:o'fil64t suitable . safe, awl adrinta,,4ona form of investment, yield ing a Mein liberal Mewed thin can hereafter, be derivecl,frosh Government Bonds, and available to take their place. Assured that, in the ocketlon and negutiatkm o f auperloa liallroad.Losua, we are meeting a gnmt pantie iraiit, and rettal4ing;at 't•alnotAlt aemico— bo :co the boldcra ot.Capital and tn#in>•o great National Trucks of toter:Ml Improyent t h pee - Actuate merit nod iobstantialcharactor entitle them to the IlAe of capital; and the confid,nce inyest ont—we novi od* with rpecltil confidence and attsfeelion We rum' MORTGAGE: BONDS a O.IP . ' nun Chesapeake andollio Railroad Company, 77v Uiiroap•ae Wei Ohio 6allr9wt,coollecung the Atlantic coast and the msguitieent harbors' of the Chesapeake thy with the Ohio river at a point of fellable fiaflgallirmAnd Max. with the entire railroad system and water transportation of the great West and Southwest, torn). the addl thntal lealUt and We'ut Trunk Line, CO Imp era demanded (or tho aectiointodat I on or theiIIIMODII43 and rapidly growing transportation tsitwrien the Atlantic seaboard and enrope on the one baud. and the great prulochtg regloos of the Ohio and Miliainsippl Valleys on the other. , 'the importance of this road ma new outlet from the Weft to the sea mag,nlflci ft Into onciof nstlois nl'inpsequeneo, end Justin., to ft as Fxtensise through trunk from the day of it. completion; while. In tier deiclupteutut of the exten•lvo egri cultural and mineral resources of Virginia and Wait Irginia, !IP posie.wht, along Its ' oWn the gloater/bs of a Urge nud progtub'w lOcal busi- Thew the great Inter,ote, hada eeneral and I u,tl, svithth demand the couthletion ur lio CA•e,p , el - , ewt Obit) I:ailrar4 the f.eilo rare, elford Ih =I ropter it ilic . l/1041 1.',1•1 rvm! a.trrpriv ,c,r0 . •1 , ',Loire. in Pt; . (b•udry Ito oup:riurtly w an 1:14 /1111 .10a the prowl, or 311 imel pruatable trAde awaiting Ito entnpk•tkrn, have damn to ft the at- tuition okuti cip.opett,ition prticuir.tyit Cattickiist, apct ail., city of .i k t 2 titt d JudJimicnt n 4 known Intcrl7, - silttl-b cotin7itiTtitt with it, to4ether with that 01 and L 00.4 tats of IVt,t C irgli.ia. Ineurrt an vnerZene. Anll .ncn,.fuj uu :c::p• I=l3 The Hoof ,coppivtittl mud 1n 41.,..1114)u 11-0111 Richmond to the celebrated IVitite Su !pilau sprial;4l of West Virginia, 127 sniie4, :111 -1 1 . 0 ,C rotmin but 4 1X) milt. (no. part laity Cl/1121rIle iil V, Iwl,/1411111., . i , 1,1i to carry it to the propooedtlllllll ft 1111 the lo river at, or ue.u . Mtu e onth the Rig S 4 mly rrver, 15° i ' ine 4 .bOVt: 4:manna/Laud :...:'4l mite, below Pitttburgh. Lille! Are now prOjeeled or ill Kurref! throm:ll Ohio and Kentucky to thl. pAut, ‘t Welt will on nett the Chewipetike and Ohio with the entire 1 = lIIIMMMEMI Mall tilt . I.3Cif Its saluslilo superior niiratitag, will place l'h•.ape nA , I,!tio /:.tYf od , l Clom• ping glmoug the ri,:1.1 .Titi tang in.r.verinlautl trupttVOrthy C,l.Or.lti oil of lla,countsy .L.ld liken] a V2/2 •; to iompL•R•d and awt work done, rtinal to Ur, twit..., &motto( of lb wurtg4l, Thc dvtail, of Ow Lomt lure 1).1.,1arran4.1 with rcference to the of all cl.•.ce of In. vt,tor.., and rusabdie 1,10114 :e.itor, of *on- ventence, Annoy, and protection 10• K Cond+ are In Iteaaailn woo+ or tilooo, OM TII:y will N. locoed tt. I •oopeq. to A 1,4,1., null wax be hold in that rtiriti; or 'Me: bowl 'tatty .INI r‘vistAtGi is tiic home of 11,.. with the C.11,011+ 1 , 11.1//111q7 11.13 . 34 if be.trer t h e flnra , lle only on the hqok+ of tlo,Company. anlpx 0./1111011, 111.1 y 1., 11,:ar , 11,1 and ca:11:lca.1! Innta 14.4,14 a 10ri,4 tut/. fi-rah:L. only 0.1 llo• Lou;;. of Ow 'onlplns. and lilt lillOr•Xt mAo paya:.4.4::3! tn , rv,:i+tqr..,l 111:2=!EM!I T}: thr, wl II be klum Pond. 1.10.. V. In • ••/I•yirl. re•t Ilteestte 'reek I f. • •lleyLer 1,1 EJ., I. :r. c •4. and nhoall by currolmit of 11.11ilik 4.0-40.1 They h lw• thirty 'ear. run lo.:1;.1..113 nit! ititoro-t At 01% por •r .annum front Soveto , ,t I, IND. Prttrotyll and inlrr;-r Irtyalllel° gold In t h e city of NE,. Y. k 'lnc toliay.: i* luy.:l';'• In May nn•l Nnr:•z:!n•r that it tidy the Ida, of that of the earlier l auer Fire-Tiveutic+, a•:.1 of our friends who nirattly tut d Omit-Aland tern i'acldc Bonds, %lint tut. vro payahhr Lt J. 111.1- ary and Jo:y, and tt tut ta.iy de,uv, in lashing additional lui . e:diu,nt+, to hare their tutere•t re cni,able at dlifererit re.a.ons of ilia year. .Th Loan i Occur:4,Di a tehtrtg.i . zo:aptm •hthe 1.M.: of Itui.l from litchamml to the (Mitt river, with the Nulpiacitt and all o:!ler properly , ut , l appu!teuAttee.. c4.4,toc:letl.lllotoxl.th. Sinking Finul of tluti,ifti }Jur annum if inv vith',4 fur We rt . dualpihut of the 11u44.1*, to take effect one )Car after Ili:, conyletloa of the Itoatl. _ The mortpg, L. for 3.15,061,1110,0 f Om will Ile, reek...red:nal held lu trust for the rt.• ,41M1)141.11Cor flulnlAlyttl,7 Iton4to:ol" tht• t ttlislttrl Aliikugt noif tutr;l4` : 111 11. e Jot d• 7 . " t.,•1 . ” 4/Wini. l ll3 . oo CW 10 .a..tuF INA 11 ho soli to cortaitiettl thcfgosklo 16.•.0hke,river, •“. : periet t toil 11.11prOV4 the pOrt:011 now in-noel...lion, thurouqhly equip the whole fur • large and fictive The prvoent.liticn Si UO tarot accred I ntere.t Ab cs. yap ssq!iply -echresyssicareysaly gitstrqed, noes . o eirtalirtiesvaner to - cosulsol a prominent the Thrirk• eta, bother this country awl Europe, will he at ouceapprecatedsmq quickly • Very respectfully. ; FIS. di , 1 1 ; ,;•,. .• . I , ; . ' 8...-µ'o bare batted , patnpbleta containing faU ptVealaro,statlAtkal detallsmaps, ele.mbiCh will be tarnished, optaaappliesdoo, -dritCo Pay Ind 'iAit fiogijetanest ,Basdo, and receive thc somatts alba:dot, Banters. Corpora tions, and Warm sutdoct to check at might, and allow Interest An daily balances. 14.1%13m. Cohinin. A iiOAUIII, CORNEI . L (:)F kiltil)(iF:ANomm:Kr:r P.THEETB B ridge w te r, Can: attention to the Gu•t that Ifr ON HAND, AND WILL la:c4:l\ E DultiNo THE sE.kmis The Latest Styles or Spring and Sunutivr Millinery Gook, CONSISTING OF Trinimed & 17n1 Bonnets tt RIBTIONs 017 ALLwiD.ru s AND FM - ti.A.CISS, FRENCH FLOWERS & ORNAMENTS. I would aho Infi!rait my/110,4., Ili, Pali that I have r.e.t..e:ed First Class Milliners, Anil will lake pirwitiri , in Sh.arl, Uu• Fiii i3l)11110t4 :;11(l lint. Ever nimb• In Iteltur In Fancy Goods. 110:41.1t1 01 I n v r •-; I'lNH~tl\~i~ ESTINDE! u(R srocl. - LS' COJWI,/ A %s ill prims FAVolt OF ALI A. HANAUER. Corner Dridv:o au 1 IlLirket Street.; 111:11)GEIVATF:lt, IVIL , “)N's Itt11.111N(;, NE11 ; BR/G/P901", AMI I) k,ile Nixon jinn.. t MANCE, 0. Bonnets &Hats , Ineacbed snd TILE MOST A . PPICOVED STYLE nprl.l3r iEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers