I Ad vertisemonta are Inserted at tho rate of 51,00 per square for first insertion, and for each subsequent insertion 50' cent*. A liberal discount made on yearly ,ad ertinetnents. A r.pace equal to ten lines of this type measure', I nass,ei ggea' 91:4 miler aikead i by tliantserVes imMoillately after the load will be charged ten cents a line for each Insertion. Advertisements should be banded in before Monday noon to insure insertion . In that week's •a ,r.' BuBineB - B — Cartia. J. ANDIIIII.IION, baring taken hold Of Ida old Fortnttry Aram In Itocheater, s, Iso plresed to me et y, ht. old customers and ft lOW, who may want either tho DIIST.EOOE"; No STOVE, lleathrg Stove, or an otter klild of ',Ono or hest material and workman Alp. The 1,1:1i110141 Will bo Conducted by `J ill J. J. ANDERSON 80 18. .' rILLIAXII 111A.UNICS, &vier In Beats' nheen, (jolter& 011pwra ihcF, bbit 4 tb Porter'. Tin..hbp4 Bridge' .111**1 Tull water where lw Is prepared to mato +More and sell r, w) thing to ids lineal reasonable tales . 4 11ae• in,: removed his place of badness from the Colli e: !war the Bridge to his prment location, ho i 0 t lien W. old frieolo and patrons to give him . . . ,j• , CSZEI I•:llcif:f'LlN, Attorney at Law. U. Ce Kinky ti budding, Luta( of Public Stowe. ar :11:1y. J_ AS. 41A111410 . 0,3i . ,Atariruay at' Laar Bearer, Pa. Oillee' in the room for al..rly occupied by the late Judge AAA nu. Ire 11,1t1P.J:C.,.promplly atteded to. • . • ' 141 • Q.ti,getle ElMEN.an lermeL utnen .d. a lea . rell a uuid bln. ara eni 4 1•11ki.. r Address I Lt. S & l ea, urns. did Cheatunt 14s. I) I C - 3I ON1 , 111: Made eery a hit bur V i al} LNT A TAU audeqsciLl9r. circulars (me. AN , t, '9l W. Loll rd Ht., Banat, . .1) JICIFNET; iVatclanaker and Joive;ei% rd Bearer, nvotuteg J', C. T Ic<.; (hold viches mid citron• o taidere repalrvil and warranieit Engraving i g aiiiWie 4 • HENRY 171EUZ, Dealer In Boots, Mimes, x. slippers and hatters.. Roots and Ames made to order. A long experience In the business mud blee Ida . to do work In a auperkw manner. Terms moderate. Shoion Third street pear /tee Jill let's 11..tokstdre, Ivor lIT pi/ elsew i I t ri 011.%5. 13. nuns*. Notary Public. Coot veyancor and insurance Agent. Deeds and A ;:eeements written and acknowledgements taken, Having been duly commissioned asAgent for era! II rot class insurance Companies, repret penned the Fire, Life,' Accident, and Live Stock In v,trttneills. Is prepared - to take risks and. write vollele, on the mutt liberal terms. Also, agent for the -Anehar Line of Illatdiasil (keen Steam. Tiekets shit' to and from nil ports In Eng. nd. Ir inuti:Scotiond,Gertnauy And Framer. Uh ti It Leat's brick rote, idamottd, Roche. ter. opt-gostet • 13•A•70/117 4 T r EE 4 obtellied cer Itatitori, by Ilr. I). Chendot, and Ist° Examiner In the Patent OWce, eho has devoted eighteen It. Iltu patrut burine.t., and eclll promptly papers. ‘lrowlogv. &e. T.. 11110. $1) to f3O. What: (or. alit,. Illrect to NIN F etreet, oppo ite ttr.FittitttltbSe, ll . oSAi 4 olP•tc. t • Atitter,t. *mutant tom.lifinci vmei. fehttlllde • • ' • I )II.iVER SICIIINAH.T AND INATI- I TUTKutI open It. Ciprlibc tteopiuu 'March' 31, 11470 ; IL T. Taylor, Principal •by nix able,bintructere in the different I)..pariments. • elsnien are beim; conducted, now, In Week, Latin, French and German. The) Principal ion •110M14111LECARMillad.Expertmen• ter stub Ide Apjtarltttni 1111olooplalsol. und,Cheml• ilk:. Monte on the Piano nod Or.tan Innclat by I'nd .rue nod vocal InuAlc by a nue enutut rocaliet. 'the Inoltittion tn aun riebinC, at i in 114 "'pert- Btela nod It Ii determined by dm having the, direction of it that It elmil gaud In tbe no of Aim. deallea And YelaintrlCP, lig it Mu atom confecnodiy Cr ten yearn! II EV. It.l'. TAYLOR. Itencer, IMMO A drultilPainloOte Piollee.-I,ettere of AT tolnletruttop; haring been ;mated to the pub• nerl her ou the estate of John %Venal:nit, deceueed, rite of Iteltionbtojrnehtp, Borgerlulaniret • ell Olga ca i t potitled I) ato pAyment le HMO 'pereone 1,,,1ye rlal m• pgalust the panto alll present them .11fly at tit... Waved for eettlem..nt. t.,eltidlt• MICHAEL 111:111! Y. x reu tore Notice.--Lettere Testamentary been I=stiett to the eubocrlberon the -rate, or TWA's Tema,. det04 , 1414 reAr ;HMI , s. II lOWttothirtß.livar el).ntr:irtr.„AP riirpoll ,!..ht - A to ralrl ettritt ate botchy' notlflehl thatim. .•th.tto payment It extrerterl; and all than, Itae. tp2 agatto4 the came will .. 111 IYent theta ill,. ritilhentietll.l fur settlement mr:Atth •l DAVI it PATTON, Eir. f 10 . 1111; irolti;llllltitie-r ' Tha ' uirlinitOmen.Juk , I.J tonriantty on band tranottartle a'of 1A1111..0014 Nut I'o.ll. ultielt he will own at rea.oitable prices, cliher d Iha bank; or aRI deliver to purchasers.— 'rho bank Is located on McKinley's Ran. a few I.lr hut., the Pitt. Ft. Wayne .t Chicago Railroad. and bat a short dialanre Pain ILeuxtr mlailon. I 13,.. also a good article of Fite Clot, which 1 will or at reasonable rate+. Ordctir left at lay rv.idrurt in Brldgenater, or at lehael C•ann's la Rochester, or at the hank, will rrerit 0 Prompt anentlon. ' J. C. 31OULEElt. LOOK HERE. . ; end dm logrneolly that h. hatiatt'ibtattett IletV rtncl• of good+ or the West •tples for Spring nut) Summer Aenr ,whlch tan niti•re ut.iory ...nem' men. GENTLEArIiNK FURNMIIING o Ds, • • CONSTANTLY UN IMIZMONEEMMIII=EI • '11“ol.fttl to the pololle for lot !mutt, l hope business to merit a Conlittn• t,,ee of the wee. . ••-• I •• • L . • • •' • ' • DA7411.1. 31CLI/EIt,PA: ///:!/),.t: BR/Mit.:lF.-1773. t.i ( rist Preriei fs, MEYRAIT & SIEDLE, Sui:cessor4 to REINEMAN..MENRAN & , SIEDLEI N N,'1.11111 PITNIiURGII, In thy, ,-,ih,hoiv For th, coin 11..141:Lys tin min:it:My jan:c and vie gant vinck of N E .1 . W LIR , VATCHES, 1)IA310N1)ti SILVER AND PLATED WAR): Fine Table Cutlery, Prowl' Cl..as, 13rim 11,1xes, 4;14. Nanliit'siCharle .1;t!;014,4 ; 111 rfollshat : i'm I 11 A terican 4Watches, mad,. by Appletoo, Triwy .It. Amen - con Watch Co., E. Howard .i., Co., E gill Wolith Co. PINE A MEIMUN.CLOCKN,• \hub• by SEnt Tao.mo. ( )1 . which a large sportnient constant• ly kept on hued ill our basement, and slid Slhosinede and retail, (4.11 dee N. WALL' PAPER 1 , ().11. iiirrunEws. ili.ooo ROLLS AT 13 CENTS. WHITE BACKED PAPER, 10.000 Rolla at 12 1-2 Du ZOnClie & CO., 11:2 Wood ,t., ctortuvr of Fifth nvv. PlTl'SlitAtt:ll; •tul 13 .1%1 rr t z ; i , fiA oths,.- &c. Wholesale and Retail, At Loivestfrices, NITALLUM .BROTH'S; iS PITTSB URG I'd. tlave Fuel Mi. 1,4 Siti,plyttig, 1 t' 1..7. A. lA.: It 53, Equal to ANN, EASTEIiti JOBEISO HOUSE. -) }:;finietkiiitt9Aiiida • Fairbanks' Standard La 311 ' . —ALS . C4;• Improved Money Mrnwer4 , FAIRBANKS, IdORSE & CO. , tuarakhleal 102 2nd avenue, Pittsburgh. = •$ . „ 1 44 . . 11; VOI: 624 a-NO: 17. EfsdeXtaneou . 'Ts o, 7110111.0AT1 EIMEIECEI SITALLENBERGER BROS . . • • Tule `t.'o34 Irocenes. gueerticitare Hardware • RAILS; WIRROIVIILABEI, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARS., BACON, r RIBIL.PLOUR, SALT, LIKE, 'Nig! Siiiniteiiimais for Gombi delivered free of charge r thAtVinagw. . THE: SUEZ • CANAL! Nyorldis more or less ex. y erels&l"over . the . opening of' BA Suez Canal, the Pritille,ln Beaver and vi, entity, should not, lose sight of the fact that S. SNITGER At their old stand in Beaver, Pa., are still rvotildqg glzinqultiogtors colletrihr in their line. They always keep a fullaasor,trilelliVF • V . 44lg t iSF , .7 q.:4144 I %•4 .P .P/oitr, Feed, Ogees, Was; Avon, .• .. • .Tobaoco..and .Cigars; . And all other articles usually.found Iu a First Class nfi tlieirl'On. , no d acipaaint- Rudd' basmt 'and th . eir , tII - Spos(tion,to render satisfaction to lbw': wit° tray favor them wilt t h eir patrona g e, they hope)n the fu ture, as In the past, to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. Give us a Call and MCC pro do not make to.yonr in tercet to cull again. , inns. S.*6NITGEII, HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINEG, $30.00. The niest perfect machine .yet invented. Will olden and narrow, turn a heel Or point the toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. it will knit stock inet. draweni, shirts, ac., Sc. It Is cheap, simple and durable. it seta up Ili own work, uses but Alm needle, and sequines yd. adjisstleg whatever: It will do the same work flint the Lamb machine will do and costs less than lutists much and had not the teeth part of the machbaer, to get out of order. fireulirs and samples mailed free on sip. pilcatioa. Agents wanted. Alt machines guar anteed. STRAW dc MORTON, GENERALAGEN7`3, N 0.20 Sixth Nine; Plttntmr2h Pa In $2l ly ~~ The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United. States, . . Thousand Students, representatives troth every . State In the Union, have attended bore. Noraeationa Stndenta enter at ony ttnui, and receive private lortructlen iloonghout the' eptlre fOlllllO N. B.—Circulars with full particulars and aline. creoary Information, on addrcrstild SMITH C POR'LEY, Principals. Pra-rsannon. Pa. Janl9:ly. NEW GOODS! Esiliinid Winter Wear. I BASE JUSTUEoEIVED A NEW STOOK or GOODS OF VIIE 1. A TEST fi TYLES FOR AND 13727'ER 1171.1 GCllllemen'f4 Furnbilalng Good =I CLOTHINO MADE TO ORD KR In latest and moat faanlonable wtylea, and at abort notice. ' • WILLIAM REIM Jr.. marl ... Ilnuruswrrna. Pa. BEAVER DRUG STORE., 1 -1. U . q9 Druggist & Apothecary, 13] AVER. PENN.= DEALEIt'IN PURF,DRIES,CHBECALS,EDICINES, OILS,YARNISDES, DYE- STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PUITY, t4e 0 Fuuilly• I ND ' BE.P.INED OILS,•• LAMPS & LAMP CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, ASI4 Of the kreatest Variety, atial at the Lowest 14, [i` Physicians' Prescriptions carefully and scientilip.dly compounded itt any Unie day„or night. 05 - Agents for Folonesinek, Mutest and Senn ara's Strickly Punt Whitel4eatt. the oldest • 'and' leac brand iis Ulu inarket; at minnfitetnrers' prico.`tal tocatT! . , . Bclever Laidloolicaatnaury.,Tho next term of this' Insinution win been on .11160 day Awn ,aoh, We h haxa.no dirpoeitana to Lout of what we hare done or con ardo. The c Umhar acter of oar b.:written analrizashid he reports of oar boarders. The therooghnese or Our lostzuctlon, and the propene 'aver poplin In eve. depuiniont„we_kep n halite= at et anlinatlonelintlon"P .°llll° rat " the 3Dth ol next Jam, mpg willing to abide the judguiest II IMO who are capable ordlstlngulab -I.7.9gl4na,Venriltitet: eke "'" 1 111-_- ilam u t d b ;rte of on IMIC patronage...l learn Se... on• our catalogue, counting namesof puplia Prot V. de lien. of . Pittsburgh, no long , favorably known air a matte brtlaieleneei afro . alt will ccollstatiOaauleil of Odd D•Phreu.SW Prot 11. Leonhart now of apr bo ro ugh„ and well known to lido anannanlit,Vill C 011151211111% chugs of the "P." I °./ I) Tr! I4 S ,P 4 9, 37 " 4 4 4 " I d ea al l free to choose, /impact to radielreno hereto a liberal patronage during the Ma - NW aft. ' ' U. U. A. Mc4I:A.X. =WI NY-WV aiii; . 24llB_eelPirrlo.!isp,T ; IL Ittalleitt, Brklge Street, BRIIXIEWATER, PA. !9 WBYQLY -‘,2\ askitavila A - kiitsifluyAT Ant MQvus tni SingyAff VititiMWO MAE c49pros. Steugenrilk'Jenits, Cassituenat and tLttlneta, White Woollen blanket*, White antl, Colored lull nursed Flatus ht” I)elainia, -Glngluutts, I • Lawns " • Water Proofs, Chinchilla. • . Cloths. • - • • Woollen Shawla BrintinaJul Black Iluslins, Tickings, - • Prints„ • • Canton • ~ . Flannel', . . _ • Joeonets, • ' Table Linen, , , • • Linen. - Crash, - • • - ...Connterintaes.' Liesiery, • Glares • & Mita. ME Gioceries; Coffee, Tens. Sugar, Molaeos. Whlto Silveri/zips. Guides' and Common syrups, Mackerel In bar rels and , kits. Star and 9 allow Candle.. Soap, Spices and Mince Mast.. Alsa, 'SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door Locks. Boor Latches, llingei, Berme. Table Culterl,lnble std Tee spoons, Sleigh Della Coal Boxes, Fire Shovels and Pokers, Nails and Ohara. Spade.. iihovela, 3, 3. and 4 Tine Forte, Bakes, Seythoi and Spathe, Corn awl Garden Lou: WOODENWARE. Buckets; Tubs, .Churn,. Butter Prints end Ladles CARBON OIL, • Linseed Oil a: White bead. Boots and ShOeS • idanr.s. 311.48FS'AND 14116101 . , hi great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fusel. Flour Ford dr- tturerrsrure. U heavy good. delivered free of charge By clone attention to. business, and by keeping constantly on lutnd a well agent tell ant* of good.' of all the different kinds usually kept in a country arum, the undersigned hope. to the future o In the pent to merit and receive a liberal Elam of the priblie patronage. 21. S. liANGirat. thorialllely..-351e4sd. t47 - 111sak Yon es for We et the Alums of \Kra . Taziana WALOLd.PA-139p.11. BOOKS. ;STATIONERY, &e., THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND DESTnAsortment of llama Goods that has ever been brought to the city. Call And examine before purchasing, and be con• vinced, at F. E. WELLS & CO'S., NO. 104 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY CITP, PENA P A sept Mly.Feßfreled . Insure Your ; . 'Are AT ONCE!. We want the Merchant. The Farmer and the iire. chat& to AMA of sad /mow the benefit to be de rived from Insertagtheir lives in the John Han cock Mutest Likalnsanume Company of Boston, Mare. This company -presents the advantages offered by-other eoutpankvi, and In addition this Compeer makes oft Its Poitclea noalbrfet:4slo. after oars payment. It also pays dividends In ea 4 tier one payment—end for reliability is second to none. K e stionld prefer that pertbre, &lilting Inv pomace, shoald apply through the sq for the county. COLE& WIMOLTH, t Agit. once. 150 & 151 Smith 411t.tttreet. delphlk. of the John Hadcodr Life Instirenee Co Pati o s Bolton, NMI. We wish energetic end agents for this and the adjoining count es. 'Ap plicatkm•from men of known respecte Wand Integrity will only be entertained. • COLE & STIIO &Wm) General Agents, Ptdbollemb a. VT"Blank Deeds for sale at *Le Amami office Wall Paper, a a 3 SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES At the Old Stand, (lbr 2,1 Years.) No. JO Smithfield Street, . Second Theyr from Fourth Avedue, PITTSBURGH, PA. We roll. itte alto:Mon of our former init. rooA and the pub* generully that we-are now preparetltoatipply them with a tre mendous mock -14 WALL PAl'Eft, of mitierior quality and eseellenee, in Ina , er prlmc than am WI had' ;it any other kohl/dish:nail • lAyot or Werif CHUIteIIgii:LODGPS AND , PORI= BUILDINGS, 1 . Furnished J im. at tkefpile lowed, W ': is. ' PaW - Ale, Ation Pacti - lq'thr: . .7110litiad.;:; riept!kr4ase!'n!.. "PALL ANDISEE.O3: aPT2CBrnI: J. 13111DLi: i d2Bolf lrallitSol.=; dlll/PAIEEMMIMMEIK Tbe r g ci latteterore Wallas hat** W. IL 11 end 'roes eolastltulleg. the Arm et, or setited - "Thelndhetry Salt Cow i n: tees dheentr i br .r tetal anew will di ' :t ate doloreent al In° W. IL BRIMS mi crjr. J mAzu /tartar W R . ter coestttaht Ara or , s i . ll ; with J. li:Jeoldesion **ahem Ty, wattle. All totem he. reereoce to the matters or the omettany, should be arldheesoktet him. The 'newt 0t are emir ently desertrip_ or patronage,' god' se - tosprth for them 11 moral share. " (otOftbr). , Aelnalzaistroterfa • • Notlaaaa: 4 444- ton of Adostalstradess hawing been resaleil lo the enbscrillers oath estate of Iltra.EllasThusek deed.. 'Mewl the towadiporPobekL Ilsom Os. Irenerthenha, tbwe haw portmer tedabtall Pa* estate are hereby nettled is soak* hantedlets pap wont; sad all per** having detail spinet - the woe will present them duly authenticated tor a* tiement. WM. NEVIN, Adn'r. Putukl. April It Giro • . ...,.. -,. B -‘,., ~.,, J. , ~ •,, .„ .. ....,. . „. ...•. s.. . Ar adaV ap ".j./ I .ltattioads. ItA!IL110011Mi. rim. TrivialmA =ciao On awl alts zatu. WA par plliami Pn ."tkil leav d rf=si Mr, I=lll troiln eirlas4ll44barga.asl.ls.P. 41:. ft...y(loy. rut" " 4 "0 5 O 1- 3: kir "Nei' • . i AMY. taus . 1011 II& 2tO : IN • uaao/1a... i , Pitlahmiri; . ...... Bakos AlUana, .PlAnie!!!" :lam MU itS ' 1111. . aiS4 Mut AS to . la .111,40L:111: e !", ain ? Swum • U uma merliaadtasky..ll Y Lima— • 6f !Vanqt West. 4:1 ,: WIT*. • uftombia. lila noo 11115 ;IND 111315 n PIA 11S • 511 1 , lel 1156 91111 3015 tcm ........ ...... /11•110/1.1. 1 U. xr !IL; • .t o --, tb.. T.VJN, WOO v. - ' 901 11116 ... ° a i r: . ~... 4.4601. ;15115ant .. iztiseimAi, im, ~., . • , • .„,,..,.....„.,..:12,.. 133 649 ' , 1 121 U • • ' 110 — Upper Bandnaki.,l 413 ~ 610 WS . , M 4,1 4110 • . 416 - ' Clemilla. 1 t • -- 1 660. an 419 - IDAre :t i "! 21 : 2 .16unk;ft:::..... r .i , k 4 .,. Iv .. Canton .. 111001 MS 133 Antanc• ~ 1116 - • 10111 1 Ng Salem ' ... ' , 41111? . lOW -- OW . Itochantar.,...,;;.l 106rar SCLII4IOII9 .fittatnnzb • j WS' , 140 1 1166' Yens wttnr*w947, hoist. , rer• legaeow us at . itis YVA; ion e tab P. neWiZinz. ens Pitteburth 'RV it: toi. arr. tZrlnti tle lwioa. en. Yonliptent, IVO.. A. tn. ...., , YoungstWorn, New Castle and Pfttebeitb,Ae. amtnno&tlon leave, Ygmnindown, 6.10 e. 114 1i , ..* Cestle.l:llo e. in; enivee at AlleekenY.4lll9 a. tn. Iletututng, knees Maurer, tare. fling New Carte.6lo D.Seeronagetawn. .ni. General thiseuvr mud Tinted AgAt. C! , ..RVRLAND.t wr. PITINERIRO RA pe . t,,ez .ri i... _ P 1,- ii ,..„ . : wil ni t' , _ 2,- - - 41•Anuxi. riIATLE.Les. Accow • :1. - -46 - _ 140 •:1'446. `3lO.- •1,610 . '.249 "313 ' l ' 4r. • ! Hudson. Ravenna.. .. a n le -W•llivlfre ..... *SI M. ux , 1100 , " 105r* iTATIONS. !; %ilea. IaCCON; Vcf14vU1e........,1Maxi =rtej BORA 11015', 610 ; 613 'Max' Ravel= ....... • MrlBBBl ' 8i i• • 111/dean I tin G.lB I ssa EuclldStmat •, lie nu: Cleveland 130 •11110 nolzu z EMS ECM *IL& 1! 151.55 at Maxi 139rwl nen, 1itevU1e......1. ?It - ilta l i a ! 6 41 4 Wellsville .SW 1115.6 OS t 11latItteclAsra • 1 , &to IM . an t • Roche/tee. —ll 916 WO. AID ' • P 1 1 11 11911161 ' 111166 SU ' aaa I • . - • GOING MEAT. • sTATIONS. ;' Nam i-.._. • - . 1_,_....._. 'ACC.* Plltslnirgh. l .....*.. l MAO Itochester • 1 1735 Heaver ExVitiAcrus • • 413 1311 415 i GM •• SX) Rri 6111 IH Smith's Fri Feri j l SW WellsvilleSGO 1 Steubenville WO 111L7".7. 1 • 104 • hire lei sated trite to press train Rom Wellsville TUEICAR&W Wel4vllio shd to illtabatgai.. • nu4Nen. Mama Tteket.Alt Dry Goof/a. CASH BUYERS AT WHOLESALE IV yTi itlfiik‘nn•;4lAnini•A:46 7": ATTRACTIVE STOCK \ -•,:i.,0-0, y'cok'..'-? ~'~~ ~t = FOREIGN4TIC • `,.r4::,241--., lEEE DRY:-:7::OOQpS,. •660.1 .6•4 , • Al t ./V -rl•.•1 ••• taiA (Li .!•s 65 1.6 A List..; ..,11.4,31 a •eltoti “21.15, •.11le. sll l , l, • mta .441.141. • ; •..iat A.l •14.1 LOW L:PRPPESt FEIB Either by the yerkplece of package A-1 1 0111: 44 1k.Fe . I ..;" .I.rtr,4:f 4eLIC — ERWLY . . 178 Fixlend Rte et, Allegheny janfly. M= WM lark in 4 . 616 ' 165 116 10$0 21a1 1116 MU. 11111. 441 IMO+ i 1119: • Ii!"111. 1 4"; 04 Or . i P l l. 1 0• 11 .1 1, 1 Grates , , in-StoveS 11 .. fiy - •./.!•! v •: CeCKAO3 ' " •,- •• ,It•cllat t ‘ ia pri,ed asesuoir r . • o)4' l 0 OrtleymApatty, peuson ! • r ai 4 V4T,LtP, , • • • _...- ••• .. • . 3111 as sro 713 4:18 1003 1046 11111 1111 . fga 31. 31.1 . .113 706 .~ PRESS©;: WARE Ttept 'C'Wn ntly on !rand. 'Bhop on the loareyentl of Iltikt 'tiitrect, • 13 e Evvs2 6 .• ' Fork.;- I.iutte. ijerdre purchasing elsewkere. Inigtlo:lr Reduced 'Pried Speyer& Son; Hare JUN. Itetunps from 91e Epee WITH A LARGESTPOK clrGOOpfi, Untied I t tho, Lowest Cash Prices, I 111 - Ast... - Acton Audwillsell we Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE 'THEWARI Connietim• of DOO --- (11: itiqe.r • ' lllrthisie;AU,csa.l3ool r and Shoea.loo,ocalaltir44l4,,:.t, Yard, Trati; 15 . 0111 ? 11114 , White IMO: . On: Piittr; ' queenaitatir. - .:4141. law. .24i. EMI MI I. PEE lb° Utf: it/ AND NEW CREEK FLOUR, Just arrived and for a:de, Wlmteatle and At Pith+burg • Priees. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: tNE CAR WRITE LIME Land Hagler, and Akron Cantal ; A Lamm Stott of White Lead and 'Paints. A verb overiorquality ol Strumz* lYot Jell a Sollpg; and ale): of Carbon Oil Just Arrired and 4aLsale,. Whofeiraits ALso. PORE CATAWBA. IBOELLA. Coword Wines, Of our awn rintatte. Iltr Medicinal and Suemmental Purpowea, are highly R , • commended Ire three who Int*e used them. i 0 ' 'rimy aro alert ..kgerPs for the "EWEN ,MOWER AND REAPER, Anil Pitt. Nat. Plow Co'a. Plows Thanking the Public for their }mist pat in the ronage'f. u tur we hope to merit a liberal slum e. A l t Goods pelirered Free of Charge. - You can rely tun all good' Illng fresh, as all our oldgoodid were aolfi at auction. SPETERER dr. SONS, MOORED DRUG STORE, ' 11l 3KAVEIt MO I,x...round the ,beet aammlasent of 1513, - u•si-S, ate4 - a. 10lues, gkfEati.Td:A.±th: " LIQ,UOII,, ii il4 sitaieti; 1 ;f :p 1 1 .2 1 DYE BTilk`4lS: TOILET ARTIOX-dt,T...§l-?4es ;: I`PATENT SIEDICIISEA lin &ee.. in iilbd ti4a LiG4i cheaper Win can bit letughtar guy % other • Drag Store' ht the • county. •-+Puido*,/fesale 73 rents per bag Chomemsn's. $1: MA's. $l. Ty', Lameo Stock of Was* LAMP TFOONIKNOL LA/MINN% STATIONERY, WINDOW Dine .1 puny. Xi,t oared outside of tbo dty, at Wooneo Drog OW.. sod sold chop • tili ••• • ut lap 13 : o* imiT. Z e tbooo wbo doubt Mb all salt see, lbor doubt a° owe. WM'S: NONNI. , Yoh %slag RUANto Utak*: Po 1•0 4 041:-WILIost , . 1, II 3. PFP9U ! I4 M a 'SMICY.4Ad:Wan)!4 4, / that: ej&A;biii;7to deUtfrid Eiie! /.141$ kihieh.lll#llo4ol6 ' : • I PA:Warden rabid to tikolbrpity;. • ' 1, • : Illospcioe liciatdlll la irobd'eara: - ikat I: • • • • •.• tmari ttiosery,tuttuu iitteu fonotalu.. 1.. ' 7l 'And illpentami ante to tla,ct ' I thought I wag as ow rarg 6 o‘..... , • ; „Erma Als.anairyippriakal—iled ; Or ; Ifr/a?ihtllii4 tf , t / 1 4hfic, • . ' -. 4 " 41 TY. .49' 0 thieq i ng 1 144 , • rem muttered, • .:••,1110,worlat.t.Wdolta4 pairedlustros; - Ito uvaillir thaw heiropika, *edam. . • • ! , :Pam thrlkrtr wbleb. 0 qco ha knew. ' , He ItlitiriaNdit Wide !agar Me ft ideuo. ' ••' ' • -Ab btesied *ante tetli ' ": ' AO!". ilepts sfrowh.'l " and lalast ra"mo ITIft4:1 0 brYilgt PL; f .63 igy4414!.., 7 . • " betr:#l6 fef;anil 0,411 9 . -,•, 41 1 94 hfick-7 1 4, 1 4 , , , , , TY :.• . , •• I 144 r t!!1" P, 114 vi e rPW, 44 4 10 44 „ PO P learit4 l . , 4 WI! -8 .310,11111E41 . 1111piry. tylE. Whom sat es love; you know; wo,veldoie teed! .. • .1 . /fray* A :wed IWO mimed with. :big -browafreeiriest.asuseinclined•lothe an üb., invert& with the biggest and brownest of the freekke; tau-whored. -hair that bad little afnity Jot :the comb; latuls.,not over clout; bare .feet, • with-nue: toe done up ha 'a zag ; a patch oaoae knee andn very•thin spot in.the cloth on the other; this is the daguerreotype of myself, aged .ten years. ; '.,•• •. • • • . • ~r A delicate face with dimples in, the cheeks, .• • eyes, like ,pedats Motets; brown halt fastened hack Islam long comb, , but curling at the ends hands that iouldbemshed likewhite Mlles.; dainty , feet encased in white stockings . and, gaiter , hoota;, - .a pink gingham dresnadwititaigwassr.this is the, dagUerreotyper of •thelangebl adored ; Mary .11=1;ag.tadeigbt , yearie ~.,For farther, partieUlarso Miter Jane jived:ton the street,' Ma white lame -with wen blinds; And a 'deep Wpm. yard.= frottti. • Mary Janes; • tither kept ski*, nod was a tlghty•man In • ,plioe‘glintlad L I tent on:111.6114V1. MEI MEE thnton atm and flvo acres of bog pasta .g. was a shoemaker; he made shoes for our family, pegged for the shoefacto ry at the corner, and capped hoots ibr the melt who worked in the tannery. lie was also at intervals a tanner, a lye-leacher, and a speculator In spa vinisl horses. Elometimts he throve In business and sometimes not. Mary Jane was an only daughter, She could have cream toaat and 'hes tants every day of her life irate wish ed. I was number eight in an iddefl nite series of children, and when Jolt were plenty anti rye whiskey eheap; I had all the mush and potatoes I wanted; when business was dull and whiskey high, I-went home at noon ,with tiny little boy Who was likely to' have plain pudding or mince pie for dinner, and watch him eat it. -Notwithstanding the'dtsparities of social 'Mary Jaffe smiled on me. I gave her all the mud-turtle eggs I found; I presented her with bunches of youtig.cheekerberry leaves tied up with-yarn raveled out °tiny winter stockings; and 'saved the molasses that belonged to my portion of mush to candy sweet flag in, forher. The cent which I earned bf Mary Jane's fattier I inve.;ted in' a 'augur kiss', ' which I presented to the daughter be: hind the schoolhouse entry door. Mary Jane likedthe 'sugar kiss,' and brought five to setil in the after noon. It wasn't alt*etheragret.abie to me -that she could obtain' them so easily ; but she drew a picture of a boy with a long chin anti hair tliat stood up straight - and saltj that was my rival Sammy Slop&; and that ',pictorial representation restored my spirits. Mary Jane and I quarrelel. 'Sub ject agitate pencil an inch and a half long, split lengthwise and sharpened at both ends. The pencil was in my possession. . Flora Elizabeth Stiles said that It was her pencil. I mid it wasn't. —and— Mary Jane said she knew that was Flora's pencil, 'cause. she had 'seen her have it. utitl It wasu,t. It was my own ; I'd had It.fur a mouth. Mary Jane said I ueedult tell. that to her; she knew It was' Flora's pencil. 1 said 1 knew it wasn't. Mary Jane allied me a little thief I ' 1 ealltxl 31*y Jane a little liar 4.0(11 was the niekluest, nasti est, hatefulct fellow she ever saw. 1 said she was the proudest; silliest, worst dispadtioned girl that ever lived.• ' • ' She . said she hated !me,' and always should. ..• • • ! 1. 'said Ifishe , hated , •me any WOrM3 ' than I did her, I a / I mM Ilk/ to-know. We went Alwyn •to the , hrook to play that afternoon. Mary Jane made the drat, overtone fur a recoil eltili4Pur 4r,bsAting that 1 daren , t , jump,a4oas the brook ; I laid I,dare, tusl atxtenipihthed • the feat/ luudlulf one foot on the hank and the other in the water. Then I put a board neeoss for'Maty line te Walk'tit ~ . Mary:Jane stiftr,l Ougt . #.?r lalp: WU'S 111 ticliawut waters. . commit; het phi on ad old'hyg and straighten-. IA it. She asked foe to come and F crook it for bee, and .while r Was do ing that ebb told me she dithettieSit' anything •by what the Wild to me about' that pencil, and I said that 'I didn't mean anything' byWhat Isaki to .her.- - We laahragreed that , Floes Elizabeth - was an , no principled !per son; entirely. unworthy of anirregard. 1 also, refuted tb &tunny-S4er as an intlividuaL of ;very ordinary ahlll. tics, 0414.11.ary Jane fully wacurred With We.. ,After that •we caught 1 our;lap, OWN. 11u. the moue _pool.. I carried .Nary Jane about squatter of birch hark peeled-from the dick and ,rolled up in a newspaper the next mom I tigy and w heti we played 'round the rim,) she chose me every tattle; A boy, tall for his agei,.lltee , thht, freeititt °Ong to, iPnUrb!ii.tVkc tioa'tlf emelt Ittieeipinterso t4lll forMeri t y,...lWr ,oik;,latiMate i,wrtas with'tlMcotntiand o*UlaitAnif filreatl , ed with eblogne.; clothes only pneseri ved from patches by great clue; pain ful uncertainty felt in regard to the •t• , rc' , . ,• ' • , •: . "- - • . , • • • Ay y 1 , ;; !' MiMMINM 1- , 1•,;; , ,.;-41 ~~~'~;` .duirll4 MOW 111111,,, wing= rla I.llll4pilit I.' . , b94 ,1 *. tM hearilato.. ; mod iv/Aiwa to Mart; ' lliartea • . I matt bleeding balm... • 1:•••i,!,..• !`ludo‘ l ! 9 T , • . . • '` Tow heurt, I anteguseiit,' .vitilwirt ' .44:hbar..n • 04514, d/F4l Toribir4. , . . NM EU =IMM=I ill ._• . . cliepoie.lef the !mob oinffeet ; strong teadtxtey..to blush on the slighwt ,provocatina---this inynelf o aged seventeen, . . . . • ; et delicately moulded ilgure,beown eurhs„fastenedbaolci4itli u blue rib bon, or netting of red coral; blg.blue eyet that altdd beam very enthurias tlailly upon an emberruseed,awkward boy, or very easily frighten him with their mbachh34-a little nese, subject to elevations: veryAlepreasing in their influenfaA upon lowly admirers • • red lipd, from betweimuthich haut,4. aU oniauner tifspiritedsaybumand which closed over* handsome sot of teeth— tials Is Mary Jane, aged tifteen,l the maiden whose glove and gaiter Were . . At this period pf my life I also Ile. .ed„'on Wainscot.' .1 - dirt chores for toy hoard at. Judge-.Pettigrow's 'and went to school. Mary Jane's home Nes next to, the Judge's, and I hud .Ihei.suprouse :felicity, each night of .VarsYlagi.hotne •her' arithmetic . and Atte foster. Both Mary. Jane and her father:smiled on:me at this time ,thalatter narrated for my Alienefit .pg,raptilesli sketches :of ; personages who had once tees poor boys, point leg Oak* tiginal moral that the poorest boy, may rise to dia. Unction sod honor.. 1.. . • . . . For the last tiro ,3rearr it had , been my ambition to ge to college.. .I con. tided the secret to Mary Jane, and slie encouraged tile: with a very grave compendium of. her lather's (Meerut. Hon on 'distinguished men once poor Goys.' It mounded very arise and ve ry .pretty how her lips. She also several times. essayed to assist melt, calculate! theexpeuse of a oulluelate course, bat owing to some dillteulty in 'pointing off,'- it never wino out twice alike... , . . . . . Mary June and 1 perftirmed axon pite its. partial, .paymenta tatrether. Alsesvpro a blue merino dress on these uuovuonts., Mhen .nts: were. misting, Up.intesest tagetheriltarlrown curls Sometime Ihiltagninst toy tifeek, she put her rosy fingers over my• brown _ones to point' out mistakes. I could .hot undontami why ail the clam but .Mary Jane and 1 should like. partial PaY Meths.+ My happineevould have been complete at this period of my life, but for the ex blotto of • Hammy Filo per: Hipper this elder had been prom =ln business, and Sammy wore clothes than I; he also curried a watch and chain ; still worse, he lied,/ horse and sleigh of Menem, in which! hei.could take Mary lane to side... I was shoveling shoW in front of Jude I'ettigrew's house, and saw themgo by.' fit was hurowing! Sammy presented her with a gold ring, , that design of which was two hearts united. That wits. still more harrowing; Sammy walked home from singing- sehool- With her one night when I had the infinenzna end wasn't there. Ile also walked home withi. ber from a Thursday night prayer meeting whet a I was there. Whettl wontauterhiaryJane'it.Etth sx's the next evening, my eyes' =4l,by Sammy'. and. Ilittay 'lane 1 5 :pioneraho same istabr4davy Jane's earls. touched liatrany's elitek Jltates they had 'Enfant Mary Jane said there .WllB plenty of room! for me. I accepted it with a melancholy smile designed to show , thatl wasn't Rel ine. I tried to cipher, but e3aldn't tell-what the cube root of eight was; stsldil4l.oliso headache, and went met:MittatOmt looked like a pale, and'f believed the next. , . . - • g el: ca w a iu . . and surd it was" oCi had to htitve her rill" thu evening with that stupid fiatiimyt i bloPer. My Wit; felt lighter. MarY 'Jane, also, made Jun of the ring Vitk.the two hearts on it, and life r e sumed 'its. customary bright ness of aeet:'" expended a part 91' my h)ar ded savings in a plain gold band for Mary Jane's linger. Her name and Mum were, engraved in= side. • She said that plain ring std• tod her task the best. Mary Jane and I Studied the Latin graMme.r ttigether that winter, and recited to the minister four times a week, two mornings , ands evenings. I enjoyed the evening recitation best. We conjugated wan togetherat Mary Jane's father's. Mary Jane asked me to hear her reeite. the lesson, and went though Ole modes and tenses with grwit slsupliesty. i ask ed her to hear me and aimed to go through with thetil,,An e.rpressium. 1 caught a glimpse from out the violet eym when the conjugation was finished, and when I went home that night the Moon was a calm; peaceful luniimiry. I knew the next morn ing 1 hadn't slept any that night. We did,linely with moueo aye au dio and miror, but the evening we went over to Dr. Prose's to recite the puriprastic; conjugation, Mary' Jane became confused, •Inixed up mizaultis sins with anuoluB aunt woe fully', and couldn't tell the difference betweenluras own, aud faisse. Dr. Pram had beentat work MI a ser mon rixoneiling the first chapter of Genesis with geology, and had no surplus of patience. Mary Jane's lip quivered, and filially she broke down and cried.. i went through the mu ' jii-,,rutlint by note; mentally premium , ing Dr. l'nxie a hard hearted old wretch, and congratulating myself that I was not going to study theolo gy. . After we Left the study I coal ' fortilil Mary Jame, and was MOVelito divlanilion which was not'in Latin —neither, was her reponse in Latin; l l —After ilsit she sent lima note in her grammar, every day, and I inclUeed. : my replies in the spelling. book., I felt .like patronising poor Sammy Liloper; • A year mere and I WWI going to college, 110 matter how—American boys gut to iollege.by u great variety of IMAMS. I was- going to win lau rels there to lay at Mary Jane's feet. I was going afterwards to Will fame, that it might, shed its lustre around Mary Janes head., was going to be Wealthy that I might gratify Mary J Mays— Mary Jane -went to • !Jbouidingisboul , She•was very anx ious to nupruveler mind, that AIM might .by fitted for. theidevated pad- tion, in. whi I. might plate. her. . We held - - bur farewell - interview under a Balm of .Giktail tree, in the ,rear of Mary Jane's houlie. It was , a very tender. little. affair. Mary Jane shed-a greatinany tears, and at certairl points I !Studied the veining Al the helm of:Gilead leaves • very slesely.. We comforted' tech other; -however, - We were very bruve,very ,hopeful, very -conikling. - The part : lug-wits very-inueblike the-- parting pf allyetrng -aitd - . gushing lovers, I supposed; but at the time It appeared Verrpeutillim • . trife exchanged letterS four times a we k.!- Mary- June had a - mot many little caresaraltinxieties about Meier was . I a 4 state of deep self abasethent. She wrote a great many funny things and it great many things whichislienvidently•tonsidered -just a little wicked; and which I thought very smart. - - Her Sunday evening -letters are very good and very- Pg ic 't and she wantettme to be -very iintipious; and always felt that I VIM, for d iary Jane was the divinity I worshiped.- •:; - .; • A smooth, ruddy -face-4 face that 'expressed ambit/ea and enthusiasm —mouth-ti wlf !reliant, per- , luips,a clear eye, hair that My smooth without'the Intervention of the ox ;Marrow, careful -toilets, inoffensive assurance in •manners, readiness in conversation.—This is a photograph of myself; aged twenty-two. EMI IMIE Estblished 188: A graceful little , figure above fhb average bight; a complexion which •I compared to that of . pearls, rose leaveir and the brows of heather goddessesiand cherubic and. seraphic existence indlacritninately ; eyes that laid littluelse than heaven in them, but rue of a more terrestrial charat , ter; brown.lialr that curled around the Face and was histenisl behind by eoliths ; n mouth that could be prms ed or puekered, drawn up or down smile or pout, with a grace that was ' always and equally etninnlng.. This is a photograph of Mary Jane, aged twenty, the being • whom l had been known to declare made 'earth ahete. yen, and living law for lime.'.. At this period I luuljustgraduated from college. 1 was not a valedictor• I lan atter* the respeetable pretident established ligigioina boys, and thus far preium pillits for my hit are suceess in 'llk was in my •faver.• I said In my commencement oration that the real laurels of life were yetis be won by the unfit Mg, coutsgeous efforts of resolute wills, and when we had won them—such only as Gat' grant We should awe to win—unfading as our own laurels grown on oar gran ite hillsides, and Watered by the deuis of histven we would ever wear them consecrated to the high trust of ennobling hunaaulty. ." Mary' ane sat In tlicierner dude{,'' my oratorleal bursts. She wore pink barege and a pink silk bonnet; and I thought I had never seen a more lovelycreiture. When I fastened in ray button hale the dainty bouquet she had flung we, I. felt liken leader In the find Crusade, bearing myrnis tress' colors, andrauly.to storm Jere teflon single handed, If need be. Mary June's father Invited we to ride home from the commencement 'in his ''The moonlight was 'enchanting, and I could have ridden with Mary Jane alone. • I shouldn't have been particular about the 'Mu relS of Wee but it was warm, the •earriage small, and Mary Jane's fath er squeezed In between my angel and myself. •He was a heavy man; and lie led.the conversation on classical themes, a smattering of which he had Picked - up from odd volumei at 'IL ' tervals In the . dry goods and other grocery business, and that also was Leary. Mary Jane went to.mletai in the corner of the (=liege, and talked monosyllables,and tried to remem ber what Bishop Butler says about life being a state of discipline. • I read a little law with Judge Pet gl4t, summer, and a deal of poetry With - Mary Jane. I delivered nn address at a Sabbath sehool picnic, read 11 poem at an ngrieultuml fair and , he otherwise distinguished. I hadn't a doubt in regard to my (a ttire. When Sammy Sloper again appeared upon thestage, Sammy re ported himself as being in business with a wealthy uncle in New York. Ile spent money freely,. and wore. a heavier watch and chain than 1 ever dreamed of. Mary June said that she thotight Sammy lad Impreived; bufashe never mine/approved of li , I should ah ve roseatedit strongly if May one. had dared, slippy-, erute that 1 could doubt Mary Jane but I was - gbui thatsheaPpended that last clause. • , • • • Sammy hiredn carriage and span from the city, and Mary Sane went to ride with him one evening. She had the, headache • and. thought it would do her good. ; I said nothing.,. firaMMY attende her' home, froth church, Lwow three tinie4; toresar ted•hitidlitakbeletilful !magnet, and .• ::1/201.Ak net ons in such a slight r as the acceptance of a few flowers, and a ride with an old school friend. I argued that circumstances made it no small matter: She remarked that of all persons, a Jealous lover was the most contemp tible man. I said that no true lady would have accepted theattention that Sloper had paid her. She said that I was overbearing and impertinent. I said she NMI shallow hearted and cruel. After that wept... Nell in the Street without .seeing each other. Mary Jana held her parsol between herself and mu with as much persistency 114 if I bad been a withering sun. I walked with a very firm step and a dignified air. —She rode out with Sammy tiloper every day, and Slo per viciously exulted ha driving those blooded black hors past Judge Pet tigrew's office, or dashing contempt uously by the little house back of the soap factory. I philosophized grim ly on the cold truth that humble vir tue shall at last meet its reward— very little did I care for that, if the reward wasn't Mary Jane. • After a fortnight's experience of viewing the earth RS ashes and the sky as lead, I. mnmered down to a bend In the Wiwi: beyond the grist mill; one ' aftertMou, tar reflect iu solitude. At the sumo hour of the day, Mary Jane • wended her way down to the bead In the brook, be -yond the grist mill that she too might enjoy solitary reflections. I She atme out front beyond a dump of alders liensively, while I was savagely. striding up and down under a buttonwood tree. Our recognition was instantatatou.s. I saw that had theie been a plank across the stream at that point she would.have rushed Mb; my arms. I sprang over the cruel waters and wet one foot, but clasped Mary Jane to my heart. She said she'd been so unseruble it seemed us if she amid die. ' . I 'said I had curved the hour 1 ' spoke those harsh. words to her, u thousand times. I She said that it was all her fault, i her own fault, and that she had been perfectly miserable since I left her that night, anti that she wussosorry, and atshamisl, and would I ever Cor igive her? I said that sbe.waS my love, my darling, toy angel, my—well I used up the usual vtxmladary. She said that she hated Sammy Sloper—perfectly hated him, and al ways should, easel, that I never, nev i er should have ocaislou to .reprove I.her again for receiving utidne adieu (lon limn any hue. She sobbed so muck that I-was greatly distressed, but my. terms of 'endterment only seemed to have en exhilemting efftet upon her tears. .We walked up the 1 stream to the point where we had I fished for minnows a dozen years he -1 fore; and I pointed out the old log on 1 which she straightened herin, a lit -1 tie more decayed and with. more green slime around it, but the Wend -1 calold log. We walked by the brook land sat under the buttonwood tree, i until after Mary Jane's mother had probably begun to worry about the dew awl Mary Jane's feet. A. ta l t w , e p L pe vent r i ro ntr ied th , ( by !stret io . t , ffis t he en di r : Docktrriugen in lily e i t p ii h p n a d e u r s t i .: l p i ls ped p in e y t m t ho n y y ti w ti n w r in a : rs td J . Mary ane preesed my arm and ejacalattsl --*To think that he should come be twoen us! , , In three weeks I went back tn Yale to study law. Mary Jane and I held farewell services under the Balm of Gilead tree again. This htsttarewell was in many- points similar to- our Met. -• Instead of • the superlatives that characterized that, however, we I made great use of short extracts firm English and Italian poets, anti em ployed a few touching classical sions. For three months Mary Jane and I exchanged letters 'very froueutly. —Then I began to notice That the, VISE DEA VEIL ARGUS Is published fleilry Wednesday la the 014 Ariput blinding on Third htfuet, Bee. , Pti; M per oar in *dime*. Cotamem*dionot, oa subjects of local oi gaaerar inteiset, are respectfully "To Insure attention fevers of Cala kith. halal; lithirlably be aococopa- Mad by the &tab of the author. 4 Letters sad suaturuidertleas aboaad be -!. ldre full *ktjArlti, Plawilr; Pa width' Of the whitW pon hoes had Increased, that dl4 wroteonly about halfway down tbeilhth page, and never added,* . she**, a post script. I wade a note of fra% ,to her, tucl itho pleaded htelt or time, and stretched her 'hand - arid in the next letter so thatlS; ooyeted an extra sheet. By and by then, csatea letterfrate a friati4 Witotto.mainion 4t Was to un dertaku,dlaaige-ptriq tram,. .1 lout struck tisA dpeni3d It Itith the recur rence of that iedlOurtiamtriy Sloper, on every ' my bkl returned to New. oriti ir"lnit weeks before I wept to ICsAa.; 4 teamed Dow c ries. that he had rattle hack ! wee lio. leg Into bedsides Viler .lane'ig father to a few rolleht, bn Ile was constantlyt at , may illifil father's, the letter Wvation to And was verYdexoted to the da - ter. Theroalter there Aiftowed a t of their ineetaltie itittl outgoirilfs• *bleb, to tny ‘ distorted .vision, was higldy tOudettinatoryof .. the orithlge gossip. I enclosed the ostler ln one to Mary Jane, and demarided an ex planation. She replied that she was utterly sick of such emstatitsurvelihnee. I wrote that if oho persisted in I - ing the relations batsman barryltand me, loan her intercourse with soele- Ay, it was better that:mo:suoh rela tions should exist,. She • Immediate ly respoinled thatl had exactly es preikkri her OWIr fmlitige on the sub ject. IN'Cruld 1 pieitse return her let rersatonee? ` "' The package thstl seat her by Ikr press was a very large one j the one which I received bons-her made a large pile of ashes In the. grate... I aiught the fragnmee nf violet about It as I tossed It into.tbe AM, andthat was all I turned - to o th!), study of Jurisprudence. Three months mord Aturthey wrote to me that she Inurmarrted.; • I don't remember to have , bad' very* many distinct thoughts :Omni it bat • I know that after the Brat hasty glance at the letter 1 read it ,over word by word for four times, and then drop. ped it in Means. I don't knot, what I did (luring the...nett three hours, but I remember, ;MOMof students in the evening, r t ed my first mid fat. moneirt.that I drank more that evening than lever Before done in my lifer that -1 • was assisted home Isetweenhtuul o'clock a. ni„ and awoke next mdath ,morrilng with a blinding.he elute wish that I had nem been bor n. Ali Very unheroic, but quite human. ' • A well !limed man of two hun dred patina( weight. a man, who 'nig& have been keepeon beef roasts and turtle soups: oil his 11th; with a rosy good naturedhsce; EnC eut side whiskers. a bright e, hair unstreakedby.way, lines a t the mouth gradually, softening.-7-titho la a , portrait ' of unieelf,' , , a • Judge , In the .Superits• TT , ouurtanda member of (baptist A firmly shaped woman, of Arista. cmtle bearlng, with, L itairomplexion . whir "'hiss the min la( thither of sixteen 1 , healthily' mitured'i hand some eyea, , a•pleming• mouth, and: well preserved teeth i 's hideous bun. dred dollar cldgnon,olongetnis, abort curls and ,hisides. veryishstuly ar ran.l3. tbaileky hands stelWly, jeweiw, toilets that aspire lan perfection, "in shot a - verr a l & Live woman of aocitsty--this Is* poN• Mat Of./tlit-iiitutmeldinPer•Medior‘ ty-eight..wbebs nothim - It IsAttin_ g Mat &portrait ottlans-. net Sloperiiiiitself should b e' d, beside that oftldrs. = mg I I n • .1. purtiasely fall In ohig h m Jug oe, bemuse he once rivaled me so sue tstsfully. Ho is a large man. like myself, but his corpulency is of a litUc difibrent kind: In some way It reminds I one of puff paste, though not too 'puffy perhapiz He wears mustache and whiskers, has a small spot on the top of his head from a Lich the blonde hair has fallen away, a nose too large by half, and eyes as much too small, a very pleas ant nal frequent laugh, which is a good thing fur Mary fwe, no doubt. Fur exereis.: he prefers riding or walking ; and, as formerly, lik&a to drive fast boats; he owns the horse that he drives now, however. lle 6 commiviiimr of 1 lavanto, a good hand at billards, and, setting aside all early jorejutlieta:, 1 acknowledge him a very agreeable man. My wife's maiden name was Flora Elizabeth Stiles, and without enter ing into the minntle of description, I. say to any feminine friend looking over these pictures, that she is styl i-thy and, furthermore, a very flue woman. I am senior partner in a firmly established and widely reputed law firm inn city whose taupe I, do nut chrome to reveal. The world worsh ips RUMOR% and the world's worship 111.411rtN further success, whether or not that be a good thing I leave to moralists, lam also something of a - statesman • mad people' would say politlimn, but I do assert that I tun an honest man, therefore I prefer to use the term Statesman. Here also,. I am sueeessful, for I do not as ire to be President, and if one will limit hi„; aspirations by his gifts, and take things cooly,. even in polities, nay I rather in statesmanship, he may be sueeeseful. lam wealthy. I intend ed to be sure, hut as nine and a-quar ter tenths of ..tmericun youth have the sante Intention , and a small por tion of that complex fraction fall short ()fit, my having attained Dui i.roal may be worthy of observation. My resideue in the city is quite cltleitit. I have, plenty of company, plenty of servants plenty of money, mid all that it brings. That Is all. That is enough I suppose. A man of fifty years who c a n't be content with that, probably wouldn't be with anything. My wife presides there with great dignity, and I aim to do likewise when I m not tormented with, starched stiffness of apparel. During the three summer months I live at the old place iu the come try.--Sammy Sloper and Lire neigh hors there. • The grounds attached to my pretty villa include the site of Mary June's former. home. Sammy owns a boot and shoe factory loaded on the classic grounds of the old soup factory, which the progressive spirit of the ago suweessfully voted out of eXlSLeill* under Diebold of nuisances. Ile also owns a boot and shoo shop further up the bill, and the fouudry, tenement • houses, and extlieding much subsbuiee In lauds and railroad stock. Ile retaitut the thish,y style of his youth, and enjoys setting the vii law people agape by seam new dLr play, with a instrtiness that is Um oughly'Sloperbin. Ile Ls One or tito fortunate ones who never Woe any thing through want of confidence In abilities. But Stowe le a good fellow, and he and I are the best of friends. Mrs. Slop:wand my Wife are also on terms of greet intimacy. They unveil their bosoms' deepestseeret in regard to Parisian mode: and bevel big texture awl tint of dresses to one another; they are one in heart and emlidenee In all that pertains to one anotheew jewelry and laced: they mingle their hopes and feat about new bonnets. and sympathize tender ly In the 'afflictions end t.ersecutions they suffer from theireervants. Mrs. Sloper has two daughters who are young ladies. and as pretty as their mother wu.s. She consults my wife often on matters connected with their wardrobes, and I havb sometimes al most felt a reviving of my old ten derneis Tor her in sympathy with her distrsiny, doubts whether to have thneltuled on 2gburensrige.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers